id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt work_tdhfswtsube6thrxg4lxjno3se L. Buell Downwardly Mobile for Conscience's Sake: Voluntary Simplicity from Thoreau to Lily Bart 2005.0 13 .pdf application/pdf 5864 363 63's%20Sake:%20Voluntary%20Simplicity%20from%20Thoreau%20to%20Lily%20Bart&community=1/1&collection=1/2&owningCollection1/2&harvardAuthors=71d4cf2d1a5b62b1b109c7afac3b811f&departmentEnglish%20and%20American%20Literature%20and%20Language Voluntary Simplicity from Thoreau to Lily Bart Voluntary Simplicity from Thoreau to Lily Bart (1994), Inner Simplicity (1995), and Living the Simple Life (1996)--each of which takes the form of 100 microessays on topics like "Cut your grocery shopping time in half," "Get rid of your lawn," "Sell the damn boat," "Take As such, House of Mirth might be read as a kind of retort in advance to Jane Addams's brief for "The voluntary simplicity discourses, Lily emerges as the figure in the novel who comes closest to addressing–however Readerly identification with Lily's final self-denial, certainly to Selden and likely to most readers also, depends in Thoreau says of economy, so I would say of voluntary simplicity discourse: this is "a subject which admits of The Simple Life: Plain Living and High Thinking in American Culture. Simplicity, and Living the Simple Life. ./cache/work_tdhfswtsube6thrxg4lxjno3se.pdf ./txt/work_tdhfswtsube6thrxg4lxjno3se.txt