302 WYLDER'S HAJVD. "Both alike! — blanks left when the letters were written, and the dates filled in afterward — not the same hand I think — no, not the same — positively a different hand." Then Jos Larkin examined these mysterious epistles once more. "There may be something in what Larcom said — a very great deal, possibly. If he was shut up somewhere they could make him write a set of these letters off at a sitting, and send them from place to place to be posted, to make us think he was travelling, and prevent our finding whe re they keep him. Here it is plain there was a slip in posting the wrong one first." Well, if Stanley Lake were at the bottom of this hor- rid conspiracy, he certainly had a motive in clearing the field of his rival. And then — for the attorney had all the family settlements present to his mind — there was this clear motive for prolonging his life, that by the slip in the will under which Dorcas Brandon inherited, the bulk of her estate would terminate with the life of Mark Wyl- der; and this other motive too existed for retaining him in the house of bondage, that by preventing his marriage, and his having a family to succeed him, the reversion of his brother William was reduced to a certainty, and would become a magnificent investment for Stanley Lake when- ever he might choose to purchase. Upon that purchase, however, the good attorney had cast his eye. He thought he now began to discern the outlines of a gigantic and symmetrical villany emerging through the fog. If this theory were right, William Wylder's reversion was cer- tain to take effect; and it was exasperating that the na- tive craft and daring of this inexperienced Captain should forestall so accomplished a man of business as Jos Larkin. On the other hand, it was quite possible that Wylder