id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 11091 Ippoliti, Cinthya Digital Faculty Development 2019-06-17 3 .pdf application/pdf 1156 72 46 The role of libraries within faculty development is not a new concept. ACRL and EDUCAUSE have highlighted new expectations for faculty to develop skills in supporting of faculty learning communities that cover topics such as universal design, instructional design, with educators and the centers for faculty development, as each partner brings something unique and critical pedagogy and scholarship into faculty development programming and into the broader umbrella of digital support and pedagogy can help provide professional development These elements are applicable to both faculty development practices, as well as pedagogical ones. open pedagogy can also influence how librarians interact with faculty and students. The development of a community of practitioners which includes the students, faculty, and the librarian has the potential to provide learning opportunities along the way. development via connected learning." International Journal of Educational Technology in 4 Bali, "A call for promoting ownership, equity, and agency in faculty development," 9. ./cache/11091.pdf ./txt/11091.txt