id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt uc1.31175035149262 Planché, J. R. Young and handsome : a new and original fairy extravaganza in one act founded on the Countess of Murat's fairy tale of Jeune et belle by J.R. Planché 1857 .txt text/plain 607 109 105 The struggle's over-it is past ! I'll go through fire and water for your sake, I'll call on my big brother winds, to rise, For Young and Handsome still I'll raise the wind; my wife can't blow me up for doing it! Let me see which way the wind blows. East and by north it's coming on to blow; AQUILO, appears at the window, L. how d'ye do, young fellow? Where's brother Boreas ? (AQUILO whistles at the window) BOREAS, at the window, L. YOUNG AND HANDSOME. YOUNG AND HANDSOME. Enter ZEPHYR, L. living (crosses c.) on Love, no Half-starved, and dying for a good blow out, (starts) But there is no occasion for that start,Now for the struggle. What light now breaks on my suspicions dark ? The light of Love—the most electric spark. I came your love to save. Alidor, still alive! sake? ./cache/uc1.31175035149262.pdf ./txt/uc1.31175035149262.txt