. 87 Goodness-of-fit and concordance analysis Bondad de ajuste y análisis de concordancia Christian R. Fau1*, Solange Nabzo1 and Veronica Nasabun2 1Ophthalmological Foundation 2020, Iberoamerican Cochrane Network; 2School of Nursing, Andrés Bello University. Santiago, Chile LETTER TO THE EDITOR Correspondence: *Christian R. Fau Avda. Presidente Riesco 5157, Dep 212, Las Condes Santiago, 7560854, Chile E-mail: cfau@fundacion2020.org; chfauf@gmail.com Available online: 01-03-2020 Rev Mex Oftalmol (Eng). 2020;94(2):87-89 www.rmo.com.mx Date of reception: 04-11-2019 Date of acceptance: 07-11-2019 DOI: 10.24875/RMOE.M20000105 2604-1731/© 2019 Sociedad Mexicana de Oftalmología. Published by Permanyer. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Our life is wasted on details... We must simplify. Simplify. Henry David Thoreau Dear Dr.  Manuel Garza León, we have read in the May-June 2019 issue of the Revista Mexicana de Oftal- mología, an article published by Saucedo-Urdapilleta, et al., “Comparative analysis and repeatability assess- ment of IOL Master 500 versus IOL Master 700 biom- etry in cataract patients”1. This study compares the IOL Master 500 and the IOL Master 700 in a population of 55 eyes of 55 patients, where it was intended to estab- lish a concordance analysis between both equipment, what they call a “repeatability analysis”, according to the measurements of axial length, keratometry, anterior chamber depth (ACD) and white-to-white distance. Af- ter critically analyzing the article, we decided to ex- press some thoughts related to the statistics used. In the study, in the statistical analysis section, it is established that: “The database was reviewed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test”, which is not cited in the article. The test result is not included in the re- sults, like if it was never done. Regardless of this fact, it is important to reflect on what these goodness-of-fit tests are and which should be used in this case. Many investigations use parametric statistical tests in their analysis. In this case, Pearson’s correlation coef- ficient and Student’s t-test were used for paired data; both assume a normal distribution in the sample. Vio- lating this assumption makes the interpretation of results complex, even when there are studies that in- dicate that these tests are robust when both the as- sumption of normality and the homoscedasticity assumption are violated2. In general, in cases where the sample is not normally distributed, the use of non-parametric tests is recommended, and in this case it was proposed to use “the Wilcoxon signed-rank test”, and it is not clear if it was used or not. In practice, parametric tests are used in many investigations, as- suming normality and without any verification of as- sumption. This step that should be performed prior to data analysis, is usually not performed due to lack of awareness of the authors. There are currently several statistical tests that allow us to verify the assumption of normality. These are the K-S test, the K-S test with the Lilliefors correction (K-S-L), the Shapiro-Wilk test (S-W), the Jarque-Bera test (J-B) and the Anderson Darling test (A-D)3. The K-S test is one of the most classic for the study of nor- mality. It was developed by two Russian mathemati- cians, A. Kolmogorov and N.V. Smirnov, who presented two similar tests in the 1930s. This test compares a theoretical distribution function with an empirical one, and provides a p-value, the probability that the ana- lyzed sample differs from a random sample of size “n”, obtained from a normal distribution. Therefore, in this test and others, the null or H0 hypothesis is that there are no differences between the samples and, therefore, the null hypothesis is not rejected, that is, p > 0.05. This is an excessively conservative test, which accepts H0 N o p a rt o f th is p u b li ca ti o n m a y b e r e p ro d u ce d o r p h o to co p yi n g w it h o u t th e p ri o r w ri tt e n p e rm is si o n o f th e p u b li sh e r. © P e rm a n ye r 2 0 2 0 http://www.rmo.com.mx http://dx.doi.org/10.24875/RMOE.M20000105 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ http://crossmark.crossref.org/dialog/?doi=10.24875/RMOE.M20000105&domain=pdf Rev Mex OftalMOl (eng). 2020;94(2) 88 in an excessively high number of occasions, so, despite its wide use and easy access, it is the least suitable test to verify data normality. Lilliefors, in 1967, with the intention of improving the K-S test, proposed a modifi- cation that is used when the mean and variance are unknown. Although at the time it was proposed as an improvement, it is still very conservative, and although it rejects H0 in some cases, it requires sample sizes of over 500 participants to have an adequate perfor- mance. The S-W test (1965) is one of the most consol- idated tests with the greatest statistical power among the current ones, especially when used with short-tailed distributions and with small sample sizes. Its best per- formance is with sample sizes greater than 50 partici- pants, and it even improves when sample size increases, and is the best classic method to use with sample sizes smaller than 50 participants, even when it loses perfor- mance. The J-B test (1987) has shown high consisten- cy, especially when working with large samples with symmetric distributions and long tails. For this there is an Urzúa correction (1996), which has not been shown to significantly improve the classical test. This test shows good performance with sample sizes of more than 200 participants, and in smaller sample sizes it has worse performance than the K-S-L test. Finally, the A-D test involves a modification of the Crammer-Von Mises test. It is based on the difference of squares between the distributions. This test is the best when analyzing small and symmetric distributions, smaller than 30 participants. It is one of the most powerful sta- tistical tests in most cases, except for excessively large samples, where it behaves more conservatively, such as classical tests. Therefore, the main tests used to establish normality in the studies should be A-D for small samples of less than 30 participants, S-W for samples of more than 50 participants, and both for the intermediate segment. In the study cited here, they should have used one of these two tests. Regarding the repeatability analysis mentioned in the study, in which the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Student’s t-test were used for paired data, it is important to clarify that repeatability is understood as performing more than one measurement in the same person with the same instrument, but under identical conditions. In the case of the study this is not true, since it is actually a concordance analysis be- tween two measurement methods to evaluate how equivalent they are. Concordance analyses between variables are widely used in the clinical practice, concordance between measurements is altered due to intraobserver and interobserver variability and by the measuring instru- ment itself, which is what was under evaluation in this case. In the case of continuous quantitative variables, it is common that inappropriate statistical analysis tech- niques are used, in this case the Pearson correlation coefficient. This is not an adequate method to assess the degree of agreement between two variables, since a r = 1 can be obtained, that is, a perfect correlation, although one of the measurement methods is propor- tionally biased, so therefore, in all the measurements it marks an X value + a constant (c), in spite of this per- fect correlation there is a null concordance between the measurements. That is to say an equipment shows X and the other X + c, they are totally different, therefore, Pearson’s correlation coefficient does not provide infor- mation on the agreement between two methods, but only measures the linear association between two vari- ables. Also, the Student’s t-test for paired data is not a suitable technique for this type of analysis. It involves only a comparison of means, without comparing distri- bution. In this type of analysis, analyzing the variance is preferred over the mean, so it is better to use an ANOVA, and based on this ANOVA, an intraclass cor- relation coefficient (ICC) is calculated, which is a para- metric test. This coefficient estimates the average of the correlations between all possible pairs of observa- tions available, like Pearson’s r, this ICC ranges be- tween 0 and 1, so that the maximum concordance between the two methods would be 1, and in that case, the variability observed would be explained by the sub- jects and not by the differences between the measure- ment methods or the observers. When the ICC value is 0, the concordance observed is only a product of chance. Regarding this, the ICC can be assessed as follows: > 0.90 very good; 0.90-0.71 good; 0.70-0.51 moderate; 0.50-1.31 mediocre; <0.30 very low or zero. There are other methods for assessing concordance, such as Lin’s coefficient of concordance, Deming’s or- thogonal regression method, the Passing-Bablock re- gression model, etc., but they are rarely used. Returning to the study, the author should not have used Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Student’s t-test for paired data, but rather an ANOVA analysis and an ICC. As a result of this bad choice, there was a problem that the author avoided explaining in the text, this was: an ACD and a significantly longer axial length was obtained with the IOL Master 700 than with the IOL Master 500 (p < 0.038 and p < 0.0003), but Pearson’s r was r = 0.959 and r = 0.997, respectively, a very high correlation. This is, are the equipment cor- related or not when measuring? Do they measure or N o p a rt o f th is p u b li ca ti o n m a y b e r e p ro d u ce d o r p h o to co p yi n g w it h o u t th e p ri o r w ri tt e n p e rm is si o n o f th e p u b li sh e r. © P e rm a n ye r 2 0 2 0 C.R. Fau, et al.: Goodness-of-fit and concordance analysis 89 not the same? In this case, as noted earlier, the author encountered a proportional bias where one equipment systematically measures more than the other and, therefore, Pearson’s r has no value. The ICC had to be calculated, which would have shown that the con- cordance was not high. The important effort that is made in the development of an investigation should not be destroyed by an error of analysis, when in fact the data should be used to obtain valid conclusions. It is important that authors who do not have advanced knowledge of statistical analysis and software management such as Stata, SAS or SPSS, seek the advice of biostatistics experts, since the risk is that when they send an article for evaluation, it can be rejected, or if accepted, when it is read it will be quickly discarded, endangering personal and journal prestige, and ultimately, not generating any impact as a publication. References 1. 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