id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 9343 Johnson, Tanya M. Let's Get Virtual: An Examination of Best Practices to Provide Public Access to Digital Versions of Three-Dimensional Objects 2016-06-30 17 .pdf application/pdf 7291 625 47 evaluation criteria for websites incorporating digital versions of three-dimensional objects are practices to provide public access to digital versions of three-dimensional objects are proposed. trend to digitize the contents of museums in order to provide greater public access to collections researchers also noted the limitations of digitizing three-dimensional objects: Despite museums' growing focus on increasing public access to collections via digitization (Given the modeling of specific objects or collections or website viewing of three-dimensional models. evaluation of five websites, this paper will provide some guidance for the digitization of threedimensional objects and their presentation in digital collections for public access. presents three-dimensional objects in digital form, is that the level of specificity almost renders In the context of public access to the museum's digital collections, the website should be easy and presentation for public access of three-dimensional objects, the five websites evaluated were from ./cache/9343.pdf ./txt/9343.txt