WYLDER'S HJVVD. 323 "You see, the fact is, my dear Mr. Wylder, I never meddle in speculative things. It is not a class of busi- ness that I like or would touch with one of my fingers, so to speak," and he shook his head gently; "and I may say, if I were supposed to be ever so slightly engaged in these risky things, it would be the ruin of me. I don't like, however, sending you into the jaws of the city sharks — and I may make a solitary exception in your case; but the fact is, if I thought you would mention the matter, I could not touch it even for you. There's Captain Lake, of Brandon, for instance — I should not be surprised if I lost the Brandon business the day after the matter reached his ears. All men are not like you and me, my dear Mr. Wylder. The sad experience of my profession has taught me that a suspicious man of the world, without religion, my dear Mr. Wylder," and he lifted his pink eyes, and shook his long head and long hands in unison — "without religion — will imagine anything. They can't understand us." Now, the fifty pounds which good Mr. Larkin had pro- cured for the improvident Vicar, bore interest, I am al- most ashamed to say, at thirty per cent, per annum, and ten per cent, more the first year. But you are to remem- ber that the security was altogether speculative; and Mr. Larkin, of course, made the best terms he could. Annual premium on a policy for £100 [double insurance being insisted upon by lender, to cover contingent ex- penses, and life not insurable, a delicacy of the lungs being admitted, on the ordinary scale] 10Z. 0«. Od. Annuity payable to lender, clear of premium, the securi- ty being unsatisfactory 7Z. 10s. Od. £17 10». Od. Ten pounds of which (the premium), together with four pounds ten shillings for expenses, &c. were payable in