WYLDER'S HAJVD. 333 low and sweet, and easily mistaken for something more amiable. "You and they go capitally together— so sol- emn, and eloquent, and godly — capital fellows! 7'm not half good enough for such company — and the place is growing rather cold — is it not?" "A great many Wylders, sir — a great many Wyl- ders." And the attorney dropped his voice, and paused at this emphasis, pointing a long finger toward the sur- rounding effigies. Captain Lake, after his custom, glared a single full look upon the attorney, sudden as the flash of a pair of guns from their embrasures in the dark; and he said qui- etly, with a wave of his cane in the same direction — "Yes, a precious lot of Wylders." "Is there a Wylder vault here, Captain Brandon Lake?" "Hanged if I know ! — what the devil's that to you or me. sir?" answered the Captain, with a peevish sullen- ness. "I was thinking, Captain Lake, whether in the event of its turning out that Mr. Mark Wylder was dead, it would be thought proper to lay his body here?" "Dead, sir ! — and what the plague puts that in your head? You are corresponding with him — arn't you?" "I'll tell you exactly how that is, Captain Lake. May I take the liberty to ask you for one moment to look up." As between these two gentlemen, this, it must be al- lowed, was an impertinent request. But Captain Lake did look up, and there was something extraordinarily un- pleasant in his yellow eyes, as he fixed them upon the contracted pupils of the attorney, who, nothing daunted, went on — "Pray, excuse me — thank you, Captain Lake — they