id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_dfrqminofnhd3pvsdcyx2p2kuy Edward Dunbar Assessment of Hate Crime Offenders: The Role of Bias Intent in Examining Violence Risk 2005 19 .pdf application/pdf 7421 568 54 clinical intervention and risk assessment practices with hate crime offenders. To date there is no available information concerning the risk for violence posed by hate crime offenders. This study examined the issue of violence risk with hate crime offenders. Might the criteria which indicate risk for future violence additionally provide information on how violent the hate crime is itself? For the identified bias offenders, the HCR-20 Historical indicator (H) scale mean was 8.21 (SD = 4.74; alpha reliability coefficient = .94), the Clinical (C) risk mean score was 5.39 (SD = 2.46; alpha related to more extensive criminal histories than offenders who committed hate crimes due to religious bias. of the offender's criminal history, estimation of the severity of prior offenses, and assessment of the relative risk for future violence. Hate crime offenders who committed offense based upon racial animus had more extensive and violent criminal histories. ./cache/work_dfrqminofnhd3pvsdcyx2p2kuy.pdf ./txt/work_dfrqminofnhd3pvsdcyx2p2kuy.txt