id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_5qvjkotduzbltm2xxfgbalvecy Irene Zempi Negotiating Constructions of Insider and Outsider Status in Research with Veiled Muslim Women Victims of Islamophobic Hate Crime 2016 12 .pdf application/pdf 8701 570 53 Irene Zempi: Negotiating Constructions of Insider and Outsider Status in Research with Veiled Muslim Women Victims of Islamophobic Hate Crime This article presents a reflexive discussion of insider and outsider positions in a qualitative study researching Islamophobic hate crime Keywords: Insider/outsider, Qualitative Research, Critical Reflexivity, Veiled Muslim reflexivity, I consider the impact of my outsider/insider status at each stage of the research process, from gaining perspective, insider researchers are more likely to be able to understand and represent participants' experiences. reflecting on the impact of my insider/outsider status on the research process, it is first important to contextualise The study examined veiled Muslim women's experiences of Islamophobic hate crime in public in the UK. veiled Muslim women who had reported their experiences of Islamophobic hate crime to Victim Support. Negotiating Constructions of Insider and Outsider Status in Research with Veiled Muslim Women Victims of Islamophobic Hate Crime Keywords: Insider/outsider, Qualitative Research, Critical Reflexivity, Veiled Muslim Women, Islamophobic Hate Crime ./cache/work_5qvjkotduzbltm2xxfgbalvecy.pdf ./txt/work_5qvjkotduzbltm2xxfgbalvecy.txt