48 WYLDER'S HAJVD. be some bad secret. If he tries and fails, I suppose he will be ruined. He will blast himself, and disgrace all connected with him; and it is quite useless speaking to him." Perhaps if Rachel Lake had been in Belgravia, leading a town life, the matter would have taken no such dark coloring and portentous proportions. But living in a small old house, in a dark glen, with no companion, and little to occupy her, it was different. She looked down the silent way he had so lately taken, and repeated, rather bitterly: "My only brother! my only brother! my only brother!" That young lady was not quite a pauper, though she may have thought so. She had just that symmetrical three hundred pounds a year, which the famous Dean of St. Patrick's tells us he so "often wished that he had clear." She had had some money in the Funds besides, still more insignificant; but this her brother Stanley had borrowed and begged piecemeal, and the Consols were no more. But though something of a nun in her way of life, there was no germ of the old maid in her, and money was not often in her thoughts. It was not a bad dot; and her brother Stanley had about twice as much, and there- fore was much better off than many a younger son of a duke. Old General Lake had once had more than ten thousand pounds a year, and lived, until the crash came, in the style of a vicious old prince. It was a great break up, and a worse fall for Rachel than for her brother, when the plate, coaches, pictures, and "all the valuable effects" of old Tiberius went to the hammer, and he himself van- ished from his clubs and other haunts, and lived only — a thin intermittent rumor — surmised to be in gaol, or in Guernsey, and quite forgotten soon, and a little later ac- tually dead and buried.