230 WYLDER'S HAJVB said. I was entirely deceived. They think it fair, you know, to dupe other people in such affairs; and I will also say," he continued, a little haughtily, "that you might have spared your censure until at least you had heard what I had to say." / "I do believe you, Ohelford; you are not vexed with me. Won't you shake hands?" He took her hand with a smile. "And now," said she, "Chelford, ought not we to send for poor Rachel: her only brother! Is not it sad?" "Certainly; shall I ask my mother, or will you write?" "I will write," she said. CHAPTER XXXIX. IN WHICH MISS RACHEL LAEE COMES TO BRANDON, AND DOCTOR BUDDLE CALLS AGAIN. In about an hour afterwards, Rachel Lake arrived in the carriage which had been despatched for her with Dor- cas's note. Dorcas met her at the door, and they kissed silently. "How is he, Dorcas?" "Very ill, dear, I'm afraid — sit down, darling." Rachel was relieved, for in her panic she almost feared to ask if he were living. "Oh! Dorcas, darling, he'll die; I know it. Oh! merciful Heaven! how tremendous." "You will not be so frightened in a little time. You have only just heard it, Rachel dearest, and you are start- led. I was so myself,"