152 WYLJDER'S HAJVD. ft arrival, with old Mother Dutton, as he called her, about her son, Jim. Jim was in London looking for a situation, all which pleased Captain Lake; and he desired that she should send him to his hotel to see him in the morning. But being in some matters of a nervous and impatient temperament, he had come again, as we see, hoping to find Jim there, and to anticipate his interview of the morning. This time he went to a somewhat mysterious and barri- cadoed place, where, in a blaze of light, in various rooms, gentlemen in hats, and some in great coats, were playing roulette or hazard; and I am sorry to say, that our friend, Captain Lake, played first at one, and then at the other with what success exactly I don't know. But I don't think it was very far from four o'clock in the morning when he let himself into his family hotel with that latch-key, the cock's tail of Micyllus, with which good-natured old Mrs. Muggeridge obliged the good-looking Captain. Captain Lake having given orders the evening before, that anyone who might call in the morning, and ask to see him, should be shown up to his bed-room sa?is cere- wionie, was roused from deep slumber at a quarter past ten, by a knock at his door, and a waiter's voice. "Who's that?" drawled Captain Lake, rising, pale and half awake, on his elbow, and not very clear where he was. "The man, sir, as you left a note for yesterday, which he desires to see you?" "Tell him to step in." So out went the waiter in puiu^.-., and the sound of thick shoes was audible on the lobby, and a sturdier knock Bounded on the door. "Come in," said the Captain.