id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_gd2v7e33kbheti6rynq3e23zvm Marika Cifor Aligning Bodies: Collecting, Arranging, and Describing Hatred for a Critical Queer Archives 2016 20 .pdf application/pdf 9300 567 58 Aligning Bodies: Collecting, Arranging, and Describing Hatred for a Critical Queer Archives In An Archive of Feelings, a work that bridges affect and queer studies, In turn, this alignment informs the construction, organization, and impact of LGBT and queer identity–based archives Hatred's alignment works both ways: it aligns not only the individual performing the hating with a collective emotion and connection to particular other bodies, Queer archives and collections can better document, critique, and contend with the impacts of the negative affects that collection, in some alternative queer archival practices of description, affect is already better accounted for and description serves as a key function of counterpower. of violence against other trans and gender-nonconforming persons demonstrates the acute need for developing queer and critical archival approaches to collecting that draw attention to and challenge the structural in LGBT and queer archives and collections. Queer bodies are aligned with archives through hatred. ./cache/work_gd2v7e33kbheti6rynq3e23zvm.pdf ./txt/work_gd2v7e33kbheti6rynq3e23zvm.txt