35 | P a g e A study on the visual effect of toy in children life Gholamreza Azarbouyeh Dinaky Master of Art, Lecturer, Farhangiyan University Mazandaran, Iran E-mail: mazarbooyeh@yahoo.com Khashayar Ghazizadeh Assistant Professor, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran ABSTRACT This research is aimed at studying features and visual qualities of images in toys and toys packaging. This research is trying to find answers for toys and toys packaging processes from design to production, what should be considered by an illustrator and also collecting information for interested people and students in arrival to the labor market and recognizing the existing challenges. This research method was fundamental and theoretical and the most important research question was that, what is the first impression of images on the toys and packaging surfaces containing toys? And what are the most important features of images on the toys and toys packaging surfaces? The most important obtained results were that although the quick attraction of the purchaser is the most effective factor in images, it cannot be the first effect on toys and toys packaging surfaces. Features such as color, attractive design and revealing the inside containing of the packaging are the most important features of images in this packaging. Now we can say that images as visual part of the toys and toys packaging have the most important role in introducing the capabilities, function and the attractiveness of a production. Images especially for children who have a closer relationship with fiction world is more attractive than other visual elements and also despite of the visual attraction such as color coordination, adaptation of plan with packaging and etc.P0F1 P Keyword: Image, Packaging, Toy, Play, Children Introduction Package is a medium and may convey numerous messages. Package of every product, in addition to introduce it, convey as well part of the culture of their producers to the consumer. In recent years, the presence of western toys (smuggled or not) has intensified due to negligence from packaging and its role in conveying concepts and guarantee of sale and superficial and not much professional confrontation with packaging domestic toys, and resulted in cultural attack and dualism in values. For this reason paying attention to visual quality and how to implement the design of toys' packages and how to present them in markets seems necessary as a critical medium having influence on children and adapting them to Iranian culture. Making toys attractive and also Images on them is among the factors that in addition to introduce the game's capabilities to kids might encourage them and adults to buy the product. Furthermore, recognizing the Images that has employed in this context and necessities and restrictions not might be helpful for art students and people interested in the field of Illustration. Hence in the present study we try to investigate the role of Images and its features in packaging toys. Main goals of study are to investigate features and visual qualities of Images in toys packaging and providing relationship between Images and toys packaging and the process of its production. So main questions and hypothesizes of the present study are as follows: • What are the most important features of Images on the surfaces of toys and toys packaging? • What is the first effect of Images on the surfaces of toys and toys packages? • The most important features of Images in toys and packages of toys are: a design attractive, admirable coloration and finally to expose the content inside the package. 1 This paper is a summary of Gholamreza Azarbouyeh Dinaky's M.A thesis from Tehran Shahed University Journal of Arts and Humanities (JAH), Volume -2, No.-5, June, 2013 36 | P a g e • The first impact of Images on the surfaces of toys and packages containing toys produced is that it may cause them to attract towards it more quickly. The methodology of this article is based on the descriptive nature and its type is fundamental and the qualitative method was used for analyzing data. Data collection performed according to bibliotheca studies and furthermore the statistical population is the set of designs and Illustrations on packages containing kids' toys existing in digital and traditional libraries. An overview to Image and Illustration Historically, image as a medium for communication has priority to written language, but with the advantage that art has gone beyond the usual reporting. In fact, art is able also to express most of the extensive dimensions of human personality, i. e. his intellectual and psychic impressions. (Burke Feldman, 1992) Illustration is taken from the Latin word illustrator which means description by image or example and “LUS “ that ILLUS word (ILLUZH) in French means image and turn on and in English language illustration means error in the sense – perception or hallucination which is used. It is necessary to note that the meaning of the prefix ILL often has a negative meaning in English, that shows the error and illusion meaning and does not take the name of hallucination or image. Finally this word changes to ILLUSTRATE that means to make clear, to explain [book] and illustrate is. And in word, illustration means [book and so on] to illustrate, and illustration. The meaning of this word in the subject illustrator is graphic designer or designer. (Hendrickson, 1997. Onions, 1966) Concerning the definition of illustration in Encyclopedia of World Art (1959) it has been described: as the illustrative art is illustrator. The Illustrator often pays to visualization and presents a subject which deals with written or spoken language (This point is considered as a main distinction an illustrator than a painter). May be overall purpose of an illustrator to be the understood or attractive theme of a text, but is not required to illustration (or layout diagram) which is attached to the text. (Eggenberger, 1959) In one direction, all arts have been had illustration aspects. And the other direction the illustration is itself as human primary literature. Need to write a simple illustration of the basic human goal. (Bland, 1969) History of Image and Illustration Henri Matisse in 1946 in one of his programs declared that he does not see a difference between painting and illustration work. He established the boundaries and worth of the work of illustrators. But the idea of more illustrators of Matisse as artists thinks that they have absolute freedom more like an unrealistic dream and is inaccessible. For Illustrators should always emerge their artistic abilities in the form of illustration works under psychical stress of the customers. In deed each Illustrator does its work with the mandatory restrictions. In this case, how could Matisse transfer his paintings on canvas to illustrate book pages and the differences are not met. (Beint, 1977) The illustration art of the book is a creative process, like design and painting it started with an idea. This process begins with the author's writing. In most cases, someone writes it and other illustrative artist depicts. But in some cases the writer and illustrator were the same. Historically, the illustration was invented first to clarify contents, writings, stories, letters, and phrases. A Illustrator like a narrator enliven the story, sometimes do it at the level of feeling and insight of author (Kelemin,1965) A review on packaging The meaning of packaging in American Packaging Institute dictionary is covering productions, things or boxes in a package, box, glass, can, tube, tray or other forms of container which conducive to: 1- covering things for easier transport, it means that, the main reason for covering is transporting a product to other places. 2- Protection, it A study on the visual effect of toy in children life G. D. Azarbouyeh/K. Ghazizadeh 37 | P a g e means supporting a product against external circumstances such as, force, trauma, humanity, light and etc. the effect of these factors depends on quiddity of product. 3-Transferring information, the package should contain accurate information, for instance: consumption units, consumption safety, dividing product and sensitivity of product, covering several products with each other, using again of a product and etc. In another definition which has cited in British dictionary packaging is the technology and the art of preparing a product for easy transportation, saving and sailing it (Bakker, 1986). Packaging has varied functions which are technical or related to marketing. (Refer to Table 1). Table-1.Covering contain some functions which is related to technical issues to marketing.(Soroka, 2009) Marketing function Technical function Promotion Information transferring measurement containing Sale demonstration saving protection Motivation awareness tails maintenance The packaging history History depicts that there is no need packaging in initial of human’s civilization, however, people had moved another places until they found permanent haven. The first kinds of packages was shells, leafs, animals skins and other kinds of natural materials. For moving water, milk, oil and yoghurt animal skins were used. Animal’s horns were used for moving and saving agricultural product. Using of herbal basket and animals skins bag was started with the augmentation human’s knowledge. Wooden boxes supplemented bough. Primary terracotta was used for maintaining dry things. However, tile tackled the maintained of wet things problem. The first glassy things were constructed in 1500 B.C on Egypt. With the Entrance of bronze, human have progressed in producing durable packaging and varied dishes (Soroka, 2009). History of can return to fourteenth century. Conserving had been usual until the end of sixteenth century. Lipton institute was the first company which guaranteed the safety and quality of their production via labeling. In eighteenth century mineral water presented in earthen ware bottles. But in 1886 glass bottle put away earthenware bottle from the scene. Paper box appeared in New York City. In 1871 it is said that: paraffin papers applied in 1950 and created items and soft and grassy good packaging. In the primary cans due to lack of enough technology; its door welded and consumers needed hot tools to open the door. In 1930 metal cans introduced and drink Manu factures presented final design of bottles used up to now. In 1940 to 1950, Black plastic or Resin began to compete with metal and in so for the first time Aluminum sheets have been used. In 90,s glass was only used for packing expensive goods and PET applied as the main material for preparing gas drinks. (German Industrial museums documentation composition, 2008) By study of important events in package field it is found that this art – industry accorded with other advanced sciences and enjoyed their interaction to ensure human beings reaching more simple life and health. A review on play and toys Playing can be defined as an activity with enthusiasm and liberty for having fun and entertainment in spare time. Playing is a part of human life. Plays fillings spare time and are breezy. (Hughes, 2009) From ancient to renaissance, plays often allocate to children, however, children had no kindly behave for about thousand years. For instance Aristo had believed that children should not be spoiled. However, play was an important and perceivable part of kid’s life. For instance walls paintings in ancient shows playing children with ball and doll. Play was encouraged in Egypt too. Ancient romans and Greek knows children as happy, sentimental and playful creature. But, Romans assume kids with moral and feeling discipline .with the advent of Christianity, the point of view about children change to be more celestial as they believed children are important for God, therefore, adolescent should not bother them. Indeed, church had remarkable role in children’s amenity and welfare. For example play which allocated to children until renaissance era. (Hughes, 2009) Initiating play can refer to far past, even from inception human. At first instance, human’s toy was natural materials. A piece of sand, giving, moving Journal of Arts and Humanities (JAH), Volume -2, No.-5, June, 2013 38 | P a g e or throwing it was considered as play. Human’s mental and social development and dominating nature paves the way for altering natural materials to ideal forms for playing and it results more satisfaction. However, toy is a tool for entertainment and playing and it may be sand, tree branch, scallop, ball, doll or a small kind of wooden or clayey animals which has been children’s toys for thousand years. Play has been entertainment of children in a long time until now and during time it just changed to another form. Children imitate adult’s lifestyle during playing. They get become familiar with their environment and, they are prepared for life and their responsibility. They can be more creative, contemplative via playing. They explore and evaluate the cosmos via their toys. (Armstrong, 1991) The history of building toys have started from prior to the date, the piece of bone and sand which are shaped as a nut or cubic was the children’s toys in Neolithic era. At that time, in some Societies children was playing with toys which were used by hunting tools and they hunted animals in their mind. Some toys of wood and clayey were found such as chariot, cash cows chariot, rams with wheels, birds and fishes at ruins of ancient city “Mohonjudaro” in Pakistan. These toys belonged to children who were living on that city about 5000 years ago. The first doll belongs to 2000 B.C that found in a cemetery in Egypt. In ancient Egypt tomb some toys was found which resemble to small and delicate kitchen instruments. One on the oldest toys in east is kite; it was made 3000 years ago in China. Also, ball gig was made in China and Japan first time then, it transferred to other countries. In addition, some objects resemble to dolls with moving leg and hand were found in Greece and Rome temples which was made with wood and clayey about 200-300 B.C. this sign has been gotten that researchers haven’t ye understood that this dolls have had religious aspect or used as a magic tools. Some people believe that some fine art made in the pass was not dolls in fact, but tools used in religious ceremonies. About 400 B.C one of industrial workers name “Herro” who was from Alexandrian people, mage toys known the first dynamic toys in the word which are singing bird, holy man while worship, sledging man. This are remained from old time kept in big museums. From mediaeval time about 400 to 1500 nothing more remained as children toy. In this period, Scientists found the effect of toys on children’s lives and growths and artists design and build more toys and dolls. (Jaffe, 2006) Toy industry in Europe in this time (eighteenth century) arrived to its peak of success so in this way people’s jobs in villages were toys making. By inventing machines the great improvement caused in toy making industry. In nineteenth century, Germany became center of toy making in the word. After that Austral and Swiss artists exceeded Germans in making toys. At the beginning of twentieth century the toy making industry became popular all over the word. (Jaffe, 2006 .Fraser, 1972) Suitable Toy Trait Toys should be adapted to purchaser’s age according to size, shape, and the other physical aspects”, and there should be adaptability between a child mental ability and his toys. Adaptability to child age, being simple and variable, being economical, having happy color are is improving abilities and child’s body skills, progressive of thought and imagines and harmony of toy with cultural values of society are other feathers of toys should be mentioned .Toys up to two years should be sense triggers and amplifier of movements. After two years should be skill and creation collusive and in adulthood should be tools of achieving skills to face with problems. (Landerth, 2012) Toy kinds We can group toy by various aspects some are listed here: First group: skill movement (sport) helping, treat helping teach helping Computer and internet-cultural- thought and art. Second group: toys-mankind making models, bolts and plates, structures, play cards, hobby books, Internet game, puzzle and coil play. Third group: toys if different ages like A for preschool, group B for the first, second and third school grades and group C for fourth and fifth school grades, group D for guidance school and group E for high school and adults. Fourth group: from birth to 6 month, 6month to one year old. from one to two years, two to three years, three to four years, four to five years, five to six years, six to twelve years and twelve to upper years. Fifth group: according to the sex: boys, girls. (Hughes, 2009) A study on the visual effect of toy in children life G. D. Azarbouyeh/K. Ghazizadeh 39 | P a g e Packaging traits in toys Primarily All kinds of toy packaging for children are according to three efficiencies: 1- Packaging for Upkeep product until selling Time. 2- Packaging; Place for Upkeep permanent product. 3- Packaging; A part of product body. For the first type, low price materials such as cardboard packages are often used, whereas for the two other kinds, more expensive and durable and more hygiene materials are used. For instance, in games such as plastic bricks, the package is used as a place for gathering and maintaining large and small pieces of this game, or in some puzzles the own body of the package is used as the frame of puzzle during playing and its inner part is used as a place for maintaining pieces of puzzle. In these kinds of packages, polymers- ethylene and so on- is used in addition to metal package, since it has a proper durability, and considering the fact that during recent years printing on metal had a significant progress, new visual opportunities has become available for package designers and producers with the help of this material and printing on it. Printing and its various types and also after print services are among the other factors having influence on packaging toys. Some of the widely used kinds of machine printing and services and techniques after printing being employed in packaging toys are as follows: offset printing, Tampo printing, printing on metal, thermal printing (polyethylene, pet, mica), plastic, silk-screen printing, label printing and techniques and processes after printing include: Die cut, perforation-perforated paper.(Ryynanen, 2011) Images in packaging toys In principle, image in packaging toys includes one of the following elements: graphic works, photography and Illustration. Among the graphic works, the role of promotional personalities (Mascot) is more marked. Because what is printed as a promotional personality on every package have a connection with the product inside it. Some games have dedicated to trade names which have inspired from cartoons and animations or computer and video games, so positive and negative personalities of these cartoons and games are models for what is printed on the package of these games. In non-adapted toys, it is often the own product which is shown and in fact die cut is being used, or make the children in a relation with the product and the game personality and making use of a combination of photography and Illustration. In some cases as well Images is performed for the product, and these kinds of works are fewer than other aforementioned ones. However, the role of photography works in Images of packaging toys is not unknown to anyone, since photography is used as a descriptive method for expressing various features of the product and ways of using it with an emphasize on showing reality and perceptibility for all individuals with any visual background. Industrial and promotional photography has brought a new and different world for packaging. In toys as well, photography at times is used with the help of showing better the product. Similar to Illustration, photography is a good medium for communicating information with pre-school children and illiterate people. Photography has a key role in making the visual parts of toys. Taking some photographs of product, photographs of thing created from the product, photographs of children playing with the product and so on, belongs to different subjects and combinations that found application in photography. In some cases as well, Images assisted photography and is integrated with it, which result in attractive and acceptable works. But ultimately, Images works which constitute the widely used and attractive parts of packaging the children toys. In Illustration world which has a close resemblance to imaginary world of the children mind, any event might occur and every imaginable condition that can be represented is possible, so in most packages, Images could be seen more or less. In some packages, Images are used for appropriate space making, and in some other. Images are used for instructing the process of games and creating constructive games and so on. Close relationship between visual space of Images and animations caused that Illustration became attractive for graphic designers of packages more than ever. When it appears on the shelves of shops beside competitors' products, the quality of Images implementation, both in terms of designing and coloration has particular importance. As packages often seen from distance and then selected from nearby, using very joyful colors and with color contrast is necessary for packaging children toys, and readability of texts written on it is necessary for adults. Images of children toys packaging must convey its message explicitly, delicately and clearly, and introduce the product inside the package. Journal of Arts and Humanities (JAH), Volume -2, No.-5, June, 2013 40 | P a g e Images are related to the creative part of work of art and contains of the obvious, tangible and visual part of the packing. This part needs the creative power of the graphic designer which can create colors that define the content of the packing for its special addressees. (Singh, 2012) Thus, creativeness contains two parts: A) Finding an idea for pictorial expression of the content of packing: ideal means, to create an idea which would be able to express the content in an abstract form. Just like the way in which we can define a book or a film in one sentence, in a form that we will not be able to make it any shorter than that but much as possible has the whole story in it. The more the idea is closer to the content, message and the purpose, the uniqueness possibility of the idea will become more. The idea should have not only the content but also the addressee's perception inside it. When we say the idea, we mean the pictorial idea. B) Finding and creating the pictorial equivalents for expressing the idea: finding symbols and pictorial equivalents through Images, picture, form and color should be both means of expression and consider the addresses perception amount and also should be new and attractive. Novelty and pictorial attractiveness are two necessary matters. C) making a deep and internal relationship between the pack, children and the product: a good Images for packing the kids toy should be able to remind him/her the happy feeling of playing before playing with the product and make the shine happiness and smile visible on his/her face. Paying attention to what child wants is important in this Images such as: movement, sound, automate, ambiguity and etc. Images in addition to the products features can be done in the way which can add to the attractiveness of the product, hence Images has commercial dimension too which should not only understand the addressee's condition but also provide the profits for the seller and manufacturer. (Macario, 2009.Carter, 2003) More on we have the analysis of the Iranian and foreign samples for general study of the role and position of Images in the children's toy. According to the variety of the toy, we have chosen accidentally 25 samples from among them to discover some of features and "should" and "should not" in packing toy from analyzing them. In Figures 4 we can see different foreign samples from among 25 samples A) Training toy. B) Playing card. C) Dog House toy and we can see some different Iranian samples in Figures 5. A) Rooyan happy puppets B) playing handy crafts C) playing cards Manipulating soft wares instead of hand technics increased the possibility of trial and error leading to an increase in quality and variety of images and characterization. Moreover, mechanical printings and realization of their capabilities enabled images to have printers handle with some visual qualities. images tricks are used more in some toys than others for example in playing cards, puzzles,… this is a pictorial product. so the rate use of images in these toys is higher than in others. The volume of information that the images of package have to represent is different depending on the particular game and most often is a huge volume, and therefore creating an image that could convey all information to the consumer is not an easy job. What is written on the package is in relation with many things, and whether this visual source will be a photo or an Images, depends on how to present the product and its advantages with respect to competition. That the product is considered for what age group? How it will be used? And is it necessary to show the product to make it seems attractive? A) Training toy (www.westcottdesign.com, 2012.5.7) B) Playing card (www.haba.de, 2012.6.1) http://www.westcottdesign.com/ http://www.haba.de/ A study on the visual effect of toy in children life G. D. Azarbouyeh /K. Ghazizadeh 41 | P a g e C) Dog House toy (www.toysrus.com, 2012.3.6) Figures 4.Forign sample A) Rooyan happy puppets (photography by researcher 2012) B) Playing handy crafts (photography by researcher 2012) C) Playing Cards (photography by researcher, 2012) Figures 5.Iranian Sample http://www.toysrus.com/ Journal of Arts and Humanities (JAH), Volume -2, No.-5, June, 2013 42 | P a g e In fact, designing the package and its Images is returned to visual integrated identity of the trade name and marketing policy, sales and the competitor's performance. However and considering to the understudied samples in this study, some features have found more application in general: • Paying attention to emotional or harsh character of the product concerning the use of visual elements and qualities such as lines and colors. • Composition of the design on the package, on all the surfaces of the package is preferably related and in line with each other. All the closed faces have visual and technical unity. • For each element and its placement various things such as: the location and the extent to which we need it being seen, the place wherein the package is placed and its transfer by user in time of sale, manner of arrangement in shelves and beside the competitor's products. • Using Images appropriate for various faces and width of the package- fitness of Illustration and its full harmony with the form of package. In fact, package and its design have internal relation. Fluidity of the design of package or having sharp corners have influence on Images on it and must be followed considering to this relation. • Omission or increasing the details and paying attention to general points in designing personalities and space-making is carried out according to the age of users. Omission of details for lower age group and increasing details for higher age group. • Making use of fonts that have decorative serif and fantastic structure. For main title and written signs, these texts are often written individually and with large fonts, so the degree of decoration wouldn't hurt to its readability. Of course extravagant decoration must be avoided. • Using lines that are simple and without decorative elements for legal and necessary explanation, so that have an appropriate readability in small fonts and are readable for each person and each age group. Taking into account that these kinds of texts are read in close distance and when the package is in the hand of user, pt8 and pt7 sizes are frequently used. • Giving volume to letters by using stroke and outline, perspective, color-shades and combining them with visual elements and so on, especially in designing written signs and promotional mottoes. • Coordinating the color of text with colors existing on the package and product. • Paying attention to the circulation of colors on all the surfaces of package and keeping a colorful relation between texts and images. • Giving personality to inanimate things, especially the product inside the package. • Showing the interplay of child or the adolescent with the product. This interplay is based on dreaming in lower ages and is based on reality in higher ages. • The unity between all the visual elements so that it would be impossible to separate them. Creating a consistent combination. • Using bright, vivid and plane colors as double (complementary), triplet (coordination) and by controllable restriction for lower ages, increased use of intermediate colors-grey- by increasing the age of products' users and also increase and/or decrease in intense exaggeration in using colors by increasing the age of the product users. Color is one of the most important visual elements in packaging toys. Professional designers perform this job with great precision and through scientific studies and the results of researches. • Trying to make Images understandable of and combinations (Images and photography, Images and letter designing, Images and 3-dimensional display, Images and simplification and so on) specifically in the area that the way of using of product is instructed with the help of Images. • All the points that are observed in page layout and format, is necessary also in packaging, especially in a part that text is more than image, such as: paying attention to negative space and keeping it in order to reduce visual activity and so on. • Necessary signs that are required on the package of toys are: a) trade mark b) standard signs and various ISOs c) hygiene signs, signs for determining age group of users which is often include two signs: one sign shows that the toy is applicable for what age group up and the other shows that the toy is harmful or dangerous for what age group down (warning). d) signs indicating the product capabilities such as whether working with battery or network electricity and so on e) sign showing registration for sale: barcode f) recovery sign g) signs showing the features of game with respect to maintenance, for instance being breakable and so on h) writing the number of pieces of the game for games such as puzzle, plastic bricks and so on. A study on the visual effect of toy in children life G. D. Azarbouyeh /K. Ghazizadeh 43 | P a g e • Though in these days due to paying attention to the style of printing and the quality of implementation, manual techniques are replaced by digital ones, but still in some packages of toys using the art of hand might be seen. Finally, photography and/or special scans are also used for writing a manual technique on the package. Hence using camera and scanner special for this job is necessary to record appropriate and quality images. • Games are selected by kids, but are bought by adults, so the information on the package must be appropriate, sufficient, convincible and exciting. These items which might be seen in slogan or the point emphasized on it on the package, have frequently some special features: in toys designed for lower ages, emphasize is frequently placed on enhancing creativity and ability and/or being hygiene, but in toys designed for higher ages, emphasize is placed on emotion, testing and mysticism and so on. • In toys like dolls and autos which the product doesn't undergo changing, making the toy visible and presenting its beauty and capabilities is necessary. In toys such as plastic bricks, magnetic puzzles and so on, however, that might change to other things and phenomena during playing, it is not necessary to show the product, and merely showing some of its recommended abilities and beings might be attractive. But in case of visible part of the toys' package, three methods are frequently used: a) making use of Images along with texts and necessary signs. (b) Making use of Images in combination with photography along with texts and necessary signs. (c) Using photography along with texts and necessary signs. Making use of each of these three methods for the purpose of providing the visual part of the toy refers to numerous points including: 1) Kind of product, necessities, capacities and needs. 2) The interest age group, behavioral traits and habits of playing with them. 3) Shape of package and style of its printing. 4) Method of packaging and the preferred method of competitor in similar products. Taking into account the above points, the image maker which in most cases is also a graphic designer must design the superficial layer and surfaces of package, later in the process of package designing, considering the design that has already recommended for the shape of package. Considering the examples explored in this study, the author found that using Images alone, along with text and necessary signs, belong to pre-school age group, and combinatory use of Images and photography along with written elements and necessary signs belong to primary school age group and higher, and photography alone is used in toys designed for adolescents and adults. Age and cognitive differences of these groups and their ability to understand meanings and images and their relationships with texts, are among the important factors having influence on choosing each of these methods. In early days, images on toys packaging, playing with line element shows itself more than color and surface. On the other hand, using photography minimize the distance between manual and digital techniques as much as possible. These days, availability of professional cameras and also various printing style caused that more parts of visual quantity and quality of manual techniques of Images relays to audience in light of digital techniques for designing package. Furthermore, studying the research samples shows that Images employed in package of toys, is often a combination of instructional and promotional Images, for instance: in toys that playing with them is difficult and sophisticate, instructional Images have more share in packages of the toys and in simple and well-known toys that are often designed for adults, the role of promotional Images is more powerful than instructional Images. In fact, the surface of the toys' packages is among the spaces that Images and photography compensates their deficiencies. Since most toys enjoy from attractiveness of forms and colors, their visibility in a real and objective manner or even in Images on the package is very efficient to attract children attention and most of the trade marks make use of it. Journal of Arts and Humanities (JAH), Volume -2, No.-5, June, 2013 44 | P a g e Conclusion Packaging and its designing is the most important factor for sale among purchaser. So, packaging toys or any other product that are related to purchaser must be a combination of attractiveness and sufficient information. Packaging of toys depends on various factors. Among the most important of these factors one can refer to the type of product and game, appropriate color for packaging and visual and written parts of packaging. Pictorial part of toys packaging is frequently implemented in three ways: the first and the most inclusive one is using of Images along with necessary texts and signs. The second one is using Images in combination with photography and using necessary texts and signs. And the third one is using photography along with necessary texts and signs. Using each one of these three ways for providing pictorial part of toys depends on numerous items including: the kind of product, necessities, capabilities and needs to it. The interested age group; behavioral features and habits of playing with them, shape of the package and the style of printing, method of packaging and the method employed by competitors for similar products. From the viewpoint of visual elements and qualities in early Images on toys' packages, the element of line shows itself more than the elements of color and surface, but in these days with the development of various computer software and availability of different printing, paying attention to color and surface found a greater role with in comparison to line. On the other hand, making use of photography minimized the gap between manual and digital techniques and caused that the Images employed on the package of toys will be a combination of instructive and promotional Images. In addition to pictorial part of Packaging, texts and necessary signs are divided into two general categories: first, general signs such as barcode, standard sign of the country and so on. Second, specific signs: specific signs are different based on the kind of each game. Such as signs indicating age group, warning signs and necessary points, the number of pieces existing in each package, for games like plastic bricks and puzzles and so on. Considering what is mentioned so far, we conclude that Images is among the most important factors for attracting Purchaser attention to select a toy. Attractive design and its color diversity may help to this job and reinforce the relationship between imaginative and emotional world of the toy and its package. Revealing the content inside the package with the help of various printing styles, Images and photography is another factor for increasing the attractiveness of toy's packages. The researcher found that though the Images on the surfaces of packages containing toys is very influential to attract the child attention more quickly to them, but the first factor for its effectiveness is not certain and cannot be expressed absolutely and without statistical data concerning the rate of sales and making a comparison between the sales of a number of similar toys with different Images, and it is impossible to estimate the degree of effectiveness of Images and its priority. What is worth to mention, however, is that Images is effective in attracting the purchaser's attention, making them closer to the toy, picking it up and then buying it. 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