74 WYLDER'S HAJVD. only looked at her with a good-humored but grave curi- osity for a few seconds, and then said, with rather a kind- ly smile — "And now, Dorcas, I like you.'' Dorcas made no answer, but put her arm round Rachel's neck, and kissed her; Dorcas made two kissses of it, and Rachel one, but it was cousinly and kindly; and Rachel laughed a soft little laugh after it, looking amused and very lovingly on her cousin; but she was a bold lass, and not given in anywise to the melting mood, and said gaily, with her open hand still caressingly on Dorcas's waist — "I make a very good nun, Dorcas, as I told Stanley the other day. I sometimes, indeed, receive a male visitor at the other side of the paling, which is my grille; but to change my way of life is a dream that does not trouble me. Happy the girl — and I am one — who cannot like until she is first beloved. Don't you remember poor, pale Winnie, the maid who used to take us on our walks all the summer at Dawling; how she used to pluck the leaves from the flowers, like Faust's Marguerite, saying, "he loves me a little — passionately, not at all.'' Now if I were loved passionately, I might love a little; and if loved a little — it should be not at all. And so Dorcas, as swains are seldom passionately in love with so small a pit- tance as mine, I think I shall mature into a queer old maid, and take all the little Wylders, masters and misses, with your leave, for their walks, and help to make their pina- fores." Whereupon Miss Dorcas put her ponies into a quick trot, and became absorbed in her driving.