id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt aristophanes-birds-1765 aristophanes-birds-1765 .txt text/plain 20697 2445 89 f(1) Euelpides is holding a jay and Pisthetaerus a crow; they are the EUELPIDES This is, then, truly a running-bird.(1) Come, Trochilus, do us PISTHETAERUS Aye, indeed; 'tis a foreign bird too. PISTHETAERUS It was not the gods, but the birds, who were formerly the PISTHETAERUS First I advise that the birds gather together in one city PISTHETAERUS Why, the birds, by Zeus, will add three hundred years to f(1) Pisthetaerus and Euelpides now both return with wings. PISTHETAERUS No, 'tis rather the plain of Phlegra,(1) where the gods PISTHETAERUS Let us address our sacrifices and our prayers to the winged PISTHETAERUS Men now adore the birds as gods, and 'tis to them, by Zeus, PISTHETAERUS Will you stay with us and form a chorus of winged birds as PISTHETAERUS 'Tis I, but you must tell me for what purpose you want PISTHETAERUS 'Tis just my words that give you wings. ./cache/aristophanes-birds-1765.txt ./txt/aristophanes-birds-1765.txt