312 WYLDER'S HAJVD. trie gust had displaced for a moment, revealing gross and somewhat repulsive features were being readjusted, while each looked over his shoulder. I am sorry to say that when that good man, Mr. Lar- kin, left his presence, Captain £ake indulged in a perfect- ly blasphemous monologue. His fury was excited to a pitch that was very nearly ungovernable; and after it had exhibited itself in the way I have said, Captain Lake opened a little despatch-box, and took therefrom a foreign letter, but three days received. He read it through: his ill-omened smile expanded to a grin that was undisguisedly diabolical. With a scissors he dipt his own name where it occurred from the thin sheet, and then, in red ink and Roman capitals, he scrawled a line or two across the inte- rior of the letter, enclosed it in an envelope, directed it, and then rang the bell. He ordered the tax-cart and two horses to drive tan- dem. The Captain was rather a good whip, and he drove at a great pace to Dollington, took the train on to Char- teris, there posted his letter, and so returned; his temper continuing savage all that evening, and in a modified de- gree in the same state for several days after. CHAPTER LI. AN OLD FRIEND LOOKS INTO THE GARDEN AT REDMAN'S FARM. Lady Chblford, with one of those sudden changes of front which occur in female strategy, on hearing that Stanley Lake was actually accepted by Dorcas, had as-