WYLDER'S HAjYD. 337 forthcoming, to upset your title, under the will, through Mrs. Dorcas Brandon Lake — your joint title — in favor of the reversioner." Lake only bit his lip and shook his head. The attorney knew, however, that the danger was quite appreciated, and went on — "STou will, therefore, want a competent man — who has the papers at his fingers' ends, and knows how to deal ably — ably, sir, with a fellow of James Dutton's stamp — at your elbow. The fact is, to carry you safely through you will need pretty nearly the undivided atten- tion of a well-qualified, able, and confidential practitioner; and I need not say, such a man is not to be had for noth- ing." Lake nodded a seeming assent, which seemed to say, " I have found it so." "Now, my dear Captain Lake, I just mention this — I put it before you — that is, because you know the county is not to be contested for nothing — and you'll want a very serious sum of money for the purpose, and possibly a petition — and I can, one way or another, make up, with an effort, about £15,000. Now it strikes me that it would be the wisest thing, perhaps, my dear Captain Lake, you ever did, to place me in the same boat with yourself." "I don't exactly see." "I'll make it quite clear." The attorney's tall fore- head had a little pink flush over it at this moment, and he was looking down a little and poking the base of Sir William de Braundon's monument with the point of his umbrella. "I wish, Captain Lake, to be perfectly frank, and, as I said, above-board. You'll want the money, and you must make up your mind to sell Five Oaks." Captain Lake shifted his foot, as if he had found it on a sudden on a hot flag. 16