WYLDER'S HAJVD. 343 Radie? I do assure you, so far from taking her advice, and thinking her an oracle, as you suppose, I believe her in some respects very little removed from a fool." "/think her very clever, on the contrary," said Dor- cas, enigmatically." "Well, she is clever in some respects; she is gay, at least she used to be, before she fell into that transcenden- tal parson's hands — I mean poor dear William Wylder; and she can be amusing, and talks , very well, but she has no sense — she is utterly Quixotic — she is no more capa- ble of advising than a child." "I should not have fancied that, although you say so, Stanley," she answered carelessly, adding a geranium to her bouquet. "You are thinking, I know, because you have seen us once or twice talking together " — Stanley paused, not knowing exactly how to construct the remainder of his sentence. Dorcas added another blossom. "But when you saw Rachel and me talking together, continued Stanley," "or rather Rachel talking to me, I do assure you, Dorcas, upon my sacred honor, one half of what she said I do not to this moment comprehend, and the whole was based on the most preposterous blunder; and I will tell you in a little time everything about it. I would this moment — I'd be delighted — only just until I have got a letter which I expect — a letter, I assure you, nothing more — and until I have got it, it would be simply to waste your time and patience to weary you with any such — any such " — "Secret" said Dorcas. "Secret, then, if you will have it so," retorted Stan- ley, suddenly, with one of those glares that lasted for just one fell moment; but he instantly recovered himself.