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An excitingly unique source of information never before gathered in one volume. 1,100 pp. 1972 10 color plates, 100 drawings, photographs, and end paper maps of Italy in 1492 SBN 390-66950-X $29.95 RETURN THIS AD WITH PAYMENT TO: APPLETON-CENTURY-CROFTS Professional and Reference Department, Educational Division/MEREDITH CORPORATION 440 Park Avenue South, N.Y., N.Y. 10016 AND GET A 10% DISCOUNT! (ACC PAYS POSTAGE AND HANDLING) Summer 1972 243 h ttp s://d o i.o rg /10.1017/S0018268000020598 D o w n lo ad ed fro m h ttp s://w w w .cam b rid g e.o rg /co re . 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The author uses the evidence of newspapers, contemporary accounts and statistics relating to population, child employment, public health, welfare agencies and charitable organizations to produce an integrated study. $11.50 T. H . HUXLEY O N E D U C A T I O N C Y R I L BIBBY An edited selection of Huxley's most significant writings on education, many of them long out of print. In an introductory essay Cyril Bibby assesses Huxley's influence on the historical development of education and indicates the relationship between his educational thinking and some of the present-day problems of society. $9.50 THE RISE OF A CENTRAL AUTHORITY FOR ENGLISH E D U C A T I O N A. S. BISHOP The only fully documented account of the 19th-century formation, growth and structure of the central authority for education in England, which has become the Department of Education and Science. The author investigates the original three parts of the authority: the Education Department, the Science and Art Department, and the Charity Commission. $13.50 PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS IN ENGLAND 1850-1900 JOHN R O A C H A detailed historical account of the origins of the modern examination system in England. Professor Roach discusses the assumptions and intentions behind the introduction of examinations, shows how far the aspirations of the reformers were achieved, and considers the results of their policies. $13.50 m*m Cambridge University Press ^ J R p ! ^ 32 East 57th Street, New York, N . Y . 10022 244 H I S T O R Y O F EDUCATION Q U A R T E R L Y h ttp s://d o i.o rg /10.1017/S0018268000020598 D o w n lo ad ed fro m h ttp s://w w w .cam b rid g e.o rg /co re . C arn eg ie M ello n U n iversity , o n 06 A p r 2021 at 01:06:16 , su b ject to th e C am b rid g e C o re term s o f u se, availab le at h ttp s://w w w .cam b rid g e.o rg /co re/term s . https://doi.org/10.1017/S0018268000020598 https://www.cambridge.org/core https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms C O M I N G I N T H E F A L L I S S U E O F T H E Q U A R T E R L Y S P E C I A L I S S U E Education and Social Change in English-speaking Canada Contents I N T R O D U C T I O N by Michael B . Katz T H E C H I L D , T H E F A M I L Y , AND T H E S T A T E Victorian Origins of Juvenile Delinquency: A Canadian Experience by Susan E . Houston Education and the Metaphor of the Family: The Upper Canadian Example by Alison Prentice "To Create a Strong and Healthy Race": School Children in the Public Health Movement. 1880-1914 by Neil Sutherland S C I E N C E , P R O F E S S I O N A L I S M , AND T H E H I G H E R L E A R N I N G Agricultural Education in Nineteenth-Century Ontario: An Idea in Search of an Institution by Douglas Lawr The Establishment of the Ph.D. at Toronto: A Case of American Influence by Peter N. Ross A P P R O A C H E S TO R E S E A R C H Patterns of School Attendance in Toronto, 1844-1878: Some Spatial Considerations by Haley P. Bamman Towards a Meaning of Literacy: Literacy and Social Structure in Hamilton, Ontario, 1861 by Harvey J . Graff "Who Went to School?" by Michael B . Katz h ttp s://d o i.o rg /10.1017/S0018268000020598 D o w n lo ad ed fro m h ttp s://w w w .cam b rid g e.o rg /co re . C arn eg ie M ello n U n iversity , o n 06 A p r 2021 at 01:06:16 , su b ject to th e C am b rid g e C o re term s o f u se, availab le at h ttp s://w w w .cam b rid g e.o rg /co re/term s . https://doi.org/10.1017/S0018268000020598 https://www.cambridge.org/core https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms