id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_euohbjfyjnfe7b6p5uslhnl6fe Thomas Hummel Eye Development: Random Precision in Color Vision 2006 3 .pdf application/pdf 2343 214 55 In insect and vertebrate eyes, different types of color-detecting photoreceptors are randomly distributed throughout the retina. mechanisms that generate the retinal mosaic required for color vision. with an R8 cell expressing Rh5; and with an R8 cell expressing Rh5; and photoreceptor cell types is well Organization and development of Drosophila color-sensitive photoreceptors. Specific combinations of rhodopsin expression define pale Different levels of spineless expression lead to a cell-autonomous Rh3/Rh4 fate choice in R7, followed by an induced or default R8 differentiation. endogenous, cell type specific rule; in R7 cells, however, spineless differentiating pale R7 cells, using inner receptor cells pairing. cell to express the Rh5 protein the Spineless-positive R7 cells, spineless expression, either by Stochastic spineless expression photoreceptor cells. photoreceptor cells. photoreceptor cells observed in vivo. photoreceptor cells of Drosophila: cell with the geomagnetic field Eye Development: Random Precision in Color Vision Eye Development: Random Precision in Color Vision ./cache/work_euohbjfyjnfe7b6p5uslhnl6fe.pdf ./txt/work_euohbjfyjnfe7b6p5uslhnl6fe.txt