id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_vmar6kzicjgjxkoyhht3izqsfi James Banks European Regulation of Cross-Border Hate Speech in Cyberspace: The Limits of Legislation 2011 13 .pdf application/pdf 5099 340 52 European Regulation of Cross-Border Hate Speech in Cyberspace: The Limits of This paper examines the complexities of regulating hate speech on the Internet R. Wentraub-Reiter, 'Note: Hate Speech over the Internet: A Traditional Constitutional Analysis or a New virtual borders onto cyberspace in order to regulate online hate speech. on the regulation of Internet content' Information and Communications Technology and Law, 18, no. reach of national laws beyond their borders means that hate speech which originates in one Introducing a separate protocol to address hate speech online, the Council of Europe Convention's extradition provision to include those sought for Internet hate speech crimes. C. Wolf, 'Hate speech on the Internet and the law', available at (5 European Council's efforts to combat online hate speech are undermined by the US First 5. Beyond the Legal Regulation of Hate Speech in Cyberspace A number of ISPs have actively sought to regulate hate speech, remove offensive ./cache/work_vmar6kzicjgjxkoyhht3izqsfi.pdf ./txt/work_vmar6kzicjgjxkoyhht3izqsfi.txt