id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_fvlmthuzdvfwfmmexnd6pn2ysa M. Muir Hygieia 2003 1 .pdf application/pdf 986 133 70 Urgent attention to the mental health needs of refugee children is required highlight three key stages where psychological trauma is likely to occur to refugee children: (1) while in their that enable high risk refugee children to positive personality characteristics. Unaccompanied children are a particularly vulnerable group and are more Few unaccompanied children interests of refugee children into ''attention to the mental health needs Recall bias and MMR great deal of negative publicity for the bias in parents of autistic children who after MMR more often than parents of The authors conclude that this paper raises the possibility that such a bias could affect future for bias should be examined in studies of health and the associations of exercise with smoking, drinking, social health, poorer school grades, and their health and an improved lifestyle. health promotion in adolescence must related violent crime against people hate crimes. ./cache/work_fvlmthuzdvfwfmmexnd6pn2ysa.pdf ./txt/work_fvlmthuzdvfwfmmexnd6pn2ysa.txt