WYLDER'S SAJVX). 153 And Jim Dutton entered the room, and, closing the door, made at the side of the bed his reverence, consist- ing of a nod and a faint pluck at the lock of hair over his forehead. Now Stanley Lake had, perhaps, expected to Bee some one else; for though this was a very respectable-looking fellow for his walk in life, the gay young officer stared full at him, with a frightened and rather dreadful counten- ance, and actually sprang from his bed at the other side, with an ejaculation at once tragic and blasphemous. The man plainly had not expected to produce any such result, and looked very queer. Perhaps he thought some- thing had occurred to affect his personal appearance; per- haps some doubt about the Captain's state of health, and I misgiving as to delirium tremens may have flickered over his brain. They were staring at one another across the bed, the Captain in his shirt. At last the gallant officer seemed to discover things as they were. "And so it is you, Jim," said the Captain. "And how do you do — quite well, Jim — and out of place? You've been hurt in the foot, eh? so old — your — Mrs. Dutton tells me, but that won't signify. I was dreaming when you came in; not quite awake yet, hardly; just wait a bit till I get my slippers on; and this " — So into his red slippers he slid, and got his great shawl dressing- gown, about his slender person, and greeted Jim Dutton 'again in very friendly fashion, enquiring very particular- ly how he had been ever since, and what his mother was doing; and I'm afraid not listening to Jim's answers as attentively as one might have expected. Whatever may have been his intrinsic worth, Jim was not polished, and spoke, moreover, an uncouth dialect,