54 WYLDER'S HAJVD. as a sign that the young heiress liked her and treated her with consideration; and indeed there was a fiery spirit in that young lady which would have brooked nothing less and dreamed of nothing but equality. CHAPTER X. THE ACE OF HEAETS. Who should I find in the drawing-room, talking fluent- ly and smiling, after his wont, to old Lady Chelford, who seemed to receive him very graciously, for her at least, but Captain Stanley Lake! "You know Captain Lake?" said Lord Chelford, ad- dressing me. And Lake turned round upon me, a little abruptly, his odd yellowish eyes. There was something evil and skrinking in his aspect, which I felt with a sort of chill, like the commencing fascination of a serpent. I often thought since that he had expected to see Wylder before him. You're surprised to see me here,'' he said, in his very pleasing low tones. "I lighted on him in the village; and I knew Miss Brandon would not forgive me if I allowed him to go away without coming here. They are cousins, you know; we are all cousins. I'm bad at genealogies. My mother could tell us all about it — we, Brandons, Lakes, Wylders, and Chelfords." At this moment Miss Brandon entered, with her bril- liant cousin, Rachel. The blonde and the dark it was a dazzling contrast.