id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt en-wikipedia-org-2 Jacques Rancière - Wikipedia .html text/html 3124 485 64 Forming partly out of a philosophy seminar on Workers' history that Rancière gave at Vincennes, it drew together philosophers and historians for a radical political intervention into French thought after the May 1968 uprisings.[5] Its title acting as both a reference to Arthur Rimbaud's poem, Democratie ('Nous Massacrerons les revoltes logiques' – 'We'll smash all logic revolts.') and the Maoist Cultural Revolutionary slogan adopted by the Gauche Prolétarienne group, of which some of Les Rèvoltes Logiques' members were active within,[6] 'On a raison de se revolter' – 'It is right to revolt.',[7] the Journal attempted to interrogate and contest the historiographic and political norms around the representation of workers' and social history. In 2006, it was reported that Rancière's aesthetic theory had become a point of reference in the visual arts, and Rancière has lectured at such art world events as the Frieze Art Fair.[4] Former French presidential candidate Ségolène Royal described Rancière as her favourite philosopher.[13] Among those intellectuals influenced by his work, Gabriel Rockhill has developed a new paradigm for thinking the historical relation between aesthetics and politics in close dialogue with Rancière's writings. ./cache/en-wikipedia-org-2.html ./txt/en-wikipedia-org-2.txt