o' LILITM TIGRINUk B Y WM. E. PAYNE, I. D., BATH, KAINX. DE T O IT, M ICH I 1G AN!: PUTBLISHID AT DR. LuODG E HOi PATEIC PHl*iAA ST ARD a0 WkYVI:x wlt a RWAlv*13*O L ). A REPORT of the Central Bureau of Materia Medica to American Institute of Homceopathy, 1870. 6 LILIUM TIGRINUM. Wild feeling in the head:- with confusion of ideas; pressure, and a crazy feeling on the top oV the head rendering her incapable of recording her own symptoms; fear of insanity and that should she become insane there would be no one to take care of her; worse at night but better in the morning. [8th day.] (W.) Opposite mental states; she feels nervous and irritable and yet says she feels jolly. (W.) Desires to do something but feels no ambition. (W.) Wants somebody to talk to her and entertain her. (W.) Feels hurried and yet incapable, as if she had something to do and could not do it. (W.) Don't want to complain and yet don't avoid people. (W.) Aversion to being alone and yet she does not dread it; tranquil; liked to see others and hear them talk. (W.) Disposed to muse and dream; is awake, but seems to be asleep and afar off; seems to be two distinct personalities. (W.) Great mental and bodily indolence; perceptive and reflective faculties seem to be benumbed, whereas, at first they were over active. (1.) Can't think; acts without thought; keeps walking fast as if by instinct; feels hurried, don't know why; is forgetful; can't decide for herself; must depend upon others. (W.) Hurried feeling, as though the breathing would be increased, yet it is not. (W.) Conviction that the whole system is profoundly affected by the drug; that she is not the same person she was. (W.) Discouraged; no heart nor strength to work. First few days of proving, revolved thoughts of suicide, such as "should I throw myself into the river, would they try to find my body, and would any one care?" and " how much opium would put me to sleep for ever? " an entirely new train of thought. (1W.) Both the social and moral conditions were profoundly affected: dislikes to be alone, though formerly she preferred it, but has no dread of being alone; sexual desires strong, though formerly weak; can repress the desire by keeping very busy, but as soon as occupation ceases the desire returns in full force. (1W.) Wits languid and intuitions dull. (W.) She feels greatly depressed, with thirst, and pressure on the bladder and rectum; thirst, depression of spirits and dullness of intellect always preceded the severe symptoms. Listless and inert yet don't want to sit still; restless, yet don't want to walk; cross and pettish, and with these symptoms a great craving for meat. (W.) Dreads to speak lest she say something wrong, and yet has a great desire to talk; shooting pain in the right side of the head. (W.) Sudden depression of spirits; loss of vigor; could sit down and cry; impatient with herself and wants to tear about; feels LtLIUM TrGRINUM. 7 hurried, could walk or run aimlessly for an indefinite period; desire for fine things of all kinds with dissatisfaction with what she has and is envious of others. (W.) While listening to a lecture, feelings of irritation in the region of the uterus suddenly seized her; with a desire to hit the lecturer and strike; later in the evening felt disposed to curse and swear, damn the fire, and things generally; then to think and speak of obscene things; as these mental states came, the uterine irritation abated. (W.) Languid and forgetful. (W.) Felt cross and impatient with everything and everybody. (W.) The will has not its usual control over the muscular system; felt hurried-must walk to and fro continually; could not get interested by thinking or reading; wants somebody to be with her and talk to her; felt that she should die, and did not care if she did; wondered who would take care of her body if she did die. (W.) Inability to apply the mind steadily, and to think clearly; with inability to recall facts perfectly familiar to her, [towards evening of the 2d day] (Mrs. J. F.,) great depression; with continued inability to apply the mind; nervousness; disposition to weep; severe pain in the back, and headache [towards evening of the 3d day.] (Airs. J. F.) Entirely incapacitated for mental labor; with aversion to speaking or being spoken to; wants to be left alone; don't want to think; sees many things to be done, but can't force herself to do them; everything seems unreal; eyes look wild; have an insane look. (Mrs. Dr. L. B. C.) Male.-Irritable in the evening, with disagreeable dreams at night, and unrefreshing sleep. (Dr. L.) Irritable, depressed in body and mind, and unfit to work. (Dr. L.) Not so irritable, but wants to be let alone; don't want the trouble to answer questions. (Dr. L.) Taciturn and reticent during the day, with a burning, pressing headache which came on between five and six o'clock, P. M., affecting mostly the right side of the forehead, increasing in severity as the evening advanced, though it did not reach its former severity; great drowsiness. (Dr. L.) Obtuseness of intellect; with inability to find the right words with which to express his thoughts; forgets what he is about to say; vertigo, especially when walking; a feeling as if intoxicated; staggering forward. (Dr. L.) Ideas not clear; with great difficulty in concentrating the thoughts, nevertheless the thoughts come more readily by an effort of the will, and by continued speaking. (Dr. L.) Great fearfulness and apprehension that he was suffering from disease of the heart. (Dr. L.) Disinclination to work, either mental or bodily. (Dr. L.) 8 Ll UMM rPIGRINtM'. Makes mistakes when speaking, using wrong words; with fullness and heaviness in the forehead, especially the left side; dim sight, and weakness of the lower limbs as it unable to support the body. (Dr. L.) In half waking dreams, occurrences which took place in quick succession seemed to be at very long intervals; for example, when his son got up to urinate, the intervals between getting up, urinating, and going to bed again seemed very long. (Dr. L.) Low spirited, can hardly keep from crying. (T.) Great apprehensiveness as if some fearfull calamity were impending, or that an incurable disease had already fastened itself upon him. (T.) Great apprehensiveness of the prover that he had mistaken the nature of his heart symptoms, and that instead of medicinal symptoms, he was suffering from organic disease of the heart. (Dr. L.) HEAD. Intense blinding headache ill the forehead, commencing between 5 and 6 o'clock p. m., continued two hours, then changed to the back part of the head and extended down the neck, leaving a strange muddled feeling about the head; with general weakness and desire to lie down. (F.) Dull pain in the head through the night, ameliorated in the morning at about 8 o'clock, but returned again at 6 o'clock p. m., and continued through the night. (F.) Headache which had been moderate through the night, increased at 5 o'clock in the morning and continued till 9 o'clock, leaving a dull, heavy feeling in the head. (FI) Severe, hot, prostrating pain in the forehead, coming on between 6 and 8 o'clock p. m.; with great heat of the extremities, and pulsation over the whole body, continuing till morning, when the palms and soles become moist. (F.) Burning headache through the sinciput, continuing into the night. (F) Head clearer in the morning. (F.) Dull headache early in the morning. (F.) Heavy feeling in the head; with morning diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, nausea, and abundant saliva. (F.) Pressing pain and heat in the forehead, continuing for several hours. (F.) Shooting pains in the right temple, at 7 o'clock p. m., passing over to the left; with a dull, heavy sensation in the whole front part of the head; great dimness of sight; intense pain in both eyes, extending into the head; pressing pains in the right arm and wrist; cramp in the; fingers cramp-like pain in the left mamma and shoulder; dull pain in the back of tht neck and feeling of constriction, continuing through the night. (F.) Drawing, hot pain through the head and eyes, relieved by LILIUM TIGRIXIUM, 9 frequent sneezing, at 10 o'clock, p. m. [See reproductive organs.] (F.) Sore pain in the forehead and eyes; a sensation as if the part had been beaten. (F.) Confused feeling in the head, with little pain. (B.) Heavy feeling in the head. (B.) Slight continuous pain in the forehead, particularly over the left eye. (B.) Severe pain in the foreltead, over the eyes, for more than an hour, then gradually abating. (G.) A feeling in the head as if he had taken a severe cold, with stoppage of the nostrils. (G.) Dull pain in the forehead over the eyes, commencing at noon, and continuing about two hours. (G.) Dullness of the right side of the head, increasing to a sensation of pressure, inclining the head over tp the left side. (Dr. G.) Wild feeling in the head as though she would be crazy, [ see mind and disposition ] better on rising on the morning of the eighth day. (W.) Head grows wild after keeping quiet for awhile [ 10th day]. (W.) Pressure and crazy feeling in the head, can't write her symptoms. (W.) Grumbling pain in the right side of the head, extending to the teeth of the same side. (TV.) Headache in the occiput, and over the eyes. (W.) Pain in the occiput [27th day] a returning symptom in the course of the proving. ( W.) Absence of feeling in the head, when the menses cease to flow. Pain in the left side of the head, temple, parietal and malar bones when sitting idle, were all relieved by motion and occupation. (W.) Pain all over the head, with a heavy sensation as if too full of blood; congested feeling as if blood would issue when blowing the nose; must support the head with the hands; worse when walking in the open air; better at sunset. (S. A. F.) Dull frontal headache all dayv, [l1st day.] Dull headache beginning in the forehead, and extended all through the head, worse on the left side, [2d day.] Same kind of headache, mostly confined to the forehead, [3d day.] Fourth day the same; with stupid feeling, and nausea, coming and going suddenly. Fifth day the same; with yawning and stretching; severe chills towards evening:-with severe constrictive pain in the heart, extending through to the left shoulder blade; heart feels as if squeezed in a vice, and shakes with the cold though the weather is mild; inability to stand up and walk straight; nausea, better in a warm room. Pain in the temples increased by pressure. (Mrs. Dr. B.) 12 LILTIhU TIGRI1NUM. half an hour, but continuing through the evening, and disappearing after sleeping. (Y.) Dull pain over the eyes, at 2 o'clock p. m., continuing about two hours: with dull pain in the small of the back, and sacrum all the afternoon and evening; no desire for food; special dislike to bread; depression of spirits, and continued disposition to weep; pressing in the rectum and anus; chills in the back particularly after going to bed at night, and hot flushes towards morning. (Y.) Dull pain in the forehead, over the eyes, commencing at noon, and continuing about two hours, with pain in the back, and nausea; no appetite; depression of spirits, and disposition to weep. (Y.) Outer canthus of the right eye much inflamed, extending to the inner canthus, and agglutination of the lids; 14 days later the inner canthus continues to feel raw, aggravated by cold, damp, air. (Mrs. Dr. S. A. F.) Right eye very sensitive to gaslight, with intolerable burning pain, subsequently extending to the left eye, and continuing for several days. (Mrs. D)r. S. A. E.) Severe pressure in the right eye, continuing two hours. (Mrs. Dr. C. LAB.) Eyes very painful, smarting, must close them often; light painful, darkness pleasant. (Mrs. Dr. C. LeB.) Eyes feel very sore. (Mrs Dr. C. LeB.) Eyes look wild, have an insane expression: everything seems unreal; entirely incapacitated for mental labor; don't want to speak, or be spoken to, or compelled to think; sees many things to be done, but can't force herself to do them. (Mrs. Dr. C. LeB.) Eyes full of water: with obtuseness of the head; can't find the right words to express his ideas; forgets what he wants to say; face flushed and hot, and pricking sensation in the skin of the forehead. (Dr. L.) Pains digging down deep from the left temple into the orbit, causing the prover to wink. (Dr. L.) Eyes heavy, and eyesight dim the whole day after an unrefreshing night's sleep: with fullness and heaviness in the forehead, especially the right side; inability to concentrate the mind, makes mistakes in speaking, using wrong words; great weakness of the legs, as if they would not support the body. (Dr. L.) Burning in the eyes, after reading or writing, and feeling of great general weakness. (Dr. L.) Pain in the eyes, constant, very troublesome. (T.) Pain over the eyes. (T.) SIGHT.-Blur before the eyes after a night made restless by lascivious dreams and seminal emissions towards morning, attended by difficulty in keeping the mind fixed upon the subject under consideration, selecting wrong words with which to express his ideas. (Dr. L.) Blurred vision, cannot see objects distinctly: with loss of ap LYilIUM TIGRINUM. 13 petite; aversion to coffee; nausea when thinking about it; frequent desire to pass urine, but in small quantities, faint in a warm room, and when standing, with cold perspiration on the back of the hands and feet; fearfulness and apprehension of some impending evil. (Y.) Dimness of sight: with intense pain in both eyes, extending into the head; shooting pain in the right temple, passing over to the left; crampy pains in the left mamma and fingers, and pressing pain in the right arm and wrist, beginning at 7 o'clock p. m., and continuing through the night. (F.) Muscce volitantes at various times. (Mrs. Dr. S. A. F.) Great dimness of sight; eyes feel very sore. (Mrs. Dr. C. LeB.) Eyesight, which was always weak, hypermetropic wearing - glasses, is now much worse; this aggravation continued for more than four weeks, when the eyes had returned to their natural condition with this improvement: whereas formerly she had a habit of turning the head towards the left when reading, in order to see the whole of a letter, for example, s p d & f fu, when looking straight forward could see only the straight part of the letter and not the curve; now can see the whole letter distinctly without looking sideways. (Mrs. Dr. C. LeB.) EARS. Rushing sound in both ears. (B.) NOSE. Frequent sneezing at 10 o'clock p.m., relieving a severe, burning headache, and pain in the eyes. (F.) Sensation as if blood would issue from the nose when blowing it; with feeling of fullness and heaviness of the head. (Mrs. Dr. S. A. F.) Constant desire to pick the nose. (T.) Right nostril dry and closed up. (T. and Y.) Feeling as of a severe cold in the head. (Y.) FACE. Pain in the right side of the face, apparently in the cheek [malar?] bone; with stoppage of the right nostril, and feeling in the head as if she had taken cold. (Y.) Heat and fullness of the face and head. (Dr. S.) The left cheek bright red and hot in the morning on awakening. (Y.) Chills moving over the face, chillier all over than in cold weather: with dull, pressive frontal headache, outward pressure; broken sleep and disagreeable dreams. (Dr. L.) Chilly feeling of the face in the forenoon, followed in the afternoon by fever: with congestion of the chest, slight momentary spasmodic twitchings around the heart; dull pain in the left tem 14 LILIUMJ TIGRINU7M. pie, extending thence to the forehead; vertigowhen walking, and a feeling as if intoxicated; face and forehead flushed and hot, and pricking sensation in the forehead. (Dr. L.) Frequently reourring chilliness from the face downward; with constriction of the chest as if too narrow, and could be relieved only by letting out the blood. (Dr. L.) Chills in the face. (Dr. L.) Heat, with full and bloated feeling of the face and head. (T.) JAWS AND TEETH. Grumbling pain in hollow teeth. (F.) Dull pain in the jaw of right side; with sensation as if the teeth were elongated. (F.) Grumbling pain in the teeth of the right jaw, with pain in the right side of the head. (Mrs. Dr. NV W.) MOUTH AND THROAT. Coated feeling in the mouth and fauces. (B.) Hawking mucus from the throat, with constant disposition to vomit. (Dr. S.) TASTE AND APPETITE. Taste.-Taste of blood in the mouth: with severe congestion of the chest; weak beating of the heart; severe one-sided headache; dizziness; blur before the eyes; faint feeling, with fear of falling, aggravated in a close, hot room, ameliorated when fresh air strikes the uncovered head and face, and by walking, though the cool air produces chilliness; symptoms gradually increasing, then gradually decreasing. (Dr. L.) Appetite.-Very little appetite, and soon satisfied. (F.) She ate as much as usual, but without appetite. (Mrs. Dr. N. W.) No appetite. (Mrs. Dr. B.) Can't eat, feels hurried and like walking fast. (Mrs. Dr. N. W.) Loss of appetite: after a restless night in consequence of lascivious dreams and seminal emissions which occurred towards morning. (Dr. L.) The usual cigar is nauseous, and produces water brash. (Dr. L.) Great appetite. (Mrs. Dr. N. W.) Great craving for meat, and the more pronounced the symptoms, the greater the desire. (Mrs. Dr. A. W.) Voracious hunger, seemingly in the back, extending along the vertebral column, and up to the occiput, not appeased by eating. (Mrs. Dr. WV. W.) Loss of appetite, with nausea after eating. (T.) Great aversion to coffee [a favorite beverage,] and nausea when tItllM TrIGaRlNV. 17 Distention of the abdomen, with full feeling of the chest every forenoon. (F.) Empty feeling of the abdomen and stomach. (F.) Painful drawing about the left inguinal region, extending to the pubis. (F.) Much flatulent movement in the bowels. (F.) Skin of the abdomen feels as if stretched and stiff, with a similar feeling in the upper part of the breast. (W.) Bloated feeling of the abdomen in the region of the uterus, extending to the hips: —with nausea znd darting pains in different parts of the head, [the 7th day after repeating the medicine.] (W.) Tearing pain in the lower part of the abdomen, in the ovarian regions, extending downward. (W.) Severe cutting pain in the bowels, beginning at 8 o'clock in the evening; extremities cold and clammy; sudden chills, not followed by fever, but with fullness of the head. The pain was relieved by Nux vorn. (Mrs. Dr. B.) Pain in the right iliac region, with wild feeling in the head; worse by quiet, better by motion. (Mrs. Dr. W.) Depressing weight over the pubic region, with aching pain in the knees, felt after eating supper. [10th day.] (Mrs. Dr. W.) Sensation as if the bowels were greatly bloated, but they are not so. (Mrs. Dr. W.) Pulling downward and backward from the anterior superior spinous processes of the ilium in both sides. (Mrs. Dr. W.) Feeling of great distention and soreness of the abdomen, after the menses cease to flow. (Mrs. Dr. TV.) Bloated feeling of the abdomen, which the prover thinks is the result of the development of the uterus and appendages. (Mrs. Dr. W.) [See reproductive organs.] Constant burning pain across the lower part of the abdomen from groin to groin. (Mrs. Dr. W.) Abdominal muscles unbearably sore just previous to stool, she can hardly keep from screaming, yet during stool the soreness seems less. (Mrs. Dr. W.) Trembling of the abdomen, lower part of the back and knees. (Mrs. -Dr. B.) Burning pain across the abdomen, and in both ovaries, with diarrhoea; four loose [but not watery] dark brown stools, very urgent, can't wait a minute. Sharp, lancinating pains, extendinff from the left hypochondrium to the crest of the ilium. (F.) Grumbling belly ache, [Iris vzersicolor,] with but slight inclination to stool. (.Dr. L.) Bubbling sensation in the right hypochondriurn. (Dr. S.) Trembling sensation in the abdomen. (Miss Y.) Weakness and trembling in the bones. (Miss Y.) Bowels very uncomfortable. (Dr. S.) LILIUM TIGRINatUa 19 continued to recur more than six weeks afteir the last dose of the drug. (_X.) Several loose stools a day, alternately loose and solid, with constant inclination as from something pressing on the anterior wall of the rectum, two or three inches above the anus. The bowels are naturally regular. (W.) Great desire for stool at 10 o'clock A. M., withf constant pressure in the rectum. (W.) During the day time a stool every hllf hour, lumpy, small and diarrhoeic with escape of flatus; constant tenesmus and a feeling as though stle could sit on the stool for ever, and burning in the urethra. (W.) Continued diarrhema. Abdominal muscles unbearably sore just before stool, but less so during stool. (W.) Four loose, dark brown stools in the morning, very urgent, can't wait a minute, with burning pain across the abdomen and in both ovaries. (W.) Urgent desire to go to stool; cannot wait. (Y.) Tenesmus, and great desire to go to stool, but every effort resulted in the voiding of a little urine only. (Y.) A sensation as if diarrhcea were coming on, nevertheless it did not. (Dr. S.) Violent emission of flatus. (Dr. L.) Escape of flatus with great distension of the stomach, and frequent eructations. (Dr. S.) Stools dark and hard. (Dr. S.) ANUS AND RECTUM. Smarting, acrid sensation at the anus and in the rectum after every loose, bilious discharge, which occurred every morning [constant throughout the proving.] (F.) Tremulous and weak leeling at the anus, and through the bowels, at night. (F.) Rasping sensation at the anus and up the rectum after ever diarrhceic discharge. (F.) Smarting at the anus after every small loose stool in the morning, with painful desire. (F.) Constant tenesmus-felt as though she could sit on the stool forever, with burning sensation in the urethra. (W.) Pressure in the rectum, with almost irresistable desire to go to stool; constant sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhcea would come on, continuing for several days, but relieved for a short time by passing a small quantity of urine. (F.) Severe pressure in the rectum and at the anus. (Y.) Tenesmus and great desire to go to stool. (Dr. S.) Pressing down at the anus, not much relieved by lying down. (Y.)in th and m after stool Hez~t in the anus and rectum after stool. (Dr. S.) 20 LILUMD TIGRINUM. URINARY ORGANS. Frequent inclination to void urine, with scanty discharge, followed by smarting in the urethra-[constant.] (F.) Frequent desire to urinate in the latter part of the night and early morning, with acrid, smarting sensation after every dis. charge, [the acrid, smarting sensation always occurs after, and not during the flow.] (F.) Urine milky in appearance when first discharged, but, on cooling, deposits a thick, reddish sediment. (F.) Urine scanty, milky, thick and roiled in appearance when cool, with frequent desire to pass it, and every passage followed by smarting and burning in the urethra. (F.) Urine more copious and clear, but the same smarting in the urethra follows every discharge. (F.) Urine diminished in quantity, but frequent, though there is less of the smarting after voiding it. (F.) The smarting after passing urine returns, the odor is strong, but the urine is clear. (F.) The urinary tenesmus, and smarting after every passage, together with the morning diarrhaea, and acrid smarting at the anus and up the rectum continues to recur for more than six weeks after the last dose of the drug was taken. (F.) Burning in the urethra with constant tenesmus. (W.) For several days continuous pressure in the region of the bladder; constant desire to urinate, with but scanty discharge; smarting in the urethra, and tenesmus. (W.) A feeling of irritation in the bladder, with inclination to urinate; but can control the desire by an effort of the will. (W.) Urine increased and dark colored. (W.) Pressure on the bladder and rectum [see moral symptoms.] (w.) Burning hot urine, flowing more like boiling oil than like water. (-Dr. L.) Frequent desire to urinate through the day: —with smarting in the urethra; if the desire is not immediately attended to, a feeling of congestion of the chest ensues [male.] (Dr. L.) Frequent urination through the day; with dull headache, which continually moves from the sinciput to the occiput, and finally concentrates in the left temple. (Dr. L.) Frequent but scanty urination. (F.I) Passing urine relieves a sensation in the bowels, as if diarrhoea were coming on. (F.) Micturition scanty and frequent. (Y.) Copious flow of urine. (B.) Urine copious the second day after each dose. (Dr. G.) Urine high colored. (D)r. G.) Urine remarkably clear and white. (B.) ~22 LILITUM TIGRINUM. found the uterus low down, the fundus tilted forward, and the os uteri pressing hard upon the rectum, allowing but a difficult passage of the index finger between the os and the rectum. Under the use of Helonias dioica, the uterus returned to its natural position in a few days. (Y.) Great weight and pressure in the region of the uterus, with downward pressure as though the whole contents of the abdomen would press out through the vagina. (F.) Bearing down when standing: with shooting pains in the left ovary, the bearing-down is relieved by sitting down, and by pressing upward with the hand hard against the vulva. (F.) Great bearing-down in the uterine region: with a sensation when on the feet as though the whole pelvic contents would issue from the vagina if not prevented by hard pressure with the hand against the vulva, which there was a constant and uncontrollable inclination to do. (F.) Severe dragging-down sensation in the whole sexual organs, with a feeling as though the whole internal parts were being pulled downward from the breasts and umbilical regions, through the vagina, and an uncontrollable desire to press the hands against the vulva to prevent the parts from escaping, with irritability of temper, anxiety, and dread of impending evil [constant throughout the proving.] (F.) A swollen sensation in the whole of the pelvic organs. (F.) Great weight and pressure in the uterine and left ovarian regions, which continued to recur at intervals for a long time after the last dose of the drug was taken. (F.) Bloated feeling in the region of the uterus; with full feeling in the abdomen, and darting pains in the head, very soon after repeating the drug. (W.) Bearing-down in the pelvis as though everything would come into the world through the vagina; with the feeling as if the whole pelvic contents were being dragged downward from the stomach, and even the chest and shoulders, increased by standing, walking, and riding; very distressing at night, not relieved by lying down, nor by change of position; an involuntary disposition to place the hand upon the hypogastrium and press upward to relieve the dragging-down sensation; a forcible inspiration seemed also to relieve the pelvic pressure by expanding the thorax; aching and pressure across the lumbo-sacral region; constant pressure upon the rectum as if she must hurry to stool,-this sensation of pressure is as if some hard body were pushing against the anterior wall of the rectum, two or three inches above the anus, as well as at the anus; several stools a day alternately loose and solid [very unusual]; opposite and contradictory mental states alternating. (wTV.) Aching in the pelvis, apparently around and not in the uterus, with a sensation as if the uterus and appendages weL'e swollen. (tW.) LIL1UM TIGRIJNUM. 23 Dragging-out feeling in the pelvis as though the whole contents were being dragged downward into a funnel, the outlet of which corresponded with the vagina [iHelonias 200-greatly relieved this sensation, though there was still constant apprehension that the bearing-down in the vagina would return. ( V) After three days intermission the bearing-down did return, everything seemed to be pressing out through the vagina, and after four days continuance this bearing-down changed into intermittent labor-like pains in the lower part of the back, attended and followed by a thin, acrid leucorrhzea, which left a brown stain upon the linen; she mistook the discharge for returned menstruation which had ceased but a week previous; all the symptoms worse in the afternoon and evening till midnight, then better till the next afternoon, when all the symptoms of the previous day returned, leucorrhcea more excoriating, producing a rash-like eruption and swelling of the labia. The pelvic pains resemble those of an imminent miscarriage, preventing sleep. ( W.) Bearing down pains aggravated by walking. (S. A. F Bearing down pains as if menstruation were coming on, with constant pain low down in the back bone, between the hips. (T.) Severe neuralgic pains in the uterus, could not bear to be touched, moved, nor even the weight of the bed-clothes; the slightest jar of the bed was torture. This condition continued an hour and a half, and suddenly passed off without leaving any lameness of the plarts. On examination, the uterus was found to be in an anteverted position. (Mrs. Dr. -B.) [Anteversion of the uterus was found to be present inl three provers; and resting a diagnois upon well proved subjective symptoms, there can be but little doubt that this condition of the uterus existed in afoturth case, though, owing to extreme sensitiveness of the prover, it was not verified by touch.] Leucorrhcea.-Thin, acrid leucorrhcea, which from leaving a brown stain upon the linen was mistaken for a return of menstruation, though the menses had ceased but a week before; the leucorrhceal discharge attended and followed severe bearing down pains in the uterine region; the bearing down pains, four days later, culminated in severe labor-like pains assimilating those of an imminent miscarriage, worse in the afternoon till midnight, then better till the next afternoon, when all the symptoms of the previous day returned-the leucorrhea becoming more acrid and excoriating, producing a rash-like eruption, and swelling of the labia. ( W.) Bright yellow leucorrhoea excoriating the the whole perineum: with scanty menstruation, not one fourth part as much as usual. (Mrs. Dr. B.) Profuse acrid leucorrhcea following immediately the cessation of the menstrual flow. (Mrs. Dr. B.) [This prover reported herself better in health after the effects of the drug had passed away than she had been for two years.] 24 LILIUM TIGRINUM. Ovaries.-Dull, drawing pain in the left ovarian region, relieved by gentle pressure on the part with the hand. (F.) Sharp pain in the left ovarian region:-with itching and smarting of the labia; great uneasiness of the parts, and sharp pains extending up the vagina. (F.) Great tenderness from pressure over the left ovarian region with darting pains extending to the groin of that side, and the pubes in front, and frequent desire to pass urine, which was small in quantity, and followed by an acrid, smarting sensation in the urethra, continuing for several minutes. (F.) Stinging and darting pains in the left ovarian region throughout the day. (F.) Sharp, cutting pains in the evening and night in the left ovarian region, extending across the lower part of the abdomen to the right; better by gentle rubbing with the warm hand. (F.I) Grasping pains in the left ovarian and inguinal regions, extending to the hip and down the thigh, continuing throughout the day. (F) Continued stinging sensation in the left ovarian region;-with a sensation of fullness and voluptuous itching in the vagina, arms stiff and painful; tight, painful drawing through the forehead and eyes, and hot pain through the whole head, relieved by frequent sneezing, at 10 o'clock, p. m. (F.) Shooting pains in the left ovary; with bearing down when standing, relieved by sitting down, and by pressing upward with the hand against the vulva. (F.) Grasping pains in the left ovarian region, extending across the lower part of the abdomen to the right; very sensitive to hard pressure, but the pain was mitigated by gentle rubbing and moderate pressure. (F.) [The sensation of weight and bearing down in the uterine region, and pains of various kinds in both the left ovary, and left mammary gland, were almost constantly present with this prover, and continued to recur a long time after the last dose of the drug was taken.] Tearing pains in the ovarian regions of both sides. (W.) Pains mostly in the right ovary, but some days later it was most severe in the left, extended down the anterior and internal side of the left thigh: —with aggravation by walking, seeming, when one step was made, that another could not be taken; nevertheless a feeling of restlessness compelled. her to extend and flex the limb as in walking; this disposition she could not resist, though she knew the effort would be followed by greater pain; the effort, rather than the act of moving the limb, seemed to aggravate the pains. She could not decide which pelvic pain was worse, that in the back or that in the front. ( W.) Tenderness on pressure in the ovarian region, especially in the right. (W.) Aching in the left ovary which steadily increased, till, at last, 26 ILILIUM TIGRINUM. SEXUAL INSTINCT. Female.-Voluptuous itching in the vagina, with feeling of fullness of the parts; continued stinging sensation in the left ovarian region; arms stiff and painful; tight, painful drawing in the forehead and eyes; hot pain through the whole head, relieved by frequent sneezing at 10 o'clock, P. M. (F.) Increased sexual desire. (W.) Sexual desire strong, though formerly not so; can repress it by keeping very busy, but as soon as occupation ceases the desire returns in full force. (W.) Male.-Sexual desire which has been dormant for years roused into activity. (Dr. L.) Lascivious dreams with seminal emissions towards morning, followed by weakness and a feeling of irritability, and great difficulty in keeping his mind fixed upon the subject under consideration, frequently selecting wrong words to express his idea. (Dr. L.) Mamma.-Pain in the left mamma. (F.) Severe cutting pains in the left mammary gland, extending through to the left shoulder blade, aggravated by lying on the left side [constant throughout the proving.] (F.) Severe pain and sensation of heaviness in the left mamma; with a sensation as if the heart were grasped; the pain extended backward to the left shoulder blade, and down the side to the lumbar region. (F.) Sharp, cutting pains in both mammary glands, extending from the left mamma through to the left shoulder blade, and to the spine; ameliorated by change of position; with hard breathing; frequent desire to make a deep breath; sighing; restless sleep; frightful and laborious dreams, and no sleep after 2 o'clock A. M. (A. 2. F.) Frequent stitching pains in the left mamma: with drawing sensation extending to the shoulder and neck, worse after 2 o'clock P. M.; also short breathing; oppression of the chest, and uncomfortable feeling in the stomach and bowels; drawing in the right inguinal region; hot hands, and great weight, and hearing-down sensation in the lower part of the abdomen. (F.) Dull pain and constricted sensation in the left mamma and side, with oppressed breathing; worse when lying down. (F.) Cramp-like pain in the left mamma, shoulder and fingers; with shooting pains in the left temple, passing over to the right; dimness of sight, and intense pain in both eyes extending backward into the head, from 7 o'clock, P. Mi., till morning. (F.) Left mnammary gland painful, with drawing sensation in the left armpit and shoulder. (F.) Pain in the left mammary gland, and around the left shoulder blade continued to recur for a long time after the last dose of the Tiger lily was taken. (F.) L)LIU)J TIGRINU17. 31 Creeping chills down the back every night on going to bed, continuing for a month, each attack followed by violent beating of the heart, and throbbing of the carotids preventing sleep; worse when lying on either side. (F.) Cold feeling in the back as if cold water were being poured upon it. (Y.) Cold chills in the back at night, and hot flushes in the morning. ( Y.) Lumbar:-Sharp pain in the lumbar region, extending over the right hip to the umbilical region, ameliorated by rubbing. (F) Drawing pain in the right side of the loins, near the hip, increased by rising up. (Fl.) Trembling sensation in the lower part of the back, abdomen, and knees. (Mrs. Dr. B.) Steady pain in the small of the back, spreading from the spine both ways towards the kidneys, continuing all day, after a restless night. (Dr. L.) Constant pain in the loins. (Y.) Dull, heavy pain and great weakness in small of the back and loins. (Y.) Occasional dull, shooting pains across the small of the back. (Dr. S.) Steady pain in the lumbar region. (B.) Dull pain in the lower back and sacrum. (Y.) Constant pain between the hips. ( Y.) Constant pain low down in the back-bone between the hips. (.) Pain in the right side of the loins, near the hip, which came on changing position in bed aggravated by rising up. (F) Sacral:-Pain in the sacrum. ( Y.) Drawing pain in the sacrum aggravated by moving. (I.) Coccygeal:-Sensation of pulling upwards from the tip of the os coccygis. (Mrs. Dr. N V W.) UPPER EXTREMITIES. Shoulders:-Dull pain in the left shoulder. (F.) Drawing pain in the left shoulder and neck, and stitching pains in the left mamma. (F.) Itching and burning of the deltoid muscles of both shoulders, relieved for a short time by rubbing and scratching. (Mrs Dr. N. W.) Axilla:-Sweat in the arm-pit, especially in the right. (2Mrs. Dr. N W. ) Upper arms: —Tearing pains in the muscles of the left upper arm. (Dr. L.) Irritation of the arms and upper part of the chest. (F.) Fore arms: —Pressing pain in the right arm and wrist, with cramps in the fingers. (F.) J1LIUM:TGRlNUAL 35 FEVER. Chills:- Chilly feeling all over the body. (Mrs. Dr. C. L6B.) Chills creeping down the back for a month, every night on going to bed; —with violent beating of the heart, and throbbingof the carotids, preventing sleep when lying on either side. (Mrs. Dr. C. LhB.) Severe chills towards evening; with stretching and yawning; a severe constrictive pain about the heart, a feeling as if the heart were squeezed in a vice, the pain extending through to the shoulder-blade. [See heart symptoms.] (Mrs. Dr. C. LeB.) Chills attending a severe cutting pain in the abdomen, with cold and clammy extremities, and fullness of the head. (-Dr. B.) Chills in the face, extending downward, with a more general chilly feeling than in cold weather, at the chest. (Dr. L.) Congestive chills continuing the whole forenoon, when in the fresh, open air. (Dr. L.) Chills running from the face downward; with constriction of the chest, as if too narrow, or too much crowded with blood, and burning heat over the body, the whole night, with queer, half waking dreams. (Dr. L.) Chilliness when in the cool, open air, though all the other symptoms are relieved thereby. (Dr. L.) Chilliness, with trembling sensation in the abdomen. Cold feet and hands, and urgent desire to go to stool-cannot wait. ( Y.) Heat:-Fever heat of the extremities through the night. (F.) Great heat and general lassitude in the afternoon, with throbbing pulsations over the whole body, and outpressing sensation in the hands and arms, as though the blood would burst through the veins. (F.) Thirst:-Drinking often and much at a time. (irs. Dr SLEEP. Sleepiness before bedtime; much sleep. (B.) Sleepiness at unusual hours. (Y.) Great desire to sleep, with unpleasant dreams. (Mrs.Dr.X2. W..) Excessive wakefulness. (F.) Restless sleep; frightful and laborious dreams; sharp, cutting pains in the mammary glands-the pain in the left extending through the left shoulder blade, and to the spine; better by change of position. (F.) No sleep after 2 o'clock a. m. (F.) Unquiet sleep. (F.) Restless, inability to sleep. (F.) Frequent waking as from fright. (F.) Inability to sleep, with wild feeling in the head, as if she would be crazy. (Mrs. Dr. N W.) Inability to sleep for a long time-eyes wide open, at length