896 WYLDER'S HAJVX). say, horrified me," said the attorney, with a slow and melancholy vehemence. "Better men might have sus- pected something of it — I do solemnly pledge my honor that nothing of the kind so much as crossed my mind — not naturally suspicious, I believe, but all the more shock- ed, Captain Lake, on that, account." "He was poor then, you see, and a few pounds were everything to him, and the temptation immense; but clumsy fellows ought not to try that sort of thing. There's the highway — Mark would have made a capital garrot- ter." The attorney groaned, and turned up his eyes. The band was playing " Pop goes the weasel," and old Jack- son, very well dressed and buckled up, with a splendid smile upon his waggish, military countenance, cried, as he passed, with a wave of his hand, "How do, Lake — how do, Mr. Larkin — beautiful day!" "I've no wish to injure Mark; but it is better that you should know at once, than go about poking everywhere for information." "I do assure you " — "And having really no wish to hurt him," pursued the Captain, "and also making it, as I do, a point that you shall repeat this conversation as little as possible, I don't choose to appear singular, as your sole informant, and I've given you here a line to Sir James Carter — he's member, you know, for Huddlesbury. I mention, that Mark, having broken his promise, and played for heavy stakes, too, both on board his ship, and at Plymouth and Naples, which I happen to know; and also by accosting me, whom, as one of the gentlemen agreeing to impose these conditions, he was never to address, I felt myself at liberty to mention it to you, holding the relation you do to me as well as to him, in consequence of the desir-