242 WYLDER'S HAJVD. sure, that I am running this queer rig, masquerading, hiding, and dodging, like a runaway forger, which is not pleasant any way, and if you doubt it only try. You must arrange about Chelford and Lake. I don't know where Lake is staying. I don't suppose at Brandon; but he won't stay in the country nor spend his money to please you or I. Therefore you must have him at your house — be sure — and I will square it with you; I think three pounds a week ought to do it very handsome. Don't be a muff and give him expensive wines — a pint of sherry is plenty between you; and when he dines at his club half-a-pint does him, / know; but if he costs you more, I hereby promise to pay it. Won't that do? Well, about Chelford: I have been thinking he takes airs, and maybe he is on his high- horse about that awkward business about Miss Brandon. But there is no reason why Captain Lake Bhould object. He has only to hand you a receipt in my name for the amount of cheques you may give him, and to lodge a portion of it where I told him, and the rest to buy Consols; and I suppose he will expect payment for his no-trouble. Every fellow, particularly these gentle- manlike fellows, they have a pluck at you when they can. If he is at that, give him at the rate of a hundred a-year, or a hundred and fifty if you think he won't do for less; though 100/. ought to be a good deal to Lake; and tell him I have a promise of the adjutancy of the county mi- litia, if he likes that; and I am sure of a seat in Parliament either for the county or for Dollington, as you know, and -can do better for him that; and I rely on you, one way „ or another, to make him undertake it. And now for my- self: I think my vexation is very near ended. I navo not fired a gun yet, and they little think what a raking broadside I'll give them. Any of the county people you meet, tell them I'm making a little excursion on the Con-