WYLDER'S HAJVD In a little while the maid returned. Captain Lake was not ao low, and rather better than this morning, the Doc- tor said; and Rachel raised her eyes, and whispered an agitated thanksgiving. "Was Lord Chelford coming?" "His lordship had left the room when she returned and Mr. Larcom said he was with Lawyer Larkin in the library." "Mr. Larkin can wait. Tell Lord Chelford I wish very much to see him here." So away went the maid again. A message in that great house was a journey; and there was a little space before they heard a knock at the door of Dorcas's pretty room, and Lord Chelford, duly invited, came in. Lord Chelford was surprised to see Rachel, and held her hand, while he congratulated her on the more favorable opin- ion of the physician this afternoon; and then he gave them, as exactly as he could, all the lights, emitted by Dr. Buddle, and endeavored to give his narrative as cheerful and confident an air as he could. Then, at length, he reccollected that Mr. Larkin was waiting in the study. I quite forgot Mr. Larkin," said he; "I left him in the library, and I am so very glad we have had a pleas- anter report upon poor Lake this evening; and I am sure we shall all feel more comfortable on seeing Sir Francis Seddley. He is such an admirable surgeon; and I feel sure he'll strike out something for our poor patient." So with a kind smile he left the room. Then there was a long pause. "Does he really think that Stanley will recover? " said Rachel. "I don't know; I suppose he hopes it. I don't know, Rachel, what to think of any one or anything. Have you any idea what they quarreled about?"