336 WYLDER'S HAA'D. reversion; and you have gone into electioneering busi- ness, and formed connections of that sort, without once doing me the honor to confer with me on the subject. Now, the plain question is, do you wish to retain my services?" "Certainly," said Captain Lake, biting his lip, with a sinister little frown. "Then, Captain Lake, you must dismiss at once from vour mind the idea that you can do so upon the terms you have of late seen fit to impose. I am speaking frankly when I say there must be a total change. I must be in reality what I am held out to the world as being — your trusted, and responsible, and sole adviser. I don't aspire to the position — I am willing at this moment to retire from it; but I never yet knew a divided direction come to good. It is an office of great responsibility, and I for one will not consent to touch it on any other conditions than those I have taken the liberty to mention. "These are easily complied with — in fact I undertake to show you they have never been disturbed," answered Lake, rather sullenly. "So that being understood — eh? — I suppose we have nothing particular to add?" And Captain Lake extended his gloved hand to take leave. But the attorney looked down and then up, with a sha- dow on his face, and his lip in his finger and thumb, and he said — "That's all very well, and a sine qua non, so far as it goes; but, my dear Captain Lake, let us be plain. You must see, my dear sir, with such rumors, possibly about to get afloat, and such persons about to appear, as this James Dutton, that matters are really growing critical, and there's no lack of able solicitors who would, on speculation, undertake a suit upon less evidence, perhaps, than may be