id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_ha6pihe6zvaojke4u7uhjsdlde Vilson Vieira A quantitative approach to painting styles 2015 20 .pdf application/pdf 8270 1134 71 Many studies [1–4] applied image processing to feature extraction for painter and art movements painters of this group represent the baroque movement while the remaining six represent the modern art period. After feature selection, a centroid for each group of paintings is calculated which defines a prototype: a representative A group of 12 well-known painters is selected to represent artistic styles or movements from baroque to modernism. To create a painting space a number of distinct features extracted by computational methods from raw images of the A summary of all steps from image processing through feature extraction through time-series and measurements calculation (skewness, opposition µ of number of segments have the higher α and are selected to opposition, skewness and dialectics analysis—both features Projected painting space considering the best pair of features: µ of curvature peaks and µ of number of segments. ./cache/work_ha6pihe6zvaojke4u7uhjsdlde.pdf ./txt/work_ha6pihe6zvaojke4u7uhjsdlde.txt