id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_vflwsb3v3za75iar544ejok3lm Pia-Maria Niemi How and Why Education Counters Ideological Extremism in Finland 2018 16 .pdf application/pdf 10801 708 45 for preventing or countering ideological extremism and the core functions of education in fostering for preventing violent extremism in the Finnish context of basic education. and the National Action Plan for Preventing Violent Radicalisation and Extremism in Finland both public and private practices (Finnish National Agency for Education 2014). Action Plan for the prevention of violent radicalism and extremism that defines education as one of the fundamental functions of Finnish basic education address religious and nationalist identities, and public education in preventing violent extremism can be approached in the Finnish context, we will societal, and cultural functions (Finnish National Agency for Education 2014). In the Finnish context, the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education educational system in Finland in regards to its role in preventing violent extremism. Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. The Core Values and Hegemonies of Institutional Habitus in Finnish Education ./cache/work_vflwsb3v3za75iar544ejok3lm.pdf ./txt/work_vflwsb3v3za75iar544ejok3lm.txt