id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_lv4rjwdtmvcetmzn6xsgmzv2om Hendrik P Mostert Educators' perceptions of homophobic victimisation of learners at private secondary schools 2014 14 .pdf application/pdf 7127 532 49 Discrimination, educators' perceptions, homophobic victimisation, homosexual, learners, private equality on the basis of sexual orientation, Bhana (2014) describes the ways in which school managers negotiate and contest the rights of gay and lesbian learners at their schools. current perceptions of educators with regard to homophobic victimisation of homosexual learners at their private secondary schools. The demographic information indicates that this research study is limited to specific perceptions and consequently the results cannot be generalised to a diverse South African schooling 2. What do educators think of homosexual learners at school? 3. Do educators feel that school culture accepts homosexual learners? 4. What do educators think school policies should say about homosexual learners? 5. What difficulties do educators think homosexual learners might face at school? 9. What do educators think school policies should say about aggressive acts towards homosexual learners? This may illustrate the need for a specific policy on homosexuality in order to prevent discrimination relating to learners' sexual orientation in order for ./cache/work_lv4rjwdtmvcetmzn6xsgmzv2om.pdf ./txt/work_lv4rjwdtmvcetmzn6xsgmzv2om.txt