To the Congress of the United States Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U S C 1622(d)) pI’0Vl(leS for the automatic termination of a national emer- gency unless, pI'101‘ to the annlversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency IS to continue in ef- fect beyond the anniversary date In accordance w1th this provision, I have sent the enclosed notice stating that the Iraqi emergency IS to continue in effect beyond August 2, 1998, to the Federal Reg- zster for publication The crisis between the United States and Iraq that led to the declarat10n on August 2, 1990 of a national emergency has not been resolved The Government of Iraq continues to engage in ac- t1v1t1es inimicai to stability in the Middle East and hostile to United States interests in the region Such Iraqi actions pose a con- t1nu1ng unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and Vital foreign policy mterests of the United States For these reasons, I have determined that it IS necessary to maintain in force the broad authorities necessary to apply ec0nom1c pressure on the Government of Iraq WILLIAM J CLINTON THE WHITE HOUSE, July 28 1998 CONTINUATION or IRAQI EMERGENCY On August 2 1990 by Executive Order 12722, President Bush declared a national emergency to deal With the unusual and ex- traordmary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions and policies of the Govern- ment of Iraq By Executive Orders 12722 of August 2 1990, and 12724 of August 9 1990, the President imposed trade sanctions on Iraq and blocked Iraq1 government assets Because the Government of Iraq has continued its activities hostile to United States 1nter- ests in the Middle East the national emergency declared on Au- gust 2 1990 and the measures adopted on August 2 and August 9 1990, to deal With that emergency must continue in effect be- yond August 2 1998 Therefore, in accordance With section 202(d) Purdue Umversl L-branes of the National Emergencies Act (50 U S C 1622(d)) I am contInu- Ing the national emergency With respect to Iraq The notice shall be published IN the Federal Register and trans- m1tted to the Congress WILLIAM J CLINTON THE WHITE HOUSE July 28 1998