id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_egcc4swhxfe37ge3viz4pkrr6i J. Cohen HONDURAS: Mission Possible: Integrating the Church With HIV/AIDS Efforts 2006 2 .pdf application/pdf 1188 146 71 headed the Ministry of Health study of the Garifuna and now works at the National Autonomous AIDS cases in Honduras were also gay men, he says, but HIV States to fight all the countries," says Sierra. lots of homosexual sex, low access to condoms, and lots of HIV." Núñez and Sierra say The Church With HIV/AIDS Efforts HIV/AIDS workers have also decried what they see as the tendency by stepped-up efforts that aim to slow HIV's spread and help the infected. plan for confronting its HIV/AIDS epidemic. there are people with HIV/AIDS, and we treat them like anyone else," says Although Padre Alberto Gauci, a Franciscan, does not condone homosexuality, he's fervently trying to help thwart HIV at a men's prison in Honduras has more HIV-infected patients than any country HIV/AIDS: Latin America & Caribbean Mission Possible: Integrating the Church With HIV/AIDS Efforts ARTICLE TOOLS ./cache/work_egcc4swhxfe37ge3viz4pkrr6i.pdf ./txt/work_egcc4swhxfe37ge3viz4pkrr6i.txt