224 WYLDER'S HAJVD den. Perhaps others were thinking the same of Rachel. Next morning, at half-past seven o'clock, a dozen or so of rustics, under command of Major Jackson, arrived at the hack entrance of Brandon Hall, bearing Stanley Lake upon a shutter, with glassy eyes, that did not seem to see, sunken face, and a very blue tinge about his mouth. The Major fussed into the house, and saw and talked with Larcom, who was solemn and bland upon the sub- ject, and went out, first to make personal inspection of the Captain, who seemed to him to be dying. He was shot somewhere in the shoulder or breast — they could not see exactly where, nor disturb him as he lay. A good deal of blood had flowed from him, upon the arm and side of one of the men who supported his head. Lake said nothing — he only whispered rather indis- tinctly one word, '; water " — and was not able to lift his head when it came; and when they poured it into and over his lips, he sighed and closed his eyes. "It is not a bad sign, bleeding so freely, but he looks devilish shaky, you see. I've seen lots of our fellows hit, you know, and I don't like his looks — poor fellow. You'd better see Lord Chelford this minute. He could not stand being brought all the way to the town. I'll run down and send up the doctor, and he'll take him on if he can bear it." The Major surprised Doctor Buddle shaving. He popped in unceremoniously. The fat little doctor received him in drawers and a very tight web worsted shirt, standing by the window, at which dangled a small looking- glass. "By George, sir, they've been at mischief," burst forth the Major; and the Doctor, razor in hand, listened with wide open eyes and half his face lathered, to the story. Before it was over the Doctor shaved the unshorn side,