lib-s-mocs-kmc364-20141005044228 BOOK REVIEWS Die Elektronische Datenverarbeitung im Bibliothekswesen. By Paul Niewalda. Muenchen-Pullach, Berlin, Verlag Doku- mentation, 1971. (Bibliothekspraxis, 1) As the first volume in a new series called Bibliothekspraxis (Library Practice), V er- lag Dokumentation has published a short monograph on library automation by Paul N iewalda, of the University Library of Regensburg. Niewalda has written an in- troductory text, in German, condensing the standard, largely American, literature on the subject. His treatment is concise, well- written, and · well-organized. Computer capabilities, and existing library applica- tions in the United States and elsewhere, are carefully delineated. The text is thoroughly documented, with a large num- ber of notes and a useful bibliography in- cluded. The book addresses itself to the German reader and, in fact, much is already fa- miliar to American librarians. Yet Nie- walda's frequent references to the ·Euro- pean, particularly the German, library automation scene enhance the book's value. The author is clearly well informed both about library automation in general, and about local practice and problems. He brings to his task common sense and sound judgment. The work is recommended to those readers having a general interest in foreign developments in the field of library auto- mation. S. Micha Namenwirth University of California, Berkeley DictionanJ of Library Science, Information and Documentation in Six Languages. Compiled and artanged by W. E. Clason. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co., 1973. The Basic Table, a numbered list of en- tries for 5,439 English language words and phrases, alphabetically arranged, forms the body of the Dictionary of Library Science, Information and Documentation. Each en- try consists ·Of a serial number, the English term (American and/or British), equiva- lents in French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch; and German, and a code identifying the Book Reviews 123 vocabulary with which the term is asso- ciated. Hence, there are separate entries for volume as a book trade or library term and as an information processing term. Many entries are augmented by brief defi- nitions. English synonyms are also fre- quently given; in general these are terms from which references have been made. In such cases entry is under the synonym which files first. This practice produces some apparently eccentric choices; e.g., pseudonym, see allonym; UDC, see Brus- sels system. Following the Basic ' Table are indexes for the five non-English languages. Nu- merical references are given to Basic Table entries in which the index term is cited. German Band is found not only in the first volume entry mentioned above but also in the bookbinding and information processing entries for tape. Criteria employed for the selection of entries are unexplained. IBM's Data Pro-·' cessing Glossary and the American Na- tional Standard Vocabulary for Information Processing appear to have been important sources of information processing terms. The glossary in Anglo-American Catalog- ing Rules was evidently not used. It is clear that some of the source lists used were in other languages. The juxtaposition of related vocabularies which often put the same words to differ- ent uses presents difficulties which the ap- proach taken here seems capable of han- dling. Nevertheless the work as executed has flaws which reduce its effectiveness. The notions of synonymy and nonsynony- my among the English terms are puzzling. Definitions are frequently unclear and oc- casionally wrong. There are cases in which the non-English equivalents for a single' term are certainly not synonymous with each other. The utility of the mdexes would be enhanced if the number of non- English synonyms given were greater. However, if approached with care, the volume can ·provide much useful informa- tion. In works of this type it is probably unfair to expect perfection. Besides, a dic- tionary which manages to encompass both negative entropy (information theory) and scrivener's palstJ (authors and authorship) has to be interesting, at least. Charles W. Husbands Harvard Universitv Library