8 it was exhausted. The resulting tincture was evaporated to an extract, which was of a dark-brown color and a bitter, acrid taste. One drachm of this extract was washed with alcohol, which dissolved out a small quantity of a soft resin, which was very acrid to the taste. The same part of the extract was washed with ether; this dissolved a portion of it, and on evaporation yielded a brittle resin, which was odorless and almost tasteless. The part which remained after being washed with the alcohol and ether was principally bitter, extractive matter, and which had none of the acrimony of the extract." MEDICAL HISTORY. - The first mention of the Ptelea in the medical literature of this country is found in Rafinesque's Medical Botany. He observes that "the leaves are vulnerary, used for poultices, good for worms." In Louisiana "it is called Boispuant." He makes no mention of the bark of the root. It is mentioned in Griffith's Medical Botany: " The native species P. trifoliata. is said by Schcepf to be anthelmintic, for which purpose the leaves and young shoots are used in strong infusion. The fruit is aromatic and bitter, and is stated to be a good substitute for hops." In Howard's Botanic Medicine, 1836, it is described under the vulgar names of Heal-all, Ague-bark, Pickaway, Anise, and Wing-seed.' The bark of the root is an excellent stimulant, expectorant, tonic; useful in all cases of debility, and particularly in agues. It has been highly extolled as a remedy in consumption of the lungs, having been sold as a nostrum at a high price. in this instance it was tinctured in whiskey." In Dr. J. G. Jones's Eclectic Practice (first edition), it was erroneously mentioned under the name of Staphylea trifolia, the name of another shrub in no way resembling it. In the second edition it was properly designated as Ptelea trifoliata, and extolled as "' a pure, unirritating tonic, having rather a soothing influence when applied to irritated mucous membranes." He advises it " in the convalescence after fevers, and in debility con 9 nected with gastro-enteritic irritation. It promotes the appetite, enables the stomach to endure suitable nourishment, favors the early re-establishment of digestion, and will be tolerated by the stomach when other tonics are rejected." He prescribes the cold infusion, half a fluidounce every two or four hours. In the various eclectic medical journals have appeared, from time to time, short articles alluding to its powers as a tonic. (See Eclectic Mcd. Jour., Cincinnati, 1867, p. 159.) King's Dispensatory describes it, and, in addition to the above medicinal uses, says: "A tincture made of Ptelea in whiskey is reputed to have cured several cases of asthma, and it is said to cause, in many instances where it has been used, a troublesome, ex ternal ery.sipelatous inflammation, either general or local, but which, if the use of the tincture be persisted in, finally disappears, and the patient becomes at the same time cured of the disease for which he was treated." Jones and Scudder, in their Eclectic Materia AMedica (1858), add: "We have found a saturated solution of it beneficial in chronic rheumatism." They asseru it to be "alterative, tonic, stomachic, diaphoretic, excitant," etc. Svudder has "known it to be employed in epilepsy with decided advantage." Dr. Kost (Mat. AMed., p. 631) has an article on Ptelea. These crude uses and unscientific recommendations comprise all that can be gleaned from eclectic sources up to this time. It has formed the basis of many nostrums, "ague-cures," "tonics," and even I" expectorants." In 1866, Mr. Chapman, of Hudson, Michigan, manufactured a preparation of " Pepsin and Wafer-ash," in which the pepsin was united with the tincture of Ptelea, pure anhydrous glycerine being used as the menstruum. This preparation is very extensively used by some physicians as a chemico-dynamic remedy in dyspepsia, and very highly valued for its curative virtues. In my own practice, and under my observation, cases of atonic dyspepsia, with deficiency of gastric uice, have been cured by this preparation, when the usual rem 2 13 This attack, which resembled acute dyspepsia, lasted from one till five, A.M., followed by sleep until seven, A.M.; languid and tired on awaking. During the whole forenoon, sharp pains in the right hypochondriac region Half past three, P.M. - Twenty drops in water. At four, P.M., had sour risings from the stomach; heat of skin; pulse 96, small and fluttering. Nausea all the afternoon and evening, with splitting headache, incapacitating for mental exertion. April 21, half past ten, A.M.-Thirty drops. Extraordinary inclination to sleep. Bitter taste in the mouth; the tongue, which had hitherto been clean, was coated with a yellowish fur, and the nausea was persistent. No stool today (an unusual occurrence). Up to this date, the medicine had had no effect on the temper, but to-day it produced fretfulness and irritability without the slightest exciting cause. Sleepiness excessive; went to bed at eight, P.M. At a quarter past nine, was roused to go and see a patient, and on awaking was attacked with a kind of nightmare; quite conscious, but unable to stir on account of a pressing weight in the stomach and whole front of the trunk. April 22.-On rising, giddiness, with piercing pain through the brain, accompanied by severe aching pain in the stomach. Quarter past six, A.M. - Thirty drops. All day, from six, A.M., till three, P.M., urging to stool, with rumbling in the bowels. Three, P.M. - Thirty drops. The sickness of the stomach less to-day. April 23, half past seven, A.M. - Thirty drops. Hard and difficult stool, with smarting of the anus after the passage. Three, P.M. Tenderness of the splenic region, with soreness to the touch. Four, P.M.- Thirty drops. Giddiness, with vertigo at five, P.M.; vertigo long-continued, and, after it, increase of abdominal tenderness. April 24, seven, A.M. - Forty drops. The abdominal pain extending more toward the umbilical region, and worse on motion. On drawing a long breath, a sharp stitch proceeds 14 from the umbilicus, toward the back-bone, and the tenderness on pressure is increased. Half past eleven, A.M. Sharp, cutting pains through the front of the brain, alleviated by pressing it with the hands. Three, P.M. - Forty drops. April 25. —Sleep last night restless and uneasy, awaking unrefreshed and languid. The abdomen much swollen, and tender over its whole extent, especially over the splenic region. Six, A.M. - Forty drops. Nine, A.M. Hard and difficult stool. Ten, A.M. - Forty drops. Persistent nausea and vomiting, with giddiness of the head, and a feeling as if unsteady in the legs. Unfit for mental exertion all day, and toward the afternoon had to give up exertion of every kind. Five, P.M. - Forty drops, and again at ten. April 26, half past six, A.M. -Fifty drops. The giddiness of head and reeling in walking much increased. Three, P.M. - Fifty drops. Four, P.M. The pain in the splenic region much increased, and the swelling evidently greater. Constant feeling of weight in the hypochondria when walking: a dragging pain, which affects the right as well as the left side. Six, P.M. — Fifty drops. Head confused and giddy when retiring to bed, at half past ten. April 27. —Head weak and confused. Seven, A.M. -Fifty drops. Nine, A.M. Attacked with too much giddiness and vertigo to keep up. Nausea and vomiting soon followed, although no relief came after the vomiting; bitter taste in the mouth; tongue dry and coated brownish-yellow; splenic pain much aggravated. Hot and feverish all day. I was obliged to discontinue the proving, as the effects were so severe. I have had attacks before, but nothing of such a bilious character. I insert the symptoms for the reasons given by Dr. Dudgeon, on page 209 of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Homceopathy: "He (the prover) should be in a good state of health, - not necessarily absolutely healthy, for that is a rare property. He may possess what is called an 15 idiosyncrasy, a weak point, and yet be perfectly capable of physiological experimentation, and the symptoms developed in him by virtue of this idiosyncrasy may still be received as part of the action of the medicine; for what is this idiosyncrasy but a tendency to be acted on by a specific with more than usual severity? It is in fact only the predisposing cause heightened in sensitiveness; and for the action of the medicine, as well as of the morbific agent, a predisposing cause is always requisite." SECOND PROVING. Oct. 21, 1867, quarter to seven, A.M. - Ten drops of tincture. Half past seven, A.M. Slight nausea rising from the stomach upwards, accompanied by roughness of the back part of the tongue. A very mild nausea —by no means unpleasant- lasted during the whole forenoon. Eleven, A.M. - Fifteen drops. At dinner the appetite not as good as usual, though, before beginning the proving, it had been keen. Throughout the course of the meal, tile same faint nausea persisted. One, P.M. Aching pain at the base of the brain, though the intellectual powers were as active as usual. At four, P.M., ate a bunch of somewhat tart grapes, and all the symptoms disappeared; the nausea and headache were entirely removed in a few minutes. Quarter past eight, P.M. -Twenty drops. At half past nine, nausea, with rumbling in the bowels, accompanied by discharge of flatus, with desire for stool. Nausea, and pressing pain in the forehead; the pain presses from within outwards. No passage from the bowels to day, - a very unusual occurrence. At eleven, P.M., went to bed. Nausea aggravated by lying down. Restless and tossing, and some difficulty in falling asleep. Oct. 22. —The dreams during the niglht were so vivid and lifelike as to seem, on' waking, as if he had been up all night. In the morning, weak and languid; hands and feet hot and feverish; pulse 72, weak and fluttering. 19 "yellowish-red " of Neubauer and Vogel. At supper, voracious appetite, followed by pain in the epigastlric region; despondency. Slight swelling in the region of the liver. Ten, P.M. - Twenty drops. Oct. 27. — Sleep uneasy and unrefreshing, and with more annoying dreams than before. Awoke with dry heat over the whole body, especially on the face and hands. The tongue was coated yellow, and the papillae were red and prominent. Bitter taste in the mouth, with dryness. Quarter to nine. - Twenty drops. This morning the headache is so severe that mental exertion is a burden, and the pain is materially aggravated by any attempt at study. The face is yellowish, and the slin feels dry and harsh. The diy heat over the body continues, though the feet are cold. The appetite is now voracious; food has not its natural taste; and pain at the stomach follows every meal. The liver is perceptibly swollen, and sore on pressure, which causes a dull and aching pain. Nov. 1. - Has taken none of the drug since Oct. 27. Thle effects mentioned in the proving have gradually declined. The only new phase consists in a number of thoracic symptoms, which have come on very gradually, and which now cause considerable pain. As the various gastric and hepatic symptoms declined, uneasiness and difficulty in breathing came on, with dull pain, especially in the right infra-clavicular region, accompanied by hacking cough without expectoration. This has come on very insidiously, and now the right lung is dull on percussion, especially in the right infra-clavicular region. On auscultating the region over the bifurcation of the trachea and the upper part of the sternum (with Cammann's stethoscope), the respiration was found to be tubular, the sound was higher ill pitch than the normal vesicular sound, and more rapidly evolved. Expiration and inspiration were of equal length, with a slight interval between them. On making a full inspiration, sharp pains shot 20 from the sternum towards the nipples, especially that of the left side. Pressure on the intercostal spaces close to the sternum caused pain of a dull, aching nature. These thoracic symptoms were better in the house, and aggravated by exposure to the keen air. Nov. 7. - The thoracic symptoms had gradually declined. THIRD PROVING. November 29, 1867, half past seven, A.M. —Took twenty drops sixth dec. dil. Ate a light breakfast at a quarter to eight. Weight and fullness at the stomach in an hour afterwards, with dull headache, pressing from within outwards. The headache does not incapacitate for mental exertion, but causes a languor and indisposition to work. At twenty minutes past eleven, A.M., griping in the stomach, with sharp pain on slight pressure. At dinner appetite very poor, after driving in the cool air all the forenoon. Twenty minutes past two, P.M. Rumbling in the umbilical region, with swelling accompanied by slight vertigo, with sweat on the forehead. At three, P.M., eructations of a bitter taste, with slight nausea. Marked indisposition for mental work. Ten minutes past three. Straining at stool, with increase of the vertigo. Twenty-five minutes past three, P.M. Increase of the headache, with marked forgetfulness. In writing a letter, felt a curious and unusual disposition to hurry through with it as quickly as possible, hardly taking time to write the words. The headache and vertigo were aggravated by even a moderate warmth of the room; all the symptoms agg ravated in a hot room, and ameliorated in the cool air. Quarter to nine, P.M. Twenty drops. At nine, P.M., involuntary discharge of flatus, with urging to stool. November 30. -Sleep unusually deep and heavy. Racking frontal headache on waking, aggravated by rolling the eyes upward. Weight in the stomach, with bloating of the abdomen. 27 Dec. 15. - Slept from midnight till about seven, A.M. The pain in the forehead is deeper in the brain than it has been. Pressure, as of a stone at the pit of the stomach, aggravated by a light meal. Dry heat over the body, with sweat on the forehead. Eleven, AxM. A dull, aching pain in the small of the back, aggravated by motion. Thirty-five minutes past eleven, A.M. Acute, cutting pain in the spleen. Forty minutes past two, P.M. Aching, drawing pains in the left scapula and shoulderjoint. Ten, P.M. All day had felt extremely weak. Remembered having heard Dr. Constantine Hering in his famous morning lectures, which, with characteristic kindliness, were without money and without price, lay down the position that "provers generally indulge in superlatives." Nevertheless, felt entirely justified in writing "extremely weak." Felt weak in every limb,- weak in brain, weak in memory, thouglht, and will, as if a powerful and all-pervading disease had fastened upon him. Dec. 16. —Slept all night, though the sleep was dreamhaunted, as before. Became conscious of a dull, aching pain in the small of the back; motion adds a sharp, sticking pain to the dull one. Heavy, aching pain inl the liver, with deficient appetite. Half past eleven, A.M. Copious stool of fluid consistence and bilious smell, with a very copious expulsion of ascarides. Stool followed by tenesmus, and succeeded by itching and smarting of the anus. Had to work a good deal to-day, though weak in body and mind. Dec. 17. - Slept fi-om ten, P.M., till four, when he was awakened by the severity of the lumbar pain, worse than yesterday morning. Weight and pain in the liver relieved by lying on the right side; aggravated by lying on the left, which causes a dragging pain. Griping in the epigastric region, with dryness of the mouth, yellow-coated tongue, and bitter taste. Weak and irritable all the forenoon, and with the frontal headache incessant through the proving. Legs weak during the forenoon, with drawing pains in the knees and the flexor muscles. 28 Dec. 18. -One long and remarkably vivid dream all night, till four. Awakened by hepatic and gastric symptoms, all of which are aggravated towards morning. The urine, all through the proving, of deep reddish-yellow, and small in quantity. No stool all day. Appetite better than on former days. Dec. 19. - Last night sat up till half past eleven, with a view of testing whether the early waking was a result of the remedy, or a mere accident. Was very sleepy when he went to bed, but, nevertheless, awoke about half past three. The gastric and hepatic symptoms were milder than they had been. Forty minutes past seven. A stool of natural consistence, smell, and appearance. Appetite at breakfast very poor, with muddled feeling in the head. Ten, P.M. All the symptoms have declined to-day, especially the headache. PROVINGS BY DRS. FISH AND TRAIN. Prover, twenty-five years old, with nervo-sanguineous temperament; light hair, blue eyes, and light build; weight one hundred and thirty-five pounds; in excellent health, having been free from sickness of any serious character for years; appetite good; diet temperate, using coffee once a day; continued the same during the proving as before; never used intoxicating liquors in any shape, nor tobacco. FIRST PROVING. March 30, 1867, ten, A.M. -Took ten drops of the tincture. Soon experienced a sensation of nausea, with a nervous pain alternating from the left arm to left eye and parietal region. Noon. —Ten drops. Dinner in half an hour, followed by an empty feeling in the stomach. Two, P.M. —Fifteen drops. Great lassitude and weariness throughout the afternoon. Unusual fatigue after slight exertion. Half past six, P.M. - Twenty drops. Nausea for a few minutes. In about an hour began to be feverish, thirsty, lips cracked 31 Passed seven ounces clear urine, natural stool. At ten, P.M. urinated five and a half ounces. Uneasiness in the bowels, with flatulence; unusual quantity of saliva, thin and watery. Retired at quarter past ten. Sleep disturbed by dreams. Driveling. April 4, six, A.M. - Awoke feeling much refreshed; no pains or aches; urinated nine ounces. Took no medicine during the day. The day passed with scarcely a recurrence of symptoms till evening, when the feeling of uneasiness in the bowels (umbilical region) came on, increasing in severity until nine, when it was almost intolerable. It was of a peculiar character, bearing down, sometimes spasmodic, and griping; sometimes sharp and throbbing. Ten, P.M. Some relief, but a headache set in, confined to the temporal regions. Urinated seven and a half ounces. This really severe attack passed off by midnight, and sleep brought entire relief. April 5, half past five, A.M. —Awoke with the same pain in the bowels as the night before. Appetite poor; ate a light breakfast, which seemed to afford some relief. Nine, A.M. - Twenty drops. At quarter past ten, pain in the bowels came on with redoubled vigor; headache also set in; obliged to lie down; great increase in the amount of saliva; urinated eight ounces. One, P.M. Pain less; headache less; appetite pretty good; ate a light dinner. Two, P.M. No pain for an hour and a half. Three, P.M. A slight touch in the umbilical region, disappearing in half an hour. Drowsiness succeeded, and the slightest effort seemed to weary. Five, P.M. But little change; no prominent symptoms. Retired at half past ten. Urinated during the evening eight and a half ounces; stool natural. April 6. - Slight headache in the morning. No trouble in the stomach or bowels until after dinner, when, immediately after eating, the stomach seemed perfectly empty; very troublesome sensation of goneness. Somewhat feverish; pulse natural, 32 rather full. During the preceding days the fever-symptoms had been absent. Some headache during the evening. Urinated during the day twenty-five ounces. Stool natural. April 7, half past five, A.M. - Headache set in upon waking; continued during the forenoon. Pulse 85, full. Feverish; thirsty, with a dry feeling all over the system. Voided twenty-seven ounces of rather clear urine. No further symptoms. April 8. —No symptoms during the entire day, except the same nervous weakness of the eyes, experienced during the early part of the proving. Whole system seems relieved. Urinated twenty-two and a half ounces. Pulse natural; stool natural. April 9.- Slight headache in the morning. Feels perfectly well. During the above proving, the appetite was generally good, the bowels natural; respiration unchanged; pulse, first full and hard, but, during the severe symptoms, quiet; again feverish and full at the close. Urine greatly increased in quantity, in quality unchanged. Saliva very abundant; almost constant driveling during sleep. SECOND PROVING. April 16, 1867.- One week from the last record of the first proving. During the past few days the prover has felt unusually well. Seven, A.M.- Forty drops of tincture. Slight nausea. One, P.M. - Forty drops. Quick, sudden starts of headache during the afternoon; malaise. Seven, P.M. - Forty drops. A general change in the system seemed to have taken place, and the former weary feeling supervened, with tenderness of the abdominal viscera,- i.e., readiness to become painful. Retired at ten. Felt a strange uneasiness in the bladder and prostate. Smarting sensation 33 in the urethra upon urinating, rising out of bed for the purpose. Nearly ten ounces were passed. Smarting in urethra continued for twenty minutes after urinating. April 17, morning.- Felt well. Eight, A.M.- Sixty drops. An immediate feeling of heaviness in the stomach; eructation of wind; nausea; felt well in an hour. Ten, A.M. —Sixty drops. Repetition of former symptoms. Well again an hour after. Three, P.M. - Sixty drops. Headache now set in. At about five, the old pain in the umbilical region became a prominent symptom. The headache and pain continued without intermission; both rather severe. Ten, P.M. - Took sixty drops and retired. Passed a restless night. Arose twice to urinate. Passed during the day and night thirty-one ounces. Stool natural. April 18, five, A.M. — Arose, feeling sore, tired, and sick. Headache soon set in. Urinated nine ounces. Eight, A.M. —Sixty drops. Appetite not very good. Umbilical region very tender; and seemingly on the point of aching. Noon, ate a light dinner. Urinated eight and a half ounces. One, P.M. - Sixty drops. During the afternoon noticed an increase in the amount of saliva. Spitting became frequent, though unusual in health. Headache severe. Three, P.M. - Sixty drops. Pain in the umbilicus and stomach set in with vigor. Throbbing headache in the frontal and temporal regions; very painful. Pain in the abdomen, very severe. Nervous irritability of the eyes. Urinated six ounces. Stool natural. Seven, P.M.-Feeling very sick. Took sixty drops, and retired. Restless, and in pain all over the head, stomach, and bladder. At eight, was obliged to get up and urinate; passed six and a half ounces. Considerable burning in the urethra. Heat in the region of the prostate. Pulse full, hard, tense, but not rapid. Skin dry and parched; lips cracked, although the 5 34 saliva is greatly increased in quantity, and keeps up a constant driveling while lying on the face. Rolled around till after midnight, when sleep gave some intermission to the constant pain. April 19, nine, A.M. - Arose with headache, feeling very sore, tired, and disgusted with everything. Urinated about six ounces. Pulse more rapid (90). Took one hundred drops, followed in an hour by thirty-five more. Nothing experienced from the fresh doses until about half past eleven, when, on a sudden movement, the headache became violent, and the whole abdominal region began to ache and pain. Rumbling in the bowels, followed at half past twelve by a diarrhleic stool, very dark in color, and sulphurous in smell. Pulse much more natural than on the preceding day. Saliva very abundant. Appetite all gone; eyes sensitive to light; general malaise. Pain in the bowels was eased but a moment by the stool. Three, P.M. Symptoms unchanged. Half past fours Headache confined to the left side. Abdominal pain settled to a steady, dull pain, not so severe as before. Diarrhceic stool. Headache passed off after the stool. Abdominal pain the same. Six, P.M. Headache resumed. Relieved at nine, feeling better than the night before, yet in much pain. Urine not measured during the day; about the same in amount as the day before; saliva not very troublesome. April 20. -Same general feeling of malaise, tenderness and pain in the umbilicus, and dull headache continued all day. Slept most of the afternoon. Three stools during the day, rather diarrhceic; urine nearer the normal amount; pulse rapid, -- from 80 to 90; saliva troublesome. April 21. —Occasional headache; bowel pains continue. Stools diarrhoeic. Diarrhceic stools continued a full week, when the unnatural condition was removed. In a week more, the tendency to headache had passed off, but it was full three weeks before pressure on the abdomen could be endured without pain. 38 joints, especially in the knees, ankles, and feet. All the evening had a drawing, aching distress in the right hypochondrium. April 28, seven, A.M. -Half an ounce, half an hour before breakfast. A number of times through the forenoon had a feeling in the forehead as if it was being pressed together from temple to temple, with severe distress in the region of the spleen and right side of umbilicus; stool rather constipated. Very languid all the afternoon, with severe. aching distress in the wrists, knees, ankles, and feet. Fine, sharp pains in the fingers. Dull, aching distress in the small of the back. Constant aching distress in the whole abdomen. The pressive headache has troubled me more than any other symptom to-day, with the aching in the back and legs. April 29. - Awoke with severe backache, which passed off in one hour. Seven, A.M. - Half an ounce, an hour before eating. Several times through the forenoon had pressive pains from one temple to the other; natural stool. Very languid from noon until six, with flushed face and a feeling as if I had fever; but the pulse was two beats below the natural standard. Constant frontal headache, with severe pressive pains in the temples, from one temple to the other, every ten or fifteen minutes. Almost constant cutting pains in the left umbilical and epigastric region, with aching distress in the right hypochondrium. Frequent rumbling in the bowels, with desire for stool. Dull backache. April 30. - Awoke with severe pain in lumbar region. Seven, A.M. - Half an ounce, one hour before eating. Had constant pressive headache, with aching distress in the bowels, back and legs, with great languor, all the forenoon. Natural stool. Head, back, knees, and calves of the legs continued aching severely all day, with rheumatic drawing pains in the elbows and bowels. Fauces feel sore. Atmosphere quite damp. May 1, 1867. - Languid all day, with aching distress in the small of the back, knees, and calves of the legs. A number of times through the day had hard, pressive pains in the temples. 40 May 10. -Awoke with severe backache, which lasted about half an hour. Six, A.M. - Two ounces first dec. dil. one and a half hours before eating. At eight, A.M., natural stool. Several times in the forenoon had severe cutting pains in the right temple. Noon. For the last hour has had constant distress in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, with drawing pains in the fingers and ankles. Three, P.M. Very languid and feverish; pulse 88. Has had frequent cutting pains in the umbilicus. May 11. - Same symptoms as yesterday, but not so strongly marked. Had a few rheumatic symptoms for several days, similar to the above noted. FOURTH PROVING. May 27, 1867, six, A.M. - Feeling well. Took forty grains of the solid extract, prepared by myself from the bark of the root of a Ptelea tree six inches in diameter. In twenty minutes, sharp neuralgic pains in the right temple. In forty minutes, dull distress in the stomach, with fine stitches in right temple. Seven, A.M. Frequent darting pains in right temple, with constant distress in stomach (probably mechanical). In one hour and ten minutes after taking the medicine, ate breakfast, which relieved the distress in the stomach. At nine, A.M., natural but lumpy stool. Same pains in the temples. Tongue feeling as if it had been scalded; the whole upper surface feels as after taking Aconite. Noon. Has had, a number of times, fine, sharp pains of a pressive character in the left temple. Tongue still has fine, sticking pains all over the upper surface. Frequent distress in the stomach. Aching distress in the calves of both legs. Hands hot and dry. Three, P.M. Feeling feverish, hands are hot and dry, and ache constantly. Pulse 80. Occasional pains in the left temple. At five, P.M., hard, dull, aching pains in the wrists, hands, fingers, and ancles. Nine, P.M. Tongue 41 has felt as if it were scalded all day; occasional pains in the bowels. Languid feeling. Thermometer 62. Rainy day. May 28. - Slept well; awoke very languid. Tongue coated yellow, and feeling rough. Urine high-colored. Lumpy, darkcolored stool. Six, A.M.- Took eighty grains. Ate breakfast an hour and a quarter after. Eight, A.M. Dull headache, with a feeling as if he had fever; breath seems to burn the nostrils. Tongue feeling as if it had been burned. Nothing tastes natural. Distress in the epigastrium; had constant dull headache all the forenoon, with frequent paroxysms of pain in the right temple, as if it would be pressed to the left side. Noon. Smarting of the eyes. Acrid feeling in the tongue. Languid and feverish. Rheumatic pains in the wrist, hands, fingers, knees, and ankles. Four, P.M. Languid, with dull feeling of the head. Several times through the afternoon and evening had sharp, colicky pains in the umbilical region. Thermometer 70. Cloudy day. May 29.- Slept well. Rough, flat taste in the mouth; tongue yellow. coated along the centre and base. Natural stool. Six, A.M. - One hundred and fiftv grains. In half an hour, hard, pressive pain in right temple. Breakfast at half past seven. Nine, A.M. Severe, dull headache, aggravated by walking upstairs. Stinging, biting sensation all over the tongue. Teeth all ache and feel sore; increased flow of saliva that tastes saltish. Hands and fingers ache constantly. Ten minutes before noon. Severe nausea for two minutes, with efforts to vomit. Has had a severe dull headache all day, aggravated by walking. Increased secretion of saliva, with biting sensation in the tongue. Burning distress in the epigastrium (not severe). Slight colicky pains in the umbilical region. Dull, aching distress in the hands, fingers, knees, and ankles. Breath seems so hot that it irritates the nostrils; pulse 74. Languid. At two, P.M., soft stool. Nine, P.M. Same symptoms as in the forenoon, but not so strongly marked. 6 43 pain in right side of head; pain behind right ear. From two to six, slight burning in face, followed by rheumatic pains in right leg and arm. Nine, P.M. Pain in back of left breast near the axilla; feeling rather languid; appetite somewhat increased. April 9. - [lad dreams of food and awoke hungry. Dull, rheumatic pain in anterior muscles of right femur and humerus, which disappear after getting up. Twenty-four ounces of rather red urine. Afternoon. Some pain ini left biceps muscle. Six, P.M. Pain behind right ear, in left temple and in back of neck. Ten, P.m. Hard pain in left side of head, and behind right ear. April 10.- Slept pretty well, but had some dreams of food. Awoke towards morning, feeling somewhat feverish. Awoke having hard, sticking pain in left temple, followed by a dull headache, and cords of the neck lame on the right side; occasional stitches behind the right ear; pulse 104, quick, small, and somewliat intermittent; mouth and throat dry; a faint feeling in stomach. About noon, headache, worse in left temple; pain in back of neck; whole neck feels swollen; pain in right mastoid process of temporal bone. Two, P.M. Pulse 84; head aches, and feels large. Three, P. M. Pulse 96; hot flushes and pain iu top of head and eyes. For three days has had no stool till to-day. Stool nearly natural. Rainy by spells to-day. Feels sick all over and indifferent to duties. Went to bed in the afternoon and soon to sleep. Awoke at five, P.M., with pain behind r-ight ear and in shoulder, near the spine of right scapula; a lame spot on the inside of right knee as large as a penny; otherwise quite well. April 11.- A cool night after the rain. Had ten hours of sound, refreshing sleep. Feels quite well; pulse 80; twenty-eight ounces of clear urine in the last twenty-four hours. Lame spot still felt; back somewhat lame on waking. Eleven, A.M. A few minutes after taking drug, had a very severe pain in the right ear; 45 The second experiment was with the sixth decimal attenuation. During the seven days of proving, took ten drops regularly three times a day. Weather warm and pleasant. No epidemic. No symptoms on the first day, except a slight headache after a long walk. During evening took slight cold. May 8.- Thirty ounces of clear urine during last twentyfour hours. Soft stool at seven, A.M. Eight, A.M. Pulse 88. Three, P.M. Pulse 82. No symptoms. May 9. - Slept soundly all night, but dreamed of dead animals. Twenty-six ounces of' clear urine in twenty-four hours. Nine, A.M. Felt a sharp pain behind the right ear; has not felt one since the last proving, and never any before that. Increasing appetite. No stool to-day. May 10.- Slept well and feels well. Twenty-six ounces of urine in twenty four hours; pain behind the right ear at half past eight, A.M. Increasing appetite. At seven, P.M., soft stool, with tenesmus. May 11.- Twenty-eight ounces of urine in twenty-four hours. Slept very soundly. Hungry all the time; unusual energy to work; in fact, feels better than before commencing the proving. At night had a slight headache. Retired at eight, and slept soundly all night. May 12. - On awaking, had a pain in the small of the back, which ceased after rising, leaving, for a while, a tired feeling. Eight, A.M. Soft stool. At nine, A.M., felt a hard pain in the epigastrium, with slight feeling of nausea for about five minutes and afterwards, three or four times during the day. Bowels slightly distended at night, and feeling like diarrhoea. During the day would be startled at slight, unusual sounds. Went to bed early, and slept soundly all night. May 13. - Feels lame in the region of the kidneys, on waking. Soon after rising and taking drug, felt sharp stitches through the right lung, which is sound. Soon after, had a pain behind 50 right side; soft palate and uvula inflamed. Dorsum of tongue sore on right side, causing painful mastication and deglutition. April 23.- Throat ulcerated on right side; right side of tongue inflamed, not swollen. April 24. - Throat better. Throbbing pains in left temple. April 27. -- No symptoms, except a dull frontal headache. April 28. - Severe throbbing headache on rising; weakness of the whole body; at times cold streaks run up and down the spine; great hoarseness of the voice; breath hot, eyes heavy; throbbing pains over left eye, also in right temporal region; throat sore; when coughing, head feels as if it would burst. April 29. - Headache seems to be more in the cerebellum. In the afternoon, the nape of neck grows stiff, causing painful tension when moving. April 30. - Sweat all last night. In the morning everything tastes and smells sour. Some throbbing pain in right temple. Swelling of lymphatic gland under right ear. May 1, 1867. -Felt better generally; some pains in head on left side, but by evening the symptoms were all gone. May 2. - In evening, intellse itching of right ear. May 3. — Ear swollen, little white vesicles rising under epidermis. Shooting and throbbing pains in right hypogastrium. A boil began to make its appearance on right side of forehead, (the first in his life). May 4. — Swelling of ear increasing. Steady pain in left hypogastrium, continuing several hours. May 5. - The white vesicles in ear assumed a purple tinge. Swelling of lymphatics was disappearing. May 6. - Ear not so much swollen. May 7. - Desquamation of cuticle of right ear; the blisters discharged water. May 8. - A feeling of weakness through the whole body. Nausea, and bitter taste in the mouth; tongue coated yellow; headache; eyes heavy. Frequent eructations of wind from the 59 April 18.-Rose with a headache; brassy taste in mouth; stomach sour; bowels costive. anid not so sore as yesterday. The soreness or lameness of the lumbar region is worse. Same doses. Pain in the lower part of each lung in the evening. April 19. - Rose with a headache and general soreness of the body, and wandering pains about the limbs. Pain in lumbar region most of the time, and sometimes in the right hip. April 22. - Symptoms similar to those on the 19th, except there is less energy and less appetite. April 25. - The symptoms have gradually worn away. May 1, 1867. - For some days has felt free from the influence of the drug. Has no acquaintance with it, except from these provings. Would think it might be of use in treating certain rheumatic cases in aged people, in which there is a general soreness of the body and limbs; and especially of the abdominal and lumbar regions, with alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Possibly it may be of use in some forms of skin disease. PROVING BY E. PARSONS, M.D. Jan. 12, 1867, ten, A.M.-Commenced the proving by taking fifty drops of the tincture. Noon. —Took fifty drops. After this, experienced slight nausea and giddiness. Sharp, darting pains through the forehead and temples. Half past two, P.M.- Fifty drops. Half past three. Confusion of ideas, and drowsiness. Half past four, P.M.- Fifty drops. Jan. 13, nine, A.M.- Fifty drops. Ten, A.M. A severe pain in the region of the heart, lasting several minutes. Eleven, A.M. Severe pain in the left leg, three inches below the knee. Half an hour after, severe darting pain in the right temple, and throbbing pains in the left supra-orbital region. Fifty drops at half past one, half past five, and at nine, P.M. Retired about half past ten. Severe, sharp, darting pains in the right thigh; 64 April 19, 1867. - Took five doses of thirty drops each of the saturated tincture of the fresh root, commencing at half past ten, A.M. April 21. - Took six doses of thirty drops each. April 22, eleven, A.M.- Took eighty drops, which was all he had prepared. He took in all four hundred and ten drops. Could not say that he felt the slightest unusual symptom during the time or since. Concluded that either his tincture was worthless, or that he was not a good subject for proving it. CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON PTELEA. PTYRIASIS VERSICOLOR. A middle-aged man was covered with this eruption on all parts of the body except hlands and face. I-le had all the usual characteristics of the disease. Eie had tried Arsenicum, Kali iod. and Sarsaparilla, with no good results. Ptelea, second dil., ten drops three times daily, cured the case in six weeks. E. M. HALE. CHRONIC GASTRITIS.-A middle-a(ed woman had for several years a constant sensation of corrosion, heat, or burning in the stomach; occasional vomiting of ingesta, constipation; fever every afternoon; lowness of spirits, and debility. She had taken Nux vom., Carbo veg., Phosphorus, and several other remedies, with only temporary benefit. Ptelea, second dil., ten drops in a spoonful of water before each meal, effected a permanent cure in five weeks. P. H. HALE. ERYSIPELAS. -Two cases of erysipelas came under my treatment, in which quinia and iron had been used in large doses without success, and rather with injury to the patient. A rapid recovery ensued after the use of Ptelea. DR. MILLER. ICTERUS, WITH HYPERXEMIA OF THE LIVER.-In severe cases of this disease, I have found Ptelea an excellent remedy. Ptelea primarily affects the liver; the stools are generally of a brown or gray color, with considerable odor. DR. MILLER. 65 ASTHMA. —In two cases of asthma, Ptelea was of more service than any other remedy. DR. MILLER. AsCITES. —I found Ptelea to cure a case of ascites of very severe type after many agents had been employed without success. DR. MILLER. PHTHISIS.-Several cases of hectic fever, with purulent expectoration of a sweetish taste, but without any other chest symptom than a slight mucous rhonchus, and sibilant rate, were cured completely with Ptelea. DR. MILLER. RESUME OF PTELEA TRIFOLIATA. [Explanation of Symbols. - (') A pathogenetic symptom not confirmed by clinical experience. (*) Confirmed by clinical experience. (o) Curative, but not observed as pathogenetic. (v) Verified by one or more other provers. The symptoms in Italics denote the persistence of a symptom in all the provings. With in Italics couples symptoms of two classes.] MIND AND DISPOSITION. 1 ~ Great languor and indisposition for either mental or physical labor (vvvv). * Malaise of body and mind (vv); desire to lie down and think of nothing at all. Inability to concentrate the thoughts; they seem chasing each other through the brain. ~ Complete incapacity for mental exertion, with headache (vv). 5 ~ Fretful and irritable at very slight causes (vv)... Compelled to give up any attempt at exertion in P.M. Petformed his duties in a perfunctory manner. ~ Great mental confusion (vv). ~ The mind moves slowly and heavily; with difficulty in remembering familiar things. 9 67 *Sharp, cutting pains through the front of the brain, alleviated by pressure. * Racking frontal headache, with heat of the face and head, and great desire to hurry his business. 30 ~ Heaviness in the occiput, with a gloomy feeling in the forehead. * Heavy, pressive frontal headache, worse at night, pressing from within outwards, and aggravated by stooping. Stunning, pressing headache (a similar one was cured by Rhus). ~ Head feels languid and heavy, with inability to follow a connected train of thought. * Persistent headache, with sharp pains shooting from the frontal to the left parietal region. 35 - Frontal headache, aggravated by moving the eyes, and by noise. ~ Frontal headache deep in the brain. Sudden, pressive pains in the temples, worse in the right (vvv). Fine, neuralgic pains in the temples, worse in the right. Constant dull headache (vv), aggravated by going upstairs, and by walking. 40 - Sharp, darting pain over the left eye, extending deep into the brain. * Throbbing pains over the eyes, from right to left. -Shooting pains in the head, before rising in the morning (vv). ~ Throbbing pains over the temples, from left to right. * Severe throbbing headache on rising, with great weakness. 45 -Dull, frontal headache, with depression and sour stomach. - Headache intermitting with pain in the hypogastrium, dizziness, and nausea. 75 180 ~ Frequent drawing pains in the epigastric and umbilical regions (vvv). * Stitches in the abdomen, relieved by pressure (v). * Pain in the epigastrium, with nausea (vv). * Severe pains in the left iliac region, changing to the right; worse on motion. * Severe, bearing-down pains in the bowels; spasmodic and griping, or sharp and throbbing. 185 - Pain in the hypogastrium (vv) and bladder, with headache, intermitting during the paroxyms. * Retraction of the abdomen (vvv), with pulsations isochronous with the heart. ~Soreness of the abdomen, aggravated by motion, and relieved by carrying it with the hands (vv). * Abdomen tender on pressure for three weeks after the proving. STOOL AND ANUS. * Sudden and unexpected urging to go to stool, which was diarrhoeic, with slight tenesmus, accompanied by sweat on the forehead and head (vv). 190 ~ Urging before stool, with straining during a diarrhoeic stool. * Constipation (vvvv), with a continual urging in the rectum. - Constant urging to stool, with rumbling in the bowels all day (vvv). * Small, hard stool, with much straining (vvv). Hard and difficult stool, followed by smarting of the anus (vv). 195 * Stools of usual consistence, with slimy coating, accompanied with straining and vertigo. ~ Involuntary discharge of flatus, with ineffectual urging to stool. 83 warm room; inability to keep warm at the stove (after taking five hundred drops). 325 - Pulse 104, an increase of 32 beats in fifteen minutes. * Shivering in a warm room, with heat of the head; shivering over the legs from the hips downwards. * Pulse 126, small and thready, seventy minutes after the large dose; shivering, with chattering of the teeth; scarcely comfortable near a large fire; but all the symptoms ameliorated in the open air. * Shivering and horripilation, with eructations tasting of Ptelea. - Aching distress in all the joints, with great languor (v). 330 * Very languid and faint, with flushed face and feverishness (v). - Rheumatic, drawing pains in all the joints. * Pulse 72, weak and fluttering. - Pulse increased twelve beats, soft and weak. - Pulse accelerated (vvvv) and intermittent. 335 ~ Hot and feverish all day (vvvvv).: Hot breath, which seems to burn the nostrils.: Hot flashes, with pain in the top of the head and in the eyes. - Profuse night sweats. Pulse slow, strong, and irregular. GENERALITIES. 340 - A curious malaise, with such oppression and weakness at the stomach as to discourage all attempts at work. - Great lassitude and weariness, with a disposition to hurry through duties (vvv). ~ Extreme weakness of limbs, brain, memory, thought, and will (v), as if from a powerful and all-pervading disease.. Aching of all the limbs, especially of the flexor muscles. ~ A fine, violent agitation of all the muscles of body and limbs.