id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_52zqxwdayrfclchz2qt3qdtd6m Clara Soudan Spells of our inhabiting: transitioning from the spectre of Gnostic estrangement to a philosophy of entangled overflowing 2020 269 .pdf application/pdf 86816 4809 49 Something in the gnostic understanding – or misunderstanding – of the ideas of immanence and transcendence appears to condition the modern engagement with the world, itself greatly determined by a dualistic concept of nature. Jonas and Voegelin point indeed toward the idea of an ontological tension, an open inbetweenness characterizing worldly becoming, whereby I reconceptualize Gnosticism Theis' claim, arguing that Jonas' early works on Gnosticism condition the later development of his thought, characterized by an ontology of the world inscribing the ethical first to an original exploration, from the existential-gnostic perspective, of what modern cosmology refers to as the "subjective", then to a study of the world, of "natural" Therein, I argue, lies an essential teaching of Voegelin's concept of Gnosticism, as well as the culminating point of his contribution to the philosophy of Modernity: the identification of a movement of reduction, closure, or sealing of an ontological tension between immanence and transcendence constitutive of worldly being. ./cache/work_52zqxwdayrfclchz2qt3qdtd6m.pdf ./txt/work_52zqxwdayrfclchz2qt3qdtd6m.txt