id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_xmkjis5dtjcqribkw7omt3eqtu Asato Ikeda Envisioning fascist space, time, and body : Japanese-painting during the Fifteen-Year War (1931-1945) 2012 334 .pdf application/pdf 81181 6765 64 (Japan Art Institute), a non-governmental Japanese-style painting organization, dedicated representations of space, time, and the human body in Japanese wartime paintings, this Japanese war art, more specifically, in Fujita Tsuguharu's paintings. Regarding 1930s Japanese-style paintings of modern girls more broadly, art historian machine art, and New Objectivity—are different from the Japanese-style paintings of the Japanese-style painting (Nihon-ga) is a genre established by nationalist art critic political ends in Japan and suggest that the Japanese-style machine-ist paintings should Japan in the 1930s, when the Japanese-style machine-ist paintings were produced, Chaplin in his film Modern Times produced in 1936, just when Japanese-style machineist paintings were being produced in Japan. A group of 153 war paintings stored at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, German Nazi art and Japanese war art is where Japan could maintain its own national Women Painted in Japanese Modern Art: Shōen and the World of Beautiful ./cache/work_xmkjis5dtjcqribkw7omt3eqtu.pdf ./txt/work_xmkjis5dtjcqribkw7omt3eqtu.txt