400 WYLDER'S HAJVD. rection, ts he read it. She addressed herself on the con- trary, altogether to her Lilliputian white lap-dog, Snow, and pltyed with his silken ears; and chatted with him as ladies will. A sealed envelope broken. That scounderel, Larcom, krew perfectly it was meant for me. He was on the point of speaking his mind, which would hardly have been pleasant to hear, upon this piece of detective impertinence of his wife's. He could have smashed all the glass upon the table. But he looked serene, and leaned back with the corner of Rachel's note between two fingers. It was a case in which he clearly saw he must command himself. CHAPTER LXIII. IN THE DUTCH ROOM His heart misgave him. He felt that a crisis was coming; and he read — "I cannot tell you, my poor brother, how miserable I am. I have just learned that a very dangerous person has discovered more about that dreadful evening than we believed know to anybody in Gylingden. I am subjected to the most agonizing suspicions and insults. Would to Heaven I were dead! But living, I cannot endure my present state of mind longer. To-morrow morning I will see Dorcas — poor Dorcas ! — and tell her all. I am weary of urging you, in vain, to do so. It would have been much better. But although, after that interview, I shall, perhaps, never see her more. 1 shall yet be happier,