BUSJAHR'S CLINICAL GUJ,IDE; OR, POCKET-REPERTORY FOR THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. TRANSLATED AND EDI*IED, WITH ANNOTATIONS7 CHARLES J. HEMPEL, M.D. NEW-YORKWILLIAM RADDE, 82'2 BROADWAY. 1850. UNTERED According to the Act of Congress, in the year 1849, by W I L L I A M R ADD E} In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New-York. A. Ludwig & Co., Priater, N. Y. THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. Tins work is not to be confounded with the original Manual of Jahr. The present Repertory is a record *of the observations which Jahr has been collecting for the last nine years, at the bed-side of patients. It is therefore an eminently practical work, and its utility is enhanced by the fact, that the various articles treated of in this Repertory are arranger:! in alphabetical order, Mid can, therefore, be consulted with the greatest ease. The Iader will find, in reading Jahr's preface, that he gives the. preference to particular attenuations in the treatment of disease. The subject of doses has been subjected to a full and impartial examination in the " PiHAVUAc OPCEIA AND PosoLoGY,' a work which is now in press, and will soon be given to the public. All those who take an interest in the doctrine of doses, are re.ferred to this work for more complete information. CHARLES J. HEMPEL, MI D. N'ew- Yurk, December, 1849. THE. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. THE present work is intended to offer the practitioner every thing which it is necessary to know, in such a manner that, in whatever way the desired information may be sought to be obtained, the practitioner will be sure to find it. I have given both the symptoms and the names of the diseases, and have not only given the pathogenetic indications with great completeness, from my own and other physicians' experience, but have endeavoured to complete these indications by referring the reader to kindred articles, and in this way, giving him an opportunity of studying the internal connection of the remedies, and their relation to the case for which they are recommended. It is true that this method will frequently lead the reader from one article to another through a long series; but, since in nature all things are connected, I consider this circumstance an advantage rather than a disadvantage, so much more, as I know by experience, that the speediest, safest and easiest way of obtaining a full and correct insight into the nature of a particular case of disease, is to study every thing which has a bearing upon it. As regards the names of diseases, I have adopted the nomenclature of Peter Frank, with which physicians are more familiarly acquainted. In treating of fevers, epilepsies, hysteric affections, &c., I have left Schcenlein's pathology out of consideration, for this reason, that his system is not much respected by the pathologists of the old school, and is combated with a good deal of spirit by the professors of Berlin, Vienna and Prague. A* 6 THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. After all, pathological symptoms do not amnount to nluch, provided we prescribe in accolrdance with the totality of the symptoms; for, by pursuing this course, we cannot fail to pre-criLe for the thing, even if the namLe be left out of consideration, and provided always that Schtunlein's classification of "'ute'rine, testicular, thoracic and other kinds of epilepsy" be correct. There is one work, however, whichl I regret not having had an opportunity of consulting previou-s to the publication of this Repertory; it is Hebra's work on Cutaneous Diseases. Hebra's systeil combines practical advantages witl great clearness and simplicity, whereas all other systems of cutaneous diseases are ccnftiled and without much practical value. Even as early as 1840, when I first published my "KLINISCIHEN ANWEISUNGEN" in I-rench, I applied myself to the study of the German, French andl lnglish systems of cutaneous diseasec.: but the more I advanced in my study, the more I became c(;nvinced that it would be impossible to offer an intelligible nomenclature of these diseases to German, French and English iractitioners. My " REPERto itY oF TIIP CUTANEOUS DIrsEAES" will supply this deficfeney as nearly as possible. This Repertory will co ntain a table exlibiting' the chief names of all cutaneous disea.Lre3 which have been alopted by our most distinguishled pathclogig.-4t:, referring, moreover, to tlhe sy: nonyimyes of these names in other systens, andi the symptoms in our Mater, iu Medica rhicl ch aracterize the different diseases. This table will be as complete ats possible, though it may'not prove satisfitctory to all. As regarlds the remedi.,.s which lhave been recomlnended f(:r single symptoms as well as wio(iO. group)s of symptonms, I lmve only namned such;as; have prove 1 theilm-r;eves curative, either in the particular case before us, wor by removing, incidentally, the symptoms bac re us when bhloaginl to a more extenllive group. Remedies whichl have been proposed more or less speculatively, are marked with an interrogation —point ('). A great many new remledies have been added to those that are mentioned in my original Manual. These remedies have all been successfully tried in practice, andI may, therefore, either be marked with a cipher (0), THE AUTHORWS PREFACE. 7 at, in case they should already be -mentioned in the ManuaS with an -asterisk (*). Those who consult Boenniaghausen's Repertory, will likewise find many useful hints and remarks in this Pocket-Repertory, and a number of remedies that were not yet much used heretofore. As regards the classification of remedies in Nos. 1, 2, 3, I ought to state that, though this classification is essentially based upon experience and the relative importanze' of the remedies in the particular diseases, for which they are indicated, yet the practitioner should never dispense with the trouble of comparing the symptoms of all the remedies mentioned, since one of those arranged under Nos. 2 or 3, may ib more specifically indicated than the remedies mentioned under No. 1. This classification is not absolutely true, and it would be wrong to infer that, because a remedy is found under No, 2 or 3, it cannot, therefore, be as useful as one of those mentioned under 1. This classification is merely intended to show that the remedie.s which are indicated in No. 1, are, generally speaking those which are more frequently used in this particular case of disease, and that the practitioner, in order to save time, had better examine the rnemedies under No. 1 first, before he compares those mentioned under Nos, 2 or 3. It is needless to give any fulrther rules relative to the use of this work. Th( di,;ease; being alphabetically arranged, both iri the index and tl.e jbody (:f the work, all the practitioner has to do, is to look ifr the disca:t.-e and then to study the paragraphs devoted to} it. Begillrlcr-, however, will do well to first study the ~fystelmanii inlldex iollowiulg immiediately after this preface, and otre particularly in the:crticle. "Gc'neral diseases," those subjects which are printed in it:dlics.,ly this meanis they will become familiar with the plan ef the wverk, and will know how to use it in particular cases, This is the plan which I have always pursued in teaching. For thlose xlho have never studied our Materia Medica, I have added the chlaracteristic symptoms of our principal medicines; I ought to say, however, that this work has especially been written for those who possess my SymptomenCodex, or some other kind of Materia Medica, which they may 8 THE AUTHOW'S PREFACE. consult in important cases. To those who study our Materia Medica with care and attention, the work will prove a valuable vade mecum, and an excellent introduction to the study of larger works. The characteristic symptoms of our principal medicines have been appended for the benefit of those who are not yet acquainted with our Materia Medica, and who are at a loss to know how to commence that study. These characteristic symptoms will serve as central points round which the other and less important symptoms of the medicines can easily be grouped. For the benefit of beginners, I will subjoin the following remarks on the selection of remedies according to symptoms, and on the magnitude and repetition of doses. I know, from experience, that Hahnemann's rule, to select a remedy in accordance with the totality of the symptoms, is, in many cases, incorrectly apprehended by beginners, or by physicians who come over to our side from the allceopathic ranks. They do not always distinguish primary and secondary symptoms. This incorrectness is, in the first place, owing to the fact that the old school considerably restricts the meaning of the term " symptom;" and, in the second place, to this other fact, that what is technically termed " taking a record," consists simply in taking down the prominent symptoms without including other constitutional ailments, the treatment of which is postponed until the principal difficulty is removed. It is not supposed, for instance, by beginners, that piles and pneumonia, when occurring in the same patient, have any connection with each other. It is on this account that I have always taught not only to consider the symptoms of the case, but also the symptoms of the paticnt. And even then I have not always been properly understood. Many symptoms, which our school considers as manifestations of the general disease, were considered as independent diseases by the beginner, simply because they had particular names in the old school works on pathology. I have, therefore, refrained from using the word symptom in my lectures to beginners, and have worded my funda(mental rule of treatment as follows: The proper selection of a remedy, in chronic and generally also in acute diseases, depends THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. 9 upon the following three points: "1. The remedy must correspond to the pathognomonic symptoms of the case; 2, to the accidental symptoms which do not seem to be a part of the essential features of the disease; and 3, to all other diseases and morbid phenomena which we might discover in the patient." If a patient be afflicted with pneumonia, for instance, we should not only record the essential symptoms of pneumonia, but also the symptoms of any other affection of the eyes that'might happen to coexist with the inflammation, such as: ectropion, pterygion, blepharoptosis, diplopia, amblyopia, &c., and, moreover, the general morbid phenomena of the organism, no matter whether the books speak of them as mere symptoms or as independent diseases. In all chronic diseases this mode of recording the symptoms should he strictly pursued; and even in acute diseases the proper remedy will always be found to correspond to these three series of phenomena, though it need not be selected with particular reference to the third series, provided the disease does not rest upon a chronic foundation, and was occasioned by some exceptional cause. The accidental symptoms, however, that is, those symptoms which are not essentially pathognomonic, should be carefully noted in acute diseases, and the remedy should be selected with especial reference to these accidental symptoms. Some time ago I treated a man of 40 years for acute bronchitis. The remedies which were indicated by the pathognomonic symptoms, such as Acon., Bell., Bry., Dulc., Merc., had no effect. I then learned that the patient had a pain in the calf, as if bruised, with tension on setting the foot on the ground. The patient did not remember having ever hurt himself at that place. The spot looked reddish, green-yellow on the sides, and was painful to the touch. This led me to Conium 30, three globules in water. After the second dose the spot was less painful, the fever diminished, the cough looser, and the appetite improved. * The apparently accidental symptoms are frequently the more essential symptoms of the patient. He who knows how to distinguish them from the pathognomonic symptoms, will frequently be able to cure noma, dropsy, inguinal hernia, &c., with remedies which have never produced such diseases; remedies which are individually essential to a cure, and such remedies do not always correspond to the pathognomonic symptoms. 10 THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. As regards the magnitude of doses, my rule is- to give as little medicine as possible.'Nevertheless, in spite of the careful attention with which I have hitherto followed the discussions relative to that subject, I -have not yet been able to decide whether the higher or the lower attenuations are the weaker or str(onger dose-. I have known one drop of the pure tincture to act for weeks precisely in the samne mnnner as the 30:h attenuati( n has been seppo ed to do; I ]have seen violent effects fiomnl the 30th as well as firom the 21 cr 3.1;'eand on the other hand, I hlave effected speedy cures, without ainy previous aggravati(n%, by means of the tincture, and the 1st, 21 or 3d attenuation, as well as with the 30th. I have observed sinilar effects from the 100hil up to the 3 and 8,000th potency. In some cases I have effected a cure by a mere change of potencies, and sometimes an attenuation whicl seemed to do no good whatever, would effect a speedy cure when the same remedy was given after two or three other medicines. As regards the repetition of -doses, it is my conviction, confirmed by abundant experience, that an unnecessary repetition of the same remedy is productive of mnischief, especially if the remedy was not indicated by the symptoms, or was continued after it had produced an incipient improvement. I have seen bad effects from spoonful doses of a solution of a few pellets, just as much as if the original dose had, been repeated. We know that from the fourth attenuation upwards, the medicines act rather dynamically than chemically, but what the real difference is between the first and thousandth attenuation, is as yet impossible to say. It is my belief that the attenuations, if carried up to a certain degree, act more speedily and more positively than the lower preparations, and that a spoonful of a solution of a few pellets i;; a milder (lose than a drop of an alcoholic attenuation; but I amn unable to offer any proofs in favour of my belief; what I know po itively, is, that we do not yet know the limit how fiar the attenuating process can be carried without destroying the power of the medicine, and that, under proper circumastances, a pellet of the 8,000itA potency acts as tcell as, a pellet of the 30th or 3d. THE AUTHOW'S PRREFACE. 11 From this we may infer, that an unnecessary repetition of the dose mllight prove inurious to tthe patient;, that a fiequent repetition of the dose is necessary in very acute diseases, such as cholera, or even in recent chancre; tlhat a single dose will' frequently suffice ill many slighter aiections; and that, in chronic disease3;, a dose should be allowed to act a long time.'This is probably owing to the fact, that in such diseases as steatomata, polypi, chronic pulmonary and liver complaints, old wens, ulcers and herpes, the retro-formative process takes place very slowly, and that therefore a too frequent repetition of the dose produces an aggravation before the curative process has commenced. In all chronic diseases I never give more than one dose, of three or four pellets, and allow it to act a long time; and even in acute diseases I never repeat the dose until the preceding one has exhausted its action. I, therefore, use a solution of from three to six peltlets of the 30th potency, in a tumblerful of water, adminifterinl, it inl teaspoonful doses every two, three or six hours. SomlAinesl I use a higher potency as baing a weaker one, especillly if I want to ascertain whether I have hit the right remedy, for which purpose a small dose is just as effectual as a large. one: for even the sm-llest dose of the proper remedy, if it do no)t elect an immediate cure, will at l1ast make a favourable impression upon the diseaqe. If no such impression be manifest, I would rather resort to another remedy than to prescribe a lower attenuation of the same remedy. The beginner in homaopathy should especially guard himself against prescribing for mere names of diseases, as is too much the case in the old school. This is the reason why I have given as many symptoms as possible, and why I invite the beginning practitioner not to content himself with my owi inlications, but, moreover, to consult the Ma. teria Medica Pura in every case. The study of the Materia Medica Pura is indispensable uo lc'ln to distinguish medicinal symptoms from the natural symptoms of the disease. This is especially important in chronic diseases where new symptoms frequently make their appearance, which may require a chanlge of remedies, according as they are either a medicinal aggravation, 12 THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. or a new development of the disease. The present work is therefore, not intended to supply the place of the Materia Medica Pura; it is simply what the title indicates, a Pocket-Repertory to aid the memory of older practitioners, and to be a guide for beginners. G. H. G. JAHR. Paris.Maty, 1849. SYSTEMATIC TABLE OF THE VARIOUS ARTICLES CONTAINED IN THIS WOR1, IN ALPHABETICAL OLDER. N. B. —Those headings in the following paragraphs which are printed in italics, should be studied first; the general information which they faw nisw will be found more or less useful in all particular cases. I. GENER.AL REMARtS. —-See the articles: A. Constitution, age, sex and tenlperament; causes of disease; conditgcns of aggravation; conditions of improvement; emotions; colds; suppression of secretions and eruptions; injuries; jil effects of heat; ill effects of various kinds of nourishment; weakness of stomach; diseases of drunkards; ill effects of growth; poisoning, especially by alum, arsenic, valerian, prussic acid, lead; abuse of cinchona; noxious vapours; iron; adipic poison; ichtyotoxicon; crab-apple vinegar; poisonous honey; abuse of iodine; abuse of cffee; abuse of camphor; abuse of chamomile; poisoning by copper; abuse of magnesia; abuse of mercury; opium; narcotism; phosphorus; noxious mushrooms; glanders; saffron; sal ammoniacum; nitrate of silver; abuse of salt; sarsaparilla; hepar sulphuris; abuse cf sulphur; mezereum; cantharides; stramonium; poiospous sumach; abuse of tabacco; abuse of tea; alcohol; tin. B. Deadness of wl pats; swelling of veins; alleursms; sagninous congtiowas; mpifiora; anaemia; Ainorrhage; rushe of ]God; inct nati; arthrocace; hydrarthrus; arthritis; orthralgia; diseases of bones; spaas; pqralysis; contractiqon of muscles; polypi; rhachitis; rheumatism; mucous derangement; p:t*xysms ofezpaiz; scurry; scrophtlosis; tWtrWculosis; typcal affections; dropsy. 14 SYSTEMATIC TABLE OF ARTICLES. C. Emaciation; debility: atrophy of scrofulous children; deficient exhalation; dread of motion; cyanosis; chlorosis; eclampsia; epilepsy; adiposis; jaundice; catalepsy; diseases of children; dread of air; marasmus senilis; nervous debility; fainting; apparent death; apoplexy; asthenia: consumption; indolence; awkwardness; chorea; hydrophobia; worm-affections; tremour. IL CUTANEOUS AND EXTERNAL DISEASES:-See: A. Formication; acne; lepra; eruptions; variola; blood-blisters; petechice; boils; eczema; exanthemata; herpetic eruptions; phagedenic blisters; rash; zona; itching of the skin; ichthyosis; itch; lichen; measles; nettle-rash; plague; pemphigus; purple-rash; ecthyma; rubeolae; scarlatina; varicella; rupia; impetigo; syphilis; varioloid. Tinea capitis; eruptions in the face; mentagra; herpes praeputialis. B. Excrescences; steatoma; chilblains; fungus articularis; moles; polypi; tuberculosis; fungus excrescences (fungus haematodes, &c.); sycoma; sycosis; warts. C. Abscesses, gangrene; glandular diseases; suppurations; tumours; ulcers; rhagades; indurations of the skin; anasarca; stings of insects; diseases of bones; diseases of nails and panaritia; cedemao; erysipelas; scurvy; scrofulous affections; indurations; injuries; sore skin. D. Cyanosis; chlorosis; bloody sweat; jaundice; pitiriasis; erythrema; dropsy. III. MORBID SLEEP. — See': Night-mare; yawning; morbid sleep; sleeplessness; sopor; dreams, (see under morbid sleep.) IV. Fvsra.-See: Inflammatory fevers; gastric (mucous and bilious fevers); yellow fever; catarrhal (and rheumatic fever); nervous fever (typhus); plague; morbid sweat; febris anglica; deficient warmth; fever and ague; dentition-fever (see under diseases of children); hectic fever. V. MErtAL DgAssAs. —See: Paroxysms of anguish; idiocy; SYSTEMATIC TABLE OF ARTICLES. 15 delirium; weak memory and mind; mental derangement; emotions; morbid emotions; home-sickness; hypochondria; hysteria; unhappy love; anthropophobia; diseases of drunkards; melancholy; mania'of suicide; awkwardness. VI.-VII. DISEASES OF THE HEAD AND BRAIN.-See: Delirium; meningitis; concussion of the brain; hydrocephalus; debility of the brain; congestions of the brain; apoplexy; vertigo. VIII. EXTERNAL HEAD.-See: Open fontanelle; large head; falling off of the hair; tinea capitis; bones of the skull; plica polonica. IX. DISEASES OF THE EYEs.- See: Hoemorrhage from the eyes; ophthalmia; running of the eyes; cancer of the eyes; blepharophthalmitis; blepharospasmus; blepharoplegia; pains in the eyes; weakness of the eyes (and alterations of vision); contraction of the lids; ulceration of the eyes; paleness of sight; stye; short-sightedness; photophobia; hemeralopia; strabismus; cataract; glaucoma; nyctalopia; fistula lachrymalis; bleareyedness; far-sightedness. X. DISEASES OF THE EARS:-See: Deficient hearing; excessive irritation of hearing; otorrhcea; parotitis; otitis; herpes of the ear; otalgia; polypus of the ears. XL DISEASES OF THE NOSE.-See: Anosmia; excessive irritation of the sense of smell; bleeding of the nose; suppuration of the nose; swelling of the nose; cancer of the nose; polypus of the nose; coryza. XII. FACE.-See: Swelling of the cheeks; eruption int the face; complexion; erysipelas of the face; prosopalgia; trismus; mentagra; swelling of the lips. XIII. TEETH. —See: Diseases of the gums; toothache; dentition (see under: Diseases of children.) XIV. BUCCAL CAVITY. — See: Ranula; hemorrhage of the 16 SYSTEMATIC TABIE OF ARTICLES. mouth; stomacace; fetor of the mouth; aphthle; ptyalism; deficiency of speech; diseases of the tongue. XV. ThIOAT AND FAucEs.-See: Angina faucium; angina tonsillaris; dysphagia; pharyngitis; cesophagitis. XVI. TASTE AND APrETITE. -See: Loss of appetite; malacia; alterations of taste; loss of taste; canine hunger; weakczess of the stomnach, (and ill effects of certain kinds of nourishment.) XVII. GASTRIC DERANGEMENT.-See: Heematelnesis; cholera and cholerine; gastric (and bilious) derangement; derangement of the stomnach; hiccough; heartburn and eructations. XVIII. DISEASES OF THE STOmTACH.- See: Gastroenteritis; gastritis; gastromalacia; cardialgia, and pains in the stomach. XIX. IIYPOCIIONDRIA.-See: Hepatitis; induration of the liver; splenitis; diaphragmitis. XX. ABDOMEN AND GROTN.-See: Distention of the rbdomen; abdominal congrestions; enteritis; peritonitis; colic; a1dominal tubercles; ascites; pot-bellied; ileus; tyinpani.is.-HIernia; bubo. XXI. STOOL AND AN.us.-See: HIIemorrhage of the anus; itching of the anus; diarrhcea; cholera and cholerine; hamorrhoids; fistula recti; prolapsus of the rectum; dysentery; constipation; worm-affections. XXI. URTPINE AND URINARY DIFFICULTIES.-SeC: Catalrh of the bladder; cystitis; themiorrhoids of the bladder; cy stospasmus'; cystoplegia; polypus of the bladder; thickening of thle bladder; urinary secretion; urinary diicotties; urinary fistula: hmemorrhag'e of tle urethra; urethritis; g(nuorrhcea; stricture; diabetes; retention of urine; nephritis; calculi renales; lithiasis. XXIII. MALE SEXUAL PARTS.-See: Balanorrhcea; eexual inrtirnct; sexual power; gonorthcea; hernia scrotalis; orchitis; SYSTMZATIC,TABLE OF -0 RT. B 17 induration of the testes; phinosis; prostatitie; herpws prxputialis; sycosis; syphilis. XXIV. FEMaiLE SEXUAL PARTS, AND DISEASES OF WOMiw. — See: Diseases of the ovaries; hsemorrhage of the Uterus; metirtis; cancer of the uterus; diseases of the uterus; prolapsus of the uterus; herpes prmputialis; swelling of the pudendum.Menstrual dificzties;' amenia; chlorosis; leucotrrhas; sexudal instinct; sexualpower; pregnancy; eonJinement; labour; puerperal fever; nursing; breasts and nipples. N. B. Diseases of children, infants at the breast and new-born infants, (see under: Diseases of children.) XXV. TRACHEA AND COUGH.-See: Croup; influenza; hoarseness (and aphonia); cough; catarrh; catarrhal fever; laryngitis; laryngeal phthisis; whooping-cough; tracheitis; tracheal phthisis; catarrh. XXVI. CHEST, RESPIRATION AND HEART.-See: Asthma Wigandi et Millari; asthma spasmodicum; asthma thymicum; angina pectoris; congestions of the chest; inflammation of the chest; pleuritis; pains in the chest; hydrothorax; orthopncea paralytica; diseases of the heart) and palpitation of the heart); hsemorrhage of the lungs; pneumonia; paralysis of the lungs; pulmonary phthisis. XXVII. BACK, SMALL OF THE BACK AND NECK.-See: Lumbago; nephritis; atrophia spiualis; spinitis; arthralgia; diseases of the )ones; spasmis; paraly,3is; rhachitis; rheumatism; paroxvsms of pain; scrophulosis. XXV1II. UPPER E:.-TREMITIES.-See: Deatdness of single parts; arthrocace; hydrarthrus; tumours; arthritis; chiragra; arthralgia; diseases of the bones; paralysis; contraction of muscles; rheumatism; paroxysms of pain; diseases of the nails (and panaritia). XXIX LowER EXTREMITI:,s. —See: Artlhrocace; hydrarthrus; 18 SYSTEMATIC TABLE OF ARTICLES. arthralgia;- timours; ulcers; arthritis; coxagra; gonitis; dis-' eases of the bones; paralysis; diseases of the nails; cdema; podagra; psoitis; contraction of muscles; erysipelas; rheuma$ian; paroxysmns of pain; diseases of the nails. N. B. The full names of the remedies recommended in this work, will be found at the end of the work, in the" Characteristic Symptoms; in the body of the work the abbreviated names have been used. CLINICAL GUIDE; OR, POCKET-REPERTORY; FOR THE HOM(EOPATHIC TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES. N. B.-The classification of remedies which I have used in this Repertory, is the same as that which has been used in my Manual. The remedies under No. 1 are those that have acquired authority both from our provings and from experience at the sick-bed; the remedies under No. 2 are likewise authoritative, but not in the same absolute sense as those under No. 1. The remedies under No. 3 have only been confirmed by single cases, or are simply indictled rgtically; and the remedies marked with an interrogation-point (? ftih lielevr been used in practice, and ate proposed upon a mere theoretical suggestion. CLINICAL GUIDE For the Homwopathic Treatment of ACUTE AND CIRONIC DISEASES. ABSCESSES, INTERNAL AND FXTERNAL.-~ 1.- Internal abecesses generally require the same remedies'as external. A preference should be given: a) for acute abscesses, to: Ars. asa..bell. bryon. chain. hep. led. mezer. phosph. puls. sulph. b) for chronic abscesses, whether cold or occasioned by congestions, to: Asa. aurum. calc. carb-veg. con. hep. iod. laur. tycop. mang. mere. merc-corr. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil. sulph. ~ 2. Particular indications: ARSEN.: for intolerably, burning pains, during the fever; or when the abscess threatens to become gangrenous, or is accompanied with great debility. AsA: for abscesses discharging a colorless, serous pus; violent pains on contact, and great sensitiveness of the adjoining parts BELLAD.: Pressure, burning and stinging in the abscess; cheesy and flocculent pus.-Is especially suitable for hepatie abscesses. BRYON.: The tumor is either very red or very pale, with tensive pain. MEZER.: for abscesses of fibrous parts and of tendons, or for abscesses arising from abuse of Mercury. PULSAT.: When the abscess bleeds readily, with stinging or cutting pains; or when an itching, burning and stinging is experienced in the surrounding parts; especially varices. RHUs.: especially for abscesses of the axillary or parotid glands, when the swelling is painful to the touch, or discharges a bloody. serous pus. ACNE.-For acne in the face of young people: Bell. carbpeg. hep. or sulph. For acne arising from sexual abuse, principally: Cale. phes-ac. and sulph. 1 2 ADIPOSIS-AMBLYQPIA. For acne of drunkards: N-vom. led. and sulph., or ars. lack. and puls. For acne rosacea: 1) Carb-an. kreos. rhus. veratr. 2) Ars. calc. carb-veg. mezer. ruta. 3) Aur-m. cann. caust. canth. cicut. laches. ledum. sepia. For acne punctata (comedones, black pores) most frequently: 1) Bell. hep. natr. nitr-ac. sulph. 2) Natr-m. sabin. selen. ADIPOSIS: for adiposes of young men and girls, observation and symptoms point to the following remedies: 1) Ant. calc. caps. ferr. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. baryt. cupr. lyc. veratr. AGUSTIA: ~ 1. The principal remedies are: 1) Bell. lyc. natr-m. phosph. puls. sil. 2) Alum. amm-m. anac. calc. hep. hyos. kal. kreos. magn-m. n-vom. rhod. sec. sop. veratr. ~ 2. For agustia from purely nervous causes, such as paralysis, the principal remedies are: Bell. hyos. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. sep. veratr. For agustia attended with catarrh, &c., we use: 1) N-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. hep. natr-m. rhod. sep. ~ 3. Compare HEARING, HARDNESS OF, ANOSMIA, AMBLYOPIA, &C. ALCOHOL, POISONING BY.-According to Hering, the principal remedies are: 1) Milk. 2) Mucilaginous drinks. 3) Caustic spirits of Ammonium, (one drop in a tumblerful of sugar-water, in teaspoonful doses). Black coffee is likewise useful, as well as Nux-vom. in homoeopathic doses. ALUM, POISONING BY, AND ILL EFFECTS OF, ABUSE OF, for poisoning by large doses of: 1) Soap-water, or, 2) sugar-water, until vomiting sets in; afterwards Puls. or vcratr. for the remaining symptoms. AMBLYOPIA, weakness or morbid alteration of sight; weakness of sight, from mere dim-sightedness to complete blindness may arise from so many causes, and may be attended with so many different morbid states of the organism, that there is scarcely a remedy which is not of advantage in the treatment of this affection. I have, therefore, noted only the most efficacious remedies for amblyopia, furnishing particular indications to serve as points of support, and to facilitate the selection of remedies for particular cases. The principal remedies for amblyopia, are: 1) Aur. bell. calc. caust. chin. cic. cin. dros. hyos. merc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. rut. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. 2) Agar. cann. caps. con. croc. dig. dulc. euphr. guaj. kal. lach. lyc. magn. natr. nitr-ac. op. plumb. rhus. sec. spig. tart. zinc. AMBLYOPIA. 3 For amblyopia, simple weakness of sight: 1) Anac. bell. cale. caps. cin. croc. hyos. lyc. magn. puls. rut. sep. and sulph. 2Cann. caust. natr. natr-m. phos. plumb. &lc, For amblyopia amaurotica (incipient amaurosis): 1) Aur. bell. calc. caps. caust. chin. cic. con. dros. dulc. hyos. merc. natlr. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. phos. puls. rhus. sec. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. 2) Agar. caps. cin. dig. euphr. guaj. kal. lach. lye. n-mosch.? plumb. zinc. &c. For complete amaurosis, provided it is not incurable, the same remedies should be used as for amblyopia amaurotica, the remedy depending not so much upon the degree of weakness, as upon the totality of the symptoms. Unless secondary symptoms should require other remedies, we may use: Bellad. calc. mere. phosph. sep. su7ph. &c., though any other remedy may be used if indicated by the general symptoms. For erethic amaurosis, principally: Bell. calc. cic. con. hyos. merc. nitr-ac. op. phos. sep. sulph. &c. For torpid amnaurosis: Aur. caps. caust. chin. dros. dulc. natr. natr-.m. op. phos.-ac. plumb. sec. veratr. &c. ~ 2. As regards external causes, if the weakness should have been caused by.fine work, give Bell. or Ruta, or perhaps, Carbv. calc. and spig. If by debilitating causes, loss of animalJfuids, sexual abuse, &c.. give Chin. or cin. or perhaps, 2) Anac. calc. natr. natr-m. n-rom, or sulph. or, 3) Phos-ac. sep. If by DRINKING, Chin. calc. lach. n-vom. op. and sulph. If by EXTERNAL INJURIES, BLOW ON THE HEAD, VIOLENT CONcussIoNs, &c., 1) Am. 2) Con. euphr. rhus. rut. or staph. If by old age, principally: Aur. bar. con. op. phos. seE. If by SCROPHULA: 1) Bell. calc. chin. cin. dulc. merc. sulph. 2) Aur. euphr. hep. n-vom. or puls. &c. If by ARTHRITIC METASTASIS: Ant. bell. merc. puls. rhus. spig. sulph. &c. If by RHEUMATIC dAUSES: 1) Cham. euphr. lye. mere. nux. puls. rhus. spig. sulph. 2) Caust. hep. lach. &c. If by SUPPRESSION OF SUPPURATION or MUCOUS DISCHARGE: Chin. euphr. hep. lyc. puls. sil. sulph. &c. If by SUPP ESSION OF HABITUAL DISCHARGES OF BLOOD, such as HAeMORRHOIDS, MENSES, &c.: Bell. calc. lyc. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. &c. If by SUPPRESSION OF AN EXANTHEM: Bell. calc. caust. lach. lyc. merc. sil. stram. sulph. &c. If by ablse of Mercury or some other metallic substance: 1) Sulph. 2) Hep. nitr-ac. sil. or, 3) Aur. bell. carb-v. chin. lack.. op. puls. &c. ~ 3. As regards the affections which may attend amblyopia, 4 AMBLYOPIA. if nervous headache, the principal remedies are: Aur. bell. bry calc. hep, nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. sulph. &c. If CONGESTION OF'BLOOD TO THE HEAD: Alur. bell. calc. chin. kyos. n-vom. op. phos. sil. sulph. &c. If HEARING, and the EAR be AFFECTED: Cic. nitr. ac. petr. phos. puls. &c. If by GASTRIC and ABDOMINAL AILMENTS: Ant. calc. caps. chin. cocc. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. sulph. &c. If by UTERINE DERANGEMENTS: Aur. bell. cic. cocc. con. magn. natr-m. n-vom. plat. phos. puls. rhus..sep. stram. sulph. &c. If by PULMONARY COMPLAINTS: Calc. cann. hep. lach. lyc. natrm. phos. sil. sulph. &c. If by DISEASES OF THE HEART: Aur. calc. cann. dig. lach. phos. puls. sep. spig. &c. If by SPASMS, EPILEPSY, &C.: Bell. lach. caust. cic. ign. hyos. lach. op. sil. stram. sulph. &c. ~ 4. As regards symptoms, the remedy should be selected in accordance with the totality thereof, both the symptoms of the eye and those of the general organism. But as it would be impossible to enumerate those symptoms without repeating the pathogenesis of every remedy indicated, I must content myself with furnishing the following particular indications for the different remedies of the eyes, leaving to the practitioner the business of supplying omissions and modifying my indications agreeably to the general symptoms of the patient. Use: AURUM: for black spots, or scintillations; half-sightedness, so that things appear to be cut off horizontally; tensive pain in the eyes. BELLADONNA: for dilated or insensible pupils; photophobia, spasmodic motions of the eyes and eyelids, induced by the lighlt impinging upon the retina; scintillations or mist, or black spots or points before the eyes, or spots of various colours, or silver-coloured; hemeralopia, as soon as the sun is down; diplopia; or the objects appear red, or inverted; stitches in the eyes, or aching and distensive pains extending to the orbits and forehead; red face. CALCAREA: for mistiness of sight, gauze before the eyes, especially when reading, or after eating, with black motes before the eyes; extreme photophobia, with dazzling of the eyes by light; dilated pupils; pressure, or feeling of coldness in the eyes. CAUSTICUM: for sudden and frequent loss of sight, with sensation as if a pellicle were stretched over the eyes; or dimsightedness as if looking through a cloth or mist; black threads or motes, scintillations; photophobia. CHINA: for weak sight, the patient sees only the outlines of things near him; the letters look pale, are surrounded by white AMBLYOPIA. 5 borders, blurred; dilated and not very sensible pupils; dimness of cornea as if the eyes were filled with smoke; scintillations or black motes; the eyes feel better after sleeping. CICUTA: Frequent vanishing of sight, as if by absence of mind, with vertigo, especially when walking; the objects seem to totter, and the letters to move when reading; diplopia; frequent obscuration of sight, alternating with hardness of hearing; blue margins around the eyes; photophobia, burning in the eyes; aching pain over the orbits. CINA: for dimness of sight when reading, going off by wiping the eyes; dilated pupil; photophobia; pressure in the eyes, as if sand had got in, especially when reading. DROSERA: for frequent vanishing of sight, especially when reading, the letters look pale and blurred; photophobia, the eyes are dazzled by the light, or by the glare of fire; they are very dry; the nose is dry and stopped up; stitches in the eyes. HYoscYAMUs: for dilated pupils; frequent spasms of the eyes and eyelids; squinting; diplopia; hemeralopia; illusion of sight, as if things were red, or larger than they really are; aching, stupefying pains over the eyes. MERCURIUS: for mistiness of sight; frequent, momentary loss of sight; black points; scintillations, black motes; paroxysms of momentary blindness; the letters seem to move when reading; the eyes are very sensitive to the light, or the glare of fire; cutting, stinging or aching pains in the eyes, especially when exerting the eyes; (dilated, or even insensible, or unequal pupils.) NATRUM MUR.: for frequent obscuration of sight, especially when stooping, walking, reading, writing, &c.; dimsightedness as if through gauze or feathers; the letters look blurred; diplopia; half-sightedness; frequent, spasmodic closing of the lids; frequent lachrymation. Nux voM.: for scintillations, or black or gray points, or flashes; the eyes are very sensitive to light, especially early; violent pressure in the eyes after using them ever so little; red face; dilated pupils; heaviness and frequent closing of the eyelids. PHTosPHoRUS: for sudden patroxysms of nyctalopia, or sensation as if things were covered with a gray veil; the eyes are very sensitive to the light, or are dazzled by bright light; blackness or black points or sparks; aching pains in the eyes, orbits and forehead; frequent lachrymation, especially in the open air, and when exposed to the wind. PULSATILLA: for frequent vanishing and obscuration of sight, with paleness of sight, and disposition to vomit; blindness at twilight, and sensation as if the eyes were bandaged; or mistiness of sight, or sensation as i the dimness of sight could be 1* 6 AMBLYOPIA. removed by wiping, particularly in the open air, or in the evening, or early on waking; diplopia, or paleness of sight; shining or flashing rings before the eyes; photophobia, with stitches in the eyes when the light impinges upon the retina; frequent and copious lachrymation, particularly in the open air, when exposed to wind and light; contraction of the pupils. RurA: for mistiness of sight, with complete obscuration at a distance; muscle volitanites; aching or burning pains in the eyes on using them, particularly when reading; lachrymation in the open air..SEPIA: for dimness of sight, particularly when reading or writing; contraction of pupils; gauze, black spots or stripes before the eyes; photophobia in. the day-time; aching pain over the eyeball. SILIcEA: for dimness of sight, as if looking through a gray cover; paroxysms of sudden nyctalopia; the letters look pale and blurred when reading; sparks and black spots before the eyes; photophobia, the light of day dazzles the eyes; frequent lachrymation, especially in the open air; stitches in the forehead which seem to strike through the eyes. SULPHUR: for mistiness, or dimness of sight as if looking through black gauze or feather-dust; frequent obscuration of sight, especially when reading; photophobia, especially from the -light of the sun, and when the weather is warm and sultry; the eyes are dazzled by the light; sudden paroxysms of nyctalopia; scintillations and white spots, or motes and black points or stripes before the eyes; tearing burning pains in the head and eyes; profuse lachrymation, especially in the open air; or, great dryness of the eyes, especially in the room; unequal or dilated and insensible pupils. VERATRUM: for hemeralopia; sparks and black spots before the eyes, particularly on rising from the bed, or from a. chair; profuse lachrymation, with burning, cutting, and feeling of dryness; diplopia; photophobia, &c. ~ 5. The following remedies deserve particular consideration for particular symptoms: Palesightedness: Dros. petr. sil.-Things look blue: Bell. lyc. stramn. stront. sulph. zinc.-The eyes are dazzled by bright light: Bar. calc. caust. cic. dros. euphr graph. kal. mere n-vom. phos. phos-ac. sep. sil.-Periodical paroxysms of blindness: Calc. chel. chin dig. euphr. hyos. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. —Nyctalopia: Phos. sil. sulph.; aeon. mere.; con. nitr. n-vom. phos. stram.-Hemeralopia: Bell. chinin? hyos. merc. puls. strain. veratr.-Complete, constant blindness: Bell. calc. caust.? chel.? cic.? con.? dig.? euphr.? hyos.? natr-m.? op.? phos.? puls.? sec.? sil. stram. sulph. -Blindness with frequent desire to wink: Croc. euphr. hep. AMIBLYOPIA. 7 petr. phos-ac. plat. staph. —Diplopia: Bell. cic. daph. dig. euph. hyo.s. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. putls. sec. stram sulph. veratr. -Obscuration (vanishing of sight): Agar. aur. bell. bry catc. caust. cic. con. dig. dros. ferr. graph. hep. hyos. lyc. mang. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-orm. oleand. phos. puls. sil. sulph. —Darkness (gray black cover) before the eyes: Agar. anac. aur. baryt. cal., caust. ehin. chinin. con. euphr. magn-c. mere. natr. natr-m. phos. sep. sil.-Things look as if at a distance: Anac. carb-a. cic. natr-m, n-mosch. phos. stann. stram. sulph.-Coloured appearances before the eyes: Aur. bell. bor. camph. hyos. kal. n-vom., puls. spig. veratr.-Featherdust before the eyes: Calc. lye. natr. natr-m. sulph.-Luminous appearances (scintillations): Aur. bell. bry. caust. croc. hyos. kal. lyc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. puls. spig. zinc.-Black and dark spots before the eyes: Amm-m. anac. aur. bar. bell. calc. caust. chin. chinin. kal. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil.-Flying spots and gauzes: Acon. agar. am-m. bell. calc. chin. con. mere. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil.- stram. Luminous vibration: Amm. caust. chainm graph.-Gauze or mist before the eyes: Bell. calc. caust. chinin. croc. dros. ign. kreoa. lye. merc. natr-m. petr. phos. phos.ac. rut. sec. sep. sulph.Things look yellow: Bell. canth. chin. dig. mere. sep.-Things look gray: Nitr-ac. n-vor. phos. sil. stram.-Things look larger than they are: Euph. hyos. natr-m. phos.-Hclfsightedness: Aur. calc. caiust. lye. mur-ac. natr-m. sep. —Light colours and appearances before the eyes: Amm. bell. bor. calc. camph. hyos. kal. natr-m. n-som. puls. sil. spig; valer. —Shortsightedness: Amm. calc. chin. con. cycl. euphr. hyos. lach. lye. nitr-ac. petr. phos. phos-ac. puls. rut. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. valer. -Longsightedness: Calc. coff. con. dros. hyos. lye. meph. natr. natr-m. n-vom. petr. sep. sil. sulph.-Dilated pupils: Aeon. bell. cale. caps. chin. cic. cin. cocc. con. croc. cycl. guaj., hep. hyos. ign. ipec. led. lye. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. sec. spig. squil. staph. stram. veratr. zinc.-Contracted pupils: Anac. arn. bel. carmph. cham. chel. chin. cic. cocc. dig. ign. led. mez. mur-ae phos. puls. rut. sep. sil. squill. sulph thuj. veratr. zinc.-Colours as of the rainbow: Bell. cic. kal. nitr. phos. phos-ac. stram. sulph.-Things look red: Bell. con. croc. dig. hep. hyos. spig.. stront. sulph -Shadows before the eyes: Sen.-Disposition to, squint: Alum. bell. hyos. puls. —Blackness of sight, black. colours before the eyes: Bell. ealc. chin. euphr. kal. magn-c. phos. sep. sil. stram. —Stripes before the eyes: Amm. bell. con. nathm. puls. sep — Dimness of sight: Ambr. atom. anac. bar. bell. calc. cann. caust. chin. con. croc. euphr. hep. ign. kreos8 lye. mere. phos. puls. rut. sep. sil. sulph.-Things look inverted:. Bell.-Disposition to wipe the eyes all the time: Carb-a. cro.; lye. natr. phos. puls.-The letters look blurred when reading: Bell. bry. chin. daph. dros. graph. hyos. lye. natr-mt *en,. sil. stram. viol-od. 8 AMENIA. AMENIA: AMENORRH(EA, MENOSCHESIS, SUPPRESSION OF THE MENSES, and the AILMENTS INCIDENTAL THERETO: ~ 1. The best remedies are: 1) Puls. sep. sulph. 2) Acon. bry. con. dulc. graph. kal. lyc. sil. 3) Amon. ars. bell. baryt. calc. caust. cham. coccul. cupr. ferr. natr-m. phosph. 4) Chin. jod. merc. n-mosch. op. plat. rhod. sabin. staph. stram. val. verat. zinc. ~ 2. Amenia of young girls, that is, too long delay of the first menses, requires principally: 1) Puls. sulph., or 2) Caust. cocc. graph. kal. natr-m. petr. sep. veratr. Suppression of the menses in consequence of a cold, principally: 1) N-mosch. puls., or 2) Bell. dulc. sep. sulph.,- or if occasioned by fright or sudden emotions: 1) Acon. lyc., or 2) Coff. op. veratr. For feeble, though not entirely suppressed menses (menoschesis), give: Calc. caust. con. graph. kal. lyc. magn. natrm. phosph. puls. sil. sulph. veratr. zinc. ~ 3. For amenia of plethoric individuals, use: Acon., bell. bry. n-vom. op. plat. sabin. or sulph. For debilitated or cachectic individuals: Ars. chin. con. graph. jod. natr-m. puls. sep. sulph. ~ 4. Particular indications for thp symptoms characterizing amenia: AcONITUM: frequent congestion of blood to the head or chest, with palpitation'of the heart; aching, pulsative or stitching pains in the head; redness of the face; full and hard pulse; frequent'heat with thirst; disposition to be angry, &c.; is particularly:suitable to young girls who lead a sedentary life. ARsENICUMv: great debility; pale, livid complexion with blue,margins around the eyes; constant desire for sour things, coffee,,or brandy; great craving for sexual intercourse; corrosive,leucorrhcea; frequent paroxysms of fainting. BRYONIA: amenorrhea is attended with violent erethism of the circulation; frequent congestion of blood to the head or,chest, with bleeding of the nose or dry cough; coldness, frequent Bshudderings which sometimes alternate with a dry or burning.heat;,constipation, belly-ache, and colic.?CAIcAREA: frequent rush of blood to the head, vertigo,'burning pains in the forehead, or throbbing and aching pain in the head; buzzing in the ears; belly-ache with a feeling of fulness in the hypochondria, and inability to wear tight clothes'; colic, with pains down the thighs, especially at the time when the menses ought to appear; great languor, heaviness in the whele body, especially in the lower limbs. "CAusICUM: hysteric pains, colic, pains in the loins, abdominal spasms, yellowish complexion. AMENIA. 9 CHINA: pale face with blue margins around the eves; headache, especially at night; bellyache, particularly after dinner; bad digestion; emaciation; great debility with languor and heaviness of the lower limbs; sleeplessness or restless sleep, with anxious or fatiguing dreams; or: abdominal or pulmonary spasms; rush of blood to the head, with pulsations of the carotids; nymphomania; nervousness, great sensitiveness to the least noise, &c. CoccLvUS: hysteric abdominal spasms at a time when the menses ought to appear, with pressure towards the chest, oppression, restlessness, anguish, sadness, moaning; great debility, which does not even allow the patient to talk; or: discharge of black blood in drops, attended with great nervous distress. CONIUM: hysteric and chlorotic symptoms, flaccid and dry, or hard and painful breasts; great nervousness, involuntary laughing and weeping; great weakness after the least walk; anguish and sadness; abdominal spasms, distention of the abdomen, stitching pains, leucorrhcea, &c. CUPRUM: rush of blood to the head, with aching pain in the vertex; red face and eyes; or: pale face with blue margins around the eyes; frequent nausea with vomiting; abdominal spasms, or twitching of the limbs, with heaviness; palpitation of the heart, and spasms of the chest. FERRUM: Great nervousness and debility, trembling of the limbs; emaciation, great disposition to lie and sit;. rush of blood to the head, with throbbing pain, roaring, buzzing and prickling in the brain; pale, livid face, with blue margins around the eyes; or burning redness of the face, with red eyes; pressure in the stomach and head; great lassitude in the lower limbs, and other chlorotic affections. GRAPHITES: The menses appear occasionally, but are pale, and cease again shortly after; especially when herpetic or erysipelatous eruptions appear upon the skin; hysteric headache, nausea, pain in the chest, great debility; colic and hysteric spasms; leucorrhcea and sterility; hemorrhoidal disposition. IODIUM: Frequent palpitation of the heart; pale face, sometimes alternating with redness; loss of breath on ascending an eminence; great nervousness, debility, especially in the lower limbs, and other chlorotic symptoms. KALI CARB.: very efficacious, particularly when attended with difficult breathing; palpitation of the heart; disposition to erysipelatous eruptions, and paleness of the face which sometimes alternates with great redness. LYcoPoDIum: Chlorotic symptoms, disposition to sadness, melancholy, and weeping; hysteric headache; sour vomiting and mouth; swelling of the feet, pains in the back and loins, colic; fainting fits; leucorrhcea; swelling and pressure in the umbili 10 AMENIA. cal region, and drawing or tensive pains through the whole body. MERCURIUS: Rush of blood to the head; dry heat; orgasm of the circulation; lencorrhcea; oedematous swelling of the hands and feet, or of the face; pale face and sickly complexion; great languor and debility, with trembling and rushes of blood after the least exertion; irritable mood; sad, peevish, and whimsical. NATRUM: Frequent headache, hysteric or chlorotid symptoms; disposition to melancholy, with listlessness; great debility of body and mind, with heaviness in the limbs and aversion to motion; disposition to be angry and vehement. Nux MOscH..: Suppression.of the menses, with spasms and other hysteric affections; disposition to sleep and faint away, with great nervousness, debility; complete exhaustion after the least exertion; pains in the loins; frequent water brash; fitful mood. OPIum: Suppression, with congestion of blood to the head, which feels heavy; redness and heat of the face, sopor and convulsive motions. PULSATILLA: Amenorrhoea, especially from a cold or getting wet; or when attended with: frequent paroxysms of hemicrania, with stitching pains extending to the face and teeth; or aching pains over the forehead, with pressure on the vertex; pale complexion; vertigo with buzzing in the ears; stitching toothache, the pains suddenly sshifting from one side to the other; frtquent catarrh; difficult breathing, loss of breath and asthma after the least exertion; palpitation of the heart; cold hands and feet, frequently alternating with sudden heat; disposition to mucous diarrhcea; leucorrhos; pains in the loins; oppressive weight in the abdomen; colic with nausea and vomiting; constant chilliness with yawning, stretching and great languor, especially in the lower limbs; swelling of the feet; especially suitable to females with blond hair, blue eyes, freckles in the face, mild disposition and. disposition to sadness and weeping. SABINA: When the menses, after flowing profusely at other times, cease, and are replaced by a thick. fetid leucorrhcea. SEPIA: Ranks with Puls. for amenorrhcea with lencorrhea; it is further indicated by frequent paroxysms of hysteric or nervous headtachie; toothache, with excessive sensitiveness of the dental nerves; delicate constitution; delicate and sensitive skin; sallow complexion or dingy spots in the face; nervous debility and great disposition to sweat; frequent alternation of chilliness and heat; disposition to melancholy anid weeping; frequent paroxysms of catarrh; exposure to wet; pains in the limbs as if bruised; frequent colic and pains in the small of the back. SLULPHIUR: Achingb and tensive pain in the head, especially from the occiput to the neck; or throbbing pains in the head, with ANXEMIA.-ANEURISM. 11 contgestion of blood, heat, digging, shocks, and whizzing noise in the brain; pale and sickly complexion, blue margins around the eyes, and red spots on the cheeks; pimples on the forehead and around the mouth; immoderate hunger, voracity; general emaciation; sour and burning eructations; pressure, feeling of repletion and heaviness in the stomach, hypochondria, and abdomen; hemorrhoidal disposition; slimy diarrhoea; or constipation, with hard stools and frequent, ineffectual urging; abdominal spasms; leucorrhwoa; itching of the sexual organs; hysteria, and chlorotic symptoms; the limbs are liable to go to sleep; asthma; pains in the loins; fainting fits; great disposition to take cold; nervous debility, great languor, especially in the lower limbs, and great exhaustion after talking; irritable mood, disposition to be angry; or sad and melancholy, frequent weeping. VERATRUM: Amenorrhcea with nervous headache, hysteric symptoms; pale, livid face; frequent nausea and vomiting; cold hands, feet, and nose; great weakness, with fainting turns; sexual excitement, even nymphomania, and other forms of mania. ~ 5. See: MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES, CHLOROSIS, &c. ANZEMIA.-The best remedies are: 1) Ars. chin. puls. squill. staph. sulph. 2) Arm. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. cin. con. ferr. hep. ign. kal. lyc. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. If it arise from loss of blood, or other fluids, give: 1) Chin. n-vom. sulph.; or 2) Calc. carb-v. cin. phos-ac. staph. sulph. If caused by violent acute diseases, use: Calc. carb-v. chin. hep. kal. natr. natr-m. n-vom. veratr. See CIILOROSIS, DEBILITY, SCURVY, &C. ANASARCA.-Principal remedies: Ars. bry. chin. dig. dulc. hell. merc. and sulph., or perhaps Camph. convolv. lact. rhus. samb. and sol-nigr. For anasarca after cutaneous diseases, such as: scarlatina, measles, &c., we give with great effect, hell. and ars.; in other cases the remedies have to be chosen in accordance with the symptoms. See DRorsY. ANEURISM.-Best remedies, so far as known: Carb-veg. lach. and lyc.;- also: Guaj. puls. and sulph.-In some cases may be required: 1) Calc. caust. graph. kali-carb. 2) Amnb. arn. ars. ferr. natr-m. zinc. ANEURISM BY ANASTOMOSIS.-Yields to: Carb-veg. cauit. lycop. platin. thuj. 12 ANGINA PECTORIS.-ANOREXIA. ANGINA PECTORIS, NEURALGIA ORDIS. —One of the principal remedies seems to be Hep., after which give: 2) Ars. lach. samb. veratr., and 3) Aeon. aur. bell. caust. dig. phos. spong., and (according to Hartmann) Angust. ipec. and sep. As regards the particular indications, we refer the reader to the remedies under ASTHMA, CONGESTOrNS OF THE CHEST, SPASMS OF THE CHEST, SUFFOCATIVE CATARRH, and DISEASES OF THE HEART, and the symptoms of those remedies in HEMPEL'S " Jahr." ANGUISH, PAROXYSMS OF.-Generally a mere symptom, though sometimes so prominent and distressing that it deserves a special treatment. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ars. aur. bell. cham. digit. merc. n-vom. puls. veratr. 2) Alum. anac. baryt. bryon. carb-an. carb-veg. coccul. cupr. graph. hyosc. ignat. lycop. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. rhus. sepia. spigel. spong. sulph. See EMOTIONS, morbid, HYPOCHONDRIA, HYSTERIA. ANOSMIA: The best remedies are: Bell. calc. natr-m. nvom. phosph. puls. sep. sil. sulph., or: Alum. aur. caps. caust. hep. hyos. ipec. kal. lyc. magn-m. mez. nitr-ac. oleand. op. rhus. veratr. For loss of smell from paralysis of the olfactory nerves, we have principally: Bell. ca ust. Ayos. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. op. plumb. sep. For catarrhal anosmia: Alum. calc. hep. mez. natr-m. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. sulph. Compare: NASITIS, CATARRH, &c., also: AMIBLYOPIA; HEARING, HARDNESS OF, and the CAUSES and VARIETIES of these affections. ANOREXIA.-~- 1. Though generally a mere symptom, yet it is sometimes a mere dislike to certain kinds of nourishment which can be treated with: 1) Ant. arn. china. hepar. mere. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. tart. 2) Baryt. bryon. calc. cycl. natr-m. sepia. silic. 3) Ars. bell. canth. cicut. coccul. coni. ignat. lycop. natr-m. opi. plat. thuj. veratr. ~ 2. For independent anorexia, or for anorexia remaining after gastric affections, we have: 1) Ant. cyclam. sulph. 2) China. n-vom. puls. rhus. sepia. siic. For anorexia accompanied with hunger, use: 1) China helleb. natr-m. rhus. 2) Bryon. calc. ignat. n-vom. opi. silic. 3) Ars. baryt. dulc. magnes-m. sulph-ac. Foe anorexia accompanied with complete loathing of food, rive,) Ipecac. puls. rhus. 2) Chin. ignat. n-vom. 3) Am. bryon. coccul. natr-m. 4) Acon. bell. laches. mur-ac. sepia. ANOREXIA.-APOPLEXIA. i3 ~ 3. For partial anorexia, or aversion to particular kinds of nourishment, we have principally: a) For aversion to beer: 1) Bell. chin. cocc. n-vomr. 2) Cham. stann. sulph.-to brandy: Ignat.-to wine: Ignat. laches. magn-aus. mere. sabad.-to milk: Bell. bryon. calc. carb-cvg. cina. ignat. natr. puls. sepia. silic.-to coffee: Bell. bryon. cham. mere. natr-m. n-vomn. rhus.-to drinks generally: 1) Bell. canth. hyosc. n-vom. stram. 2) Laches. natr-m. b) For aversion to rye bread: Lycop. natr-m. n-vom. phos-ac. sulph.-;-o bread generally: Coni. lycop. natr-m. n-vom. phosac. puls. —to bufter: C/hina. carb-veg. merc.-to fat and fat things: B'. yl:. carb-an. carb-veg. helleb. Ihepar. natr-m. puls. -to rneat a. id brath: Ignat. mere. mur-ac. nitr-ac. puls. silic sal.p's. 2)) Bell. calc. carb-veg lycop. rhus. sabad. sepia.to fish: 0/rsa/i —-to vegetables: Helleb. margnes-c. -to warm, boiled foa.'lc. grraph. ignat. lycop. nmagnes-c. silic.-to solid food: 1);/o. ta/. h. sulph. 2) Ferr. nserc. c) For a;crrion to sour thing s: Bell. cocc. fer. sabad. sulph., -to sweets, siag, r, &c.: Ars. caust. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. sulph. zinc. ~ 4. For s7 rthser indications, see: GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, STOMACH, DE)i;iNOGEMENT OF; VOMITING, NAUSEA, &C. ANTHRIRSX.-When caused by infection, the best remedy is arsen. unilss chin. silic. and rhus, or puls. should be indicated. The MALI;,NANT'PUSTULE generally yields to: Ars. bell. rhus. silic. or perhaps: Chin. hyosc. nur-ac. sec. sep. The comn;kno anthrax or carbuncle, which is not caused by infections, gmenerally requires Silic. or perhaps: Hyosc. lye. or nitr-ac. —osietimes Arnica is given with great effect at the commencement, after which Nux-v. completes the cure. There is a kind of carbuncle which contains lice; this requires Ars. and ch/isn. ANTHROPHOBIA.-This kind of mania is best treated with: 1) Baryt. hyos. lye. natr. puls. rhus. 2) Acon. anac. aur. bell. cic. con. cupr. led. selen. stann. 3) Am-m. calc. mang. natr-m. nitr-ac. phoph. sulph. See: MENTAL DERANGEMENTS, and EMOTIONS, MORBID. APHTHIE.-The best remedies are: Borax. merc. n-vom. sulph. sulph-ac. &c. See: STOMACACE. APOPLEXIA.-The best remedies are: 1) Arn. baryt. bell. cocc. lach. n-vom. op. puls., and then 2) Acon: ant. coff. con. dig. hyoE. ipec. merc. n-mosch. tart. 2 14 APOPLEXIA. ~ 2) For apoplexia sanguinea: 1) Arn. bell. lach. n-vom. op., or 2) Acon. anth. baryt. coff. ipec. hyos. merc. puls. For apoplexia serosa: Am. ipec. dig. merc.; or: Baryt. cin. cocc. con. Fer apoplexia nervosa: 1) Am. bell. coff. hyos. stram. 2) Camph. laur. ~ 3. For the subsequent paralysis: 1) Arn. baryt. bell. coce. lach. n-vom. rhus. stram. zinc.; or 2) Anac. calc. caust. con. dulc. natr-m. laur. phosph. plumb. ruta. sep. sil. For hemiplegia, particularly: Alum. anac. caust. cocc. graph. kal. lach. phos-ac. sulph-ac. ~ 4. For apoplexia of drunkards, give: Lach. n-vom. op.; or: Baryt. coff. con. puls. For apoplexia of old people: Baryt., or Op., or Con. dig. merc. &c. For apoplexia from loss of blood, or other debilitating causes: Chin. ipec., or Carb-veg. cocc. n-vom. puls. sep. For apoplexia from overloading the stomach: a few tablespoons of black coffee, or, if these should be insufficient: Ipec. nux-v. or puls. ~ 5. Particular indications: ARNICA: full and strong pulse, with paralysis of the limbs (especially on the left side); loss of consciousness and stupefaction, with stertorous breathing; sighing, muttering, involuntary discharge of faces and urine, &c. BARYTA: for paralysis of the tongue, or the upper limbs (especially on the right side); the mouth is drawn to one side; disturbed consciousness, with childish gesticulations and inability to keep the body erect; coma, restlessness, moaning and muttering; circumscribed redness of the cheeks. BELLADONNA: Stupefaction, loss of consciousness and speech, or convulsive movements of the limbs and muscles of the face; paralysis of the extremities, especially on the right side; the mouth is drawn to one side; paralysis of the tongue; ptyalism; difficulty of swallowing, or entire inability to swallow; (loss of sight;) dilated pupils; red, protruded eyes; red and bloatedface. CoccuLuS: The paroxysms are preceded and attended by vertigo, nausea; convulsive motions of the eyes; paralysis, especially of the lower limbs, with insensibility, &c. LACHESIS: Stupefaction and loss of consciousness, with blue face and convulsive movements, or tremor of the extremities; or paralysis, especially of the left side; the paroxysms are preceded by: frequent absence of mind, or vertigo, with rush of blood to the head. ASPHYXIA.-ARTHRALGIA. 15 Nvx VOM.: Stupefaction, stertorous breathing and ptyalism; bleareyedness, dim eyes; paralysis, especially of the lower limbs; hanging down of the lower jaw; the paroxysms are preceded by: vertigo with headache and buzzing in the ear, or nausea with urging to vomit. OPIUM: The paroxysms are precededby: dulness of sense, vertigo and heaviness of the head, buzzing in the ears, hardness of hearing, staring look, sleeplessness, anxious dreams, or frequent desire to sleep; the paroxysm is attended by: tetanic rigidity of the whole body; redness, bloatedness and heat of the face; the head is hot and covered with sweat; red eyes, with dilated, insensible pupils; slow, stertorous breathing; convulsive motions and trembling of the extremities, foam at the mouth, &c. PULSATILLA: For stupefaction and loss of consciousness, bloated and bluish-red face, loss of motion, violent palpitation of the heart, almost complete suppression of the pulse, and rattling breathing. ~ 6. For further indications see: CONGESTIONS OF THE HEAD, SOPOR, SPAsMS, &C. APPARENT DEATH: Put a few pellets of the specific remedy on the tongue of the patient, or administer the medicine by the rectum, not omitting the required mechanical means of cure; but never resort to bleeding. If the asphyxia should have been occasioned by a blow, fall, &c., give Arnica. If the patient should have been bled before the exhibition of Arnica, give first China, (according to Hering), and then Arnica If arising from suffocation, Hering recommends, for those who died by suspension: Opium; by carbonic acid gas: Opium, acon. or bell.; and by drowning: Lachesis. For asphyxia from cong e'ation, after the patient had been resuscitated by the usual means, give for the remaining symptoms: Ars., carb-veg.; or Acon. and Bryo. For asphyxia by a asrnke of lightning, give: Nux vom. The patient should at the same time be placed in recently dug soil, half sitting, half.lying, and should be covered with it all over, except his face, which is to be turned towards the sun, until the first signs of life become apparent. For asphyxia of new-born infants, we use: Tart-emet. op. china, (and Acon. Himpel.) Compare: CAUSES and CONDITIONS. ARTHRALGIA: Having said everything we had to say on the pathological character of the diseases belonging under this head, rheumatism, gout', neuralgia, &c., we here point out more particularly the parts to which the remedies have specific cura 16 ARTHRALGIA. tive relations. This knowledge is not required in every case, but in many cases it is, since two or three remedies may correspond to the general state of the patient, and one of them only to the part affected. ~ 2. The remedies which are given for:-a) arthralgia generally, are: 1) Agn. calc. caust. ferr. kal. led. lyc. mang. merc, natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. stront. sulph. 2) Amb. amm. ant. am. aur. bry. caps. carb-veg. coloc. dros. hell. hep. petr. phosph. rhod. ruta. sassap. sil. spig. stann. staph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. b) For pains in the axillary joint: 1) Bry. calc. carb-veg. ferr. ign. kal. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. zinc. 2) Amb. arn. caps. caust. led lyc. merc. natr-m. petr. phosph. veratr. c) In the elbow-joint: 1) Arg. bell calc. caust. kal. led. mere. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Ant. bell. graph. lye. mez. petr. phosph. puls. ruta. staph. veratr. d) In the wrist-joint: 1) Amm. calc. caust. graph. kal. nitr. rhus. ruta. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. amm. carb-veg. euphr. hell. lach. led. mang. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. puls. sabin. sil. stront. e) In the finger-joints: 1) Agn. calc. carb-veg. caust. graph. hep. lyc. sep. spig. sulph. 2) Agn. aur. carb-an. cham. chin. colch. clem. cycl. graph. hell. ign. kal. lach. led. natr-m. nitr. petr. phosph. puls. rhus. sabin. sil. spong. staph. sulph. ~ 3. a) For pains in the hip and hip-joints: 1) Bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. coloc. led. merc. rhus. sulph. 2) Ant. coccul. ferr. hell. ipec. kal. lyc. mez. natr-m. phosph. puls. rhod. sabad. sep. sil. stront. veratr. b) In the knee and knee-joints: f) Bry. calc. caust. chin. lach. led. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. anac. ars. asa. carb-veg. coccul. con. ferr. graph. hell. hep. jod. kal. lyc. magn-c. merc. nitr-ac. rhod. ruta. spig. stann. staph. stront. veratr. zinc. c) In the tarsal-joints: 1) Bry. caust. lyc. merc. natr-m. phosph. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. sulph. 2) Amb. ars. carb-an, dros. hep. ign. kal. kreos. led. natr. n-vom. oleand. spig. staph. zzinc. d) In the toe-joints: 1) Arn. caust. chin. kal. led. sabin. sep. sulph. zinc. 2) Aur. calc. cham. con. ferr. lyc. n-vom. rhus. sil. ~ 4. a) For pains in the upper arm: 1) Bry. coccul. ferr. sep. sulph. 2) Ars. asa. bell. chin. ign. magn-arct. mez. nitr. puls. stann. val. b) In the fore-arm: 1) Calc. carb-veg. caust. lyc. mere. nvom. rhus. sassap. sep. staph. sulph. 2) Arg. carb-an. chin.ferr. ARTHRALGIA. 17 con. dulc. kal. mez. nitr. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhod. spig. stront. thuja. c) In the hands: 1) Bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. lach. lyc. n-vorn rhod. sep. sulph. 2) Anac. amb. aur. caust. cham. chin. clem. cocc. ferr. graph. hep. hyos. kal. merc. mez. natr. natr-m. petr. phosph. rhus. sil. spig. spong. zinc. d) In the fingers: 1) Amm. carb-veg. graph. hep. lyc. n-vom. phosph. pals. rhus. sil. suiph. 2) Amb. Amtm-m. calc. caust. cycl. kal. lach. mang. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. rhod. sep. spig. staph. sulph-ac. thuja. veratr. ~ 5. a) For pains in the thighs: 1) Bry. calc. chin. hep. merc. petr. phos.ac. rhod. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Arn. bell. caps. carb-veg. caust. coccul. coloc. graph. guaj. led. mez. natr-m. nvom. oleand. plat. rhus. sassap. spig. spong. thuj. b) In the leogs: 1) Bell. bry. calc. caust. ferr. kal. lyc. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. staph. 2) Anac. asa. borax. con. graph. ign. merc. mez. phos ac. rhod. rhus. sulph. c) In the tibia: 1) Asa. calc. lach. merc. mez. phosph. puls. sabin. 2) Agar. amn. bell. caust. con. dulc. ign. kal. lyc. mang. mur-ac. phos-ac. rhus. sep. sil. d) In the calves: 1) Alum. ars. calc. chamin. con. graph. lye. natr. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. val. 2) Ant. bry. chin. coloc. euphr. ferr. ign. kal. magn-aust. natr-m. n-vom. sil. spig. stanl. zinc. e) In the tendo-achilles: Anac. ant. caust. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. puls. rhus. staph. sulph. zinc. ~ 6. a) In the feet: 1) Arn. bell. bry. camph. caust. lye. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Ars. aur. baryt. ferr. graph. hep. kal. natr-m. nitrac. n-vom. phosph. rhod. rhus. ruta. sulph. b) In the heels: 1) Amm-m. ant. arn. caust. graph. ign. led. lyc. magn-arct. natr. nitr-ac. puls. sabin. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Calc. coloc. con. magn-arct. merc. petr. rhod. rhus. spong. c) In the dorsa of the feet: 1) Calc. camph. carb-an. caust. lyc. merc. puls. spig. thuj. 2) Anac. asa. bry. chin. colch. hep. ign. led. mur-ac. natr. n-vomn. rhus. sassap. staph. sulph. zinc. d) In the soles: 1) Amb. caust. graph. mur-ac. phosph. phos-ac. puls. spig. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. calc. chin. cupr. ign. led. lyc. natr. rhus. stl. tarax. zinc. e) In the toes: 1) Arn. asa. caust. graph. sabin. sulph. thuja. 2) Agar. aur. carb-an. carb-veg. chin. kal. led. lyc. magn-arct. merc.phosph. phos-ac. plat. sep. sil. staph. f) In the big toe: 1) Arn. ars. asa. bry. calc. caust. kal. plat. sabin. sil. sulph. zinc. 2) Amb. amm. amm-m. aur. coccul. cycl. led. magn-arct. natr.puls. rhus. sassap. sep. thuj. 2* 18 ARTHRITIS. ~ 7. For further particulars see: GOUT, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF, COXAGRA, GANITIS, &C. ARTHRITIS.-The best remedies are: 1) Acon. ant. ars. bell. bry. calc. caust. chin. cocc. coloc. ferr. guaj. hep. jod. led. mang. n-vom. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhod. sabin. sass. sulph. 2) Canth. chel. cic. colch. con. daph. dulc. men. merc. stann. tart. thuj. 3) Arn. cin. ran-bulb. ran-sc. staph. chinin. Q 2. For acute arthritis: 1) Acon. ant. ars. bell. bry. chin. ferr. hep. n-vom. puls. 2) Berb. canth. colch. For chronic arthritis: Calc. caust. coloc. guaj. jod. mang. phos-ac. rhod. sass. sulph. For erratic arthritis: 1) Arn. mang. n-mosch. n-vom. puls.; or 2) Asa. daph. plumb. and rhod. ~ 3. Arthritic nodosities require: 1) Calc. rhod. 2) Agn. ant. bry. calc. carb-veg. graph. led. lyc. n-vom. stapl.; or 3) 4ur. carb-an. dig. lyc. phosph. sabin. sep. sil. zinc. Arthritic contractions are frequently relieved by: 1) Bry. caust. guiaj.' sulph.; or 2) Calc. coloc. sthus. sil. thuj. ~ 4. For the precursory symptoms of gout, the same remedies are generally to be used that we use for the gout itself. The following remedies will generally answer: Ant. bell. bry. nvom. For recent arthritic metastases, the following are very useful: Acon. bell. n-vom. sassap. sulph.-In most cases the affected organs should be considered; we refer the reader to the paragraphs on: headache, ophthalmia, gastric derangement, where the symptoms arising from arthritic causes will be found mentioned. ~ 5. For the arthritic affections of drunkards, we use: 1) Acon. calc. n-vom. sulph.; or 2) Ars. chin. hep. jod. lach. led. puls. For arthritis of persons that indulge in rich living: Ant. calc. jod. puls. and sulph. For that of persons working in the water: 1) Calc. puls. sass. sulph.; or 2) Ant. ars. dulc. n-mosch'and rhus. ~ 6. For particular indications see: Rheumatic pains; and compare: Causes, Pain, paroxysms of, Conditions, Periods of the day, Influence of the weather, Nourishment, &c. ARTHROCACE.-This inflammation of the terminal extrernities of bones has been most successfully treated with: 1) Coloc. phos-ac.; or perhaps with: 2) Calc. hep. sil. sulp.; or 3) Puls. rhus. zinc. ARSENIC.-ASTHMA. 19 ARSENIC, POISONING BY. — The antidotes are: 1) Soap. water; 2) Albumen, dissolved in water and used as a drink; 3) Sugar-water; 4) MIlk; 5) Sesquioxyde of iron. Vinegar is useless; oil is hurtful. After the first alarming symptoms have been removed, we give Ipec. After Ipec. we give China, especially when the patient is irritable, has a restless sleep and nightly febrile motions; or Nux vom. when the patient is worse in the daytime, particularly after sleeping, with constipation, or else with diarrhoeic, slimy stools; or Veratrum, if after Ipec. frequent nausea remains, with vomiting and heat, or chilliness over the whole body, and great debility. For the eruptions, ophthalmnia and headache caused by wearing hats that have been worked with Arsenic, the best remedies are:1) Carb-veg. ferr. 2) China, helpar. The best remedies for the ill effects of Arsenic as a medicine, are: Chin.. ipec. n-vom. veratr. ASCITES.-The best remedies are: 1) Ars. chin. hell. calc. merc. sulph. 2) Acon. bry cin. colch. dulc. euph. prun. sep.; or 3) Asa. colch. dig. led. lyr. puls. squill. Ascites from loss of blood by venesection, &c., yields to China as by a miracle. In all other cases the selection of the remedy depends upon the exciting cause, and the pathological character of the disease, and the general symptoms of the remedy have to be carefully compared with the symptoms of the disease. ASTHMA MILLARI ET WIGANDI.-The specific remedy for Asthma Millari, is, in most cases, Sambucus. In other cases, we give: Acon. ars. ipec. lach. mosch. For the concealed Asthma Millari, the so-called Asthma Wigandi, we have principally: 1) Acon. bellad. ipec. samb. 2) Ars. baryt. cham. chin. coff. cupr. lach. n-vom. op. For the particular symptoms, see: Asthma spasmodicum, and vol. i. of Henipel's Jahr. ASTHMA SPASMODICUM, oR PERIODICUM, AND ASTHMA GENERALLY.-~ 1. The remedies are: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. cupr. ferr. ipec. n-vom. phos. puls. samb. sulph. 2) Amnbr. amm. aur. calc. carb-veg. cham.'chin. coccul. dulc. lach. mosch. op. tart. veratr. zinc. 3) Ant. caust. coff. hyos. ign. kal. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. n-mosch. sep. sil. stann. stram. ~ 2. The following remedies are the best to control an attack of asthma immediately: 1) Lach. 2) Acon. ars. cham. ipec. mosch. op. samb. tart.; or 3) Bell. bry. chin. n-mosch. n-vom. puls. 20 ASTHMA. To remove the asthmatic disposition, we use: Ant. ars. calc. n-vom. sulph.; or Amm. carb-veg. caust., cupr. ferr. graph. kali. lach. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil. stann. zinc. ~ 3. For asthma from congestion of blood to the chest: 1) Acon. aur. bell. merc. n-vom. phos. spong. sulph. 2) Amm. calc. carb-veg. cupr. ferr. puls. For asthma attended with menstrual irregularities: 1) Bell. coccul. cupr. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. phos. sep. Forflatulent asthma (asthma from incarceration of flatulence in the abdomen): 1) Carb-veg. cham. chin. n-vom. op. phos. sulph. zinc. 2) Ars. caps. hep. natr. veratr. For asthma humidum or pituitosum (asthma with accumulation of mucus in the bronchi or lungs): 1) Ars. bry. calc. chin. cupr. dulc. ferr. graph. lach. phos. puls. sen. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Bar. bell. camph. con. hep. ipec. merc. n-vom. sil. tart. zinc. For the real asthma spasmodicum, the best remedies are: 1) Bell. cocc. cupr. hyosc. lach. mosch., n-vom. sazmb. stram. sulph. tart. zinc. 2) Ant. ars. bry. caust. ferr. kali. lyc. op. sep. stann. ~ 3. For asthma from inhaled dust, stone-dust, as takes place among sculptors, stone-cutters, &c., we employ: 1) Calc. hep. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. chin. ipec. n-vom. phos. For asthma caused by the vapor of sulphur, give Pulsat.; -by the vapours of copper or arsenic: 1) Merc. hep. ipec. 2) Ars. camph. or cupr. For asthma from a cold: 1) Acon. bell. bry. dulc. ipec. 2) Ars. cham. chin. For asthma caused by an emotion: Acon. cham. coff. ign. n-vom. puls. veratr. If caused by a suppressed catarrh: 1) Ars. ipec. n-vom. 2) Camph. carb-veg. chin. lach. puls. samb. tart. ~ 4. For asthma of children, we generally find useful: 1) Acon. ars. bell. cham. coff. ipec. mosch. n-mosch. n-vom op. samb. tart. 2) Camph. chin. cupr. hep. ign. lach. lyc. phos. puls. strainm. sulph For asthma of hysteric women: 1) Acon. bell. cham. coff. ign.. mosch. n-mosch. n-vom. puls. stram. 2) Asa. aur. caust. con. cupr. ipec. lach. phos. stann. sulph. &c. For asthma of old people: 1) Aur. bar. con. lach. op. 2) Ant. camph. carb-veg. caust. chin. sulph. ~ 5. Particular indications by the symptoms: ACoNITUM: 1) for sensitive individuals, young, plethoric girls leading a sedentary life, or when the paroxysms set in after the.east emotion; 2) dyspncea with inability to take a deep breath, ASTHMA. 21 accompanied with restlessness, heat and sweat; 3) suffocative cough at night, with barking and hoarse voice, spasmodic constriction of the throat and chest; anxious, short and difficult breathing, with open mouth; great anguish, with inability to utter a single word distinctly; or 4) for asthma of adults, caused by rush of blood to the head, with vertigo, full and frequent pulse, cough and bloody expectoration. ARSENICUM: Acute or chronic asthma, with difficult breathing, cough and accumulation of thick mucus in the chest; shortness of breath, particularly after a meal; oppression of the chest, and want of breath on walking fast, on ascending an eminence, or after any kind of exercise, even after laughing; constriction of the chest and larynx, with painful pressure on the lungs and in the pit of the stomach; anguish and suffocative paroxysms increased by the warmth of the room; suffocative attacks. especially at night, or in the evening when in bed, with panting and wheezing breathing, with the mouth open, great anguish as if the patient would die, and cold sweat; the paroxysms abate as soon as the patient begins to cough and throws off mucus, or a tenacious, viscid saliva in the shape of vesicles; the paroxysms come on again in rough weather, in the cold open air, or when the temperature of the air changes, and they may be caused by warm and tight clothes; the paroxysms are accompanied by great debility; or by paroxysms of pain and burning in the chest. (In acute asthma, Arsen. is frequently suitable after Ipec., unless it had been given at the commencement of the attack.) BELLADONNA: Suitable for children and women of an irritable constitution, and with disposition to spasms; oppression of the chest and loss of breath, tightness in the chest and stitches under the sternum; with paroxysms of dry cough at night, with catarrh, or moist cough and expectoration of mucus after a meal; anxious sighing; at times deep, at times short and rapid breathing, with open mouth, and great working of the chest; constriction of the larynx, with danger of suffocation on touching the larynx, and on turning the neck; uneasiness and beating in the chest, with palpitation of the heart; asthmatic paroxysms with loss of consciousness, relaxation of the muscles and involuntary discharge of urine and fueces. BRYONIA: Dffilcult breathing and loss of breath, particularly at night, and towards morning, with stitching colicky pains, urging to stool, inability to lie on the right side, presscire and tension in the chest and contractive sensation in cold air; frequent cough with pains in the hypochondria, tickling in the larynx, vomiting and expectoration, at first frothy, then thick and viscid; increased difficulty of breathing, when talking and during any kind of exercise; the patient feels relieved after ex 22 ASTHMA. pectorating or on rising from his recumbent posture; in the evening when in bed, the patient complains at times of palpitation of the heart, anguish and throbbing in the temples, with. difficult, anxious and sighing breathing, with straining of the abdominal muscles and mingled with deep inspirations, or slow and.deep breathing during exertions; frequent stitches in the chest, especially during an inspiration and when coughing, also during motion. (Bry. is frequently suitable after Ipec., in acute asthma.) CUPRUM: Suitable to children or hysteric individuals, especially after fright, chagrin, a cold,. and before the appearance of the menses; with spasmodic constriction of the chest, hiccough, difficulty of breathing and talking; hurried breathing, stertorous and moaning, with convulsive straining of the abdominal muscles; dyspnwea, especially when walking and ascending an eminence, with desire to take deep breath; short and spasmodic cough, with dyspncea, suffocative fits and stridulous inspirations when attempting to take deep breath; rattling in the chest as of mucus, expectoration of white and watery mucus; sensation of emptiness and faintness in the pit of the stomach, and painfulness of the pit on touching it; orgasm of the circulation with palpitation; red face covered with warm sweat; the symptoms are-worse at the period of the menses. FERRUM: Violent orgasm of the blood,, oppression of the chest, with, almost imperceptible movement of the thorax on taking breath, and greatly dilated nostrils during an expiration; dyspnoea, particularly at night or in the evening, in bed, in a recumbent posture, with the head low, or during rest generally, or from the least covering'on the chest; the patient feels relieved after being uncovered, or after raising the trunk, or fromn taking ever so little physical or mental exercise; suffocativefits, in the evening, in bed, with warmth of the neck and trunk, the limbs being cold at the same time; spasmodic constriction of the chest, aggravated by motion; paroxysms of spasmodic cough with expectoration of tenacious and transparent mucus; expectoration of blood. IPECACUANHA: Suitable to children and adults, for: Dyspncea, nightly suffocative fits; spasmnodic constriction of the larynx, rattling of mucus in the chest; dry and short cough,. great anguish and fear of death, cries and restless running to and fro; the face is alternately red and hot, or pale, cold and sunken; anxious features; nausea with cold sweat on the forehead;. the breathing is anxious, hurried and sighing, or short and as if throughl dust; tetanic rigidity of the body, with bluish redn'e-ss in the face. Ipec. is generally first indicated in paroxysms of acute asthma; afterwards we give Ars. bry. or nux-vom. Nux voM.: Short or slow and stridulous breathing; anxious oppression of the chest, especially at niglh, early in the morning, ASTHMA. 23 and after eating; spasmodic constriction, especially of the lower part ofthe chest, with loss of breath in walking or talking, or in cold air and after every exercise; orthopncea and nightly suffocative paroxysms, especially after midnight, preceded by anxious dreams; short cough, with difficult expectoration; expectoration of blood; the clothes feel unpleasant on the chest and hypochondria; distention, aching pain and anguish in the region under the heart and in the region of the hypochondria; tension and pressure in the chest; rush of blood to the chest, with orgasm of the blood; warmth, heat and palpitation of the heart; great anguish and distress in the whole body; the asthma is diminished in a recumbent posture, or by turning to the other side, or by raising the trunk. PHOSPHORUS: Noisy and panting breathing, dyspnuca, oppressed breathing and oppression of the chest, particularly in the evening and morning, or when sitting; great, oppressive anxiety in the chest; stridulous inspirations, in the evening on falling asleep; nightly suffocative paroxysms as if the lungs were paralyzed; spasmodic constriction of the chest; short cough; with either salt, or sweetish, or blood. streaked expectoration; stitching or pressure, heaviness, fulness and tension in the chest; congestion of blood to the chest, with ascension of heat in the throat, and palpitation of the heart; phthisicky disposition. PULSATILLA: Especially for children, after suppression of rash, also for hysteric persons, after suppression of the menses or in consequence of cold, with hurried, short and superficial or rattling breathing; arrest of breathing as if from the vapours of Sulphur; oppressionr of the chest, loss of breath and suffocative fits, with anguish of death, palpitation of the heart, and spasmodic constriction of the larynx and chest, particularly at night and in the evening, in a horizontal posture; the asthmatic distress increases by motion, also by ascension of eminences, and by walking in the open air; short, barking cough with asthma, or copious expectoration of mucus, or blood-streaked expectoration; spasmodic tension, sensation of fulness and pressure in the chest, with internal heat and orgasm of the blood; stitches in the chest and sides. SAMBUCUS: Especially for children, when the following symptoms occur: stridulous and hurried breathing; oppression of the chest, with pressure in the stomach and nausea; pressure on the chest as from a load, with anguish and danger of suffocation; dyspncea when lying; nightly suffocative paroxysms, with spasmodic constricticn of the chest, sudden starting from sleep and cry; great anguish, trembling of the whole body, swollen, bluish hands and feet, heat of the whole body, mucous rattling in the chest, and inability to utter a single loud word; morbid sleep 24 ASTHIiMA. with the eyes and mouth half open; paroxysms of suffocative cough and cries. SULPHUR: for chronic asthma, with difficulty of breathing, and painless oppression of the chest; frequent attacks of asthma in the day-time, even when' talking;, shortness -of breath when walking in the open air; wheezing, mucous rattling, rhonchus in the chest; oppressed breathing and suffocative fits, especially at night; fulness and sensation of weariness in the chest; pressure in the chest as from a load, after eating ever so little; burning in the chest, with rush of blood and palpitation of the heart; suffocative cough, with spasmodic constriction of the chest and urging to vomit; dificult expectoration of whitish mucus, or copious, yellowish expectoration; blood-coloured saliva; spasins in the chest, with compressive sensation and pain in the sternum, bluishred face, short breath and inability to speak. ~ 6. The following remedies may likewise be employed: AmBIRAt: suitable to children and scrofulous individuals with short, oppressed breathing, paroxysms of spasmodic cough with expectoration of mucus, wheezing in the -air-passages, pressure in the chest, &c. AnMMONIUM: for chronic asthma, especially when attended with dis~psition to hydrothorax, with shortness of breath, especially on ascending an eminence; oppressed breathing and palpitation of tihe heart after the least exercise; congestion of blood to the chest and feeling of heaviness in the thorax. AURUvM: congestion of blood to the chest, with great oppression, and desire to take deep breath. especially at night and when walking in the open air; suffocative fits with spasmodic constriction of the chest, violent palpitation of the heart, bluish-red face, anid falling down without consciousness. CALCAIrEA: for chronic asthma, with tight breathing and tension in the chest as if from rush of blood, relieved by raising the shoulders; desire to take deep breath and sensation as if the breath rem ained stopped between the scapulae; the patient loses his breath by merely stooping; he is suffering with dry cough, especially frequent at night. CARBO VEG.: for spasmodic flatulent asthma, also for chronic asthma with disposition to hydrothorax, oppression and tight breathing; fulness, accumulation of mucus and anxious compression of the chest, heavy and short breathing, especially when walking; pressure and sensation of weariness in the chest, frequent attacks of spasmodic cough, &c. CHAMOMILLA: especially suitable to children, or for suffocative fits, with short, anxious breathing, swelling of the pit of the etomach and hypochondria, with uneasiness, screams and draw ASTHMA. 25 ing-up of the legs; paroxysm of asthma after a fit of anger, or after taking cold. CHINA: for difficult breathing and oppression, with inability to breathe with the head low; wheezing during an inspiration; spasmodic cough and nightly suffocative *fits, as if from too much mucus in the throat, with difficult expectoration of a clear and thick mucus; pressure in the chest as if from rush of blood, with violent palpitation of the heart; sudden prostration; bloody expectoration. CoccuLus: Suitable to hysteric females, or for rush of blood to the chest, with difficulty of breathing as if the throat were constricted; racking cough with oppression of the chest, especially at night; spasmodic constriction of the chest, especially on one side only; pressure in the chest and orgasm of the blood with anguish and palpitation of the heart; sensation of languor and emptiness in the chest. DULCAMARA: For humid asthma, or for acute asthma from a cold. LACHEIsIs: Suitable to persons suffering with hydrothorax, or of a large, bloated, lymphatic appearance, shortness of breath after a meal, during a walk and after exercising with the arms; tight breathing, dyspncea and oppression of breathing, with aggravation after eating; suffocativefits in a recumbent posture, or when touching the neck; spasmodic constriction of the chest, obliging one to rise from bed and to sit with the trunk bent forwards; slow and wheezing breathing; desire to take deep breath, especially when sitting. Mosciius: Suitable to hysteric individuals and to children, or for oppression of the chest and suffocative fits as if from the vapors of Sulphur, commencing with a desire to cough and getting worse until the patient despairs of getting over the paroxysm; spasmodic constriction of the larynx and chest, especially when feeling cold. OPIUM: Congestion of blood to the chest, or pulmonary spasms, with deep, stertorous, rattling breathing; tightness of breath and oppression, with great anguish, tightness, and spasmodic constriction of the. chest; suffocative fits during sleep, like nightmare; suffocative cough with bluish redness of the face. SPONGIA: For pressure in the larynx as from a plug; wheezing breathing, or slow and deep breathing, as if from debility; mucous, rattling; want of breath and suffocative fits after every exercise, with weariness, rush of blood to the chest and head, anguish and heat in the face; also for asthmatic symfptoms in consequence of goitre. STANNUM: For asthma and oppression, especially in the evening or at night when lying down, also in the day-time during every exercise, and frequently attended with anguish and desire 3 26 ASTHMA.-ATROPHY OF CHILDREN. to detach the clothes; oppression and mucous rattling in the chest; cough with copious expectoration of viscid or lumpy, clearor watery, yellowish, salt or sweetish mucus. TARTARUS: Especially suitable to old people, also' to children, or for anxious oppression, difficulty of breathing and shortness of breath, with desire to sit erect; oppression and suffocative fits, especially in the evening or in the morning, in bed; mucus and rattling in the chest; suffocative cough or congestion of blood to the chest, and palpitation of the heart. VERATRUM: Suitable after Chin., ars., ipec., especially for suffocative fits, even when sitting erect and during exercise; pains in the side; hollow cough; cold sweat, or cold face and cold limbs. ZINCUM: For tight breathing and oppression, especially in the evening; shortness of breath after eating, from accumulation of flatulence; increase of asthma when the expectoration stops, decrease when it recommences. See the Symptoms of these remedies in Vol. II. of Hempel's Jahr, and compare: CONGESTION OF BLOOD TO THE CHEST, CATARRH, PULMONARY PHTHSIS, &C. ASTHMA THYMICUM (ASTHMA OF KoPP).-Remedies: 1) Acon. bell. con. hep. ipec. merc. sen. spong. tart. veratr. 2) Amm. lach. phos. zinc. 3) Ambr. asa. aur. berb. cupr. ignat. ferr. For the precursory symptoms: Acon. hep. ipec. sen. spong. tart. For the cough: Bell. con. hep. merc. veratr. For the symptoms, we refer the reader to ASTHMA SPAsMODICUM. ATROPHY OF CHILDREN.- The best remedies for atrophy of scrofulous children are: Sulph., followed by Calcar.; also: 1) Ars. baryt. bell. chin. cin. n-vom. phos. and rhus., or also: 2) Arn. cham. hep. jod. lach, magn. petr. phos. and puls. Particular indications: ARsENICUM: Dry, parchment-like skin; hollow eyes with blue margins; the food is passed or vomited up undigested; desire to drink frequently, but little at a time; great restlessness and tossing to and fro, eSpecially at night; short sleep, interrupted by starting and convulsions; cedematous swelling of the face; greenish or brownish diarrheeic stools with discharge of undigested food; weariness with constant desire to lie down; cold hands and feet; palpitation of the heart; nightsweats. BARYTA: For swelling of the cervical glands; great physical debility; constant desire to sleep; bloated abdomen and face, pot-belliedness; great laziness, indisposition to work either with the mind or body; aversion to play; absence of mind; want of attention and weak memory. ATROPHIY OF CHILDREN. 27 BELLADONNA: Frequent colic, with involuntary stool; whimsical and obstinate; cough at night, with mucous rattling; swelling of the cervical glands; restless sleep or sleeplessness; aversion to exercise and open air; nervousness; especially suitable to children with premature intellect, blue margins and blond hairs. CALCAREA: Great emaciation with a good appetite, hollow, wrinkled face, faint eyes, swelling and induration of the mesen_tcric glands; great debility with general weariness after the least exercise, and frequently with profuse sweat; frequent diarrhwea or clayey stools; dry, withered skill; dry hair; frequent palpitation of the heart; chills; pains in the small of the back; extremie nervous sensitiveness; aversion to exercise. CHINA: Emaciation, especially of the hands and feet; cedematous swelling of the abdomen; voraciousness; diarrh:ea, especially at night, with discharge of undigested food, or copious whitish and papescent stools; copious sweats, especially at night; idleness and listlessness; hollow, pale or livid face: stupefying, unrefreshilg sleep; great debility and prostration. CINA: Worm-affections, pale face, wetting the bed, and great voracity. Nux voM.: Yellowish, sallow complexion, bloated face, obstinate constipation, or alternate constipation and diarrhcea; large abdomen with flatulence; great hunger, desire to eat, with frequent vomiting of the ingesta; constant desire to lie down.; aversion to open air; ill-humour, disposed to anger; nervousness. PHiosPHoRUs: Suitable to young girls with blond hair, blue eyes, delicate skin, slender stature, with cachectic cough, diarrhcea and frequent, exhausting sweats, great debility with orgasm of the blood, palpitation of the heart, or oppression of the chest after the least exercise. RHIuS TOX.: Great debility with constant disposition to lie down, pale face, hard and distended abdomen; great thirst; slimy or bloody diarrhoea; great appetite. STAPHYSAGRIA: Large abdomen, voraciousness, and canine hunger; slow stool; suwelling of the submaxillary and cervical glands; frequent or constant attacks of catarrh, with scurf in the nostrils; unhealthy, readily-ulcerated skin; fetid nightsweats; frequent boils SULPHUR: In almost every case the treatment may commence with Sulphur; it should be given for the following symptoms: hunger, the patient sweats easily, swelling of the inguinal glands, or of the axillary and cervical glands; hard and distended abdomen; mllcous rattling infthe trachea; fluent coryza, frequent, slimy diarrhoea, or obstinate constipation; pressure on the chest; palpitation of the heart; pale colour of the skin, with 28 ATROPHY OF THE SPINAL MARROW. bad looks, deep and hollow eyes; stitches in the chest and sides, &c. Compare: HECTIC FEVER, PHTHISISs*ND SCROFULA. ATROPHY OF THE SPINAL MARROW (MARAsMUs, TABES DORSALIS). The following remedies are probably the most useful: 1) Nvom. sulph 2) Calc. carb-veg. caust. coccul. natr-m. phosq,/. phos-ac. 3) Chin.? staph.? I have treated 21 cases of this disease arising from onanism, accompanied with hypochondria, despondency, aversion to life, &c. The characteristic formication in the back was present in every case; I gave in every case a dose of Nux vom. 30, allowing it to act from 2 to 3 weeks, and then Sulphur 30, allowing it to act from 4 to 5 weeks. If unpleasant symptoms remain, I resort to Calc. cdrb-veg. caust. phos-ac. China and Staphys. may prove useful in some cases. For atrophy with paralysis of the lower extremities, the best remedies are: Nux-v. sulph. nux-v. caust. nux-v. carb-veg. cocc. phos. rhus-tox., if given in this order and at long intervals. Constant change of remedies is exceedingly hurtful in this disease. See: DEBILITY. AWKWARDNESS.-If a natural defect, nothing can be done for it; if a morbid state, the following remedies may prove useful: Bell. caps. carb-an. caust. coloc. graph. kal. lye. natr-m. petr. sep. sil. sulph. BACK, SMALL OF THE, PAINS IN THE: Generally a mere symptom, especially in piles and uterine affections. The principal remedies are: 1) Alum. amm. caust. kal. kreos. lach. natr-m. nvom. puls. rhuis. sep. sulph. 2) Amb. baryt. borax. calc. dulc. graph. lye. natr. sil. veratr. 3) Arm. carb-an. cham. chin. coccul. ign. magn-m. merc. n-mosch. phosph. ruta. sabin. spong. zinc. BALANORRH(EA, or GONORRHamA SPURIA.-If syphilitic or sycosic, the principal remedies are: Merc. nitr-ac., or thuj. In all other cases the following remedies will prove useful: 1) N-vom. sep. sulph., or: 2) Chin. mere. mez. nitr-ac. thuj. BLEPHAROPHTHALM'IA. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. ant. ars. calc. bell. calc. cham. chin. euphr. hep. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. veratr. 2) Alum. bar-c. bry. caust. cocc. dig. jod. kreos. lye. natr. natr-m. phos-ac. rhus. sen. sep. spig. staph. thuj. zinc. ~ 2. If the external surface of the lid, be inflamed, give: Acon. bell. hep. and sulph. BLEPHAROPHTHALMIA. 29 If the inner: Acon. ars. bell. hep. merc. n-vom. phos. puls rhus. sulph. For inflammation of the margins and Meibomian glands: Bell. cham. euphr. hep. merc. n-vom. pule. For styes: Puls. or staph., or Am-c. calc. or ferr. For inflammation of the upper lids: 1) Alum. bry. calc. caust. ~roc. hep. phos. puls. rhus. sep. spig. staph. sulph. 2) Bar. bell. chain. chel. con. cycl. ferr. lyc. merc. sil. For inflammation of the lower lids: 1) Ars. bry. calc. dig. mere. natr-m. rhus. rut. sen. sep. 2) Alum. bell. caust. ~ 3. For. acute ophthalmia: Acon. bell. cham. euphr. hep. merc. n-vom. and puls. For chronic ophthalmia: Ant. ars. calc. chin. and sulph. ~ 4 Particular indications: ACONITUM: The eyelids are swollen, hard and red, with heat, burning and dryness; or they are pale, shining and swollen, with burning and tensive pains; copious secretion of mucus in the eyes and nose; extreme photophobia,; fever, with great heat and thirst, &c. (After Acon., are frequently given: Bell., hep. or sulph.) ANTIMONIUM: Red swelling of the lids, with gum in the canthi; photophobia and stitches in the eyes. ARSENICIUM: Inflammatory redness of the conjunctiva, with congestion of the vessels; great dryness of the lids, especially the edges, with spasmodic closing or nightly agglutination. BELLADONNA: Swelling and redness of the lids, with burning and itching, constant agglutination, bleeding on opening the eyes, also attended with eversion of the lids, or with great paralytic weakness of the lids. CALCAREA: Cutting, burning or acute pains, especially when reading, with red, hard and big swelling, copious secretion of gum, and nightly agglutination; to be given especially when Sulphur does not seem to relieve the patient. CHAMOMILLA: Great dryness of the edges, or else copious secretion of mucus, with nightly agglutination, spasmodic closing, or great heaviness of the lids. CHINA: Frequent creeping on the inner surface of the lids, especially in the evening, with lachrymation. EUPHRASTA: Ulceration of the margins, with itching in the day-time, and agglutination dt night, with redness, swelling, photophobia and constant winking, coryza, headache, or heat about the head. (If Euphr. should be insufficient, Nux vom. and puls. will complete the cure.) HEPAR: Inflammatory redness of the lids, with ulcerative or contusive pain on touching them; nightly agglutination, or spa*3* 30 BLEPHAROPLEGIA.-BOILS. modic closing of the eyelids. (This remedy is frequently suitable after Acon. or mere.; after Hep., Bell. is frequently suitable. HYoscYAMvs: Spasmodic closing of the lids. MERCURIUS: Hard lids as if contracted, with swelling, difficulty of opening the lids, cutting pains, ulcers on the margins, pustules on the conjunctiva, crusts around the eyes, eversion of the lids; stitching and burning pains, itching, or when there is no pain at all. (After Mere., if insufficient, Hep. is frequently suitable.) Nux vo.: Burning itching of the lids, especially the margins, or sore pain made worse by contact, agglutination of the lids, especially early in the morning; eye-gum in the canthi; catarrh, headache, or heat in the head. (Nux yom. is frequently suitable after Euphrasia, if this should not suffice to remove the inflammation.) PULSATILLA: Inflammatory redness of the conjunctiva or the margins, copious secretion of mucus; trichiasis; styes; nightly agglutination; tensive or drawing pains (Puls. frequently effects a cure, if Euph. or nux-vom. should not suffice.) RHUS TOX.: Stiffness of the eyelids; as if paralyzed, with burning itching. SlULPHUR: Inflammatory redness of the lids, with burning pains, secretion of mucus and eyegum; ulceration of the margins, pustules and ulcers around the eyes, &c. (Acon. is frequently suitable befoe Sulphur, and after Sulph., Calc. is frequently suitable.) VERATRUM: Excessive dryness of the lids, lachrymation, difficulty of moving the lids, and great heat in the interior of the eyes. ~ 5. For further particulars, see: OPIITHALMIA, ~ 1-8, and the articles at the conclusion of that article. BLEPHAROPLEGIA, PARALYSIS OF THE EYELIDs.-The best remedies are: 1) Bell. nitr-ac. sep. spig. stram. veratr. zinc. 2) Calc. cham. cocc. hyos. n-vom. op. phos. plumb. rhus. BLEPHAROSPASMUS. —Principal remedies: 1) Bell. cham. croc. hep. hyos. mere. natr-m. staph. stram. sulph. 2) Ars. cocc. con. rhus. rut. sep. sil. viol-od. BLISTERS, BLOODY.-Best remedies: 1) Ars. natr-m. sec. 2) Aur. bry. canth. sulph. BOILS. - Remedies: 1) Arn. bell. hep. lyc. phos. sulph. 2) Alum. ant. calc. lach. led. mere. mur-ac. nitr-ac. nmosch. n-vom. phos-ac. sec. spp. sil. staph. tart. thuj. Large boils require: 1) Hep. lyc. nitr-ac. sil. 2) Hyos. natr. phos. tart. BOILS.-BONES. 31 Small boils: 1) Arn. bell. sulph. 2) Grat. magn-c. natr-m. zinc. If they mature slowly, give Hepar; if very much inflamed and painful, give Bell. or merc. If large boils call be treated at the very commencement, Calc. sometimes eradicates the disposition. If large boils threaten to become carbunculous, the best remedies are: 1) Ars. bell. sil. 2) Caps. hyos. lach. rhus. sec. sil. For the disposition to boils, give: Lyc. nux-v. phosph. and sulph. BONES, DISEASES OF: OSTITIs, EXOSTOSIS, CARIES, NECROBSi, and other diseases. ~ 1. The best remedies are: 1) Ang. asa. aur. bell. calc. dulc. lyc. merc. mez. phosph. ruta. sep. sil. sulph., and likewise: 2) Chin. hep. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhus. staph. ~ 2. Particular indications: ANGUSTURA: For caries, particularly suitable to persons who have drank too much coffee, or have a morbid desire for' coffee. AsA: For exostosis, caries, and necrosis, especially of the extremities, also for softening of the bones. AURUM: For exostosis, and other diseases of bones in conse. quence of abuse of mercury, especially for caries of the nasal bones. BELLADONNA: For exostosis on the forehead, with caries of the palate, also for curvature of the back. CALCAREA: For curvature of the spine and long bones; swelling of the joints; softening of bones; when the fontancelles remain open too long, and the skull is very large; for exostosis of the extremities; necrosis. DULCAMARA: For exostosis, ulcers on the arm, in consequence of suppressed itch. LYCOPODIUM: For exostosis, osteitis and caries, in scrofulous persons. M ERCURUvs: For exostosis, caries, pains in the bones as if broken, &c. M EZEREUM: For exostosis on the arms and legs of scrofulous persons. PIosPeoRUS: For exostosis of the skull, with tearing and boring pains, and swelling of the clavicle. PULSATILLA: For curvature of the spine, with open fontanelles, in children. RUTA: For pains in the bones as if broken, and disease of the periosteum, or even caries, in consequence of external injuries. SEPIA: For exostosis and caries of the extremities. SILICEA: For exostosis, caries, necrosis, delayed closing of the 32 BONES. fontanelles, and for almost all diseases of bones. Sil. and calc. are the best remedies for diseases of bones. SULPHUR: For curvature, softening, swelling, caries, and other diseases. Sulphur is suitable before Calc. ~ 3. a) For interstitial distention of the bones, give: 1) Asa. lyc. merc. sil. 2) Calc. mez. phosph. phos-ac. sulph. b) For necrosis: 1) Asa. calc. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. phosph. sabin. sec. c) For ostitis: 1) Merc. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Asa. aur. calc. chin. lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. puls. d) For softening: 1) Asa. calc. merc. sil. sulph. 2) Hep. lye. mez. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. ruta. sep. staph. e) For caries: 1) Asa. calc. lyc. merc. phos-ac. sil. sulph. 2) Ang. ars. aur. hep. mez. nitr-ac. Thus. ruta. sabin. spong. staph. f) For swelling: 1) Asa. calc. lyc. merc. phos-ac. puls. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Aur. cler. daph. guaj. nitr-ac. phosph. rhus. ruta. g) For fractrres, to promote the reunion of bones: Asa. calc. lyc. nitr-ac. ruta. sil. sulph. symphitum oficinale. h) For curvatuores: 1) Asa. calc. lyc. merc.puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. hep. nitr-ac. phosph. sep. staph. ~ 4. a) For diseases of the skull: 1) Aur calc. daphn. mere. phosph. phos-ac. puls. b) When the fontanelles remain open, and the infants have large heads: Calc. puls. sil. c) For diseases of the palatine bones: Aur. merc. mez. sil. d) For diseases of the submaxillary bones: Cist. merc. sil. e) For diseases of the nasal bones: Aur. calc. merc. f) For diseases of the long bones: 1) Asa. calc. lye. mere. phosac. sil. sulph. 2) Clem. daph. guaj. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. ruta. ~. 5. Remedies for particular pains: a) For pains generally: 1) Asa. chin. lach. mere. phosph. phosac. puls. ruta. sabin. sil. staph. 2) Ars. aur. calc. coccul. cupr. cycl. ferr. kreos. lye. mang. mere. mez. mur-ac. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. b) Boring pains: Bell. calc. mere. puls. sep. sil. spig. c) Burning: Asa. carb-veg. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. ruta. sulph. d) Aching pains: 1) Arg. bell. cupr. sabin. staph. 2) Aur. bell. cycl. daph. guaj. hep. ign. kal. mere. mez. oleand. puls..rhus. e) Sensation as if the flesh were beaten loose: Bry. dros. ign. kreos. nitr-ac. n-vom. rhus. sulph. thuj. f) Beating and pulsations: Asa. calc. lye. mere. mez. nitr. sabad. sil. sulph. g) Creeping pains: Cham. plumb. sec. rhus. BONES-BRONCHITIS. 33 h), Gnawing otorrosive pains: Amm-mn. canth. con. dros. lye. mang. phosph. phos-ac. ruta. staph. i) Tearing pains: 1) Arg. baryt. carb. veg. chin. kal. merc. sabin. spig. staph. 2) Agar aur. bell. bry. caust. coccul. cupr. kal. lye. mere. natr-m. nitr. phosph. phos-ac. ruta. zinc. k) Scraping and rasping pains: Asa. chin. puls. rhus. sabad. spig. 1) Cutting pains: Anac. dig. sabad. m) Stitching pains: 1) Bell. calc. caust. dros. con. hell. mere. puls. sassap. sep. 2) Ars. asa. aur. chin. lach. mez. phosph. ruta. n) Sore pains: Con. graph. hep. ign. mere. phos-ac. o) Pain as if broken: Coccul. cupr. hep. magn-m. natr-m. puls. ruta. samb. sep. veratr. p) Jerking pains: 1) Asa. calc. chin. colch. lye. natr-m. puls. rhus. ~. 6. See: MERCURIAL DISEASE, RACHITIS, SCROPHULA, SYPHILIS, &C. BRONCHITIS, CATARRHUS BRONCHIALIS. ~. 1. The best remedies are: Acon. bell. bry. cham. merc. nvom. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. calc. caps. carb-veg. caust chin. cin. dros. dulc. euphr. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. phosph. phos-ac. seneg. sep. sil. spig. squill. stann. staph. veratr. verb. 3) Bar-c. cann. con. ferr. hep. lyc. magn. mang. natr. natr-m. petr. sabad. sep. spong. squill. stram. tart. 4. 2. For ordinary catarrh, with light cough and fever, we give with success: Chain. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. For violent and dry cough, give: 1) Bell. bry. cham. ign. nvom. sulph., or 2) Aeon. caps. cin. dros. hep. hyos. lach. lyc. mere. natr-m. phosph. rhus. spong. For spasmodic cough: Bell. bry. carb-veg. cin. dros. hep. hyos. ipec. merc. n-vom.puis. sulph. &c. For moist cough, with copious expectoration: 1) Bry. carbveg. dulc. euphr. mere. puls. sulph. tart., or 2) Calc. caust. lye seneg. sep. sil. stann. For catarrh with hoarseness: 1) Cham. dulc. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. samb. sulph., or 2) Ars. calc. carb-veg. dros. mang. natr. phosph. tart. Forfluent coryza: Ars. dulc. euphr. ign. lach. mere. puls. sulph. 4. 3. For acute bronchitis, give: 1) Aeon. bell. bry. chain. dros. phosph. spong., or 2) Ars. lye. mere. n-vom. puls. squill. sulph. For epidemic catarrh or grippe (influenza): 1) Aeon. ars. bell. caust. mere. n-vom., or 2) Arn. bry. camph. chin. ipec.phosph puls. sabad. seneg. sil. spig. squill. veratr. 34 BRONCHITIS. For suffocative catarrh: 1) Ars. carb-vegj]hin. ipec. lach. op. or 2) Bar-c. camph. graph. puls. samrb. tart. For chronic catarrh: Ars. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. dulc.jod. lach. lyc. mang. natr. natr-m. petr. phosph. phos-ac. sil. stann. staph. sulph. Catarrhal affections consequent on measles, require: 1) Bry. Carb-veg. cham. dros. hyos. ign. n-vom., or 2) Acon. bell. cin. coff. dulc. sep. Catarrhal affections of old people': Baryt. carb-veg. con. hyos. kreos. phosph. stann. sulph. Catarrhal affections of' children: 1) Acon. bell. cham. cin. coff. dros. ign. ipec. sulph. - Catarrhal affections of scrofulous children, require: Bell. calc.;- of very fat children: Ipec. or Calc. ~. 4. Particular indications: ACONITE: Burning fever, with full, bounding pulse; rough, hoarse voice; painful sensitiveness of the affected part, with aggravation of the pain in breathing, coughing or talking; short, dry cough with constant irritation and painful titillation in the larynx and bronchi; oppressed breathing, with tension, soreness or stitches in the chest when coughing or breathing; violent, rough hollow cough at night, short and panting cough in the day-time; thirst, sleeplessness or restless sleep, with tossing about; burning headache, red face and eyes; or also when the cough is convulsive or hacking, with scanty expectoration of whitish and scanty mucus. BELLADONNA: Dry cough with sore throat, coryza, fever in the afternoon and evening, dry and burning skin, frequent desire for cold drinks, without, however, drinking much; obstinacy and malice in children, with hurried respiration during sleep; or when the following symptoms occur: spasmodic cough which does not allow one time to breathe; racking cough, from intolerable titillation in the larynx, as if from dust or from some other foreign body; or dry, short, hollow, barking cough; the cough occurs at night, or in the afternoon or in the evening when in bed, and even during sleep, coming on again after the least motion; bruised pain in the nape of the neck when coughing, or headache as if the forehead would split; rheumatic pains in the chest; stitches in the sternum or hypochondria; mucous rattling in the chest; red face and headache; hoarseness and mucus in the chest; frequent sneezing, especially at the termination of a paroxysm. BRYONIA: Dry or moist cough, from titillation in the throat, or when the following symptoms occur: Spasmodic cough, suffocative cough, especially after midnight, or after eating and drinking, with vomiting of the ingesta; cough with yellowish expectoration, or expectoration of a dirty,. reddish, or bloody mucus; stitches in the side when coughing, or pains in the chest and head as if BRONCHITIS. 35 these parts would split; great inclination to sweat; hoarseness, mucous rattling in, and painfulness of, the larynx, increased by smoking. CHAMOMILLA. Accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat, with dry cough, occasioned by constant titillation in the larynx and chest, worse when talking; or cough evening and morning, or at night when in bed, and even during sleep, sometimes accompanied by suffocative fits; scanty expectoration of bitter mucus in the morning; or when the cough was caused by chagrin, or when children are attacked with it in consequence of their cries; or for hoarseness with coryza, dryness and burning in the throat, thirst; fever towards evening; ill humour, taciturnity, disposition to be angry and peevish. MERCURIUs: Roughness and hoarseness, with burning and titillation in the larynx; disposition to sweat, but the sweat affording no relief; aggravation by the least draught of air; or when the following symptoms oiccur: dry, racking cough, especially in the evening, or at night, even during sleep, and occasioned by titillation and a feeling of dryness in the bronchi; cough with stinging pains in the chest; or with nausea, bleeding of the nose (in the case of children), pains in the head or chest, as if these parts would split, expectoration of blood, fluent coryza, hoarsehess and mucous diarrhmea. Nux VOMICA: Rough, dry and deep cough, occasioned by dryness of the larynx, with tension and pain in the larynx and bronchi; hoarseness and painful feeling of rawness in the throat; especially in the morning, or in the evening when in bed; accumnulation of tenacious mucus in the throat, which the patient is not able to detach; dry coryza with dry mouth, hot and red cheeks, shivering or alternate chills and heat; constipation, painful heaviness in the forehead, ill humour, irritated spirits, obstinacy, &c.; or when the following symptoms are present: Convulsive, racking cough, occasioned by titillation in the throat, especially in the morning, or at night when in bed, or after a meal, or when occasioned by exercise, thinking or reading; oppression at night, or headache as if the skull would split; contusive pain in the epigastrium and pain in the hypochondria when coughing; or, for: cough with vomiting or with bleeding from the nose or mouth. PULSATILLA: Hoarseness, aphonia; stitches and soreness of the throat and palate; coryza, with yellowish, greenish and fetid discharge; moist cough, with pain in the chest; chilliness and absence of thirst; or cough which is at first dry, then moist, with profuse expectoration of a salt, bitter, yellowish or whitish, or even bloody mucus; or racking cough, especially in the evening or at night in bed, worse when lying; with nausea, vomiting, suffocative sensation as if from the vapours of sulphur, and mucous rattle; painfulness of the abdomen, when coughing, as if bruised, 36 BRONCHITIS. or painful shocks in the arm, shoulder or back, or involuntary emission of urine. RHUS TOXICODENDRON: Hoarseness and roughness, soreness of the throat, frequent sneezing, considerable mucus in the nose without coryza, but with difficulty of breathing; or for: short and dry cough at night, occasioned by a titillation in the bronchi, with restlessness and shortness of breath, especially in the evening and before midnight; painful shocks in the head and chest, or tension or stitches in the chest; pain in the stomach or stitches in the loins; or when the cough gets worse in the cold air, and is less in warmth or during motion; or when the cough comes on in the morning on waking, or in the evening, with bitter taste in the mouth. or vomiting of the ingesta. SULPHUR: Hoarseness, aphonia, roughness and scraping in the throat, accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, fluent coryza, cough, soreness in the chest, chills, aggravation of the symptoms in cold and damp weather; or for: dry, racking cough, with nausea, vomiting and spasmodic constriction of the chest, especially in the evening, or at night when lying, or in the morning, or after a meal; or for: Cough with copious expectoration of thick, whitish or yellowish mucus, sometimes only in the day time, with dry cough at night; or obstinate, dry cough from titillation in the throat, stitches in the chest or head when coughing, stupefaction, obscuration of sight; feeling of fulness in the chest, oppression, mucous rattling, palpitation of the heart, and suffocative fits. ~. 5. The following remedies may likewise be used: ARNIcA: Dry or moist cough, if excited by titillation in the larynx, especially in the morning, during sleep, with weeping and cries, or when it attacks children after crying much; or for moist cough, the patient being unable to throw off the loose mucus; and when the following symptoms are present: Aching and crampy pain in the head, as if the brain were strung together; stitches in the chest; pain in the loins and rheumatic pains in the limbs; frequent bleeding of the nose and mouth, or even bloody expectoration. ARSENICUM: Moist cough with difficult expectoration and tenacious mucus in the larynx and bronchi; or for: dry, racking cough, especially in the evening after lying down, or at night, excited by drink or cold air; attended with dyspncea, or even suffocative fits, especially in the evening in bed; great languor, debility; hoarseness aud coryza, with discharge of an acrid, corrosive mucus; rheumatic headache, with violent pains; the symptoms are worse at night and after a meal. CALCAREA: Frequent attacks of obstinate hoarseness; accumulation of tenacious mucus in the bronchi and larynx;'dry, vio BRONCHITIS. 37 lent sough, with titillation as if from feather-dust in the throat, especially in the evening, in bed, or at night, during sleep; or moist colgh, with mucous rattling, or with a thick, yellowish, fetid expectoration; pains and stitches in the side and chest great lalnguor, and sadness on account of one's ill health. CAPSICUM: Hoarseness and dry couf/gh, which is worse in the evening and at night, sometimes attended with nausea, wandering rheumarntic paitns, and headache as if the skull would split; pressure in the throat and ear; stitches in the chest or back, or pressture on the bladder, wilh stitches in that region; coryza, with stoppage of the nose and titillation in the nostrils. CARBO VEG: Obstinate hoarseness and roughness of voice, especially in the morning or evening, made worse by constant talking, or coid and damp weather; or spwasmodic cough, either several paroxysms in the day-time, or only in the evening; or cough w\p;h p of,:ee expFectoration of g Ce:iLh mucus; Iheumatic paini in th — chest or limbs; ulcerative pain, or scraping and titillation in the iarynx. CAUSTICUi: Violent, racking cough, especially at night, with pain in the throat anid head; hoarlseess, roighiess and feebleness of the voice; nirlcouls rattligp; p in in the larynjx and chest, as if raw; fluent coryza with headachel tfeeble appetite, nausea and vonmiting o the inigest.a; rheumatic pains in the limbs and facial bhlles; chili during every inotion;heat at night, with palpitation (of the heart; great deb'iity of the lower lirbs aggravation of tile s-Jptonls in the open air; involuntary emissionl of urille d(irnig ewo;gl. G!'INK t! e ar,-:;:ll':.S, rough and deep sollnld of the voice, owing to mu:c-.s;:e!;;:iilg e i i. he laiylvx d:y cough as if from the vapours' n tip]lir; i'a siipaiiiodic;t-fidcative cough at night, with biiiov.s vJitoei.igi aid dhiictlt expecioratiou of viscid or whitish, and.;tctleth; ti blioodly micus; the cough is excited by laughing, taikilr, 1becitli ig, iand even by eatjiig and drtiking. CiNA: A nSuitable to children, when the cough is dry, or with scanty expec.to;latio, wvith suddel siiantiing during sleep as if in afiiht ti, want of bteatll, mloatlil g, pale face or rough cough every evetitltg, especialiy whean tie children are affected with w(orsn,; or whlien tlent coryza is presett, with burning heat in the xnovt;sils, aiid violent, and painful sneezing. DleosiRA': [loarseness with deep round of the voice; dryness, rorhliness anld scratpiig in the larynx, with accumulation of yellowish, gcray or greenish mucus; dry, spatsmodic, racking cough, espec ally at niight or in the evening when in bed, frequently attended with nausea or vomiting of' the ingesta, bleeding of the nose or mol:th; paroxysms of suffocation or cough, excited by laugghilng or weeping, emotions, singing, tobacco-smoke, or drinkbig. 4 38 BRONCHITIS. DULCAMARA: Moist cough, especially after a cold, with hoarseness or bloody expectoration; or for panting, barking cough like whooping-cough, excited by a deep inspiration. EUPHRASIA: Cough with violent catarrh attacking the eyes; cough which only exists in the day-time, with difficult expectoration, or only in the morning, with copious expectoration and tight breathing. HYoscYAMus: Dry cough, worse at night and in a recumbent posture, less when sitting up; cough with titillation in the larynx or bronchi; or spasmodic cough, with red face and mucous rattling. IGNATIA: Dry and rough cough, with fluent coryza, headache, feeble voice; or short cough as if from feather-dust or the vapours of sulphur; the cough finally becomes spasmodic, especially suitable to patients who had suffered much grief; or when the catarrhal symptoms get worse after a meal, after going to bed, and in the morning, after rising. IPECACUANHA: Especially suitable to children when they almost suffocate in consequence of the mucus, with rattling of mucus; or for spasmodic, suffocative cough, with bluish face and spasmodic rigidity of the body; contractive sensation and titillation in the larynx; or for dry cough, or cough with scanty expectoration of flat and unpleasant mucus, with nausea and vomiting of albuminous mucus, or with bleeding of the nose and mouth. LACHEsIS: catarrhal cough and coryza, stinging pains in the head, stiff neck and distress in the chest; constant hoarseness, with sensation as if mucus adhered to the throat; the cough comes on at night during sleep, or in the evening when in bed, or after sleep, and is excited by a titillation in the larynx, or by the least pressure on the larynx; it is worse after eating, or when rising from a recumbent posture; the cough is attended with pains in the throat, eyes, ears and head. PHOSPHORUS: Hoarseness with cough, fever, and apprehension of death; roughness or complete extinction of voice; painful sensitiveness of the larynx; dry cough from tickling in the throat, with stitches in the larynx and soreness in the chest; the cough is excited by laughing, drinking, loud reading, or walking in the open air; or. dry cough with expectoration of viscid or bloody mucus. PHosPHORI ACIDUM: Hoarseness, moist cough, from titillation in the pit of the stomach or throat-pit; the cough is dry in the, evening, and in the morning it is attended with a whitish, or yellowish, or even purulent expectoration; with aching pains in the chest. SEPIA: Cough with copious expectoration of putrid, or salt mucus, of a yellow, greenish colour, or purulent, or even bloody, frequently only in the morning, or evening, with mucous rattling, weakness and soreness in the chest; or for dry, spasmodic cough, BRONCHITIS.-BREASTS, &c. 39 like whooping-cough, especially at night or in the evening in bed, with dyspncea, nausea and vomiting of bile; especially suitable to scrofulous persons, or persons affected with herpes, or herpes in the joints. SILICEA: Obstinate cough, with copious, transparent or purulent expectoration; or racking cough, with sore throat and colic, or suffocative cough at night. SQUILLA: Chronic catarrh, with profuse expectoration of a whitish and viscid mucus; the expectoration is at times easy, at others very hard. S'rANNUM: Copious expectoration of a yellowish or greenish mucus of a sweetish or salt taste; or dry, racking cough, especially in bed from evening till midnight, worse in the morning, and sometimes attended with nausea and vomiting of the ingesta. STAPHYSAGRIA: Cough with expectoration of a yellowish, viscid, purulent mucus, especially at night, ulcerative pain in the chest, or even bloody expectoration. VERATRUM: Hollow and deep cough, as if proceeding deep from the chest or abdomen; with colic, ptyalism, bluish face, involuntary emission of urine, violent pain in the side, difficult breathing and great debility; or stitches towards the abdominal ring, as if hernia would protrude. VERBASCUM: Especially suitable to children, for dry and rough cough, especially in the evening and at night, during sleep, without waking the child. Compare: Catarrhi, laryngitis, angina pectoris, pleuritis, pulmonary phthisis, a.sthman croup, whooping-cough, influenza, cough, hoarseness, &c. BREASTS AND NIPPLES OF WOMEN. —The best re. medies for sore nipples are: Axr. su/ph.; or, Calc. cham. ign. puls. (:CAMOMILL.: Inflamed or even ulcerated nipples; if the patient should have drank much chamomile-tea, give Ign. or Puls., or perhaps, Mlere. or Sil. For simple soreness, use: Arnica, and if Arn. should not be sufficient, give Sullph. and Calc. Beside these remedies, the following may be used: Caust. graph. lye. merec. n-vom. sep. sil. ~ 2. For inflammation of the breasts, the best remedies are: Bell. bry. carb-a. hep. merec. phos. sil. sulph. BE:LLADONNA: The breasts are swollen and hard, with stitching or tearing pains and erysipelatous redness, radiating from a central point. (Is frequently suitable in alternation with Bryon.) BRYONIA: The breasts are hard, rigid and turgid with milk, 40 BREASTS, &c.-CANCERS. with tensive or stitching pain in the swelling and burning heat on the outside; especially when febrile motions supervene. with heat, vascular orgasm, &c. (If Bryon. be insufficient, use Bellad.) HEPAR: If suppuration should set in in spite of Bell. bry. and Mere. MERcvURvs:: If the inflammation yield neither to Bell. nor Bryon., and the breasts remain hard and painful. Pu1osrIonRus: When Hlepar. does not stop the suppurative process. The breasts are ulcerated, fistulous. the ulcers having hard and callous edges;- or colliqulative sweats and diarrhea set in, with cough, feverish heat in the evening, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, and other symptoms of hectic fever. SILICEA: Phosphorus being insufficient for suppuration of the nipples, fistulous ulcers, and symptoms of hectic fever. ~ 3. For induration of the mammre, and nodosities in the breasts, g(ive: 1) CarL-a. con. sil.; or, 2) Clem. coloc. graph. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. ol-jec. phosph. puls. sep. sulph.-If the disease should have been caused by a blow, Ara. carbo-a. and con. deserve a preference. For cancer of the mammav, the principal remedies are: 1) Ars. elem. sil.; and also, 2) Bell. con. hep.? kreos.? CALCULI RENALES.-Principal remedies: 1) Lye. sassap. 2) Ant. calc. natr-mn. phosp.p! puls. ruta. sep. sil. 3) Alum. amrlm. amb. cainth. chin. pete. pthujca. CAMPHOR, ILLT EFI'ECTS OF. —For poisoning with large doses: black coffee until vomiting sets in; afterwards Opium 30 in water, a teaspoonful every hour. CANCER AND SCIRRHUS.-Best remedies: 1) Ars. bell. eon. n-vorn. sep. sil. sulph.; and perhaps, 2) Aur. calc. carb-an. thin.:. clem. coloc. graph. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. staph. tlui. For open, cancer: 1) Ars. con. sil. and sulph. 2) Aur. bell. eale. hep. lach. mnerc. it'r-ac. sep. staph. and thuij. For Scirrhous indurations: 1.) Bell. con. sep. and sil.; and perhaps, 2) Carb-an. carb-veg. cham. n-vom. phosph. staph. and sulph. Scirrhous or cancerous affections in consequence of contusion or shock, require Con. or Staphys., or perhaps, Arniica. See: Cancer of the womb, ji'dce, and cancer of the other organs. CANCER OF THE EYES.-Laurocer. is the only remedy known for this affection. It is probable, however, that —I) Bell. calc. con. sil. 2) Ars. hep. lyc. sep. &c., are more specific. CANCERS. 41 CANCER OF THE NOSE.-Principal remedies: 1) Ars. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. caLc. carb-an. sep. See: CANCER AND ERUPTIONS IN THE FACE. CANCER AND SCIRRHUS OF THE STOMACH.-The best remedies are: 1) Ars. baryt. lyc. n-vom. phos. veratr.; or, 2) Con.? sil.? staph.? sulph. See: CANCER. CANCER AND INDURATIONS OF THE UTERUS: Carcinoma et Scirtchus uteri. ~ 1. The best renedies are: 1) Carb-an. graph. kreos. 2) Ars. aurt. bell. chin. cic. clem. coccul. con. dulc. jod. nwagn-m. merc. nitr-ac. sep. sil. stap/h. thuj. ~ 2. For in(lduration (scirrhus) of the uterus, give: 1) Carbhan. 2) Aur. bell. chin. magn-m. sep. staph. 3) Clemn. coccul. con.; also, Rhus. p/los. For real cancer, Graph. and Kreasot. have been used. The following remedies deserve consideration: 2) Carb-an. 3) Ars. bell. chin. clesu. merec. sep. sil.; also, 4) Lach. staph. sabin. phos. calc. and thulj. For the phagredenic (not cancerous) ulcers of the uternls and neck of the ut.erlls, I have seetl good effects froln: 1) Nil'r-ac. thuj. 2) Ars. bell. chin. coccul. mere. sep. ~ 3. Particutlar indications: BELLADONNA: Frequent hmmorrhages of the uterus, with pressing towards the genital organs, violent pains in the small of the back, and excessive nervousness. CONIUM: Stitchlngr pains, especially when attended with nausea, vomiting, desire for various kinds of food, &c. GRAP1ITES: Hot and painful vagilla: swelling of the lymphatic vessels and mucous follicles; the lieck of the uterus is hard and swollen, with tuberculous nodes and cauliflower-excre:scences great weight in' the abdomen on rising, with failting sorl of weakness and aggravation of the pains; delaying menses, with aggravation of the pains shortly before and at the appearance of the menses; discharge of black, Ilmpy, fetid blood; stitches shooting through the abdomen as far as the thighs; burnling and stitching pains; constipation; livid complexion; sad and anxious mood. KREASOTUJM: Stitches from the abdomen to the vagina; swelling of the labia and itching in the vagina; discharge of dark, lumpy menstrual blood, succeeded by discharge of an acrid, bloody ichor; pressing from above downwards, during and between the menses, &c. 4* 42 CANCERS-CARDIALGIA. ~ 4. Compare: MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES, CANCEROUS ULCERS, and INDURATIONSCANTHARIDES, POTSONING BY. —The best remedy for large doses is spirits of camphor in drop-doses, on sugar, one drop every ten or fifteen minutes. Use mucilaginous drinks and frictions with camphor. For the ailments which frequently arise from abuse of Cantharides, Aeon. and Puls. are frequently suitable. CARDIALGIA, GASTRALGIA. ~ I. The best remedies are: 1) Bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. cham. chin. cocc. ign. n-vom. puls. sulph. 52) Bism. carb-an. caust. graph. grat. lach. lye. magn-c. nitr-sp. sil. stann. staph. stront. 3) Amrn. ant. coff. coloc. cupr. daph. euphorb. gran.? kal. kreos. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. sep. ~ 2. For Cardialgia from abuse of coffee: Cham. cocc. ign. n-von?. From abuse of chamomile: 1) N-vom. puls.; or, 2) Bell. ign. From emotions, such as: anger, chagrin, &c.: Cham. coloc.; or, n-vom. staph. From debility, loss of animal fluids, from nursing, sweating, abuse of cathartics, from the effects of a confinement, &c.: Carbveg. chin. cocc., or nuix-v. For Cardialgia of drunkards, or debauchees: Carbo-veg. nuxv., or calc. lach. sulph. ~ 3. Cardialgia with sanguineous obstructions in the portal system: Carb-rvec. or unnx-v. In the case of hysteric or hypochondriac individuals: Calc. cocc. grat. ifgn. n-oam. umagn-c. stann. &c. During the menses: Cinam. cocc. n-vom. puls.-When the menses are too feeble: Cocc. puls.-When to profuse: Cale. or lyc. For Cardialgia from abuse of kitchen-salt: Nitr-sp. or carbveg. ~ 4. Particular indications: BELLADONNA: When Chamomilla seems to be indicated, but is ineffectual; most generally suitable to females or delicate individuals, especially when the following symptoms are present: gnawing pressure, or spasmodic tension, obliging the patient to bend backwards, or to stop the breath, which alleviates the pain; the pains are brought on by eating; the pain is so violent, that the patient loses his consciousness and faints away; great thirst, with aggravation of the pains by drinking; slow and scanty stool; sleepless nights, sometimes a little sleep in the daytime. CARDIALGIA. 43 BRYONIA: Pressure in the pit of the stomach as from a stone, especially during or immediately after a meal, with sensation of swelling in the region of the stomach; or contrastive, pinching and cutting pains, abating by pressing upon the region of the stomach, or after several eructations; aggravation of the pains by motion, or when walking, with stitches in the region of the stomach on making a false tep; constipation, pressure and compressive sensation in the temples, forehead and occiput, as if the skull would burst; relief is obtained by ilaking pressure on the head or temples. CALCAREA: Suitable to plethoric persons that are apt to bleed from the nose, or to females who menstruate profusely, or after Belladonna had been given with but partial effect; it is indicated by: Pressure in the stomach, compressive, crampy pains, or clutching sensation in the region of the stomach, with anxiety; aggravation of the pains at night, or after a meal, frequently with vomiting of the ingesta, acidity and nausea; painful sensitiveness of the region of the stomach when pressing upon it; constipation and hemorrhoidal distress, or chronic looseness of the bowels; palpitation of the heart, &c. CARBO VEG.: After Nux-v. had been given with partial effect, or when the following symptoms occur: Painful, burning pressure, withl anguish, trembling and aggravation by contact, also at night and after a meal, especially after taking fiatulent food; or spasmodic contractive pain, compelling the patient to bend double, with asthma and aggravation in a recumbent posture; heartburn; nausea; loathing of food, even when merely thinking of it;frequentJ-latulence, with oppression of the chest and constipation. CIAMOMILLA: Distention of the epigastrium and hypochondria, with pressure as from a' stone; oppression, short and difficult breathing; aggravation of the pains after a meal, or at night, with great anguish and restlessness; decrease of the pains by bending double, instantaneous reief by coffee; and when the following symptoms are present: Beating pain in the vertex, at night, obliging one to get out of bed; irritable, peevish mood. Cham. is frequently most suitable in alternation with Coff.; if it should be ineffectual, give Bell. instead.) CHINA: Dyspeptic weakness, with distention of and painful pressure in the region of the stomach., after eating or drinking ever so little; acidity, heartburn, slimy or bilious passages; the pains get worse during rest, abate during motion; loss of appetite, aversion to food and drink; idleness; sleepiness; hypochondriac mood and inability to work, especially after a meal; slow stool; yellow, livid complexion; yellow appearance of the whites. CoccuLUS: After partial relief by Nux-v. or- Chamom- Symp 44 CARDIALGIA. toms: Aching, contractive pains in the abdomen, passing off after discharge of flatulence; the colic returns after eating, with nausea, wat4' in the mouth and oppression of the chest; hard, delaying stool; ill, intractable mood, taciturn. IGNATIA: After partial relief by Pulsatilla. Symptoms: Painful pressure as from a stone, especially after eating or at night, in the region of the pylorus; or sensation of weakness or emptiness in the pit of the stomach, with sensitiveness to contact, and burning in the stomach; hiccough; regurgitation of the ingesta; aversion to food and drink, or to tobacco; accumulation of mucus in the mouth, &c.; suitable to persons who had been starving either from want or other causes, Nrrx VOM.: Contractive, aching or crampy pains, with clutching or clawing sensation in the stomach; the pressure of the clothes on the epigastrium feels unpleasant; the pains are worse after a meal, after tak'ing coffee, at night, or towards morning, or after rising; sensation as if a band were tied round the chest, with pains extending to the back and kidneys; the attack is attended with nausea, water in the mouth, heartburn, or even vomiting of the ingesta; sour or foul taste in the mouth; flatulent distention of the abdomen; constipation, haemorrho'dal ailments, hypochondriac, peevish, quarrel some mood, with vehement disposition; hemicrania, or aching pains in the forehead, with inability to work; palpitation of the heart, with anguish. Nux-v. is generally suitable at the commencement of every case of cardialgia; sometimes, however, an exacerbation of the symptoms takes place after every dose of Nux; in such cases Puls. ign., or Chain. deserve a p)reference If Nux-v. should be without effect, though apparently indicated, CiLhan. or Cocc. should be tried. PULSATILLA: Stitching pains, worse when walking or when making a wrong step; or crampy pains, either before breakfast or after a meal, generally attended witfi nausea, or vomiting of the ingesta; absence of thirst, except at the acme of the pains; beating ill the epigastrium, with anguish, or tension and compression in the region of the stomach; soft, or liquid stools; aggravation of the pains in the evening, with chills which increase correspondinagly with the pains; sour or bitter taste of the mouth or food; sad and whining mood; bland temper. SULPHUR: Pressure as from a stone, particularly after eating, with nausea, water in the mouth, or vomiting; also when the following symptoms are- present: acidity, heartburn, frequent regurgitation of the ingesta; aversion to fat food, rye-bread, sour things or sugar; dulness of the head, with inability to think: the pressure of the clothes on the hypochondria is unpleasant,. with distention of these parts; disposition to piles or accumula — CARDIALGIA. 45 tion of mucus in the intestines; hypochondriac, whining mood, disposition' to be vehement. ~ 5. The following remedies are sometimes bseful: BISMrUTIUM: Aching pain, with feeling of heaviness and indescribable malaise ill the stomach. CARBO ANIMALIS: After partial relief by Carbo veg., burning aching' pain, acidity, heartburn, mucus in the stomach, and constipation. CAUSTICUM: Pressure, spasmodic contraction, and griping in the stomach, as if clawed; the hair stands on end as the pains increase, acidity and nmucus in the stomach. GRAPHITEs: Crampy, spasmodic or clawing pains, or pressure with vomiting of the ingesta. GRATIOLA: Pressure in the stomach, especially after a meal, with nausea, ineffectual attempts at eructations, constipation and hypochondriac mood. LACuIEsIS: Achiing pains which diminish immediately after a meal, but recommence again in a few hours, and are particularly violent after the siesta; dyspeptic weakness, flatulence and constipation. LYcoPODIUM: Compressive pains as if the stomach were pressed together from both sides, less in the evening, but coming on again in the morning, especially in the open air, or after a meal. MAGNESIA: Aching and contractive pains, with sour eructations. NITRI SPIRITUS: Aching, contractive pains from eating too much salt, fulness in the stomach, after a meal, with sour or slimy vomiting; loss of appetite, heartburn and acidity. SILICEA: Aching pain in the stomach, especially after eating or drinking rapidly, with mucus in the stomach and vomititng. STANNUM: Obstinate cardialgia, with bitter eructatiws, canine hunger, diarrhcea, nausea, pale and sickly complexion. STAPnYSAGRIA: Aching and tensive pain in the stomach, at times worse, at others better after eating, especially bread, with frequent nausea and constipation. STRONTIANA: Aching in the stomach, especially after a meal, with fulness in the abdomen. ~ 6. For pains in the stomach with great anguish and oppression in the pit and region of the stomach: Arac. ars. calc. carbveg. cham. chin. graph. guaj. laur. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. op. puls. spig. stann. straim. su.lph. thej. veratr.-Painfulness to contact, in the pit of the stomach: 1) Ars. baryt. bry. calc. coloc. lye. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phosph. sil. spig. sulph. veratr. 2) Canmph. 46 CARDIALGIA. eann. colch. dig. ferr. kal. magn-c. magn-m. phos-ac. plat. rhod. sep. stann.-Boring pains: Amin. ars. caps. carb-ar. natr. nitr. sep.-Burning pains: 1) Ars. camph. carb-veg. cic. dig. lach. nvom. phosph. sep. sil. salph. 2) Bry. dulc. hyos. lach. magn-c. merc. snez. mur-ac. nair. natr-m. zinc.-Aching pains: Ars. baryt. bell. bry. calc. cnrh-an. carb-veg. caust. chain. cic. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. lach. lyc. mere. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. n-vonm. phosph. rhus. sep. sil. stann. staph. sulph. - Ulcerative pain: Baryt. conn. carb-veg. con. hell. mnagn-c. magn-m. merc. rhus. stann.-Swelling of the region of the stomach: Amm. aur. calc. coff. hep. ipec. lyc. nat-rn. petr. sulph.-Griping and clawing in the stomach: 1) Ctlc. carb-an. caust. magn-arct. natr-m. n-vom. phosph. puls. sil. 2) Arm. chin. coccul. graph. lye. natr. nitr-ac. petr. stann. sulph. sulph-ac.-Feeling of coldness in the stomach and pit of the stomach: Alum. amm. baryt. caps. chin. colch. con. latr. natr-m. phosph. rhus. sulph. spong. zinc. —Beating pains: Bell. cartb-veg. cic. dros. graph. kal. kreos. laur. lyc. magn-rn. merc. moscih. lmur-ac. natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhab. sep. sulph. tart. thuj. zinc. —Crampy pains: See ~ 1.-Creeping pains:-Alum. caust. colch. plat. puls. rhod. rhus. —Gnawing pains: Alum. amm. amnm-m. ars. baryt. calc. carb-veg. graph. hep. lach. lye. natr. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. pauls. rhod. ruta. sil. sulph.-Tearing pains: Alum. amm. ars. baryt. carb-an. cupr. kreos. lyc. merc. nvom. puls. ruta. sep. sulph. —Stitching pains: 1) Arn. bry. caust. colch. dig. Inch. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. 2) Alum. armb. amm. baryt. calc. cath. carb-an. chin. con. cupr. graph. ign. magn-c. natr-m. phosph. sulph. —Feeling of fulness: 1) Chin. dig. kal. lach. lye. n-mosch. n-voin. petr. phosph. 2) Acon. arn. asa. kal. merc. mez. staph.-Sore pain: Alum. baryt. bry. calc. chini. colch. con. hell. igvi. kal(. lac/. mnagn-c. mavg. mosch. sitr-ac. n-vomn. ran. sabad. sep.-Co,.sfrictive, contractive pains: 1) Anmin. carb-an. carb-veg. graph. m(,afgn-c. natr. vatr-m. n-voin.,sulph. 2) Alum. borax. chin. coccul. digf. guaj. kal. lyc. m erc. natr-mn. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. plumba. rtab. rhus. sep. sulphi-ac. ~ 7. Compare: VOMITING, STOMACH, weakness of, COLIC, PAIN, paroxysms of, CONDITIONS, CAUSES, &C. CATARACT, GLsAUCOMA, &c.-The best remedies for cataract are: 1) Cann. caust. con. Imangn phosph. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Amin. baryt. calc. chel. dig. etphr. hep. hyos. nitr-ac. op. ruta. seneg%. spigr. strain. For cataract from injury by a blow, &c., (traumatic cataract), the best remedy is said to be Conium, though we may likewise use: Aitnm. etphr. puls. and ruta. Glaucoma, or blue or green cataract, seems to require principally Phosphorus. CATARACT-CATARRH. 47 For reticulated cataract, give: Caust. and Plumb. CATARRH, CORYZA. t. 1. Principal remedies: 1) Amm. ars. chainm. dulc. hep. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Bell. euphr. ign. ipec. lyc. natr. samb. 3) Alum. anac. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. con. graph. natrm. nitr-ac. sep. sil. zinc., &c. ~ 2. For the preeursory symptoms, when the development of the catarrh seems to be delayed, with catarrhal affection of the frontal cavities, eyes, &c., use: 1) Atnm. calc. lach. n-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Caust. hep. and natr-m. For dry coryza, or catarrhal obstruction of the nose, use, together with the above-mentioned remedies: Bry. ign. lye. natr. natr-m. nitr-dc. phosph. plat. sil. Obstruction of the nose in the case of new-born infants, is generallyrelieved by Nux-v. or Samlbucus. For fluent coryza, discharge of mucus from the nose, give: 1) Mere. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Ars. bell. c)tam. dulc. hep. ipec. lye. merc. nitr-ac. sil. ~ 3. The best remedies for ordinary catarrh, are: 1) Merc. hep. bell. lach.; or, 2) Ars. dulc. n-vom. ipec.; or, 3) Cham.puls. sulph.; or, 4) Atmm. bry. euphr. ign. For catarrh with fever: 1) Merc. n-vom.; or, 2) Acon. ars. sabad. spig. For chronic catarrh, give: Alum. anac. calc. carb-veg. caust. con. graph. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. sil. zinc.-and the remedies indicated for " Suppuration of the nose." For the disposition to catarrh, the best remedies are: Cale. graph. natr. puls. sil. sulph. and the remedies indicated for "Cold." ~ 4. For the consequences to suppressed catarrh, give: Aeon. ars. bell. bry. chin. cin. n-vom.puls. sulph. If the head be greatly affected, the best remedies are: 1) Acon. bell. cham. chin. cin. n-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Ars. bell. carb-veg. lach. lye. puls. If the eyes should be principally involved, use: 1) Bell. eham. e uphr. ign. lach. n-voa. puls.; or, 2) Hep. mere. sulph. For asthmatic complaints, use: 1) Ars. ipec.; or, 2) Bry. nvom. or sulph. And for bronchitis: Acon. bry. mere. n-vom. puls. rhus. or sulph. ~ 5. Particular indications: AMMONIUM: Stoppage of the nose, especially at night; swelling and painful sensitiveness of the nostrils; discharge of blood from' the nose on blowing it; dryness of the nose; painful eyes, 48 CATARRH. lachrymation; bleeding at the nose; dry mouth, especially at night, &c. ARSENICUM: Stopfpage of the nose, with copious discharge of a watery mlucus, and burning ill the nose, with soreness of the adjacent parts; sleepless nights; bleeding at the nose; hoarseness; buzzing in the ears; headache with beating in the forehead, and nausea; relief by warmth, absence of thirst, or desire to drink all the time, but little at a time. DULCAMARA: Stoppage of the nose, with discharge which is suppressed by the least contact with cold air; the symptoms are worse during rest, and abate duriing motion; bleeding at the nose; dryness of the mouth without thirst; rough and hoarse voice. CHAMOMILLA: Principally suitable to children, or after suppression of sweat, especially wheln the folIowing symptOlniS occur: Ulcerated nostrilk; chappedi lip;,p ~reat dIr:'owd1;it.-,n;, heavihnes of the head with dulnoss; c /:';.;. w4tl, i;i;'v'. ote, cheek is ied and the other pale; acridl Imucus froil ti:e no.srils (frequenlty suitable before or after Puls.) HEPAR: After partial reiietL bsy I.er., in -IIl cases ofordimaary catarrh, or when the patient had b(cn drirgged with Mercury; generally, when every breath of cold air causes aV new attack of catarrh or headache; or when the catarrh is confined to one nostril, and the headache gets worse by niotion. LAciHESIS: After parltial eJfect of 1igfy. and Itep. Symptoms: Copioaus dischasrge of watery/( y:,/s.;; swellilg and soreiless of the nostriis anid lips; scurf inl;he ).ms:'~ris, lacihrym tiroil, frequent sneezing; or when the catalrh d uri- a:i3s undc-ve!,,tl d, witch stoppage of the nose, buzzing in thie cars, iachryimatiun, hc!aduch, illhumour, imnability to think; espcically after Ntx-v., if given without effect. JMEicurisIUs: Ordinary cn(C;Y)7, whet h er epidenmic or not. Symptoms: Frequent e~.7inr r cblicea.:; d(ieci,.r/e 0c( wrcatery saliva, swelling, redoe..a and::_:,c,;c-.s of the vacs, wi: it.ching and pain in the nas-al boniles (o prnsIng Poni thelni;./tid.mell of the nasal mucu.s; pailful heaviness in the f;,rche1 d; dnightsweats; chills or feverish heat; great thirst; pain;r in the tiiibs; desire to be alone; the symptoms;are aggravited by warmth or cold. (Compare: Bell. iep. and b1ic:.) Nux voM: Suppressioli of the catarrhal discharge, with stoppage of the nose; headache with htaviness in tihe forehced, or with stitching or tearing pins; hot fatce, especially in the evening, with burning rednless of the cheeks; rigidity of the whole body; vexed mood, vehementt; the catarrh is flueiit in the morning, dry in the evening or at night, with dry month, without much thirst; feeling of dryness in the chest; constipation or hard stools; or simultaneous stoppage of the nose, and discharge CATARRH. 49 of a burhing and corrosive mucus, for which Ars. did no good. (Compare: Ars. ipec. and lach.) PULSATILLA: Loss of appetite; loss of taste and smell; discharge qf a yellowish, green, thick ad.fetid mucus; swelling of the nose; discharge of blood from the nose on blowing it; ulceration of the nostrils; frequent sneezing; photophobia; rough voice; dullless and heaviness of the head, especially in the evening and in a warm room, with obstruction of the nose; the symptoms are less in the open air; chills, especially in the evening, absence of thirst, whining mood. (Frequently suitable after or before Chain.) SULPHIUR: Stop,7ae and great dryness of the nose, or copious secretion of a thick, yeillowisl and purvlent mucus: frequent aneezin; discllarge of blood ftiom the uose ol blowing it; loss of smell; sorenes-s and ulceration of the no;t;ils. &c. (Frequently esuih:si. ar..i a - l'I s.? Q ~U (t)ie`it otloit s eit, + elt d i t.we l r diserve consideratiol: BELLADONNA: After partial efiect of fierce. or Hlepar., the sense of smell is at times nmore, at others less keen than usual. EUir:;tAsIA: (opious discharge of whitish mucus, with red eyes and lachrymation. IGNATIA: Catarrh of nervous persons, with frontal headache and hysteric nervousness. IPECACUANUIHA ACter partial eifect of Ars. and Nux vom.r: for great debility, loss of appetite, nauisea and vomniting. LYCOPODIUM: S&Oppie oj the nose, at n g.'t, dull head, burning paiLL in the forehe.d. NATnRjM: The catarrh returns every other day; it is excited by tho least draughlt of air, and does not yiesd to sweating. SAIBJucvs: Suitable to new-born infantts; the nose is obstructed by a tenacious, thick mucus, with sudden starting from sleep, as if suffocating. ~ 7. Compare COUGHt, SUPPrIATION OF THiE NOSE, &C., and especially: Mucous MEMBRANES, DISEASES OF THE. CATARRIH, SUFFOCATIVE, ORTIIOPNCA PARALYTICA.The best remedies are: 1) Arse1. carb-verg. chin. ipec. lach. op.; or, 2) Baryt-c. camt ph. graph. puls. samb. tart. For suffocative catarrh with accumtnulaion of mucus in the bronchi, give: 1) Ars. camph. chin. ipec. tart.; or, 2) Carb-veg. graph. puls. samb. For paralytic orthopnoea (catarrh with paralytic state of the pulmonary nerves), give: 1) LBaryt-c. graph. iach. op.; or, 2) Ars. aur. carb-veg. chin. The best remedies for children are: Acon. ipec. samb. tart. The best remedies for old peopie: 1) Baryt. lach. op.; or, 2) Ars. aur. baryt-c. carb-veg. chin. con. 5 50 CATARRH-CAUSES OF DISEASE. For the more particular symptoms, see ASTHMA. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER. —The best remedies are: 1) Dulc. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Ant. calc. con. kal. n-vom. phos. See CYSTITIS and ISCHURIA. CATALEPSY, NYCTOBASIS, SOMNAMBULISM. ~ 1. These diseases are essentially related to each other. We include them in the same paragraph, in order to give the reader a chance, in case he should not discover suitable remedies for one form, to study the remedies of the other. ~ 2. For catalepsy we use principally: 1) Cham. ipec. plat. stram. 2) Acon. agar. bell. cic. hyos. mosch. veratr. 3) Asa. camph. coloc. dros. ign. merc. op. petr. For somnambulism: 1) Bry. natr-m. sil. sulph. 2) Petr. phos. rhab. For natural clairvoyance: Phos.; also: 1) Acon. bry. cic. hyos. magn-arct.; or, 2) Agar. mosch. natr-m. sil. sulph. veratr. Compare: SPASMS, EMOTIONS, MORBID, and DREAMS. CAUSES OF DISEASE.-A great many particular causes have been mentioned in special paragraphs. It may, however, be interesting to the reader to review the principal causes of disease under one head, as follows: a) From abuse of medicines: (See the different drugs.) b) From sexual abuse: 1) Calc. chin. n-vom. phos-ac. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Arnm. anac. carb-veg. con. merc. natr-m. phos. sep. 3) Agar. ars. cin. con. kal. natr. petr. phos. puls. sil. spig. thuj.-(Compare: DEBILITY.) c) Fromn bathing: Ant. ars. bell. calc. carb-veg. caust. nitr-ac. rhus. sassap. sep. sulph.-(Compare: COLD.) d) Inhalation of noxious vapours: (See VAPOURS.) e) If from congelation: 1) Acon. ars. bry. carb-veg. lach. nitrac. puls. sulph-ac. 2) Agar. camph. colch. petr. phos. sulph.(Compare: APPARENT DEATH.) f) If from being heated: 1) Acon. ant. bell. bry. camph. carbveg. sil. 2) Caps. kal. natr-m. n-vom. op. thuj. zinc.-(Com,. pare: HEAT, ILL EFFECTS OF.) g) From weariness by walking: Arn. bry. cann. chin. cpff. ferr. rhus. thuj. veratr. —(Compare: WORN OUT.) h) From violent concussion of the body: 1) Arn. bry. cic.'!son. epig. 2) Acon. bell. calc. cin. hep. ign, n-vom. phos-ac. rlhus rwta. sulph. i) From riding in a carriage, swinging, or some other passive motion: 1) Ars. cocc. petr. sulph. 2) Colch. ferr. n-mosch. sep. gil. 3) Borax. carb-veg. colch. croc. graph. hep. ign. kal. aqtr. natr-m. phos. plat. selen. staph. CAUSES OF DISEASE. 51 k) From mental exertion: 1) Bell. calc. lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Anac. arn. aur. cocc. colch. ign. lyc. natr-m. oleand. plat. sabad. sep. sil.-(Compare: WORN OUT.) 1) From emotions: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. coff. coloc. hyos. ign. lach. merc. n-om.n. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. staph. stram. veratr. 2) Ars. aur. calc. caust. cocc. coff. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. rhus. sep. sulph. —(See: EMOTIONS.) m) From hurtful food or drink. —(See STOMACH, WEAKNESS OF.) n) From poisonous things or animnals. —(See: POISONING.) o) From stings of insects.-(See: STINGS OF INSECTS.) p) From physical exertions: 1) Acon. arn. bry. calc. chin. cocc. coffi merc. rhus. sil. veratr. 2) Alum. cann. lyc. natr-m. n-vors ruta. sabin. sulph. —(Compare: WORN OUT.) q) From derangement of the stomnach: 1) Ant. arn. ipec. nsom. puls 2) Aeon. ars. bry. carb-veg. chin. coff. hep. ign. natr. staph. 3) Calc. carb-veg. cham. hep. natr. natr-m. phos. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. r) From watching: 1) Carb-veg. cocc. n-vom. puls. 2) Amb. bry. chin. ipec natr. natr-m. phos-ac. ruta. sabin. selen. sep.(Compare: WORN OUT.) s) From getting wet by rain, &c.: 1) Calc. dulc. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb-'veg. n-mosch. rhus. sassap. 3) Ars. bell. borax. bry. cau.st. colch. hep. lyc. phos. sep. —(See: COLD.) t) From illtaxication: 1) Ant. carb-veg. cof. n-voam. sulph. 2) Bell. hry. calc. chin. duLlc. natr. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. rhus. — (Compare: I)RUNKARDS, DISEASES OF, and WORN OUT.) U) From loss of Lanimal fluids, bloodletting, &c.: 1) Cale. carbveg. chin. ci,. lach. n-vom. phos-ac. sulph. veratr. 2) Ars. con. ferr. iga. kal. omerc. natr. natr-m. phos. puls. sep. sil. spig. squill. staph. —(Cornpare: Dim UILITY.) v) For ailments of habitual drunkards: 1) Ars. bell. calc. chin. ct[ff. hel!. hyos. lach. merc. natr. n-uvom. op. puts. sulph. 2) A(ar. a:if. ciAhb-eve coec. oc. in led lyc. i:atr-m. n-mosch. ran. rhod. r -/i.;-ita. ssele. sil. spig. straal. veratr. —(See: DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF.) w) From o;ia'Lsin a: 1) N vom. sulph. 2) Calc. carb-veg. chin. cocc. con. natr-sn. n-mosch. phos. phos-ac. staph. 2) Anac. ant. cin. dul, l-a!. lyc. mnerc. petr. phos. patls. scp. sil. spig. staph. — (See: DERILITY, ATROPHY OF TtIE SPINAL MARROW, SEX'UAL INSTINCT, &eC. x) Frowil heat of the sun: 1) Ait. bell. camrph. hyos. nalr. puls. 2) Acon. aar-. bry. y ephr. lach. selen. sol/ph. ral.-(See: HEAT.) y) Frlom stone-dust: 1) Calc. sil. 2) Lyc. natr. puls. sulph. z) From.suppression of habitual secretions or eruptions: 1) Acon. bell. l bir. calc. chin. lyc. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carbveg. caast. cba(i. dulc. graph. kal. lyc. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sep. 52 CAUSES OF DISEASE-CHAMOMILE. sil. stram. 3) Amb. amm. ant. arn. aur. baryt. cin. cocc. cupr. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. nerc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nmosch. ran. seneg. spong. —(See: SECRETIONS, SUPPRESSED.) Z a) From a cold: 1) Acon. cham. coif. dulc. merc. n-vom. pul.s. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. bry. carb-veg. hyos. ipec. phos. rhus. 8il. spig. 3) Cale. chin. coloc. conr. gaph. hep. lyc. mlang. natrm. nitr-ac. -'m;FLc. samb. sep. veratr. —(See: COLD.) z b) From in:iuries: 1) Arn. cic. con. hep. lach. puls. rhus. sulph-ac. 2) Acon. amm. bry. calc. cauist chain. euphr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. rt.ta. sil. staph. sulph. zinc. 3) Alum. bell. borax. carb-veg. dulc. jod. petr. sil. —(See: INJIJR1ES.) z c) From washing and working in water: 1) Calc. n-mosch. puls. sassap. sulph. 2) Amm. ant. bell. carb-veg. dulc. mere. nitr-ac. thas. sep. spig.-(See: COLD.) z d) From suppression of fever and agite. —(See: FEVERS, INTERMITTENT.) CHAMOMILE, ILL EFFE.CTS oF.-The best remedies are: 1) Aeon. cocc. coif ign. n-vom. puls. 2) Alum. borax. camph. coloc. ACONITUM: Fever with heat, and tearing or drawing pains, less daring motion. CoccUvLS: Hysteric abdominal spasms, either recent or old ones aggravated. COFFEA: Violent pains or feverish heat with great nervousness and excessive sensitiveness. IGNATIA: Violetlt cramps and convulsions, or soreness in the folds, Puls. having proved ineffectual for the latter symptom. Nux voM: Old aiilments are made worse, or cardialgia set in; Coffea being inleflectual. PULSATILLA: Nautsea with vomiting or diarrhoea, or soreness in the folds of infants. CHEST, PAINS IN, DISTRESS IN TIlE. This refers merely to the rheumatic pains in the chest, as the other pains are specially treated of under ASTiMA, ANGINA PECTORIS, CONGESTIONS OF TIlE CIIEST, PLEURITIS, PNEUMONIA, &C. Principal remedies: 1) Aron. ars. bry. chin. n-vom, pull.; or, 2) Ars. bell. caust. carb-v. chiam. colch. lach. merc. phos sulph. verat. FALSE PLEURISY (Pllelmonia notha) requires Arn. or sometimes Bry., or even Ac;on., if the patient should be very restless and feverish. If a metastasis of the rheumrnatismn to the heart threaten to take place, Heringr advises to give Lach., after which Caust. and Carb-v. may be exhibited. CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. 53 See: RHEUMATISM and PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF; also: CAUSES, PERIODS OF THE DAY, CONDITIONS. CHILBLAINS. —The best remedies are: 1) Agar. bell. nitrac. petr. phos. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Arn. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. chin. hyos. lyc. magn-aust. phos-ac. rhus. sulph-ac. For inflamed chilblains, give: Ars. chtam. lyc. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. For blue-red and swollen chilblains: Arm. bell. kal. puls. For very painful ones: 1) Ilep. 2) Aimt. nitr-ac. petr. phosac. puls. sep. CHILDREN, DISEASES OF, MORBI NEONATORUM. ~ 1. Many diseases of children having been mentioned in other articles, we here content ourselves with mentioninog the acute or otherwise most important diseases under one head. ~ 2. Asthmatic attacks of infants, with spasms, danger of suffocation and bluish face, yield to Ipec., and, if occurring during sleep, with screams, dry and husky cough, and anxiety, to: Sambucus. See: ASTIHMA TIIYMICUM, and ASTHMA MILLAR1. Hardness and distention of the hypochondria And pit of the stomach, with shortness of breath, loss of breath, anguish and restlessness, tossing about, screams, drawing-up of the legs (livergrown), yields to Chalmorm. ~ 3. For ophthalmia neonatorum, the best remedies are: (1 Acon. cham. dulc. nmerc.; or, 2) Bell. bry. calc. n-vom. puls. sulph., &c. (See: OPIITIIALMIA.) ~ 4. For hernia of infants: Aur. cham. n-vom. sulph. veratr. -for umbilical hernia: Nux-v. or sulph.-for inguinal hernia: Aur. cham. n-vom. sulph. veratr. —These remedies should be given one at a time, and at long intervals. ~ 5. Diarrho/a of infants, from acidity in the prime vie, with colic and screams, tenesmus, and sour smell of the whole body, in spite of the greatest cleanliness, yields to Rhubarb. If insufficient, if the colic be very violent, Cham. deserves a preference if the face should be very red, and Bell. if the face be pale. If the pains be slight, with great debility and distention of the abdomen, and Bell. cham. rhub. have proved inefficient, give Sulphur. Diarrhcea from heat, yields to a few doses of Ipec. or Nux-vom. If the diarrhcea should set in whenever the weather grows hot, give Bryan., to be followed, if insufficient, by Carbo veg. If the diarrhaea should set in every time the weather cools off, give: Dulcam. or Antim., if the tongue should be coated white. 5* CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. 55 ~ 10. Jaundice of new-born infants generally yields to M]lerc., or, if this be insufficient, to China. ~ 11. Retention of urine yields to Camnph., or to a few doses of Acont. or Puls. ~ 12. For colic the best remedies are: 1) Borax. chain. cin. ipec. jalp. n-mosch. rhab. se>ov,., or 2) Aeon. bell. calc. caust. cic. coff. sil. staph. &c- See Colic. ~ 13. Conrvwsions of children and infants require: 1) Bell. cham. cin. co/f if.. ip?. mere. op., or 2) Aeon. caust. culpr. lach. n-vori. stann. sulph. Particular indications: BELLADONNA: The paroxysmrns terminate in or alternate with coma; or the children suddenly wake as if in affright, with wild anxious and staring looks, as i' they were afraid; dilated ptpils; tetanic rigidity and icy coldness of the whole body, with burning heat of the hands and forehead; or, the children wet their beds frequently. CHIAMOMILLA: For conIVlsions of the extremities, with involuntary motions of the head, afterwards coma, with half-opened eyes and loss of consciousness; redness of one cheek, and paleness of the other; sighing and frequent desire to drink ( If Cham. should prove insufficient, give Bellatdonna. ) CINk: The children are affected with worms, or wet their beds frequently, with spasms in the chest, convulsions of the extremities, hard and distended abdoimen, frequent itching of the nose, dry cough resembling whooping-coulgh, &c. COFFEA: Suitable to feeble children, if they are frequently attacked with convulsions without any secondary symptoms. IGNATITA: For convulsions from teething, or worms, or when the paroxysrns recur every day at the same hour, with twitching of single intiscles or extremities; the spasms are frequently succeeded or accompanied by heat or sweat; light sleep, with sudden startin g; piercing cries and trembling of the whole body. ( After ck:itt., chainfto. is frequently suitable.) IPECACUANIIA: Between the paroxysms the children suffer with shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, with frequent spasmodic stretching of the limbs. MEltc rJvs: Hardness and distention of the abdomen, frequent eructaticts anid ptyalism, or heat, sweat and great debility after the spa nms. Oriun: The paroxysms are caused by fright, or are attended with trembling of the whole body, stretching of the extremities, piercing cries, coma and loss of consciousness, distention of the abdomen, constipation and retention of urine. 56 CHILDREN, DISEASES OF. ~ 14. Muscular debility of infants, in consequence of which they have great difficulty in learning to walk, yields to: 1) Bell. calc. caust. sil. sulph., or 2) Pinus-silvestris. ~ 15. The best remedies for acidity or diarrhmea are: 1). Cham. rhab., or 2) Bell. calc. sulph. ~ 16. For asphyxia or apparent death of new-born infants, the best remedy, together with the necessary external manipulations, is one grain of Tartar emetic in 8 ounces of water, either as an injection, or in drop-doses, a few drops every 15 minutes. If no change should take p!ace in half an hour, give Opium, if the face of the infant should be blue, or Chinra if pale. If the infant should show signs of life, give Aconite in case the face was blue or red, and Ciina if pale. ~ 17. Sleeplessness of infants yields to Coffea, provided the nurse does not drink coffee; inl this case give Opi7em, also when Coffea proves ineffectual, or the infant's face is red. Sleeplessness with colic or screams yields to Cham., or Jalap., or RhiLb. For sleeplessness with restlessness and feverish heat, give Acontite. Ftr sl eplesslness after weaning, with constant cries for hours and even days, the best remedy is Belladonna. ~ 18. For dry coryza or stoppage of the nose, which prevents infants from breathinur while nursing, the best remedy is Nux v., or Salbthue.Cus; or to C/,antonm., if the slopp;pge be attended with discharige of water frorm the nose; or to Cri-b-veg., if the distress be worse in the evening; or to Dulc., if worse in the open air. ~ 19. For the crie.s of new-born infants, when without any percepl;ub/e cause,,give Bell. or C/rtmn.-If the child cries on account of headache or earache, give first C];am., and then Bell., provided Chain. is insumfficielt. For colic, with the legs drawsr up, and red face, Chain. is the best rermedy Bell. if the face be pale. If attended with sour diarrhlcec stools and tenesmus, give Rhuharb. If these remedies shoulldl be without effect, try Borax, Julap, Ipec. or Senna. If Cfalriouuilka should have been abused by the nurse or infant, give Borax, Ignat. or Puls. ~ 20. For apihthce or thrush, give Mercury and Sulphur in alternation. Borax and Sielplnuric acid are likewise useful, the former particularly, if the urinie smells like cat's urine, and is very acrid. ~ 91. For stuttering, the best remedies are: Bell. euphraa. CHILDREN, &c.-CHLOROSIS. 57 merc. and sulph., suitable mechanical exercises being instituted at the same time. ~ 22. For constipation of new-born infants, the remedies are: Bry. nux-vom. opium. If these remedies should be insufficient, give: Alum. lye. sulph. veratr. ~ 23. For soreness, the best remedy is Chamom., provided the nurse does not use chamomile-tea. In this case give Borax, ign. or pals. If Cham. should prove ilslufficient, give Borax, or Carb. veg., or Mercury if the skinl of the itnfant be yellowish, and the parts be raw, or if the soreness extend behind the ears. If all these remedies should prove inefietual, Sulph. will be found useful, or Silic., if Sulph. be tnot sufficient. Caust. graph. lyc. sep. have likewise been recommended. ~ 24. The best remedies for the ailments incidental to dentition, are: 1) Arois. bell. borax. calc. chain. coff. ign. merc. sulph. or 2) Ars. cin. ferr. magn. snafn-m. n-vorm. stann. For s7eeples-sness, give: Coff., or Aron. borax. chaom. For fever: 1) Aoron. chans. coff. n-oram., or: 2) Bell. borax. sil. For restlesslness ald nervousness: Coff., or: Acon. bell. borax. cham. For condstipation: Bry. magan-m. n-voae. For diarrhca: 1) Merc. sulphl., or: 2) Ars. calc. cham. coff. ferr. ipec. nsman. For dry and spasmodic cough:!Uham. cin. n-voen. For spasmts and convulsions: 1) Bell. cham. cin. ign., or: 2) Calc. stann. suliph. For slow dentition, give: Sulph. and Cale., to aid the work of nature. ~ 25. For further particulars, we refer the reader tothe special articles treating of these various diseases, and to ATROPHY, ANGINA, ECLA MPSIA, RHACHITIS, CRUSTA LACTEA, SCROFULA, WORM-AFFECTIONS, &C. CHIRAGRA.-The best remedies are: 1) Agn. ant. bry. caust. cocc. graph. led. lye. n-vore. rhod. sulph., or: 2) Aur. calc. carb-veg. dig. lac. phosph ruta. sabizn. sep. sil. zinc. For further particulars, see: ARTIHRITIS. CHLIOROSIS. —The best remedies are: 1) Bell. calc coccul-.ferr. lye. nitr-ac. plat. puls. sulph. 2) China. con. dig. graph. hell. ign. kal. natr-m. n-vorn. phos. plumb. sep. spig. staph. val., or: 3) Ars. carb-v. caust. graph. phos-ac. sabin. sulph-ac. zinc. For further particulars, see: MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES and AMENIA. 58 CHOLERA AND CHOLERINE. CHOLERA and CHOLERINE.-The best remedies are: 1) Ars. camph. cupr. ipec. sec. veratr. 2) Bell. canth. carb-v. chain. chin. cic. coloc. dulc. hyos. lach. laur. n-vor. op. phos-ac. sulph. ~ 2. For sporadic cholera, during the summer heat, give: Are. chain. chin. coloc. dulc. ipec. mere. veratr. For Asiatic or epidemic cholera: 1) Ars. camph. carb-v. cupr. ipec. sec. veratr., also: 2) Bell. canth. cham. cic. laur. merc. nvom. phos. phos-ac. For cholerine, or for diarrhrea during the cholera: Phos. phosac. and sec. A species of cholera arising from chagrin or anger, requires: 1) Cham., or 2) Colocyn., if anger and chagrin were combined. ~ 3. For the consequences of cholera, the following remedies have been recommended: Acon. bell. bry. canth. carb-v. chin. hyos. op. phos-ac. rhus. stram. sulph. If the cerebral system be involved: Bell. lach. op., or: Acon. hyos. strain. For inJflammatory affections: Acon. For gastric and abdominal affections: Bell. bry. carb-v. merc. rhus. sulph. For pulmonary affections: Acon. bell. bry. carb-v. rhus. sulph. For general debility: China. For debility of the intestinal canal: Phosph. and Sulph. For typhoid affections: Bsll. bry. carb-v. cocc. hyos. op phos-ac. thus. strata. ~ 4. Particular indications: ARSENICUM: Violent pains in the stomach, with great anguish and burting in the epigastrium as if from hot coal; burning, unquelnchable thirst, obliging one to drink frequently, but little at a time; constant nausea, diarrhwa and violent vomiting of watery, bilious or slimy, greenish, brownish or blackish substances; vomiting and diarrhcea come on again after drinking ever so little; lips and tongue are dry, blackish and cracked; the patient is unable to sleep, tosses about, moans, is apprehensive of approaching death; sudden prostration; hippocratic countenance, hollow cheeks, pointed nose, hollow and dim eyes; small, feeble, intermittent or tremulous pulse; tonic spasms in the fingers and toes; icy coldness of the skin, and clamsmy sweat. CAMPHOR: At the commencement of the disease, when there is neither thirst, nor vomiting or diarrhea; sudden prostration with wandering looks and hollow eyes; bluish appearance and icy coldness of theface and hands, also coldness of the body; disconsolate anguish, with fear of suffocation; the half stupified and insensible patient utters hoarse cries and moans, without complaining of CHOLERA AND CHOLERINE. 59 any thing in particular; but, if asked, he complains of burning pains in the stoniach and throat, with cramps in the calves and other muscles, and utters loud cries when one touches the pit of the stomach.-Camphor is seldom suitable when vomiting, diarrhoea and thirst have already set in, but it should never be given, except when the following symptoms are present: Icy coldness and blueness of the limbs, face and even tongue, with tonic and painful cramps in the extremities and calves, dulness of sense, moaning, tetanus, and trismus. CUPRUM: Vomiting and diarrhoea, convulsions of the extremities, especially of the fingers and toes, sometimes with rolling of the eyeballs, great restlessness and coldness of the prominent parts of the face; aching pains in the pit of the stomach, getting worse by contact; spasmodic colicky pains without vomiting, or vomit*ing preceded by spasmodic constriction of the chest, arresting the breathing, or vomiting attended with violent pressure in the epigastrium; audible rolling, along the cesophagus, of the liquid which one swallows. IPECACUANHA: Qualmishness in the stomach, chills proceeding from the stomach or bowels, or cold face and extremities; when the vomiting is a prominent symptom, or alternates with watery diarrhmea accompanied by colic; or yellowish diarrhoea without vomiting, but with cramps in the calves, fingers and toes; Ipec. is generally indicated by vomiting or diarrhoea at the commencement of the disease, or when the patient is otherwise improving. For a violent attack, Ifpec. is of no use. (Nor for a moderate attack: Aconite is the sole and real specific for every variety or form of cholera. HEMPEL.) SECALE CORNUTUM: The vomiting is over, but the stools are not yet bilious, or there are still pains in the extremities; or for diarrhoeic, brownish or flocculent and dolourless stools with sudden prostration, icy coldness of the extremities, clean tongue or thinly coated with white mucus; the evacuations are preceded by vertigo, anguish, cramps in the calves, rumbling in the abdomen, and nausea. VERATRUM: Principal remedy, when there are violent evacuations upwards and downwards; icy coldness of the body, great debility and cramps in the calves, vomiting, copious, watery, inodorous stools mixed with white flocks, pale face without any colour, blue margins around the eyes, deathly anguish in the features, cold tongue and breath; great oppressive anguish in the chest, giving the patient a desire to escape from his bed; violent colic, especially around the umbilicus, as if the abdomen would be torn open, the abdomen is sensitive to contact, with drawing and cramps in the fingers, wrinkled skin in the palms of the hand, re. tention of urine 60 CHOLERA AND CHOLERINE. ~ 5. BELLADONNA: For typhoid symptoms, coma with halfopened or distorted eyes, grating of the teeth and distortion of the mouth, or great restlessness, desire to escape, stitches in the side or burning pains in the abdomen; burnling heat and redness of the face, and desire for cold drinks; accelerated pulse which is more or less full, but not hard. CANTrHARIS: The urinary passages are principally involved, with violent burning in the hypogastrium, rumbling in the abdomen, bloody stools with tenesnaus, heat in the abdomen, great restlessness, cerebral symptomrs. CARBO VEG.: Incipient para.lysis, with complete collapse of pulse, or witI con~'"e-!i, l ei f blcAol to ihe chest and head after cessattion, )o'th c':tihe *:, s. s:iar.on.,Jfici'n?:.i wtit oppression of the I e sI lid caI, t 0 the c,:;;^.:;I.:-' red and covered with c:a-rllalry swe;at. CGtAMOTIoLLa: At the coii ilenceir.s.-t of the disease, or *in the precuirsory ct;hrie, etspc,:;ia ii: w lhe', ish!:i',\~v, i SynIpotmnS occur: T'I''-e tonucoe is (c!.-,te~d whrvtij yli n w.m-c:. c.Jiikc kn the,mJbilical retgio, pr slure fi'on) t he rel of t;ie At(oroach to the heart, great. illglich, cra op in the calves, ateryj dtarrhiia and sour vomi,:it~i. CoiNA,: Licln!eri'a. cr nnc';iv of i'e;rc/a, painful oppression in the lWbdonlenl, atte eating ever;e lit;l, with oppression of the chest aiid erulcttiots affording rcit ic; loss of aippetite with sensation of repletion; hi[p calic e ounteciasie; prostration unto fainting. CictTA: Little diarrhea, but the voomiting alternates with violent, tonic spo:mst f theo ottcFes Of the chlest an-d distortiol of the eyes; or coma, with tthe c -y, haif openC; heavy breathing, congestion of blood to the head and chest, vomniting or diarrhuea. COLOCYNTr IS: Vomitilg, fir t oS the inlgesta, afterwards of green substances, with violent colic, retenltioi of urine, crartps in the calves, frequent, diarrhtic stols, which, with every new evacuatioii, becomne more colourleos and watery. DULCAMARA: A species of cholera friom taking cold drinks, with vomiting of tlhe liquid, and of bilious, green or slimy and yellowish substances, frequent greenish stools, painful abdomen, with burning and retraction of the region of the stomach, great debility, collapsed pulse, cold extremities, burning thirst, great dulness of sense. HYoscYAMus: Typhoid symptoms, after the vomiting, diarrhea and coldness had ceased, with dulness of sense, wandering looks, red anld hot face; Bell. having proved useless. LACHiEsIs: For typhoid symptoms, if Bell., hyoscyam. or opium rove inefficient. LAURocERAsu:s: Rheumatic pains in the extremities, hardness 62 CHINA, &c.-COLD, &c. 1) When the fever is actually suppressed: Am. ars. bell. cale. carb-v. cin. ferr. ipec. lach. merc. puls. sulph. 2) When the fever still continues: 1) Ipec., and thenl: 2) Ars. carb-v. lach. puls.; or, but less frequently: 3) Am. cin. veratr.; or finally: 4) Calc. bell. mere. sulph. For further details, see: INTERMITTENT FEVER, HEPATITIS, LIENITIs, and the other diseases arising from abuse of China. COFFEE, ILL EFFECTS OF.-The best remedies are: 1) Cham. cocc. ign. and n-vom. 2) Bell. canth. carb-veg. caust. hep. ipec. lye. mere. puls. rhus. sulph. Particular indications: CLIAMOMILLA: Headache and toothache; extreme sensitiveness to pain, with crying; pains in the stomach, abating a little after taking coffee; violent colic, great oppression in the pit of the stomach, with hard pain. CoccCULUS: Debility and sweat after every exercise, trembling of the limbs, sudden starting up during sleep as if in affright; flushes of heat; toothache when eating; sensation of emptiness in the head; colic; great sadness and anguish; aggravation of the symptoms in the open air, during motion, when eating or drinking, during sleep, or by tobacco-smoke. IGNATIA: Headache, as if from a nail in the brain, or as if the forehead were pressed asunder, or for beating in the head which is relieved by stooping; debility; sensation of emptiness in the pit of the stomach; spasmodic colic; painfulness or going to sleep of the limbs; fitful mood; at times gay, at others sad. Nux VOMICA: Sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, extreme nervousness, hemicrania, or sensation as if a nail were driven into the brain, with aggravation of the pains on stooping or when walking, also in the open air; toothache, colic aggravated by coffee; extreme sensitiveness to the open air; lively and choleric temper. For other affections, we refer the reader to the diseases of the special organs. The chronic ailments arising from the abuse of coffee, are frequlmntly relieved by Merc. or Sulph., provided Cham., Nux vom. or Ign. are not sufficient. COLCHICUM, ILL EFFECTS OF.-Give: Cocc. nux-v. puls. COLD, ILL EFFECTS OF A. ~ 1. Principal remedies:-1. Aeon. chain. coff. dulc. mere. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. bry. carb-veg. hyos. ipec. phos. rhus. sil. spig. 3) Cale. chin. coloc. con. graph. hep. lye. mang. natrm. nitr-ac. n-mosch. samb. sep. veratr. ~ 2. For acute pains occasioned by a cold, give: Aeon. ars. COLD, &c. 63 bell. cham. coff. mere. n-vom. puls. samb. spig. —If less acute: Dulc. chin. ipec. n-mosch. Obstinate, chronic ailments require, besides the above remedies: Calc. carb-veg. graph. hep. lye. mang. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil. sulph. ~ 3. For colds from exposure to wet, or getting wet to the skin, give: 1) Calc. dulc. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb-veg. n-mosch. rhus. sassap. 3) Ars. bell. bry. caust. colch. hep. lye. pleosph. sep. For a cold occasioned by bathing: 1) Ant. calc. carb-veg. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. caust. nitr-ac. rhzes. sassap. sep. suph. By washing and working in cold water: 1) Calc. n-mosch. puls. sassap. sulph. 2) Asnm. ant. bell. carb-veg. dalc. mere. nitrac. rhus. sep. spig. By profuse sweats: Acon. calc. carb-?eeg. chin. dulc. mere. phos-ac. rhus. sep. By the head getting wet: Aceon. haryt. bell. led. pu!s. sep. By the feet getting wet: 1) Cuprl. nitr-ac. puls. sep. sil. 2) Chasn. mere. nair. rhus. By taking cold on the stomach in consequence of eating ice, frnit, acids, &c.: Ars. carb-reg. puls. ~ 4. For suppression of sweat or some other secretion by a cold, give: 1) Bry. ipec. 2) Acon. ars. carb-.veg. cham. dulc. mere. puls. rhus. sulph. For suppression of coryza by a cold: Aeon. ars. calc. chin. lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. For derangement of the menses by a cold: Aeon. bell. dulc. calc. chin. puls. sep. sil. sulph. See: " Suppression of secretions." ~ 5. FOR THE DISPOSITION TO TAKE COLD, I recommend: 1) Bell calc. carb-veg. coff. dulc. nitr-ac. n-aom. puls. thus. sil. 2) Aeon. baryt. borax. graph. /rlyos. i;n. lce. magnl-m. mnere. natr. natr-nm. petr. phos. sep. spig'. sulph., givinlg the specific remedy at long intervals. This remark applies to sensitir.eness to wind, weat!her, draught of air, waormnh and cold. If one. is affected by every little cold air, take: Bry. calc. carb-vefg. csam. merc. rhus. reratr. If cold uweather is gem erall'] hirtful, take: Ars. baryt. bell. calc. camnph. caps. cans!t. cocc. Julc. hell. n-mosch. n-onre. rhod. rhus. sahbad. For great senlsitiveness to wind: Carb-reg. cham. lch. lye. sulph. To draughts of air: Aeon. anac. bell. calc. cham. chin. sil. sulph. To cool evening-air: Amnm. carb-veg. mere. nitr-ac. sulph. To rough weather: Bry. rhod. sil. 64 COLD, &c. To damp and cold weather: Amm. borax. calc. carb-veg. dulc. lach. rhod. rhus. veratr. To changes of weather: Calc. carb-veg. dulc. lach. merc. rhus. sil. sulph. veratr. If the weather change from cold to warm: Carbveg. lach. sulph. are preferable; if from warm to cold: Dulc. merc. rhus or veratr. Comp. ~~ 5 and 6 of the article: "CONDITIONS." ~ 6, Colds in spring, generally require: Carb-veg. lach. rthus. veratr. In summer: Bell. bry. carb-veg. dulc., and if there should be thunder and lightning: Bry. rhod. sep. sil. Cold in autumn: 1) Dulc. merc. rhus. veratr. 2) Calc. bry. chin. In winter: 1) Acon. bell. bry. dulc. rhod. rhus. 2) Chamin. ipec. n-reom. sulph. veratr.-in dry and cold weather: Acon. bell. bry. cham. ipec. n-vore. sulph.; in wet and cold weather: Dulc. rhod. rhus. veratr. Compare: ~~ 4 and 7 in the article: "CONDITIONS." ~ 7. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Toothache, prosopalgia or other kinds of neuralgia with headache, congestion of blood to the head, buzzing in the ears, stiffness of the extremities, fever-heat, tossing about, anxiety, &c. ANTIMONIUM: Headache, or gastric symptoms, loss of appetite, nausea, &c. ARNICA: Pains in the limbs, rheumatic or gastric symptoms. ARSENICUIM: Asthmatic or gastric affections, with cardialgia. BELLADONNA: Headache, dimness of sight, sore throat, gastric symptoms, coryza, feverish heat, &c. BRYONIA: Spasmodic cough with nausea; pains in the limbs, diarrhoea, &c. CALCAREA: Obstinate pains in the limbs, aggravated by every change in the weather, or working in the water. CARBs-VEG.: Hollow, obstinate cough, with vomiting; asthmatic affections; pains inll the chest, &c. CHIAMOMILLA: Headache, toothache, otalgia or other kinds of painful neuralgia, restlessness, disposition to get angry, feverish heat, moist cough, painful colic and diarrhoea,&c. (especially suitable to children.) CoccULvS: Gastric. symptoms. COFFEA: Headache or other nervous pains, with whining mood, toothache, sore throat, gastric symptoms, moist cough, painless diarrhoea, pains in the limbs, or fever. HEPAR: Ophthalmia or toothache, or obstinate pains in the limbs. COLD, COLIC, ENTERALGIA, &c. 65 IPECACUANHA: Gastric symptoms, nausea, spasmodic cough with vomiting, asthmatic affections, &c. MERCURIUS: Pains in the limbs, sore throat, sore eyes, toothache, otalgia, painful diarrhcea, or even dysenteric stools. Nux VOMICA: Fever, dry coryza, stoppage of the nose, dry cough, constipation, or dysenteric stools, or slimy, painful diarrhoea with tenesmus and scanty evacuations. PHOSPHORI ACIDUM: Rheumatic pains, or cough, excited by the least cold weather. PtLSATILLA: Flue.t coryza, moist cough, otalgia, fever, diarrhoea, &c., especially suitable to pregnant females. Rfus-Tox.: Toothache or pains in the limbs. SILICEA: Obstinate pains in the limbs, worse when the weather changes. SULPHUR: Obstinate pains in the limbs; colic; slimy diarrhcea; proftise coryza; sore eyes; dimness of sight, otalgia, toothache, &c. ~ 8. Comp.: HEADACHE, OTALGIA, TOOTHACHE, RHEUMATISM, CONDITIONS, &C. COLIC, ENTERALGIA, ABDOMINAL SPASMS. — Principal remedies: 1) Bell. coloc. n-vom. puls. 2) Acon. ars. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. coff. hgos. ign. lyc. merc. phos. sec. sulph. 3) Agn. alum. ant. arn. calc. caust. colch. cupr. ferr. ipec. kal. lach. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. op. plat. rhab. rut. sen. stann. veratr. zinc. ~ 2. For spasmodic intussusception of the intestines (miserere, iliac passion): Bry. n-vom. op. plumb. thuj. For flatulent colic: 1) Bell. carb-v. cham. chin. cocc. n-vom. puls. sulph. or 2) Agn. colch. coloc.ferr. graph. lye. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. phos. veratr. zi7nc. mafn-arct. For hcemorrhoidal colic: Carb-v. coloc. lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. For inflammatory colic: 1) Acon. bell. hyos. mere. or 2) Ars. bry. cham. lach. n-vorm puls. sulph. - Compare: " ENTERITIS." For spasmodic colic: 1) Bell. cham. cocc. coloc. hyos. ipec. magn. magn-m. n-vom. puls. or 2) Ars. coloc. cupr. ferr. kal. lach. phos. stann. sulph., &c. For worm colic: 1) Merc., or 2) Cin. sulph., or 3) Cic.ferr. (fil?) n-mosch. rut. sabad. Compare: " WORMs." For colic gastrica, hepatica, renalis, uterina, &c., see: CARDIALGIA, HEPATITIS, NEPHRALGIA, DISEASES OF THE UTERUS, &C. ~ 3. For colic from derangement of the stomach (gastric colic), give: 1) Bell. n-vom. puls.; or: 2) Ars. acon. bry. carb-v. chin. coff. hep. sulph. tart. Compare: "GASTRIC DERANGEMENT." 6* 66 COLIC, ENTERALGIA, &c. For colic from chagrin or anger: Cham. coloc. or sulph. From some kind of injury, blow, strain, &c.: 1) Arm. bry. rhus., or: 2) Carb-v. lach. From poisoning by lead: Opium, or bell., or alum, or plat. From a cold: Cham. chin. coloc. merc. n-vom.,-from bathing: Nux-vom.,-from exposure to cold and wet: Puls. See: DYSPEPSIA, CARDIALGIA, GASTROSIS, DIARRH(EA, &C. ~ 4. For the colic of infants: 1) Cham. n-mosch. rhab.; or: 2) Acon. bell. catc. caust. cic. coff. sil. staph.; or: 3) Bor. cin. ipec. jal. senn. Of pregnant or lying-in females: Arn. bell. bry. cham. hyos. lach. n-vom. puls.uep. veratr. Of hysteric females: 1) Cocc. ign. ipec. magn-m. mosch. nvom. stann. val.: or: 2) Ars. bell. bry. stram. Menstrual colic: Bell. cham. carb-v. cocc. coff. n-vom. puls. sec. sulph zinc. Colic of hypochondriacs: Calc. chin. grat. natr. natr-m. stann, &c. ~ 5. Particular indications: BELLADONNA: Pinching and drawing as if every thing would fall out below, with aggravation during motion; pod-shaped protrusion of the colon, with abatement of the pains on bending double or making pressure; or clutchngf pains in the abdomen, or spasmodic constriction in the abdomen with burning- and pressure in the small of the back, and over the pubis; especially when the following symptoms are present: Thin, purulent stools, or congestion of blood to the head, with redness of the face, swelling of the veins of the head, and such violent pains that the patient becomes delirious. (After Bell., Merc. is sometimes suitable.) COLOCYNTHIS: In most cases, especially for: Violent, cutting constrictive or spasmodic pains, with pinching, and griping; or cutting as if with knives; great sensitiveness and bruised feeling of the abdomen; distention of, or sensation of emptiness in the abdomen; the pains are attended with cramps in the calves, or chills and tearing in the lower limbs; also for great anguish, tossing about on account of the pain; no stool, or else diarrhea and vomiting of bile, which recommences after the patient takes ever so little food; the pains are relieved by coffee. (It is supposed by some, but doubted by many and by myself, Hempel, that coffee should be given alternately with colocyuth, to control the aggravation produced by the colocynth; this aggravation is a natural development of the disease, not an aggravation; after Colocynth, give Causticum for the remaining symptoms.) Nux VOMICA: Obstinate constipation, or hard stool; pressure in the abdomen as from a stone, with rumbling and sensation COLIC, ENTERALGIA, &c. 67 of internal heat; pinching, drawing, contractive or compressive pains; pressure in the pit of the stomach, with distention of the abdomen and sensitiveness to contact; distention anld.fulness, especially in, the hypochondria, with unpleasant sensationl prodit ced by the pressure of the clothes; cold hands and feet during the paroxysms, or even stupefaction unto loss of consciousness; cutting and flatulence deep in the abdomen; sharp and hard pressure over the bladder and rectaam, as if the flatulence would press out by force, obligilg the patient to bend double; aggravation by walking; relief by rest, sittilng or lying; violent pains in the small of the back and loins, add violent headache. PULSATILLA: Stinging pails; beating in the pit of the stomach; restlessness, heaviness and fIilness in the abdomen, with un pleasant distention; contusive pail when touching it; rumlbling, heat in the abdomlen, causing anliiety; pinching, cutting, and tearinug, especially in the epigastrium, with aggravation by contact; general heat with swelling of the veins of the hands and forehead; the clothes press upon the hypochondria; the pains are worse by sitting or lying, or in the evening, with chills, increasing with the pains; relief by walking; bruised pain in the loins wheu rising; nausea; diarrhmea; pale face with blue margins around the eyes; aching and tensive pain in the head. ~ f6. ACONITttM: Colic, involvin(r the bladder, with violent cramp-pains, contraction of the hypogastrium in the region of the bladder; constant but ineffe.ctual urging to urinate; great sensitiveness of the abdomen; pains in the loins as if bruised; great anguish, restlessness, tossing about. ARSENICUM: Great pain with anxiety in the abdomenl; violent cutting, or spasmodic, drawinlg, tearing or gnawing paiins. frequently attended with intolerable burning, or with feelinl of coldness in the abdomen; the pains set in especially at nigrt. or after eating and drinking; nausea. or watery and biliolus vomiting; constipation or diarrhoea; thirst, chill and great deblit?/. CARBO-VEG.: Fulness and distention of the abdomen as if it would split, with rumbling, incarcerated flatulence, pinching, difficult breathing, rising of airl congestioll of blood to thie head, with achilg pain; slow action of t!he Mlwels; helt in the abdomen, eapecially about the head; the pains set in even after the slightest meal. CHIAMOMILLA: Tearingr, drawiun pains, with great uneasiness, obliging one to run tor and fro; sensation as if the bowels were drawn up in a ball, or as if the whole abdomien were empty; loathing, bitter vomitingr or bhlli,-s diarr'b,wea; pain in the loiWn as if bruised; incarcerated flatulence, with anfguish. tension, pres.ure and fulness in the pit of the stomach anid hypochondria, or with pressure towards the abdominal ring; blue margins around the 68: COLIC, ENTERALGIA, &e. eyes; alternate redness and paleness of the face; the pains appear at night, or in the morning at'sunrise, or after a meal. (Pule. is frequently suitable after Chain.) $CHINA: Tympanitic distention of the abdomen, with fulness, pressure as from a hard body, or spasmodic, constrictive pains, with incarceration of flatulence and pressure towards the hypochondria; the pains appear at night, or affect persons debilitated by sweating, depletions or other causes. CoccULvS: Spasmodic constriction of the hypogastrium, with nausea, difficult breathing, copious flatulence, fulness and distention of the stomach and epigastrium, feeling of emptiness in the abdomen; tearing and burning in the bowels, with compressive sensation in the stomach; nausea, constipation; great anguish, nervousness, tendency to start. COFFEA: Excessive pains, anguish and pressure in the epigastrium, great nervousness, restlessness, cries, grating of the teeth, convulsions, coldnesss of the limbs, moaning, suffocative fits. HroscYAMUS: Spasmodic and cutting pains, vomiting, cries, headache, hard and sensitive abdomen. IGNATIA: Nightly colic; splenetic stitches; incarcerated flatulence, with difficulty of passing them; relief by passing the flatulence; fulness and distention of the hypochondria; especially suitable to delicate females. LYCOPODIUM: Excessive accumulation of flatulence, especially after a meal, with pressure in the stomach and epigastriumn; fulness and distention of the abdomen and pit of the stomach; constipation, or.scanty, hard stools. MERCURIUS: Violent contractive pains, with hardness and distention of the abdomen, especially around the umbilicus; or tensive, burning or stinging pains; hiccough, canine hunger, aversion to sweet things; nausea and ptyalism; frequent urging to stool; or slimy diarrhcea; aggravation of the pains at night, especially after midnight; chill, with warm and red cheeks; great sensitiveness of the abdomen to contact; great prostration. PH(osPHOaRU: Flatulent colic, deep in the abdomen, worse when lying. SECALE: In men: Colic with pain in the small of the back; tearing in the thighs; eructations and vomiting; or, in women,at the time of the menses: burning pain in the right side of the abdomen; constipation and cholera-pains in the abdomen; or: tearing colic, pale face, cold extremities, small and feeble pulse, cold 6weat. SULPHUR: Htemorrhoidal colic, after ineffectual use of Carboveg. and N-vom.; also for bilious colic, if Cham. or Coloc. should prove ineffectual; or for flatulent colic, if not relieved by Chain., COLIC, ENTERALGIA, &c. 69 Cocc., Nux-v., or Carb-veg.; or for worm-colic, if not entirely removed by Merc. or Cina. ~ 7. Give more especially: a) For great distention: Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. carb-v. cham. chin. coccul. dig. graph. hyos. jod. kal. lach. magn-m. mere. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. n-vom. phos. rhus. sep. sil. -For pains from flatulence: Bell. calc. carb-v. caust. chin. chinin. con. graph. hep. ign. ipec. jod. kal. lyc. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. pals. sil. sulph. veratr. - For hardness of the abdomen: Anac. calc. caps. carb-v. graph. magn-m. n-mosch. petr. phos. plumb. sil. - For excessive flatulence: Agar. canth. carb-a. carb-v. caust. chin. graph. hell. kal. lyc. mang. merc. nitrac. oleand. phos. plumb. veratr. b) For boring pains: Cin. coloc. sen. sep. tar. -For burning in the abdomen: Acon. ars. bell. canth. carb-v. cham. caust. lach. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. sec. sep. sil. veratr. - For aching pains: Bell. carb-v. caust. calc. lach. natr-m. n-vorm. phos. sep. sulph. - For sensitiveness of the abdomen: Acon. amb. canth. carb-v. cham. coloc. graph. hep. hyos. lach. lyc.,. -v. puls. sulph. ther. thuj. veratr. - For bearing-down pains: Bell. dulc. lach. plat. - For pains with pressure from within outwards: Asa. bell. berb. con. lyc. prun. sulph. sulph-ac. zinc. — For feeling of heat in the abdomen: Bell. canth. carb-v. mez. phos. sil. - For feeling of hollowness or emptiness: Arn. coccul. coloc. hep. lach. mur-ac. phos. puls. sep. stann.-For feeling of coldness in the abdomen: Ath. ars. calc. chin. hell- kal. kreos. magn-arct. men. oleand. petr. phos. plumb. rut. sec. sep. - For beating, pulsative pains: Cann. caps. cin. kal. lach. lyc. sep. sulph-ac. tart. — For pilnching pains: Bell. calc. carb-v. chin. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. sil. sulph.For spasmodic, crampy, griping, constrictive pains: Anac. asa. bell. calc. carb-v. cham.. chin. chinin. coccul. coloc. hep. ipec. jod. lye. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. plat. puls. thuj. - For pains which oblige one to bend double: Bov. calc. carb-v. coloc. lyc. sulph. - For gnawing pains: Canth. oleand. rut. sen. -For tearing pains: Ars. bry. cham. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn-m. sec. sulph. - For cutting pains: Ars. calc. coloc. con. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos.sec. sep. sil. spong. sulph. veratr. —For stitching pains: Bell. calc. caust. cham. chin. con. lach merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. sep. sulph - For shocks in the abdomen: Anac. arn. cann. con. croc. nitr. oleand. plat. - For pains as if sore and raw: Arn. ars. asar. bell calc. canth. carb-v. colch. con. hep. hyos. ipec. kal. n-vom. phos starrn. c) For evening-exacerbations: Amb. amm. ant. am. bell. boy. bry. calc. caust. chiL. con. dulc. hep ign. kal. lach. laur. lyc. magn-c. magn-m. imang. merc. mez. nitr-ac. phos. plat. puls. ran. rhus. sen. sep. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. val. zinc. - For pains 70 COLIC, ENTERALGTA, &c. which are excited by the cool evening air: Carb-veg. merc. — For pains which are aggravated or excited by contact: Acon. arn. ars. bell carb-v. cupr. hyos. lye. merc. nitr-ac. 7i-vom. plumb. puls. sulph. veratr. — By motion: Aqar. bell. bry. cann. dig. graph. kreus. ipec. magn-aust. merc. zatr-m.,n-vomn. ther. - Aggravation after a meal: Ars. carb-v. cham. chin. coloc. graph. jod. kal. l9c. mnagn-c. natr. vnatr-m. nitr-ac. n-vorm. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. - For nightly pains: Acon. arn. ars, bar. bry. calc. cham. chin. graph. hep. magn-m. merc. petr p;;os. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. - Aggravation by drinking: Ars. nvom. sulph. -Amelioration by external warmth: Alum. amtm. ars. canth. natr. sil. d) For pains with great anguish and restlessness: Ars. carb-v. cham. lye. merc. mosch. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sec. sulph. sulph-ac. verat.-With chilliness: Ars. colch. ferr. kal. magn-c. mere. puls. -.With pains in the chest: Bell. caps. carb-v. lach. lye. n-vom. phos. plumb. sulph. - With pains in the small of the back: Alum. amm. bar. calc. caust. chain. kal. kreos. mnagii-m. natr-m. n-vom. phos. sulph. - With diarrhwa: Ars. cham. coloc. mere. phos. puls. rhab. sulph. tart. - With constipation: Alum. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. op. plumb. sep. sulph. - With nausea or vomiting: Ant. ars. con. ipec. natr-m. n-vom. tart. veratr. - With eructations: Bell. bry. hep. lach. ~ 8. For pains affecting principally the epigastrium: 1) Arn. caust. cham. chin. coccul. ign. lyc. n-vom. puls. 2) Acon. amm. ant. bell. calad. cale. canth. chel. cin. coloc. kal. magn-arct. mere. phos. plumb. rhus. staph. sulph. The umbilical region: 1) Bell. bry. coloc. chin. ipec. kreos. phos-ac. plumb. rhus. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. amm-m. anac. cin. con. ign. n-mosch n-vom. plat. rhab. sep. sulph-ac. verb. The abdomen: 1) Amb. bell. bry. carb-v,. caust. chin. lye. sep. 2) Arn. calc. caps. coccul. coloc. ign. kal. merc. n-vom. phos. sil. spi,. thuj. The sides: 1) Asa. asar. bry. carb-v. chin. ign. sulph zinc. 2) Bell. calc. caust. cocc. led. lye. natr. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. staph. tar. thuj. The abdominal ring and inguinal region: 1) Aur. coccul. ign. lye. magn-arct. n-vomn. sulph. sulph-ac. 2) Alum. Amm-m. calc. cham. clemn. coloc. magn-aust. rhus. sil. spig. thuj. veratr. The abdomen generally: 1) Acon. ars. bell. carb-v. cham. chin. coccul coloc. coff. hyos. ign. lyc. mere n-vom. phos. puls. sec. sulph. 2) Agn alum,. ant. am. calc. caust. colch. cupr. ferr. ipec. kal. lach. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. op. plat. rhab. rut. sen. stann. veratr. zinc. COMPLEXION. 71 COMPLEXION, MORBID ALTERATION OF THE COLOUR AND APPEARANCE OF THE FAcE.-Though generally a mere symptom, yet the changes in the complexion frequently point to the proper remedy. ~ 1. a) For pale face, give: 1) Ars. bry. calc. carb-veg. chin. ferr. ipec. lach. phosph. puls. sep. spig. stann. tart. veratr. 2) Alum. arn. camph. cin. hell. nitr-ac. n-mosch. phos-ac. rhus. samb sec. b) Red face: 1) Acon. ars. bell. chain. chin. coccul. hep. hyos. ign.jod. merc. n-mosch. op. rhus. stram. sulph. 2) Chin. dule. hyos. lanch. puls. squill. tart. veratr. c) Paleness of one, and redness of the other cheek: Acon. coloc. ign. n-vom. veratr. d) Red cheeks: 1) Acon. caps. chtm. chin. ferr. lye. mnere. nveon. phosph. puls. stann. sulph. 2) Bry. cann. dros. dulc.jod. kal stram. e) Circumscribed redness of the cheeks: 1) Acon. chin. lye. phosph. 2) Bry. calc. dlros. dulc. jod. kal. kreos. lach. led. pula. samrb..ep. stann. stram. sulph. f) Frequent alteration of colour, at times red, at others pale: 1) Acon. bell. cham. cin. croc. ign. n-vom. phosph. plat. pul&. veratr. 2) Alum. aur. caps. carb-an. chin. ferr. graph. hyos. magn-c. spig. squill. sulph-ac. g) Blue-red face: 1) Acon. ang. chanm. cupr. lach. pul& 2) Ars. aur. bell. bry. camph. con. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. mere. samb. spong. ve ratr. h) Bluish colour: 1) Ars. bell. hyos. op. veratr. 2) Acon. ang. aur. bry. camph. cin. con. cupr. hep. lach. lye. samb. spong. staph. tart. i) brown-red colour: 1) Bry. hyos. jod. nitr-ac. op. sep. staph. stram. sulph. 2) Carb-veg. kreos. puls. sec. k) Sallow, livid colour: 1) Ars. chin. ferr. ipec. lach. lye. rmerc. n-vom. 2) Bry. carb-veg. croc. kreos. natr-m. nitr-ae. phosph. samb. sep. sil. I) Gray colour: Carb-veg. kreos. lach. laur. m) Greenish colour: Ars. carb-veg. veratr. ~ 2) As respects partial colours, give: a) For blue margins round the eyes: 1) Ars. chin. ipec. lye. n-vom. phos-ac. rhus. sec. staph. veratr. 2) Anac. coccul. cupr. ferr. hep. ign. phosph. sep. sulph.-yellow margins: Nitr-ae. n-vomn. spig.-greenish: Ars. veratr. b) For borders around the nose, yellowish-looking: Nux-v. sepia. —for yellow saddle across the cheeks and nose: Sep.-for yellow nose and mouth: Nux-v. sep. —for yellow temples: Cau8t. 72 COMPLEXION. c) For bluish mouth: Cin. cupr.ferr. stann. d) For spots in the face: 1) Ars. ferr. thus. sabad. sil. 2) Calc. carb-an. colch. lyc. natr. samb. sulph. veratr. e) Blue spots: 1) Ferr. 2) Cin. cupr. stann. f) Yellow spots: 1) Colch.ferr. natr. sep. 2) Caust. nitr-ac. n-vom. g) Red spots: Calc. lyc. rhus. sabad. samb. sil. sulph. h) Black points: 1) Dros. graph. natr. nitr-ac. selen. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. calc. dig. hep. natr-m. sabad. sabin. i) Shining face, as from fat: 1) Magn-c. natr-m. plumb. sele,. 2) Bry. chiil. nerc. rhus. stranm. ~ 3. As respects other symptoms of the face, give: a) For sunke, face: 1)'A,-,. chin, larh. n-voam. sec. sep. stann. veratr. 2) A;,ac%.:cmiph. cic. coloc. cuapr. dros. ftrr. lye. pho.sph. phos-ac. staph. srnlph. b) For sunken eyes, holtwW looks: I) Ars. camph. chiv. ferr. lach. phosph. phos-ac. sec.,taph. su7ph. vetatr. 2) Anlac. cic. coloc. cupr. cyT. dros. iod. ki. diritr-ac. o!ai/id. pn'.1s. spog'.. stnn. c) For pointed nose, collapse of features: Ars. chin. n-vom.. phos-ac. rhus. staph. veratr. d) For hippocratic face: 1) Ars. chin. phosph. phos-ac. sec. veratr. 2) Canth. carb-veg. cupr. n-voen. e) For altered features: 1) Ars. camph. chin. op. phos-ac. rhus. spig. stram. veratr. 2) Bell. canth. caust, cham. colch. graph. hell. lyc. oleand. sec. f) For bloated face: 1) Acon. ars. bry. cham. chin. hyos. nvom. op. phosph. puls. samb. spong. strain. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. bell. ferr. hell. ipec. kal. lach. rhus. sep. sil. spig. stann. veratr. g) For bloatedness around the eyes: Ars. ferr. phosph. puls. rhab.-under the eyes: 1) Ars. chin. n-vom. phosph. veratr. 2) Bry. calc. sep —in the region of the glabella: Kal.-around the nose: Calc. h) For sickly looks: 1) Chin. n-vom. phosph. sulph. 2) Cin. clem. lach. puls. i) For wrinkles: Calc. lyc. sep. stram.-for wrinkles of the forehead: 1) Cham. hell. lyc. sep. stram. sulph. 2) Amm. bry. graph. n-vom. rhab. rhus. k) For distorted features: 1) Ars. bell. caust. cham. graph. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. n-vom. op. sec. stram. veratr. 2) Ang. camph. cic. coccul. cupr. hyos. lyc. merc. plat. puls. rhus. sil. Spig. spong. squill. ~ 4. For further details, see: ERUPTIONS IN THE FACE, SWELLING OF THE FACE, DISEASES OF THE NOSE, CANCER OF THE NOSE, &c CONCUSSION, &c.-CONDITIONS, &c. 73 CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN.-The best retiedies for cerebral affections produced by concussion, fall, blow on the head, &c., are: 1) Arn. and cic.; or, 2) Dig. ign. laur. petr. mere. (See INJURIES.) CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION, or AMELIORATION OF THE SYMPTOMS. ~ 1. There are practitioners who select a remedy principally with reference to the external conditions of the symptoms, such as: the time of day when they appear, the side of the body, head, chest, &c., where they appear, &c. This is evidently going too far, though it cannot be denied, that these external conditions have a general value in many cases, and facilitate the selection of a remedy, provided the practitioner is otherwise thoroughly acquainted with the essential points of our Materia Medica. To select a remedy with reference to these external conditions exclusively, might prove of great detriment to the patient. ~ 2. As regards the time of day, give: a) When the pains occur or exacerbate principally in the evening: 1) Arlb. amm. amm-m. arn. ars. hell. bry. calc. caps. caust. colch. dulc. euphr. hell. hyos. lach. laur. mang. mere. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. ran-sc. sep. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. -2) Ant. asa. borax. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. chin. cocc. con. croc. graph. guaj. hep. ign. kal. laur. led. lyc. magn-c. magn-m. mez. natr. natr-m. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. plat. rhod. rhus. seneg. sil. stann. staph. stront. sulph. tart. b) When in the evening, in bed, after lying down, or generally before midnight: 1) Ars. bry. calc. carb-veg. graph. hep. lye. merc. phosph. puls. rhus. selen. sep. 2) Alum. amm-m. arn. aur. calad. carb-an. caust. chin. cocc. dulc. ign. ipec. kal. lach. led. magn-c. magn-m. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos-ac. ran. sassap. sil. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. veratr. c) When at night: 1) Acon. arn. ars. bell. calc. caps. chainm. chin. cin. colch. con. dros. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. hyos. ign. magn. c. magn-m. mang. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. stront. sulph. thuj. 2) Ant. aur. baryt. bry. camph. cann. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. coff. croc. cupr. hell. jod. kal. kreos. lach. led. lye. magn-arct. mez. natr. n-vom. plumb. ran. rhab. sabad. samb. sec. selen. spig. sulph-ac. tart. thuj. d) When during sleep: 1) Alum. ars aur. bell. bry. chamn. hep. lach. mere. mosch. nitr. nitr-ac. puls. samb. sep. sil. stram. sulph. 2) Aeon. anac. am. baryt. borax. calc. caust. chin. cin. eon. dulc. graph. hyos. ign. kal. led. lye. magn-art. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. n-vom. op. phosph. phos-ac. rhab. rhus. ruta. stann. thuj. 7 74 CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. e) When after midnight, or early on waking: Alum. amb. amtm-m. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. con. graph. hep. kal. lach. lyc. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. sep. sulph. 2) Arnm. ant. arn. aur. calc. cann. canth. caps. carb-an. chin. croc. dros. ferr. ign. mang. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr. phos-ac. plat. ran. rhod. rhus. sabad. sarlb. sil. squill. staph. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. f) When early in the morning: 1) Amb. amm. amm-mn. ant. ars. bry. calc. carb-veg. cin. croc. dros. guaj. ign. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-reom. phosph. rhus. squill. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. alum. anac. ant. aur. carb-an. cof. con. hep. kal. lach. lyc. magnarct. magn-aust. petr. phos-ac. plat. puls. sabin. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tart. thuj. g) When in the forenoon, or after breakfast: 1) Carb-veg. natr. natr-m. n-mnosch. sep. 2) Anlm. aliac. ars. bry. calc. caust. cham. con. dig. graph. guaj. hetp. kal. cragn. nitr. nitr-ac. n-roem. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. sassap. sil. staph. sulph-ac. val. reratr. h) When in the afternoon, rafter dinner: 1) Alim. asa. bell. lyc. nitr. ritr-ac. n-vore. phosph. puls. sit. thnj. zinc. 2) Atm. amm-m. art. borax. calc. canth. cic. coloc. con. graph. ign. nmosch. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. ran. sassap. selen. val. i) When the symptoms are worse after sleep: Anac. calc. carb-veg. cocc. con. graph. lach. stann. staph. sulph. thuj. ~ 3. As regards the period of digestion, give: a) When the symptoms which exist before breakfast are mitigated by the breakfast: Baryt. calc. graph. hep. ign. jod. n-voz. petr. plat. thus. sep. staph. sulph. b) When setting in or increasing after breakfast: Amm-m. borax. bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. chain. con. graph. kal. lach. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-yom. phosph. rhus. sep. sulph. thuj. zinc. c) When the symptoms which exist before a meal, are less during or after a meal: 1) Amb. calc. cann.fers. ign. jod. lach. natr. phosph. sabad. stront. zinc. 2) Alum. amb. anac. baryt. caps. chin. graph. laur. puls. rhus. sep. spig. sulph. d) When the pains come on while eating: 1) Amm. baryt. carb-an. carb-veg. cocc. graph. hep. kal. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. sep. 2) Amb. arn.'borax. calc. caust. chant. cic. con. magn-m. n-vom. phos-ac. sil. sulph. veratr. e) When the pains come on or get worse after eating: 1) Amm. anac. ars. bry. cale. carb-veg. caust. chin. con. kal. lach. lye. nats. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. sep. sil. sulph. zinc. 2) Amm-m. ant. borax. carb-an. chainm. cin. cocc. hep. ign. natr. petr. phos-ac. puls, ran. squill. stann. sulph-ac. thuj. f) When the pains are caused by drinking: 1) Ars. bell. canth. carb-veg. chin. cocc. ferr. natr. natr-m. n.vom thus. sil. veratr. 2) Acon. ant. arn. baryt. bry. caust. cin. coloc. con. hell. hep. CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. 75 hyos. ign. lach. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. puls. sep. sil. strama. sulph. sulph-ac. g) When the pains are caused or aggravated by smoking: 1) Amb calc. ign. ipec. lnch. n-orm. phos. puls. spong. staph. 2) Acon. alum. anac. ant. arn. bry. carb-an. chin. cic. clemi. cocc. euphr. magn-arct. natr. natr-m. petr. ruta. selen. sulph. sulph-ac. h) Compare under " STOMIACH, WEAKNESS OF," the various kinds of nourishment. A 4. As regards seasons and periods of the moon, give: a) For pains which get worse or come on again in spring: 1) Carb-veg. lach. rhus. veratr. 2) Amb. aur. bell. calc. lye. natrm. puls. b) In summer: 1) Bell. bry. carb-veg. dulc. 2) Lyc. natr. puls. rhod. sil. c) In autumen: 1) Calc. colch. dulc. lach.'merc. petr. rhod. rhus. veratr. 2) Aur. bry. chin. d) In winter: 1) Acorn. bell. bry. carb-veg. cham. colch. dule. ipec. n-vom. petr. rheus. sulph. veratr. 2) Amm. aur. camph. merc. natr-m. n-mosch. phos. puls. rhod. sep. e) At a change of the moon: 1) Alum. calc. sabad. sil. 2) Atmn. caust. cupr. dulc. graph. lye. natr. sep. sulph. thuj. f) At new-moon: 1) Aluan. llzm. calc. catust. cupr. lyc. sabad. sep. sil. g) At full-moon: 1) Alum. calc. graph. natr. sabad. sil. spong. sulph. h) At increase of moon: 1) Alum. dulc. thuj. ~ 5. As regards the infllence of air aud wind, givea) For the pains caused by sultry weather: 1) Bry. rhod. sep. sil. 2) Carb-veg. caust. lach. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. nvorn. petr. phos. b) By stormy and windy weather: 1) Bry. rhod. sil. 2) Carbveg. chi.n. lach. lye. mur-ac. n-mosch. n-vonm. phos. puls. rhod. sil veratr. c) By winds: 1) Carb-veg. cham. lach. lyc. sulph. 2) Aeon. ars. aur. bell. chin. con. graph. mur-ac. n-vomr. phos. plat. puls. sep. thuj. d) By North-wvinds: Aeon. caust. hep. n-omn. sep. sil. e) By East-wind: 1) Aeon. bry. carb-veg. hep. sil. 2) Caust. n-vom1. f ) By South-wind: Bry. carb-vog. rhod. sil. g) By West-wind: Calc. carb-veg. dulc. lach. rhod. rhus veratr. h) By a draugfht of air: 1) Aeon. anac. bell. calc. chainm. chin. sil. sulph. 2) Caps. caust. graph. hep ign. kal. natr. n-vom. thus. selen. sep. i) By cool evenilg-air: 1) Atnm. carb-veg. merc. nitr-ac. sulph. 2) Borax. mez. n-moschl. plat. 76 CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. k) By open air and during a walk: 1) Amm. calc. carb-an. caust. cham. cocc. coff. con. kal. lyc. nair. n-mosch. n-vom. sil. stram. sulph. 2) Alum. bry. camph. carb-veg. chin. ferr. guaj. hep. ipec. lach. led. magn-aust. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. puls. rhus. selen. spig. sulph-ac. thuj. val. veratr. 1) By confinement in a room: 1) Alum. asa. croc. magn-arct. magn-c. magn-m. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sabin. 2) Acon. amb. anac. ant. asar. baryt. graph. hell. hep. ipec. lyc. mez. mosch. natr-m. op. plat. sassap. seneg. sep. spong. stront. thuj. ~ 6. As regards cold and dampness, give: a) For the pains caused by cold weather: 1) Ars. baryt. bell. calc. camph. caps. caust. cocc. dulc. hell. n-mosch. n-vom. rhod. rhus. sabad. 2) Acon. amin. anac. aur. borax. carb-an. carbveg. colch. hep. hyos. ign. kal. lach. lyc. mang. merc. mez. mosch. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. sep. sil. spig. stront. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. b) By cold air: 1) Bry. calc. carb-veg. chamin. merc. rhus. veratr. 2) Ars. aur. camph. caps. caust. cocc. colch. dulc. hell. lyc. n-mosch. phos. rhod. sep. stront. 3) Acon. amm. bell. carban. hep. kal. lach. mang. mez. mosch. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. sabad. spig. stront. sulph. c) By a limb becoming cold: Bell. cham. hell. hep. puls. rhus. sep. sil. d) By uncovering a part: 1) Ars. aur. cocc. con. hep. kal. merc. mosch. n-vonm. rhus. samb. squill. sil. stront. 2) Amn. bry. camph. caust. cic. clm. colch. con. dulc. graph. hyos. magn-c. magn-m. natr. natr-m. n.mosch. phos. sabad. sep. staph. e) By cold and damp weather: 1) Amtm. calc. carb-reg. dulc. lach. merc. n-mosch. rhod. rhus. veratr. 2) Borax. carb-an. chin. colch. lyc. mang. nitr-ac. puls. ruta. sassap. sep. spig. sulph. f ) By exposure to wet: 1) Ars. calc. colch. dulc. n-mosch. puls. rhus. sassap. sep. 2) Bell. bry. hep. ipec. lach. lyc. phosph. sulph. g) By working in the water, or by washing: Amm. ant. bell. calc. carb-veg. cli;m. merc. nitr-ac. n-mosch. phos. puls. rhus. sassap. sep. sulph. h) By every change of the weather: 1) Calc carb-v. dulc. lach. merc. rhus. sil. sulph. veratr. 2) Graph. mang. nitr-ac. nvom. phos puls. rhod. ~ 7. As regards warmth, give: a) For pains caused by a change of temperature: Ars. carbveg. dulc. n-vom. phos. puls. ran. rhus. sulph. veratr. b) By warmth generally: Arab. ars. aur. camph. cann. carbveg. dros. jod. led. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. puls. rhus. sec. seneg. thui. CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. 77 c) By warm air or warm weather: Ant. bry. carb-veg. cocc. colch. jod. lach. lye. puls. sulph. d) By the warmth of the bed: 1) Ars. bell. carb-veg. cham. dros. graph. led. lyc. merc. puls. rhus. sabin. sulph. veratr. 2) Amb. calc. caust. cocc. graph. kal. led. lye. phos. phos-ac. spong. thuj. e) By a warm stove in the room: Acon. agn. alum. anac. ant. am. cin. colch. croc.jod. natr-m. op. phos. plat. puls. sabin. spong. sulph. thu. f) By the action of the sun: Agar. ant. bell. bry. camph. euphorb. graph. lach. natr. puls. selen. sulph. val. g) By wrapping a part up in warm clothes: Acon. borax. bry. calc. ign. lye. magn-arct. phos. puls. spig. sulph. thuj. vernatr. ~ 8. As regards mechanical pressure, give: a) For the pains caused by pressure upon the affected part: 1) Agar. anac. baryt. bry. cin. hep. kal. lach. lye. mnagn-c. mere. plat. sil. 2) Ant. arg. bell. calc. cann. caps. carb-veg. guaj. magnm. mez. mur-ac. Lnatr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vont. oleand. phos-ac. ruta. sep. val. zinc. b) By the pressure of the clothes: 1) Bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. con. lach. lye. mnere. n-vom. puls. spong. 2) Caps. hep. nitrac. sassap. sep. stann. s1lph. val. c) By mere contact: 1) Ang. bell. bry. caps. chamin. chin. cin. cocc. colch. cupr. hep. hyos. lye. n,-vom. puls. ran. sabin. sep. spig. staph. sulph. tart. 2) Acon. anac. arn. camph. cann. carb-veg. caust. euphorb. graph. kreos. hell. lach. magn-c. magn-m. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhus. sil. stracm. sulph. veratr. d) By leaning with the part on something: Anm. bell. carb-veg. chin. con. Iep. kal. nitr-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. staph. thuj. reratr. e) By gmrauopinlr with the hands: Amnmn. calc. carb-veg. caust. chamn. chin. led. lyc. natr. natr-n. nitr-ac. plat. puls. sil. Q 9. As regards the different pqo.mitions of the body, give: a) For the pains caused by raisifng one's self: 1) Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. cocc. iwr. nlatr. nLatr-mn. n-vonm. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Chamn. chinr. con. lyc o). rer. tair. b) By raising one's-self from a recumbhent posture: Acon. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. chain. crcc. con. dulc. graph. guaj. hep. ign. lach. natr-m. itlr-ac. n-vora. oleand. petr. sep. sil. val. veratr. c) By rising fi-oat a seat: Bcll. bry. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. con. ferr. lye. mnanet. natr-m. litr-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. rh uta. sil. staph. s11ph. tart. thati. veratr. d) By stretchimn the affected part: Alum. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-reg. caltst. chirn. con. hep. kal. mang. ruta. sep. sulph. thuj. e) By stooping: 1) Aron. alum.. baryt. bell. bry. calc. graph. hep. n-rvon. petr. pus. sep. spi.r. thuj. val. 2) Almln. amm-m. arn. cic. cocc. ipec. kal. lach. lyc. mnerc.natr. nltr-mn. phosph. rhus.sulph. 7* 78 CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. f) By standing- Agar. amm-m. aur. bry. caps. caust. cocc. con. mang. petr. phos-ac. plat. puls. sabad. sep. sil. stann. sulph. val. veratr. g) By sittingr: 1) Agtar. amb. ars. asa. baryt. caps. cin. ferr. guaj. lach. magn-c. magn-m. natr. plat. puls. ruta. sep. 2) Acon. alum. anac. cauLst. chin. dulc. euphorb. graph. lyc. merc. natr-m. op. phos.ac. rhod. rhus.. sulph. salph-ac. tart. val. verratr. h) By rest: 1) Agar. asa. aur. caps. con. dros. dulc. euphorb. ferr. lach. phos-ac. puls. rhod. rhus. sambh. sulpit. val. 2) Amnm. amm-n. chin. coloc. kal. kreos. lyc. magn-c. magn-m. mosch. ruta. sabad. sil. stann. i) By lying: 1) Amb. asa. caps. dros. mosch. natr-m. puls. rhus. sarmb. sep. verbasc. 2) Alum. assa. aur. carb-veg. chin. con. dulc. euphorb. ferr. lyc. mur-ac. natr. rhod. ruta. sil. val. k) By a recumbent posture: Acon. amm. amm —n. ars. caust. chainm. chin. coloc. capr. ign. magn.m. merc. n-vomn. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. I) By lying on one side: Acon. ars. bry. calc. carb-an. cin. ferr. graph. hep. ign. kal. lyc. natr. phos. puls. rhus. sabad. sil. stann. sulph. m) By lying on the right side: Ammn-m. aur. borax. caust. kal. mnagn-m. mere. n-vyom. puls. sponlg. stann. n) By lying on the left side: Acon. atmm. colch. kal. lye. natr. natr-m. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. o) Lyinog on the painless side is more painful than lying on the affected side: Armb. arn. bry. calc. caust. cham. coloc. ign. kal. magn-aust. puls. rhus. sep. stann. p) By changing one's position: Caps. carb-veg. caust. con. lach. nitr-ac. phos. pals. ran. ~ 10. As regards motion, give: a) For the pains caused by motion generally: 1) Am. bell. bry. colch. dig. graph. hell. ipec. led. magn-auzcst. merc. natr-m. nvom. phos. ran. spi,. sq:lill. staph. b) By moving the affected part: Arn. bell. bry. caps. cham. chin. fear. cocc. guaj. led. merc. mei. n-vom. puls. rhus. spig. staph. thuj. c) By raising the affected part: Arn. bell. bry. chin. con. ferr. graph. kal. led. natr. puls. rhus. sil. d) By turning or bending the part: Amm-m. arn. bell. bry. cale. chin. cic. hep. i,tn. kal. lyc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spiq. spong. starrnn. e) By riding in a carriage, swingaing, or other passive motions: 1) Ars. cocc. petr. sulph. 2) Colch. ferr. n-mosch. sep. sil. 3) Borax, carb.veg. collch. croc. graph. hep. ign. kal. natr. natrm. phos. plat. selen. staph. f) By walking: Arn. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. chin. colch. CONDITIONS OF AGGRAVATION. 79 con. dig. graph. hell. hep. led. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. sassap. sep. squill. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. veratr. g) By running or walking fast: Arn. ars. aur. bry. calc. caust. ign. kal. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. seneg. sep. sil. sulph. h) By riding on horseback: Ars. natr-m. sep. sulph-ac. i) By ascending an erninence: Acon. alum. ars. aur. baryt. bry. calc. cann. merc. n-vom. petr. rhus. sep. spig. spong. stann. sulph. thuj. ~ 11. As regards fatiguing, concussive motions, give: a) For pains caused or aggravated by concussion generally: Arn. bry. cic. con. hep. ign. n-vom. phos-ac. rhus. ruta. sulphac. b) By stepping: Ant. arn. bell. bry. calc. caust. chin. con. graph. magn-n. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. ran. rhus. sep. sil. spig. sulph. c) By making a false step: Arm. bry. cic. con. puls. rhus. Spig. d) By bodily exertions: Acon. arn. ars. bry. calc. chin. coc~. couf. lye. mere. natr-m. rhus. ruta. sil. sulph. veratr. e) By manual labour: Amzm-mn. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. sil. veratr. f) By laughing: Ars. bell. borax. carb-veg. chin. dros. kal. tac. mang. phos. stann. g) By coughing: Aeon. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. dros. hep. ipec. natr-m. n-voum. phos. puls. sep. sulph. veratr. h) By sneezing: Aeon. amm-m. arn. ars. bell,. borax. bry. carb-veg,. chin. cin. lye. merc. muez. mosch. n-vom. puls. rhus. sabad. sep. sil. spig. i) By blowing one's nose: Arn. bry. calc. caust. mere. natr-m. n-vom. sep. spig. sulph. k) By singing: Amm. dros. hep. stann. sulph. 1) By talking: 1) Anac. arn. ars. bell. calc. carb-veg. coce. ign. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. rhus. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Aeon. alum. amb. altm. aur. cann. chin. dulc. ferr. kal. magn-c. magnm. phos-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sele'n. sil. veratr. ~ 12. As regards the influence of emotions and sensual impressions, give: a) For pains caused or aggravated by emotions: 1) Acon. bellt bry. calc. cham. coloc. ign. lach. lye. natr-m. n-vom. phos. phos-ac.. puls. staph. 2) Ars. aur. caust. cocc. coff. hyos. nitr-ac. n-mosch. op. plat. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. veratr. b) By solitude: Ars. con. dros. mez. phosph. sil. stram.. zinc. c) By company: 1) Baryt. hyos. lye. natr. puls. rhus. 2) Amb 80 CONDITIONS OF IMPROVEMENT. carb-an. carb-veg. con. magn-c. natr. petr. phos. plumb. sep. stann. stram. sulph. d) By mental exertions: 1) Bell. calc. ign. lach. natr-m. nvom. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Amb. anac. arn. ars. aur. borax. cocc. lyc. natr. oleand. sabad. selen. sil. staph. e) By reading: 1) Agn. aur. calc. cin. cocc. con. graph. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. phos. pals. sil. 2) Asa. bell. borax. bry. carbveg. caust. chin. cog. dulc. ign. kal. natr. oleand. rhod. ruta. sabad. sulph. sulph-ac. verb. f) By writing: 1) Asa. aur. calc. cin. ign. kal. natr-m. sep. sil. zinc. 2. Borax. bry. cann. carb-veg. chin. cocc. graph. hep. lyc. coccul. natr. n-mom. oleand. ran. rhod. rhus. ruta. sabin. spong. sulph. sulph-ac. g) By bright light: 1) Acon. bell. calc. colch. con. graph. hyos. lyc. merc. phos. straam. 2) Arn. ars. bry. chain. chin. coff. euphr. hell hep. ign. natr. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig. sulph. h) By noise, &c.: 1) Acon. arn. bell. calc. chainm. coff. con. lyc. natr. n-vom.plat. sep. spig. 2) Ang. aur. bry. carb-an. chin. colch. ign. manlg. petr. phos. phos-ac. pauls. sil. zinc. i) By strong odours: 1) Acon. aur. bell. chain. chin. coff. colch. graph. lyc. n-vom. phos. 2) Baryt. con. hep. ign. kal. phos-ac. selen. sep. sil. ~ 14. Compare AMBLYOPIA, OPIITHALMIA, ACOUSTIA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACIIE, FEVER, SLEEP, MORBID, CAUSES, &C. CONDITIONS OF IMPROVEMENT.-Many of these conditions are, of course, the contrary of the conditions of aggravation; all we have to do, therefore, is to point out the principal conditions of improvement in one series. For pains which are relieved by leaning against something, vive: Bell. carb-veg. kal. merc. n-vom. rthus. staph. By pressure upon the part: 1) Atrm. amm-tn. con. magnm. mang. mur-ac. natr. p/ios-ac. stann. 2) Aluw. anac. ars. our. bry. cocc. dulc. graph. kal. phos. puls. rhus. sulph-ac. By thinking of the pain: Camph. By resting the part upon something: Alum. amm. hep. n-vom. phos. puls. ruta. staph. sulph. By contact: 1) Asa. calc. mang. men. mur-ac. plumb. 2) Anac. bry. caust natr-m. phos. sulph. thuj. By motion (see: aggravation by rest.) By ridinj in a carriage: Graph. nitr-ac. By staying in the open air. (See: Aggravation in the room.) By walking: 1) Amnm. amm-7n. ars. dulc. ferr. magn-c. magnm. mosch. plat. puls. rhus. sep. val. 2) Agar. alum. amzb. ars. CONDITIONS OF IMPROVEMENT. 81 aur. caps. con. lyc. merc. mur-ac. nitr. sabad. samb. stann. sulph. veratr. By coffee: Ars. cham. coloc. By external coldness. (See: Aggravation by warmth.) By change of position: Ars. chain. ign. phos-ac. puls. val. By lying: Alum. arn. ars. bry. canth. carb-an. cupr. lyc. magn-c. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. n-vom. sabad. spig. spong. staph. strain. veratr. By a recumbent posture: Bry. calc. carb-an. ign. kal. lye. nyom puls stann. sulph. By lying on one side: Amn. ars. n-aomn phos. sep. By lying on the affected side: Amnb. arn. bry. calc, caust. chamn. coloc. ign. kal. niagn-aust. puls. rhus. sep. stann. By rest. (See: Aggravation by motion.) By sleep: Calad. chin. colch. n-rom. phosph. puls. selen. sep. By sitting: Acon. anac. bry. carb-an. carb-veg. coff. colch. mang. merc. natr-m. n-vomn. petr. phos. phos-ac. rhus. squill. staph thsLj. By sunshine: Con. plat. stranz. stront. By standing: Ars. bell, calc. cocc. colch. graph. ipec. merc. mur-ac. phos. plumb. By staying in the room. (See: Aggravation in the open air.) CONFINEMENT.-The principal remedies for the diseases of lying-in females are: For excessive or too long after-pains: 1) Arn. cham. coff.; or, 2) Calc. n-voim. puls. —For milk-fever: 1) Acon. coff.; or, 2) Arn. bell. bry. rl/us. —For want of milk: 1) Calc. caust. puls.; or, 2) Acon. bell. bry. cham.-For suppressed secretion of milk: Acon. bell. bry. cale. chain. coff. merc. puls. rhus. suiph.-For galactorrheea and the consequences of weaning: Bell. bry. calc. puls. (See: NuRs NG.) For sore nipples: 1) Arm. sulph.; or, 2) Calc. chamin. ign. puls.* -For inflannmatiovn or suppuration of the mamnma: Bell. bry. merc. phos. sil. sulph. (Compare: BREASTS.) For suppression of the lochia: Coloc. hyos. n-yom. plat. sec. veratr. zilc.-For too profuse and too long lastirng lochia: Bry. cale. croc. hep. plat. puls. rhus. sec. For phlegmasia alba dolens: 1) Arm. bell. rhus.; or, 2) Acon. ars. cale. jod. lach. n-vom. puls. sil. sulph. For puerperal fever: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. n-yom. rhus.; or, 2) Coff. coloc. hyos. ipec. mere. puls. veratr. (See: PUERPERAL FEVER ) For the emotions of lying-in females: Bell. plat. puls. sulph. veratr. zinc. * And especially Graphites.-HEMPEL. 82 CONGESTIONS OF THE ABDOMEN. For convulsions, eclampsia, &c.: 1) Cycl. hyos. ign. plat.; or, 2) Bell. stram. (Compare: SPASMS.) For debility: I) Calc. Ical.; or, 2) Chin. sulph.; or, 3) Nvom. phos-ac. veratr. (Compare: DEBILITY.) For sleeplessness: Coffea. For colic: 1) Bry. chain.; or, 2) Arn. bell. hyos. lach. nvom. puls. se)p. veratr. (See: COLIC.) For diarrhoea: 1) Ant. dulc. hyos. rhab. (Compare: DIARRH(EA.) For constilpation; Bry. n-voen. op. or plat. (Compare: CONSTIPATION.) For the.falling off of the hair: Calc. lye. natr-m. sulph. (Compare: FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR.) CONGESTIONS, SANGUINEOUS.-Principal remedies: 1) Acon. am. bell. bry. chin. ferr. hyos. mere. n-vore. op. phos. puls. sil. sulph. 2).Alum. amm. a. a aur. calc. carb-v. coff. graph. hep. kal. lye. mere. mosch. natr. natr-mn. nitr-ac. plumb. rhus. sep. spong. strain. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. For particulars, see: CONGESTIONS OF THE ABDOMEN, CHEST, HEAD, &C. CONGESTIONS OF THE ABDOMEN.-The best remedies are: 1) Nux-v. and Sulph.; or, 2) Ars. caps. carb-v.; or, 3) Bell. bry. chain. mere. puls. rhus. veratr. ARSENICUM: Frequent, scanty, slimy, or watery stools, with great debility. Nux voM.: Suitable to persons who lead a sedentary life and are engaged in intellectual pursuits, &c.; especially for constipation, hard stools, pains in the loins as if the hips and back were broken and powerless; hard and tight abdomen. CAPSICUM: Suitable to phlegmatic, lazy, clumsy, and sensitive people, especially when small, watery, or slimy stools are frequently present. CARIBO VEG.: Flatulence, slow action of the bowels, bad digestion and loss of appetite. SULPeIUR: Suitable to hypochondriac persons, especially after Nux roin., even in the most obstinate cases. See: HIEMORRlIOIDS. CONGESTIONS OF THE CHEST.-The best remedies are: A Oon. aur. hell. chin. mere. n-orom. phos. spong. sulph. AcoNIrrM: Violent pressure with palpitation of the heart, short breath, anguish, short and dry cough, disturbing the sleep, great heat and thirst. AUUituI: Great anguish with palpitation of the heart, oppression or real paroxysms of suffocation with sensation as if the chest CONGESTIONS OF THE HEAD. 83 were constricted, falling down without consciousness, and bluish complexion. BELLADONNA: Great restlessness with beating in the chest, beating of the heart which is even felt in the head, oppression, heavy breathing, short cough disturbing sleep, internal heat and thirst. CHINA: When the congestion is caused by debilitating losses, with palpitation of the heart; heavy breathing, oppression, anguish; or when the breathing is impossible with the head low. MERCURIUs: Anxious oppression and heavy breathing, with desire to take deep breath; heat and burning in the chest, palpitation of the heart, and cough with bloody expectoration. Nux voM: Heat and burning in the chest, especially at night, with tossing about, anxiety, sleeplessness; or tensive pressure as from a weight, especially in the open air, with heavy breathing, and unpleasant pressure of the clothes upon the chest. PHosPHORUS: Oppression and heaviness, tension and feeling of fulness in the chest; palpitation of the heart, anguish, and sensation of heat rising to the throat. SPoNGIA: Orgasm of the blood in the chest, after the least exertion, with dyspucea, anguish, nausea, and fainting weakness. SULPHUR: Orgasm of the blood in the chest, with malaise, fainting, trembling of the arms, palpitation of the heart, heaviness, fulness and pressure in the chest, as from a weight, particularly when coughing; oppressed breathing, especially at night when lying. Compare: ASTHMA. CONGESTIONS OF THE HEAD. ~ 1. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. coff. merc. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. veratr.; or, 2) Cham. chin. dulc. ign. sil. sulph.; or, 3) Aur. cann. graph. ~ 2. Persons who are fond of spirits, should take: Nux vom. or puls., or Opium, calc. and sulphur. Persons leading a sedentary life, require: Acon., or Nux none. Girls at the age of pubescence: Acon. bell. or puls. Children during dentition: Acon. coff. or cham. For congestion from great joy, give: coif. or opium, —from fright or fear, opium, —from violent anger: Chamom., or perhaps Bryon. or Nux-v., —and from suppressed anger, Igrnat. For congestion from a fall, blow, or violent concussion, give: Am. cic. merc., —from debilitating losses: Chin. or Calc. sulph. nux-v. or veratr.-from the least cold: Dulc.,-from lifting heavy weights, or from injuries: Rhus. or Calc. Congestion from constipation, requires: Bry. nux-v. opium., or Merc. or Puls. 84 CONGESTIONS OF THE HEAD. The disposition to congestions of the head requires: Calc. hep. sil. or sulph. ~ 3. Particular indications. AcONITUM: Beating and fulness in the head; frequent vertigo, especially when stooping; sensation as if the head would split, especially over the eyes, worse when stooping and coughing; scintillations and darkness before the eyes; buzzing in the ears; frequent fainting turns, palpitation, &c., or violent burning pains in the head, especially in the forehead, with red and bloated face, red eyes, paroxysms of rage or of being beside one's-self. (After Acon., Bell. is frequently suitable.) ARNICA: Heat in the head with chilliness of the remainder of the body; dull pressure in the brain, or burning beating, buzzing in the ears and vertigo, obscuration of sight, especially when rising from a recumbent posture. BELLADONNA: Violent pressure in the forehead, or beating, burning and stitching pains in one side of the head; aggravation of the pains when walking, or during motion, when stooping, or by the least noise or light, with red and bloated face, red eyes, scintillations, darkness before the eyes, buzzing in the ears, diplopia, disposition to sleep; or for dull aching pains, deep in the brain, with pale, sickly complexion, loss of consciousness, delirium and muttering; or the pain appears after a meal, with languor, somnolence, painful stiffness of the nape of the neck, heavy tongue, and other apoplectic symptoms. (Is frequently suitable after Aconite.) BRYONIA: Painful compressive sensation in both sides of the head, or as if everything would fall out at the forehead when stooping; nose bleeds without relief, burning eyes, lachrymation, constipation. COFFEA: Lively temper, cerebral excitement, sleeplessness, heaviness of the head, increased congestion when talking; shining and red eyes. MERCURIUS: Fulness in the head as if the forehead would split, or as if the head were bandaged, or when the symptoms are worse at night, with burning, tearing and stitching pains; the patient sweats readily and profusely. (Is frequently suitable after Bell. and Opium.) Nux voM.: Nervousness, with painful sensitiveness of the brain when walking or moving the head; pressure in the temples, remaining unchanged when lying or raising one's-self; dim eyes, with desire to close them without being able to sleep; great heaviness in the head, especially when moving the eyes, with senstion, when thinking, as if the head would split; aggravation of the symptoms in the morning, in the open air, or after a meal, and especially after taking coffee. CONGESTIONS OF THE HEAD. 85 OPIUM: Violent congestion, with tearing pain, pressure in the forehead from within outward;'throbbing in the temples; wandering look" thirst; dry mouth, sour eructations, nausea or vomiting PUILSATILLA: Exhausting pain on one side of the head; or the pain commences in the occiput, thence to the root of the nose, or vice versa; relief by tying a cloth round the head, or by pressure, or walking; aggravation by sitting; heaviness of the head; pale face with vertigo; whining mood; shivering, anguish, phlegmatic temperament, &c. Rnus TOX.: The congestion is accompanied by burning, throbbing pains, with fulncss in the head, aching, or creeping, vacillating sensation in the brain; the pains appear after eating. VelarRru.t: Shocks with pressure, or pains on one side, or sensation as if the brain were dashed to pieces; or contractive pain with astringent sensation in the throat; painful stiffiess of the nape of the nleck; copious secretion of watery urine, nausea, vomiting, &c. Particular remedies for headache are: a) When there is much vertigo or dizziness: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. cale. caust. cic. con. lach. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amin. baryt. bruc. cann. carb-an. cham. chin. coccul. dig. hep. Ign. kal. laur. lyc. petr. phos-ac. spig. stranm. sulph-ac. tart. veratr. b) When the vertigo is so bad that one falls down: 1) Bell. coccul. puls. thus. sil. 2) Aceon. chin. cic. con. graph. lach. phosac. rhts. sulph. zinc.-that one falls forward: 1) Cic. graph. sil. 2) Cupr. magn.c. mnagn-rn. mang. natr-m. phos-ac. rhus. sabin. sassap. sulph.-backward: 1) Chin. phos-ac. 2) Kal. rhod. sassap.-sideways: 1) Con. sulph. 2) Acon. lach. sil. zinc. —to the left side; 1) Lach. zinc. 2) Dros. mez. n-mosch. sil.-to the right: Acon. ferr. sabad. sil. c) When there is much heat in the head: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. carb-veg. chin. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. sil. sulph. d) When the head feels too full: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. caps. chin. daph. graph. merc..phosph. sil. sulph. 2) Atnm. carb-veg. chin. coff. petr. spong. sulph-ac. e) When it feels heavy: 1) Arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. chin. mere. natr-m. n-yvom. pals. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. amm. amm-m. camph. carb-an. cham. con. dulc. hell. kal. lach. laur. lyc. magn-c. magn-m. n-mosch. oleand. op. petr. phos. plumb. staph. ~ 5. a) When the head feels dull: 1) Anac. bell. calc. carbveg. chin. hell. magn-aust. merc. natr-m. n-vom. op. petr. phosac. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. bell. carb-an. cic. 8 86 CONSTIPATION. coccul. err. graph. hell. ign. kal. magn-c. natr. n-mosch. phos. puls. spig. staph. stram. thuj. zinc. b) When it feels cloudy, with confusion of the senses, &c.: 1) Acon. agar. bell. bry. cic. hell. hyos. laur. natr-m. op. stram. veratr. 2) Calc. cann. carb-veg. caust. chain. coccul. con. kal. magn-m. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. rhab. rhus. sil. veratr. c) When stupefied: 1) Anm. bell. hell. hyos. laur. n-vom. op. phosph. phos-ac. plat. rhus. stram. veratr. 2) Ars. bry. calc. camph. cic. con. cupr. laur. natr-m. n-mosch. puls. rhab. sabad. sabin. stann. staph. sulph. verb. d) When there is loss of consciousness: 1) Arn. bell. hyos. n-vom. op. phos-ac. plat. thus. stram. veratr. 2) Baryt. camph. cic. cupr. hell. kal. mur-ac. natr-m. n-mosch. phosph. puls. ~ 6. See: HEADACHE, APOPLEXY, CONGESTION, &C. CONSTIPATION. ~ 1. This is a mere symptom, the cure of which requires a remedy corresponding to the totality of the symptoms characterizing a morbid state. For morbid states, where constipation is the principal symptom, the following are the best remedies: I) Bry. calc. cocc. lach. lye. n-vom. op. plumb. sep. sil. staph. sulph. veratr. 2) Alum. bell. cann. canth. carb-reg. caust. con. graph. kal. kreos. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. puls. sassap. stann. sulphac. zinc. ~ 2. To obtain immediate relief, give: 1) Bry. n-vom. op. or, 2) Cann. lach. merc. plat. puls. sulph. magn-arct. For habitual constipation, costiveness, use: Bry. calc. caust. con. graph.lach. lyc. sep. sulph. ~ 3. Constipation of persons who lead a sedentary life, requires: Bry. n-vomn. sulph.; or, 2) Lye. op. plat. Constipation of drunkards: Calc. lach. nl-vom. op. sulph. Constipation resulting from the abuse of cathartics, or setting in after diarrhea: 1) N-vom. op.; or, 2) Anit. lach. ruta. Constipation of old people, or alternating with diarrhea: 1) Ant. op. phos.; or, 2) Bry. lach. rhus. ruta. Constipation of pregnant females: 1) N-vome. op. sep.; or, 2) Alum. bry. lyc.-and of lyiing-in females: Ant. bry. n-voen. plat. Constipation of infants at the breast: 1) Bry. n-vom. op.; or, 2) Alum. lyc. sulph. veratr. For constipation brought on by travelling in a carriage: Plat. or, Alum. op. mnagn-arct. Constipation from' poisoning with lead, requires: Alum. op. plat. CONSTIPATION. 87 ~ 4. For constipation with ineffectual urging, give: 1) Caps. con. lach. lye. merc. n-vom. sep. sulph. 2) Arn. bell. calc. carbveg. caust. cocc. graph. ign. kal. natr. nqtr-m. nitr-ac. puls. sil. staph. veratr. zinc. Constipation without the least desire: 1) Alum. chin. hep. kal. natr-mn. n-?vom. staph. thitj. veratr. 2) Anac. arn. bry. carbveg. cocc. graph. ign. lye. magn-m?. natr. n-mosch. op. petr. rhod. ruta. sep. sil. staphl. sul ph. When the feces are very hard: 1) Amlm. ant. bry. calc. carbveg. con. guaqj. lach. magn-m. op. plumb. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. bry. carb-an. caust. guaj. kal. lyc. magn-arct. magn-c. mere. n-votn. petr. rltes. ruta. panog. staph. sulph-ac. thuj. When lumpy, like sheep's dung: 1) Alum. magn-m. merc. op. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Antn. baryt. carb-an. caust. graph. kal. lach. mang. n-rvor. petr. plumb. stann. sulph-ac. thuj. verb. When too large: 1) Bry. calc. kal. magn-arct. n-vom. 2) Aur. graph. ign. magn-m. mere. stann. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. When very thin: Caust. graph. hyos. mere. mur-ac. natr. puls. sep. staph. When too scanty: I) Alum. arn. calc. graph. lye. magn-m. natr. n-vom. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. baryt. cham. chin. lach. ruta. stann. staph. zinc. ~ 5. Particular indications: BRYONIA: Especially in summer, suitable to persons who are disposed to rheumnatism, or when the constipation was caused by disordered stomach, with disposition to feel chilly, congestion of blo61 t: the head, headache; irritable mood, disposition to be angry, taciturn; generally suitable to vehement individuals. LACitESIS: Obstinate constipation with pressure in the stomach, and ineffectual attempts at eructation. MEcuRIU:s: The constipation is accompanied with bad taste in the mouth, painful gums, but no loss of appetite. (Give Staph ys., if Mere. should not suffice.) NATRUM MURIATICUM: Obstinate constipation, when all action of the bowels seems lost. Nux VOMICA:,Suitable to hypochondriac and hainorrhoidal individuals; the constipation was caused by eating too much, or by deranging the stomach, &c. Symptoms.: Loss of appetite, nausea, distention of the abdomeu, with pressure and heaviness; heat, especially in the face; coungestion of blood to the head, headache; inability to work; disturbed sleep, oppression, cardialgia, ill humour; sensatiaon as if the anus were closed or narrower than usual, with frequent, ineffectual urging. OPIUM; Sensation as if the anis were closed, but without any great urging; beating and sensation of heaviness in the abdomen; 88 CONSTIPATION-CONSTITUTION. cardialgia, dry mouth, loss of appetite, congestion of blood to the head, headache, red face, &c. PLATINA: The patient is only able to pass small lumps, with tenesmus and creeping at the anus after every evacuation; chill with sensation of weakness in the abdomen; constrictive pain in the abdomen, with pressure, pain in the stomach and ineffictual attempts at eructation. PULSATILLA: Corresponding to the symptoms of Nux-v., when the patients are of a bland, phlegmnatic disposition; or suitable for constipation produced by derangement of the stomach in consequence of eating too much fat; accompanied with chilliness, peevish and taciturn disposition. SEPIA: Suitable to females or to rheumatic individuals, or when Sulphur and Nux-v. are insufficient. SULPHUR: Habitual costiveness, especially suitable after Nuxv., to hypochondriac and hwmorrhoidal individuals; frequent but ineffectual urging to stool; with incarceration of flatulence, malaise, distention of the abdomen, inability to perform any mental labour, &c. ~ 6. If these remedies should not prove sufficient, it will be necessary to select a remedy in accordance with the general state of the patient. CONSTITUTION, AGE, SEX, AND TEMPERAMENT. The following classification of remedies agreeably to constitution, sex, &c., is, of course, imperfect, and many remedies which have been omitted in the various paragraphs, may have to be supplied after a little more observation. Nevertheless, an intelligent physician will find the attempted classification of service, were it only to confirm the selection of a remedy, or to decide him in favour of one remedy among several doubtful ones. ~ 2. Premising all this, we will give the preference, as respects age and sex: a) For the male sex, to: 1) Acon. alum. aur. bry. canth. carbveg. chin. clem. coff. coloc. dig. euphorb. graph. ign. kal. magnarct. magn-m. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phos. rhus. sil. staph. sulph zinc. 2) Agar. alum. anac. ant. ars. baryt. caps. carb-an. caust. coloc. con. hep. lach. lyc. mosch. mur-ac. par. petr. phos-ac. plumb. puls. seneg. stann. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. b) For the female sex, to: 1) Acon. amb. amm-m. asa. bell. chamin. chin. cic. con. croc. hyos. ign. magn-c. maugn-m. mosch. nmosch. plat. puls. thus. sabin. sep. stann. val. 2) Alum. amm. arn. borax. calc. caust. cocc. fert. graph. hell. hep. kal. lyc. mere. n-vom. phosph. ruta. sabad. sec. spig. stram. sulph, thuj. veratr. zins. 90 CONSTITUTION-CORNEA. c) For phlegmatic individuals: Bell. caps. chin. lach. mere. natr. natr-m. mez. puls. seneg. d) For lively dispositions: Acon. ars. cham. nitr-ac. n-vom. &c. e) For melancholy persons: Acon. aur. bell. bry. calc. chin. graph. ign. lyc. natr-m. plat. puls. twhus. stram. sulph. ver-atr,. f) For sensitive people: Ars. ant. calc. canth. coff. con. cupr. ign. lach. lyc. n-yom. phos. plat. sabad. CONTRACTION OF MUSCLES, INDURATION. The principal remedies for this affection, which is generally connected with rheumatic or arthritic ailments, are: 1) A7nrm. amrm —n. caust. coloc. graph. lach. natr. natr-m. puls. rhus. sep. sudph. 2) Baryt. carb-an. carb-veg. con. lyc. n-vom. See: GOUT and RHEUMATISM. COPPER, ILL EFFECTS OF, OR VERDIGRIS, For poisoning with large doses, Hering recommends: 1) Albumen, either with or without water; 2) Sugar, or Sugarwater; 3) Milk; 4) Mucilaginous drinks: 5) I'6n filings dissolved in vinegar, and mixed with gum-water.'the subseqnient dynamic affections require: 1) Hep. n-vom.; or, 2) Aur. bell. chin. cocc. dulc. ipec. merc. CORNS. ~ 1.The principal remedies, which, indeed, do not always cure, but palliate the pain, are: 1) Ant. calc. sep. sil. 2) Amm. carban. ign. petr. lyc. nitr-ac. sulph. ~ 2. a) For boring pains, give: Borax. caust. natr. phos. b) For burning pains: Calc. ign. magn-arct.. petr. phos-ac. sep. sil. sulph. c? For aching pains: Ant. graph. bry. phos. sep. d) For inflammation: Lye. sep sil. e) For tearing pains: Bry. lyc. magn-m. natr. sep. sil. sulph. f) For stitching pains: Ant. bry. calc. lye. natr. natr-m. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. thlj. g) For pain generally: Bry. calc. lye. n-vorn. phos. rhus. sep. sil. saulph. h) For soreness: Amb. graph. ign. lyc. magn-arct. n-vom. rhus. sep. ~ 3. See: SKIN, INDURATION, THICKENING OF THE. CORNEA, DISEASES OF THE.-Principal remedies: 1) Cale. COUGH. 91 cann. con. euphr. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. aur. chel. chin. cin. hep. lach. magn-c. mere. natr. nitr-ac. ruta. seneg. sep. sil. spig. For specks, give: 1) Cann. euphr. hep. nitr-ac. seneg. sil. 2) Ars. calc. cin. ruta. sep. spig 3) Aur. con. For ulcers and cicatrices: 1) Euphr. hep. sil. 2) Ars. calc. lach. merc. natr. For obscuration of the cornea: 1) Cann. euphr. magn-c. puls. sulph. 2) Calc. chel. chin. nitr-ac. Compare: OPHTIIALMIA. COUGH. (~ 1. Cough beingf generally speaking, a mere symptom, it seems impossible to filrnish precise instructions for the treatment of every species of cough. Nevertheless, it may not be superfluous to mention the principal remedies for cough, provided the practitionier selects his remedy in accordance with the general symptoms of the patient.''he principal remedies for cough, are: ]) Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. ltep. ipec. lyc. n-vorn. phos. puls. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Cham. chin. cin. con. dros. duic. hep. hyos. ign. kal. led. lach. lyc. r-hus. sil. spong. 3) Amn. caps. caust. euphr. op. phos-ac. squill. stann. staph. veratr. verb. ~ 2. For catarrhal cough: 1) Acon. bell. bay. cham. mere. n-vore. puls. rhus. sulph.; or, 2) Ar'n. ars. calc. caps. caust. chin. cin. dros. dulc. euphr. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. phos. phos-ac. sep. sil. spig. squill. stann. staph. veratr. verb. For nervous and spasmodic cough: 1) Bell. bry. carb-veg. cin. cupr. dros. hep. hyos. ipec. merc. n-vorm. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Anzb. chin. con. ferr. jod. lact. nitr-ac. sil. inagn-arct. For cough accompanied with vomiting or nausea, give: Bry. carb-veg. dros. fear. ipec. n-vorn. phos-ac. puls. sep. sulph. tart. veratr. For cough attended with suffocative paroxysms: Bry. cham. chin. dros. hep. ipec. lach. op. samb. spig. sulph. tart. magnarct. ~ 3. a) For dry cough without expectoration: 1) Acon. bell. bry. chain. coff. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. n-vom. petr. p1/os. sep. spong. sulph. 2) Ant. arn. ars. calc. carb-veg. caust. chin. cin. coff. cupr. dros. hep. jod. kreos. lach. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-mosch. plat. puls. rhus. seneg. spig. squill. stann. staph. b) For loose cough with expectoration: 1) Ars. bry. calc. chin. jod. lyc. phos. puls. seneg. sep. sil. squill. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. anac. dros. ferr. kal. phos-aq. ruta. spong. staph. thuj. veratr. 92 COUGH. c) For cough loose in the day-time, dry at night: Ars. calc. cham. graph. n-vom.puls. sabad. sil. sulph. d) For cough with expectoration only in the morning: 1) Alum. amm. bry. calc. carb-veg.ferr. hep. magn-c. mang. natr-m. phos. puls. sep. squill. sulph-ac. 2) Bell. kal. led. lye. mur-ac. natr. nitr-ac. phos-ac. sil. e) Expectoration only in the evening: 1) Amrn. cin. graph. 2) Calc. kal. lye. mur-ac. nitr. n-vom. phos. ruta. sep. stann. f) Expectoration only at night: Bell. calc. caust. hep. led. lyc. sep. g) When it is impossible to throw off the detached substance: Amb. amrn. caust. kal. sep. ~ 4. a) For bloody expectoration: 1) Acon. am. bry. calc. ferr. ipec. lye. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. chin. con. croc. dros. dulc. hep. hyos. laur. led. merc. nitr. rhus. sabin. sec. sep. sil. squill. sulph-ac. b) For blood-streaked expectoration, or mucus mixed with blood: 1) Ars. bry. chin. ferr. p/os. sabin. sep. 2) Acon. arnm. bell. borax.jod. ipec. laur. lyc. maagn-c. op. sulph-ac. zinc. c) For purulent expectoration: 1) Calc. carb-veg. chin. con. kal. lyc. natr. nitr. phos. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. carb. an. dros. ferr. hep. merc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. puls. thus. stann. d) For jelly-like expectoration, or resembling boiled starch, &c. Arg. baryt. chin. dig.ferr. laur. e) Frothy expectoration: Ars..ferr. op. phos. puls. sec. sil. f) Mucous expectoration: 1) Ars. bry. calc. chin. lye. phos.puls. stann. sulph. 2) Amm. arg. baryt. bell. Parb-veg. cin. dulc. jod. kreos. lach. magn-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. ruta. staph. thuj. g) Fetid expectoration: 1) Calc. natr. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. con. graph. guaj. lye. magn-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. sep. stonn. h) Watery expectoration, or of thin mucus: Arg. carb-veg. chum. chin. ferr. graph. lach. lye. magn-c. mere. stann. sulph. i) Tenacious expectoration: 1) Ant. ars. bell. boy. carb-veg. seneg. sil. 2) Alum anac. cann. chain. chin dulc.ferr.jod. kal. magn-c. magn-m. lach. merc. mez. phos-ac. thus. spong. zinc. ~ 5. a) Yellow expectoration: 1) Bry. calc. carb.veg. dros. kreos. phos. puls. stann. staph. thuj. 2) Acon. amm-m. ars. lye. mang. merc. natr. nitr-ac. ruta. sep. spong. b) Gray expectoration: 1) Amb. ars. lye. sep. 2) Anac. arg. chin. kreos. lach. magn-m. n-vom. thuj. c) Greenish expectoratiou: 1) Ars. carb-veg. magn-c. lye. puls. stann. 2) Borax. colch. led. mang. natr. phosph. sil. thu.j. d) Reddish, not bloody expectoration: Bry. squill. 94 COUGH. ign. kreos. lye. nitr. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. spong. squill. stann. sulph-ac. i) For cough as if from the vapours of sulphur or from feather dust in the throat: 1) Ars. chin. ign. puls. 2) Amm. calc. cin. teucr. ~8. a) For cough coming on in the evening, give: 1) Ars. calc. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. dros. hep. kreos. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac.petr. puls. stann. 2) Atnim. con. kal. lach. lye. b) At night in bed, or after lying down: 1) Aron. amtm. ars. baryt. bell. calc. caps. chain. dros graph. hyos. kal. merc. natrm. n-vom. petr. puls. sep. sil. 2) Anac. am. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. coccul. coaf' colch. hep. ipec. kreos. lye. magn-arct. maga-m. phos. puls. sulph. c) In the moranintg: Alum. ars. bry. caust. chin. jod. lye. natrm. n-vom. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. d) After a meal: Ars. hbry. calc. carb-veg. chin. hep. lach. nvom. phos. paus sil. staph. sulph. e) After drinking: Acon. ars. bry. chin. dros. hep. lach.phos. squill. f ) In the open air: 1) Ars. nitr. phos. sulph. sulph-ac. 2) Alum. ipec. nacgn-arct. rhus. seneg. g) In the cold, in cold air, or after taking a cold drink: 1) Amon-in. caust. hep. phos. sil. squill. 2) Carb-veg. dulc. nitr-ac. sabad. sep. h) During exercise: 1) Ars. bry. chin. dros ferr. lach. n-vom. phos.,uil. sta,n. 2) Hep. nltr-nz. i) When la,ighialfg, tllkitll, sillnini, readilg, &c.: 1) Chin. lach. n-yorn. phoa,. stanlR. 2) Aoac. baryt caust. dros. mang. mere. nair-ac. nate-ia. sil. k) When lying, going off again when raising one's-self or rising from a seat: 1) ilyos. imez. puls. sabad. sulph. 2) Con. ipec. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil. ~ 9. a) For collgh affecting the head, and causing pain in the heal, give: 1) Bell. bry. crlc. cailst. nair-m. n-vosa. snlph. 2) Al/rm. anmb. anac. caps. carb-veg. hep. lach. lye. naerc. phos. sep. squlil. b) (,Cogh with pain in the throat: 1) Acoa. carbh-rveg. hep. kal. mere. Itnte-in. n-voin. phos. spong. 2) Ars. calc. caust. chin. lye. critr-ac. c) Cough affecting the chest: 1) Aron. bell. bry. lyc. phos. puls. sul/p b. 2) Aatal. ar11 a-rs. m'orax. calc. carh-vegr. caast. dros. kal. matr mecre. ejr itr-ac. p/elvr. sep. sytmill. d) Cotugh with paili in the region of the stomach and hypochondria: 1) Bry dios. lach. n-voir. phos. 2) Anab. ai om. ars. hep. lye. nitr-ac. sep. siulph. 96 CROUP-CYSTITIS. but the air-passages remain clogged with mucus; or the croup symptoms are attended with rattling of mucus from the commencement, the cough is moist, with little difficulty of breathing and slight nervous or vascular excitement. ~ 2. For the rough and barking cough which sometimes sets in a few days previous to the attack of croup, give: Cham. chin. cin. dros. hyos. n-vorn. veratr. For croup with paralytic state of the lungs, give: Tart. Croup with Asthma Millari, requires: Samb. or 1Moschus. In desperate cases, when Acon. hep. and spong. remain ineffectual, give: 1) Mosch. phos.; or, 2) Clam. cupr. lach. For laryngitis, hoarseness and catarrhal affections remaining after croup, give: 1) Hep. phos.; or, 2) Amrn. bell. carb-v. dros. For the disposition to croup: Lye. or Phosphorus has been recommended. CYANOSIS.-Digit. is said to have cured this disease.Lachesis has been recommended. It is incurable when depending upon an organic affection of the heart. For symptomatic cyanosis, not depending upon an organic affection (as in cholera, &c.,) I recommend: 1) Acon. camph. carh)-v. cupr. dig. lach. op. veratr. 2) Ann. ars. aur. bell. mere. Datr-m. n-voen. phos. puls. rhus. samb. sec. sil. spong. CYSTIT'IIS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. camplh. cann. canth. dig. nvom. puls.; or, 2) Calc. graph. hyos. kal. lyc. mez. sep. eulph. ACONITUM: Violent fever with thirst, frequent and violent urging to urinate, with no discharge or only a few drops of dark, red and turbid or bloody urine; painfulness of the region of the bladder when touching it, with increase of the pains during micturition. (After Acon. give Cann.) CAMPHORA: When the disease is caused by abuse of Cantharides, in whatever shape they may have been used; or for complete suppression of urine, slow and thin stream, burning in the urethra and bladder. CANNABIS: Frequently after Aconite, for complete suppression of urine, or for urging to urinate especially at night, with burning pain; or drops of bloody urine. CANTHARIDES: Violent, but ineffectual urging to urinate, with drop-discharge of a saturated, dark urine, stinging and burning pains in the region of the bladder, before and after micturition, or cutting pains from the kidneys to the bladder; the abdomen is CYSTITIS-DEADNESS. 97 distended and painful to contact, especially in the region of the bladder. DIGITALIS: The neck of the bladder is principally affected, with retention of urine and constrictive pain in the bladder, or frequent and painful urging to urinate, with discharge of a few drops of dark-red and turbid urine. DULCAMARA: For chronic affections of the bladder, constant urging to urinate, painful pressing-down in the region of the bladder and urethra; drop-discharge of urine with mucous sediment or mixed with bloody lumps. (After Dulc., kal. orphos. is sometimes suitable.) KALI CARB: Violent cutting and tearing in the bladder, neck of the bladder and urethra; less urine and fiery, with a good deal of ineffectual urging. (Is frequently suitable after Dulc.) Nux voM.: Frequlent urging to urinate, with violent pains during and after micturition, which is very scanty; burning pain in the urethra, bladder and kidneys; contractive pain in the urethra after urinating; is suitable to patients who use a good deal of spirits, or who suffer with hemorrhoids. PIOSPHORUS: Retention of urine as if there were an obstacle in the urethra, with pain in the abdomen when the last drops are discharged; contractive pain in the bladder, or stitches from the neck of the bladder to the anus. (Is frequently suitable after DuIc.) PULSATILLA: The urging to urinate is attended by aching, burning and cutting pains in the region of the bladder; heat and redness of this region, and sometimes complete suppression of urine; or scanty, painful discharge of slimy urine, or of bloody urine, with purulent sediment. SULPIUnR: In obstinate cases, the urine is mixed with mucous or blood, burning7 in the urethra during micturition. (After Sulp/., Calc. is frequently suitable, especially when the disease is caused by suppression of hemnorrhoids; if the burning pains do not yield to Calc., give Ars. or Carbo-veg.) See: HMATrURIA, URINARY DIFFICULTIES, ISCHURIA, NEPHRITIS, and NEPHRALGIA. CYSTOPLEGIA. Principal remedies: Ars. dulc. lach.; or, Acon. bell. cic. hyos. lach. lauroc. matgn-aust. CYSTOSPASMUS, SPASM OF TIIE BLADDER. The best remedies are: Asa. caps. clemn. phos-ac. puls. sassap. Rep. ter. DEADNESS of single parts, a mere symptom, which, in conjunction with other symptoms, frequently points to: 1) Calcar. 9 98 DEBILITY. chelid. coni. lycop. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. secal. sulph. 2) Antim. merc. natr-m. silic. staTln. thuj. zinc., &c. DEBILITY, ASTHENIA. ~ 1. In many cases a mere symptom, which disappears with the general disease. Sometimes, however, it arises from loss of animal.fluids, sexual excesses, and violent acute diseases, and-re*quires special treatment. ~ 2. For debility.from loss of animal fluids, give: China, and if this should be insufficient: 1) Calc. carb-veg. cin. lach. n-vom. phos-ac. sulph. veratr.; or, 2) Nitr-ac. sulph-ac. ~ 3. For debility from sexual excesses without onanism, give: China; chroLlic debility requires: 1) Calc. n-vom. phos-ac. sil. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Anac. arn. carb-veg con. mnerc. natr-m. phos. and sep. CALC. is indicated when an embrace causes languor, trembling of the extremities, weariness, pain in the head. STAPrIYSAnGIA: when lhe patient worries about his ailments, and is affected with asthmra after an embrace, and with hypochondriac mood. ~ 4. Ortanism generally requires Nux x vom., then Sulph. and Calc., provided P/hos-ac. or Slaphys. is not sufficient. Frequently we. give with success: Carb-veg. cin. cocc. con. natr-m. nmosch. and phos. China is of very little use. To eradicate the vice, give: Sulphl. calc.; or, Chin. coce. merec. phos.; or, Ant. carb-reg. plat. puls. For debility in consequence of acute diseases, give: 1) Chin. hep. sil. Veratr.; or, 2) Calc. kal. natr-m. phos-ac. sulph. For debility from blood-letting: Chin. phos-ac. sulph-ac. Debility from growing too fast, requires: Phos-ac. That of old people: Aur. baryt. chin. con. op. For hysteric debility, see: HYSTERIA. DEBILITY, N9RVOUS; OR, EXCESsIVE NERVOUS EXCITEMENT, requires: 1) Acon. chamomilla, chin. coff. n-vom. puls. magnarct. 2) Asar. lep. ign. nitr-ac. teucr. val. veratr. If caused by study, watching, or a sedentary life, give: 1) Nveom. sulph.; or, 2) Cale. carb-veg. cocc. lach. puls. magnarct. If caused by abuse of Mlercury: Carb-veg. cham. hep. nitr-ac. puls. If by narcotics: Cham. coff. merc. n-vom., &c. If by abuse of coffee: Cham. ign. mere. n-vom. sulph. If by abuse of wine or spirits: Acon. bell. coff. n-veom. pu1s. sulph. 100 DELIRIUM DIAPHRAGMITIS. DELIRIUM. ~ 1. Delirium is a mere symptom, though of great importance in selecting a remedy. For delirium without fever, or mania, see: MENTAL DERANGEMENT: delirium with fever or violent cerebral irritation, requires: 1) Bell. hy9s. op. stranz. veratr. 2) Acon. aur. bry. cupr. lach. lye. n-yom. phos. sulph. 3) Arn. ars. calc. canth. cham. cin. ign. kal. puls. rhus. sec. spong. ~ 2. Particular indications: a) For anxious, fiirghtful or frightening delirium, give: 1) Acon. bell. hyos. op. puls. sil. stram. 2) Anlac. calc. hep. n-vom. phos. veratr. b) I)elirium with fancies: 1) Bell. stram. sulph. 2) Cham. hyos. op. sep. sil. spong. 3) Graph. c) Delirium with desire to escape, jumping up from bed: 1) Bell. bry. 2) Aeon. coloc. op. d) Lrquacious delirium: 1) Bell. rhus. stram. veratr. 2) Lach. op. e) Delirium with visions, phantasmata, &c.:1) Bell. hyos. op. straum. 2) Ars. n-vom lpuls. sulph. 3) Cale. canmph. carb-veg. dros,. hell. hn. nitr-ac.,plat. f) Merry delirium: 1) Bell. 2) Aeon. op. sulph. veratr. g) Ml'Ltteriag delirium: 1) Bell. hyos. stram. 2) N-rom. h) Delirium with illulsiuns of space.: Bell. bry. lah.. veratr. i) Religious delirium: 1) Bell. puls. strum. veratr. 2) Aur. croc. inach. salph. k) Delirium with screams: Plat. pals. stram. 1) Delirium with talking about dead people: 1) Bell. n-vom. op. 2) Ars canuth hep. m) Sad, whining delirium: Acon. bell. puls. n) Fariboad delirium: Aeon. bell. op. plumb. veratr. ~ 3. Compare: FEVER, MENTAL DERANGEMENT, MORBID SLEEP, and DREAMS. DIABETES, DIABETES MELLITUS.-Principal remedies: Carbveg. led. nhtr-m. phos-ac..; of the last remedy we know only four cases of cure of certain urinary affections with di:charge of mnilky urine, which, in diabetes, sometimes alternates with watery and colourless urine. Try also: Au r. carb-veg. mneph. encre. mur-ac. nitr-ac. phos. suiph.; and compare: SECREPLTION OF URINE, URINARY DIFFICULTIES, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, &C. DIAPHRAGMITIS, INFLAMMATION OF DIAPIIRAGHM. The following remedies have been recommended: Aeon. amb. DIARRHfEA. 101 ars. chainm. cann. coccul. colch. dros. laur. n-mosch. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. spig. veratr. DIARRHCEA. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. cham. chin. dulc. ferr. ipec. mere. puls. rhab. sec. salph.; or, 2) Ant. bry. calc. caps coloe. n-vom. ph-s. phos-ac. rhuis.; or, 3) Arn. bell. berb. carb-veg. cupr. graph. hep. hyos. lach. magn. nitr-ac. n-mosch. petr. sep. veratr. ~ 2. Painless diarrhaea: Ferr.; or, Chin. cinn. Diarrhcea with colic: Ars. bry. cham. coloc. hep. merc. nitrac. puls. rhab. rhus. sulph. With tenesmus: Ar-s. caps. hep ipec. lach. merc. n-vom. rhab. rhus. sulp!,. With vomiting: Ars. bell. ipec.; or, Chainm. coloc. dulc. ferr., &c. (Compare: CHOLERA.) With discharge of undigested food (lienteria): Chin.ferr.; or, Ars. bry. n-orm Colliquative diarrhcea: Ars. chin. ipec. veratr.; or, N-mosch. phos phos-ar. sec. For blious, slinty diarrhwea, see: GASTRIC DERANGEMENT. Chrnic diarrhcea reqllires: Calc. chin. ferr. graph. hep. lach. nitr-ac. petr. phos. phos-ac. sep. sulph. For disposition to diarrh(ea, give: Calc. graph. kreos. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. ~ 3. Diarrhcea in consequence of an exanthem, such as nmeasles, scarlatina, smallpox, &c., requires: Are. chin. merc. phos-ac. puls. sulph. Diarrhbea from a cold: 1) Bell. bry. chain. dulc. mere n-mosch. ~veratr.; or, 2) Caut. chin. natr. n-vo01. op. puls. sulp.-From a coldl in.~sbmmer, fa1l1! or iwinter: Ars. dulc.; or, Bry. merc.From a cold drinkz: Ars. carb-verg. n-mnosch. puls. Diarrhqea froml violent emotio'ts,.frRight, sudden joy: 1) Ant. coff. op. veratr.; or, 2) Aeon. pouls. —From depressing emotions, such as grief: Igmn or Phlfs-ac. —From chagrin or anrger: Cham. or Coloc. Diarrhcea from deranged stomach, or ireegular living: Ant. co fip ze. ptls. n-ivoin.-Froln reoliitg g: Car b-veg. t-m;onr. — From drilking mnzlk: Bry. sulph.; or, Lye. 72nat. sep. —-From the use of acids or fruits: Ars. lach. puls; or, Chin.? rhod.? Diarrhoea from abtse ofcat7hartir.s or calo.lel: Hep.; or, Carbveg. chin.'nitr-ac. —From abhmse of anrtlreia: Puls. rhub.-From ahblse of rhubarb: Clamn. nerr. puls.; or, Coloc. n-vom.-From abuse of tobacco: Chaum. puls. 9* 102 DIARRHCEA. 0 4. Diarrhcea of enfeebled individuals, requires: Chin. ferr. n-mosch. phos. phos-ac. sec. That of consumptive persons: Calc. chin. ferr. phos. Of selrofrltlous persons: Calc. dulc. lyc. sep. sil. sulph.; or, Ars. har-c. chin. *Of old people: Ars. bry. phos. sec. Of pregfnant females: Ant. dulc. hyos. lye. petr. phos. sep. sulph.-And of lying in females: Ant. dulc. hyos. rhab. Of children: Ant. cham..ferr. hyos. ipec. jalap. magn. merc n-mosch. rhab. sulph. sulph-ac.-During dentition: Ars. calc. cham. coff. ferr. ipec. magn. mere. sulph. Particular indications. ARSENICUM: Watery or slimy, whitish, greenish or brownish evacuations, especially at night, after midnight, or towards morning, or after eating, or drinkingr; with colic, burning or tearillg pails in the abdomen; vio/lent thirst; loss of appetite with natisea or vomiting; emaciation; debility; sleeplessness, anguish at i;ght; distention of the abdomen; cold lirnbs; pale face with sunken cheeks; hollow eyes and blue margins around the same. CHAMOMIILA: Watery, bilins or slimy dia'rrhoea of yellowish, whitish or rreenish colour, almostlike stirred eggfs; discharge of undigcested food; rrnmbling iu the abdomen; loss of appetite, thirst, coated ton!mrle; tearing or cutting painl in the bowels, fulness in the pit of the stomach; distended abdomen; freqtuent eructations with nausea or bilious vomiting; bitter mouth; and, in children: scresams, restlessness, tossing about, constant desire to be carried, &c. CInNA: Copious watery, brownish evacuationls, mixed with undigested food; especially at ni.rht, or after a meal; with violent, aching, constrictive and spasmodic colic, or no pain at all; great weakness in the abdomen;:rumblinlg, eructations, burning pains about the anus; loss of appetite, thirst and complete prostration. DULCAMARA: Liquid greenish or yellowish, slimy or bilious stools; nightly evacuations, with colic, especially in the umbilical region; loss of appetite, thirst; nausea or real vomiting; pale face, languor and restlessness. FERRUM: Nightly diarrhcea, or after eating and drinking, easy painless stools, discharge of watery substances mixed with undigested food; pale face; emnaiation, distended abdomen, without flatulence; thirst; canine hunlger alternating with loss of appetite; cardialgia; spasmodic paits in the back and anus. IPECACIJANHA: Watery or slimy diarrhcea, of a bilious, whitish or greenish colour, with nausea, vomiting of yellowish, whitish or greenish mucus; tearing or cutting colic, with screams (in children), tossing about; accumulation of mucus in the mouth; DIARRHCEA. 103 distention of the abdomen; debility with constant desire to be lying down; pale face with blue margins around the eyes; chilliness; ill and vehement humour. MERCURIUs: Watery, slimy, frothy or bilious or bloody stools, especially at night, of a greenish, whitish or yellowish colour; the stools look like stirred eggs; fiequent tenesmus, burning, itching and soreness of the anus; frequent colic; heartburn, nausea and eructations;chills and shivering; cold sweat, trembling and great languor. PULSATILLA: Slimy, bilious or watery diarrhoea of a whitish, yellowish or greenish colour, or changeable colour; papescent stools; or liquid, fetid stools with soreness of the anus; with bitter mouth, white-coated tongue, nausea, disagreeable eructations or slimy and bitter vomiting; colic, especially at night. RHIuIAR:' The stools have a sour smell, they are liquid, slimy, as if fermented, with pale face, ptyalism, colic, frequent urging and tenesmus; or copious evacuations with vomiting and great debility; or, in children, when the diarrhea is accompanied with screams and restlessness, the children toss about and draw up their legs. (If Rhubarb should be insufficient, Chanmo0n. will frequently effect a cure, espec:ally if the pains be very violent.) SECALE: Painless evacuations, with debility; watery, yellowish or greenish stools, which are discharged rapidly, with great force and even itnvoluntarily; discharge of undigested food; colic, especially at night; slime on the tongue; poappy taste, frequent rumbling, flatulence, and fulness of the abdomen. SirI,PiuRlt: Frequent evacuations, especially at night, with colic, tenesmus, distention of the abdomen, heavy breathing, chilliness and debility; slimy, or watery, frothy, or putrid stools, whitish or greenish; discharge of undigested, sour or bloody substances; the diarrhcea sets in again after the least cold; emaciation, &c. ~ 6. We may likewise use: ANTIMONIUM: Watery diarrhmea with deranged stomach; whitecoated tongue, loss of appetite, eructations and nausea. BRYONIA: In summer, especially when the diarrhea was caused by cold drinks, or by anger and chagrin, and Cham. proved insufficient. CALCAREA: Frequently after Sulphur, for chronic diarrhcea, especially suitable to scrofulous children, with debility, emaciation, pale face and great appetite. CArSICUM: Slimy diarrhoea, with tenesmus and burning at the anus. COLOCYNTHIs: Bilious or watery diarrhma, with violent, spasmodic, colicky pains, especially when caused by anger or chagrin, Cham. being insufficient. 104 DIARRHCE A. Nux voM.: Frequent, scanty evacuations of watery, slimy, whitish or greenish substances, with colic and tenesmus. ProsPHoaRs: Chronic diarrhmea, painless, and gradual loss of strength. P.roSPHORI ACIDTTM: Watery or slimy diarrhoea, with discharge of undigested substances, or involuntary stools. RHUS TOX.: Diarrhcea, especially at night, with tearing in the limbs, headache and colic, worse after eating or drinking. VERATRUM: Painless, brownish or greenish, watery or papescent diarrhcea, with much rulmbling, feeling of coldness in the abdomen, and more or less disposition to debility. ~ 7. In general, use: a) For bloody stools: 1) Ars. canth. chin. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Arn. asar. bry. calc. caps. carb-veg. dros. ferr. hep. lye. nitr-ac. phos. sil. sulp7i-ac. b) Papescent: 1) Ant. chin. lach. phos-ac. rhab. rhod. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. calc. cin. mez. natr. phos. c) Purulent: 1) Arn. canth. lach. mere. sil. 2) Bell. calc. kal. puls. sep. sulph. d) Putrid: 1) Ars. carb-veg. chin. n-mosch. n-omre. sulph. 2) Coccul grap)h. ipec. nitr-ac. sec. sep. e) Flocculent: 1) Ars. veratr. 2) Ipec. f ) Bilious: 1) Chamn. chin. merc. phos. snlph. 2) Ars. cin. coloc. dulc. ipec. n-vom. veratr. (Compare: GREEN and YELLOW.) g) Yellow: 1) Ars. chin. coccul. dulc. ipec. petr. rhus. 2) Calc. chanu. coloc. merc. petr. h) Gray, ash-coloured: Dig. merc. phos-ac. (Compare: WHITISIH. i) Green: 1) Cham. merc. puls. phos. sulph. 2) Ars. dulc. ipec. sep. stann. k) Faecal: Ars. chalm. cin. mere. mur-ac. r/?ab. 1) Sour: 1) Calc. graph. hep. merc. rhab. sulph. 2) Chuam. magn-c. natr. sep. m) Acrid, corroding: 1) Ars. chainm. chin. ferr. mere. n-vom. puls. sulph. veratr. 2) Ant. dulc. graph. ign. kal. lach. phos. n) Frothy: 1) Chin. coloc. rhus. 2) Calc. magn-c. mere. sulph. o) Slimy: 1) Asar. bell. borax. caps. chain. chin. mere. n-vom. phos. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb-veg. coloc. graph. hell. ign. ipec. petr. phos-ac. rhab. thus. ruta. sec. sep. tdrt. p) Black: 1) Ars. camnph. chin. ipec. sqlcill. sulph-ac. veratr. 2) Cupr. merc. stratn. snulph. sulph-ac. q) Fetid, cadaverous: 1) Ars. carb-eveg. chin. patls. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. cal. cham. guaj. mere. nitr-ac. n-vomr. sep. squill. sulphCc. DIARRH(EA, &c. 10$ r) Undigested: 1) Chin. phos-ac. 2) Am. ars. ferr. oleand. 3) Asar. bry. calc. chain. con. lach. merc. n-vom. sulph. s) Irvoluntary: 1) Ar. bell. chin. hyos. op. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sec. veratr. 2) Ars. calc. carb-veg. cin. mur-ac. natr-m. sulph. t) Watery: 1) Cham. chin. ferr. hell. ipec. n-vorm. phos. phosac. puls. sec. 2) Acon. ars. calc dig. natr-m. petr. sulph. veratr. u) Watery stools: 1) Culc. cham. chin. dig. hep. mere. puls. rh4k-t. sulph. 2) Aaon. ars caust. cin. ign. lach. nux-v. phos. phos-ac. spomn. veratr. v) Stools like stirred eggs: ~ 1) Chain. mere. puls. rhus-t. 2) Lach. nux-mosch. sulph-ac. viol-tr. ~ 8. Compare: CuOLFRA, VOMITING, GASTrRiC DERANGEMENT, LIENTERIA, DYSENTERY, WORM-AFFECTIONS, &C. DISTENTION OF THE ABDOMEN, AND FLATULE:NCE. The best remedies are: 1) Ace. chin. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Bell. carb-v. chain. cocc.; or, 3) A~gn. calc.ph. caps. colch. coloc. ferr. graph. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. phos. veratr. zinc. magn-arct. If arising from the use of flatulent food, give: 1) China., or: 2) Bry. lyc. petr. 3) Calc. kal. puls. sep. verair. If after taking a drink: 1) N-vom.; or, 2) Chin. cocc. ferr. veratr. After using pork or fat: 1) Chin. colch. puls.; or, 2) Carb-,. colch. natr-mz. In particular, give: a) For copious flatulence: Agar. carb-v. chin. graph. kal. Iack7 lyc. nitr-nc. n-vorm. phos. phos-ac. plumb. staph. sulph.-For dis. tress from flatulence: Caps. carb-v. chin. chinin. Iach. n-mosch. n-vom. phos. puls. sulph.-For incarcerated flatulence: Carb-a. carb-v. caust. chin. con. graph. hep. jod. kal. lach. lye. natr. nntrm. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. sil. sulph.-For pains occurring early in the morning: Alum. asa. bar. carb-a. caust chain. magn-arct. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos.-For rumbling: Agar. ant. am. bry. canth. carb-v. caust. chin. hell. ign. lye. natr-m. n-vom. phos. phos-ac. puls. sassap. sep. sulph. veratr. b) For copiots discharge of flatulence: Agar. canth. carb-a. carb-v. caust. chin. graph. hell kal. lye. mang. merc. nitr-ac. oleand. phos. plumb. veratr.-For discharge of inodorous flatulence: Amnb bell. carb-v. lyc.-Of.fetid flatulence: Arn. ars. asa. ccll carb-v. chin. graph. plumb. puls. sil. sulph. —Foulsmelling flatulence: Arn. ars. carb-v. ign. oleand. puls. sulph. — For flatulence smelling like rotten eggs: Arn. coff. sulph. tart. 106 DREAD OF AIR-DROPSY. teucr. sulph. —For warm, humid flatulence: Carb-v. chin.-Hot flatulence: Acon. chain. phos. staph. zinc. —Cold: Con.-SSmelling like garlic: Agar. asa. mosch. phos.-Sour-smelling: Am. calc. chamn. graph. hep. mansn-c. merc. natr. natr-m. rhab. sep. sulph.-Noisy flatulence: Lach. mere. squill. teucr. zinc. DREAD OF AIR, EXTREME SENSITIVENESS TO THE OPEN AIR. Though generally a mere symptorm, yet it points principally to the following remedies: 1) Calc. carb-an. caust. chainm. cocc. coff. ign. kal. mez. natr. n-vom pe/t. puls. rhus. sil. 2) Amm. bell. bry. chin. con. guaj. hep. lye. inagn-aust. mnerc. mosch: nitr-ac. n-mosch. phos. sep. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. 3) Ars. cin. ferr. ipec. lach. phos-ac. ruta. staph. thuj. DROPSY. 1. The best remedies are: 1) Ars chin. dig. dulc. hell. kal. led. lyc. merc. sulph. 2) Bry. camph. canth. convolv.ferr. lact. phos. prun. rhus. sanb. sol-nigr. squill. 3) Ant. baryt. chel. con. kyos. sabad. sabin. ~ 2. Dropsy in consequence of suppression of exanthemata, requires: Ars. dig. hell. thus. sulph. From suppression of intermittent fevers: Ars. dulc. ferr. merc. sol-nigr. and sulph. From loss of blood or animal fluids: Chin. ferr. merc. and sulph. Dropsy of drunkards: Ars. chin. hell. led. rhus. and sulph. Dropsy from abuse of Mercury: Chin. dulc. hell. and sulph. ~ 3. Particular indications: ARSENICJM: Anasarca, ascites and aedema of the lower extremities, more especially when the skin, and jparticularly the face, look livid, pale or greenish; great debility and prostration; tongue dry and red; thirst very'great; asthma with symptoms of suffocation when lying on the back; cold extremities, tearing pains in the back, small of the back and limbs. BRYONIA: Anasarca and cedema of the feet, especially when the swelling increases in the day-time and decreases in the evening. CAMPIIORA: Aiiasarca, with red urine and thick sediment. CANT:IARIS: Dropsy from atony of the urinary passages, with ischiuria, tenesinms of the neck of the bladder, pains in the limbs, chronic coryza;. &c. CHINA: Anasarca and ascites, especially in old people. Suiitable for organic affectiolls of the liver and spleen, although Ars. and Ferr. concur in this case. DROPSY-DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF. 107 CONVOLVULUS: (Edema, dropsy, with constipation, distress in the abdomen, and debility. DIGITALIS: Ascites, anasarca, hydrothorax, when there are organic affections of the heart, and a hurried pulse. HELLEBORUS: Anasarca, ascites, hydrothorax, &c., acute dropsy, especially for: great debility, vapour, feverish symptoms, stitching pains in tlie limbs, diarrhoea, suppression of urine, &c. KALI: Ascites, dropsy, of old people. LACTUCA: Anasarca with great swelling of the feet, abdomen and eyelids. LEDUM: Dropsy, with pains in the limbs, and dry skin. MERCURIUS: Ascites, hydrothorax, acute or chronic anasarca, sometimes accompanied with affections of the liver, oppression on the chest, general heat and sweat; constant short and racking cough; anguish, &c. PHosriqloitus: Dropsy, oedema of the hands, feet and face. PRUNUS: Ascites and dropsy. RImUS, SAMI'UCus, and SOLANUM NIGRUM: Anasarca. ~ 4. Compare: ANASARCA, ASCITES, HYDROTHORAX, HYDROCEPHALUS, HIYDROCELE, &C. DROPSY OF THE JOINTS, HYDRARTHRUS -Is frequently cured by Sulphur., or by: Ant. ars. bry. calc. jod. kal. lyc. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF, AND ILL EFFECTS OF SPIRITS GENERALLY. ~ 1. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. ant. ars. bell. calc. carbv. chin. coff. hyos. lach. mere. natr. n-oem., op. puls. strain. sulph. 2) Agar. arn. coccul. dig. ign. led. lyc. natr-m. n-mosch. ran. rhod. rhus. rut. selen. sil. spig. veratr. zinc. ~ 2. For intoxication itself, the best remedies are said to be: Acon. bell. cof: op. For the consequences of revelling at night, and of intoxication, give: 1) Anlt. carb-v. coff. n-voin. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. bry. calc. chin. dulc. natr. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. rhuis. For the chronic consequences of drinking: Ars. bell. cale. chin. coe. hell. hyos. lach. merc. natr. n-vom. puls. sulph. For delirium treinens: Ars. bell. calc.. cojf dig. hyos. n-vom. op. stram. For the disposition to drink: Ars. calc. lach. mere. sulph. sulph-ac. ~ 3. As regards symptoms, give: ACONITUM: When drinking wine is followed by: feverish heat, 108 DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF. tendency of blood to the head, red face and eyes, and even Ioss of reason. ANTIMONIUM: Gastric affections in consequence of revelling, nausea, loathing, loss of appetite, &c., Carb-veg. being insufficient. ARsENICUM: Mental derangement, anguish which drives one to and fro, fear of thieves, ghosts, and solitude, with desire to hide one's-self, trembling of the limbs, &c. BELLADONNA: Loss of reason, delirium, visions of mice, rats, &c., red and bloated face, tongue coated, aversion to meat, sleep; lessness, stammering speech with constant smile, dry feeling in the throat, with difficult deglutition, violent thirst, paroxysms of violent fever, &c. CALCAREA: Delirium, visions of fire, murder, rats and mice, neither Bell. nor Stram. being sufficient. CARB VEG.: Aching or throbbing pain in the head, in consequence of a debauch, relief in the open air; nausea without desire to vomit; liquid, thin stools. CHINA: Debility of drunkards, especially when dropsy is setting in. COFFEA: Great excitement of feeling, (especially in children), with excessive mirthfuilness, sleeplessntess, nausea and even vomiting; or headache after intoxication, with sensation as if a nail were sticking in the brain, Nux vom. being insufficient. Coffea has likewise removed the trembling of the hands of drunkards. HYoscYAMuS: Epileptic convulsions in consequence of drinking; sleeplessness with constant tossing about; deliritum with visions as if persecuted, and with desire to escape; tremor of the limbs, &c. LACTIEsIS: Debility and tremor of the hands, especially when the patient finds it hard to correct himself. ME cvURIuss: Debility of drunkards who a'-use coffee, Nux-v. and Sulph. having proved fruitless. NATRUM: Debility and dyspepsia of drunkards. Nvx VOMICA: Hemicrania after intoxication, with sensation as if a nail had been driven into the brain; aggravation in the open air, by walking, motion, thinking and stooping; nausea with desire to vomit and straining; constipation, or else small, slimy stools, with tenesmus; vertigo; red eyes, with gum in the canthi; photophobia; hacking cough, &c.; or, in confirmed drunkards: for tendency of blood to the head, cloudiness or loss of consciousness, delirium, frightful visions, and desire to escape; great anxiety driving the patient to and fro; sometimes with cold and damp hands, feet and face; nausea, waterbrash, vomiting of food or bitter substances; sleeplessness or half sleep, with sudden startings as if in affright;anxious dreams; constipation, or DYSENTERY. 109 else diarrhbeic, scanty stools; tremor of the limbs, debility, &c. Suitable to drunkards who indulge in abuse of coffee. OPIUM: Comatose sleep with stertorous breathing, or anxious delirium, with visions of mice and scorpions, &c.; fear, desire to escape, or dreams from which the patient wakes as soon as:he is spoken to with a loud voice; constipation, troublesome breathing, general sweat, epileptic convulsions and spasms; trembling of the extremities, lock-jaw, twitching of the muscles of the face and mouth, staring look; dark-red face, &c. PULSATILLA: Derangement of the stomach, cloudiness, heavi-,ness in the forehead, relief in the open air; nausea, especially after eating or drinking; sour eructations, coated tongue, &c.; especially when the wine was sulphurated. STRAMONIUM: Suitable to habitual drunkards; anguish driving one to and fro; taciturn; wandering look, fear, desire to escape; epileptic convulsions, rage; red, hot, and bloated face; visions, illusions of fact, (such as, that the half of the body is cut off, &c.) SULPHUR: Trembling, dropsical and other affections of drunkards, especially when they indulge in abuse of coffee. DYSENTERY, BLOODY FLUX. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ars. merc. rhus. sulph. 2) Bry. carb-v. cham. chin. coloc. ipec. n-vom. puls.; or, 3) Bell. caps. colch. dulc. gran. hep. kreos. lach. nitr-ac. n-moscuh. staph. ~ 2. Particular indications. ACONITUM: For dysentery when the days are warm and the nights cool; rheumatic pains in the head, nape of the neck and shoulders; or violent chills, heat and thirst (If Aconite showd not be enough, give: Cham. merc. nux-v., or Puls.) ARSENICUM: Putrid stools, involuntary stools, debility, fetid urine, bad odour from the mouth, stupefied state; red or blue spos on the skin. (If Ars. should not be sufficient, give Carb-v. or Nux-v.) BRYONIA: Frequently after Acon., especially during hot summers, and for dysentery from taking cold drinks. CARBO VEG.: When Ars. is insufficient to remove the putrid symptoms, when the patient's breath is cold, and he corplaiis of burning pains. (Itf, after Carbo veg., the stools should conti4~ putrid, give China.) CHAMOMILLA: Frequently after Aconite, especially when there are great heat, thirst, rheumatic pains in the head, and great restlessness. CHINA: When both Ars. and Carbo veg. are insufficient to re10 110 DYSENTERY-EARS. move the putrid symptoms, or for dysentery in marshy districts, especially when the symptoms are intermittent. COLOCYNTHIS: One of the principhal remedies for dysentery, next to Merc., especially when the patient complains of: spasmodic. colic obliging one to bend double, with great restlessness; evacuati;ns of bloody mucus; fulness and pressure in the abdomen, tympanitic distention, chills proceeding from the abdomen, whitecoated tongue. IPECACUANHA: Suitable for fall-dysenteries (bilious dysenteries), especially after giving Aconite, or when the patient complains of: violent tenesmus and colic, with bilious stools, afterwards bloody mucus. (If Ipec. should be insufficient, Coloc. will frequently help.) MERCURIUS: Specifically indicated by: violent tenesmus previous to, and still more after stool, as if the bowels would be pressed out, with frequent discharge of pure blood, or bloody, green mucus like stirred eggs; screams during stool (in children); violent colic; nausea, eructations, chilliness and shluddering; cold sweat on the forehead; great exhaustion and trembling of the extremities. Nux voMICA: Frequent, small stools, with tenesmus and discharge of bloody mucus; violent cutting in the umbilical region; great heat and thirst; especially after Aconite or Bryonia, for dysentery occurring during the summer-heat, or when the evacuations have still a putrid smell, and Ars. did not remove this. PULSATILLA: Nothing but blood-streaked mucus is passed; pappy taste in the mouth, white-coated tongue; desire to vomit or else vomiting of mucus, frequent chills, especially towards evening, difficult breathing and whining mood. RHUS TOX.: Involuntary stools at night, without stools or tenesnlus. SULPHUR: In desperate cases, for: difficult breathing, bloodstreaked mucus stools, frequent urging to stool, violent tenesmus, especially at night, suitable to persons who suffer with htemorrhoids. ~ 3. See: D IARRH(EA. EARS, HERPES OF THE. ~ 1. The herpes or scurfs on or behind the ears, require principally: 1) Graph. hep. merc. oleand. petr. sulph.; or, 2) Ant. baryt. calc. cic. kal. lach. lyc. mez. phos. puls. sep. sil. staph. ~2. Give more particularly: For eruption near or on the ears: 1) Baryt. calc. cic. sulph. 2) Ant. kal. petr. phos. puls. sep. sil. For scurfs behind the ears: Baryt. calc. graph. hep. lyc. mez. oleand. puls. sep. staph. EARS —EMACIATION. 111 For scurfy eruption: Graph. hep. lach. lyc. puls. staph. For soreness: Graph. kal. lach. mere. petr. sulph. For humour: Cale. graph. lye. oleand petr. For ulcerated eruption: 1) Amm. carb-v. merc. puls. ruta. spong. 2) Alum. kal. stann. For itching of the parts: A7nm. anac. baryt. lyc. puts. sulph. For swelling of the ear: Anac. calc. kal. lyc. merc. puls. 8ep. For fetid smell of the ears: Aur. carb-veg. graph. hep. oleand. ~ 3. Compare: ERUPTIONS, HERPES, SCALDHEAD, OSTITIS, &c. ECCHYMOSIS, SUGILLATIO. Principal remedies: 1) Arn. bry. con. lach. n-vom. rhus. rut. sulph-ac. 2) Ars. berb. calc. cham. chin. dulc. ferr. laur. par. plumb. sec. sulph. If caused by injuries, give: 1) Arn. 2) Bry. con. rhus. rut. sulph-ac. Sanguineous spots or petechicv, such as occur in putrid typhus, require: Ars. brp. rhus. For morbus maculosus Werlhofii, the principal remedy is Bry. Besides, we may have to use in complicated cases: Led. phos. sil. stram. The cadaverous spots of old people, require principally: 1) Con. 2) Ars. bar. lach. op. ECZEMA. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. dulc. mere. phos. 2) Ars. aur. carb-v. clem. con. petr. rhus. sulph. For eczema with fever, give: 1) Acon. bell. dulc. 2) Petr. phos. Chronic eczema requires: Clem. dulc. mere. petr. phosph. sulph. Mercurial eczema 1) Chin. hep. sulph. 2) Aeon. bell. dig. Eczema solare (caused by the action of the sun): 1) Acon. bell. camph.; or, 2) Clem. hyos. Impetiginous eczema: Carb-v. con. rhus. zinc. Compare: ERUPTIONS, EXANTHEMATA, HERPEs. EMACIATION.-Though a mere symptom, yet it points principally to:. 1) Ars. calc. china. graph. lycop. natr-m. stann. staph. 2)A.mbr. baryt. bryon. cham. clem. coccul. cupr. ferr. guaj. ign jod. ipecac. laches. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos.phos-ac. plumb. puls. secal. silic. veratr. Compare: ATROPHY, PHTHISTS, MARASMUS, &C. 120 EMOTIONS. EMOTIONS, ILL EFFECTS OF. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. aur. bell. bry. cham. coaf. coloc. hyos. ign. lach. merc. n-vom. op. phos. phos-ac. plat. puls. staph. veratr. 2) Ars. calc. caust. coccul. cupr. lyc. natr-m. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. j 2. For the consequences of anguish, fright,fear, give: 1) Acon. ign. op. puls. 2) Bell. caust. coff. hyos. lach. n-vom. samb. veratr. Of excessive joy: 1) Coff. op. puls. 2) Acon. caust. croc. Of grief: 1) Ign. phos-ac. staph. 2) Ars. coloc. graph. hyos. lach. lyc. n-vom. veratr. Of homesickness: 1) Caps. merc. phos-ac. 2. Aur. carb-an. caust. staph. Of unhappy love: 1) Hyos. ign. phos-ac. 2) Aur. caust. coff. hell. n-vom. staph. Of jealousy: 1) Hyos. 2) Ign. lach. n-vom.phos-ac. staph. Of mortification, insults: 1) Bell. coloc. ign. plat. puls. staph. 2) Aur. cham. natr-m. phos-ac. seneg. Of chagrin and contradiction: 1) Acon. bry. cham. coloc. ign. n-vom. plat. staph. 2) Ars. bell. coff. phos. puls.-And when accompanied with indignation: Coloc. staph. Of violent anger: Acon. bry. cham. n-vom. phos. ~ 3. Particular indications. ACONITUM: Headache, feverish heat, tendency of the blood to the head, and constant fear, especially in children; or when Opium had not been given at the onset for fright. BELLADONNA: Loss of consciousness, or constant anxiety with fear, weeping, howling, and malice (in children); also when Acon. and Op. had proved insufficient for the consequences of fright. BRYONIA: Chilliness and shuddering over the whole body, great tendency to vehement anger, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and bilious state in consequence of anger. CAPSICUM: For sleeplessness caused by homesickness, with heat and redness of the cheeks. CHAMOMILLA: For the following consequences of anger: Bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, disposition to start and vomiting of bilious matter; cutting colic; diarrhea; pressure in the stomach and pit of the stomach; headache; fever with heat, thirst, red face and eyes, anguish and restlessness; jaundice; cough; palpitation of the heart; shortness of breath; asthma, suffocative fits; or, in children, convulsions and asthma, or derangement of the stomach in consequence of eating or drinking after anger. COFFEA: Nervous excitement in consequence of great joy, with trembling, disposition to faint, especially in females and children; EMOTIONS. 113 or if the patient took chamomile-tea immediately after a fit of &ager. COLOCYNTHIB: When the consequences of chagrin or mortiJitztion are: Spasmodic-colic, cramp in the calves, nausea, bitter taste with vomiting, sleeplessness, &c. HEPAR: When children, after a fit of anger, weep constantly without one being able to quiet them, and Bellad. did not help. HYoscYAMUS: In consequence of fear: Stupefaction and apathy; inability to swallow, convulsions, sudden starting or involuntary laughing during sleep, desire to escape, &c. And, when, in coilsequence of unhappy love, the patient feels jealous, runs about restlessly, &c. IGNATIA: For the consequences of fright, mortification, chagrin, grief, especially after losing a friend, relative, or the consequences of unhappy love, or for: deep, gnawing, irresistible grief, vomiting, gastric symptoms, headache, vertigo,,pale face, or even convulsions or epilepsy, especially in children, in consequence of fright or fear. MERCURIUS: Recent or inveterate consequences of fright or mnortification, also home-sickness, and for: great anguish, trembling and restlessness, sudden starting from sleep, orgasm of the blood on making the least effort, sleeplessness, inability to bear the warmth of the bed; great nervousness, quarrelsome mood; the patient complains of every body and even his own family; desire to escape, constant shivering, night-sweats. Nux voM.: For the consequences of anger, with general chilliness, and when Bryonia proved insufficient, or if the patient had taken chamomile-tea directly after the fit of anger, or had eaten or drank any thing else, and if Chamom. had not removed the ill effects entirely. OPIUM: To be used immediately after a paroxysm of joy or fear, especially for: Pains in the forehead, stupefaction or loss of consciousness, heat and sweat about the head, with coldness of the rest of the body, tendency of blood to the head, eructations or sour vomiting, great anguish, heaviness in the abdomen; diarrhema, or involuntary stools; pressure on the chest and difficulty of breathing; fainting fits, paroxyms of spasm or even epilepsy; trembling, cries or sopor with stertorous breathing; spasmodic rigidity of the whole body; internal heat with coldness of the body, cold sweat, &c. PHOSPHORIC ACID: For the consequences of deep grief, unhappy love, homesickness, or in all cases where Ignat. is not sufficient, especially when the patient is taciturn, dull, listless; when the hair -falls out or turns gray; hectic fever with profuse sweat in the morning; constant desire to sleep, &c. PLATINA: When anger or mortification is followed by: Indif10* 114 EMOTIONS. ference, alternate sadness and laughter; pride with contempt of others; great anguish and dread of death; in females, the urinary passages are involved. PULSATILLA: Diarrhcea with heat in the abdomen and cold limbs, in consequence of fear; or for the consequences of anger, in persons of a bland disposition; or when the patient took chamomile-tea directly after the anger; and when Cham. was not sufficient. SAMBUCUS: When fright or fear occasion: Coldness of the whole body, trembling, convulsive twitchings; oppression of the chest; sopor with stertorous breathing; Opium was not sufficient. STAPHYSAGRIA: For the consequences of anger, especially for: Indignation and ill-humour, the patient pushes violently away from him what is near him; ill-humour, restlessness, fear;-or when deep grief occasions: sadness with disposition to take every thing in bad part, great dread of the future, sleep in the daytime, and sleeplessness at night; falling off of the hair; feeble and faint voice; hypochondriac mood. VERATRUM: When fright or fear occasioned: diarrhcea, or involuntary evacuations from the bowels, with coldness of the whole abdomen. ~ 4. Give more particularly: a) For jaundice: Cham. merc. chin.-for convulsions: Bell. cham. ign. hyos. op. samb.-for tetanic spasms: Bell. op. ign.for epileptic attacks: Ign. op. (bell. lach. caust.) —for great debility with trembling: MIerc. op. phos-ac. veratr.-for fainting fits: Coff. op. veratr.-for spasmadic pains: Coloc.-for nervous ex. citement: Acon. coff. magn-arct. merc. n-vom.-for vascular orgasm: Acon. coff. merc. b) When there is fever: Acon. bry. cham. n-vom.-chills and shuddering: Bry. mere. puls.-coldness of the body: Op. pul8. samb. veratr. —heat and redness of the cheeks: Caps. ign. acon. -night-sweats: Merc. phos-ac. —hectic fever: Ign. phos-ac. staph. c; For sleeplessness: Acon. coff. mere. caps. coloc. staph.Sopor: Op. samb. (phos-ac. staph.) d) For melancholy and sadness: Aur. ign. phos-ac. plat. staph. -for constant weeping and lamenting: Bell. hep.-for constant cries: Bell. op.-constant anxiety and fear: Acon. btll. cham. mere. plat. staph.-mental derangement: Bell. hyos. lach. op. stram. veratr.-indifference, dulness, apathy: Hell. hyos. phosac.-constant indignation: Coloc. staph. e) Loss of consciousness and stupefaction: Bell. hyos. nux-v. op.-tendency of blood to the head, and headache: Acon. bell. EMOTIONS. 115 coff. ign. mere. n-vom. op.-falling off of the hair, or when the hair turns gray: Phos-ac. staph. f) Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting: Bry. cham. coloc. ign. n-vom. op. puls.-bilious ailments: Acon. bry. cham. coloc. ign. n-vom. —pains in the stomach: Cham. nux-v. puls.- colic and diarrhoea: Cham. puls. veratr. - involuntary stools: Op. veratr. g) Pains in the chest, asthma, &c.: Aur. bell. cham. n-vom. op. samb.-violent palpitation of the heart: Acon. cham. hep. op. puls. Compare: EMOTIONS, MORBID, MENTAL DERANGEMi -MELANCHOLY, &C. EMOTIONS, MORBID. ~ 1. Having mentioned the remedies, which require to be used for the different varieties of mental diseases, in the articles on: MENTAL DERANGEMENT, CLAIRVOYANCE, HYDROPHOBIA, WEAR MEMORY, HYPOCHONDRIA, IMBECILITY, MELANCHOLIA, &c., it remains for us now to exhibit in one series the remedies which are proposed for the various symptoms that characterize mental diseases. The principal remedies for those diseases are: 1) Aur. bell. hyos. ign. lach. lyc. op. phos.phos-ac. plnt. puls. sep. stram. veratr. 2) Acon. anac. ars. calc. cann. caust. cham. coccul. con. graph. hell. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. op. rhus. sil. sulph. 3) Ant. baryt. bry. cann. canth. chin. cin. coff. cupr. hep. rhus. stann. staph. ~ 2. Use more particularly: a) For anguish, anxiety: 1) Ars. puls. veratr. 2) Acon. arn. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cham. graph. ign. lyc. merc. n-vom. phos. rhus. samb. spig. spong. sulph.-For fear and apprehensions: Acon. anac. ars. baryt. bell. bry. calc. caust. cic. coccul. graph. hep. hyos. lach. merc. n-voan. op. sulph-ac. veratr.-For uneasiness as if from a bad conscience: Alum. amm. ars. aur. carb-veg. caust. cin. coccul. con. cycl. dig. ferr. graph. hyos. merc. n-vorm. puls. sil. stram. sulph. veratr.-For anxiety driving one from one place to another: Acon. ars. aur. bell. bry. canth. carb-v. coloc. cupr. dros. graph. hyos. merc. n-vom. op. plat. puls. sep. spig. staph. stram. veratr. b) For vexed mood: 1) Ars. calc. caust. cham. ign. kal. lye. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. sep.'sulph. 2) Acon. alum. aur. bell. bry. chin. con. graph. hep. lach. natr. natr-m petr. phos. phos-ac. plat. sil. staph. zinc.-For irritable vexed mood: 1) Ars. bry. carb-v. caust. con. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. puls. staph. sulph. 2) Arn. aur. bell. cham. chin. coccul. hep. ign. lyc. mere. natr. 116 EMOTtION3S. petr. phos-ac. plat. sep. spig.-For disposition to be angry: I) Aur. bry carb-v. cham. caust. hep. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. sulpA. 2) Am. ars. caps. chin. croc. graph. lyc. magn-aust. natr. natrm. petr. sep. sil. c) For suspicion and distrust: 1) Baryt. caust. cic. hyos. lye. puls. 2) Anac. ant. aur. bell. cham. dros. hell. lach. merc. op. ruta. sulph-ac.-For anthropophobia: 1) Amb. baryt. hyos. nat#. puls. rhus. 2) Bell. cic. con. cupr. lyc. selen. d nervous excitement: 1) Acon. arn. aur. bell. calc. eha:. magn-arct. merc. phos. val. 2) Asar. bry. carb-veg. chin.err. hep. hyos. lyc. natr-m. sep. sulph. teucr. veratr.-For great tendency to start: Acon. bell. borax. calc. carb-veg. caust. cham. coccul. con. natr-m. petr. phos. sil. sulph. e) For malice: 1) Anac. bell. hyos. lach. lyc. n-vom. stram. veratr. 2) Ars. caps. cupr. natr. natr-m. petr. phos. plat. sec.For disposition to swear: Anac. veratr.-Disposition to kill somebody: Ars. chin. hep. lach. stram.-For disposition to commit acts of violence: 1) Bell. hyos. stram. veratr. 2) Anac. ars. baryt. chin. coccul. cupr. hep. lach. lyc. mosch. natr. n-vom. plat.-For vindictive mood: Agar. anac. aur. lach.-For artful disposition: Cupr. lach. n-vom. f) For bold, audacious disposition: 1) Ign. magn-arct. op. 2) Acon. agar. merc. sulph. g) For obstinacy, headstrongness: Bell. calc. ign. kal. lyc. nitr-ac. n-vom. sil. sulph.-For quarrelsome mood: 1) Ars. caps. chin. ign. lach. merc. natr-m. veratr. 2) Arn. aur. bell. caust. cham. hyos. lach. lyc. mosch. n-vom. petr. sep. staph. h) For abundance of fancies and fixed ideas: 1) Bell. coccul. ign. phos-ac. sabad. stram. sulph. 2) Acon. amb. cic. hell. hyos. lyc. merc. n-vom. op. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sec. sil. val. veratr. — For hypochondriac ideas and apprehensions: 1) Calc. chin. natr. i-vom. sulph. 2) Anac. aur. con. grat. lach. mosch. natr-m. phos. phos-ac. sep. staph. 3) Ars. caust. chin. graph. hell. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. n-mosch. petr. puls. rhus. val. i) For serious mood: Alum. aur. bell. caust. cham. euphorb. hell. hyos. ign. led. merc. n-mosch. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. spig. stann.-For silent, taciturn mood: Aur. bell. caps. caust. cham. euphorb. hell. hyos. ign. ipec. lyc. n-vom. phos-ac. plat. puls. stann. -For want of disposition to talk: 1) Amb. bell. bry. ign. lach. nvom. phos-ac. puls. stann. 2) Alum. calc. chin. coloc. cycl. hell. natr-m. plat. sulph. k) For indifference, apathy, listlessness: 1) Ars. bell. cale. ign. phos. phos-ac. puls. sep. sil. staph. 2) Arn. cham. chin. coccul. con. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. plat. 1) For vehement, angry mood: 1) Bry. carb-veg. caust. hep. EMOTIONS. 117 lyec. natr-m. n-vom. sep. 2), Ana. aer., dros. kal. lach. ofloech. nitr-ac. petr. phos. plat. sulph. m) For greedy desire to possess a thing: 1) Ars. bry. puls. 2a) Calc lye. sep. n) For moaning, wbeeping. lamenting-: Aeon. ars. bell. bry. calc. cham. cin. coff graph. hyos. ign. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. plat. puls. sep. stram. sulph. veratr. o) For merry mood, singing, whistling, dancing, &c.: 1) Bell. coff. croc. lach. lye. natr-m. op. plat. stram. veratr. 2) Ant. cann. carb-an. cic. hyos. natr. spong. zinc. p) For despondency and despair: Aeon. aur. calc. c5aUt. con. graph. ign. lach. lye. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ae. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. veratr.-For being tired of life: Amb. amm. ars. aur. bell. chin. lach. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. plat. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj.-For desire of suicide: 1) Ars. aur. n-vom. puls. 2) Alum. ant. bell. carb-veg. chin. dros. hep. hyos. mez. rhus. see. sep. spig. stram. tart. q) For illusions of fancy: 1) Bell. stram. 2) Anac. lali. natr-m. op. puls. sil. sulph. 3) Acon. ars. bry. calc. canth. carbveg. cham. dulc. hell. hep. kal. magn-m. mere. natr. nitr-ac. nvom. phos. plat. r) For religious mania: 1) Bell. hyos. lach. puls. stram. sulph. 2) Ars. aur. croc. lye. selen. s) For bland, tender turn of mind: Coccul. croc. ign. lye. magnarct. mosch. puls. sil. t) For pride, vanity, &c. 1) Lye. plat. stram. veratr. 2) Alum. am. caust. chin. cupr. hyos. ipec. lach. par. phos. u) For sadness, melancholy, &c.: 1) Ars. aur. bell. ign. lach. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. bry. calc. caust. chamin. coccul. con. graph..ell. hyos. lye. mere. natr-m. n-vom. petr. plat. rhus. sep. sil. staph. stram. sulph. veratr. v) For amorous disposition: 1) Ant. hyos. veratr. 2) Graph. ign. iach. lye. mere. natr-m. n-vom. plat. puls. sil. stram.-For lasciviousness: 1) Canth. hyos. phos. stram. veratr. 2) Chin. lach. lyc. mere. natr-m. n-mosch. n-vom. plat. puls. w) For mania, craziness, &c.: 1) Acon. bell. cale. hyos. lach. n-vom. op. plat. stram. veratr. 2) Agar. anac. ant. arn. ars. cann. canth. caust. cic. coccul. coloc. con. croc. cupr. dig. dulc. ign. lye. mere. natr. n-mosch. oleand. par. phos. plumb. puls. rhus. sec. sep. sil. sulph. zinc.-For rage: 1) Bell. canth. hyos. lye. stram. veratr. 2) Agar. ars. camph. cann. coccul. croc. cupr. lach. mere. plumb. sec. x) For fitful mood: 1) Acon. alum. bell. croc. ferr. ign. plat. stram. sulph-ac. zinc. 2) Aur. cann. caps. carb-an. caust. chin. coccul. cycl. ferr. graph. hyos. kal. lye. magn-arct. natr-m. sep. tal. 18 ENTERITIS-EPISTAXIS. ~ 3. Compare:'WEAK MEMORY, MENTAL DERANGEMENT, CLAIRVOYANCE, HYDROPHOBIA, HYPOCHONDRIA, MELANCHOLIA, &C. ENTERITIS, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS.-Give first a few doses of Aconite, to reduce the inflammation, after which, Lach. bell. or merc. will complete the cure. In obstinate cases use: 1) Ars. bry. hyos. n-vom.; or, 2) Ant. canth. cham. chin. coloc. ipec. nitr-ac. phos. puls. rhus. sec. squilU. sulph., in accordance with the symptoms. Compare: FEVERS, INFLAMMATORY, GASTRiTIS, GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, CHOLERA, COLIC, DIARRH(EA, &C. EPILEPSY. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. calc. caust. cic. cin. hyos. lach. op. straam. sulph. 2) Ars. camph. cham. coccul. ign. ipec. kal. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. plumb. sep. sil. 3) Agar. con. plumb. stann. For particular indications see: SPASMS. EPISTAXIS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. chin. croc. merc. n-vom. puls. rthus. sulph. 2) Amb. cann. carb-v. cin. ferr. gran. kreos. led. sabin. sec. sep. sil., &c. For hemorrhage from the nose: 1) Acon. chin. 2) Arn. bell. chin. merc. puls. rthus. sec. ~ 2. If caused by tendency of blood to the head, give: 1) Acon. bell. chin. croc. con.; or, 2) Alum. cham. graph. rhus. If occurring during a cold: Ars. or Puls. If affecting children who hae worms: Cin. or Merc. For females who menstruate scantily: Puls. or Sec. or Sep. -If the menses be too profuse, give: Acon. calc. croc. sabin. — With amenorrhiea: Bry. puls. or sep. For debilitated persons, in consequence of loss of blood, &c.: 1) Chin. or sec.; or, 2) Carb-v. cin. ferr. If in consequence of being stimulated by spirits: N-vom., or Acon. bell. bry. If caused by bodily exertions: Rhus. am., or, Bry. calc. puls. sulph. Epistaxis after a blow, contusion, requires: Arn. ~ 3. For the disposition to epistaxis, give: Calc. carb-v. sep. sil. or sulph. Compare: HIEMORRHAGES, CONGESTIONS OF THE HEAD, CA. ERGOTISM-ERUPTIONS. 119 tARt~H, MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES, DE]BILITY, HEAT, ILL EFFECTS *F, WORN OUT, INJURIES, &C. ERGOTISM, RAPHANIA.-If caused by the use of spurred rye: Solan-nigr. is a specific.-Besides, we may require: Acon. bell, colch. hyos. op. plat. stramn. rhus.; or, especially when gangrene sets in: Ars. chin. euphorb. sil. ERUPTIONS, CUTANEOUS.-The size of this work only allows ts to offer a condensed series of the principal symptoms, though it will be found sufficient to answer all ordinary demands. Give for: a) Itching eruptions: Agar. ant. ars. bry. caust. cham. clem. kal. lach. mere. mez. nitr-ac. oleand. ran. rthus. sep. staph. sulph. veratr.-Biting: Amm-m. bry. calc. caust. euph. lach. led. lye. mez. natr-m. oleand. phos-ac. puls. ran-sc. sulph.-Burning: Ambr. ars. bell. bry. caps. carb-v. caust. con. hep. kreos. lye. merc. mez. ran. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. viol-tr.-Stinging-itchk ing: Acon. ars. bar. bell. bry. clem. con. dros. hep. led. mere. nitr.ac. puls. ran. rhus. sep. sulph. b) Painless eruptions: Amb. hell. hyos. lyc. stram. sulph.Painful: Ant. arn. bell. chin. clem. cupr. dulc. hep. lye. magn-m. phos-ac. puls. sep. sil. veratr.-Tearing and painful: Calc. lye. mez. sep sil. staph. sulph.-Tensive and painful: Arn. bar. caust. con. phos. puls. rhus. sulph.-Painful as if sore or ulcerated: Alum. amm-m. arg. aur. bry. calc. caust. cic. colch. dros. graph. hep. kal. mang. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr.phos. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. veratr. zinc. c) Blue-coloured eruptions: Ars. bell. con. lach. ran. rhus.Transparent: Cin. merc. ran. - Yellowish: Agar. ars. cic. euph. kreos. merc. natr. nitr-ac. sep.-Purple-coloured: Aeon. bell.-Rose-coloured: Alum. natr-phos. sil.-Scarlet-coloured: Amm. ars. bell. croc. euph. hyos. merc. phos. —Blackish: Ars. bell. bry. lach. rhus. sec. sil.-Whitish: Agar. ars. bry. ipec. phos. sulph. thuj. val. zinc.-With white tips: Ant. puls. tart. d) Readily bleeding: Cale. dulc. mere. sulph.-Blood-blisters: Ars. bhry. natr-m. sec. sulph.-Gangrenous: Ars. bell. camph. carb-v. lach. mur-ac. ran. sabin. sec. sil.-Purulent: Ars. cic. clem. dule. hep. lye. magn-m. mere. petr. rhus. sep. staph. tart. zinc.-Humid: Bov. calc. carb-v. cic. clem. graph. hep. kal. kreos. mere. nitr-ac. petr. rhus. sel. sep. staph. viol-tr.Spreading: Ars. bor. calc. caust. cham. clem. con. graph. hep. kal. magn-c. mere. natr. nitr-ac. petr. rhus. sep. sil. squill. staph. sulph. viol-tr. —Scurfy: Alum. ant. ars bar. bell. bov. clEc. carb-a. chel. cic. clem. coloc. con. dulc. graph. hell. hep. kal. lye. 120 ERUlPTIONS. mere. natr-m. oleand. pls;ran. ress. saesap. sep. sil. staph. edph. viol-tr. —Dry: Bar. bov. calc. carb-v. enur. dulc. led. magn-e. mere. mez. petr. phos. sassap. sep. sil. staph. veratr. viol-tr. zainc. e) Peeling off: Aeon.. amm. amm-m. bell. elem. cupr. led. mere,. mez. phos. sep. sil. staph.-Scaly: Agar. amm-m. aur. eic. clem. dule. led. magn-c. mere. oleand. phos. sulph. —Horny: Ant. graph. ran.-Cracked: Alum. calc. cham. cycl. hep. lach. mere. petr. puls. rhus. sassap. sep. sulph. f) Fine eruptions, with a fine grain: Bry. carb-v. graph. hep. mere. phos-ac. sulph.-Grit-shaped: Graph. hep. natr-m. —Millet-shaped: Agar. ars. led. val.-Clustered: Agar. calc. ran. rhus. veratr.-Zone-shaped: Ars. graph. mere. puls. rhus. sil. sulph.-Grape-shaped: Cale. rhus. staph. veratr.-Confluent: Agar. cic. hyos. phos-ac. tart. val. g) Pimple-shaped: Aeon. ant. ars. bell. bry. caust.. cham. dule. graph. hell. hep. kal. mere. natr-m. nitr-ae. oleand. phos. phos ac. puls. rhus. sassap. sep. spong. staph. sulph. tart. thuj.Vesicular: Amm-m. ant. ars. bell. bry. canth. caust. chin. clem. graph. hep. kal. lach. phos. ran. ran-sc. rhus. sulph.-Papular': Alum. ant. calc. caust. dulc. graph. hep. lach. lyc. mez. natr-m. puls. rhus. sep. sil. staph. veratr. —Pustulous: Ant. am. ars. bell. hyos. mere. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. tart. h) Eruptions which only appear on covered parts: Led. thuj. -On hairy parts: Kal. lyc. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ae. rhus. ~ 2. Compare: BLOOD-BLISTERS, VARIOLA, HERPES, MACULE, RASH, ERUPTIONS IN THE FACE, SCALDHEAD, MEASLES, CRUSTA LACTEA, RUBEOL-E, ERYSIPELAS, SCARLATINA, &C. ERUPTIONS IN THE FACE, HERPES, SPOTS, ULCERS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. aur. baryt. cale. carb-v. cic. dulc. graph. hep. led. lyc. magn-m. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. hrhus. sep. sulph. 2) Amm. ant. bov. bry. caust. con. kreos. lach. sassap. sil. staph. veratr. ~ 2. As regards simple maculhe and pimples, give: a) For freckles (ephelides): Alum. ant. calc. dulc. graph. lye. mur-ac. puls. sep. sulph. b) For acne: 1) Ars. bell. calc. carb-v. hep. lach. sulph. 2) -Aur. cann. canth. carb-an. caust. cic. kreos. led. natr. nitr-ac. nyrom. phos-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. veratr. c) For acne simplex in young people, and especially highlivers: 1) Bell. hep. led. n-yom. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. carb.v. lach. n-yom. phos-ac. puls. ERUPTIONS. 121 d) For acne of drunkards: Kreos. led. n-vom.-Ars. lach. puls. e) For acne rosacea: 1) Ars. carb-an. kreos. rhus. ruta. veratr. 2) Aur. calc. cann. canth. carb-v. caust. cic. led. lach. sep. f) Acne punctata (black pores, comedones): 1) Graph. natr. nitr-ac. selen. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. calc. dig. dros. hep. natr-m. sabin. ~ 3. As regards herpes in the face, give: a) For impetigo facialis (humid scurf in the face): 1) Calc. graph. sulph. 2) Ars. cic. lyc. rhus. sep. b) For crusta lactea: 1) Rhus. 2) Calc. sulph. 3) Ars. baryt. cic. graph. lyc. merc. sassap. (Viol-tr.???) c) For scrolulous (eruption from teething): 1) Merc. sulph. 2) Galc. graph. rhus. sep. d) For herpesfurfuraceus: 1) Ars. bry. cic. sulph. 2) Anac. merc. thuj. e) For lupus or impetigo rodens, or herpes exedens scrophulosus: 1) Ars. bell. hep. merc. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Cic. graph. natr-m. nitr-ac. f) Lupus of the wing of the nose, herpes exedens idiopathicus: 1) Staph. 2) Ars.? aur.? calc? sep.? sil.? sulph.? g) Psoriasisfacialis: 1) Galc. graph. lyc. sep. sulph. h) Ulcerated corners of the mouth: 1) Amm. bell. calc. caust. graph. hep. ign. kreos. merc. natr-m. sil. 2) Ant. arn. natr. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sulph. veratr. i) Mentagra (herpes of the chin): 1) Ant, cic. graph. sulph. 2) Carb-v.? clem.? dulc.? kreos.? merc.? sassap.? sep.? k) Crusta serpiginosa: 1) Ars. cic. graph. merc. sassap. (2. Galc. baryt. lyc. rhus. (Viol-tr.?) ~ 4. As regards ulcers of the face and lips, give: a) For cancerous ulcers: 1) Ars. bell. sil. sulph. 2) Clem. con. hep. merc. b) Scrophulous ulcers: 1) Bell. hep. merc. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Cic.? graph.? natr-m.? nitr-ac.? sulph-ac.? ~ 5. And lastly, give, as a general rule: a) For eruptions on the forehead: Ant. bell. caust. hep. kreos. led. natr-m. phos. phos-ac. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. b) On the temples: Alum. ant. bell. carb-v. caust. lyc. murac. natr-m. sulph. thuj. c) Around the eyes: Ars. con. hep. merc. staph. sulph. d) In the eyebrows: Caust. kal. natr-m. selen. staph. e) On the cheeks: Ant. bell. calc. caust. kreos. lach. natr. natr. m. phos. rhus. sep. sil. staph. veratr. 11 122 ERUPI1ONf f) On the nose: Alum. aur. carb-an. carb-v. caust. graph. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. sep. sil. sulph. g) Around the nose: Ant. caust. natr. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. h) On mouth and lips: Ars. bry. calc. caust. kreos. natr-m, nvom. rhus. sep. sil. staph. sulph. i) In the corner of the mouth: Ant. amm. arn. bell. calc. caust. graph. hep. ign. kreos. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sulph. veratr. k) On the chin: Ant. bell. caust. con. graph. hep. kal. kreos. lye. merc. natr-m. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. ~ 6. Compare: ERUPTIONS, HERPES, MACUL.E, ULCERS, &o. ERUPTIONS, HERPETIC. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. bov. calc. clem. con. dulc. graph. lye. merc. oleand. rhus. sassap. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Bry. carb-v. caust. cin. hep. kreos. led. natr. natr-m. petr. ran. staph. zinc. ~ 2. Use more particularly: a) For herpes phlyctaenoides s. miliaris: 1) Acon. bell. rhus. 8il. sulph. 2) Ars. bov. calc. lye. merc. sep. b) For herpes exedens s. phagedenicus, impetigo rodens, lupus: 1) Ars. graph. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. cic. clem. con. mere. sep. c) Herpes furfuraceus, pityriasis: 1) Ars. bry. calc. kreos. sil. sulph. 2) Dulc. graph. lye. sep. sulph. 3) Anac. cic. lach: led. mere. natr-m. thuj. d) Herpes crustaceus, impetigo: 1) Calc. lye. sulph. 2) Con. graph. rhus. 3) Ars. cic. dulc. lach. mere. sep. sulph. e) Herpes circinnatus: 1) Sep. 2) Natr. natr-m. 3) Cale.? caust.? sulph.? f) Herpes squamosus, psoriasis: 1) Ars. clem. dulc. led. magnc. mterc. phos. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Cale. caust. lye. graph. g) Psoriasis inveterata, herpetic rhagades: 1) Graph. lyc. sep. sulph. 2) Cale. hep. mere. puls. rhus. sil. h) Lichen: 1) Coccul.? dulc.? 2) Acon? bry.? tic..? lye.? mur-ac.? sulph? ~ 3. As regards subjective symptoms, give: a) For burning of the herpes: 1) Ars. carb-v. caust. mere. rhus. sulph. 2) Cale. lye. hep. puls. sep. staph. b) Itching: 1) Ars. calc. caust. clemn. merc. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Bov. con. graph. nitr-ac. oleand. ran. sil, staph. c) Siinging or tearing pain of the eruption: Cale. clem. lye. mere. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. ERUPT:I!ON S.-ERYSIPUELAS. 1 ~ 4. Give more particularly: a) Fo) yellowish, brown-yellow herpes: Mere. lye. nattr sep. b) Red: Cic. clem. dulc. lyc. magn-c. mere. staph. c) Whitish: Ars. bry. graph. lye. zinc. ~ 5. a) Impetigo, humid herpes: 1) Cale. dulc. graph. kreos. lyc. merc. rhus. sep. 2) Alum. bov. carb-v. caust. phos-ac. staph. sulph. b) Dry herpes: 1) Dulc. led. merc. phos. sep. sil. veratr. 2) Baryt. bov. calc. clem. kreos. phos-ac. staph. sulph. c) Suppurating: 1) Cic. clem. mere. rhus. sep. 2) Dule. lyc. natr. sulph. d) Readily bleeding: Ars. carb-v. lye. mere. phos. phos-ac. sil. sulph. ~ 6. For local herpes see: Eruptions in the fame, on the lips, chin, pudehdum, &c. Compare: ERUPTIONS, MACULA, ULCERS, &C. ERYSIPELAS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. graph. lach. mere. puls. rhus. 2) Arnm. ars. bry. calc. camph. canth. carb-an. cham. clem. hep. nitr-ac. phosph. plumb. sil. sulph. 3) Amm. carb-veg. chin. croc. euphorb. hyos. jod. kal. lyc. sep. stram. thuj. ~ 2. For simple erysipelas, give: Acon. bell. hep. lach. For erysipelasfugax: 1) Bell. rhus. 2) Graph. puls. For phleogmonous erysipelas: 1) Bell. graph. hep. mere. puls. rhus. 2) Acon. calc. chin. kal. lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. sulph. thuj. For scarlet-coloured: 1) Ammrn. bell. hyos. mere. phosph. 2) Aeon. ars. bry. croc. lach. stram. sulph. For vesicular erysipelas: 1) Rhus. 2) Graph. 3) Ars. bell.'hep. lach. For zona: 1) Rhus. 2) Graph. puls. 3) Ars. merc. oil. sulph. ~ 3. For secondary erysipelas, with aedematous swellings, give: 1) Rhus; or, 2) Ars. chin. kal. mere. sulph. For herpetic erysipelas, with large, ulcerated surfaces: 1) Clemn. rhus. 2) Ars. graph. mere. sil. sulph. For gangrenous erysipelas: 1) Ars. carb-veg. 2) Bell. camph. chin. lach. sabin. sec. ~ 4. Compare: SWELLING, GANGRENE, ERYSIPELAS IN THE FACE, ZONA, SCARLATINA, &C. 4 ERYSIPELAS FACIEL.-EXANTHEMATA, &c. ERYSIPELAS FACIEI.-Principal remedies: 1) Bell. lach. rhus. 2) Cham. graph. hep. puls. sulph.; or, 3) Acon. camph. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. euphorb. sep. stram. BELLADONNA: For delirium, stitching headache, furious look, violent thirst, dry tongue, parched lips and other symptoms pointing to an approaching metastasis to the meningeal membranes. LACHEIS: From the first, or when the cerebral' affection did not yield to Bell.-After Lach, Hep. and merc. are sometimes indicated. RHUS-TOX.: For vesicular erysipelas, or erysipelas of the scalp, generally a specific. Compare: ERYSIPELAS, SWELLING OF THE CHEEKS. ERYTHRIASIS.-Acon., given to the mother, is a specific remedy. EXANTHEMATA, ACUTE. ~ 1. The principal remedies for acute exanthemata, (variola, measles, rubeole, scarlatina, purple-rash, &c.,) are: 1) Acon. bell. bry. coff. merc. phosph. puls. sulph. 2) Are. amm. baryt. chin. lach. hell. rhus. stram. ~ 2. For the previous inflammatory fever, give: 1) Acon. 2) Bell. bry. coif., and, in general, the remedies indicated for inflammatory fever. ~ 3. For the eruption itself, see the respective heads: RASH, MEASLES, VARIOLA, SCARLATINA, VARICELLA, RUBEOLZE, &C. As regards the appearance of the eruption, give: For maculce: Acon. amm. bell. bry. phosph. puls. For rash: Acon. bry. ipec. rhus. val. For suppurating eruption: 1) Bell. merc. rhus. 2) Ars. ant. puls. sulph. tart. 3) Hyos. For gangrenous eruption: 1) Ars. carb-veg. 2) Bell. hyos. lach. rhus. sec. sil. For erysipelatous eruptions: 1) Bell. rhus. 2) Amm. euphorb. phosph. 3) Camph. carb-veg. graph. ~ 4. Suppression of eruption by a cold or other causes, requires: 1) Ars. bry. phosph. puls. stram. sulph. 2) Bell. caust. hell. phos-ac. op. If the suppression be attended with metastasis to the brain, give: 1) Bell hell. stram. 2) Ars. arn. phos-ac. puls. If succeeded by distress of breathing and pain in the chest: Bry. phosph. sulph. ~ 5. Secondary affections require: 6 EYES, &c. -Asar. caust. guaj. hep. hyos. natr. atr-m. op. par. phoe-ac. plumb. sen. tar. thuj. b) For pains which increase by contact: Bell. chin. hell. hep. sulph.-By'motion: Arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. chain. chin. hep. led magn-aust. natr.m. n-vom. phos. ran. spig sulph.For boring pains: Bis. calc. hep. kal. natr-m. spig. thuj.Burning pains: Acon. ars. asar. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. coloc. croc. crotal. euphr. lach. lyc. magn-m. merc. n-vom. _phos. phosac. rhus. sep. spong. sulpj.-Aggravation by turning the eyes: Acon. bry. caps. cupr. lyc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. sil. spig.For aching pains: Arn. bar. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caust. chin. cin. cupr. graph. ign. lach. lye. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. ol-an. puts. rhus. rut. sabad. sep. spig. staph. sulph. veratr. zinc.-Sensation as of a thread being drawn through the eyes: Bry. ign. lach. mur-ac. par. plat. valer.-Sensation as of a foreign body (sand or dust): Acon. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. cin. con. graph. ign. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. puls. spig. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj.Pressing-down pains: Aur. cann. hell. oleand. par.puls.-Pressure from within outward: Acon. asar. bell. bry. cann. canth. caust. con. dros. guaj. ign. led. magn-arct. n-vom. par. puls. ran. rhus. spig. val.-Stitches from within outward: Cale. cocc. dros. natr. sil. sulph. —Pressure from without inward: Agar. anac. aur. his. chin. phos-ac. spig. zinc.-Stitches from without inward: Am. bell. phos. —Feeling of coldness in the eyes: Alum. amm. berb. calc. con. kal. lyc. magn-arct. par. plat.-Beating pains: Acon. are. bell. bry. calc. (chamin. cocc.) ign. magn-aust. (phos.) petr.Pinching pains: Croc. nitr-ac.-Bone-pains in the cavities: Aur. hep. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac rhus. staph. sulph. -Tearing pains: Ars. bell. bry. (chain. chin. colch. con.) kal. led. lyc. magn-c. (merc.) n-vom. (puls.) sen. sil. sulph. zinc.-Scrap-'ing pains: Ars. lyc. puls. rhus. — Cutting in the eyes: Bell. calc. canth. coloc. kal lyc. merc. mur-ac. puls. rhus. spig. sul2ph. veratr. -Pains as if sore or excoriated: Alum. arn. bar. bry. carb-v. croc. euphr. jod. kal. lyc. magn-aust. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. sep. sil. staph. sulph.-Feeling of heaviness in the eyes: Bell. calc. natr. plat. sep.-Tension in the eyes: Acon. aur. calc. led. lyc. w/ar-m. phos. sulph-ac.-Stitching pains: Ars. bell. bry. calc. coloc. con. dig. euphr. graph. hep. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phos. puls. sen. sep. spig. thuj. val. veratr.-Feeling as if bruised: Arn. bry. chin. cupr. hep. lyc. n-vom. rhus. sulph. veratr. For further details, see: PAIN, PAROXYSMS:OF, and CONDITIONS. EYES, SUPPURATION OF.-Remedies: 1) Caust. euphr. kreos. nitr-ac. 2) Bell. bry. graph. Compare: OPHTHALMIA. FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR. 127 FALLING OFF OF THE HAIR, ALLOPECIA. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. hep. graph. kal. lye. nitrac. phos-ac. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. bar-c. carb-v. caust. chin. kiL magn. merc. natr-m. sep. staph. zinc. ~ 2. Falling off of the hair after severe acute diseases, requires: 1) Lyc. hep. sil.; or, 2) Calc. carb.v. natr-m. phos-ac. and sulph.-To lying-in females give: Calc. lye. natr-m. sulpA. If caused by loss of animal fluids, (depletion, excesses,. &c.) give: Chin. ferr.; and, if caused by frequent sweats, give: Merc. If caused by long grief, give: Phos-ac. or staph.; or, Caust. graph. ign. lach. If caused by nervous or hysteric headache, give: 1) Hep. nitrac. 2) Ant. calc. sil. sulph.; or, 3) Aur. phos. sep. If caused by abuse of Mercury, give: Hep. or carbo-v.; qd if by abuse of China, give: Bell. or hep. ~ 3. As regards the condition of the scalp and hair, give fer sensitiveness of the scalp: Calc. bar-c. carb-v. chin. hep. natr-m. sil. sulph. For violent itching of the scalp, especially if in consequence of old suppressed eruptions, give: Graph. kal. lyc. sil. sulph. For scales on the head: Calc. graph. magn. staph. For the disposition of the hair to turn gray, give: Graph. lye. phos-ac. sulph-ac. For great dryness of the hair: Calc. kal. phos-ac. When the hair is frequently covered with viscid sweat: Chin. mere. ~ 4. Moreover,-a) When the hair falls off on the sides of the head: 1) Graph. phos. 2) Kal.? zinc.? b) On the sinciput: Ars. natr-m. phos. c) On the vertex: Baryt. graph. lye. sep. zinc. d) On the occiput: 1) Carb-v. phos. sil. 2) Petr.? e) On the temples: Cale. kal. lye. natr-m. f) For some places getting bald: 1) Canth. phos. 2) Jod. g)' Behind the ears: Phos. ~ 5. For falling off of the hair on other parts of the body: a) In the eyebrows: Agar. bell. caust. kal. b) Whiskers: Calc. graph. natr-m. c) Moustaches: Kal. natr-m. plumb. d) On the mons veneris: Natr. natr-m. rhus. ~ 6. Compare: SCAlDHEAD, NAILS, ITCHING OF THE SKIN, &e. 128 FEVERS. FEBRIS HELODES, SUDOR ANGLICUs.-Hahnemann recommends Samb. —The best remedies in my own practice have proved to be Acon. and Bry.; the former sometimes breaks the disease in a few hours. FEVER, CATARRHAL AND RHEUMATIC. ~ 1. The principal remedies are: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. caust. cham. chin. dulc. mere. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph.; also, 2) Am; camph. coff. ipec. phos. sabad. sang. sil. spig. squill. stann. veratr. ~ 2. For violent acute fever, give: 1) Acon. bell. bry. chaim.; or, 2) Ars. coff. ign. mere. puls. rhus. squill. If the fever should be light, or if it abate, use: 1) Chin. dulc. n-vom. puls. rhus.; or, 2) Arn. ipec. phos. seneg. veratr. For profuse sweats without relief: Bry. chin. mere. sulph. For violent pains: 1) Acon. ars. cham. coff. ign.; or, 2) Mlerc. puls. sulph. ~ 3. For catarrhal ailments after fever: 1) Sulph. phos. seneg. stann.; or, 2) Ars. bry. duic. mere. puls. sil. squill. For rheumatic affections: 1) Caust. chin. phos. sil. sulph.; or, 2) Hep. lach. ~ 4. Compare: BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, SORE THROAT, HEADACHE, OPHTHALM1A, COUGH, TOOTHACHE, &C. See likewise: INFLAMMATORY FEVER, GASTRIC FEVER, TYPHUS, &c.; also: PLEURITIs, INFLUENZA, ANGINA PECTORIS, &C. FEVER, GASTRIC AND BILIOUS. 41. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. cocc. ipec. mere. n-vom. puls. 2) Ant. coloc. dig. rhus. squili. tart. veratr. or, 3) Daph. gran.? sulph. ~ 2. As regards the varieties of fever, give: When the gastric symptoms are predominant: 1) Ipec. n-vom. puls.; or, 2) Ant. bry. cham. cocc. dig. rhus. sulph. tart. veratr.; or, 3) Bell. daph. squill. When the bilious symptoms: 1) Acon. bry. cham. chin. cocc. n-vom. puls.; or, 2) Ars. coloc. daph. dig. gran.? ipec. sulph. When the mucous symptoms: 1) Bell. chin. dig. merc. puls. rhus.; or, 2) Ars. cham. cin. dulc. ipec. n-vom. rhab. spig. sulph. When worm symptoms are predominant, give: 1) Cie. cin. merce sil. spig. sulph.; or, 2) Acon. dig. hyos. n-vom. sabad. stann. stram. teucr. val. FEVERS. 129 ~ 3. According to the character of these fevers, give: When inflammatory (inflammatory gastric fever): Bell. bry. cham. mere. puls.tart.-Aconite is only indicated when bilious symptoms are present, never by purely gastric.symptoms. When the character of the fever is typhoid, use: 1) Bell. bry. cocc. rhus. veratr.; or, 2) Ars. carb-v. chin, hyos., &c. When putrid, use: Ars. carb-v. chin. merc. mur-ac. phos-ac. rhus. sulph. sulph-ac. See: INFLAMMATORY FEVER, TYPHUS. ~ 4. As respects causes, give: a) For gastric fever arising from indigestion: 1) Ipec. pus.; or, 2) Ant. bry. n-vom. sulph. tart. b) From a cold: Acon. bell. bry. cham. ipec. merc. n-voen. puls. sulph. c) From swallowing cold water, ice or acids: 1) Ars. puls.; or, 2) Natr-m. sulph. sulph-ac. lach. d) From chagrin or anger: 1) Chain. coloc.; or, 2) Acon. bry. chin. n-vom. staph.-If the patient had used much chamomile* tea, give Puls. ~ 5. Particular indications: ACONITE: When bilious symptoms prevail, such as: Yellow coating on the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth and of food and drink, except water; burning thirst; bitter eructations, bitter, greenish or slimy vomiting, (vomiting of ascarides); distention of the hypochondria; painfulness of the region of the liver, with stitches and pressure; suppressed stool, or small frequent stools with tenesmus; red, scanty urine; dry heat with full frequent pulse, sleeplessness and restlessness; moaning, quarrelsome, vehement disposition. (Compare: Bry. cham.) BELLADONNA: The tongue is coated yellowish or white, thick coating; aversion to drink and food, sour taste of the mouth and rye-bread; vomiting of sour, bitter or slimy substances; slimy diarrhcea; dry heat, especially about the head, with thirst, alternating with chills; anguish, restlessness, suspicious or whimsical mood, violent headache as if every thing would fall out at the forehead; dry mouth; difficult deglutition; sopor in the day-time, sleepless nights, &c. (Compare: Cham. and Merc.) BRYONIA: Dry, brownish-yellow tongue; putrid smell from the mouth; bitter taste, especially after sleeping, or pappy, insipid or foul taste; great desire for wine, sour drinks, or coffee, with -aversion to solid food; nausea, accumulation of mucus in the stomach, frequent desire to vomit, or real vomiting of bile, especially after drinking; stitches in the head, in the pit of the stomach or side, in the extremities, especially when coughing or walking; pressure 180 F1VERS. and tension in the pit of the stomach, especially after eating; con-stipation: watery, clear or yellowish urine with yellowish sediment; violent heat, with burning thirst, or chilliness and shuddering over the whole body, with redness (and heat) of the face; vehement disposition; great debility; dulness of the head with vertigo, &c. (Compare: Aeon. cham. nux-vom.) CHAMOMILLA: Red and chapped or yellowish-coated tongue; bitter taste of the mouth and food; fetid smell from the mouth; loss of appetite, nausea, or bitter or sour eructations and vomiting; great anguish, tension and pressure in the region of the stomach, hypochondria, and especially in the pit of the stomach flatulent colic with tearing pains and distention of the abdomen; constipation, or diarrhceic, greenish stools, orsour diarrhceic stools mixed with frecal matter and mucus resembling stirred eggs, yellowish urine with flocculent sediment; hemicrania; pains in the limbs; great nervousness with restlessness and moaning, or vehement disposition; asthma; heat, especially of the face and eyes, with red cheeks (sometimes only of one cheek), or heat mixed with shivering and the hair standing on end; sleeplessness with restlessness, or restless sleep with anxious dreams, starting, &c. (Compare: Acon. bell. nux-v. puls.) COCCULUS: Yellow-coated tongue; loathing of food; dry mouth, with or without thirst; fetid eructations and desire to vomit; painful fulness of the stomach, with difficult breathing; constipation, or soft stools with burning at the anus; great debility, with sweat on taking the least exercise; headache, especially in the forehead, with vertigo, &c. (This remedy is frequently suitable after abuse of Chamomile.) IPECACUANITA: Yellow coating on the tongue, with dry mouth; loathing of food (especially greasy things), with desire to vomit; fetid odour from the mouth; bitter taste in the mouth, and of food); nausea, with regurgitation of the ingesta, and vomiting of undigested food; pressure and painful fulness in the pit of the stomach; colic; diarrhceic, yellowish stools, or fetid, putrid stools; pale, yellowish colour of the skin; headache, especially in the forehead; febrile heat with thirst or shiverings. (Compare: Nuxv. and Puls.) MERCURIUS: Moist tongue, coated white or yellowish; dry and burning lips, nauseous, foul or bitter taste; nausea with desire to vomit, or vomiting of mucus and bitter substances; painfulness of the hypochondria, pit of the stomach, or around the umbilicus, especially at night, with anguish and restlessness; sleepy in the day-time, wakeful at night; peevish, irritable mood; chills alternating with heat; burning thirst, sometimes with aversion to beverage, &c. (Compare: Bell.) Nux voM: Dry and white, or yellowish-coated tongue, espe FEVERS. 131 cially towards the root; burning thirst with burning in the throat; bitter or foul taste, bitter eructations, constant nausea, especially in the open air; desire to vomit, or vomiting of undi. gestedfood; cardialgia with aching pain; painful pressure and tension in the whole region of the stomach and hypochondria; spasmodic colic with pinching and rumbling in the umbilical region; constipation with frequent but ineffectual urging to stool, or with small, diarrhceic, slimy or watery stools; aching pain in the forehead, with vertigo; angry, vehement, peevish, hypochondriac mood; great debility and languor; red and hot, or yellowish and livid face; heat, mixed with chills or shuddering; bruised feeling in the limbs; aggravation of the symptomrs towards morning, &c. (Conlpare: Acon. bry. cham. ipec. and puls.) PULSATILLA: Whitish mucus coating on the tongue; flat, pappy or bitter taste, especially after swallowing; eructations tasting' of the food which one had just eaten, or bitter eructations; aversion to food, especially to fat and meat, with desire for sour or spirituous drinks; waterbrash; regurgitation of the ingesta; nausea, great desire to vomit; vomiting of slimy and whitish, bitter and greenish substances, or sour substances; vomiting of undigested food; pressure in the pit of the stomach, with difficult breathing; constipation, or diarrhzeic, white, slimy, or bilious and greenish stools; or stools resembling stirred eggs; hemicrania.; frequent chills with absence of thirst; or dry heat and thirst; al-' ternate pale and red face, or one cheek is red and the other pale; sad mood, with whining, moaning, and restlessness. (Compare: Cham. ipec. and nux-vom.) ~ 6. We may likewise use: ANTIMONIUM: In consequence of indigestion, w itlh loss of ap petite, loathing of food, nausea and desire to vomit; these ail ments neither yield to Ipec. nor Puls. COLOCYNTHIS: Indigestion with the following symptoms/: Bili.P ous fever with cardialgia, spasmodic colic and diarrhceic stools which come on again after eating ever so little; cramps in the calves, &c.; Chuma. bry. nux-v. or puls. were unable to effect a change. DIGITALIS: Nausea early on rising; bitter taste in the month, thirst, slimy vomiting, diarrhoeic stools and great debility. RHUS TOX.: Gyreat debility, delirium, putrid diarrhcea, drY tongue, thirst, and typhoid symptoms. SQUILLA: The disease is accompanied with pleuritic stitches, and neither Acon. nor Bry. helps. TARTARUS: In children, especially when catarrhal symptomn occur at the same time, with loose cough, profuse secretion of mncua, and difficulty of breathing. 152 FEVERS. VERATRUM: Great debility after an evacuation, with fainting turns; yellowish colour of the skin; dry tongue or tongue coated yellowish or brownish, &c. ~ 7. For more details, see: GASTR1C DERANGEMENTS, INFLAMMATORY FEVER, TYPHUS, CATARRHAL FEVER, &C. FEVER, HECTIC. ~ 1. Principal remedies: Ars. calc. chin. cocc. ipec. phos. phos-ac. sil. sulph.; also, Bell. con. cupr. dig. hell. ign. jod. kal. lach. lyc. mere. n-vom. puls. sep. stann. staph. veratr. zinc. ~ 2. For slow nervous fever, give: Ars. chin. cocc. mere. nosch. n-vom. phos-ac. staph. veratr. Hectic fevers attended with local chronib inflammations, suppurations, &c., require the remedies which correspond to the respective organic affections, principally: 1) Ars. calc. chin. cocc ipec. phos. sil. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. canth. hep. lack. lyc. mere. puls. Hectic fevers caused by emotions, long grief, homesickness, &c., require: Phos-ac. staph.; or, Ign. lach. merc., and even Ars. grap'. If caused by debilitating loss of animal fluids, by depletion, sexual excesses, &c., give: 1) Chin. n-vom. phos-ac. sulph.; or, 2) Calc. cin. lach, staph., &cIf coming after severe acute diseases, such as typhus, choleraj &c., give: 1) Cocc. hell. hyos. phos-ac.; or, 2) Ars. chin. veratr. Hectic fevers may likewise result from dyscrasia (scrophula, syphilis, &c.), or from abuse of medicinal substances, or from slow poisoning, in which case give the antidotes indicated under these respective heads. ~ 3. Particular indications. ARSENICUM: Great emaciation with debility and palpitation of the heart; night-sweats, with hot and dry skin in the day-time; thirst,'obliging one to drink frequently, but little at one time; restless sleep, unrefreshing, disturbed by sudden starting; constant desire to lie down; irritable and strange mood; loss of appetite, with weak digestion, &c. CALCAREA: Constant heat with little thirst, or frequent paroxysms of flushes of heat, with anguish and palpitation of the heart, or constant shuddering, especially in the evening, with red cheeks; withering, dry skin; emaciation, debility with listlessness; loss of appetite; paroxysms of anguish, in the evening; dry FEVERS. 138 and short cough; great desire to be magnetised; great prostration after talking; sweat breaking out easily; great apprehensions about one's health; slow, weak digestion; night-sweats, &c. CHINA: Pale complexion and sunken cheeks and eyes; great listlessness; dry and flaccid skin; sleeplessness, or restless sleep, unrefreshing, with anxious dreams; loss of appetite with desire for dainties; or great hunger, even voracious, with weak digestion; ill-humour, malaise, distended abdomen and other ailments after eating; frequent sweats, especially at night; frequent diarrhceic stools, even with discharge of undigested food. COCCULUS: Great debility and trembling after the least exertion; frequent flushes of heat, especially in the face; blue margins around the eyes; dry mouth; loss of appetite; oppression of the chest with orgasm of the blood, and anguish; great sadness; sudden starting from sleep, and anxious dreams; frequent nausea; sweat easily br6aks out during motion; bland temper. IPECACUANHA: Dry and extremely troublesome heat, especially in the evening, with thirst; great restlessness, burning in the palms of the hands and night-sweats; parchment-like skin; desire for dainties only; very listless; out of breath after the least motion, &c. PHosPHORUS: Dry cough with short and oppressed breathing; chilliness towards evening, followed by dry heat; debilitating diarrhwa; exhausting clammy night-sweats; emaciation, debility, &C. PHOSPHORIC ACID: Sad, oppressed mood; taciturn, listless; the hair turns gray; febrile heat in the evening, with anguish and accelerated pulse; debilitating sweats, in the morning, &c. SILICEA: Pale, livid complexion, dry, short cough; emaciation; loss of appetite; shortness of breath; debility, especially in the joints; febrile heat in the evening or morning, &c. SULPHUR: Febrile heat, especially towards evening, with sharply circumscribed redness of the cheeks (especially the left cheek); dry skin, with thirst; thin, pale face; dry or diarrhceic and slimy stools; short, oppressed breathing; palpitation of the heart; sweat towards morning; debility, tired feeling in the limbs, with heaviness, dry cough, &c. Compare: PLUMONARY PHTHISIS, LARYNGEAL PHTHISIS, TUBERCLES, &C. FEVERS, INFLAMMATORY, SYNOCHA, SYNOCHUS, &C. ~ 1. The principal remedies for inflammatory fevers, or acute levers with local inflammations, are: 1) Acon. bell. bry. hyos.',nerc. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. 2) Ars. cann. cham. kal. lyc. nitr. sulph. veratr. 3) Chin.chinin. coccul. coloc. coff. hep. ipec. lach. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. phos. sec. sep. 12 134 FEVERS. ~ 2. For simple synochalfevers we use: 1) Acon. 2) Bell. bry. 3) Ars. chain. hyos. merc. puls. rhus. sulph. If they assume a typhoid character,.with symptoms of cerebral irritation, the following remedies are required: 1) Bell. bry. hyos. op. rhus.; or, 2) Cham. coccul. n-vom. phos-ac. stram., and others. See: TYPHUS, also: TYPHUs PUTRIDUS. ~ 3. If these fevers should be attended by symptoms of meningitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, violent pains in the stomach, enteritis, &c., acute cutaneous eruptions,'vomiting, diarrhoea, &c., give the remedies indicated under these respective heads. In every local inflammation, no matter what organ is affected, Aconite is the principal remedy when the fever is violent, with thirst, dry, burning heat, and a hard (full or not full) pulse; Acon. should be continued until the inflammatory pulse is subdued. Very sensitive persons sometimes require the alternate use of Coffea and Acon. ~ 5. Particular indications. ACONITUM: Burning heat, sometimes preceded by chills or shuddering; burning thirst; dry and burning skin; bloated, hot and red face, or red spots on the cheeks; or redness of face which alternates with paleness especially when the patient raises himself; red, inflamed and painful eyes; sleeplessness; restlessness, agonizing tossing about, sometimes attended with anguish, dread of death, screams; full and hard or subdued pulse; violent stitching, or aching and beating pain in the head; vertigo on raising the head; nightly delirium; dry lips and mouth; clean and moist tongue; hurried, stuttering speech; dark-red urine; oppression of the chest, with short, anxious, hurried breathing; stitches in the chest or sides; short cough; palpitation of the heart; pains in the limbs. (Compare: Bell. bry. cham.) BELLADONNA: Internal and external heat with dark-red face and eyes; burning thirst, with aversion to drink, or constant desire to drink without ability to do so; moist (and clammy) skin; sleepineis in the day-time, sleepless at night; or restless sleep with sudden starting, twitching of the limbs, loss of consciousness, muttering, grasping at flocks, or screams and convulsions, or furibond delirium, frightful visions, desire to escape from bed; obstinate and malicious; hot head;,violent headache, especially in the forehead, as if every thing would issue through the forehead; dilated pupils; furious and wandering look; photophobia; dry mouth and lips; ulcerated corners of the mouth; hurried and indistinct speech; sore throat with difficulty of swallowing; cough with headache and redness of the face; scanty, yellow FEVERS. 135 urine; stitching pains in the limbs; red spots on the skin. (Comrn pare: Acon. cham. m.erc.) BRYONIA: Great heat or chill with.chattering of teeth, either one or the other symptom attended with redness and heat of the head and face; nightsweat, especially towards morning; unquenchable thirst, sometimes followed by vomiting; drowsiness, with sudden starting, screams and delirium, as soon as the patient closes his eyes; delirium day and night; irritable mood, or apprehensions on account of his illness, dread of death; taciturn; restless, tossing about, grasping at flocks; great and general debility; hard, full and hurried pulse; stupefying headache, with vertigo on raising the head; dullless of hearing and sight; dry lips; pressure in the pit of the stomach; constipation; dry cough, with pain in the pit of the stomach; stitches in the chest or side; tearing or stitching pains in the limbs. (Compare: Acon. bell. cham. nux-vom.) CHAMOMILLA: Internal and external heat, sometimes preceded by chill; or heat in the face and eyes, with red cheeks or only one cheek being red; burning thirst, with burning from the mouth to the stomach; sleeplessness, with restlessness and tossing about; or sleep with anxious dreams and sudden starting; great restlessness and anguish; hemicrania'; vertigo on raising the head, with darkness or scintillations before the eyes and fainting turns; red and cracked tongue; bitter taste in the mouth and of the food; sour or bitter eructations and vomiting; anguish, tension and pressure in the region of the stomach and hypochondria; colic and diarrhcea; hot, burning urine; tearing in the limbs, face and head; fetid breath; distress of breathing, and orthopncea. (Compare: Acon. bell. nux-vom.) MERCURIUS: Chills alternating with heat, red skin, burning thirst, sometimes with aversion to drink; frequent full pulse; stitching and aching pains in the head; red, bloated face; vertigo on raising one's-self; dry and burning lips; moist tongue or coated white or yellowish; painful sensitiveness in the region of the hypochondria, epigastrium and umbilicus; great anguish, tossing about, sleeplessness; sleepy in the day-time; peevish and disposed tobe vehement. (Compare: Bell.) Nux vom.: Heat, especially in the face, sometimes mixed with shuddering; dry and burning skinll; hard, frequent pulse; great debility and fainting turns; anguish with palpitation of the heart and dread of death; extreme nervousness; sleeplessness or comatose sleep; headache worse on stooping; vertigo on stooping; hot, red face. sometimes accompanied with chilliness of the body; dull, dim, red eyes; dry and white tongue; thirst with burning in the throat; aching pain in the stomach and region of the FEVERS. 137 parts, heat in others, or else burning heat, especially about the face and head, with red face and eyes; aching in the forehead, with throbbing of the carotids; dry mouth with red tongue and thirst; difficult deglutition with spasms of the fauces; sleeplessness with tossing about; or sopor, with furibond delirium or other cerebral symptoms; the lochia are scanty, watery and slimy; or metrorrhagia, with coagulated, fetid blood; the breasts are swollen and inflamed or else flaccid and without milk; constipation, or diarrhceic, slimy stools. (If Bell. be insufficient, try Hyoscyam.) BRYONIA: Distended abdomen, sensitive to contact and motion; constipation; stitching pains in the abdomen, worse by pressure; violent fever, with burning heat of the whole abdomen; burning thirst with desire for cold drinks; irritable temper, vehement, or apprehensive dread of the future, fears about one's recovery. CHAMOMILLA: The breasts are flaccid and empty, with metastasis of the milk to the abdominal organs and whitish diarrhmea; rather scanty lochia; distended abdomen, sensitive to contact; colic-like labour-pains; general heat with red face, and great thirst; aggravation at night, with subsequent sweat; great restlessness; impatience, nervousness; especially indicated when the fever was caused by a fit of anger, or by a cold. COFFEA: Great nervousness and sensitiveness to the least pain. COLOCYNTHIS: Cham. having been insufficient, and the disease being caused by violent chagrin, there is: delirium alternating with sopor; hot head, red face, glistening eyes, dry heat, hard, full and hurried pulse. Nux VOMICA: Sudden suppression of the lochia; feeling of h}eaviness and burning in the sexual organs and abdomen; or else the lochia are too profuse, with violent pains in the small of the back; ischuria and burning when urinating; constipation; nausea, desire to vomit, or actual vomiting; red face; rheumatic or spasmodic pains in the thighs and legs, with going to sleep of these parts; dullness of the head, or beating and pressure in the het;d, with vertigo, obscuration of sight, ringing in the ears, and fainting turns. RmTUS ToX.: Great nervousness, the least contradiction aggravates the symptoms, the white lochia again assume a bloody tinge, with discharge of clots of blood. Compare: PERITONITIS, M]ETRITIS, INFLAMMATORY FEVERS, TYPrUs, DISEASES OF LYING-IN FEMALES, &C. FEVERS, INTERMITTENT. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. chin. ign. ipec. lach. natrm. n-vom. puls. rltus. sulph. 2) Acon.. ant. arn. bell. bry. calc. 12* FEVERS, INTERMITTENT. 139 con. graph. guaj. hep. lye. mere. nitr-ac. sep. sil. spig. spong. sulph zinc. ~ 5. As regards the relation of the stages, give: a) For fevers where the chill and coldness prevail either entirely or partially: 1) Bry. canth. caps. chin. n-vom. puls. sabad. veratr. 2) Coff. diad. hyos. ipec. petr. phosph. ruta. staph. b) When there is only chill and heat, but no sweat: 1) Am. ars. bell. bry. carb.veg. cham. dulc ign. ipec. nitr-ac. n-vom. rhus. sulph. 2) Acon. caps. carb-an. hell. lyc. merc. phosph. phos-ac. puls. sabad. sep. spig. sulph. tart. val. c) When there is only chilliness and sweat, but no heat: 1) Caust. magn-aust. puls. rhus. veratr. 2) Amm-m. ars. bry. carb-am. lyc. sabad. sulph. thuj. d) For mere heat, with little or no chill and sweat: 1) Acon. bell. bry. ipec n-vom. sabad. sil. val. veratr. 8) Ars. calc. coff coloc. dulc. lach. lye op. phospl. puls. staph. sulph. e) For heat and sweat without chill: 1) Ars. caps. carb-veg. chain. cof. led. n-vom. op. phosph. rhus. stram. 2) Acon. ammm bell. bry. carb-an. chin. cin. hell. hep. ign. ipec. puls. sabad. spig..taph. tart. val. veratr. fl When the sweat prevails: 1) Bell. bry. calc. chin. hep. merc. rhu s. samrh. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. ars. carb-veg. graph. natr-m. puls. g) When chill, heat and sweat exist in the same degree: 1) Aeon. ars. bell. bry. caps. chain. graph. ign. ipec. rhus. sabad.,spng. veratr. 2) Chin. cin. hell. hep. lyc. magn-aust. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. sabin. staph. sulph. ~ 6. As regards the succession of the symptoms, give: a) When the chill comes first, then the heat: 1) Acon. arn. bell. cin. hep. natlr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. spig. sulph. 2) Bry. caps carb-veg. chin. dros. hyos. ign. ipec. natr-m. nitr. petr. phosph. phos-ac. sahad. veratr. b) When the heat comes first, then the chill: 1) Bry. calc. caps. n-vom. sulph. 2) Bell. lye. puls. sep. staph. c) When heat and chilliness alternate: I) Ars. bry. calc. chin. merc. n-vom. 2) Asar. baryt. bell. cocc. lyc. natr-m. phosph. phos-ac. sabad. sil. spig. sulph. veratr. d) When heat and chilliness exist simultaneously: 1) Acon. ars. bell. calc. cham. hell. ign. mere. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. 2) Anac. asar. bry. chin. ipec. lyc. nitr-ac. oleand. rhab. sabad. spig. sulph. veratr.-External heat, internalbchill: Acon. ars.bell. calc. coff. ign. lach. lye. men. nitr. n-vom. phoasph. sep. sil. squill. sulph. —Internal heat, external chill: Arn. bry. chin. hell. mere. mosch. phos ac. puls. rhus. sabad. spong. stann. veratr. e) Sweat and chill coming on simultaneously: 1) Lye. puls. 140 FEVERS, INTERMITTENT. sabad. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. led. n-vom. thuj.-Sweat after the chill, no heat: 1) Carb-an. caust. lyc. rhus. thuj. veratr. 2) Bry. caps. lyc. magn-aust. sabad. f) Sweat and heat together: 1) Bell. caps. cham. hep. n-vom. op. rhus. 2) Acon. bry. chin. cin. hell. ign. ipec. merc. phosph. sabad. spig. staph. val. veratr. g) Sweat after the heat: 1) Ars. cham. ign. ipec. rhus. veratr. 2) Bry. carb-veg. chin. cin. coff. graph. hep. lyc. nitrac. op. puls. spong. staph. sulph. ~ 7. As regards the thirst, give: a) For thirst before the paroxysm: Am. chin. puls.-during the chill: 1) Acon. bry. caps. carb-veg. chamin. cin. ign. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. veratr. 2) Ant. am. ars. calc. chin. hep. ipec. kal. natr. sulph.-After the chill or before the heat: Ars. chin. dros. puls. sabad. thuj. b) Thirst and heat together: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. hep. hyos. lach. merc. natr-m. rhus. sec. sulph. 2) Caps. chin. n-vom. puls. sil. val. veratr. —No thirst during the heat: 1) Ars. camph. caps. carb-veg. chel. chin. hell. ign. ipec. men merc. nmosch. sabad. 2) Bell. lach. n-vom. puls. rhus. samb. sep. spig. sulph. veratr. c) Thirst after the heat: Amm-m. chin. n-vom. op. puls. tart. -Thirst during sweat: Ars cham. chin. hep. merc. natr. natrm. puls. rhus. stram. veratr. —Thirst after the sweat: Lyc nvome. sabad. ~ 8. As regards secondary symptoms, give: a) For pains in the limhb-: Ars. chin hell. ign. natr-m nvom. rhod. rhus. veratr. —For great debility: Ars chin. ferr. hyos lach. lyc. mere. natr.m. n-vom. phos-ac. rhus. —For dropsical symptoms: Ars. chin. ferr hell stram.-For sopor or drowsiness: Bell. carb-veg. hell. hyos. lach op. puls. rhus. tart.For great nervous and mental excitement: Acon. ars. bell. bry. chain. coff. ign. lye. n-vom. puls.-For tendency of blood to the head (with vertigo, delirium, stupor, &c.): Acon bell bry. camph. carb-veg. coloc. hyos. lach. n-vom op. puls. rhus. stram. val.Violent headache: Arn. ars. bell,. chin. ign. lach. lyc. mez. natrm. n-vom. phos. puls. rhod rhus. sep. spig. —Gastric symptoms: Ant. ars. asa. bell. bry. chain. chin. dig. ign. ipec. natr-m. n-vom. puls. stram. sulph. tart. —Diarrhema: Arn. ars. chain. chin. coloc. ipec. phos. phos-ac.. puls. rhus. veratr —Constipation: Ars. bry. calc. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. veratr.-Liver-complaint: Ars. chin. merc. n-vom.-Affections of the spleen: Ars. cap. cham. chin. mez. n-vom.-Catarrhal symptoms (cough, &c.): Acon. bell. bry. chin. con. hep. kreos. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. sa FEVERS. 141 bad. spig. sulph.-Oppression of the chest, and distress of breathing: Acon. ant. arn. ars. bry. chin. ferr. hep. ipec. lach. n, Vein. phos. puls. sep..sulph. And when these secondary symptoms set in principally before the paroxysm, give: 1) Arnm. ars. carb-v. chin. ipec. natr-m. pule, rhus. 2) Bell. calc. cin. hep. ign. n-vom. phos. spong. sulph. If during the chill: 1) Ars. bry. caps. chin. hep, ign. natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. veratr. 2) Arn. calc. carb-v. cin. hell. ipec. lach. merc. mez. n-mosch. sabad. sep. If during the heat: 1) Acon. ars. bell. carb-v. cham. ign. natrm. n-vom. op. puls. rhus. 2) Bry. calc. caps. chin. coff. dro& hyos. ipec. lach. merc. op. phos-ac. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. If during the sweat: Acon. ars bry. cham. lach. merc. natr. n-vom. op. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. veratr. zinc. If after the paroxysm is over: Ars. bry. carb-v. cic. coff. igz. lach. lyc. n-vom. plumb. puls. rhus. sabad. sil. ~ 9. As regards the pulse (a very imperfect indication ib fever and ague) give: a) For intermittent pulse: Ars. chin. dig. lach. mere. natr-m. snitr-ac. n-vom. op. phos-ac. sec.-For apparently wanting, imv perceptible pulse: Acon. ars. carb-v. con. cupr. hyos. op. sec. 8sa. stram. tart. veratr.-Hard pulse: Acon. bell. bry. canth. hyos. jod. n-vom. phos. plumb. stram. sulph.-Small illse: Acon. ars. bell. camph. canth. clem. cupr. dig. hyos. lach. laur. mere. nvom. op. phos. plumb. sec. sil. stram. veratr.-Slow pulse: Bell. camph. chin. con. cupr. dig. laur. merc. op. phos. plumb. puls. rhod. rhus. samb. sec. veratr.-Hurried pulse: Acon. ars. bell. bry. coloc. hyos. jod. mere. phos. puls. sec. sil. spong. sulph. — Irregular pulse: Acon. ant. ars. bry. chin. dig. hep. kal. lackh. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhus. sec. spig. stram. val.-Full pulse: Acon. bell. bry. camph. coloc..ferr. hyos. lach. n-vom. op. phos. puls. samb. sec. sep. spong. stram. sulph. tart.-Soft pulse: Carb-v. chin. cupr. jod. plumb. stram veratr.- Tremulous pulse: Ars. cic. con. merc. rhus. spig. stram. tart. ~ 10. Symptomatic indications. ARSENICUM: Chill and heat set in simultaneously, or alternate with each other, or internal chilliness and external heat, or vice versa; also: burning heat, as if boiling water were flowing through the veins; no sweat, or sweat long after the heat and especially at the commencement of sleep; or little heat and chilliness, and when the chill is accompanied with: pains in the limbs, anguish, uneasiness, flushes of heat when talking or stirring ever so little; oppression of the chest, pulmonary spasms, headache, &c.; during the heat: Restlessness, pressure in the forehead, vertigo or even delirium; during the sweat: buzzing in 142 FEVERS, INTERMITTENT. the ears; after or during the fever, generally: great debility, vertigo, painfulness of the liver or spleen; nausea; disposition to vomit, violent pains in the stomach; ulcerated corners of the mouth, bitter mouth, trembling, great anguish in the preecordial region, lameness of the extremities, or violent pains; tendency to dropsy. (Compare: Chin.ferr. ipec. veratr.) CHINA: Nausea, canine hunger, headache, anguish, palpitation of the heart or other ailment previous to the paroxysm: Thirst, generally before or after the chill and heat, or during the sweat, or during the whole of the paroxysm, or during the apyrexia; chill alternating with heat, or the heat sets in long after the chill; no thirst, tendency of blood to the head, headache, pale face during the chill, dry and burning mouth and lips, red face and canine hunger during the heat; great debility during or after the paroxysm; uneasy sleep, yellow complexion; drowsy after a meal, pains in the liver and spleen, bilious or dropsical symptoms, painfulness or swelling of the liver and spleen, &c. IGNATIA: Thirst only during the chill; chill moderated by external heat; external heat with partial internal shuddering; nausea and vomiting; pale colour of the skin and pains in thi back during the chill; no thirst, headache, vertigo, delirium, pale face, or.else alternately pale and red, or only one cheek red, during the heat; headache, pain in the pit of the stomach; great languor, deep sleep with stertorous breathing, after or during the fever; eruption on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, nettle-rash, &c. IPECACUANHA: Much chilliness with little heat, or much heat and little chilliness; the chill is increased by external heat; no thirst or but little during the chill, violent thirst during the heat; previous to or between the paroxysms: nausea, vomiting and other gastric symptoms, with clean or coated tongue and oppression of the chest.-Even if Ipec. should not be exactly indicated, yet it is very apt to effect a favourable change, so that Arm. chin. ign. nux v., or Ars. carb-veg. or cin. will complete the cure. LACHESIS: Chills after a meal or in the afternoon, with violent pains in the limbs and pleuritic stitches, oppression of the chest and convulsive motions; violent headache during the heat; delirium, burning thirst. red face, restlessness, internal shudderings during the heat, livid complexion, debility, prostration between the paroxysms, heat, especially at night; sweat after the heat, the fever is easily excited by eating sour things. NATRUM MURIATICUM: Constant chilliness; heat with stupefaction, obscuration of sight, vertigo, red face; violent headache during the heat, bone-pains, yellowish complexion, debility, ulcerated corners of the mouth, thirst during the chill and especi FEVERS, INTERMITTENT. 143 ally during the heat dry tongue; painful sensitiveness of the pit of the stomach to contact; bitter taste and no appetite. Nux VoMIcA; Great debility from the commencement, then chill and heat; or heat first, then chill; or external heat and internal chill, or vice versa; constant desire to be covered, even during the heat and sweat; during the chill, the skin, hands, feet and face are blue; cold, or pleuritic stitches, stitches in the abdomen, pains in the back and small of the back, or drawing in the limbs; during the heat: headache, buzzing in the ears, distress in the chest, heat about the head and face, red cheeks and thirst during the chill and heat; gastric or bilious symptors, vertigo, anguish and constipation. Is frequently suitable after Ipec. (Compare Ars. bry. chin. ign. and puls.) PULSATILLA: NO thirst during the fever, or thirst only during the heat; or chill and heat simultaneously, with thirst; aggravation in the afternoon and evening; headache, anguish and oppression during the chill; during the heat: red and bloated face, sweat in the face, shuddering as soon as the patient uncovers himself, or only red cheeks; or, between the paroxysms: gastric or bilious symptoms, bitter mouth, slimy, bilious or sour vomiting, diarrhcea or constipation, oppression of the chest, moist cough or headache. Is frequently suitable after Lachesis, or when the fever comes on again after overloading the stomach ever so little. (Compare Cin. ign nux-v., or Ant. and chuam.) RHUS Tox.: Chill and heat together, the paroxysms generally in the evening or at night, sweat after midnight or towards morning; during the chill: pains in the limbs, headache, vertigo, toothache; during or between the paroxysms: convulsive twitching of the limbs, nettle-rash, colic, diarrhcea and gastric affections; jaundice, sleeplessness with tossing about, thirst at night, palpitation of the heart with anguish and pressure in the pit of the stomach. (Compare Ars. ign. nux-v. puls.) ~ 11. Moreover, we require to use: ACONITUM: For violent heat and chill; heat, especially about the head and face, with red cheeks; anguish, palpitation of the heart, pleuritic stitches; whining, lamenting mood, ill humour, or sadness, despondency, dread of death. ANTIMONIUM: Little thirst, coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, eructations, nausea, loathing, vomiting, and other gastric ailments, colic, tension and pressure in the region of the stomach, constipation or diarrhcea. ARNICA: Chill in the evening; thirst, even before the chill; bone-pains before the attack; during the fever: constant desire to change one's position; apathy; pains in the stomach, no appe 144 FEVfERS, INTERMITTENT. tite, aversion to meat during the apyrexia; yellow colour of the skin, bitter taste in the mouth, listlessness. Suitable after Ipec. BELLADONNA: Violent headache with stupefaction; much heat and slight chill, or vice versa; same parts are cold, others warm; heat with red face and throbbing of the carotids; no thirst, or else a good deal; irritable, whining mood. BRYONIA: Coldness prevails, chill, with red cheeks, heat about the head, and yawning; or the heat prevails, with subsequent chilliness, or pleuritic stitches; headache and vertigo during the heat (or before the chill), coated tongue; bitter taste, aversion to food, nausea, desire to vomit, or vomiting; a good deal oj thirst, constipation or diarrhcea. CALCAREA: Heat in the face, then chill; or heat in the face with cold hands; or alternate chill and heat; or external chill with internal heat; vertigo; heaviness of the head and limbs; stretching, pains in the small of the back, restlessness. CAPsIcuM: Thirst during the chill, or during the whole fever chill, then burning heat; much mucus in the mouth, throat and stomach; diarrhoea, with slimy and burning evacuations; ill humour, anguish and stupefaction, increasing with the chill. CARBO VEG.: Chill in the evening or at night; thirst only during the chill; copious sweat with subsequent chill; rheumatic pain in the teeth and limbs before or during the fever; vertigo, nausea, and red face during the heat. CHAMOMILLA: Pressure in the pit of the stomach, hot sweat on the forehead; despair, tossing about, or bilious vomiting, diarrhma and colic: thirst, heat and sweat prevailing. CINA: Vomiting and canine hunger before, during or after the paroxysms; thirst only during the chill or heat; pale face during the whole of the paroxysm; frequent tickling in the nose; dilated pupils; emaciation. FERRUM: Chill with thirst and headache, orgasm of the blood, swelling of the cutaneous veins; tendency of the blood to the head; oedema of the face, especially around the eyes; vomiting of the ingesta; short breath, debility. OPIUM: Sleep during the heat and even chill; stertorous breathing with the mouth open; convulsive twitchings; warm sweat; suppression of the secretions. Suitable to old people and children. VERATRUM: External chill and cold sweat, or internal heat with dark-red urine, delirium and red face; or chill with nausea, vertigo, pains in the small of the back and back; or chill, alternating with heat; constipation; or vomiting with diarrhbea; thirst during the chill and heat. ~ 12. Consider moreover: FEVERS, &c.-FISH-POISON. 145 CANTHARIS: When the urinary passages are involved. CoccuLUs: Nervousness, spasmodic symptoms, cardialgia, con. stipatioa. COFFEA: Very sensitive and nervous, even with mild fever; heat with thirst, red face, lively mood; sweat with thirst, soft stools or diarrhea; colic with shuddering, restlessness, tossing about. DROSERA: Violent chilliness with cold face; icy-cold hands and feet; nausea, bilious vomiting; headache, spasmodic cougt during the heat; gastric symptomns during the apyrexia. HEPrR: Fever with coryza, cough, distress in the chest; oi chill with thirst, preceded by bitter taste, followed by heat antI sleep. HYoscYAMus: Chills or heat, cough at night, or even epileptic attacks. MENYANTHES: Chill, shuddering, chilliness in the abdomen. MERCURIUS: Heat and chill; heat with anguish and thirst; sour or.fetid sweat, with palpitation of the heart. MEZEREUM: Chill, coldness, especially of the hands and feet, or violent heat great thirst; headache, pale face; painfulness, swelling and hardness of the spleen; debility, sensitiveness to cold air. Nux MOSCHATA: Little thirst during the heat, desire to sleep, white tongue, rattling, bloody expectoration. SABADILLA: Chill with little thirst, or no thirst; dry, spasmodic cough, tearing pains in the bones during the chill; delirium, sleep, stretching during the heat. SAMBRUCUS: Sweat, or great heat, without thirst. SEPIA: Chill with thirst, pains in the limbs, icy cold hands and feet, deadness of the fingers. STAPHYSAGRIA: Fever in the evening, with chill, scorbutic affections and nocturnal heat. SULPHUR:'Fever from suppressed itch, with chills every even ing, heat and sweat towards morning; fever with palpitation o the heart, violent thirst, even before the chill. TIHUJA: Chill with cold tremblinig, externally and internally with or without thirst; then sweat without previous heat. VALERIANA: No chill, but great heat and thirst, and dulhles of the head. FEVER, YELLOW. —We know of one case cured by Crotalus.-(Aconite is probably the only specific for this disease " Hempel.")-Try: 1) Arn. ars. carb-veg. 2) Amm. bry. rhus. 3) Bell. chin. ipec. merc. n-vom. FISH-POISON, IcHTYOTOXICON.-For poisoning with muscles, " Hering" recommends powdered charcoal with molasses or 13 146 FISTULA, &c.-GANGRENE. sugar-water; afterwards smell of camphor, and drink black cofee. For poisoning with fish, take powdered charcoal mixed with brandy; if this, and black coffe, should not be sufficient, drink sugar-water, very sweet.-If this should not help, drink a quantity of halof vinegar and water. If this poisoning should be followed by scarlet-redness on the skiu, with swelliing of the face and hands, sore throat, &c., take Bell. or cap. FISTULA LACFIRYMALIS.-Principal remedies: 1) Bell. calc. chel. puls ruta. 2) Bry. natr. natr-m. petr. phosph. sil. t. staph. s1lph. Comnpalre: ULCERs aind OPrITHALMIA. F'ISTULA RECTI. —-Give: Calc. caust. sil. and sulph. —,Uomnpare: ULCERS, FISTULOUS. FIST'ULA URINAIA. --— Give: Ars. calc. carb-an?. sil. Comnpare: ULCERS, GONORRIacEA, anld URINARY D)IFFICULTIEL FONTANELLES, OF INFANTS, RETARDED CLOSIN G OF. —Give Calc. or sil. sulph. FORMICATIO.N.-Genelally arising from paralysis of the nerves which ramify through the afFected part. Principal remedies: 1) Baryt. carb-veg. r/udodl. secal. sulph. 2) Aur. borax. lycop. magnes-m. natr. phos-ac. platin. sabad. staph. 3) Canrn. lauroc. mur-ac. phospa. rhus. silic. zinc. FUNGUS ARTICULORUM.-Principal remedies for this deposit in the cellular tisste, are: 1) Ant. sil. 2) Acrs. con. kreos. jod. lach. lye. petr. phosph. staph. sulph. GANGRENE.-~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. chin. lack sil. 2) Asa. bell. euph. hell. plumb. sabin. sec. squill. 3) Acon. con. merc. ran. sulph sulph-ac. tart. ~ 2. For humid gangrene: Chin. hell. squill. Hot gangrene: 1) Sabin. sec. 2) Ars. bell. mur-ac. Cold gangrene: 1) Ars. asa. chin. squill. sec. 2) Bell. con ~sph. lachk mere. plumb. ran. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. tart. ~ 3. GangraeTa senilis: 1) Sec. 2) Chin. con. plumb. ~ 4. Gangrenous or black variola, requires: 1) Ars. carb-,. t) Bell. hyes. lach. rhus. sec. sit.; or, 3) Ant. mur-ac. sep. GANGRENE-GASTRITIS. 147 Ganegrenous blisters: 1) Ars. bell. camph. lach. ran. sabin. sec. 2) Acon. carb-v. mur-ac. phos. Carhuncles: 1) Ars. bell. sil. 2) Caps. hyos. rhus. sec. tart. (Compare: ANTHRAX.) GASTRITIS. ~ 1. True gastritis is characterized by the following symptoms: Continulous violeiit pain in the region of the stomach, aggravated by conltact, by moving the abdominal muscles, and by iltrodicitli ever so little food or drink into the stomach, with painful scisitivetess, distention, heat or throbbing in the epigastriurm; vourit.ir ol the in(resta; areat anoguish, cold hands and feet, great debilit.y, spasnms and othler consensual nervous symptoms; aculte oastritis is almost always accompanied by violent inflarrmm-tory fever. Prilcipal remetlies: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. che!. hyos. ipec. n-vorn. pu!s. veratr.; or, 2) A:td. carnth. earphorb. ran. strami.; and perhaps, 3) Asa. baryt. bar-n.? camph. cann.? colch. coloc cpl'. dig. hell. laur.? mez.? nitr. phosph. sabad. sec. squilL. tteS).? ~ ). Particular indications: AConl'rtrM: Inflaninlatory fever, with great pain; the disease is ca is,,d by takingr cold, or by takingr a cold drink while heated. ANTrmoNIsu.M: Caused by derangement of the stomach, with frequent vomiting, the tongue is coated with white or yellow IIMUCIIS. A RSENICUM: Frequently in alternation with Aconite, especially wheii the disease is caused by a cold on the stomach, by eating ice, &c.; or with sudden prostration, pale, hippocratic face, cold extreirltices, &c.; Veratr. being insufficient. BELLADONNA: Cerebral symptoms, dullness, loss of consciousness, delirium. tHtoscya. being frulitless. BILYON[A: Frequently after Acon or Ipec., especially when the disease was cau:sed by takiimg a cold drink while heated. HIIosCYAMUS: Dropsical or cerebral symptoms, apathy, loss of consciousness, or delirium; the patient is insensible to the danger of his situation. IPECACU.ANHA: A good deal of vomiting, with violent pains; the disease is caused by derangement of the stomach, or by taking a cold dr;nk, Aaon. being insufficient. Nux vom.: The same causes as last-named, Acon. bry. ipec. or ars. beiing insufficient. PULSATILLA: Caused by gastric impurities, or by eating ice, Ars and ipec. being insufficient. VERATRUM: When the disease is characterized by: Excessive 148 GASTRITIS —GASTRIC DERANGEMENT. coldness of the extremities, sudden prostration, pale and hippocratic face. ~ 3. Compare: INFLAMMATORY FEVERS, CHOLERA, GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, and: WEAK STOMAC!i and CARDIALGIA. GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, GASTRoSIS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Aeon. ant. am. ars. bell. bry.,;ham. cocc. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls. 2) Caps. carbh-reg. chin. coff. coloc. dig. hep. rhab. rhua,. squill. tart. veratr. 3) Aen'f,. asar. berb.? calc. canl. cic. cia. colet. con. Cupr. daph. dros. igrn. lach.'yc magn.-m. nar. natr. tr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. rhab. sec. sep. sil. stann. su!ph-ac. tarax. ~ 2. For acidity, sour eructations, &c.: 1) N-on. l.pr. suivh.; or, 2) Bell. calc. caps. carb-veg. chain. chin. con. phiospi2. sep. staph. sulph-ac. For bilious state, (bitter taste, eructations or vomiting): 1) Acon. bry. chaia. chin. cocc. merc. n-vore. puls. rep. veratr. 2) Ant. ars. asa. asar. cann. coioc. dapJh. dig. gran.? ign. ipec. lach. sec. staph. sulph. tlat. For p'tuitous symptoms (with mlucous coating of the tongue, -limy taste and vomiting): 1) Bell. caps. chin. ipec. merc. n-rom. puls. sulph. veratr.; or, 2) Ars. carb-veg. cham. ci7n. dulc. petr. rhab. rhus. spig. For saburral symptoms (spoiled taste, nausea, loss of appeLite): 1) Ipec. n-vorn. puls.; or, 2) Ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. carhveg. chain. cof. hep merc. tart. veratr. ~ 3. For gastric complaints of children: 1) Bell. chainm. ipec. merc. n-vom. puls.; or, 2) Bar-c. calc. hyos. lyc. magon-c. sulph. For gastric symptoms occasioned by derangements of the stomach: 1) Ant. arn. ipec. n-vom. puls.; or, 2) Acon. ars. bry. carb-v. chin. cof. hep. sullph. tart., &c. By abuise of spirits: 1) Carb-veg. n-vim.; 2) Ant. cof. ipec. puls.-By abuse of coffee: 1) Cocc. ign. n-vom. 2) Chamn. tlnerc. puls. rhus. sulph.;-of tobacco: Cocc. ipec. mere. n-ron. puls. staph.;-of acids: I) Aon, ars. crb-ver. hep.; or, 2) Lach. natr-mn sulph. sulph ac.? By abuse of clamomile: Puls. or nux-v.;-of rhubarb: Puls.; -of mercury: Carb-veo. chin. hep. or sulph. By getting heated: Bry. or sil; —by a cold: Ars. bell. chain. 1eocc. dulc. ipec.;-by ice, fi uit, &c.: Ars. puls. carb-veg. By external inrjuries,. suich as: a blow upon the stomach, or e)y strainilg, &c.: 1) Arn. bry.7 hus.; or, 2) Puls. ruta. 1y rervous exeiteme/it, excessive watchirsg or studying, &c.: 1) Atsl. n-vom puls. sulph. 2) Carb-veg. cocc. ipec. veratr.; or, 3) Calc. lach.? GASTIC DERANGEMENT. 149 By loss of animal fluids, nursing, vomiting, abuse of cathartics: 1) Chin. carb-veg. ruta. 2) Calc. lach. n-vom. sulph. By emotions, anger, chagrin, grief, &c.: 1) Chamin. coloc. 2) Acon. bry. chin. n-vom. puls. Compare: INDIGESTION, CAUSES, &C. Particular symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Yellow coating on the tongue, bitter taste in the mouth and of food and drink, except water; excessive nausea; bitter eructations; violent but ineffectual urging to vomit, or bitter,greenish or sliny vomiting; distention and swelling of the hypochondria, with painful sensitiveness of the region of the liver; no stool, or small, frequent stools with tenesmus; beating or stitching pain in the head, worse when talking. ANTIMONIUM: Indigestion, with the following symptoms: Frequent hiccough, loss of appetite, loathing, tongue coated or covered with blisters, dry mouth; or else: accumulation of saliva or mucus in the mouth; thirst, at night; nausea, desire to vomit, increased by drinking wine; eructations smelling and tasting of the ingesta, or with a fetid smell; vomiting of the ingesta or of slimy and bilious substances; painfuln)ess of the stomach to the touch, with painful feeling of ftillness; colic and frequent flatulence; diarrhmea or constipation; dell headache, worse when smoking or going up stairs. (After Ant., Bry. is sometimes suitable.) ARNICA: Gastric symptoms occasioned by external injuries, watching, mental exertions, &c.; generally for: Great nervousness with dry or yellow-coated tongue; putrid, bitter or sour taste; bad smell from the mouth; desire for acids; aversion to smoking; eructations tasting of putrid eggs; urging to vomit; flatulent distention, especially after a meal; heaviness of the whole body; giving way of the knees; vertigo, dilness of the head, aching pain with heat in the brain, and stupefaction. (After Arm., are sometimes suitable Nux 7). and chain.) AIHSENICUM: Acrid, bitter ertctations; dry tongue with violent thirst, and desire to drink frequently, but little at a time; salt or bitler taste, nausea, vomiting of the ingesta, or of bilious, brownish or greenish substances; colic, or burning pains in the stomach and abdomen, with chilliness anid- anguish, or violent, burning pressulle at a small spot in the stomach; great sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to coutact; great debility, desire to lie down; no stool, or else watery, greenish, brownish or yellowish diarrhcea with tenesmus; the vomiting or diarrhoea comes on again after drinking and after every motion of the body. BELLADONNA: Whitish, yellowish, er thickly-coated tongue; aversion to drink and food; sour taste of rye-bread; vomiting of 13* 150 GASTRIC DERANGEMENT. food or of sour, bitter or slimy substances; sometimes with constant nausea, dry mouth or thirst headache, in the sinciput, as if every thing would fall out at the forehead, with throbbing of the temporal arteries; no stool, or slimy diarrhoea. BitYONIA: Especially in sumomer and hot and damp weather; for: dry tongue, coated white or yellow, and covered with blisters; thirst day and night, with sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat; putrid smell from the mouth; bitter taste, especially on waking, or pappy, flat, folll taste; aversion to solid food, with desire for wine, acids or coffee; frequent, ineffectual attempts at vomiting; or else: bilious vomiting, especially after drinkig g; tension and fullness in the region of the stomach, especially after eating; constipation; dullness of the head with vertigo, or burning, oppressive or disteusive pain in the head, worse after drinkinl; chilliness and shuddering. CLIAMOMILLA: Red and cracked tongue, or coated yellow; bitter taste in the mouth, aud of food; fetid odour from the mouth; loss of appetite, nausea, or eructations and greenish, bitter or sour vomiting; great and oppressive anxiety, tension and pressure in the pit of the stomach, hypochondria and epigastrium; constipation, or greenish, diarrhoeic stools; or sour diarrhmea, or discharge of fmecal matter and mucus, resembling stirred eggs in appearance; restless sleep, with tossiiig about and frequent waking; pain and fullness iu the head; hot alid red face; red and burning eyes; sensitive, suspicious temper. (If the patient should have made excessive use of chamomile-tea, give Cocc. amid pals.) CoccuLuS: Yellow-coated tongue, loathing of food; dry mouth with or without thirst; fetid ertctations, nausea and desire to vomit, especially when talking, after sleeping, when eating, or during motion, particularly riding in a carriage; painful fullness in the region of the stomach, with laboured breathing; constipation, or soft stools, with burning at the anus; debility, with sweat during the least exercise; aching in the forehead, with vertigo. IPECACUANHA: Clean tongue, or thickly coated with a yellowish mucus, dry mouth; loathing of food, especially fat food, with deesire to vomit; violent, ineffectual str;ining, or else vomiting of the ingesta or of slimy substances,veasy but with great force; fetid smell from the mouth, bitter taste in the mouth and of food; violent pains, pressure and fullness in the region of the stomach; colic and diarrhmic stools of yellowish colour or fetid, putrid smell; chilliness or shuddering over the whole body; pale, yellowish complexion; aching in the forehead, or sensationt as if all the bones of the skull were broken; somnetimres nettlerash. MtERCURIUS: Moist tongue, or coated white or yellowish; GASTRIC DERANGEMENT. 151 dry, burning lips, offensive, foul and bitter taste; nausea, desire to vomit, or bilious, imucous vomiting; painful sensitiveness of the epigastriunn and abdomen, especially at night, with anguish and restlessness; drowsy in the day-time, sleepless at night; sornetimnes aversion to drink. (Is frequently suitable after Bell.) Nux voM.: Dry and white tongue, or yellowish towards the root; no thirst, or else burning thirst with heartburn; accumulation of albuminous mLucus or of water ill the mouth, bitter or foul taste in the mouth, or else the food tastes flat; bitter eructations, constant nausea, especially in the open air; desire to vomit, or vomiting of the ingesta; cardialgia; painful pressure and tension in the epigastrium and hypochondria; constipation, with frequent but ineffectual urging to stool; or snmall, diarrhceic, sliny or watery stools; dullness of the head, with vertigo; heaviness, especially in the occipat; ringing in the ears, rheumatic pains in the teeth and limbs; worn-out feeling, inability to think; restless, quarrelsome, vehement disposition; hot and red, or yellowish and sallow face. (After Nux-v., Chitnm. is frequlently suitable.) PULSATILLA: Tolgutle coated with whitish mucus; foul, pappy or bitter taste, especially after swallowing; bitter taste of food, especially of bread; bitter, sour or pi:trid eructations, or tasting of the ingesta; aversion to food, especially warm (boiled food), also to fat and meat, with desire for acids or spirits; acidity in the stomach; excessive mucus in the stomach; regurgztation of the immgesta; excessive nausea, desire to vomit, especially after eat ing and drinking, or with evening-exacerbations; vomiting of food, or mnucus, or bitter and sour vomiting (especially at night); hard, distended abdomen, with flatulence, rumbling; slow stool, or slimy aind bilious diarrhoea; hemicrania, tearing or darting; chilliness with languor and drawing through the whole body; ill humour; taciturn, vehement without reason, especially when the patients are habitually of a bland and obliging disposition. ~ 5. Use likewise: CAPSICUM: Suitable to phlegmatic, clumsy individuals, or to suspicious persons who take every thing in bad part, with rrucous evacuationis, heartburn, burning in the stomach and at the antis during every stool. CARBO VErG.: No' appetite, malaise, or even vomiting of food after thle least meal. frequently with acidity in the stomach; pains in the stomach when pres-ing on the pit; great sensitiveness to cold or hot, dry or damp weather; heaviness and dulness of the head, with debility. CHINA: No appetite, loathing of food and drink, as if one had eaten enough; frequent erlictations, or regurgitation and vomiting of the ingesta; painful distended abdomen, with pressure around 152 GASTROENTERITIS.-GLANDS, &c. the umbilicus; frequent discharge of fetid flatulence; lienteria; chilliness and shllddering after drinking. COFFEA: Gastric symptoms accompanied by great nervousness and by sleeplessness. COLOCYNTHIS: Cardialgia, vomiting or diarrhcea after eating ever so little; spasmodic colic; criamp in the calves. DmGITALIS: Nausea, especially on waking in the morning, with bitter taste in the mouth; thirst, vomiting of mucus; diarrhmea and debility. HEPAR: Aching in the stomach, with nausea, eructations, desire to vomit, or slimy, bilious or soul vomiting and heartburn; colic and constipation; or else diarrhmeic, slimy stools. RHUBARB: Pappy taste, aversion to solid food or coffee; nausea with colic, or diarrhceic, sour stools, or slimy and brownish stools. R1lus TOX.: Gastric symptoms, especially at night, with colic, aching pain in the stomach, dry and bitter mouth, nausea and desire to vomit. SQUILLS: Gastric symptoms accompanied by pleuritic stitches, Acon. and bry. being inisufficient. TARTARUS: Constanlt nausea with desire to vomit; great anxiety, or violent ineffectual urging to vomit; or else: slimy vomiting and diarrhea. VERATRUM: Dry tongue, or else coated yellowish or brownish, bilious vomiting and diarrhma, debility, fainting fits after stool. 6. Compare: Loss OF APPETIrrE, MAILACIA. COAr'ED TONGUE, VOMITING, HEARTBURN; STOMAClI, DERANGEMENT OF; COLIC, DIARRIgEA, GASTRIC FEVERS, &C. GASTROENTERITIS. —For the treatment, we refer the reader to GASTRITIS and ENTERITIS. GLIANDS, DISEASES OF. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Amtm. aur. bar-c. bell. calc. carbveg. cham. cist. con. duIlc. hep. lye. mere. nitr-ac. sil. spong. staph. sulplh. 2) Alum. bov. canth. carb-an. graph. jod. kal. mang. ol-jec. plumb. sabin. 2 Particular indications: AMMMONIUM CARI.: Swelling of the cervical glands, with itching eruptions of the face and body. A RUM: Swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands in consequence of syphilis, or abuse of mercury. BAvY'rA: Swelling, inflammation and induration of the cervical trlands, especially when there is dry scurf on the head and in the face. GLANDS, DISEASES OF. 153 BELLADONNA: Inflammatory swelling of the glands and lymphatic vessels, forming red and shining strings or cords, with lumps; heat of the affected parts, tensive and stitching pains; also for swelling, suppuration or induration of the inguinal or cervical glands, and for co!d swellings.-After Bell. are lrequently suitable: Dulc. hep. mere. rhus-t.; or Calc. nux-v. alld sulph. BRYONIA: Swelling of the cutaneous glands, forming small, hard knots under the skin CALCAREA: Swelling and induration of the submaxillary, axillary and inguinal glands, also of the cervical, parotd and facial glands, especially when there is otorrhoea and hard hearing.Also for cold swellingrs and swelling of the mesenteric glands. Cale. is frequently suitable after Sulph. CARB. VEG.: Induration of the axillary glands, and lumps in the breasts. CHAMOMILLA: Inflammatory and painful swelling of the submaxillary and cervical glands, and for induration of the mamme of new-born infants. CISTUs: Swelling and suppuration of the submaxillary glands, with caries of the jaws. DULCAMARA: Cold swelling, also for inflammation and induration of the inguinal and cervical glands, with tensive pain.-Dulc. is frequently indicated after Bell. or merc. GRAPlITES: Scrofulous swelling of the cervical glands. HEPAR: Suppuration of the axillary and inguinal glands, especially when much mercury had been used. IODIUnM: Scrofulous or arthritic induration of the inguinal, cervical or axillary glands. MF:RcuRIus: Cold swellings, inflammation, swelling or suppuration of the submaxillary, axillary, inguinal or parotid glands, especially in scrofulous or syphilitic indivldlals.-After Merc. are frequently suitable: Dulc. bell. hep., or rhus-t. NITRI AC.: Inflammatory swelling or suppuration of the inguinal or axillary glands, especially after abuse of mercury, or in syphilitic subjets. Nux voM.: Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, with heat and shiling redness, hardness and painfulness.-Nux-v. is frequently suitable after Bell. SILICEA:,Scrofulous induration and swelling of the cervical, parotid, axillary and inguinal glands, with or without inflammation. SPONGIA: Scrofulous swelling and induration of the cervical glands. SULPIIUR: Swelling, induration and suppuration of the inguinal, axillary and submaxillary glands, also of the cervical and even cutaneous glands, either from scrofula or in consequence of some 154 GLANDS, &c.-GONITIS, &c. cutaneous disease, such as scarlatina, &c., or from abuse of mercary.* ~ 2. Give more particularly: a) For ic fitmmathry swellingo: 1) Bell. merc. phosph. sil. 2) Acon. baryt. camph. cham. graph. hep. nitr-ac. n-vorm. puls. staph. sulph. thuj. 3) Arn. carb-an. carb-ver. lye. rhus. b) Cold swellings: 1) Ars. bell. calc. cocc. con. merc. 2) Asa. dulc. lach. c) lHard swellings.: Baryt. bry. calc. con. phosph. puls. rhus. sulph. d) Paitiful swellings: Aur. bell. carb-an. chin. jod. puls. sil. sulph. e) Painless swellings: Cale. con. dule. phos-ac. sep. suiph. ~ 3. Also: a) For sap purating g!alds: Bell. calc. cist. hep. merc. nitrac. sil. sulph. —Aar. lach. sep. b) Ulferated glands: Ars. phosph. sil.-Bcll. con. hep. lach. sulph. tlu.j. c) I.dit'rated glands: Baryt. bell. calc. carb-an. clam. con. graph. lyc. sulph. —Carb-vefg. chain. chin. magn-m. rhus. spong. ~ 4. Compare: INFLAMAHAT7ON, SWELLINGS, SUPPURATION, ULCERS, &C. GL.ANDERS, POISON OF.-The best remedies, according to Hering, are: 1) Ars. pbos-ac. 2) Cill. sulph. GOITRE, STRUMA.- Prinicipal remedies: 1) Jod. spong. 2) Arab. atom. ralt. caust. hep. lyr. iatr. nair-om. spong. staph; and perhaps, 3) Carb-an. con. dig. kal. magn-c. mere. petr. phos-ac plat. sil. sulph. GON ITIS, INFLAMMATION OF THE KNFE.-For lymphatic or scrofutlous swellilng of the knee: Calc. or sulph.;'or, 2) Arn. ars. fer. jod. l. c. l. Arthritic swelling requires: Arn. bry. chin. cocc. lye. n-vom. suilph. For suppuration: 1) M?rc. sil.; or, 2) Bell. hep. sulph. For serous effusion (hydrarthrus): 1) Sulph.; or, 2) Cale. jod. mere'. sil.; or, 3) Con. dig. For white swelling, (or phlegmasia alba dolens): 1) Bry. lye. 2) Ait. ars. puls. rhus. sabin. sulph. 3) Bell. calc. chin. jod. mere. rhus. sep sil. * Rhus tox. is a most important remedy for glandular swellings.HzEMPEL. GONORRH(EA. 155 See: ARTHRITIS, SUPPURATION, TUMOR, DROPSY, SCROPHULA, &c. GONORRHCEA. ~ 1. For inflammatory gonorrhcea the best remedy is Cannabis 30, 3 pellets, only one dose, allowing it to act about a week. This is better than the tincture, and will produce a favourable change, provided the patient keeps perfectly qviit. After the inflamm;tory syml)tonms have been subdued, give Merc. or suti;pi., either alone or e iternately; Merc. for a greenih anid purulent, S/p1i. for a whitishions, serous, and painless discharge. Carnfxaride.,' aie indicated by violent inflammation, stppression o urine, priapinsm, paillful erections, &c.; or Petrosel., when the isehlbina does neither yield to MIerc. nor sullph. At;ol., il water, is sometimes excellent for violent pains. ~ 3. The best remedies for secondary gonorrhea, especially when it had been mismanaiaged with large doses of Co)p(iva or CoU,/bs?, are Sul/pi. ald MTre..; or: Caps.. er'. nafr-in.'itr-ac. n-lolo. sep. thij. —Caps. is inidicated by a whitish, thick discharre like crearii, w ihb b-rniiig during inicturition' if' Caps. should be ils.;ifhicient. give Ferr. or nlx-om.s —For strictures, give: i) Clein. p:etr. sutph. 2) Dig. dulc. puls. rhus. ~ 4. FigwarUnts require: Nitr-ac. thuj. or cinnab.; Merc. and sulph. sornetilies effict a care. For golrmi'rhcea and chancre combined, give Mere. ~ 5. The following remedies have likewise been recommenlded: Ag2n. corn. cop. cub. dulc. hep. led. lyc. merc-c. mez. petr.:sal/r. selcn. —Agrts is suitable when the sexual instinct has becoile extinct or greatly diminished, and when there is a whitish serous gleet, without pain. _For the consequence of suppressed gonorrhea, see: RHEUMATISM in the extremities, ORCIlnTIS, OPHTHALMIA, &C.* GROWING, ILL EFFECTS OF. The best remedy is Phos-ac., not only for the pains in tho limbs, but also for the bodily and mental languor of which so many, young people complain when growing too fast. GUMS, DISEASES OF THE. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Amm. amm-m. bell. borax. carbv. chin. hep. merc. mur-ac. natr-nm. nitr-ac. n-yom. phos-ac. rhus. * See Hartmann's work, on the homceopathic treatment of disease, vol. iv. Published by W. Radde,;3&2 Bruadway, New-York. Edited by Chs. J. Hempel, M 1). 15bi OGUMS-H2EMORRHOIDS. staph. sulph. 2) Ars. baryt. calc. caps. carb-an. caust. dule graph. kal. kreos. phos. puls. ruta. sep sulph-ac. thuj. ~ 2. For swelling and inflammation of the gllms: 1) Bellca/c. caust. chain. chin. cist. graph. hep. merc. n-vomr. phos-ac. sep. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Amm. amm-m. baryt. borax. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sil. For the liability to bleed: Ars. calc. carb-v. cist. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. phos-ac. sil. staph. sulph. For ulceration: Alum. calc. carb-v. kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. staph. soulph-ac. For absresses and fistulce: Calec. sil. staph. sulph.; or, Caust. lyc,? natr-m petr.? canth.? For fleshy excrescences: Staph. thuj. For looseness of the teeth: 1) Carb-v. cist. merc. phos-ac. 2) Ant. natr. phLs. rhLes. sep. For scorbutic affections: 1) Caps. carb-v. merc. natr-m. nitrac. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Anim. amm-m. ars. bry. caust. dulc. kal. kreos. maur-ac. sep., &c. ~ 3. For mercurial symptoms: Carb-v. chin.; or, HIep. nitrac. staph., &c. Ill effects of salt require: Carb-v. or nitr. sp. Persons who lead a sedentary life, and are corpulent and phlegmatic, require: 1) Caps. 2) Bell. calc. merc. sulph.; thin and lively persons, on the contrary: Nux-v.; or, Carb-v. chin. natr-m. HIEMATEMESIS, VOMITING OF BLOOD. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. arn. ferr. hyos. ipec. n-vom. phos. 2) Amin. bell. bry. canth. carb-v. caust. chin. lac. lyc. mez. milL plumb. puls. sulph. veratr. See: VOMITING and STOMACH, DERANGEMENT OF. H.EMORRI-IOIDS. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ant. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. caps. cham. ign. mur-ac. n-vom. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Amnb. amn-c. amm-mn. anac. berb.? caust. chin. coloc. graph. kal. lach. nitrac. petr. rhus. sep. ~ 2. He-morrhoidal colic requires: Carb-v. coloc. lach.. n-vom. puls. sulph Itching i f the anus: Acon. n-vom. sulph. Inflamnmation of hwemorrhoidal tumors: Acon. chain. puls.; or, Ars. mur-ac. n-vom. sulph. Hemorrhafe: 1) Aeon. bell. ipec. phos. 2) Calc. chin. suiph. HiEMORRHOIDS. *57 Anomalous pains and diseases arising from the snppresslon or aa habitual haemorrhoidal discharge: 1) N-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Cale. carb-v. puls. Muacous hcvmorrhoids: 1) Aist. caps. carb-v. puls. su~ph.; or, 2) Borax. ign. lach. mere. Hwmorrhoidal disposition: 1) N-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Cale, earb-v. caust. graph. lach. petr., &c. ~ 3. Particular indications: AcONITUM: Bleeding piles, with stitches and pressure in the anus, feeling of repletion ill the abdomen, with tellsion, pressure and colicky pains; pains in the small of the back, as if the back or the os-sacrum were broken. ANTIMONIUM: Copious secretion of a light-yellow mucus, with burning, creeping, itching or even smarting at the anus. (Is frequently suitable in alternation with Puls.) AtRSENICU.I: Bauring discharge of blood, with burning and stitching pains in the tumors; heat and restlessness, burning in all the veins, or great debility. (Is frequently suitable in alterna tion with Carb-v.) BELLADONNA: Bleeding piles, with violent pains in the small of the back, as if the back would break. (If Bell. should not be s~pfficient, give Hep.) CALCAREA: After Sulph., if this should be insufficient or if it should have been abused; for frequent bleeding of the piles, or for suppression of habitual bleeding. CAPSICUM: The tumors are very large, with discharge of blood or bloody mucus from the rectum, burning pains at the anus; painful drawing in the small of the back and back; colic. CARSO VEG.: Large bluish tumors, with stitching pains in the small of the back, stiffness of the back, burning and tearing in the limbs; constipation, with burning stools and discharge of blood; frequent tendency of the blood to the head, bleeding of the nose, flatulence, slow action of the bowels, &c., also for copious and burning discharge of mucus from the rectum, CHAMOMILLA: Flowing piles. with compressive pains in the abdomen, frequent urging to stool, occasional burning and corrosive diarrhceic stools; tearing pains in the small of the back, especially at night; or painful and ulcerated rhagades of the anus. IGNATIA: Violent stitches in the rectum, itching and creeping at the anus, copious discharge of blood, prolapsus recti during stool, or sore, contractive pain of the rectum, with frequent, ineffectual stools and discharges of blood-streaked mucus. MURIATIC AC.: The hemorrhoidal tumors are inflamed, swollp, bluish, with swelling of the anus, sore pains, violent stitches and great sensitiveness to contact. 14 158 H_ E MORRHAGES. Nux VOMICA: Blind and flowing, or irregular piles, especially suitable to persons who lead a sedentary life or use too much coffee or spirits; also stiltable to pregnallt females or persons affected with worms, &c.; gellerally for: stitching, burning or itching of the anuis'; stitches anld shocks in the sinall of the back, with bruised pain so that the patient is unable to raise himself; frequernl,-ontstipation with ireffectual urging to stool, anid with sensalio;, as if -he, anus were,:lsed or constricted; frequent tendency of the blood to the head or abdomen, with distention of the epig.sstriulm aid h pochondria; heaviness of the head, inability to think, vertigo; ischuria, suppression of urine; discharge of blood and muciis f'rom the anus. SUL'PiURTL: If Nuux sholld be insufficient, especially for alternate (constipatioll and discharges of blood-streaked mucus; feeling of soreness at tile anus, with itching and stitches; frequent teiidency of the blood to tile head; palpitation of the heart; the vasclil;r system is easily excited, t.lrobbinig in the whole abdomen, with anguish and olppression, after the least emotion; weak digestion; dysuria; bleeding, birnilg and frequent protrusion of the hlemlorrhoidal tuniors. (Silph. is best given in alternation with Nux-v.; these two remedies in alternation are sufficient in most cases to eoffct a cure.) ~ 4. See: COLIC, CONSTIPATION, CONGESTIONS OF TIIE AB" DOMEN, &c. HYEMORRIFOIDS OF TH-E BLADDER. Principal remedties: 1) N-7oor. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. ar. bor. caic. carlb-. grrup/i. laIch. merc. sab. Compare: CA rfARlI OF TIlE BLADDER, CYSTIT1S, and URINARY DIFFICULrTIES. HIIMORRIAG ES. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Aeon. amrn. bell. calc. chin. croc. ferr. ipec. mere. nitr-ac. n-voom. phos. puls. sabin. sep. sulph. 2) Ant. ars. cann. caps. carb-a. carb-v. cham. cupr. dros. hyos. jod. kal. lach. led. lye. nitr. plumb. puls. rhus. sec. sil. stram. sulphac. zinc. ~ 2. For active haemorrhages of young plethoric subjects, give: Acon. bell. 2) Croc. ferr. hyos. puls. 3) Amrn. clc. chain. chlin. ipec. kal. lyc. mere. nitr.-ac. n-vom. phos. rhus. sabin. sep. stratn. sulph. Passive hemorrhage, of persons who have been weakened by depletions or loss of animal fluids, requires: Chi:aa. We may consider mioreover: Ars. carb-v. ferr. ipec. phos-ac. puls. rhus sec. sep. staph. sulph. HMEMORRHAGES. ~ 3. For arterial hamorrhage, give: 1) Acon. bell. dulc. hyos. sabin. 2) Arm. calc. carb-v. ferr. ipec. led. magn-aust. merc. plios. thiLs. sec. For dark-red, venous hmmorrhage: 1) Cham. croc. n-vom. puls. sep. 2) Aemm. ant. arnm. lach. m1agn-c. nitr ac. n-moesch. phos-ac. sulph. ~ 4. If the blood be brown, use: 1) Bry. carb-v. 2) Calc. con. pals tihus. For acrid blood: 1) Canth. kal. nitr. sil. 2) Atrm. ars. carbkal. 1thus. sul/ph. sulp/i-ac. zrtc. Coagalated blood: 1) Bell. chaln. plat. rhu.s. 2) Arm. chin. croc.. hyJo. ign. ipex. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom,. phos-ac. sabin. sec. se,a.,~tran. Fetid b!ood: 1) Bell. bry. carh-a. sabin. 2) Caust. chain. chin. croc. ign. kal. mere. phos. plat. sec. sil. sulph. Tenacious, viscous blood: Croc. cupr. magtn-c. sec. ~ 5. See: Hremorrhage from the respective organs. HzE~MORRHAGE FROM THE ANUS. See: He nteorrhoids. —If caused by injuries of the anus or rectum, give: Aon. arnic. china. croc. phos. sul/,h. sulph-ac. HE IMORRHFAGE FROM THE EYES. Priicipal remedies: 1) Bellad. carb-v. chain. n-ore. 2) Arnic. sal: crotal. euphras. ruta. senetz. B' o ltl sweat: Bell. calc. 1n-orn. seneg. Ecr'ymoasi:: 1) Amn. bell. calc. n-vom. seneg. 2) C/tam. crotal. palumb. ruta. HWEXMORRHAGE FROM THE LUNGS, H.EMOPTYSIS. Priiicipal rtmedies: 1) Aeon. arn. chidn. ferr. ipec. ritr-ac. phos. pals. sUlp. 2) Ars. bell. carb-v. dros. dulc. hyos. igrn. nvonL. op. rhus. 3) Anitr. bry. cocc. coff. con. croc. cupr. kal. kreos. lachi. led. lye. merc. mill. sep. sulph-ac. ~ 2. For spitting of blood: 1) Arn. bell. bry. carb-v. chin dulc. la-h. mere. nitr-ac. puals. rhas. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Amm. ars. bry. con. cupr. kal. led. lye. nitr-ac. sep. silph. sulpi-ac. For real hanmorrhage, loss of large quantities of blood, give: 1) Acon. amn. bell. carb-v. chin. dulc. ferr. /hyos. ipec. n-rom. op. phos. pilsl. rhus. 2) Ars. croc. ign. led. mill. sulph. sulph-ac. In severe cases, with imminent danger, give: Acon. chin. ipec. op. After-ailments require: 1) Carb-v. chin. 2) Ars. coff. ign. sulph. 160 HME MORRIIAGES. Preventive remedies: Ars. n-vim. sulph., alternately, at long intervals, one dose only. ~ 3. Particular indications. ACONITuM: The paroxysm is preceded by: Orgasmus sanguinis in the chest, with feeling of fnilness and burning pain; palpitation of the heart, anguish, restlessness, aggravation on lying down; pale face, expression of anguish in the countenance; copious discharge of blood from time to time, even when coughing but very little. (After Acon. are sometimes suitable: Ars. and Ipec.) ARNICA: The hmmorrhage is caused by mechanical injury, fall, blow on the breast or back; or for: slight expectoration of black and coagulated blood, with heavy breathing, stitching, burning and contraction in the chest, palpitation of the heart, great heat in the abdomen, and fainting fits; or for: discharge of bright-red, frothy blood, mixed with mlcus and coagulated lumps; tickling under the sternum; stitching in the head and bruised pain in the region of the ribs when coughing. (In traumatic hmmorrhage it may sometimes be necessary to give a dose of Acon. previous to Arn.) ARSENICUM: If Aconite be insufficient, and for: Great anguish with palpitation of the heart, sleeplessness, dry, burning heat, and restlessness driving one out of bed; also after Chin. arn. ferr. in violent haenorrhages,-or after Hyoscyam., in the blood-spitting of drunkards.-After Ars. are sometimes suitable: Ipec. nuxv. sulph., especially in chronic habmorrhage. BELLADONNA: Constant tickling in the throat, with desire to cough and aggravation of the hemorrhage by coughing; sensation as if the chest were filled with blood, with aching or stitching pains which are made worse by motion. CARBO VEG.: Violent, burning pains in the chest, even after the hemorrhage; in general suitable to persons who are very sensitive to changes of weather or who suffer with mercurial symptoms. CHINA: Bloody expectoration during violent cough which was first hollow, dry and painful, with taste of blood in the mouth; alternate shiverings and flushes of heat; great debility with constant desire to lie down; frequent sweats; trembling, obscuration of sight or dulness of the head.-Or after great loss of b!ood, the patient being pale and cold, with fainting fits and convulsi-v twitching of the hands and facial muscles. (After Chin. are frequently suitable, especially for the last-mentioned symptoms, Ferr. or Amn., also Ars.) DULCAMARA: Constant titillation in the larynx, with desire to cough; expectoration of bright-red blood, with aggravation dutt HaEMORRHAGES. 161 tig rest; the haemorrhage is caused by a cold or a loose cough which had existed for some time previous. FEzRRUM: Scanty expectoration of pure bright-red blood during a slight paroxysin of cough, with pains between the scapula, heavy breath, especially at night; inability to sit; relief by mo, tion, but frequent desire to lie down, and great debility after talking. (Is suitable to thin persons, of yellowish colour of the skin, and whose sleep is frequently disturbed: —J.lso after China in severe cases.) HYoscYAMUs: The discharge of blood is preceded by a dry cough, especially at night, obliging the patient to get up; frequent sudden starting from sleep; also suitable to drunkards, particularly if Op. and Nux-v. should not be sufficient. (In such a case, Ars. is sometimes suitable after Hyoscyamus.) IGNATIA: For debility after the arrest of the hemorrhage, with-disposition to be vehement and vexed. IPECACUANHA: If. after Acon., there remain: Taste of blood in the mouth, frequent hacking with expectoration of blood-streaked mucus, nausea and debility; also after the incomplete action of Ars., the paroxysm recurring. Nux voM: After Ipec. or Ars. (and, in drunkards, after Op.) for: Tickling in the chest, with cough distressing the head; aggravation towards morning, especially in persons of a lively and choleric temperament; or when the haeinorrhage is occasioned by suppression of the hmemorrhoidal flux, by a fit of anger or by a cold. (In the latter case Sulph. is frequently suitable after Nux-v.; Hyos. and Ars. are especially suitable to drunkards,) OPIUM: Suitable to persons who are addicted to drinking, in severe cases; or for: discharge of a thick, frothy blood; the cough is aggravated by swallowing; oppression or heavy breathing and anguish; burning at the heart, tremor of the arms, and feeble voice: anxious sleep with sudden starting g; coldness, especially of the extremities, or heat, especially in the chest or other parts of the trunk. (After Op., Nux-v. is frequently suitable.) PULSATILLA: In obstinate cases, discharge of black and coagulated blood; anguish and shuddering, especially at night; debility, pains especially in the lower part of the chest.; quallnishness or empty feeling in the pit of the stomach; suitable to timorous, phlegmatic and readily-weeping individuals: or for haenmorrhage from suppression of the menses. (In this case Cocc. is sometimes suitable.) RHUs TOX.: Bright-red blood, aggravation of the symptoms from chagrin or the least emotions; disposition to be angry, uneasy and timid mood; tickliilng in the chest. SULPHUR: Frequently suitab'e after Nux, to persons affected with piles, or after Ars. to prevent relapses. 162 HE MORRHAGE, &c. See: HIEMORRHAGES, PNEUMONIA, PULMONARY PHTHISIS, COUGH, &C. H2EXMORRHAGE FROM THE MOUTH.- Principal remedies: Arn. bell. chin. dros. ferr. kreos. led. lyc. See: HAIMORRHAGE and EPISTAXIS. HAEMORRHAGE FROM THE UTERUS, METRORRHAGIA and MENORRHAGIA. ~ 1. For metrorrhagia or hlemorrhage, give: 1) Arm. bell. bry. cham. chin. cinnam. croc. ferr. hyos. ipec. plat. puls. sabin. sec. sep.; or 2) Acon. calc. carb-an. ign. magn-m. natr-m. n-vom. phosph. sil. sulph. veratr.; or 3) Cann. jod. rat. ruta. ~ 2. For active hemorrhage, in plethoric persons, give: 1) Aceon. bell. bry. calc. cham. ferr. n-vorn. plat. sabin. sulph.; or 2) Arn. croc. hyos. ign. ipec. phosph. sil. veratr. For passive hemorrhage, in debilitated, cachectic subjects: 1) Chin. croc, puis. sec. sep. sulph.; or 2) Carb-veg. n-vom. ipec. phosph. ruta.? veratr. For menorrhagia: Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. ign. ipec. ma, n-m. nalr-m. n-vom. phosph. plat. sec. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. For hawmorrhage during pregnancy, or after confinement or a miscarriage: 1) Bell. cham. croc. ferr. plat. sabin.; or 2) Arn. bry. cinnamr. hyos. ipec. Haenorrhages at the critzcal age, require: Puls., or Bell. lach. ~ 3. Particular indications: ARNICA: Haemorrhage in consequence of missing a step, straining, by lifting a heavy weight, especially in pregnant females, provided cinnam. had been ineffectual. BELLADONNA: The blood is neither bright nor dark; violent aching and tensive pains in the abdomen; constrictive or distensive sensation; painful pressure over the sexual organs as if every thing would fall through them, with pain in the loins as if the os-sacrum would break. BRYONIA: Frequently after Croc., if ineffectual, or for profuse discharge of a oark-red blood, with violent, aching pains in the loins, distensive pain in the temples, violent pressure in the abdomen, nausea, vertigo and fainting fits. CHAMOMILLA: Discharge of a dark-red, or black, fetid blood, with lumps, the discharge taking place by fits and starts; with labour-like pains in the abdomen; great thirst, cold limbs. pale face, debility and even fainting fits, obscuration of sight and buzzing in tile ears. CHINA: Paroxysmal discharges of blood, with spasmodic pains in the uterus; colic; frequent urging to urinate, and painful tension 1-84 HEADACHE. colic, painful pressure over the sexual organs, and tranlioty stitches through the parts. HEADACHE, CEPHALALGIA. ~ 1. Sometimes symptomatic, but in many cases idiopathic~ or coustituting the most prominent symptom in the group. Fot such headache the principal remedies are: 1) Acon. ant. bell. bry. calc. caps. cham. chin. coff. coloc. ign. mere. n-vom. pul& rhus. sep. sil. sulph. veratr. 2) Arns. arur. carb-veg. cinb cocc. dulc. hep. ipec. lyc. op. plat. 3) Amm. amm-m. asar. clenm con. ferr. graph. guaj. hyos. kal. lach. mosch. natr.m. petr. pIosph. ~ 2. As regards the pathological varieties, give for arthritic headache: 1) Bell. bry. coloc. ign. ipec. n-vom. sep. veratr., or 2) Arn. ars. aur. caps. caust. cin. mang. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. puls. sabin. zinc. For catarrhal headache: 1) Acon. cham. chin. cin. merc. n. vom. sulph.; or 2) Ars. bell. carb-veg. ign. lach. lyc. puls. For headache fiom congestion of blood to the head: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. coff. merc. op. puls. rhus. veratr., or 2) Chain. chin. cin. cocc. dulc. hep. ign. nitr-ac. sil. sulph.; or 3) Alum. amm-c. con. lach. led. For gastric headache: 1) Ant. ipec. n.vom. puls. sulph.; or 2) Arn. berb.? bry. carb-veg. cocc. n-mosch.; and if constipation should be the principal cause: Bry. coff. magn-c. n-vom. op. or teratr. For hysteric headache: 1) Aur. cocc. hep. ign. magn. magnta. mosch. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. sep. val. veratr.; or 2) Caps. cham. lach. rhus. ruta. For nervous headache, megrim: 1) Calc. chin. coltc. plEs. sep. 2) Bry. caps. ign. ipec. n-vom. rhus. veratr. 3) Aco* arn. ars. bell. chainm. chin. cic. cqff. hep. nitr-ac. petr. sil. sulph.; or. 4) Agar. asar. caust con. graph. hyes. imangr. mosch. natr-m. phosph. plat. sabin. spig. zinc. For rheumatic headache: 1) Acon. cham. chin. lyc. mere. lhitr-ac. n-vom. puls. spig. sulph; or 2) Bcll. bry. chin. ign* phosph.; or 3) Caust. lach. led. magn-m. ~ 3. For the headache to which females are liable, give: Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. cocc. coloc. dulc. magn-nm. n-vom. puls. plat spig. veratr. For nervous, sensitive persons: Acon. cham. chin. coff. ign. ipec. spig. veratr. For children: Acon. bell. caps. cham. cof.f ign. ipcc. ~ 4. As regards external causes, give for headache from HEADACHE. 165abutse of coffee: 1) Chainm. ign. n-yom. 2) Bell. caust. coccl' hep. lyc. merc. puls. From heat or getting heated: 1) Acon. bell. bry. or Carb-veg.; or 2) Amm. calc. baryt. caps. ign. ipec. sil. From nightly revelling or abuse of spirits: 1) Carb-veg. ntom.; or 2) Ant. ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. coff. ipec. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. sulph. From excessive studying, exertions, 4.c.: 1) N-vom. sulph.; or 2) Aurr. calc. lath. natr. natr-m. puls. sil.; or 3) Anac. graph. lyc. magn. phosph. mnagn-arct. From grieff: Ign. staph. or phosph-ac. From chagrin or anger: 1) Chain. nl-vom.; or 2) Coloc. lye. magn-c. natr-m. petr. phosph. plat. thus. staph. From external itjluries, blows on the head,.fall, concussion of the brain: 1) Arn. cic. 2) Melc. petr. rhus., &c.;-aud from straining: 1) Calc. rhus.; 2) Amb. arn. bry. natr. phos-ac. sil. From the influence of metallic substances, give Sulph., as the principal remedy; or, if principally from the influence of copper, give Hepar; or if from abuse of Mercury, give: 1) Carb-veg. chin. puls. 2) Aur. hep. nitr-ac. sulph. Headache from cold, requires: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. chana dulc. n-vom;. or, 2) Ant. chin. coloc. puls. —From draught of air: Aeon. bell. chin. coloc. n-rom. —From bathinrg: Ant. calc. or puls.;-and from a cold drink: 1) Acon. bell. 2) Ars. natr. puls. —Headache from bad weather, requires: Bry. carb-veg. nvom. or rhod. Headache from smoking or abuse of snuff, requires: Acon. ant. or Ign. From long watching: 1) Cocc. n-vom. or puls. 2) Bry. calc. chin. sulph. Compare: CAUSEs. 4 5. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Violent, stupefying, compressive, or contractive pains, especially over the root of the nose; great heaviness and feeling of fulness in the forehead anid temples, as if the head would burst; burning pains througit the brain, or drawing pains in one side of thle head; headache with buzzing in the ears and coryza, or with desire to vomit; moaning, lamenting, dread of death, excessive sensitiveness to noise or motion; pale and cold, or el e red and bloated face with red eyes; strong, full and quick, or small and even intermittent pulse; sensation as if the hair were pulled, or as if a ball were rising into the brain, spreading a coolness; aggravation by motion, when talking, raising one's self and drinking; relief in the open air. (After Aeon. are frequently suitable: Bell. bry. or cham.) ANTIMONIUM: When, in consequence of derangement of the 166 HEADACHE stomach, indigestion, cold, or suppressed eruption, the foliowing symptoms make their appearance: pain in the forehead, as if it would break, or boring, crampy, dull (and tearing) pains, especially in the forehead, temples or vertex; aggravation on going up-stairs; relief in the open air; falling off of the hair; nausea, loathing, loss of appetite, eructations, desire to vomit. (This medicine is frequently suitable after Puls.) BELLADONNA: Great fullness and violent aching pains, or pains as if the head would split, or as if every thing would issue through the foebehclad or ove,side; pains over the eyes and nose, or semi-lateral, drawing, tearing or stitching pains; wavering shocks and undulations in the head, as of water, with sensationl as if the skull were too thin; violent throbbing of the temporal arteries, and swelling of the veins of the head; the headache sets in every afternoon and lasts luntil mornilg; it gets worse by motion, especially by moving the eyes, or by ascending an eminence, by contact, in the open air, or in a draught of air, or at night in the warm bed; Bell. is particularly suitable when the headache is accompanied by vertigo, stupefaction, red and bloated face, red eyes; excessive sersitireuess to noise, light, shock or contact; ill humoullr noaning, desire to remain in bed, buzzing in the ears, obscuration of sight. (After Bell. are frequently suitable: Hep. mere. or plat.) BBYONIA: Distensive pressure or compressive sensation in the head, with feeling of fulness as if everything would issue through the forehead; beating, jerking or drawing pains and stitches in the head, especially on one side, or from the orbital bones to the temple; burning pain in the forehead, or heat in The head; headache with vcmiting, nausea, and desire to lie down; the headache sets in every day after dinner, or early in the morning on waking and first opening one's eyes; aggravation by walking, stooping, and by contact; vehement, qlarrelsome disposition; frequent chills. After Bry. are frequently suitable Rhus-t., or Nux-vorn CALCAREA: Stupefying, aching, beating or hammering pains, or hemicrania with nausea, eructations and desire to lie down; or boring in the forehead as if the head would split; heat or feeling of coldness in the head; cloudiness and dullness of the head as if in a vice; the headache sets in every morning on waking; aggravation by mental labour, spirits, bodily exertions, motion, stooping, chagrin, &c.; falling off of the hair. (Calc. is particularly suitable after Svlph. or nitr-ac. After Calc. are frequently suitable Lyc nitr-ac. or sil. CiPsicluM: Semi-lateral, stitching and aching pains, with nausea, vomiting and weak memory, or pains as if the skull would split: the pains get worse by moving the head or eyes, HEADACHE. 167 by walking, in the open air and in cold; especially suitable to phlegmatic, indolent persons of suspicious disposition, or to headstrong, clumsy people, afraid of' exercise or the open air, with frequent chills, especially after drinking. CIIAMOMILLA: Suitable to children and to persons who are driven to despair by the least pain; for tearing and jerking in one side of the head (down to the jaws); stitching, heaviness or painful beating in the head; one cheek is red, the other pale; hot sweat about the head, even the hair; bloated face, painful eyes; catarrhal state of the throat or broachi, or bitter, foul taste in the mouth, &c. (Cihum. is suitable after Aron. or coff.; after Chain. are frequently suitable: Bell. atnd puls.) CHINA: Suitable to persons who are sensitive to pain, especially for: aching' pains at night that prevent sleep, or piercing, jerking pains in the forehead as if the contents would issue through it; boring in the vertex, with coitusive pain in the brain; or jerking. tearing, and sensation as if the skull would split; aggravation by contact, reflection, conversation, opun air, motion, draughts of air and willd; the hairy scalp aJnd the hair are very sensitive to contact; or suitable to persons of a peevish, dissatisfied disposition; or to obstinate, disobedient children that are fond of dainties, of pale complexion, with flashes of heat and redness, loquacity and restlessness at night. (Is suitable after Coff. and caps.) COFFEA: Pain as if a nail were driveri into the head, or as if the brain were torn or bruised; sensitiveness to inoise, music, and to pain; which appears intolerable, with despair, screams, weeping, restlessness and great anguiiFh, chilliness, aversion to the open air; especially suitable to persons who do nlot use coffee, or to persons, who take a rmomeniary dislike to coffee, though they are otherwise fond of it; the headache is caused by thinking, chagrin, a cold, &c. (Is frequently suitable after Acon. or chain.; or be.ore IZn. nlUX-v. or patls.) COLOCYNTUJIS: Violent semi-lateral, tearing, drawing pains, or crampy aching pains, with nausea and vomiting; compressive sensation in the forehead, worse when stooping or lying on the back; the headache sets in every afternoon or evenilng, with great anguish and restlessness, obliging one to leave the bed; violent pain, extorting cries from the patient; sweat smelling like urine; copious watery urine during the pains, or scanty, fetid urine between the paroxysms. IGNATIA: Aching pains over the nose; wor-se or better wohen stooping, or jerking and beating, pressing as if the?arts wnould split, or boring st tebes deep in the br.in; teariun in the forehead, and suensai.. on as if a nail hid )Iii driven inito the hb:ain, with nausea, obscuratiotn of sip-ht,?lhotophobia. pale face, copious and watery urine; momentary disappearance of the pains by a X6b HIEAIDACHE. change of position; they come on again after eating, in the even ug after lying down, or early after rising; aggravation by. coffee, brandy, tobacco and strong odours; tendetlcy to start, fitful mood, taciturn and sad. (Is frequently suitable after ChanL puts or nux-vom..) MERCURIUS: Feeling of fulness as if the skull would split, or as if the head were tied up with a bandage; tearing, burning or stitching and boring pains, or semilateral tearing down to the teeth and neck, with stitches in the ears; violent aggrlavation at night, by the warmth of the bed, also by contact, hot and cold things; constant night-sweat, but without relief. Nux VOMICA: Pain as from a nail driven into the brain, or stitching pains with nausea and sour vomiting; stitches and prespure in one side of the head, worse towards mornilng, driving the patient out of his senses; excessive sensitiveness of the brain to motion and walking; heaviness of the head, especially when moving the eyes, thinking, with sensation as if the skull would split; whizzing in the head, with vertigo, or with shocks when walking; contusive pain in the brain; headache every morning on waking, after eating, in the open air, when stooping, or during motion, even when merely moving the eyes; the pains come on again after drinking coffee, with aversion to coffee; pale, worn qut look; constipation, with tendency of the blood to the head; irritable, vehement disposition, or lively, sanguine temper, &c. (Compare Bry. cham. coff. ign. and puls.)' PULSATILLA: Tearing pains, worse towards evening; or beating stitches, early after rising and in the evening after lying down; semilateral tearing pains, shocks and stitches, with vertigo, desire to vomit; heaviness in the head; obscuration of sight; photophobia; whizzing, tearing, darting or jerking in the ears; pale face, whining mood, loss of appetite, no thirst, chill, anguish, paroxysms of bleeding at the nose; palpitation of the heart; aggravation in the evening, also during rest, and especially when sitting; relief in the open air, decrease of the headache by pressing or bandaging the head; bland temper, or else cold and phlegmatic. RHUS ToX.: Tearing, stitching pains, extending to the ears, root of the nose, malar bones and jaws, with painfulness of the teeth and gums; burning or beating pains; fullness and opprespive heaviness of the head; headache immediately after a meal; desire to be quiet and lie down; the pains are excited again by the least chagrin, or by walking in the open air; wavering of the brain when stepping, and creeping in the head. (Is frequently suitable after Bryonia.) SEPIA: Stitching and boring pains, extorting cries from the patient, with nausea and vomiting; headache every morning; HEADACHE. } semilateral tearing and drawing in the head; pressure and drawing in the occiput; photophobia, with inability to open one's eyes; constipation; sexual desire; aversion to food; tendency of fine blood to the head, with heaviness and confusion; pressure over the eyes, when looking at bright day-light; feeling of coldness about the head. SILICEA: Beating pains with heat and tendency of the blood to the head; headache every morning or afternoon; aggravation by mental labour, talking or stooping; pains at night from the nape of the neck to the vertex; sensation as if the head would split, and as if the brain would issue through the forehead and eyes; semilateral stitching or tearing pains, extending to the nose and face; tumours on the head; frequent sweat about the head; great sensitiveness of the scalp; falling off of the hair. (Is frequently suitable after Hep. or Lyc.) SJLPHURa: Fullness, pressure and heaviness of the head, espe. cially forehead; or pressure as if the head would split; tearing, stitching, drawing or jerking pains, especially on one side; or beating and painful bubbling in the head, with heat and tendency of the blood to the head; roaring in the head; aching pain over the eyes, obliging one to knit one's brow or to close one's eyes; or headache with dim sight, inability lo think, nausea and desire to vomit; headache every week, or every morning or night; or in the evening in bed, or after a meal; aggravation by thinking, in the open air, by walking; great sensitiveness of the scalp to contact; falling off of the hair. VERATRUM: Maddening pains; semilateral beating with pressure, or constriction in the brain, with constriction of the throat; sensation as if the brain were bruised; pains in the stomach; painful rigidity of the nape of the neck; copious discharge of clear urine; nausea, vomiting, &c.; great debility even unto fainting, with great malaise on raising one's-self from a recumbent posture; chilliness and cold sweat over the whole body; thirst; diarrhoeic stools, or else constipation with tendency of blood to the head. ~ 6. Besides, we may use: ARN1cA: For pains over one eye with greenish vomiting; ~rampy compression in the forehead, as if the brain were compressed and indurated; heat in the head, with coldness of the rest of the body. ARSENICUM: Semilateral. beating pains, with nausea, buzzing in the ears, &c., periodically, especially after a meal, or in the morning, or at night, or in the evening, in bed, with weeping and moaning; the pains sometimes become maddening; painfulness of the scalp; cold applications relieve the pain. 15 170 HEADACHE. AURUM: Bruised pains, especially early in the morning, or during mental labour, so that the ideas flrequently become confused; roaring ill the head, in hysteric females. CARB-VEG.: Aching or beating pains over the eyes, or in the whole heatd. conrl neacing at the nape of the neck; the pailns set in especia;lly in the evening or after a meal, with tendency of the blood to the head, and heat in the head. CHINA: Tearing, drawing or oppressive pains, as from a load on the head, worse in the open air and when reading or thinking; with coIyza. CoccULUs: Headache with feeling of emptiness in the head, or with biliolis vomititng. DtJLCAMASA: Oppressive, stlpefying pain in the forehead, with stoppage of the nose; or boring aud buruing in the forehead, with diggJing in the brain; aggravation during motion, even when talking. with heaviness in the head. HEPAR: Pain as friom a nail in the brain; violent borinr in the head, or nightly pains as if the forehead would be pulled out, with painful turnoturs on the head. IPECACUANIIA: Headache with nausea; sensation extending to the tongue as if the brain were bruised; vomiting or desire to'vomit. LvcoPODIUM: Headache with disposition to faint and great restlessness; or tearing headache, especially in the afternoon or at night; pains extending to the eyes and nose, even teeth, with desire to lie down. OPI'uM: Tendency of blood to the head, with constipation, violent, tearing pains, or tensive plressure. through the whole brain, with be:ating or great heaviness in the head; unsteady look, thirst, dry mouth, sour eructations, desire to vomit, &c. PLATINA? Violent, crampy paills, especially over the root of the nose, with heat and redness of the face, restlessness, whining mood, roaring in the head as of water, with coldness in the ears, eyes and one side of the face; scintillations, illusions of sight, objects appearing smaller than they really are. (Is frequently suitable after Bell.) ~ 7. Use more particularly: a) For pressing pains as if the skull would split: 1) Bell. bry. chin. natr-m. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Aeon. amLm. ant. baryt. calc. caps. caust. graph. magn-arct. merc. mez. natr.. plat. phos. phos-ac. rhus. spig. spong. staph. stront. b) For aching pains: 1) Anac. am. bell. calc. carb-an. carbveg. chin. coecul. ign. kal. lyc. natr-m, n-voin. pho.spli. sep. ston. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. asa. aur. bry. caust. chain. cic. d:g. dale. ferr. ipec lach nmez. natr. petr. plat. HEADACHE. 174 c) For tensive pains: 1 )Ariz. asa. bell. caust. lye. n-vom. puls. sil. stront. sulph. 2) Ars. cann. carb-an. carb-veg. clem. graph. magn-arct. mosch. natr. natr-m. nitr. petr. spig. stann. tart. veratr. -d) For crampy, pinching, spasmodic pains: 1) Acon. amrn. calc. carb-veg. coloc. ign. phos-ac. plat. stram. 2) Amb. ang. chin. colch. mez. mosch. n-mosch. n-vomr. petr. sep. staoon. zinc. e) For compressive pains: 1) Am. bry. carbrveg. chin. cocc. hell. lye. men. Tnosch. iatr-m. n-rmosch. phos-ac. plat. sil. spig. staph. tart. 2) Aeon. alum. anac. cale. caust. cic. con. dulc. graph. magn-arct. nitr-ac. oleand. sep. stap/i. sulph-ac. f) For constrictive, contraclive pains: I) Anac. asa. carh-veg. chin. corc. graph. laur. merc. natr-m. nitr. petr. piosph. plat. pnls 2) Acon. camp/h. cann. hyos. ipec. lach. mosch. petr. phosac. stann. sulph-ac. val. veratr. g) For pain as if tied up with a bandage or surrounded with a tight band: Cycl. jod. laur. mere. nitr-ac. sassap. stann. sulph. ~ 8. a) For boring, digging-up pains: 1) Cale. dulc. hep. puls. sep. 2) Amm. amm-m. bell. cocc. ign. laur. magn-c. merc. mez. phos-ac. plat. sabin. spig. stann. staph.. zinc. b) For beating, hammering, pulsative pains: 1) Acon. ars. bell. calc. carb-veg. ferr. ign. kre9s. lach. natr-m. p/os-ph. puls. sep. sil. stram. sulph. 2) Borax. bry. chasls. cocc. dros. euphr. kal. laur. led. mang. nitr-ac. op. olearnd. petr. plat. sabad. seneg. squill. c) For pain as if a nail or plug were driven into the brain ~ 1) Anac. arn. hep. ign magn-arct. n-voin. lat. plt. slp-ac 2) Asa carh-veg. coce. coff. dulc. hell. kreos. natr-7m. oleand. rhus. tl/uj. d) For tearing or drawing pains: 1) Ara ars. be.!l calc. chin. con. ign. lach. merc. nalr-ml nitr-ac. vn-om. puls. sep. sil. suip/h. 2) Armb. aur. bry. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. -natr. phospih. spig. staph. e) Stitching pains: 1) Aeon. bell. bry canth. caust. con. ign. mere. natr. petr. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stfann. sulph. 2) Alum. arn. asa. calc. chel. chin. lach. laur. magn-c. natr-m. n-vomn. selen. staph. f) Sore or ulcerative pains: 1) Amm. ars. carb-veg. caust. chin. ign. lyc. magn-c. mez. natr-m. n-vomn. phosph. sep. sulph. zinc. 2) Acon. borax. kreos. lach. magn-arct. mang. oleand. rhus. sahad. sabinl. stront. g) Pain as if bruised, torn or dashed to pieces: 1) Aur. bell. camph. chin. con. hell. ign. n-vonm. puls. veratr. 2) Alum. am-n.L are. carb-an. caust. co:f con. ephr. hep. ipec. merc. msur-ac. phosph. phosph-ac. rhus. sep. stann. sulph. zinc. h) Darting, jerking pains: 1) Amb. arn. bell. calc. chin. 172 HEADACHE.,ign. kal. magn-aust. nitr-ac. puls. sep. sil. 2) Anac. caust. graph. lyc. n-vom. petr. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. sulph. ~ 9. a) Feeling of coldness in the head or on the vertex: 1) Bell. calc. phosph. sep. sulph. Veratr. 2) Acon. arn. dulc. mosch. b) Burning in the head: 1) Acon. bell. bry. eug. merc. n-vomr. phosph. sabad. sep. 2) Amm. arg. arn. carb-veg. caust. cocc. dulc. graph. hell. kal. mur-ac. phos-ac. rhus. spig. stann. sulph-ac. veratr. c) Roaring, buzzing in the head: 1) Aur. calc. graph. lach. plat. puls. staph. sulph. zinc. 2) Acon. baryt. carb-veg. caust. cocc. dulc. graph. hell. kal. mur-ac. phos-ac. rhus. spig. stann. sulph-ac. veratr. d) sensation as if the brain were loose, moving, falling against the skull: I) Acon. bell. chin. sep. sulph. 2) Acon. ars. baryt. bry. calc. carb-an. cic. coff. kal. lyc. magn-s. phos-ac. piat. puls. rhus. spig. e) Wavering (swashing) in the head, as of water: 1) Bell. dig. amm. asa. aur. carb-an. hep. hyos. lach. magn-m. n-vom rhus. spig. squill. f) Creeping sensation as of something alive: 1) Arn. colch. hyos. laur. muagn-aust. plat. puls. rthus. 2) Acon. baryt. canth. cic. cocc. cupr. petr. phosph. phos-ac. sil. sulph. g) Sensation as if a ball were rising into the head: Acon. ign. lach. plumb. sep. h) Sensation as if a current of air were passing through the head, or as if wind were blowing upon one: Aur. colch. magn-aust. puls. sabin. zinc. ~ 10. a) For pains from above downwards, pressure, stitches from above downwards: 1) Carb-veg. caust. ferr. magn-arct. puls. sulph. 2) Amb. cin. con cupr. mur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. plat. rhus. spig. spong. tart. veratr. b) Pains from below upwards: 1) Bell. caust. cham. 2). Phos-ac. rhus. sep. sil. staph. c) From within outwards: 1) Asa. bell. bry. calc. chin. con. dulc. mere. mez. phosph. rhus. sep..sil. spig. spong stann. sulph. val. 2) Acon. alum. carb-veg. dros. ign. lach. lye. magn-arct. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. n-vom. phos-ac. rhod. sabad. samb. staph. verb. d) From without inwards: 1) Anac. arn. calc. canth Iaur. plat. 2) Coccul. dulc. hell. ign. plumb. sabin. spig. stanun. staph. aulph-ac. e) Pains seated at a small spot: 1) Acon. bry. lye. 2) Amb. anac. dulc. eug. ferr. graph. hep. laur. led. mosch. n-mosch. plat. sep. spig. squill. staph. HEADACHE. 171 f) external pains, in the integuments of the skull: 1) Acon arn. bell. calc. chin. lyc. merc. mez. n-vom. rhus. staph. 2) Alum. earb.veg. caust. graph. guaj. hep. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. ruta. sep. spig. sulph. thuj. veratr. ~ 11. a) Forehead and sinciput are principally affected: 1) Acon. amm. ars. bell. calc. chin. cocc. dulc. ign. kreos. lye. natr-m. n-mosch. n-vonm. phosph. plat. sabad. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. amrn. caps. carb-veg. ferr. hep. ipec. lach. magn-c. magn-m. mere. mez. natr. nitr-ac. puls. spig. thuj. b) The temporal region: 1) Bell. calc. natr-m. plat. 2) Aeon. alum. anac. chin. kal. kreos. magn-c. mang. n-mosch. petr. pule. sabin. sulph-ac. c) The sides of the head: 1) Aeon. bry. natr-m. phos-ac. 2) Asa. ca'nth. graph. guaj. kal. laur. lye magn-arct. magn-auas magn-c magn-rn. mang. plat. puls. sulph. thuj. veratr. d) Semilateral pains: 1) Ars. calc. chin. cic. coloc. ign. mere. n-vom. puls. sep 2) Agar. alum. arnm-m. anac. asa cin. dulc. kal. mang. mez. mur-ac. phosph. phofs-ac. plat. sabad. sabim sassap. spig. staph. sulph-ac. verb. e) Left side: Ant. am. asa. asar. calc. chin. colch. coloc. droe lach. merec. mez. nlitr ac. n-mosch. rhod. selen. sil. spig. sulph zinc. f) Right side: Acon. alum. calc. caust. dros. ferr. hep. ign. Iyc. mosoch plulnb. ruta. sabad. sabin. sil. g) Vertex alld a7ner head: 1) Agn. calc. caust. con. lach. lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. spig. 2) Aeon. amnb. anac. carb-an. cocc. capr. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. phosph. sep. sil. staph. sulph. veratr. h) Occiput: 1) A:ot calc. carb-veg. igLo kal. nitr-ac. petr. rhus sep. sulph. 2) Amb. carb-an. colch. magn-m. mez. mosc. natr. n-vom. sil. thuj. ~ 12. a) The eyes are involved, or the pains extend to the eyes: 1) Aeon. baryt. bell. bry. calc. coccul. hep. lach. natr. natr-mn. n-v,;n. p:s. s'. leI. sep. sil. 2) Ars. borax carbveg. caust. cic, ign. kreos. nitr phosph phos-ac. spong. sulph-ac. b) The region of the ears is principally affected, or the pains extend to the ears: 1) Canth. lye. mere. mosch. mur. ac. puls, rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Anac. alum. arn. borax. calc. caps. caust. con. ig e. natr. natr-m. nitr phosph. c) The pains are seated over the root of the nose, or extend down to the nose: 1) Aeon. hep n-vom. phosph. rhus. 2) Are. ign. lach. lye. merc. mez. mosch. stann. d) They affect the face: 1) Aeon. hep. rhus. sil. 2) Amb. bry. calc. carb-veg. cin. dros. grap i. kreos. lach. natr-m. nitr. n-vans. petr. phosph. spong. sulph. thaj. 15* 174 HEADACHE. e) They cause heat and redness of the face: Acon. bell. ign. lach. natr-m. n-vo?n. phosph. plat. sil. sulph. f) They extend to the teeth: 1) lach. lyc. puls. rhus. sep. 2) Calc. carb-veg. caust. ign. kreos. mragn-c. merc. sulph. g) The nape of the neck is involved, or the painls extend to the nape of the neck: Baryt. bell. carb-veg. caust. con, graph. kal. lyc. puls. sabin. ~ 13. a) The pains attack the understanding and impede thought: Acon. arnb aur. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. caust. cocc. hell. kal. lach. magn-c. natr. n-vom. op. petr. phosph. puls rhus. sil. sulph. b) They cause rertigo or dizziness: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. caust. lach. n-vnm. sposph puls. 2) Anac. chin. cocc. con. hell. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. c) Dimness or weakness of sight: Acon. arn. bell. calc. cham. cic. hyos. ign. n-vore. puls. sil. stram. d) roaring in the ears: Acon. ars. borax. chin. n-vom. puls. rhus. staph. thuj. e) Nausea or voiniting: 1) Amm. ar. hell. bry. carb-veg. coloc' ipec. lach. nitr-ac. u7-rvm. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. chin. cocc. con. dulc. ign. kal. magn-c. nratr-m. phosph. stann. veratr. f) They oblige one to lie down: 1) Bry. calc. con. n-vorem. phos-ac. puls. 2rhu.s. selen. sep. 2) Alum. amm. anac. bell. graph. kal. magn-m. natr-m. nitr-ac. oleand. op. petr. sil. stann. sulph. ~ 14. a) The pains occur principally in the evening: 1) Alum. carb-an. carb-veg. laur. lyc. magnr-c. megi-m. phoph. puls. sulph. 2) Coloc. hep. mere. mtur-ac. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. rhus. sep. sil. val. b) At night or in the evening in bed: 1) Bell. chin. hep. lach. lyc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. mazn-c. merc. natr. nitr-ac. op. sassap. sepia. c) In the morning on waking: 1) Bry. calc. kal. lyc. natr-m. n-vom. sulph. 2) Baryt. bell. cham. chin. coff. con. hep. ign. ipec. lach. maogn-c. magn-m. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. thuj. d)In the morning generally: ]) Bry. calc. caust. chin. hep. kal. lach. lyc. natr-m. n-rom. petr. phosph.phos-ac. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. atnm-tm. ars. aur. baryt. bell. carb-an. con. jod. lyc. magn-c. magn-m-. mang. mur-ac. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. puls. thej. e) After a meal: 1) Amm. ars. bry. carb-an. carb-veg. n-rem. phosph. pu':. rltls. sulph. 2) Alum. ar. baryt. calc. canth. caust. chin. cin. c:ff. con. graph. ign. kal. lack. lyc. magn-c. magn-m. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. puls. f) In conse.quelce of mental labour (reading, writing, thinking HEAD-HEARING, &c. 175 &c.): 1) Calc. chin. natr. n-vom. puls. sil. 2) Arn. aur. carb-veg. caust. cil. cocc. c!.O; ign. lye. natr-m. petr. phosph. sep. sulph. g) Worse in the open air, better in a room: 1) calc. caust. chin. cofl. con. rhus. spig. sulph. 2) Bell. ferr. hell. hep. magnarct. mang. merc. mur-ac. n-vom. petr. puls. staph. sulph. sulph-ac. h) Worse in a room, better in thle open air: 1) Alum. amm. arn. asar. boy. curb-an. magn-c. magn-m. phosph. puls. sabin. 2) Aeon. ant. arn. hell. sep. sulph. ~. 15. Compare: CONGESTIONS OF THE HEAD, PAINS, PAROXYBMS OF, CAUSES, CONDITIONS, &C. HEAD, LARGE, OF CfIILDREN.-The best remedies for this affection and the retarded closing of the fontanelles, are: Calc. sil. sulph. (See: SCIROPHULA.) HEAD, MORBID CONDITION OF, in consequence of mental exertious.-Principal remedies: 1) N-vom. suiph.; or: 2) Aur. calc. colch. lach. mosch. natr. nath -m. puls. sil.; or: 3) Amm. amb. bell. cham. cic. dig. jod. laur. led. nitr. n-mosch. phosph. sep. spong. Rsulph-ac. val. zinc. See: WORN OUT, WEAK MEMORY, EMOTIONS, MORBID. HEARING, DEFECTIVE, DYSECIA, &C. ~ 1. The principal remedies for this affection are: 1) Bell. calc. caust. graph. hyos. lach. led, lye. mang. mere. nitr-ac. op. petr. phos)ph. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Atom. anac. asa. aur. coff. con. hep. kal. mnag?-c. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. n-vom.. phos-ac. sec. staph. veratr. 3) Amb. ant. ars. carb-veg. cic. coccul. dros. jod. lasur. oleand. plumb. rhus. ruta. stram. ~ 2. If caused by congestion of blood, with buzzing, &c., give: 1) Aur. bell. canst. graph. mere. phosph. puls. sil. sulph.; or: 2) Anac. bry. calc. lye. mur-ac. n-vom. sep. spig. For nervous deafness, from paralysis of the auditory nerves: 1) Ball. caust. h~,9s. n-vom. petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. sil.; or: 2) Anac. calc. coccul. con. graph. lyc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. op. veratr. For catarrh*l or rheumatic deafness, in consequence of a cold in the head, or of the whole body, give: 1) Acon. ars. bell. cham. hep. led. mere. and puls.; or: 2) Calc. caust. coff. lach. nitr-ac. sulph. ~ 3. If caused by suppression of herpes or other cutaneous eruptions: S&lph., or Art., or: Caust. graph. or Lach.? &c. See: CAUSES: SUPPRESSED ERUPTIONS. 176 HEARING, &c. If a sequel to some acute exanthem, measles, scarlatina, &c.: 1) Bell. merc. men. phosph. puls. sulph.; or: 2) CGarb. veg. phosph.-Deafness caused by measles, requires: Puls., Carb. veg.; by scarlatina: Bell. or Hep.; and by variola: Merc. or Sulph. If caused by suppression of fever and ague, give: 1) Calc. puls.; or: 2) Carb-veg. hep. n-vom. sulph. If by abuse of mercury: 1) Asa. nitr-ac. staph.; or: 2) Aur. carb-veg.? chin.? hep. petr. sulph. If by swelling or hypertrophy of the tonsils, give: Aur. mere. nitr-ac. staph. If by typhoid diseases: Arn. phosph. phos-ac. veratr. If by suppression of an habitual discharge from the ears or nose: 1) Hep lach. led.; or: 2) Bell. merc. puls. ~ 4. Particular symptomatic indications: BELLADONNA: Tendency of blood to the head, with buzzing in the ears, scintillations, pressing pain in the forehead from within outwards, especially in young. plethoric, large individuals; also in scrofulous subjects, with a fine, delicate skin, red and white cheeks; also after apoplexy, meningitis, typhus, &c CALCAREA: Deafness as if the ears were closed; frequent buzzing, rolling or ringing, singing and musical sounds in the ears; or frequent beating and heat in the ears; constant dryness of the ears, or purulent discharge; aching pain in the forehead, &c. CAUSTICUM: Sensation as if the ears were stopped up, with buzzing and roaring in the head; loud reverberation of sotds and of one's own words in the ears; otorrhcea, rheumatic pains in the ears and extremities; extreme sensitiveness to cold winds, &c. GRAPHITES: Great dryness in the ears, or purulent discharge; hard hearing, which sometilnes ceases while riding in a carriage; singing, whizzing and ringing. or buzzing and thundering reports in the ears, especially at night, or sensation as if air were penetrating into the eustachian tube; herpes and crusts around the ears and on other parts of the body. HYOScYAMUs: Hard hearing as if stupefied, especially after apoplexy, if Bell. proves ineffectual. LACHESIS: Dry ears, with hard and pale, or white and pappy cerumen; painful beating, cracking or whizzing, rolling and drumming in the ears, with reverberation of the sounds; soreness and crusts around the ears, &c. (Frequently suitable after Caust. LEDUM: The ears feel as if closed, with whizzing in the ears; dullness and stupefaction of the head on the affected side, feeling HEARING, &c. 1.77 of stifflness in the scalp, and after suppression of otorrhoea or of coryza or catarrh of the eyes. LYCOPODIrTM: Roaring and whizzing in the ears, or cracking as of air-vesicles; sensation as if hot blood-were tending towards the ears; humid scurf in the region of the ear, or on the ears. MERcURIUS: Stoppage of the ears discontinuing when swallowing or blowing one's nose; loud reverberation of all the sounds in the ear; ringing, buzzing and whizzing, especially in the evening, or purulent otorrhcea with ulceration of the ears; rheumatic pains in the ears or head, or in the teeth; great tendency to sweat, &c. MANGANUM: Frequent otalgia, with tearing and stitching extending to the tympanum; ulcerative pain in the ears; whizzing and rushing in the ears, especially after stooping; report, when swallowing or blowing one's nose; hard hearing as if the ear were stopped up, the ear opening when blowing one's nose; the deafness increases or decreases according as the weather is fair or bad. NITRI ACIDUM: Dry ears, or discharge of cerumen; stoppage of the ears, with roaring, beating and detonations; frequent toothache, with scorbutic affection of the gums; stitches in the teeth and ears. OPIUM: Suitable after apoplexy, or to patients who are liable to epileptic fits; or in alternation with Bell. or Hyoscyam. PETROLEUM: Painful dryness of the inner ear, or discharge of blood and pus; ringing, or rumbling and roaring in the ears; herpes and soreness on or near the ears; frequent toothache with swollen cheek; bleeding of the gums, pressing pains in the occiput, from within outwards, &c. (Is frequently suitable after Nitr-ac.) PHOSPHORUS: Hard hearing, especially deep to the human voice, with loud reverberation of the sounds. especially words, in the ears, extending to the inner head; tendency of blood to the ears, with beating and throbbing; dry feeling, or discharge of cerumen. PULSATILLA: Hard, black or liquid cerumen, with discharge; stitching pains in the ears, or discharge of pus or blood; the ears are stopped with roaring and whizzing, or beating, murmuring, ringing or chirping; especially suitable to persons of a bland disposition, or to females who are liable to leucorrhcea and other irregularities of the urinary system. SILICEA: Discharge of cerumen; stoppage, passing off with a report, or when blowing the nose; deafness, especially to the human voice, also without noise in the ears, or also with ringing, gtrgling and fluttering; the deafness is worse when the incon change., i78 HEARING, &c. especially at full or new moon; deafness, alternatingwith extreme sensitiveness of hearing; crusts behind the ears. SULPHUR: Deafiless, especially to the human voice; frequent stoppage of the ears, especially when eating or blowing one's nose; also on one side only; murmuring or undulating sensation in the ears as if caused by water, or whizzing an)d roaring; tendency of blood to the head; disposition to coryza or other blennorrhaeas, discharge of the ears, &c. ~ 5. Use more particularly, for roaring and whizzing in the ears: 1) Acon. bell. coust. chin. con. graph. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. puls. sep. suiph. 2) Anac. alum. amb. amm. baryt. borax. bry. calc. carb-veg. cham. croc. hep. kal. lach. natr-m. op. phosph. plat. spig. therid. Buzzing: Amm. bell. caust. con. graph. hyos. jod. natr-m. puls. s.'ulph. Thundering, rumbling: A mm-m. calc. caust. graph. plat. R;inging and singing: 1) Bell. calc. caust. chin. graph. kal. lyc. men. natr-m. n-voem. puls. 2) Amm. baryt. borax. chel. con. petr. sil. sulph. Fluttering (as of a bird): Aur. bell. calc. caust. graph. petr. puls. sil. spig. sulph. Ringing, as of bells: Amb. calc. con. led. natr-m. sil. C(racking, when chewing or moving the jaw: Baryt. calc. graph. kal. men. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. Frequent reports: Graph. kal. mang. natr. sil. staph. zinc. ~ 6. For deafness to the human voice: Ars. phosph. sil. sulph. For sensation of stoppage: 1) Bry. con. lyc. mang. merc. puls. sil. spig. 2) Calc. caust. graph. kal. jod. lach. men. nitr-ac. petr. sep sulph. Sensation as if closed by something in frount: 1) Calc. nitr-ac. sulph. 2) Acon. ant. carb-veg. chin. coccul. hyos. led. men. pho.sph. spig. For occasional alternation with great sensitiveness of hearing: Aur. bell. calc. coff. lyc. sep. spig. ~ 7. Comp.: Excessive irritation of the sense of hearing, ERUPTIONS On THE EARS, H2EMORRHAGE FROM THE EARS, OTORRH(EA. CERUMEN, PAINS in TEE EARS, &C. Thinking practitioners, who endeavotr to reason from analogy, may find useful indications under AMBLYOPIA. HEARING, EXCESSIVE IRRITATION of.- Principal remedies: 1) Am. aur. bell. bry. coff. lach. lye. natr. phos-ac. sep. spig. 2) Acon. calc. cham. chin. con. graph. mere. n-vom. petr. phosph. puls. sulph. 180 EA s -- FIEATE D _ HEART, DISEASES OF: ~ 1. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. calc. natr-m. puls. sep. epig. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. aur. cann. caust. dig. lach. phosph. spong.; or 3) Amb. asa. bell. con. cupr. kreos. mang. mosch. natr. n-mosch. n-vom. rhus. ~ 2. For carditis use: 1) Acon. bry. cann. caust. lach. puls.; or 2) Ars. coce. spig. For acute rheumatism of the heart: 1) Acon. caust. lach.; or, 2) Ars. bry. puls. spig. For aneurism: 1) Carb-veg. lach. lye.; or 2) Calc. caust. graph. guaj. puls. rhus. spig.; or 3) Amb. arn. ars. ferr. natr-m. zanc. For hypertrophy: Ars.? jod.? phosph.? spon?,.? For polypi of the heart: 1) LacZ.; or 2) Calc.? staph.? f 3. For palpitation: 1) Aeon. calc. chin. jod. lye. mere. natrm. phosph. puls. sep. spig. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. aur. bell. bry. caust. cocc. coff. ign. kal. lach. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. ruta. thuj. veratr. For palpitation from plethora or rush of blood: Acon. aur. bell. coff. ferr. lack. n-vom. op. phosph. sulph. In the case of nervous or hysteric individuals: Asa. cham. cocc. coff. lach. n-vom. puls. veratr. After emotions: Acon. cham. coff. ign. n-vom. op. veratr.After chagrin: Aeon. chaam. ign. n-orm.- After a fright: Op. or Coff.-After sudden joy: Aeon. or Coff.-After great fear or anguish: Veratr. After debilitating loss of fluids: 1) Chin.; or 2) N-som. phosac. sulph After suppression of eruptions, or old ulcers, &c.: Ars. caust. fach. sulph. According to several practical observations communicated to me by a friend and colleague, Bromine 30 (and even higher) is an excellent remedy for many diseases of the heart, and also pobypi of the heart; and Ars. and Kalic. are excellent remedies for dropsy of the pericardium and pericarditis. ~ 4. Compare: CONGESTION OF THE CHEST, EMOrIONS, PLEVIORA, &C. HEATED, ILL EFFECTS OF GETTING, in consequence of exertious, exposure to the heat of the sun, &c. ~ 1. The best remedies are: 1) Acon. ant. bell. bry. camph. sarb-veg. sil.; or: 2) Op. thuj. zinc. 182 HERNIA-HEPATITIS. HERNIA. ~ 1. The best remedies for the cure of hernia, are: 1) Ammm. aur. cocc. lyc. magn-c. n-vom. sil. sulph-ac. veratr. 2) Cham. clem. magrn-arct. nitr-ac. rhus. sil. sulph. Hernia of little children, occasioned by constant screaming, requires: Aur. cocc. n-vom. nitr-ac. or veratr. ~ 2. Incarceration of hernia is generally cured, without operation, by: 1) Acon. n-vom. op. sulph.; or, 2) Ars. bell. lach. veratr. ACONITUM: Violent inflammation of the parts, with burning pains in the abdomen as from hot coal, extreme sensitiveness to contact, nausea, bitter, bilious vomiting, anguish and cold sweat; in most cases relief is obtaiied by one dose, which may be followed by a second dose in one hour; but if no relief sets in after the third dose. give Sul7?hlrd. (>ee below') Nux voM.: The swe!liing is less painful or sensitive to contact, and the vomiting is less violent, but there is great difficulty of breathing; the incarceration is caused by a cold, exposure to heat, by a fit of anger or by chagrin, or also by irregular living, &c. (May be repeated every two hours.) OPIUm: If no relief is obtained after the second dose of Nux, or if the following symptoms occur from the commencement: Red face; distended, hard abdomen, putrid eructations or vomiting of fecal matter. (Repeat every fifteen minutes until relieved.) If the vomiting should be attended by cold sweat and coldness of the extremities, Veratr. deserves a preference; and if no improvement takes place after the second dose, give Bell. SULPHUR: If Aconite remains without effect, or if the bilious vomiting should change to sour. If, after giving the Sulphur, the patient should go to sleep, do not disturb him for some hours at least. If gangrenous symptoms should set in, give Lach.; or Ars. if Lach. should not suffice. HEPATITIS, inflammation of the liver, with other diseases. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. bry. chainm. chin. lach. merc. n-vore. puls. sulph. 2) Aur. calc. kal. lyc. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. 3) Alum. amb. amm-c. cann. canth. n-mosch. 4) Cic. dig. magn-im. mang. nitr. petr. ran. ~ 2. Acute hepatitis requires: 1) Acon. 2) Bell. merc. n-vorn.; or, 3) Bry. chain. chin. lach. puls. sulph. HEPATITIS. 183 ACONITUM: Violent, inflammatory fever, with stitches in the region of the liver, intolerable pains, moaning, tossing about, anguish and dread of death. BELLADONNA: Aching pains extending to the chest and shoulder; distention in the pit of the stomach; tension in the region of the stomach; laboured and anxious breathing congestion of blood to the head; obscuration of sight; vertigo with fainting: burning thirst; anxious tossing about and sleeplessness (Is frequently suitable after Acor., in alternation with Merc. or Lach.) BRYONIA: Aching pains, with tension in the hypochondria, yellow-coated tongue, violent oppression of the chest, with hurried, anxious breathing, constipation, aggravation of the pains by motion. CI-AMOMILLA: Dull aching pains, not aggravated either by pressure or motion, or breathing; pressure in the stomach, tension in the hypochondria, oppression of the chest; yellow colour of the skin, yellow-coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, and paroxysms of anguish. CHINA: Aggravation every other day, with stitching and aching pains, swelling and hardness of the region of the liver and stomach; headache, bitter taste in the mouth, and yellow-coated tongue. LACHESIs: Merc. or Bell. being insufficient, or alternately with either, suitable to drunkards. MERCURIUS: Bell. being insufficient, especially for aching pains which do not allow one to lie on the right side; bitter taste in the mouth; loss of appetite, thirst; constant chills, very yellow colour of the skin and eyes. (After Merc., Lach. is frequently suitable.) Nux voM.: Stitching or beating pains, with excessive sensitiveness of the region of the liver to contact; bitter and sour taste, desire to vomit or vomiting; pressure in the hypochondria and region of the stomach, with short breath; thirst, red urine, headache, vertigo and paroxysms of anguish. (After Nux-v., Sulph. is frequently suitable.) PULSATILLA: Frequent attacks of anguish, especially at night, with diarrh(eic, greenish and slimy stools; desire to vomit; bitter taste in the mouth, yellow-coated tongue; oppressed chest; tension in the hypochondria and pressure in the stomach. SULPHUR:Frequently after Nux-v., especially when the stitching p;ins continue; or when the above-mentioned remedies are ineffectual, or produce only a partial improvement. 184 HEPATITIS-HERPES SQUAMOSUS. ~ 3. The best remedies for chronic affections of the liver are: 1) N-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Aur. lach. lye. magn -m. natr.; or, 3) Alum. amb. calc. chin. sil.; or, 4) Chel. ign.jod For swelling or induration of the liver: 1) Ars. calc. chin. n-vomin. sulph;or, 2) Caps. graph. lyc. magn-m. merc. natr-m. n-mosch. puls. For aabscesses. Lach. or Sil.; or: Bcll.? mere.? hep.? For affections of the liver resulting from mismanaged or supprcssed fever and ague: 1) N-von. sulph. 2) Calc. caps. lach. natr-m. puls. For bilious calculi in the liver, I recommend: Calc. hep. lach. d1. sulph. HERPES PUSTULOSUS, ECTIIYMIA.-Not to be confounded with rupia, the primitive form of ecthylna being pustulous, that of rupia vesicular; the ecthyma-pustules, at their base, are more inflamed. harder and more firmly seated, than in rupia. (See: RUPIA, RIIYPIA.) However, rupia and ecthyma being closely related to each olther, externally at least, the same remedies will probably do for either eruption. Ecthyma seems to require more particularly: Ars. merc. rhus. sulph.; or, Borax. cham. staph. See: RUPIA and HERPES. HERPES OF THE SEXUAL ORGANS,.HERPES PRAEPUTIALIS, &c. ~ 1. For true herpes prreputialis (spots on the prepuce): Aur. hep. nitr-ac. phos-ac.-Besides: Dulc. sep sulph. Itching of the pudendum requires: 1) Cale. carb-v. con. kal. lye. natr-m. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. graph. kreos. magn-c. nitr-ac. staph. Itching and herpes of the scrotum. 1) Dulc. petr. natr-m. nitr-ac. sulph. 2) Amb. coccul. rhod. thuj. Itching and humour of the anus: 1) Merc. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. thuj. 2) Bar. calc. zinc. See: HERPES, VAGINA, SWELLING OF, PHIMOSIS, &C. HERPES SQUAMOSUS, PSORIASIS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. calc. cic. clem. dulc. led. lye. merc. sep. sulph. 2) Bry. caust. graph. mur-ac. nitr-ac. oleand. petr. phos. rhus. thuj. 3) Aur.? cupr.? magn-c.? sassap.? zinc.? ~ 2. For psoriasis infantilis: Cale. cic. lyc. mere. sulph. 186 HOME-SICKNESS-HONEY. a) For monotonous sound of voice, without modulation: Dros. graph. spong. strainm. b) For high, fille, shrill voice: Bell. cupr. stann. strain. c) Hollow, dull voice, as if from the grave: 1) Bell. caust. dros. phos. samb. spong. veratr. 2) Camph. carb-v. hep. ipec. stani. veratr. d; For croaking voice: Acon. cin. ruta. e) CrowingrK voice: Cupr strain. f) Loss of voice: 1) Baryt. bell. carb-veg. caust. phos. 2) Ant. dros. hep. lach. mere. natr-m. plat. puls. spong. sulph. veratr. g) Nasal voice: 1) Aur. bell. lach. lyc. mere. phos-ac. 2) Alium. bry. staph. h) Ronugh, hoarse voice: 1) Carb.v. dros. maag. phos. spong. 2) Bell. bry. caps. cust.'chin. dulc. hep. mere. v:atr. n-vom. petr. ptls,. rhus. sanbh. sil. sulph. 3) ArLb. calc. chin. graph. nrath'-m. seeg,. stann. veratr. i) PFeble, low voice: 1) Ant. canth. caust. hep. sec. veratr. 2) Bell. carb-v. chin. lye. op. spong. staph. k) Deep bass-voice: 1) Chin. dros. sulph. 2) Anac. jod. laur. 1) Insocrnous voice: Agn. dros. spong. im) Falsetto voice, not pure: 1) Cawlst. grajph. mere. spong. 2) Baryt. callaph. chin. croc. nitr-ac. n-mnosch. salbad. n) Voice that glives out: Dros. spong. o) MIissiig voice. Caust. phos. ~ 5. Compare: BRONCHIAL CATARRH, COUGH, SPEECH, DEFICIENT, &C. HOME-SICKNESS, NOSrALGIA. Principal remedies: 1) Caps. mere. phos-ac.; or, 2) Aur. carb-ali. ign. CAIsICUM: Red cheeks, weeping and sleeplessness. ME1cuRtIUS: Anglish, trembling and restlessness, especially at night, sleeplessness; vexed mood, causing one to complain of every body; desire to escape, &c. P;bossoHRI ACIdOM: Taciturn; dull mood, hectic fever with drowsiness and morning-sweat. HONEY, ILL EFFEC'rS o0 POISONOUS. According to Hering, the principal remedy is Caiph., by olfaction and as a liniment; then: drink black coj)ee or tea, as hot as you can bear it. HUNGER-HYDROCEPHALUS ACUTUS. 187 HUNGER, CANINE. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. chin. cin. jod. lyc. petr. phos. sil. spig. staph. sulph. veratr. 2) Con. graph. hep. kal. natr-m. n-vom. sabad. sep. 3) Bry. coccul. hyos. lach. magn-m. mere. rhus. squill. ~ 2. The desire to eat much, gluttonous, requires: 1) Chin. cin. lyc. merc. petr. staph. 2) Calc. natr-m. sil. sulph. veratr. If this hunger should set in during recovery after violent acute diseases, after debilitating loss of animal fluids or blood, or after other debilitating causes, give: 1) Chin. veratr.; or, 2) Calc. natr-m. sil. sulph. ~ 3. Sudden hunger, inducing fainting unless satisfied, requires 1) Calc. chin. cin. hyos. mnerc. sabad. sil. spig. 2) Con. magnin. vnatr-m. n-vom. petr. sep. When the food is readily thrown up again: 1) Bry. n-vom. phos. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Calc. cin. hyos. lyc. natr-m. When passed undigestcd as soon as taken into the stomach: 1) Chin. phos. vetair. 2) Bry. calc. con. merc. sulph. ~ 4. If affecting pregnant fenmales: Con. nmagn-m. natr-m. nvoin. petr. sep. If persons who are affected with wornzs: Hyos. merc. sabad. sil. spig. ~ 5. Compare: WEAK STOMACH, GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, MALARIA, &C. HYDROCEPHALUS ACUTUS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. 2) Bry. hell. sulph. 3) Ar.. cin. cou,. dig. lach. merc. op. stram. Acute hydrocephalus requires: 1) Aeon. bell.; or, 2) Bry. hell. su/p'h. Chronic: Hell. ars. sulph. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Violent vascular and nervous excitement as in all inflammatory fevers; (see: Mllenin?,itis). BELLADONNA: After Aeon., the fever having abated, but without discontinuance of the disease (See: Meningitis.) BRYONIA: ACon. and Bell. beingf insufficient, or for: Face red, almost brown-red; the eyes roll about in their sockets; at times closed, at others wide open; dry lips; dry, yellow-brown coated tongue; distended abdomen; no stool; scanty urine, or burning while passing it; quick, nmoaning breathing; dry, hot skin over the whole body; thirst, with hasty swallowing of the liquid. 188 HYDROPHOBIA.-HYDROTHORAX. HELLEBORUS: Bryonia being insufficient, or for: Moderate fever; feeble, not very quick, soft and irregular pulse; laboured breathing occasionally with deep sighs; complete apathy; inability to raise one's-self alone; the patient frequently moves his trembling hands to his head; constant relapsing of the head on raising the trunk; frequent rubbing at the nose; the eyes are half-opened with the pupils turned sideways or upwards, and convulsive movements of the lips; dilated pupils; wrinkled forehead and covered with cold sweat; no desire for any thing but drink, swallowing it greedily and in large quantities, and moving the, mouth constantly as if chewing, both before and after drinking; easily angry, striking about, unwilling to have any body near him, and getting the more angry the more kindly he is spoken to; pale and bloated face; stupor; starting frequently, with screams and howling; the nostrils become dirty and dry; dropping of the lower jaw. SULPHUR: Smelling of it, if Helleborus should do no good. (Digitalis is an excellent remedy for hydrocephalus, in alternation with Acon., Helleborus, &c. Hempel.) HYDROPHOBIA. —Doctor Hering advises first to apply heat at a distance. and to continue this proceeding until chills set in, after which the application of heat is to be renewed three or four times a day, until the wound is healed without leaving a cicatrix with discoloration. At the same time the patient isto take a dose of Bell. or Lach., as often as the wound becomes worse, or a dose of Hqdrophlobin, and this treatment is to be continued until the wound is perfectly healed. If, after the lapse of seven or eight days, a little vesicle should show itself under the tongue, accompanied with febrile'motiofis, it should be opened with a pointed knifte, and the mouth should be rinsed with salt-water. If the rage slhould have actually broken out without any thing having been done for it previously, give: Belt. or lach., or canth., hyoscyarn. and mzerc., or stratm. veratr. (See: MENTAL DERANGEMENT, and PHARYNGITIS.) HYDROPHOBIA, SPURIOUS, DREAD OF WATER, symptomatic hydrophobia. This disease requires: Amm. calc. nitr-ac. sassap. sep. sulph. The following remedies may likewise be considered, though I have no evidence of their curative powers in this disease: 1) N-mosch.puls. 2) Amm. ant. bell. carb-veg. dulc. mere. rhus. spig., &c. HYDROTHORAX.-Principal remedies: 1) Am-c. ars. bry. HYPEROITIS.-HYPOCHONDRIA. 189 carb-v. dim. hell. kal. lach. merc. spig; or, 2) Aur. calc. dulc. lyc. sen. Qqulill. stann For symrnptorns, see: ASTHMA; PNEUMONIA: PULMONARY PHTIIIsTS; HEART, DISEASES OF; CATARRH, SUFFOCATIVE, &C. HYPEROITIS, INFLAMMATION OF THE PALATE. —Principal remedies: 1) Baryt. bar-rn. bell. calc. lach. mere. n-vom.; or, 2) Aron. aur. chin. coff. sil. Inflammation of the relum, requires: Acon. bell. coff. mere. n-rom. Inflammation of the palate: 1) Calc. chin. n-vom.; or, 2) Barc. bar-m. lach. mere.; or, 3) Aur. bell. sil. Ulceration or caries of the palate: 1) Aur. inah. mere. sil.; or, 2) Ba-ryt. cale., &c. (See: BONEs, DlSEASES OF.) If caused b-y abuse of mercury, give: 1) Alrr. lach; or, 2) Bell. bar-sn. calc. sil., &c. Compare: SoRE THROAT, STOMACACE. HYPOC HONDRIA. ~ 1. The prinlcipal remedies for this condition of the mind are: 1) Nux-v. and then Sulph.; or, 2) Calc. and then Chin. and Natr.; or, 3) Anac. aur. con. grat. lach. mosch. natr-m. phos. phos-ac. sep. staph. If caused by sexual abuse, loss of animal fluids or other debilitating causes, give: 1) Cale. chin. nux-.v. and sulph.; or, 2) Anac. con. natr-mn. phos-ac. sep. and staph. If caused by derangement of the abdominal functions, seqentary mode of life, &d, give:.1) Nux-v. and sulph.; or, 2) Aur. calc. lach. rnatr. anld sil. ~ 2. Symptomatic indications, as far as possible. CALCAREA: Lowness of spirits, with disposition to weep; paroxysms of angiiish, with orgasmus salguinis. palpitation of the heart, shocks in the region of the heart; despair about one's healih; apprehensions of illness. misfortune, infectious diseases, insaniity, &c.; dread of death; excessive sensitiveness of all the organs of sense; malaise, aversion to work, inability to think or to perform any inPntal labour, &c. ((ompare: Sulphur.) CHINA: Languor, mental dillness; or excessive sensitiveness of all the organs of sense; mental distress; discouragement; fixed idea that he is unhappy and persecuted by enlenies; headache, or boring pain in the vertex; weak digestion, with disteltion of the abdomen, ill hurnour, indolence after eating; sleeplessness on account of ideas crowding upon his mind, or restless, unrefreshing sleep, with anxious dreams, tormenting the patient even after he wakes, &c. 190 HYPOCHONDRIA. NATRUM: Lowness of spirits, weeping and lamenting on account of the future; desire to be alone; aversion to life; ill-hnmour; displosition to vehemence; inability to perform any mental work; headauche; want of appetite, feeble digestion, ill humour, and a nuiber of bodily and mental ailments after a meal, and after the least irregularity. &c. NUx voM.: Ill hulmoulr, despondency, aversion to life, disposition to vehemence; indisposition to work, orto perform any mental labolr; fatigue of the mind after the least mental exertion; unrefreshing sleep, a.gravnation of the distress in the morning; dullness of the head, with aching pains. or sensation as if a pin were sticking in the brain; aversion to the open air, constant desire to lie down, with great exhaustion after walking; painfulness and distention in the region of the hypochondria, epigastrium and pit of the stomach constipation, slow action of the bowels, hbemorrhlidal disposition, &c. (Sulph. is frequently suitable after Nux.) SUtLPi.UR: Lowness of spirits, painful anxiety of mind; solicitude on account of one's affairs, health, salvation; fixed ideas; paroxysms of anxiety, with imnpatience, restlessness, vehement disposition; bodily and mental indolence; absence of minld, irresollteness; dullness of the head, with inability to perform any mental labour; exhaustion after the least mental exertion; headache, especially on the vertex; fullness and pressure in the pit and region of the stomach; constipation, haemorrhoidal disposition: disposition to feel very unhappy, &c. (Calc. is frequently suitable after Sulph.) ~.3. Use moreover: ANACARDIUM: For sadness, desire to be alone; dread of the future, despondency, tear of approaching death, &c. AURUM: Great restlessness, dread of death, whining mood, paintully anxious state of the mind; inability to reflect, with headache after making the least mental exertion, as if the brain were dashed to pieces, &c. CONIUM: Listlessness, dread of company and death at the same tilne, &c. GRATIOLA: Peevish, capricious, constipation, oppression of the stomach after a meal, &c. LACHESis: Uneasy about one's health; idea that one is hated by one's own family; inability to perform ally mental or physical labour, &c. Moscuuvs: The patient complains without knowing what ails him, with anguish, palpitation, &c. NAT:UrM MUR.: When Natr. is insufficient, though it seems to be indicated. PtiosProRus: Sadness, alternating with mirth and laughter; HYSTERIA.-ILEUS, &c. 191 uneasy about one's health; paroxysms of anguish, when alone, or in stormy weather, with timorous disposition, &c. PH HORI ACID.: Dread of the future, brooding over one's condition, taciturn, &c. SEPIA: Anxious about one's health, feels indifferent even to his.own family; aversion to one's own affairs; desponding, weary of life. STAPHYSAGRIA: Listless, sad, dreading the future; sad distressing thoughts about one's illness; aversion to mentai or physical labour; inability to think, &c. ~ 4. Compare: MENTAL DERANGEMENT; MELANcIOLY, HYSTERIA, EMO'I'IONS, MORBID. HYSTERIA.-Principal remedies: 1) Agn. aur. bell. calc. caust. cic. cocc. con. grat. ign. laci. mrnoch. n2-mosch. n-rtom. pis'ip7. plat. puls. sep. sil. s!lam. ss'iap. reratrf.; or, 2) ALnac. ars. asa. bry. cham. chtin. jod. natr-nm. nitr-ac. sta,,i. staph. stram. val. viol-od. Compare: HYPOcIIONDRIA; EMOTIONS, MORBID; HEADACHE, HYSTERIIC; COLIC; FAINTING, &C. JAUNDICE. —lMerc. is the principal remedy, provided the patient had not abused it previously, in which case Ch:ina should be given. China may likewise be given alternately with Me1ec. In obstinate cases, when ilerc. and China are insufficient, Hep. sulph. or lach. should be tried. either alone, or in alternation with lercury. For jaundice caused by a fit of chagrin or an ger, give: Cltam. nux-v., or lach. sulph. For jaundice from abrase of China, give Merc.; or, bell. calc. nux-v. —from abuse of Merc.: Chin. hep. lach. sulph.;-from abuse of Rhubarbh: Cham. or merc. Try moreover: Acon. ars. calc. carb-veg. dig.; or, Nitr-ac. puls. rhus-t. ICHTHYOSIS. -- Coloc. hep. and plumb. have been recommended. ILEUS, MISERERE, &c.-The characteristic symptoms of this affection is: Vomiting of fmcal matter and urine. If caused by intussusception of the intestines, give: Op. plumb. thuj.: or, Cocc.? nux-v.? sulph.? If caused by inflamrmation, or by some internal swelling, give: Bry. tlplh.; or, if fever should be present: Aron.-Perhlaps BPll. lach. rerc. may be required. See; ENTERITIS and H ERNIA. 192 IMBECILITY, &c.-INDURATION, &c. IMBECILITY, IDIOCY.-Principal remedies: Bell. hell. hyos. lach. op. sulph.; or, Anac. croc. n.mosch. See: EMOTIONS, MORBID. IMPETIGO, HERPES CRUSTACEUS. ~ 1. Prin'cipal remedies: 1) Lye. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. baryt. calc. cic. clem. dulc. graph. hep. lach. merc. oleand. rhus. sil. staph. ~ 2. For impetigo scabida: Lyc. sulph. Impetigo sparsa (scattered): C/ic. lach. sulph. Imtlpetigo rotdens (spreading and corrosive): Ars. calc. cic. rhus. sep). stlph. ~ 3. For sctarfs arusund the eyes: 1) Ars. hep. mere. sulph. 2) Calc. olcaind. petr. sil. staph. Scurfs around the nmouth: Ars. calc. graph. kreos. rhus. sep. sil. stapih. SCurllb on the nipples: Ars. cham. hep. graph. lye. sulph. INDOLENCE, INDISPOSITION TO MOVE, &c.Principal renedlies: 1) Acon. ars. caps. chin. guaj. lach. natr. natr-mn. n-vonn. sep. 2) Alum. baryt. bell. hry. chell. cocc. dulc. hell. ign. jod. mez. mur-ac. op. puls. ruta. tart. thuj. Indlolence with heaviness, require: 1) Natr. natr-m. phosph. stane 2) Asa. calc. chin. dig. ign. kal. mez. nitr-ac. phos-ac. rhab. sec. sep. sil. spong. INDU RATIONS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Be1l. carb-an. carb-veg. con. lach. rhus. sep. sil. spoccg. sulph. 2) Agn. alu/n. baryt. boy. bry. can. cham. clem. dulc. jod. kal. magn-mn. phosph. plumb. ran. staph. 3) Amrn. calc. chin. graph. lach. lye. petr. phos-ac. puls. squill. ~ 2. Infilammnatory indurations (after inflammations): 1) Bell. carb-vesg. chin. clem. lach. magn-mn. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Agn. arn. baryt. bov. bhy. calc. chanm. con. dule. graph. jod. lye. puls. sep. sil. staph. Scirrhous Ildurations: Bell. carb-an. carb-veg. cham. clem. con. ma gn. mnagc-m. n-som. phosph. sep. sil. staph. sulph. ~ 3. Compare: GLANDS, DISEASES OF, and CANCER. INDURATION OF THE SKIN, CALLOSITIES, &C. — Principal remedies: 1) Ars. clem. graph. rhus. sep. 2) Ant. chin. dulc. lach. ran. sil. Hard callosities require: 1) Ant. graph. ran. sep. sil. 2) Dulc. lach. rhus. sulph. thuj. Horny indurations: Ant. graph. ran. sulph. INFLAMMATION.-INFLUENZA. 193 When the hard pieces of skin become detached: 1) Graph. natr. sep. 2) Amm. ant. borax. clem. ran. sil. sulph INFLAMIMATION. —~ 1. The principal specific for inflammation is Aconite, though this is not the only remedy. Aconite is principally indicated by fever, hard and accelerated pulse, dry skin, &c.; in short, by the so-called sthenic inflammatlons of the old school. ~ 2. Sulphur is the principal remedy for chronic inflammations, though only remedial when indicated by the totality of the symptoms. See: INFLAMMATORY FEVERS. INFLUENZA, GRIPPE. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. ars. bell. caust. mere. n-vom. 2) Arn. bry. camph. chin. ipec. vphosph. puls. sabad. sen. sil. spig. sqcuill. veratr.' 2. ACONITUM: Inflammatory symptoms, pleuritic stitches and inflammation of the chest; or for dry, violent and racking couch, with or without oppression, stitches in the chest or sides; also for rheumatic symptoms, with bronchial catarrh and sore throat. ARSENICUM: Rheumatic headache with violent pains, fluent coryza and discharge of corrosive mucus; or for: Great debility with aggravation at night or after a meal; spasmodic cough with desire to vomit, or with vomiting and expectoration of watery mucus; running of the eyes; inflamed eyes with ulcers on the cornea and excessive photophobia. (For this last symptom, Bell. or Lach. is sometimes indicated.) BELLADONNA: Spasmodic cough, or excessive aggravation of the headache by talking, bright light, walking and other motions; or when the meninleal membranes are involved, with burning heat, restlessness, delirium and convulsions. CAUSTICUM: Rheumatic pains in the limbs, and chills, aggravation by motion; pains in the malar bones and jaws; dry, violent cough, worse at night, with heat of the whole body; sensation in the chest as if raw and excoriated; constipation, loss of appetite, and nausea, or even vomiting of the ingesta. MERCURIUS: Rheumatic pains in the head, face, ears, teeth and extremities, with sore throat; pleuritic stitches, inflammation of the chest, with dry, violent,, racking, unceasing cough, not allowing the patient to utter a single word; dry or fluent coryza; frequent bleeding at the nose; constipation or mucous or bilious diarrhca; chill or heat with profuse sweat. 17 194 INFLUENZA. Nux VOMICA: Rough and hollow cough, with mucous rattling or thick expectoration; violent headache as if the brain were bruised; heaviness of the head, vertigo, pains in the loins, constipation, loss of appetite, nausea and desire to vomit; thirst; sleeplessness or restless sleep, with anxious dreams; stitches or pain in the chest as if raw. ~ 3. Use besides: AaNICA: Inflammnatory symptoms with spurious pleurisy, rheumatic pains in the limbs, crampy headache or bleeding at the nose, and htemoptysis. BRYONIA: Rheumatic pains in the limbs and chest, not allowing one to move. CAMIPHORA: Catarrhal asthma with excessive accumulation of mucus in the l:ron)ci]i, suffocative fits, and dry and cold skin. CHTINA: DeCility after the influenza, with loss of appetite and heat without thii'.t. IPECACt - HsA: Paroxv-sns of cough accompanied by violent urging to( vlnit,nO( vomitino of mucus.;Hos'HOiuS: ul he bronchial and laryngeal affection is so intense that the voice beconmes altered from the pain, and speech is almost impossiblk. PULSATILL.n: Coullh day and night, especially when lying, with mucous cistresds in the bowels, and diarrhmea. SABADILLA: Fluent coryza, dulness of the head, gray-dingy colour of the skin, dull cough with vomiting or spitting of blood, especially wben Iving down; aggravation of the symptoms in the cold, also towatrds nclon, and still more towards evening; red spots in the face or on the chest. SENEGA: Con;t4an(t tickling and burning in the larynx and throat, with danger of suffocation when lying. SILItCA: For catarrhal disposition left after an attack of influenza. SPIGELIA: Influenza accompanied by prosopalgia. SQUILLA: MoiSt cough from the commencement, with mucous expectoration. STANNUM: Cough dry at first, then moist, with copious expectoration, or when the influenza threatens to assume a phthisicky character. VERATRUM: Influenza accompanied with symptoms of sporadic cholera, with few catarrhal symptoms, but great debility. Compare: CATARRH, BRONCHIAL CATARRH, COUGH. INSECTS, STINS OF. —Acon. arn. bell. or merc. generally procure prompt relief. INSENSIBILITY, &c.-ISCHURIA. 195 If the sting should suddenly cause fever and inflammation, give Aconite, and cause the patient to smell of Camphor. If the tongue be stung by a bee, give Aconite, and then Artr. If no relief shoul(l be obtained, give Bell. in water, and afterwards Mercury if the Bell. should cease to act. For stings in the eye, give Aeon. and Am. INSENSIBILITY TO EXTERNAL PHYSICAL IMPRESSIONS.-If this condition should exist during illness to such an extent that no remedy seems ta affect the patient, give: 1) Carbeeg. laur. oleand. op. pho.sph-ac. 2) Anac. bell. camnph. carb-an. hyos. lach. strain. sulph. IODIUM, ILL EFFECTS OF.-For poisoning with large doses, give: 1) Starch mixed with water; 2) Wheat-flour; 3) 1Muciiaginous drinks. For secondary affections, or drug-symptoms, give: Bell., then Phosphorus; or: Ars. chin. coff. hep. spong. sulph. IRON, ILL EFFECTS oF.-Principal remedies: 1) Chin. hep. puls.; or: 2) Arn. ars. bell. ipec. iserc. veratr. ISCHIAS, COXALGIA, COXARTHROCACE. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. bry.'calc. colch. coloc. hep. merc. puls. rhsus. sulph.; or: 2) Ant. arg. arm. ars. asa. aur. canth. chain. dig. graph. kreos. lach. lyc. n-vom. sep. staph. 2., Genuine coxalgia seems to require: 1) Bry. cale. caust. led. rhus.; 2) Ant. bell. colch. coloc. lach. mere. n-vom. puls. sep. sulph. Nervous coxalgia (ischias): 1) Puls. 2) Am. bell. coloc. lyc. rhus. sep. Coxarthrocaee: Coloc. phos-ac.; or: Calc. hep. sil. sulph zinc. Luxatio or claudicatio spontanea (involuntary limping): Mlere. and Bell., alternately, every few days a dose; or: Cale. coloc. lye. puls. rhus. sulph. zinc.. 3. See: COXARTHROCACE, GOUT, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF, &C. ISCHURIA.-Spasmodic ischuria requires: 1) N-vom. op. puls.; or: 2) Aur. canth. con. dig. hyos. lach. rhus. veratr. Compare: URINARY DIFFICULTIES. For ischuria paralytica, give: Ars. dule. hyos., &c. See: URINARY DIFFICULTIES. 196 ITCH. ITCH, SCABIES. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Mere. and sulph.; 2) Carb-veg. caust. clem. hep. lach. lye. rhus. sep. veratr.; or: )zulc. natr. phosac. squill. ~ 2. For dry itch, give Mere. and Sulph. alternately every 4, 6 or 8 days, until an improvement takes place, or the symptoms change; these new symptoms generally indicate: Carb-veg. or Hep., provided it is the dry itch, or Causticum, if a few pustules should have supervened. The symptoms which remain after Carb-veg. or Hep., frequently yield to Sep. or Veratr. ~ 3. For pustulous itch give first Sulph. and Lye. alternately as above. If the itch should become drier, give Carb-veg. or lerc. Give Caust. once a day, if Sulph. or Lye. remain without effect. If Caust. should not produce a change in 2 or 3 days, give a dose of.Mercury every 48 hours. If ulcers should form, give Clem. or Rhus-t.; if the pustules should change to large vesicles of a yellowish or bluish colour, -give Lach. ~ 4. Itch mismanaged by Sulphlur-ointment, requires J/erc. or Caust.; or: Calc. dulc. nitr-ac.puls. selen. sep.-If mismanaged by the Sudphur and Mercurial-ointment, give: Chin. and Caust. alternately, and then the above-mentioned remedies. The so-called baker's itch requires: 1) Sulph. lye; or: 2) Calc. dulc. rhus. andt graph. ~ 5. Other eruptions are easily confounded with the itch. Impetigo, eczema, t&c., exactly resembling the itch, may be gradually developed by uncleanliness, vermin; and the only difference between these eruptions and the itch is, that the acarus, this only true pathognomonic characteristic of the itch, is wanting in the former. For acarous itch, Sulph. is undoubtedly the principal specific, though it seems by no means impossible that (Jaust. mnere., &c., might cause such an alteration in the cutaneous exhalations as would lead to the destruction of the acarus, which I regrard as the cause, not the effect, of the itch. I know of a young man who contracted an eruption in consequence of having slept in an unclean bed on a journey, and who removed it by a wash of tobaccojuice and vinegar. This acarous itch admits of a mere external treatment, with the Sulphlur-ointmlent, without exposing the patient to the danger of contracting secondary dliseases. Of course I do not wish to be understood as if I would sanction the trea mint, by external ap ITCH —ITCHING OF THE SKIN. 197 plications, of the various itch-like eruptions where the acarus is not present. These are the eruptions to which Hahnemann's psora-doctrine should be applied, and the suppression of which, by salves and washes, will induce the various secondary affections enumerated by Halilemann and Autenrieth. The proper way, therefore, would be to distinguish, 1) Scabies acarosa, which can be treated externally without danger, provided the acarus is the cause, not the effect of the disease; 2) Scabies impetiginosa, eczematica, &c., dynamic diseases requiring a purely internal treatment. As regards symptoms, I recommend for eruptions seated in the folds of Joints, and especially on the hands and between the fingers, if characterized by itching a) Generally: 1) Salph. 2) Carb-veg. caust. mere. selen. sep. sudph. 3) Ant. ars. lach. veratr. 4) Coloc. dalc. cupr. kreos. mang. phos-ac. squill. tart. zinc. b) For eruptions readily bleeding: 1) Merc. 2) Calc. dulc. sulph. c) -Dry andl rash-like eruptions: 1) Carb-veg. mere. sep. sil..suph. 2) C(ale. caust, cupr. du7lc. led. veratr. d) lumeid eruptions: 1) Carb-veg. graph. lyc. sulph. 2) Caust. clem. kreos. sep. staph. e) Pustuloaus eruptions: 1) Caust. kreos. mere. sep. sulph. 2) Ant. squill. ~ 6. See ERUPTIONS isand HERPES.* ITCHING OF THE ANUS.-Aconite is an excellent remedy, especially if the skin be inflamed; we may likewise try: 1iferc. nitri-ac. sepia. salph. thjai., and: B]argt. ca/c. zinc. at long intervals. See: HERPES, ITCHING OF THE SKIN, HzEMORRHOIDS, WlORMAFFECTIONS. ITCHING OF THE SKIN, PRUrrTTU, PRURIGO SIMPLEX. ~ 1. This itchinlg may depend upon a variety of causes, of which the principal are: 1) a simple irritation of the skin, by sweat, &c. 2) A so-called hlumour characterized by a very fine vesicular eruption. ~ 2. For simple itching, in the evening while undressing, or after having got warm in bed or by exerci:e, give: 1) Bry. n-vom. op.puls. rheas. sil. sulph. 2) Coccul. oleand. * An excellent means of removing inveterate itch, is the hydropathic treatment. I know of a case that had been treated homceopatuhically for a whole year, here and in Europe, without the least success, and tinally yielded completely to hydropathic treatment (at Brattleborough) in the short space of five weeks. Hempel. 17* 198 ITCHING OF THE SKIN-LABOUR. The acrid humour about the anus, sexual organs, &c., (prurigo) requires: 1) Cale. mere. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Carb-veg. con. natrm. sil. 3) Alum. amb. amm. baryt. caust. coccul. graph. lye. phosph. rhus. thuj. ~ 3. For itching of the anus, give: 1) Alum. amm. calc. carbveg. caust. lye. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Baryt. kal. pho.sph. sil. thuj. zinc. Itching of the scrotum: 1) Nitr-ac. petr. sulph. 2) A-mb. carbveg. caust. coccul. graph. lye. thuj. Itching of the pudcnduml: 1) Calc. carb-veg. con. natr-m. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. amb. amm. mere. nitr-ac. rhus. ~ 4. Compare: HERPES OF THE SEXUAL ORGANS and ANUS, and: ERUPTIONS, HERPES. LABOUR. — 1. The best remedies to facilitate labour or to remove dynamic difficulties, are: 1) Chain. coff. n-vom. n-mosch. op. puls. sec.; or: 2) Acon. bell. calc. ~2. Spasmodic pains require: 1): Cog. n-eomn.; or: 2) Bell. chain. n-mosch. puls. COFFEA: For violent pains, driving the patient to despair: if Coffea should not help, give Acon. Nvx voM.: Pains without actual labour, with constant urging to go to stool or to urinate. If NVux should not suffice, give: 1) Chain. or bell.; or: 2) Nuxmosch. or puls. ~ 3. Deficient pains, require: Op. puels. sec. OPIUM: Sudden cessation of pains in plethoric, robust females, in consequence of fright or some other emotion, with tendency of blood to the head, red and bloated face, and sopor. PULSATILLA: When in females of a good constitution, the pains do not set in, or spasmodic distress sets in, or the uterus remains inactive. SECALE CORN.: Deficient pains in enfeebled, cachectic females, or exhausted by.loss of blood, no matter whether spasmodic pains or no pains at all are present. Secale is eminently suitable for these symptoms, but dangerous in most other cases. ~ 4. If the placenta should not be expelled readily, or should adhere to the uterus, give: Puls. or sec. If puls. should not be sufficient, or if there should be: tendency of the blood to the head, red face, glistening eyes, dryness of the skin and vagina, great anguish and restlessness, Bell. is the best remedy. LAUGHTER-LEUCORRHIEA. 201 SITLIEA: Shortness of breath in consequence of running, with aggravation when walking or ascending an eminence; cough, mucous expectoration, &c. SULPHUR: When sedentary habits, excessive study or watching cause: fatigue of the head, hypochondriac mood, gastric ailments, ba'd digestion and constipation, Nux v. being insufficient. VEIRATRUM: Debility in consequence of bodily exertion, the least work fatigues one unto fainting. See: DEBILITY, and WATCHING AT NIGHT. LAUGHTER, SPASMODIC, HYSTELIzc.-Principal remedies: 1) Alum. bell. calc. con. cro0. cupr. hyos. n-mosch. phosph. stram. 2) Aeon. anac. asac. cic. natr-m. pilat. veratr. P. S. For Riseus sarclonius, frequently a dangerous symptom in severe cerebral affections, are proposed: Ran-sc. zinc-ox. LEAD, ILL EFFECTS OF. —. 1. Poisoning with large doses requires: 1) Sulphate of Magnesia, dissolved in water, as a drink; 2) Sulphate of potash; 3) Soap-water; 4) Albumen; 5) Milk; 6) /Mucilaginous drinks, or injections. ~ 2. The subsequent dynamic ailments require: Alum. bell. n-vom. op. plat.-These remedies likewise remove the drugsymptoms occasioned by lead. LEPRA.-HRering recommends: Alum. ars. carb-a. carb-v. caust. g/rap.h. natr. petr. phos. sep. sil. sulph. For the spots and turnours of leprous patients, give: Alum. natr. and sil. LEUCORRH(EA, FLUOR ALBUS, WHITES. g 1. This affection depends upon an inflammatory irritation of the vagidnal mucous membrane, or upon some more deep-seated affection of the uterus. In the former case, even if the disease should be very obstinate and malignant, the following remedies should be used principally: 1) Calc. mere. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. amnb. amm. carb-an, carb-veg. chin. cocc. Con. graph. kal. kreos. Iye. magn-c. nayn-mn. mez. natr. natr-m. phosph. ruta. sabin. sil. stann. zinc. 3) Acon. agn. bov. cann. caust. dros. hep. jot. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phos-ac. sulph-ac. ~ 2. As regards symptoms, give: a) For blood/y mucus, like serum: Baryt. calc. carb. iay. chin. coce. con. kreos. nitr-ac. sep. sulph-ac.-Bluish mucus: Amb.-Brown: Artnm. m. cocc. nitr-ac. 202 LEUCORRH(EA-LICE-MALADY. -Thick: Ars. borax. carb-veg. con. magn-m. n?,atr. natr-m. puls. sep. —Thin watery: Aluml. amen. carb-an. carb-reg. graph. magnc. magn-m. puls. sil. sulph.-Purlent: Chin. cocc. ign. con. mere. nih/r-ac. sep.-Alb?.uminous: Amnm-rt. borax. bov. mez. petr. plat.-Yellow: Ars. carb-an. carb-veg. chain. kal. kreos. natr. phos-ac. sabin. sep. stann. sulph.-Greenish: Carb-veg. lach. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep.-M-ilky: Atmi. calc. carb-eeg. con. lyc. phosph. puls. sabin. sep. sil. sulph-ac. —Slimy: Arnb. amm. cale. carb-veg. chin. con. magen-c. mere. merz. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. sassap. sep. stann. tart. thuj. zinc.-Fetid: Caps. kreos. natr. nitr-ac. n-vonm. sabin. sep. b) For burning leucorrhcea: Alum. amm. calc. carb-an, eon. kreos. pals. sulph-ac.-Smarting, Itching: Calc. chcan. con. ferr. lach. mere. phosph. sep. sil. sulph. —Corrosive, acrid: Alum. amm. ars. borax. carb-veg. chain. con. iln. kireos. mere.?cnatr-m. phosph. puls. ran. ruta. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. c) For leucorrhea preceding the menses: Baryt. calc. carb-veq. chin. graph. kreos. lach. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. zinc. —During the menses, or in their stead: Alum. chin. cocc. lach. pls. zinc.After the menses: Alum. graph. kreos. nitr-ac. phos-ac. puls. ruta. sil. sulph. d) For leucorrheea accompanied with abdominal spasms or colic: CaZest. con. dros. lye. magn-c. magn-m. puls. sep. sil. sulph. zinc.-With pains in the small of the back: Baret. canst. con. graph. kreos.-With great debility~: Natr-m.-With yellow complexion: Chin. ferr. natr-m. sep.-With pale face: Ars. graph. kreos. puls. sep. ~ 3. Comp.: AMENIA and MENSTRUAL IRREGULARITIES. LICE-MALADY, PHTHIRIASIS. ~ 1. For lice on the head and other parts of the body, the best remedy is cleanliness and regular habits. If lice should have formed, use: For lice'on the head: Frequent washing with vinegar, mixed With part of a solution of one spoonful of tobacco-juice in a tumblerful of water, or snuff in the place of the juice. If the scalp should not be sound, or if the children are very small, it is best to use the vinegar without tobacco-juice. The same mode of washing should be adopted for lice on other parts of the body. Tobacco-juice is likewise the best remedy for lice of the sexual organs, either in the shape of a wash of equal parts of tobaccojuice and vinegar, or of an ointment made of snuff and lard. If the use of tobacco should induce unpleasant symptoms, diarrhcea, vomiting, &c., Puls. will remove them very speedily. LICHEN-LITTHIASIS. 203 If the lice should have got into one's clothes, these have to be heated in an oven; nothing else will clean them.' 2. Spontaleous generation of lice in the skin or m boils and tumours on the skin, requires: 1) Ars. chin. staph.; or 2) Mere. sulph.; or 3) Lach.? nmagn-arct.? oleand.? sabad.?-These remedies deserve confirmation. LLCHEN.-Principal remedies: Aeon. bry. ci. coie. dule. lye. mur-ac. natr-m. sulph. Lichen simplj)ex: 1) Coccu. dale. 2) Aeon. bry. puls. Lichen ma; s: Cic. lye. muer-ac. sulph. Lichen strfl.ojIus Cic. cai. hart. Ch mCer. sulph.-Graph. rhus. Try like'wise: Agar. aretzo. ars. calc. carb-veg. con. phos-ac. staph. stroi-t. LIENTIS, S1'ilrETrIs, and other affections of the spleen.Priicipxdl ru;letii,:S' ).: if.,. eri. 1)r/. caps. chin. ign. n-vorn. 8upl]~.~;',r',) -t'ci.t Jeo. jotez. x. Acute iie,-.2i rc:iJre:. rlrbdJil,: China; also: Aeon. arn. a'rs. cr1 L. O. —lon. sjwhen there i:s; inflilmmatory fever. A lNw' Ch; (,. beT ii mllm ciunt, eslpe(,il'y foi,t hinu,, stitchinm pains a.rri-'-; lli- the rheal".h.1inre, or fo)r typhoid symlptomns, with inllol7,r l Iitiuntes, dullnless- of sense the patient does not think that he hi very Sick. APSENICU: F rcequent bloody dicarrhceie stools, with burning, Yreat debllC i, r wt hu( the dlie-as assumes an intermittent chlaracteor, Cai l Ch is insufficient. BerYONL: ThIme -,welling contilluin, after giving' Chin., Ars. or -A.. V., wtll stitchutlg pains in the region of the spleen during mOtiotin. CIINA: Ata.r Acon., or even from the commencement, for acliing, stit:cfing pains, or when the disease has an intermlittent character. Nux voecCA': After Chin. or Ars., the swelling and the aching p~ain in the stlmach continuing, and the general state of the patient beilig the salme. For constipation, swelling and induration of the spleen, give: Ars. caps. chin. ign. sulph.; or Jod. mez.? LITHIASIS, GRAVEL. i 1. Principal remedies: 1) Lye. sassap. 2) Ant. calc. cann. n-von. petr. phosph. rata. sep. sil. zinc. 3) Alum. amb. amm. arn. canth. chin. lach. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. thuj. uv. 204 LOCK-JAW-MACULA. ~. 2. For stone in the bladder: Cann. sassap. uv. For gravel: 1) Lye. sassap. 2) Ant. calc. phosph. ruta. sil. zinc. ~ 3. See SECRETION OF URINE and URINARY DIFFICULTIES. LOCK-JAW, TRISMUs.-A mere symptom, though indicating principally: 1) Camph. hyos. ign. veratr. 2) Lach. qnerc. plat. sil. 3) Acon. ang. caosph. hydroc. cal. laur. mere. mnosch. n-vom. plumb. physph. LOVE, UNHAPPY, ILL EFFECTS OF:-Generally removed by: 1) Aur. hyos. ign. phos-ac. staph. 2) Lach. pu/s. sulph. Melancholy, weeping, religious mania: Aur. puls. selph. Jealousy: Hyos. lacth. n-lon. Gri(ef: Ign., or: l-'hos —cw. staph. Hectic fever: JPhos-ac. staph., or: Puls. LUMBAGO. —Principal remedies: Bry. nux-v. puls. rhus-t. sulph.-See RIEUcMATl'ISM, PAINS IN TIIE SMALL OF THE BACK, and PAINS IN THE BACK. LUPI2E. Principal remedies: 1) Cale. daph. graph. kal.; and 2) Hep. nitr-ac. sit. sulph. I have so far cured every case of lupia with one dose of Calcarea 30, allowing it to act 7 or 8 weeks. The swelling generally commences to dinmini.sh in the 4th to the 7th week. For Steatoma the principal remedy seems to be Bar-c. For Ganglia: Sil., or sometimes: Aomm. or phos. MACULAE, EPHELIDES, PURPURA, &C. 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bry. lye. natr. phosph. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. ant. ars. calc. carb-veg. con. graph. hyos. lach. mere. n-voin. nitr-ac. oleand. sabad. staph. sulph-ac. ~. 2. For Ephelides (.freckles): 1) Lyc. phosph. sulph. veratr. 2) Amnm. ant. calc. dulc. graph. natr. nitr-ac. puls. Hepatic spots: 1) Lye. mere. nitr-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Ant. carb-veg. con. dUlc. hyos. lach. natr. n-vom. phosph. _Eurfuraceous spots (ptyriasis): Ars. alum. bry. lye. phosph. sep.; and when these spots are seated on the head or along the border of the hairy scalp: Ars. and alum., or: Calc. graph. csand. staph. Spots of pregnant females yield to: Sep. or con. MAGNESIA- MALACIA. 205 Moles (naevi) to: 1) Carb-veg. sulph. 2)- Calc. graph. sulph-ac. ~. 3. Blue-red spots require: Bell. phosph. Bloody spots: 1) Ars. bry. rhus. 2) l]yos. led. phosph. see. sulph-ac. (See: PETeIIIA.) Brown-red: 1) Nitr. ac. phosphor. 2) Cann. Yellow: Am. furr. petr. phosph. sulph. Greenish: Arn. con. sep. Copper-coloured': rs. carb-an. kreos. mez. rhus. ruta. veratr. Red: 1) Carb-veg. lye. mere. nilr-ac. phosph. sep. 2) Anm. con. kcal. snuph. slph-oac. —If growing pale in the cold: Sabad. Spots as if by contasion, shock, blow: 1) Con. 2) Amr. sulphac.-(See P-IT E'St 2) Scarlet: 1) z1 ion. bell. mere. phoeph. 2) Croc. euplhorb. hyos. sulph. Violet: Phos. veeratr. ilack: tArs. laeh. rhats. sec. Wiwine-coloured: (Joccal. sep. White: see "} 4. I 4. White Icprqus spots: 1) Ars. sil. 2) Alum. phosph. sep. sutph.-J.ose-cotioered: Natr. ph.sph. sil. Syph ilitic (copper-coloured, violet): zf11crc. nitr-ac. ~ 5. See PETECHIA, ECCHYMOSES, PURPURA, &C. MAGNESIA, ILL EFFECTS OF.-The principal antidotes of this medicine when given in too large qulantities, are: Ar.rs. ehain. cot.: coloc. n-vomn. pals. rhab. ARsEtNICUM: For violent, burning pains, worse at night and compelling one to leave the bed. CH.AIIOM1mLA: Violent colic with or w-ithout diarrhcea. COFh'EA: Sleeplessness and nervous excitenlent. COLOCYNTH: Excessive spasmodic pains, constipation or slow stool. Nux voM.: Obstinate constipation, or constipation with colic, Colocynzth having proved ineffectual. PULSATILLA: Spasmodic colic with leucorrhlea, or watery diarrhcea with colic, after Rhuvbarb had been tried without effect. RHUBARB: Watery, sour diarrhcea with colic and tenesmus. MALACIA, desire for strange or exceptional things. a) Desire for beer: Acon. caust. coccul. mere. natr. n-vom. petrol. puls. sulph.-For brandy: Ars. china. hepar. n-vorm. opi. selen. sepia. sulph.- Wine: A con. bryon. calc. cicut. hepar. laches. sepia. staph. sulph. —Spirits generally: Hepar. puls. sulph. sulph18 206 MALAOIA-MAMM2E. ac. —Refreshing things: C(aust. coccul. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhab. sabin. valer. —Coffee: Angust. ars. aur. bryon. carb-veg. coni. — Milk: Ars. bovist. mere. rhus. sabad. silic. staph. b) Fat: Nux-v. nitr-ac.-Herringys: Xitr-ac. veratr.-Smoked things: Caust.-M- eat: Helleb. magnes-carb. sulph.-Vegetables: Alum. magnes-c..-Oysters: Laches.-C~ucumbers: Ant. veratr. — Sourkrout: Carb. an. cham.-Flour: Sabad.- Warm food: Cycl. ferr. lyc.-Bread: Ars. bell. natr. natr-m. puls.-Liquids: Bryon. ferr. mere. staph. sulph. c) Bitter things: Dig. natr-m.-Salt things: Carb-veg. caust. coni. mephid. veratr.-Sour things: Ant. amn. ars. borax. bryon. chamn. hepar. ignat. kali. phosph. puls. sepia. squill. stramn. sulph. veratr.-Sweet, dainties: Amm. baryt. china. ipecac. k-ali. lycop. magnes-mn. natr. rhab. rhus. sabad. sulph.-,Juicy things: Phosac. —'ruit: Alumr. ignat. magnes-c. sulph-ac. veratr. d) Desire for clay, chalk, lime: Nitr-ac. nux-v. —For charcoal: Cicut. con. Comp.: GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, WEAK STOMIACH, &C. MAMMIE and NIPPLES: —. 1. The best remedies for sore nipples are: Am. sulph., or Calc. cham. ign. puls. CHAMOMIL,A is suitable for inflamled or ulcerated nipples, provided the patient had not previously used it to excess; in which case, Ign. or Puls., or perhaps Mere. and Sil., are the best remedies. For simple soreness, use Arn.; and if this should not be sufficient, Suilph. calc. Afterwards we may require to use: Caust. graph. lye. mere. n-romr. sep. sil. ~. 2. For mastitis, give: Bell. bry. carb-a. hep. mere. phos. sil. sulph. BELLADONNA: The breasts are swollen and hard, with stitching. and tearing pains, and erysipelatous redness radiating from a central point. (Acts well in alternation with Bry.) BRYONIA: The breasts are hard, rigid, turgescent, with tensive or stitching pains in the swelling, and burning heat on the outside, especially when there are febrile motions, heat, vascular irritation, &c. (If Bry. be insufficient, try Bell.) HEPAR: When suppuration has set in, in spite of Bell., Bry., &c. MERcCUaIUS: Bell. and Bry. being insufficient, hard and painful lumps continuing to form in the breasts. PHosPHoRus: Ulceration of the breasts, fistulous passages with hard and callous edges, or colliquative sweat and diarrhoea, with suspicious cough, feverish heat in the evening, circumscribed redness of the cheeks, and other symptoms of hectic fever. 208 MEASLES. The pulmonary symptoms: Bry. phosph. or Sulph. Typhoid, putrid symptoms: 1) Phosph. puls. sulph.; 2) Ars. carb-eg. mur-ac. phos-ac. sulph-ac. ~ 4. For the sequelee of measles, give: Bry. carb-veg. chaem. chin. dros. dalelc. hyos. ign. nux. rhus. sep. stram. sulph. The catarrhal afeictions, such as: Cough, hoarseness, sore throat, &c. require: Bry. carb. veq. chasn. con. dros. dalec. hyos. ig.n. n-vorn. sep. sulph.-If the cough should be dry and hollow, give: C(ham. in.. n-vom.-If spasmodic: 1) Bell. cin. hyos.; or: 2) Carb-veg. dros.; or: 3) Canth. cupr. dig. ipec. The mucous diarrhoeic stools require: Chin. mere. puls. sulph. Otitis and otorrhea: 1) Puls. 2) Carb-veg.; or 3) Colch. lye. meen. mere. nitr-ac. sulph. Parotitis yields to Amrn. or Rhus-t., and the white rash to Nux-v. ~ 5. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Vertigo, red and painful eyes, with photophobia; coryza; sore throat with hoarseness and dry, hollow, hacking cough; stitches in the sides and chest; sleeplessness or little sleep with vivid dreams, and sudden starting; dr.y heat all over, with red and hot face, or bloated face;. bleeding at the nose; frequent urging to urinate; vomiting, or colic also with diarrhema. BELLADONNA: Swelling of the parotid glands, with ptyalism; sore throat with difficult deglutition and painful stitches when swallowing; hoarseness and dry couIgh which fatigues the chest, with oppression and suffocative fits; dry heat with violent aching in the forehead, delirium and convulsive twitching of the limbs; violent thirst; anguish and restlessness with nervousness and slee plessuess. BRtYONTA: Rheumatic pains' in the limbs, with dry cough and stitches in the chest when breathing or coughing. CHINA: Violent colic with ullnlllenchable thirst. PIoosPrtoru: Tyoh9.d sytln)t')mq, with loss of consciousness; WVdtery diarrhcea; tongue coated with dirty, thick mucus; black lips; debility; or dry cough with desire to vomit, or vomliting. PULSATILLA': In almost every stage of the disease, and in most cases, even with putrid and typhoid symptoms; and for: inflimmation of the ilner and outer ear, with or without discharge; also for dry mouth without thirst, short and dry cough, stitches in the chest, &c. STRAMON'UJM: Delirium with frightful visions of cats, mice, &c; dosire to hide one's-self; spasmodic symptoms in the pharynx, and d!fficlty of swallorving. SULPHUR: Ophthalmia with scanty eruption; or: violent MELANCHOLIA. 209 otalgia, with purulent discharge; hardness of hearing, tearing and beating in the head; pain in the limbs, and lameness; or when typhoid symptoms are present, with moist cough, and purulent discharge. ~. 6. Apply moreover: ARSENICUM: Retrocession of the eruption; sallow complexion, with blue or greenish-brown stripes; crumsts around the mouth bloated face, pale or red; burning, beating pains in the eyes with photophobia; typhoid symptoms; vomiting, diarrhea. BRYONIA: Very useful after Aconite, in inflammatory nieasles, with ophthalmia, constipation, inflammation of the chest, or pleurisy; brings the eruption out again if it should have disappeared. CHINA: Abdominal ailments, with frequent stools; emaciation; pale face; debility and no fever. IPECACUANtnA: Gastric symptoms with violent fever; short and dry cough, hurried breathing, coated tongue, niausea, vomiting, mental uneasiness. PULSA'ILLA: Disposition to catarrhal affections of the mouth and bronchial passages.-Facilitates the breaking out. ~ 7. Compare: INFLAMMATORY FEVERS, EXANTHEMATA, RUBEOLA, SCARLATINA, &C. MELANCHOLIA. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars aur. bell. ign. lach. puls. suilph.; or 0) Calc. ca.ust. coce. con. graph. hell. hyos. lyc. mere. nalr-m. n-rimi. per. si'. strat. veratr. For bcar:k melancholy: 1) Ars. aur. lach. n-vorn.; or 2) Ant. anac. cale.,.;rs.tr. merc sulph. For silent me latcholy: 1) Cocc. hell. ign. lyc. phos-ac. puls. sil. rrtatl.; or 2) Con. petr. sulph., &c. For religious melancholy: Aur. bell. lach. lyc. puls. sulph. ~ 2. Particular indications. ArFSENICUM: Periodical attacks of anguish and restlessness, restless moving about, inability to remain quiet in bed or to sit still; the anlgi;*sh sets in at night, or in the evening at twilight; disposition to weep: fixed idea that one has offended every body, or cannot lead a happy life; fear, with disposition to kill one's-self, or excessive fear of death; oppressive and compressive, sensation in the pit of the stomach; hot and red face, &c. AURiJt: Violkent pracordial anguish, weeping, praying, palpi — tation of the Ileart, aversion to life, desire to kill one's-self; disposition to desppair of one's-self and of the respect of others, an& to consider ever c thing from the worst side; inability to perform mental laboeir, even the least; frequent buzzing in the earn 18* 210 MELANCHOLIA-MEMORY. and headache; bruised pain of the brain after every mental labour; affections of the liver, &c. BELLADONNA: Great anguish, especially at the approach of persons; disposition to attack people, followed by tears of repentance; or restless, gloomy and whining moods, with listlessness and indifference; amorous paroxysms; spasms in the throat and urinary passages; excited sexual instinct, &c. IGNATIA: Taciturn, staring look; grief, indifference to every thing; anguish, palpitation of the heart; disposition to cry; deslre to be alone; debility; frequent sighing; sallow, sunken face; falling off of the hair, &c. LACHESIS: Anguish and restlessness, inducing the patient to go out into the open air; low spirits with longing to give one'sself up to grief, to despair of one's salvation; frequent sighing; followed by relief, &c. PULSATILLA: Great tendency to start; anguish with desire to drown pne's-self; sleeplessness with anguish, or restless sleep with anxious dreams; anxious contractive sensation in the chest, especially in the evening or at night, with asthma and sutffcative fits; despair of salvation, with constant prayinlg; great disposition to weep, or to sit still with folded hands, &c. SULPHUR t: Anguish with apprehension about one's fate, domestic affairs, salvation; disposition to sit still and listlessly, or to despair and escape; fear, anguish whining mood, praying and complaining of impious thoughts that crowd upon one; pale face; great listlessness, &c. ~ 3. See: MENTAL DERANGEMENT; EMOTIONS, MORBID; HOME-SICKNESS; UYPOCHONDRIA, &C. MEMORY, WEAK, INABILITY TO THINK. ~ 1 Principal remedies: Aur. armn. calc. carb-veg. chin. lash. mere. natr. natr-m. n-vom. puls. rhus. sil. staph. stlph. veratr. 4 2. If caused by debilitating loss of animanll fluids, give: Chin. nux-vom. and sulph. (Compare: DEBILIrY.) If caused by escessire studying or mental labour, give: 1) Nvom. and sulph.; or, 2) Aur. calc. lach. natr. natr-nm. puls. sil. (Compare: LASSITrDE.) If caused by external injuries, as a blow, fall on the head, &c., give Amn.; or perhaps: Cic. merc. rhus. If by abuse of spirits: Nux-v.; or, Calc. lach. op. merc. puls. sulph. Compare: DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF. If caused by violent emnotions, fright, grief, anger, &c.: 1) Acon. staph.; or, 2) Phos-ac. op., &c. Compare: EMOTIONS. MEMORY, &c.-MENINGITIS. 211, If caused by exposure to wet or dampness, give: 1) Carb-veg. rhus. veratr.; or, 2) Calc. puls. sil. If by congestion of blood to the head: Chin. merc. rhus. sulph. ~ 3. Use moreover: For general morbid state of the head: 1) Aur. bell. calc. hyos. lach. lyc. n-rein. op. phos-ac. puls. sep. strami. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. anac. caust. chin. coccul. hell. hep. ign. merc. natr. natr-m. phosph. plat. thus. sil. staph. For weak memory: 1) Anac. bell. hyos. lach. lye. natr-m..nmosch. thus. staph. sulph. 2) Alum. bry. calc. con. cycl. graph. hell. hep. oleand. petr. sil. stranm. veratr. zinc. For loss of memory: Anac. bell, bry. con. hep. hyos. natr-m. op. pelr. pals. sil. stram. veratr. For difficult compreheorsion: Aomb. calc. con. cycl. hell. ign. lyc. mere. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. oleand. op. phos-ac. rhls. sep. staphl. strnln. ithyj. For slow flow of ideas: Alum. amm. aur. calc. carb-veg. hyos. lach. lye. natr-m. n-mosch. n-voml. op. petr. phtos-ac. rhus. sep. sil. staph. For loss of ideas: Alum. amm. ca:!st. hell. hyos. lach. natr. natrl-'o.'ritr-ac. oleand. staph. thumj. veratr. For dullness of sense, idiocy, &c.: Alum. bell. calc. hell. hyos. natr. natr-m. oleand. op. phos-ac. sep. staph. stram. sulph. ~ 4. Compare: MENTAL DERANGEMENT; EMOTIONS, MORBID; HEADACIIE, &C. MENINGITIS, ENCEPHALITIS. ~ 1.'T'hese two affections have been ar*liged under one head, because their symptoms are almost alike. The best rermedy for rneuiutitis is Bell., which is sometimes to be preceded by Aeon. In some cases, we have to give: 2) Bry. hyos. op straan. sulp/ih.; or, 3) Calmph. caiith. cin. coccul. cupr. dig. hell. hyos. lach. imerc. ~ 2. Meningitis of children may, beside Bellad., require: Acon. cin. hell. lach. nerec. Meningitis caused by a stroke of the sun, requires: Bell. or camph., also lach. Compare: CAusEs. If caused by congrelation or a mere cold in the head, give: Acon. bry., or Ar s. hyosc. Meningitis from s? ppression of erysipelas, or sonme other eruption, such as scarlatina, requires: Bell. or rhus-t., or Lach. 212 MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. merc. or phosph.; and if caused by suppression of otorrhcea, give Puls. or sulph. If meningitis threaten to pass into hydrocephalus, give: 1) Bell. hbry. hell.; or 2) Amn. dig. cin. con. hyos. op. stram. See: HYDROCEPIIALUS. ~ 3. Symptomatic indications: AcoNITru: Inflammatory, fever, delirium, violent burning pains Ihrough the whole brain, especially in the forehead; red and bloated face, red eyes, &c. BELLADONNA: Boring with the head into the pillow; sensitiveness to light and noise; or for: Violent burning and stitching pains in the head; red, sparkling eyes, with furious look; red and bloated face; sopor, with distorted and half-opened eyes; heat in the head, with violent throbbing of the carotids; swelling of the veins of the head; loss of consciousness and speech, or muttering, violent delirium; convulsive movements of the limbs; spasmodic constriction of the throat with difficult deglutition and other hydrophobic symptoms; vomiting, involuntary discharge of urine and feces, &c. BRYONTiA: Chills, red face, heat about the head, and great thirst; constant sopor, with delirium; sudden starting from sleep, screanls and cold sweat on the forehead; burning and aching pains in the head, or stitches shooting through the brain. CINA: Vomiting, with clean tongue, or discharge of worms by the mouth or rectum. HYOSCrA.MIuS: Stupjor, loss of consciousness; delirium, the patient tallking about his domestic affairs; singing, muttering, smiling, graspi;lg' at flocks, sudden starting, &c. OrIUM: Le,:',:'?, stertorou:s breathing with the eyes half closed; and slupefactionl aft. r waliing; friequent vomiting; complete listlessnests and dullness of sense, the patient not desiring nor complaininig of any thing. STRAMONIUM: I h sleep is almnost natural, with twitching of the limbs, mnoanineg, tossing about, absence of mind after waking; or: Staring look; slow and shy retreating, or dlesire to escape, with screams; r.ig/htful visions; feverish heat, red face and moist skin. MENSTRUANl DIFFICULTIES, SrPMSs, COLIC, DIFFICULT M IENSTRUJATION, MOLIINNA. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. bry. cace. cocc. coTl. graph. ign. n-voin. posw. pict'.. p.ds. scC. e ep. sultph. veratr. 2) Acon. aomn. aiomn-tn -. cst. cc-e pr). kal. kar. eos. Ilach. l!y]. mnagnc. m:agon-:'mncrc. littr-r. n-iosCli. peir. sil zinc. 3) Baryt. borax. cham. chel. con. phos-ac. sabin. stracn. tabac. 214 MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. IGNATIA: Premature and profuse menses, with thick, clotty blood; spasmodic colic; painful heaviness in the head, photophobia, anguish, palpitation of the heart and great debility unto fainting. Nux VOMICA: Premature, profuse and loug-lasting menses, preceded by drawing pains in the nape of the neck; or for: uterine spasms with aching pain in the hypogastrium down to the thighs; nausea with fainting, especially in the morning; languor, chill, rheumatic pains in thu limbs; pains in the small of the back as if bruised; constipation with ineffectual urging; frequent pressure on the bladder, without result; sensation as if the abdomen would burst; tendency of the blood to the head, with vertigo and headache; irritable, quarrelsome mood, or restless and beside herself. PmmOSPHORUS: Scanty menses, preceded by leucorrhea, whining mood, colicky pains and cutting as if with knives, vomiting of bile, mucus and food; or the menses delay at first, and then appear so much more profusely and last so much longer, accompanied with great debility, blue margins around the eyes, emaciation and restlessness; or stitching headache, bruised pain in the limbs, palpitation of the heart, spitting of blood, chills, and swelling of the gums or cheek. PLATINA: The menses are too profuse and last too long, or they' appear too early, with discharge of black and slimy blood; leucorrhea before and after the menses; spasmodic colic with painful pressure over the sexual parts; frequent desire to urinate; constipation or hard stools; colic; loss of appetite; frequent paroxysms of vertigo or anguish with restlessness and weeping; discharge of black and thick blood; sleepless nights; short breath and suspicious mood. PULSATILLA: Delaying menses, with discharge of black and coagulated or pale and watery blood; or for: colic, abdominal spasms, pains in the liver, cardialgia, pains in the small of the back, nausea, desire to vomit, or sour and slimy vomitirfr;; nmegrim; vertigo; chilliness with pale face; a good deal of urging on the rectum and bladder; leucorrhoea; whining mood, or anguish; sadness and melaiecholy. SECALE: The menses are too scanty or last too long, with tearing or cutting colicky pains; cold extremities; pale face, cold sweat; great debility; small and almost suppressed pulse. SEPIA: Profuse or not very scanty menses, with leucorrhca, spasmodic colic and pressure over the sexual organs, headache, rigidity of the limbs, toothache and melancholy. SULPITUR: Premature and profuse menses, or scanty menses with discharge of pale blood; or when the menses are preceded, accompanied or succeeded by: colicky pains, abdominaL spasms, MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. 215 headache, tendency of the blood to the head, bleeding at the nose, pains in the small of the back; great restlessness and anguish; toothache; heartburn; cardialgia, itching of the pudendum and leucorrhcea; asthmatic complaints; cough, or epileptic convulsions. ~ 3. Use more particularly: When the pains occur in young girls who have not yet menstruated, at a period when the menses ought to appear: 1) Puls. sulph.; or, 2) Caust. cocc. graph. kal. natr-m. sep. veratr. For premature menses: 1) Amb. amm. calc. carb-v. ipec kreos. kal. natr ri. n-vom. phos. plat. rhus. sabin. sep. sil. sulph-ac. 2) Amm-m. cham. cin. coccul. con. croc. ign. ruta. sec. sulphac. Delayiing menses: 1),>Caust. con. cupr. dulc. graph. jod. kal. lyc. qnagn-c. natr-m. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Dros. hep. lach. Too short: Amm. baryt. dulc. graph. lach. natr-m. phos. puls. snlph. Too loung: Chin.'cupr. kreos. lyc. natr. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. sec. sulph-ac. Too sca;tty: 1) Al/nm. atom. carb-v. caust. con. graph. kal. lach. magn-cg. nlatr-m. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Coccul. dulc. ferr. Iyc. merc. plho3. ruta. sabad. sasoap..sep. stapfi. Too pro)lbise: 1) Acon. ars. bell. calc. carb-v. chin. ferr. ipec. natr-mn. n-omin. phos. plat. sabin. sec. sil. stralm. sulph-ac. 2) Bry. chain. cin. hyos. ign. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. ruta. samb. sep. When the mlenses are about to cease, at the critical period: 1) Lach. puti,. 2) Caust. coccul con. graph. kal. lyc. natr-m. ruta. sep. sulph. ~ 4. When the menses are too pale, too watery: 1) Bell.. ralc. carb.v. cocc. ferr. graph. lyc. nitr-ac. plat. puls. sulph. 2) Als. chin. con. hell. kal. natr-m. n-vom. phos. plumb. sep. spii.. Brown blood: Bry. calc. carb-v. rhus. Thick blood: 1) Croc. cupr. plat. sulph. 2) Amrn. n-mosch. pil/s. Dark, black blood: 1) Bell. bry. cham. croc. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Aomn. ant. kreos. lach. magrn-c. nitr-ac. sep. Bright-red blood: Bell. calc. carb-v. dulc. ferr. hyos. nitr-ae. sabin. sulph. Lumpy coagunlated blood: Amm. bell. cham. chin. coccul. ferr. hyos. ign. mragn-c. magn-m. nitr-ac. plat. puls. rhus. sabin. stram. Corrosive blood: Amm. carb-v. kal. natr. nitr. sassap. sil. sulph. 216 MENSTRUAL DIFFICULTIES. Fetid blood: Bell. bry. carb-an. carb-v. caust. chainm. croc. kal. phos. sabin. sil. ~ 5. When the menses are attended with congestion of blood to the head, vertigo: Caust. jod. merc. phos. veratr. With headache: I) Carb-v. lyc. natr-m. n-yorm. sulph. 2) Calc. cupr. graph. hyos. magn-c. magn-m. phos. sep. veratr. When the eyes are affected: Calc. magn-c. terc. puls. sil. fsulph. When the cheeks are svwollen: Graph. pTos. sep. With toothache: 1) Baryt. calc. carb-v. kal. magn-c. sep. 2) Amm. graph. natr-m. phos. sulph-ac. With nausea or vomiting: 1) Amtm. carb-v. lye. n-vom. puls. veratr. 2) Caps. hyos. ntagn-c. phos. snild. With colic or abdominal spasms: Bell. cotlc. charn. coccul. coff. con. graph. n-rom. phos. plat. putls. sec. sep. si)ph. With diarrhea: 1) Graph. sil. veratr. 2) Alain. atmm. caust. kreos. magn-c. With distress of breathing: Cocc. graph.'laeh. pln. Sep. With palpitationa of the heart: Alum. cupqr. ig;2a. jod. nitr-ae. phos. sep. sep. spon. With pains in the back and small of the back: Amm. ammm. calc. caust. graph. kal. lach. magqn-c. n(t.n-m. n-m. n-vom. hos. plat. sep. With pains in the limbs: Bry. graph. sep. veratr. With spasms: 1) Acon. chain. coccul. cof: cupr. ign. plat. puls. 2) Bry. con. chin. graph. tiagn-m. natr-m. n-rcon. With great debility, languor, fainting: Ctu.st. graph. igrl. magn-c. n-vom. puls. sep. With derangements of the mental or enrotive sphere: Acon. cham. hyos. natr-na. stramn. veratr. ~ 6. When the distress sets in shortly before the appearance of the menses: 1) Baryt. calc. carb-v. cdhai.n. cceul. cupr. iach. lyc. mere. phos. puls. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Anno. asar. con. dulc. natr-m. phos-ac. plat. sil. When during the menlses: 1) Amm. anzm-m. calc. carb-v. cham. con. graph. hyos. kal. kreos. lach. phos. puls. sep. 2) Alum. ars. borax. bry. calc. chin. cocc. cof. ign. lyc. magn-c. magn-m. mere. natr-m. n-szom. plat. sil. sulph. veratr. zinc. When after the menses: 1) Borax. graph. kreos. lyc. natr-m. n-oum. phos-ac. plat. ruta. strarn. 2) Alum. ars. calc. con. magn-c. phos. sep. sil. ~ 7. Compare: UTERUS, DISEASES OF, HIEMOORRHAGE fROM THE UTERUS, COLIC, AMENIA, LEUCORRHEA, &C. MENTAL DERANGEMENT. 217 MENTAL DERANGEMENT, INSANITY, MANIA, RAGE, &C. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. calc. hyos. lach. nvom. op. plat. strain. veratr. 2) Anac. arn. ars. canth. cupr. lyc. puls. sil. sulph. 3) Agar ant. cann. caust. cic. coccul. con. coloc. croc. dig. dulc. ign. merc. natr. n-mosch. oleand. par. phos. plumb. rthus. sec,. sep. zinc. ~ 2. If caused by depressing emotions, such as: grief, mortification, chagrin, anger, &c., give: 1) Ign. phos-ac. staph.; or,. 2> Bell. hyos. n-vom. plat., &c. See: EMOTIONS. If by excessive study, use: 1) Lach. plat. stram. 2) N-vom. op. sullljh.; or, 3) Bell. hyos. veratr. Compare: Lassitude by mental labour. If connected with religious fancies, give: 1) Bell. hyos. lack. puls. stram. sulph. veratr.; or, 2) Ars aur. croc. lye. selen. For delirium tremens: 1) N-von. op. 2) Ars. hell.; or, 3) Bell. caic. hyos. lach. stram.; or, perhaps, Puls. mere. sulph. Compare: Drunkards, diseases of. Mlental derangement of females, if caused by irregularity of the sexual function, requires: 1) Acon. bell. plat. puls. stran.. veratr.; or, 2) Cupr. lach. merc. sulph. Compare: Menstrual irregularities, Sexueal instinct, &c.. ~ 3. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Fear and presentiment of approaching death; desire to escape from home or from one's bed; gloomy, taciturn; paroxysms of anguish and convulsions; cold sweats; tendency of the blood to the chest or head; palpitation of the heart and op — pressive anxiety; delirium, the patient weeping and laughing'alternately, &c. BELLADONNA: Great anguish, with restlessness and apprehen — sions; the patient becomes unconscious irrsuch a manner that he knows his family only by hearing them talk; frightful visions of ghosts, devils, soldiers, war,oxen, with desire to escape or hide himself; distrustful, diffident mood, or quarrelsome, or desire to spit, beat, bite, to tear every thing, or to tear out his teeth;: screams, howls, &c. Conversation with dead people; dread of death; desire to be alone, aversion to talk, taciturn; ill humour, disposed to be vehement and peevish, or moaning and praying;.foolish gesticulations; wild eyes; with fixed, furious look; bloated face; great desire to look at the sun or fire; froth and foam at the mouth; stuttering speech; burning thirst, or aversion to drink, with difficult deglutition; sudden starting, twitching; trembling of the extremities. especially the hands; sleepless, restless, &c. 19 9 218 MENTAL DERANGEMENT. CALCAREA: Delirium, talking of murder, fire, rats and mice; or for: ill will, obstinacy, ill humour, taciturn mood, trembling of the limbs, &c. HYOSCYAMUS: Rage, alternating with, epileptic spasms; sleepless, delirious, loquacious; anguish and fear, especially at night, with dread of being betrayed or poisoned; desire to escape; visions of dead persons;.jealoutsy; rage, with desire to beat and kill;.foolish gesticulations; delirium, talking about his affairs, trembling of the limbs, &c. LAcrEsIS: Loquacious, jumping rapidly from one subject to another; ecstasy, unto crying; distrust, suspicion; jealousy, pride, presentiment of death; doubt of salvation, &c. Nux vom.: Anguislh and restlessness, with desire to leave one's house and wander about the fields; loss of consciousness, delirium, frightful visions, irrational acts and speeches; pale and bloated or red and hot face; tend'ency of the blood to the head, stuttering, trenmblig oJ'the limbs; dull and heavy/ head, fullness and indolence of the body; pressure, heaviness and pressing in the pit of the stomach, in the region of the stomach and hypochondria; desire to vomit, vomiting of bile and food; constip;ation or watery diarrhcea; sleeplessness with' sudden starting, &c. OPIru; Coma, loss of consciousness; rage with strange or fixed fancies, the patient imagines that he is outside of his own body; frightful visions of mice, scorpions, &c., con;ulsive 7mZotions and trembling; anguish, rage, inability to go to sleep, witht bloated and flatulent abdomen; tendency of the blood to the head with red face, &c. PLATINA: Delirium, talking of past things, singing, laughing, weeping, dancing, making faces and gestures; obstinate, or irritable and quarrelsome, with desire to reproach others with their faults; despising othere, arnd tlhinkingw ltul h i'o one's-sel; excessive sexual excitement; constipation; aruzish, with palpitation of the heart and fear of death; frigltful visions, ith'eart. fixed ideas, the patient fancies that exery body he sees is a (lemon, &c. STRAMONIUM: Stupefaction, with gre l anxiety and restlessness, or loss of consciousness, so that he no longer recognises his own family; fixed ideas, the patient imagines that his bcdv is broken. &c.; delirium, withfrightfitl visiois, /fear, desire to eseape, or praying, the patient looking devout and exhibiting religious attitudes; or very loquacious; lascivious, or assuming all sorts of aialners, an important look, conversing with spirits, dancing, laughing, beating about, or ridiculous gestures, alternatilng with expressions of sadness and melancholy; or indomitable rage, with desire to bite, spit, cut down and kill; desire for Iight and corn, pany, aggravation when alone and in the dark, and at the pe MENTAL DERANGEMENT. 219 riod of the fall-equinox; red and bloated face, with an insipid friendly look, &c. VERATRUMI: Anguish and restlessness, fear and tendency to start; despondency; very taciturn, swearing and cursing on every occasion; desire to reproach others with their faults; loss of consciousness, with singing, whistling, laughing, lascivious thoughts, desire to wander about out of doors; irrational and proud ideas; disposition to assert that he is suffering with imaginary ailments; religious delirium, &c. ~ 4. Of other remedies, use: ANACARDIUM: For strong disposition to laugh at serious things, and to be serious in the presence of things that. are really ludicrous; constant contradiction with one's-self; want of moral and religidus sentiment, even with disposition to swear and curse; fixed idea that he is posses;ed of the devil, &c. ARNICA: Foolish mirth, with great levity of manners, wanton and malicious, headstrong, quarrelsome, &c. ARSENICUM: Excessive anguish and irresoluteness; fear of ghosts, thieves and solitude, with desire to hide one's-self; aversion to couversation, with desire to censure. CANTHARIS: Rage with screams, beating and howling; the paroxysms come on again, at the sight of water, or if water should get into his throat; great sexual excitement, and excitement of the parts; great thirst, aversion to drink, with difficult deglutition, &c. CUPRUMI: Deficient moral force; fixed idea that one is doing some imaginary work; singring, or malicious and peevish disposition; uwid, red and in.flamled eyes darinZ, the paroxy.mns; weeping and anguish, or ludicrous gestures and desire to hide himself; szweat after the paroxysm, &c. LYCOPODIUM: Rage, attended with desire to blame others, and arrogant manners. PULSATILLA: The patient is quiet, with folded arms, he moans, says that nothing ails him, is stupefied, delirious at night, with frightful visions, fear, desire to hide himself, &c. SILICEA: Fixed ideas, for instance: the patient counts pins, is afraid of them, collects them from every part of the room; taciturn, listless; anguish, aversion to work; aggravation atfull moon. SULPIUR: Fixed idea that he possesses beautiful things and an abundance of every thing, with confusion of ideas, such as: mistaking a hat for a bonnet, old rags for beautiful cloths, &c., 5. Use more particularly: a) For mental derangement with anxiety, fear, frightful vikions and thoughts: 1) Bell. hyos. op. strata. 2) Ars. calc. cupr. lyec. n-vrm. op. sulph. veratr. 220 MERCURY. b) For restlessness, obliging one to leave the house or bed, and wander about: 1) Bell. hyos. n-vom. op. stram. veratr. 2) Acon. ars. bry. canth. coloc. cupr. c) For praying, begging, moaning, weeping: 1) Ars. bell. merc. puls. stram. 2) Aceon. ign. mosch. natr-m. sulph. d) For religious praying, kneeling and other religious acts: 1) Bell. hyos. lach. puls. stratl. sulph. veratr. 2) Ars. aur. croc. lyc. selen. e) For disposition to curse, swear, quarrel, &c.: 1) Anac. bell. hyos. lyc. stram. veratr. 2) Acon. ars. cupr. natr-m. n-oren. f) For rage, acts of violence, biting, spitting, tearing, beating: 1) Bell. canth. hyos. lye. straum. veratr. 2) Agar. ars. camph. cann. coccul. croc. cupr. lach. mere. plumb. sec. g) For mania as if possessed of the devil: Anac. hyos. h) For illusions of fancy, visions, seeing of ghosts, &c.: 1) Bell. stram. 2) Anac. lach. natr-m. op. puls. sil. sulph. i) For erroneous fancies, fixed ideas, &c.: 1) Bell. coccul. ign. phos-ac. sabad. strana. sulph. 2) Aeon. amb. cic. hell. hyos. lyc. mere. n-vorm. op. phos. plat. puls. rhus. sec. sil. val. reratr. k) For false representations, such as: that one is sick, &c.: Bell. veratr. 1) For crazy mirthfulness, singing, whistling, dancing, warbling, &c.: 1) Bell. coff. croc. natr. dp. stram. veratr. 2) Aur. cann. cic. hyos. phosph. phos-ac. plat. m) For ludicrous gestures and acts: 1) Bell. hyos. mere. stram. 2) Cic. cupr. n-mosch. n) For gesticulating all the time: 1) Bell. hyos. mosch. stram. 2) Ars. cic. n-mosch. pul.s. sep. reratr. o) For performing all sorts of crazy actions, as if one were very busy: 1) Bell. mere. stram. 2) Catiph. cupr. op. sec. sulph. veratr. p) For loquacity: 1) Bell. hlyos. strain. 2) Acon. ars. camph. n-vomn. n-nwosch. lach. q) For lascivious speeches and acts: 1) Hyos. phos. straut. veratr. 2) Bell. n-mosch. r) For amorous craziness: 1) Ant. hyos. veratr. 2) Aur. ign. phos-ac. ~ 6. See: EMOTIONS, IMorBID, and comp.: MELANCHOLY, and all those BODILY ailments with which deranged persons are apt to be affected. MERCURY, ILL EFFECTS OF. ~ 1. Poisoning with corrosive sublimate, requires (according to Hering): 1) Albumen, dissolved in water, as a drink; 2) su MERCURY-METRITIS. 221 gar-water; 3) milk; 4) starch, mixed with water, or book-binder's paste.-Albumen and sugar-water are the principal remedies, which may be used in alternation. ~ 2. Secondary affections require the usual antidotes for the drug-symptoms of Mercury, the principal of which is: Hepar, in water, a teaspoonful night and morning; especially for: headache at night, falling off of the hair, painful nodes on the head; inflamed, red eyes, with painful sensitiveness of the nose when pressing upon it; scurfs around the mouth; ptyalism and ulcerated gums; swelling of the tonsils and cervical glands; swelling and ulceration of the inguinal and axillary glands; diarrhceic stools with tenesmus; inflammation of the skil, and disposition to ulcerate, &c. After Hep. give Bell. or nitr-ac. —If symptoms remain after Nitr-ac., give a dose of Sulphur for one or two weeks; after Sulphur, Calc. does good service. The ill effects of Mercury and Sulphur together, require Bell. puls., or even inercurius. ~ 3. As regards symptoms and chronic affections, give: For affection of the lnoulth and gums, ptyalism, &c.: 1) Carb-veg c. c.. itr-c. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Chin. jod. natr-rn. For sore throut: 1) Bell. carb-veg. hep. lach. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Arg. lye. nitr-ac. th"uj. For nervous debility: 1) Chin. hep. lach.; or, 2) Carb-veg.'nitr-ac. For nervous excitement: Carb-veg. cham. hep. nitr-ac. puls. For excc.sirc seesitivetess to changes in weather, to cold, &c.: Carb-reg. chi.l. For rheuzmatic pains: 1) Carb-reg. chin. dulc. guaj. hep. lach. p]hos-ac. sassop. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Arn. bell. calc. cham. lyc. For affections of the banes, exostoses, caries, &c.: 1) Aur. phos-uc.; or, 2) Asa. calc. dulc. la(h. lyy. nitr-ac. sil. sulph. For affections of glands, bubocs, &c.: Aur. carb-veg. dulc. nitr-ac. sil. For ulcers: Aur. bell. carlb-mre. hep. lach. nitr-ac. sass. sil. sulph. thtj. For dropsical symptoms: Chi;n. (dusc. hell. sulph. ~ 4. See: MERCURIAL AILMENTS under: HEADACHE, OPHTHIALMIA, TOOTIIACIE, COLIC, DIARRII(A, &C. METRITIS.-Principal remedies: 1) Aeon. bell. chain. coff. merc. n-vom.; 2) Bry. canth. chin. ign. lach. plat. puls. rhus. sec. 19* 222 MEZEREUM.-MISCARRIAGE. ACONITUM: Violent fever, especially when the disease was caused by fright during confinement, or during the catamenia, or if abuse had been made of chamomile. BELLADONNA: Whenl the disease occurs during confinement, with suppression of the lochia, or adhesion of the placenta; or: heaviness, drawing and pressure in the hypogastrium, as if every thing would press through the vagina, with burning stitches, pain in the small of the back as if bruised and broken; and stitching pains in the hip-joint, not allowing the parts to be touched or moved. CHAMOMILLA: After confinement, when the disease is caused by a fit of chagrin or anger, with copious secretion of the lochia and discharge of a black, clotty blood. If abuse of chamomile should have contributed to the development of the disease, give: Acon. ign. n-vom. puls. COFFEA: The disease is caused by a sudden joy, either during the menses or during confinement. MERCURIUS: The pains in the uterus are stitching, aching or boring, with little heat, but frequent sweats or chills. Nux voM.: Violent aching pains in the hypogastrium, aggravated by pressure and contact; violent pains in the loins; constipation or hard stools; retention of urine, dysuria or ischuria; swelling of the os-tince, with contusive pain and stitches in the abdomen; aggravation towards morning. See: PUERPERAL FEVER; and compare: UTERUS, DISEASES OF. MEZEREUM, ILL EFFECTS OF.-Principal remedies: Bry. merc. rhus. MERCURIUS: When the bones or the parts of the inner mouth are affected. BRYONIA: The joints are principally affected, in which case it should be given in alternation with Rhus-t. MISCARRIAGE.-Principal remedies: 1) Bell. calc. carb-v. croc. chmn.ferr. ipec. f ly. v-o n. sabi s. se. sep. sil. sulpih. zinc. 2) Asar. bryon. cannab. ceanth. chin. croc. cic. hyosc. n-mosch. plumb. puls. ruta. For the disposition to miscarriage, give: 1) Calc. carb-veg. ferr. lyc. sab. sep. sulph. zic. 2) Asver. can?. cocc. kreos. ~nmosch. plumbh. puals. ruta. sil. CALCARE A: Suitable to pletho ric persons, with profuse and premature menses, disposition to leucorrhmea, painful nipples, tendency of the blood to the head, colic, pains in the loins, varices of the sexual organs. CARBO VEG.: Pale, or premature and profuse menses, with 224 MOLES-MUCOUS DERANGEMENT. in the whole abdomen, frequent yawning, cnills and shuddering; great restlessness and convulsive motions of the limbs. HYOSCYAMUS: Alternately clonic and tonic spasms, with loss of consciousness and discharge of a bright-red blood, especially during the spasmodic paroxysms. IPECACUANHA: For spasms with consciousness, especially when accompanied with cutting pains around the umbilicus, with pressure towards the sexual organs, and with discharge of blood. If Ipec. should be insufficient, Plat., or even Cina, is frequently indicated. Nux voM.: Obstinate constipation, with congestion of blood to the womb, especially suitable to patients who have indulged in stimulating drinks, such as: wine, coffee, &c. SABINA: The precursory symptoms of miscarriage set in in the first period of pregnancy; or at ally other period, when pressing and drawing pains from the loins to the pudendum are present; discharge of blood from the vagina; relaxed and soft abdomen; constant urging to stool with diarrhmea, or desire to vomit, or vomiting, even of the ingesta; fever with shivering and heat. SECALE: Suitable to enfeebled and e carhectic females, with disposition to passive hremorrhage, spasmodic a-fections, &c., or when. the uterus is in a state of atony, or affected with organic diseases. ~ 4. For the consequences of miscarriage, such as: metrorrhagia, mctritis, &c., see these heads. MOLES, Nmvi.- Prineipal remedies: 1) Calc. carb-rceg..sulph. 2) Graph. sulph-ac. 3) Caust.? lyc.? nitr-ac.? petr.? phos-ac.? plat.? sil.? thuj.? MUCOUS DERANGEMENT, diseases of the mucous membranes.-~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Alumn. ars. be'l. bry. calc. caps. carb-veg. caust. chin. dulc. hep. lyc. mere. mez. n2-ron.. phosph. puls. rhus. seleg. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. oansn-,,. ant. borax. carb-an. chamn. dig. dros. eup/sr. graph. hyos. igan. /al. magn-c. natr-m. nitr-ac. plumb. se)p. sil. spig. spong. staph. sulph-ac. 3) Cann. canth. cin. cocc. colch. guaj. jod. lach. magn-m. natr. petr. thuj. zinc. ~ 2. Use more particularly: a) For i.nfanmmation of the mucous membranes, without, or only with serous secretion: 1) Acon. ars. bry. cann. canth. merc. mez. n-vom. phosph. sil. spong. sulph. 2) Borax. chain. dros. hyos. ign. ipec. kreos. petr. puls. sep. squill. staph. b) For chronic blennorrhlas and increased but not inflamma MUCOUS DERANGEMENT. 225 tory secretion: 1) Calc. caps. chin. dulc. euphr. mere. natr-m. phosph. puls. seneg. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. borax. canth. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. cham. dig. dros. graph. hep. hyos. ign. lye. magn-c. mez. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. thus. sil. spig. staph. sulph-ac. c) For disorganizations of the mucous membranes (thickening, interstitial distention, &c.): 1) Calc. caust. con. dulc. merc. mez. natr-m. petr. phosph. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. bell. carb-veg. chin. euphr. graph. lye. seneg. sep. stann. staph. d) For ulceration: 1) Ars. asa. bell. calc. carb-veg. caust. -mere. nitr-ac. phosph. pauls. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. canth. chin. con. dros. dulc. hep. kreos. lach. lyc. petr. rhus. staph. thuj. zinc.~ 3. As regards the nature of the secretions, give: a) For bloody (blood-streaked, or with specks of blood): 1) Aeon. ars. bell. chin..ferr. jod. merec. n-vom. puls. sep. sil. 2) Baryt. canth. carb-teg. caust. cocc. dros. kreos. lye. natr-m. nitr-mc. phosph. sabin. sulph. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. b) For thick mucus: 1) Alum. amnm-m. baryt. calc. carb-veg. magn-m. natr. natr-m. phosph. puls. sil. stann. staph. sulph. 2) Aeon. alum. ars. borax. kreo.. ruta. spong. c) Thin mucus, watery: 1) Ar)s. carb-veg. chaim. graph. lach. magn-m. mere. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Atmm. amm-m. carb-an. chin. magn-arct. mez. mur-ac. n-vorem. sep. sil. squill. d) Purulent: 1) Ars. asa. bell cale. carb-veg. caust. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Aur. cann. canth. chin. con. dros. dulc. hep. kal. kreos. lach. magn-m. natr. phos-ac. rhus. sep. stann. staph. zinc. e) Albuminous: Amm-tn. borax. mnez. petr. plat.-Jelly-like, or like boiled starch: Arg. hell. laur. rhus. sabin. selen.-Milky: 1) Cale. puls. sil. 2) Carb-veg. con. ferr. lye. phosph. sabin. sep, sulph-ac. f) Tenacious, viscid: 1) Ars. bell. cann. cham. cist. hep. mere. mez. phosph. phos-ac. samb. seneg. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. borax. carb-csn. carb-reg. caust. kal. plat. sep. spong.-Fibrinous: Alum. seneg. -- Lumpy, flocculent: Agar. amb. kal. kreos. nagn-c. mnerc. phosph. sabad. sabin. sep. sil. sulph. thuj.Indurated, in hard pieces: Bry. con. natr. phosph. sep. sil. sulph. g) Corrosive, acrid: 1) Alum. annn. amm-m. ars. borax. mere. natr-m. phosph. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Carb-veg. chanm. ferr. ign. kreos. mez. vitr-ac. ruta. sulph-ac. ~ 4. As regards colour, give: a) For blue-coloured: Amrb. ars. cupr. b) Brownish: Amm-m. ars. bell. borax. carb-v. nitr-ac. sulph. c) Flesh-coloured: Alum. cocc. kreos. mere. nitr-ac. sabin. d) Yellow: 1) Ant. bell. bry. calc. carb-veg. kreos. lye. n-' t226 MUSHROOM-MYELITIS. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. ars. cann. eanth. cham. cic. graph. hep. kal. natr-m. sabin. selen. stann. staph. thuj. e) Gray-coloured: 1) Arab. arg. ars. lye. sep. sil. thuj. 2) Anac. carb-an. caust. chin. kreos. lach. magn-m. merc. f) Greenish: 1) Carb-vegr. dros. led. lye. magn-c. merc. phosph. puls. stann. sulph. 2) Ars. fcrr. kreos. natr. sep. thuj. g) Whitish: 1) Asar. bell. calc. colcA. mere. phosph. puls. sil. 2) Carb-veg. con. ferr. lye. phosph. sep. sulph-ac. ~ 5. As regards colour or taste, give: a) For bad secretions (badly smelling or foul tasting): 1) Ars. calc. led. mere. natr. puls. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Aur. bell. con. dros. ferr. graph. guLaj. hep. ipec. lach. magn-m. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. sabin. b) For foul, putrid smell or taste:.1) Ars. calc. hep. mere. natr. puls. sil stann. sulph. 2) Belt con. cupr. ferr. graph. kreos. mur-ac. nitr-ac. sep. c) For metallic taste: Cale. cupr. ipec. n-vom. rhus. d) For salt taste: 1) Ars. baryt. graph. lye. natr. petr. phosph. puls. sep. sil. 2) Calc. carb-veg. chin. dros. graph. rhus. samb. stann. sulph. zinc. e) For sourish taste or smell: 1) Cale. chin. graph. hep. kal. magn-m. mere. natr. natr-m. n-vore. phosph. plumb. puls. sep. sulph. f) For musty taste or smell: Borax. carb-veg. g) For smell or taste as of old catarrhal mucus: Bell. ign. nvom. phosph. puls. sulph. h) For sweetish taste: Asar. cale. dig. kreos. lach. magn-c. mere. n-vom. phosph. plumb. puls. samb. stann. sulph. ~ 6. Compare CovGii (expectoration), WHITEs, SUPPURATIONS, &c. MUSCLES, CONTRACTION, INDURATION OF: See Contraction, &c. MUSTIROOM, NOXIOUS, ILL EFFECTS OF. —For poisoning: 1) Powdered charcoal mixed in water; 2) Smelling of spiritus nitri dulcis.-For the secondary diseases: 1) Coff. puls. 2) Aeon. n-vorem. MYELITLS. —The principal remedy for all acute cases is Dulcamnara, to be preceded by Aconite, on account of the fever. If Dulc. should fail, select: 1) Bell. bry. coccul. n-vom. rhus.; or, 2) Ars. calc. caust. dif. ign. pu!s. verate. In a case of chronic inflammation of the upper portion of the spinal marrow, with apparently incipient softening, and para MYOPIA-NAILS, DISEASES OF THE. 227 lysis and atrophy of one arm, I have used Caust. and staphysagria with great benefit, also Dulc. and lach. MYOPIA.-Principal remedies: 1) Amm. anac. carb-veg. con. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. sulph. For myopia in consequence of ophlthalmia: Puls. and sulph. For myopia from abuse of me.rcury: 1) Carb.veg. nitr-ac, sulph.; or, 2) Puls. Myopia in consequence of typhus or debilitating loss of animal fluids, requires: P/hos-ac. NAILS, DISEASES OF T:IE.-~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Graph.. silp. lp. ) Alumr. at. (ars. calc. raust. con. hep. lach. magaaust. merc. natr-wl.;itr-ac. nrl-o-n. vt's ran. sabad. sep. squill. ~ 2. For panariia (an inflammation of the skin, tendons, and their sheaths, or of the periostemna,) use: 1) Sil. sulph. 2) Hep. lach. 3) Alum. cac.;nal. mcrc. rilt-ac. petr. puluts.sep. If these ulcers should have been occasioned by a splinter or the prick of a pin, use: 1) Nitr-ac. si.l. 2) Hep. lach. petr. u/lp/h. For onyc/aia, a panaritium under the nail, Hep. is almost specific, after which Lach. acts well; and, if ulceration should have set in, Silicea or sulph. In phlegmonous inflammation between the skin and the sheaths of the tendons, it is well to give first Sulph., and if this should not prevent suppuration, Hep., which sometimes opens the abscess in a few hours. Inflammations of the tendinous sheaths and synovial membiranos first require Sulpi., then Silic., if no change should take place in 24 hours. If the periostet:n should have been involved, Sit. is the principal remedy; otherwise try Calc. or.nittiph. in alternation with Sil. ~ 3. Use more parlicularly: a) For breaking, peelinlg-off and splitting of the nails: l) Griap. il. iJ. silph. 2) Alitum. merc. sep. —For thickeniJg', currature, r(,ughness of the nails, une: 1) Graph. sabad. sil. sun.pl. 2) Alum. ult. mnerc. sep. —F,,r growing- iito the flesh: 1) Graph. ma n-aust. snulp/. 2) Kal. si. —For falling off: Ant. trics. hell. nierc. sqill. sec. sep. thuj. —For h;ang-nails: 1) Natrtn. rhsus. sulpZ,. 2) Calc. lye. mearc. sabad. stann. b) For pealfulness and sensitiveness: 1) Caust. graph. magnoust. n-Vo:.t.,'(ep..sil. 2) Amm-m7. antr-mn. puls. rhus. sulph. c) For discoloured nails: Ant. ars. graph. mur-ac. nitr-ac. sep. sulph -For blue-coloured: Aur. chel. chin. dig. lyc. natr-m. 228 NARCOTISM, &c.-NETTLE-RASH. n-vom. sil.-For spotted: 1) Nitr-ac. sil. 2) Alum. ars. natr-m. sulph.-For yellow-coloured: 1) Amb. con. sep. 2) Chin. mere. nitr-ac. n-vom. sil. spig.-For white spots: Nitr-ac. sil. NARCOTISM, ILL EFFECTS OF NARCOTIC SUBSTANCES.Poisoning with large doses requires: 1) Large quantities of black coffee; 2) Vinegar mixed with water. The remaining ailments yield to: 1) Bell. carb-veg. cham. coff. lach. merc. n-vom. op. puls. 2) Amm. ars. caust. graph. hyos. ipec. lye. natr-m. rhus. sep. sulph. kal. Compare: DRUNKARDS, DISEASES OF: OPIUM, and the other narcotic substances mentioned in this work. NEPHRITIS and NEPHRALGIA, and other AFFECTIONS OF THE KIDNEYS.-The best remedies, so far as known, are: 1) Bell. cann. canth. nux-v. puls., and perhaps also in some cases: Alum. berb. colch. hep. lye. sass. BELLADONNA: IS principally indicated by stitching pains in the kidneys, extending along the ureter as far as the bladder, with periodical aggravation, great anguish and colicky pains. (If Bell. should not suffice, try Hep.) CANNABIS: Drawing pains from the kidneys to the pubic bones, with anguish and malaise. CANTIARIS: Stitching, tearing and cutting pains, with painful discharge of only a few drops of urine, or with complete suppression of urine, or when the urine is mixed with blood. Nux VOMICA: When the disease was caused by suppression of piles, or congestion of blood to the abdomen, with tension, distention and pressure in the region of the kidneys. PULSATILLA: When the disease is accompanied with amenorrhcea or scanty menses, in females of a delicate constitution, and bland, phlegmatic disposition, or when the urine is bloody and deposits a purulent sediment. Compare: CYSTITIS, URINARY DIFFICULTIES, URETRORRIIAGIA, RETENTION OF URINE, and SECRETION OF URINE. NETTLE-RASH, URTICARIA.-Principal remedies: 1) Calc. caust. dulc. hep. lyc. rhus. 2) Acon. ant. ars. bell. bry. carb.veg. con. clem. cop. ign. mez. natr-m. n-vom. petr. puls. sep. sulph. urt. verat. Acute nettle-rash requires: 1) Acon. bry. dulc. rhus. urt.; and chronic nettle-rash: Calc. lyc., or, Ars. carb-veg. caust. lyc. petr. rhus. sulph. urt. For essera we have: Cop. puls. NIGHTMARE-NOSE, &c. 229 NIGHTMARE, INcuvs. —Give: ACONITE to children and females, for: Feverish heat, thirst, palpitation of the heart, orgasmus sanguinis, oppression of the chest, anguish, and restlessness. Nux vom..: The paroxysms are caused by spirits, beer, copious meals, sedentary life, &c. OPIUli: Severe paroxysms with suppressed breathing, halfopened eyes, open mouth, stertorous breathing, rattling, anxious features, cold sweat in the face, twitchings and convulsive motions of the extremities, &dc. PITLSATILLA: Stertorous inspirations; anxious, sad dreams with weeping; lying on one's back, with the arms stretched above the head, or with the hands laid. cross-wise on the abdomen, and the feet drawn up: suitable to females; or for dreams about black beasts. SULPIUR: Light, unrefreshing sleep, with aching or beating pains in the head, dreams about fire, the arms stretched above the head,.the eyes sometimes half open. Try moreover: 1) Annm. bryon. coni. hepar. phosph. ruta. sil. valer. 2) Alum. cinnab. coni. guwj. n.tr. natr-mn., &c. NITRATE OF SILVER, POISONING WITH. First swallow large quantities of salt water, then mucilaginous drinks. NOMAI, CANCER AQUATICUS. I know of one case that was greatly benefited by Sulph. calc. sil., given in this order. The physician was induced to this selection of remediesby the scrofulous constitution of the child and his parents. This is another proof that the remedies ought notto be selected with reference to one pathological symptom, but in accordance with the general state and constitution of the patient. NOSE, SUPPURATION OF.-Fetid, illflammatory ulceration of the Schileiderian membrane, Ozrena. ~ 1. Principal remedies: Alum. amtm. asa. aur. bry. calc. carbv. caust. con. graph. kal. lach. lyc. magn-c. mngn-m. mere. natr. nitr-ac. puls. sil. sulph. thuj. ~ 2. For chronic stoppage of the nose: 1) Bry. cale. caust. con. graph. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. amb. anac. ant. aur. carb-an. carb-v. kal. lach. lye. magn-c. magn-m. mur-ac. n-vom. petr. puls. rhod. sep. spig. staph. thuj. For ulceration, rhagades and scurfs of the nostrils: Alum. aur. Borax. calc. cic. graph. lach. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. 20 230 NOSE-NURSING. For purulent discharge, or ozemna in the narrower sens: 1) Aur. merc.; or, 2) Alum. asa. calc. cic. con. lach. puls. sulph. For syphilitic ozmna, Merc. is the principal remedy; if Merc. should have been abused by the patient, give: 1) Aur. 2) Asa. hep. lach. nitr-ac. sulph. thuj. ~ 3. Compare: NosE, SWELLING OF, CATARRH, &C. NOSE, SWELLING OF, AND INFLAMMATION OF THE ElTERNAL NOSE. ~ 1. Principal remedies: Am. ars. asa. aur. bell, bry. calc, hep. merc. natr-mn. phos. puls. sep. salph. zinc. ~ 2. If caused by a blow, conta.sion, fall, &c., rn, is tlle best remedy. If by ablse of Mercury, r ive: Ama. (url- bell. hep. iach.?.sulph. If by hard dirinking: 1) Ars,. calc. pais. sulph.; or, 2) BellI hep. lach. nmerc. To scrofulous patients give:1) Asa. aur. cal.c. hep.,mere. pls, sulph.; or, 2) Bry. lach. phos. ~ 3. For red and painful swelling of the nose, give: 1) ie7/l hep. mere.; or, 2) Alum. bry. catc. phos. rhus. sulph. If the tip be red, give: Carb-an. nitr-ac. rhus. Red spots require: Phos-ac, sil. Copper-redness: 1) Ars. curb-an. reratr. 2) Cale. cnaul carb-v. kreos. mez. rhus. ruta. ~ 4. When the swelling is accompanied by black pores: 1) Graph. natr. selen. sulph. 2) Bry. calc. natr-m. sabin. When by scurj on the tip: 1) Carb-v. natr-l.. scp, sil. 2) Carb-an. nitr-ac. When by old warts: Caust. ~ 5. Compare: NosE, SUIPPURATION OF, CANCER aF THE NosI,: ERUPTIONS IN THE FACE, CATARRII, &C. NURSING, LACTATION. ~ 1. Principal remedies for the ailments incident to nursing: 1) Bell. calc. cham. mere. puls. sep. sil. 2) Acon. bry. carb-v. chin. con. dulc. kal. n-vom. phos. phos-ac, rhab. rhus, staph. zinc. 3) Ars. borax. carb-an. cin. graph. ign. ipec. lach. lyc. natr-m. samb. stann. ~ 2. For deficiency of milk: 1) Agn. calc. caust. dulc. puls. rhus. zinc. 2) Aeon. bell. bry. cham. chin. cocc. jod. merc, nmosch. sep. sulph. NURSING. 231 If this deficiency be caused by want of vital action (in the breasts or the organisms generally), give: Calc. caust. puls. rhus. If the secretion of milk should be prevented by an excess of vital action il the breasts, with tension, redness and throbbing in these parts, and if considerable milk fever should be present, give: 1) Aeon. bry. cham.; or, 2) Bell. merc. Lumps or nodes ill the breasts, require: 1) Dulc.; or, 2) Agn. bell. chain. rh/us. If the deficiency of milk depend upon some unknown cause, and no particular remedy be indicated, try: 1) Dulc. 2) Agn. calc. zinc. ~ 3. Allick-fever, if medical interference should be at all necessary, requires: Acon. or Ceof., a!one or alternately. If these remedies be insufficient, try: Bell. bry.; or, rhus. AnAm. is sometimes useful, especially when, in consequence of hard labour, the sexual parts have been injured. ~ 4. For the retrocession of thle milk, give: 1) Bell. bry. dulc. puls. 2) Acon. calc. ckam. coff. merc. rhus. sulph. If this retrocession should be caused by violent emotions, give: 1) Bry. chmamn. cojf 2) Acon. bell. If by a cold: 1) Bell. chanm. dulc. puls.; or, 2) Acon. mere. sulph. A metastasis to the abdominal organs, requires: Bell. bry. puls. rhlus. The chronic consequences of the retrocession of the milk, require: RhuLs-t.; or, Calc. dulc. lach.-merc. puls. sulph. ~ 5. Bad, thin milk, or if the infant refuse to take it, give the mother: 1) Cham. cin. merc. sil. 2) Borax. carb-an. lach. n-voam. puls. rhab. samb. BORAX: The milk coahlbates readily; if Borax be insufficient, give Laclh. SILIC.eA: The child throws up after nursing and refuses the breast. ~ 6. Pals. is the best remedy to arrest the secretion of milk after weaniwvf the child, or to prevent the secondary ailments of weaning. Bell. bry. calc. are likewise useftil. Galactorr/cta requires Calc., especially when the breasts are turgid with milk. Try moreover: Bell. borax. bry. rhus.; or, Chin. co:E. p)hos. puls..stramt. ~ 7. Compare: MAM3aI.:. OPHTHALMIA. 233 Syphilitic: 1) Mere. nitr-ac. thuj. 2) Aur.? lyc.?phosph.? Gonorrhoeal, in consequene of suppressed gonorrhoea: 1) Acon. puls. 2) Nitr-ac. merc. thuj. sulph. Purulent ophthalmia of new-born infants: 1) Aeon. bell. cham. euphr. mere. sulph. 2) Calc. dulc. puls. rthus. 3) Bor. bry. nvom. Contagious, egyptic ophthalmia: 1) Acon? bell.? calc.? euphr.? merc.? nitr-ac.? sulph.? 2) Phos.? staph.? thuj.? Scorbutic: 1) Amim. atnm-tm.? caust.? carb-veg.? me. c.? murac.? staph.? sulph.? 2) Canth.? cist.? hep.? natr-m.? nitrac.? n-vom.? ~ 4. As regards extersnal causes, give for ophthalmia caused by a cold: Acoa,. ars. bell. cabc. c chain. dulc. hep. n-vom. puls. sulph. By external injuries: 1) Acon. arn. calc. sil. sulph. 2) Euphr. nitr-ac. petr. puls. rut. suelph-ac. By straining the eyes in doing fine work: Bell. carb-veg. rut. spig. By abuse of Mercury: 1) Bell. hep. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. 2) Dulc. chit. lach. lye. staph. thuj. After exanthems (measles, scarlatina, smallpox): Bell. Bry. cham. hep. hyos. imerc. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. After suppression of eruptions generally: Alum. ars. carb-v. caust. graph. lach. natr-m. sel. sep. sulph. zinc. ~ 5. Symptomatic indications: AcoNIruM: For acute ophthalmia, especially if the following symptoms should be present: Red eyes, with dark redness of the vessels; intolerable, burning, stitching or aching pains, especially when moving the eyes; photophobia; copious lachrymation and bleareyedness, or great dryness of the eyelids. (After Acon. are frequently suitable: Ant. bell. or hep.) ARsENICUM: For burning pains as from hot coal; or aching and stitching pains, aggravated by light or motion of the eyes; violent pains obliging one to lie down, or intolerable pains, with anguish, obliging the patient to rise from bed; congested eyes; corrosive lachrymation; nightly agglutination; photophobia; specks and ulcers on the cornea. BELLADONNA: Vivid redness of the sclerotica, burning and corrosive lachrymation, or great dryness of the eyes, with painful sensitiveness to the light; aching pains around the eyes or deep in the eyes, or stitching pains in the eyes and head;aggravation by moving the eyes; dilatation of the pupils; violent catarrh with 20* 234 OPIITHALMIA. cough; or violent hedac/he with. vertigo, stupefaction, sparks or black spots before the eyes; or obsturat on of sight, or specks and ulcers on the cornea, &c. (Bell. is frequently suitable afterAcon. hep. or mere.) CALCAREA: Violent aching or stinging pains with itching; or burning and cutting pains aggravated by reading or candle-light; redness of the selerotica, lachrymation, specks and ulcers on the cornea; photophobia; mistiness of sight or as if spots were hovering before the eyes, especially when using the eyes. (Calc. is frequently suitable aftelr Sulph. or Dule.) CITAMOMILLA: Red eyes, with aching pains when moving them or shaiing the head; or stinging, aching and burning pains, as if heat were rushing out of the eyes; red and swollen eyelids, with copious secretion of mucus and nightly agglutination; great dryness of the eyes. The pains are intolerable, &c. EurPIRASTA: Aching pain in the eyes, redness of the selerotica; inflammation of the cornea, with vesicles, or specks and ulcers oni the cornea; copious secretion of mucus and tears; swelling of the eyelids;frequent desire to wink; rash around the eyes, or coryza and headache; photophaobia, flickering of the light. HEPAR S.: Redness of the eyes and eyelids, with soreness when touched; spasmodic closing of the eyelids; difficulty of moving the eyes; photophobia, especially in the evelling; the sight is at times dim and obscured, at others clear; pressure in the eyeball, as if it would start out of the head; specks and ulcers on the cornea and pimples arotnd the eves and eyelids; copious lachrymation. nightly agglutillatiou. (Hep. is frequently su.itablo after Bell. and Mere.) IGNATIA: The eyes are not so much red as painful, with sellsation as of sand in the eyes; copious lachrymatiou, especially from the light of the sunl; nightly agglltination; pihoiohobia; mistiness of sight; fluent coryza or headache. MERCURIUS: Cutting pains or pressure as if from sand in the eyes, especially after nuinfg t/he eyes, or in the evening and in bed; or tearing, itching and stingfing, especially in the open air; copious lachrymation, especially in the evening; excessive sensitiveness of the eyes to the glare of fire or to light; vesicles and pimples on. the sclerotica; ulcers on the cornea; pustules and scurfs around the eyes and on the margins of the lids; mistiness of sight; the inflammation is brouOht on again by the least cold. (Merc. is frequently suitable after Bell.) Nux voM.: The canthi are redder than the eyes; ecchyrnosis and softening of the sclerotica; burning pains and pressure in the eyes as if from sand; lachrymation; photophobia, especially OPHTHALMIA. 235 in the morning; nightly agglutination; the inflammation is attended with nightly headache, catarrh with stoppage ol the, nose; aggravation in the morning on wakingo, or after a meal, or in the evening in bed. POLSAT1ILLA: Pressure as if from sand, or tearing, stitching, cutting and boring pains in the eyes; redness of the eyes and eyelids with copious secretion of mucus; copious lachrymation, especially in the cold air, wind, and when exposed to the light of day; great dryness of the eyelids, especially in the evening; burning and corrosive lachrymation; nightly agglutination; Wdematous swelling of the evelids or around the eyes; photophobia, with stitches in the eyes;aggravation towards evening. (Puls. is suitable at the commencement of scrofulous ophthalmia, previous to Ferr.; or after Acon. in rheumatic ophthlialmia.) SULPLUR: Pressure as if from sand, or itching and burning in the eyes and eyelids, with aglravation on moving the eyes or exposing them to tile light of the sun; redness of lhe eyes and eyelids;ilflamnlation of the iris, with distorted pupil; dimness of the corne a as if coveretd with dust, or specks, vesicles and ulcers on thq corte a: pustules, ulcers and scurfs around the eyes and on the lids; laclhrymatiol, es.pecially in the open air; or dryness of the eyes, especially in the roomn photophobia, with closiiig of the lids; tnistiness of sight, scintillations, &c. (Sulph. is frequently suitable after Aco?:.. or Moirc. and Puls.; —atter Sulph., Calc. is most suitable.) ~ 6. Tiry moreover: ANTI.TONlUM: For red eyelids, with eye-gum in the canthi, photophobia I td stuinging pains. ARaNIca: Difficult and painful motion of the eyelids and eyes, as if excoriateda; dilated pupils, sensitiveness to light; red and swollen eyelids and eyes. BRYONTA: Red eyes with biriinl pains and pressure, as if from sand, with aorgravation in the evening or at night; swollen eyelids with palius in the head, when opening the eyes. (Bry. is frequently suitable after Pels., in rheumatic ophthalmnia.) CAUSTICIxM: Swelling and ulceration of the eyelids, with nightly agglutinatio; pressure or burning pains in the eyes. CIINA: Aggravation towards evenling, with pressure as if from sand in the eyes; photophobia; fiontal headache; hot and red, or dim and failt eyes, as if filled with smoke in the orbits. COLOCYNTImS: Violent burning and cutting extending far back in the head and nose, with great aiiguish and restlessness. DIGITALIS: Redness of the eyes and conjunctiva; stitches through the eyes; lachrymation, increased by light and cold; photophobia; obstruction and dryness of the nose. 236 OPHTHALMIA. DULCAMARA: Aching pain when reading; dimness of sight, scintillations, aggravation by rest. FERRUM: The eyes become weak and moist after using them ever so little; or they become red, with burning pains and styes. GRAPHITES: Ulcers on the cornea, photophobia, swollen lids, agglutination. LACHESIS: Dry eyes, photophobia, lancinations, dimness of Eight. NITRI ACIUM: Pressure and stitches in the eyes; lachrymation especially when readingr; yellow rings round the eyes; specks on the cornea; swelling of the eyelids and suppuration of the eyes.* PETROLEUM: Burning, stitching or pressure over the root of the nose, and swelling of the nose, with discharge of pus. RIus TOX.: Bry. being insufficient, with burning and stitching and copious lachrymation, nightly agglutination and erysipelatous swelling of the eyelids, with photophobia. SEPIA: Photophobia, catarrh, nightly agglutination, pustules on the eyeball; aching pains. SPJGELIA: Aching, stitching or boring pains, penetrating into the orbits and head, with sensation as if the eyeballs were too large; excruciating pains. SULPIaURIS-AC.: Burning pains, with photophobia, lachrymation, especially when reading, difficulty of opening the lids. VERATRUM: Tearing pains, with violent headache, photophobia, heat and feeling of dryness in the eyes. ~ 7. Use more particularly: a) For evening-exacerbation: 1) Anim. amm-nz. asar. bell. calc. carb-a. caust. euphr. hyos. lach. lyc. mnerc. nctr-mn. vitr-ac. phos. puls. sep. sulph-ac.-Niglit-exacerbation: Aconr. arn. ars. chain. chin. croc. euphr. hep. hyosi ign. kal. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. li-vom. sep. staph. sulph.-l-Iorning-exacerbation: Acon. amm-m. calc. carb-v. euphr. graph. ign. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nvaom. petr. phosph.phos-ac. sep. sil. sulph. suclph-ac.-Exacerbation after eating: Bry. calc. caust. lye. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. b) For congestion of the vessels: Aeon. ars. bell. ign. lach. merc. phos-ac. spig. sulph. —Interstitial distention of the sclerotica: Bell. sen. sulph. —Eruption around the eyes, accompanying the inflammation: Bell. euphr. merc. nitr-ac. sen. sep. * Specifically suitable for syphilitic ophthalmia.-Hcmpel. OPHTHALMIA. 237 spong. staph. sulph. thu7j.-Bloody spots and sweat: Arn. bell. calc. carb-v. chain. crotal. n-vom. plumb. rut. sen.-Suppuration: Bell. bry. caust. euphr. graph. hep. kreos. merc. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. —Twitching of the lids: Bell. calc. carb-v. caust. croc. kreos. lye. 7n-comn. sulp/h.-Worse in the open air: Acon. amm-m. bell. bry. calc. cau.st. lye. merc. nlc -mn. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. rut. sen. sep. sil. staph. sulph. seloh-ac. thuj.-Yellow colour of the sclerotica: Acon. (a7tt a.. be7l. c/hain. chin. dig. ign. mere. n-corn. phosph. puls. sulph —Styes: Coan. ferr. graph. puls. rhus. sen. sep. staphl. sulph,.-Sveelling of the affected parts: Acon. bell. bry. calc. chant. dig. cuphr. guaj. ign. merc. n-vona. puls. rhus. sen. sep. seulphl. t/huj. -Ophthalmnia with ulcers on the cornea: Ars. calc. euphr. hep. lach. merec. sil. sulph.-Heat and burning of the eyes: Aceon. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v.'croc. euphr. lach. lye. nmere. n-vomn. phos. sep. sullph. —Itching of the eves: Alum. bar. bell. bry. ry. cal. caust. ign. mere. natr-mn. n-vone. puls. sil. sulph.Spasm of the eyes: Bell. chant. croc. hep. hyos. mnerc. natr-m. rut. sil. staph.-Photophobia: Acon. atnn. amm-rn. ars. bar. bell. bry. calc. chain. croc. euphr. fgraph. lhep. hyos. ign. lye. merc. n-vaom. phos. rhus. sil. spig-. suzlph. —Blepharoplegia: Bell. nitr-ac. sep. spig. veratr. —Ectropium: Bell. merc.-Calosing of the lids: Ars. bell. chain. croc. hep. hyos. nmerc. natr-?7t. ezitr-ac. phos. rhus. sep. staph. sulph.-Redness of the parts: Aeon. ant. amn. ars. bell. bry. calc. chanm. chin. euphr. grcaph. ign. lach. neersc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. sil. spiig. spong(-. sulph.-Sensation as of sand in the eyes: Bell. bry. talc. carb-v. chin. ferr. graph. hyos. ign. merec. Iitr-ac. phosph. puls. sulph. sulph-ac. — Ialo around the light: Alum. bell. calc. dig. phos. puls. rut. sep. staph. su7lph. —Blennorrhoea: Bell. dig. cuphr. graph. mere. puls. sen. sulph.-Lachryneation: Acotl. alume. atrn. ars. bell. bry. calc. dig. euphr. graph. hep. ign. lach. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vonm. petr. phos. puls. hucs. rut. sil. spig. staph. sulph. thuj. —Dr-yness: Aeon. crs. bar. bry. lye. n.-om. puls. staph. sulph. veratr.Varicose swellings: Carb-v. puls.-Contraction of the lids: Agar. ant. are?. canth. croc. —Inedulations: Bry. spig. staph. thuj.-Nightly aggleutineation: Ars. alu/cm. bar. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cactst. chain. croc. dig. pdig e. up. graph. hep. ign. lyc. mere. natr-m. n-voin. phos. puls. rhus. r-uta. sep. sil. spig. staph. sulph. thuj. c) The whole eye being affected: Aeon. aree. bell. calc. caust. charn. croc, dig. eelphr. hep. ign. lye. mterc. natr-m. n-vone. phos. peels. crs. sep. spig. sulp.. —'The coejainctiva: Aeon. ars. bell. dig. euphr. mere. puls. sulph.-For pains inz the orbits: Bell. calc. chin. hyos. plat. spig. —The cornlea being particularly diseased: Ars. bell. calc. chin. euphr. hep. lach. mere. nitr-ac. rut. 238 OPHTHALMIA-ORCHITIS. sen. sep. sil. spig. sulph.-The lids: Acon. ant. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caust. chain. croc. dig. graph. hep. lye. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. spig. sulph.-The canthi being principally aff'ected: Alum. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caust. euphr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. thuj.-The external canthus: Bar. bry. calc. hep. ign. natr-m. n-Vom. sep. sulph. —Inner canthus: Alum. aur. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. caust. euphr. n-rom. petr. phos. puls. rut. sil. staph. sulph. ~ 8. Compare: IHEMORRITAGE FROM THE EYES, RUNNING OF TRIE EYES, BLEPIIAROPHLEGIA, BLEPI'HAROSPASMUS, BLEPHAROPHTHALMITIS, PAINS IN THE EYES, AMBLYOPIA, DISEASES OF THE CORNEA, &c. OPIUM AND LAUDANUM, ILL EFFECTS OF. The best remedy for poisoning with large doses, is: 1) Black coffee; or, 2) Vinegar.-If consciousness should have returned, a few doses of Ipec. will be found very useful. If any ailments should remain after Ipec., give Nux-vomn. merc. or bell. The last mentioned remedies are excellent antidotes against the drug-symptoms occasioned by the medicinal abuse of Opium. ORCHITIS, OSCIIEOCELE, HEMATOCELE, SARCOCELE, &C., inflammation and swelling of the testes. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Am. aur. clem. nitr-ac. puls.; or, 2) Ars. con. lyc. mnerc. natr. n-rvom. spong. staph. zinc. ~ 2. Orchitis caused by contusion, shock, blow, &c., requires: 1) Arn. puls.; or, 2) Con. zinc. By suppression of gonorrhola: 1) Macre. puls.; or, 2) Aur. clem. nitr-ac. By metastasis of parotitis: IMerc., puls., or n-vom. ~ 3. Erysipelatous orchitis, as affects chimney-sweeps, requires: Ars. or Merc. ~ 4. Chronic induraioni of the testes (sarcocele) frequently yields to: Agn,. arg. aar'. bar-ni. clean. con. graph. lye. rhod. sulph. ItlImatocele: See the remedies for contusion, &c. Hydrorl e: Give: Graph. puls. sil. rhod. sulph.-Scrofulous persons reqlire: Silicra. Osctheoccle or scrotal her nia has been treated most successfully with Mag_,rn-nnm:r. and Norx-r. See: ITIRNIA. 240 OTALGIA —OTITIS. rated by contact, with redness of the ear, stitches in the ear and ringing of the ears. (Is frequently suitable after Am.) DULCAMARA: The pains are aggravated at night, during rest, with nausea. HEPAR: Frequently after Bell., when this remedy is insufficient, and the patient complains of stitches in the ears, when blowinig his nose, and of beating, throbbing and roaring. Nux VOMICA: Suitable to persons of a lively, choleric disposition, for: tearing, stitching pains, extorting cries, or extenlding to the forehead and temples, with tearing in the facial bones; aggravation in the morning, or in the evening in bed. PLATINA: Violent crampy pains, shocks, rumbling and detonations in the ears, which feel cold, numb, and as if dead, with creeping extending to the face. SPIGELIA: Painful aching, as if a large nail were sticking in the ear; with aching and tearing pains in the facial bones. ~ 4. Use more particularly: For throbbing pairs in the ear: 1) Acon. calc. nmagn-m. natr. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sil. 2) Acon. bell. caust. cham. chin. graph. kal. puls. rhus. sulph: For tearing pains: 1) Bell. chaam. colch. con. merc. n-vom. puls. zinc. 2) Acon. alum. amb. arn. caps. kal. lyc. spig. sulph. For pains as if the ear would be torn out: Bell. merc. puls. For stitching pains: 1) Bell. calc. cham. con. dros. kal. merc. nitr-ac. n-vomn puls. sulph. 2) Alum. baryt. canth. caust. chin. ign. magn-m. men. natr. natr-mn. nitr. phos-ac. plumb. ran. sassap. sil. spig. staph. zinc. For stitches through the ear: 1) Con. kal. sil. spong. 2) Alum. amm-m. mang. natr. For crampy, dragging pains: 1) Bell. cham. dros. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Amb. ar. dulc. nmur-ac. n-mosch. phos. plat. sabad. spig. spong. stann. thuj. ~ 5. Compare: PROSOPALGIA, HEADACHE, PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF, CONDITIONS, CAUSES, TOOTHACHE, &C. OTITIS, INFLAMMATION OF T.IE EAR. ~ 1. For acute internal otitis, Puls. is, in most cases, a specific remedy. Bell. deserves a preference when the brain is affected, with great anguish, vomiting, coldness of the extremities, delirium, &c. For the subsequent ailments, which do not yield to Bell. or OTITIS-OTORRHCEA. 241 Puls., try: 1) Merc. n-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Borax. bry. calc. chain. magn-c. ~ 2. For chronic internal otitis, see: OTORRH(EA. ~ 3. For external otitis, Puls. is likewise the chief remedy; or: 2) Bell. borax. calc. magn-c. mrerc. rhus. sil. sulph. If the ears should be swollen, try: 1) Borax. mere. puls. rhus..vil. 2) Cale. kal. lye. nitr-ac. sep. If ulcerated: Mere. puls. ruta. spong. If itching: Amm. puls. rhus. sulph. ~ 4. Compare: OTALGIA, HERPES ON THE EAR, OTORRH(EA, &c. OTORRH(EA. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Merc. puls. sulph. 2) Calc. carby. caust. con. lach. lyc. nitr-ac. peir. sil. 3) Alum. anac. asa. aur. carb-an. chain. cist. colch. gran. kal. lye. men. natr-m. phos. ~ 2. Discharge of cerumen requires: 1) Con. mere. 2) Kal. lye. natr-m. nitr-ar. puls.; or, 3) Amm-m. anac. phos. Catarrhal or mucous otorrhoea: 1) Merc. puls. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. calc. czrb-v. hep. lye. natr-m. phos. sulph. Purulent otorrhcea: 1) Bell. hep. merc. puls. sil.; or, 2) Asa. calc. caust. lach. nitr-ac. petr; or, 3) Amm. auar. borax. carb-v. cist. kal. lye. natr-m. Scrofulous otorrhcaa, with ulceration of the concha: Hep. lye. mere. puts. sulph. Bloody discharge: 1) Mere. puls.; or, 2) Bell. calc. cist. con. frraph. lach. lye. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. ~ 3. Obstinate otorrhea, after acute otitis, requires: Merce. puls. sulph. Otorrhea in consequence of some acute exanthem, such as: Scarlatina, measles, variola, &c., requires: Bell. colch. hep. lye. merc. men., or Carb-veg. If caused by abuse of mercury, give: Aur. asa. hep. nitr-ac.,sil. sulph. If caries should be present: Aur. nitr-ac. sil. If caused by abuse of sulphur: Puls. or mere. ~ 4. To remove the consequences of suppressed otorrhcea, give: 1) Bell. mere. puls.; or, 2) Bry. dulc. n-vom. If this suppression should be followed by swelling of the cervical or parotid glands, give: Bell. merc. puls. 21 PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF. 243 rhus. sabin. spong. staph. 2) Agn. arg. baryt. calc. caust. chin. cocc. ferr. graph. n-vom. puls. sassap. sep. stann. sulph. thuj. If persons who have used much mercury: 1) Arn. carb-veg. cham. chin. hep. puls. 2) Arg. bell. dulc. calc. guaj. lach. lyc. mez. phos-ac. sassap. sulph. If persons who have indulged in the excessive use of coffee: 1) Cham. coff. ign. n-vore. 2) Bell. canth, caust. cocc. hep. mere. puls. sulph. If plethoric individuals: 1I) Acon. i-n. bell. ferr. hyos. mere. natr-mn. n-vom. puls. 2) Aur. bry. calc. chin. lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. sep. sulph. ~ 3. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUAI: Intolerable pains, especially at night, stitching or throbbing; fever-heat, sighing, lamenting, inconsolable, anxious, or with dread of death; thirst, red cheeks, small and hurried pulse, great sensitiveness of the whole nervous system, especially of the organs of sight and hearing; sleeplessness, with tossing about. ARNICA: Creeping in the affected parts, with restlessness, obliging one to move them constantly; aggravation by the least exertions, and even by the least noise. ARSEN'ICUM: The pains are burning or tearing, setting in principally at night or during sleep, or driving the patient to despair; attended with: great anguish, debility, obliging one to lie down; intermission; feeling of coldness in the affected part; aggravation during rest, after working, or in the evening, in bed, or after eating; relief by.external warmth. BELLADONNA: Stitching, burning pains, aggravated by motion, light r noise, also by the least concussion, or even by the stepping of other people in the room; the paroxysms set in every day, after noon, and last until midnight; aggravation by a draught of air, warmth of the bed, &c. BRYONIA: Aching, or drawing and tearing, or stitching pains, or as if an ulcer were under the skin; aggravation by moving the body, relief by movinig the affected part; irritable, vehement disposition; disposition to rheumatism, &c. CnIAOAInLLA: Jerking, tearing, and beating pains, with sen. sation of rigidity in the affected parts; excessive sensitiveness to pain; extreme debility, even unito fainting, after the first paroxysm of pain; bloated face, or one cheek is pale, the other red; hot sweat about the head, even in the hairs, with restlessness, cries, weeping, and irritable, quarrelsolne mood. CHI1NA: Extreme sensitivellss of the skin; aggravation by the least touch; sensation of rigidity and laming weakness in the affected parts, attended with aching pains, ill humour, dissatis 244 PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF. fled temper, sensual disposition, pale face, with frequent flushes and warmth, very loquacious or restless at night. China is frequently very useful after Coffea. COFFEA: Intolerable pains, whining mood, the patient is beside himself, with restless tossing about, cries and great anguish; shuddering in the open air; excessive sensitiveness of all the organs of sense, and especially sight; cannot bear the least noise. (After Coff. are frequently suitable: Nux-vorn. ign. chin., or puls.) HEPAR: Pains as if sore, or from subcutaneous ulceration, aggravated by contact; fainting turn when the least paroxysm of pain occurs, especially in the evening. IGNATIA: Tearing pains or pressure from within outwards, or stitching boring; pale face, watery urine; momentary relief by changing one's position; the pains come on again after eating, in the evening after lying down, or early after rising; changeable mood with tendency to start; or sad, taciturn mood; bland, sensitive temper. MERCURIUS: Suitable to persons that are disposed to rheumatism, with night-sweats, tearing and stitching pains; aggravation at night; feeling of coldness in the affected parts; debility and orgasmus sanguinis on making the least exertion; pale face, or flushes on the face, or red spots on the cheeks. Nux VOMICA: Suitable to persons who are addicted to the use of spirits or coffee, of a lively, choleric temper and red face; or suitable to people who lead a sedentary life; for drawing or jerking pains setting in in the morning, in bed, after eating, or in the evening, aggravated by open and cold air, reading or meditating. PULSATILLA: Tearing, or stitching and beating pains, only on one side, worse after retiring in the erening, or early in the morning, also during rest and when sitting; relief in the open air; suitable to females and individuals of a bland, timid and quiet temper, with pale complexion and disposition to feel chilly. RHUS TOX.: Creeping and burning pains, or drawing-stitching; or pains as if from subcutaneous ulceration; aggravation during rest and in the open air; relief by motion, and warmth; quiet disposition, disposition to melancholy and sadness, or paroxysms of anguish. VERATRUM: Violent pains inducing delirium and frenzy for a short time; or pains with debility, even unto fainting; cold sweat, general coldness of the body, with thirst; aggravation in bed, and at night, or towards morning; relief on rising and walking. ~ 4. Use more particularly: PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF. 245 a) When there is: great nervous and muscular excitement, with feverish heat, red cheeks, &c.: 1) Acon. cham. chin. coff. ign. merc. va(. 2) Am. ars. bell. bry. canth. n-vom. puls. rhus. b) When great debility, chilliness and coldness: 1) Ars. veratr. 2) Arm. chin. hep. merc. n-vom. puls. c) When the afected parts become very thin, emaciated: 1) Caust. staph. 2) Ars. carb-veg. graph. led. mez. natr-m. plumb. puls. sil. d) When they sweat. readily: Bell. calc. chain. chin. graph. merc. natr-m. n-yom. phosph. puls. rhod. sep. sulph. e 5. a) For sensation as if the, affected part would be stretched, enlarged, widened: Bell. bry. carb-veg. chin. dulc. hyos. ign. maur. merec. n-vore. oleand. op. puls. rhus. sep. spig. staph. sulph-ac. b) For painful tension in the affected part: 1) Asa. bell. bry.:amst. iyc. natr-n. n-vorn. puls. stront. sulph. 2) Arg. arn. ars. iatr. calc. coloc. con. kal. magn-m. mang. merc. mez. mosch. nitr-ac. phosph. plat. rhod. rhus. sep. stann. veratr. zinc. c) For feelig of fullness: 1) Acon. amn. bell. bry. carb-veg. chin. merc. mosch. phosph. thas. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. amm-m. nisa. calc. caps. chain. coff. con. graph. hell. kal. lyc. magn-c. enagn-nz. natr. natr-m. n-voem. petr. puls. sep. spong. sulph-ac. d) For sensation as if every thing would issue through the U#fected part (forwards, upwards, or downwards): 1) Acon. bell. bry. caust. chain. chin. cocc. kal. lach. lyc. magn-arct. magn-m. mosch. natr. n-voin. ptlat. puls. sep. sil. sulph. sulph-ac. 2) Alum. atelom. aminm-n. aur. cailc. cann. con. croc. magn-c. phosph. phosnc. spg. spona. staph. stront. thuj. e) As if the part would fly to pieces: 1) Bell. bry. calc. raust. core. ign lach. merc. natr-rn. puls. sep. sil. spig. sulph. 2) Acon. amn. ant. baryt. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. chin. con. fraph hep. hal. magn-arct. mnere. nmez. natr. n-vom. oleand. petr. tpksph. ran. sabin. spong. staph. thuj. ~ 6. a) For compressive pains, as if in a vice: Alum. bell. cocc. hell. ign. ipec. inagn-c. mosch. natr-m. n-vom. plat. spig. mpong. sulph. suiph-ac. b) Sensation as if the part were tied up with a baed: Anne. amr. bell. chin. con. graph. ign. merec. natr.m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. plat puls. sassap. sulph. c) Sensation as if the clothes were too tight, as if they pressed ipon the affected part: 1) Bry. calc. carb-veg. caust. kreos. lach. lyc. merec. n-vomr. sulph. 2) Atnm. caps. carb-an. nitr-ac. puls. sassap. sep. sil. spong. stann. d) For sensation of heaviness in the affected part: 1) Acon. hell. calc. carb-veg. chin. magn-arct. merc. natr-m. n-vom. 21* 246 PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. amm. amm-m. arn. ars. baryt. bry. carb-an. cham. con. dulc. kreos. lach. lye. magon-c. magn-m. mur-ac. natr. n- mosch. op. petr. plumb. sabad. sabin. spig. spong. staph. thuj. veratr. ~ 7. a) For aching pains: 1) Arn. bell. calc. carb-veg. caust. chin. cupr. ign. lyc. n-vom. plhosph. sep. stann. staph. sulph. zinr. 2) Acon. alum. amb. amtm-on. anac. ars. aur. carban. cocc. cupr. ign. magn-arct. mere. natr. natr-.. phos-ac. plat. ruta. sassap. veratr. b) Pressure as if a plug or nail had been driven in: 1) Amn. liep. ign. n-vom. oleand. plat. ruta. sulph-ac. 2) Acon. anac. ant. asa. carb-veg. cocc. coff. dulc. hell. lyc. magn-arct. natr-m. rhus. ruta. spig. spong. sulph. thuj. c) Boring pains: 1) Bell. calc. dulc. hep. rnerc. natr-m. puls. ran-sc. sep. spig. 2) Acon. aung. ant. arg. alurl. carb-an. carb-reg. caust. cin. cocc. hell. ign. ]kal. laur. magn-c. magn-m. mere. mosch. rhod. sil. stann. staph. thuj. zinc. d) Digging pains: 1) mn-nm-m. arn. bell. cin. dule. mang. nmnosch. rhod. scp. spig. stann. 2) Acon. asa. bry. calc. carb-an. cin. cocc. con. kal. mnagn-m. iatr. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. phosac. plat. rhod. thus. ru/ta. seneg. sulph. val. e) Sensation as if a ball were ascending in, or adhering to certain parts: Acon. ign. lach. natr-m. plumb. sep. sil. ~ 8. a) For constrictive sensation in the affected parts: 1) Alum. anac. bell. chin. graph. ign. natr-7m. nitr-ac. n-ron..plat. plumb. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Acon. aur. calc. canth. cocc. con. dig. dros. ipec. lye. mnosch. n-mosch. phosph. phos-ac. sassap. sep. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. thluj. veratl. b) Griping, graspil:g, clawing: 1) Calc. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. ign. n-vom. phosph. pu1s. sil. su5lph. 2) Amm. bell. coloc. graph. hep. lye. miagn-m. ierc. natr. natr-m. stann. strolnt. c) Dragging pains: 1) Arn. bell. calc. rnerc. n-rom. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Amb. are. chain. colch. mez. natr. va-7r-mn. nitrac. phosph. plat. rhab. sep. staph. veratr. d) Sensation as if the part were too short, or contracted: 1) Amm.'amm-m. baryt. courst. coloc. con. graph. lach. nafr. natr-m. phosph. puls. chrzts. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. arn. a as. bell. bry. carb-an. lye. muagn-c. tnagn-m. mere. mez. nitr-ac. 7nrvom. oleand. phos-ac. plat. rlhd. seneg. stann. stront. zinc. e) Crampy, spasmodic pains: 1) Armb. calc. carb-veg. coloc. ign. oleand. phos-ac. plat. 2) Acon. anac. ang. arn. ars. bell. carb-an. caust. chin. ciT. COCe. coni. graph. kal. lyc. nagn-c. magnm. mez. nalr. 7atr-m. n-roan. phosph. puls. rhod. sep. stann. staph. sulph. PAIN, PAROXYSMLS OF. 247 f) For actual cramp: 1) Anac. ang. bell. calc. caust. cin coloc. graph. lyc. merc. plat. rhus. s'ep. 2) Agar. amrb. ars. asa. camph. cann. cocc. con. dulc. ign. kal. magn-arct. mez. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. scc. spig. stann. sulph. thuj. g) For contraction of the parts: 1) Calc. caust. coloc. graph. guaj. lyc. merc. rhus. sec. sil. 2) Anac. carb-an. caps. chin. cic. cin.ferr. hyos. lach. merc. n-vonz. op. phosph. plat. sol-nig. stram. tart. ~ 9. a) For benumbing pains, with feeling of numbness in the affected parts: 1) Acon. bry. cham. cocc. con. lye. n-yom. oleand. plat. puls. rhus. snllph. 2) Amm. anac. ars. asa. bell. calc. carb-an. caust. chin. hell. hyos. ign. merc. mosch. op. phosph. phos-ac. sec. sep. stram. b) For laming pains: 1) Aur. caps. carb-veg. cham. chin. cim. cocc. colch. n-yorn. puls. rhus. sabad. sabin. staph. 2) Acon. bell. bry. caust. ign. mnagn-arct. natr-m. phosph. rhod. sil. veratr. c) Pains as if bruised: 1) Am. chin. cocc. hep. ign. natr. natr-m. n-vomn. puls. rhus. ruta. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Arg. aur. bry. calc. caniph. carb-veg. caust. con. dros. ferr. magn-c. magnm. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. sil. stann. thuj. d) Sensation as if the flesh were beaten loose on the bones: Bry. canth. ign. led. merc. mosch. rnatr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. rhus. staph. sulph. thui. e) Sensation of contusion, blow, &c.: 1) Arn. cic. cin. con. dros. lach. oleanld. plt. puzls. ruta. 2) Acon. alum. amm. caust. ign. kal. natr. natr-nl. n-mnosch. phosph. plumb. 1hus. sulph. f) Pain as if strained or sprainled: 1) Arn. bry. calc. caust. ign. nattr-nl. petr. phosph. puls. hodl. rhus. sulph. 2) Amb. amm. carb-veg. graph. lach. nit'r. n-voon. ruta. sep. spig. stann. thuj. ~ 10. a) For tearing pains: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. caust. chin. ign. kal. lye. mnerc. n-vom puls. rhod. rhus. sil. stront. sulph. zinc. 2) Aluam. anab. arg. calc. crps. carb-veg. ferr. led. natr. natr-m. nitr. phosph. phos-xc. sassap. sep. thlj. val. b) Cutting pains: 1I Bell. calc. canth. coloc. dros. kal. lye. mlerc. natr. phos-ac. rhus. sil. soliph-ac. 2) Alum. caust. chin. con. dulc..zraph. hyos. igom. nmur-ac. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. sep. spig. staph. sulph. c) Stitchoi7g pains: 1) Acon. asa. bell. bry. calc. canth. chin. guaj. ign. e. itr -nc. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. spig. staph. sulph. thz]. 2) Amnz. amn-m. arnm. ars. caust. cocc. colch. con. dros. graph. hell. kal. magn-c. nagn.m. natr-m. n-vomn. sabad. sasssap. sil. stpong. sloph-ac. verb. d) Shocks or jerks: 1) Amnb. calc. cic. colch. ign. magn-arct. n-nzosch. n-rom. phosph. plat. puls. sep. sil. spig. stann. sulph. sulph-ac. 2) Anac. ran. ars. bell. cann. cham. lyc. magn-c. mez. petr. rhus. spong. tart. 248 PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF. e) Twitching, jerking pains: 1) Asa. calc. caust. chin. colch. cupr. graph. ign. kal. nat?-7n. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. anac. aur. bell. bry. cin. clem. con. graph. lyc. magn-aust. mere. phos-ac. sep. spig. stann. val. ~ 11. a) Gnawing, corrosive, scraping pains: 1) Alum. ars. asa. baryt. bell. calc. canth. caust. chain. con. cupr. dros. kal. kreos. lach. lye. mang. natr-m. phosph. phos-ac. plat. puls. ran-sc. trhus. ruta. sabad. spig. staph. b) Tingling in the parts: 1) Acon. arn. bell. caps. chin. colch. kal. phos-ac. plat. puls. sec. sep. solan-nig. spig. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. caust. croc. euphr. ign. magn-aust. merc. 7latr. natr-m. n-vom. sabad. zinc. c) Creepingr: Alum. am. aur. bell. calc. kal. nitr-ac. n-vom. rhod. rhus. sec. sep. staph. sulph. thuj. d) Going to sleep of the parts: 1) Calc. curb-an. carb-veg. chin. cocc. croc. graph. kal. lyc.?ierc. petr. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Amb. arg. baryt. caps. chain. con. guan. hyos. ign; magn-arct. magn-aust. magn-n. natr-m. n-vomr. phosph. rhod. stram. sulph. thuj. veratr. e) Sensation as if wind were blowing on the parts, or as if a current of air were passing through: A ur. colch. graph. magnaust. oleand. puls. rhus. sabin.. spig. stratn. zinc. f) Feeling of coldness in the parts: Ars. calc. camph. carbveg. chin. colch. dros. ipec. laur. lyc. magn-aust. merec. mez. natr. natr-m. nitr. n-vom. phosph. phos-ac. sep. sulph. veratr. ~ 12. a) For burning pains: 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. canth. carb-veg. caust. euphorb. graph. mere. n-vom. phosp.. phos-ac. rhus. sabad. sep. stann. sulph. 2) Am'-i. culc. chin. kal. lach lyc. mez. petr plumb. rhod. ruta. sabin. sil. veratr. b) Beating, throbbing, pulsative, hammering pains: 1) Acon. amin-m. ars. bell. calc. carb-veg. chain. cocc.ferr. ign. kal. magnaust. natr-m. phosph. puls. sep. sil. sulph. tart. 2) Alumn. asa. bry. cann. caps. kreos. lach. lye. mnagn-c. magn-m. nit?-ac. petr. Ahod. rhus. ruta. sabad. stram. veratr. c) Pains as from subcutaneous ulceration: 1) Aiam-m. Irfy. caust. kal. lach. phosph. puls. ran. rhus. sil. 2) Cann. caust. cham. cic. graph. ign. mang. merc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. thuj. zinc. d) Pain as if burnt: Baryt. bell. bry. caust. hyos. ign. lach. muagn-m. n-vom. phosph. puls, sep. sulph-ac. e) Sore and smarting pain: 1) Arg. canth. cic. graph. hep. ign. mez. n-vom. plat. sep. sulph-ac. zinc. 2) Alum. arn. bry. calc. caust. cin. kal. kreos. lyc. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. ran. rhus. sil. stann. staph. sulph. 250 PARALYSIS-PAROTITIS. If by suppression or retrocession of an eruption, or some other morbid secretion: Caust. sulph. ~ 2. Paralysis of the eyelids, requires: 1) Sep. spig. veratr. 2) Bell. nitr-ac. stram,. zinc. 3) Coccul. op. plumb. rhus. Paralysis of the facial muscles: Caust. graph. op. Paralysis of the pharyisx, organs of deglutition: 1) Caust. lach. sil. 2) Ars.? bell.? ipec.? kal.? plumb.? puls? n-mosch.? Of the tongue and the organs of speech: 1) Bell. caust. dulc. hyos. lach. 2) Acon. hIydroc. op. straim. Of the upper extremities: 1) Cale. chin. coccui. n-vom. rhus.. sep. 2) Acon. bell. lye. nritr. verart. Of the hands: 1) Ferr. ruta. sil. 2) Amb. cunpr. natr-en. Of the fingers: 1) Cale. 2) Magn-c- phosph. Of the legs: Bell. bry. chin. cocc. n-vomz. rhAs. veratr.-Of the feet: Ars. chin. oleand. plumb. Of the thighs: Acon. aur. chel. cocc. sulph. PARALYSIS OF'I HE LUNGS, or:THOPvCEA PARALYTICA,. SUFFOCATIVE CATARRItI, &C. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. carb-veg. chin. ilpec. lach. op. 2) Acon. baryt. camphl. graph. puls. salab. tart. 3) Aur. bell. bry. chain. con. dros. hep. hyos. ign. nmagn-arct. merec. nvom. op. phosph. spong. sulph. veratr. ~ 2. If of a catarrhal nature, or caused by excessive accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, give: 1) Ars. camph. chin. ipec. tart. 2) Dros. hep. mzerc. phosph. puls. spong. sulph. veratr. If of a congestive nature, caused by congestion of'blood to the lungs, give: 1) Acon. bell. bry. chin. ipec. phosph. sannb. 2) Ars. aur. chamn. nr;otnm. op. spong'. sulph. Purely nervous paralysis requires: 1) Baryt. graph. hyos. lach. n-veont. op. 2) 1rs. aur. carb-veg. chin. magn7-arct. ~ 3. To children giveG: 1) Acon. ipec. sanzb. tart. 2) Bell. chain. hep. ign. merec. sulph. To old people: 1) Baryt. inch. op. 2) Ars. aur. carb.veg. chin. con. phosph. veratr. ~ 4. See: ASTHIMA, CONGESTIONS OF TIHE CHEST, B3ONCIIITIs, COUGH, PNEUMONIA, &C. PAROTITIS. The best remedy for acute parotitis is 1ferc., in most cases a specific, though AurusLsl is sometimes indicated. Erysipelatous inflammation or metastasis to the brain, with PEM PHIGUS-PHARYNGITIS. 251 6isappearance of the swelling, stupor and delirium, requires Bell., or Hyoscyam. if Bell. should not be sufficient. In case Mercury should have been abused previously, or in case it should not be sufficient, or the swelling should commence to harden, with hectic fever, &c. Carbo-veg. is indicated. This remedy is generally indicated when the patient is very hoarse, and there is a metastasis to the stomach. If Carbo-veg. should not be sufficient for the hectic fever, Cocculus will be found to be of great service. In obstinate cases, consider: 1) Kal. rhus. 2) Aomm. aur. calc. ch im. con. Comp.: SORE THROAT. PEMIPHIGUS. —Both chronic and acute pemphigus require: 1) Bell. dulc. rhus. sep. 2) Canth. hep. racs. Compare vesicular erysipelas, which is so much like pemphigus that the same remedies may perhaps be employed for either. We have no written evidence of the treatment of this disease; nevertheless, the remedies which have been recommended by HIalnemann, for phagedenic blisters, or the so-called Fressblasen, (spreading and corrosive blisters) may be tried for pompholix, though these blisters seem to be of the class of ecthyma rather than pompholix. PERITONITIS.- Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham.; or 2) Coff. coloc. hyos. n-vor,. rhus. Comp.: EN-TELrris, MiETrITIS, PUERPE.RAL FEVER, INTERMITTENT FEVER, &C. PETECTCIIE, MORBUS MACULOSUS. Petechite which occur in typhus putridus, require: Ars. br3 rhu.s.'Morbns maculosus Wferlhofii yielded in my practice to Bry. in every instance. We may try, moreover: Arn. bell. berb. hyos. lach7. led. n- vom. phos. rut. sec. eil. stranz. sulph-ac. PHARYNGITIS, with inflammation of the velum and uvula. -Principal remedies: 1) Acon. alum. bell. canth. hyos. lach. rnerc.??-o:om. puels. strom.; or 2) Ars. calc. dulc. ign. veratr. For simple, uncomplicated inflammation, give: Acon. bell. canth. lach. merc. Inflammation with spasmodic constriction of the fauces, requires: 1) Bell. hyos. lach. stram. veratr.; or 2) Alum. ars. cic. cocc. ign. laur. lyc. merc. n-vom. op. For sensation as of a foreign body in the throat, give: 1) Ars. ign. merc. n-yorm. puls.; or 2) Bell. lach. sulph. 252 PHOSPHORUS- PHOTOPHOBIA If the inflammation should extend to the velum, give: Acon. bell. coff. merc. n-vom. Inflammation of the uvula requires in most cases: 1) Bell. cof. mere. n-vom.; or 2) Calc. seneg. sulph. Compare: SORE THROAT. PHAGEDENIC BULL2E (blisters) OF HAHNEMANN. -A kind of spreading, ulcerated blisters on the buttocks, feet, heels, toes, hands and fingers, always isolated, and distinguished from pompholix by the absence of those mucous derangements of the stomach, intestinal canal, or other functional derangements, which are generally said to accompany pompholix. Principal remedies: 1) Cham. graph petr. sil. 2) Ars. bor. calc. caust. clem7. hlep. kal. magn-c. merc. natr. nitr-ac. rhus-t. sep. squill. sulph. PHIMOSIS, paraphimosis and inflammation of the prepuce. If caused by syphilis, give Mlercurius, or NiVitr-ac. sep. thuj. Phimosis with gonorrhcea, requires: Cann. mere. sulph. Phimosis from friction or some other mechanical cause, requires Amrn., and, if inflammation should be present, give Acon., then Arn., and, if Arn. should not be sufficient, try Rhus-t. or Euphrasia. If caused by uncleanliness, Acon. or Mlere. or SZlph. will be found sufficient. If by chemical or poisonous substances, &e., give:Acon. belt, bry. camph. Suppuration requires Merc. or Caps. or IHep., and subsequent indurations: Lach. or Sulph. or Sep. For threatening gangrene, give: Ars. or Lacht. or Canth. To little children, give: Acon. or Merc. or Cale. and Sulph. PHOSPHORUS, ILL EFFECTS OF. —Cormplete poisoning requires: 1) according to Hering, vomiting as speedily as possible; if necessary, excite it by tobacco or mustard; 2) black coffee, in large quantities; 3) water mixed with common Magnc - sia.-Oil and fat things are hurtful, milk likewise. If symptoms remain, use: 1) N-onm. 2) Alumz. bell. sulplh. PHOTOPHOBIA.-Principal remedies: 1) Bell. con. euphr. ign. puls. staph. veratr. 2) Acorn. ars. calc. hep. mzerc. n-vomw phosph. rhus. sulph. veratr. BELLADONNA: Halo of various colours around the flame; red spots, mist or darkness before the eyes, diplopia and decrease of sight. CINA: Suitable to scrofulous children, that wet their beds frequently, and to onanists. PLAGUE-PNEUMONIA. 253 CoNIUIM: Pale redness of the eyeball, with congested vessels of the conjunctiva, suitable to scrofulous subjects. EUPHRASIA: Headache, the light of the candle seeming to be dark and to flicker. IGNATIA: Pressure in the eyes, with lachrymation, and without any other perceptible symptoms. PULSATILLA: Bright circles around the candle-light, with dimness of sight as if through mist, or as if through something that can be rubbed off; diplopia, or obscuration of sight. STAPHYSAGRIA: Blackness or scintillations before one's eyes, or flames, especially at night, or halos around the candlelight; with dimness of sight. VERATRUM: Black motes or sparks before the eyes, with diplopia. Comp.: OPHTHALMIA and AMBLYOPIA. PLAGUE, ORIENTAL.-The best remedies seem to be: 1) Arsbell. carb-veg. chin. rhus. 2) Bry. hep. lach. sil. sulph. PLETHORA —Such a thing as too much blood does not exist.. and the symptoms which seemed to point to an excess of blood,. frequently yield as by magic to: 1) Acon. bell. ferr. hyos. mere.. n-vorn. phos. puls. sulph. 2) Arn. aur. bry. calc. chin. croc. dig. graph. lyc. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. stram. thuj., to be chosen in every case in accordance with the symptoms. PLEURITIS, PLEURISY. —The principal remedy is Acon., a few pellets in water, a tablespoonful every 2 or 3 hours. A'fter Aeon., if the improvement should not continue, give Bry., asabove; and if sensitiveness to the weather should still remain,. give Sulphur after Bry. —Complicated cases may require: Chin. kal. lach. n-vom. squill.; and perhaps: Am. gran.? Comp: PNEUMONIA and the other AFFECTIONs of the CHEST. PLICA POLONICA.-The principal remedies seem to be Vinca. borax. lyc. natr-m. PNEUMONIA. ~ 1. Principalremedies: 1) Acon. bry. cann. chin. phosph.. rthus. squill. sulph. 2) Bell. lach. mere. puls. seneg. sulph.; or 3) Ars. bell. canth. nitr. n-vom. o. op. phos-ac. sabad. sep. tart. vetratr. ~ 2. The principal remedy,. in the first stage, is Acon., after which Bry. may be given, to be continued until the breathing is. easier and the expectoration looks better. 22 254 PNEUMONIA. If weakness of the chest, oppression and cough should reinain after Bry., give Pho5sph. or Sulph.; or Chin. lach. lyc. sil. ~ 3. If hepatization should already exist before the hoem. physician is called, Aeon. and Bry. may still be of great use; but the principal remedy is Sulph., a few pellets in a tumblerful of water, a tablespoonful every 3 hours. Lach. lye. phosph. are likewise very useful at times, even after Sulph. (Jahr proposes to give only one dose, and to allow it to act for weeks! Hemnpel) ~ 4. For astihenic pneumonia (pneumonia notha) as we see it in old people, with danger of paralysis of the lungs, the principal remedy is likewise Aeon.; after which, if another paroxysm should set in, Mercury should be given. Bell. should be given after Mere., if a spasmodic constriction of the chest, with dry hacking cough should remain; or (harn., if the breathing coutinue wheezing. (After Chanr. n-vorz. is frequently suitable.) If no change should take place after Mllere, give Ipec.. especially if the breathing be anxious and hurried; or Verttr., if the extremities be cold, with constriction of the chest and great anxiety; or Ars., if the patient sink more and more, with suffocative paroxysms. ~ 5. Typhoid pneumtnonia first requires Op., then sometimes Arn. If no change should occur after these two remnedies, give Veratr., or Ars., if the d.ebility and rattling increase. Bry. and Rhus-t.; Ipec. anid Ars., or Verair. and Ars. alternately, are likewise useful. If the improvement should not continue, give Sulph. and then again one of the former remedies which seemed to be moss beneficial. Bed-sores, especially if gangrenous, require Chin. and Aras. For obscuration of sight give Bell; and if the strength should continue to fail, Notrunw-rm. is sometimes useful. ~ 6. If symptoms of incipient pkthisis should set in after pneu - monia, or if the inflanlmation should threaten to beeome chronic. and if the existence of tubercles should have to be suspected, give 1) Sulphur; or: 2) Amm. tach. lye. khosph.; or, 3) A rs. aur. cair. hep. kal. nitr. nitr-ac. al-jec. stann. sulph-ac. If purulent expectoration slhotld remain after paenumonia,. give: 1)'Chin. ferr. hep. lach. lye. mere. sulph.; or, 2) Dro&. dulc. laur. led. puls.; or 3) Bell..? hyos.? phos-ac.? PNEUMONIA-POISONS. 255 7. Particular indications for other remedies: ARNICA: If the disease be caused by some external injury. ARSENICUM: Fetid and dingy-green expectoration, pointing to approaching gangrene, China or Lach. being insufficient. CANNABIS: Pneumonia accompanied with diseases of the heart or the larger vessels; or with greenish vomiting and delirium. CAPSICUMI: Pneumonia with bronchial catarrh or bronchitis, suitable to phlegmatic, indolent and suspicious persons. CHINA: If the patient had lost much blood either by depletion or hmrnorrhage; or bilious symptoms or symptoms of incipient gangrene being present. MERCURIUS: Pneumonia and bronchitis, especially when the patients are disposed to blennorrhea, or when there is profuse expectoration of viscid, bloody mucus. Nux vons.: Bronchial symptoms being present, or when the patients are addicted to drinking, or suffer with piles. PHosPHORUS: Pneumonia accompanied with bronchial catarrh and dry cough, or for inflalnmations which occur during the course of tuberculous phthisis. (In the last-mentioned case Kal. and Lyc. will prove useful.) PULSATILLA: Pneumonia after measles, or in consequence of an obstinate bronchial catarrh, or suppressed menses. SQUILLS: Pneumonia attended with gastric symptoms, or after it had been treated by bleeding, Chin. being insufficient; or when a profuse expectoration of mucus was present from the commencement. ~ 8. Compare: CONGESTIONS OF THE CHEST, PLEURITIS, ASTIkMA, BRONCIrrTIS, COUGH, PULMONARY PHTHISIS, &C. PODAGRA. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. bry. calc. sabin. sulph. 3) Amrb. amn. asa. coccul. kal. led. sil. thuj. zinc. See: GoUT. POISON, ADIPIC.-This dreadful poison sometimes develops itself in badly kept sausages or other pork. According to Herincl, a beverage composed of equal portions of vinegar and water-, to be taken in large quantities, is the best antidote. It may likewise be employed as a wash or gargle. Instead of vinegar lemon-juice may be employed; and, if the patientshould desire, these acids may be used alternately with sugar, black coqfee, or fresh black tea. If the dryness of the throat should continue after using these remedies, and if even slimy i)njectious should not procure an eva 256 POISONS. cuation from the bowels, give Bry., and continue it as long as the symptoms continue to be unfavourable. The ailments which remain after Bry., sometimes yield to Phos-ac.; and, if paralysis or consumption should set in, give Ars. or Kreos. POISONING, TOXICATION. ~ 1. We refer the reader to Dr. Hering's treatise on 1" Poisons," from which the principal items contained in this work about poisons and their antidotes have been borrowed. ~ 2. In treating a case of poisoning, twn things are required: 1) Removal of the exciting cause; and, 2) Treatment of the disease occasioned by the poisoning. This treatment is to be conducted in every case agreeably to the principles of the New School. The removal of the poisonous substances should be effected by the simplest and modt innocent method, either with the finger, or, if this should be impossible, as in the case of poisons that had been swallowed, we recommend the following means suggested by Hahnemann and Hering: 1) Excite vomiting or stool by the simplest means, copious administrationl of tepid water, irritating the fauces by means of a feather or something-similar; placing on the tongue a pinch of salt, snuff, or mustard; or, if neither of these means should be sufficient, resort to injections of tobacco-smoke. 2) Neutralize the poison by means of: The white of an egg, vinegar, or lemon-juice, coffee, camphor, milk, oil, soap, mucilaginous drinks, tea, wine, sugar; or, in some cases: ammoniacal gas, iron-rust, charcoal, kitchen-salt, epsom-salt, sweet-almond oil, spiritus nitr., dulc., potash, boiled starch, &c. ~ 3. Particular indications: WIITE OF AN EGG, dissolved in a sufficient quantity of water, and used as a drink, especially for: Metallic substances, such as, quicksilver, corrosive sublimate, verdigris, tin, lead, and sulphuric acid; when the patient complains of violent pains in the stomach or abdomen, with tenesmus, or diarrhoea and pains at the anus. VINEGAR: Antidotes poisoning with alkaline substances;but is hurtful in cases of poisoning with mineral acids, corrosive vegetable substances, Arsenic, and a large quantity of salts. In many cases it removes the ill effects of Aconite, Opium, narcotic substances, poisonous mushrooms, belladonna, carbonic-acid gas, hepar sulphuris, poisonous muscles and fish, and even of adipic acid. The vinegar may be drank or administered by the rectum, alternately with mucilaginous substances. The vinegar should be as pure as possible. Crab-vinegar is, of itself, poisonous. COFFEE: Strong black coffee, the beans being little roasted, POISONS. 5i57 and drank as hot as possible. Indispensable for a large number of poisons, especially when causing drowsiness, intoxication, loss of consciousness, or mental derangement, delirium, &c., in general, antidoting narcotic substances, sudh as: Opium, nux-vom., belladonna, narcotic muthrooms, poisonous sumach, bitter almonds, prussic acid and all those substances containing it, Bell., colocynth, vrler., cicuta and chain. In case of poisoning with Antimony, Phosphor. and Phosphoric acid, coffee is no less indispensable. CAMPHOR: Principal antidote of all vegetable substances, especially such as have a corrosive effect, or when vomiting and diarrhoea, pale face, cold extremities and loss of consciousness are present. Camphor is a specific remedy for the ill effects of poisoning insects, especially cantharides, whether administered internally or externally. Likewise for the effects of so-called wormmedicines, tobacco, bitter almonds, and other fruits containing prussic acid. It is likewise useful for the secondary affections remaining after poisoning with acids, salts, metals, phosphorus, poisonous mushrooms, &c., after the poisonous substance itself had been removed from the stomach by means of vomiting, &c. MILK: Less useful than is supposed. To procure an artificial covering or envelop for the poison, mucilaginous substances are to be preferred. Fat milk (or cream) is suitable in all cases where oil. is, and hurtful where oil is. Curdled or sour milk is suitable or not suitable in all cases where vinegar is or is not. OLIVE OIL: Less useful than is believed. It is of no use in cases of metallic poisoning, and even hurtful in cases of poisoning with Arsenic. It is very bad for the ill effects of Canthar. This remark applies to poisoning with any other insect, or if the poison should have got into one's eye. Oil may be used to facilitate the extraction of insects firon the ear in case they should have got into it. Oil is most suitable for poisoning with corrosive acids, such as: nitric4acid, sulphutric acid, &c. It is sometimes useful in cases of poisoning with alkalies, to be administered alternately with vinegar, and in cases of poisoning with mushrooms. MUCILAGINOUS SUBSrANCES, drinks, or injections of mucilaginous substances, should be resorted to in cases of poisoning with alkalies, especially when adminilstered alternately with vinegar. SOAP, common castile soap, dissolved in four times its bulk of hot water and drunk, is one of the best remedies in many cases of poisoning. It may be drank by tile cupfful,-a cupful every two, three, or four minutes, ill all cases where the white of an egg is indicated but does not produce sufficielt relief. Soap is particularly useful in all cases of poisoning with metallic substances, especially Arsenic, lead, &c. Likewise for poisoning with corrosive acids, such as: Sulphuriic acid, nitric acid, &c., with 22, f2_8 POISONS. alum, corrosive vegetable substances, castor oil, &c. Soap is hurtful in cases of poisoning with alkalies, such as: Lye, nitrate of silver, potash, soda, oleum tartari, ammonium muriaticum, (Salmiac) ammonium carbonicum, caustic or burnt lime, barytes, &c. SUGAR, or sugar-water, one of the bhst remedies in many cases. In case of poisoning with mineral acids or alkalies, it is best'to resort at once to the specific antidote, though sugar is not hurtful. In cases of poisoning with metallic substances, various kinds of paint, verdigris, copper, sulphate of copper, alum, &c., sugar is preferable to every other remedy, and not till the patient has been relieved by the sugar, administer the white of an egg or soapwater alternately with sugar. Sugar is likewise an excellent antidote in cases of poisoning with arsenic or corrosive vegetable substances. ~ 4. Of the other antidotes, use: AMMONIACAL GAS: For alcohol, bitter almonds, prussic acid. IRON-RUST: For Arsenic. ErsoM-SALTS: For alkaline poisons. CHARCOAL: For foul fish, foul meat, poisonous mushrooms, poisoning muscles, &c. KITCHEN-SALT: For nitrate of silver and powisonous wounds. MAGNESIA: For acids. SWEET-ALMOND OIL: For acids. POTASH: For acids. STARCH: For iodine. SPIRITS OF NITRE: For alkaline poisons and animlal substances. TEA: For adipic acid and poisonous honey. WINE: For noxious vaepours and poisonous mushreoms. ~ 5. The first thing we have to do, in treating a case of poisoning, is to remove the poison by vomiting, and then to administer suitable antidotes. If we should Inot be able to ascertain what kind of poison had been swallowed, we should first administer the white of an egg and, if there should be stupefaction, coffee. If we should know that the poison is: a) A metallic substance, we have to give: first the white of an egg, sugar-water, soap-water, and afterwards, for the remaining ailraents: Sulph., which is a real antidote to metals. b) If acids and corrosive sllbstarnces, give: 1) Soap-water; 2) Magnesia dissolved in water; 3) Chalk-water; 4) Alkalies or potash dissolved in water, taking a tablespoonful as long as the vomiting continues. Afterwards mucilaginous drinks, and alternately Cogf. and Op. as homweopathic antidotes. POISONS. 259 As regards the remaining ailments, give Puls. for sulphuric acid; Bry. for muriatic acid; Acon. for the other acids, and especially crab-apple vinegar. If the skin should have been corroded by poisons, apply soap-water, or a watery solution of Caust.; and if corrosive substances should have got into the eyes, apply sweet almond-oil, or fresh unsalt-butter. c) For alkaline substances: 1) Vinegar and water in large quantities; 2) Lemon-juice. or acids from other fruits, diluted with much water; 3) Sour milk; 4) nMucilaginous drinks, or injections. Vinegar js hurtful in cases of poisoning with Barytes; but epsorn-salt dissolved in water, renders good service; afterwards, Camph. or Nitr. spir. The secondary effects of poisoning with potash, require: Coff. or Carb-v.; and those of poisoning with spirits of Ammonia, Hep. d) For the inhalation of noxious rapours: Sprinkle tile patient with vinegar and water, or let him inhale the vapours of a solution of chlore; afterwards, after the return of consciousness, give black coffee, or a few doses of Op. or Bell. (See: VArouRs.) e) For vegetable poisons: 1) Camphor, by olfaction, or sometimes a drop of the spirits of camphor on sugar; 2) Black coffee or vinegar, especially for narcotic vegetable juices. The best antidotes for corrosive vegetable juices, are soap-water and milk. f) For animal poisons: See the single poisons, such:as: Cantharides, adipic poison, stings of insects, fish-poison, poisonous honey, &c.-For toad-poison, or similar poisons, if they should have got into the stomach, give powdered charcoal, stirred up with oil or milk; or let the patient smell of the sweet spirits of nitre, if bad symptoms should set in, and afterward give Ars.- If a poison of this kind should have got into the eye, give Acon. ~ 6. As regards the wounds or bites inflicted by poisonous animals, Hering proposes the following mode of treatment: For the bites of poisonous serpents, mad dogs, or other poisonous animals, apply heat at a distance, for which purpose any thing may be used which is handy at the time: a red-hot iron, incandescent piece of coal, or even a bumrning cioar; hold this as near as possible without burning the skin. The heat should be kept up uniformly, and should be concentrated upon the wound exclu — sively. The edges of the wound should be covered over with oil or.fat, and this should be repeated as often as the skin gets dry. If no oil or fat can be had, use soap, or even saliva. Wipe off' carefully every thing which is discharged from the wound. Continue the application of heat until the patient feels chilly and stretches himself; if this should take place too speedily, continue ,260 POLYPI. to apply the heat for about an hour, or until the effects of the poison commence to disappear. ~ 7. Atthe same time administer internal remedies. Inthe case of a serpent's bite, give the patient a swallow of salt-water from time to time, or a pinch of salt or powder, or a few pieces of garlic. If, nevertheless, dangerous symptoms should set in, give a tablespoonful of wine or brandy every 2 or 3 minutes; continue this until the symptoms abate, and repeat the brandy at every return of a paroxysm. If the stitching pains should increase in violence, and be felt nearer the heart; if the wound, at the same time, should be bluish, checkered like marble and swollen, with vomiting, vertigo and diarrhea, give Ars. 30, and another dose in halt an hour, if the symptoms should continue to get worse, or only in 3 hours, if they should remain unchanged; if an improvement should set in after the first dose, do not repeat the medicine until the symptoms get worse again. If Ars., even if repeated, should have no effect, give Bell. In some cases Senega may be tried. The chronic sequelw of the bite of a serpent require: Phos-ac. and Mierc. ~ 8. If the bite should have been inflicted by a mad dog, apply heat at a distance as above, and for the remaining treatment see: HYDROPHOBIA. If the bite should proceed from a man or animal which is not mad, but furious, give Hydrophobin; which is recommended by Hering. ~ 9. Wounds which have become poisonous in consequence of decayed animal matter or pus haviing got into them, require Ars. To guard against unpleasant consequences in case we should have to touch decayed animal substances, poisonous wotunds or ulcers, or men and animals infected with contagious diseases, we should hold our hands for ten or fifteen mainutes near as strong a heat as can be borne, and afterwards wash them with soap. The use of Chlore in such cases is well known. POLYPI.-Principal remedies: 1) Calc. 2) Phosph. puls. staph. 3) Con. merc. sil. thuj. 4) Anhb. ant. ars. aur. graph. hep. lyc. mez. peir. phos-ac. sep. sulph. sufph-ac. teucr. Mucous growths seem to require: 1) Calc. merc. pu's. 2) Hep. mez. sulph. teucr. Fibrous growths: 1) Cale. staph. 2) Ars. petr. phosph. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. 262 PRESBYOPi.A —-PROSOPALGIA h) For colic: 1) Arn. bry. chain. n-vorm. puls. sep.; or, 2) Bell. hyos. lach. veratr. i) For constipation: 1) Bry. n-vom.; or, 2) Alum. lye. op. sep. k) For diarrhoea: 1) Ai.t. phosph. Sep. sulph.; or, 2) Dulc. hyos. lye. petr. 1) For ischuria and dysuria: 1) Cocc. phos-ac. puls.; or, 2) Con. n-voml. sulph. m) For varices: 1) Lye. 2) Carb-veg. puls. PRESBYOPIA. —Principal remedies: 1) Calc. dros. sep. sil. sulph.; or, 2) Carb-an. coff con. hyos. lyc. meph. natr. natrm. petr. See: AMIBLYOPIA. PROLAPSUS OF THE RECTUM.-Principal remedies: Ign. nux-v. mere. sulph.; and perhaps, to removtthe disposition to this affection: Ars. calc. lyc. ruta. sep. Prolapsus of the rectum in children, requires: Ign. or n-vom. PROLAPSUS UTERI et VAGIN1E.-Principal remedies so far as knowl: Aur. bell.?-orem. sep.; or perhaps: Calc. gran.? kreos. mere. n-mosch.? stann.? Prolapsus of the uterus requires: Aur. bell. calc. n-vom. sep. stann. Of the vagina: Kreos. mere. n-voen. Recent prolapsus, of about a fortnight's duration, yields to one dose of Nux-v. 30, in 24 hours, provided the patient remains quiet in bed for 24 hours. PROSOPALGIA. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. caust. coloc. con. hep. lyc. mere. mez. n-vom. phosph. plat. spig. staph.; or, 2) Bry. calc. caps. chin. lyc. puls. rhus. sii. s stann. sulph. t7uj. veratr.. or, 3) Actea. agar. arn. ars. ant. bar-c. chain. coe kal. kal-chl.? magn.? magn-m.? &c. ~ 2. Inflammatory prosopalgia requires: 1) Acon. arn. bry. phosph. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Bar-c. bell. lach. merc. plat. thuj. veratr. Rheumatic: 1) Acon. caust. chin. merc. mez. phosph. puls. spig. sulph. thuj.; or, 2) Amn. tbry. hep. lach. magn. 7-vone. veratr. Arthritic: Caust. coloc. merc. n-v.ol. rhus. spig., &c. Nervous: 1) Spig. 2) Bell. caps. lye. plat. spig. magn-arct. orr 3) Hyos. nlach. magn. n-vomre., &c. PROSOPALGIA. 263 If caused by abuse of Mercury: Aur. carb-veg. chin. hep. sullph., See: MERCURIAL AFFECTIONS. ~ 3. Prosopalgia of plethoric personis is frequently removed by: 1) Acon. Bell.; or, 2) Calc. chin. lach. phosph. plat. Of nervous persons, by: Bell. lach. lyc. plat. spig. ~ 4. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Red and hot face, with pain on one side, creeping or as from an ulcer; swelling of the cheek or jaws; fever-heat, thirst; violent pains with restlessness and anguish, &c. BELLADONNA: The pain follows the course of the infra-orbital nerve, and is easily excited by friction; or for tearing, stitching pains in the bones, jaws or malar bones; in many cases rigidity of the nape of the neck; spasrns of the eyelids; convulsive twitclling of the facial muscles and distortion of the mouth; hot and red face, &c. CAUs'rICUM: Tensive or beatinwr pains in the facial bones, especially under the eyes, with a sort of laieness of the facial muscles; or drawillg pains in the ja ws, so that the patient is unable to open his jaws; rheumatic pains in the limbs, buzzing in the ears, &c. COLOCYNTHSr Tearing and stitching pains, affecting principally the left sidle of tile face, and extending to the head, temples, nose, ear and teeth, with swelling of the face, aggravation uy touching the part.s ever so slightly, &c. CoNrUM: The pains set in at night; tearing or stitching. ItEPAR: Pains in the malar bones, worse when touchinll the parts, extending to the ecars and temples. LYcOPODIU.-: Pains commnencing with a feeling of coldness, especially in the right side oL the face, worse at night or in the evening. MERCuRIus: Tarinl or stitchling pains, affectingr one whole side of the head, from the teiliple to the teeth, worse at uioiht in the warm bed, with ptyalism, lachrymation, sweat in the face or about the head, sleeplessness, &c. MEZEREUNI: SpasmodXc, stupefying pains affecting the left malar bone, and extending to the eye, temple, ear, teeth, throat and shoulder, worse aficr taking any thing warm or on coming out of the open air and entering a room. Nux voM.: Tearing and drawing pains extending to the inner ear, with swelling of the' cheeks; red face or cheek, (or ogne only) or yellowish tinge, especially around the nose and mouth; creeping in the face with twitching of the muscles; aggravation by mental labour, wine, coffee, &c. PHosPHORU8: Tearing pains, especially on the left side, with itching and tension of the skin of the face; swelling and paleness 264 PROSOPALGIA. of the face; aggravation by moving the facial muscles when eating, talking, &c., or by the slightest touch; pains from the jaws to the root of the nose or the inner ear; congestion of blood to. the bead, with vertigo; buzzing in the ears, &c. PLATINA:- Tingling pains, with feeling of coldness and numbness in the affected side; or for cramp-pain and tensive pressore in the malar bones; aggravation in the evening and during rest; whining mood; red face, thirst, &c. SPIGELIA: Jerking tearing, burning and pressure in the malar bones; violent pains, not allowing either to touch or move the part, with shining swelling of the affected side, or with anguish of heart and great restlessness. STAPHYSAGRIA: Aching, beating pains from the teeth to the eye, or stitching, burning, drawing, cutting or tearing pains, with sensation of swelling in the affected side, spasmodic weeping, cold hands and cold sweat in the face. ~ 5. Use more particularly: a) For distensive pains: Bell. ign. phos. plat. spig. b) Burning pains: Bell. cham. coloc. graph. ign. phos. phosac. rhus. samb. spig. veratr. c) Aching pains: Bell. chin. mez. rthus. par. spig. stan2n. staph. d) Crampy pains: Mez. nitr-ac. par. plat. stann. thuj. e) Beating: Acon. bell. merec. plat. stap7h. f ) Tinglilng: Nux-v. plat. g) Tearing: Alum. carb-v. chin. coloc. con. hep. lye. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. rhus. spig. staph. h) Cutting: 1) Bell. staph. 2) Cvlc. coloc. rhus. i) Stitching: Alum. ars. bell. co70c. con. graph. lyc. mere. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. k) Tensive: A ur. baryt. caust. coloc. hep. par. phos. rhus. I) Pains with feeling of numbness in the affected parts: Mez. plat. m) Digging pains: Coloc. plat. n) Drawing pains: Ars. carb-v. hep. kal. rhus. sil. stann. o) Jerking pains: Chin. n-vom. phos. spig. thuj. ~ 6. For pains worse: a) By contact: Actaea. chin. dros. hep. phos. spig. b) By motion, talking, chewing: Actaea. bell. bry. calc. mez. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. spig. staph. c) For pains on one side only: Acon. actaea. bell. coloc. con. dros. mez. natr-m. n-vom. phos. plat. puls. spig. stann. staph. d) Pains on the left side: 1) Coloc. graph. lach. staph. suElpl. 2) Acon.'calc. con. riitr-ac. n-vom. spig. verat. PROSTATITIS-PULMONARY PHTHISIS. 265 e) Right side: Bell. bry. con. rthus. spig. f) Worse in the evening: 1) Bell. conl. lach. mez. nitr-ac. phos. plat. puls. 2) Acon. bry. calc. coloc. kal. rhus. stann. g) Nightly pains: 1) Acon. con. merc. nitr-ac. sil. 2) Bell. bry. calc. cin. dros. kal. lach. mez. natr-nz. phos. puls. rhus. spig. staph. thuj. h) Worse after eating: 1) Bry. calc. con. kal. natr-m. n-vom. phos. sil. 2) Nitr-ac. puls. rhus. ~ 7. See: HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF, CAUSES, CONDITIONS, &C. PROSTATITIS. The principal remedies, so far, are: Puls. and Thija. We may likewise try: Agn. aur. cain. canth..? jod. nmere. spong.? sulph.? If caused by gonorrhcea, give, above all, Puls. and Thuja. PRUSSIC ACID, POISONING WITH. Resort to: 1) Spirits of ammonia, which the patient should smiell of, or dissolve a few drops in a tumblerful of water, and give it in teaspoonfill doses; 2) Black coffee by the mouth and rectum; 3) Vapours of vinegar or Camphor. Subsequent secondary ailments require: Coff. ipec. nux-v. The same mode of treatment applies to poisoning with bitter almonzds or laurocerasus. PSOITIS. Principal remedies: Acon. bry. n-vom. puls. rhus. staph. See: RIEUMATISM and PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF. For suppuration, see: ABscEss, and INFLAMMATORY TUMOUR. PTYALISM. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. calc. canth. colc. dulc. euzphorb. hep. jod. lach. merc. nitr-ac. op. sulph. 2) Alum. amb. ant. arg. baryt. bry. caust. cham. chin. dros. graph. hell. hyos. ign. ipec. lye. natr-m. puls. seneg. sep. staph. stram. sulph-ac. veratr. If caused by abuse of llMercury, give: Bell. chin. dulc. hep. jod. lach. nitr-ac. op. sulph. See: STOMACACE. PULMONARY PHTHIISIS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. kal. lyc. phos. puls. stann. 2) Ars. chin. dros. ferr. jod. lach. nitr. nitr-ac. sep. sil. sulph. 3) Bry. carb-v. con. dulc. hep. kreos. laur. led. merc. natr-m. PULMONARY PHTHISIS. 267 ful, at others purulent, slimy and mixed with tuberculous substances. CHINA: Suitable to patients that have frequently been attacked with pneumorrhagia, or have been debilitated by bleeding. (After Chin., Ferrum is frequently suitable.) DULCAMARA: When there is great disposition to take, cold, or when the disease originates in frequent colds. FERRUM: W~hen the disease occurred in consequence of pleumonia or a neglected catarrh, and is attended by heavy breathing and vomiting of food or lienteria. (Ill this latter case China is excellent.) HEPAR: Suitable to children or scrofulous young people, in the first stage of the disease, frequently after Bell. or alternately with Merc. or Sil. KALI cARB.: Excellent for incipient or developed phthisis1 especially after Nitr-ac. or Sil., or when the children look bloated over the eyes and between the eyebrows. LAcnESIs: After or alternately with: Bell. hep. sil. LYcoproDIui: For hectic fever with cough and purulent expectoration in consequen ce of violent or neglected pneumonia; or for incipient, r even fully developed tuberculous phthisis, bloody or purulent expectoration. (Suitable after or alternately with: Calc. sil. pl7os.) NITRI-AC.: At the commencement of the disease, before using Kali, suitable to persons with brown hair, yellowish complexion, and disposed to diarrhea. PlosPlHoRus: Suitable to thin, blond, slender individuals, or to children and delicate girls, with dry, short cough, short breath, striking thinness, bloated appearance under the eyes, disposition to diarrhcea or sweat, &c. (Suitable after Bell. or alternately with Lye. si.) SAII;Ucus: The disease is accompanied by profuse, colliquative sweats, or frequent paroxysms of asthma. (Is frequently suitable after, or in alternation with Ars.) SILICERA: Almost the same symptoms as those for Phosphorus in most cases of incipient or confirmed phthisis, especially after: Lyc. phos. hep. or calc. STANNUM: This remedy is not indicated by a decidedly purulent expectoration; but more than any other remedy by mucous expectoration in the first stage of consumption, or when a neglected catarrh threatens to pass into phthisis. SULPHUlTR: For pulmonary suppression after violent pneumonia, also for tuberculous phthisis in the second stage, even for incipient tuberculosis, provided the inflanmmatory symptoms had been removed by other remedies, (such as: Aceon. phlos.), and a dose is allowed to act for several weeks. 268 PURPLE RASH —RHACHITIS. ~ 5. It may be proper here to repeat, that the remedy must be well chosen, otherwise it might produce a dangerous irritation and even inflammation of crude tubercles. The medicine should not be repeated unless we are sure that it is the proper remedy, and that the first dose has ceased to act. ~ 6. Compare: Asthma, Congestions of the chest, Bronchitis, Cough, Pneumonia, &c. PURPLE-RASH. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. coff. 2) Bell. sulph. If the disease should be complicated with scarlatina, give: Dulc. See: INFLAMMATORY FEVERs and EXANTHEMS, and compare: VARIOLA, RASH, MEASLES, SCARLATINA. RANULA. Principal remedies: Calc. mere. thuj.-perhaps also, Ambra. RASH, MILIARIA. Principal remedies: Aeon. ars. bell. bry. cham. ipec. puls. sulph. If the breaking out should be accompanied with great anguish, give Ars. Lying-in women require principally: Bry. or Ipec.; ana children: Acon. bell. bry. cham. ipec. If sudden retrocession or slow development of the eruption should be followed by asthmatic complaints, gastric symptoms and fainting turns, give Ipec. Miliaria alba requires principally: Ars. bry., and perhaps, Bell. val. See: PURPLE and SCARLET-RASSI. RETENTION OF URINE, iscHURIA.-Spasmodic ischulia.1) N-vuom. op. puls.; or, 2) Aur. caCth. con. dig. hyos. lach. rhus. veratr. Comp.: URINARY DIFFICULTIES. Inflammatory ischuria: Acon. cann. canth. n-vorl. puls., &c. Comp.: CYSTrITIS and URINARY DIFFICULTIES. Paralytic ischuria: Ars. dulc. hyos., &c. Comp.: URINARY DIFFICULTIES. RHACHITIS, RICKETs-.Principal remedies: l) Asa. bell. calc. lye. mere. puls. sil. staph. sulph.; and, 2) Alez. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. RHAGADES-RHEUJMATISM. 269 For curvature of the spine: Bell. calc. puls. sil. sulph. For curvature of the long bones and swelling of the joints: Asa. calc. sil. sulph. For too large size of the head, the fontanelles remaining open: Calc. puls. sil. See: SCROPHULA and BONES, DISEASES OF. RHAGADES. ~ 1. Principal remedies: J) Alum. calc. hep. lyc. merc. petr. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Am. aur. cham. cycl. lach. mang. natrm. nitr-ac. sassap. sil. ziTnc. ~ 2. Rhagades of the hands, from working in water: 1) Calc. hep. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. ant. cham. merc. rhus. sassap. Chapping in cold wenther: Petr. sulph. ~ 3. HIemorrhoidal rhagades at' the anus, require: 1) Agn. arn. chaum. graph. 2) Ilep. rhus. sassap. sulph. Rhagades of the lips: Arz2. ars. caps. cham. ign. merc. natr-m. puls. sulph. Of the ale nasi: fMerc. sil. Of the prepuce: Arn. mere. sep. sil. sulph. thuj. ~ 4. Deep, bleeding rhagades, require: 1) Cham. merc. sil. 2) Calc. graph. lach. nitr —ac. petr. staph. sulph. The principal remedy for syphilitic rhagades of the hands, or between the toes, is IMerc.; if the patient should have had much Mercury, give: Aur. carb-veg. lach. nitr-ac. sassap. sep. sulph.; nevertheless, Mllerc. will be found indispensable, provided the rhagades are not exclusively mercurial. Comp.: ULCERS, SUPPURATIONS, SORENESS OF THE SKIN. RHEUMATISM. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. bry. cham. merc. nvom. phosph. puls. rhus. 2) Ant. ars. carb-veg. caust. chin. colch. ferr. hep. ign. lach. lyc. n-mosch. rhod. ruta. sassap. sep. sulph. thuj. veratr. 3) Camph. cann. canth. coloc. cupr. euphr. kreos. magn-c. mez. nitr-ac. ran. spig. squill. stann. tart. val. ~ 2. For acute rheumatism: Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. cham. chin. colch. dulc. ign. mere. n-veom. puls. and rhus. Chronic rheumatism: Caust. clem. hep. lach. lye. phosph. sulph. veratr.; or: Bry. dulc. ignr. mere. n-vom. puls. rhus. thuj. Rheumatism and swelling of joints: Acon. ant. arn. bell. bry. chin. clem. hep. n-vom. rhus. sulph. Rheumatism with curvature and stiffness of the affected part: 23 * 270 Rl.UMt ATISMI. 1) Ant. bry. caust. guaj. lach. sulph. 2) Amm-m. coloc. graph. lyc. nat]-mr. n-vom. rhus. sep. Rheumatism with lameness: 1) Arn. chin. ferr. ruta.; or, 2) Cin. coccul. hell. plumb. sassap. staph. Erratic rheumatic pains: 1) Bry. n-mosch. n-vom. puls.; or, 2) Amrn. ars. asa. bell. daph. mang. plnhmb. rhod. sabin. sassap. sep. sulph. val.. 3. Rheumatism in consequence of gonorrhoea: 1) Clem. sassap. thuj.; or, 2) Daiph. lye. and sulph. If caused by abuse of Mercury: 1) Carb-veg. chin. guaj. lyc. sassap. sulph., or: 2) Arg. arn. bell. catc. chaum. chin. guaj. hep. lach. lye. mez. phos-ac. puls. Pains coming on after taking the least cold, require: Acon. arn. bry. calc. dulc. merc. phos-ac. su!ph. If caused by bad weather, give: 1) Calc. dulc. n-mosch. rhod. rhus. veratr.; or: 2) Amzm. ant. carb-an. curb-veg. lach. lye. mang. nzerc. nitr-ac. puls. sep. spig. stront. sulph. If by a change of weather: Bry. calc. carb-veg. dulc. graph. Iach. mang. merc. n-mosch. phosph. rhod. rhus. sil. sulph. veratr. If by being in the water, or by exposure to wet and danip weather: 1) Calc. n-mosch. puls. rhus sassap. sep. 2) Bell- borax. bry. carb-veg. caust. colch. dalec. hep. lye. seiph. If by exposure to the cold in winter; 1) Ars. bry. or n-vomn. 2) Carb-veg. colch. nitj-ac. phosph. puas. sulph-ac. ~ 4. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Tearing or stitchinty pains, less when sitting, intolerable at night, with complaints and reproaches; red and shining swelling of the affected part, and excessive sensitiveness to contact and motion; aggrravation or return. of the pain, by wine or other heating causes, also by emotions; high fever, with dry heat, thirst, redness of cheeks, or alternation of redness andl paleness of the face. ARNIcA: Pains as if sprained or contused. feeling of lameness and tingling in the affected parts, or hard, red and shining swelling; violent pains in the affected part, with sensation as if resting upon something very hard; aggravation by moving the affected part (Arn. is suitable, after or before: Chin. ars. ferr. or rhus.) BELLADONNA: Stitching, burning pains, worse at night and by motion, swelling of the affikcted part, with shining, widely spreading redness; violent fever, with throbbing of the carotid arteries, congestion of blood to the head, red face and eyes. (Bell. is frequently suitable after: Acon. chiam. mere. or puls.) BRYONIA:'ensive and tearing pains, with' stitching in the affected part as often as it is moved; or pains which have no certain locality, and affect the muscles rather than the bones; red and RHEUMATISM 271 shining, or pale and tensive swelling, or stiffness of the affected part; aggravation at night and during the least motion; general sweat or chilliness and shucddering, or fever-heat with headache, bilious or gastric symptoms; vexed mood, or anger. (Frequently after Ac7n. or R/i6Zs-t.) CI^AMIOMILLA: Drawing or tearing pains, with sensation of numbness or lameness in the affected part; the pains are continuous and get worse at night; fever with burning heat in the affected part, preceded by shuddering; hot sweat about the head, even in the hair; redness, of one cheek only, generally; great restlessness, tossing about, or chill; desire to be in bed. (Suitable after or before Bell. puls. or ign.) MERCUsIUS: Stitching, burning or tearing pains, worse in coZd and damp weather, in bed, at night or toward morning; cedema of the affected parts; the pains are principally* felt in the joints or bones; feeling of coldness in the affected parts; copious sweat, affording no relief. (Is frequently suitable after Bell. bry. chin. dtulc. or lach.) Nux-voai.: Teesive, jerking or pulling pains, especially in the back, loins, chest or joints, with pale, tensive swelling; azumnbncsas or lameness of the affected muscles, with spasms or twitchings in the inuscles; aversion to the open air and great sensitiveness to cold; gastric symptoms; constipation, shuddering with trembiing and aggravation of the symptoms. (Rarely suitable at. the conrmnencelnent, but frequently after: Acon. chain. ig tn. or al.t) PULSA]TLL:' Drawing, tearing and jerking pains, worse at 2zfght or ill the eveuing in bed; also by the warmth of the room, or by atAleiapmtinr to chalire a position which the patient had been in for a lonu timre; or pains which shift rapidly from one J.oint to ftge ot.her; sensation of numbness or lameness in the affected parts, or stitches and feeillng of coldness at every change of weather; relief by uncoveringr the part or in the open air; pale face and chills. increasing with the painis. (Frequently suitable after: C/Mai7s. gn. or arn.) RyiuS-Tox.: Tearing and burning or tensive pains, or pailn as if sprained, with sensation of lamreness and creeping ill the affected parts; rigidity or red and shining swelling of the joints, with stitches when toleched; aggravation during rest and in bad weather. (Suitable after Armt. or Bry.) ~ 5. Use likewise: AR-sENICU.I: For burning, tearing.pains, worse at night, and in the cold, abating by the application of warmth. CAUSTICUIMa: The pains are worse in the open air, in the room 272 RHEUMATISM. and bed; or with lameness, stiffness and curvature of the affected part. CHINA: Pains which are made worse by motion, with lameness of the affected parts, profuse sweat, &c., COLCHICUM: Paroxysms of tearing, stitching or drawing pain in the affected part through to the bone; lameness of the affected part; tearing in warm weather, with stitches in the limbs, when the weather is cold; the pains are worse fromn evening till morning, sometimes intolerable in the evening; nightly heat with thirst; nervousness; yellow spots ill the face; loss of appetite with loathing of the smell rather than taste of the food; diminished, dark, brown urine. DULCAMARA: The pains set in at night and during rest, with little fever. FERRUM: For rheumatic lameness of the shoulder. TGNATIA: Pains as if contused or sprained, or sensation as if the flesh were loose on tile bones in consequence of blows; the pains are worse at night, diminished by a change of position. LACHESIS: Chronic rheumatism, alternately with Hepar; or stiffless and curvature of the affected parts. LYcoroDIuaI: Drawing and tearing pains, worse at night and during rest; painful rigidity of the muscles and joints, with sensation of numbness in the affected part. (Suitable after: Rhus. calc. puls. or nux-mosch.) Nvx-MoscIi.: Wandering, aching or drawing pains, worse during rest, or in the open and cold air. PHosriooRus: Tearing, drawing and tensive pains, setting in when taking the least cold, with headache, vertigo, oppression of the chest, &c. RHODODENDRON: The pains are worse during rest, excited by rough, damp, windy weather. RUTA: Rheumatic lameness of the wrist or tarsal joint. SEPIA: Rheumatic affections in persons of a slender form, especially suitable to females with a delicate skin and complexion. SULPnIUR: Chronic rheumatism, and secondary ailments of acute rheumnatism. (Frequently after: Acon. bell. bry. merc.or puls.) THUJA: Tearing and beating pains, as from subcutaneous ulceration, with coldness and feeling of numbness in the affected parts, worse during rest and in bed. VERATRUM: Pains as if bruised, worse in bed and bad weather, less when walking, with weakness and trembling of the affected part. ~ 6. Comp.: GoUT, PAIN, PAROXYSMS OF, CONDITIONS, CAUSES, WEATHER, &C. RUPIA. 273 RUPIA s. RHYPIA. ~ 1. Names have caused an immense confusion in the department of cutaneous diseases. Samuel Plumbe, Schaenlein and others, confound rupia and ecthyma; Hebra applies the name rLipia only to syphilitic herpes with pyramidal crusts; Bateman, who distinguishes R. simplex and R. proeminens, understands by it an eruption very similar to ecthyma with which other authors have either confounded rupia, or who, in its higher forms, have classed it with the corroding and spreading ulcers. According to Bateman, the primitive form of rupia is vesicular, never pustulous, as that of ecthymna, though it is very difficult to distinguish these eruptions from each other, when more developed, except perhaps by the fact that the crusts of rupia are broader and less firmly adhering than those of ecthyma. Hebra's rupia is the syphilitic form with conical scurfs, and is the same as Bateman's rupia proeminens; whereas Bateman's rupia simplex is identical with the so-called phagedenic blister of Hahnemann and a kind of phagedenic ulcers of older writers. ~ 2. According to these distinctions, we propose for rupia, or rupia (Schoanlein), one or more of the following remedies, or of those which have been indicated for ecthyma. b) For rupia simplex (Bateman), (the ulcus phagedenicum of some authors, or the bulla phagedenica of Hahnemaun: 1) Ars. cham. gra1ph. petr. sil. 2) Borax. calc. clem. hep. natr. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. squill. staph. c) For the rupia of I-ebra (rupia syphilitica or rupia proeminens of Bateman) Mercurius. This is not always sufficient; in one case I had to give: Alum. nitr-ac. clem. thuj. sassap., then Sulph., and lastly another dose of Merc., which effected a permanent and thorough cure. ~ 3. See: HERPES, ULCERS, HERPES, PUSTULOSUs, and SYPHILIS. RUBEOLE. -This disease is intermediate between scarlatina and measles, the symptoms of the mucous membranes being like thqse of scarlatina and the eruption itself resembling measles. The principal remedies are: Acon. bel1. n-vom. puls. See: EXANTHEMATA, MEASLES and SCARLATINA. RUNNING OF THE EYES-Blennorrhcea oculorum, Ophthalmo-blennorrhoa, Principalremedies: 1) Dig. euphr. graph. puls. sen. 2) Alum. atnm. calc. caust. chin. euphr. guaj. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. sil. spig. sulph. thuj. 274 RUSH OF BLOOD-SCARLATINA. For frequent lachrymation, give: 1) Acon. bell. calc. euphr. kreos. puls. rut. sil. spig. staph. sulph. 2) Alum. ars. bry dig graph. hep. ign. kal. lach. lye. merc. natr-m. nsvom. phos. phos-ac. rhus. spong. staph. thuj. Bleareyed.ness, lippitudo: 1) Acon. euphr. mprc. puls. 2) Rhus. spig. 3) Gran.? par.? RUSH OF BLOOD. Complained of by plethoric, debilitated, hypochondriac or nervous individuals; the principal remedies are: 1) Acor. aur. calc. hep. kal. kreos. lye. phos. setp. sulpli. 2) Arab. amm. arn. bell. bry. carb-v. caust. croc. chin. ferr. jod. natr-m. n-vom. op. petr. phos-ac. rhus. samb. sassap. sen. sil. stann. thuj. Rush of blood of plethoric individuals requires: 1) Acon. aur. bell. calc. lye. phos. sep. sulph. 2) Amn. bry. chin. ferr. natr-m, n-vom. rhus. theij. Of nervous, very irritable individuals: 1) A con. arn. bell. chin. n-vonm. 2) Arnb. aur. calc. ferr. lyc. petr. samb. SAFFRON, ILL EFFECTS OF. The best antidote, according to Hering, is black coffee, to be drank until vomiting sets in, and for the secondary diseases: Opium. Chronic secondary affections require: Acon. bell. plat. puls. SAL AMMONIAC, and NITRE, POISONING WITH. Tepid water with uusalt butter, to be drank until vomiting sets in; afterwards mueilaginous drinks in large quantity. Secondary ailmertrs require: Nitr-sp. coff. n-vom. SALT, ILL EFFECTS OF. Principal rernedy: Nitri-sp. After this: Ars. carb-v. lye. mere. n-vom. l.s. SASSAPARJILLA, ILL EFFECTS OF. Hering recommends Bell. or iMerc.; we may try moreover: Amm. cam. lye. sulph. SCARLATINA, SCARLET-FEVER. ~ 1. The principal rrneedy is Bell., unless we should have to give: 2) Acon. ant. ars. bar. campbl. carb-v. lach. mere. pliosph. sulphl.;or, 3) Con. coff. ipec. pltos-ac. rhus. ~ 2. For the fever in the precursory stage, give: Aon. The sore th-roat requires, next to Bell., Baryt, and lM1erc. SCARLATINA. 275 sGangrenous sore throat: 1) Amm. ars. carb-v.; or, 2) Lack. or sulph. The vomiting requires Acon. or Ars., if Bell. shoqld not stop it; for the tenesmus and the isch/uria give Con., and for the pulmonary spasms Ipec., provided Bell is insufficient. The sleeplessness frequently yields to Acon. or Coff. ~ 3. For retrocession of the eruption, the best remedies are: Bry. phos. phos-ac. sulph.-If cerebral symptoms with coma should have set in, give Op.; or, Bell. if the patient should start as soon as he closes his eyes. For the parotitis which sometimes sets in after the disease, give: Beti. carb-v. po/w. tihus. sil.; or, ]Mrc. ~ 4. The dIropsical symptoms after scarlatina, require: Arn. cse. bell. dig. lell phos-ac. seneg..IdT!r ocepialus: Ar1n. bell. hecll. phos-cc. Hydrothoiorx: 1) Ars. hell. seneg.; or, 2) Amn. dig. Ascit s: Dig. hell. Anesarca: Ars. hcll71. or bar-sn. ~ 5. Parotitis or otorrhsca in consequence of scarlatina, reqvuires: Bell. lejt. puls.; or, Colch/. lyc. men.'mene. nit'-ac.; or, if caries of the ossicula aurium should have set in: Aur. calc. natr-m. or sil. ~ 6.'rhe principal remedies for scarlet-rash, are: Acon. and Coff.; or, Sulp7h. and Bell., if Acon. or Cogf. should not be sufficient. For a combination of scarlatina and scarlet-rash, Dulc. has proved efficient. ~ 7. Particular indications: ACONITUM: Frequent colic, with bilious vomitingr; violent fever, with dry heat; frequent, full and hurried pulse; congestion of blood to the head, with bloated face, vertigo and stupefaction, or delirium; or drowsiness with sudden starting from sleep; dry, short, painful cough; bleeding of the nose or spitting of blood; angina faucium. BELLADONNA: Violent inflammation of the throat and tonsils, with stitching pains and spasmodic contraction; inability to swallow liquids, which frequently return by the nostrils; suffocative sensation on touching the pharynx or turning the head; violent thirst, with or without dread of water; inflamed and painful eyes, with photophobia; violent pressure in the forehead, as if the eyes would be pressed out, or tearing and stitching in the head; vertigo with obscuration of sight; ied and dry tongue; sleepless 276 SCARLATINA. ness, with nervousness; frightful visions on closing the eyes; sudden starting from sleep and jumping up. MERCURIUS: Inflammation and swelling of the tonsils,.ptyalism, ulcers in the mouth, swelling of the inguinal glands, A&c. PHOSPHORUs: Dry and hard tongue and lips, which are covered with blackish crusts; loss of speech and hearing, difficult deglutition; inability to retain the urine; falling of of the hair. RHUS TOX.: When the eruption becomes vesicular, with sopor, sudden starting from sleep, restlessness, ischuria and great thirst. SULPHUR: Cerebral affection not yielding to Bell., with sopor, sudden starting, distortion of the eyes; constant delirium, bloated and shining-red face,; stopped nose; dry, cracked, red tongue, covered with a brownish mucus; thirst and difficulty ofswal]owing. ~ 8. Try moreover: ARSENICUuM: For complete prostration, sudden emaciation, nightly fever, with burning heat; burning-hot face; distorted features; cold hands and no thirst; gangrenous inflammation of the throat; restless and sleepless; fetid ulcers. Suitable for dropsy after scarlatina. CAPsIcuM: Very red face, and altern ately pale; swollen and chapped lips; burning blisters in the mouth and on the tongue; slimy saliva; sore throat; painful deglutition, with fullness and compression in the throat; painful pressure in the palate alnd velum, during deglutition; sensation of contraction and spasm in the throat; tickling and roughness in the fauces, with sneezing, hoarseness and hacking cough; accumulation of thick mucus in the nose and throat. MURIATIC ACID: Malignant scarlatina with dark redness of the cheeks; bluish colour of the throat, red and dim eyes; irregular, faint eruption becoming dark-red, mixed with petechit; ulceration of the tonsils and adjoining parts; fetid breath; corrosive discharge from the nose, with soreness and blisters round the nose and lips. SULPHURIS ACIDUM: Pale face, sudden prostration; frequent chills, stitching pains in the throat, with swelling extending to the submaxillary glands; bluish-red spots covered with a pellicle and with suppuration underneath; imperfect, dark eruption with petechime. See: EXANTHEMS, ERYSIPELAS, PURPLE-RASH, SORE THROAT, &c. SCROPHULOSIS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. asa. baryt. bell. calc. ci. corn SCROPHULOSIS. 277 hep. jod. lye. merc. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Astr. mur. carb-an. carbv. cist. dulc. graph. lach. kreos. pin. staph. 3) Amb. amm. aur. bar-n,. bry. chin. cocc, ferr. ign. magn-c. mez. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. petr. puls. ran. rhab. sep. veratr. ~ 2. At the commencement of the disease, when the children have great difficulty in learning to walk, give: Bell. calc. sil. sulph., and perhaps in some cases: Ars. chin. cin. ferr. lyc. magn. pin. puls. rhab. sep. In the second period, when the glands are affected: 1) Baryt. bell. calc. cist. con. dulc. hep. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. 2) Ars. bry. carb-an. clem. graph. kal. natr. nvom. puls. The cutaneous affections (eruptions, herpes, ulcers, &c.,) require: i) Aur. baryt. calc. cist. clem. con. dulc. hep. lyc. merc. mur-ac. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Canth. kal. mez. nitr-ac. ol-jee. petr. ranunc. Affections of the bones: 1) Aur. calc. cist. lye. merc. phos. phos-ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Asa. bell. hep. mez. nitr-ac. rhus. ruta. sep. staph. Scrofulous enlargement of the abdomen of children: Sulph.; then Calc.; or: Ars. baryt. bell. chin. cin. lye. n-vom. puls. rhus. ~ 3. Particular indications, which, however, must necessarily be incomplete on account of the great variety of the symptoms: ARSENICUsI: Atrophy, emaciation, swelling of the cervical glands. and hard, distended abdomen; bloated face; diarrhoea debility, with constant desire to lie down; pale and bloated; herpes, scurfy eruptions and ulcers; ophthalmia; scurfs on the hairy scalp; cancerous affections, &c. AsA: Exostosis, caries; curvature of the bones; glandular swellings; otorrhaea; ophthalmia; ulcers of the nose, or nasitis with swelling, &c. BARYTA: Atrophy; swelling and induration of the cervical glands; bloated body and face, with distended abdomen; physical and mental debility; dry scurfs on the head; inflammation of the eyes and eyelids; herpes in the face; frequent sore throat; great disposition to take cold, &c. BELLADONNA: Hard, swollen and ulcerated glands; muscular debility, with difficulty of learning to walk; photophobia; inflammation of the eyes and eyelids; cough with mucous rattling; otorrhcea; emaciation and atrophy; ulcers; inflammatory swelling of the nose; swelfling of the lips; frequent bleeding of the nose; cancerous affections; pale and bloated; frequent sore throat with swelling; asthmatic affections; distended and hard abdomen; inability to retain the urine; disposition to wet one's bed; premature development of the mind; blue eyes and blond hair. 24 278 SCROPHULOSIS. CALCAREA: Large head with open fontanelles, curvature of the back and vertebra, or other rhachitic affections; herpes, scaldhead, crusts in the face; hard or suppurating glandular sWellings; ulcers, exostoses or caries; hard and enlarged abdomen, with swelling of the inesenteric glands; emaciation and voracious appetite; thin and wrinkled face, with dimn eyes; dry and flaccid skin; difficulty of learning to walk; difficult dentition; oplithalmia, photophobia and blepharophthalmitis; otorrhcea; red swelling of the nose; swelling of the upper lip; frequent bleeding of the nose; pale and bNoated; constipation, or frequent diarrhwea, &c. CGINA: Worm-affections, pale face, emaciation, voracious appetite, inability to retaini the urine. Co.oNIM: Constipation and induration of the glands; herpes; ophthalmia; photophobia; frequent bleunorrhcea froln the lungs; dry cough; asthma; cancerohls affectionls, &c. HIEPAR: Pale and blo ted, with illnduration and suppuration of the glands; atroplhy; scaldhead; herpes; ophthalmia; otorrhea; swelling of the nose or upper lip; cancerous ulcers; disposition to phlegmonoLs sore throat, cata-rh or bronchitis; disposition of the skin to ulcerate, &c. u'tiable before or after: Bell. si. lach, mere.) IoDIUM: LEmaclation; swelling and induration of the glands, the whole of the lymphatic system being involved; rhachitic affections; inflam:nation of the eyes and eyelids; otitis and otorrhcea; swellintg of the moesenteric glands; frequent catarrh, bronchial catarrh, &c. LYcoProDIUl: Swellilng and suppuration of the glands; disposition to catarrh, bronchitis, &c.; inflammation, curvature and other affections of bones; atrophy; herpes and ulcers; scabs on the hairy scalp; ophthalmlia; otitis and otorrhea; pale and bloated; frequent sore throat; obstinate constipation, &c. (Frequently suitable after Calc.) MERacuRIs: Disturbed reproduction, with bodily and mental weakliess; disposition to take cold, to sweat. catarrh, bronchial catarrh, &c.; pale and bloated; swelling and suppuration of the glands; rhachitic affections; exostoses; curvature, caries and other affections of bones; eruptions and corrosive herpes with crusts; tinea capitis; crusts in the face; ophthalmia; blepharophthalmitis; otitis; otorrhcea; frequent sore throat; slinmy diarrhoea, &c. (Is frequently suitable after or before: Bell. dulc. jod. rhus-t. RHUs TOX.: Swelling of the glands; scaldhead, herpes in the face, and other eruptions discharging pus or forming crusts; emaciation; hard and distended abdomen; frequent catarrh; oph 280 SEA -SICKNESS-SECRETION. SEA-SICKNESS.-Principal remedies: 1) Sulph. 2) Ars. cocc. petr.; or: 3) Colch.ferr. n-mosch. sep. sil. tabac. therid. For ailments occasioned by riding in a carriage, give: 1) Cocc. sep. 2) Borax. hep. ign. n-mnosch. petr. selen. sil. For nausea and vomiting, caused by swinging, give: Cocc. petr. SECRETIONS, sUPPRESSION or; ERUPTIONS, BLENNORRH(EA. ~ 1. The principal remedies for the ailments arising from this cause, are: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. chin. lye. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb-veg. caust. cham. dulc. graph. kai. lye. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. sep. sil. stram. 3) Amrb. amnm. ant. arn. aur. baryt. cin. cocc. cupr. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. mere. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-mosch. ran. seneg. spong. veratr. zinc. ~ 2. Give more particularly: a) After suppression of eruptions and herpes: 1) Bell. bry. dulc. graph hep. ipec. phos-ac. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. amb. ars. carb-veg. caust. chain. lach. lye. merc. natr. n-mosch. phosph. rhus. sassap. sep. sil. staph. thuj. b) Suppression of hcemorrhage or abandoning habitual depletiongs: 1) Acon. bell. chin. ferr. n-vonz. puls. sulph. 2) Am. aur. bry. calc. carb-veg. graph. hyos. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. ran. rhus. seneg. sep. sil. spong. strain. c) Suppression of ulcers and purulent discharges: 1) Bell. hep. lach. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. carb-veg. lye. mere. natr-m. phos-ac. rhus. sep. staph. d) Suppression of piles: 1) Acon. calc. carb-veg. n-orm. puls. sulph. 2) Amb. amm. ant. ars. bell. caps. caust. chin. coloc. graph. ign. kal. lach. mur-ac. nitr-ac. pete. rhus. sep. sil. e) Suppression of lochia: 1) Coloc. hyos. n-vornz. plat. rhus. sec. veratr. zinc. 2) Bell. bry. con. dulc. puls. sep. sulph. f) Suppression of milk: 1) Bell. bry. dulc. puls. 2) Acon. calc. cham. coff. mere. rhus. sulph. g) Suppression of menses: 1) Alcon. bry. con. dulc. graph. kal. lye. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Aonlz. ars. baryt. bell. calc. caust. cham. chin. cocc. cupr. ferr. jod. mier. nater-n. n-mosch. op. plat. phosph. rhod. sabin. stap7h. straoz. val. veratr. zinc. h) Suppression of catarrh or some other blennorrh.ea: 1) Aeon. ars. bell. bry. calc. chin. cin. n-voin. plls. sulph. 2) Arab. amrm. carb-veg. con. dulc. graph. ipec kal. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. 71mosch. phosph. rhod. samb. sulph. i) Suppression of sweat: 1) Bell. bry. chain. chia. dulc. lach: sil. sulph. 2) Aeon. ars. calc.grapfi. lye. merc. n-mosch. n,-vom. op. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. SEXUAL INSTINCT. 281 k) Suppression of foot-sweat: 1) Cupr. nitr-ac. puls. sep. sil. 2) Cham. merc. natr. rhus. ~ 3. Compare: ERUPTIONS, PILES, NURSING, CONFINEMENT, AMENIA, CATARRH, COLD, &C. SEXUAL INSTINCT, MORBID CONDITIONS OF THE. ~ 1. The remedies which affect the sexual fuuctions prilcipally, are: 1) Canth. caust. chin. con. lye. mere. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vonz. phosph. plat. puls. selen. staph. thuj. veratr. 2) Arn. ars. bell. calc. cann. carb-veg. clem. cof. graph. Iep. hyos. kal. laci. magn-arct. magil-c. mosch. mur-ac. n-mosch. op. plhoa-ac. pl1utb. rhus. ruta. sabin. sep. sil. strain. sulph.,zinc. ~ 2. For the rmale sex: 1) Arn. ca;nn. canth. mere. nitr-ac. natr. natlr-?m. n-vomn. pihosph. phos-ac. puls. sulph. thuj. 2) Agn. am7b. ars. carb-ve'. caust. Ck'/i. clemn. graph. hep. ign. kal. lye.'oetr. rhus. sep. staph. For the femnale: 1) Aimb. bell. con. croc..ferr. graph. hyos. ign. kreos. mosch. n-mnosch. n-von. plat. puls. sabin. sec. sep. sulph. thuj. 2) Acon. (alumt. asa. aiur. calc. carb-veg. cham. chin. coccul. kal. lye. mnag-ynm. atr-mn. nitr-ac. rhus. staph. ~ 3. For excessive sexual excitement: 1) Canth. chin. magnnrct. n-voen. phosph. plat. ptlls. veratr. 2) Ant. aur. calc. cann. rraph hyos. i ag. aclc. lye. mere. rmorsc. natr. natr-m. op. sabin. sil. strain. Satyriasis: 1) Cant/:I. merc. natr-im. n-voma. sulph. 2) Hyos. phosph. strcat1. veratr. Nymphonz.azi: 1) IIyos. phospIh. stram. veratr. 2) Belt. canth. mere. natr-mn. n-veon. puls. sulph. Erections from physical excitement, even priapism: 1) Canth. coloc. graph. natr. natr-m?. nitr-ac. n-vomn. phosph. plat. puls t hus. sil. 2) Cann. i kiz. kal. magn-arct. op. phos-ac. plat. staph. thuj. ~ 4. Disposition to o?aismtn: 1) Calc. n-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Chin. coccul. mere. nme athr-mn. phosph.; or, 3) Ant. carb-veg. plat. pul.s. For the consequences of this vice, give: Chin. n-vom. phos-ac. or staph., especially when they seem to be of an acute nature, and resulting from excessive rather than long-continued abuse. Slow, chronic ailments, require: Calc. n-vom. sulph., at long intervals. Some cases require: 1) Cocc. mere. phosplh.; or, 2) Ant. carb-veg. plat. puls. d 5. For excessive nocturnal emissions, give: ly Chin. phos-ac. 24* SLIEEP, MORBID. 283 SLEEP, MORBID. ~ 1. Principal remedies for this state, though generally a mere symptom: 1) Ars. bry. calc. chain. chin. coff. hep. kal. mere. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. bell. borax. carb-v. caust. con. graph. hiyos. ign. kreos. lach. lye. magn-c. magn-m. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-voaz. op. thuj. 3) Arnb. anm7n. ammn-m. aur. baryt. camph. camn'l. carb-an. cocc. duic. ipec. led. magnarct. mosch. phos-ac. plat. rhod. sabin. samnb. sassap. spong. staph. sulph-ac. verair. ~ 2. Use more particularly for: a) Anxious sleep: I) Cocc. dulc. graph. lyc. ye. magn-c. ratr-m. phos. spong. veratr. 2) Acon.. ars. bell. ferr. hep. kal. petr. rhus. b) Stupefied sleep: 1) Bell. bry. camph. cham. con. croc. graph. hep. led. n-molzsch. op. phos. puls. sec. 2) Calc. carb-v. cic. hyos. ign. lach. mrnagn-arct. magn-c. nitr. n-vom. plat. spig. sulph. tart. verator. c) Deep, heavy: 1) Bell. ign. n-mvosch. op. stratn. tart. 2) Alum. ant. ars. con. croc. cupr. ]yvos. led. 7nagon-arct. phos. phosac. pulls. sec. rsep. vreratr. d) Light, like sllumber: 1) Ars. chani. graph. ign. n-vom. op. pet?. eulph. 2) Cilc. cog. kal. lach. lyc. nitr. puls. sil. verair. e) Comzatose: 1) Be7l. bry. camoh. croc. hell. n-miosch. op. sec. stram. tart. ceratr. 2) Arn. caps carb-r. coloc. con. hyos. lach. led. inagn.arct. rnosch. phnos. phos-ac. pule. rhv s. samb. f) Short, with early waking: 1) Ars. caust. dulc. kal. 7nercnatr. nitr-ac. n-yow;e. se]p. sil. 2) Antr. borax. bry. calc. chin. coff. croc. graph. lyc. ncu rgn-arct.?ur-ai'. sulph-ac. g) Too long, waking late: t C alMC. caust. graph. magn-m. nroae. phos. sep. sulph. )2) Alu7m. ant. con. hep. kal. lach. imagnartct. nerc. nratr. natr-im. plfos-ac.?ulls. sec. sil. stann. h) Raving, with many fancies: 1) Acon. calc. carb-v. graph. kal. lye. atill-. natr-m. -t-voiz. petr. puls. sil. sulph. zinc. 2) Carb-an. cin. cot. hell. itr.?ilr. nitr-ac. op. sep. i) With many dreat-s: 1) Alulm. bell. bry. caic. chin. con. kal. lireos. lyec. magyn-c.,itr ac. nt-ylrl. phos. phos.ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Amnn. antn-ic. ai. brly. caniph. carb-v. chain. coloc. ferr. graph hep. igo. micagcrn-arct. mag-in.. merc. 7nez. natr. natr-m. rhus. sep. spong. staph. k) Not ref ceshing: 1) Aluon. bry. chin. con. graph. hep. kreos. lye. op. phosph. sep. salph. 2) Aib. baryt. bell. cale. cann. caps. carb-an. cab.v. caust. cic. ign. laslh. magn-nl. natr-m. nitr-cc. petr. sabad. sil. squill. staph. thuj. 284 SLEEP, MORBID. 1) Restless, tossing about: 1) Amb. ars. baryt. calc. chin. kal. lye. phos. rhus. sabad. sabin. sil. sulph. 2) Amm-m. aur. bell. bry. chain. coff. colch. coloc. dig. dulc. ferr. graph. hep. hyos. ign. ipec. led. magn-c. merc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. nvom. petr. phos-ac. puls. samb. sassap. sec. seneg. spig. squill. staph. strant. tart. thuj. m) Interrupted by frequent waking: 1) Bell. calc. graph. hep. kal. lach. lyc. merc. nitr-ac. n-vome. phos. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Amb. ars. carb-an. carb-v. caust. chin. ign. magn-arct. oleand. rhus. sil. staph. ~ 3. When the patient stretches his arms above his head during sleep: Chin. nitr-ac. n-vone. plat. puls. rhab. sulph. veratr.When laying them under his head: Acon. cocc. magn-aust. phos. phos-ac. plat. tart.-When on his belly: Magn. plat. puls. b) When drawing up his legs: Carb-v. plat. puls. stramn. - When opening them: Charn. mian. puls.-When stretching them: Plat. stann.-When bending the knees: Amb. magn. viol-od. c) When bending the head forward s: Acon. phos. p~als.When sideways: CGin. sponY. —When bending it backwards: Bell. chin. hell. hep. n-vom. rhab. d) When lying on his back generally: 1) Bry. n-vomn. puls. rthus. 2) Acon. ant. aur. calc chinz. cic. coloc. dig. dros. ferr. ign. lye. magn-arct. plat. sulph. e) When he is unaale to lie on the left side: Kal. lyc. natr. phos. sil.-Not on the right: Aur.?lere. puls.-Not on the back: Acon. alum. baryt. caust. colch. merc. natr. mnagn-. n-vom. phos. spig. sulph. —When he is only able to sit in bed: Acon. ars. chin. cin. hep. lyc. magn-aust. phos. pe's. rhus. sabin. spig. sulph. tart. ~ 4. a) For frightful dreams, cIansing anxiety: 1) Acon. arn. bell. calc. caust. chin. graph. kat. lye. maiugn-c. n-vonm.phos. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Anac. ars. aur. bry. carb-v. hep. ign. kreos. magn-m. merc. natr-m. nitr-ac. rhus. sep. stram. sulph-ac. thuj. veratr. zinc. b) For vexatious dreams: B:'y. caust. chan. chin. magn-arct. magn-c. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vtn. phos. rhab. sep. c) Agreeable, merry dreams: Alum. ars. aur. caust. nagn-c. magn-m. merc. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. op. phos. pho 7-ac. plat. puls. sep. staph. sulph. d) Disgusting dreams;Lbout dirt, vermin, diseases, pus, &c.: 1) Mur-ac. n-vom. phos. 2) Amm. anac. kreos. magn-m. natrm. ptls. sulph. zinc. e) Dreams with fixed ideas, dreaming about one and the same object: Acon. ign. puls. stann. f ) Dreams which contilnue after waking: 1) Chin. graph. 286 SLEEP, MORBID-SLEEPLESSNESS. d) About water and danger of water: Alum. amn-m. ars. dig-. graph. ign. kal. mag'n-c. 7nagn-m. merc. natr. sit.-Fire and danger of fire: Alum. anac. ars. calc. hep. kreos. mlagn-c. malgnm. natr. natr-m. phos. rhiod. rhusa. spig. spong. sulph. ~ 6. When the patient moans a good deal during sleep: 1) Caust. cham. chin. cin. ign. lach. lye. nitr-ac. n-vorn. rhab. 2) Arn. ars. aur. bry. hyos. ipec. mann-c. merec. mur-ac. natr-im. op. phos. phos-ac. rhab. sulpsK. veratr. b) When he starts a good deal: 1) Ars. bell. chaam. graph. hyos. kal. lach. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. n-voin. op. petr. puls. saamb. sec. sil. sulph. 2) Arlz. bry. calc. carb-an. caust. chin. cupr. drop. hep. ign. m7agn-arct. magn-c. n7atr. natr-mn. phos. rhus. sep. veratr. zinc. c) For screams during sleep: 1) Bell. bry. cham. hep. pauls. rhab. rhus. sil. sulph. zinc. 2) Arus. aur. borax. calc. caps. carb-an. caust. cocc. croc. graph. hep. lyc. magn-c. magn-mr. natr. sep. staph. tart. d) Talking during sleep: 1) Ars. baryt. calc. chaln. ign. nvom. puls. sil. sulph. zinc. 2) Arn. calc. graph. kal. lye. maganc. merc. natr-m. phos. phos-ac. plumb. rhab. rhus. sabin. sep. spong. stann. tart. thuj. e) Weeping during sleep: 1) Ch/anm. ign. kal. natr-iz. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. 2) Calc. carb-an. caust. kal. lyc. nzagn-arct. magnc. phos. puls. sil. ~ 7. When the patient snzorts a good deal during sleep: 1) Bell. camph. carb-v. op. rhus. sil. stram. 2) Calc. caps. cham. chin. dros. dulc. hyos. ign. mur-ac. nitr-ar. puls. rhabo sulph. b) When the eyes are only half-closed or entirely open: Bell. caps. chin. coloc. hell. ign. ipec. op. phos-ac. sanmb. straum. suZph. c) Sleeping with the mouth open: Chain. dulc. ignr. magn-arct. magn-aust. mnere. op. rhus. sanmb.-For chewing and swallowing during sleep: Bry. calc. ign. d) For distorting one's features, quivering of the lips, distortion of the eyes, and other convulsive motions during sleep: Bell. bry. cham. chin. cocc. hell. hyos. ign. ipec. op. op. pos-ac. pals. rhab. ch/s. samb. veratr. ~ 8. Compare: SL EEPLESSESS and SoroR. SLEEPLESSNESS, INsoIN-IA. ~ 1. Generally a mere symptom, though in sonme cases the principal complaint of the patient, arising from an excess of irritation or stimulation. The principal remedies for sleeplessness generally are: SLEEPLESSNESS. 287 2. 1) Acon. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. coff. con. graph. hop. hyos. ign. kal. lach. lyc. merc. natr. natr-mn. n-v;om. phos. puls. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Alum. anac. camph. caust. cin. cocc. ipec. led. magn-arct. magn-c. 7nagn-m. mosch. nitr-ac. op. phosac. plat. rhus. staph. sulph-ac. thui. veratr. ~ 3. If sleeplessness be the only or principal symptom, give: Acon. bell. cof. hyos. ign. mosch. n-vonm. op. puls. Particular indications: ACONITE: For sleeplessness caused by anxiety or alarming events, by fear, fright, &c. BELLADONNA: The patient is sleepy, but is unable to sleep; with great anguish, restlessness, frightful visions, dread of things which are near him, &c., or when the patient is really sleepy in. the morning or evening, but no sleep follows. COFFEA: Sleeplessness caused by joy, or an agreeable surprise; or suitable for the sleeplessness of children, or for sleepl.);sness caused by loing watchil g; also suitable to persons that have indulged in excessive use of coffee. HYoscYAMus: Sleeplessness from nervous excitement, especially after violent diseases, or suitable to irritable and easily excited individuals. IGNATIA: Sleeplessness caused by grief, care, sadness, anxious thoughts and depressing emotions. Moscucs: Sleeplessness from nervous excitement, without any other ailment; suitable to hysteric or hlypochondriac individuals. Nuex vo.I.: Sleeplessness caused by excessive thinking, reading, &-c., until late at snight, or when caused by abuse of coffee, or when all sorts of ideas crowd upon the person's mind. OPIUM: Sleeplessnless after emotions, such as fear, fright, &c. or when the patient is troubled with visions of ghosts, ttrange figures, &c., or suitable to old people. PULSATILLA: Suitable to individuals that have eaten too much at supper; or when the sleeplessness is attended with orgasmus sanguinis, congestion of blood to the head; heat causing anxiety, &c. ~ 4. For the sleeplessness of children,. with cries, colicky pains, restless tossing about, &c., the best remedies are: 1) Acon. bell. chain. coff. jalap. rhab.; or, 2) Borax. cin. ipec. senn. AcONITUM and COFFEA: For great restlessness and feverish heat. BELLADONNA: The child cries for days and hours, without any perceptible cause. CHAMOMILLA: Deserves a preference when the child complains of sleeplessness, with headache and otalgia. JALAPPA: Suitable for colic and diarrhea. 288 SLEEPLESSNESS. RHUBARB: Suitable for frequent urging to stool, with tenesmus and colic. ~ 5. Use moreover: a) For sleeplessness caused by pains which set in in the evening or at night: 1) Ars. bry. calc. carb-an. carb-v. chin. hep. lyc. In-Vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Am. bell. caust. cocc. graph. kal. merc. phos-ac. thuj. b) If'caused by nervousness, mental excitement: 1) Calc. chin. coff. hep. lach. lyc. mosch. n-;orm. plat. puls. sep. 2) Borax. bry. caust. cocc. con. graph. hyos. kal. magn-arct. phos-ac. rhus. sil. spong. staph. sulph. c) If caused by nightly restlessness, agitation of the blood, heat, &c.: 1) Acon. bell. bry. calc. carb-v. cin. graph. kal. lach. lyc. merc. n-vom. phos. puls. rhab. senn. sep. sil. 2) Alum. amb. ars. aur. carb-an. caust. chin. con. magn-c. magn-m. noatr-m. nitrac. op. rus. sec. thuj. d) If caused by pains: 1) Acon. alum. aur. bell. c/ham. chin. coff. hep. lach. lyc. magn-c. merc. nitr-ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2). Amm. ars. calc. carb.v. magn-m. mur-ac. nal-r-m. phos. rhus. sep. e) If by cold feet: Amm-m. bry. carb-v. hal, niir-acpetr,phos. sulph. zinc. ~ 6. a) If the sleeplessness occur prineipally before midnight: 1) Alum. ars. bry. calc. carb-v. chin. con. graph. lach. lyce merce natr. natr-m. n-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep, sil. sulph. 2) Anac. arn. bell. borax. carb-an. caust. hep. ign. kal. led. magn-c. magnm. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. phos-ac. plat. sassajp. spig. ataph. sulph-ac. thuj. b) If the patient wake soon after midnight, and be unable to go to sleep again: 1) Ars. caps. cof. hep. nvitr-ac. n-r;om. sil. 2) Aur. bry. cann. caust. dulc. graph. lach. mnagn-c. nlair. phos-ac. sep. sulph-ac. c) Remaining awake for hours at night, and not being able to go to sleep again: 1) Natr-m. phos. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. aur. bell. calc. caust. dulc. graph. magn-c. merc. mur-ac. nair. n-vor?. puls. sassap. sulph-ac. d) Sleeplessness the whole night: 1) Ars. chin. cin. coff. con. hyos. magn-c. mosch. n-vom. op. rhus. sil. sttlph. 2) Amnm. aur. bell. camph. carb v. cham. clem. coloc. dulc. graph. hep. kreos. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. op. phos. sec. sep. spig. squill. spong. staph. sulph-ac. thuj, e) Great drowsiness, but no sleep: 1) Bell. chamin. lach. op. phos. puls. sep. 2) Ars. bry. cal:. carb-v. caust. chin. clem. cocc. con. hep. kal. magn-aust. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom, phos-ac. samb. sulph, thuj. SMELL-SOPOR. 289 ~ 7. For further particulars, see: " SYMPTOMEN-CODEX." SMELL, BAD, OF THE MOUTH. ~ 1. Though only a symptom, yet it is of great importance in the selection of a remedy, and generally points to: 1) Arm. ars. aur. carb-veg. mere. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. cham. chin. dulc. hyos. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. rhus. sil. stann. 3) Acon. amb. anac. carb-an. coff. graph. ipec. spig. ~ 2. If affecting young girls at the age of pubescence, Aurum is generally suitable; or: Bell. hyos. puls. sep. If perceived only in the morning, try: Am. bell. n-vom. sil.'.ulph. If after a meal: Cham. n-vom. sulph. If in the evening and at night: Puls. or Sulph. If caused by abuse of Mercury: Aur. carb-veg. lach. sulph.; or: Amrn. bell. hep. SMELL, EXCESSIVE SENSITIVENESS and ILLUSIONS of. —Principal remedies: 1) Aur. bell. calc. graph. lye. magnarct. n-vornm. phosph. sep. sulph. 2) Acon. chainm. chin. coff. hep. puls.. For great sensitiveness, give: 1) Aur. bell. con. graph. hep. lyc. phosph. phos-ac. plumb, sil. sulph. 2) Aeon. baryt. chamn. coff. con. kal. n-voni. sep. For illusions of smell, such as of bad eggs, putrid substances, decayed cheese, manure, or generally for bad and fetid smell, give: Aur. bell. calc. maagn-arct. men. mere. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. veratr. —-For smell as of chalk or clay' Calc. magn-arct. -As of herrings: Agn. bell.-As of pitch or tar: Ars. con.As of sour things: Alum.-As of old coryza: Graph. ars. sulph.As of sweetish things: Aur.-As of Sulphur, or burning sponge, or gunpowder: Anac. ars. calc. graph. n-vom.-As of burnt or burning substances: Anac. aur. graph. n-vom. sulph. SOFTENING OF THE STOMACH, GASTROMALACIA.We may try: 1) Calc. 2) Ant. ars. baryt. carb-veg. n-voel. puls. sulph., &c.* SOPOR, SOMNOLENCE, CATAPHORA, COMA, COMA VIGIL, LE. THARGY, &C. ~ 1. These various states being all characterized by a disposition to sleep between the regular hours of sleep, we wilt comprehend them under the same head, and first indicate the general reniredies for this condition. They are: 1) Ant. bell. bry.. cac. * Also Kreasotum.-Hempel. 25 290 SOPOR. carb-veg. con. croc. lach. n-vom. op. phosph. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. tart. 2) Acon. anac. arm. ars. camph. carb-an. caust. chin. cin. coloc. graph. hell. hep. kal. laur. magn.arct.. merc. mosch. natr. natr-m. sabad. samb. sec. sil. stram. veratr. 3) Amm. amm-m. cann. dig. ferr. magn-c. magn-m. mere. nitr-ac. petr. ~ 2. Give: a) for common drowsiness in the day-time: 1) Bell. calc. carb-veg. chin. con. graph. hep. kal. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. n-vom. phosph. sulph. 2) Atnm. amm-m. anac. bry. cann. caust. cham. cin. dig. ferr. magn-c. nagrn-mn. nitr-ac. puls. sabad. sep. sil. stram. zinc. b) For drowsiness after rising in the morning, or in the forenoon: 1) Ant. calc. carb-veg. graph. hepi. natr. natr-2n. n-vorn. phosph. phos-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Caust. con. magn-arct. magn-n. merc. puls. rhus. si. spig. sg. sph-ac. tart. zinc. c) Drowsiness after dinner, or in the afternoon: 1) Chin. -raph. lach. n-vom. phosph. rhus. sulph. 2) Aeon. agar. anmm. anac. baryt. carb-veg. chlin. croc. kal. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. phos-ac. puls. ruta. sil. staph. d) Early in the evening: 1) Ars. bell. calc. con. croc. kal. lach. n-vom. phos-ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Atnm-m. anac. arn. cin cycl. natr. nitr-ac. phosph. rhus. ruta. sep. thuj. e) For excessive sleepiness, drunk with sleep: Bell. bry. camph. carb-veg. coff. con. croc. magn-arct. n-mosch. op. phosph. phosac. puls. tart. ~ 3. a) Sopor?, or constant somnolence, generally requires: 1) Bell. croc. lach. n-mosch. n-vom. op. puls. tart. veratr. 2) Ant. arn. ars. baryt. bry. camph. chain. cocc. con. croc. cupr. hell. hep. hyos. laur. led. magn-arct. mere. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. rhus. samb. sec. sep. stram. b) Coma somnolentum, cataphora, carus: 1) Bell. led. nmosch. op. n-mosch. 2) Ant. baryt. camph. carb-veg. cham. con. croc. hep. laur. magn-arct. n-vom. phosph. phos-ac. plumb. puls. sec. stram. tart. veratr. c) Coma vigil, agrypnocoma, typhomania: 1) Ars. bell. chainm cocc. hep. hyos. lach. n-vom. op. 2) Aeon. anac. ant. bry. ign' laur. magn-arct. phosph. spong. sulph. veratr. d) Lethargy, lethargus, veteenus, with fever and delirium 1) Bell. lach. op. stram. 2) Ant. bry. cham. carb-veg. merc. plumb. puls. tart. ~ 4. Particular indications: AcONITE: Stupid drowsiness, hot head, dilated pupils, cold hands and feet, feeble, quick pulse, or feeble and slow (Hempel). BARYTA: Stupid sleep, with restlessness, moaning and muttering, insensible pupils, feeble and quick pulse. SORE SKIN-SORE THROAT. 29l BELLADONNA: Deep or long sleep, with immobility, subsultus tendinum, pale and cold face, cold hands, small and quick pulse, moaning, convulsive motions and twitchings of the limbs, &c., hunger, furious look on waking; burning heat and dryness of the mouth after the paroxysm. (Suitable before or after Lach. or after Op.) CHAMOMILLA: Suitable to children, for great restlessness, tossing about; sudden starting from sleep; jactitation of the limbs; shortness of breath, feverish heat and redness, at times on one, at times on the other cheek; screams, colic, greenish diarrhoea, &c. LACHESIS: Long sleep, or alternation of sopor and sleeplessness; or: deep sleep, with grinding of teeth, tremulous and intermitting orcompletely suppressed pulse. Nux voM.: Deep sleep, with sudden starting, sighing, loud snoring, bleareyed, dimness of sight, depression of the lower jaw, ptyalism, &c. OPIUM:' Deep sleep, with open and distorted eyes; red and bloated face, depression of the lower jaw, loss of consciousness; heavy, slow and intermitting breathing; slow or completely suppressed pulse; convulsive motions of all the extremities, facial muscles and corners of the mouth, &c. PULSATILLA: Constant drowsiness, loss of consciousness, delirium, heat and restlessness, tossing about, involuntary motions of the mouth, hands and fingers, &c. (Suitable after Chain. or Tart.) Compare: SLEEP, APOPLEXY, TYPHUS, MENINGITIS, &C. SORE SKIN, INTERTRIGO. Principal remedies: 1) Cham. chin. graph. ign. lyc. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Acon. am. bell. calc. carb-v. caust. hep. mang. merc. oleand. petr. phos. phos-ac. ruta. sulph-ac. Soreness of full-grown persons in the summer season, is frequently cured by: Am. carb-v. n-vorm. lye. sulph. Bedsores require: Arm. carb-v. chin. plumb. sulph-ac. Soreness of the nipples: 1) Amn. sulph.; or, 2) Calc. caust. chain. graph. lye. n-vom. sep. Soreness of children: 1) Acon. chain. lye. sulph.;'or, 2) Chin. graph. ign. mner. puls. ruta. sep. —If chammomile-tea had previously been used in quantities, give Ign. orPuls. SORE THROAT, ANGINA FAUCIUMI. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Acon. bell. cham. lach. mere. nonom. puls. 2) Baryt. bry. caps. chin. cic. coccul. coff. dulc. ign. ritus. sabad. sep. sulph. veratr. 3) Alum. amnm. ars. calc. canth. 292 SORE THROAT. carb-v. gran.? kreos.? lye. mang. nitr-ac. n-mosch. seneg. staph. thuj. ( 2. Common sore throat without fever, as occurs frequently after a cold, generally yields to: 1) Bell. mere. 2) Cham. n-yom. puls. sulph. Acute angina requires: 1) Aconite, when there is fever; after which may be given: 2) Bell. bry. cham. coff. ign. mere. n-vom. puls. rhus.; or, 3) Ars. baryt. canth. caps. chin. dulc. hep. lach. mang. staph. Chronic or habitual angina requires: 1) Alum. baryt. calc. carb.v. hep. lach. lye. sep. sulph. 2) Bell. chin. mang. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vorn. sabad. seneg. staph. thuj. ~ 3. As regards varieties, give for simple catarrhal or rheumatic angina: 1) Bell. cham. mnerc. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Acon. carb-v. caps. dulc. hep. rhus. seneg. Phlegnmonous angina, with inflammation and swelling of the affected parts, requires: 1) Aceon. bell. hep. ign. mere. n-vom. sulph.; or, 2) Alum. baryt. calc. canth. coff. lach. sep. thuj. For polypus or membranous inflammation of the fauces, prescribe: Alum. bell. chin. hep, merc. puls. spong.; and Acon. when there is fever. For croup, (see: CROUP.) Gangrenous angina indicates: 1) Amm. ars. lach.; or, 2) Con. euphorb. kreos. merc. sulph. ~ 4. As regards external causes, give: a) For angina after acute exanthemata, such as, scarlatina, measles, variola, &c.: Ars. bar-c. bell. carb-v. ign. mere. puls. b) After abuse of Mercury: Arg. bell. carb-v. hep. lach. lyce. staph. sulph. c) After a cold: Bar-c. bell. bry. cham. coff. dulc. ign. lach. merec. n-vom. puls. sulph. d) In consequence of syphilis: 1) Mere. nitr-ac. thuj.; or, 2) Carb-v. lach. phos. e) In consequence of wounds or injuries by foreign bodies, splinters, &c., which have got into the throat: 1) Acon. bell. cham. cic. ign. or mere.; or, 2) Carb-v. con. nitr-ac. puls. sulph-ac. ~ 5. Symptomatic indications: BELLADONNA: t'or almost every kind of angina, especially when the following symptoms are present: Sore pains, scraping, sensation of thickness, burning or stinging in the throat, especially during deglutition; pains which extend into the ears; contraction and spasmodic constriction of the fauces, with constant desire to swal SORE. THROAT. 293 low, or else difficult, almost impossible deglutition; absence of thirst or else violent thirst, with aversion to drink, or with inability to drink, because the liquid returns by the nostrils; vivid, frequently yellowish redness of the affected parts. without swelling; or swelling and inflammatory redness of the velum palati, uvula or tonsils, even with suppuration; rapidly spreading ulcers; profuse accumulation of viscid, whitish mucus in the throat, mouth, and on the tongue; ptyalism; swelling of the muscles and cervical glands; violent fever, with hot, red and bloated face; violent aching pain in the forehead; whining mood and obstinacy. (Compare Mercury, which is sometimes indicated before and after Bell.) CHAMOMILLA: Suitable to children, or when the disease is occasioned by suppression or interruption of the cutaneous action; or for: swelling of the parotid or submaxillary glands, or tonsils; stitching, burning pains, or sensation as if a foreign body were sticking ill the throat; dark redness of the affected parts; inability to swallow solids, especially when lying; thirst, with dry mouth and throat; tickling in the larynx, with cough; roughness, hoarse voice; fever towards evening, with alternation of heat and chilliness; red cheeks, or only one cheek red; great restlessness, tossing about, crying, moaning. LACHESIs: Bell. and Mere. being insufficient, for: sore pain, burning and dry throat, at one spot or all over as far as the ears, larynx, tongue, nose, gums, with suffocative breathing, ptyalism, &c.; swelling, redness and swelling of the tonsils and velum; constant desire to swallow, with spasms in the throat, or with sensation as if a lump were sticking in the throat; aversion to drink, the'liquid frequently returniing by the nose; aggravation in the afternoon, m'.rning, or after sleeping, also by contact; relief by eating. MERcrURIUS: Frequently in alternation with Bell., for: violent stitches in the throat and tonsils, especially when swallowing, the stitches extending to the parotid glands, ears and submaxillary glands; burning in the throat, with soreness; swelling, and intense inflammatory redness of the affected parts; elongation of the uvlla; constant desire to swallow, with sensation as of a lump in the throat that ought to be swallowed down; dificult deglutition, especially as regards drinks, which frequently return by the nostrils; bad taste in the mouth; ptyalism; swelling of the gums and tongue; suppuration of the tonsils, or slowly spreading ulcers in the throat; aggravation at night, or in the evening, (r in the open air and when talking; chill towards evening, or alternation of chilliness and heat; sweat, without relief; rleumatic, tearing or drawing pains in the head and nape of the neck. 25* 294 SORE THROAT. Nux voM.: Frequently after Cham., or suitable to thin, bilious and choleric individuals, or persons of a sanguine temperament, especially for: scraping and sore pain in the throat, particularly when swallowing or taking an inspiration; pain during empty deglutition, as if the pharynx were contracted, or as if a plug were sticking in the throat; stitches extending to the inner ears, especially when swallowing; swelling of the uvula, palate and tonsils; or sensation of swelling, with stitches and pressure; dry cough, with headache and-pains in the hypochondria when coughing; small fetid ulcers in the mouth and throat. PULSATILLA: Suitable to females and persons of a bland and phlegmatic temper, for: bluish redness of the throat, tonsils or uvula, with sensation of swelling in these parts, or sensation of a lump in the throat; scraping, soreness and dryness in the throat, without thirst; stitches in the throat, especially between the acts of deglutition, with pressure and tension during empty deglutition chill towards evening, with increase of soreness; varicose swelling of the cervical veins; accumulation of tenacious mucus on the affected parts. ~ 6. Give moreover: ACONITUMI: For violent fever, with dry heat, red cheeks, restlessness, despair; dark redness of the affected parts, with troublesome and painful deglutition; burnling, choking, creeping and contraction of the throat; painful sensitiveness of the throat when talking; burning thirst. BBYONIA: Painful sensitiveness of the throat to contact, and when turning the head; painful and troublesome swallowing, as if a hard body were sticking in the throat; stitches, soreness and dry feeling in the throat, rendering talking difficult; fever, with or without thirst, or chilliness and feeling of coldness; irritable mood. CAPsIcUnI: Fever, with chill and thirst, and subsequent hleat; aching pains with spasmodic constriction of the throat; soreness and ulceration of the mouth and throat; painful cough; constant desire to lie down and sleep, with dread of the open air and cold. COFFEA: Coryza, irritation in the throat, inducing cough; sleeplessness, heat, whining and moaning; swelling of the velum and elongation of the uvula; the affected pares are very sensitive; short, dry cough, &c. HEPAR: After Bell. or Mere., for: dryness, sensation of a lump, or stitches in the throat, as from splinters, especially when swallowing, coughing, breathing or turning the head; painful scraping, difficult deglutition, pressure in the throat with danger f suffocation; swelling of the tonsils. SORE THROAT. 295 IGNATIA: Red and inflammatory swelling of the palate or tonsils; sensation as of a lump in the throat, or stitches extending to the inner ears, especially between the acts of deglutition, with burning or sore pain when swallowing; it is more difficult to swallow liquids than solids; the tonsils are hard or covered with little ulcers. (Compare: Chain. nux-v. puls.; or, Bell. merc. sulph. hep.) RHUS TOX.: Bryonia being insufficient; rather whining disposition; pressure and stitches during deglutition; beating pain at the base of the pharynx; sensation of contraction in the throat during deglutition; sensation of swelling in the throat, with contusive pain even when talking. SULPHUR: Swelling of the throat, tonsils or uvula; scraping and dryness, sore pain; burning and stitching in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition; pressure in the throat as from a lump, or painful sensation of contraction, with difficult deglutition; swelling of the cervical glands. ~ 7. Try moreover: BARYTA CARB.: The sore throat sets in every time after taking cold, with swelling and hardness of the tonsils and disposition to suppurate. CHINA: Swelling of the palate and uvula, with stitches in the throat, especially when swallowinS, or with restless sleep at night; the pain increases by the least exposure. CICUTA: Excessive swelling of the throat in consequence of a foreign body having penetrated into it, Bell. being insufficient. CocccLUS: Pains in the esophagus, with dryness extending down to the chest; gurgling noise when drinking. DULCAIMARA: Catarrhal sore throat, with excessive secretion of mucus; MIerc. being insufficient. SABADILLA: Obstinate sore throat, with pressure, burning, sensation of a lump in the throat or of constriction, between and during the acts of swallowing; dryness, scraping and roughness in the throat, with constant desire to swallow. SEPIA: Soreness, stitches when swallowing, with frequent rattling and secretion of mucus. VERATRUM: Dry throat, with burning, roughness, scraping, or constrictive pain; choking, pressure and spasm when swallowing. ~ 8. As regards symptoms, give: a) When the velum is principally affected: 1) Acon. bell. coff. lach. mnerc. natr-m. phos. phos-ac. 2) Arg. carb-v. straam. sulph. b) When the uvula: 1) Bell. calc. carb-v. coff. merc. n-vom. puls. 2) Caust. jod. lyc. natr-m. sil. sulph. SORE THROAT. c) When the tonsils: 1) Bell. lach. merc. 2) Amm. cham. ign. n-vom. puls. staph..3) Alum. baryt. calc. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. phos. sep. sulph. thuj. d) When the larynx is involved: Acon. ars. bell. bry. carb-veg. dros. hep. jod. n-vom. phosph. spong. e) When the oesophagus: Amm. ars. asa. canth. carb-veg. coccul. lach. natr. f) When the fauces: Alum. bell. carb-veg. ign. lach. merc. n-vom. phosph. puls. sulph. ~ 9. a) For burning pains: Alum. ars. belt. carb-veg. lach. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. rhus. seneg. b) Aching: Alum. caust. hep. merc. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. sep. sulph. c) Sensation of swelling, without any swelling being present: Chin. lach. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. d) For tickling and titillation: Carb-veg. lach. sep. e) For scraping and roughness: 1) Acon. almm. carb-veg. nvorn. phosph. puls. sullph. 2) Alhm. ars. caust. con. graph. sabad. sep. f) Sensation as of a plug, lump, &c., in the throat: 1) Bell. cham. ign. lach. merc. natr-m. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Amnzm. caust. nitr-ac. sep. g) Tearing pains: Amm. ars. jod. lye. h) Pains as if raw and sd're: i) Alum. calc. carb-veg. caust, ign. lach. merc. mur-ac. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. sep. 2) Ammn. caps. carb-an. graph. kal. lye. n-vom. phos-ac. sep. staph. i ) Cutting pains: Puls. sep. stann. k) Stitching pains: 1) Acon. bell. ign. merc. puls. 2) Calce cham. hep. lach. lyc. natr-m. nitr-ac. sulph. thuj. 1) Sensation of contraction. 1) Bell. dros. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Alum. calc. carb-veg. caust. chin. natr-m. veratr. m) Constrictive sensation and spasm in the fauces: 1) Bell. ign. n-vom. stram. sulph. 2) Alunm. ars. caps. carb-veg. coccul.,con. natr-m. sabad. seneg. veratr. ~ 10. a) For swelling of the affected parts: 1) Amm. bell. calc. lach. merc. n-vom. staph. 2) Alum. baryt. chan. chin. coqff graph. hep. lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. sabad. sil. sulph. thtj. b) Suppuration: Bell. lach. hep. mere. e) Ulcers in the throat: 1) Alum. bell. ign. lach. mere. natrm. nitr-ac. n-vom. thuj. 2) Borax. calc. staph. d) Redness: 1) Acon. alum. amm. bell. chant. ign. merc. nyom. puls. sulph. 2) Baryt. coff. hep. lach. lye. staph. e) Profuse secretion of mucus: Alum. bell. calc. caps. caust. cham. chin. con. ign. kal. lach. lye. n-yom. phosph. puls. seneg. staph. sulph. SPASMS. 297 f) Mucous lining on the affected parts: Bell. canth. chin. mere. plumb. puls. g) Ptyalism: 1) Acon. bell. chin. mere. n-vom. phosph. puls. thus. sulph. 2) Alum. armb. ant. arg. bry. calc. cham. ign. lach. lye. natr-m. nitr-ac. sep. sil. h) Dryness of the mouth and throat: Acon. bell. bry. calc. cham. ign. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. puls. thus. seneg. sep. sil. sulph. i) Varicose condition of the throat: Carb-veg. puls. k) Soreness: Alum. amb. carb-veg. graph. kal. lach. merce mnez. mur-ac. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. sabad. sil. ~ 11. a) For constant desire to swallow: 1) Bell. chainm. ign. lach. lye. n-vom. phosph. puls. 2) Alum. calc. caps. caust. chin con. kal. seneg. staph. sulph. b) Painful deglutition: Bell. bry. hep. mere. n-vomr. phosph. puls. rhus. sep. staph. thuj. c) Pain during empty deglutition: Bry. coccul. lack. hep. mere. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. d) Pain when swallowingfood: Alum. baryt. bry. chamin. kep. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. rhus. sep. sulph. e) Difficulty in swallowing liquids: Bell. canth. cupr. ign. jod. lach. mere. natr-m. phos. sil. f) Deglutition being altogether prevented or rendered very difficult: 1) Aeon. bell. canth. hyos. lach. lye. mere. stramn. 2) Alum. amm. ars. b&ry. calc. canth. carb-veg. caust. cham. cic. cin. con. cupr. dros. hep. ign. n-vom. phosph. phos-ac. puls. sep. sil. g) Pain not increased by swallowing: 1) Ign. 2) Alum. amnb. caps. graph. lach. mere.?nez. n-voln. puls. spong. stann. staph. ~ 12. Comp.: STOMACACE, PTYALISM, BRONCIIITIS, CATARRH, COUGH, &c. SPASMS, CONVULSIONS. ~ 1. We have arranged under one head the various spasmodic affections, such as: catalepsy, epilepsy, chorea, hysteric convulsions, eclampsia, tetanus, &c., because they frequently indicate the same remedy, provided the secondary symptoms correspond to it. The reader is thus enabled to discover more easily the characteristic indications for the respective remedies. ~ 2. Principal remedies for spasmodic affections: 1) Bell. calc. caust. cham. cupr. hyos. ign. ipec. lach. n-voen. op. sil. strawt. and sulph. 2) Aeon. ang. arll. ars. camph. cic. citr. cocc. croc. SPASMS. 299 the nerves, require: 1) Sulph. calc. lach. sil. n-vom.; or, 2) Am. chin. phos-ac., &c. If caused by abuse of narcotics, wine, opium, beer, (adulterated with belladonna, cocculus, &c.) tobacco, &c., give: Bell. cupr. cham. citr. cof. cupr. hyos. ign. n-vom. op., &c. If caused by retrocession of some eruption, give: Calc. caust. ipec. lach. n-vom. stram. sulph. If by a cold, or by suppression of the cutaneous secretions, give: Acon. bell. cham. chin. cic. lach. n-vom. sil., &c. If by mercurial vapours, give: Bell. stram.; and if by the vapours of copper or arsenic, give Camph. merc.; give Ars. for copper, and Cupr. for arsenic. ~ 7. Symptomatic indications: BELLADONNA: For tetanus, trismus, hysteric spasms, convulsions of little children, eclampsia, chorea, epilepsy, &c.; when the convulsions commence in the upper extremities, with creeping aid feeling of rigidity in the same, twitching of one or more of the extremities, especially of the arms; convulsive motion of the mouth, facial muscles and eyes; congestion of blood to the head,with vertigo, dark-red, hot and bloated face, or with pale and cold face and shuddering; photophobia; distorted or staring eyes, dilated pupils; spasms in the larynx and fauces, with inability to swallow and with danger of suffocation; foam at the mouth; involuntary passage of fteces, or diarrhceic stools with undigested food; oppression of the chest and anxious breathing; the spasms are excited again by the least touch or the least contradiction; stupefaction or complete loss of consciousness; sleeplessness between the paroxysms, with restless tossing about; deep or comatose sleep, with smiling and distortion of features; sudden starting frornm sleep, with a cry; obstinate, weeping; malicious desire to bite and tear every thing; or great anxiety, fear, frightful visions. (Comp. Cham. Hyoscyam. Ign. Op. Straam.) CAUSTICUM: Epileptic convulsions, chorea St. Viti, with screams, violent movements of the extremnties, grinding of the teeth, laughing or weeping, involuntary or frequent emission of urine; cold water brings the paroxysms on again. CHAMOMILLA: For spasms of children and lying-in females, when characterized by: Stretching of the limbs, convulsions of the extremities, eyes, eyelids and tongue; convulsive starting during sleep; red, bloated face, or one cheek is red and the other pale; dry and burning heat of the skin, with burning thirst; hot sweat on the forehead and hairy scalp; anguish, moaning and lamenting; anxious, hurried, rattling breathing; dry and rattling, short cough; colicky pains, distended abdomen, diarrhceic, green stools. (Comp.: Bell. ign.) 300 SPASMS. CvuPtM: For convulsions of children, tonic spasms, epilepsy, St. Vitus' dance; and for: convulsions commencing at the fingers or toes, or in the arms; clenching the thumbs; loss of consciousness anud speech; ptyalism, sometimes like froth; suffocative paroxysms (especially with previous weeping); fequent emission of urine; turbid urine; red face and eyes, weeping and anguish, or strange demeanour, disposition to hide himself; the paroxysms return every month, especially after the menses. HYoscYAIUvs: Clonic spasms, chorea, epilepsy, &c., especially for: Bluish colour and bloatedness of the face, foam at the mouth, protruded eyes, convulsive movements of some parts or of the whole body; violent tossing about; clenching of the thumbs; the spasms come on again every time he attempts to swallow liquids; great anxiety with cries and grinding of the teeth; loss of consciousness; oppression of the chest, involuntary emission of urine, congestion of blood to the brain; deep and comatose sleep, with stertorous breathing; feeling of hunger and gnawing in the stomach; dry cough at night; desire to laugh at every thing; running about from place to place between the spasms; delirium. (Comp. Bell. op.) IGNATIA: Clonic and tonic spasms, hysteric spaqms, convulsions of little children, epilepsy, chorea St. Viti, &c.; and for: Convulsive movements of the extremities, eyes, eyelids, facial muscles and lips; opisthotonos; clenching the thumbs; bluish, or very red face, or one cheek red, the other pale, or alternate redness and paleness; foamy saliva; spasms of the pharynx and larynx, with suffocative fits, difficult deglutition; loss of consciousness with involuntary screams and laughter; frequent yawning or sopor; anxiety and deep sighs; the spasms recur every day; bland, sensitive disposition; fitful mood; quiet temper. JPEcACUANHA: Clonic and tonllic spasms, especially of children, and hysteric females; especially for: opisthotonos, loss of consciousness, screams; pale, bloated face, distortion of the facial muscles, and of the half-closed eyes, or convulsive movements of the facial muscles, lips, eyelids and extremities; asthmatic ailments, with mucous rattling, nausea, loathing, paroxysms of vomiturition, vonmiting or diarrhmea. LACIESIS: Epileptic convulsions and other clonic or tonic spasms, when characterized by: Cries, falling down without consciousness, foam at the mouth, cold feet, eructations, pale face, vertigo, heavy and painful head, palpitation of the heart, distended abdomen, comatose condition, nausea, &c, suitable to children and young people, also to men in full manihood. Nux-voMIcA: Clonic and tonic spasms, epilepsy, ehorea, &c., especially when characterized by: cries, opisthotonos, trembling or convulsive twitching of the limbs or muscles; the spasms are SPASMS. 301 excited by chagrin or mortification; involuntary discharge of fieces and urine; feeling of rigidity in the limbs, and as if they would go to sleep; vomiting; copious sweat; oppression of the chest; constipation, ill humour and irritable disposition. OPirM: Tonic and clonic spasms, epilepsy, &c., with: setting in of the paroxysms at night and in the evening; opisthotonos, or violent motions of the extremities, especially the arms; loss of consciousness; insensibility; cries; clenching of the fists; suffocative paroxysm, deep and comatose sleep. (Comp.: Bell. hyos. ign.) STRAMONIUM: Clonic and tonic spasms, catalepsy, eclampsia, chorea, hysteric spasms, &c., especially for: opisthotonos, convulsive motions of the extremities, especially the upper; risus sardonius; stuttering or loss of speech; pale, worn out appe.arance, with a stupid-friendly look; or red and pale face; loss of consciousness and sensation, sometimes with cry, furious or religious motions, frightful visions, laughter, lamentations, singing, desire to escape, &c.; the spasms are excited again by contact, or by the sight of bright or shining objects. (Comp. Bell.) ~ 8. Use likewise: ACONITUM: For tetanus, trismus, and other tonic spasms, with alternately pale and red face, cries, grinding of the teeth, and convulsive hiccough; also for spasms of young plethoric people (especially young girls) who lead a sedentary life. ANGUSTURA: Tonic spasms, with opisthotonos, trismus, &c. ARNICA: Tonic spasms, especially in consequence of wounds, with palpitation of the heart, trismus, opisthotonos, &c. ARSENICUM: Epilepsy, with burning in the stomach, spine and abdomen. CALCAREA: Epilepsy, chorea, &c., especially for nocturnal paroxysms. (After Sulphur.) CAMPHORA. For some kinds of epilepsy, with stertorous breathing, red and bloated face, coma. CICUTA: Clonic and tonic spasms, epilepsy, catalepsy, eclampsia, &c., with pale or yellowish complexion, trismus, distortion of the extremities, cries, frothy saliva, colic as if from worms, &c. CITRIC ACID.: Convulsions caused by eating Stramonium. CoccuLUs: Epilepsy, chorea and other spasms, especially during the menses, or in consequence of some external injury. CRocUs: Chorea and other convulsions, with laughing and springing, especially when the convulsions alternate with paroxysms of whooping-cough. MERCURIUS: Epilepsy and other convulsions, with cry, rigidity of the body, bloated abdomen, itching of the nose, thirst and nocturnal paroxysms. 26 STOMACACE. 303 STOMACACE, INFLAMMATION or ULCERATION OF TIIE MOUTH. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Merc. n-vom.; or. 2) Ars. borax. caps. carb-veg. dulc. natr-m. nitr-ac. staph. sulph. sulph-ac.; or, 3) Chin. gran. hep.jod. n-mosch. sep. sil. If caused by Mercury: 1) Carb-veg. dulc. hep. nitr-ac. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Chin. jod. natr-m. If by abuse of kitchen-salt: Carb-veg. nitr-sp. For simple aphthe: 1) Borax. sulph-ac. 2) Merc. n-vom. sulph. ~ 2. Particular indications: ARSENICUM: The edges of the tongue are ulcerated, aphthae, violent burning pains; swollen and readily-bleeding gums, looseness of the teeth; debility and sinking. BORAX: Ulcerated gums; aphthve in the mouth or on the tongue, which bleed readily; tenacious mucus in the throat; acrid fetid urine. (Suitable to little children.) CAPSICUM: Suitable to large, phlegmatic, plethoric persons, who lead a sedentary life; especially for: burning vesicles in the mouth and on the tongue, swelling of the gums, &c. CARBO-VEG.: The gums stand off, are sore and ulcerated, bleed profusely, with loose teeth, heat in the mouth, bad smell of the ulcers, sore and stiff tongue. DULCAMARA: The least cold brings the disease on, with swelling of the cervical glands. MERCURIUS: Red, spongy, receding, ulcerated gums, with burning pains at night, and soreness, especially when touched; loose teeth, inflamed, sore, ulcerated, tongue and mouth, sometimes covered with aphthe; fetid, cadaverous smell of the mouth and ulcers; profuse discharge of fetid, and even bloody saliva; with ulceration of the orifice of the Stenonian duct; the tongue is swollen, stiff, hard, or moist and covered with white mucus; pale face alid chills; burning diarrhceic stools. NATRUM-MUR.: Swollen, readily bleeding gums, with great sensitiveness to cold or warm substances; ulcers and blisters in the mouth, on the tongue and gums, with burning pains and impeded speech; ptyalism, rigidity of the tongue; especially on one side. NITRIC-ACID.: Bleeding, white and swollen gums, loose teeth sore mouth, with stinging pains; fetid smell of the mouth; ptyalism. Nvx-voM.: Suitable to thin persons of lively temper and sedentary habits ~ especially for: foul and painful swelling of the gums, with burning or beating pains; fetid ulcers, pimples and painful blisters in the mouth, on the gums, palate or tongue; ptyalism at night; bloody saliva; tongue white and thickly coated with mu 304 STOMACH. cus; fetid odourfrom the mouth; pale face with sunken cheeks and dim eyes; ernaciation, constipationl, angry, irritable mood. STAPHYSAGRIA: Pale, white, ulcerated, or'painful and swollen gums; readily bleeding spongy excrescences on the gums and in the mouth; mouth and tongue are ulcerated and covered with blisters; discharge of saliva which is at times bloody; stinging pains on the tongue; sickly complexion, with sunken cheeks hollow eyes, surrounded with blue rings; swelling of the cervical glands, and blisters under the tongue. SULPHUR: Readily bleeding, receding and swollen gums, with beating pains; blisters and aphthev in the mouth and on the tongue, with burning and soreness, especially when eating; fetid and sour smell of the mouth; ptyalism, or bloody saliva; tongue thickly coated, whitish or brownish; slimy, greenish stools, with tenesmus; rash; restlessness at night, &c. SULPHURIS-ACIDUM: Aphthue in the mouth; swollen, ulcerated and readily bleeding gums; profuse ptyalism, &c. ~ 3. Compare: PTYALISM, GUMS, DISEASES OF THE, SCURVY, MERCURY, &C. STOMACH, WEAKNESS OF THE, DYSPEPSIA. ~ 1. This affection is characterized by weak digestion, deficient or irregular appetite, distress in the region of the stomach, eructations, flatulence, ill humour, drowsiness, and other unpleasant feelings after a meal; disposition to gastric derangement; acidity and accumulation of mucus in the intestines. Dyspepsia is of very frequent occurrence, and therefore deserves particular attention in a work of this kind. ~ 2. Hep. and Sulph. are excellent remedies for dyspepsia, and frequently effect a cure, provided the remedies are given at long intervals. The following remedies are likewise indicated in many cases: 1) Arm. bry. calc. chin. lach. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus.; or, 2) Carb-veg. natr. natr-m. ruta. sep. sil.; or, 3) Amnm. anac. ars. aur. baryt. bell. con. dros. ferr. graph. hyos. ign. kal. kreos. lyc. n-mosch. petr. phosph. staph. veratr. ~ 3. Dyspepsia of children requires: Baryt. calc. ipec. lye. merc. n-vom. puls. sulph; or, Hyos. iod. Of old pcople: 1) Baryt. cic.; or, 2) Ant. carb-veg. chin. nmosch. n-yom. Of hypochondriacal people: 1) N-rom. sulph.; or, 2) Bry. calc. chin. con. lach. natr. stapth. veratr., &c. STOMACH. 305 Of hysteric individuals: 1) Puls. sep.; or, 2) Bell. bry. calc. con. hyos. ign. lach. n-mosch. phosph. sep. sulph. veratr.,' &c. Of pregnantfemales: Acon. ars. con. ferr. ipec. kreos. lach. magn-m. natr-m. n-mosch. n-vom. petr. phosph. puls. sep. ~ 4. Dyspepsia in consequence of sedentary habits: Bry. calc. n-vom. sep. sulph.;-in consequence of watching: Arn carb-veg. cocc. n-vom. puls. veratr.;-of long studying: Arn' calc. lach. n-vorn. puls. sulph.; or, Cocc. veratr. Dyspepsia caused by loss of animal fluids, abuse of cathartics, vomiting, bloodletting, &c., requires: Chin. carb-veg. ruta.; or, Calc. lach. n-vom. sulph.-By sexual abuse: Calc. merc. nvom. phos-ac. staph. By overloading or deranging the stomach: Ant. ars. ipec. n' vom. puls.-By abuse of wine or spirits: Carb-veg. lach. n-vom. sulph.; or, Ars. bell. chin. merc. natr. puls.-By abuse of coffee: Cocc. ign. n-vom.; or, Carb-veg. chain: merc. puls. rhus. sulph. -By abuse of tea: Ferr. or Thuja.-By abuse of tobacco: Cocc. merc. ipec. n-vom. puls. staph. Dyspepsia in consequence of external injuries,: a blow on the stomach, heavy lifting, strain, &c., requires: Arn. bry. rhus-t. or, Amm. calc. con.? puls. ruta. In consequence of depressing emotions, such as: chagrin, anger, &c.: Bry. cham. chin. coloc. n-yom. phos-ac. staph. &c. ~ 5. Symptomatic indications: ARNICA: After Chin., if thif should not suffice, and for: Nervousness; dry or yellow-coated tongue; sour, foul or bitter taste; bad smell of the mouth: frequent eructations, sometimes iasting of putrid eggs; desire for acid things; fullness in the epigastrium, flatulence and distention of the abdomen after a meal; feeling of indolence in the extremities; vertigo; dulness of the head, especially in the forehead, over the eyes; stupefaction and heat in the head; disturbed sleep, with sudden starting, frequent waking, anxious and heavy dreams; yellowish, livid complexion; frequent nausea, with desire to vomit, especially in the morning or after eating; hypochondriac mood. (After Arm. n-vom. is sometimes suitable; comp. Bry. and Rhus.) BRYONIA: For dispepsia which principally occurs in the summer or in damp and hot weather; or for: loss of appetite, alternating with canine hunger even at night, or loss of appetite after swallowing or mouthful; desire for wine, coffee and acids; loathing of food, sometimes so violent that even the smell of food is intolerable; frequent eructations, especially after a meal, generally 26* 3Q6 STOMACH. a mere rising of air, or with sour or bitter taste; oppression and distention of the pit of the stomach; colicky pains, regurgitation or vomiting of the ingoesta; bread and milk spoil the stomach easily; discharge of water from the mouth, like waterbrash; painful sensitiveness of the region of the stomach to contact; inability to bear the pressure of the clothes; constipation or hard stools; restless irritable, vehement disposition. (Comp.: Arn. Chin. Rhus-t. CALCAREA: Sticky or dry mouth, with sour or bitter taste; continual thirst, with feeble appetite; food has no taste; hunger after a meal; paroxysms of canine hunger, especially early in the morning; aversion to meat and warm food, with desire for wine and dainties; nausea or sour regurgitation after eating milk; heat, distention, headache, pain in the stomach and abdomen, or drowsiness after eating; heartburn and acidity, accumulation of mucus in the stomach, fullness and swelling in the region of the stomach, with great sensitiveness to contact; tension in the hypochondria, and inability to wear tight clothes; stool every two, three or four days; or two or three stools a day; general debility; stitching or aching pain in the head, with feeling of coldness in the head; plethoric, fat constitution. (Frequently suitable after Sulph.) CHINA: Dyspepsia from loss of animal fluids, noxious miasms in the air, in the spring and fall, in the neighbourhood of canals, marshes, &c., for: aversion to food or drink, as if one had eaten enough; desire for wine, pungent, spiced, sour and refreshing things; fiequent derangement of the stomach, caused by the least irregularity and especially by a late supper; malaise, drowsiness, hypochondriac mood, fullness, distention, eructations, or even vomiting of the ingesta; debility, with constant desire to lie down, after every, even the least meal; chilliness and great sensitiveness to the least draught of air; remaining awake in bed late in the night; easily disturbed night-sleep; ill humour and indisposition to do any thing. (Compare: Arn. Bry. Rhus.) HEPAR: Chronic dyspepsia, especially when the patient had taken much mercury, or when he complains of: liability to derange his stomach, in spite of the most careful diet, with desire for wine, or sour, pungent, refreshing things; frequent nausea, especially in the morning, with desire to vomit and eructations, or vomiting of acid, bilious or slimy substances; accumulation of mucus in the throat; crolic; hard, difficult, dry stools; pressure, distention and heaviness in the epigastrium; bitter taste in the mouth and of the food while eating; aversion to fat; great thirst; the clothes press on the hypochondria and feel tight (After I-ep., Lach. and Merc. are sometimes suitable.) LACHESIS: Chronic dyspepsia, especially after Hepar, for: irregular appetite; aversion to bread, desire for milk and wine, STOMACH. 309 ~ 7. Use more particularly: a) For the ill effects from beer: 1) Ars. bell. coloc. ferr. nrom. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. 2) Alum. asa. ign. mez. mur-ac. stann. veratr. —From lemonade: Selen.-Brandy: 1) N-vom. op. 2) Ars. calc. cocc. hep. ign. lach. led. stram. sulph. veratr. — Wine: 1) Ars. calc. co;. lach. lyc. n-vom. op. sil. zinc. 2) Ant. ar natr. natr-m. puls. selen. sulph. —Spirits generally: 1) Ars. calc. carb-veg. hell. ihyos. lach. n-yrom. op. puls. sulph. 2) Ant. bell. chel. chin. coff. ign. led. lyc. merc. natr. natr-m. n-mosch. rhus. selen. sil. stram. veratr. b) From coffee: 1) Chan. coccul. ign. merc. n-vom. 2) Canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. coccul. hep. ipec. lyc. puls. rhus. sulph. — Tea: 1) Chin. ferr. selen. 2) Ars. coff hep. lach. veratr.Chocolate: Bry. caust. lyc. puls. —Milk: 1) Bry. calc. n-vom. sulph. 2) Amb. ars. carb-veg. chin. con. cupr. ign. kal. lach. lyc. magn-c. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. phosph. puls. rhus. sulph-ac. —Water: 1) Chin. merc. puls. rhus. sulph-ac. 2) Ars. caps. chamn. ferr. natr. n-vom. veratr. c) When bread disagrees: 1) Baryt. bry. caust. chin. mere. natr-m. phos-ac. puls. rhus. sep. staph. 2) Cin. coff. kal. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. sulph. zinc. —Butter: Ars. carb-veg. chin. hep. nitr-ac. puls. sep.-Fat: 1) Ars. carb-veg. chin. natr-m. puls. sep. sulph. tarax. thuj. 2) Colch. cycl. ferr. hell. magn-m. nitr-ac. — leat: Calc. ferr. mnerc. puls. ruta. sep. sil. sulph.- Veal: Calc. caust. ipec. nitr. sep.-Pork: Carb-veg. colch. dros. natr-m. puls. sep.-Spoiled sausage: Ars. bell. bry. phos-ac. r-hus. —Fish: Carb-an. kal. plumb.-Oysters: Puls., drinking at the same time quantities of milk, when dangerous symptoms set in, in consequence of the stomach being overloaded with oysters.-Foul fish: 1) Carb-veg.puls. 2) Chin. rhus.-Poisonous muscles: Bell. carb-veg. cop. euphorb. lyc. rhus. d) Flatulent food: 1) Carb-veg. chin. 2) Bry. chin. cupr. lyc. petr. puls. sep. veratr.-Potatoes: Alunm. amm. sep. veratr. — Fruit, &c.: 1) Ars. bry. puls. veratr. 2) Chin. magn-m. merc. natr. selen. sep. —Pastry, &c.: 1) Bry. puls. sulph. 2) Ars. carb-veg. kal. veratr. —Eggs: Colch. ferr. puls.-Acid things: 1) Acon. ars. carb-veg. hep. sep. 2) Ant. ferr. lach. natr-m. n-vom. phosph. phos-ac. sulph. sulph-ac.-Salt: Ars. calc. carb-veg. dros. lyc. nitr-sp. —Sweets: Acon. chamin. ign. merc. selen. zinc. e) Ice: Ars. carb-veg. puls.-Pepper: Ars. chin. cin. n-vom. -Onions: Thuj. f) Tobacco: 1) N-vom. puls. 2) Ign. spong. staph. 3) Acon. ant. arn. bry. cham. chin. clem. coccul. coloc. cupr. euphr. ipec. lach. merc. natr. natr-m. phosph. veratr 310 STRABISMUS.-SULPHUR, &c. g) Every kind of food disagrees shortly after taking it: 1) Calc. carb-veg. caust. chin. natr-m. n-vom. sulph. 2) Amm. ars. bry. con. cycl. graph. kal. lach. lyc. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phosph. phosac. puls. rhus. sep. sil. ~ 8. Compare: Loss OF APPETITE; HUNGER; VOMITING; HEARTBURN; GASTRIC DERANGEMENT; STOMACH, DERANGEMENT OF; COLIC; DIARRH(EA, &C. STRABISMUS.-Principal remedies: Bell. hyos., or alum. STRAMONIUM, ILL EFFECTS OF. —Poisoning with large doses: 1) Black coffee; 2) Vinegar and lemon-juice; and if no vomiting should set in: 3) Injections of tobacco. For the remaining symptoms: 1) N-vom. 2) Bell. hyos. STRICTURE OF THE URETHRA.-Principal remedies: 1) Carb-veg. clem. dig. dulc. n-vomn. petr. puls. rhus. sulph.; or, 2) Bell. camph. canth. chin. cic. coccul. merc.? phosph.? spong.?; or, 3) Arn.? calc.? con.? graph.? lyc.? magn.mn.? sil.? Spasmodic stricture: 1) Canth. n-vomn. puls. 2) Bell. camph. cic. coccul. Callous stricture, as after gonorrhena: 1) Clem. dig. dulc. petr. puls. rhus.; or, 2) Camph. carb-veg. canth. cic. merc. phosph. spong.?; or, 3) Am.? calc.? con.? graph.? lyc.? magn-m.? sil.? STYE,-Principal remedies: 1) Puls., or staphys.; or, 2) Ammc. bry. calc. con. ferr. graph. lyc. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. sep. stann. Compare: BLEPHAROPHTHALMIA. SUBSTANCES, ALKALINE, POISONING BY. Hering recommends: Vinegar, two tablespoonfuls mixed with eight to ten ounces of water, drinking a tumblerful every quarter of an hour. 2) Lemon-juice or other vegetable acids, sufficiently diluted; 3) Sour-milk; 4) Mucilaginous drinks and injections. In a case of poisoning with barytes, pure vinegar is hurtful; but Glauber salt, dissolved in vinegar and diluted with water, will be frequently found excellent. The effects of poisoning with potash, are best antidoted by Cqobea or Carb-v.; and with Sal anlmoniacum, by Hep.. SULPHUR, ILL EFFECTS OF. Principal remedies: 1) Merc. puls. sil. 2) Chin. n-vom. sep. SUPPURATION. 311 For the consequences of the vapours of sulphur, give: Puls.; for sulphurated wine: Merc. puls.-Ars. chin. sep. SUMACH, ILL EFFECTS OF. The eruptions require: Bell. bry.; or, Ars. merc. puls. sulph. SUPPURATION. ~ 1. The principal remedies for suppurating wounds and ulcers are: 1) Asa. hep. lach. merc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. bell. calc. canth. carb-v. caust. cist. dulc. kreos. lyc. mang. nitr-ac. phos. rhus. staph. sulph-ac. ~ 2. Give more particularly for bloody pus: 1) Asa. hep. merc. 2) Ars. carb-v. caust. nitr-ac. puls. sil. For jelly-like: Cham. merc. sil. Ichorous: 1) Ars. asa. carb-v. chin. merc. nitr-ac. rhus. sil. 2) Calc. caust. kreos. phos. sulph. Watery, thin: 1) Asa. caust. merc. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. carbv. lyc. nitr-ac. ran. rhus. staph. Fetid, cadaverous: 1) Asa. carb-v. chin. hep. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. graph. kreos. lyc. n-vom. phos-ac. sep. Viscid: A sa. con. merc. phos. sep. ~ 3. Brown, brownish: Ars. bry. carb-v. rhus. sil. Yellow: 1) Hep. merc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. carb-v. caust. phos. rhus. sep. staph. Greenish: Asa. aur. caust. merc. puls. rhus. sep. sil. Gray: Ars. caust. merc. sil. Leaving a black stain: Chin. ~ 4. Sour-smelling, or causing an acid taste: Calc. hep. merc kal. sulph. Salt: 1) Amb. ars. calc. graph. lyc. puls. sep. staph. sulph. Acrid, corrosive: 1) Ars. caust. mere. nitr-ac. ran. rhus. sep. sil. 2) Carb-v. cham. clem. lyc. natr. petr. staph. sulph. sulp - ac. ~ 5. Laudable pus: Hep. lach. merc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. calc. mang. phos. rhus. staph. Malignant pus: 1) Asa. chin. hep. merc. phos. sil. 2) Ars. calc. carb-v. caust. kreos. nitr.ac. rhus. sulph. sulph-ac. Too profuse: 1) Asa. hep. merc. phos. puls. sep. sulph. 2) Ars. calc. chin. lyc. rhus. sil. Suppressed or prematurely stopping: Calc. hep. lach. merc. sil. Suppuration of membraneou-s tissues: Sil. 316 SYPHILIS AND SYCOSIS. obscuration of sight, pains in the stomach, anguish, trembling and congestion of blood to the head or chest are present. P1osrPHORI ACID.: The paroxysms set in after a meal, Nux-v. being insufficient. VERATRUM: The paroxysms set in after the least motion, or are preceded by great anguish or despondency; or attended by spasms, lock-jaw, convulsive motion of the eyes and eyelids, &c. SYPHILIS AND SYCOSIS. The principal remedy is Mercurius 3, a dose every day or every other day. After eight or tell days, (or even after two or three days,) red tips, being healthy granulations, can be perceived at the bottom of the ulcer, which continue to increase. During this time the ulcer sometimes bleeds and the edges become depressed. After the syphilitic character of the ulcer, that is, its lardaceous appearance, has disappeared, and the cicatrix should not form properly, or proud flesh should start up from the ulcer, Nitr-ac. can be given with excellent effect. NITRIC-AC. is likewise excellent for chancres that had been ineffectually treated with large doses of Mercury. It should not be given when the chancres heal of themselves, without Mercury. ~ 3. Every chancre which is not treated, or improperly treated with Mercury, becomes chronic after the lapse of from six to eight weeks, losing its ]ardaceous appearance and raised edges, and exhibiting a red surface with a hard bottom, and secreting a thin, bad pus. Nitr-ac. should not be given for such chancres, for it favours the breaking out of general syphilis, the symptoms of which are roseola on the abdomen, and pimples on the forehead and region of the stomach. The principal remedy is lMercurius, which should be continued, giving one dose every forty-eight hours until the chancre and the spots and pimples have disappeared. Should doubtful symptoms -develop themselves after the disappearance of the chancre, and should their true nature, whether mercurial or syphilitic, not be apparent, give: Aur. carbr. lach. nitr-ac. phos-ac. thij. ~ 4. Secondary chancres in the throat require the same treatment as the primitive chancre; sometimes a few doses of Thuja may be given, if the patient should have taken much Mercury. Buboes require Mercurius, the same as the chancre; but if the patient should have been drugged with large doses of Calomel, give Nitr-ac., or sometimes Aurum or Carb-veg. 318 TIN-TINEA CAPITIS. h) Greasy, oily: Alum. asa. caust. lyc. mang. puls. rhus. sabin. sil. val. i) Herby: N-vom. phos —ac. puls. sassap. veratr. k) Metallic, brassy, &c.: 1) Agn. amm. calc. coccul. cupr. lach. natr. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. 2) Alum. coloc. magn-aust. ran. sassap. seneg. sulph. zinc. I) Pappy, viscid, slimy: Cham. chin. dig. lyc. magn-c. magnm. merc. n-vom. petr. phosph. puls. rhab. rhus. m) Rancid: Alum. amb. asa. bry. cham. ipec. mur-ac. petr. n) Sdlt: 1) Ars. carb-veg. merc. phosph. puls. sep. zinc. 2) Chin. lach. lyc. natr. rhus. sulph. veratr. o) Sour: 1) Amm. bell. calc. chin. kal. merc. natr-m. n-vomr. phosph. puls. sulph. 2) Alum carb-an. chanm. chin. coccul. con. graph. ign. lach. lyc. magn-c. magn-7n. natr. nitr. nitr-ac. petr. phos-ac. rhus. sep. stann. tarax. p) Bad taste generally, as from a spoiled stomach: 1) Bry. calc. kal. merc. n-vom. puls. sep. 2) Ars. asa. caust. chin. ign. natr-m. petr. stann. sulph-ac. val. zinc. q) Sweetish: 1) Bell. bry. chin. dig. nitr-ac. phosph. plumb. puls. sabad. squill. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. alum. amm. chin. cupr. ferr. ipec. kal. lyc. mere. n-vom. rhus. sassap. sulph-ac. ~ 3. Comp.: GASTRIC DERANGEMENT, WEAK STOMACH, &C. TEA, ILL EFFECTS OF.-Prinipal remedies: 1) Ferr. seleln. thuj. 2) Chin. coff. lach. veratr. THICKENING OF THE BLAD DER.-Principal remedies: Dulc. merc. puls. sulph.-See CATARRII OF THE BLA.DDER, and CYSTITIS. TIN, ILL EFFECTS OF.-Poisouinug with large doses requires: 1) White of an egg: 2) Sugar; 3)Milk. -The chronic ailments require: Puls.; or: Carb-veg. hep. ign. TINEA CAPITIS.-Principal remedies: 1) Ars. calc. hep. lyc. rhus. sulph.; or, 2) Bar-c. cic. graph. oleand. phosph. sep. staph, vinc. * For dry scaldhead (tinea ffufacea, amiantacea, favosa? granulata) give: 1) Sulph. or, Calc.; or, 2) Ars. hep. phosp. rhus-t. For humid scaldhead (achor tinea capitis et faciei musciflua): Lyc. sulph.; or, 2) Hep. rhus. sep.; or, 3) Bar-c. calc. cic. graph. oleand. staph. vinc. If other scrofulous ailments should be present at the same time, such as: swelling of the cervical glands, &c., give: 1) Amm. ars. baryt. calc. staph.; or, 2) Bry. dulc. The best mode of classifying tinea, is as follows: TOBACCO, ILL EFFECTS OF. 319 1) Tinea granulate, the real dry scaldhead, resemblingfavus, except that the tips are arched, not depressed in the shape of a goblet. 2) Tinea muciflua, humid scaldhead, groups of pustules, with copious secretion of moisture. which, on drying, causes the hairs to stick together and covers the head like a layer. 3) Tineafavosa, s. favus, a sort of fungous growth, in the shape of small pustules depressed at their tips. 4) Tinea annulata, circular groups of yellowish pustules, through whose centre a hair passes; with destruction of the follicles. 5) Tinea amiantacea, or eczema of the hairy scalp, generally affecting old people. It might perhaps be desirable that we should finally succeed in prescribing certain remedies for certain forms of tinea, though I (Jahr) think that the constitutional symptoms of the patient are better indications for the selection of a remedy than the form of the eruption. TOBACCO, ILL EFFECTS OF. ~ 1. Principal remedies: Acon. bry. chain. chin. cocc. coloc. cupr. merc. n-vom. puls. staph. veratr. ~ 2. For the immediate consequences, give: Acon. chanm. cocc. cupr. n-vom. puls. staph. ve'ratr. rTho chronic ailinents require: Cocc. merc. n-vom. staph. For the effects of chewing, give: Chanm. cocc. cupr. n-vom. puls. For working in tobacco-nanufactories: Ars. coloc. cupr. ~ 3. Use more particularly: ACONITUMI: Violent headache with nausea. CHIAMOMILLA: Vertigo, stupefaction, fainting, bilious vomiting, diarrhcea, &c. CoccULvS: Bad digestion, great sensitiveness of the nerves. Nvx voM.: Bad digestion, nausea, nervousness and obstinate constipation. PULSATILLA: Nausea, loss of appetite, thick saliva in the mouth, diarrhcea and colic. STAPHIYSAGRIA: Anxiety and restlessness, nausea, obstinate constipation, &c. VERATRUM: Weakness, fainting turn, diarrhoea, icy coldness of the extremities and body, &c. ~ 4. For the toothache, give: Bry. or, Chin.; for the nausea: Ign.; and for the constipation: Mercury. TONSILLITIS. TOOTHACHE. 321 lach. lye. mere. natr-m. phos-ac. sec. sil.stram. thuj. —Suppura-tion: Canth. merc. ~ 4. Paralysis: Acon. ars. bell. caust. dulc. graph. hyos. ~ach. n-mosch. op. stram. Stiffness: B.?rax. colch. euphr. lach. natr-m. Difficulty of moving the tongue: Anac. bell. calc. con. lye. Ieaviness of the tongue: tAnac. bell. carb-veg. colch. lye. murac. natr-m. plumb. ~ 5. See: STOMACACE, SPEECH, DIFFICULTIES OF, ANGINA FAUCIUM, &C. TONSILLITIS.-Principal remedies: 1) Baryt. bell. hep. ign. lach. merc. nitr-ac. n-voin. sulph.; or, 2) Gale. canth. cham. gran.? lye. sep. thu1. Suppuration and ulceration of the tonsils: Bar-c. bell. ign. lach. lye. mere. nitr-ac. sep. Induration: Baryt. cale. ign. sulph. Inflammatory swelling which threatens to terminate in suppuration: 1) Acon. bell.; then, 2) Mep. lach. mere.; 3) Ign. nvaom. sulph. See: SUPPURATION. TOOTHAC HE. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Bell. cham. mere. n-vonm. puls. sulph. 2) Bry. calc. chin. hyos. ign. mez. rhus. spig. staph. magn-arct. 3) Aeon. ant. arn. ars. carb-veg. coff. hep. sep. sil. veratr. 4) Baryt. caust. cycl. dulc. euphorb. magn-c. nitr-ac. phos-ac. plat. sabin. ~ 2. For pains in hollow teeth: 1) Ant. 2) Magn-arct. mez. sep. staph. 3) Aeon. bell. borax. chin. mere. natr. n-vom. puls. 4) Baryt. bry. cale. chum. coq: hyos. kreos. lach. lye. magn-c. phosph. phos-ac. plat. plumb. rhas. subin. sil. sulph.-It is very difficult to discover the suitable remedy; if no proper remedy can be found, introduce a little cotton moistened with one drop of the tincture of Aconite into the hollow tooth, or in some cases, Bell. instead of the Aeon. This frequently affords instantaneous relief. ~ 3. If several teeth at once, or a whole jaw should be affected, give: Cham. merec. rhus. staph.; or for pains on one side: 1) Cham. mere. puls. ru.us. 2) Cale. chin. ign. mez. phos-ac. plat. spig. sulph. Toothache with pain in the facial bones, requires: Clem. hyos. mnagn-c. mere. n-vor7n rhus. spig. sulpih.-If the pain extends to the -eyes: Cham. calc. clem. puls. spig.-To the ears: Ars. bell. 322 TOOTHACHE. cham. clem. kreos. merc. puls. sep. sulph.-Tothe head: Ant. ars. bell. cham. hbyeos. mere. n-vom. puls. rhus. sulph. Toothache with swelling of the cheeks, requires: 1) Arnm. chain. lyc. magn-arct. magn-c. merc. n-vom. puls. sep. staph. 2) 4rs. aur. bell. bry. carb-veg. caust. sulph.-Swelling of the gums: Acon. bell. cham. chin. hep. hyos. mere. n-vom. phos-ac. rhus. sep. staph. sulph.-Swelling of the submaxillary glands: Carb.veg. cham. merc. n-vom. sep. staph. ~ 4. Toothache from congestion of blood: 1) Acon. bell. calc. cham. chin. hyos. mez. puls. sep.; or, 2) Aur. phosph. plat. sulph. Rheumatic or arthritic toothache: 1) Acon. bell. caust. cham. chin. mere. n-vom. puls. staph. sulph.; or, 2) Arn. bry. cycl. hep. lye. magn-c. phosph. rhus. sabin. veratr. magn-arct. Nervoustoothache requires: 1) Acon. bell. chain. coff. hyos. ign. n-von. plat. spig. magn-arct.; or, 2) Ars, magn-c. mez. sulph. veratr., &c. ~ 5. Toothache from abuse of coffee: 1) Cham. ign. n-vom.; or, 2) Bell. carb-veg. merec.; or, 3) Cocc. puls.. thus. From smoking: 1) Bry. chin. spig.; or, 2) Cham. mere. sassap. From abuse of mercury: 1) Carb-veg. nitr-ac.; or, 2) Bell. chin. hep. puls. staph. sulph. From a cold: 1) Aeon. bell. chain. coff. dulc. ign. mere. nvom. puls.; or, 2) Baryt. calc. chin. hyos. magn-arct. n-mosch. phosph. rhus. sulph.-From exposure to cold and damp air: 1) N-mosch. puls.; or, 2 Bell. calc. hyos. merc. sil. staph. sulph. -From the water which one drinks: 1) Bry. carb-veg. mere. staph. sulph. 2) CGalc. cham. mosch. n-vom. puls. sil. sulph. ~ 6. Toothache of nervous and sensitive persons requires: Acon. hell. coff. hyos. ign. n-veon. plat. spig.'Toothache of females: Aeon. bell. calc. chaim. chin. coff. hyos. ign. plat. puls. sabin. sep. spig.-Of plethoric young girls: Aeon. bell. calc.-At the time of the menses: 1) Amm. buryt. calce carb-veg. cham. graph. lach. mnagn-c. natr-m. nitr-ac. phosph. sep.-During pregnancy: 1) Bell. cale. magn. n-mosch. n-vom. puls. sep. staph. 2) Alum. hyos. rhus.-During nursing: Chin. -Of hysteric females: Ign. sep. Toothache of children: Aeon. bell. calc. chain. coff. ign. mere. sulph. ~ 7. Symptomatic indications: BELLADONNA: Anxiety driving one to and fro; or for: sadness, whining mood; pains in the gums and teeth as if ulcerated; tearing, cutting, stitching or drawing pains in the teeth, face and TOOTHACHE. 323 ears, worse in the evening, after lying down, and especially at night; boring in the carious teeth, as from congestion of blood, with bleeding on sucking at the teeth; painful swelling of the gums, with heat, itching, vesicles, and burning; swelling of the cheeks; ptyalism, or dryness of the throat and mouth, with great thirst; the pains are renewed by mental labour, or after a meal; aggravation in the open air and by the contact of food (while chewing, &c.); hot and red face; beating in the head or cheeks; burning and redness of the eyes. (After Bell. are sometimes suitable: Merc. hep., or cham. puls.) CHAMOMILLA: Irritable and whining mood during the pain; violent drawing, jerking, or beating and stitching pains; pains that seem intolerable, especially at night, in bed, driving one to despair, with hot swelling of the cheeks, and redness, shining swelling of the gums, and swellingof the submaxillary glands; pains in one whole side of the jaw without the patient being able to point'out the tooth which is affected; digging and gnawing in a carious tooth, with looseness; stitching or beating semilateral pains in the whole side of the head which is affected, in the ear and face; aggravation or renewal of the pains from eating or drinking any thing cold or warm, especially coffee; pains with heat and redness, especially of one cheek; warm sweat, even in the hairs; anxiety, restlessness, or weakness unto fainting, &c. MERCURIUS: Tearing, stitching pains in the carious teeth, or in the roots of the teeth, affecting the whole side of the head and face, even to the ears; painful swelling of the cheek or submaxillary glands; ptyalism; aggravation in the evening or at night, in bed; the pains are excited by cool and damp air, or by eating or drinking any thing hot or cold; dullness, looseness and sensation of elongation of the teeth; swollen, whitish, ulcerated, and colourless gums, readily bleeding, with itching, burning and soreness to the touch; night-sweats, vertigo, rheumatic pains in, the limbs: peevish or whining mood; chilliness, red cheeks, &c. (Is frequently suitable before or after Bell. or dulc., or before Hep. or carb-veg.) Nux voM.: Suitable to persons of a lively, choleric tempera~ ment, with bright complexion; also to individuals who indulge in coffee, wine, brandy, or who lead a sedentary and confined life; sore pains or jerking drawing, with stitches in the teeth and jaw, or only in the carious teeth; pains extending to the head, ears and malar bones, with painful swelling of the submaxillary glands: swelling and sensitiveness of the gums, with beating as if in an ulcer; red and hot spots on the cheeks and neck; aggravation or renewal of the pains at night, or early after waking, or after dinner, during a walk in the open air, when reading, thinking, or performing any other mental labour, 324 TOOTHACHE. or in a warm room; relief in the open air; lamenting and despairing, or irritable, quarrelsome, peevish humour. PULSATILLA: Suitable to individuals of a bland, quiet and timid disposition, and who cry easily; toothache with otalgia and, hemicrania; tearing, drawing, stitching or jerking pains, as if the nerves were put upon the stretch, and then suddenly let go again; or beating, digging and gnawing pains, with creeping in the gums; pains which extend to the face, head, eye and ear of the affected side, with pale face, heat in the head, chilliness of the body, and asthma; aggravation or renewal of the pains in the evening or at night, after midnight, in bed and in a warm room, or from eating or drinking any thing warm, when sitting or picking the teeth; relief by cold water (which sometimes aggravates the pain), and by cool,fresh air. ~ 8. BRYONIA: Suitable to persons of a lively and choleric disposition, or to vehement and obstinate people; pains in carious and still more in the sound teeth; jerking and drawing pains, with looseness of the teeth and sensation of elongation, especially during and after a meal; stitches in the ear; pains, with desire to lie down; worse at night or by introducing any thing warm into the mouth, or by lying on the sound cheek, relief being obtained by, turning to the affected side; soreness of the gums. CALCAREA: Toothache, with congestion of blood to the head, especially at night; with beating, stitching, boring pains, or soreness; gnawing and digging, both in the carious and sound teeth; swelling, painful sensitiveness of the gums, with liability to bleed; aggravation or renewal of the pains by a draught of air, or cold air, or by drinking any thing warm or cold, or by the least noise, cold, and when the menses make their appearance. CHINA: After debilitating losses of animal fluids, while namsing, &c.; or if the pains should cause ill, quarrelsome humour; or for dull, distressing pains in the carious teeth; or beating, drawing and jerking pains; the pains come on or get worse after a meal, or at night, or after the least contact; they return in the open air, or in a draught, and abate by pressing the teeth firmly together; swelling of the gums; dry mouth with thirst; congestion of blood to the head, with swelling of the veins on the forehead and hands; restless sleep at night. HYOSCYAMUs: Violent tearing and heating pains, extending rom the cheek to the forehead; swelling of the gums, with tearing pains and buzzing in the tooth, which appears to be loose; the pains come on in cold air, or early in the morning; congesion of blood to the head, with heat and redness of the face; TOOTHACIhE. 325 spasms in the throat, or convulsive twitching of the fingers, hands or arms; nervousness; red and shining eyes. IGNATIN: In many cases where N-vom. and puls. seem to be indicated, or suitable to persons of a bland disposition, or who are now disposed to weep, then to be merry and cheerful, but especially to persons who are apt to give themselves up to grief; the teeth feel bruised, loose; the pains are particularly felt towards the end of the meal, or ale even worse; or they are aggravated by coffee, smoking, after lying down in bed in the evening, or on waking in the morning. MAGNETIS POL. ARtCTICUS: Pains in the carious teeth, as if they would be pulled out, or painful jerks and shocks through the periosteum of the jaw, with drawing, aching, tearing, digging, burning or stitchingf pains; swellingr and painfulness of the gums to contact, or the gums feel numb when the pains abate; aggravation of the pains after eating, and in warmth; relief inll the:)pen air and when walking; red and hot swelling of the cheek; chilliness of the body; nervousness, tremour of the limbs MEZEREUM: The carious teeth are principally affected, with burning, boring or drawing stitches, extending to the facial bones and temples; sensation as if the teeth were too dull, and elongated; aggravation of the pains by contact, motion, or in the evening, with chilliness, rushes of blood, congestion of blood to the head; feeling of rigidity and drawing pains in the affected side of the head; constipation, loss of appetite, ill-humour. RnIUS Tox.: Suitable to persons of a quiet, melancholy or anxious disposition; for tearing, jerking or stitching pains, or for digging and creeping, and sore pains in the teeth; the pains get worse, or come on in the open air, or at night, when they are intolerable; relief by applying something warm; the gums are painful, and burn; the teeth are loose, and the carious teeth smell badly. (Comp. Bell. and Bry.) SPICGELIA: Aching, distensive pains, or jerking, beating, tearing, especially in the carious teeth; the pains set in immediately after eating, or at night, obliging the patient to get up; worse by applying cold water or going into the open air; particularly useful for: burning, jerking and tearing pains in the malar bones; bloatedness of the face, with yellowish colour around the eyes; pains in the eyes; frequent desire to urinate, palpitation of the heart, chilliness, restlessness. STAPHYSAGRIA: The teeth are becoming black, carious, and commence crumbling, with pale, white, ulcerated, swollen and painful gums, readily bleeding, with tubercles and excrescences; swelling of the cheek and submaxillary glands; aching, tearing and drawing pains in the gums, in the carious teeth and in the roots of the sound teeth; the pains are worse or set in when 28 326 TOOTHACHE. chewing, or, immediately after drinking any thing cold, or after eating, or by exposure to cold air, or early in the morning, or at night. SULPHUR: For tearing, jerking and beating pains, in sound or carious teeth; pains which extend to the ears and head, with swelling of the cheeks, congestion of blood to the head, headache, inflammatory redness of the eyes and nose; stitches in the ears; constipation, with frequent but ineffectual urging to stool; pains in the small of the back; restlessness in the extremities; drowsiness in the daytime, chilliness; aggravation or renewal of the pains in the evening, or at night in bed, or in the open air, in a current of air; also by applying cold water, when eating or chewing; looseness, elongation or dullness of the teeth; the gums bleed readily, recede from the teeth, are swollen, with beating pains. (Suitable after Cof. or Acon.) ~ 9. Consider likewise: ACONTITUM: XWhen it is difficult to describe the pains, the patient is beside himself, Coff. being insufficient; stitching jerks or shocks, or throbbing pains, with congestion of blood to the head, heat in the face, red cheeks and great restlessness. ANTIrMONIU: Pains in carious teeth, followed by jerking and gnawing, extending up to the head, especially in the evening, in bed; the pains are worse after eating, or by applying cold water; relief in the open air; the gums bleed readily and recede from the teeth. ARNICA: Toothache after an operation; or for pain as if sprained in the teeth; or for drawing and pulling in the teeth, while eating; or when the cheek is swollen, red and hard, with beating and tingling in the gums. ARsENICUM: Elongation and painful looseness of the teeth; drawing, jerking pains in the teeth and gums, extending to the ears, cheek and temples; the pains are so great, that they drive the patient to despair; the pains come on at night, are aggravated by lying on the affected side; relief near the warm stove. CARBO VEG.: Ars. or mere. being insufficient, for receding and bleeding gums, with ulcers; the teeth are loose and sensitive to contact, especially after eating; drawing, tearing or beating pains, especially when the teeth are touched by hot, cold or salt things. COFFEA: Excessive pains, with weeping, trembling, anguish and tossing about; indescribable pains, or -tearing and jerking, especially at night or after a meal. (If Coff. should not be sufficient, give Aeon. or hyoscyam. sulph. veratr.) HEPAR: Frequently after Mere. or bell., especially for painful or erysipolatous swelling of the cheeks; jerking and drawing TOOTHACHE. 329 caust. ign. lyc.-Drawing pains, see: Tearing. —Jerking pains: 1) Chain. clenm. coff. magn-arct. nitr-ac. n-vom. puls. sil. spig. 2) Bry. chin. rhus. ~'12. Crumbling of the teeth: Bell. borax. euphorb. lach. plumb. sabad. staph. -When they bleed readily: Amb. vmm. ant. bariyt. bell. carb-v. lach. phos. phos-ac. sep. sulph. —Smooth teeth: Phos. selen.-Yellow: Lyc. nitr-ac. phos-ac. —Elongatel: 1) Bell. caust. chain. hyos. krteos. mez. stann. sulph. 2) Alum. carb-an. carb-v. lach. mnagn-arct. magn-c. magn-m. nitrac. petr. sep. —Loose: 1) Alum. atnm. carb-v. caust puts. sulph. 2) Baryt. carb-an. hep. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. rhus. sil. sulph. —Covered with sordes: Alum. amn. chium. hyos. jod. mez. petr. plumb. sulph.-Black: Merc. plumb. sep. squill. staph. ~ 13. When the molar teeth are principally affected: 1) Annm. bry. carb-)v. chin. con. ign. jod. kreos. mnagn-arct. magn-c. mag-nm. meph. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos. rhus. sil. staph. sulph. zinc. -The upper teeth: Acon. aur. bell. carb-v. chin. kreos. magn-c. mangn-in. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. phos. sep. zinc.-The i~ncisores: Agar. alum. carb-v. chin. ign. kal. mg. n-arct. nere. nair-m. nmosch. phos. rhus. sep. sulph.-Cuspidati: Cale. mur-nac. n-vom. petr. rtius. sep. squill. sulph-ac.-Lower teeth: Amh. amzla. anac. arn. aur. belt. carb-an. carb v. caust. chain. chin. mnar,';-arct. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. rhus. ruta. sabad. sabin. spig. sulph-ac. thuj. zinc. ~ 14. Aggravation in the evening: Alum. hep. kal. lye. magn-c. magn-m. mere. mnez. natr. nitr-ac. petr. phos. puls. rhus. sabin. sassap. sulph. —In the evening in hed: Atim. hell. calc. chanu. chin. coff. graph. kal. magn-c. mere. n-mosch. n-vorn. phos. puts. rhus. sabin. sit. staph. sulph.-Relief by pressi:'g the teeth together: Chin. coff. euphorb. magn-m.-Aggravation whien eating: Aur. bell. bry. carb-v. caust. chain. graph. kal. lach. mragnarct. magn-c. matgn-m. merec. n-som. phos. puls. sep. sil-Relief by eating: Amnb. aomm. chain. magn-arct. nitr-ac. p/hos-ac. rhod. sil.-Aggravation by riding in a carriage: Cale. nmagn-c.-The pains are worst in, the open air: Alum. amb. amlzi. caust. con. graph. emagn-c. natr. n-vom. petr. phos. staph.-Relief in the open air: Bry. hep. magn-arct. mnagn-nt. n-vom. sabad. stann. -The pains set in early in the morning: Ars. baryt. bry. caust. dros. hyos. ign. kreus. ke nagn-c. m agn-m. mere. mez.?itr. n-vom. petr. phos. phos-ac. sabin. sep. sil. staph. sulph. tart. thuj.-Aggravation by mental labour, reading, thinking, &c.: Bell. ign. nvom.-A ggravation by coffee: Bell. chain. ign. 7nere. nvom. —Aggravation by cold, relief by warmth: Calc. lye. magnc. nitr-ac.-Relief by cold, see: aggravation by warmth:-Aggravation by eating or drinking anything cold: Baryt. calc. carb.28* TRACHEAL PHTHISIS —TUMOURS, 331 TRACHEAL PHTHISIS. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. calc. carb-v. caust. cist. phos. 2j Dros. hep. kreos. led. mang. nitr-ac. See: IIOARsENESS, COUGI, BRONCHITIS, LARYNGITIS, &C. TREMBLING, TREMOUR. Generally a mere symptom, but sometimes indicating a more or less general paralysis of the muscles. Principal remedies: 1) Alum. anac. arn. ars. bell. bry. calc. caust. jod. lach. mere. op. phos. plat. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Carb-v. cic. cocc. con. hep. kal. magn-arct. natr. natr-rn. nitr-ac. n-vom. peti. rthus. sabad. sec. stram. zinc. The trembling of the haGnds of drunkards requires: Ars. lack. n-vom. sulph. TUBERCLES, ABDOMINAL. Principal remedies: 1) Calc. hep. lach. sil. sulph. 2) Amm. caust.jod. kal.?merc. nitr-ac. ol-jec. phos. TUBERCULOSIS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. calc. jod. kal. lye phos.puls. stann. sulph. 2) Acon. anmb. bell. bry. carb-an. carb-v. chin. con. dralos.ferr. hep. natr-m. nitr-ac. phos-ac. seneg. sep. sil. thuj. ~ 2 For the stage of irritation and inflammation: Acon. amm. bell. bry. calc. dros. lyc. phos. For the stage of suppuration, the real consunmptive stage: 1) Ars. calc. ferr. jod. hep. kal. lye. nitr-ac. phos. puls. stann. sulph. 2) Cuarb-v. chin. con. nitr. phos-ac. sep. staph. ~ 3. It is doubtful whether tubercles of the brain, lungs, intestines, require difikrent remedies. Probably any tubercles should be treated with the same remedies, provided the totality of the symptoms corresponds. TUMOURS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Ars. bell. bry. chain. hep. merc phos. puls. rhus. sulph. 2) Ant. arn. carb-v. caust. chin. dulc kal. lach. led. lyc. nitr-ac. n-vom. rhod. rhus. sabin. samb. sep sil. 2. Phlegmonous tumrnours require: Ars. bell. bry. chain. hep. phos. puls. sulph.-If given in time, these remedies will generally suffice to disperse the swelling before suppuration sets in; Ars. is indicated by burning: Bry. by hot and tight, or pal- or red tumours; Bell., when the redness spreads over the adjacent parts; 332 TUMOURS. Hep. and Rhus. when the swelling is painful to the touch; Pul/. when it is surrounded by a red areola, &c. For hard swellings give: Baryt. carb-an. carb-v. con. jod kal.; or, Bry. cham. sulph. If suppuration should have set in, give.Hep. or Lach., which will soon bring the swelling to a head. If the suppuration should last too long, give: Calc. hep. merc. phos. sil. —Phos and Sil. more particularly if hectic fever supervene. See: SUPPURATION and ULCERs. ~ 3. Lymphatic swellings and abscesses require: Asa. bell. calc. carb-v. cocc. dulc. hep. lach. merc. phos. sep. si. sulph.-If inflammatory, give: 1) Mere. 2) Bell. carb-v. hep. lach. sep. *il. phos.-If cold, without inflammation, give: Asa. bell. calc. coccul. dulc. merc. sulph. ~ 4. Lipomata (lupiae) require: 1) Calc. 2) Graph. hep. sil.; cr, 3) Baryt. caust. nitr-uc. sulph. Steatomata: Bar-c. Ganglia: Arn. rhus.; or, Atnm. phos. phos-ac. plumb.? sil. zinc. ~ 5. Phlegmasia alba dolens: 1) Bry. lyc. 2) Ant. ars. puls. rhus. sabin. sulph.; or, 3) Bell. calc. clin. jod. merc. rhus. sep. sil. (Edematous and dropsical swellings: 1) Ant. ars. bry. chin. hell. lye. mere. puls. squill. sulph. 2) A ur. baryt. bell. di/' dule. ferr. kal. led. phos. rhod. rhus. sabin. samb. stramn. Arthritic swellings: 1) Acon. ant. arn. bry. chin. colch. merc. sulph. 2) Coccul. hep. kreos. n-vom. rhus. Rheumatic swellings 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. cham. chtin. colch. merc. n-rom.. puls. sulph. 2) Coccul. hep. kreos. lach. rhus. Arthritic nodosities: 1) Agn. ant. calc. carb-an. caust. graph. lye. mere. puls. rhus. sabin. staph. rulph. 2) Acon. am. aur. clem. cic. dig. hep. led.,nitr-ac. ~ 6. Pale swellings require: 1) Baryt. bry. lye. rhus. 2) Arn. calc. jod. merc. puls. sep. Blue-red: 1) Amn. bell. chain. lach. 2) Ars. canth. con. kal. sil. Red-spotted: Chin. Iyc. sep. Erysipelatous: 1) Bell. puls. rhus. 2) Acon. amm. amrn. ars. hep. phos. sep. Black-blue: 1) Ars. lach. puls. 2) Aceon. arm. bell. dig. mere. op. veratr. TUMOURS-TYPHUS. 333 ~ 7. Hot, red swellings: 1) Arm. ars. bell. borax. bry. chin. coccul. hep. lach. lye. merec. nz-vom. phos. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. ant. asa. aur. cann. colch. led. mang. zatr-m. nitr-ac. Suppurating: 1) Cale. hep. mere. phos. sil. 2) Baryt. lach. lye. mang. sulph. Hard, tight: Am. ars. bell. bry. calc. carb-an. cham. grapk. lye. phos. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. Shining Arn. ars. bry. mnerc. sulph. Cold: 1) Ars. calc. bell. coccul. dulc. mere. sulph. 2) Asa. con. lach. puls. rhod. spig. ~ 8. Burning and painful: 1) Ars. bry. lyc. phos. sulph. 2) Acon. am. bell. caust. lach. merc. puls. rhus. sep. sil. Creeping: Arn. colch. merc. puls. rhus. sep. sulph. Stinging and painful: Acon. bry. caust. nitr-ac. puls. sep Iulph. ~ 9. Compare: Abscess, Glands, diseases of, Sunpuration, Ulcers, Arthritic ailments, Erysipelas, Rheumatism, Lupia, &c. Also all local swellings, such as: Swelling of the cheeks, knee, &c. TYMPANITIS. Principal remedy: Chin.; moreover: Carb-v. coloc. lyc. nVom. sulph. Compare: Distention of the abdomen, and Colic. TYPHUS. ~ 1. Under this head we arrange all fevers with typhoid symptoms, such as: typhus gastricus, stupidus, versatitis, putridus, &c.; and even pneumo-typhus, for this is, after all, typhus affecting most particularly the lungs. Pneumonia may assume a typhoid character in consequence of excessive bleeding, but this would not be true pneumo-typh us. and the characteristic disorganization of the blood, as well as the regularity of the stages which we observe in true typhus, are wanting in such apparently typhoid diseases. In true typhus, whether putridus, petechialis, &c., Bry. and Rhus-t. are the principal remedies; if, however, neither of these remedies should be indicated by the symptoms, we may resort to: — ~ 2 The following remedies: 1) Bell. bry. hyos. lach. mere. ny-vom. phos-ac. rhus. straot. sulph. 2) Acon. arn. ars. campk. 334 TYPHUS. carb-v. chlam. chin. cocc. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. nitr-sp. n-7mosch. op. puls. sulph. 3) Daph. gran. phos. sulph-ac. ~ 3. Pseudo-typhus, that is, fevers with apparently typhoid symptoms, require: Acon. arn. ars. bell. bry. chin. cocc. hyos. lach. lyc. mere. mnur-ac. natr-m. phos-ac. thus. stram. sulph. True typhus requires, as was said above: 1) Bry. or Rhus-t.; or, if these should be insufficient: Ars. lach. merc. mur-ac. phosac. sulph-ac.; or one of the remedies mentioned in 6 2. We may furthermore select: a) For typhus versatilis: Acon. bell. bry. chain. hyos. lyc. mur-ac. natr-m. n-vom. rhus. stram. b) Typhus stupidus: Am. ars. bell. bry. chin. cocc. hyos. lach. nitr-sp. n-vom. op. rhus. strum. veratr. c) Typhus cerebralis: 1) Bry. 2) Acon. bell. hyos. lach. lye. n-vom. op. phos-ac. rhus. stramn. d) Typhus pulmonaris: 1) Bry. rhus.: or, 2) Ars. bell. chin. kyos. sulph. e) Typhus abdominalis, putridus: 1) Rhus-t.; or, Bry.; or, 2) Ars. chin. mnerc.; or, 3) Amn. carb-veg. n-mosch. puls. sulph. 4) Canth. niosch. ~ 5. In the precursory stage, Bry. or Rhus-t. will sometimes cut the disease short. The inflammatory stage requires: 1) Bry.; or, 2) Aeon. bell. chain. hyos. lye. n-vomr. stramn. The stage of debility requires: 1) Rhus.; or, 2) Ars. carbveg. chin. mere. mur-ac.; or, 3)' Amn. lach. n.mosch. phos-ac. sulph.-Carbo-veg. particularly will sometimes bring about a favourable change, even if life seems almost extinct. During the stage of convalescence, if the patient should be very weak, give: 1) Cocc. chin. veratr.; or, 2) N-vom. sulph. ~ 6. Symptomatic indications: BELLADONNA: Alternate chill and heat, or internal and extrnal heat, with redness and burning heat of the heeks or whole face; red, sparkling eyes ~ dilated pupils; photophobia; buzzing in the ears and hard hearing; unsteady or furious look; bloated face; burning thirst with aversion to drink, or with desire for drink and inability to swallow; restless sleep, sleeplessness; starting during sleep, or on waking; loss of consciousness, with muttering, grasping at flocks, or furious delirium withfrig/htful visions, fear, desire to escape; violent headache, especially in the forehead; vertigo on raising the head; dry lips; ulcerated corners of the mouth; dry and red tongue, or covered TYPHUS. 335 with a dirty coating; bitter taste in the mouth; loss of appetite, loathing of food and nausea; anxiety and oppression in the pit of the stomach; no stool; bright-yellow or scanty, red urine; hurried breathing; frequent pulse; hurried, or feeble, indistinct speech; cold sweat in the face, especially on the forehead, under the eyes and around the nose; great languor; painfulness of all the limbs; cough with pains in the chest, &c. (Comp. Ifyosc.) BRYONIA: Chill, succeeded by constant heat all over the body, especially about the head, with red face and profuse sweat, or dry and chapped, or moist and clammy skin; dry, brownish and cracked lips and tongue; violent thirst; aversion to food;. also with nausea and desire to vomit, or slimy and bilious vomiting violent pain in the pit of the stomach when touched; constipation, or diarrhea, yellow stools; red-brown, or -bright-yellow urine, with yellowish sediment; oppressive, stulpefying heuadache, or pain as if the brain were torn or bruised; gauze before the eyes; stoppage of the ears and hard hearing; copious accumulation of thick and tenacious mucus in the posterior nares and fauces; prostration, with trembling and vertigo on raising one's-self; delirium, day and night, with strange fancies and desire to escape from bed; sleeplessness, with flushes of heat and restless tossing about; or constant desire to sleep, and even coma, with sudden starting and strange dreams; grasping at flocks; hurried and frequent pulse, or irregular, small and intermitting pulse; short oppressed respiration; painfulness and lameness of all the limbs; stitches in the chest or side; irritable, vehement disposition, despair of one's recovery, dread of death, petechiae. (Comp Rhus-t.) HYoscYAMUS: Furious delirium, with all sorts of visions; nervousness, with sleeplessness and restlessness, or comatose state, interrupted by delirium which is at times of a bland, at others of a furious character; listlessness, dullness, great debility, especially of the hands on moving them; jactitation of the muscles; grasping at flocks; desire to escape; pale, or red and hot face, with bluish cheeks; dim, staring eyes, with blule margins around the same; or red and sparkling eyes. with alternately dilated and contracted pupils; hardness of hearing, with buzzing and ringing in the ears; dry, parched tongue, covered with a brownish coating. (Comp. Bell.) LACHESIS: Vertigo as often as the patient raises himself; lame eyelids, bitter mouth; pain in the chest, with dry cough; coma; depression of the lower jaw; muttering delirium, stupid looks; smooth and dry, or whitish, or parched or yellowish-red tongue; or heavy tongue; thirst with aversion to liquids; red-brown and copious urine. LYCOPODIUM: Prostrationl; depression of the lower jaw; dim and half-closed eyes; slow breathing with open mouth; or alter TYPHUS 337 ped ears and hardness of hearing; dry mouth and fauces; dry, chapped, brownish or blackish lips and tongue; or trembling and red tongue; great thirst; loss of appetite and aversion to food; hard and distended abdomen, with violent pains in the region of the stomach, especially when touching the part; constipation with ineffectual urging; or blood-coloured, diarrhaeic stools; the urine is at first clear and becoming turbid after standing awhile, or it is hot and dark-coloured; dry heat, with anguish, or clammy sweat; petechioe. (Comp. Bry.) STRAMONIUM: Beating headache, especially on the vertex, with fainting turn, obscuration of sight and hardness of hearing; delirium with violent tossing about, frightful visions and illusions of sight and hearing, or with singing, whistling, talking in a foreign tongue, desire to escape from bed, &c.; loss of consciousness, the patient not knowing even his own family; dilated, insensible pupils; no stool or urine; coma with stertorous breathing, &c. ~ 7. ARNICA: Coma with delirium and grasping at flocks, stertorous breathing, involuntary discharges of feces or urine, &c. ARaENICUM: Patechia, coma, delirium, grasping at flocks, loss of consciousness, frequent, sudden starting and sighing; great prostration; depression of the lower jaw; open mouth; dim and glassy eyes, &c. CAMPIsORA: Violent delirium, dullness and heat of the head, with clammy, cold skin; debility; debilitating and clammy sweats; disposition to diarrhoea. (Sometimes suitable after Rhus.) CARBO-VEG.: Coma with rattling, hippocratic countenance, insensible pupils; small, almost extinct pulse; cold sweat in the hands, feet and in the face; involuntary stool with cadaverous smell; dark-red urine with a little flock in the centre, &c. CHAMOMILLA: Spasmodic pains, cardialgia or spasmodic colic and diarrhaea, together with the other typhoid symptoms. CHINA: Loss of appetite and earthy taste of food; dry, parched lips and tongue; diarrhcea day and night, with watery, yellow stools, or discharge of undigested- food; constant sopor, or unrefreshing sleep, &c. CoccuLvs: Debility, headache, vertigo, fainting turns, cardialgia, lameness of the extremities, &c. (Is frequently suitable after Rlhus-t. or Camph.) MURIATIS ACIDUM: Prostration, headache as if the brain were bruised, putrid symptoms, distress in the side.* * The principal indications for Muriatic acid have been omitted by Jahr; they are: settling down in the bed, while digging swith the head into the pillow, turning up the whites, depression of the lower jaw, slavering, &c.-Hempel. 29 340 ULCERS. h) Ulcers which turn black: Ars. asa. carb-veg. ipec. lach. sec. sil. sulph. i) Whitish, white-spotted: Ars. lach. mere. sil. ~ 5. As regards the pathological nature of ulcers, select: a) For readily bleeding ulcers: 1) Ars. carb-veg. hep. kal. lach. lyc. nitr-ac. phosph. phos-ac. puls. 2) Con. sil. sulph. b) For gangrenous ulcers: 1) Ars. bell. chin. lack. sil. 2) Con. rhus. sec. squill. c) Suppurating ulcers: 1) Ars. hep. merc. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Asa. chin. con. lach. phosph. phos-ac. d) Inflamed ulcers: 1) Ars. chainm. hep. lye. merc. phosph. staph. 2) Acon. bell. bry. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. ruta. sulph. e) Putrid ulcers- 1) Ars. carb-veg. hep. merc. mur-ac. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Amtm amm-m. asa. bell. calc. chin. phos-ac. rhus. f) Phagedenic ulcers: 1) Ars. hep.?nerc. mez. sil. sulph. 2) Carb-veg. caust. chainm. clem. con. graph. nitr-ac. petr. ran. rhus. sep. g) Torpid ulcers: 1) Carb-veg. con. lye. phos-ac. sep. sulph. 2) Carb-an. cupr. op. sil. ~ 6. As regards pains, give: a) For very pairrful ulcers: 1) Ars. carb-veg. graph. hep. sil. 2) Arn. asa. bell. lyc. mere. nitr-ac. phos-ac. puls. b) Painless: Carb-veg. lach. phos-ac. sep. sulph. c) Itchinff or smarting: 1) Ars. hep. lye. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Ant. caust. chin. graph. nitr-ac. phos-ac. d) Borinf pains: Aur. bell. natr-m. sil. sulph. e) Burning pains: Ars. carb-veg. merc. mez. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. f) Pressure and tension: Caust. con. graph. mere. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. spong. saulph. g) Beating and throbbing: Asa. calc. clem. kal. lye. merc. sil. sulph. h) Creeping and gnawing: Amn. cham. clem. con. dros. lach. lyc. mere. phosph. rhus. sep. staph. sulph. i) Tearing or drawing: Ars. calc. lyc. sep. sil. sulph. k) SIitching or cutting: Bell. calc. graph. lye. mere. natr-m. nitr-ac. puls. sep. sil. staph. sulph. 1) Sore pains: Graph. hep. puls. sep. sulph. m) Darting (jerking) pains: Asa. calc. caust. puls. rhus. sil. ~ 7. Compare: SUPPURATIONS, ERuPTrIONS, and HERPES; also: GOUT; SCURVY; SCROPHULA; SYPIIILIS; MERCURIAL CACHEXIA; BONES, DISEASES OF; CANCER; VARICES; GLANDS, DISEASES OF; and the parts where ulcers are apt to break out. URETHRITIS-URINARY DIFFICULTIES. 341 URETHRITIS. - Principal remedies: Acon. cann. canth. merc. su7ph. See: CYSTITIS, URINARY DIFFICULTIES, GONORRH(EA. URETHRORRHAGIA, H1EMATURIA. ~ 1. Principal remedies: Arn. ars. cann. canth. chin. ipec. lye. merc. mez. puls.; or, 2) Calc. caps. con. n-vom. phosph. sec. sep. zinc. ( 2. If caused by a badly managed gonorrhea, give: Cann. canth. puls. If by suppression of herpes, or itch: Ars. calc. con. sulph. If by external injuries: Arn. con. puls. rhus. If attended with affections of the kidneys: Canth. lye. puls. sulph. ~ 3. See: URINARY DIFFICULTIES, GONORRH(EA, HAEMORRHAGES, NEPHRITIS, CYSTITIS, &C. URINARY DIFFICULTIES, ISCHURIA, LYsuRIA, ANURIA, &C. ~ 1. These various affections have been arranged under one head in order to avoid unnecessary repetitions. The principal remedies for these affections are: 1) Aeon. bell. camph. cann. canth. coloc. dulc. hep. mere. n-vom. puls. sulph. 2) Arn. ars. aur. baryt. caps. caust. colch. coloc. dig. graph. hell. hyos. kal. Iye. mur-ac. n-mosch. phosph. phos-ac. rhus. ruta. sabin. sassap. staph. sulph. ~ 2 As regards the varieties, give: a) For dysuria, with ineffectual urging: 1) Acon. cann. canth. dulc. magn-aust. mere. n-vorn. puls. sulph. 2) Am. ars. aur. bell. calc. colch. con. dig. hyos. kal. n-mosch. phosph. sassap. staph. b) For ischuria, anuria: 1) Am. canth. lye. n-vom. op. puls. stram. 2) Aeon. aur. camph. con. dig. hep. hyos. lach. laur. plumb. rhus. ruta. sulph. veratr. c) For enuresis: 1) Am. bell. carb-veg. caust. cin. hep. hyos. magn-aust. natr-m. puls. rhus. ruta. sep sulph. zinc. 2) Aeon. cic. dulc. kreos. lach. laur. lye. magn-c. mere. petr. sil. spig. d) For enuresis nocturna: 1) Bell. caust. cin. puls. rhus. sep. sil. sulph. 2) Acon. amm. amn. ars. bry. calc. carb-veg. cham. chin. con. graph. hep. magn-aust. mere. natr-m. op. ruta. stram. ~ 3. As regards the pathological state to which the urinary difficulty belongs, give: 29* URINARY DIFFICULTIES. 343 fall out: 1) Calc. kal. selen. 2) Bry. lach. natr. petr. rhod. sil. staph. thuj. f) Interrupted or thin stream: 1) Caust. clem. con. dulc magn-aust. sulph. zinc. 2) Carb-an. kal. phos-ac. thui. ~ 6. Or for: a) Painful emission of urine: 1) Cann. canth. coloc. hep. lye. mere. natr-m. phos-ac. puls. thuj. 2) Bell. clem. colch. con. dulc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. sassap. sep. sulph. veratr. b) Burning pains: 1) Ars. calc. cann. lack. mere. natr. n-vom. phosph. phos-ac. seneg. sulph. 2) Canth. caps. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. con. hep. ign. lye. nitr. nitr-ac. thuj. veratr. c) Cutting pains: 1) Ant. cann. canth. con. dig. phos-ac. 2) Amn. calc. guaj. hep. mere. mur-ac. nitr-ac. petr. staph. thuj. d) Stitching pains: Am. cann. clem. lyc. nitr. n-vom. phosph..seneg. e) Soreness and smarting: 1) Carb-veg. ign. phosph. sep. 2) Calc. hep. lyc. magn-c. mez. natr. nitr-ac. n-vom. ~ 7. Compare: SECRETION OF URINE, CYSTITIS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, PARALYSIS OF TIlE BLADDER, GONORRI REA, LITHIASIS, &C. URINE, MORBIDn SECRETION OF. ~ 1. Under this head we have arranged a number of affections of the urinary organs, which, though differing from each other pathologically, yet, so far as theirsymptoms are concerned, all point to the remedies mentioned below. ~ 2. As regards the. secretion of urine itself, give: a) For copious micturition: 1) Arg. carb-v. led. mere. mur-ac. lltr-m phos-ac. pul. rhus. s. spig. squil..sulph. verb. 2) Alum. am/b. ars. canth. carb-an. daph. guaj. ign. lach. natr. nitr. oleand. phos. seneg, b) Frequent urination: 1) Arg. baryt. caust. kreos. lach. mere. nitr. oleand. phos-ac. rhus. ruta. sil. squill. staph. 2) Aur. bry. calc. coff. daph. kal. mur-ac. spig. veratr. c) Scanty secretion: 1) Acon. acr. aur. bell. bry. canth. hyos. laur. n-vom. op. plumb. stram. 2) Ars. camph. chin. colch. hep. merc.puls. ruta. sec. sulph. d) Diminished secretion: 1) Bell. canth. colch. dig. graph. hell. hyos. jod. laur. n-vom. op. plumb. ruta. sec. staph. stram. veratr. 2) Acon. alum. arn. bry. cann. carb-v. caust. dulc. hep. kal. mere. nitr-ac. phos. puls. rhus. sassap. sulph. e) Suppression of urine: 1) Acon. bell. canth. hyos. jod. laur. op. plumb. sec. stram. 2) Alum. colch. dig. graph. hell. n-rom. ruta. sassap. veratr. 344 URINE, MORBID SECRETION OF. ~ 3. As regards the nature of the urine, give: a) For urine with ammoniacal smell: Asa. carb-v. jod. mosch. nitr-ac. peir. phos. stront. b) Pale, watery, colourless urine: 1) Aur. coloc. con. murac. nitr. phosph. phos-ac. puls. staph. 2) Alum. arn. bell. colch. dig. hep. ign. magan-c. mur-ac. natr-m. plat. rhus. sassap. sec. sep. stram. stront. slulph-ac. c) Dark-coloured, red, fiery, saturated urine: 1) Acon. arn. bell. bry. carb-v. colch. merc. sep. sulph. tart. veratr. 2) Ant. calc. canth. caps. chin. dig. dros. hell. hep. ipec. kal. lach. n-vom. phos. puls. selen. staph. d) Dark-brown, red-brown, brown-red urine: 1) Arn. bell. bry. dros. lach. phos. sulph; 2) Acon. amb. ars. calc. caust. colch. kreos. merc nitr-ac. petr. puts. e) Dark blood-coloured: 1) Calc. sep. 2) Coff. hep. petr. sulph-ac. f) Yellow-coloured: 1) Amb. arn. bell. cham. chin. ipec. lach. rhab. sassap. zinc. 2) Agar. amm. ant. canth. carb-v. colch. hyos. ign. led. magn-m. nitr. samb. spong. veratr. g) Greenish: 1) Ars. camph. rhab. ruta. veratr. 2) Aur. chin. jod. kal magn-c. rhod. sulph. h) Hot: Acon. ars. bry. canth. cham. colch. dig. hep. merc. nitr-ac. n-vom. phos-ac. sec. squill. i) Cold while being emitted: Agar. nitr-ac. k) Viscid: Arg. canth. coloc. cupr. kreos. phos-ac. 1) lMilky, whitish, as if stirred with milk, flour, or chalk: 1) Phos-ac. 2) Aur. carb-v. cin. con. mere. mur-ac. nitr-ac. phos. sulph. 3) Alum. amm. arn. bell. cann. canth. caust. chin. dulc. hep. jod. nvatr-m. rhus. m) Sour-smelling: 1) Amhb. merec. 2) Calc. graph. natr. nitr-ac. petr. n) Acrid urine: 1) Borax. cann. caust. hep. mere. 2) Arn. calc. clem. graph. jod. kal. natr-m. phos. rhus. seneg. thuj. veratr. o) Foaming: Chinin. laur. lye. seneg. spong. p) Fetid: 1) Ars. carb-an. carb-v. guaj. mere. nitr-ac. puls. sulph. 2) Cupr. dulc. natr. petr. phos. phos-ac. sep. stann. viol-tr. q) Turbid: 1) Chin. cin. con. dulc. mere. sabad. sep. 2) Amb. bell. cann. carb-an. carb-v. cham. ign. phos. puls. rhus. r) Becoming turbid: Bry. caust. cham. cin. graph. hep. mere. mez. phos-ac. rhus. seneg. sulph. s) Cloudy: 1) Amb. bry. caust. mere. nitr. petr.phos-ac. seneg. thuj. 2) Ant. chin. kal. lach. rhod. sassap. ~ 4. As regards the sediment deposited by the urine, give: a) For bloody urine: 1) Canth. can. puls. 2) Amrn. ars. chin. 348 VARIOLOID. VERTIGO, e) Black, gangrenous pocks: i) Ars. carb-v. 2) Bell. hyos. lach. thus sec. sil. ~ 4. Symptomatic indications: ARSENICUM: Angina faucium, metastasis to the mouth and throat, in the last part of the eruptive period; also for black pocks. BELLADONNA: After Acon., for violent fever, congestion of blood to the head, furious delirium; ophthalmia; photophobia, meningitis. BRYONIA: Precursory stage, nausea, vomiting, &c.; or after the eruption is out, when ascites sets in. CHINA: Black pustules, diarrhcea, oppression, &c. during the eruption. COFFEA: Restlessness and bilious vomiting at the commencement of the disease. MERCURIUS: Ptyalism, tenden6y of blood to the head, irritation of the mucous membranes in the eyes, nose and mouth, during maturity; diarrhcea in the last half of the period of desiccation. VARIOLOID.-Principal remedies: Bell. and Merc.; or, Ars. and rhus. Precursory stage, for violent fever and headache, Acon. and Bell., and for pain in the small of the back. To promote desiccation, give, s.i.hur. bry. For subsequent catarrh, give Merc. or Bell.; or, when asthmatic affections are present, with mucous rattling: Tart. emet. and senega. The affections of the bones require: Sil. or Phosph-ac.; and those of the joints: Bell. bry. merc. VEINS, SWELLING OF THE.-Principal remedies: 1) Bellad. china. crocus. ferr. hyosc. phosph. pulsat. sulph. thuj. 2) Armm. am. baryt. calc. chelid. cicut. coloc. coni. cyclam. laches. lycop. magn-arc. meny. natr-m. n-veom. phos-ac. sassap. sepia. spigel. spong. VERTIGO. ~ 1. The principal remedies for vertigo and the affections of which it is sometimes the most prominent symptom, are: 1) Acon. arn. bell. calc. chin. con. hep. lach. lyc. merc. n-veomn op. phosph. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. 2) Ant. baryt. bry. carb-an. cham. cic. cin. cocc. ign. kal. natr-m. nitr-ac. petr. sec. sep. stratn. veratr. zinc. ~ 2. For vertigo proceeding from the stomach, the best remedies are: Acon. ant. am. bell. cham. merc. n-vom. puls. rhus. VERTIGO. 349 Vertigo from cerebral irritation or debility, requires: Am. bell. cham. chin. cin. hep. mosch. n-vom. puls. and rhus. From congestion of blood to the brain: Acon. am. bell. chin. con. lach. merc. n-rom. op. puls. rhus. sil. sulph. From suppression of ulcers or cutaneous eruptions: 1) Calc. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. carb-veg. cham. hep. ipec. lach phosph. puls. From riding in a carriage: 1) Hep. sil.; or, 2) Cocc. petrol. ~ 3. Symptomatic indications: ACONITUM: Vertigo on raising one's head when lying or stooping, and when attended with: nausea, eructations, vomiting, obscuration of sight, loss of consciousness, dizziness. ANTIMONIUM: Derangement of the stomach, nausea and vomiting, aversion to food, &c. ARNICA: Vertigo in consequence of too copious meal, or during a meal, with nausea, obscuration of sight, dizziness, red face, &c. BELLADONNA: Vertigo with anguish, stupefaction or absence of mind, darkness; or vacillation, nausea, trembling of the hands, and scintillations; or when the vertigo is caused by stooping or raising one's-self. CHAMOMILLA: Vertigo on rising in the morning, or after eating. and especially after drinking coffee; with obscuration of sight, or fainting turns. CHINA: Vertigo on raising one's head (or during motion), with sensation of weakness of the head, which the patient is not well able to hold erect. CoNIUM: Vertigo causing the patient to fall to one side, especially when looking about; sensation of heaviness and fullness of the head; weak memory. HEPAR: Vertigo from riding in a carriage, or moving the head; or vertigo with nausea, stupefaction, fainting turn and obscuration of sight. LACHEsIS: Vertigo with pale face, fainting, vomiting, bleeding at the nose, &c., especially when the vertigo is felt early on waking, or when it is attended with absence of mind, stupidity, intoxication, &c. MERCURIUS: Vertigo on rising, or raising one's head; or in the evening, with nausea, obscuration of sight, heat, anguish, desire to lie down. Nux voM.: Vertigo during or after a meal, or when walking in the open air, stooping or thinking; or in the morning, or evening in bed, when lying on the back, with sensation as if the head were turning and with danger of falling; or with buzzing in the ears, obscuration of sight; or fainting turn and loss of consciousness. OPIUM: Vertigo from fright, especially when attended with: 30 350 VINEGAR —VOMITING, &c. Trembling, debility, stupefaction, buzzing, obscuration of sight the vertigo comes on by raising one's-self in bed, and obliges one to lie down again. PULSATILL.A: Vertigo causing the patient to fall, especially on lifting one's eyes, or when sitting or stooping, especially in the evening in bed or after a meal; with heaviness of the head, buzzing in the ears, heat or paleness of the face, obscuration of sight; nausea and desire to vomit. RHUs T.: Vertigo on lying down in the evening, with fear that he will fall or die. SILICEA: Vertigo in the morning, or on lifting up one's eyes, when riding in a carriage, or stooping, and after an emotion, with fear of falling, nausea; or when the vertigo seems to rise. from the back to the nape of the neck and thence to the head. SULPHUR: Vertigo especially when sitting, ascending an eminence, or after a meal, in the morning, evening, or at night; with nausea, fainting, or bleeding of the nose. ~ 4. Comp.: CONGESTIONS of the Head, APOPLEXY, SPASMS, &C. VINEGAR, ILL EFFECTS OF.-Principal remedies: Acon. ars. asar. ign. n-vom. puls. sep. VOMIT, BLACK, MELA3ENA.-This disease, which is characterized by discharge of black blood by the mouth or rectum, requires: 1) Ars. chin. veratr; or, 2) Ipec. n-vom. petr. phosph. plumb. sulph-ac.? Comp.: BLACK and BLOODY evacuations under DIARRmTIEA and VOMITING. VOMITING and NAUSEA. ~ 1 The remedies which are generally indicated by these symptoms are: 1) Ipec. n-vom. puls. 2) Ars. bry. charn. cupr. ferr. sil. sulph. veratr. 3) Ant. amrn. bell. calc. chin. cin. con. dig. dros. dulc. hyos. ign. lach. merc. phosph. plumb. sec. sep. tart. 4) Amb. carb-veg. caust. cic. cin. coloc. guaj. lye. merc. natr-m. op. petr. rhus. sabad. stann. ~ 2. Vomiting of the ingesta: 1) Ars. ferr. hyos. n-vom. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Bell. bry. calc. cocc. cin. cupr. dros. graph. kal. lach. natr-m. phosph. rhus. sep. stann. veratr. Hcematemesis: 1) Acon. arm. ferr. hyos. ipec. n-vom.; or, 2) Amm-c. bell. bry. canth. carb-veg. caust. chin. lach. lye. mez. mill. plumb. pals. sulph. veratr. Melena: Ars. calc. chin. veratr.; or, Ipec. n.vom. raph. sulph., &c. 352 WARMTH, DEFICIENT. WARMTH, DEFICIENT, TENDENCY TO FEEL CHILLy, &C. -~ 1. Principal remedies for this symptom: 1) Ars. bry. camph. carb-veg. con. dulc. ipec. lye. natr. natr-m. puls. ran. rhus. veratr. 2) Acon. alum. ang. arn. calc. caps. caust. chel. chin. euphorb. ferr. led. merc. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. phosph. sabad. sassap. sep. staph. stram. sulph. thuj. 3) Aur. baryt. bell. carb-an. cic. graph. hell. hyos. kal. magn-arct. sec. squill. staph. tart. ~ 2. When there is an excessive want of animal heat: 1) Ars. chel. con. phosph. puls. ran. rhus. sep. veratr. 2) Aeon. alum. ang. calc. camph. caps. caust. chel. chin. euphorb.ferr. ipec. led. lyc. natr. natr-m. nitr. nitr-ac. n-vom. oleand. op. sabad. sassap. staph. stram. sulph. tart. thuj. b) For great sensitiveness to the open air: 1) Amm. calc. caps. carb-an. caust. cham. cocc. coff. mez. natr. n-vom. puls. rhus. 2) Agar. alum. anac. aur. bell. cycl. dulc. lach. lye. natrm. nitr-ac. n-mosch. rhod. c) chilliness, disposition to feel chilly, even in a room, &c.: 1) Ars. bry. carb-veg. caust. chin. mqn-arct. mere. natr-m. n-vom. phosph. puls. sil. sulph. 2) Agn. alum. anac. asar. calc. cham. cocc. hep. ipec. kreos. mez. natr. nitr-ac. n-mosch. petr. ran. rhus. sabad. sep. spig. veratr. d) frequent shuddering: 1) Aeon. ars. bell. chin. cocc. ign. mere. n-vom. puls. rhus. sep. staph. 2) Aur. bry. calc. caust. clem. coff. hep.iokal. magn-arct. magn-aust. magn-m. natr. natrm. phosph. plat. rhab. sabad. sabin. spig. sulph. thuj. veratr. ~ 3. a) External coldness: 1) Arn. ign. mere. mosch. n-vomn phosph. plat. rhus. sec. veratr. 2) Calc. caust. chin. lye. mez. mur-ac. puls. rhod. sabad. sec. staph. sulph. b) Internal coldness: 1) Ars. calc. chin. laur. lyc. n-vom. puls. sep. 2) Agn. alum. amb. bell. bry. chin. colch. ign. men. mere. mez. phosph. spig. sulph. veratr. c) Coldness or chilliness on one side: 1) Caust. n-vom. puls. rhus. 2) Baryt. bell. bry. verb. d) Constant coldness or chilliness about the head: 1) Bell. calc. phosph. sep. sulph. veratr. 2) Acon. arn. dulc. mosch. e) Constant coldness or chilliness in the back: 1) Bell. calc. caps. chin. lach. natr-m. n-vom. sep. sil. stann. sulph. 2) Ammm. camph. croc. dig. dalc. hep. lyc.phosph. rhus. sec. staph. thij. f) Constant coldness of the hands: 1) Jod. lach. natr. natrn. sulph. 2) Amb. aur. calc. carb-an. carb-veg. caust. chin. coloc. con. dros. graph. mere. natr. natr-m. n-vom. ran. sassap. spig. thuj. g) Coldness of thefeet: 1) Amm. amm-m. calc. caust. con. graph. Iral. lach. lyc. mur-ac. natr. natr-m. petr. phosph. plat. 354 WHOOPING-COUGH. ACONITUM: Dry and wheezing cough, with fever, or burning pains in the larynx or trachea. CARBO VEG.: Convulsive cough, especially in the evening or before midnight, with red neck, pain in the throat when swallowing, lachrymation; or stitches in the head, pains in the chest and throat, or when an eruption breaks out on the head or abdomen. DULCAMARA: Moist cough from the commencement, with easy expectoration and hoarseness, and when the cough was brought on by taking cold. IPECACUANHA: The cough is accompanied by great anguish, suffocative symptoms and bluish face; Nux v. being insufficient. Nux voM.: Dry cough from midnight till morning, with vomiting, anguish, suffocation, bluish face, bleeding from the mouth and nose. PULSATILLA: Moist cough from the first, with vomiting of mucus or of the ingesta, or mucous diarrhoea. ~ 3. In the spasmodic period, with volliting and bleeding from nose and mouth, the best remedies are: 1) Cin. cupr. dros. veratr.; or: 2. Bell. mere. CINA: During the paroxysm the children suddenly become rigid, and the paroxysm is followed by a gurgling noise from the throat to the abdomen. This remedy is a specific, when the children are affected with the usual worm-symptoms, such as: Cutting in the bowels, itching of the anus, desire to rub one's nose or to bore with the finger in it. —Merc. is likewise suitable for these symptoms. CUPRUM: The body becomes rigid during the paroxysm, with arrest of breathing and loss of consciousness; vomiting after the paroxysms, and rattling of mucus in the chest between the paroxysms. (After Cupr., Veratr. is frequently suitable.) DROSERA: Excessive violence of the paroxysms, wheezing cough; no fever, or else: high fever with chills and heat, thirst only after the chills, the sweat is rather hot'than cool, and sometimes sets in only at night; aggravation during rest, relief from motion. Drosera is generally the best remedy for fully developed whooping-cough, with vomiting of food or mucus, and bleeding from the mouth and nose. (After Dros., Veratr. is sometimes suitable.) VERATRUM: Dros. and Cupr. being insufficient, or sometimes before these medicines have been given, especially when the children are very feeble, with a sort of hectic fever, cold sweat, especially on the forehead; small, hurried and feeble pulse; great thirst; or the coughing causes an involuntary emission of urine, and pain in the chest and loins; between the parox WHOOPING-COUGH. 355 ysms the patients are in a comatose state, and care not either to move or converse; excessive weakness of the neck, so that the children are scarcely able to keep their head erect; attended with rash over the whole body, or only in the face and on the hands. ~ 4. The convulsive form of whooping-cough is not always fully developed, and it frequently happens that, at a period when the whooping-cough is epidemic, children are seized with a spasmodic cough which is without a great many of the characteristic symptoms of whooping-cough. The best remedies for such a cough are: Bell. bry.jod. merc. sulph. tart. BELLADONNA: Cerebral irritation, or the cough-is preceded by a painful sensation in the region of the stomach, with bleeding of the nose and mouth, or ecchymoses in the eye; or when other spasmodic symptoms, such as: tetanus, convulsive asthma, &c. are present; or when the paroxysms terminate in sneezing. BRYONIA: The paroxysms set in principally in the evening or at night, or after eating or drinking, with loss of breath, want of air, and vomiting of the ingesta. JODIUM: The cough is excited by tickling in the bronchi, with undulating inspirations during the paroxysms, which are preceded by great anguish, attended with great exhaustion, emaciation. LACTUCA: Violent cough, with vomiting after every paroxysm, but without any other characteristic symptoms. MERCURIUS: Cough only at night or only in the day-time, two paroxysms succeeding each other closely, and separated from the next two paroxysms by a longer interval of repose; or suitable for the real whooping-col:gh, when the children, during the vomiting, bleed profusely from nose and mouth, with profuse sweat at night and great nervousness; especially when the children are affected with worms and are liable to convulsions. (The last mentioned symptoms sometimes require Carb. veg. after Merc.) SULPHUR: The paroxysms are accompanied with vomiting, and do not yield to any of the above-mentioned remedies. TARTARUs: The vomiting is accompanied by diarrhmea, with great prostration, or the children vomit up their supper in the first hours after midnight. ~ 5. If the convulsive period have run its course, and catarrhal symptoms remain, use: Arn. *carb-veg. dulc. hep. puls. ARNICA: The children weep much after coughing, or the paroxysms are preceded by screams and crying, or they are caused by these screams. 356 WORM-AFFECTIONS. CARBO VEG.: The catarrhal cough frequently becomes spasmodic, or the vomiting keeps up though the other symptoms of whooping-cough have disappeared. DULCAMARA: The catarrhal cough is accompanied by profuse expectoration of mucus. HEPAR: The cough abates, but is hacking, dry and rough, with desire to vomit after the paroxysms, and frequent weeping. PULSATILLA: Moist cough, with easy expectoration of serous mucus. ~ 6. Although we have distinguished whooping-cough into stages, yet it must not be supposed that the remedies which have been respectively indicated for the different stages, cannot be used for any other; on the contrary, many of the remedies which we have mentioned for the spasmodic stage, may, in many cases, be required in the precursory stage, and vice versa. Let it be remembered, that the selection of a remedy does not depend upon the name of the disease, but upon the symptoms, the pathological character of the disease, and the state of the patient. Compare: BRONCHITIS, CRouP, LARYNGITIS, COUGH, &C. WORM-AFFECTIONS, HELMINTHIASIS. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Aeon. cin. mere. sulph. 2) Cale. carb-veg. chin. cic. ferr. fil. graph. ign. n-mosch. n-com. sabad. sil. spig. 3) Ars. kal. natr-m. petr. phosph. puls. ruta. sabin. val. ~ 2. For tenia, give a dose of Sulphur, when the moon is on the decline; at the next full moon give a dose of 1Mercury; then again, in eight days, a dose of Sulphur; and so on for some time. If this treatment should prove unsuccessful, give: 1) Cale. carb-veg. graph. magn-m. n-vom. puls. sabcd. sil. 2) Ign. mere. petr. phosph. 3) Fil. fragar-vesc. gran. ~ 3. The best remedies for maw-worms are: 1) Acon. cin. mere. sabad. 2) Sulph.; or: 3) Bell. calc. cham. chin. cic. graph. hyos. lye. natr-m. n-com. rhus. ruta. sil. spig. Fever with colic, disposition to vomit, hard and distended abdomen, tenesmus or small slimy stools, require Aeon.; after which, in a few hours, Cin. may be given; and, if necessary, in 24 hours, Mere. If the fever and colic should be attended with great thirst, nervousness, sudden starting from sleep, and tendency to start, give Bell., or Lach. if Bell. should not suffice. WORN OUT.-WOUNDS. 357 For the fever, some have successfully given: Chin. cic. sil. spig.-For the colic and convulsions: Cic.-For worm-colic with canine hunger, diarrhcea and chilliness: Spig.-For the feverparoxysms of scrofulous patients: Sil. After these paroxysms have been subdued, a dose of Sulphur may be given, allowing it to act 4, 5, 6 weeks; and if, after the lapse of this period, worm-symptoms should still manifest themselves, such as: Loss of flesh, voracious appetite, pale face, &c. give: Baryt. calc. graph. lye., or natr-m. ~ 4. The best remedies for the ailments caused by ascarides, are: 1) Acon. calc. chin. ferr. ign. mere. sulph.; or 2) Graph. n-vom. phosph. teucr. For feverish restlessness at night, tossing about, give: Acon.; and, if this should not suffice, Jgn. If Acon. and lyn. should not help, and if the distress should return at new or full moon, Sulph. should be given, either during the decline or increase of the moon; or else: Calc. /ferr. chin. WORN OUT. SEE LASSITUDE AND DEBILITY. WOUNDS, INJURIES, SPRAINS, &C. ~ 1. Principal remedies: 1) Am. cic. con. hep. lach. puls. rhus. sulph-ac. 2) Acon. amm. bry. cale. caust. chain. euphr. nitr-ac. n-vom. phosph. ruta. sil. staph. sulph. zinc. 3) Alum. bell. borax. carb-veg. dulc. jod. petr. sil. ~ 2. For sprains, luxations, &c., give: Arnica, 10 drops of the tincture in a tumblerful of water, before and after the necessary manual operations, such as: reduction of the dislocation, &c. If the contusion or luxation should be very bad, Arnica 30 may likewise be given internally; and if no result should have been obtained in 24 hours, rhus-t., one dose, allowing it to act until an improvement takes place. A second dose of Rhus. may be given after the first ceases to act; or, if a pain should occasionally be experienced in the sprained joint, Amm. ruta. should be resorted to; or: Agn. bell. bry. puls.;. or, Cale. carb-an. carb-veg. ign. lye. mZagn-aust. natr. natr-m. nitr-ac. n-vom. petr. phosph. sep. sulph. If the patient should have injured himself by lifting heavy wveight, the principal remedy is Rhus t., especially when the dorsal and cervical muscles and the vertebral column are affected, and headache, pains in the back or gastric ailments are experienced. If Rhus should not suffice, give: Cale. cocc. natr. 858 WOUNDS. n-vom. sulph.; or: Arn. bry. carb-an. carb-veg. graph. kat. ly.e sep. sil.-If hernia inguinalis should have been caused by lifting heavy weight, or by straining the body, give: 1) N-vom. sulph-ac. 2) Cocc. sulph.-If a prolapsus of the womb should have been occasioned by these causes, N-vom. is almost a specific remedy, and should be resorted to before Bell. or Sep. are given. The ill effects of missing a step or pressing the foot to the floor with too much violence, require: 1) Bry. 2) Cie. con. puls. rhus. 3) Arn. spig. ~ 3. Parts which have been injured by a contusion, fall or blow, should be bathed with a solution of Arnica; Arnica being likewise taken internally if the contusion be very bad, or if the head, chest, abdomen, &c., should have been violently concussed. If Arnica should be insufficient, give: For simple contusion without concussion: 1) Euphr. jod. puls. ruta. sulph-ac. 2) Croc. hep. mez. petr. phosph. sulph. For concussion from blow, shock, fall, or other causes; 1) Cic. con. puls. rhus. 2) Euphr.jod. lach. sulph. sulph-ac. Concussion of the whole body by a fall: Bry. cic. con. puls. rthus. sulph-ac. Ecchymosis which does not yield to Arnica: I) Bry. rhus. sulph-ac. 2) Con. dulc. lach. n-vom. puls. sulph. Swelling of the injured parts: 1) Bry. puls. thus. sulph. 2) Bell. n-yom. sulph-ac. ~ 4. If there should be a solution of continuity (as in wounds, &c.) apply first Arnica as a wash; and if this should be insufficient, apply: For bites, not of poisonous animals: Arn. sulph-ac. —And of poisonous animals: 1) Atom. ars. bell. 2) Caust. lach. natr-m. puls. seneg. Contused wounds, see: Contusion in the preceding paragraph. Excoriations, bedsores: 1) Arn. sulph-ac. 2) Carb-veg. chin. pul8. Cut-wounds: 1) Staph. o.dph. 2) Natr. plumb. sil. sulph-ac. Gun-shot-wounds: 1) Euphr. nitr-ac. plumb. sulph-ac. 2) puls. ruta. sulph. Splinters: 1) Acon. carb-veg. sic. hep. nitr-ac. sil. 2) Lach. sumph. Stab-wounds: 1) Carb-veg. cic. lach. nitr-ac. sil. 2) Con. hep. plumb. sulph. Burns: Acon. ars. carb-veg. caust, laeh. stram. urtic.-Relief is sometimes obtained by washing the burn with soap-spirits.3urns of the tongue sometimes are cured by a small dose of Ars. or Caust. WOUNDS-ZONA, &c. 359 ~ 5. Employ more particularly For readily bleeding wounds: 1) Aeon. arn. chin. photph. 2) Carb-veg. diadem. lach. sulph. sulph-ac. For profuse suppuration: 1) Bell. chin. mere. puls. sslph. 2) Bell. hep. lach. plumb. For infamed, angry, ulcerated wounds, give: 1) Cham. sil.:2) Borax. graph. hep. lach. mere. nitr-ac. puls. rhus. sulph. *ulph-ac. Gangrenous wounds: 1) Ars. chin. lach. sil. 2) Acon. amnm. bell. carb-veg. euphorb. ~ 6. If the muscles and soft parts alone were injured, give: 1) Arn. euphr. hep. puls. sulph-ac. 2) Con. dulc. lach. n-vom. sulph. If the tendons, ligamenlts or synovial membranes: 1) Amm. amr. bry. rhas. ruta. 2) Calc. natr. natr-m. phosph. 3) Agn. carb-an. carb-veg. lyc. mayn-aust. n-vorn. petr sep. Wounds of glandular organs require: 1) Con.jod. kal. phosph. 2) Cic. hep. mere. pul.s. sil. sulph. Wounds of bones or the periosteum: 1) Calend. phos-ac. puls. ruta. 2) Calc. phosph. sil. staph. Fractures: Gale. calend. ruta. sil. symphitum offcinale. ~ 7. Traumatic convulsions (tetanus) require: Ang. bell. eic. cocc. Traumatic (wound)fever: Aeon. bry. rhus-t., provided Arm is insufficient. Nervous symptoms, after violent concussion of the brain or spinal marrow, require: 1) Cic. con. 2) Bell. calc. cin. hep., provided Arn. is insufficient. ~ 8. See: POIsoNING, BITES OF POISONOUS ANIMALS, &C. YAWNING, SPASMODIC. The principal remedies for this symptom are: 1) Ign. magnarct. natr-m. plat. rthus. sulph. 2) Amm. caust. cham. coca. croc. suphr. lach. magn-c. nitr-ae. tart. veratr. ZONA, ZOSTER, IGNIS SACER. This disease only occurs on the trunk, and should not be confounded with common vesicular erysipelas. The principal remedies for this di.ease are: 1) lRhus-t. 2) Graph.-These two remedies generally suffice in recent cases. In old cases, which had been mismanaged with other medicines, we may try: Ars.; or.: mere. puts. or: Bry. char. natr selen. sil. sulph. 362 AGAR-AMM. AGAR.-AGARICUS MuscCARTrs.-Convulsi ons, epilepsy, miliary eruptions, chilblairs, prosc;aklgia, toothache, &cc. AGN.-AGcNus CASTUS.-1-1mpotence; gleet; sterility; suppressed menses; swelling and iedue'aticn of the splecn; lacites: soreness of the anus; swelling and induration of the testicles; leucorrhcea, &c. ALUM.-ALUMIN..- Constlictive'cnvati(,n in various organs: soreness of the rlwuos telha.n.; itchiLn, cf the skin in the evening; liUmid hcrpces n ~('ic v.r'cs; r h',gaides; ad mlocd, wlin ing and moaning; ptr(fi:e seclretion of riscus in the eyes; purulent otorrhl a; blennorili;ta (;f the ncse, with vlcc(r itcd?ostrils; heaviness of the face, and tightness ci the liin (af tle face as if covered with the n-hite of an egg; tootiLt (-hc, spqecially WhC(y chewing, with sensatil n a s ift th ch'ere t lcotle andt elh oh ated: difficult dqcfldi.tii1oa, tt ifiei';'erte cc:crit;c(; i:c ulatappetitc; heartcun; I-s':d::i i ll l, ( ro(saintfi ring; slow stool as ficii il ctiJon ol the l;tnel; i-hinlg of the anus, increased sexual (!e0lire, with electicnis and nocturnal emissions; scanty and pale mens;es; sliniy and ctircsoive leucorrhcea; loars(less; orihcpi;nict, aIs if fiora c.:n'tic(:tin of thl chest; irregular beatinr td sl1ocks (f the heart. AMIB. —AMBRA G(IISlA. —t rsmly pagins in hle 11insctles and tearing in the joint s; p na, iJ strai neds n iuitL nc's:m of tihe skin itching and ullning as'if one ]id itte itcl,; ureais; chills in some parts;nervousnee s * dcspcnld ny ~:s;t, ci )ii'lit: ver5 i-curigo; rush of blood to the head, esptcciallv.vhen i -(t.cnnf ti o ii ui -.ic-i thlling off and soreness of tle hair; buzzing l.d r;iigiig iin the ears; obstruction of the nose; jaundiced cc('jlTxio, i:ia d red spots on the face; twitching tIt lhe lips and sving s ctf the notse bad smell fromn the mouth; s;cre bl(thlich;s cder til( tIe tci e; feeling of coldness in the aldcin; iurcgular:stools; tor}icd urine sour smell of the urine;!)le.rtsmibtle oiPSalhitclh ill tle interic( sexual organs; erections'; ilcenes, swellinge' ar. ii, hi:gs of the labia; leucorrlhcea, n-ith disclhlr, ef vieces of bl.uih;-uhl-slite mucus; hoarseness, witli tcnalcious imutcus sit the threat,;,aljitaticrn of the heart, with pale face, arrct- of breathingll AMM.-AMMOWItUM CaaRBOICUuI. UICcqtivc u;e,I:', cr stinging and tearing, less in bed; drawing in the joints as frionm shortening of the tendons; sensitiveness to cold and oCen air; bulning pimples; rash, scarlet-redlness of the skin; freckles; frightful dreams about dying, death and dead bodies; chills in the evening; sad, anxious mood; absence of mind, vertigo in the morning; headache as if the forehad aosldd splt t; feeling of coldness or burning in the eyes; lachrymation; itching and suppuration of the ear; pale face, itching eruptions in the face; ulcerative parig of the roots of teeth; blisters and ulcers in the mouth; ptyalism; AMM. M.-ANT. 363 heartburn; fealing of coldness or burning in the stomach; costiveness; wetting the bed; urine with sandy sediment; swelling, itcling and burning of the pudendum; hoarsenes3 and aphonia; dry nigh —COgh a,; i fom from fthler-dust ii the throat; bloody expectoration; heaviness on the chest as if fi'm too much blood; asthma with palpitation of the heart. Aonnoniuoas has been advantageously used for: hemicrania; styes; parotitis; scurvy; dyspepsia; cardialgia; hmmorrhoids; asthma; hydrothorax; goitre; gout; angina faucium; scrophula; rickets; rash; scarlet:fcver; typhus; herpes furfuraceous, &c. AMM. M.-AM.MONUNIM MuMATmICUA.-Jerking tearing in the limbs, especially the fingers and toes, with throbbing as if suppurating; rash, or blotches which burn after being scratched; burning of the eyes at twilight, going offwhen the lamps (candles) are lighted; muscee volitante3; sore nose with thick mucus; pale face; rhagades of the lips; distention of the inzguinal region, with ulcerative pain when touched; sore pain in the rectum, and discharge of blood from the anus; premnature men3es; leucorrhcfa, like brown mucus or the white of an egg; violent dry cough; asthma, especially when moving the arms much, &c. ANAC. —ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE.-Prcssure as from a plug, or cranmpy jerking; prostration; lameness; sensitiveness to cold and draugllhts of air; anxious dreams about fire, loathsome diseases, &c.; hypochodlria, forebAoin r of danger; want of feeling; laughing at serious things, an l vice versa; weakness of mind and memory, with bruised pain in the head when reflecting; hardness of hearing and want of smell: pale face, with hollow eyes; dyspepsia, with heat in the face, hypochondlria, &c., after eating; sexual excitement with discharge of prostatic juice; racking cough like whooping-cough, especially at night, with rush of blood to the head. ANG.-AN-cusTTURA.-Spasmodic pains, traumatic tetanus; tetanic spasins with blue cheeks and lips; caries and painful ulcers attacking the bones. ANT.-ANTrNIONlItrI CRUDTum-Adiposis, or emaciation; dropsical swellings;pustulls li/ke chicken~po<x; tumnours and blisters as when bitten by insects; brown spots' and freckles; horny excrescences; red, hot sswelling;; night- and morning-sweats, especially every other day; inflammatory redness of the eyes and lids; sore nostrils an(i corners of the mouth; pustulous eruption on the cheeks and chin, with yellow scurfs; ptyali3m; loss of appetite; eructatiors tastia of tlhee ingesta, nausea, v'omiting of bile and mucus; opores.sio, of /hi stos'/Ch from overlo:ding it; cardialgia; agonizingr burning in the pit of the stomach; hard stool with pressing; discharge of yellow mucus from the anus; frequent muicturition with discharge of mucus; red sediment in the urine; ASAR.-BELL. 365 ASAR.-ASARUM EuRorAum.-Heemicrania, bilious and gastric affections, lienteria. AURt.-AURUm FOLTATUM.-Bruised pains, especially in the joints; laming pains; formication; laming tearing in the bones; restless sleep with frightful dreams; lreiitious melancholy, longing for death, suicidal mania; congestion of blood to the head, with roaring; vertical haif-sightedness; muscre volitantes; dark, brown-red spots on the nose, and ulcerated, scurfy nostrils, with swelling of the nose; swelling of the cheek and lip, with drawing tearing in the bones; gumboil with swelling of the cheek; fetid' odour from the mouth; disposition of exciting hernia to protrude; sexual excitement; swelling and contusive pain in the testes; nocturnal asthma and constrictive oppression of the chest; palpitation of the heart, with congestion of blood to the chest; shaking of the heart when walking as if it were loose. AUR. M.-ARunvI MURATICUM. B BARYT. —BARYTA CARBONIcA.-General debility of the body, nerves, senses and mind; unhealthy skin; glandular swellings and indlurations; irresoluteness, despondency; headache over the eyes or in the occiput; eruption behind the cars; sensation as if the face were covered with cobweb; swelling of the upper lip and subsmaxillary glands; pale-red swelling of the gums; inflammation of the throat and tonsils with suppuration; burning blisters onI the tongue; suppression of the sexual desire; feeble and short menses' hoar-eness and aphonia. BELL.-lBEs. LAT)Oi- N.- Stinlgilng orburning pains, with bruised pain anll swelling in tlle'affected parts; spasmodic paroxysms with s;creanris, reeping in tlhe muscles; rush of blood to the affected part, withl sensatihon of flilnels; and pIressure from within outwards; lethargy, o sleeplcrle with unsuccessful attempts at sloepinlg alternate heat mand chillinbess; anguisih and restlessness, or excessive irritationi of the senses, -wNith w hilningl and lamenting; farilbodl delirisL'; violent pain ill the forehead as if it would split; oi bulrnil stinging over the eyes; headache, with throbbing of the carotids, verti(ro and buzzing in the ea rs; red shining and protruded, or failt anid distorted eyes; dilated or extremely contractd(] pupils id inflamlnation of the evyes, with photophobia and smarting lachIrymation; bloated, reed and hot face; constriction of the throat; violent thirst, fiequently with aversion to drinks; colic, as if a spot were seized with l nils and spasnmodically drawn to one lump; pressing tow-ards the female sexual organs as if every thing would protrude; painfulncss of the abdomen to contact, as if sore and ulcerated; painfulness of the larynx with danger of suffocation when touching it; short spasmodic cough 31* 370 CON.-DROS. spasmodic, constrictive colic, as if the bowels were pressed between stones, with diarrhoea; tympanitic distention of the abdomen; yellow diarrhceic stools, after taking the least food or drink; dysenteric stools with mucus and blood; fetid urine, which becomes turbid and jelly-like soon after standing; spasmodic constriction of the chest. CON. —CONIUM MAULATUM. —Cramp and spasmodic pains in various parts; debility in the open air; pains as from a blow; blue, yellow-green spots as if ecchyvrnosed; swelling and indurations of glands; anthropophobia with aversion to solitude; pale or bluish, bloated face; photophobia; ulcers of the lips; herpes facialis; spasms of the cesopllagus; sexual weakness; uterine spasms; acrid mucous leucorrhcea; spasmodic-cough; suffocative fits as if the throat were obstructed. COP. —COPrAIV BALSAMITM.-Used for gonorrhea, nettle-rash, ill effects of poisonous muscles. CROC.-CRocUS SATiVUS.-Bounding sensation in the affected parts as of something alive; hlemorrhage of tenacious, black blood; scarlet-red spots upon the skin; remarkable alternation of weeping and laughing, quarrelling and singing; disposition to Mnirth and jest; livid complexion and burning-red spots in the face. CUPR. —CUIR1uM, METALLICUMI. —Spasms and convulsions with piercing shrieks, or commencing at the fingers and toes; epilepsy; pains in the bones as if broken; coma with convulsions; itch-like and leprous eruptions; paroxysms of rage, with pride, rage or fear, red and inflamed eyes; blue face and lips; cold tip of the tongue; violent retching and vomiting, with abdominal spasms and convulsions; hoarseness; asthma and spasmodic suffocative fits. D. DAPH.-DAPImNE INDICA. —Rheumlntic and arthritic pains, with stitching; bone-pains and exostoses; weak sight, as if a pellicle were drawn over the eyes; diplopia; cough with vomiting, and yellow, frothy, blood-streaked expectoration. DIG. —DIGITALIS PuRPUREA. —Jandic; horosis; hlorosis; dropsical aqtcctions; gastric, bilious and mucous fevers; organic diseases of thile heart; ascites; hydrocele; hlminoptysis. DROS. —DRosE1A ROTUNDIFOLIA. —Fceer with nausea and gastric symptoms; gauze before the eyes, print lolkis pale when reading; frequent bleeding of the nose; bleeding from the mouth; creepilng in the larynx as from a soft body; hoarsehess and deep bass-voice, with rough and scraping feeling of dryness in the throat; pain in the larynx when talking; dry, spasimodic cough, evening and night, with retching, bleeding from the mouth and nose, 0 g 0~~~bledn smo mou 3752 GUAJ. —HEP. despondency; humid eruptions on the hairy scalp; photophobia; soreness behind the ears; scurfg eruptions around the,mouth and chin; foul, urinous smell from the mIouth; dyspepsia; excessive flatulence; chronic costiveness or diarrhoea; sexual excitement; suppressed, or scanty and pale menses; soreness of the pudendum; painful, inflammatory swelling of the ovaries; soreness of the nipples with hunlid blisters; fetid sweat of thile fet. C TUAJ. GUiJACUA_.-Stitching and tearing Iwith colntraction of the afticted parts and enlewal of the pain3 by the le att motion ereeping panll in the bones, also with swelinhr anrl ini,erstitial (tstention; stitches in the birain, or stitching anJ tearin-l i one side o;f the Ih.ea I; con'talnt urgill to urinate withl copios disciharge of e-titl urine; hllulderin; of the mnmLnle; bad couh with fetidl purulent texpectoration and stitches in thle c est.. I1111LL.-tiLe. rEonius.-an ia titoi ts in. the! jci::, t; or acrois parl'is;',,tit hin- boring in the perioteilul and e,tl-. r pairts, increastiedl by eatilig and drinking, cool air an,i1'3ij exertitonTS; paroxysms of suitlden muscular relaxation, with llludden prostratio(n, erpecially when not thinking of the actiilon of the muscles; convulsions and spasmodic rigidity of the limbs, with shakinig of the head; dropsy; falling off of the hair and nails; silent meliancholy and moaning; frequent staring; bidring heat in the head, and pale face; cedema of the face blisters and aphthie in the mouth and on the tongue; ulcerative pain in the stomach iafter eating, and soreness of the pit of the stomach when coughilng or stepping; sensation of coldness and heaviness in the abdomen; diarrhcea, of white, jelly-like mucus; complete loss of sexual dtesire. HEP.-ItEPar, SULPTIURIS CALCAREUt.-Drawing, tearing andl stitching in the limbs and joints, especially oni waking early in the morning; chronic suppurations; glandular swellings and suppurations; erysipelas, rhagades, unhealthy skin, fetid ulcers and cutaneous affections generally; hot and red swellings with strained feeling; sore and bruised pain when touching the parts; sleeplessness, or the sleep is disturbed by thoughts passing through the head like clouds; pimples on the hairy scalp, sore to the touch; erysipelatous ophthalniia; fetid otorrhcea; yellow complexion with blue margins around the eyes; painful sensation as of a plug in the throat, or stitching as from a splinter; dyspepsia; slow stool as if from inaction of the bowels; soreness of the pudendum; weakness of the larynx with hectic fever; dry cough with spasmodic retching and vomiting, or moist cough with mucous rattling in the chest; anxious, wheezing breathing, with danger of suffocation when lying dwn. 3a76 MAGN.-MERC. M. MAGN. ART. —MAGNES ARTIFICIALIS. MAGN. ARCT. —MAGNETIS POLus ARCerics. MAGN. AUST.-MAGNETIS POLUS AUSTRAIIS. MAGN. C.-MAGNESIA CARBONICA.-Pains as if bruised or luxated, or great weakness, especially in the lower limbs; lameiless and paroxysms of fainting, with falling down without loss of consciousness; itching creeping in the skin; phagedenic blisters; small, re(l, scaly herpes; small. boils; sour, or fetid and greasy sweat; vexed and peevish mood; tearing, stitching and boring in thie head; burning of the eyes, with photophobia; obscuration of the cornea; swelling of the eyeball as if dropsical; pale livid complexion; bloatedness and tubercles of the face; digging tearing toothache at night, increased by cold; longing for greens and aversion to meat; sour smell from the mouth, and sour eructations; firothy, sour and green diarrhaea, with colic; ascarides; increased, pale or greenish urine; delaying or suppressed menses, or else profuse and premature; white-slimy, smarting leucorrhoea, with abdominal spasms; nightly spasmodic cough. MAGN. M.-MAAGNESTA MURIATICA.-Hysteric ailments and spasmodic paroxysms; throbbing in the ears; troublesome dryness of the nose, or else discharge of.corrosive water; frequent nausea with livid complexion, nervousness and weeping; chronic hepatitis, with hardness and aching pains; abdominal spasms, especially during the menses and leucorrheal discharge; painful hardness in the abdomen, and constant distention of the same; chronic costiveness with difficult stool like sheep's-dung; chronic looseness; uterine spasms with leucorrhcea; scirrhous indurations of the neck of the uterus; sweaty feet; aching pain in the knees. MANG.-MANGANuM. —Intolerable pains of the periosteum and joints; arthritis of the joints, with digging, tension and drawing, jerking or drawing, generally on one side or crosswise, on the right and left side; soreness in thefolds of the joints; inflammatory swellings with suppuration; dryness, heat and nightly agglutination of the eyes; hardness of hearing as if from stoppage of the ears, the ears opening by blowing the nose; whizzing in the ears, or reports when blowing the nose; chronic angina faucium, with cutting soreness; diseases of the larynx and trachea, with roughness and dryness of the throat, and rough speech. MEN.-MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA.-Arthritic complaints; fever and ague with coldness in the abdomen; otorrhcea after exanthenmata. MEPH.-MEPHITIS PUTORIUS. MERC. —MERcuRIus. —Congestions of blood, hwemorrhage; bruised pain in all the limbs, especially the thighs, and pain in 378 NATR.-NITR. AC. blisters; night-sweat, alternating with dry skin; fistula lachrymalis; yellow spots on the forehead and upper lip; dyspepsia, with hypochondriac mood after eating; pressing on the pudenduml; fetid leucorrhcea; discharge of mucus from the vagina after an embrace; cramp in the calves. * NATR. M.-NATRUM MuRMATIcuM. —Stiffness and cracking in the joints; spasmodic sensation in the limbs as if gone to sleep; hysteric ailments; muscular twitchings; dread of exercise; emaciation; painful sensitiveness of the skin; great drowsiness in the day-time and sleeplessness at night; irregular, and frequently intermittent pulse; constant chilltiness; hypochondriac anxiety; sensation as if the head would split; falling off of the hair, even of the whiskers; ulcerated eyelids; smarting lachrymation; painful swelling of one half of the nose; cracked lips; fistula dentalis; burning blisters in the mouth and on the tongue; constant thirst, with distress after drinking; weak digestion, with sour eructations; red spots on the pit of the stomach; flatulence; constipation and difficult evacuations with stitches in the rectum; constant urging to urinate, with profuse emission; erections and excessive sexual excitement; delaying or suppressed nienses; acrid leucorrhma with yellow complexion; hanog nails. NITR.-NITRuM.-Loss of appetite with thirst; painless diarrhcea; neglected pneumonia; stitches in the chest during a deep inspiration. NITR.'AC.-NITII AcIDUM.-Infiam matory pains in the periosteum; pains in the joints as if sprained, with cracking; stitching pains as if froms plinters; pains when the weather changes; tremulous weakness; glandular swellings; black pores; brownreddish spots on the skin and frequent boils; pains which are felt during sleep; anxious, lascivious dreams; sadness; headstrong; weak memory; bone-pains of the skull; ulcerated eruptions on the scalp; ulcerated eyes, with stitching; specks on the cornea; hardness of hearing; buzzing and roaring in the ears; soreness of the nostrils, and fetor front the nose; pale face; yellowness around the eyes; bloat around the eyes; pimpless, herpes and pustules in the face; burning and ulcers in the throat; desire for clay, chalk and lime; stitches and throbbing in the pit of the'stomach; suppuration of the inguinal glands; chronic looseness; fetid urine; enuresis; red, scurfy spots and ulcers on the glans; * Jahr contends in a note for the identity of the symptoms of Natrum carb. and Natr. mur., Magn. c. and mur., Amm. c. and mur., Kali and Kali nitr., acetates and carbonates of the same substance; according to Jahr, the symptoms produced by those preparations belong to the base. This seems evento be true in regard to the mercurial preparations, though this observation does not apply to basic preparations, such as Cinnabaris, hepar sulph., for these manifest different properties from those of their constituent elements. Jahr's remarks should be taken curm grano salis.empel. 880 OP. —PHOS. eruptions on the hairy scalp; humid, fetid sores behind the ears, with red, rough, herpetic spots in front of the ears; brownish, burning urine with white sediment; cold feet; lameness of the feet and legs. OP.-OPIua.-I1l effects of wine; ill effects of fright or mortification; apparent death; general torpor of the nervous system and insensibility to medicinal aclion; absence of pain during the complaint; epileptic convulsions; tetanic spasms; drowsiness, coma, with stertorous breathing; profise sweat, with itching and eruption on the skin; fearful; with tendency to start; stupor, complete loss of consciousness and sensibility; visions of mice, scorpions, &c.; intoxication, paroxysms of vertigo; pulsation of the carotids; eves red, as if inflamed, staring and shining; pupils dilated and imn-loveable; bluish face; stupid appearance, with relaxed appearance of the facial muscles; red and bloated face; spasmodic motion of the facial muscles; vomiting of faeces and urine; tympanitis; constipation and costiveness; hard stool, in small lumps; suppression of the urinary secretions; suppression of labour-pains; stertorous breathing. P. PAR.-PARs8. PETR. —PETnRLEuf.-Ailments from riding in a carriage; debility after making an exertion, with vanishing of sight, trembling of the body, buzzing in the ears, and nausea; brown and yellow spots on the skin; itching, burning pustules; sore, humid spots on the skin; rhagades; corns; chilblains; irresolute; hardness of hearing, from parnalysi:3 of the auditory nerves; canine hunger, though one is soon satiated; znamsea from riding in a carriage; hard, lumpy stoeol; twulia; elnuresis n(cturna, with itching and dampne~4s of the scrotum; di clharge of prostatic juice, and a number of erections ~ leucorrhcea, with many dreams; cracked skin on the hands, with rhagades; chilblains on the fingers; cold feet. PEl TROS. PETROSELINUM. PHOS PH.-1PHosPHORUs.-Burning pains; rheumatic teairng and sticehing aifter taking cold; pains when the weather ch.anges; frequent rushes of blood; indolence and heaviness of the body; nervous debility with languor of the lower limbs; sudden prostratioz; trembling; emaciation, especially of the hands; formication in the paralyzed parts; brown, yellow or brown spots; petechllie; small wounds bleed profusely; lymphatic abscesses full of fistulous passages; night- and morning-sweats; sensitiveness of the senses and tendency to start; vertigo of various kinds; congestion of blood to the head, with buzzing, and heat in the head; lachrymation in the open air; photophobia; pale, dirty cornplexion, with deep, hollow eyes; weak stomach; frequent eructations with PHOS. -PULS. 381 sensation as if the hypochondriac regions were filled with air; painfulness of the stomach when touching it or walking; large, yellow spots and boils on the abdomen, frequent stools, soft; watery, colourless urine in large quantity; excessive sezual desire, with erections and noc(turnal emissions; profuse, and premature menses with a good deal of distress; cough as from tubercles, with expectoration of salt mucus; oppression, anguish and heaviness on the chest; yellow spots on the chest; numbness of the fingers; pains of the soles as if ulcerated. PHOS. AC. -PosPraoi AcIDUM.-Disease of the bones, especially interstitial distention, inflammation and caries; debility, with pale complexion; ulcers, itching or flat, with dirty pus and indented bottom; taciturn; inability to perform any mental labour; yellow spot on the sclerotica; burning in the skin of the cheeks; pimples on the forehead and chin; the teeth become dull and yellow; painful tubercles on the gums; tenacious, viscid mucus in the mouth; sensation in the stomach as if something were heaving up and down; flatulence, especially after acids; distention of the uterus as if from air; greenish-white diarrhcea; milky urine, with jelly-like lumps; cough with purulent, fetid expectoration; old, itching ulcers on the legs. PLAT-PLATINA.-Neuralgia with pulsative throbbing, and crampy, cieeping numbness of the affected parts; spasmodic pains of the female sex and especially of hysteric women; sadness, especially in the evening, with disposition to weep; agony, with fear of death which she believes to be near; over-estimation of herself, she thinks herself much above those near her; delirium, compressive sensation in the temples, with heat and redness of the face; pale, sickly complexion; excessive sexual desire and voluptuous titillation in the sexual parts; pressing towards the pudendum; profuse and premature menses, with thick, dark lood; aphonia; short, difficult breathing. PLUMB.-PLUMBUM. PRUN.-PRvNvs SPINOSA. PULS.-PUSATILaA.-Pains in the limbs, tearing, drawing, or jerking in the muscles, with numbness, lameness and swelling of the affected parts, stitching and feeling of coldness in the affected parts when the weather changes; erratic pains, shifting rapidly from one part to another, with swelling and redness in the joints; paroxy/sms of pains, with chilliness; asthma, paleness of the face; aggravation of the pains when sitting, rising from the seat, or during rest, or when lying on one side; the pains are worse before midnight, or every other evening; chickenpox; erysipelas with swelling; disposition to blennorrhcea; coldness, shuddering, chilliness and continual internal chilliness; melancholy with weeping, and dread of death; timid disposition; despair of one's sal 384 SELEN. —SPIG. after miscarriage, confinement, with black, fluid blood; chronic uteritis, after suppression of the lochia; gangrene of the uterus; threatening miscarriage; irregular, feeble, or suppressed, or even spasmodic labour-pains; adhesion of the placenta; cramps in the calves and soles of the feet. SELEN.-SELENIUM. SENEG.-SENEGA. SENN.-SENNA. SEP.-SEPIA.-Affections of the capillary vessels; stitching or burning pains; drawing tearing from below upwards; inflexibility of the joints; rushes of blood, with perceptible throbbing in the body; the pains abate during motion; hysteric debility; faintling its; itclling pimples in the joints; pemphigus; brown, reddiMh, herpetic spots upon the skin; herpes circinnatus; chilliness. sadness and weeping, melancholy; hemicrania with vomiting; involuntary shakiny of the head; pustules on the cornea; paralvyi:s of the lids; incipient anmaurosis with contracted pupils; plugs in the nose, and painful eruption on the tip; pale face; sickiv complexion, with dim, red eyes; yellow spots in the face, and yellow saddle across the cheeks and nose; excessive appetite and painful feeling of hunger in the stomach; weak digestion; ineffectual urging, and hard, insufficient stool; oozing from the rectum; frequent micturition; excessive sexual desire, with erections; dampness and soreness of the pudendunm; leucorrhcea, soreness and itching in the vagina; congestion of blood to the chest, with palpitation of the heart and intermission of the beats of the heart; claret-red spots on the neck and under the chin; painfill ulcers at the tips of the fingers; corrosive, fetid sweat of the feet. SIL.-SILICEA.-Nightly stinging in the joints; twitching of the limbs day and night; nervous debility and fainting; lymphatic turnours and abscesses; glandular swellings with suppuration or induration; scirrhous indurations; benign and malignant suppurations, especially in membranous parts; unhealthy skin; ganglia; panaritia; diseases of bones; night-sweats; vertigo, tension, and pressing in the head, as if the head would split; ulcers of the cornea; obscuration of sight, as if seeing tlhough a gray cover, and sudden paroxysms of blindness; stoppage of the ears, sometimes going off with a report; vomiting after drinking; distention and heat of the abdomen; constipation with ineffectual urging; cough with purulent expectoration; panaritia; fetid sweat of the feet. SOL. NIGR.-SOLANUM NIGRUM. SPIG.-SPIGELIA.-Tearing in the limbs, also arthritic, stitching tearing; worm-fevers; nervous pains in and above the eyes, especially deep in the orbits, with pain of the eyeballs on moving SPONG.-STAPH. 385 them, as if too large; stitching in the eyes, with boring in the head, and pain driving one to despair; luminous fla;lhes before the eyes; amaurosis; cataract; pale face, with yellow margins:around the eyes; prosopalgia, with shining swelling of the affected part; canine hunger, with nausea and thirst; nausen, with sensation as if somethino were rising from the stomlach into the throat; ascarides; asthmwa when stirring in bed, caln r mniy lie on the righlt side and xwith the trunk raised; suffocativ d(nger, oil makinr the least motion, especially when raisirl the ai.mls; spasmnodic sensateion in hle chest, as if from the pit cf t- e stI l:nach-, Nwith a-crcmt of breathlii; undul;tini motion of the hc.r t; stitches in the region of the lnl- Irt ~ pinrr senl':ation in the rerm'i.,a of the heart; uaelrysmis of te lheart,. S ONG. SPoxNG. ToST r.- Diseaoes of the.tIes.. yet alnd ghindls; lheat, xwith dry, hot klsin, thirst, letdac sO-; anl delirinmt; relnecs of the eyce.-, with lbtrnin cl an1vt a(hl rynit-'t iK; frelucent cructatiort, w-itll utntin('mnl teailrnl inl t+he sii'll; retaxed feltirg in the'tomach, e tsl if thlte so:iell Avcre open; orchiti:;; Indurlatiot of thetestes; pain i tlhe larynx on touchling it anti turning the heatd; burning in the larynx land Ltrclhea; dryness, husky and hoarse voice; inflamnimation of the lair iyx, trachea mand bronclhi; croup; larynrigeal and -tracheal phlthiisis; cough, deep from the chest, w-ith soreness and burning, or chronic cough with yellowish expectoration and hoarseness; xheezing inspirations; asthma with amenorrhea; go tre; hard goitre. SQUILL.-SQUILLA MARITIMA.-Dropsy; heat, -with chilliness when uncovered ever so little; pale face after the hleat; dark redness of the face. STANN.-ST.ANNu-s.-Excessive mental and physical debility; spasms, also hysteric or epileptic spasms of children duri:g dentition; excessive emaciation; hot sweats over the whole body, with complete prostration, even after the least exertion; heaviness in the hlead, and stupefying pressure in the brain; pa/l c,.ed sokC1 ey't fabee, with hollow eyes; leucorrhcea with great debility; roughness of the throat, with hoarseness; racking cough, withl bruised pain in the pit of the stomach, or retching and vomiting of the ingesta; cough with much 7mucus; yellow, salt or foul-tasting expectoration; oppressive weight on the chest, obliging one to take deep breath, with feeling of emptiness in the pit of the stomach; hydrothorax. STAPH.-STAPIIYSAGaIA.-Scorbutic affections; ill effects of chagrin, with indignation, or of grief and care; bone-pains, also inflammrnatory; drawing tearing in the muscles; bruised pain of the body, as after a long journey on foot; rash, with inightly convulsions; itch-like and herpetic eruptions; unhealthy skin; frequent boils; swelling of bones; disposition to sweat, or else in33 SULPH.-VAL. -387 tations; pain of the roots of the hairs, especially on touchig'l them; ulcerated margins of the eyelids; pale and bloated face; livid complexion; blue margins around the eyes; hot face withl red spots (between the eye and ear); rough skin in the fice; black l)ores of the nose, lip and chin; teeth loose and elongated; aphthce; excessive hunger; acid stomach; regurgitation cf food; hawmorrhoidalc colic; constipation, insufficient stool, with sensation as if something had remained behind; lienteria; painful micturitionl; enuresis nocturna; impotence; emissions; suppression of the menses; burning, corrosive leucorrha'e; nmuch mucus in the chest and throat; feeling of heaviness on the chest, as from a lump; hang-nails; cold feet. SULPH. AC.-SuiLPIris AcmuDu. —Red and bluish spots on the skin; sore places on the skin, with gangrenous ulceration; ill effects of mechanical injuries; chronic ophthalmia; aphthme acidity in the throat, and heartburn; premature and profuse menses; chronic hbemoptysis. T. TARAX.-TARAXACNM. TART. —TxARrARTus EMETICes.-Pustulous eruption, like variola; varioloids; variola; fever and ague, with absence of thirst and great drowsiness; pale and sickly complexion; nausea, vonliting, diarrhoea and great debility; sour vomiting of food; yellowbrown, or slimy diarrhiea; the larynx is painful to contact; croup; catarrh, with mucous rattling in the air-passages; paralysis of the lungs; suffocative catarrh. THER.-THERIDION. THUJ. —THuX OCCIDENTALIS.-Tearing and beating in the affected parts, as if ulcerated; sensation as if the whole body were very thin and delicate, and might easily fall to pieces; the pains are worst during rest and in bed; eruption like chicken-pox, with red areola; brown %spots on the skin; Jigwarts; slow comprehension; headache, as if a nail were driven into the crown; tensive drawing in the nasal bones; ulceration and painful scurfs high up in the nose; ranula; swelling of the parotid glands; pain as from intussusception of the bowels; motions in the abdomen as of something alive; constipation as if from intussusception of the bowels; sensation in the urethra, as if drops of urine were running along; round, flat, unclean ulcers on the glans; figwarts, especially horny or humid, suppurating and itching; constant erections and emissions, with sensation of stricture in the urethra; wartshaped excrescences on the os tincre; the region of the heart is painful; warts on the hands. V. VAL.-VALEPIANA.-Jerking drawing in the limbs and bones; pains which appear suddenly, concussive, or shifting from one ALPHABETICAI INDEX OF TIIE LATIN AND GERIMAN NAMES OF TEIE DISEASES MENTIONED IN THIS REPERTORY. 77e iv tnlberrs re:fr to the page in the Repertory, where the article eomn~enees.) A. Alienatio mentalis, see Mental Ab cess, 1. derangement. Acarus, see Itch. Alkalies, see Substances, AlkaAchor, see Tinea capitis. line, poisoning by. Acids, desire for, see Malacia. Alopecia, see Falling off of the Acias, ill effects of, see Stomach, hair. weik. Alumen, see Alum. Aeid3, noxious, see Poisoningr. Alum, poisoning by, 2. Acne, 1. Amaurosis, see Amblyopia. Acne punctata, see Acne. Amiblyopia, 2. INDEX. 391 Blennorrhcea vaginte, see Leu- Buboes, scrofulous, see Glands, corrhloa. diseases of the. Blennorrhma vesicee, see Ca- Buckwheat, ill effects of, see tarrh of the bladder. Stonmacli, weake. Blepharitis, see Blepharoph- Bulimny, see Hunger, canine. thalnitis. Bullw phagedwenicse HahneBlepharoblennorrlwea, see Run- inanni, see Phagedenic bulning of the eyes. la. Blepharophlthalmia, 28. Burns, see Injuries. Blepharophthalnlitis, see Ble- Butter, ill efficts of, see Stopharophlthalmia. mrlach, weak. Blepharoplegia, 30. Buzzing in the ears, see HearBlepharoptosis, see Blepharo- ilg, deficient. plegia. C Blepharospasmus, 30. Blindlness, see Amnblyopia. Cachexia from abuse of CinchoBlisters, bloody, 30. na, see Cinchona. Blisters, phagedenic, spreading, Cachexia, mnercurial, see Mercusee HI-erpes, pu;tulous, lanld y. l'Plhgelhidci bukhlle. Calcubli biliarii, see Ilepatitis. Blood, see Ixlemoorihal.ges. Calc-uli of the bladder, see LiBlooti, loss of, ill effects of, see tlliasis. )Debiitv. Cailculi renales, 40. Bloodletting, ill eftiects of, see Calculi vesicales, see Lithiasi-. Debility. C elomel, ill effects of; see MerBlows, ill effects of, see Ilnju- cury. ries. Calhosities, see Skin, induraBlue-disease, see cyanosis. tions of. 3oils, 30). Camnphor, ill effects of, 40. Bones, (iseases of the, 31. Cancer and Scirrhus, 40. Bone-pains, see Bones, diseases Cancer aquaticus, see Noma. of the. Cancer of the eyes, 41. Brain fever, see Typhus. Cancer of the face, see cruptions Branldy, ill effects of, see Sto- in the face. macli, weak. Canlcer of the lips, see Swelling Brandy, ill effects of drinking, of the lips. see Drunkards, diseases of. Cancer of the nose, 41. Bread, ill effects of, see Sto- Cancer of the stomach, 41. rachl, weak. Cancer of the womb, 41. Breasts and nipples of females, Cantharides, ill effects of, 42. 39. Carbunculus, see Anthrax. Breathing,, difficult, see Asth- Carcinoma mamlma, see Mamma. mn.x. Bronchitis, 33. Carcinoma ventriculi, see CanBuboes, syphilitic, see Syphi- cer of the Stomach. lis. Carcinoma, see Cancer. 392 INDEX. Carcinoma uteri, see Uterus, Choreomania, see Chorea St. diseases of the. Viti. Carcinoma faciei, see eruptions Chorea St. Viti, see Spasms. in the face. Chorda gonorrhoica, see GonorCarcinoma of the lips, see swell- rhmca. ing of the lips. Chordapsus, see Ileus. Carditis, see Heart, diseases of Cinchona, ill effects of, 61. the. Clavus hystericus, see HeadCaries, see bones, diseases of ache. the. Claudicatia spontanea, see hicCardialgia, 42. cuping, spontaneous; Cataract, 47. Ccelialgia, see Spasms, abdomiCatarrh, 4:7. nal. Catarrh, suffocative, 50. Coffee, ill effects of, 62. Catarrh bronchial, see Bronchi- Colchicum, ill effects of, see 62. tis. Cold, 62. Catarrh of the bladder, 50. Cold, liability to take, see Colds. Catalepsy, 50. Cold drinks, ill effects of, see Causes of diseases, 50. Weak stomach. Cephalalgria, see Headache. Cold swelling, see Swelling. Ceratitis, see Cornea, diseases Cold meal, ill effects of a, see of the. Conditions. Chagrin, ill effects of, see Emo- Cold air, ill effects of, see Contions. ditions. Chalazion, see Stve. Coldness, see Warmth, absence Chamnonilla, ill effec ts of, 52. of. Chancre, HInterian, see Chan- Colic, 65. ere uintler Syplis. Colic, bilious, see Liver, pain. (hncre, i ee l:T.iili::. in thlle, ullder Hecpat:i;'. C(ihapped:.isl, hamee t.haIe. (Co lic, flatulentl, see Cc(lc. (nhee: o-.: ci:ciii, 1ee o'o; n, a>- Cijt', galstric, see Ceolic. pit.. Colie, iheriial, h see ]ielnli. Clhlest,',pl'e.<.i.;n of, seei As-th- Colic, iens.tru:l, se C lie. ma. Colica plumbaie, see Colic. Chiulbl.';in,5 ii 3. iColic, slnguillneous, see Colic, (CildtMen, di.ie,ces of, 583. loinmorrhoidal, under Colic. Chi:il"icc:s airh,::Jh:bseCncoe Colic, frrllm wormi,'' sce Colic, of. and Wovi'n-aiffctions. Chin:i, see Cincllhona. Colicodynia, see Colic. Chiu rag.., i57. Colic, nlenstrual, see Colic, andl Chlo('osii;i, 5i7. Mienstrual irregularities. Choleir, 58t~. Colour of the sldn, see Skim. ('11hl'erine,8 t,'e Clx xI. colour of the. (,honorl'l-)',tia, i.ce i i l-,)rrS: C C'omia, see Sopor. of til:e no;e. Comedrnes, see Acne. INDEX. 395 ELrections, see Sexual instinct. Eyes, neuralgic pains in the, 125. Ergot, see Secale cornutum. Eyes, specks on the, see Cornea, Ergotisim, 11 9. diseases of the. Eructations, see Heartburn. Eyes, suppuration of, 126. Eruptions, cuttnneoufs, 119. IEyes, ulce.rs of the, see Cornea. Eruptions, on thel lips, se. diseases of the. Eruptions in tihe- face. I runptions! in the face1, 120. lEruptions, herpetic, 122. 1Fall-diseases, see Conditions. Erlrupti -ns on the nose, sec swe!- Falling, ill effects of, see Injuries. hiong of the nose. Falling off of the hair, 127. mruptio'lopes, phagede, see erup- Fari:ighiedncsis,, sep presbyopia. tionK;. Fat, aversion to, see Anorexia. il'ption:-, spreadcdinZ, see Ecrp- F at, ill effects of, see Stomach, tions:, lherpetie. derangement of the. Eruptions, suppreision of, see Favus, see Tinea capitis. Se cretions and I1ruptions, sup- Fear, ill effects of, see Emotions. pression of. Febris, helodes, 128. Erysipell's, 10~. Febris verminosa, see Wormr rl' Lpehtisi of the f,,z, 104. affections. l nryth,:iat, see Soreness of the Febris iactea, see Milk-fever. shiin. Fuiever and ague, see Fever, inytlhri.i<; of inltt:;, 1024, termititent. veni, see C diiin. Fever, bilious, see Fever, gastric. E-vening-air, see C lditinl(s, and FIever, with bilious symptoms, Colds1. see Fever, gastric. Exain ethnaltem, acute, 124.. Fevcr, brain, see Typhus. 1 x c:;:;es, ill eIIct:; Of, s:e D- 1ever, catarrhal, 128 bilf. Fever, with cerebral irritation,';icrc:.:FeIcI;,'c e i I:' 1 t'rtic uvL:r see Typhus. nranes:c l!upia, &Ic.. Fever, consumptive, see Fever, LExcre cenceds, clnrou ose, 125. hectic. lExc etrencee, horny, s're I ndu- Fever of dentition, see Children, ratii;n of tle bki1. ic dieases of. xeJrci::o, dreadl of, 125. Fever, caused by heavy injuries Exertions, ill effects of, see Las- see wound-fever. situlde. Fever, gastric, 128. Exhalation,, deficient, 125. Fever, hectic, 132. lxo)stoses, see Bones, diseases Fever, inflanunatory, 133. of: Fevers, with inflammatory Expectoration, see Cough. symptoms, see fevers, inflalaEyelids, eversion of the, see matory. Ectropium. Fevers, traumatic, see Injuries. Eyes, contraction of, 125. Fever, with sopor, see Sopor. Eyes, closing of, see Blepbaro- Fever, saburral, see Fever, gasspasmus. tric. INDEX. 89 Gastromalacia, see Stomac Haemorrhoids of the bladder suffering of the. 158. Gastropatlia, see Cardialgia. Haemorrhages, 158. Gastrosis, see Gastric derange- Haemorrhage from the anus, ment. 159. Gastrostenosis, see Cancer of the Hmemorrhage of the brain, see stomach. Encephalorrhagia. Ghosts, fear of, see Emotions, Heemorrhage of the ears, see morbid. Otorrhea. Giddiness, see Dizziness. Hvemorrhage of the eyes, 159. Glands, diseases of, 152. Haemorrhage of the kidneys, see Glanders, poison of, 154. Urethrorrhagia. Glaucoma, see Cataract. Haemorrhage from the lungs, Gleet, see Gonorrhcea. 159. Globus hystericus, see Hysteria. Heemorrhage of the mouth, 162. Glossitis, see Tongue, diseases of Haemorrhage of the nose, see the. Epistaxis. Glossopathia, see Tongue, dis- Haemorrhage of the rectum, see eases of the. Hvemorrhage of the anus. Glossoplegia, see Tongue, dis- Haemorrhage of the stomach, see eases of the. Htematemesis. GoItre, 154. Heemorrhage of the urethra, Gonagra, see Gonitis, see Urethrorrhagia. Gonitis, 154. Heemorrhage of the uterus, 162. Gonocele, see Swelling of the Halfsightedness, see Ambliopia. knee. Hands, sweaty, see Sweat. Gonorrhcea, 155. Hangnails, see Nails, diseases of. G(out, see Arthritis. Headache, 164. Grief, ill effects of, see Emo- Head, large, of children, 175. tions. Head, morbid state of, in con.eGrowing, ill effects of, 155. quence of mental exertions, Growing into the flesh, see Nails, 175. diseases of the. Hearing, defective, 175. Gumboil, see Gums, diseases of Hearing, hardness of, see Hearthe. ing, defective. Gums, diseases of the, 155. Hearing, excessive irritation cf, 178, Heartburn, 179. H1ematemesis, 156. Heart, diseases of, 180. Haematoe, see Hvemorrhage of Heated, ill effects of getting the lungs. 180. Haumaturia, see UrethrolThagia. Helminthiasis, see Worm-affeHmaoptysis, see HEmorrhage tions. of the lungs, and Cough. Hemeralopia, 181. Haemorrhoids, 156. Hemicramna, see Headache 34 lIemiplegia, seB Apoplexy and Hospital-fever,:ee Typhus..... i. HwH chback, see Rhachtit. Hepar sulphuris, ill effects of, Hunger, canine, 187. 4,o 1. Hydatids, see Uterus, diseases Hepnaiiis, 182. of the. Hepatitis, chronic, see Hepatitis. Hydrargyria, see Eczema merh epa'ic phthy is, see iiepatitis. curiale. ]Hepatic spots, see MaculIe. Hydrargyrosis, see Mercury. Hepatic tubercles, see Hepati- Hydrarthrus, see Dropsy of the tis. chronic, under Hepatitis. joints. Herneia, 182. Hydrocele, see Orchitis. lHernia, incarcerated, see Hernia. Hydrocephalus, 187. Hernia, inguinal, see Hernia. Hydrometra, see Uterus, di( Hernia, scrct.dl, see Orchitis. eases of the, and Dropsy. Hernia, umbilical, see Hernia. Hydropericardia, see Heart Herpes, see Eruptions, herpetic. diseases of the. Herpes. circllnatus, see Herpes. Hydrophobia, 188. Herpes of the chin, see Erup- Hydrophobia, spurious, 188. tion.s in the face. Hydrops abdloliinalis, see AsHerpes crustaceus, see Herpes. cites. Ierpes exedens, see Herpes, Ilydrops anasarc:a, see Ana-:ruptions in the face, and sarce. Herpes crustaceus. IIydrops articulonilm, see DropHerpes of the face, see Erup- sy of the joints. tions in the face. HIydrops ascites, see AsCites. Herpes furfuraceus, see Herpes. -lydrops cerebri, see tHydroceHerpes lichnoides, see Lichen. )llalus. Herpes phagedenicus, see Her- Ilydrops ovarii, fisee Ovaries, pes, Eruptions in the face, and diseases of thle. tierlpeb crustaceus. IHydrop3 pericardii, see Heart, Herpes phlyctaenoides, see diseases of the. Herpes. lTydrop. pulmonum, see HydroHerpes pustulosus, 184. thorax. Herpes praeputialis, see Herpes iHydrothorax, 188. of the sexual organs. Hlyperoitis, 18l9. Herpes of the sexual organs, Hypochondria, 189. 1 b4. Hypochondriasi, sewe ITypoHerpes, squamosus, 184. chondria. Herpes, suppurating, see Erup- Hysteria, 191. tions, herpetic. I & 3. ]Hiccough, 16). tHoarseless, 1T5. Jaundice, 191. h.OlltSlchll:., 186. Ice, ill effectsof, see Stows&, Honey, poiscnouw, ill effects 6f, derangemenit of the. 186;. IchLhy U*is, 191. ordecoluin, see St ye. IcWta, see JaJunIicCe 400 ND1EX. Inflamration of the peritoneum, Diseases of drunkards, and see Peritonitis. Causes. Inflammation of the pharynx, Iodium, ill effects of, 195. see Pharyngitis. Joints, inflammation of, see ArInflammation of the pleura, see throcace, and Arthritis. Pleuritis. Joints, pain in, see Arthralgia. Inflammation of the prostate Joy, excessive, ill effects of, see gland, see Prostatitis. Emotions. Inflammation of psoas-muscle, Iritis, see Ophthalmia. see Psoitis. Iron, ill effects of, 195. Inflammation of the retina, see Irritability, morbid, see DebiliRetinitis. ty, nervous. Inflammation of spinal marrow, Ischias, 195. see Myelitis. Ischuria, 195. Inflammation of the spleen, see Itch, 195. Lienitis. Itching of the anus, 197. Inflammation of the stomach, Itching of the scrotum, see Hersee Gastritis. pes of the sexual organs. Inflammation of the testes, see Itching of the skin, 197. Epididymitis and Orchitis. Itching of the testicles, see inflammation of the tongue, see Herpes of the sexual organs. Glossitis. Inflammation of the tonsils, see Tonsilitis. Labour, 198. inflammation of the trachea, see Lachrymation, see Running of Tracheitis. the eyes. Inflammation of the urethra, Lactatio, see Nursing. see Urethritis. Lagophthalmus, 199. Inflammation of the uterus, see Lapis infernalis, see Nitrate of Metritis. silver. Inflammation of the vulva, see Laryngitis, 199. Vagina, swelling of the. Laryngeal phthisis, see laryngiInfluenza, 193. tis. Inguinal hernia, see Hernia. Laryngitis exsudatoria, see Injuries, see Wounds. Croup. Insanity, see Mental Derange- Lasciviousness, see Sexual inment. stinct. Insects, stings of, 194. Lassitude, 199. Insensibility to external impres- Laudanum, see Opium. sions, 195. Laughter, spasmodic, 201. Insolatio, see Stroke of the sun. Lead, poisoning by, 201. Insomnia, see Sleeplessness. Lepra, 201. Intertrigo, see Soreness of the Lethargy, see Sopor. skin. Leucoma, see specks on the corIntoxication, ill effects of, see nea. Stomach, derangement of, Leucorrhoea, 201. 404 INDEX. Periods of the day, see Condi- Pleurisy, spurious, see Chest, tions. distress in the. Periostitis, see Bones, diseases Pleurodynia, see Chest, distress of the. in the. Peripneumonia, see Pneumonia. Plica polonica, 253. Peritonitis, 251. Plumbum, see Lead. Perniones, see Chilblains. Pneumonia, 253. Pertussis, see Whooping-cough. Pneumonia notha, see PneuPetechise, 251. monia. Pharyngitis, 251. Pneumonitis, see Pneumonia. Phymosis, 252. Pneumorrhagia, see HRemorPhlegmasia alba dolens, see rhage of the lungs. Tumours. Podagra, 255. Plilegmon, see Inflammation. Poison, adipic, 255. Phlogosis, see Inflammation. Poisoning, 256. Phosphoric acid, see Acids under Poisons, see Poisoning. Poisoning. Poisons, acrtid, see Poisoning. Phosphorus, ill effects of, 252. Poisons, animal, see Poisoning. Photophobia, 252. Poison of fishes, see Fish-poison. Phrenesia potatorum, see De- Poisons, metallic, see Poisoning. lirium tremens. Poisons, vegetable, see PoisonPhrenitis, see Meningitis. ing.,Phthiriasis, see Lice-disease. Pollutions, see Sexual instinct. Phthisis, see Atrophy, Pulmon- Polyphagia, see Hunger, canine. ary Phthisis, Tuberculosis, Polypi, 260. Marasmus, &c. Polypus of the bladder, 261. Phthisis abdominales, see Tu- Polypi of the ears, 261. bercles, Abdominalis. Polypi of the nose, 261. Pltlisis mucosa, see Pulmonary Polypi of the uterus, see Utephthisis. rus, diseases of the. Physconia sanguinea, see Con- Polysarca, see Adiposis. gestions of the abdomen. Pompholix, see Pemphigus. Piles, see Hcemorrhoids. Pores, black, see Acne. Pityriasis, see Herpes. Porrigo favosa, see Eruptions in Placenta, see Parturition. the face. Placenta, attachment of, see Porrigo larvalis, see Crusta lacParturition. tea. Plague, oriental, 253. Potash, see Alkaline substances. Plethora, 253. Potbellied, see Adiposis. Plethora, abdominal, see Con- Potbelliedness of children and gestions of the abdomen. women, 261. Plethora pectoris, see Conges- Pregnancy, 261. gestions of the chest. Prepuce, inflammation of the, Pleuritis, 253. see Balannorrhcea. Pleurisy, see Pleuritis. Presbyopia, 262. INDX. 406 Pressure of the clothes on the Retinitis, see Ophthalmia. hypochondria, see Conditions. Riding in a carriage, ill effects Priapism, see Sexual instinct. of, see Conditions, Causes, Proctalgia, see Haemorrhoids. Seasickness, and Vomiting. Proctorrhcea, see Haemorrhage Rhachitis, 268. of the anus. Rickets, see Rhachitis. Prolapsus of the anus, see Pro- Rhachialgia, see Colica plumbae. lapsus of the rectum. Rhagades, 269. Prolapsus of the rectum, 262. Rheumatism, 269. Prolapsus of the uterus, 262. Rheumatismus gonorrhoicus, see Prolapsus of the vagina, see Pro- Rheumatism. lapsus of the uterus. Rhinitis, -see Swelling of the Prosopalgia, 262. nose. Prostatic fluid, discharge of the, Rhinorrhagia, see Epistaxis. see Sexual instinct. Rhypia, 273. Prostatitis, 265. Roseolke, see Rubeolse. Prurigo, see Itching of the skin. Rubeole, 273. Prussic acid, poisoning by, 265. Rumination, see Heartburn. Pseudopia, see Illusions of sight. Running, ill effects of, see ConPseudoplasma, see Cancer. ditions. Pseudosyphilis, see Herpes of Running of the eyes, 273. the Sexual organs. Rupia, see Rhypia. Psoitis, 265. Rush of blood, 274. Psora, see Itch. S. Psoriasis, see Herpes squamosus. Saburrze, see Gastric derangePtyalism, 265. ment. Pudendagra, see Syphilis. Saffron, ill effects of, 274. Pulmonary tubercles, see Pul- Sal ammoniac, poisoning by, monary phthisis. 274. Pulmonary phthisis, 265. Salivation, see Ptyalism. Purple-rash, 268. Saltpetre, poisoning by, see Sal Purpura, see Petechime. ammoniac. Pustules, see Eruptions. Salt, ill effects of, 274. Pustules, black, see Variola. Salt food, ill effects of, see Pyelitis, see Nephritis. Stomach, weak. Pyrosis, see Heartburn. Sarcocele, see Swelling of the R. testes. Sarcoptes hominis, see Acarus. Rabies canina, see Hydrophobia. Sassaparilla, ill effects of, 274. Rage, see Mental derangement. Satyriasis, see Sexual instinct. Ranula, 268. Sausage-poison, see Adipic poiRaphania, see Ergotism. son. Rash, 268. Scabies, see Itch. Regurgitation, see Heartburn. Scabies vesicularis, see Itch. Retention of urine, 268. Scaldhead, see Tinea. 496 INDEX. Scarlatina, 274. Somnamlbuliim, see Catalepsy. Scarlatina mili.rias, see Soar- Sopor, 289. latina. Soreness of the:skin, 291. Scelotyrbe, see Chorea. Sore throat, 291. Scirihus, see Cancer. Spalsms, 297. Screams of infktnts, see Children, Spasins, ablominal, see Colic. diseases of. Spasms, abdominal, see EntoScrophulo-is, 276. ralgiat. Scurf around the eyes, see In- Spasm of the bladder, see Cystertri'o. to.p:alsnus. Scurvy, 2 9. Spasmll of the eyelils, see BleSeasollne, see ConRliions. pharo-pasmnus; Sea-sickness, 2S0. Spasme1 of the lungs, see Asthma Secale cornutum, ill effects of, spLsmlodicunm. see Raph-lia. Spasm of the stomlach, see CarSecretions, suppression of, 280. dial'iLa. Seden ary life, idl effects of, see Spasil, of the urinary bladder, Lasiicude. see Cystospasmlus. Semilateral affection, see Pains, Spasnl of the uterus, see Uteparoxysvis of rus, diseases of. Serpents, bite of, see Poi: oning. Specks on the cornea, see CotSexual instinct 281. nea., diseases of: Sexual organll, diseases of the, Speech, defects of; 302. see the particul tr dise:ltses. 8perlmatorrhcea, see Sexual inSexual power, debility of; 282. stin't. Shock, ill eifects of a, see In- Spina bifida. see Rhachitis. juries. Spill Ilnodest, see Rhachitis. Shlortsightedness, see Myopim Spirits of wine, see Alcohol Sideratio, see Struck by liglt- Splenalgia, see Lienitis. nirg. Spleletic stitches, see SplenSight, loss of, see Amblyopia. tlgil. Slkin, colour of, ulcerations of, see Splenini,, see Lienitis. Cyanoi-'i, Chlorosis, Jaundit:e, Spot, see al Ma culke, &c. S prain, see injuri e-r. Skin, unhealthy, 232. Sprilnr, di-e:sses incidental to. Skull, dliseases of the bones of -eC Conditions. the, 282. Spurred rye, see Secale corSleep, morbid, 283. nluturln. Sleeplessnes.s, 2Y86. Sputum, cruentum, see lItlwopSmallpox, spurious, see Vari- ty. yi. cellia Squin ilng, see Slrabi irnus. Smell, bal, fioml thle mouth, 289. Status bilihosus, see fBilious deSmell, loss of, see Anosmfia. ranrereent. Smell, execs ive sensitiveness Status gastricus, sse Gastric deof, 289. ralngrelment. Softening of the stomach, 289. S catomla, see Lupia. 4,08 INDE. T. Typhus, 333. Typhus, petechial, see Typhus. Tabes dorsalis, see Atrophy of Typical diseases, 338. the spinal marrow. U. Tsenia, see Worm-affections. Taciturn, see Emotions, morbid. Ulcers, 338. Taste, alterations of, 317. Ulcers in the face, see ErupTaste, loss of, see Agustia. tions in the face. Tea, ill effects of, 318. Ulcers of the feet, see Ulcers. Telongiectasia, see Moles. Ulcers on the lips, see SwelTenesmus, see Diarrhcea and ling on the lips. Dysentery. Ulcers, phagedenic, see Ulcers. Testes, swelling of the, see Ulcus, see Ulcers. Orchitis. Ulcus syphiliticum, see SyTetanus, see Spasms. philis. Thickening of the bladder, 318. Urethritis, 341. Thirst, see Fever intermittent. Uretrorrhagia, 341. Thrush, see Aphthse. Urinary difficulties, 341. Tin, poisoning by, 318. Urine, see Urine, secretion of. Tinea capitis, 318. Urine, retention of, see RetenTinea facies, see Eruptions in tion of urine. the face. Urine, morbid secretion of, 343. Tinea favosa, see Herpes crus- Urocystitis, see Cystitis. taceus. Urticaria, see Nettlerash. Tinea, humid, see Herpes crus- Uterus, diseases of the, 345. taceus. Uterus, moles in the, see Uterus, Titillating cough, see Cough. diseases of the. Tobacco, ill effects of, 319. Uterus, putrescence of, see Tongue, diseases of the, 320. Uterus, diseases of the. Tonsillitis, 3821. V. Toothache, 321. Tophi, see Bones, diseases of Vagina, swelling of the, and the. prepuce, 346. Toxicatio, see Poisoning. Valerian, ill effects of, 346. Tracheitis, see Bronchitis. Vapour of coal, see Vapours, Tracheal phthisis, 331. noxious, ill effects of, 346. Trembling, 331. Varicellm, 346. Trismus, see Lockjaw. Varices, 347. Tubercles of the brain, see Tu- Varices of the anus, see 1Heberculosis. morrhoids. Tubercles, abdominal, 331. Variola, 347. Tuberculosis, 331. Varioloid, 348. Tumour, 331. Vascular excitement, see Fever,: Tumour albus, see Tumours. inflammatory. Tussis, see Cough. Vegetables, aversion to, Am Tympanitis, 333. Anorexia INDEX. 409 Vegetables, ill effects of, see. Weaning, see Nursing. Weak stomach. Weather, change of, ill effects Veins, swelling of the, 348. of, see Conditions, and Cold. Verdigris, poisoning by, see Weather, influences of, see COCopper. ditions. Vermin, see Lice-disease. Weather, windy, ill effects o( Verruce, see Warts. see Conditions. Vertigo, 348. Weeping, see Emotions, morbid. Vesicles, see Eruptions. Wet, ill effects of getting, seO Vinegar, ill effects of, 350. Cold and Conditions. Vitriol, see Acids, under Poi- Wetting the bed, see Urinary soning. difficulties. Voice, loss of, see Hoarseness Wind, ill effects of, see Con4iand Aphonia. tions. Vomit, black, 350. Wine, ill effects of, see Stomaeh, Vomiting, weak, and Drunkards, dis. Vomitus, see Vomiting. eases of. Vomitus cruentus, see Hema- Winter-complaints, see Conditemesis. tions. Vw. Whiskers, falling off of the,.Wo Falling off the hair. Walking, retarded, of children, Whites, see Leucorrhcea. see Diseases of children. Whooping-cough, 353. Warmth, absence of, deficient, Worm-affections, 356. 352. Worm-fever, see Worm-afferWarts, 353. tions. Watching, ill effects of, see Worn out, see Lassitude awd Worn out, Debility. Water, dread of, see Hydro- Wound-fever, see Wounds. phobia, spurious. Wounds, 357. Water, ill effects of drinking, see Stomach, weak. Water, workers in the, see Cold, Yawning, 359. and Rheumatism. Wasp-stings, see Insects, stings of. Zona, 359. Weak sight, see Amblyopia. Zoster, see Zoka. 35 WILLIAM RADDE, 322 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK, Respectfully informs the Homoeopathic Physicians, and the friends of the System, that he is the sole agent for the Leipzig Central Hommeopathic Pharmacy, and that he has always on hand a good assortment of the best H-omeeopathic Medicines, in complete sets, or by single vials, in Tinctures, Dilutions, and Triturations; also Pocket Cases of Medicines; Physicians' and Family Medicine Chests to Laurie's Domestic (60 Remedies -EPPS' 158 Remedies)-HERING'S (82 Remedies). - Small Pocket Cases at $3 with Family Guide and 27 Remedies. —Cases containing 415 Vials with Tinctures and Triturations, for Physicians.- Cases with 268 Vials of Tinctures and Triturations to Jahr's New Manual, or Symptomen-Codex.POCKET CASES with 60 Vials of Tinctures and Triturations.Cases from 100 to 400 Vials with low and, high dilutions of Medicated Pellets.-Cases from 50 to 80 Vials of low and high dilutions, &c. &c. Homeeopathic Chocolate, Refined Sugar of Milk, pure Globules, &c. Arnica Tincture, the best specific remedy for bruises, sprains, wounds, &c. Arnica Plaster, for Corns, &4c tTrtica Urens, for Burns; Homoeopathic Tooth-Powder; as well as Books, Pamphlets, and Standard works on the System, in the English, French, and German languages. HOMMEOPATHIC BOOKS. JAHR'S NEW MANUAL OF HOM(EOPATHIC PRACTICE, Edited, with annotations, by A. Gerald Hull, M. D., from the last Paris edition. This is the foburth American edition of a very celebrated work, written in French, by the eminent Homoesrpathic Profess or Jahr, and it is considered the best practical compendium of this extraordinary science that has yet been composed. After a very judicious and instructive introduction, the work presents a table of the Homceopathic Medicines, with their names in Latin, English, and German; the order in which they are to be studied, with their most important distinctions, and clinical illustrations of their symptoms and effects upon the various organs and functions of the human system.-The second volume embraces an elaborate analysis of the indications in disease, of the medicines adapted to cure, and a glossary of the technics used in the work, arranged so luminously as to form an admirable guide to every medical student. The whole system is here displayed with a modesty of pretension, and a scrupulosity in statement, well calculated to bespeak candid investigation. This laborious work is indispensable to the students:and practitioners of Homteopathy, and highly interesting to medi-,cal and scientific men of all classes. Repertory, 1 vol, bound. 1849. Price $3. 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Translated and edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M D. 4 vols. 1846. $6. HAHNEMANN, DR S. The Chronic Diseases, their specific nature and Homeopathic'?Treatmnent. Translated and edited by Chs. J. Hempel M. D., with a Preface, by Constantine Hering, bM. D., Philadelphid. 8vo. 5 vols. Bound. 1845. $7. B(ENNINGHAUSEN'S Essay on the Homceopathic Treatment of Intermittent Fevers. Translated and edited by Charles Julius Hempel, M D. 1845. 38 cts. A TREATISE on the use of Arnica in cases of Contusions, Wounds, Strains, Sprains, Lacerations of the Solids, Concussions, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Soreness of the Nipples, &c. By Charles Julius lHemnpel, M D. 1845. 19 cts. HOM(EOPATHIC COOKERY, second edition. Designed chiefly for the use of such persons as are under homceopatlic treatment. 5) cts. RUECKERT'S THERAPEUTICS; or Successful Homceopathic Cures, collected from the best Homtpopathic periodicals. By C. J. Hempel M. D. One large 8vo vol. $3. TI-IG HOM(EOPATHIC EXAMINER By Drs. Gray and Hempel. 2 vols. New Series. 1846 and 1847. Bound in two volumes, $6. TRANSACTIONS of the American Institute of Homceopathy. 1846. Bound, $1 50.