id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_ajubuv5u7jgbnfhv27sh3ju2ju Lynn Garafola The Legacies of the Ballets Russes 2011 16 .pdf application/pdf 6754 508 62 York City Ballet, Jofffrey Ballet, and post-Diaghilev Ballet Russe companies; national its nineteenth-century predecessors, the Ballets Russes was a choreographer's theater, a laboratory for experiment that explored new technologies of the body and defijined the art of choreography as the quest for new of Richard Buckle's hugely successful Diaghilev Exhibition at the Edinburgh Festival, to the mid-1980s, and focuses on the rediscovery of "original" Ballets Russes artifacts, choreographies, and narratives. not lack for works to dance, but the new Ballets Russes repertoire made post-Diaghilev Ballets Russes companies would spring into existence. major post-Diaghilev Ballet Russe enterprises, had any interest in experithis process consisted of a handful of Fokine ballets (Les Sylphides, Firebird, Schéhérazade, Petrouchka, Le Spectre de la Rose), Nijinsky's L'Aprèsmidi d'un Faune, Massine's La Boutique Fantasque and Le Tricorne (although Among this new scholarship I would include my own book, Diaghilev's Ballets Russes, published in ./cache/work_ajubuv5u7jgbnfhv27sh3ju2ju.pdf ./txt/work_ajubuv5u7jgbnfhv27sh3ju2ju.txt