mdp.39015058482814 1874 The Chinese settlements lie along the comparatively level tracts mountains westward, to the western coast, and continue across the northern end of the island and a short The Chinese settlers, in gradually pushing their way some fourteen miles farther, to Suao Bay, lies a fertile have been gradually driven by the Chinese farther are called in the local Chinese Pepo hwan ( #) on the east coast about fifteen miles below Suao. My own visit to the savages on the east coast, down the east coast, arrived at Suao Bay on the A small Pepo village lies on the southern small Chinese fishing village of Pak-hong-o (L ), valley of the Suao river extends towards the southwest for a few miles, to the base of the wooded hills. in physique and in language, as judged by descriptions and vocabularies of the Pepos of southern KABARAN (PEPO) AND YUKAN (SAVAGE) DIALECTS mdp.39015027765067 1898 These connections have sunk into the sea, and vessels of large draught of water can sail over the place where moral, for in the last act the "sweet girl" and her newmade lord were enjoying great happiness, after the Japanese fashion, notwithstanding the murder of her people. a portion of the "Trocado," the old damio road to the capital, over hills and through valleys, stopping at the little teahouses on the way, for refreshments and to rest our men, the Idzuminada, at the entrance to the beautiful Inland Sea. Both cities face the land-locked bay, stretch along its shores A JAPANEse Country House NEAR NAGAsaki, JAPAN. A JAPANEse Country House NEAR NAGAsaki, JAPAN. The "Choson," The oNLY Vessel IN THE KoreAN NAvy. Like all Eastern people, the Koreans have great veneration for age, and a white head is a "crown of glory." uc1.31822033847229 1893 the rise of the barometer at Shanghai at that date, if any, was area was not in any way connected with the typhoon. centre of a typhoon is unfounded. to time outside the limits of a typhoon. October the 7th, reporting a typhoon by the S.E. of Luzon. of the centre from the South Cape, when the height of the barometer at that station was precisely the lowest reading made at typhoon at 8 miles per hour, we see that the lowest reading of Appari was observed at South Cape when the typhoon was of those dates, the centre of the typhoon was 65 miles to the ORQ typhoon force. We have followed this terrible typhoon all along its trajectory from its first appearance to the East-North-East of Luzon the centre of the typhoon. the centre of the typhoon is well ascertained not only outside Saderra; the bearing of the centre of a typhoon mdp.39015055854320 1864 Major-General Sir James Hope Grant, K.O.B., distinguished for his services in India, was appointed Commanderin-Chief of Her Majesty''s land forces in China, with the medical officers were on the line of march with their respective regiments, each of them accompanied by a certain number of light canvas stretchers for removing the were withdrawn, the boats having passed up the river beyond reach of the Chinese guns, which, however, had been of the gun-carriages talking to General Montauban, and arranging ulterior proceedings, as the surrender of the remaining forts seemed uncertain; an equivocating answer having Such being the state of matters, Admiral Hope determined at once to occupy Tien-tsin, and pushing on yesterday morning, he landed marines at the forts, and went Lord Elgin, Mr. Bruce and Sir Hope Grant arrived today from Peking, having come down by the Peiho, and Her mdp.39015080059747 1835 Having been in constant and intimate communication with the commanders and officers of the Honorable East India company''s maritime service subjects at any foreign port or place wherein any consul general or corsul appointed by his, Mºjºsty shall be resident, then and in any such case manager, although orders have been already given to the said foreign merchants to send a letter to their country that a taepan may be appointed as The editor of the Canton Register will be so good as to receive the subscription list at the end of this year, and to distribute the work when . The editor of the Canton Register will be so good as to receive the subscription list at the end of this year, and to distribute the work when . The editor of the Canton Register will be so good as to receive the subscription list at the end of this year, and to distribute the work when . mdp.39015004134915 1863 efforts of European Diplomacy to avert it as a great national calamity, there can be just as little doubt that the Japanese would be overmatched and vanquished. The Chinese formed a natural, and, to all appearance, a necessary link in the first development of any large trade between Europe and Japan, just as what if they met me with serious remonstrance as to the danger a residence in Yeddo would entail upon the Japanese Government and foreigners generally throughout the country, and convert the temple rooms into a habitable residence for Europeans, with far other wants than the Spartan habits of the Japanese suggest, I turned the delay to account by making arrangements for the opening of Kanagawa on the day fixed by treaty, do with the hostility of all the ruling classes to foreigners passing along their roads and streets, especially on horseback; because, in the first place, it is, according to Japanese etiquette, mdp.39015004134766 1863 Second Minister of Foreign Affairs.—My Departure for England.—Arrival of the Japanese Mission in Europe.—Results.—The Monetary System of Japan and Questions of Currency.—Assassination of two of the The false position in which Foreign Representatives had been placed by the Japanese Government perpetually warning them, and, through them, all their countrymen, of danger and threats of massacre, under a practical disclaimer of responsibility, or, at all events, of their power to of these had been planted in the district soon after the European demand for this article arose, although the Dutch residents had never been able to find out the place; plainly proving that the Japanese were by no means slow to feel the stimulus of a new demand and increase the supply, while desiring to many good and excellent reasons for the Japanese Government, or any dominant party of the retrograde Daimios, to oppose all access; and the menace of civil war and revolution mdp.39015002986019 1860 two years and three months'' service as the Senior Lieutenant, or Executive Officer, of the Flag-ship of the East The day previous to this little fête, I accompanied Mr. Farnum and several of the officers of the ship to the residence of a wealthy gentleman in the country, where we While he remained on board, two large boats were employed transporting to the Minnesota the numerous articles of provisions, etc., which we had brought for her from Shanghai. The Commodore had been compelled by indisposition to deny himself the pleasure; and the party consisted of Captain Pearson of the Powhatan, attended by five officers of the ship his diplomatic engagements having prevented his departure from China at the time of the first visit of the ship board the Toey-wan from a neighboring gun-boat to inform Flag-officer Tattnall that the English Admiral had mdp.39015031637997 1888 in this case, as China has adopted him as her standard author, says:"sovereignty is the supreme its right to negotiate, to conclude treaties of friendship, navigation and commerce, to exchange public But it is asserted that vassalage is distinctly acknowledged by Korea in the treaty sometimes called "the overland trade regulations," above second article yields to China ex-territorial privileges for her subjects, similar to those enjoyed by Korea of a vessel belonging to the China Merchants follows:-"Korea has long been one of our vassal " of treaties with Western countries the King gave now asserts, namely, that Korea is a tributary state out, does not affect, much less destroys, the sovereign rights of a state, while it asserts in language of Korea to China are concerned. "ancient times, a state tributary to China; yet so-called memorial (letter) which the King addressed to the Emperor of China, in answer to questions mdp.39015018638331 1853 of the people known to Europeans as the Chinese, who gradually spread themselves over that vast tract of country which and governs the manners and customs of the whole community, from the emperor to the most obscure of his subjects; and as it has maintained its influence from that time emperors had held their court ever since the time of Constantine the Great, remained, with a large portion of what was been established by that great prince; and under their dominion the country was much improved, and the people enjoyed in the provinces and cities of China have caused great confusion in the geographical history of the country, and made it the pirate king, the government issued an order, that all subjects of the Emperor of China dwelling near the sea-shore Some time before it takes place, notices are sent to the governors of every province and city throughout the empire, that mdp.39015019189268 1912 It is worthy of note also, that the new system American Inis almost entirely the result of foreign influence, fluence in EdAlmost all the schools and colleges opened in ucatlon, direction." A group of new expressions have the following meanings: society, reform, the public good, constitutional government, protection of life, taking the girls, turned out young men and women who established the churches that were opened by two If you good people'' at home would do as the missionaries in China are doing, trade off church for young Christian Chinese men and women to go the nation into the ways of God. To-day is the crucial time to help these institutions, and build up the Christian Church -in The education of Chinese girls in mission schools was work in China that a Chinese girl would lead my China, that a Chinese girl would come over here and mdp.39015000690696 1841 POLITICAL STATE OF THE CHINESE-ANCIENT DYNASTIES-TARTAR CONQUEST-IMPERIAL FAMILY-PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS-SUPREME TRIBUNALS-DIFFERENT DEGREES OF NOBILITY. 5. The five original Elements, which, according to Chinese philosophers, are-fire, water, metal, wood, earth; Western philologists, who, with little practical knowledge, frame theories on the origin of this language, egregiously mistake the true nature of the written medium ; Notes showing the degree of affinity existing between the Chinese and CochinChinese Languages, and the use they respectively make of their common system of writing. daily practice of the Chinese, who throughout China understand Imperial edicts written in the same character, of symbols in the latter style which are so frequently confounded with the oral language; whereas, writers on Chinese, who use the term oral and colloquial medium, never A few illustrations of the symbol ſ heart, whose original form was designed to represent the organ, will further show the various senses in which a character is used, mdp.39015047746063 1864 century, states that in his time the Mohammedans, Jews, and Cross-worshippers or ancient Christians, were all known to the Chinese under the general Authors and literary men have latterly visited Shanghai, seeking intercourse with foreigners who were willing to translate works into the Chinese race, according to his great mercy, caused his holy son Jesus to leave his glorious place in heaven, descend into the world and become a man, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and "Some time in 1846, or the year following, two Chinese gentlemen came to my house in discomfort to which the community of the open ports of Japan may be exposed, these considerations do not constitute sufficient reasons for the abandonment or indefinite postponement of the measures directed to be adopted by Her Majesty''s Government to obtain reparation for past outrages, and with a view to the attainment of better security of British subjects mdp.39015025535918 1834 informed that it is a Mohammedan mosque, built about a thousand years ago; that, at the present time, a community of several hundred souls, with books and teachers of that faith, live Le Tsinglae, who, from his works, appears to possess considerable talent, and a mind superior to the generality of his countrymen, is now residing in a sequestered country place, a few miles years ago, with a Chinese mandarin from the frontiers of China, appeared a superior class of people, work still progressed ; new laborers arrived; "miracles were wrought," and the number of the faithful" was increased; till, in the 31st year of Kanghe''s reign, an imperial order was obtained, declaring, that all the temples dedicated to the Lord of Factory of the Honorable East India Company left Canton for Macao on the 27th instant; many of the Chinese merchants from the provinces have completed their transactions, and are returning home. uc1.b3883200 1851 Commercial relations with China—always important and interesting—are peculiarly so at the present time, because they are almost the only relations which exist between the Chinese and the nations of the West. When an officer of government commits an offense, his superior shall report the case to the emperor, who must direct and sanction the trial. possessing rank, shall not be exempt from corporal punishment.—It is remarked here by the translator, that "every officer of government, from the interval, acquired great stability and extension among the Chinese of Canton province of every condition; that it is known lineal descendants of officers who have averted national calamities, protected the empire, and contributed to the establishment of the imperial family, shall be free from any liability to the penaltics and unemployed officers of government; all merchants retired from, and no longer engaged in business; all those Tartar families who hold their property in China under a species of feudal vassalage; mdp.39015063561438 1851 The following communication, having been translated into Chinese, and in the form of a letter, not a petition, addressed to the governor, was carried to the city gates by Mr. Astell, accompanied by arrival at the city of Canton, bearing a royal commission constituting and appointing me chief superintendent of British trade to the dominions of his imperial majesty the emperor of China. when the troops landed immediately, under the personal direction of his excellency lieut.-general, sir Hugh Gough, K.C. B., and, having taken possession of a small excellency''s commands, bearing date the 26th day of March, issued by the pleasure of the great emperor, to deliver over into the hands of honorable officers to government of China having lost its authority, insulting those that are weak, and dreading those that are powerful, has plundered our property, forced upon us a bond, imprisoned our subjects, and appropriated the goods of our people, in order to stop the mdp.39015025535926 1851 most proper Chinese term, whereby to translate the Hebrew and Greek words employed in the Bible for God, gods, and spirit, respectfully report as follows:— easily comprehended what was meant by Shin as applied to the God of Christians in those passages; but that such a term would be obscure and incomprehensible to the Chinese generally. and Greek terms for God, is "That the Chinese do use shin to designate their objects of worship, and that it is with them a common Consul at Canton, for a spirited article "On the manner of expressing the word for God in the Chinese language," which appeared of Shin in the sense of God has said, " This word tee must use to render Elohim and Theos, mnlgrt alt objections." A nother says, "This is a simple matter of fact, to be determined not by arguments, not by long quotations mdp.39015021034544 1917 for the purposes of obtaining publicity for China through the medium of American papers and of creating ill-feeling between Japan of the question of "Co-Education for China," defeated their opponents from Oberlin College; a Chinese oratorical contest, won and takes its place alongside the United States and all other nations, Americans need have no doubt that China will stretch its 3.-Baron Hayashi, Japanese Minister at Peking, presented to the Chinese Government a set of demands in connection with Chengchiatun Incident. It is therefore the task of the Chinese students in this country today to learn the best of these methods and return home Chinese student, and average American friend of China, may policy laid down by John Hay had been followed to its logical conclusion China would in time have become a rich and powerful nation, while Japan would have been cut off from securing the resources of coal and iron she so urgently needed. uc1.b4112556 1888 round; but it is so far from the capital — at present the objective point — that for purposes of reaching Korea it may be Then follow two months when it is hot, — as hot as it is anywhere at any time, except, indeed, in peculiarly favored localities, like the Red Sea ; much hotter, for instance, than it is on And so there they stand to-day in grand isolation, singled out from all that once have been, proclaiming a superstition of a far past, like sentinels in sight of one another across respect in the House of Commons, English politics faintly suggested the present Korean state of things, only that what was place, as to language, Chinese in its fundamental conceptions is as far removed from Japanese or Korean as these have seen, the making of the man; and in another very different way it is the only great step in a woman''s life. mdp.39015059641327 1883 princes annamites, depuis plusieurs siècles, une investiture qui n''a d''ailleurs jamais eu un effet pratique sérieux, car elle n''impliquait pas de concessions mutuelles, des Ming, la Chine n''est jamais intervenue dans les affaires intérieures du royaume; la succession au trône, une suzeraineté ou une prise de possession de ce territoire, l''histoire nous fournit plusieurs exemples de l''invasion du territoire chinois par les Annamites et, pour Lê Thanh-Tong, fit une campagne contre les bat-BaTuc-Phu, tribus sauvages tributaires de la Chine, qui souveraineté de la Chine sur l''Annam sans traiter également des prétendus droits qu''elle a sur les autres pays 1822 par les Anglais pour établir des relations commerciales avec la Cochinchine. pour la France, dans ses négociations avec l''Annam, une Toutes les nations étrangères ont eu leurs difficultés avec la Chine, et ce qui se Deux années plus tard, en 1876, c''était avec l''Angleterre que la Chine avait des difficultés. mdp.39015009197982 1897 of Foreign Affairs gave me exceptional opportunities for observing the course of diplomacy in the Chinese capital for How happens it, it may be asked, that a large city like Canton is situated so far from the river''s mouth? The ancient Chinese, who introduced civilization and subdued the aborigines, entered China from the northwest, following the course of this river. whom we owed our lives we never heard again; and, as steamers have now become numerous in these waters, no such piratical fleet has since that day been seen on the coast of China. for the United States when an epistle from the great emperor should be placed in the hands of the American minister," Chinese should treat the American minister with generous confidence, secure his good offices, and give evidence that they in China than President of the United States," said a Chinese mdp.39015034629322 1893 Other foreign imports were relatively of little importance to China; an analysis of AngloChinese trade published at the time calculated that British manufactures amounted to only onefifteenth of the total trade of Shanghai.31 In view of this, it is curious what a large space in any 33 Imports and exports in British vessels at Shanghai during these years are shown in the following table:— rapid expansion in the demand for foreign cotton piece goods in North China; the importation In marked distinction to previous years, these changes in the total foreign trade of China "The annual values of foreign cotton goods imported into China are shown in the following table:— recorded increase of foreign trade in the later years of the decade was statistical only; that is to Direct foreign trade with Japan is carried on by Chinese local firms, who send representatives to the Kawakuchi district in Osaka to act as buyers; the chief importations are cotton wu.89099341828 1889 GOON SUN SSCGO UNIVE DANS L''EXTRÊME ORIENT, LES DÉBUTS LES DÉBUTS LA COMPAGNIE ROYALE DE SUÈDE LA COMPAGNIE ROYALE DE SUÈDE EN EXTRÊME ORIENT AU XVIII" SIÈCLE, AU XVIII" SIÈCLE, PAR M. HENRI CORDIER. Extrait du Recueil de textes et de traductions publié par les Professeurs de l''Ecole des langues orientales vivantes. SCIE PARIS. ERNEST LEROUX, ÉDITEUR, RUE BONAPARTE, 28. MDCCC LXXXIX. mdp.39015080000691 1895 George Collingridge a rouvert une question qui semblait définitivement enterrée : de Zipanyou, il fait Java et les îles qui la continuent à l''est (1). dont la base courbe est la mer, les deux côtés, deux fleuves, au sommet duquel se trouve la légende de la capitale : Sur la rive droite du grand fleuve de l''ouest, qui est, comme Dans le triangle des fleuves qui arrosent Zayton, d''une part, et Caysam, de l''autre, nous avons déjà cité, entre ces deux villes : Les noms que nous marquons maintenant se trouvent sur la fleuves cités, une ville sans nom, à moins que la légende suivante Ning-po à toutes les époques, admettons qu''il y a une interpolation dans les textes, et que cette ville est Ming-tcheou; la chose Marco Polo, qui dit : « Elle est si grant comme je vous conteray; Nous retrouvons également six villes dans la carte catalane : Melaro, Dinloy, Menlay, Hormar, Leroa , Malao. inu.30000093880601 1871 at which the Board of Foreign Consuls handed over to a Committee appointed by those present, the charge of the Yokohama cemetery. The fact of their being deep water off the place allotted to foreigners and not enough to float a man-of-war barge at Kamagawa proper, decided the day, and merchants settling where from Yokohama, when their nurse-maid, a Japanese, saw a little European child come along the road with a decently dressed, well-looking WITH every desire to see foreign trade increase and Yokohama flourish, we confess to a very deep regret at witnessing the commencement of a Commerce which has been taken in hand by some Chinamen, In three days the foreign ministers received a communication from the Japanese government, announcing that HE Japanese officials of Yokohama have erected some of the lampposts, imported for the foreign settlement, in the native town. inu.32000013016359 1875 critical moment, the government was compelled to delay the answer until the following year, and Perry left. One day, as they talked together, one remarked to the other that it would be a great advantage to Japan, to know the circumstances Early in the following year a Dutchman residing at Nagasaki, sent a letter to the Shogun''s government, persuading them to agree mention the great desire of the Japanese medicos to take advantage of every item of medical science, as it is developed from day today. appear to be especially important, so arranged, that, should the publication be continued for some length of time, it will present JAPANESE Boy ATTENDED BY His servaNT, ON HIS WAY TO PAY New YEARS'' Visits. out to pay New Year''s day visits accompanied by his servant, is copied from a small cheap contracts; but between the present time and great change has taken place in the policy of mdp.39015006936127 1861 Leaves pinnate, the segments usually 5, stalked, ovatelanceolate, acuminate, with a short hooked point l|-2 in. long, green above, and only slightly hoary underneath, sometimes much branched, very spreading, with oblong or almost ovate leaves, Flowers small, yellow, in dense heads, almost sessile in the axils of the leaves, or the upper ones clustered in a short spike. Leaves on rather long stalks, ovate or oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, quite entire, penninerved, with the smaller veins scarcely conspicuous, Flowers sweet-scented, usually pink, but varying to nearly white (or yellowish ?), nodding, 5 or 6 lines long, the tube rather broad, the lobes very short Peduncles axillary, usually shorter than the leaves, bearing a small trichotomous panicle or corymb of yellowish-green flowers. Leaves stalked, ovate, acuminate, the point often long, edged with small serratures, acute at the base, thin but shining. 8 or 9 lines long, narrowed at the base, the bracts linear-lanceolate, pubescent or woolly, rarely glabrous at the edges. umn.31951t00248565l 1941 Note from the Foreign Minister and accompanying statement (texts printed), setting forth Japan''s position with regard to the Treaty for the Renunciation of War and disclaiming any thoughts of recourse to war for the solution of outstanding differences with China. acquired during conversations while attending the Montreux Conference 18 as Secretary-General) that the French Government is planning to submit a memorandum containing new suggestions with respect to arms manufacture and trade. an increase in numbers but is in part accounted for by the replacement of small cruisers built for special service in World War. The question at issue is whether or not a treaty for qualitative limitation is of sufficient value to the United States for it to accept a On October 15, the British Charge d''Affaires in Washington informed us orally that he had received a telegram from his Government stating that Ambassador Clive, in reply to the question which uc1.b2795688 1894 En los bosques que ocupan la orilla del gran río, y las tiempo, el incendio de los campos que cien veces lo respetó cuando circulaban nutritivos jugos por sus fibras, lo Abundan más el jabalí ó cerdo de las selvas que formando grandes manadas sale por la noche de los bosques el toldo de la familia de la novia por un tiempo determinado, y hasta que llegue el día del matrimonio debe trabajar y desempeñar todas las tareas en que se ocupen los Tendida en el suelo, á la sombra de los árboles, menos cubiertas sus formas que si lo estuvieran por ligeras indiecitos de polichinela y de pierrots, ya muchos chicuelos trepan por los árboles que crecen sobre las costas las frondosas selvas que riegan los afluentes del gran todos los que de una manera ú otra á ella estaban ligados, verían por el éxito sus esfuerzos compensados; pero mdp.39015043512642 1895 qu''à Antoine Gaubil; ses recherches sur l''histoire de la Tartarie, qui ne parurent que longtemps après sa mort comme supplément à une nouvelle édition sur la philosophie chinoise º) qui a joué un rôle important dans les controverses suscitées par la question des rites. Chinois º) qui vous aide dans vôtre pénible travail, je tacherois de m''eclaircir sur diverses difficultez, comme entr''autres si les Chinois ne considèrent pas la langue Mandarine aussi ancienne que leur Empire : si les langues provinciales n''en sont pas des M. le Duc fait expédier un ordre, Monsieur, pour que tous les caractères des langues Il a rassemblé tous les principes de la langue chinoise, dont il a composé une grammaire très ample, laquelle ayant été confrontée avec celles qui sont venues depuis de ce des Chinois mêmes, qui étant très amateur de leur langue ont composé plusieurs ouvrages pour en connoître les règles et les principes. uc1.b4506628 1883 présent, mais encore dans l''avenir, si tant est que les événements, qui de nos jours se succèdent avec rapidité sur toutes les avantages qui résulteraient de la reprise de possession d''anciens Établissements en Asie, situés ailleurs que dans les possessions de la Compagnie anglaise ; le projet du Ministère (après le traité de paix de 1763) de former des nouveaux Établissements indépendants, le développement de ce territoriale dans l''Inde, ou que, pour d''autres causes qui pourraient survenir, le commerce français dût prendre de l''agrandissement dans les mers des Indes, dans ce cas l''Établissement qu''elles avaient été envoyées pour entretenir des relations commerciales avec les puissances de la côte de l''Est engagea la Compagnie anglaise à faire de nouvelles tentatives auprès du roi de armement pour la Chine, avec une maison de commerce de cette ville, mais que sur les informations mdp.39015027795585 1908 we hear a great deal just now about the difficulties placed by Chinese officialdom in the way of the Min river (which enters the Yangtse at Hsüchou-fu) as far as Chia-ting, a distance from ascend at all times of the year as far as Ch''éngtu, the capital of Ssuch''uan, a distance of 183 that strikes every European observer as characteristic of China to-day, it is a significant fact in the names of villages and passes, means Mountain, and Rong Valley. powerful non-Chinese race inhabiting a great part The word is a Chinese approximation to the Tibetan Nya Rong ("Valley of the all the great trough-like river-valleys of southwestern China have acquired a similar reputation inhabited by a race known to the Chinese as Minchia, which simply means "the people" or "the non-Chinese races in south China: Lolo, Shan 4 miles west of Man-hsien in Chinese territory. mdp.39015026720824 1892 turning in while the sun was up; still, like everything else, one gets used to it after a time. did not like the look of the huge masses of ice which could help to pass away the time, we certainly After a little of this sort of thing we simply got race, they were dressed in what looked like undressed sheep-skin of great age, judging from its It may easily be imagined the effect this announcement had on us—it came like a thunderbolt, so little for by reason of the few travellers who visit this outof-the-way place, those having occasion to do so or passed both day and night almost without intermission the whole way to Irkutsk. to be able to look round this interesting and flourishing little town, as I should have had ample time to the prison, at the time I visited it, were two men yale.39002006042122 1859 island of Japan , Cape Sirofama or as it is named on the small "high round island'''''', 1 to 1% mile TV", from the this passage first undertaken by a European ship, Castricum Straits, and the "number of high pointed cliffs miles from Barnevelfs Island %vere also observed by Vries east part of the coast of the large island of Nippon as Point the coast retires in a bay about nine miles wide, bay is a low, flat point, called by Vries the. 6 miles from this point the high land begins to rise This cape also ends in a small island named • to cape Usu. On Vries''s sketch ** several small islands $ According to Toknai''s map the islands are named after their size : or 9 miles "a high point, looking like an island, which Sinepp, 1; tupp, 2; repp, 3; inepp, 4; asikinepp, 5; iwanbe, 6; aruwanbe, 7; thupe sjanbe, 8; yale.39002060892339 1920 extends 5,000 miles from south-west to north-east. The south-western part of the plains is semi-barren steppeland beyond the confines of Siberia, but farther north these swampy like north-western Siberia, and covered with forest Steppe land is rare in Siberia proper, and occurs in large great lure Mto Siberia of the Russian trader M the sixteenth NATIVE TRIBES OF SIBERIA AND ARCTIC RUSSIA NATIVE TRIBES OF SIBERIA AND ARCTIC RUSSIA cally confined to western Siberia and Europe ; (2) the Samoyedic, which extends along the north coast beyond the Yenisei, important economic feature m far north-eastern Siberia. given to free settlers in Siberia by the Russian government. given in central Siberia 60 acres, in the Amur General Govern In the north along the great rivers we find Russians in Other districts in Eastern Siberia occupied by Russians are : of the Amur Railway, wMch runs entirely through Russian mdp.39015000584972 1943 A half-dozen men had been sent here to force the Chinese to form lines. We were led in a roundabout route through the principal streets and finally were stopped before the side entrance of a dirty little building above which hung a sign, On the third day two very officious little Japanese came A little group of us gathered in the evenings in Mrs. Malley''s room and sat about the professor''s bed and sang The next day the servants sought out Mrs. Malley, Professor Bancroft and myself and told us we might go up on A cocky little Japanese officer slapped a Russian police captain across the face for failing to obey orders. I came into his room, the little Chinese landlord slipped The surf beat dully on the rocks below and confused voices rang through the prison camp, but for a minute we were alone with the dead man and the six of us mdp.39015027337032 1943 The Japanese attack upon Hong Kong opened in the early morning of December 8 with action against the prepared positions of the British in the New An officer of the Government charged with liaison with the American Consulate General stated on Sunday that there was no hope, with the forces available, of clearing the Island, nor could relief from Chinese forco^ on the mainland possibly arrive before the first week in January. A second notice issued at the same time stated that the Hong Kong Government was now under the protection of the Japanese Army and that, with the exception of British officials, all of those formerly serving in the Government ought "for the time being;" the press article reporting the new order in the Japanese-controlled press said also that the larger Hong Kong notes could only be mdp.39015002199274 1963 to Hong Kong with nothing, yet every day they send thousands of food packages back to Red China, hoping to save products from the competition of imported goods, but resentment against the low-wage industries of the colony continually puts up new barriers against Hong Kong products in The Kowloon Peninsula, jutting from the Chinese mainland to a point one mile north of Hong Kong Island, became Red China, the Communists drove out a remarkable European-Chinese couple who had been helping moneyless families to support themselves by setting up home industries. Chinese countrymen removed to Hong Kong, including virtually all who had been driven from the colony by the Japanese. The South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong English-language daily, that the Red Chinese government was taking in Recognizing its economic value, the colony government set up the Hong Kong Tourist Association a few years mdp.39015012290295 1908 Within the small enclosure surrounding these relics, Mr. Megata, the Japanese financial adviser to the Korean Government, is trying to encourage the public spirit of the these same men had been to Japan to memorialize the Japanese Emperor with reference to the condition of Korea under " It is now proper to say, since his own abdication and the Convention of July, 1907, have followed, that the Korean Emperor after repeated denials, confessed at the time to a faithful foreign friend (not a business and politics which the rivalries of peace would compel the nation to face; and, finally, exhorting them to maintain the honor of Japan in Korea, before the civilized world, Ito and his staff, and other Japanese officials, Korean Ministers and their guards, all the foreign Consuls, the principal Korean foreign affairs, the relations of Japan and Korea inu.32000006732996 1924 nearly succumb to an overdose of antipyrin-A club fracasAlexander Michie and The Chinese Times--Baron Von Möllendorff, the ex-King of Korea-Lo Feng-luh and the Peiyang I study Japanese sword-play at Shanghai—"Secret Service" workMy activities cut short by transfer to Hangchow in chargeHouseboat trip up the Grand Canal-Hangchow Foreign Settlement a malarious swamp-My wife''s serious illness-The I.G. assumes charge of the Likin Collection—The beauty of Pao Shu Five-Nation flag of China at the London Office-Chinese musical General becomes Sir Francis Aglen, K.B.E.His tactful elimination of the Teutonic element in the Chinese Customs-British General of the Chinese Customs Service. Chinese Customs Service-was a matter of considerable difficulty in those days at Swatow. I study Japanese sword-play at Shanghai—" Secret Service" workMy activities cut short by transfer to Hangchow in chargeHouseboat trip up the Grand Canal—Hangchow Foreign Settlement a malarious swamp-My wife''s serious illness—The I.G. assumes charge of the Likin Collection—The beauty of Pao Shu mdp.39015026709637 1909 Resolution carried in the Conference; Missionary Committee enthusiastic; Previous discussions in the Church; Foreign Mission John Innocent''s family had belonged to the Methodist New Connexion Church from its beginning. From Portsmouth, Mrs. Hall and her child, together with Mr. Innocent''s little boy of two years old, returned home. At the time they left England the prospect of mission work in China seemed full in Tientsin that dark April night he was met and welcomed by the Rev. Henry Blodget, an American Congregational missionary, who had come up with the troops •The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (the great Missionary Society chiefly supported by the Independent Churches of the U.S.A., like the These first five years of work in Tientsin show Mr. Innocent as a devoted, conscientious and zealous missionary. HITHERTO we have made little mention of Mr. Innocent''s work as a student of Chinese. inu.30000108255914 1860 At such a time and in such a situation, it is reasonable to suppose, the Chinese came to assume a national character. The following four coins were cast for the use of the Mohammedan tribes of ^ B|| Chin-ho-urh "Soungaria," newly subjected by the Chinese emperor, and bear the names of the respective localities on the reverse. various information on this subject within his reach; but unfortunately nearly all the Chinese numismatical works leave off high antiquity, to put on record all information of interest respecting foreign lands, which the various embassies to China afforded, half millions of inhabitants; Peking is estimated, on good authority tco, to be equally as large and as populous; this will place which means the capital, like king or tit in Chinese,) a large city great expenses in various ways, and of placing imperial cities near the Chinese well knew the great power of the Arabs at this time, and had had mdp.39015004044536 1852 Safe arrival of tea-plants in India — Means taken in China to engage The tea-plant was now frequently seen in cultivation on the hill sides, this being the outskirt of the Sung-lo-shan — Its priests and tea — Its height above the sea — Rock formation — Flora of the hills — Temperature and climate — Sung-lo-shan — Its priests and tea — Its height above the sea — Rock formation — Flora of the hills — Temperature and climate — resemble those of China — Guddowli plantation — Chinese manufacturers located there — I bid them farewell — The country improves in fertility — Tea-plantations near Almorah — Zemindaree resemble those of China — Guddowli plantation — Chinese manufacturers located there — I bid them farewell — The country improves in fertility — Tea-plantations near Almorah — Zemindaree uc1.b4506684 1894 Each official has according to his rank (there are 8 Governors of provinces and 332 Prefects) a certain number of attendants, such as secretaries, seal-bearers, and "soldiers," and The seas round Korea swarm with fish, and near Won-san I Soul-Won-san high-road, which is a tolerably good track in or about 18 miles from Soul, we pitched our tent in a graveyard, on a mound 20 feet above the road, and close to the is Brazier''s tiny house, built on a shelf cut out of the hillside; on each side of the stream are vegetable gardens belonging to the Koreans or Japanese, also the live-stock yards of The day before leaving Won-san we paraded our ponies, and village of twelve houses, on the right bank of theChang-jin river. had three times to cross over hills 200 feet above the river, stream called the Sha-phyong, flowing to the north-east, having on our way passed another small inn at the foot of the wu.89088308556 1892 province of China; while Korea is a nation with autonomy practically complete, and in making treaties taken more interest and felt more responsibility for results in Japan and Korea than in any other countries. corresponds in the minds of Koreans to the shows Barnum gives in the streets of our large cities, crowds flock and to become aware of the fact that there is good material in both country and people, does the possible value A reason has already been suggested for the disinclination of the average Korean to work beyond a certain maximum in a given time. As the case stood, foreigners are not under Korean law, and even their servants are not liable to arrest except through their respective consulates. a Korean riding in a chair meets in the street a foreigner whom he knows, he usually stops his chair, country, both to Koreans and toward foreigners. mdp.39015028003591 1909 as it is to find a ten-year-old son of a gentleman who is not married." This extended reference to tobacco is by no means out of proportion to the place it occupies in the life and of Korea in order to exclude any further possibility of Russian intrigue, to which the Korean government had always family consists of mother-in-law, son seventeen years of age, long waited for, now a man, at this time there comes to him the Bible, sixtysix books, oldest in the world, written by Indian god, but an old Korean custom of mature years and long standing. Korea like all other nations loves power, the early Christian Church like that of Korea Ancestor worship possesses completely the heart and soul of Korea. days during the coming year for work among to the work of missionaries in Korea. mdp.39015008446828 1904 CHAPTER XIV Some account of the treaty ports; Won-san, Fusan, Mok-po—Character of export and import trade—Local industries hours steam of Fusan, already a Japanese garrison-town, and of Ma-san-po, the port to which Russia and the same manner that the coast-line of Korea bears evidence of the adventurous spirit of many western mariners, the names given to the mountains and rivers of the and its environs passes through it, and the administrative officers of the more important gold-mining concessions, of which there are now four, American, Japanese, Moreover, the Government is preparing to erect a large building in foreign style in the centre of the city, to be used as the premises of the Central Bank of Korea. taken place, the policy has resulted in the establishment of a continuous series of Japanese settlements extending through the heart of Southern Korea from Seoul to Fusan. mdp.39015035959314 1895 The hard times of two years past have forced us to retreat from one point far distant in order to attend to work closer in the various Treaties, providing "that in case of differences arising between Korea and a third Power, the Treaty lowers if requested to do so would exert their good offices to bring about an in what follows to exhibit the ordinary experiences of a Korean woman from the time she enters womanhood by marriage. in what follows to exhibit the ordinary experiences of a Korean woman from the time she enters womanhood by marriage. We shall endeavor to make it complete as a bibliography of Korea by giving mention to all English works on Korean topics which we see or of which we receive notice. On Mar. 7th the King gave a feast to the Korean and Japanese soldiers who had returned from the Soath, whither they went to fight the Tong wu.89077021293 1897 school-His teacher''s reminiscences-Letter to his teacherVarious incidents of his home work-Becomes a book agentEarly evangelistic labors-Mrs. Findlay''s account. At the same time Brother Hall was so faithfully pursuing his studies in the schoolroom, he was very earnest in his work for God. How he prayed and labored A. of the Medical College of Kingston-Letter to his cousinIn the dissecting room Economy — Attended Queen St. Methodist Church-Sunday school work at Portsmouth—"I Hall, with a brain full of plans for helping young Christians, and training them to work for Jesus, obtaining In company with a dozen other students of the International Medical Missionary Society, young Hall was introduced" to life in the Fourth Ward of New York city. Board for a while, yet I want to help so and so (mentioning three young men), they''re having a hard time getting through college, and you know they''re good fellows wu.89097245716 1899 Lights and shadows of mission work in the Far EastSamuel Hall Chester visit to the missions of the Southern Presbyterian Church in Japan, China and Korea. jotting down mnemonics that would serve to recall such things as, on a first view of them, specially interested him, and were in some way connected with the missionary problem and missionary life. The old national religion of Japan is Shintoism—"tbe way of the gods." It is a strange reMoraisana ligion with a strange name, inasmuch The reason that these heresies, instead of merely weakening the church''s spiritual power and checking its growth, did not work our missions in China, Korea and Japan. Mission Work in the Far East. Mission Work in the Far East. Mission Work in the Far East. Japan, mission work in general, and as a consequence, that of the Japanese church which has before the country was opened to mission work, mdp.39015041175152 1912 years ago a great Western Power forced on China the nation''s life, fierce and bloody contests were constantly being waged by the men who laid the foundations of this empire. to conceive the idea that China has risen to be a firstrate Eastern power, whilst its people have been absolutely deficient in animal courage. This is all the more wonderful, as the Chinese at first sight looks like a man in little words, with an old-world look upon their faces One man in ancient times gave his life for an sincerity is the royal way by which Heaven itself continually travels, and that no man''s nature can be fully and haughty look upon its face, but no voice comes that the men of those far-off times, who look down with His face had the look of a man comes with generous hands to gladden men''s hearts, mdp.39015012852557 1918 was invariably startled by the appearance of a handsome, black-haired, blue-gowned man called "the table flowed around me unnoticed; I was wondering what the coming night would bring forth, so crowd of Chinese men and women pushed past me For answer, Edward looked at me in that disconcerting way of his which makes me feel there is you know men like girls who hate them?" she would 5a MY CHINESE DAYS"Poor little kid," I said, "I wish we could keep of time," said Doctor Donnellon, settling herself at against ''Old Custom''," said Doctor Donnellon, life, Wilhelmina," he said, looking at me with tender eyes, "your spirituality. men stood in the boat, which was shaped like a long "You see," she said, "the mind of a Chinese woman "Chinese girls don''t do such things," said Miss and said she would like to come back to the hospital. "Come, let''s go for a walk," said Edward. mdp.39015056059143 1847 ars—Antithetical Sentences over the Entrance of Houses—Busy Adjustment of pecuniary Matters—Annual Cnstom of " Surrounding the Furnace"—A Family Scene—Superstitious Mode of prognosticating the Seasons of the coming Year—New-Year Visits to some Chinese Friends— of the Island—General Reflections on the Influence and Prospects of Britain in the East—Ineligibility of Hong Kong as a center of Missionary Operations—Climate—Moral and Social Character of the Chinese Population—Diversity of Dialects—European Influences .... Numerous pagodas and native houses, of fantastic architecture, gave a variety to the scenery; while, as we approached nearer to the provincial city, the old, half-dilapidated Not long after the former excursion, some other missionaries formed a little party to accompany Agong, a Chinese The British consul afterward informed me that the Chinese authorities had recently promised to issue a proclamation, granting free entrance into the city, and threatening to forms, peopled by the average population of many a European city, the general excitement and curiosity were manifested in shouts from the congregated thousands. mdp.39015030722667 1908 fields, while Dr. Brown paints a picture of progressive missionary effort in comparatively small but important countries. rule in India — How Islam became a world religion— Causes — Mohammed''s great commission — Moslem conquest — ''No caste — What — Early entrance — Present numbers — Turkestan— The land and the people — A marriage ceremony — Difficulties of work for Moslems — Divorce between morality and religion — Intolerance — Persecution — Objections to Christian teaching — The temporal the reports of many missionary societies laboring in Moslem lands; unless we care to listen The work of the illustrious pioneers in each of the fields now occuTHE STORY OF MISSIONS TO MOSLEMS 75 In 1882 the Church Missionary Society resumed its work, especially among Moslems, to-day reason that missionaries and students of missions speak of a Mohammedan peril in the Dark missionary work whatever among Moslems? mdp.39015031459251 1889 "park-like lands of the Fertile Belt;" from Portage-laPrairie to Langenburg, and by the Canadian Pacific Railway, from Calgary over the Rocky, Selkirk, and Cascade "park-like lands of the Fertile Belt;" from Portage-laPrairie to Langenburg, and by the Canadian Pacific Railway, from Calgary over the Rocky, Selkirk, and Cascade "park-like lands of the Fertile Belt;" from Portage-laPrairie to Langenburg, and by the Canadian Pacific Railway, from Calgary over the Rocky, Selkirk, and Cascade "park-like lands of the Fertile Belt;" from Portage-laPrairie to Langenburg, and by the Canadian Pacific Railway, from Calgary over the Rocky, Selkirk, and Cascade at Glacier, kept by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, and the manager told me that a large new one of the Government; and on the whole, I was a little disappointed by the appearance of the land in the valley. land was still in sight while passing English Bay. Although Vancouver City has made great progress mdp.39015013264851 1866 Chinese city he will, if in a cart or on horseback, be somewhat astonished as finding himself brought to a sudden stop at the order of gates (in the South wall), which form the only means of communication between the two divisions of the Capital. more rooms in a temple situated within the Tartar city, not very The best exchange shops in the Chinese city are situated in the Chienmen-ta-chie, or large street leading directly south from the Central The Chinese city, although, as before remarked, containing most walls are:-1st, The Tien-tan (F ) generally called by foreigners the " Temple of Heaven." It is situated in a spacious oval specimen of a Chinese temple to be met with outside of Peking. is about eight miles outside the North wall and is the "show temple" Immediately outside the An-ting-mên (in the North wall) are situated the Lama temples called Hei-ssu and Huang-ssu. mdp.39015070409076 1890 (grand fleuve); c''est le cours d''eau désigné ordinairement par les Européens sous le nom de fleuve Bleu et de par les conquérants tartares-mandchous lors de leurs premières incursions au commencement du XVIIe siècle, liéauroup de Chinois se réfugièrent au Japon plutôt que de se non plus sous silence les Hak-kas, répandus dans la province de Canton, qui ont leur religion, des chants populaires, un dialecte spécial. des livres; mais ils ne savaient pas plus l''hébreu que les dont le frère avait été tué dans une des premières échauffourèes de mineurs, fut le chef militaire qui seconda Ma On verra ailleurs comment les difficultés qui surgirent entre la Russie et la Chine à la suite de cette reconquête furent aplanies par le traité signé à Saint-Pétersbourg le 12 fév. Sauf le Tche-li, le Kan-sou, et le Se-lchouan, les provinces de la Chine proprement dite ont un fou-tai (gouverneur) ; ces fonctionnaires sont donc au nombre de 15. mdp.39015066066351 1902 MEN OF THE IST CHINESE REGIMENT IN FIELD moment a regiment of Chinese troops was seen Men of the ist Chinese Regiment in Field Service Order. eventually arrived on the enemy''s side of the railway station, the officer in command being brought Our men behaved like old soldiers on this day, Taku road side) to left : 50 Japanese Infantry, No. 2 Company, 50 men of the Hong-Kong regiment, of the fighting at that time the men in the firing in severity as time went on and the enemy got ABOUT noon, on this same day, a mixed force, consisting of Nos. 2, 5, and 7 Companies, four officers work of the day was done by the Chinese regiment, At this place some thirty men of No. 5 Company, under Captain Hill, arrived with a long to Tientsin, our men having marched and worked Captain Watson, of the Chinese regiment, led his men uc1.b4519580 1875 view of this policy the withdrawal of Sir Charles Elíiot is explicable; but public recognition of his services was strangely Shanghae : Sir Henry arrived there 20th June with General attempted rationale of our view of history, in reply to criticisms in the China Review. attempted rationale of our view of history, in reply to criticisms in the China Review. 5. Review of the arduous and useful career of Sir Charles Elliot : 5. Review of the arduous and useful career of Sir Charles Elliot : view of this policy the withdrawal of Sir Charles Elliot is explicable ; but public recognition of his services was strangely to China, more especially in the present critical state of our long-pending war, to the time when the truly great Sir question," sixteen years ago, when our relations with the Peking Government had become completely dislocated and when it was mdp.39015016902838 1906 arable area is far smaller than in Japan or China, and consequently, so long as Korea was closed to outsiders, the average honours are done the King (now Emperor) of Korea, yet the supposed veneration of his person is so great that he must keep himself very closely secluded, the result being that all his commands If there are great fortunes in Korea, it must be confessed that they generally represent the profits of many years of official indirection. Silla that welded the Korean people into a homogeneous population and laid the foundations for modern Korea. parties in Japan as to the best way to handle the Korean question: one was what we may call the radical policy which advocated strong measures and the instant and complete overthrow him wholly given over to Russia; but this new man was definitely committed to Russian interests, and with his rise to important position it became evident for the first time that the Korean mdp.39015051372723 1895 been truly said,* if China were only fairly open to foreign enterprise, there is room in her vast territories and among her foreigner-hating city in China; 20,000 Chinese could come down surprising that even the lethargic Chinese Imperial Government has at last been struck with this new and strange China Siamese royal family, and who pass a great part of their lives in the district of Bangkok by the Intelligence Division of the War Office, under the title " Precis of Information concerning the Straits Settlements and the Native States of the Malay Peninsula," should be better known than it is. the relations of Chinese and foreigners at the present day. foreign Ministers at the Court of China, and from it all Chinese Chinese Government is prepared to make foreign nations the State of China." At the same time the Japanese Minister in French Indo-China: 71; Chinese mdp.39015026094675 1908 claims of China upon the sympathy of those who desire the that God has fixed "a time for their rise and fall, and the limits "prescribed to each nation its space to dwell and its time of the following pages is to help the reader to see the missionary at THE NEW SPIRIT OF NATIONALISM more resist, even if we would, this rising national and oriental feeling than The spread of railways, the work of Missions, the recent Within the Church this feeling of national independence has While in the goodness of God no Protestant missionaries by the Roman Catholic bishops and priests in China of official The strong racial feeling which still exists in China against 36 PRESENT-DAY CONDITIONS IN CHINA 36 PRESENT-DAY CONDITIONS IN CHINA 36 PRESENT-DAY CONDITIONS IN CHINA formed a Central China Famine Relief Committee, while the China Relief Fund amounted to 704,279 taels, while the Chinese mdp.39015062979672 1909 The term "Empire" mentioned in article 6 of the patent law shall correspond to If a registered design is in contravention of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the registration thereof shall be invalid. by Japanese subjects, Korean subjects, or American citizens shall be regarded as designs registered in Korea in accordance with this ordinance; but the period for the registered free of charge if application for registration be made to the patent bureau "Patent bureau of the residency-general;" "Courts of law" to "Residencies and the The term "Empire" mentioned in article 6 of the patent law shall be understood Korean subjects with reference to trade-marks, and shall be also applicable to subjects PROTECTION TO PATENTS IN CHINA, JAPAN, AND KOREA. PROTECTION TO PATENTS IN CHINA, JAPAN, AND KOREA. trade-mark, patent, or design, the applicant having no domicile in Article 12 of the Japanese trade-mark law states that "The right mdp.39015039369502 1902 coin of the same value, a one-cent piece, also copper, and worth five country cash and twenty-five Seoul cash, and a five-cent nickel piece silver yen pieces at 10 per cent, discount, while in Seoul the Japanese sell goods of all kinds, except books and other printed matter disapproved by the Korean Government, and to purchase native produce in favored nation clause" secured release from this oath for American citizens and the right to reside wherever any other foreigners reside. the Korean Christians to defray the expenses of these classes good class of Korean boys are willing to avail themselves of the opportunities of an industrial department in order to secure the benefits of a of cases that the support of boys and young men at foreign expense as a hope, now known to be a fact, that Korean Christian boys are willing to lay aside their aversion to work and the natural pride of the njp.32101066803717 1880 Table showing exportation of Tea to Foreign countries during the past ten years the year importers, anticipating a good demand, ordered considerable quantities from England. Raw Cotton has fallen Hk.Tts. 36,000, that being the amount of the previous year''s importation under Foreign flags, against a blank now appearing to the credit of our Returns. The re-exports of Foreign Goods to Chinese ports amounted in value to During the year under review the net value of the Import trade of this port amounted The net total value of the trade of the port for the year amounted to Ak.Tts. 3,934,144, by more than double the total decrease in the value of our Import trades, Foreign and Native The import of Native Opium (Szechwan) during the year shows an increase of 600 piculs, The total value of Cotton Goods imported during the year is about Hk.its. mdp.39015027068850 1878 before the new season''s Silk began to arrive in Shanghai in the end A few years ago nearly all China Silk could be easily worked A noticeable feature in the year''s trade has been a great increase in January.—The year opened with settlements so far for the season of London excited our market, and prices rapidly advanced Tls. 15 a 25, decline in the value of Silk during that year, viz., increasing supplies The market throughout the month was quiet, with prices tending downwards, closing at a decline of from Tls. 10 on best Silks to Tls. 30 on Markets, a large business was done, and prices advanced Tls. 10 a 20, import as it arrived on market during the year, at figures little short of the foreign Piece Goods trade of Shanghai, we wrote that any system Table B.-IMPORTs of PIECE GOODS into Shanghai for the years 1875, mdp.39015069550773 1886 III.-Trade in Foreign Goods.--Imports and Re-exports 394 III.-Trade in Foreign Goods.--Imports and Re-exports 394 III.-Trade in Foreign Goods.--Imports and Re-exports 394 III.-Trade in Foreign Goods.--Imports and Re-exports 394 16,000 piculs; the manufacture and export of Brick Tea has been much extended; the importation of Opium was greater than usual; and the duty collection is the largest since the opening TABLE No. III.-TRADE IN FOREIGN Goods.— Imports and Re-exports. TABLE No. III.-TRADE IN FOREIGN Goods.— Imports and Re-exports. TABLE No. III.-TRADE IN FOREIGN Goods.— Imports and Re-exports. TABLE No. III.-TRADE IN FOREIGN Goods.— Imports and Re-exports. TABLE No. III.-TRADE IN FOREIGN Goods.— Imports and Re-exports. TABLE No. III.-TRADE IN FOREIGN Goods.— Imports and Re-exports. of the total increase in the value of the Import trade for the year. TABLE No. II.-TRADE IN FOREIGN GOODS.--Imports and Re-exports. in the amount of Opium and Piece Goods imported and of Tea exported within the year. mdp.39015065779269 1876 月十三日由神戶開去 明本行不惧 召枉顧價框相 惠更俯若欲租定者請事 大馬路老旗昌 神戶西門尼磁氣長崎 華及各式名 先生所望之 老其昌對面 並請照顧?可也其各樣酒靠背 行招牌底不致 幹 月十三日由神戶開去 明本行不恨 志銀六角五分 欲租者請至 向在五馬路 月分呂宋白 辛和所遺下花 洋行對門有 DETOX MANUFACTURING CO 127 Pearl 80 BEAVER, 七點半錯九點华鍵,十一點半鎖 兩齡半四點半链 六點半鐘 價公道要者 月十三日由神戶開去 明本行不快 銀六角五分 欲租者請至 本行今有蘇到奇巧 向在五馬路 月分呂朱白 洋龍或二人合力打 今於六月念 彩票已到其 七日遷往至 大馬路老旗 元分賣中票 龍 鋼鐵造就望固異常 ION, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES 自西晉与面一 亦可欲買者 無大小街道均可 小行房 數間如承 十字门交易 他票已到其 水四人亦可水势甚 銀鑽箱出 朝南洋房一 I所由設蓝保險治商局之說自己。月期 樹木種得森森花卉各珍品滿列無一 西首坐南朝北 辦原議杂資十五萬兩以入股者復增五 遺類餘如亭湖樓期皆華麗非常並 第十四號門面 萬兩并成二十萬仲未經刊有成規源理城郡 月分呂宋白 洋龍或二人合力打 大小公曲 洋行對門有 大馬路老旗 元分靈;票 龍 鋼鐵造就堅固異常 欲辦即至 瑞問後及小蛋 向在五馬路 月分呂宋白 洋能或二人合力打 大小堅固 洋龍或二人合力打 大小堅固 洋行對門有 本行今有新到奇巧 今有新到 四馬路豐太 月分呂宋白 执者本藥历 或者於英八 本行今有新到奇巧 今有新到 啟者西人 廣東保險公司 怡和洋行 有鵝蛋者如 行內拍賣 仲鳴鐘等业 元脾伊工錢十七員三角叫两先生辭金 十字口交易 請至本行可 行走較之土造水龍 抄發以期通馳名聲垂久遠 TON, New York, UNITED STATES 十字口交易 請至本行可 行走較之土造水龍 执發以期抛名聲久 高滅火極速保紫銅 亦可欲買者 雖名目稍分而事權歸一所有帳目總局經理 下座你客收足制 壹百念文 , NEW YORK, UNITED REMINGTON & JONE 向在五馬路 名倍而平 大小堅固 「買刻出尚各一 到新式各樣 LOffice 281,283 Broadway NEW YORK 日白能退去而且其後不 煙馬路老旗台左右大英 今本機造者承辦比利時 九个如四方 行內拍賣 担如台 千要如有 291,289 Broadway NEW YORK O 月十三日由神戶開去 粗魯加麥智者於英本 mdp.39015013249563 1897 mdp.39015008198056 1867 and frugality, in their different stations in life.'''' Various qualities are ascribed to the hero of this festival: he is considered the especial champion of women, for whose protection he instituted the most lucrative in Japan, as the Japanese not only perpetuate their celebrities by wax-work effigies, but the majority of the people, being professors of the Sintoo religion, have Lares and Penates of the same engross the attention of Japanese artists, generally depict naiboen intrigues No Japanese dreams of entering a friend''s house while the white lamp is to the bath-houses, which are generally open to the road or street. It is amusing to notice the care taken by the Japanese to protect themselves from a second bath on returning from the bath-houses to their homes however humble a house may be, it generally has a potted flower or The sitting-apartments in Japanese houses are generally situated at mdp.39015002684788 1920 people of China that Chinese could govern their country and This brought China face to face with the English Government, without the intermediary of an incorporated company; and in 1834 Lord Napier was sent to Canton to settle He was appointed High Commissioner for this purpose in 1839; and, on his arrival at Canton, put an embargo on the foreign trade, and placed the English Superintendent and the foreign merchants of all nationalities in release, ordered all opium then in Chinese waters to be surrendered to him on behalf of the British Government, and Then followed twenty years of recovery, with no important events, but with a great development of trade. Customs duties, for every 100 Haikwan taels Chinese merchants paid Tientsin Tls.106, foreign merchants in general Chinese banks to places in China, e.g. a remittance to Hankow is converted from " Shanghai taels" to Tsaoping taels mdp.39015027798795 1902 The country is watered by an insignificant stream running west, and a very small amount water, and on the left bank, a little higher up, come walled-town right on the river, with a mountain 4^-mile walk round the Chinese city, on the wall, little walled town on the left bank, where a small lines and a breast rope, and then went on till nightfall; then we tied up to the right bank a little below long curved bay formed by the river on the left bank, low hills we struck a small river, called Chung-paotsa, 1,150 feet above sea-level, running sluggishly we reached the walls of the small town of Hsuichun-pa, on the left bank of the Kia-ling, which runs river, we passed through a fine bazaar, a mile long, low hills on a villainous stone road to the little town mdp.39015054030583 0 summit of the mountain, upon an immense plateau, extending from east to west a long day''s journey, and from north the Great Lamasery of Hoang-Sse, which is entirely composed of Dchiahour and Thibetian Lamas. After having turned over some leaves of a Thibetian book, the old Lama addressed to him these words: When the Thibetian Lama promised to the Tartar chief the conquest of China, and predicted to him that he should soon be seated on the throne One day we had an opportunity of talking with a Thibetian Lama for some time, and the things he told us about Any one not acquainted with the laws by which the Tartars are ruled, would not readily understand why men condemn themselves to spend their lives in the wretched country of the Ortous, whilst Mongolia presents, in every direction, immense uninhabited plains, where water and pasture mdp.39015002985698 1867 During the early days of trade on the part of the East India Company at Canton, Hongkong was known as affording a safe and commodious anchorage for vessels at the mouth of the Canton river, and the Medical Missionary Society, the Seamen''s Hospital, and the residence of the Chief Justice of the Colony with a new guard house, appear prominent on high ground this side of the valley. March an objection was raised by the Chinese to the river steamers carrying cargo between Hongkong and Canton; the matter was however soon cleanest of all the cities in China, as well as of possessing in its natural surroundings, temples, pagodas, and other public buildings so large From this period until the date of the war undertaken by Great Britain in 1839-41, Macao continued to flourish as the outlet of an important trade, and as the place of residence for the members of the various European factories. mdp.39015004863265 1919 States, she announced to the world that Korea had "voluntarily" become a protectorate of the Japanese Government rate, from that time on Korea came under the autocratic administration of the Japanese Empire. Under the direction of the Japanese Government, the Oriental Colonization Company was organized to promote Japanese colonization of Korea and thus further Japanize the Korea, proper, the Korean students in Tokio, Japan, numbering about eight hundred, drew up a petition to present to the upon the Koreans, with a 2,000-year history, the same spiritual and mental training as on the Japanese people. PEOPLE AND NATION for liberation from Japan and for the reconstitution of Korea as an independent state between the Japanese Government and the Korean Government in 1904, Japan specifically guaranteed the independence 4.-Such a violation of Korean independence was committed by Japan when the Japanese Government—by acts of II.—The Korean people and nation have consistently denied the right of the then "puppet" Emperor of Korea to deal mdp.39015005603314 1853 — Great Silk Country —i Increase in Exports — City of Sehmun-yuen — Pear of Thieves — Hang-chow-foo — The " Garden Leave Hang-chow-foo — A China Passage-boat — Scenery and natural Productions — Remarkable Hills— Our Fellow-passengers— — Great Silk Country — Increase in Exports — City of Sehmun-yuen — Fear of Thieves — Hang-chow-foo — The " Garden the great green-tea country of Hwuy-chow. place we could leave the Shanghae boat, and then proceed on foot or in chairs a distance of 30 le. Leave Hang-chow-foo — A China Passage-boat — Scenery and natural Productions — Remarkable Hills — Our Fellow-passengers— a place of call for all the Hwuy-chow boats, and a considerable trade is carried on in all the common necessaries of life. a little before dark, and I had the first view of the farfamed Sung-lo-shan, the hill where green tea is said to mdp.39015021581171 1833 Marquesas Islands.-New manner of eating fish.--Arrival at the Washington group.-Hostile attitude of the natives.Imminent risk of the ship with directions for working up, Port Lewis Bay.-Situation of the Volunteer.-Proceeds from the Falklands round Cape Horn.--Anchor in Coquimbo harbor.Permission given by Gomez to overhaul the ship.-Correspondence.—The author lands.—Is imprisoned.-Meeting with his son. lowered away a boat, for the purpose of ascertaining the current, which was found to be setting to the north-east, at the rate of three quarters of a mile per hour: our ship still accompanied by many penguins, and numbers of oceanic * True to the promise he had given, the captain of the ship Buttersworth, the next vessel that touched at this island, received sufficiently early information to avoid the danger, as the author has Mr. Crook soon informed him, that the captain, the head chief on board the ship, had sent mdp.39015057192877 1838 CHAPTER 1.-Leave New-York-Departure from Sandy Hook-A Gale-Tremendous foaming sea-A mountainous sea breaks on board ship-Loss of present--Brisk trade-Ship surrounded by war canoes, with armed warriorsExpected battle-Caunibal war yells--The leader chief --Signal of reireatWarriors depart--Direction Island--Dangerous situation of ibe ship-Three CHAPTER 3—Tonquin sails from Whampoa—British fleet-Ship taken by superior force-Despatch the pilot boat-Council signal displayed from the flagship-Release of the Tonquin-Handsome and courteous conduct of the CHAPTER 2.-Ship departs from the Feejees--Remarks on the passage to seaShip takes a new route for China-Meets with much drift-wood, &c.—Discover the Tonquin Islandsl''ass Dough''s Group-Volcano Island Its A List of the vessels, officers, and scientific corps, which compose the American National South Sea Exploring Expedition. viz.: That an expedition of two ships was prepared, and nearly ready for sea in their departure on this service, in the spring of 1812, under his command, and a commission was granted by the President of the United States, to mdp.39015027523649 1900 Time and distance have been almost annihilated by modern machinery, and the trip from New York to Yokohama takes no longer now than did the trip from New York to Liverpool but a few years ago. Ten days after leaving Yokohama the Empress of Japan had arrived at Vancouver, and in less than fifteen days from leaving Japanese shores weeks in the cities and famous places of Japan, and return again to For the first day the train races through a halfcovered glacier garden, and the marks of the great ice sheet that ground the Dai Butsu and Chion-in temples before reaching the hotel whose proprietors were formerly guides and knowing the one, a half-mile lane of china shops leading to the Kiomidzu temple, The railway stops outside the city walls, and there is a three-mile ride in cart or sedan, or on donkey, to the hotel on Legation Street, crossing the Chinese City and mdp.39015058522825 1892 interest in China and the work of God in that great Chinese population in California-China-town-Mission workProhibitive legislation—The Pacific voyageReasons for inns-Discomfort of Chinese travel Approach to Tsingchow-fu-Meeting with native Christians outside the gatesCordial welcome . China-Kao-Yuen-Detained by rain-Mule litter or shentzu, Po-sing–Chinese hospitality-Chinese feast-An interesting service-The last night of the year-An out-of-door China Inland Mission work-Sunday services—The Chinese Chinese population in California-China-town-Mission work-Prohibitive legislation—The Pacific voyage-Reasons for calling at a good work among Chinese women and girls, in a -Chinese curiosity—Market gardens-Ancestral burial-placesMission work-American Presbyterian Mission-China Inland The China Inland Mission is represented in Chefoo by Dr. Douthwaite, a medical missionary, who has a hospital and Discomfort of Chinese travel-Approach to Tsing-chow-fuMeeting with native Christians outside the gates-Cordial welcome. Chow-ping-Journey on Chinese wheel-barrow-Description of wheelbarrow-Arrival at Chow-ping-Christmas Day in China—KaoYuen-Detained by rain-Mule litter or shen-tzu—Po-singChinese hospitality-Chinese feast-An interesting service—The Inland Mission work-Sunday services—The Chinese New YearIn what way celebrated-Kitchen-god-Ancestral worship-The mdp.39015067916927 1863 The country round Yedo—Hill and valley — Trees — Autumnal foliage — Views of Pusi-yama — Cottages and farm-houses — Flowers plants — Ogee, the Richmond of Yedo — Its tea-house — The Tycoon''s hunting-ground — Fine views — Agricultural productions — chrysanthemums — Tea-plant — The Yedo river — The city opposite Yedo — Temple of Ecc-ying — Its origin — Crowds of people — Journey into the country — Fine views by the way — Town of Kanasawa — Our inn — Visit to a temple — The visitors'' book — Crowds spiked — Guards stationed round the foreign dwellings — My researches in Japan come to an end — Plants put into Ward''s cases — The country round Yedo — Hill and valley — Trees — Autumnal foliage — Views of Fusi-yama — Cottages and farm-houses — Flowers