immutable, unchangeable, natural law= that produced the =human organism itself=, it supplies to that organism those elements which in poor health are lacking, elements that must be placed and retained in the system if permanent good health is to be enjoyed, and Vitae-Ore and Vitae-Ore only can put and retain them there. If you are sick and ailing, if you are all run down, if your organs, your blood, your stomach, your heart, your kidneys, are not working right, =if you are sick and do not know what is the matter with you=, if the doctors cannot and do not tell you, cannot and do not help you, =you ought to give this wonderful, natural, mineral remedy a trial= and the chance it needs =to prove= all this to you. It won't cost you a penny! =The owners take all the risk!= What doctor, what hospital, what sanitarium, has ever offered to treat you this way? What other medicine has ever been so offered? =You are to be both judge and jury, to pass upon it.= You have the entire say-so. If it helps you, you pay for it--if it does not help you, you do not pay for it. One package, =ENOUGH= for a month's trial, is all that is necessary to convince you. How can you refuse? If you need it and do not send for it, =what is your excuse?= You are to be the judge. READ THIS SPECIAL OFFER! WE WILL SEND to every sick and ailing person who writes us, mentioning THE MAYFLOWER, a full-sized =One Dollar= package of =VITAE-ORE=, by mail, =postpaid=, sufficient for one month's treatment, to be paid for within one month's time after receipt, if the receiver can truthfully say that its use has done him or her more good than all the drugs and dopes of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines he or she has ever used. =Read= this over again carefully, and understand that we ask our pay only =when it has done you good, not before=. We take all the risk; you have nothing to lose. If it does not benefit you, you pay us nothing. =Vitae-Ore= is a natural, hard, adamantine rock-like substance--mineral--=Ore=--mined from the ground like gold and silver, and requires about twenty years for oxidization. It contains free iron, free sulphur and magnesium, and one package will equal in medicinal strength and curative value 800 gallons of the most powerful efficacious mineral water drunk fresh at the springs. It is a geological discovery, to which there is nothing added or taken from. It is the marvel of the century for curing such diseases as--=Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Blood Poisoning, Heart Trouble, Dropsy, Catarrh and Throat Affections, Liver, Kidney and Bladder Ailments, Stomach and Female Disorders, La Grippe, Malarial Fever, Nervous Prostration and General Debility= as thousands testify, and as no one, answering this, writing for a package, will deny after using. =Vitae-Ore= has cured more chronic, obstinate, pronounced incurable cases than any other known medicine, and will reach every case with a more rapid and powerful curative action than any medicine, combination of medicines, or doctor's prescriptions which it is possible to procure. =Vitae-Ore= will do the same for you as it has for hundreds of readers of THE MAYFLOWER, if you will give it a trial. =Send for a $1. package at our risk.= You have nothing to lose but the stamp to answer this announcement. =We want no one's money whom Vitae-Ore cannot benefit. You are to be the judge!= Can anything be more fair? What sensible person, no matter how prejudiced he or she may be, who desires a cure and is willing to pay for it, would hesitate to try =Vitae-Ore= on this liberal offer? One package is usually sufficient to cure ordinary cases; two or three for chronic, obstinate cases. =We mean just what we say= in this announcement and will do just as we agree. Write to-day for a package at our risk and expense, giving your age and ailments, and mention THE MAYFLOWER, so we may know that you are entitled to this liberal offer. NOT A PENNY UNLESS YOU ARE BENEFITED. This offer will challenge the attention and consideration, and afterwards the gratitude of every living person who desires better health or who suffers pains, ills, and diseases which have defied the medical world and grown worse with age. We care not for your skepticism, but ask only your investigation and at our expense, regardless of what ills you have, by sending to us for a package, Address THEO. NOEL CO. M. G. Dept. Vitae-Ore Building, CHICAGO.