id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_ed5fednmzbebflweek2tluufsm Laura Bliss The Protection from Harassment Act 1997: Failures by the Criminal Justice System in a Social Media Age 2019 22 .pdf application/pdf 7449 526 60 Bliss, L 2019, 'The Protection from Harassment Act 1997: failures by the criminal justice system in a social Bliss, L.,The Protection from Harassment Act 1997: Failures by the Criminal Justice System in a Social Media Age,Journal of Criminal Law, criminal justice system to adequately apply the Protection from Harassment Act Keywords: Protection from Harassment Act 1997, social media, stalking, cyber Gowland, 'Protection from Harassment Act 1997: the 'new' stalking offences' (2013) 77(5) 3 Available at: (accessed 4 January 2018). 9 Available at: (accessed 28 June Harassment, a course of conduct and social media Harassment Act, there is a defence available with regard to 'a course of conduct': '… (a) that it when the PHA can be used to protect victims of online abuse.42 The case of Nunn comes to stalking offences and the use of the PHA in a social media context. ./cache/work_ed5fednmzbebflweek2tluufsm.pdf ./txt/work_ed5fednmzbebflweek2tluufsm.txt