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not loaded. JPEG2000 files will not be processed. See for optional dependencies. Apr 05, 2021 9:54:38 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3 handleInitializableProblem WARNING: Tesseract OCR is installed and will be automatically applied to image files unless you've excluded the TesseractOCRParser from the default parser. Tesseract may dramatically slow down content extraction (TIKA-2359). As of Tika 1.15 (and prior versions), Tesseract is automatically called. In future versions of Tika, users may need to turn the TesseractOCRParser on via TikaConfig. Apr 05, 2021 9:54:38 PM org.apache.tika.config.InitializableProblemHandler$3 handleInitializableProblem WARNING: org.xerial's sqlite-jdbc is not loaded. Please provide the jar on your classpath to parse sqlite files. See tika-parsers/pom.xml for the correct version. 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mapping for C119 (7) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (8) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (9) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (10) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (11) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (12) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (13) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (14) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (1) in font BCMLJB+CMSY8 WARN No Unicode mapping for C211 (2) in font RDOEXX+RfxxjvAdvPSSym WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (15) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (16) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C45 (17) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'BookAntiqua,Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'CGTimes,BoldItalic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'CGTimes,Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_6stte7wi75bqtnowcswirldy4a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6stte7wi75bqtnowcswirldy4a.txt WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for base font Symbol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Beffle' WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for base font ZapfDingbats WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'ArialNarrow-Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (18) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (19) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (20) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (21) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (22) in font AdvP5958 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-BoldItalic' for 'ArialNarrow-BoldItalic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'Georgia-Italic' WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (23) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (24) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'Georgia' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'CGTimes' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialNarrow' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'PalatinoLinotype-Bold' WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font NXQYGC+6576f01 FILE: cache/work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C106 (25) in font AdvP5958 FILE: cache/work_7wahytkbjrfnvcqrvnt7k46usq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7wahytkbjrfnvcqrvnt7k46usq.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'ArialNarrow-Italic' WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (26) in font AdvP5958 FILE: cache/work_q37swapwcrbh7dymkpxvciud5q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_q37swapwcrbh7dymkpxvciud5q.txt FILE: cache/work_aobjiafuwjcnvnsoqfo3bastty.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_aobjiafuwjcnvnsoqfo3bastty.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'BookAntiqua,BoldItalic' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_34biwebjy5d7xp25kq7jzkfpu4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_34biwebjy5d7xp25kq7jzkfpu4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'PalatinoLinotype-Italic' WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (27) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (28) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (29) in font AdvP5958 FILE: cache/work_7fw4felmcnd2jj36vqvsrys5fi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7fw4felmcnd2jj36vqvsrys5fi.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+308 (308) in font NKVXXF+PalatinoLinotype-Roman FILE: cache/work_ehu7ennxcvfuveoc5y37rkpkty.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ehu7ennxcvfuveoc5y37rkpkty.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C222 (2) in font KCIJKP+AdvT108 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'BookAntiqua' FILE: cache/work_zq6vkthmgjbwjp6v27uagt4so4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zq6vkthmgjbwjp6v27uagt4so4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C40._ (30) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (31) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C41 (32) in font AdvP5958 FILE: cache/work_efzexg6qxzdk3pqto7xibbq4ri.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_efzexg6qxzdk3pqto7xibbq4ri.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'CGTimes,Italic' FILE: cache/work_uz5h3djxcngvfppzhee4vnt2yq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uz5h3djxcngvfppzhee4vnt2yq.txt WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for Univers WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C79 (33) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C76 (34) in font AdvP5958 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for C96 (35) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C39 (36) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (37) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (38) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C113 (39) in font AdvP5958 FILE: cache/work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (40) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (41) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C57 (42) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C24 (2) in font KCIJMD+AdvMT_SY WARN No Unicode mapping for C1 (2) in font SNMBXW+SmcxwrAdvP4C4E74 WARN No Unicode mapping for C72 (17) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C71 (18) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (19) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for L53175 (2) in font LGGIDC+DdrwwjEuropeanPi-Three WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (43) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_5lyuna5qn5a5zirzknarvqykqu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5lyuna5qn5a5zirzknarvqykqu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (44) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (45) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C71 (46) in font AdvP5958 FILE: cache/work_yr5kjqrmljbfripkn72tnxjsre.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yr5kjqrmljbfripkn72tnxjsre.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C78 (47) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (48) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C63 (49) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (50) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for C85 (51) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C75 (52) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for C72 (53) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (54) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for C38 (55) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (56) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (57) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (58) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C51 (59) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (1) in font MBNOCF+MTSY WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'ArialBlack' WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (3) in font LCIBDO+MTSY WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for ZapfDingbats WARN No Unicode mapping for C87 (60) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (61) in font AdvP5958 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (1) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (2) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (3) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (4) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (62) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (63) in font AdvP5958 FILE: cache/work_dobivxe6zvdghi3a2gd7rp4d7a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dobivxe6zvdghi3a2gd7rp4d7a.txt FILE: cache/work_gcvyo5jubngizpvlxg4f5q3lkm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gcvyo5jubngizpvlxg4f5q3lkm.txt FILE: cache/work_5skhgy2lujhnfkxrpkqghxcgvy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5skhgy2lujhnfkxrpkqghxcgvy.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C74 (64) in font AdvP5958 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C59 (65) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'PalatinoLinotype-Roman' WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (66) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C177 (67) in font AdvP5958 WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (20) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (21) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (1) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (2) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (3) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (4) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (5) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C72 (6) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C74 (7) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C79 (8) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C85 (9) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C78 (10) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (11) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C76 (12) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (13) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (14) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C89 (15) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (16) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C40._ (22) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (23) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (24) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C41 (25) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (26) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (27) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C57 (28) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C94 (29) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (30) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (31) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (32) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (33) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (34) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (35) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (36) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (37) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (38) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (39) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (40) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (1) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (2) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (3) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (4) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (5) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C89 (6) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (7) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C78 (8) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (9) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (10) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C79 (11) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C87 (12) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (13) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (14) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (15) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (16) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C76 (17) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (41) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (42) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (43) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (44) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (18) in font LEDLLB+AdvT116 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_jgvcedtf6rd2leolu4k3jnrvia.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jgvcedtf6rd2leolu4k3jnrvia.txt FILE: cache/work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq.txt FILE: cache/work_s7fgyycvwrfnplf6oyqju377ne.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_s7fgyycvwrfnplf6oyqju377ne.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_xuvvnwfpvjbfbhk4eww4dv4ncy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xuvvnwfpvjbfbhk4eww4dv4ncy.txt FILE: cache/work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia.txt FILE: cache/work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_cnqiresvvzgcvakvfq67i3dgf4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cnqiresvvzgcvakvfq67i3dgf4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (2) in font JLBBHC+MTSY WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_fuitteiujbc3vdqzp6qhrwmxui.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fuitteiujbc3vdqzp6qhrwmxui.txt FILE: cache/work_jbj6lvvjcrbsfbkixdkr43kuca.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jbj6lvvjcrbsfbkixdkr43kuca.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e.txt FILE: cache/work_kerlmoweyndxvaiwwa5wc6aw7u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kerlmoweyndxvaiwwa5wc6aw7u.txt FILE: cache/work_ftz47zmjnjbinkkledl65idbdu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ftz47zmjnjbinkkledl65idbdu.txt FILE: cache/work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_jenead5qk5bb5gvizng2dknwpe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jenead5qk5bb5gvizng2dknwpe.txt FILE: cache/work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i.txt FILE: cache/work_wdvgkekmajgmdkc2xanxxesfny.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wdvgkekmajgmdkc2xanxxesfny.txt FILE: cache/work_mxjwdqqvujhwpgszdt73zgepxm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mxjwdqqvujhwpgszdt73zgepxm.txt FILE: cache/work_2liwaoubrrcojf46moy6wd247q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2liwaoubrrcojf46moy6wd247q.txt FILE: cache/work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m.txt FILE: cache/work_e65mofuhbrgrzct2rm6cgfe6ii.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_e65mofuhbrgrzct2rm6cgfe6ii.txt FILE: cache/work_u24t7jjk6ve2jnilx5do2jerou.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_u24t7jjk6ve2jnilx5do2jerou.txt FILE: cache/work_bh2g6mpuhvfv7ak276qkaxrhky.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bh2g6mpuhvfv7ak276qkaxrhky.txt FILE: cache/work_3y6vfufn4ne73hxg3tk27p6w2m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3y6vfufn4ne73hxg3tk27p6w2m.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (5) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (6) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (7) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (8) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (9) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (10) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (11) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (12) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (13) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (14) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D FILE: cache/work_wu6ouh3xm5bjxpsnp6belvrdsi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wu6ouh3xm5bjxpsnp6belvrdsi.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_342kyiplqnelrj3gzzoxnwzevu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_342kyiplqnelrj3gzzoxnwzevu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (68) in font AdvP5958 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_e36otv7puncgvjcywa3elwumsm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_e36otv7puncgvjcywa3elwumsm.txt FILE: cache/work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (69) in font AdvP5958 FILE: cache/work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm.txt FILE: cache/work_pqn6svb2abb6rhq6kmgnv5nsyi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_pqn6svb2abb6rhq6kmgnv5nsyi.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_dichcv2pjvcwfh63i4q3ak5n7q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dichcv2pjvcwfh63i4q3ak5n7q.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_er4ovarhubg53cs4qn2gbkx4eq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_er4ovarhubg53cs4qn2gbkx4eq.txt FILE: cache/work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (70) in font AdvP5958 FILE: cache/work_tk6jxc6wgnbcrbtsex25lxbdfq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tk6jxc6wgnbcrbtsex25lxbdfq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (45) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C89 (46) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+415 (415) in font Calibri-Bold-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+332 (332) in font Calibri-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+415 (415) in font Calibri-Italic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+415 (415) in font Calibri-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+883 (883) in font Calibri-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_rhih2svogfcg5idb4rnpxolx4e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rhih2svogfcg5idb4rnpxolx4e.txt FILE: cache/work_nmu2oz7cojc4jlztxc5gn44vbu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nmu2oz7cojc4jlztxc5gn44vbu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+327 (327) in font AAAAAO+Calibri-Italic FILE: cache/work_oagfsvvobbgcrhicufaxdoowwi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_oagfsvvobbgcrhicufaxdoowwi.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+302 (302) in font AAAAAO+Calibri-Italic WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+227 (227) in font Calibri-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+171 (171) in font Calibri-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+174 (174) in font Calibri-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+145 (145) in font Calibri-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+221 (221) in font Calibri-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+131 (131) in font Calibri-Italic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+196 (196) in font Calibri-Italic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+151 (151) in font Calibri-Italic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+227 (227) in font Calibri-Italic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+171 (171) in font Calibri-Italic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+155 (155) in font Calibri-Italic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+202 (202) in font Calibri-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+189 (189) in font Calibri-Bold-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+131 (131) in font Calibri-Bold-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+332 (332) in font Calibri-Italic-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_t7hbdygu3nbxvfrhphsa3r266u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_t7hbdygu3nbxvfrhphsa3r266u.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C63 (47) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (15) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (16) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (17) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (18) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (19) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (20) in font LEDHGK+AdvP595D WARN No Unicode mapping for C176 (3) in font KCIJKP+AdvT108 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationMono' for 'CourierNewPSMT' FILE: cache/work_pd5tcecymndexavntufnigju3i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_pd5tcecymndexavntufnigju3i.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+116 (116) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26 (26) in font MetaBold-Roman-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_6cveaab5w5cvdjuz2h6gmuteoi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6cveaab5w5cvdjuz2h6gmuteoi.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationMono' for 'CourierNewPSMT' FILE: cache/work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y.txt FILE: cache/work_dxzz7jkpevhulatcva3viuk3l4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dxzz7jkpevhulatcva3viuk3l4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'BookAntiqua,Italic' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4 (4) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+14 (14) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+0 (0) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+115 (115) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+40 (40) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+16 (16) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33 (33) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+65 (65) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+7 (7) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+12 (12) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23 (23) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font TradeGothic-Identity-H INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_4osvlvrwnjhglf5v7bw7ehfn54.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4osvlvrwnjhglf5v7bw7ehfn54.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.txt FILE: cache/work_oazrxpvuhbcjbnrow7fjsawrse.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_oazrxpvuhbcjbnrow7fjsawrse.txt FILE: cache/work_35fo6czirjcg7jfystrdbchkbm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_35fo6czirjcg7jfystrdbchkbm.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_5spfukfqmjhipizmwz3ua3pk5e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5spfukfqmjhipizmwz3ua3pk5e.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_xfd34nthurhh3p2fmdcyo2whvm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xfd34nthurhh3p2fmdcyo2whvm.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+60 (60) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+91 (91) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+93 (93) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+196 (196) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font Optima-Regular-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_m4qqwahghja7fcwn4uudrnmdti.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_m4qqwahghja7fcwn4uudrnmdti.txt FILE: cache/work_tbhzy7ji4zhqhac6sz66cico2i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tbhzy7ji4zhqhac6sz66cico2i.txt FILE: cache/work_6lprx667h5gbpi5jf2ywo5cxqu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6lprx667h5gbpi5jf2ywo5cxqu.txt FILE: 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cache/work_y222gvbxnbgbbdtexi5uvnjlwi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_y222gvbxnbgbbdtexi5uvnjlwi.txt FILE: cache/work_6dyezrbwpvgpvhgxh2merino3e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6dyezrbwpvgpvhgxh2merino3e.txt FILE: cache/work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a.txt FILE: cache/work_mdj3at6wbbdazmyfe6fzmhws6q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mdj3at6wbbdazmyfe6fzmhws6q.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for H11005 (1) in font ENEOIN+Universal-GreekwithMathPi WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'Georgia-Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'Georgia-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'Georgia' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for H11002 (2) in font ENEOIN+Universal-GreekwithMathPi WARN No Unicode mapping for H11021 (3) in font ENEOIN+Universal-GreekwithMathPi WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+309 (309) in font NKVXXF+PalatinoLinotype-Roman WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+308 (308) in font LGQTCX+PalatinoLinotype-Italic WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+309 (309) in font LGQTCX+PalatinoLinotype-Italic WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font RMKPPS+6576f02 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_yqpz4m6om5axhi3tffbead2nke.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yqpz4m6om5axhi3tffbead2nke.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_pzfcyfywvveohca2aoddc623na.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_pzfcyfywvveohca2aoddc623na.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (48) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (49) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (50) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 FILE: cache/work_n2qu27spa5cctg2622swvd4gfq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_n2qu27spa5cctg2622swvd4gfq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (1) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (2) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (3) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (4) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (5) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (6) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (7) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (8) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (9) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (10) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C83 (11) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (12) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (13) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (14) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (15) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (16) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (17) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C40._ (17) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C51 (18) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (19) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (20) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (21) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (22) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C41 (23) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (24) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (25) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C94 (26) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (27) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C87 (28) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (29) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (30) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (31) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (32) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (33) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (34) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (35) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (36) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (37) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C95 (51) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (38) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (39) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (40) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (41) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (52) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C38 (53) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (54) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (55) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (42) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (43) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (44) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (45) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (46) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (47) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (48) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (49) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C74 (18) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (19) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (20) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (21) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (22) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (23) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C51 (56) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (50) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (51) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (52) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (53) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (54) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (24) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (57) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (55) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (56) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (57) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C57 (58) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C106 (58) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (25) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (26) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (27) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (59) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C71 (60) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (61) in font AdvT114 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: fina < medi WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (28) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 FILE: cache/work_3tdccwqagjdujbssiu5hqh7gue.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3tdccwqagjdujbssiu5hqh7gue.txt FILE: cache/work_dmrl45ttdfaxvm7izucfs7w36y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dmrl45ttdfaxvm7izucfs7w36y.txt FILE: cache/work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (29) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (30) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (31) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C75 (62) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (59) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C94 (32) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (33) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (63) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (60) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C74 (61) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 FILE: cache/work_yxpdpqvfnnhalnoaiczmn76r34.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yxpdpqvfnnhalnoaiczmn76r34.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (34) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 FILE: cache/work_wsnnhyrl3rfthhpgzvgvnpoxxe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wsnnhyrl3rfthhpgzvgvnpoxxe.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C71 (35) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (62) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C75 (63) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C45 (64) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C106 (65) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C96 (66) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C39 (67) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (36) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (64) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for H11022 (4) in font ENEOIN+Universal-GreekwithMathPi FILE: cache/work_qam6c65mqnbzllv3sepo6atape.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qam6c65mqnbzllv3sepo6atape.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for C79 (37) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (1) in font LEFCEI+AdvT119 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (2) in font LEFCEI+AdvT119 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (3) in font LEFCEI+AdvT119 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (4) in font LEFCEI+AdvT119 WARN No Unicode mapping for C72 (38) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C38 (39) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C39 (40) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (41) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (42) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (43) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+57 (57) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+0 (0) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33 (33) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+0 (0) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+7 (7) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold FILE: cache/work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (65) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+57 (57) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+0 (0) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33 (33) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+104 (104) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+65 (65) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+0 (0) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+7 (7) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (44) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+65 (65) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+12 (12) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+14 (14) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+118 (118) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+136 (136) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33 (33) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4 (4) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+92 (92) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23 (23) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24 (24) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+16 (16) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+65 (65) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold FILE: cache/work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+57 (57) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic FILE: cache/work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm.txt FILE: cache/work_sq4l64fk7nhcnlrhteodxp7zki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sq4l64fk7nhcnlrhteodxp7zki.txt FILE: cache/work_st3kpryfrvahlk2h7ytzn55p2u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_st3kpryfrvahlk2h7ytzn55p2u.txt FILE: cache/work_sufvg3wxnrebdi2q5zwoau4zs4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sufvg3wxnrebdi2q5zwoau4zs4.txt FILE: 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WARN No Unicode mapping for T_h (31) in font WCCCDC+MinionPro-It WARN No Unicode mapping for f_i (28) in font HZFWHN+MinionPro-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman FILE: cache/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+40 (40) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+178 (178) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for T_h (31) in font WDDWPX+MinionPro-BoldIt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+181 (181) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+179 (179) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+177 (177) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27 (27) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+181 (181) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23 (23) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (45) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+7 (7) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+5 (5) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26 (26) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for f_t (27) in font HZFWHN+MinionPro-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for f_l (26) in font HZFWHN+MinionPro-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+14 (14) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+176 (176) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+110 (110) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+118 (118) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+91 (91) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+9 (9) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+10 (10) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24 (24) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+199 (199) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+103 (103) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+111 (111) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+102 (102) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+120 (120) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33 (33) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+103 (103) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+115 (115) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+112 (112) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+110 (110) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+14 (14) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23 (23) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+40 (40) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+178 (178) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for C63 (68) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+14 (14) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+179 (179) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+177 (177) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27 (27) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24 (24) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23 (23) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+5 (5) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26 (26) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+190 (190) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+7 (7) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (66) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for C38 (69) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C171 (46) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (2) in font AAAAAM+MTSY WARN No Unicode mapping for C76 (47) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 FILE: cache/work_fdhrudsb7fhlhh4vg4qzjncyoy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fdhrudsb7fhlhh4vg4qzjncyoy.txt FILE: cache/work_bxxjca34n5bthdevhcpbiuo4m4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bxxjca34n5bthdevhcpbiuo4m4.txt FILE: cache/work_t7xicvoqfvdmtpw2txapxg3yiq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_t7xicvoqfvdmtpw2txapxg3yiq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for orn.34 (31) in font RKKYTC+Zapfino WARN No Unicode mapping for orn.52 (30) in font RKKYTC+Zapfino WARN No Unicode mapping for H18546 (1) in font ENFABG+Universal-NewswithCommPi FILE: cache/work_sl3b5skuxvfrziy6gu7nwdeer4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sl3b5skuxvfrziy6gu7nwdeer4.txt FILE: cache/work_25ivph6guvdtxi4jly5qjxutdy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_25ivph6guvdtxi4jly5qjxutdy.txt FILE: cache/work_mxd43tbobnhhtbvfhhc6syty7e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mxd43tbobnhhtbvfhhc6syty7e.txt FILE: cache/work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu.txt FILE: cache/work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+12 (12) in font CNZLAM+Poetica-SuppOrnaments FILE: cache/work_dy3ctedymncwtl3xvsz6zc6zfi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dy3ctedymncwtl3xvsz6zc6zfi.txt FILE: cache/work_meyrwdoh5batfpyddwwj3cth4m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_meyrwdoh5batfpyddwwj3cth4m.txt WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored FILE: cache/work_paajdqtprvd6zawdqggsazvbu4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_paajdqtprvd6zawdqggsazvbu4.txt FILE: cache/work_ojjvzh77rrdg3lukfuv4ypkzq4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ojjvzh77rrdg3lukfuv4ypkzq4.txt FILE: cache/work_blwurw4zrfhsxdt67wfqgjhqje.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_blwurw4zrfhsxdt67wfqgjhqje.txt FILE: cache/work_z6kmt2gierd4jfy5erasrc2ugu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z6kmt2gierd4jfy5erasrc2ugu.txt FILE: cache/work_3r7s3ff26bb6hp3ymfahpjabyu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3r7s3ff26bb6hp3ymfahpjabyu.txt FILE: cache/work_u7t2a7mhkjacpdbkqteipunypu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_u7t2a7mhkjacpdbkqteipunypu.txt FILE: cache/work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+61 (61) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+62 (62) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+57 (57) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+60 (60) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+0 (0) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+59 (59) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+65 (65) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT FILE: cache/work_a3s54zpzyjdprmyzj2uf5wpjuu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_a3s54zpzyjdprmyzj2uf5wpjuu.txt FILE: cache/work_mz2opd7byrcqnnt2kooroptc64.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mz2opd7byrcqnnt2kooroptc64.txt FILE: cache/work_2pbsfw2fmjg4rfsrum2nfphn3u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2pbsfw2fmjg4rfsrum2nfphn3u.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for f_i (139) in font GXMGRQ+MetaOT-Norm WARN No Unicode mapping for T_h (31) in font UEIMDV+MinionPro-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 136 (149) in font MMPMIL+GillSans-Light WARN No Unicode mapping for T_h (31) in font NTDCCQ+MinionPro-It WARN No Unicode mapping for f_i (31) in font ENLLFC+MinionPro-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for f_t (30) in font ENLLFC+MinionPro-Regular FILE: cache/work_pifuzo2cd5fvhjc3x5ypbqs7pu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_pifuzo2cd5fvhjc3x5ypbqs7pu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for f_f (31) in font PETJXR+MyriadPro-Bold INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_vmufbgdzfrdkxaj327pqnzk6wm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vmufbgdzfrdkxaj327pqnzk6wm.txt FILE: cache/work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy.txt FILE: cache/work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_ftjw4eypdbfb7e534xhf5y2nae.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ftjw4eypdbfb7e534xhf5y2nae.txt FILE: cache/work_j3czw6qrnjhf5ebzlztazkqqhe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_j3czw6qrnjhf5ebzlztazkqqhe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for H9252 (2) in font MHOJDM+MathematicalPi-One WARN No Unicode mapping for H11005 (2) in font MHOJFI+Universal-GreekwithMathPi WARN No Unicode mapping for H9251 (3) in font MHOJDM+MathematicalPi-One INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_eyld4s4wlncknpzfy2xdwikie4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_eyld4s4wlncknpzfy2xdwikie4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_x6zszfj7xffyrnp336tcbhagv4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_x6zszfj7xffyrnp336tcbhagv4.txt FILE: cache/work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4.txt FILE: cache/work_2o7v5xztgvcgdbilhblbqbsiv4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2o7v5xztgvcgdbilhblbqbsiv4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_bfgdfxe3rraulaiinbva54yxxe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bfgdfxe3rraulaiinbva54yxxe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ch3trgilincx5eyv4h4r6lt2ca.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ch3trgilincx5eyv4h4r6lt2ca.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_cjgtsejac5e2dja4cyzyeos73m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cjgtsejac5e2dja4cyzyeos73m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_okly4pxzmfexteypz6i345qrte.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_okly4pxzmfexteypz6i345qrte.txt FILE: cache/work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_rvpfa6d4tfa2vds77qrlblfkxu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rvpfa6d4tfa2vds77qrlblfkxu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_vl75htli5vh23baj6u7quagkbq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vl75htli5vh23baj6u7quagkbq.txt FILE: cache/work_zhean7744vbf7e36mmt6zfbodi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zhean7744vbf7e36mmt6zfbodi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_jztndgc4uzd4fk7l5fhtom2zp4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jztndgc4uzd4fk7l5fhtom2zp4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_z47gsrvkq5bspconbj3c4tosxm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z47gsrvkq5bspconbj3c4tosxm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_xn6sqfzhizfnfdhztilhbbpg3i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xn6sqfzhizfnfdhztilhbbpg3i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_posidt25wbhm7ntzflkfryw7ea.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_posidt25wbhm7ntzflkfryw7ea.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_i6yrsggtxvb3xm42fltabiftay.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_i6yrsggtxvb3xm42fltabiftay.txt FILE: cache/work_ygtdgn7pb5b5tpr4wid344lafm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ygtdgn7pb5b5tpr4wid344lafm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_rxphzwcy7rbxtmcmsmhtjowsmy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rxphzwcy7rbxtmcmsmhtjowsmy.txt FILE: 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Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 887 (53) in font ZPYUVH+Cambria WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 888 (54) in font ZPYUVH+Cambria WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 889 (55) in font ZPYUVH+Cambria WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 890 (56) in font ZPYUVH+Cambria WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 891 (57) in font ZPYUVH+Cambria WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 882 (48) in font ZPYUVH+Cambria WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 76 (105) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 91 (120) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 3 (32) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for 37 (66) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 85 (114) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 79 (108) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 68 (97) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 81 (110) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 87 (116) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 20 (49) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 28 (57) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 15 (44) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 27 (56) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 22 (51) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN No Unicode mapping for 17 (46) in font WDLROP+TimesNewRomanPSMT WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_i7ueyjq25nelfi5cdfnaztn22q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_i7ueyjq25nelfi5cdfnaztn22q.txt FILE: cache/work_7na6max5ybhdva6or767ixsegi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7na6max5ybhdva6or767ixsegi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6lxbejmz55hcbkf2wlk2ofz26m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6lxbejmz55hcbkf2wlk2ofz26m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_s2gjmma4e5cwdeopnsgufex3zm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_s2gjmma4e5cwdeopnsgufex3zm.txt FILE: cache/work_ealfme5qavavbidhzxzw3qa5le.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ealfme5qavavbidhzxzw3qa5le.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_tbaed66uuzhdhfphuimifxxyfe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tbaed66uuzhdhfphuimifxxyfe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ljgjibznevghfl35xqmld2yuym.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ljgjibznevghfl35xqmld2yuym.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_e4nxk3twqvhhllgkeixtplgiue.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_e4nxk3twqvhhllgkeixtplgiue.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_f7q5xalu7rc27eyfky4bn6a65u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_f7q5xalu7rc27eyfky4bn6a65u.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 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fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_7fd6n3h2cbhh5bqh7lhk427ysi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7fd6n3h2cbhh5bqh7lhk427ysi.txt FILE: cache/work_xfxhrn3645hbvczk77whx3r3nm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xfxhrn3645hbvczk77whx3r3nm.txt FILE: cache/work_35x62fiswvcc3jlutqqnhh6kza.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_35x62fiswvcc3jlutqqnhh6kza.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font JXEADF+HelveticaLTStd-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font 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in font HSAEUE+MathematicaMono,Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for RightArrow (2) in font HSAEUE+MathematicaMono,Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for RawRightBracket (3) in font HSAEUE+MathematicaMono,Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CenterDot (1) in font VRBBWM+Mathematica WARN No Unicode mapping for FilledSmallSquare (1) in font KPSHBO+MathematicaMono WARN No Unicode mapping for RawLeftParenthesis (4) in font HSAEUE+MathematicaMono,Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for RawStar (5) in font HSAEUE+MathematicaMono,Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for RawRightParenthesis (6) in font HSAEUE+MathematicaMono,Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for RawLess (2) in font VRBBWM+Mathematica WARN No Unicode mapping for RawEqual (3) in font VRBBWM+Mathematica WARN No Unicode mapping for RawSlash (4) in font VRBBWM+Mathematica WARN No Unicode mapping for RawGreater (5) in font VRBBWM+Mathematica FILE: cache/work_sysuwrxvo5cxjhazbbf36riv4y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sysuwrxvo5cxjhazbbf36riv4y.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for 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mapping for RawLeftBrace (12) in font VNZQXL+MathematicaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for RawRightBrace (13) in font VNZQXL+MathematicaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for RawLess (14) in font VNZQXL+MathematicaSans FILE: cache/work_r7pmphf6erhhtcfi4hfrg2l6zq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_r7pmphf6erhhtcfi4hfrg2l6zq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_psuefqkk6nhoxd7r6xukpdigjm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_psuefqkk6nhoxd7r6xukpdigjm.txt FILE: cache/work_z7jqwxhkrbbwzfyri7obui5ayu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z7jqwxhkrbbwzfyri7obui5ayu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme.txt FILE: cache/work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu.txt FILE: cache/work_s7rgc5itrjgwdola7skz5cxvwe.pdf 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'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_yyf4ibq2snh7fmepxeibx5sdpe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yyf4ibq2snh7fmepxeibx5sdpe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q.txt WARN Using 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Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_duerxh5tazfybd7zbznrvsk5ba.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_duerxh5tazfybd7zbznrvsk5ba.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_satbbhxhnjdvxhpxjf5zdbchia.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_satbbhxhnjdvxhpxjf5zdbchia.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_kmubz3mkkfcefmrnyotsqs55sy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kmubz3mkkfcefmrnyotsqs55sy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_43p7u6t7z5ccdljglt26qmfqpm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_43p7u6t7z5ccdljglt26qmfqpm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_45qwzmhf2nbqzindfmshnqpzje.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_45qwzmhf2nbqzindfmshnqpzje.txt FILE: 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'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_cszmxehhcvgitjzltbylyjgb7m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cszmxehhcvgitjzltbylyjgb7m.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_iwukqlvlbfdzpgxkhxiycdnwey.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_iwukqlvlbfdzpgxkhxiycdnwey.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ljnirxuenvfhdgyxppsrm6wweq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ljnirxuenvfhdgyxppsrm6wweq.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationMono' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_7lgnmaqm4nafxnbodkgupzdzae.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7lgnmaqm4nafxnbodkgupzdzae.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_dwsyeehvw5d7vbjbwjajyqmjpe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dwsyeehvw5d7vbjbwjajyqmjpe.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_gnmffdhcu5acbf5kh747e2pkle.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gnmffdhcu5acbf5kh747e2pkle.txt FILE: cache/work_fqr4sa5ldjacza4kd4qcwuz244.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fqr4sa5ldjacza4kd4qcwuz244.txt FILE: cache/work_nvscspk3srhxhl7y722b2wskl4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nvscspk3srhxhl7y722b2wskl4.txt FILE: cache/work_h5pjr7grjzhejnag7tvg3vsih4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_h5pjr7grjzhejnag7tvg3vsih4.txt FILE: cache/work_3ykugiue5ba3dotwgaaouivdjq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3ykugiue5ba3dotwgaaouivdjq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_z3g7mbq2t5h6jfrjg4hcjewemm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_z3g7mbq2t5h6jfrjg4hcjewemm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_5rstwxssmnfhtlryewml6yr5bm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5rstwxssmnfhtlryewml6yr5bm.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for C20 (2) in font HEHGMK+AdvP4C4E59 FILE: cache/work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_le5xp333tjccxabbzgf7mwen7m.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_le5xp333tjccxabbzgf7mwen7m.txt FILE: cache/work_p62okbw73zarfks47xv6j4jbrq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_p62okbw73zarfks47xv6j4jbrq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_yqvknskanrhzjnoxnkdnqw32vm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yqvknskanrhzjnoxnkdnqw32vm.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_wllr5bnu6zhmncog3qsflpxiru.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wllr5bnu6zhmncog3qsflpxiru.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (2) in font AAAAAK+MTSY WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30462 (30462) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24813 (24813) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29678 (29678) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30190 (30190) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33777 (33777) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23277 (23277) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30206 (30206) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33017 (33017) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29677 (29677) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24565 (24565) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30205 (30205) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25597 (25597) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_5f5uoyu2nfgznfeifbdujf2hua.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5f5uoyu2nfgznfeifbdujf2hua.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30206 (30206) in font *ÇѾçÁß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30189 (30189) in font *ÇѾçÁß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30193 (30193) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27132 (27132) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_d27bkpt3ujaybls3g77qi3a6wa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_d27bkpt3ujaybls3g77qi3a6wa.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29937 (29937) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30197 (30197) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33021 (33021) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30189 (30189) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26100 (26100) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+31226 (31226) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23542 (23542) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33521 (33521) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33773 (33773) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23533 (23533) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29685 (29685) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27117 (27117) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30445 (30445) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29937 (29937) in font *ÇѾçÁß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+31477 (31477) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24317 (24317) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24813 (24813) in font *ÇѾçÁß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30462 (30462) in font *ÇѾçÁß°íµñ-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_hcp4ebkfpnanhn2cnzfdkm3tyi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hcp4ebkfpnanhn2cnzfdkm3tyi.txt FILE: cache/work_swrphvdzobhttk7rxetc4p6ao4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_swrphvdzobhttk7rxetc4p6ao4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33529 (33529) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30190 (30190) in font *ÇѾçÁß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33021 (33021) in font *ÇѾçÁß°íµñ-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je.txt FILE: cache/work_7a5oglvb7zeuvo3ub2vdhx5t5i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_7a5oglvb7zeuvo3ub2vdhx5t5i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_x7vhqhs43rfrffkow5i4gjtolq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_x7vhqhs43rfrffkow5i4gjtolq.txt FILE: cache/work_547m3n2njbgo3gnfffvjw5zvoe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_547m3n2njbgo3gnfffvjw5zvoe.txt FILE: cache/work_fvbcuqfjq5ez5kl7uknxhm2esi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fvbcuqfjq5ez5kl7uknxhm2esi.txt FILE: cache/work_kerf3jafgngcdoa7ipyqolxdlu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kerf3jafgngcdoa7ipyqolxdlu.txt FILE: cache/work_a46tsbkdofc2rdvexsqlyse5hm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_a46tsbkdofc2rdvexsqlyse5hm.txt FILE: cache/work_pi6aoxhgp5ey5ln3esdhdnmhem.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_pi6aoxhgp5ey5ln3esdhdnmhem.txt FILE: cache/work_j2xr6yuo3vffbedptwzxoensv4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_j2xr6yuo3vffbedptwzxoensv4.txt FILE: cache/work_gfobygmmxjdrfmfx6z2lfipxhm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gfobygmmxjdrfmfx6z2lfipxhm.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol FILE: cache/work_xbvlxxr3uncvfhl5xnpvtget4a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xbvlxxr3uncvfhl5xnpvtget4a.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33021 (33021) in font *ÇѾçÁß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol FILE: cache/work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30190 (30190) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30193 (30193) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24813 (24813) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30206 (30206) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23277 (23277) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33777 (33777) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29677 (29677) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29937 (29937) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27132 (27132) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30205 (30205) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26100 (26100) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25597 (25597) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33021 (33021) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24565 (24565) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_s3ofvt733vdfllyn4ivmfg7sba.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_s3ofvt733vdfllyn4ivmfg7sba.txt FILE: cache/work_op3doyl64fcx7hmtko3acq7ane.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_op3doyl64fcx7hmtko3acq7ane.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_bgr4zsxetrdk7eaaaxbkyef2oy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bgr4zsxetrdk7eaaaxbkyef2oy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol FILE: cache/work_xzun45yo2fgc3iix5x5eoafstm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xzun45yo2fgc3iix5x5eoafstm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_cq3fd2f7fvhb5jjvn4ymndwgk4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cq3fd2f7fvhb5jjvn4ymndwgk4.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol FILE: cache/work_4qk4ugfzovcgdobv2jhbb5bzqa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4qk4ugfzovcgdobv2jhbb5bzqa.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_edufvcpngjcr5o7kdvcszxk2xe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_edufvcpngjcr5o7kdvcszxk2xe.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_idbo4upnb5aafb2hmocc4nmk4i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_idbo4upnb5aafb2hmocc4nmk4i.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_6v4cvg3pvrg6vcmtayk4u2mvwy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6v4cvg3pvrg6vcmtayk4u2mvwy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_vmf43eulbvgvnbakrxomr5r6ae.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vmf43eulbvgvnbakrxomr5r6ae.txt FILE: cache/work_hminmhyh6zd5xjyoabf7yelp74.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hminmhyh6zd5xjyoabf7yelp74.txt FILE: cache/work_zb3ca4ct25dpnachgyc5jukiq4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zb3ca4ct25dpnachgyc5jukiq4.txt WARN Using fallback DroidSansFallback for CID-keyed font AdobeHeitiStd-Regular INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_w5cjk33k4jaktdmqtou6k76hxy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_w5cjk33k4jaktdmqtou6k76hxy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font MUFUZY+Arial-BoldMT INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Invalid ToUnicode CMap in font JSMTPH+AdvPSSym INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_sflyzzfy3nbtnlwi4moc6korom.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sflyzzfy3nbtnlwi4moc6korom.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23277 (23277) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23294 (23294) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27132 (27132) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24813 (24813) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30189 (30189) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_mpgodfpoyba2nbpxnqp3ejgziq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mpgodfpoyba2nbpxnqp3ejgziq.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+8803 (8803) in font *#Áß°íµñ-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_cx6jq2aivbhjhlhlowlxkepyzu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cx6jq2aivbhjhlhlowlxkepyzu.txt FILE: cache/work_myfomrpabnam7f4o57fxudm5bi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_myfomrpabnam7f4o57fxudm5bi.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_x2wtdlufu5bh5hdggq2pp5a3le.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_x2wtdlufu5bh5hdggq2pp5a3le.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30462 (30462) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25597 (25597) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30205 (30205) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30449 (30449) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27641 (27641) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30190 (30190) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29678 (29678) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33777 (33777) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+31477 (31477) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29937 (29937) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33017 (33017) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30193 (30193) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23277 (23277) in font *½Å¸í-ŸíÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29685 (29685) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29677 (29677) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33521 (33521) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_bi6wylp2czfrnnw67dwbxgmfsy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bi6wylp2czfrnnw67dwbxgmfsy.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27132 (27132) in font *½Å¸í-ŸíÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30193 (30193) in font *½Å¸í-Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+28922 (28922) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23533 (23533) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27132 (27132) in font *½Å¸í-Áß°íµñ-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_jhoga6h6zzgi3m26436di7davi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jhoga6h6zzgi3m26436di7davi.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30445 (30445) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33777 (33777) in font *½Å¸í-Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30445 (30445) in font *½Å¸í-Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23542 (23542) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24813 (24813) in font *½Å¸í-Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26101 (26101) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33021 (33021) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_vzcj4zf5xrayhaed5io53plyny.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vzcj4zf5xrayhaed5io53plyny.txt FILE: cache/work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30206 (30206) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33010 (33010) in font *ÇѾç½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H FILE: cache/work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y.txt FILE: cache/work_4ucu3fgdtrekzmw7ygobvkz7ju.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4ucu3fgdtrekzmw7ygobvkz7ju.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_tvyzye2qnfbsrib2c3hkrpby3u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tvyzye2qnfbsrib2c3hkrpby3u.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_jzn7kslrivfuromhidww3ouome.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jzn7kslrivfuromhidww3ouome.txt WARN Using fallback DroidSansFallback for CID-keyed font AdobeHeitiStd-Regular WARN Using fallback DroidSansFallback for CID-keyed font AdobeHeitiStd-Regular FILE: cache/work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33777 (33777) in font *#Á߸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30193 (30193) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30190 (30190) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29678 (29678) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+31477 (31477) in font *#Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33777 (33777) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23277 (23277) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27132 (27132) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33521 (33521) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30462 (30462) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30205 (30205) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24813 (24813) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30206 (30206) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+31477 (31477) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33017 (33017) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29685 (29685) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29677 (29677) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24561 (24561) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25597 (25597) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30445 (30445) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30189 (30189) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33774 (33774) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33790 (33790) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30193 (30193) in font *#Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30190 (30190) in font *#Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30197 (30197) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23542 (23542) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23541 (23541) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29937 (29937) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33521 (33521) in font *#Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33777 (33777) in font *#Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24057 (24057) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27132 (27132) in font *#Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24309 (24309) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24565 (24565) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+30449 (30449) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27641 (27641) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26100 (26100) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+29678 (29678) in font *#Áß°íµñ-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27377 (27377) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33021 (33021) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48823 (48823) in font HMPLHD+ÇÑÄĹÙÅÁ WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48824 (48824) in font HMPLHD+ÇÑÄĹÙÅÁ WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23533 (23533) in font *#½Å¸íÁ¶-Identity-H INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font BPOBCP+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+882 (882) in font BPOBCP+Calibri-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+3 (3) in font BPOBEA+Calibri WARN cmap format 4 subtable is empty WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (31) in font BPOCOA+ArialMT FILE: cache/work_q5h5457wxnaptagx6fk25pyk6a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_q5h5457wxnaptagx6fk25pyk6a.txt FILE: cache/work_27x3h6p3pvfjbbydjt2npnw5ka.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_27x3h6p3pvfjbbydjt2npnw5ka.txt FILE: cache/work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for bullet5 (142) in font MZWORZ+RealpageBAS4 FILE: cache/work_g47c7pzuqnhr7ljf6kdzgzwqo4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_g47c7pzuqnhr7ljf6kdzgzwqo4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for bullet5 (142) in font QEQKOX+RealpageBAS4-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for bullet6 (143) in font MZWORZ+RealpageBAS4 WARN No Unicode mapping for bullet6 (143) in font QEQKOX+RealpageBAS4-Italic INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_bznl5baxhrauvcgx3hfazpthji.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bznl5baxhrauvcgx3hfazpthji.txt FILE: cache/work_zrgrgvdl2faxxmngdbl47bla2i.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zrgrgvdl2faxxmngdbl47bla2i.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_vjcxmis4brf5lgui3eazsexu74.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vjcxmis4brf5lgui3eazsexu74.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4.txt FILE: cache/work_duhvzdnav5gedeez5zbrnfm7x4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_duhvzdnav5gedeez5zbrnfm7x4.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_yt2skof73fc7pmk4dl4ykdvdwi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yt2skof73fc7pmk4dl4ykdvdwi.txt FILE: cache/work_hgdm2y4q7vfedfdhw65nfatn4e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hgdm2y4q7vfedfdhw65nfatn4e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ut2d6oyfr5ar3orykmmq4qqvje.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ut2d6oyfr5ar3orykmmq4qqvje.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_f3njbxsoubasbijmra47nyshmq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_f3njbxsoubasbijmra47nyshmq.txt FILE: cache/work_wcwima3oq5gx5e66u7bozciqea.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wcwima3oq5gx5e66u7bozciqea.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_5m6yjxlccndh3iwjl6ksgoeirq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5m6yjxlccndh3iwjl6ksgoeirq.txt FILE: cache/work_umborvwodze4pgx5d43oac5vzy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_umborvwodze4pgx5d43oac5vzy.txt FILE: cache/work_wl3ewtoanrh4davoreq3ltlzli.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wl3ewtoanrh4davoreq3ltlzli.txt FILE: cache/work_rwp6ja52r5falcyvxjrayatzzq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_rwp6ja52r5falcyvxjrayatzzq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_aotovu23tnatfoa2jndtixjxcu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_aotovu23tnatfoa2jndtixjxcu.txt FILE: cache/work_ikgdewjkvzeh5div47xu3jzlva.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ikgdewjkvzeh5div47xu3jzlva.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_tt2cjt5gy5hddizfll7vpxb2p4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tt2cjt5gy5hddizfll7vpxb2p4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_4up7de24rjdfravhatdex3cjye.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4up7de24rjdfravhatdex3cjye.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_cwmtckj4ivh2teeehffeyhczn4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cwmtckj4ivh2teeehffeyhczn4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_4j2oyr7mwvaflf7eh2afqodmgm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4j2oyr7mwvaflf7eh2afqodmgm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_cbv7z2o5enf5xazc4l5suau6ja.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cbv7z2o5enf5xazc4l5suau6ja.txt 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(autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (2) in font PPDCDA+CMSY10 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_f7e63yfxabfyha4dwftvhprcqa.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_f7e63yfxabfyha4dwftvhprcqa.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' FILE: cache/work_ixelwyqqsfhdti3nhm62bbxtku.pdf 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'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'Tahoma' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_wuo45whc3zetdjbpo4dmswd32e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wuo45whc3zetdjbpo4dmswd32e.txt FILE: cache/work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_d4mbquhhxfaevcsfsvfcar6jlu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_d4mbquhhxfaevcsfsvfcar6jlu.txt FILE: cache/work_p4yrb4tdobekhlzmitrcbynfle.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_p4yrb4tdobekhlzmitrcbynfle.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_sj2t5jaa4redfk4ela5iszz4di.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sj2t5jaa4redfk4ela5iszz4di.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_jkxdhaibibfedjuxezhsj4gesq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_jkxdhaibibfedjuxezhsj4gesq.txt FILE: cache/work_v6elnnvunnf3xkehmkdde7sory.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_v6elnnvunnf3xkehmkdde7sory.txt FILE: cache/work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for a73 (110) in font HALJMQ+ZapfDingbats FILE: cache/work_4btbjjcewzbnhe3zvqm2yhk2yq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4btbjjcewzbnhe3zvqm2yhk2yq.txt FILE: cache/work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm.txt FILE: cache/work_oygi5zzovza5fnkkordlxdwete.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_oygi5zzovza5fnkkordlxdwete.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym.txt FILE: cache/work_aq7meiqkobeb7bjyjg2ddibd6e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_aq7meiqkobeb7bjyjg2ddibd6e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_fxkdfacb3bbv7hdp3gunv5ueh4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fxkdfacb3bbv7hdp3gunv5ueh4.txt FILE: cache/work_t6sxfc6uzrbtlnokomrlyddb4e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_t6sxfc6uzrbtlnokomrlyddb4e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_t4o434bos5hrxjo2ov333tyrbu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_t4o434bos5hrxjo2ov333tyrbu.txt FILE: cache/work_346q4iox5felpknzvxznfb7oze.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_346q4iox5felpknzvxznfb7oze.txt FILE: cache/work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_cdgyfdagfrbirca4v777qwbixy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cdgyfdagfrbirca4v777qwbixy.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_ieeubskgiza3jpqq23mginctbu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ieeubskgiza3jpqq23mginctbu.txt FILE: cache/work_umxtyaf5sjcjzov4jzw27263de.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_umxtyaf5sjcjzov4jzw27263de.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_yso5qcl6efcfdd4eyhjot4pdy4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yso5qcl6efcfdd4eyhjot4pdy4.txt FILE: cache/work_qznxs22hhbhwjeck73nkvr5xru.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qznxs22hhbhwjeck73nkvr5xru.txt FILE: cache/work_ba5asz5uynhhll4c55dwa5cire.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ba5asz5uynhhll4c55dwa5cire.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_w7lyhpfabfaqzgiblov2gyekkm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_w7lyhpfabfaqzgiblov2gyekkm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_4jucqoojrjbdto2hzhp2entope.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4jucqoojrjbdto2hzhp2entope.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.txt FILE: cache/work_5hvjxj3eubc5ffqaegwu3umi2u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5hvjxj3eubc5ffqaegwu3umi2u.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TrebuchetMS' WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G20 (32) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G20 (32) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3A (58) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G34 (52) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G33 (51) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G37 (55) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G58 (88) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G43 (67) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6B (107) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G36 (54) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G59 (89) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G28 (40) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G29 (41) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3B (59) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3A (58) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G36 (54) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T6 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G37 (55) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G35 (53) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G33 (51) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G36 (54) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T4 FILE: cache/work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G71 (113) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T4 FILE: cache/work_5lndlq2qvnfu7iocedd5gw46pq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5lndlq2qvnfu7iocedd5gw46pq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G4B (75) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T4 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G51 (81) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2F (47) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G14 (20) in font T12 WARN No Unicode mapping for G19 (25) in font T12 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1A (26) in font T12 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_35hccofexfcuxdssza4gusq7bu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_35hccofexfcuxdssza4gusq7bu.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T4 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5B (91) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1B (27) in font T12 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T4 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_tvo6p4dp3nfzhcxxvomm2fvj3a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_tvo6p4dp3nfzhcxxvomm2fvj3a.txt FILE: cache/work_lhzjqmenafhehmdtygjevdjkwi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lhzjqmenafhehmdtygjevdjkwi.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_6alxxksqfjfvxm3pa6axawpvim.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6alxxksqfjfvxm3pa6axawpvim.txt FILE: cache/work_zlhewp66o5cl3agpi36pspawre.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zlhewp66o5cl3agpi36pspawre.txt FILE: cache/work_wvby232fvfdspmabsmwarxel7e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wvby232fvfdspmabsmwarxel7e.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G1C (28) in font T12 FILE: cache/work_nbz4b2pcw5dhhfulukqivogxga.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_nbz4b2pcw5dhhfulukqivogxga.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_5bredxiqebazffxymwqdcdplo4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_5bredxiqebazffxymwqdcdplo4.txt INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_avjrcowt45hotj5ayh44jaqfgm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_avjrcowt45hotj5ayh44jaqfgm.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' FILE: cache/work_ugxdf5my2vh7rab3hhkbapnjmu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ugxdf5my2vh7rab3hhkbapnjmu.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) FILE: cache/work_azrrrjjzl5bdjephqgzngtp2ky.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_azrrrjjzl5bdjephqgzngtp2ky.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (13) in font AQKOUH+CMSY8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G13 (19) in font T12 WARN No Unicode mapping for .notdef (9) in font Helvetica WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G20 (32) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T2 FILE: cache/work_ecsk6n5fvrg7xaifypmhg5y45u.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ecsk6n5fvrg7xaifypmhg5y45u.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T2 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G20 (32) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font EELCCP+MSTT31c33c WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3A (58) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00030 (1) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for G34 (52) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G33 (51) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G37 (55) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00035 (2) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for G58 (88) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (3) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font EELCCN+MSTT31c32e WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00038 (4) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (5) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00033 (6) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00042 (7) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00045 (8) in font MCBCCI+SourceSansRoman-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00001 (1) in font MCBCCM+SourceSansRoman.613wght WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00048 (1) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00043 (2) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00031 (3) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00028 (4) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00047 (5) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00032 (6) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for gid00046 (7) in font MCBCCO+SourceSansRoman-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G43 (67) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6B (107) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G36 (54) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G59 (89) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G28 (40) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G35 (53) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G29 (41) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3B (59) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G47 (71) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T4 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3A (58) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G36 (54) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G37 (55) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G35 (53) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G33 (51) in font T6 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T8 WARN No Unicode mapping for G36 (54) in font T8 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T4 WARN Using fallback font LiberationSans for Symbol WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G71 (113) in font T4 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T4 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for G4B (75) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T13 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G43 (67) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4B (75) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G47 (71) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T13 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for G3A (58) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T13 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T9 WARN No Unicode mapping for G43 (67) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6B (107) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T5 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G51 (81) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2F (47) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T10 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for G14 (20) in font T12 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G19 (25) in font T12 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1A (26) in font T12 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T5 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5B (91) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G14 (20) in font T18 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1A (26) in font T18 WARN No Unicode mapping for G15 (21) in font T18 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T22 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T20 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T4 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3B (59) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G28 (40) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G29 (41) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5B (91) in font T10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1B (27) in font T12 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T5 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G51 (81) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2F (47) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G16 (22) in font T18 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T19 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T19 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T19 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6B (107) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1C (28) in font T12 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3B (59) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G43 (67) in font T15 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T7 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4B (75) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5B (91) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G14 (20) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1A (26) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G17 (23) in font T24 WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN No Unicode mapping for G13 (19) in font T12 WARN No Unicode mapping for summationtext (80) in font LBWBDW+CMEX10 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G47 (71) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G51 (81) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2F (47) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G18 (24) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G35 (53) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G47 (71) in font T4 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3A (58) in font T15 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G28 (40) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G29 (41) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G71 (113) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T2 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G43 (67) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G59 (89) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4B (75) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G19 (25) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G47 (71) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for epsilon1 (15) in font XIWPON+CMMI10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3A (58) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T13 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T9 WARN No Unicode mapping for G43 (67) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6B (107) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5B (91) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G14 (20) in font T18 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1A (26) in font T18 WARN No Unicode mapping for G15 (21) in font T18 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T20 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T22 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T22 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G3F (63) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for GE7 (231) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3B (59) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G28 (40) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G29 (41) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for GE9 (233) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G51 (81) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2F (47) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G16 (22) in font T18 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T19 FILE: cache/work_d2qpusq62jhqloh53einxeqkbe.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_d2qpusq62jhqloh53einxeqkbe.txt FILE: cache/work_upsicoui3bgvhnhtyfpt4s2lzq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_upsicoui3bgvhnhtyfpt4s2lzq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G1B (27) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6B (107) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T15 WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for angbracketleft (104) in font TQPNQF+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for angbracketright (105) in font TQPNQF+CMSY10 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3B (59) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G43 (67) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T15 FILE: cache/work_autyhznvj5b5hbajw62tqqgzqy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_autyhznvj5b5hbajw62tqqgzqy.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G71 (113) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T15 FILE: cache/work_2dmweeqtqvfophgsprsdof2qb4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2dmweeqtqvfophgsprsdof2qb4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G4B (75) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5B (91) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G14 (20) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1A (26) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G17 (23) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G37 (55) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1C (28) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T15 FILE: cache/work_mrr7htttebbsjgxre544okindq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mrr7htttebbsjgxre544okindq.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G13 (19) in font T24 FILE: cache/work_lyfpcwmfgndj7hhmhnxmg3hs5e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_lyfpcwmfgndj7hhmhnxmg3hs5e.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G47 (71) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G51 (81) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2F (47) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G18 (24) in font T24 FILE: cache/work_q5kqdjqjjbhwzealrb63flldby.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_q5kqdjqjjbhwzealrb63flldby.txt FILE: cache/work_yihp5sx2szg3tc6t3vi73qwp2y.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yihp5sx2szg3tc6t3vi73qwp2y.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G3A (58) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G28 (40) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G29 (41) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G71 (113) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G59 (89) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G19 (25) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T15 FILE: cache/work_kt2gy3u6lrcd3ld5rttd4rffeu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_kt2gy3u6lrcd3ld5rttd4rffeu.txt FILE: cache/work_hughqwttfbesbhsmumc7grgb2a.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_hughqwttfbesbhsmumc7grgb2a.txt FILE: cache/work_fpj6tlkmjrf5plxuatjjlb5umy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_fpj6tlkmjrf5plxuatjjlb5umy.txt FILE: cache/work_yzdzjsciujatdk3o4w7rxcsjo4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_yzdzjsciujatdk3o4w7rxcsjo4.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G3F (63) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for GE7 (231) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T15 FILE: cache/work_76stoqpzfrco7e6o5xeuiuxl5q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_76stoqpzfrco7e6o5xeuiuxl5q.txt FILE: cache/work_qwg5js2ojfgrpc7zexsevqrlhu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qwg5js2ojfgrpc7zexsevqrlhu.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for GE9 (233) in font T15 FILE: cache/work_wdaphikarbg5fpbzbf6apqkvh4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_wdaphikarbg5fpbzbf6apqkvh4.txt FILE: cache/work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G1B (27) in font T24 FILE: cache/work_umvfepd4njecvfy5ida7oxz2b4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_umvfepd4njecvfy5ida7oxz2b4.txt FILE: cache/work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka.txt WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G71 (113) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G37 (55) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1C (28) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G13 (19) in font T24 FILE: cache/work_n7mkbm26tzd5pbibkg546fp5yu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_n7mkbm26tzd5pbibkg546fp5yu.txt FILE: cache/work_eivylmgy4nattj3heys43mbn3e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_eivylmgy4nattj3heys43mbn3e.txt FILE: cache/work_ixyc2yc2orfntj4zyagrgmhidu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ixyc2yc2orfntj4zyagrgmhidu.txt FILE: cache/work_segzvcjpebehjdhiv6ikyhgqey.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_segzvcjpebehjdhiv6ikyhgqey.txt FILE: cache/work_csiofxorubfehk365vz2iexlcy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_csiofxorubfehk365vz2iexlcy.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol FILE: cache/work_zlstouxegnfuhek364unoev3xq.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_zlstouxegnfuhek364unoev3xq.txt FILE: cache/work_xx4lbmv54rbo7evmtfensyqk7e.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_xx4lbmv54rbo7evmtfensyqk7e.txt WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' FILE: cache/work_ybnheftrq5eezgn7gypmx2q6lm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ybnheftrq5eezgn7gypmx2q6lm.txt FILE: cache/work_n2tbv2dp4zes3krpijo2u6ho3q.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_n2tbv2dp4zes3krpijo2u6ho3q.txt FILE: cache/work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy.txt FILE: cache/work_qugttcsyrrdo3jkpshshswlp64.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_qugttcsyrrdo3jkpshshswlp64.txt FILE: cache/work_6wqgvfwlvfafjdotwodcauxitu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_6wqgvfwlvfafjdotwodcauxitu.txt WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol FILE: cache/work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu.txt FILE: cache/work_bjjr2nltkrdxvcbfy7t3t6mka4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_bjjr2nltkrdxvcbfy7t3t6mka4.txt FILE: cache/work_3wyll2pvrffffemcnqyypva3dm.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_3wyll2pvrffffemcnqyypva3dm.txt FILE: cache/work_ufhws5tz6bafvm77z4wjgtrrlu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_ufhws5tz6bafvm77z4wjgtrrlu.txt FILE: cache/work_gpcy5x7s6zfflkruth3vo6lyse.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_gpcy5x7s6zfflkruth3vo6lyse.txt FILE: cache/work_4mtsq2jgtbacpioivh2fk74oh4.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_4mtsq2jgtbacpioivh2fk74oh4.txt FILE: cache/work_uvugdlgkvzg65nzwp2fpvt7doy.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_uvugdlgkvzg65nzwp2fpvt7doy.txt FILE: cache/work_sq2lpvpzcjh25he6jqjkx4cwvi.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_sq2lpvpzcjh25he6jqjkx4cwvi.txt FILE: cache/work_dvx4uj3btncuxi2slmadibjovu.pdf OUTPUT: txt/work_dvx4uj3btncuxi2slmadibjovu.txt INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_jenead5qk5bb5gvizng2dknwpe.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_m353lnhpdnbifnmgbwsdbygbhe.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_wsnnhyrl3rfthhpgzvgvnpoxxe.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_mdj3at6wbbdazmyfe6fzmhws6q.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6cveaab5w5cvdjuz2h6gmuteoi.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_u24t7jjk6ve2jnilx5do2jerou.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_u7t2a7mhkjacpdbkqteipunypu.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ixvauytlgvettfi3slvyqdhnne.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_e36otv7puncgvjcywa3elwumsm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN FeatureRecord array not alphabetically sorted by FeatureTag: init < isol WARN Format 14 cmap table is not supported and will be ignored === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_6cveaab5w5cvdjuz2h6gmuteoi' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_6cveaab5w5cvdjuz2h6gmuteoi' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_u24t7jjk6ve2jnilx5do2jerou' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_u24t7jjk6ve2jnilx5do2jerou' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_wsnnhyrl3rfthhpgzvgvnpoxxe' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_wsnnhyrl3rfthhpgzvgvnpoxxe' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_jenead5qk5bb5gvizng2dknwpe' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_jenead5qk5bb5gvizng2dknwpe' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_eh7yln5bpzcqlczqhtwvndb4ki.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: 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self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_pqn6svb2abb6rhq6kmgnv5nsyi' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_r2d4ogagcvakjenok3illjh7xq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_lfravptibngxjmcssmmasi7emy.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ujkkhe2adjeitna6aydnynnqmm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for circlecopyrt (1) in font MBNOCF+MTSY === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_bes5x2q6l5clba2afhtywkxsqe.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_ujkkhe2adjeitna6aydnynnqmm' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_ujkkhe2adjeitna6aydnynnqmm' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_bes5x2q6l5clba2afhtywkxsqe' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_bes5x2q6l5clba2afhtywkxsqe' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_3howatzsdzg2jorvfzi32amzry.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_3tdccwqagjdujbssiu5hqh7gue.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'ArialNarrow-Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-BoldItalic' for 'ArialNarrow-BoldItalic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'ArialNarrow' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Italic' for 'ArialNarrow-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_pzfcyfywvveohca2aoddc623na.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_dmrl45ttdfaxvm7izucfs7w36y.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6lprx667h5gbpi5jf2ywo5cxqu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'Georgia-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'Georgia' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'PalatinoLinotype-Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'PalatinoLinotype-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'PalatinoLinotype-Roman' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_6lprx667h5gbpi5jf2ywo5cxqu' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_6lprx667h5gbpi5jf2ywo5cxqu' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_b5etdplqjfhzzdb2tzbjeoi3w4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_b5etdplqjfhzzdb2tzbjeoi3w4' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_b5etdplqjfhzzdb2tzbjeoi3w4' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_kvmjmi76hjh4jiakauatpg4gf4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_kvmjmi76hjh4jiakauatpg4gf4 author: Michael Heim title: Shifting Focus: From Books to Laptops to Face-to-Face Discussion date: 2009 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_kvmjmi76hjh4jiakauatpg4gf4.txt cache: ./cache/work_kvmjmi76hjh4jiakauatpg4gf4.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Type-Hint text/html; charset=utf-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 dc:title resourceName b'work_kvmjmi76hjh4jiakauatpg4gf4.pdf' title viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 107, in text = textacy.preprocessing.normalize.normalize_quotation_marks( text ) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/textacy/preprocessing/", line 32, in normalize_quotation_marks return text.translate(QUOTE_TRANSLATION_TABLE) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'translate' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_2wybjbkfxbbazoyxp3jua32qcq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4 txt/../ent/work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4.ent work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4 txt/../wrd/work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ogpidrhqgrbzhhgccfpsje4rji.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq txt/../wrd/work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq.wrd work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq txt/../pos/work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_sq4l64fk7nhcnlrhteodxp7zki.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4 txt/../pos/work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4.pos work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq txt/../ent/work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq.ent work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i txt/../wrd/work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i.wrd work_p62okbw73zarfks47xv6j4jbrq txt/../wrd/work_p62okbw73zarfks47xv6j4jbrq.wrd work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e txt/../wrd/work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e.wrd work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i txt/../pos/work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i.pos work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e txt/../pos/work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e.pos work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4 txt/../pos/work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4.pos work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm txt/../pos/work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm.pos work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i txt/../ent/work_xtg5n2p2zje3rf4m4hpiwn4f6i.ent work_p62okbw73zarfks47xv6j4jbrq txt/../pos/work_p62okbw73zarfks47xv6j4jbrq.pos work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm txt/../wrd/work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm.wrd work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4 txt/../wrd/work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4.wrd work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e 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In fact, a recent paper by Norman Clemens (2011a) is titled “A Psychiatrist Retires: An Oxymoron?” On many occasions nonpsychoanalytic colleagues and friends have asked about my own plans for retirement, but I cannot think of one instance when a psychoanalytic colleague asked me when I was planning to retire. It is a question that had never occurred to me until rather recently. I had thought that my practice would eventually close through attrition. In fact, over the past several years I was working only twenty to twenty-five treatment hours a week. I had stopped accepting new analytic patients about fifteen years ago, except for some time-limited reanalyses, and was still working with some long-term analytic patients and several psychotherapy patients, as well as a few candidates and graduates in supervision. Finally, though, a series of noncatastrophic personal and family medical problems made me realize that it was time to formally end my psychoanalytic practice of fifty years. Analysts apparently plan to keep working until they are no longer able to function—and here lies the major problem. There are isolated stories of their continuing to work past the age of one hundred. More frequent are stories of elderly analysts or supervisors falling asleep, forgetting important material about the patient, and keeping the focus of these errors on the patient. Confrontation by the 609445 APAXXX10.1177/0003065115609445Book essayOn the Need to Consider Retirement research-article2015 msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description T he issue of retirement in the psychoanalytic profession is a rather delicate and usually unspoken matter. In fact, a recent paper by Norman Clemens (2011a) is titled “A Psychiatrist Retires: An Oxymoron?” On many occasions nonpsychoanalytic colleagues and friends have asked about my own plans for retirement, but I cannot think of one instance when a psychoanalytic colleague asked me when I was planning to retire. It is a question that had never occurred to me until rather recently. I had thought that my practice would eventually close through attrition. In fact, over the past several years I was working only twenty to twenty-five treatment hours a week. I had stopped accepting new analytic patients about fifteen years ago, except for some time-limited reanalyses, and was still working with some long-term analytic patients and several psychotherapy patients, as well as a few candidates and graduates in supervision. Finally, though, a series of noncatastrophic personal and family medical problems made me realize that it was time to formally end my psychoanalytic practice of fifty years. Analysts apparently plan to keep working until they are no longer able to function—and here lies the major problem. There are isolated stories of their continuing to work past the age of one hundred. More frequent are stories of elderly analysts or supervisors falling asleep, forgetting important material about the patient, and keeping the focus of these errors on the patient. 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It is a question that had never occurred to me until rather recently. I had thought that my practice would eventually close through attrition. In fact, over the past several years I was working only twenty to twenty-five treatment hours a week. I had stopped accepting new analytic patients about fifteen years ago, except for some time-limited reanalyses, and was still working with some long-term analytic patients and several psychotherapy patients, as well as a few candidates and graduates in supervision. Finally, though, a series of noncatastrophic personal and family medical problems made me realize that it was time to formally end my psychoanalytic practice of fifty years. Analysts apparently plan to keep working until they are no longer able to function—and here lies the major problem. There are isolated stories of their continuing to work past the age of one hundred. More frequent are stories of elderly analysts or supervisors falling asleep, forgetting important material about the patient, and keeping the focus of these errors on the patient. Confrontation by the 609445 APAXXX10.1177/0003065115609445Book essayOn the Need to Consider Retirement research-article2015 twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title The Omnipotence of the Psychoanalyst | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 === === id: work_3howatzsdzg2jorvfzi32amzry author: U. C. 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Jane Austen's Transatlantic Sister: The Life and Letters of Fanny Palmer Austen. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017. 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version=1.4 dc:title Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Erika Wright (review) dcterms:created 2017-06-08T14:49:39Z dcterms:modified 2017-06-08T14:52:13Z meta:author Kylee-Anne Hingston meta:creation-date 2017-06-08T14:49:39Z meta:save-date 2017-06-08T14:52:13Z modified 2017-06-08T14:52:13Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['427', '2551', '2420'] pdf:docinfo:created 2017-06-08T14:49:39Z pdf:docinfo:creator Kylee-Anne Hingston pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign CS6 (Macintosh) pdf:docinfo:modified 2017-06-08T14:52:13Z pdf:docinfo:producer Project MUSE pdf:docinfo:title Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Erika Wright (review) pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0'] producer Project MUSE resourceName b'work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm.pdf' title Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Erika Wright (review) trapped False xmp:CreatorTool Adobe InDesign CS6 (Macintosh) xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:8d6b387c-2252-c243-b212-a865d6e98607 xmpTPg:NPages 3 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_opg24kmpkvbizb5ktowsg5dmya.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_5bredxiqebazffxymwqdcdplo4 txt/../wrd/work_5bredxiqebazffxymwqdcdplo4.wrd === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_opg24kmpkvbizb5ktowsg5dmya' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_opg24kmpkvbizb5ktowsg5dmya' === === id: work_3y6vfufn4ne73hxg3tk27p6w2m author: B. 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CID+104 (104) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+65 (65) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+0 (0) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+7 (7) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+65 (65) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+82 (82) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+12 (12) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+14 (14) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+118 (118) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+136 (136) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33 (33) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+4 (4) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+92 (92) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23 (23) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24 (24) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+16 (16) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+65 (65) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+75 (75) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font DXYROK+Myriad-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+57 (57) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font CPOLAM+Myriad-Italic work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa txt/../ent/work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa.ent WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+40 (40) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+178 (178) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+181 (181) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+179 (179) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+177 (177) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+13 (13) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+27 (27) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+181 (181) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23 (23) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+21 (21) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+7 (7) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+5 (5) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+26 (26) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+39 (39) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+78 (78) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+14 (14) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+50 (50) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+176 (176) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+43 (43) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+110 (110) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+118 (118) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+91 (91) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+56 (56) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+9 (9) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+10 (10) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+90 (90) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+87 (87) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+24 (24) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+48 (48) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+199 (199) in font MWFTKS+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+103 (103) in font LOVNWU+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+111 (111) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+102 (102) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+120 (120) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33 (33) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+103 (103) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+115 (115) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+112 (112) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+110 (110) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font JYBBUY+MrsEavesItalic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+37 (37) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+54 (54) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+44 (44) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+47 (47) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+52 (52) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+58 (58) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+49 (49) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+15 (15) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+76 (76) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+81 (81) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+14 (14) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+18 (18) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+25 (25) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+23 (23) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+22 (22) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+17 (17) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+19 (19) in font JYBBUY+ScalaSans WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+41 (41) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+88 (88) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+85 (85) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+42 (42) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+86 (86) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+34 (34) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+72 (72) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+53 (53) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+73 (73) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+70 (70) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+1 (1) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+45 (45) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+84 (84) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+80 (80) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+79 (79) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+40 (40) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+83 (83) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+55 (55) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+74 (74) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+69 (69) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+66 (66) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+77 (77) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+46 (46) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+51 (51) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+36 (36) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+38 (38) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN 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(43) in font DYTROK+MetaPlusBold-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+89 (89) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+35 (35) in font BIZFMO+MetaPlusBook-Italic WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+20 (20) in font CQJLAM+MetaPlusBook-Roman work_q5h5457wxnaptagx6fk25pyk6a txt/../wrd/work_q5h5457wxnaptagx6fk25pyk6a.wrd WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+12 (12) in font CNZLAM+Poetica-SuppOrnaments WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+61 (61) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+62 (62) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+57 (57) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+67 (67) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+60 (60) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+0 (0) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+59 (59) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+71 (71) in font CVULAM+BulmerExpMT WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+68 (68) in font 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_mz2opd7byrcqnnt2kooroptc64' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_mz2opd7byrcqnnt2kooroptc64' 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self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_oazrxpvuhbcjbnrow7fjsawrse' === === 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File 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S. Lewis date: 2020 pages: 11 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim.txt cache: ./cache/work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim.pdf Author Brian Murdoch Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-06-18T09:59:39Z Keywords C. S. Lewis; periodisation; the Middle Ages; medieval studies; qualitative judgement; universal themes; technology; identity; courtly love X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 54 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject The scholarly writings of C. S. Lewis (1898–1963) have both inspired the study of the Middle Ages and confirmed the relevance to the humanities that medieval literary texts can have for the present. He was aware that the straitjacket implied by periodisation can blind us to the universal values presented in medieval literature. Qualitative assumptions made about the (usually undefined) Middle Ages include an alienating remoteness, and also a general ignorance, especially of science and technology. Lewis drew attention to the knowledge of astronomy, for example, and pointed out that medieval technical skills in architecture, agriculture and medicine are important for us to be aware about. Three medieval works illustrate this universality with respect to technical skills (the Völundarkviða); identity and the self (the Hildebrandslied); and the popular love-song (the courtly love-lyric). Lewis cautioned against pejorative terms like ‘Dark Ages’, noted problems of perspective in assessing all pre-modern literature, and showed that earlier works have a continuing value and relevance. created 2020-06-18T09:59:39Z creator Brian Murdoch dc:creator Brian Murdoch dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject C. S. Lewis; periodisation; the Middle Ages; medieval studies; qualitative judgement; universal themes; technology; identity; courtly love dc:title Defining and Defending the Middle Ages with C. S. Lewis dcterms:created 2020-06-18T09:59:39Z meta:author Brian Murdoch meta:creation-date 2020-06-18T09:59:39Z meta:keyword C. S. Lewis; periodisation; the Middle Ages; medieval studies; qualitative judgement; universal themes; technology; identity; courtly love pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3016', '4053', '3929', '3886', '3999', '3927', '3890', '4002', '3679', '3541', '1377'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-06-18T09:59:39Z pdf:docinfo:creator Brian Murdoch pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:keywords C. S. Lewis; periodisation; the Middle Ages; medieval studies; qualitative judgement; universal themes; technology; identity; courtly love pdf:docinfo:producer XeTeX 0.99998 pdf:docinfo:subject The scholarly writings of C. S. Lewis (1898–1963) have both inspired the study of the Middle Ages and confirmed the relevance to the humanities that medieval literary texts can have for the present. He was aware that the straitjacket implied by periodisation can blind us to the universal values presented in medieval literature. Qualitative assumptions made about the (usually undefined) Middle Ages include an alienating remoteness, and also a general ignorance, especially of science and technology. Lewis drew attention to the knowledge of astronomy, for example, and pointed out that medieval technical skills in architecture, agriculture and medicine are important for us to be aware about. Three medieval works illustrate this universality with respect to technical skills (the Völundarkviða); identity and the self (the Hildebrandslied); and the popular love-song (the courtly love-lyric). Lewis cautioned against pejorative terms like ‘Dark Ages’, noted problems of perspective in assessing all pre-modern literature, and showed that earlier works have a continuing value and relevance. pdf:docinfo:title Defining and Defending the Middle Ages with C. S. Lewis pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['21', '2', '5', '3', '5', '2', '6', '10', '6', '11', '7'] producer XeTeX 0.99998 resourceName b'work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim.pdf' subject The scholarly writings of C. S. Lewis (1898–1963) have both inspired the study of the Middle Ages and confirmed the relevance to the humanities that medieval literary texts can have for the present. He was aware that the straitjacket implied by periodisation can blind us to the universal values presented in medieval literature. Qualitative assumptions made about the (usually undefined) Middle Ages include an alienating remoteness, and also a general ignorance, especially of science and technology. Lewis drew attention to the knowledge of astronomy, for example, and pointed out that medieval technical skills in architecture, agriculture and medicine are important for us to be aware about. Three medieval works illustrate this universality with respect to technical skills (the Völundarkviða); identity and the self (the Hildebrandslied); and the popular love-song (the courtly love-lyric). Lewis cautioned against pejorative terms like ‘Dark Ages’, noted problems of perspective in assessing all pre-modern literature, and showed that earlier works have a continuing value and relevance. title Defining and Defending the Middle Ages with C. S. 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"pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_meyrwdoh5batfpyddwwj3cth4m' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_meyrwdoh5batfpyddwwj3cth4m' work_65wz7fl7ojhyfflonuxudbxoxi txt/../wrd/work_65wz7fl7ojhyfflonuxudbxoxi.wrd work_hminmhyh6zd5xjyoabf7yelp74 txt/../pos/work_hminmhyh6zd5xjyoabf7yelp74.pos work_hminmhyh6zd5xjyoabf7yelp74 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version=1.6 dc:title IVO BARROSO, UM TRADUTOR DE OBRAS COMPLETAS dcterms:created 2007-02-01T18:08:21Z dcterms:modified 2008-09-02T18:41:40Z description Entrevista meta:author Cadernos de Tradução meta:creation-date 2007-02-01T18:08:21Z meta:save-date 2008-09-02T18:41:40Z modified 2008-09-02T18:41:40Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.6 pdf:charsPerPage ['23', '32', '1682', '1641', '1503', '1751', '1815', '1332', '1789', '1698', '1721', '1482', '348', '485', '545'] pdf:docinfo:created 2007-02-01T18:08:21Z pdf:docinfo:creator Cadernos de Tradução pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe PageMaker 7.0 pdf:docinfo:modified 2008-09-02T18:41:40Z pdf:docinfo:producer Acrobat Distiller 5.0 (Windows) pdf:docinfo:subject Entrevista pdf:docinfo:title IVO BARROSO, UM TRADUTOR DE OBRAS COMPLETAS pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Acrobat Distiller 5.0 (Windows) resourceName b'work_t7hbdygu3nbxvfrhphsa3r266u.pdf' subject Entrevista title IVO BARROSO, UM TRADUTOR DE OBRAS COMPLETAS xmp:CreatorTool Adobe PageMaker 7.0 xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:c433d1d1-69e1-49b6-871b-766e5d3a1430 xmpTPg:NPages 15 === === id: work_uvfsjc7cyfgetmah32ytmboxum author: Nicholas Birns title: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, The Magic of Sociality, and Radical Fantasy date: 2020 pages: 13 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_uvfsjc7cyfgetmah32ytmboxum.txt cache: ./cache/work_uvfsjc7cyfgetmah32ytmboxum.pdf Author Nicholas Birns Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z Keywords radical fantasy; sovereignty; Susanna Clarke; modernity; multiculturalism Last-Modified 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z Last-Save-Date 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 59 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Despite huge sales and publicity on its issuance in 2004, Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell has received comparatively little sustained critical attention. This article argues that much of this neglect proceeds from assumptions that the book is nostalgic for a sovereign magic, when in fact its historicity is a way of shaking up time itself. I argue Clarke is looking to the early nineteenth century as the earliest possible modernity, a time in which magic is intertwined with the world much as it would be today if magic arose now. Examining the sociable magician Norrell, the questionably resurgent medieval king John Uskglass and the African-descended manservant Stephen Black provide different models of what the interrelationship between magic and reality can be and serve to destabilize any sense of a sovereign past in the book. The book’s plural magical modernity’s counter any atavistic sovereignty. By taking the reading of Clarke’s novel beyond nostalgic sovereignty, one can understand how it participates in the twenty-first century revaluation of fantasy as politically progressive and epistemically radical. created 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z creator Nicholas Birns date 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z dc:creator Nicholas Birns dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject radical fantasy; sovereignty; Susanna Clarke; modernity; multiculturalism dc:title Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, The Magic of Sociality, and Radical Fantasy dcterms:created 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z dcterms:modified 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z meta:author Nicholas Birns meta:creation-date 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z meta:keyword radical fantasy; sovereignty; Susanna Clarke; modernity; multiculturalism meta:save-date 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z modified 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3200', '4145', '3930', '4075', '3815', '4051', '4010', '3984', '3954', '4052', '4108', '3019', '410'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z pdf:docinfo:creator Nicholas Birns pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords radical fantasy; sovereignty; Susanna Clarke; modernity; multiculturalism pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-10-21T11:06:39Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject Despite huge sales and publicity on its issuance in 2004, Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell has received comparatively little sustained critical attention. This article argues that much of this neglect proceeds from assumptions that the book is nostalgic for a sovereign magic, when in fact its historicity is a way of shaking up time itself. I argue Clarke is looking to the early nineteenth century as the earliest possible modernity, a time in which magic is intertwined with the world much as it would be today if magic arose now. Examining the sociable magician Norrell, the questionably resurgent medieval king John Uskglass and the African-descended manservant Stephen Black provide different models of what the interrelationship between magic and reality can be and serve to destabilize any sense of a sovereign past in the book. The book’s plural magical modernity’s counter any atavistic sovereignty. By taking the reading of Clarke’s novel beyond nostalgic sovereignty, one can understand how it participates in the twenty-first century revaluation of fantasy as politically progressive and epistemically radical. pdf:docinfo:title Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, The Magic of Sociality, and Radical Fantasy pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_uvfsjc7cyfgetmah32ytmboxum.pdf' subject Despite huge sales and publicity on its issuance in 2004, Susanna Clarke’s Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell has received comparatively little sustained critical attention. This article argues that much of this neglect proceeds from assumptions that the book is nostalgic for a sovereign magic, when in fact its historicity is a way of shaking up time itself. I argue Clarke is looking to the early nineteenth century as the earliest possible modernity, a time in which magic is intertwined with the world much as it would be today if magic arose now. Examining the sociable magician Norrell, the questionably resurgent medieval king John Uskglass and the African-descended manservant Stephen Black provide different models of what the interrelationship between magic and reality can be and serve to destabilize any sense of a sovereign past in the book. The book’s plural magical modernity’s counter any atavistic sovereignty. By taking the reading of Clarke’s novel beyond nostalgic sovereignty, one can understand how it participates in the twenty-first century revaluation of fantasy as politically progressive and epistemically radical. title Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, The Magic of Sociality, and Radical Fantasy trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 13 work_gnmffdhcu5acbf5kh747e2pkle txt/../ent/work_gnmffdhcu5acbf5kh747e2pkle.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq.pdf' work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy txt/../ent/work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy.ent INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationMono' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq txt/../pos/work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq.pos WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationMono' for 'CourierNewPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' === === id: work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba author: Ivdit Diasamidze title: Point of View in Narrative Discourse date: 2014 pages: 6 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba.txt cache: ./cache/work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba.pdf Author Ivdit Diasamidze Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2015-01-14T14:45:27Z CrossMarkDomains[1] CrossMarkDomains[2] CrossmarkDomainExclusive true CrossmarkMajorVersionDate 2010-04-23 ElsevierWebPDFSpecifications 6.4 Last-Modified 2015-01-14T14:53:46Z Last-Save-Date 2015-01-14T14:53:46Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 33 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158 (2014) 160-165. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.062 created 2015-01-14T14:45:27Z creator Ivdit Diasamidze date 2015-01-14T14:53:46Z dc:creator Ivdit Diasamidze dc:description Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 158 (2014) 160-165. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.062 dc:format application/pdf; 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for L53175 (2) in font LGGIDC+DdrwwjEuropeanPi-Three work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq txt/../ent/work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq.ent work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq txt/../wrd/work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_dobivxe6zvdghi3a2gd7rp4d7a.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_qrpinhv63vas3nri2jdruz2esu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va txt/../wrd/work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va.wrd === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_dobivxe6zvdghi3a2gd7rp4d7a' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_dobivxe6zvdghi3a2gd7rp4d7a' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_qrpinhv63vas3nri2jdruz2esu' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_qrpinhv63vas3nri2jdruz2esu' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_buvdmuhs7fa3bdvw7wusbk23m4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_3tddwa2nfjg45oxufet7gogkem.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_y222gvbxnbgbbdtexi5uvnjlwi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_5skhgy2lujhnfkxrpkqghxcgvy.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va txt/../pos/work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6dyezrbwpvgpvhgxh2merino3e.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_5skhgy2lujhnfkxrpkqghxcgvy' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_5skhgy2lujhnfkxrpkqghxcgvy' work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i txt/../wrd/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.wrd === === id: work_q37swapwcrbh7dymkpxvciud5q author: MARY JEAN CORBETT title: Review of Lisbet Kickham,Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society date: 2005 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_q37swapwcrbh7dymkpxvciud5q.txt cache: ./cache/work_q37swapwcrbh7dymkpxvciud5q.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Type-Hint text/html; charset=utf-8 X-Parsed-By 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og:site_name University of California Press og:title Review of Lisbet Kickham, Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society og:type article og:updated_time 9/1/2005 og:url /ncl/article/60/2/266/67625/Review-of-Lisbet-Kickham-Protestant-Women resourceName b'work_q37swapwcrbh7dymkpxvciud5q.pdf' theme-color #002f65 title Review of Lisbet Kickham, Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:creator @ucpress twitter:description twitter:image:src /UI/app/svg/umbrella/logo.svg twitter:site @ucpress twitter:title Review of Lisbet Kickham, Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1 work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i txt/../pos/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_pd5tcecymndexavntufnigju3i.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_dm5jg56cnfaineuigmbx7pcw2a.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_dm5jg56cnfaineuigmbx7pcw2a' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_dm5jg56cnfaineuigmbx7pcw2a' work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq txt/../ent/work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq.ent work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu txt/../wrd/work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_jbj6lvvjcrbsfbkixdkr43kuca.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je txt/../pos/work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je.pos work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu txt/../pos/work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu.pos work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je txt/../wrd/work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_m2exxroc3rg6hpwompnvnp4nhu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_m2exxroc3rg6hpwompnvnp4nhu' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_m2exxroc3rg6hpwompnvnp4nhu' work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e txt/../wrd/work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e.wrd work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i txt/../ent/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.ent work_vmufbgdzfrdkxaj327pqnzk6wm txt/../pos/work_vmufbgdzfrdkxaj327pqnzk6wm.pos work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim txt/../pos/work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim.pos work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e txt/../pos/work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_4osvlvrwnjhglf5v7bw7ehfn54.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_4osvlvrwnjhglf5v7bw7ehfn54' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_4osvlvrwnjhglf5v7bw7ehfn54' work_4mtsq2jgtbacpioivh2fk74oh4 txt/../pos/work_4mtsq2jgtbacpioivh2fk74oh4.pos work_vmufbgdzfrdkxaj327pqnzk6wm txt/../wrd/work_vmufbgdzfrdkxaj327pqnzk6wm.wrd work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm txt/../pos/work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm.pos work_4mtsq2jgtbacpioivh2fk74oh4 txt/../wrd/work_4mtsq2jgtbacpioivh2fk74oh4.wrd work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim txt/../wrd/work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_rhih2svogfcg5idb4rnpxolx4e.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) 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Unicode mapping for C51 (18) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C114 (19) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C100 (20) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (21) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C110 (22) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C41 (23) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C68 (24) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C77 (25) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C94 (26) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (27) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C87 (28) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (29) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C115 (30) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (31) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C105 (32) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C103 (33) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (34) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C111 (35) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (36) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (37) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C95 (51) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (38) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C52 (39) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (40) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (41) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C46 (52) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C38 (53) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (54) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (55) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (42) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (43) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (44) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (45) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (46) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C99 (47) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (48) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (49) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C74 (18) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C80 (19) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C121 (20) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C104 (21) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C109 (22) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C82 (23) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C51 (56) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C48 (50) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C50 (51) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C55 (52) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C69 (53) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (54) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C65 (24) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (57) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C49 (55) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C53 (56) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C54 (57) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C57 (58) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C106 (58) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C73 (25) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C112 (26) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C84 (27) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (59) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C71 (60) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C117 (61) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C67 (28) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C58 (29) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C44 (30) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C70 (31) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C75 (62) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (59) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C94 (32) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (33) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C56 (63) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (60) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C74 (61) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C118 (34) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C71 (35) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (62) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C75 (63) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C45 (64) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C106 (65) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C96 (66) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C39 (67) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C66 (36) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (64) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C79 (37) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C101 (1) in font LEFCEI+AdvT119 WARN No Unicode mapping for C116 (2) in font LEFCEI+AdvT119 WARN No Unicode mapping for C97 (3) in font LEFCEI+AdvT119 WARN No Unicode mapping for C108 (4) in font LEFCEI+AdvT119 WARN No Unicode mapping for C72 (38) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C38 (39) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C39 (40) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C120 (41) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C98 (42) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C107 (43) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C102 (65) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C119 (44) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C122 (45) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C63 (68) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C86 (66) in font LEDCFA+AdvT118 WARN No Unicode mapping for C38 (69) in font AdvT114 WARN No Unicode mapping for C171 (46) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 WARN No Unicode mapping for C76 (47) in font LEEMGI+AdvT115 === === id: work_6dyezrbwpvgpvhgxh2merino3e author: Margaret A. Boden title: Creativity in a nutshell date: 2007 pages: 9 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_6dyezrbwpvgpvhgxh2merino3e.txt cache: ./cache/work_6dyezrbwpvgpvhgxh2merino3e.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2009-10-07T06:54:25Z Last-Modified 2009-10-07T06:55:03Z Last-Save-Date 2009-10-07T06:55:03Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 30 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2009-10-07T06:54:25Z date 2009-10-07T06:55:03Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dcterms:created 2009-10-07T06:54:25Z dcterms:modified 2009-10-07T06:55:03Z meta:creation-date 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pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_c4molnzfrbfatlfzlcvzghqnha' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_c4molnzfrbfatlfzlcvzghqnha' work_zelg67vhhrhmvk34zuchzurepi txt/../pos/work_zelg67vhhrhmvk34zuchzurepi.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_hxidjcjvrzfndfhko3krrmvg4m.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_hxidjcjvrzfndfhko3krrmvg4m' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_hxidjcjvrzfndfhko3krrmvg4m' 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pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_oagfsvvobbgcrhicufaxdoowwi' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_oagfsvvobbgcrhicufaxdoowwi' === === id: work_pa3u7hfkinft5ng25pnjdit6k4 author: Sharon Marcus title: Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies date: 2006 pages: 7 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_pa3u7hfkinft5ng25pnjdit6k4.txt cache: ./cache/work_pa3u7hfkinft5ng25pnjdit6k4.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2016-03-22T16:30:49Z Last-Modified 2016-03-22T16:31:33Z Last-Save-Date 2016-03-22T16:31:33Z Source SEQ X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] 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following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_anqnrlgunza3fhl7nbskbetaku' work_yso5qcl6efcfdd4eyhjot4pdy4 txt/../wrd/work_yso5qcl6efcfdd4eyhjot4pdy4.wrd === === id: work_t7xicvoqfvdmtpw2txapxg3yiq author: Daniel A. 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Dryland title: The cultural background of prospective teachers in further education date: 1963 pages: 7 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.txt cache: ./cache/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.pdf Author Administrator Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2007-03-07T14:33:20Z CreationDate--Text Wed Mar 07 14:33:20 2007 Keywords Last-Modified 2007-03-30T00:51:46Z Last-Save-Date 2007-03-30T00:51:46Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 23 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject created 2007-03-07T14:33:20Z creator Administrator date 2007-03-30T00:51:46Z dc:creator Administrator dc:format application/pdf; version=1.3 dc:subject dc:title 200_1.tif dcterms:created 2007-03-07T14:33:20Z dcterms:modified 2007-03-30T00:51:46Z meta:author Administrator meta:creation-date 2007-03-07T14:33:20Z meta:keyword meta:save-date 2007-03-30T00:51:46Z modified 2007-03-30T00:51:46Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.3 pdf:charsPerPage ['774', '2649', '2956', '1162', '3151', '1835', '1430'] pdf:docinfo:created 2007-03-07T14:33:20Z pdf:docinfo:creator Administrator pdf:docinfo:creator_tool 200_1.tif pdf:docinfo:custom:CreationDate--Text Wed Mar 07 14:33:20 2007 pdf:docinfo:keywords pdf:docinfo:modified 2007-03-30T00:51:46Z pdf:docinfo:producer PageGenie PDFGenerator pdf:docinfo:subject pdf:docinfo:title The cultural background of prospective teachers in further education pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer PageGenie PDFGenerator resourceName b'work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.pdf' subject title 200_1.tif xmp:CreatorTool 200_1.tif xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:d5bdb4e7-f2dc-46c6-8aeb-319bee09788e xmpTPg:NPages 7 === === id: work_tk6jxc6wgnbcrbtsex25lxbdfq author: R. 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Thomas title: Dickens's characters date: 1941 pages: 3 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_tk6jxc6wgnbcrbtsex25lxbdfq.txt cache: ./cache/work_tk6jxc6wgnbcrbtsex25lxbdfq.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-03-08T11:38:38Z Last-Modified 2019-03-08T11:39:00Z Last-Save-Date 2019-03-08T11:39:00Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 39 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2019-03-08T11:38:38Z date 2019-03-08T11:39:00Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.6 dcterms:created 2019-03-08T11:38:38Z dcterms:modified 2019-03-08T11:39:00Z meta:creation-date 2019-03-08T11:38:38Z meta:save-date 2019-03-08T11:39:00Z modified 2019-03-08T11:39:00Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.6 pdf:charsPerPage ['3822', '6144', '3281'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-03-08T11:38:38Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign CS6 (Windows) pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-03-08T11:39:00Z pdf:docinfo:producer Adobe PDF Library 10.0.1 pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0'] producer Adobe PDF Library 10.0.1 resourceName b'work_tk6jxc6wgnbcrbtsex25lxbdfq.pdf' xmp:CreatorTool Adobe InDesign CS6 (Windows) xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:652df1c6-cc9e-4c12-8c90-b866955a3d5b xmpTPg:NPages 3 === === id: work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum author: Z. Cope title: ANTHOLOGY ABOUT DOCTORS date: 1962 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.txt cache: ./cache/work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.pdf Content-Type application/xml X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.xml.DcXMLParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.pdf' work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu txt/../ent/work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu.ent === === id: work_yr5kjqrmljbfripkn72tnxjsre author: Brian Alderson title: Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children's books date: 1994 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_yr5kjqrmljbfripkn72tnxjsre.txt cache: ./cache/work_yr5kjqrmljbfripkn72tnxjsre.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 7 application-name   citation_author B. Alderson citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 1994 citation_title Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children's books dc:title Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children's books | Semantic Scholar description 'The time has surely come', wrote Kathleen Tillotson in 1954, 'to break up "the Victorian novel" into manageable segments; not by novelists, or phases, but simply by concentrating upon a decade or so at a time'. 1 The signs are surely clear that the presence of these words at the start of her seminal study, Novels of the eighteen-forties., was something of a clarion-call, and for the last forty years the academic cohorts have been sweeping into the territory whose fruitfulness was made so manifest in that book. Decades, novelists, categories, phases, have all been grist to the many mills of 'Victorian studies' and no one can now complain, as Mrs Tillotson did, that 'we have virtually no edited texts of Victorian novelists, and no means ... of discovering how (and why) the original editions differed from the texts we read'. 2 Where Victorian children's books are concerned however, the signs are not so clear. For all the significance that these books may have had in the lives of their youthful readers, very few of them today exercise any compulsive interest (especially for academic entrepreneurs), and anyone investigating the genre will probably agree that a coherent account is hard to come by. 'Manageable segments', whether decade-studies or categoric analyses are in short supply as is, very often, the evidence upon which they may be based. This is as true now for the eighteen-forties in children's literature as it was when Kathleen Tillotson set about giving a context to the novels of the same period. And yet that decade is one of singular interest to the historian of English children's books, for, msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description 'The time has surely come', wrote Kathleen Tillotson in 1954, 'to break up "the Victorian novel" into manageable segments; not by novelists, or phases, but simply by concentrating upon a decade or so at a time'. 1 The signs are surely clear that the presence of these words at the start of her seminal study, Novels of the eighteen-forties., was something of a clarion-call, and for the last forty years the academic cohorts have been sweeping into the territory whose fruitfulness was made so manifest in that book. Decades, novelists, categories, phases, have all been grist to the many mills of 'Victorian studies' and no one can now complain, as Mrs Tillotson did, that 'we have virtually no edited texts of Victorian novelists, and no means ... of discovering how (and why) the original editions differed from the texts we read'. 2 Where Victorian children's books are concerned however, the signs are not so clear. For all the significance that these books may have had in the lives of their youthful readers, very few of them today exercise any compulsive interest (especially for academic entrepreneurs), and anyone investigating the genre will probably agree that a coherent account is hard to come by. 'Manageable segments', whether decade-studies or categoric analyses are in short supply as is, very often, the evidence upon which they may be based. This is as true now for the eighteen-forties in children's literature as it was when Kathleen Tillotson set about giving a context to the novels of the same period. And yet that decade is one of singular interest to the historian of English children's books, for, og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children's books | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_yr5kjqrmljbfripkn72tnxjsre.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children's books | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description 'The time has surely come', wrote Kathleen Tillotson in 1954, 'to break up "the Victorian novel" into manageable segments; not by novelists, or phases, but simply by concentrating upon a decade or so at a time'. 1 The signs are surely clear that the presence of these words at the start of her seminal study, Novels of the eighteen-forties., was something of a clarion-call, and for the last forty years the academic cohorts have been sweeping into the territory whose fruitfulness was made so manifest in that book. Decades, novelists, categories, phases, have all been grist to the many mills of 'Victorian studies' and no one can now complain, as Mrs Tillotson did, that 'we have virtually no edited texts of Victorian novelists, and no means ... of discovering how (and why) the original editions differed from the texts we read'. 2 Where Victorian children's books are concerned however, the signs are not so clear. For all the significance that these books may have had in the lives of their youthful readers, very few of them today exercise any compulsive interest (especially for academic entrepreneurs), and anyone investigating the genre will probably agree that a coherent account is hard to come by. 'Manageable segments', whether decade-studies or categoric analyses are in short supply as is, very often, the evidence upon which they may be based. This is as true now for the eighteen-forties in children's literature as it was when Kathleen Tillotson set about giving a context to the novels of the same period. And yet that decade is one of singular interest to the historian of English children's books, for, twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children's books | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 === === id: work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm author: W H Brock title: Janet Browne, Charles Darwin: voyaging, London, Jonathan Cape, 1995, pp. xv, 606, illus., £25.00 (0-224-0402-5) date: 1996 pages: 2 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm.txt cache: ./cache/work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Last-Modified 2021-04-06T01:53:11Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T01:53:11Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 17 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true date 2021-04-06T01:53:11Z dc:description Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:11, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at dc:format application/pdf; 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No Unicode mapping for T_h (31) in font UEIMDV+MinionPro-Bold WARN No Unicode mapping for 136 (149) in font MMPMIL+GillSans-Light WARN No Unicode mapping for T_h (31) in font NTDCCQ+MinionPro-It WARN No Unicode mapping for f_i (31) in font ENLLFC+MinionPro-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for f_t (30) in font ENLLFC+MinionPro-Regular WARN No Unicode mapping for f_f (31) in font PETJXR+MyriadPro-Bold === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_vmufbgdzfrdkxaj327pqnzk6wm' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_vmufbgdzfrdkxaj327pqnzk6wm' work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm txt/../pos/work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm.pos work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu txt/../pos/work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_6wqgvfwlvfafjdotwodcauxitu txt/../pos/work_6wqgvfwlvfafjdotwodcauxitu.pos work_p5lj6jxybbh5rcnqm3v7xzxbfu txt/../ent/work_p5lj6jxybbh5rcnqm3v7xzxbfu.ent work_oagfsvvobbgcrhicufaxdoowwi txt/../ent/work_oagfsvvobbgcrhicufaxdoowwi.ent work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i txt/../wrd/work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_st3kpryfrvahlk2h7ytzn55p2u.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'Georgia-Bold' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'Georgia-Italic' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'Georgia' === === id: work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq author: B A Neville title: Reading for Pleasure: A touchstone for the 1980s? date: 1980 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq.txt cache: ./cache/work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq.pdf Content-Type application/xml X-Parsed-By 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_st3kpryfrvahlk2h7ytzn55p2u' work_6lxbejmz55hcbkf2wlk2ofz26m txt/../wrd/work_6lxbejmz55hcbkf2wlk2ofz26m.wrd work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime txt/../ent/work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime.ent work_6lxbejmz55hcbkf2wlk2ofz26m txt/../pos/work_6lxbejmz55hcbkf2wlk2ofz26m.pos work_cnqiresvvzgcvakvfq67i3dgf4 txt/../ent/work_cnqiresvvzgcvakvfq67i3dgf4.ent work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i txt/../pos/work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i.pos work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i txt/../wrd/work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i.wrd === === id: work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq author: William S. Ward title: Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen date: 1972 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.txt cache: ./cache/work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Type-Hint text/html; charset=utf-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 6 X-UA-Compatible IE=Edge citation_author Ward, William S. citation_doi 10.2307/2933277 citation_firstpage 469 citation_issn 0029-0564 citation_issue 4 citation_journal_abbrev Nineteenth-Century Fiction citation_journal_title Nineteenth-Century Fiction citation_lastpage 477 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 1972/03/01 citation_publisher University of California Press citation_reference B. C. Southam's Jane Austen: The Critical Heritage (London, 1968) Southam Jane Austen: The Critical Heritage 1968 The reviews of Emma reprinted here are not noted in this volume. It may be well to point out also that an error occurs on p. 266 of Southam Northanger Abbey and Persuasion re- printed on pp. 266-68 (a new series of Scots Magazine), NS2 (May1818), 453-55 May NS 453 2 Scots Magazine 1818 Geoffrey Keynes, Jane Austen: A Bibliography (London, 1929) Keynes Jane Austen: A Bibliography 1929 Charles Beecher Hogan, "Jane Austen and Her Public," RES, NS1 (1950), 39-54 10.2307/511774 39 R. W. Chapman, Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography (Oxford, 1953) Chapman Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography 1953 Joseph M. Duffy, Jr., "Jane Austen and the Nineteenth-Century Critics of Fiction, 1812-1913," Diss. University of Chicago 1955 Frederick Martin Link, "The Reputation of Jane Austen in the Twentieth Century with an Annotated Enumerative Bibliography of Jane Austen Criticism from 1811 to June 1957," Diss. Boston University 1958. citation_title Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen citation_volume 26 citation_xml_url dc:title Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press format-detection telephone=no msapplication-config // og:description og:image /UI/app/svg/umbrella/logo.svg og:site_name University of California Press og:title Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen og:type article og:updated_time 3/1/1972 og:url /ncl/article/26/4/469/64214/Three-Hitherto-Unnoted-Contemporary-Reviews-of resourceName b'work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.pdf' theme-color #002f65 title Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:creator @ucpress twitter:description twitter:image:src /UI/app/svg/umbrella/logo.svg twitter:site @ucpress twitter:title Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1 work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i txt/../ent/work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i.ent === === id: work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a author: H.-J. Voth title: Clark's intellectual Sudoku date: 2008 pages: 7 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a.txt cache: ./cache/work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2008-07-13T14:25:07Z Last-Modified 2008-07-23T01:42:46Z Last-Save-Date 2008-07-23T01:42:46Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 27 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2008-07-13T14:25:07Z date 2008-07-23T01:42:46Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.3 dcterms:created 2008-07-13T14:25:07Z dcterms:modified 2008-07-23T01:42:46Z meta:creation-date 2008-07-13T14:25:07Z meta:save-date 2008-07-23T01:42:46Z modified 2008-07-23T01:42:46Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.3 pdf:charsPerPage ['2256', '2736', '2703', '2068', '1578', '2574', '2172'] pdf:docinfo:created 2008-07-13T14:25:07Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool HELIOS pdfcat pdf:docinfo:modified 2008-07-23T01:42:46Z pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1'] resourceName b'work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a.pdf' xmp:CreatorTool HELIOS pdfcat xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:ce937f72-4f36-42d8-9c35-791cc897bccb xmpTPg:NPages 7 work_6lxbejmz55hcbkf2wlk2ofz26m txt/../ent/work_6lxbejmz55hcbkf2wlk2ofz26m.ent work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm txt/../ent/work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm.ent work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i txt/../pos/work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i.pos work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu txt/../ent/work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu.ent work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y txt/../ent/work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y.ent === === id: work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia author: C A Pierach title: Points: Malaria, haematin, and coagulation date: 1985 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia.txt cache: ./cache/work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia.pdf Content-Type application/xml X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.xml.DcXMLParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 2 resourceName b'work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia.pdf' work_6wqgvfwlvfafjdotwodcauxitu txt/../ent/work_6wqgvfwlvfafjdotwodcauxitu.ent === === id: work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm author: Felix Nicolau title: Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge date: 2015 pages: 7 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm.txt cache: ./cache/work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm.pdf Author Sorina Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2017-09-02T18:28:13Z Last-Modified 2017-09-02T18:28:13Z Last-Save-Date 2017-09-02T18:28:13Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 39 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2017-09-02T18:28:13Z creator Sorina date 2017-09-02T18:28:13Z dc:creator Sorina dc:format application/pdf; 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Intorno al convegno "Noetica versus Informatica: le nuove strutture della comunicazione scientifica" (Roma, 19-20 novembre 2013) date: 2015 pages: 15 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_jbi72nvtxfhfzgftrzwg4emkpq.txt cache: ./cache/work_jbi72nvtxfhfzgftrzwg4emkpq.pdf Author Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z Last-Modified 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z Last-Save-Date 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 56 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z creator date 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z dc:creator dc:format ['application/pdf; version="A-1a"', 'application/pdf; version=1.4'] dc:language it-IT dcterms:created 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z dcterms:modified 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z language it-IT meta:author meta:creation-date 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z meta:save-date 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z modified 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['1281', '2157', '1946', '2039', '2157', '2054', '2278', '1998', '2252', '2104', '2198', '2294', '1700', '1752', '881'] pdf:docinfo:created 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z pdf:docinfo:creator pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Microsoft® Word 2013 pdf:docinfo:modified 2015-01-11T11:29:45Z pdf:docinfo:producer Microsoft® Word 2013 pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent true pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] pdfa:PDFVersion A-1a pdfaid:conformance A pdfaid:part 1 producer Microsoft® Word 2013 resourceName b'work_jbi72nvtxfhfzgftrzwg4emkpq.pdf' xmp:CreatorTool Microsoft® Word 2013 xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:6D9FC3C7-F624-4BD6-8A2E-CF0855C25C15 xmpTPg:NPages 15 work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu txt/../wrd/work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu.wrd work_r6agckyw2nddrfvrzkyzm3mteu txt/../pos/work_r6agckyw2nddrfvrzkyzm3mteu.pos work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu txt/../pos/work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_j3czw6qrnjhf5ebzlztazkqqhe.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' === === id: work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y author: Roy Porter title: Miriam Bailin, The sickroom in Victorian fiction: the art of being ill, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. ix, 169, £30.00, $49.95 (0-521-44526-4) date: 1995 pages: 2 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y.txt cache: ./cache/work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Last-Modified 2021-04-06T01:53:08Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T01:53:08Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 16 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true date 2021-04-06T01:53:08Z dc:description Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:08, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at dc:format application/pdf; version=1.3 dcterms:modified 2021-04-06T01:53:08Z description Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:08, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at meta:save-date 2021-04-06T01:53:08Z modified 2021-04-06T01:53:08Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.3 pdf:charsPerPage ['3585', '3447'] pdf:docinfo:modified 2021-04-06T01:53:08Z pdf:docinfo:producer Carnegie Mellon University pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0'] producer Carnegie Mellon University resourceName b'work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y.pdf' xmpTPg:NPages 2 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym author: Irene Tucker title: Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Gilbert date: 2020 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym.txt cache: ./cache/work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Type-Hint text/html; charset=utf-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 X-UA-Compatible IE=Edge citation_author Tucker, Irene citation_author_institution University Of California, Irvine citation_doi 10.1525/ncl.2020.74.4.539 citation_firstpage 539 citation_issn 0891-9356 citation_issue 4 citation_journal_abbrev Nineteenth-Century Literature citation_journal_title Nineteenth-Century Literature citation_lastpage 543 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2020/03/31 citation_publisher University of California Press citation_title Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. 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following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_j3czw6qrnjhf5ebzlztazkqqhe' === === id: work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte author: Jean Harris Hendriks title: Mental health, by Jane Austen date: 1995 pages: 2 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte.txt cache: ./cache/work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte.pdf Author Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2007-02-01T07:06:35Z Last-Modified 2017-08-21T23:32:09Z Last-Save-Date 2017-08-21T23:32:09Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 495 access_permission:assemble_document true 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pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_2o7v5xztgvcgdbilhblbqbsiv4' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_2o7v5xztgvcgdbilhblbqbsiv4' === === id: work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim author: James Willis title: Shared humanity: a Jane Austen bicentenary date: 2013 pages: 1 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.txt cache: ./cache/work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.pdf Content-Type application/pdf 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"pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_rvpfa6d4tfa2vds77qrlblfkxu' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_rvpfa6d4tfa2vds77qrlblfkxu' work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme txt/../ent/work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme.ent === === id: work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy author: Ronald Tetreault title: Publishers, "Pirates," and the Formation of Regency Authorship date: 2012 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy.txt cache: 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Humphreys title: Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful date: 1978 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.txt cache: ./cache/work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Type-Hint text/html; charset=utf-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 5 X-UA-Compatible IE=Edge citation_author Humphreys, Susan L. citation_doi 10.2307/2933346 citation_firstpage 194 citation_issn 0029-0564 citation_issue 2 citation_journal_abbrev Nineteenth-Century Fiction citation_journal_title Nineteenth-Century Fiction citation_lastpage 214 citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 1978/09/01 citation_publisher University of California Press citation_reference [' citation_title=An Autobiography; citation_year=1950; citation_pages=18', 'citation_author=Thornton; citation_title=Harrow School and Its Surroundings; citation_year=1885; citation_pages=434', "citation_author=Freeman; citation_journal_title=Macmillan's Magazine; citation_year=1883; citation_issue=Jan.; citation_pages=236", 'citation_author=Hall; citation_title=Salmagundi: Byron, Allegra, and the Trollope Family; citation_year=1975; ', ' citation_pages=15', 'citation_author=Parrish; citation_title=Four Lectures; citation_year=1938; citation_pages=101', 'citation_author=Schulkind; citation_title=Moments of Being: Unpublished Autobiographical Writings; citation_year=1976; citation_pages=70', 'citation_author=Trollope; citation_title=What I Remember; citation_year=1888; citation_pages=156', 'citation_author=Gregory; citation_title=An Autobiography; citation_year=1894; citation_pages=35', 'Thomas Adolphus Trollope, p. 155 ', 'citation_author=Trollope; citation_title=Frances Trollope: Her Life and Literary Work; citation_year=1895; citation_volume=I; citation_pages=180', 'citation_author=Beeton; citation_title=The Book of Household Management; citation_year=1861; citation_pages=1062', 'Mrs. Beeton\'s comment on batter pudding (p. 632): "It must be sent quickly to table, and covered plentifully with sifted sugar." ', 'Lucullus 23 ', 'citation_author=Fernández; citation_title=Historia del valeroso e invencible Príncipe don Belianis de Grecia; citation_year=1547; ', "Pope's Iliad, 24, 590-93 ", 'Robert Francis Damiens (1714-1757) ', 'Jacques Gaffarel (1601-1681) Les Curiositez inouyés, 1637 ', 'citation_author=Lattimore; citation_title=The Iliad of Homer; citation_year=1951; citation_pages=60', 'Ibid. '] citation_title Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful citation_volume 33 citation_xml_url dc:title Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press format-detection telephone=no msapplication-config // og:description og:image /UI/app/svg/umbrella/logo.svg og:site_name University of California Press og:title Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful og:type article og:updated_time 9/1/1978 og:url /ncl/article/33/2/194/65235/Trollope-on-the-Sublime-and-Beautiful resourceName b'work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.pdf' theme-color #002f65 title Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:creator @ucpress twitter:description twitter:image:src /UI/app/svg/umbrella/logo.svg twitter:site @ucpress twitter:title Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_zhean7744vbf7e36mmt6zfbodi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_zhean7744vbf7e36mmt6zfbodi' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_zhean7744vbf7e36mmt6zfbodi' work_c4molnzfrbfatlfzlcvzghqnha txt/../pos/work_c4molnzfrbfatlfzlcvzghqnha.pos work_c4molnzfrbfatlfzlcvzghqnha txt/../wrd/work_c4molnzfrbfatlfzlcvzghqnha.wrd work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim txt/../pos/work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.pos === === id: work_eyld4s4wlncknpzfy2xdwikie4 author: Mary O'Sullivan title: Thomas Piketty. 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Stone title: The Frozen echo: Greenland and the exploration of North America, ca AD 1000–1500. Kirsten A. Seaver. 1996. Stanford: Stanford University Press, xviii + 407 p, illustrated, hard cover. 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self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_jztndgc4uzd4fk7l5fhtom2zp4' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_jztndgc4uzd4fk7l5fhtom2zp4' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_7t3oqmkpgrd3vcc4v2pidsnfdq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym txt/../wrd/work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym.wrd work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq txt/../pos/work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq.pos work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq txt/../wrd/work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq.wrd work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym txt/../pos/work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym.pos work_ahgj3uejgffavkwnf47weh6bsm txt/../ent/work_ahgj3uejgffavkwnf47weh6bsm.ent work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq txt/../pos/work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_zuiqzmfnrjeanljni6pmfyt26y.pdf' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_i6yrsggtxvb3xm42fltabiftay.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_zuiqzmfnrjeanljni6pmfyt26y' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_zuiqzmfnrjeanljni6pmfyt26y' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_z47gsrvkq5bspconbj3c4tosxm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_i6yrsggtxvb3xm42fltabiftay' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_i6yrsggtxvb3xm42fltabiftay' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_posidt25wbhm7ntzflkfryw7ea.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji txt/../wrd/work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ygtdgn7pb5b5tpr4wid344lafm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_okly4pxzmfexteypz6i345qrte author: Alan Powers title: Critiques date: 1997 pages: 1 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_okly4pxzmfexteypz6i345qrte.txt cache: ./cache/work_okly4pxzmfexteypz6i345qrte.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-07-17T06:03:21Z Last-Modified 2020-07-17T06:03:24Z Last-Save-Date 2020-07-17T06:03:24Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler 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Pies citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2009 citation_title Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright dc:title Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright | Semantic Scholar description From the combination of knowledge and actions, someone can improve their skill and ability. It will lead them to live and work much better. This is why, the students, workers, or even employers should have reading habit for books. Any book will give certain knowledge to take all benefits. This is what this every little thing gonna be alright tells you. It will add more knowledge of you to life and work better. Try it and prove it. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description From the combination of knowledge and actions, someone can improve their skill and ability. It will lead them to live and work much better. This is why, the students, workers, or even employers should have reading habit for books. Any book will give certain knowledge to take all benefits. This is what this every little thing gonna be alright tells you. It will add more knowledge of you to life and work better. Try it and prove it. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_posidt25wbhm7ntzflkfryw7ea.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description From the combination of knowledge and actions, someone can improve their skill and ability. It will lead them to live and work much better. This is why, the students, workers, or even employers should have reading habit for books. Any book will give certain knowledge to take all benefits. This is what this every little thing gonna be alright tells you. It will add more knowledge of you to life and work better. Try it and prove it. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_vpycl7evsfdzpmvae27ijuutsq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_gmji6zlegvewfku4mwjakruaou txt/../pos/work_gmji6zlegvewfku4mwjakruaou.pos work_rt2shi7m3rhunigsc2xexdsgpm txt/../pos/work_rt2shi7m3rhunigsc2xexdsgpm.pos work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e txt/../ent/work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_m353lnhpdnbifnmgbwsdbygbhe txt/../pos/work_m353lnhpdnbifnmgbwsdbygbhe.pos === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_vpycl7evsfdzpmvae27ijuutsq' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_vpycl7evsfdzpmvae27ijuutsq' === === id: work_buxjveg3j5aprbdoxabdc6pgri author: Antonija Primorac title: VICTORIAN LITERATURE AND FILM ADAPTATION date: 2017 pages: 10 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_buxjveg3j5aprbdoxabdc6pgri.txt cache: ./cache/work_buxjveg3j5aprbdoxabdc6pgri.pdf Author Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2016-12-29T06:40:22Z Keywords Last-Modified 2021-04-06T01:53:20Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T01:53:20Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 65 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject created 2016-12-29T06:40:22Z creator date 2021-04-06T01:53:20Z dc:creator dc:description Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:20, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at dc:format application/pdf; 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'xmp.iid:F87F11740720681192B0ECFE3BB8C6FA', 'xmp.iid:F97F11740720681192B0ECFE3BB8C6FA', 'xmp.iid:FA7F11740720681192B0ECFE3BB8C6FA', 'xmp.iid:FB7F11740720681192B0ECFE3BB8C6FA', 'xmp.iid:FC7F11740720681192B0ECFE3BB8C6FA', 'xmp.iid:018011740720681192B0D17512B456EF', 'xmp.iid:0180117407206811994CF20F933B97FC', 'xmp.iid:0280117407206811994CF20F933B97FC', 'xmp.iid:0380117407206811994CF20F933B97FC', 'xmp.iid:FC7F11740720681192B0F3673BE2BFDE', 'xmp.iid:008011740720681192B0F3673BE2BFDE', 'xmp.iid:FF7F11740720681195FECDA1A09233A2', 'xmp.iid:3D948D052C20681195FECBA097FB8175', 'xmp.iid:3E948D052C20681195FECBA097FB8175', 'xmp.iid:F77F11740720681197A5AB719E2B15C7', 'xmp.iid:018011740720681195FEFA5DF0009A06', 'xmp.iid:028011740720681195FEFA5DF0009A06', 'xmp.iid:0380117407206811994CAF65F9555465', 'xmp.iid:0480117407206811994CAF65F9555465', 'xmp.iid:0580117407206811994CAF65F9555465', 'xmp.iid:0680117407206811994CAF65F9555465', 'xmp.iid:728CE6D71320681192B085CCB9029BA4', 'xmp.iid:738CE6D71320681192B085CCB9029BA4', 'xmp.iid:3726C5AC16206811994C960A40F156D5', 'xmp.iid:26987F211C20681195FED5F32AF78216', 'xmp.iid:77AD7F4A2020681195FED5F32AF78216', 'xmp.iid:058011740720681192B0848559485315', 'xmp.iid:6C4C35AE20206811B1A4806CB9BF4240', 'xmp.iid:6E632F9B1320681197A5DD32AEBD41EA', 'xmp.iid:6F632F9B1320681197A5DD32AEBD41EA', 'xmp.iid:71632F9B1320681197A5DD32AEBD41EA', 'xmp.iid:72632F9B1320681197A5DD32AEBD41EA', 'xmp.iid:0380117407206811994CE807249CB7B2', 'xmp.iid:F77F117407206811994CF284E9B8A4DB', 'xmp.iid:078011740720681197A5DB359BB0382C', 'xmp.iid:038011740720681197A58873E3EA3284', 'xmp.iid:048011740720681197A58873E3EA3284', 'xmp.iid:078011740720681197A58873E3EA3284', 'xmp.iid:088011740720681197A58873E3EA3284', 'xmp.iid:F77F1174072068118DBB876AD6008AC0', 'xmp.iid:F87F1174072068118DBB876AD6008AC0', 'xmp.iid:0180117407206811B1A4BECB534F0FB5', 'xmp.iid:0280117407206811B1A4BECB534F0FB5', 'xmp.iid:0380117407206811B1A4BECB534F0FB5', 'xmp.iid:0480117407206811B1A4BECB534F0FB5', 'xmp.iid:0580117407206811B1A4BECB534F0FB5', 'xmp.iid:0680117407206811B1A4BECB534F0FB5', 'xmp.iid:0780117407206811B1A4BECB534F0FB5', 'xmp.iid:0880117407206811B1A4BECB534F0FB5', 'xmp.iid:068011740720681192B0D6ADDEC6226A', 'xmp.iid:078011740720681192B0D6ADDEC6226A', 'xmp.iid:088011740720681192B0D6ADDEC6226A', 'xmp.iid:9E2EF10B1B20681192B0D6ADDEC6226A', 'xmp.iid:A22EF10B1B20681192B0D6ADDEC6226A', 'xmp.iid:03801174072068119109941839F30A54', 'xmp.iid:01801174072068119457F1FCD4722881', 'xmp.iid:02801174072068119457F1FCD4722881', 'xmp.iid:018011740720681195FEF2118999B00F', 'xmp.iid:B511B3D61820681197A5B0C99629F341', 'xmp.iid:B711B3D61820681197A5B0C99629F341', 'xmp.iid:2116F64A2120681192B0B1D91052C742', 'xmp.iid:FE6C1DF42E20681192B0B1D91052C742', 'xmp.iid:FC7F11740720681197A5B0FBB27A0AB1', 'xmp.iid:05C52C6D0D20681197A5B0FBB27A0AB1', 'xmp.iid:CA48A45F0F20681197A5B0FBB27A0AB1', 'xmp.iid:048011740720681195FEF1ED7BD37B62', 'xmp.iid:058011740720681195FEF1ED7BD37B62', 'xmp.iid:068011740720681195FEF1ED7BD37B62', 'xmp.iid:078011740720681195FEF1ED7BD37B62', 'xmp.iid:088011740720681195FEF1ED7BD37B62', 'xmp.iid:098011740720681195FEF1ED7BD37B62', 'xmp.iid:02801174072068119109E78C3EC00CDD', 'xmp.iid:03801174072068119109E78C3EC00CDD', 'xmp.iid:04801174072068119109E78C3EC00CDD', 'xmp.iid:40680A201720681192B0E6EE9CB8356D', 'xmp.iid:078011740720681197A5DCCAC2C0F8FB', 'xmp.iid:F97F11740720681192B0C42B1BEAFFA7', 'xmp.iid:05801174072068119109B03212AE0574', 'xmp.iid:03801174072068119109EB84BBF6B798', 'xmp.iid:04801174072068119109EB84BBF6B798', 'xmp.iid:05801174072068119109EB84BBF6B798', 'xmp.iid:06801174072068119109EB84BBF6B798', 'xmp.iid:07801174072068119109EB84BBF6B798', 'xmp.iid:08801174072068119109EB84BBF6B798', 'xmp.iid:09801174072068119109EB84BBF6B798', 'xmp.iid:7053BA902820681192B0A2FE31EF2FF9', 'xmp.iid:7153BA902820681192B0A2FE31EF2FF9', 'xmp.iid:068011740720681192B0B247701447C0', 'xmp.iid:8A8704781020681192B0B247701447C0', 'xmp.iid:FB7F11740720681197A5863BAAA3F868'] xmpMM:History:SoftwareAgent ['Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 'Adobe InDesign 6.0', 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'2009-09-08T14:49:06Z', '2009-09-08T14:49:06Z', '2009-09-08T15:20:58Z', '2009-09-08T15:27:44Z', '2009-09-09T13:21:12Z', '2009-09-09T13:21:12Z', '2009-09-09T14:24:40Z', '2009-09-09T14:36:31Z', '2009-09-21T14:02:29Z', '2009-09-21T14:02:29Z', '2009-09-24T13:38:34Z', '2009-09-24T14:51:25Z', '2009-09-24T14:53:25Z', '2009-09-24T14:57:59Z', '2009-10-19T14:33:06Z', '2009-10-19T14:33:45Z', '2009-10-19T14:33:45Z', '2009-10-19T15:02:43Z', '2009-10-20T13:44:33Z', '2009-10-20T13:45:58Z', '2009-10-20T13:50:39Z', '2009-10-21T14:12:33Z', '2009-10-21T14:12:33Z', '2009-10-21T14:36:36Z', '2009-10-26T14:31:10Z', '2009-10-29T13:55:26Z', '2009-10-29T13:55:26Z', '2009-10-29T14:42:13Z', '2009-10-29T14:47:10Z', '2009-11-02T13:34:36Z', '2009-11-02T13:40:52Z', '2009-11-03T13:37:06Z', '2009-11-03T13:37:06Z', '2009-11-03T14:04:48Z', '2009-11-03T14:33:40Z', '2009-11-03T14:33:40Z', '2009-11-03T14:44:11Z', '2009-11-03T14:53:06Z', '2009-11-04T14:11:45Z', '2009-11-04T14:21:07Z', '2009-11-25T13:19:59Z', '2009-11-25T13:27:49Z', '2009-11-25T13:29:47Z', '2010-02-25T12:47:45Z', '2010-02-25T12:49:12Z', '2010-03-02T14:39:04Z', '2010-03-04T15:54:32Z', '2010-03-09T14:19:54Z', '2010-03-09T14:19:54Z', '2010-03-09T15:45:42Z', '2010-03-09T15:59:51Z', '2010-03-10T11:40:09Z', '2010-03-10T11:49:10Z', '2010-03-10T14:02:18Z', '2010-03-10T14:02:18Z', '2010-03-10T14:44:17Z', '2010-03-10T14:44:17Z', '2010-03-10T14:50:34Z', '2010-03-10T14:52:16Z', '2010-03-16T14:05:53Z', '2010-03-16T16:03:53Z', '2010-03-16T16:03:53Z', '2010-03-16T16:38:38Z', '2010-03-16T16:43:05Z', '2010-03-23T13:15:17Z', '2010-03-23T13:15:17Z', '2010-03-23T13:37:10Z', '2010-03-23T13:46:13Z', '2010-03-23T14:38:12Z', '2010-03-23T14:42:13Z', '2010-03-24T16:21:15Z', '2010-03-25T15:20:22Z', '2010-03-25T15:36:16Z', '2010-03-25T15:38:06Z', '2010-05-20T11:54:31Z', '2010-05-20T13:18:39Z', '2010-06-09T13:00:08Z', '2010-06-30T15:56:57Z', '2010-06-30T15:58:11Z', '2010-07-12T11:21:25Z', '2010-07-14T13:21:20Z', '2010-07-14T13:24:06Z', '2010-07-15T10:42:33Z', '2010-07-15T10:42:33Z', '2010-07-15T11:04:54Z', '2010-07-15T14:05:21Z', '2010-07-21T14:27:05Z', '2010-07-21T14:28:58Z', '2010-08-04T15:54:21Z', '2010-08-05T13:35:19Z', '2010-08-05T14:31:07Z', '2010-08-19T11:33:06Z', '2010-08-24T14:49:49Z', '2010-09-13T14:45:50Z', '2010-09-13T15:51:22Z', '2010-09-13T16:22:12Z', '2010-09-13T16:24:59Z', '2010-10-04T11:06:31Z', '2010-10-07T15:03:48Z', '2010-11-02T14:48:46Z', '2010-11-04T14:11:53Z', '2010-11-04T15:05:31Z', '2010-11-04T15:06:45Z', '2010-11-04T15:10:41Z', '2010-11-16T12:23:05Z', '2010-11-16T12:25:07Z', '2010-11-17T12:02:11Z', '2010-11-17T14:33:53Z', '2010-11-17T14:33:53Z', '2010-11-17T14:34:55Z', '2010-11-17T14:41:50Z', '2010-11-17T14:48:11Z', '2010-11-17T14:49:37Z', '2010-11-17T14:50:19Z', '2010-11-22T13:56:38Z', '2010-11-22T13:56:54Z', '2010-11-22T13:57:09Z', '2010-11-22T14:03:51Z', '2010-11-22T14:16:03Z', '2010-11-24T11:58:16Z', '2010-11-29T09:26:05Z', '2010-11-29T09:26:42Z', '2010-12-02T11:00:03Z', '2010-12-13T11:08:41Z', '2010-12-13T11:10:51Z', '2010-12-14T14:59:06Z', '2010-12-14T16:25:42Z', '2011-02-07T11:03:11Z', '2011-02-07T11:39:04Z', '2011-02-07T12:18:49Z', '2011-03-07T13:35:19Z', '2011-03-07T13:35:19Z', '2011-03-07T14:00:42Z', '2011-03-07T15:26:40Z', '2011-03-07T15:28:24Z', '2011-03-07T15:36:59Z', '2011-03-14T08:55:49Z', '2011-03-14T08:59:04Z', '2011-03-14T09:05:14Z', '2011-03-24T14:05:06Z', '2011-03-30T09:40:24Z', '2011-04-07T09:10:09Z', '2011-04-25T09:49:44Z', '2011-05-18T09:24:47Z', '2011-05-18T09:24:47Z', '2011-05-18T09:43:11Z', '2011-05-18T09:44:24Z', '2011-05-18T09:45:33Z', '2011-05-18T09:48:34Z', '2011-05-18T10:06:16Z', '2011-05-25T14:06:55Z', '2011-05-25T14:08:39Z', '2011-06-20T10:25:06Z', '2011-06-20T14:32:26Z', '2011-06-23T09:18:40Z'] xmpTPg:NPages 10 work_m353lnhpdnbifnmgbwsdbygbhe txt/../ent/work_m353lnhpdnbifnmgbwsdbygbhe.ent work_kt2gy3u6lrcd3ld5rttd4rffeu txt/../pos/work_kt2gy3u6lrcd3ld5rttd4rffeu.pos work_satbbhxhnjdvxhpxjf5zdbchia 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Matthew R. Bennett and Neil F. Glasser. 1996. Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John Wiley. xi + 364 p, illustrated, soft cover. 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pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_ljgjibznevghfl35xqmld2yuym' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_ljgjibznevghfl35xqmld2yuym' work_duerxh5tazfybd7zbznrvsk5ba txt/../wrd/work_duerxh5tazfybd7zbznrvsk5ba.wrd work_duerxh5tazfybd7zbznrvsk5ba txt/../pos/work_duerxh5tazfybd7zbznrvsk5ba.pos === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_e4nxk3twqvhhllgkeixtplgiue' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_e4nxk3twqvhhllgkeixtplgiue' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_blwurw4zrfhsxdt67wfqgjhqje txt/../pos/work_blwurw4zrfhsxdt67wfqgjhqje.pos work_ixelwyqqsfhdti3nhm62bbxtku txt/../pos/work_ixelwyqqsfhdti3nhm62bbxtku.pos 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of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_7fd6n3h2cbhh5bqh7lhk427ysi' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_fntqp7576bb65dannk5e5zsnhu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Bold' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-BoldItalic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_35x62fiswvcc3jlutqqnhh6kza.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_35x62fiswvcc3jlutqqnhh6kza' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 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"/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_e4lgy7lgx5fp3h4jzmlh3spkj4' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_e4lgy7lgx5fp3h4jzmlh3spkj4' INFO 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pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_ljnirxuenvfhdgyxppsrm6wweq' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File 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Nambiar title: Mainland China undergraduate learners' experiences in the Malaysian tertiary context date: 2011 pages: 5 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_kmubz3mkkfcefmrnyotsqs55sy.txt cache: ./cache/work_kmubz3mkkfcefmrnyotsqs55sy.pdf Author ['Radha M.K. 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Nambiar', 'Noraini Ibrahim'] date 2014-11-07T05:28:14Z dc:creator ['Radha M.K. Nambiar', 'Noraini Ibrahim'] dc:description Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15 (2011) 3227-3231. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.276 dc:format application/pdf; version=1.7 dc:subject "academic literacy,academic socialization"; "tertiary classrooms,literacy practices,international students" dc:title Mainland China undergraduate learners’ experiences in the Malaysian tertiary context dcterms:created 2013-11-01T08:58:01Z dcterms:modified 2014-11-07T05:28:14Z description Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15 (2011) 3227-3231. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.276 doi 10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.276 meta:author ['Radha M.K. Nambiar', 'Noraini Ibrahim'] meta:creation-date 2013-11-01T08:58:01Z meta:keyword "academic literacy,academic socialization"; "tertiary classrooms,literacy practices,international students" meta:save-date 2014-11-07T05:28:14Z modified 2014-11-07T05:28:14Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.7 pdf:charsPerPage ['3200', '4127', '4311', '4624', '4242'] pdf:docinfo:created 2013-11-01T08:58:01Z pdf:docinfo:creator Radha M.K. 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1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_h5pjr7grjzhejnag7tvg3vsih4' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_h5pjr7grjzhejnag7tvg3vsih4' work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum txt/../ent/work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.ent === === id: work_cpelpjzayrdpxoltxwvxi2etqq author: Aurelie Charles title: Jane Austen, Game Theorist date: 2014 pages: 3 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_cpelpjzayrdpxoltxwvxi2etqq.txt cache: ./cache/work_cpelpjzayrdpxoltxwvxi2etqq.pdf Author Aurelie Charles Content-Type 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Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_iwukqlvlbfdzpgxkhxiycdnwey' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_iwukqlvlbfdzpgxkhxiycdnwey' work_sq4rsbzjxjdhjktgogo3mqrz5u txt/../ent/work_sq4rsbzjxjdhjktgogo3mqrz5u.ent work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm txt/../pos/work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm.pos work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4 txt/../pos/work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4.pos === === id: work_a46tsbkdofc2rdvexsqlyse5hm author: Palma Bjarnason title: Dancing in the "eye of the world" : voyeurism, performance, and the public text in Jane Austen's scenes of dance date: 1999 pages: 98 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_a46tsbkdofc2rdvexsqlyse5hm.txt cache: ./cache/work_a46tsbkdofc2rdvexsqlyse5hm.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2009-08-05T15:15:00Z Last-Modified 2009-08-18T17:14:45Z Last-Save-Date 2009-08-18T17:14:45Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler 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'0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Professional Edition resourceName b'work_a46tsbkdofc2rdvexsqlyse5hm.pdf' xmpMM:DocumentID uuid:935a9fa0-31e6-4746-b6b1-ba7cfa7d86ba xmpTPg:NPages 98 work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4 txt/../wrd/work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4.wrd work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm txt/../wrd/work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_hcp4ebkfpnanhn2cnzfdkm3tyi.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for C0 (2) in font HEHGMI+AdvP4C4E46 WARN No Unicode mapping for C1 (3) in font HEHGMI+AdvP4C4E46 WARN No Unicode mapping for C20 (2) in font HEHGMK+AdvP4C4E59 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_x7vhqhs43rfrffkow5i4gjtolq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No 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in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_x7vhqhs43rfrffkow5i4gjtolq' work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm txt/../pos/work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm.pos === === id: work_x4hzvsv4ajew3eylpkyixxwsoq author: Virginia King title: Novel readings: The history of a writing community by a partial, prejudiced, & ignorant Historian date: 2013 pages: 12 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_x4hzvsv4ajew3eylpkyixxwsoq.txt cache: ./cache/work_x4hzvsv4ajew3eylpkyixxwsoq.pdf Author aa4758 Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2014-02-24T10:06:17Z Last-Modified 2014-02-24T10:06:17Z Last-Save-Date 2014-02-24T10:06:17Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 49 access_permission:assemble_document true 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call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_wllr5bnu6zhmncog3qsflpxiru' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 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Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_op3doyl64fcx7hmtko3acq7ane.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_op3doyl64fcx7hmtko3acq7ane' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_op3doyl64fcx7hmtko3acq7ane' work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy txt/../ent/work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy.ent work_rhih2svogfcg5idb4rnpxolx4e txt/../ent/work_rhih2svogfcg5idb4rnpxolx4e.ent work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4 txt/../ent/work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4.ent work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm txt/../ent/work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm.ent work_shmgc735qnfw3haeapt7wbeore 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Fornasin title: Marco Breschi, Lorenzo Del Panta (eds.), Carlo Corsini: saggi di vita. 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"pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_5f5uoyu2nfgznfeifbdujf2hua' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", 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R. W. Chapman, 3rd ed., 5 vols. (London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1932-34) Austen 3 The Novels of Jane Austen 1932 ", 'Mansfield Park, p. 247 ', 'Emma, p. 397 ', 'citation_author=Watt; citation_title=Jane Austen: A Collection of Critical Essays; citation_year=1963; citation_pages=140', 'citation_author=Warner; citation_title=Jane Austen; citation_year=1951; citation_pages=20', ' citation_pages=275', 'Mansfield Park, p. 361 ', "Deontology (1834), edited by Bowring from Bentham's MSS Sidgwick in History of Ethics, p. 244 ", 'citation_author=Tave; citation_title=Some Words of Jane Austen; citation_year=1973; ', 'Pride and Prejudice, pp. 135-36 ', 'citation_author=Trilling; citation_author=Halperin; citation_title= citation_journal_title=North British Review; citation_year=1870; citation_volume=52; citation_pages=129', 'Fifteen Sermons, I, sec. 10 ', "George Eliot on Geraldine Jewsbury's Constance Herbert (1855) Essays of George Eliot, ed. Thomas Pinney [New York: Columbia Univ. Press; London: Routledge, 1963], p. 135 Pinney 135 Essays of George Eliot 1963 ", 'Northanger Abbey, pp. 20, 250 ', ' citation_pages=329'] citation_title Jane Austen and Bishop Butler citation_volume 35 citation_xml_url dc:title Jane Austen and Bishop Butler | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press format-detection telephone=no msapplication-config // og:description og:image /UI/app/svg/umbrella/logo.svg og:site_name University of California Press og:title Jane Austen and Bishop Butler og:type article og:updated_time 9/1/1980 og:url /ncl/article/35/2/127/65341/Jane-Austen-and-Bishop-Butler resourceName b'work_p62okbw73zarfks47xv6j4jbrq.pdf' theme-color #002f65 title Jane Austen and Bishop Butler | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:creator @ucpress twitter:description twitter:image:src /UI/app/svg/umbrella/logo.svg twitter:site @ucpress twitter:title Jane Austen and Bishop Butler viewport width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1 work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory txt/../pos/work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory.pos work_yihp5sx2szg3tc6t3vi73qwp2y txt/../pos/work_yihp5sx2szg3tc6t3vi73qwp2y.pos work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq txt/../ent/work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.ent work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme txt/../ent/work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme.ent work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q txt/../pos/work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q.pos work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm txt/../ent/work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm.ent work_anqnrlgunza3fhl7nbskbetaku txt/../ent/work_anqnrlgunza3fhl7nbskbetaku.ent === === id: work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae author: Tânia Maria Oliveira Gomes title: A Cinderela austeniana: uma análise sobre a intertextualidade em Mansfield Park date: 2015 pages: 16 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae.txt cache: ./cache/work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z Last-Modified 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z Last-Save-Date 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 57 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z date 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dcterms:created 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z dcterms:modified 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z meta:creation-date 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z meta:save-date 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z modified 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['3214', '2630', '2632', '2555', '2579', '2921', '2999', '2805', '2349', '2528', '2789', '2657', '2636', '2290', '2574', '2502'] pdf:docinfo:created 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool Adobe InDesign CC 2015 (Windows) pdf:docinfo:modified 2015-08-01T20:50:41Z pdf:docinfo:producer Adobe PDF Library 15.0 pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent true pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer Adobe PDF Library 15.0 resourceName b'work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae.pdf' trapped False xmp:CreatorTool Adobe InDesign CC 2015 (Windows) xmpMM:DerivedFrom:DocumentID xmp.did:45D520D33406E511964ABB0937855A57 xmpMM:DerivedFrom:InstanceID xmp.iid:bcea5e20-2315-004c-8b3a-eda60cdb6806 xmpMM:DocumentID xmpTPg:NPages 16 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_z3g7mbq2t5h6jfrjg4hcjewemm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_opg24kmpkvbizb5ktowsg5dmya txt/../wrd/work_opg24kmpkvbizb5ktowsg5dmya.wrd === === id: work_d27bkpt3ujaybls3g77qi3a6wa author: B. 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self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_z3g7mbq2t5h6jfrjg4hcjewemm' work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli txt/../pos/work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_gfobygmmxjdrfmfx6z2lfipxhm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli txt/../wrd/work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli.wrd === === id: work_idbo4upnb5aafb2hmocc4nmk4i 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escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File 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'2011-02-19T20:21:06Z', '2011-02-19T20:22:08Z', '2011-02-19T20:23:24Z', '2011-02-19T20:29:45Z', '2011-02-19T20:36:04Z', '2011-02-19T20:37:56Z', '2011-02-19T20:42:30Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:36Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:43:53Z', '2011-02-19T20:44:01Z', '2011-02-19T20:45:39Z', '2011-02-19T20:47:27Z', '2011-02-19T20:49:58Z', '2011-02-19T20:51:10Z', '2011-02-19T21:54:42Z', '2011-02-20T20:22:56Z', '2011-02-20T20:26:17Z', '2011-02-20T21:13:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:22:51Z', '2011-02-20T22:23:35Z', '2011-02-23T19:54:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:09Z', '2011-02-24T23:36:33Z', '2011-02-24T23:37:42Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:24Z', '2011-02-24T23:38:28Z', '2011-02-24T23:40:12Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:11Z', '2011-02-24T23:41:58Z', '2011-02-24T23:43:49Z', '2011-02-24T23:44:35Z', '2011-02-24T23:45:32Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:10Z', '2011-02-24T23:46:30Z', '2011-02-24T23:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T00:08:03Z', '2011-02-25T00:14:38Z', '2011-02-25T00:19:33Z', '2011-02-25T20:44:41Z', '2011-02-25T20:47:13Z', '2011-02-25T20:50:36Z', '2011-02-25T20:51:16Z', '2011-02-25T20:52:52Z', '2011-02-25T20:54:29Z', '2011-02-25T20:55:48Z', '2011-02-25T20:56:18Z', '2011-02-25T21:00:46Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:02Z', '2011-02-27T15:13:12Z', '2011-02-27T15:14:56Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:07Z', '2011-02-27T15:26:48Z', '2011-02-27T15:27:06Z', '2011-02-27T15:28:47Z', '2011-02-27T15:41:50Z', '2011-02-27T15:43:45Z', '2011-02-27T15:44:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:47:15Z', '2011-02-27T15:48:23Z', '2011-02-27T15:49:58Z', '2011-03-01T16:17:19Z', '2011-03-05T15:31:27Z', '2011-03-05T16:21:09Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:49Z', '2011-06-19T20:33:59Z', '2011-06-19T20:36:50Z', '2011-06-19T20:37:42Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:19Z', '2011-06-19T20:51:28Z', '2011-06-19T20:57:18Z', '2011-06-19T20:59:33Z', '2011-06-19T21:04:23Z', '2011-06-19T21:12:12Z', '2011-06-19T21:14:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:15:08Z', '2011-06-19T21:17:53Z', '2011-06-19T21:36:22Z', '2011-06-19T21:37:28Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:07Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:31Z', '2011-06-19T21:41:50Z', '2011-06-19T21:58:52Z', '2011-06-19T21:59:31Z', '2011-06-19T22:04:10Z', '2011-06-19T22:05:44Z', '2011-06-19T22:09:19Z', '2011-06-19T22:13:43Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:03Z', '2011-06-19T22:14:22Z', '2011-06-19T22:15:04Z', '2011-06-19T22:16:45Z', '2011-06-19T22:17:28Z', '2011-06-19T22:20:33Z', '2011-06-19T22:23:42Z', '2011-06-19T22:29:12Z', '2011-06-19T22:34:48Z', '2011-06-19T22:39:14Z', '2011-06-19T22:44:26Z', '2011-06-19T22:45:50Z', '2011-06-19T22:46:45Z', '2011-06-20T18:26:49Z', '2011-06-26T15:09:01Z', '2011-06-26T15:16:09Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:15Z', '2011-06-26T15:18:47Z', '2011-06-26T15:20:59Z', '2011-06-26T15:48:37Z', '2011-06-26T17:00:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:09:03Z', '2011-06-26T17:19:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:25:47Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:30Z', '2011-06-26T17:37:55Z', '2011-07-15T21:20:27Z', '2011-07-15T21:22:50Z', '2011-07-15T21:23:11Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:19:41Z', '2011-07-26T00:30:12Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:26Z', '2011-07-26T00:37:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:40:59Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:42:25Z', '2011-07-26T00:48:16Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:06Z', '2011-07-26T00:49:17Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:33Z', '2011-07-26T00:50:37Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:01Z', '2011-07-26T00:51:22Z', '2011-07-26T00:53:56Z', '2011-07-26T00:54:57Z', '2011-07-26T00:55:18Z', '2011-07-26T00:56:54Z', '2011-07-26T00:58:24Z', '2011-07-26T01:01:04Z', '2011-07-26T01:02:07Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:28Z', '2011-07-26T01:03:55Z', '2011-07-26T01:08:54Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:02Z', '2011-07-26T01:09:17Z', '2011-07-26T01:10:58Z', '2011-07-26T01:20:10Z', '2011-07-26T01:21:30Z', '2011-07-26T01:28:52Z', '2011-08-10T11:22:26Z', '2011-08-10T11:23:01Z', '2011-08-10T11:25:28Z', '2011-08-10T11:31:23Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:05Z', '2011-08-10T11:34:22Z', '2011-08-10T11:35:09Z', '2011-08-10T11:36:58Z', '2011-08-10T11:37:24Z', '2011-08-10T11:41:45Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:13Z', '2011-08-10T11:42:32Z', '2011-08-13T23:05:19Z', '2011-08-29T16:46:16Z', '2011-08-29T16:53:35Z', '2011-08-29T16:57:03Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:20Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:39Z', '2011-08-29T16:59:59Z', '2011-08-29T17:00:22Z', '2011-08-29T17:10:08Z', '2011-08-29T17:28:57Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:27Z', '2011-08-29T17:31:39Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:13Z', '2011-08-31T21:57:28Z', '2011-08-31T22:06:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:12:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:13:53Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:10Z', '2011-08-31T22:17:59Z', '2011-08-31T22:22:51Z', '2011-08-31T22:23:36Z', '2011-08-31T22:27:58Z', '2011-08-31T22:28:33Z', '2011-08-31T22:30:14Z', '2011-08-31T22:31:42Z', '2011-08-31T22:32:03Z', '2011-08-31T22:42:54Z', '2011-11-10T21:36:57Z', '2011-11-10T21:53:48Z', '2011-11-10T21:54:57Z', '2011-11-10T22:09:19Z', '2011-11-10T22:11:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:14:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:19:49Z', '2011-11-10T22:39:16Z', '2011-11-10T22:41:34Z', '2011-11-10T22:50:58Z', '2011-11-10T22:55:08Z', '2011-11-10T23:01:37Z', '2011-11-10T23:04:03Z', '2011-11-10T23:06:56Z', '2011-11-10T23:07:06Z', '2011-11-10T23:51:29Z', '2011-11-10T23:54:28Z', '2012-02-16T13:31:11Z', '2012-02-16T13:32:39Z', '2012-02-16T13:36:16Z', '2012-02-16T13:37:10Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:17Z', '2012-02-16T13:38:35Z', '2012-02-16T13:39:36Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:08Z', '2012-02-16T13:47:44Z', '2012-02-16T13:48:03Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:37Z', '2012-02-16T13:54:51Z', '2012-02-16T13:55:14Z', '2012-02-16T13:57:19Z', '2012-02-16T13:59:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:02:18Z', '2012-02-16T14:05:47Z', '2012-02-16T14:06:38Z', '2012-02-16T14:11:27Z', '2012-02-16T14:12:10Z', '2012-02-16T14:13:02Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:15:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:16:21Z', '2012-02-16T14:17:25Z', '2012-02-16T14:18:00Z', '2012-02-16T14:25:17Z', '2012-02-16T14:29:07Z', '2012-02-16T14:34:20Z', '2012-02-16T14:39:28Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T14:44:55Z', '2012-02-16T14:51:33Z', '2012-02-16T14:55:35Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:08Z', '2012-02-16T14:56:53Z', '2012-02-16T14:57:40Z', '2012-02-16T15:03:50Z', '2012-02-16T15:07:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:30:14Z', '2012-02-16T19:33:37Z', '2012-02-16T19:34:16Z', '2012-02-16T19:35:03Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:02Z', '2012-02-16T19:39:19Z', '2012-02-16T19:41:58Z', '2012-02-16T19:44:36Z', '2012-02-16T19:45:28Z', '2012-02-16T19:51:19Z', '2012-02-16T22:18:30Z', '2012-02-16T22:19:05Z', '2012-02-16T22:23:14Z', '2012-02-16T22:26:46Z', '2012-02-16T22:27:07Z', '2012-02-16T22:28:01Z', '2012-02-16T22:29:35Z', '2012-02-16T22:30:23Z', '2012-02-16T22:32:32Z', '2012-02-16T22:38:37Z', '2012-02-16T22:48:57Z', '2012-02-16T22:49:12Z', '2012-02-16T22:53:40Z', '2012-02-16T22:55:21Z', '2012-02-16T22:56:44Z', '2012-02-16T22:57:42Z', '2012-02-16T22:59:48Z', '2012-02-16T23:00:50Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:20Z', '2012-02-16T23:57:42Z', '2012-02-17T00:00:20Z', '2012-02-17T00:03:27Z', '2012-02-18T11:25:53Z', '2012-02-19T17:00:50Z', '2012-02-19T17:01:38Z', '2012-02-19T17:06:27Z', '2012-03-03T19:13:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:17:44Z', '2012-03-03T19:18:26Z', '2012-03-03T19:19:19Z', '2012-03-03T19:22:56Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:28Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:41Z', '2012-03-03T19:23:50Z', '2012-03-03T19:24:04Z', '2012-03-03T19:30:55Z', '2012-03-03T19:37:06Z', '2012-04-01T15:43:40Z', '2012-04-01T15:45:15Z', '2012-04-01T15:51:20Z', '2012-04-01T15:56:42Z', '2012-04-01T16:35:08Z', '2012-04-01T16:41:27Z', '2012-04-01T16:50:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:02:45Z', '2012-04-01T17:05:47Z', '2012-04-01T17:08:44Z', '2012-04-01T17:15:27Z', '2012-04-01T17:17:16Z', '2012-04-01T17:19:38Z', '2012-04-01T17:20:30Z', '2012-04-01T17:24:46Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:13Z', '2012-04-01T17:30:29Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:01Z', '2012-04-01T17:31:31Z', '2012-04-01T17:34:59Z', '2012-04-01T18:12:25Z', '2012-04-01T18:13:23Z', '2012-04-01T18:19:41Z', '2012-04-03T12:31:27Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:13Z', '2012-04-03T12:36:51Z', '2012-05-06T11:58:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:24:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:00Z', '2012-05-29T22:25:16Z', '2012-05-29T22:32:44Z', '2012-05-29T22:34:51Z', '2012-05-29T22:35:55Z', '2012-05-29T22:44:49Z', '2012-06-18T21:51:16Z', '2012-06-23T19:02:40Z', '2012-06-23T19:21:09Z', '2012-06-23T19:31:43Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:22Z', '2012-06-23T19:34:37Z', '2012-07-14T14:36:29Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:11Z', '2012-07-14T14:45:26Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-08T22:24:12Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:14Z', '2012-08-09T21:36:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:00:24Z', '2012-08-09T22:05:44Z', '2012-08-19T19:25:32Z', '2012-08-19T21:24:42Z', '2012-08-19T21:46:28Z', '2012-09-10T12:16:46Z', '2012-09-10T12:18:34Z', '2012-09-10T12:19:55Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:14Z', '2012-09-10T12:23:25Z', '2012-09-10T12:35:23Z', '2012-09-10T12:36:36Z', '2012-09-10T12:40:43Z', '2012-09-10T12:41:40Z', '2012-09-10T12:45:20Z', '2012-09-10T12:53:57Z', '2012-09-10T18:03:16Z', '2012-09-10T18:05:04Z', '2012-09-10T18:07:34Z', '2012-09-17T22:32:22Z', '2012-09-17T22:33:52Z', '2012-09-17T22:38:07Z', '2012-10-18T19:33:17Z', '2012-10-18T19:34:52Z', '2012-10-18T20:12:16Z', '2012-10-18T21:24:59Z', '2012-10-18T22:24:28Z', '2012-10-18T22:25:55Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:16Z', '2012-10-18T22:30:26Z', '2012-10-18T23:05:47Z', '2012-10-18T23:13:53Z', '2012-10-18T23:16:22Z', '2012-10-18T23:18:29Z', '2012-10-18T23:20:07Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:08Z', '2012-10-31T19:49:58Z', '2012-10-31T19:50:10Z', '2012-10-31T19:52:46Z', '2012-10-31T19:54:00Z', '2012-10-31T19:55:44Z', '2012-10-31T19:56:13Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:36Z', '2012-10-31T19:57:49Z', '2012-10-31T19:58:33Z', '2012-10-31T20:07:55Z', '2012-10-31T20:08:05Z', '2012-11-16T13:10:57Z', '2012-11-16T14:04:50Z', '2012-11-17T13:52:53Z', '2012-11-17T13:53:46Z', '2012-11-17T13:57:01Z', '2012-11-17T14:03:12Z', '2012-11-17T14:04:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:09:39Z', '2012-11-17T14:11:34Z', '2012-11-17T14:13:59Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:47Z', '2012-11-17T14:16:58Z', '2012-11-17T14:17:11Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:17Z', '2012-11-17T14:25:52Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:08Z', '2012-11-17T14:26:33Z', '2012-11-19T13:45:18Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:08:06Z', '2012-12-18T16:10:26Z', '2012-12-18T16:46:14Z', '2012-12-18T17:49:15Z', '2012-12-19T10:41:05Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:29:29Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-19T14:33:19Z', '2012-12-20T11:39:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:06:16Z', '2012-12-20T13:15:15Z', '2012-12-20T13:25:38Z', '2012-12-20T13:27:00Z', '2012-12-20T15:06:37Z', '2012-12-20T15:25:35Z', '2012-12-20T15:28:45Z', '2012-12-20T15:37:27Z', '2012-12-20T15:56:45Z', '2012-12-20T16:10:35Z', '2012-12-20T16:18:25Z', '2012-12-20T16:35:21Z', '2012-12-20T16:45:26Z', '2012-12-20T16:46:52Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T16:10:08Z', '2013-01-04T17:11:03Z', '2013-01-04T17:26:30Z', '2013-01-04T17:47:08Z', '2013-01-07T11:23:43Z', '2013-01-07T11:26:39Z', '2013-01-07T11:34:07Z', '2013-01-07T11:57:45Z', '2013-01-07T12:00:01Z', '2013-01-07T12:22:45Z', '2013-01-07T13:15:38Z', '2013-01-07T13:31:23Z', '2013-01-07T13:33:32Z', '2013-01-07T13:36:44Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-07T13:51:56Z', '2013-01-09T16:39:14Z', '2013-01-10T10:11:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T10:12:19Z', '2013-01-10T12:15:24Z', '2013-01-10T12:16:32Z', '2013-01-11T17:45:13Z', '2013-01-14T17:13:31Z', '2013-01-14T17:15:15Z', '2013-01-14T17:58:04Z', '2013-01-14T18:30:15Z', '2013-01-14T18:31:01Z', '2013-01-14T18:50:18Z', '2013-01-15T09:47:44Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:07Z', '2013-01-15T12:40:38Z', '2013-01-15T12:45:29Z', '2013-01-15T13:14:00Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:11:01Z', '2013-01-17T13:12:13Z', '2013-01-17T13:23:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:24:25Z', '2013-01-17T13:27:51Z', '2013-01-17T13:28:03Z', '2013-01-17T13:51:20Z', '2013-01-17T14:00:00Z', '2013-01-17T14:02:21Z', '2013-01-17T14:27:49Z', '2013-01-17T14:30:01Z', '2013-01-17T14:38:55Z', '2013-01-17T14:41:12Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:29:59Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-17T12:44:39Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:28:34Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T11:50:31Z', '2013-01-28T12:58:43Z', '2013-01-28T13:07:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:22:09Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-28T13:49:27Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:37:52Z', '2013-01-29T13:48:48Z', '2013-01-29T13:51:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:25:32Z', '2013-01-29T17:28:40Z', '2013-01-29T17:54:15Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:43:49Z', '2013-01-30T12:50:39Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-01-30T13:16:55Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T10:39:46Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:10:53Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:22:40Z', '2013-02-04T11:23:24Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T11:26:03Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:41:28Z', '2013-02-04T12:43:17Z', '2013-02-04T12:46:51Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T12:59:49Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T13:58:42Z', '2013-02-04T14:05:08Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T11:14:40Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:17:36Z', '2013-02-22T15:39:54Z', '2013-02-22T15:41:37Z', '2013-02-22T15:42:13Z', '2013-02-22T15:43:31Z', '2013-02-22T17:17:33Z', '2013-02-22T17:19:38Z', '2013-02-22T17:22:15Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-03-06T12:21:50Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-05-20T15:10:04Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:39:26Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T15:42:03Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-09-27T16:04:30Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-21T17:33:25Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:11:41Z', '2013-11-22T17:18:00Z', '2013-11-22T17:33:56Z', '2013-11-22T17:45:45Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:31:36Z', '2013-11-25T13:52:12Z', '2013-11-25T14:28:49Z', '2013-11-25T14:37:21Z', '2013-11-25T14:50:48Z', '2013-11-25T17:35:34Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:05:35Z', '2014-02-05T18:15:44Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T12:34:12Z', '2014-02-06T13:26:09Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:57:07Z', '2014-02-07T09:59:22Z', '2014-02-07T10:06:29Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T13:15:30Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:39:09Z', '2014-02-10T14:52:21Z', '2014-02-10T15:50:27Z', '2014-02-10T15:51:39Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T16:51:18Z', '2014-02-10T17:05:27Z', '2014-02-10T17:17:23Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T11:07:40Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:25:23Z', '2014-02-11T15:38:50Z', '2014-02-11T17:22:21Z', '2014-02-11T17:24:34Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:27Z', '2014-02-12T11:32:28Z', '2014-02-12T11:38:31Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:46:29Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:05Z', '2014-02-12T12:51:59Z', '2014-02-12T13:45:40Z', '2014-02-12T13:47:43Z', '2014-02-12T14:52:40Z', '2014-02-12T14:54:54Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:56:23Z', '2014-02-13T14:58:48Z', '2014-02-13T15:19:42Z', '2014-02-13T15:24:06Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:21:27Z', '2014-02-17T13:26:25Z', '2014-02-17T13:31:16Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-17T14:44:23Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:17:03Z', '2014-02-18T10:20:45Z', '2014-02-18T10:25:26Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-02-19T10:29:19Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T16:34:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-03-07T12:13:06Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2014-10-29T17:28:30Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:15:14Z', '2015-04-02T17:41:57Z', '2015-04-02T17:43:09Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:32Z', '2015-07-20T18:39:33Z', '2015-07-20T20:04:28Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-07-21T17:31:42Z', '2015-08-17T20:44:44Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:45:06Z', '2015-08-17T20:47:31Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-19T11:43:28Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:11:45Z', '2015-08-20T10:21:22Z', '2015-08-20T10:29:33Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:18Z', '2015-08-20T10:31:47Z', '2015-08-20T10:41:01Z', '2015-08-20T10:44:41Z', '2015-08-20T10:48:14Z', '2015-08-20T10:49:36Z', '2015-08-20T10:50:24Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:12Z', '2015-08-20T10:58:44Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:07:56Z', '2015-08-20T11:27:48Z', '2015-08-20T12:06:18Z', '2015-08-20T12:26:23Z', '2015-08-20T12:33:37Z', '2015-08-20T12:52:15Z', '2015-08-20T12:58:11Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:27Z', '2015-08-20T13:10:57Z', '2015-08-20T13:23:01Z', '2015-08-20T13:24:35Z', '2015-08-20T13:30:33Z', '2015-08-20T13:36:55Z', '2015-08-20T13:38:14Z', '2015-08-20T13:42:30Z', '2015-08-28T14:17:18Z', '2015-08-28T14:22:24Z', '2015-08-28T14:23:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:25:44Z', '2015-08-28T14:35:57Z', '2015-08-28T14:37:49Z', '2015-08-31T10:54:51Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:39Z', '2015-08-31T10:55:53Z', '2015-08-31T11:07:34Z', '2015-08-31T11:08:29Z', '2015-08-31T11:09:41Z', '2015-09-07T10:53:16Z', '2015-09-07T11:00:12Z', '2015-09-07T11:01:31Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:03:55Z', '2015-09-07T11:04:49Z', '2015-09-07T11:05:48Z', '2015-09-07T11:09:56Z', '2015-09-07T11:11:28Z', '2015-09-07T11:13:44Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:04Z', '2015-09-07T11:15:20Z', '2015-09-07T14:52:15Z', '2015-09-14T16:35:28Z', '2015-09-21T18:32:57Z', '2015-09-21T18:41:30Z', '2015-09-21T19:05:13Z', '2015-09-21T19:06:25Z', '2015-09-22T15:37:35Z', '2016-01-22T11:35:16Z', '2016-01-22T11:37:40Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:31Z', '2016-01-22T11:38:40Z', '2016-01-22T12:54:30Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:02Z', '2016-01-22T12:58:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:11:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:15:21Z', '2016-01-22T13:16:02Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:34Z', '2016-01-22T13:17:45Z', '2016-01-22T13:21:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:03:51Z', '2016-01-27T15:06:31Z', '2016-01-27T15:07:16Z', '2016-01-27T15:08:04Z', '2016-01-27T15:24:39Z', '2016-01-27T15:50:03Z', '2016-01-27T18:43:36Z', '2016-01-28T16:08:58Z', '2016-01-28T16:11:10Z', '2016-01-28T19:44:41Z', '2016-01-28T19:50:51Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:02Z', '2016-01-28T19:51:25Z', '2016-01-28T20:02:19Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:04:43Z', '2016-02-03T20:08:10Z', '2016-02-03T20:15:57Z', '2016-02-03T20:17:45Z', '2016-02-03T20:18:55Z', '2016-02-03T20:21:30Z', '2016-02-03T20:24:21Z', '2016-02-03T20:40:05Z', '2016-02-04T11:00:28Z', '2016-02-04T11:16:07Z', '2016-02-04T11:18:02Z', '2016-02-04T11:26:51Z', '2016-02-04T11:32:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:37:23Z', '2016-02-04T11:38:38Z', '2016-02-04T11:49:33Z', '2016-02-04T11:52:43Z', '2016-02-04T11:56:31Z', '2016-02-04T11:58:36Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:20Z', '2016-02-04T12:00:52Z', '2016-02-04T12:05:29Z', '2016-02-04T12:08:58Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:25Z', '2016-02-04T12:10:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:11Z', '2016-02-04T12:33:47Z', '2016-02-04T12:34:45Z', '2016-02-04T12:36:47Z', '2016-02-04T17:29:21Z', '2016-02-04T17:33:58Z', '2016-02-04T17:35:10Z', '2016-02-04T17:36:02Z', '2016-02-04T17:38:10Z', '2016-02-05T09:24:30Z', '2016-02-05T09:39:38Z', '2016-02-05T10:01:25Z', '2016-02-05T11:10:54Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:32Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:47Z', '2016-02-05T11:14:58Z', '2016-02-05T11:35:02Z', '2016-02-05T11:38:15Z', '2016-02-05T12:21:57Z', '2016-02-05T12:22:43Z', '2016-02-05T12:27:07Z', '2016-02-05T12:28:39Z', '2016-02-05T12:29:05Z', '2016-02-05T12:44:54Z', '2016-02-06T14:59:53Z', '2016-02-06T15:05:35Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:08Z', '2016-02-06T15:06:28Z', '2016-02-06T15:10:00Z', '2016-02-06T15:11:56Z', '2016-02-06T15:13:27Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:36Z', '2016-02-06T15:14:44Z', '2016-02-06T15:25:29Z', '2016-02-08T15:35:24Z', '2016-02-09T16:55:58Z', '2016-02-09T16:56:18Z', '2016-02-09T17:28:36Z', '2016-02-09T17:30:00Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:21Z', '2016-02-09T17:31:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:25:38Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:00Z', '2016-02-10T15:26:24Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:28Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:47Z', '2016-02-10T15:27:52Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:12Z', '2016-02-10T15:28:31Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:21Z', '2016-02-10T15:29:50Z', '2016-02-10T15:30:25Z', '2016-02-10T15:31:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:04Z', '2016-02-10T15:32:26Z', '2016-02-10T15:34:23Z', '2016-02-10T15:36:01Z', '2016-02-15T20:06:02Z', '2016-02-15T20:08:57Z', '2016-02-15T20:24:47Z', '2016-02-16T12:15:14Z', '2016-02-16T12:17:51Z', '2016-02-16T12:27:58Z', '2016-02-16T12:32:44Z', '2016-02-16T12:34:05Z', '2016-02-16T12:36:37Z', '2016-02-16T12:38:31Z', '2016-02-16T12:49:25Z', '2016-02-16T12:55:00Z', '2016-02-16T12:57:06Z', '2016-02-16T16:15:23Z', '2016-02-18T11:00:45Z', '2016-02-18T11:03:27Z', '2016-02-19T13:14:21Z', '2016-02-19T13:16:17Z', '2016-02-19T14:41:47Z', '2016-02-19T14:42:19Z', '2016-02-19T14:47:18Z', '2016-02-19T14:52:42Z', '2016-02-19T14:55:26Z', '2016-02-19T15:00:21Z', '2016-02-19T15:06:37Z', '2016-02-19T15:10:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:33Z', '2016-02-19T15:12:56Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:04Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T15:13:48Z', '2016-02-19T15:14:49Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:16:52Z', '2016-02-19T15:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T15:32:57Z', '2016-02-19T15:33:11Z', '2016-02-19T15:34:47Z', '2016-02-19T15:37:29Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:25Z', '2016-02-19T15:38:38Z', '2016-02-19T15:39:20Z', '2016-02-19T15:40:59Z', '2016-02-19T15:47:14Z', '2016-02-19T15:49:40Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:12Z', '2016-02-19T15:50:55Z', '2016-02-19T15:58:47Z', '2016-02-19T16:00:52Z', '2016-02-19T16:01:39Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:02:24Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:01Z', '2016-02-19T16:08:21Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:19Z', '2016-02-19T16:13:34Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:14Z', '2016-02-19T16:15:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:16:23Z', '2016-02-19T16:17:44Z', '2016-02-19T16:18:16Z', '2016-02-19T16:19:49Z', '2016-02-19T16:21:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:22:53Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:06Z', '2016-02-19T16:23:29Z', '2016-02-19T16:28:59Z', '2016-02-19T16:30:13Z', '2016-02-19T16:31:27Z', '2016-02-19T16:32:45Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:40Z', '2016-02-19T17:27:55Z', '2016-02-19T17:32:36Z', '2016-02-20T14:03:58Z', '2016-02-20T14:04:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:05:35Z', '2016-02-20T14:07:01Z', '2016-02-20T14:08:13Z', '2016-02-20T14:09:50Z', '2016-02-20T14:10:14Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:24Z', '2016-02-20T14:49:33Z', '2016-02-20T17:19:02Z', '2016-02-20T17:33:52Z', '2016-02-22T11:25:22Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:08Z', '2016-02-22T11:27:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:01Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:26:23Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:15Z', '2016-02-26T17:40:25Z', '2016-02-26T17:43:16Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:12Z', '2016-02-26T17:44:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:11Z', '2016-02-26T17:45:34Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:08Z', '2016-02-26T17:46:38Z', '2016-02-26T17:48:11Z', '2016-02-26T19:07:36Z', '2016-02-27T15:15:28Z', '2016-02-27T17:35:31Z', '2016-02-29T13:32:43Z', '2016-03-08T19:12:25Z', '2016-03-08T19:14:37Z', '2016-03-09T11:25:32Z', '2016-04-13T16:23:53Z', '2016-04-13T16:24:45Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:20Z', '2016-04-13T16:25:27Z', '2016-04-13T16:33:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:33:33Z', '2016-04-13T17:40:58Z', '2016-04-13T17:48:01Z', '2016-04-13T17:49:24Z', '2016-04-13T17:55:34Z', '2016-04-13T17:59:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:01:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:04:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:23Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:45Z', '2016-04-13T18:05:58Z', '2016-04-13T18:06:54Z', '2016-04-13T18:07:41Z', '2016-04-13T18:08:00Z', '2016-04-13T18:10:38Z', '2016-04-13T18:11:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:12:27Z', '2016-04-13T18:14:39Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:15:47Z', '2016-04-13T18:41:30Z', '2016-04-13T18:42:53Z', '2016-04-13T18:44:03Z', '2016-04-15T17:34:02Z', '2016-04-15T18:02:57Z', '2016-04-15T19:33:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:35:52Z', '2016-04-19T14:46:34Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:07Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:26Z', '2016-04-19T14:47:42Z', '2016-04-19T15:09:05Z', '2016-04-19T15:11:20Z', '2016-04-19T15:11:46Z', '2016-04-19T15:12:19Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:11Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:32Z', '2016-04-19T15:16:48Z', '2016-04-19T15:17:49Z', '2016-04-19T15:18:39Z', '2016-04-19T15:20:13Z', '2016-04-19T15:22:33Z', '2016-04-19T15:27:20Z', '2016-04-19T15:27:37Z', '2016-04-19T15:28:44Z', '2016-04-19T15:29:18Z', '2016-04-19T15:29:37Z', '2016-04-19T15:35:28Z', '2016-04-19T15:35:49Z', '2016-04-19T15:36:08Z', '2016-04-19T15:37:33Z', '2016-04-19T15:38:34Z', '2016-04-19T15:39:35Z', '2016-04-19T15:40:21Z', '2016-04-19T15:40:31Z', '2016-04-19T15:42:59Z', '2016-04-19T15:43:46Z', '2016-04-19T15:44:30Z', '2016-04-19T15:44:59Z', '2016-04-19T15:45:53Z', '2016-04-19T17:53:23Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:08Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:41Z', '2016-04-19T18:00:51Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:08Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:16Z', '2016-04-19T18:02:23Z', '2016-04-19T18:03:15Z', '2016-04-19T18:05:13Z', '2016-04-19T18:05:20Z', '2016-04-19T18:06:30Z'] xmpTPg:NPages 30 INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_cq3fd2f7fvhb5jjvn4ymndwgk4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_qrpinhv63vas3nri2jdruz2esu txt/../wrd/work_qrpinhv63vas3nri2jdruz2esu.wrd work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44 txt/../wrd/work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44.wrd work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe txt/../wrd/work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe.wrd === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_cq3fd2f7fvhb5jjvn4ymndwgk4' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_cq3fd2f7fvhb5jjvn4ymndwgk4' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_4qk4ugfzovcgdobv2jhbb5bzqa.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_6v4cvg3pvrg6vcmtayk4u2mvwy.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_qrpinhv63vas3nri2jdruz2esu txt/../pos/work_qrpinhv63vas3nri2jdruz2esu.pos work_opg24kmpkvbizb5ktowsg5dmya txt/../ent/work_opg24kmpkvbizb5ktowsg5dmya.ent work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44 txt/../pos/work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44.pos INFO 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C. Stuart Houston (Editor). 1995. Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill–Queen's University Press, xxxvi + 217 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-7735-1222-5. $13.95.ARCTIC ORDEAL: THE JOURNAL OF JOHN RICHARDSON, SURGEON–NATURALIST WITH FRANKLIN, 1820–1822. C. Stuart Houston (Editor). 1995. Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill–Queen's University Press, xxxiv + 349 p, illustrated, soft cover. 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Despite the intuition that the rules of English spelling are highly combinatorial (and arbitrary), we find that maximum entropy models consistent with pairwise correlations among letters provide a surprisingly good approximation to the full statistics of four letter words, capturing ∼ 92% of the multi–information among letters and even ‘discovering’ real words that were not represented in the data from which the pairwise correlations were estimated. The maximum entropy model defines an energy landscape on the space of possible words, and local minima in this landscape account for nearly two–thirds of words used in written English. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description We consider words as a network of interacting letters, and approximate the probability distribution of states taken on by this network. 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Despite the intuition that the rules of English spelling are highly combinatorial (and arbitrary), we find that maximum entropy models consistent with pairwise correlations among letters provide a surprisingly good approximation to the full statistics of four letter words, capturing ∼ 92% of the multi–information among letters and even ‘discovering’ real words that were not represented in the data from which the pairwise correlations were estimated. The maximum entropy model defines an energy landscape on the space of possible words, and local minima in this landscape account for nearly two–thirds of words used in written English. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title [PDF] Toward a statistical mechanics of four letter words | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_t7hbdygu3nbxvfrhphsa3r266u txt/../ent/work_t7hbdygu3nbxvfrhphsa3r266u.ent work_ss73xqtd6nb4tou5nrp4oue5cy txt/../ent/work_ss73xqtd6nb4tou5nrp4oue5cy.ent work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka txt/../pos/work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka.pos work_o2c4ytbcvngttntgha4bnrfmna txt/../pos/work_o2c4ytbcvngttntgha4bnrfmna.pos work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq txt/../pos/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN No Unicode mapping for CID+33777 (33777) in font *#Á߸íÁ¶-Identity-H WARN No 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Manners from Jane Austen to Henry James, the Mysteries of the Cities: Urban Crime Fiction in the Nineteenth Century, Translation, Authorship and the Victorian Professional Woman: Charlotte Bronte, Harriet Martineau and George Eliot, the Lost Ireland of Stephen Gwynn: Irish Constitutional Nationalism and Cultural Politics, 1864–1950, Purity and Contamination in Late Victorian Detective Fiction, the Spectre of Utopia: Utopian and Science Fictions at the Fin de Siècle, Middlebrow Literary Cultures, the Masculine Middlebrow, 1880–1950: What Mr Miniver Read, Accented America: The Cultural Politics of Multilingual Modernism, a Sense of Shock: The Impact of Impressionism on Modern British and Irish Writing, Marianne Moore and the Cultures of Modernity, British Social Realism in the Arts since 1940, American Postmodern Fiction and the Past, the Second World War in Contemporary British Fiction: Secret Histories, 9/11 and the Literature of TerrorRichardsonR. C., Social History, Local History and Historiography, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, pp. xi + 245, £34.99.RichardsonR. C., Receptions and Revisitings: Review Articles, 1978–2011, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, pp. ix + 155, £33.89.SimonGikandi, Slavery and the Culture of Taste, Princeton University Press, 2011, pp. xviii+366, £30.95.KevinHutchings and WrightJulia M. (eds), Transatlantic Literary Exchanges, 1790–1870: Gender, Race and Nation, Ashgate, 2011, pp. vii + 216, £55.ElsieB. Michie, The Vulgar Question of Money: Heiresses, Materialism and the Novel of Manners from Jane Austen to Henry James, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, pp. xvi + 303, £36.50.StephenKnight, The Mysteries of the Cities: Urban Crime Fiction in the Nineteenth Century, McFarland, 2012, pp. vii + 227, £34.95.LesaScholl, Translation, Authorship and the Victorian Professional Woman: Charlotte Bronte, Harriet Martineau and George Eliot, Ashgate, 2011, pp. vii + 213, £55.ColinReid, The Lost Ireland of Stephen Gwynn: Irish Constitutional Nationalism and Cultural Politics, 1864–1950, Manchester University Press, 2012, pp. xii + 273, £65.ChristopherPittard, Purity and Contamination in Late Victorian Detective Fiction, Ashgate, 2011, pp. xi + 259, £60.Shpayer-MakovHaia, The Ascent of the Detective: Police Sleuths in Victorian and Edwardian England, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 429, £30.MatthewBeaumont, The Spectre of Utopia: Utopian and Science Fictions at the Fin de Siècle, Peter Lang, 2011, pp. xii + 307, £40.EricaBrown and GroverMary (eds) Middlebrow Literary Cultures, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. xii + 244, £50.KateMacDonald, (ed.) The Masculine Middlebrow, 1880–1950: What Mr Miniver Read, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. x + 228, £50.JoshuaL. Miller, Accented America: The Cultural Politics of Multilingual Modernism, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. xviii+ 414, $24.95.AdamParkes, A Sense of Shock: The Impact of Impressionism on Modern British and Irish Writing, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. xviii+ 284, £40.VictoriaBazin, Marianne Moore and the Cultures of Modernity, Ashgate, 2010, pp. x +216, £55.00.DavidTucker (ed.), British Social Realism in the Arts since 1940, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. xii + 222, £50.TheophilusSavvas, American Postmodern Fiction and the Past, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. ix+ 213, £50.VictoriaStewart, The Second World War in Contemporary British Fiction: Secret HistoriesEdinburgh University Press, 2011, pp. 184, £60.MartinRandall, 9/11 and the Literature of Terror, Edinburgh University Press, 2011, pp. 173, £65.00 date: 2012 pages: 5 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq.txt cache: ./cache/work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq.pdf Author martin Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2012-12-21T11:23:51Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 13 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2012-12-21T11:23:51Z creator martin dc:creator martin dc:format application/pdf; 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In this issue a new term, multiple-therapy-resistant major depressive disorder, is proposed; although it may be useful in guiding treatment options for patients with persisting depression, it should not be an automatic trigger for further, more invasive treatments. Declaration of interests I.M.A. has been a consultant for pharmaceutical companies developing and marketing antidepressants and has been an author on publications that have used the term treatment-resistant depression. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description Summary Although in common use, treatment-resistant depression is unhelpful both conceptually and practically. 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In this issue a new term, multiple-therapy-resistant major depressive disorder, is proposed; although it may be useful in guiding treatment options for patients with persisting depression, it should not be an automatic trigger for further, more invasive treatments. 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self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_sb3z3g3gjjbttdzvszjgpdpi34' 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last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File 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bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_jkxdhaibibfedjuxezhsj4gesq' work_imkf6qqscvh2vjfkz5krvxubki txt/../ent/work_imkf6qqscvh2vjfkz5krvxubki.ent work_2liwaoubrrcojf46moy6wd247q txt/../pos/work_2liwaoubrrcojf46moy6wd247q.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_2liwaoubrrcojf46moy6wd247q txt/../wrd/work_2liwaoubrrcojf46moy6wd247q.wrd work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum txt/../ent/work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum.ent work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu txt/../pos/work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu.pos work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu txt/../wrd/work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu.wrd work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4 txt/../pos/work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4.pos INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_4btbjjcewzbnhe3zvqm2yhk2yq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting 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Exploration, writing, and publishing with John Murray, 1773–1859. Innes M. Keighren, Charles W.J. Withers and Bill Bell. 2015. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. xiii + 364 p, illustrated, hardcover. 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following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_oygi5zzovza5fnkkordlxdwete' work_umxtyaf5sjcjzov4jzw27263de txt/../ent/work_umxtyaf5sjcjzov4jzw27263de.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm.pdf' === === id: work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji author: Helen Berry title: POLITE CONSUMPTION: SHOPPlNG IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND date: 2002 pages: 20 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji.txt cache: ./cache/work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji.pdf Author Helen Berry Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2002-11-08T14:25:32Z Last-Modified 2021-04-06T01:53:20Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T01:53:20Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 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Novak citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2017 citation_title FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST dc:title FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST | Semantic Scholar description Abstract Biographical novels about historical women artists have been experiencing a veritable boom in recent years. Written mostly by women, they can be understood as women authors’ attempts to reach out across time (and often, space) to other “artistic” women whose lives “speak to us” today. It has long been a key insight of historical fiction research that a historical novel reveals more about the time in which it was written than the time in which it is set. As such, it can be assumed that contemporary novels about historical women speak as much to twenty-first-century conceptions of femininity as to particular historical moments of female subjectivity. This paper will compare two novels about historical women artists: Janice Galloway’s Clara (2002) about nineteenth-century German pianist Clara Wieck-Schumann and Priya Parmar’s Exit the Actress (2011) about Restoration actress Nell Gwyn. While based on historical facts, both these novels use the greater freedom of fiction to depart from biographical conventions. It will be demonstrated that although they resemble each other on the discourse level, employing shifts in the narrative perspective, conspicuous typography, and graphic elements, they differ markedly in the biographical and fictional subgenres in which they participate and, hence, in their gender politics. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description Abstract Biographical novels about historical women artists have been experiencing a veritable boom in recent years. Written mostly by women, they can be understood as women authors’ attempts to reach out across time (and often, space) to other “artistic” women whose lives “speak to us” today. It has long been a key insight of historical fiction research that a historical novel reveals more about the time in which it was written than the time in which it is set. As such, it can be assumed that contemporary novels about historical women speak as much to twenty-first-century conceptions of femininity as to particular historical moments of female subjectivity. This paper will compare two novels about historical women artists: Janice Galloway’s Clara (2002) about nineteenth-century German pianist Clara Wieck-Schumann and Priya Parmar’s Exit the Actress (2011) about Restoration actress Nell Gwyn. While based on historical facts, both these novels use the greater freedom of fiction to depart from biographical conventions. It will be demonstrated that although they resemble each other on the discourse level, employing shifts in the narrative perspective, conspicuous typography, and graphic elements, they differ markedly in the biographical and fictional subgenres in which they participate and, hence, in their gender politics. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_v6elnnvunnf3xkehmkdde7sory.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description Abstract Biographical novels about historical women artists have been experiencing a veritable boom in recent years. Written mostly by women, they can be understood as women authors’ attempts to reach out across time (and often, space) to other “artistic” women whose lives “speak to us” today. It has long been a key insight of historical fiction research that a historical novel reveals more about the time in which it was written than the time in which it is set. As such, it can be assumed that contemporary novels about historical women speak as much to twenty-first-century conceptions of femininity as to particular historical moments of female subjectivity. This paper will compare two novels about historical women artists: Janice Galloway’s Clara (2002) about nineteenth-century German pianist Clara Wieck-Schumann and Priya Parmar’s Exit the Actress (2011) about Restoration actress Nell Gwyn. While based on historical facts, both these novels use the greater freedom of fiction to depart from biographical conventions. It will be demonstrated that although they resemble each other on the discourse level, employing shifts in the narrative perspective, conspicuous typography, and graphic elements, they differ markedly in the biographical and fictional subgenres in which they participate and, hence, in their gender politics. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 === === id: work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki author: Tim Boon title: Technology: Baroque geekery date: 2012 pages: 2 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki.txt cache: ./cache/work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2012-08-31T10:34:01Z Last-Modified 2019-05-13T06:37:35Z Last-Save-Date 2019-05-13T06:37:35Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 35 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2012-08-31T10:34:01Z date 2019-05-13T06:37:35Z dc:format application/pdf; 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in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_5lndlq2qvnfu7iocedd5gw46pq' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_kt2gy3u6lrcd3ld5rttd4rffeu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) work_ljnirxuenvfhdgyxppsrm6wweq txt/../ent/work_ljnirxuenvfhdgyxppsrm6wweq.ent work_qam6c65mqnbzllv3sepo6atape txt/../wrd/work_qam6c65mqnbzllv3sepo6atape.wrd 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G2C (44) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T5 WARN No 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(100) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T22 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T20 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3B (59) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T1 WARN No Unicode mapping for G28 (40) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G29 (41) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T5 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G51 (81) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2F (47) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T16 WARN No Unicode mapping for G16 (22) in font T18 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T19 WARN No Unicode mapping for G77 (119) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G64 (100) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6B (107) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G66 (102) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G79 (121) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6D (109) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G62 (98) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G67 (103) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G42 (66) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2E (46) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G49 (73) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G70 (112) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4D (77) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G76 (118) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6A (106) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G93 (147) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G94 (148) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G78 (120) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3B (59) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G43 (67) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G46 (70) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G96 (150) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G68 (104) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G69 (105) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G74 (116) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G65 (101) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G54 (84) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G45 (69) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4C (76) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G41 (65) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2C (44) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4E (78) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G57 (87) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4B (75) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G50 (80) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4F (79) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5B (91) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G48 (72) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G14 (20) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1A (26) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G17 (23) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G31 (49) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G39 (57) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G38 (56) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G30 (48) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G4A (74) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G44 (68) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G47 (71) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G55 (85) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2D (45) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G51 (81) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G2F (47) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G52 (82) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G5A (90) in font T14 WARN No Unicode mapping for G18 (24) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3A (58) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G28 (40) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G29 (41) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G71 (113) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G32 (50) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G59 (89) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G19 (25) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G7A (122) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G3F (63) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for GE7 (231) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for GE9 (233) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1B (27) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G56 (86) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6E (110) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G72 (114) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6C (108) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G6F (111) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G71 (113) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G75 (117) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G73 (115) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G92 (146) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G61 (97) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G53 (83) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G63 (99) in font T7 WARN No Unicode mapping for G37 (55) in font T15 WARN No Unicode mapping for G1C (28) in font T24 WARN No Unicode mapping for G13 (19) in font T24 === === Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2895, in get_loc return self._engine.get_loc(casted_key) File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 70, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_csiofxorubfehk365vz2iexlcy' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_csiofxorubfehk365vz2iexlcy' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_mrr7htttebbsjgxre544okindq.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e author: Felicity A. Huntingford title: A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist date: 2003 pages: extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.txt cache: ./cache/work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.pdf Content-Encoding UTF-8 Content-Language en Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.html.HtmlParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 8 application-name   citation_author F. Huntingford citation_journal_title undefined citation_pdf_url citation_publication_date 2003 citation_title A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist dc:title A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist | Semantic Scholar description This essay looks back on the history of Animal Behaviour through a compilation of all the papers published in the journal, since it got its present name, that used sticklebacks, the white rat of ethology, as experimental subjects. This stickleback-eye view confirms the role that Animal Behaviour has played during its first 50 years in fostering and recording the important developments that have taken place in the discipline. It also speaks to its current flourishing state as a key journal for the dissemination of results in both ethology (in the sense of studies looking at causation, development and evolution as well as function) and behavioural ecology. msapplication-TileColor #FFFFFF msapplication-TileImage msapplication-square150x150logo msapplication-square310x310logo msapplication-square70x70logo msapplication-wide310x150logo og:description This essay looks back on the history of Animal Behaviour through a compilation of all the papers published in the journal, since it got its present name, that used sticklebacks, the white rat of ethology, as experimental subjects. This stickleback-eye view confirms the role that Animal Behaviour has played during its first 50 years in fostering and recording the important developments that have taken place in the discipline. It also speaks to its current flourishing state as a key journal for the dissemination of results in both ethology (in the sense of studies looking at causation, development and evolution as well as function) and behavioural ecology. og:image og:image:height 582 og:image:secure_url ['', ''] og:image:width 1110 og:locale ['en_US', 'en_US'] og:title A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist | Semantic Scholar og:type website resourceName b'work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.pdf' robots noarchive,noindex s2-ui-version 0a1ee7b640e58bf005fa3cbd97e8cba83bff3dc9 title A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist | Semantic Scholar twitter:card summary_large_image twitter:description This essay looks back on the history of Animal Behaviour through a compilation of all the papers published in the journal, since it got its present name, that used sticklebacks, the white rat of ethology, as experimental subjects. This stickleback-eye view confirms the role that Animal Behaviour has played during its first 50 years in fostering and recording the important developments that have taken place in the discipline. It also speaks to its current flourishing state as a key journal for the dissemination of results in both ethology (in the sense of studies looking at causation, development and evolution as well as function) and behavioural ecology. twitter:image ['', ''] twitter:site @allenai_org twitter:title A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist | Semantic Scholar viewport width=device-width,initial-scale=1 work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq txt/../wrd/work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq.wrd INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_n7mkbm26tzd5pbibkg546fp5yu.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif' for 'TimesNewRomanPSMT' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSans' for 'TrebuchetMS' WARN Using fallback font 'LiberationSerif-Italic' for 'TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT' === === id: work_5hvjxj3eubc5ffqaegwu3umi2u author: Carmen Rosa Caldas title: Special Bibliographies Bibliografias especiais/ Special Bibliographies date: 2008 pages: 8 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_5hvjxj3eubc5ffqaegwu3umi2u.txt cache: ./cache/work_5hvjxj3eubc5ffqaegwu3umi2u.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2008-12-05T20:46:13Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 16 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2008-12-05T20:46:13Z dc:format application/pdf; 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pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_6wqgvfwlvfafjdotwodcauxitu' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_6wqgvfwlvfafjdotwodcauxitu' === === id: work_yzdzjsciujatdk3o4w7rxcsjo4 author: Andrei Viacheslavovich Zenkov title: A New Stylometry Method Basing on the Numerals Statistic date: 2017 pages: 8 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_yzdzjsciujatdk3o4w7rxcsjo4.txt cache: ./cache/work_yzdzjsciujatdk3o4w7rxcsjo4.pdf Author Administrator Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 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pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/index.pyx", line 101, in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_azrrrjjzl5bdjephqgzngtp2ky' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_azrrrjjzl5bdjephqgzngtp2ky' INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_2dmweeqtqvfophgsprsdof2qb4.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) INFO Detecting media type for Filename: 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"pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1675, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item File "pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi", line 1683, in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item KeyError: 'work_dvx4uj3btncuxi2slmadibjovu' The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 66, in if ( bibliographics.loc[ escape ,'author'] ) : author = bibliographics.loc[ escape,'author'] File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 873, in __getitem__ return self._getitem_tuple(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1044, in _getitem_tuple return self._getitem_lowerdim(tup) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 786, in _getitem_lowerdim section = self._getitem_axis(key, axis=i) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1110, in _getitem_axis return self._get_label(key, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 1059, in _get_label return self.obj.xs(label, axis=axis) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3491, in xs loc = self.index.get_loc(key) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 2897, in get_loc raise KeyError(key) from err KeyError: 'work_dvx4uj3btncuxi2slmadibjovu' work_7fd6n3h2cbhh5bqh7lhk427ysi txt/../ent/work_7fd6n3h2cbhh5bqh7lhk427ysi.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_ecsk6n5fvrg7xaifypmhg5y45u.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_ugxdf5my2vh7rab3hhkbapnjmu author: J. 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version=1.4 dc:title No More Lonely Londoners dcterms:created 2001-03-19T15:39:52Z dcterms:modified 2001-06-26T19:41:32Z meta:author Jan Lowe meta:creation-date 2001-03-19T15:39:52Z meta:save-date 2001-06-26T19:41:32Z modified 2001-06-26T19:41:32Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['354', '1205', '2382', '2302', '2445', '2478', '2472', '2281', '2260', '2368', '2421', '2527', '2477', '2459', '2478', '594'] pdf:docinfo:created 2001-03-19T15:39:52Z pdf:docinfo:creator Jan Lowe pdf:docinfo:creator_tool PSCRIPT.DRV Version 4.0 pdf:docinfo:modified 2001-06-26T19:41:32Z pdf:docinfo:producer Project MUSE pdf:docinfo:title No More Lonely Londoners pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '1205', '2382', '2302', '2445', '2478', '2472', '2281', '2260', '2368', '2421', '2527', '2477', '2459', '2478', '594'] producer Project MUSE resourceName b'work_n2tbv2dp4zes3krpijo2u6ho3q.pdf' title No More Lonely Londoners xmp:CreatorTool PSCRIPT.DRV Version 4.0 xmpTPg:NPages 16 work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya txt/../ent/work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya.ent INFO Detecting media type for Filename: b'work_hughqwttfbesbhsmumc7grgb2a.pdf' INFO rmeta/text (autodetecting type) === === id: work_qwg5js2ojfgrpc7zexsevqrlhu author: J Thrush title: Communicating with patients with speech problems date: 1981 pages: 2 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_qwg5js2ojfgrpc7zexsevqrlhu.txt cache: ./cache/work_qwg5js2ojfgrpc7zexsevqrlhu.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2006-04-28T17:01:08Z Last-Modified 2021-04-06T01:53:17Z Last-Save-Date 2021-04-06T01:53:17Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 18 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2006-04-28T17:01:08Z date 2021-04-06T01:53:17Z dc:format application/pdf; 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With a Focus on Aristotle and Heinrich Kaufringer date: 2019 pages: 13 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy.txt cache: ./cache/work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy.pdf Author Albrecht Classen Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z Keywords Amazon rainforest as laboratory; pre-modern literature; Aristotle; Heinrich Kaufringer; ethics; STEM; Humanities; STEAM; STEAHM Last-Modified 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z Last-Save-Date 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 74 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true cp:subject The tensions between the STEM fields and the Humanities are artificial and might be the result of nothing but political and financial competition. In essence, all scholars explore their topics in a critical fashion, relying on the principles of verification and falsification. Most important proves to be the notion of the laboratory, the storehouse of experiences, ideas, imagination, experiments. For that reason, here the metaphor of the Amazon rainforest is used to illustrate where the common denominators for scientists and scholars rest. Without that vast field of experiences from the past the future cannot be built. The focus here is based on the human condition and its reliance on ethical ideals as already developed by Aristotle. In fact, neither science nor humanities-based research are possible without ethics. Moreover, as illustrated by the case of one of the stories by Heinrich Kaufringer (ca. 1400), human conditions have always been precarious, contingent, puzzling, and fragile, especially if ethics do not inform the individual’s actions. Pre-modern literature is here identified as an ‘Amazon rainforest’ that only waits to be explored for future needs. created 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z creator Albrecht Classen date 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z dc:creator Albrecht Classen dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject Amazon rainforest as laboratory; pre-modern literature; Aristotle; Heinrich Kaufringer; ethics; STEM; Humanities; STEAM; STEAHM dc:title The Amazon Rainforest of Pre-Modern Literature: Ethics, Values, and Ideals from the Past for Our Future. With a Focus on Aristotle and Heinrich Kaufringer dcterms:created 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z dcterms:modified 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z meta:author Albrecht Classen meta:creation-date 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z meta:keyword Amazon rainforest as laboratory; pre-modern literature; Aristotle; Heinrich Kaufringer; ethics; STEM; Humanities; STEAM; STEAHM meta:save-date 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z modified 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['3243', '4053', '4006', '3943', '4088', '4050', '3950', '3392', '4015', '4041', '4082', '3538', '2613'] pdf:docinfo:created 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z pdf:docinfo:creator Albrecht Classen pdf:docinfo:creator_tool LaTeX with hyperref package pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/W32TeX) kpathsea version 6.2.3 pdf:docinfo:keywords Amazon rainforest as laboratory; pre-modern literature; Aristotle; Heinrich Kaufringer; ethics; STEM; Humanities; STEAM; STEAHM pdf:docinfo:modified 2019-12-24T04:10:09Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 pdf:docinfo:subject The tensions between the STEM fields and the Humanities are artificial and might be the result of nothing but political and financial competition. In essence, all scholars explore their topics in a critical fashion, relying on the principles of verification and falsification. Most important proves to be the notion of the laboratory, the storehouse of experiences, ideas, imagination, experiments. For that reason, here the metaphor of the Amazon rainforest is used to illustrate where the common denominators for scientists and scholars rest. Without that vast field of experiences from the past the future cannot be built. The focus here is based on the human condition and its reliance on ethical ideals as already developed by Aristotle. In fact, neither science nor humanities-based research are possible without ethics. Moreover, as illustrated by the case of one of the stories by Heinrich Kaufringer (ca. 1400), human conditions have always been precarious, contingent, puzzling, and fragile, especially if ethics do not inform the individual’s actions. Pre-modern literature is here identified as an ‘Amazon rainforest’ that only waits to be explored for future needs. pdf:docinfo:title The Amazon Rainforest of Pre-Modern Literature: Ethics, Values, and Ideals from the Past for Our Future. With a Focus on Aristotle and Heinrich Kaufringer pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['17', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.18 resourceName b'work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy.pdf' subject The tensions between the STEM fields and the Humanities are artificial and might be the result of nothing but political and financial competition. In essence, all scholars explore their topics in a critical fashion, relying on the principles of verification and falsification. Most important proves to be the notion of the laboratory, the storehouse of experiences, ideas, imagination, experiments. For that reason, here the metaphor of the Amazon rainforest is used to illustrate where the common denominators for scientists and scholars rest. Without that vast field of experiences from the past the future cannot be built. The focus here is based on the human condition and its reliance on ethical ideals as already developed by Aristotle. In fact, neither science nor humanities-based research are possible without ethics. Moreover, as illustrated by the case of one of the stories by Heinrich Kaufringer (ca. 1400), human conditions have always been precarious, contingent, puzzling, and fragile, especially if ethics do not inform the individual’s actions. Pre-modern literature is here identified as an ‘Amazon rainforest’ that only waits to be explored for future needs. title The Amazon Rainforest of Pre-Modern Literature: Ethics, Values, and Ideals from the Past for Our Future. With a Focus on Aristotle and Heinrich Kaufringer trapped False xmp:CreatorTool LaTeX with hyperref package xmpTPg:NPages 13 work_rec24n4ilrbfvlp5iirozr6skq txt/../ent/work_rec24n4ilrbfvlp5iirozr6skq.ent work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e txt/../ent/work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e.ent work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm txt/../ent/work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm.ent === === id: work_xx4lbmv54rbo7evmtfensyqk7e author: K. Halsey title: The Blush of Modesty or the Blush of Shame? 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American Literature and the British Diaspora. 1750-1850 date: 2008 pages: 5 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_hughqwttfbesbhsmumc7grgb2a.txt cache: ./cache/work_hughqwttfbesbhsmumc7grgb2a.pdf Author Marc Amfreville Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z Keywords Recensions Last-Modified 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z Last-Save-Date 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 21 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z creator Marc Amfreville date 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z dc:creator Marc Amfreville dc:format application/pdf; version=1.5 dc:subject Recensions dc:title Transatlantica, 1 | 2008 dcterms:created 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z dcterms:modified 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z meta:author Marc Amfreville meta:creation-date 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z meta:keyword Recensions meta:save-date 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z modified 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.5 pdf:charsPerPage ['1025', '2085', '4186', '4031', '1192'] pdf:docinfo:created 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z pdf:docinfo:creator Marc Amfreville pdf:docinfo:creator_tool OpenEdition pdf:docinfo:keywords Recensions pdf:docinfo:modified 2020-09-24T23:39:52Z pdf:docinfo:producer OpenEdition PDF Server v2 pdf:docinfo:title Transatlantica, 1 | 2008 pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP true pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer OpenEdition PDF Server v2 resourceName b'work_hughqwttfbesbhsmumc7grgb2a.pdf' subject Recensions title Transatlantica, 1 | 2008 xmp:CreatorTool OpenEdition xmpTPg:NPages 5 === === id: work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu author: S. QUARTERONI title: Designing an interactive open-domain question answering system date: 2008 pages: 23 extension: .pdf txt: ./txt/work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu.txt cache: ./cache/work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu.pdf Content-Type application/pdf Creation-Date 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z Last-Modified 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z Last-Save-Date 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.6) kpathsea version 3.5.6 X-Parsed-By ['org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser', 'org.apache.tika.parser.pdf.PDFParser'] X-TIKA:content_handler ToTextContentHandler X-TIKA:embedded_depth 0 X-TIKA:parse_time_millis 74 access_permission:assemble_document true access_permission:can_modify true access_permission:can_print true access_permission:can_print_degraded true access_permission:extract_content true access_permission:extract_for_accessibility true access_permission:fill_in_form true access_permission:modify_annotations true created 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z date 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z dc:format application/pdf; version=1.4 dcterms:created 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z dcterms:modified 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z meta:creation-date 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z meta:save-date 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z modified 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z pdf:PDFVersion 1.4 pdf:charsPerPage ['1837', '2670', '1898', '2095', '2359', '2616', '1928', '2614', '2695', '2469', '1837', '2324', '2483', '2501', '2681', '1624', '2508', '2229', '1555', '2669', '2849', '2716', '2956'] pdf:docinfo:created 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z pdf:docinfo:creator_tool TeX pdf:docinfo:custom:PTEX.Fullbanner This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.3-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.6) kpathsea version 3.5.6 pdf:docinfo:modified 2007-09-20T16:55:16Z pdf:docinfo:producer pdfTeX-1.40.3 pdf:docinfo:trapped False pdf:encrypted false pdf:hasMarkedContent false pdf:hasXFA false pdf:hasXMP false pdf:unmappedUnicodeCharsPerPage ['1', '0', '0', '0', '1', '2', '0', '0', '2', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] producer pdfTeX-1.40.3 resourceName b'work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu.pdf' trapped False xmp:CreatorTool TeX xmpTPg:NPages 23 Done mapping. Reducing janeAusten-from-scholar === bib === id = work_iubihzsdwvfvfiwnxacpwjfbke author = Beau Riffenburgh title = Travels into print. Exploration, writing, and publishing with John Murray, 1773–1859. Innes M. Keighren, Charles W.J. Withers and Bill Bell. 2015. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. xiii + 364 p, illustrated, hardcover. ISBN 978-0-226-42953-3. £31.50; US$45.00 date = 2015 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2076 sentences = 128 flesch = 60 summary = Exploration, writing, and publishing with John Murray, 1773–1859. Age' of Antarctic exploration and the nineteenth-century Arctic No publishing house was more renowned and respected for its books about exploration than John Murray, founded in 1768 and guided for seven generations by successive John Murray did not just concentrate on exploration, as it was also the publisher for many three John Murrays – and the world of travel and exploration. the book illustrates how, over a period of decades, John Murray Travels into print examines the relationships between explorers, publishers, editors, and printers throughout this period. history of geographical exploration and of the book trade, but Rethinking Greenland and the Arctic in the era of climate change. (ACIA 2004), contributing to a discourse which victimises especially the Arctic's indigenous peoples. Arctic's indigenous peoples in light of climate change consider the disempowerment of indigenous peoples by including indigenous knowledge into the discourse on climate change cache = ./cache/work_iubihzsdwvfvfiwnxacpwjfbke.pdf txt = ./txt/work_iubihzsdwvfvfiwnxacpwjfbke.txt === bib === id = work_4btbjjcewzbnhe3zvqm2yhk2yq author = Joël Castonguay-Bélanger title = Preface date = 2017 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2681 sentences = 292 flesch = 66 summary = Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies / Société canadienne d'étude de même que dans ses études plus récentes consacrées aux fluctuations les tenants d'une approche purement linguistique des textes, contribuer à renforcer plutôt qu'à effacer l'opposition classique (mais trompeuse) distinguant d'un côté l'œuvre et, de l'autre, le livre ou l'objet production du texte, et la manière dont la variété des formes matérielles du livre participe aux interprétations et aux réinterprétations conférence, mais celle-ci s'est tout de même conclue sous les applaudissements d'un public heureux de voir Barthas rendre justice à une à Chance David Pahl de se livrer à une analyse de la manière dont les Dans son étude sur la culture du livre dans la France Comme il est d'usage à la SCEDHS, les communications sur été présentée dans une séance sur les influences de l'Antiquité classique au dixhuitième siècle. cache = ./cache/work_4btbjjcewzbnhe3zvqm2yhk2yq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4btbjjcewzbnhe3zvqm2yhk2yq.txt === bib === id = work_d2qpusq62jhqloh53einxeqkbe author = ELI J. FINKEL title = In the Pursuit of Science date = 2010 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1876 sentences = 156 flesch = 55 summary = Caryl's groundbreaking work on close introducing her investment model of commitment processes (e.g., Rusbult, 1980). typology of responses to relationship dissatisfaction (Rusbult, Zembrodt, & Gunn, 1982), demonstrating that highly committed individuals engage in motivated derogation of romantic alternatives (Johnson & Rusbult, 1989). In addition to this research on confl ict behavior, Caryl conducted related work their relationship (Agnew, Van Lange, Rusbult, "I'm beginning to think that maybe it's not into human relationships (Drigotas, Rusbult, that close relationship partners can help individuals bridge that gap, promoting individuals' growth over time toward their ideal self. Caryl built a career's worth of beautiful scholarship around the idea that close relationships the importance of close relationships. Dealing with betrayal in close relationships: Does commitment promote forgiveness? of maintaining commitment in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, and trust in close relationships. cache = ./cache/work_d2qpusq62jhqloh53einxeqkbe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_d2qpusq62jhqloh53einxeqkbe.txt === bib === id = work_mxjwdqqvujhwpgszdt73zgepxm author = Katharina Rowold title = Teresa Santander, El Hospital del Estudio (asistencia y hospitalidad de la Universidad de Salamanca), 1413–1810, Salamanca, Centro de Estudios Salmantinos, 1993, pp. 280, illus., no price given (84–86820–16–2) date = 1995 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1340 sentences = 77 flesch = 54 summary = all six major Austen novels concern university, let alone was medically trained. aficionado of Austen's fiction, this is the book Medical historians who happen not to be develops, and what Austen's background about the choice of author (Jane Austen). Teresa Santander, El Hospital del Estudio Salamanca and its university. archival material relating to the hospital. hospital presented by way of lists of data, generally devoid of historical analysis. and has stayed clear of historical interpretation hospital within the medical school and the beyond the walls of the hospital, the book will the general history of medicine in Spain. documents available in the Salamanca archives History of Medicine, Cambridge University available at available at Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:16, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:16, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, cache = ./cache/work_mxjwdqqvujhwpgszdt73zgepxm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mxjwdqqvujhwpgszdt73zgepxm.txt === bib === id = work_fthw6s4h2vau5hcrrtrplu6qdq author = P. C. Dutta title = Bilateral parietal thinning in bronze age skull date = 1969 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1687 sentences = 195 flesch = 72 summary = Hospital (U.C.H.), Ibadan, on 23 April 1968, from the psychiatric unit on account of increasing drowsiness and the finding on physical paranoid schizophrenia since September 1967. increasing severity of headaches and the occasional association of vomiting, she attended the nature of the meningioma has on its biological behaviour during pregnancy remains Bilateral Parietal Thinning in Bronze Age SIR,-Bilateral parietal thinning or biparietal resorption was noted on a female lesions causing depressions. typical case of thinning of the parietals, one was a 4-year-old child, and another one years), Epstein' concluded that this change one a female of 85 years and another a male female), and the localized thinning is Dr. Thomas Percival and Jane Austen a new physician, a Dr. Percival, the son of wrote moral tales for Edward to give to son of Dr. Thomas Percival, whose book on Jane Austen was, however, referring the reasons why Dr. Percival wrote the book. cache = ./cache/work_fthw6s4h2vau5hcrrtrplu6qdq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fthw6s4h2vau5hcrrtrplu6qdq.txt === bib === id = work_wy3zz7vc4vbstjo5iccsmidaya author = Brian Cummings title = Zombie Shakespeare date = 2016 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3990 sentences = 367 flesch = 77 summary = information concerning the event: the cause, place and even date of Shakespeare's demise This article surveys the anniversary celebrations in relation to the contrasting life records, arguing that the Anniversary has produced a "Zombie Shakespeare", a twenty-first century biographical fantasy indicative of commodification rather than literary or creative imagination. The life-records of Geoffrey Chaucer, edited by Crow and Shakespeare's life. writer indeed much better than we know Shakespeare. about Shakespeare's writing comes from the surviving editions of the Folio that gives the only account surviving of Shakespeare's shows Shakespeare living in London shortly before his death. life of Shakespeare is based on two kinds of fallacy. about Shakespeare's death should read Tadié on Proust's asthma. Shakespeare's Plays Published in 1778; 2 vols C. Rowe N (ed) (1709) The Works of Mr. William Shakespear. Schoenbaum S (1975) William Shakespeare: A Documentary Life. Schoenbaum S (1991) Shakespeare's Lives, New Ed., Clarendon Press: Oxford. cache = ./cache/work_wy3zz7vc4vbstjo5iccsmidaya.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wy3zz7vc4vbstjo5iccsmidaya.txt === bib === id = work_w7lyhpfabfaqzgiblov2gyekkm author = Maximillian E. Novak title = Gendered Cultural Criticism and the Rise of the Novel: The Case of Defoe date = 2000 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6574 sentences = 370 flesch = 62 summary = Gendered Cultural Criticism and the Rise of the Novel: The Case of Defoe 4 Margaret Anne Doody, The True Story ofthe Novel (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, Those studies such as Warner's Licensing Entertainment that treat Defoe's contribution to the novel solely through Roxana, which was not a as an interesting work of amatory fiction, where, aside from a few dedicatory poems, did anyone acclaim Haywood's novel as an important and definition of individualism as both a psychological and a social phenomenon sends one back to his long discussion in The Rise ofthe Novel, in 19Ian Watt, The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson, and Fielding (Berkeley: University 22William Beatty Warner, "Realist Literary History: McKeon's New Origins ofthe Novel,"Diacritics tricks of style to create formal realism has been rightly attacked by feminist critics, but this has nothing to do with the nature of Defoe's fiction cache = ./cache/work_w7lyhpfabfaqzgiblov2gyekkm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_w7lyhpfabfaqzgiblov2gyekkm.txt === bib === id = work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka author = Ryan Patrick Hanley title = Capitalism's Two Cultures date = 2012 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3165 sentences = 172 flesch = 64 summary = For among the most striking and distressing elements of this debate has been the 'mutual incomprehensibility' of the business and academic worlds.2 The general academic skepticism towards markets is less the result of the professiorate's embrace of a business world defends the values of markets it often But however this may be, a degree of relative personal indifference to wealth seems to define academics rather academic world, what hope is there for persuading the academic world of the benefits of markets? contemporary academic value. thus one academic value to which defenders of that capitalism might wish to appeal. at length, the concern for social justice often leads to an concern for social or distributive justice need necessarily from values they themselves hold to the values that academics hold, diversity and social justice prominent among them. When academics speak critically of profit seeking, they activities of business require rethinking by academics. cache = ./cache/work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka.txt === bib === id = work_gpcy5x7s6zfflkruth3vo6lyse author = Corinne Fowler title = Revisiting Mansfield Park: The Critical and Literary Legacies of Edward W. Said's Essay "Jane Austen and Empire" in Culture and Imperialism (1993) date = 2017 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11528 sentences = 883 flesch = 57 summary = Said's seminal essay "Jane Austen and Empire" exhorts critics to attend Said, Jane Austen, black British history, country houses, 1 Madge Dresser and Andrew Hann, Slavery and the British Country House (London: English Heritage, 3 Edward Said, "Jane Austen and Empire," Culture and Imperialism (London: Vintage, 1993), 107. Said's seminal essay on Mansfield Park, "Jane Austen and Empire," first published in In "Jane Austen and Empire," Said argues that novels by Austen and her contemporaries are wilfully silent about colonial cruelty and indifferent to enslaved people's critics challenge Said's reading of Mansfield Park on the grounds that it underestimates the strength of Austen's pro-abolitionist feeling.25 In The Postcolonial Jane As I have argued, Said does not read Mansfield Park in conjunction with Austen's Johnson connects country house grandeur to sugar wealth, as Austen, Said, 135 Peter Fryer, Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain (London: Pluto, 1984); Barczewski, Country Houses and the British Empire, 1700–1930. cache = ./cache/work_gpcy5x7s6zfflkruth3vo6lyse.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gpcy5x7s6zfflkruth3vo6lyse.txt === bib === id = work_gcvyo5jubngizpvlxg4f5q3lkm author = Svenn-Arve Myklebost title = The Imagination in Early Modern English Literature. Deanna Smid. Costerus New Series 221. Leiden: Brill | Rodopi, 2017. viii + 210 pp. $127 date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1013 sentences = 60 flesch = 55 summary = The Imagination in Early Modern English Literature. By contrast, in The Imagination in Early Modern English Literature, Deanna Smid investigates how early modern thinkers actually defined the imagination and how ideas about held belief that it was physically present in the brain as a central cognitive function common to animals and humans. including imagining the outcome of an action, registering the appearance of an object, between the body and the brain; the role of imagination, pregnancy, gender, and creativity; the dangers of an imagination running free; and the relationship between novelty, recombination, and religious devotion. Thomas Nashe's The Unfortunate Traveller (chapter 2), Smid sees "pestilence as a metaphor for his stylistic representations of the imagination and its contagious influence" impact of visual-verbal forms on the imagination, an issue too briefly outlined in chapter 5, on emblems. Timely Voices: Romance Writing in English Literature. A strong and at times provocative introduction from Goran Stanivukovic describes cache = ./cache/work_gcvyo5jubngizpvlxg4f5q3lkm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gcvyo5jubngizpvlxg4f5q3lkm.txt === bib === id = work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa author = G S Rousseau title = John Wiltshire, Jane Austen and the body: 'the picture of health', Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xiii, 251, £30.00 (0–521–41476–8) date = 1995 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1344 sentences = 74 flesch = 54 summary = for the History of Medicine. medical ethics starting with the Greek tradition Percival's Medical ethics of 1803 (although underly the declaration of medical ethical to meet a number of practical ethical writings on medical history, a number of medical ethics (such as Gabriele de Zerbi, a chapters which dealt with other crucial ethical chapters which examined specific ethical considered specific practitioners' writings on medical ethics, the latter of which tended to be and historical perspectives. John Wiltshire, Jane Austen and the body: Medical historians consulting this book may wonder "why Jane Austen?" rather than Aphra It is not a question John Wiltshire wants to university, let alone was medically trained. aficionado of Austen's fiction, this is the book critics, long before Wiltshire, have noted her specifically afflicts her, how the condition develops, and what Austen's background about the choice of author (Jane Austen). history of the university, in which names such cache = ./cache/work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa.txt === bib === id = work_lfmig3bghrgltlfcprit5thaii author = A. Richardson title = Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion date = 2002 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6766 sentences = 699 flesch = 35 summary = Austen's was a period when a dominant constructionist psychology—associationism—vied with emergent brain-based, organicist, and nativist theories of mind. the brain science of the era.Moreover, Austen's famously innovative style on Man, His Nature, Productions, and Discoveries,Godwin (!"&!:%#–&') hasbecome convinced that ''human creatures are born into theworldwith various dispositions'' most likely rooted in the ''subtle network of the brain.'' painful experience, most notably hermother's death (whenAnne is fourteen)andheryouthfulbreakwithFrederick (fiveyears later),Louisa's character is ''altered,'' remarkablyandapparently for life,byasingle incident,a Here too one finds unexpected convergence between Austen's experiments with representing character and subjective life in Persuasion and the Richardson • Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion 159 Richardson • Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion 159 Richardson • Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion 159 Richardson • Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion 159 !##% Jane Austen and the Body (Cambridge:CambridgeUniversity Press). cache = ./cache/work_lfmig3bghrgltlfcprit5thaii.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lfmig3bghrgltlfcprit5thaii.txt === bib === id = work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y author = Roy Porter title = Miriam Bailin, The sickroom in Victorian fiction: the art of being ill, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. ix, 169, £30.00, $49.95 (0-521-44526-4) date = 1995 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1282 sentences = 78 flesch = 56 summary = medical science to the bedside. She admits that "a medically qualified person attempting to 'diagnose"' Langstaff's patients Miriam Bailin, The sickroom in Victorian exclusively medical space was clearly The core of Dr Bailin's slim book, given (Cambridge University Press, 1991), it Tansey (eds), Women physiologists: an historians of gender and of women's place in in the field, as medical students and as subject women's exposure to academic physiology of distinguished women physiologists. Physiological Society, noting that their Women's presence at the Society's dinners women physiologists. The book achieves its main aims This book describes the history of the New available at available at Downloaded from Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:08, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:08, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, cache = ./cache/work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime author = E WATSON-WILLIAMS title = English doctors from Smollet to Trollope date = 1946 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371814 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime.txt === bib === id = work_wvby232fvfdspmabsmwarxel7e author = W. David Shaw title = Moral Drama in Barchester Towers date = 1964 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 549 sentences = 125 flesch = 63 summary = Moral Drama in Barchester Towers | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Moral Drama in Barchester Towers Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site W. David Shaw; Moral Drama in Barchester Towers. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1964; 19 (1): 45–54. search input search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Moral Drama in Barchester Towers' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Moral Drama in Barchester Towers Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_wvby232fvfdspmabsmwarxel7e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wvby232fvfdspmabsmwarxel7e.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i author = Jesús Varela Zapata title = Elinor Shaffer and Catherine Brown, eds. The Reception of George Eliot in Europe. The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe, Series Editor: Elinor Shaffer. London: Bloomsbury, 2016. Pp. lvi, 453 date = 2017 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2446 sentences = 119 flesch = 59 summary = George Eliot, European Novelist (2011: 3), points out: The publication by Bloomsbury of The Reception of George Eliot in Jane Austen, George Eliot, Henry James and Joseph Conrad" (9). fact is that, on the issue of canonicity, contributors to The Reception of George Eliot in Europe have acted in a restrained way, so as to not turn the featured As it has been implicitly suggested above, The Reception of George Eliot chapter covers Eliot's reception in that country during her lifetime. ("Timeline of the European Reception of George Eliot, 1819-2015") provides reception studies by relating George Eliot's impact in Hungary to historical and paper at their disposal to publish Eliot's work. The Reception of George Eliot in Europe 137 The Reception of George Eliot in Europe 137 account of the reception of Eliot's work across Europe. A Reception History of George Eliot's Fiction. George Eliot, European Novelist. cache = ./cache/work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i.txt === bib === id = work_paajdqtprvd6zawdqggsazvbu4 author = ERIK GRAY title = Indifference and Epistolarity inThe Eve of St. Agnes date = 1999 pages = 32 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9701 sentences = 496 flesch = 67 summary = imaginative spirit confronting life's challenges – Keats's letters show a capacity intimate forms of writing, and Keats's letters in particular are appreciated for Keats's letters and their willingness to submit to their own limitations as a form Keats's use of the letter-writer's prerogatives (changing the subject, But it is only by looking at the moments in his letters when Keats These moments when Keats uses letters to resign full agency indicate his in Keats's versified letters and epistolary poems; but this should not surprise us. Keats's earliest poems (such as 'To my Brother George') are 'like letters' in that Keats the letter-writer when she tells the narrator that he is no true poet. Madeline and with the letter to Woodhouse: Keats is not a poet but a letterwriter; when he can neither 'heal' nor 'steel', he chooses 'not to feel', to submit to Wolfson, 'Keats the Letter-Writer: Epistolary Poetics', Romanticism cache = ./cache/work_paajdqtprvd6zawdqggsazvbu4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_paajdqtprvd6zawdqggsazvbu4.txt === bib === id = work_yqpz4m6om5axhi3tffbead2nke author = Liliana COLODEEVA title = Modernist Fiction from Sin to Art date = 2015 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3502 sentences = 208 flesch = 61 summary = twentieth centuries on the emerging and development of the modern novel as a free and outstanding names as Henry James, Virginia Woolf, Joseph Conrad, Arnold Bennett and Malcolm Bradbury, the century, the novel was shifting to art; it was becoming a more interesting and more influential Key words: modern novel, art, fiction, self-consciousness, stream of consciousness present paper: Henry James, Joseph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, and others. For Henry James, the novel was an art form, which in the Novelists like Henry James, Henry James is obviously a pioneer of modern fiction as he was highly workings of consciousness, Henry James pushed fictional realism to a limit at Henry James's essay "The Art of Fiction", published in 1884 in Longman's An attentive perusal of Henry James's essays on the theory of the novel James claims that the novel represents life itself, therefore he In another essay, written by Henry James "The Future of the Novel" (1899), the cache = ./cache/work_yqpz4m6om5axhi3tffbead2nke.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yqpz4m6om5axhi3tffbead2nke.txt === bib === id = work_tbhzy7ji4zhqhac6sz66cico2i author = Daniel Paul O'Donnell title = Small, Thick, and Slow: Towards an Open and FAIR data culture in the Humanities date = 2019 pages = 40 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3045 sentences = 289 flesch = 63 summary = ○ Not all humanities data are small or "representational" in focus 1. Humanities "data," unlike science "capta," are almost always practically ○ Intensive curation and analysis of small data sets remains a major (meta)data use a formal, accessible, shared, and (meta)data use vocabularies that follow FAIR ○ Publication of Data as "First class research object" is inherent in several small data researchers — whether digital or traditional the production and consumption of Humanities research data ○ Work within the traditional Humanities research workflow ○ Encourage traditional Humanities researchers to work within ours ● As long as FAIR data publication means, in essence, publishing small, and publishers (i.e. small data datasets) ○ A workflow that encourages small-data researchers to prepare their analysis of individual data points or small datasets ■ Opens these small, thick, and slow datasets up to big data analysis approach to FAIR data publication in the Humanities cache = ./cache/work_tbhzy7ji4zhqhac6sz66cico2i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tbhzy7ji4zhqhac6sz66cico2i.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_3howatzsdzg2jorvfzi32amzry author = U. C. Knoepflmacher title = A Victorianist Looks Back: Fluidity vs. Fragmentation date = 2018 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7376 sentences = 628 flesch = 65 summary = authored over a hundred scholarly articles, six books on Victorian topics, and edited or coedited That author was George Eliot, whose works Chew listed before subordinating her to the still "popular and enormously prolific" Margaret Humanism and the Victorian Novel: George Eliot, Walter Pater, and Samuel take the highroad" by turning herself in to the FBI after recalling a powerful passage in that work.13 Showalter uses Alpert's "passionate identification" with George Eliot's last novel to explain why Victorian studies Read today, the testimonies by Buckley, Ford, and Showalter helpfully highlight major shifts in Victorian studies. At a Philadelphia meeting in which I had talked about gender transpositions in juvenile texts by Victorian women writers, Elaine remarked women authors reclaimed the female fairy tales that male writers like Initially called The Great Excluded: Critical Essays on Children's Literature, between George Eliot and young Thomas Hardy."33 Like the fictional cache = ./cache/work_3howatzsdzg2jorvfzi32amzry.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3howatzsdzg2jorvfzi32amzry.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_bxxjca34n5bthdevhcpbiuo4m4 author = Kristofer Erickson title = Can Creative Firms Thrive Without Copyright? Value Generation And Capture From Private-Collective Innovation date = 2018 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7127 sentences = 499 flesch = 51 summary = industry firms engaged in collective/open innovation activities. those for participants in private-collective innovation (PCI), originally observed in open source Keywords: private-collective innovation, copyright, creative industries, appropriability, business To understand the use of open IP by creative industry firms, this paper draws on existing creative industry firms that have successfully commercialized products residing in the 'public Creative industry firms are those which generate and capture value through activities of intellectual property in firms' ability to generate and capture value from innovation (Dahlander open source software licenses may persist down into developed products and require 'shareback' of proprietary improvements. consumers (such as open-source business software), firms must consider the cost savings to firms to be innovative in product development and to invest in market knowledge. Some firms engaged actively with upstream PCI communities to generate value. success led to his firm exploring its own products based on other upstream public domain inputs. Firm Public domain input Commercial product PCI activity cache = ./cache/work_bxxjca34n5bthdevhcpbiuo4m4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bxxjca34n5bthdevhcpbiuo4m4.txt === bib === id = work_xzun45yo2fgc3iix5x5eoafstm author = Peter Tyrer title = Ten books date = 2009 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3074 sentences = 191 flesch = 71 summary = country which has generated the English language, a remarkable I have only read one book, Le Grand Good English uses simple words, and here George Orwell is good prose or poetry without an underlying message was in some When I read the book criticised Salinger for not developing Holden better – the message Orwell was a political writer but it is rare to find a good writing Joyce's prose is really the poetry of thought and feeling, as poetry Grain of Sand6 she describes the reaction I feel when faced with a feelings of many of our patients who, equally desperately, try to It is allowed on all hands, that the primitive way of breaking eggs before we eat them, In looking at the books recommended by previous authors of Our colleagues in the humanities use books to communicate – Now whenever I tried to read this book when it cache = ./cache/work_xzun45yo2fgc3iix5x5eoafstm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xzun45yo2fgc3iix5x5eoafstm.txt === bib === id = work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim author = Brian Murdoch title = Defining and Defending the Middle Ages with C. S. Lewis date = 2020 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7811 sentences = 505 flesch = 67 summary = Middle Ages and confirmed the relevance to the humanities that medieval literary texts can have Lewis cautioned against pejorative terms like 'Dark Ages', noted problems of S. Lewis; periodisation; the Middle Ages; medieval studies; qualitative judgement; contrast of them with "more normal periods of history." Lewis's other examples note the assumption The Discarded Image, Lewis remained aware of the apparent apartness of much of medieval thought, He makes the point, too, that we need not treat a medieval literary work as we might a modern as his Medieval Model of the universe as continuing down to the end of the seventeenth century Lewis set the machine age as the great period divide, more important than any limits for the Middle Ages as a period of especial ignorance which has nothing to say to the present, is illogical at In German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages: 800–1170. cache = ./cache/work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim.txt === bib === id = work_mpgodfpoyba2nbpxnqp3ejgziq author = Greg J. Stephens title = Statistical mechanics of letters in words date = 2010 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 837 sentences = 165 flesch = 62 summary = [PDF] Toward a statistical mechanics of four letter words | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 13216093Toward a statistical mechanics of four letter words Despite the intuition that the rules of English spelling are highly combinatorial (and arbitrary), we find that maximum entropy models consistent with pairwise correlations among letters provide a surprisingly good approximation to the full statistics of four letter words, capturing ∼ 92% of the multi–information among letters and even 'discovering' real words… Expand Figures, Tables, and Topics from this paper Sort by Most Influenced Papers Keyword Detection in Natural Language Based on Statistical Mechanics of Words in Written Texts View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background View 2 excerpts, references methods and background View 2 excerpts, references methods and background By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_mpgodfpoyba2nbpxnqp3ejgziq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mpgodfpoyba2nbpxnqp3ejgziq.txt === bib === id = work_v6elnnvunnf3xkehmkdde7sory author = Julia Novak title = FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 561 sentences = 126 flesch = 67 summary = FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 8992758FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST Abstract Biographical novels about historical women artists have been experiencing a veritable boom in recent years. It has long been a key insight of historical fiction research that a historical novel reveals more about the time in which it was written than the time in which it is set. Citation Type Citation Type Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Sort by Recency View 1 excerpt, cites background Writing Artists' Lives Across Nations and Cultures: Biography, Biofiction and Transnationality The American Biographical Novel. The American Biographical Novel. About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE cache = ./cache/work_v6elnnvunnf3xkehmkdde7sory.pdf txt = ./txt/work_v6elnnvunnf3xkehmkdde7sory.txt === bib === id = work_q2gngude5bgw7idni2fittdtlm author = P. E. H. Richardson title = David Sackett and the birth of Evidence Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM date = 2015 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 627 sentences = 122 flesch = 67 summary = David Sackett and the birth of Evidence Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 7898080David Sackett and the birth of Evidence Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM title={David Sackett and the birth of Evidence Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM}, author={Peter E H Richardson}, BMJ : British Medical Journal Citation Type Citation Type Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Evidence-Based Medicine in Otolaryngology Part 7: Introduction to Shared Decision Making American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation Arienti, +6 authors M. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE cache = ./cache/work_q2gngude5bgw7idni2fittdtlm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_q2gngude5bgw7idni2fittdtlm.txt === bib === id = work_cjgtsejac5e2dja4cyzyeos73m author = A. J. Akhtar title = Medical Immigration date = 1969 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371861 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_cjgtsejac5e2dja4cyzyeos73m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cjgtsejac5e2dja4cyzyeos73m.txt === bib === id = work_ufhws5tz6bafvm77z4wjgtrrlu author = Ron Beadle title = Managerial Work in a Practice-Embodying Institution: The Role of Calling, The Virtue of Constancy date = 2013 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9970 sentences = 555 flesch = 56 summary = Citation: Beadle, Ron (2013) Managerial Work in a Practice-Embodying Institution The role of Managerial work in a practice-embodying institution – The role of calling, the the virtues that are required if management is exercised as a domain-related practice. Keywords: MacIntyre, Practice, Virtue, Calling, Constancy, Circus This paper uses the „goods-virtues-practicesinstitutions‟ framework to examine the managerial work of owner-directors of traditional This paper uses the „goods-virtues-practicesinstitutions‟ framework to examine the managerial work of owner-directors of traditional to achieve goods internal to the particular practices pursued within an institution (Moore Part One: Virtues, Goods, Practices and Institutions researchers inspired by Alasdair MacIntyre‟s „goods-virtues-practices-institutions‟ framework practices are ordered towards the achievement of internal goods, so institutions are: the work of the institution in the narratives of circus directors and some areas of tension practices, within which the same virtues are needed for the achievement of goods cache = ./cache/work_ufhws5tz6bafvm77z4wjgtrrlu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ufhws5tz6bafvm77z4wjgtrrlu.txt === bib === id = work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy author = F. B. Byrom title = E.E.G.s of Boxers date = 1961 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220376795 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:13 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_sufvg3wxnrebdi2q5zwoau4zs4 author = Christina Dokou title = Sarah Churchwell and Thomas Ruys Smith, eds. Must Read: Rediscovering American Bestsellers—From Charlotte Temple to The Da Vinci Code date = 2013 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3734 sentences = 206 flesch = 56 summary = … this inquiry is concerned with the connection between popular books read for pleasure by adult Americans and the times in which those books were read.…; but 1895-1975;5John Sutherland's 1981 Bestsellers: Popular Fiction in the 1970s;6 and his later They thus synthesize a picture of American (bestseller) reading that functions well 4 Gideon Mailer's "The history of Charlotte Temple as an American bestseller" follows scholarly readings of early serialized fiction in their single-volume form cannot do full 2. Sarah Churchwell and Thomas Ruys Smith, "Introduction," in Must Read: Rediscovering American Bestsellers (London and New York: Continuum, 2012), 4. 3. James Hall, Hit Lit: Cracking the Code of the Twentieth Century's Biggest Bestsellers (New York: 6. John Sutherland, Bestsellers: Popular Fiction in the 1970s (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981). 9. Michael Korda, Making the List: A Cultural History of the American Bestseller, 1900-99 (New Must Read: Rediscovering American Bestsellers—From Charlotte Temple to The Da Vinci Code. cache = ./cache/work_sufvg3wxnrebdi2q5zwoau4zs4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sufvg3wxnrebdi2q5zwoau4zs4.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_mp5yw5kbtjhandu2l7777p3gze author = Everett Zimmerman title = Pride and Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice date = 1968 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3535 sentences = 250 flesch = 70 summary = Microsoft Word 3.A Study of Hedges in Pride and Prejudice this classification, the paper analyzes some typical hedges and their functions used in the dialogues of the novel Keywords: fuzzy language, Pride and Prejudice, hedges the types and functions of hedges used in dialogues in the novel of Pride and Prejudice. dialogues in the novel of Pride and Prejudice based on his classification of hedges. Therefore, the analysis of functions of the hedges in Pride and Prejudice cannot only further explore the pragmatic functions of hedges in literary works, but also help readers understand the characters and society at will take rounders in Pride and Prejudice for examples to indicate the functions. Plausibility shields indicate the speaker directly expresses his own speculation instead of expounding truth. As soon as Elizabeth is out of the room and returns to look after Jane, Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst begin cache = ./cache/work_mp5yw5kbtjhandu2l7777p3gze.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mp5yw5kbtjhandu2l7777p3gze.txt === bib === id = work_r7pmphf6erhhtcfi4hfrg2l6zq author = Ann Banfield title = The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park date = 1971 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 549 sentences = 125 flesch = 62 summary = The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Ann Banfield; The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1971; 26 (1): 1–24. search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_r7pmphf6erhhtcfi4hfrg2l6zq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_r7pmphf6erhhtcfi4hfrg2l6zq.txt === bib === id = work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a author = H.-J. Voth title = Clark's intellectual Sudoku date = 2008 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3072 sentences = 216 flesch = 64 summary = For many years, Greg Clark was mainly known amongst economic historians Given these two proclivities, news that Greg Clark was writing a book Guns, Germs and Steel has a single book on economic history been discussed production across societies, differences that stem largely from the local social to the conceptual work of Galor and Moav, Clark mainly adds some This logic ignores the possibility that poor levels of nutrition could have Clark's point springs from the economic logic larger populations, living standards cannot improve. compares the living standards of the English poor) would undoubtedly have per cent fared – but Clark's argument about the importance of the rich European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. technological transition produce secular stasis in living standards? cache = ./cache/work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a.txt === bib === id = work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y author = John Fawsitt title = Reading in the Humanities in the Mobile Digital Age date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3853 sentences = 282 flesch = 61 summary = Voyant, Digital Humanities, General Chemistry, Scientific Papers, Undergraduate whether Voyant, a digital humanities text analysis tool, might help students become more proficient and independent read, analyzed, and summarized a scientific paper without the use of Voyant to establish a baseline measure of their skills. They then read, analyzed, and summarized a second scientific paper with the aid of Voyant, and a third one without Voyant In conclusion, Voyant was found to be a helpful temporary aid for reading scientific papers. Keywords Voyant, Digital Humanities, General Chemistry, Scientific Papers, Undergraduate levels of the articles that I asked my students to read for this Reading Scientific Articles in the Science Classroom papers offer help in reading and summarizing journal articles for students to refer to while reading the article. the classroom, students must read scientific papers as part of Next, the students read an article reading the second article, but a majority of students also cache = ./cache/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.txt === bib === id = work_rxphzwcy7rbxtmcmsmhtjowsmy author = Donald McCloskey title = The Very Idea of Epistemology date = 1989 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2797 sentences = 225 flesch = 61 summary = when the problem is a sampling problem) and glorious, humanity-making sprachethik (for instance: Do not sneer at arguments merely because leave the impression that you think Methodology in economics and its in economics and in philosophy maintain their solidarity and their definitions of barbarians by means of Methodological talk: for example, standards, worked out in good conversation within the field. standards from the outside with no respect for sprachethik within economics or philosophy. engineering and be allowed to sneer at everything else?" What the economists forget when they use such an argument is that specialization is The recent exceptions in philosophy I can think of are philosophers thinking in rhetorical It, too, contains arguments, which in some rhetorics may effectively persuade. to apply the rhetoric, it's hard to see how the usual talk about Epistemology persuades. "Standards." Economics and Philosophy 4:1-7. The Rhetoric of Economics. cache = ./cache/work_rxphzwcy7rbxtmcmsmhtjowsmy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rxphzwcy7rbxtmcmsmhtjowsmy.txt === bib === id = work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq author = Katherine Eva Barcsay title = Profit and production : Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice on film date = 2009 pages = 134 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 44675 sentences = 2775 flesch = 66 summary = The issue with novel to film adaptation is, just as Andrew says, to be both ways and, in turn, popular films are now often adapted into books, plays, and even toys number of short stories and plays, is the most adapted fiction author to date, but Jane Austen Austen's novels have been adapted for film and television on at least thirty-three separate novel and film adaptations can share the "same story, the same 'raw materials,' [they] are consistently perform well and taking a popular novel and adapting it into a film is usually a characters, helps to explain why Austen's work has been adapted for film and television on film adaptation of Austen's work went into production, MGM's Pride and Prejudice. 'Austen-mania.' The film was adapted from Helen Fielding's novel of the same name, which Of all of Austen' s novels, Pride and Prejudice has been the most often adapted, and it cache = ./cache/work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq.txt === bib === id = work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte author = Jean Harris Hendriks title = Mental health, by Jane Austen date = 1995 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1307 sentences = 78 flesch = 64 summary = Mental health, by Jane Austen Effects on Psychiatric Patients of a Pleasant and Jane Austen knew the pleasant and congenial Jane Austen's pleasant environment Woodhouse, father of Emma, hypochondriac, Jane Austen delineates the small world in Miss Jane Bates, an Impoverishedclergyman's daughter, with pressure of talk the community, psychiatrists should indeed Jean Harris Hendriks, Consultant Psychiatrist, Jones the patient Another film about psychiatrists and Mr Jones has bipolar illness and the film Jones finds himself a patient in an American medical students that times are difficult, andresources scarce. psychiatrist responsible for his care. are mingling Mr Jones poses as a doctor and asks his visitor which one is the patient. than as a psychiatrist she visits his ex-wife. Roles between doctor and patient reverse when Mr Jones rescues his psychiatrist from a doctors in the hospital are busy and although patients to consider her own need for support cache = ./cache/work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte.txt === bib === id = work_3tdccwqagjdujbssiu5hqh7gue author = Esmaiel Kaboli Boroujeni title = Specifying Metadiscoursal Signals in the Novel Pride and Prejudice and its Two Persian Translations By Copple's model (1980) date = 2012 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4800 sentences = 470 flesch = 70 summary = Abstract: Finding out the metadiscoursal signals in any language and analyzing their usage specially in meaning transfer metadiscoursal signals in all of the related parts in the original novel was compared with those of its two Persian renderings by However, considering both translations, they were poor in transferring the original metadiscoursal signals into the Persian Key words: Metadiscourse signals, Text connectives, Code glosses, Validity markers, Narrators, Illocution markers, Attitude model presented by Vande Copple (1985), which has broadly dealt with the metadiscoursal signals (MDSs). metadiscourse signals are transferred in both translations made by "Pooranfar" and "Ardakani". equivalents should be used in the translated text instead of the metadiscoursal elements within the original Text Connectives Code Glosses Validity Markers Narrators other side, the first translation has not transferred seven original narrators' MDSs to the Persian language transferred attitude MDSs to the Persian language, the second translation again has done a better job and cache = ./cache/work_3tdccwqagjdujbssiu5hqh7gue.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3tdccwqagjdujbssiu5hqh7gue.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_qugttcsyrrdo3jkpshshswlp64 author = Stephanie Davis‐Kahl title = The case for chick lit in academic libraries date = 2008 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3710 sentences = 241 flesch = 62 summary = 1998 (in the United States), chick lit has been a rapidly growing popular cultural force, lit in a positive light as "a literary genre that features books written by women and New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd discussed chick lit in her column, declaring With all the controversy, chick lit is now a fixture on the popular culture and fiction Another development in chick lit that sets it apart from romance noted in The New York misleading marketing of chick lit and of writing by women. literature and women's studies from considering chick lit a legitimate area of A collection of chick lit is especially key for those libraries that support popular culture The study of popular culture and chick lit is well-matched, as the former explores interested in chick lit, as the genre is one expression of how women see each other, collecting chick lit in general, highlighting which authors and titles are most represented. cache = ./cache/work_qugttcsyrrdo3jkpshshswlp64.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qugttcsyrrdo3jkpshshswlp64.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_a3s54zpzyjdprmyzj2uf5wpjuu author = Sofia Kaliarnta title = Using Aristotle's theory of friendship to classify online friendships: a critical counterview date = 2016 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 13238 sentences = 766 flesch = 56 summary = Social networking sites � Internet � Virtual friendship � special issue of the journal Ethics and Information Technology was devoted to online friendship. present the main points of the critics of online friendship. the previously presented arguments against online friendship; my point-by-point analysis concludes on ''Questioning the application of the Aristotelian framework on online compare and contrast online friendships with real-life, skepticism regarding the way that the Internet and especially social networking sites tend to shape how we interact the Internet as a communication medium, friendships created and maintained online have their own special set of regarding online friendships is the possibility that persons shared life' between online friends. in stance regarding using the Internet to maintain a (previously) offline friendship and a purely online one? constantly add new people on their online social network purely online friendships, where we had no direct connection to our friend's offline life, are beginning to fade. cache = ./cache/work_a3s54zpzyjdprmyzj2uf5wpjuu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_a3s54zpzyjdprmyzj2uf5wpjuu.txt === bib === id = work_7t3oqmkpgrd3vcc4v2pidsnfdq author = J O Forfar title = James Spence medallist, 1986. Sir Peter Tizard date = 1986 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 980 sentences = 221 flesch = 79 summary = The James Spence Medal was presented to Sir Peter Tizard on 16 April 1986 by Professor J 0 Forfar, President of the British Paediatric Association, who gave the following The James Spence Medal is awarded for outstanding contributions to the advancement or clarification British Paediatric Association (BPA) can confer. The recipient in 1986 is Sir Peter Tizard. the Institute of Child Health and Honorary Consultant Paediatrician to Hammersmith Hospital. Sir Peter is one of the outstanding paediatricians, academic neonatal unit that pioneered and established neonatl paediatrics in this country and In the wider field of child health Sir Peter has important part in establishing the British Paediatric the contribution to paediatrics that he recognised Sir Peter to be making gave his Spence Medal to Sir Sir Peter has suggested, and the Association has agreed, that that medal should have Sir Peter's Association awards you the Spence Medal. cache = ./cache/work_7t3oqmkpgrd3vcc4v2pidsnfdq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7t3oqmkpgrd3vcc4v2pidsnfdq.txt === bib === id = work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory author = G. Tate title = Austens Literary Alembic: Sanditon, Medicine, and the Science of the Novel date = 2015 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9219 sentences = 402 flesch = 45 summary = Sanditon, Medicine, and the Science of the Novel As Charlotte Heywood, the heroine of Jane Austen's unfinished novel Sanditon, object of ridicule in Sanditon: here, Austen's satire is targeted not at his use of the alembic Sanditon presents medicine and the novel as professional forms of knowledge Following a conversation with the grasping Lady Denham, Parker's coinvestor in Sanditon, Charlotte "allowed her thoughts to form themselves into such a thoughts of Parker or even Sir Edward as it is those of Charlotte, and other characters, at central to Austen's early novel Northanger Abbey, is also a key concern in Sanditon. involving Sir Edward Denham), Parker's quotation illuminates Sanditon's concern with the of professionalism; although none of the characters in Sanditon are writers, just as no doctors Austen's professionalized genre of the novel is, like medical practice, bound up with or science; the professionalization of writing in Sanditon incorporates the novel into cache = ./cache/work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory.txt === bib === id = work_ygtdgn7pb5b5tpr4wid344lafm author = B M BENNETT title = MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY date = 1964 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220374657 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:10 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_ygtdgn7pb5b5tpr4wid344lafm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ygtdgn7pb5b5tpr4wid344lafm.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_fuitteiujbc3vdqzp6qhrwmxui author = Martha Vicinus title = Language and class in Victorian England date = 1986 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1231 sentences = 73 flesch = 66 summary = K.C. Phillipps, Language and class in Victorian England. A.S.C. Ross on linguistic indicators of social class during the mid-1950s in England. acceptable upper-class usage.) Phillipps specifically focuses upon the subtle distinctions When the upper classes began to dine in the evening, a late dinner hour came Phillipps traces the subtle linguistic evolution of meals, forms,of address, slang and Phillipps' remarks about generational differences within the upper classes are particularly instructive. Victorian middle-class novelists are themselves less reliable about the language of the For example, he does not mention that peculiarly upper-class idiom, 'my people'. Just as upper-class English to this day often substitute the impersonal use of 'one' for this implies contrasts sharply with the language of the upper-classes and is well worth Language and class in Victorian England is a highly readable survey of well-known surely linguists do not need to be reminded that language reflects social class. cache = ./cache/work_fuitteiujbc3vdqzp6qhrwmxui.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fuitteiujbc3vdqzp6qhrwmxui.txt === bib === id = work_mxd43tbobnhhtbvfhhc6syty7e author = Gillian Dooley title = The Post-War Novel in Crisis: Three Perspectives date = 2005 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5895 sentences = 387 flesch = 63 summary = The most obvious difference between nineteenth-century novels period following the second world war, Iris Murdoch, Doris Lessing and V.S. While what Murdoch missed in the modern novel was the individual character reason, to represent human life as well as the nineteenth century novel does. Victorian novel … is represented by the work of perhaps a dozen novelists, out nineteenth century, and did not prevent the 'traditional novel of character' from standards of the novel as it was written in the nineteenth century – has, by with what he sees as the conventional novel form onto these writers. foolish, but simply to believe, like Murdoch, that nineteenth-century writers are 4 D.J. Taylor, After the War: The Novel and English Society since 1945 (London: Chatto & an Essay on New Fiction,' [1973] The Novel Today, ed. was on the novels of Iris Murdoch, Doris Lessing and V.S. Naipaul. cache = ./cache/work_mxd43tbobnhhtbvfhhc6syty7e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mxd43tbobnhhtbvfhhc6syty7e.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_y222gvbxnbgbbdtexi5uvnjlwi author = Maryam Zarnegar Deloffre title = Introduction date = 2017 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3831 sentences = 381 flesch = 46 summary = doi:10.1017/S1049096517001111 © American Political Science Association, 2017 PS • October 2017 985 Teaching political science on college campuses in the United States in the past two years has been anything but "business as usual." Political science faculty and their campus communities are simul-taneously witnessing a dramatic increase in tension and polarization across differences as well as a resurgent taking place in American society at large and that this political, racial, religious, and economic diversity makes our college and various institutions from small private liberal arts colleges to large public research universities. The current political and social context in the United States data suggest that civic and political engagement may have In this vein, Alison Brysk's article describes how a generation of human-rights scholarship can guide political scientists in responding to an increasingly illiberal and conflicted American Political Science Association. and the American Political Science Review. and the American Political Science Review. cache = ./cache/work_y222gvbxnbgbbdtexi5uvnjlwi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_y222gvbxnbgbbdtexi5uvnjlwi.txt === bib === id = work_tmt6by3ydbfozpigda72gb24eu author = Schneider Ana-Karina title = Irvine Welsh in Sibiu date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 10 sentences = 1 flesch = 86 summary = cache = ./cache/work_tmt6by3ydbfozpigda72gb24eu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tmt6by3ydbfozpigda72gb24eu.txt === bib === id = work_34biwebjy5d7xp25kq7jzkfpu4 author = Edward Seidensticker title = Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist date = 1982 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 554 sentences = 122 flesch = 57 summary = Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Edward Seidensticker; Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 December 1982; 37 (3): 464–471. This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_34biwebjy5d7xp25kq7jzkfpu4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_34biwebjy5d7xp25kq7jzkfpu4.txt === bib === id = work_zq6vkthmgjbwjp6v27uagt4so4 author = Susan M. Greenstein title = The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch date = 1981 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 562 sentences = 125 flesch = 61 summary = The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Greenstein; The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 March 1981; 35 (4): 487–505. This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_zq6vkthmgjbwjp6v27uagt4so4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zq6vkthmgjbwjp6v27uagt4so4.txt === bib === id = work_4l4zcajudzed3ksi4cctdc4k6y author = Nadège Veldwachter title = Écritures féminines et dialogues critiques : subjectivité, genre et ironie / Writing Women and Critical Dialogues : Subjectivity, Gender and Irony by Françoise Lionnet (review) date = 2013 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1046 sentences = 102 flesch = 62 summary = Écritures féminines et dialogues critiques : subjectivité, genre et ironie / Writing Women and Critical Dialogues : Subjectivity, Gender and Irony by Françoise Lionnet (review) sur la religion, focuses on the author's anger in his existential relation to God. In La Vie de Marianne, Marivaux explores how Marianne's gratitude toward her benefactors inspires the recognition of her independence and moral worth as a human being. His anger and his discomfort at the way gratitude in a relation of patronage for exploring bourgeois drama or novels by women, such as Graffigny's Lettres d'une Péruvienne, where the bourgeois or marginalized individual who expresses anger or gratitude merits Écritures féminines et dialogues critiques : subjectivité, genre et ironie / Writing Women and Critical Dialogues : Subjectivity, Gender and Irony. Cette collection d'essais rassemblant textes français et anglais est l'un des deux volumes qui retracent l'évolution de la pensée critique de Françoise Lionnet, l'une des chercheuses les plus cache = ./cache/work_4l4zcajudzed3ksi4cctdc4k6y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4l4zcajudzed3ksi4cctdc4k6y.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_nbz4b2pcw5dhhfulukqivogxga author = G. R. McRobert title = The Disappearing Chamber-pot date = 1964 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220378629 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_nbz4b2pcw5dhhfulukqivogxga.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nbz4b2pcw5dhhfulukqivogxga.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_65wz7fl7ojhyfflonuxudbxoxi author = M. Adams title = ADAMS v. POMEROY date = 1910 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220373826 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_65wz7fl7ojhyfflonuxudbxoxi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_65wz7fl7ojhyfflonuxudbxoxi.txt === bib === id = work_sq4rsbzjxjdhjktgogo3mqrz5u author = Daniel O'Donnell title = "Good things come in small packets": How (inter)national Digital Research Infrastructure can support "Small Data" Humanities and Cultural Heritage research date = 2020 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3162 sentences = 306 flesch = 42 summary = data management (RDM) use-case: that of the traditional "Small Data" Humanities and Cultural Heritage (HCH) research project producing or working with "primary source" research data (e.g. digital facsimiles, recordings, and the case of research and data in the Digital Humanities more broadly, including in such small data contexts. The result is that large quantities of small-project HCH research data are poorly managed and maintained and that improved RDM practices for traditional "Small Data" HCH research. traditional "small-data" HCH research project as an RDM problem before briefly answering the CFP questions. Small, Thick, and Slow: Research data in the traditional humanities The first thing to realise is the degree to which traditional HCH research data and use-cases differ from those of ● What are the main DRI tools, services and/or resources you currently use in your research? understanding that a DRI should support the publication of HCH research data in context. cache = ./cache/work_sq4rsbzjxjdhjktgogo3mqrz5u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sq4rsbzjxjdhjktgogo3mqrz5u.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_gnmffdhcu5acbf5kh747e2pkle author = Maddalena Pennacchia title = Adaptation-induced Tourism for Consumers of Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans date = 2015 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3665 sentences = 205 flesch = 57 summary = adaptation studies to the subject area of film-­‐induced tourism. adaptations of literary texts for the screen can induce a desire to visit film locations Jane Austen's novels and on a specific kind of tourists, the so called 'Janeites', or Keywords: Adaptation, Heritage, Participatory Mode, Literary Tourism, Pleasure of expanding research field of adaptation studies to the subject area of film-­‐induced Whelehan defined the phenomenon of film adaptations from literary texts few years "[t]he main difference between literary and film tourism is that, in relation Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans Literature on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans cache = ./cache/work_gnmffdhcu5acbf5kh747e2pkle.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gnmffdhcu5acbf5kh747e2pkle.txt === bib === id = work_buxjveg3j5aprbdoxabdc6pgri author = Antonija Primorac title = VICTORIAN LITERATURE AND FILM ADAPTATION date = 2017 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5036 sentences = 334 flesch = 51 summary = the hierarchical approach to adaptations traditionally employed by film studies and literature imposed by film adaptations on classic literature (especially Shakespeare and the novels of employed by Victorian theatre adaptations were used by British and American silent films in Brosh focuses on three high points in the production of British nineteenthcentury domestic novels on film: American adaptations of the 1930s and the 1940s and their continuous production of adaptations and appropriations of Victorian literature and culture The collection in which this essay features, Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation, same novel, see Shachar's Cultural Afterlives and Screen Adaptations of Classic Literature: Wuthering focused on British TV adaptations alone, and the forthcoming study Neo-Victorianism on Screen by the Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 cache = ./cache/work_buxjveg3j5aprbdoxabdc6pgri.pdf txt = ./txt/work_buxjveg3j5aprbdoxabdc6pgri.txt === bib === id = work_pifuzo2cd5fvhjc3x5ypbqs7pu author = Whitney Cant title = "I am excessively diverted" : recent adaptations of Pride and Prejudice on television, film, and digital media date = 2014 pages = 99 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 30397 sentences = 1625 flesch = 63 summary = successful adaptations have emerged: the 1995 BBC miniseries Pride and Prejudice Adaptations of Jane Austen's novels, especially Pride and Screen Adaptations: Pride and Prejudice: The Relationship Between Text and Film,1 as novels, Austen was more appropriately adapted to television more than feature films up Austen adaptations, including the other two Pride and Prejudice works addressed in this source texts in post-1995 adaptations, as Austen's original characters and events remain film was the most talked-about Austen adaptation since the 1995 BBC miniseries. limits of how a story can be adapted (Pride and Prejudice into The Lizzie Bennet Diaries However popular film and television adaptations of Austen's works are, there are become the best Pride and Prejudice adaptation: it has six hours to let Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice novel, and in Chapter Three how Joe Wright's 2005 film adapted the Screen Adaptations: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: The cache = ./cache/work_pifuzo2cd5fvhjc3x5ypbqs7pu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pifuzo2cd5fvhjc3x5ypbqs7pu.txt === bib === id = work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4 author = Ann Chapman title = Resource Discovery: Catalogs, Cataloging, and the User date = 2007 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6821 sentences = 391 flesch = 64 summary = In 1999, when I first started working with visually impaired library users, I discovered some disturbing facts about the challenges this sector This meant that the catalog became increasingly inaccuLIBRARY TRENDS, Vol. 55, No. 4, Spring 2007 ("Library and Information Services for Visually Impaired People," edited by Helen Brazier and David Owen), pp. must contain appropriate information to support both filtered and unfiltered searching and record display at different levels. But visually impaired users crucially also need to know the format. known (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen) author/title searching with format information displayed in the results list is enough. Visually impaired users do not usually visit collections of accessible materials; searches and needs to be included in bibliographic records; catalog systems use the (Examples below refer to the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format; other formats may be equally hospitable to the information required.) In the case of library management systems and cataloging modules, more modification might be required. cache = ./cache/work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4.txt === bib === id = work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia author = C A Pierach title = Points: Malaria, haematin, and coagulation date = 1985 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371901 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia.txt === bib === id = work_x4avihngfjdtrpczmxlwn7ow5i author = D. Anderson title = Re-Reading The Silence of Bartleby date = 2008 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 11 sentences = 2 flesch = 32 summary = cache = ./cache/work_x4avihngfjdtrpczmxlwn7ow5i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x4avihngfjdtrpczmxlwn7ow5i.txt === bib === id = work_bi6wylp2czfrnnw67dwbxgmfsy author = Dr. Anupam R. Nagar title = The Thinking Woman A Theoretical Perspective of 19th Century Women Novelists and Their Impact date = 2020 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1509 sentences = 96 flesch = 59 summary = Microsoft Word z45 The Thinking Woman A Theoretical perspective of 19th century women novelists and their impact International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Century Women Novelists and Their Impact of 19th Century Women Novelists and Their to a departure from the Natural state of man), American Transcendentalism (that true knowledge is about the self that characters seen in 19th century literature by women state of humanity that balances human natural creativity and Bronte's depiction of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff's uncontrolled passions, desires and natural Earnshaw and Heathcliff and Bronte depicts their passions both Catherine and Heathcliff. With Man (Heathcliff) at the centre, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 Heathcliff his very life (Catherine). the 19th century women novelists on women writers has lasting impact on the Mind of the Women writer of the 19th cache = ./cache/work_bi6wylp2czfrnnw67dwbxgmfsy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bi6wylp2czfrnnw67dwbxgmfsy.txt === bib === id = work_ealfme5qavavbidhzxzw3qa5le author = Wilson ASTUDILLO ALARCÓN title = El cine como instrumento para una mejor comprensión humana date = 2017 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4210 sentences = 589 flesch = 70 summary = El cine como instrumento para una mejor comprensión humana Nuestra sociedad se va formando e informando a través del cine y la televisión, películas de ficción, reportajes o documentales, que permiten otro del cine ha creado otro método para capturar la realidad que organiza y otorga significados a los objetos y El cine es una poderosa herramienta cultural que permite conocer algunos elementos de la condición humana a través de la imagen y del sonido enriquecido con todas las bellas artes para tratar de impactar al intelecto y a la emoción. de la empatía por los personajes y la proyección de las experiencias propias con lo que se ve en la pantalla. Se revisa en este artículo la importancia de las neuronas espejo y de la empatía para que los espectadores se sientan cercanos a la situación que se vive en el cine y la necesidad cache = ./cache/work_ealfme5qavavbidhzxzw3qa5le.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ealfme5qavavbidhzxzw3qa5le.txt === bib === id = work_vzcj4zf5xrayhaed5io53plyny author = Annika Bautz title = Austen's Late-nineteenth-century Afterlives: 1890s Introductions to Her Novels date = 2018 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7393 sentences = 384 flesch = 60 summary = This essay focuses on introductions to editions of Austen's texts published in the 1890s. This essay focuses on introductions to editions of Austen's texts published in the 1890s. mention 1890s introduction writers, so that neither accounts of Austen criticism of the period, nineteenth century: Dobson's and Brimley-Johnson's introductions were still published in the Austin Dobson and Macmillan's Austen editions Although no letters survive relating to the Macmillan Austen editions with Dobson's While no letters survive between Dobson and Macmillan regarding the Austen editions, Most introduction writers at times struggle to reconcile the satire of her texts with Austen's For 1890s introduction writers, humour is one of the defining elements of Austen's texts. Austen's gender informs male introduction writers' Austen's gender also colours introduction writers' interpretations of her characters. Austin Dobson, who wrote introductions to all six Austen novels published by Macmillan, is not mentioned in cache = ./cache/work_vzcj4zf5xrayhaed5io53plyny.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vzcj4zf5xrayhaed5io53plyny.txt === bib === id = work_ixyc2yc2orfntj4zyagrgmhidu author = K Abe title = Eyelid "apraxia" in patients with motor neuron disease date = 1995 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3344 sentences = 578 flesch = 75 summary = Eyelid "apraxia" in patients with motor neuron Kazuo Abe, Harutoshi Fujimura, Chikao Tatsumi, Keiko Toyooka, Shiro Yorifuji, Three patients with motor neuron disease had eyelid "apraxia" with impaired Keywords: motor neuron disease; eyelid apraxia; nuclei may cause abnormal eyelid movements.5-9 We report three patients with motor neuron disease who had difficulty in voluntary opening or closing of their eyelids and open her eyes widely, and her voluntary ocular movement and oculocephalic reflexes were Eyelid "apraxia" in patients with motor neuron disease Brain MRI disclosed mild cerebral atrophy in the frontal lobes and the anterior part "Apraxia" of eyelid opening or closing has orbicularis oculi muscles, preserved involuntary opening or closing of eyes, alertness, and facial movement including eyelid closing and patients with motor neuron disease may patients with motor neuron disease, if the disease process involves the frontal lobe. Frontal lobe atrophy in motor cache = ./cache/work_ixyc2yc2orfntj4zyagrgmhidu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ixyc2yc2orfntj4zyagrgmhidu.txt === bib === id = work_43p7u6t7z5ccdljglt26qmfqpm author = Corinna Coors title = Image rights: Exploitation and legal control in English and Hungarian law date = 2016 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8319 sentences = 642 flesch = 66 summary = third party in the context of publicity or personality rights, English law provides no cause of action for the Image rights under Hungarian law form part of a much broader concept of personality affected person to authorise exposure of the image or recording to the public.47 Case law individual has a legal right to informational privacy – the protection of personal or private individual has a legal right to informational privacy – the protection of personal or private 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW cache = ./cache/work_43p7u6t7z5ccdljglt26qmfqpm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_43p7u6t7z5ccdljglt26qmfqpm.txt === bib === id = work_lyfpcwmfgndj7hhmhnxmg3hs5e author = Rita Terezinha Schmidt title = Virginia woolf's criticism: towards theoretical assumptions on the art of fiction Virginia woolf's criticism: towards theoretical assumptions on the art of fiction date = 2008 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3825 sentences = 186 flesch = 62 summary = If in her practice as a fiction writer Virginia Woolf wrested the failure of fiction in relation to life. of fiction that would account for a reality beyond the surface of facts In "Phases of Fiction", Woolf was explicit about what she viewed For Woolf, these weaknesses revealed that the sense of life had pointed out that the novel was the only form of art which sought to James in a much earlier essay, "The Art of Fiction", had affirmed that Woolf's claim for life, spirit, truth, reality in fiction, meant a claim was addressing the old dialectic of form x content, whereas Woolf had In "The Novels of E.M. Forster", Woolf developed further the itself present in Woolf's own fictional practice. in the Novels of Virginia Woolf, 13 the inherited forms of fiction writing essays, Woolf sensed the changes that the novel was about to undergo cache = ./cache/work_lyfpcwmfgndj7hhmhnxmg3hs5e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lyfpcwmfgndj7hhmhnxmg3hs5e.txt === bib === id = work_z47gsrvkq5bspconbj3c4tosxm author = Khalid Ali title = The Keys to the House (Le Chiavi di Casa) date = 2005 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220381668 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:19 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_z47gsrvkq5bspconbj3c4tosxm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z47gsrvkq5bspconbj3c4tosxm.txt === bib === id = work_fvbcuqfjq5ez5kl7uknxhm2esi author = Alberto Salarelli title = [recensione – review]'Open access' e scienze umane. Note su diffusionee percezione delle riviste in area umanistica, a cura di Luca Scalco, Milano, Ledizioni, 2016 date = 2017 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1939 sentences = 332 flesch = 66 summary = Remediating Jane Austen through the Gothic: "Pride and Prejudice Remake of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" [recensione – review]'Open access' e scienze umane. e percezione delle riviste in area umanistica, a cura di Luca Scalco, ampia diffusione dei risultati della ricerca nella convinzione che tale dire che non si può derubricare l'Open Access come una mera soluzione restrittivo nei confronti dei diritti esclusivi degli autori, che il movimento Open Access ha proposto quelle forme alternative di pubblicazione che ciò, come testimonianza del fatto che la discussione sull'Open Access è Milano, vengono toccati i punti più critici del rapporto tra Open Access e vantaggio citazionale tout court delle pubblicazioni Open Access",5 l'autore Systems) (una delle più diffuse a livello internazionale per la gestione dei periodici Open Access) e al suo impiego nell'Università di Torino, fino alla alle riviste Open Access: ancora una volta il problema dei costi e i cache = ./cache/work_fvbcuqfjq5ez5kl7uknxhm2esi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fvbcuqfjq5ez5kl7uknxhm2esi.txt === bib === id = work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm author = Jane Grogan title = Timely Voices: Romance Writing in English Literature. Goran Stanivukovic, ed. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017. x + 362 pp. $110 date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1502 sentences = 80 flesch = 54 summary = Timely Voices: Romance Writing in English Literature. the collection's interest in romance as "strategy" and "resource," always ripe for reinvention. of romance and its possibilities across the centuries (but primarily early modern), while Beyond the introduction, we meet a mixture of innovative essays with richly rewarding forays into the less traveled byways of romance (incident, domestication, the everyday) with more traditional, narratological or taxonomic approaches whose innovation romance as "strategy" and "resource" in the introduction, there is nonetheless some divergence among authors in terms of how they discuss romance as a genre, mode, romance thinking into the nineteenth and twentieth century, in Marcus Waithe's essay Lying in Early Modern English Culture: From the Oath of Supremacy to the Oath The historical frame for Andrew Hadfield's new book on lying is 1535, the Oath of Early modern accounts of lying and truth can be located relative to two patristic theories. cache = ./cache/work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm.txt === bib === id = work_6dyezrbwpvgpvhgxh2merino3e author = Margaret A. Boden title = Creativity in a nutshell date = 2007 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4269 sentences = 292 flesch = 69 summary = Creativity is the ability to come up with ideas or artefacts that are new, surprising, and Rather than asking "Is that idea creative, Yes or No?," we should Creative ideas, then, are new. short.) P-creativity involves coming up with a surprising, valuable idea that's new to the person idea is H-creative, that means that (so far as we know) no-one else has had it before: it has arisen Never mind who thought of the idea first: how did that person manage to come up with it, given exploration, and in the most surprising cases the transformation, of conceptual spaces in people's Whatever the size of the space, someone who comes up with a new idea within that thinkingstyle is being creative in the second, exploratory, sense. We saw, above, that combining ideas creatively isn't like Computers can come up with new ideas, and help people to do so. cache = ./cache/work_6dyezrbwpvgpvhgxh2merino3e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6dyezrbwpvgpvhgxh2merino3e.txt === bib === id = work_fqr4sa5ldjacza4kd4qcwuz244 author = Maria Elena Capitani title = [recensione/review] "A Myriad of Literary Impressions". L'intertextualité dans le roman anglophone contemporain, Sous la direction de E. Walezak & J. Dupont, Saint-Estève, Presses Universitaires de Perpignan, 2010 date = 2012 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2634 sentences = 446 flesch = 67 summary = [recensione/review] "A Myriad of Literary Impressions". L'intertextualité dans le roman anglophone contemporain, L'intertextualité dans le roman anglophone contemporain, sous la la prima sezione del volume riunisce interventi che sondano "le rôle de la L'intertextualité dans le roman anglophone contemporain, cit., p. soit".12 La prima parte del volume si conclude con un saggio di Françoise On assiste par ce biais dans les deux romans à une crise des 'valeurs' Come sottolineano i curatori del volume, la seconda parte Intertextes Lyotard sur la fin des méta-récits et poursuit les réflexions entamées dans l'intertextualité dans le roman américain contemporain ou la lecture en procès, ivi, p. La terza parte del volume, intitolata Intertextualité et relazione di Jean-Michel Ganteau, che studia i rapporti fra un romanzo l'ultimo contributo della miscellanea, una lunga analisi del racconto The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade del 1845 che si presenta propriamente come una ripresa parodica della classica raccolta di novelle cache = ./cache/work_fqr4sa5ldjacza4kd4qcwuz244.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fqr4sa5ldjacza4kd4qcwuz244.txt === bib === id = work_gmji6zlegvewfku4mwjakruaou author = Makhmudova Nilufarkhon Ravshanovna title = INVESTIGATING COMMUNICATIVE-PRAGMATIC FUNCTIONS OF GRADATION date = 2020 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2076 sentences = 165 flesch = 52 summary = In the scientific literature, cognitive linguistics is also described as "connected semantics" because it While linguistic units serve to express objects that exist in the world and the actions that take place, semantics connect the interactions between linguistic units in a real or imaginary world. relations are studied by linguistic semantics as a separate object of study. cognitive linguistics is that it allows us to see the language in relation to a person, that is, his consciousness, knowledge, processes of thinking and understanding, paying particular attention to how language forms and any language phenomena are associated with human knowledge and experience and how they relate to the human mind structural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, semantics, pragmatic influence. The object of linguistics is language, which linguistics is not only the "unity of language form focus is on language forms and any linguistic related to linguistic and cognitive (conceptual) cache = ./cache/work_gmji6zlegvewfku4mwjakruaou.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gmji6zlegvewfku4mwjakruaou.txt === bib === id = work_qgiq6spd4rcknekgvhztvfy7ku author = Abdulfattah Omar title = Feature Selection in Text Clustering Applications of Literary Texts: A Hybrid of Term Weighting Methods date = 2020 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6977 sentences = 763 flesch = 64 summary = Feature Selection in Text Clustering Applications of Literary Texts: A Hybrid of Term Weighting Methods Feature Selection in Text Clustering Applications of Vector Space Clustering (VSC) methods in the computational analysis of literary data including genre classification, theme document clustering applications of literary texts. including variance analysis, term frequency-inverse document in different computational applications of literary texts. text clustering; TF-IDF; variance; VSC increasing amount of humanities computing literature on text application of computational methods in literary studies over clustering methods are effective in identifying what a text is The literature also suggests that text clustering methods are the potentials of computational approaches and text clustering relation to the problem of feature selection in text clustering is a pre-processing step in text clustering applications where different term weighting methods including variance, TF-IDF, For text clustering purposes, a data matrix M was built. Using K-means clustering, the texts or data points of the cache = ./cache/work_qgiq6spd4rcknekgvhztvfy7ku.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qgiq6spd4rcknekgvhztvfy7ku.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va author = Joseph Carroll title = Graphing Jane Austen: Agonistic structure in British novels of the nineteenth century date = 2012 pages = 25 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10026 sentences = 947 flesch = 57 summary = we constructed a model of human nature and used it to illuminate the evolved psychology that shapes the organization of characters in nineteenth-century British The scores on motives, the criteria for selecting mates, and emotional responses produced data that we condensed into smaller sets of categories through factor Male and female protagonists both score higher than any other character set As predicted by evolutionary theory, female characters in general give a stronger preference to Extrinsic Attributes — wealth, power, and prestige — than male human experience, the depiction of characters in novels, and readers' responses to Taking into account not just the representation of characters but the emotional responses of readers, we can identify agonistic structure in the novels as Motive factors in Austen's antagonists, female protagonists, and male consorts Criteria for selecting marital partners in Austen's antagonists, female protagonists, and male consorts Emotional responses to Austen's antagonists, female protagonists, and male cache = ./cache/work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va.pdf txt = ./txt/work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va.txt === bib === id = work_yihp5sx2szg3tc6t3vi73qwp2y author = Max Byrd title = Two or Three Things I Know about Setting date = 2000 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2845 sentences = 161 flesch = 68 summary = This sense of material history is nowhere stronger than in the presentation of "setting" in a novel. 1 Ian Watt, The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson, and Fielding (Berkeley and Los practising novelist, however, Defoe's account of the famous island is also section is at the other end of the island, a long rocky beach where Crusoe In Robinson Crusoe, if nowhere else, Defoe also takes the next step: divide and contrast your characters' reactions to the setting. 6 Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, ed. And this is how a novelist presents a setting. The reader does not begin by seeing Crusoe's island all at once, as if contrast, but also to provoke multiple emotions from one setting. that not all settings lead a novel's hero or heroine to lamentation and Crusoe will eventually dry his eyes and come to regard his island cache = ./cache/work_yihp5sx2szg3tc6t3vi73qwp2y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yihp5sx2szg3tc6t3vi73qwp2y.txt === bib === id = work_qznxs22hhbhwjeck73nkvr5xru author = R. Ahnert title = The King and the Codpiece date = 2011 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 11 sentences = 2 flesch = 32 summary = cache = ./cache/work_qznxs22hhbhwjeck73nkvr5xru.pdf txt = ./txt/work_qznxs22hhbhwjeck73nkvr5xru.txt === bib === id = work_xfd34nthurhh3p2fmdcyo2whvm author = Catriona Miller title = Pride + Prejudice + Zombies date = 2016 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3454 sentences = 337 flesch = 61 summary = Film Review: Pride+Prejudice+Zombies Miller, C 2016, 'Film Review: Pride+Prejudice+Zombies', International Journal of Jungian Studies, vol. Spring 2016 saw the release of the film Pride + Prejudice + Zombies (2016, Burr Steers). entirely as the title suggests, a version of the Jane Austen novel with zombies. based on, plays with, intersects and extends the story world created by the Austen novels. Prior to Night of the Living Dead, the few zombies that had appeared in film – such as White of these films is not the zombie but its master – but, as Halliwell went on to note, 'George What makes Pride + Prejudice + Zombies particularly complex is that intertextuality in this the film follows in the practice of referring to other Pride and Prejudice adaptations (including a Screen adaptations: Jane Austen's pride and prejudice: A close study of the relationship between cache = ./cache/work_xfd34nthurhh3p2fmdcyo2whvm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xfd34nthurhh3p2fmdcyo2whvm.txt === bib === id = work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq author = Lauren Cameron title = The Romance Publishing Industry and Its Reputation date = 2020 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7378 sentences = 649 flesch = 67 summary = Romance is an intrinsically feminine genre, which creates a problem in misogynistic societies that are attempting to police women's bodies and minds.4 The struggle to implement feminism is not just a problem within the UK and USA, but it is frustration diminishes the genre and women.13 Finally, "trash" implies that the novels are bad, when the entire point of romance is to examine human relationships.14 genre; selling romance novels was about convenience for women, which was a books they read a secret if it is romance, because of one too many negative interactions or shared experiences that shame them into hiding. Romance is a genre about women taking control of their bodies; female readers are conditioned to search for love from a young age, while men are not, which creates a disconnect in society.74 By reading romance, girls and women can fulfill the Voices of resistance: young women readers of romance fiction. cache = ./cache/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tnri3lqn2vepbahozbensfu7oq.txt === bib === id = work_3wyll2pvrffffemcnqyypva3dm author = Bonnie Latimer title = Popular Fiction after Richardson date = 2017 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7420 sentences = 360 flesch = 57 summary = The influence upon the later novel of The History of Sir Charles Grandison (1753-4) is not 4 The History of Sir Charles Grandison, Abridged from the Works of Samuel Richardson (London, [1769?]). Grandison's importance both the exemplary character of Sir Charles and Harriet's narrative 17 Richardson, The History of Sir Charles Grandison (1753-4), 7 vols, ed. 24 Grandison-hall, where Sir Charles presides, with the 'happiness of Mary Yates, 'The Christian rake in Sir Charles Grandison', Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 24: 3 that on the wedding of Sir Charles Grandison'), with the new household at Harrington-Hall Like Grandison, The Marriage Act, and Millenium Hall, Mary Walker Hamilton's Critical Remarks on Sir Charles Grandison Barr, 'Richardson's Sir Charles Grandison and the symptoms of subjectivity', The Eighteenth Century: Marriage is a central concern of Grandison: Sir Charles is 'for having every-body marry'.45 in society; Sir Charles's nunnery allows these women a space outside of marriage in which cache = ./cache/work_3wyll2pvrffffemcnqyypva3dm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3wyll2pvrffffemcnqyypva3dm.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu author = L. P. Garrod title = ANTIBIOTICS IN THE U.S.S.R date = 1961 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220374775 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu.txt === bib === id = work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm author = C. Gray title = Eccentricity and conformity date = 1999 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2117 sentences = 315 flesch = 69 summary = British Medical Journal Medical teachers are understandably concerned to equip their students with the necessary skills, Teachers at medical school said, 'Look smart, get eccentrics survive the new quality to mind the traditional medical valve of medical education, doctors will naturally diverge thereafter along their individual career Nowadays, doctors also are having to converge into conformity, eccentric thinks he's normal; he is minor oddities, as long as everything else is conventional, is still minor oddities so long as everything else was reassuringly conventional. Eccentricity and conformity Eccentric conformist Carl Gray analyses diversity in medical style Table: Medical types in relation to new rules Different settings encourage conformity and diversity (see box), and in a working day doctors may Acting the doctor But medicine is changing, and diverse professional personalities are adapting in value their doctors. new rules, doctors will be legislators, enforcers, conformists, or doctors will set the rules. cache = ./cache/work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm.txt === bib === id = work_xn6sqfzhizfnfdhztilhbbpg3i author = Andrew Hodgkiss title = Lawrence C Kolb and Leon Roizin, The first psychiatric institute: how research and education changed practice, Washington, DC, and London, American Psychiatric Press, 1993, pp. xx, 258, illus., $39.00 (0-88048-544-2) date = 1995 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1035 sentences = 61 flesch = 52 summary = Tansey (eds), Women physiologists: an to British physiology, London and Chapel Hill, historians of gender and of women's place in women's presence as undergraduate students Britain, the Physiological Society. women's exposure to academic physiology from modest achievement of a small number of distinguished women physiologists. first section, E M Tansey provides a succinct overview of the history of women in the Physiological Society, noting that their Women's presence at the Society's dinners accepted into the Physiological Society long from published research for eight women women physiologists. few very distinguished women is not The book achieves its main aims the broader questions it poses more first psychiatric institute: how research and York State Psychiatric Institute from 1896 to No reference is made to any sources in the admission these researchers and educators numerous male doctors, all the reader is told available at available at cache = ./cache/work_xn6sqfzhizfnfdhztilhbbpg3i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xn6sqfzhizfnfdhztilhbbpg3i.txt === bib === id = work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm author = Walter Gratzer title = Sir James in cyberspace date = 2000 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2353 sentences = 140 flesch = 68 summary = Oxford English Dictionary Online of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), and The OED, let it be said, is an incomparable OED is sparing of etymologies, but vouchsafes that A. test I sought out the eccentric Dent Dictionary of Measurement and found first the unit unit for the measurement of herrings, and dissertation continues, "the cran was measured by heaping full a herring-barrel with the OED is a living organism, which not only The new online dictionary is still undergoing revision, a labour concede that the OED's content of science of science, as reflected in "the want of any going back a little in time, Debye surfaces the OED for words of the type, 'sss' at once edition of the OED in 1928 should be marked The Institute for Social Medicine had work", and in 1950 Stewart set about organizing a retrospective case control study to identify risk factors for childhood cancer on a cache = ./cache/work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_f7q5xalu7rc27eyfky4bn6a65u author = Mark Woodhouse title = "Flayed and then Hanged": Samuel Clemens Reads Pearl Island date = 2009 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3236 sentences = 240 flesch = 78 summary = "Flayed and then Hanged": Samuel Clemens Reads Pearl Island "Flayed and then Hanged": Samuel Clemens Reads Pearl Island Samuel Clemens Reads Pearl Island Caster's Pearl Island, he notes that "Clemens penciled comments and markings throughout the book"1 and quotes a few illustrative remarks. Pearl Island provides evidence that Clemens found such reading not simply diverting but engaging. As Gribben notes, Clemens' focus when reading literature often had to Clemens writes: "His natural history is scissored out of the text-books"4 and again when Frank, the narrator, describes finding gold Clemens remarks Clemens, the experienced raftsman, comments "Green lumber for a raft?" Frank rescues Harry from a ledge Clemens calculates that he must have In addition to these sorts of comments about content, Clemens also makes As with other volumes marked by Clemens, the marginalia often reads as 4. Samuel Clemens, marginal note in Andrew Caster, Pearl Island (New York: Harper cache = ./cache/work_f7q5xalu7rc27eyfky4bn6a65u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_f7q5xalu7rc27eyfky4bn6a65u.txt === bib === id = work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44 author = Alison Booth title = Feminism date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2878 sentences = 231 flesch = 51 summary = What is the state of Victorian studies, and why does it need to appreciate a history of women who publish and lecture on social causes? Gallagher remembers, without nostalgia, when studies of nineteenth-century disciplines aimed at the present: feminist Victorian studies. she co-organized in 2017, The Woman Card).4 But, descendants of feminist Victorian studies do not show a great deal of filial spirit. academic careers, Victorian studies turned to intellectual, political, and At nearly a half century of feminist Victorian studies, perhaps we can write an intersectional history beyond institutional (job list) categories. 1. V21 Collective, V21: Victorian Studies for the Twenty-first Century, http:// Alison Booth, Collective Biographies of Women Database, http:// National Association of Coloured Women, 1933), "thought-complexes," each an "exceedingly unstable intellectual compound."1 Fin de siècle, I would argue, in Lovejoy's spirit, designates no Consider the many different period definitions in fin-de-siècle studies. cache = ./cache/work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_ixvauytlgvettfi3slvyqdhnne author = Maciej Eder title = Stylometry with R: A Package for Computational Text Analysis date = 2016 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7712 sentences = 646 flesch = 56 summary = of stylo for computational text analysis, via a number of dummy case studies from English and French Authorship attribution plays a prominent role in the nascent field of stylometry, or the computational analysis of writing style (Juola, 2006; Stamatatos et al., 2000; Stamatatos, 2009; Koppel et al., 2009; feature extraction, (iii) statistical analysis, and finally, (iv) presentation of results, e.g. via visualization. Crucial in stylometry is the extraction of quantifiable features related to the writing style of texts The high-level functions of the package provide a number of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) which can be used to intuitively set up a number of established experimental workflows with a few clicks (e.g. unsupervised visualization of texts based on word frequencies). stylo offers a rich set of options to load texts in various formats from a file system (preferably encoded et al., 2013; van Dalen-Oskam, 2014; Lauer and Jannidis, 2014; Anand et al., 2014; Oakes and Pichler, cache = ./cache/work_ixvauytlgvettfi3slvyqdhnne.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ixvauytlgvettfi3slvyqdhnne.txt === bib === id = work_le5xp333tjccxabbzgf7mwen7m author = TILOTTAMA RAJAN title = REVIEWOFPAULHAMILTON,METAROMANTICISM date = 2004 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 540 sentences = 124 flesch = 59 summary = REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Review Article| REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site TILOTTAMA RAJAN; REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM. search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions © Copyright 2021 by the Regents of the University of California. cache = ./cache/work_le5xp333tjccxabbzgf7mwen7m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_le5xp333tjccxabbzgf7mwen7m.txt === bib === id = work_3y6vfufn4ne73hxg3tk27p6w2m author = B. D. Apthorp title = Hong Kong influenza date = 1969 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1279 sentences = 248 flesch = 75 summary = Medical Assistants Doctors and Patients SIR,-It occurs to me that some medical practitioners may be interested to hear of my elderly patients presented with a severe toxic The majority of patients developed a cough, patients that I saw developed frank bronchitis codein., many required antibiotics-tetracycline that in this epidemic the majority of cases Chest Physicians in N.H.S. hospitals and in general practice. in the specialty diseases of the chest are Medical Advisory Committee to report on hospital services. the incorporation of chest clinics in general medical staffing of the chest department . to the chest department ' " (para. It follows from these recommendations that a physician with special training in diseases of the chest will be required in every district general hospital. physicians in charge of chest departments Presumably physicians with special training in chest diseases will continue to be required also in physicians specializing in chest diseases may cache = ./cache/work_3y6vfufn4ne73hxg3tk27p6w2m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3y6vfufn4ne73hxg3tk27p6w2m.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_gfobygmmxjdrfmfx6z2lfipxhm author = Paul Pickrel title = Emma as Sequel date = 1985 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 535 sentences = 123 flesch = 61 summary = Emma as Sequel | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Previous Article Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Emma as Sequel Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Paul Pickrel; Emma as Sequel. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 September 1985; 40 (2): 135–153. toolbar search search input search input Search input auto suggest This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Emma as Sequel' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Emma as Sequel Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Visit the UC Press Blog Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_gfobygmmxjdrfmfx6z2lfipxhm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gfobygmmxjdrfmfx6z2lfipxhm.txt === bib === id = work_er4ovarhubg53cs4qn2gbkx4eq author = Bülent SAYAK title = Palimpsest: Edebiyat, Eleştiri, Kuram, Sarah Dillon, Çeviren: Ferit Burak Aydar, date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1409 sentences = 220 flesch = 56 summary = Palimpsest: Edebiyat, Eleştiri, Kuram, Sarah Dillon, Çeviren: Ferit Palimpsest, Dillon'un disiplinlerarası düşünme pratiğinin karşılığı olarak temellenen, yazarın doktora çalışmasından kitaplaştırılmış bir metin. Palimpsest; "Giriş: Palimpsest", "Palimpsestlerin Bir Tarihçesi", "Zihnin Palimpsesti", "Şiir (s.25) anlamına gelen palimpsest, Dillon'a ve birbirlerinden kopukluklarını ortaya koymak, 'asıl/öncül metni' görünür kılmak çabalarını karşılayan palimpsest, yazarın yaklaşımıyla yerleşik bağlamından koparılır. yazar tarafından dikkat çekici bir örnek olarak "Palimpsestin "şimdi"si ancak "geçmiş"ten metinlerin "mevcudiyet"inde ve mevcudiyeti tarafından oluşturulur ve "gelecek"in "Alacakaranlığın Palimpsesti" şiiri merkezinde bir okuma yapılır. Palimpsest: Edebiyat, Eleştiri, Kuram, Sarah Dillon, Çeviren: Ferit Burak Aydar, İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi… 223 Lawrence'nin estetik düşüncesindeki bir kırılma olarak değerlendirir (s.86). Dillon, palimpsest editörlerinin metin edisyonlarındaki de abdüktif okuma yapan bir dedektif gibi Dillon, kavramın Gerard Genette'nin göre her metnin "kazınması ya da ışığa tutulmasıyla" altından/içinden başka bir metin Palimpsest: Edebiyat, Eleştiri, Kuram, Sarah Dillon, Çeviren: Ferit Burak Aydar, İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017, 224 s., Jass Studies-The Journal of Academic cache = ./cache/work_er4ovarhubg53cs4qn2gbkx4eq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_er4ovarhubg53cs4qn2gbkx4eq.txt === bib === id = work_76stoqpzfrco7e6o5xeuiuxl5q author = Karen Bourrier title = Data date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2012 sentences = 187 flesch = 66 summary = Goodreads, a popular social cataloguing site where users review and recommend books to friends, can tell us about the way we read Victorian literature now. Yet, reviewers were actually about as likely to mention Trollope's style (which they compared to Eighty-nine reviews mentioned Trollope's skewering of the British class system, money, and marriage; many of these readers wondered whether Mary's inheritance 4. Data on exactly how many Goodreads users read Doctor Thorne in 2016 6. "Doctor Thorne > Lists," Goodreads, November 27, 2017, https://www. 7. Cassandra, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, November 10, 2013; 8. Cynthia, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, February 25, 2008. Margaret, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, October 26, 2010. Christen, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, July 19, 2016. Spiros, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, July 5, 2009. Meg, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, February 7, 2017. Sharon, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, July 2, 2015. cache = ./cache/work_76stoqpzfrco7e6o5xeuiuxl5q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_76stoqpzfrco7e6o5xeuiuxl5q.txt === bib === id = work_476zjpxdsfcehncxptunr4632a author = Daniel J. Kruger title = Variation in women's mating strategies depicted in the works and words of Jane Austen date = 2013 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6694 sentences = 505 flesch = 60 summary = can accurately identify the mating strategies of characters and express relationship Keywords: Literary Darwinism, Jane Austen, mating strategy, sexual selection women preferred proper heroes for long-term relationships but increasingly favored the that men will prefer characters for long-term, committed relationships who successfully established long-term relationships in the novels, (i.e., Jane Bennett and Fanny Price, Men preferred the long-term strategist (Jane Bennett) to the flirty Lydia the sensitivity of study participants in comprehending the characters' mating strategies which character within a pair they thought would be preferred by men for: a sexual affair, Participants rated characters with a long-term mating strategy more Characters with longterm mating strategies were preferred for long-term committed relationships, t(110) = Characters with short-term mating strategies were preferred for sexual affairs, t(110) = example, men's preferences increased for the characters representing a long-term strategy men would prefer Jane and Fanny for long-term committed relationships, including cache = ./cache/work_476zjpxdsfcehncxptunr4632a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_476zjpxdsfcehncxptunr4632a.txt === bib === id = work_dy3ctedymncwtl3xvsz6zc6zfi author = William H. Galperin title = "Describing What Never Happened": Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities date = 2006 pages = 28 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 12478 sentences = 532 flesch = 53 summary = Jane austen's fictions are seemingly rife with missed opportunities. regarding the history of missed opportunities in austen, whose narratives are variously committed to "describing what never happened," girl," eve Kosofsky sedgwick comments usefully on the "history of impoverished 'Jane austen' readings," which she correctly assigns to a way certain aspects of Clarissa's plot are jumbled in austen's brief redaction, richardson's novel is pretty clearly the intertext for the concluding phase of Mansfield Park, which is dominated by fanny's exile to the novel she was working on at the time of her death, austen looks in austen's novels of opportunities and possibilities either missed or 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities cache = ./cache/work_dy3ctedymncwtl3xvsz6zc6zfi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dy3ctedymncwtl3xvsz6zc6zfi.txt === bib === id = work_x6zszfj7xffyrnp336tcbhagv4 author = Ana Daniela Coelho title = '[H]andsome, clever, and rich': Andrew Davies' Emma (1996) date = 2019 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6904 sentences = 353 flesch = 57 summary = EMMA is one of Jane Austen's great novels. adapting Emma is revealing of Austen's composite reconstruction. This article will therefore trace the backstory of adapting Emma onscreen by re-acknowledging the importance of this particular production, allowing for a interpreted Austen's work would both update the novel and the heroine to a 90s' audience an extraordinary character is that, unlike Elizabeth or other Austen heroines, Emma does (Re)Introducing Emma to a new audience: ITV's 1996 adaptation Pride and Prejudice thus turned ITV's project of adapting Emma into a challenge, as Unlike most of Austen's other heroines, Emma doesn't need to marry for financial Austen adaptations and the work of Davies. that the only hint of Emma's pride in the first scene of Davies' screenplay is cut, In the end, Andrew Davies' screenplay is a balanced adaptation of Austen's work, as (2015), 'Screening Austen: The case of Emma', Adaptation, 8:2, pp. cache = ./cache/work_x6zszfj7xffyrnp336tcbhagv4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x6zszfj7xffyrnp336tcbhagv4.txt === bib === id = work_i7ueyjq25nelfi5cdfnaztn22q author = Joe Bray title = THE LANGUAGE OF PORTRAITURE IN THE EARLY NINETEENTH-CENTURY NOVEL: A STUDY IN OPIE AND AUSTEN date = 2016 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6630 sentences = 390 flesch = 68 summary = The language of portraiture in the early nineteenth century novel: a study in Opie and Austen Keywords: the nineteenth-century novel, portraiture, likeness, Amelia Opie, Jane The writings of Reynolds and Opie thus suggest that although this was a "portraitpainting age," the association of the portrait with producing a "likeness" was "likeness" soon proves misleading, as the true nature of Berrendale's character, and connected with portraiture, especially the term "likeness." When Agatha's mother All three characters are strongly affected then by the "likeness" which Emma bears to Emma is thus only persuaded of the "likeness" of the portrait when she looks at the process, involving the portrait, the subject it is supposedly "like" and the viewer x Richard Brilliant, "Editor's Statement: Portraits: The Limitations of Likeness." Art conception of likeness", Gage observes that "Portrait painting worked by an additive xv Shelley King "Portrait of a Marriage: John and Amelia Opie and the Sister Arts." cache = ./cache/work_i7ueyjq25nelfi5cdfnaztn22q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_i7ueyjq25nelfi5cdfnaztn22q.txt === bib === id = work_6v4cvg3pvrg6vcmtayk4u2mvwy author = Helen Small title = Impact: Critical Practice date = 2018 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1723 sentences = 86 flesch = 43 summary =  Changing public understanding of x cultural object or  Bringing x cultural object/practices to new audiences use of research publications, derived text books, new  Creating new forms of digital conservation and/or secondary school and university level, and assisted high  A significant aspect of Sutherland's impact has been the contribution made level, serving as a model, for example, in recent publications including Juliet Wells writes: 'Kathryn Sutherland's Jane Austen's Textual Lives [...] has had a profound impact within Austen studies, including but not limited to  Jane Austen's Fiction Manuscripts: A Digital Edition provoked huge online podcast lectures, 'Jane Austen's Manuscripts Explored', in chaired by Elena Pierazzo, Technical Researcher on the Austen Digital general public to engage with the latest digital research. featured in 'Oxford Impacts', an Oxford University publicity drive, Open Educational Resources (OERs) in English: Enriching the School English Faculty's open educational resources on the web. cache = ./cache/work_6v4cvg3pvrg6vcmtayk4u2mvwy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6v4cvg3pvrg6vcmtayk4u2mvwy.txt === bib === id = work_wcwima3oq5gx5e66u7bozciqea author = Janine Barchas title = Sense, Sensibility, and Soap: An Unexpected Case Study in Digital Resources for Book History date = 2013 pages = 31 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7700 sentences = 545 flesch = 69 summary = little-known fact that soap manufacturer Lever Brothers published editions of a unique marketing campaign for Sunlight soap.1 The first English company to combine massive product giveaways with large-scale advertising, Lever Brothers offered a range of prizes in "Sunlight Soap Monthly Competitions" to "young folks" (contestants could not be older than seventeen) Lever's "Sunlight Library" editions were published at a time when advertisements for soap, by corporate giants such as Lever Brothers and Pears Lever edition of Sense and Sensibility (Figure 1). Figure 1 Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility in red cloth (Port Sunlight: Lever The Lever Brothers edition of Sense and Sensibility bears no date. Figure 5 Jane Austen, Emma in "The Lily Series" in green cloth (London: Ward, the books' title pages, with their Lever imprints, and the two distinct binding designs. Figure 19 Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility in "The Marguerite Series" in red cache = ./cache/work_wcwima3oq5gx5e66u7bozciqea.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wcwima3oq5gx5e66u7bozciqea.txt === bib === id = work_o2c4ytbcvngttntgha4bnrfmna author = Ghulam Murtaza title = Women, History And Faith: Suleri's Critique Of Pakistan's National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys date = 2020 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6288 sentences = 406 flesch = 66 summary = Women, History And Faith: Suleri's Critique Of Pakistan's National Culture In Sara is a professor of women's literature at Yale University, and her view of Pakistani culture is One major focus of Sara's work is woman's position in Pakistan, the aspect that has got critical Sara's Meatless Days are a very significant document on the representation of Pakistani culture. Suleri views the presence of her Welsh mother in Pakistan as a critical issue of Pakistani history Women, History And Faith: Suleri's Critique Of Pakistan's National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys Women, History And Faith: Suleri's Critique Of Pakistan's National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys Women, History And Faith: Suleri's Critique Of Pakistan's National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys Women, History And Faith: Suleri's Critique Of Pakistan's National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys cache = ./cache/work_o2c4ytbcvngttntgha4bnrfmna.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o2c4ytbcvngttntgha4bnrfmna.txt === bib === id = work_s3ofvt733vdfllyn4ivmfg7sba author = Dianne F. Sadoff title = Recent Studies in the Nineteenth Century date = 2009 pages = 51 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 21354 sentences = 727 flesch = 43 summary = great open range."1 Encountering a year's worth of books in nineteenth-century studies creates a similar sense of boundless, yet several works deal with similar topics, whether it be colonial relations or the politics of language or publishing history. Moving from the natural to the mechanical, one sees a significant increase of interest in the topics of technology, invention, and industry, and their relation to nineteenth-century literary While her literary focus is largely on fiction, Pettitt's study importantly breaks down disciplinary barriers in showing us how debates about innovation and creativity book examines specific works of Victorian fiction as they engaged Spiritual History of Ice: Romanticism, Science, and the Imagination, which examines the fascination with this life-endowed, creaking, shifting, alluring form at the turn of the nineteenth century. An underlying theme in much writing this year on the Romantic period has been the connections that contemporary writers pursued between nationalism and literature. cache = ./cache/work_s3ofvt733vdfllyn4ivmfg7sba.pdf txt = ./txt/work_s3ofvt733vdfllyn4ivmfg7sba.txt === bib === id = work_5rstwxssmnfhtlryewml6yr5bm author = Anush Kapadia title = Encyclopedia Plutonica date = 2015 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 3863 sentences = 276 flesch = 57 summary = The central thesis of this book is precisely that an apparently small gap between the return on capital and the rate of growth can in the long run have powerful and destabilizing effects on the structure and dynamics of social inequality. Piketty takes this Smithian view of capital as a past accumulation of assets, where an asset is basically an ownership right in law to the fruits of something that can be used either as a store of value or a factor of production. But further, we cannot really account for the blistering rise of inequality that Piketty has so strenuously documented if we don't have an epistemology that brings the institutional structures of contemporary capitalism into view. Piketty glosses over the vital fact that direct household ownership of financial assets—the main assets in contemporary capitalism, we are assured—has, as of the 1980s, declined to a mere third in the United States and Canada, and even less in other advanced nations.2 cache = ./cache/work_5rstwxssmnfhtlryewml6yr5bm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5rstwxssmnfhtlryewml6yr5bm.txt === bib === id = work_bfgdfxe3rraulaiinbva54yxxe author = David Gee title = Guest Editorial: Legal Biography date = 2014 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1496 sentences = 93 flesch = 49 summary = This interesting idea of a turning point in legal scholarship, the methodological considerations and problems involved in doing archival research for legal biographies and sources for legal biography research, were the three main and myself were keen to provide a national forum for interested academics to discuss the recent renaissance in legal biography research and for methodological issues to be collections for legal biography research. articles on the methodological considerations and problems of archival research for legal biographies. sources for legal biography at IALS Library, whilst Susannah and adviser to the LSE Legal Biography Project, discusses and problems of legal biography researchers, as well as legal biography research. legal biography research. legal biography research. legal biography research. Library, Socio-Legal Studies Association national training day LSE Legal Biography Project: Abstract: David Sugarman reflects briefly on developments regarding legal biography source material utilised, by legal biography tend to be cache = ./cache/work_bfgdfxe3rraulaiinbva54yxxe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bfgdfxe3rraulaiinbva54yxxe.txt === bib === id = work_yxpdpqvfnnhalnoaiczmn76r34 author = A. Adeloye title = Insanity and tumours date = 1969 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3325 sentences = 376 flesch = 72 summary = receiving 100 mega units of penicillin daily in use a continuous infusion with three halflitres of 0.18% saline, to which is added penicillin G in quantities of 30, 40, 30 mega units, proposed not to increase the number of consultants required each year to 140 but to cut are places for 6,000 postgraduates a year in India and Pakistan do not require the postgraduate facilities available in Britain, why doctor from India or Pakistan who achieves overseas doctors come to Britain to train for the age of 6 weeks, which responded to treatment with digoxin. 9) of three cases of frontal meningiomas presenting psychiatrically. A 44-year-old English woman was referred to patient during her pregnancy was probably Bilateral Parietal Thinning in Bronze Age SIR,-Bilateral parietal thinning or biparietal resorption was noted on a female typical case of thinning of the parietals, years), Epstein' concluded that this change cache = ./cache/work_yxpdpqvfnnhalnoaiczmn76r34.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yxpdpqvfnnhalnoaiczmn76r34.txt === bib === id = work_3ykugiue5ba3dotwgaaouivdjq author = Russell G Smith title = Andrew Wear, Johanna Geyer-Kordesch, and Roger French (eds), Doctors and ethics: the earlier historical setting of professional ethics, Clio Medica 24/Wellcome Institute Series in the History of Medicine, Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA, Rodopi, 1993, pp. viii, 303, £17.00, Hfl. 45.00 (paperback 90–5183–553–1) date = 1995 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1319 sentences = 66 flesch = 51 summary = The Arabic adib, for example, and Roger French (eds), Doctors and ethics: ethics, Clio Medica 241Wellcome Institute of medical ethics also derived considerable relationship between medical ethics and ethical regulation of medicine across Europe medical ethics starting with the Greek tradition Percival's Medical ethics of 1803 (although underly the declaration of medical ethical principles; the way in which ethical guidance ethical regulation in the profession. writings on medical history, a number of medical ethics (such as Gabriele de Zerbi, a chapters which dealt with other crucial ethical chapters which examined specific ethical medical ethics, the latter of which tended to be John Wiltshire, Jane Austen and the body: available at available at Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:17, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:17, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, cache = ./cache/work_3ykugiue5ba3dotwgaaouivdjq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3ykugiue5ba3dotwgaaouivdjq.txt === bib === id = work_cwmtckj4ivh2teeehffeyhczn4 author = Robert Folkenflik title = The New Model Eighteenth-Century Novel date = 2000 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9183 sentences = 520 flesch = 59 summary = The New Model Eighteenth-Century Novel The New Model Eighteenth-Century Novel Watt," which lookedat the models ofthe eighteenth-century novel in books 6 Peter Brooks, The Novel ofWorldliness: Crébillon, Marivaux, Laclos, Stendhal (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969); Joan DeJean, Tender Geographies: Women and the Origins of the a chapter to the single most important novelistic model for eighteenth-century novels. Paul Hunter, Before Novels: The Cultural Contexts ofEighteenth-Century English Fiction (New Eighteenth-Century English Novel (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999) In The Boundaries ofFiction: History and the Eighteenth-Century British Novel (1996),20 Everett Zimmerman explicitly prefers the model of Models of Value: Eighteenth-Century Political Economy and the Novel 23James Thompson, Models ofValue: Eighteenth-Century Political Economy andthe Novel (Durham, Brown's book, Institutions of the English Novel: From Defoe to Scott 27Homer Brown, Institutions ofthe English Novel: From Defoe to Scott (Philadelphia: University of Their essay "The American Origins of the Eighteenth-Century Novel," cache = ./cache/work_cwmtckj4ivh2teeehffeyhczn4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cwmtckj4ivh2teeehffeyhczn4.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu author = Susan L. Humphreys title = Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful date = 1978 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 911 sentences = 207 flesch = 68 summary = Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful Search for other works by this author on: Article contents Search Site Humphreys; Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful. 1 An Autobiography, The Oxford Trollope, (London: Oxford Univ. Thornton, Harrow School and Its Surroundings (London: Allen, 1885), pp. Freeman, "Anthony Trollope," Macmillan's Magazine, Jan.1883, p. John Hall, "Trollope's Commonplace Book, 183540," NCF, 31 (1976), 15-2510.2307/293330415 156, 166Trollope (London: Bentley, 1895), I, 180-83Trollope 12 Isabella Beeton's The Book of Household Management (London: Beeton, 1861), p. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful Citing articles via Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Print ISSN 0891-9356 Book Authors cache = ./cache/work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.txt === bib === id = work_posidt25wbhm7ntzflkfryw7ea author = Ronald Pies title = Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright date = 2009 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 292 sentences = 47 flesch = 73 summary = Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright | Semantic Scholar Skip to search formSkip to main content> Semantic Scholar's Logo Search Corpus ID: 29122198Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright title={Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright}, journal={American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®}, American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine® It will lead them to live and work much better. Any book will give certain knowledge to take all benefits. This is what this every little thing gonna be alright tells you. It will add more knowledge of you to life and work better. Topics from this paper About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE cache = ./cache/work_posidt25wbhm7ntzflkfryw7ea.pdf txt = ./txt/work_posidt25wbhm7ntzflkfryw7ea.txt === bib === id = work_s7fgyycvwrfnplf6oyqju377ne author = Lindsay O'Neill title = Sheila Johnson Kindred. Jane Austen's Transatlantic Sister: The Life and Letters of Fanny Palmer Austen. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017. Pp. 312. $34.95 (cloth) date = 2018 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1376 sentences = 90 flesch = 63 summary = Jane Austen's Transatlantic Sister: The Life and Letters of Fanny Sheila Johnson Kindred's Jane Austen's Transatlantic Sister: The Life and Letters of Fanny Palmer and while it does deepen our understanding of Jane Austen's sources, Kindred struggles to Kindred brings to life the story of Francis Palmer Austen, a native of Bermuda who married Kindred traces Fanny Austen's life Kindred uses these chapters to flesh out the character of Fanny Austen and to give life to the world she inhabited. larger stories that roll along underneath: naval life and the world of the Austens. Kindred uses many sources to reconstruct Fanny Austen's world. Kindred also uses her study to examine how much of an influence Fanny Austen might have Kindred adds a chapter at the end of the book exploring exactly how Fanny's traits and life Kindred's book is a nice addition to scholarship on the lives of naval wives and will, one cache = ./cache/work_s7fgyycvwrfnplf6oyqju377ne.pdf txt = ./txt/work_s7fgyycvwrfnplf6oyqju377ne.txt === bib === id = work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e author = Felicity A. Huntingford title = A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist date = 2003 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 885 sentences = 171 flesch = 59 summary = A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 53158835A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist title={A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist}, This essay looks back on the history of Animal Behaviour through a compilation of all the papers published in the journal, since it got its present name, that used sticklebacks, the white rat of ethology, as experimental subjects. This stickleback-eye view confirms the role that Animal Behaviour has played during its first 50 years in fostering and recording the important developments that have taken place in the discipline. Trends in animal behaviour research (1968–2002): ethoinformatics and the mining of library databases By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.txt === bib === id = work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm author = İsmail Yaman title = USING NASREDDIN HODJA STORIES IN ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (EFL) CLASSROOMS date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 21 sentences = 4 flesch = 68 summary = İçerik Mobil Cihazınız İçin Uygun Değil Mobil cihazlarda, tarayıcı içinde dokümanınızı görütüleyemiyoruz. Bunun yerine dosyayı cihazınıza indirerek görüntülemeyi deneyebilirsiniz. İNDİR & GÖRÜNTÜLE cache = ./cache/work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm.txt === bib === id = work_547m3n2njbgo3gnfffvjw5zvoe author = J R Mitchell title = Prostacyclin--powerful, yes: but is it useful? date = 1983 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3695 sentences = 477 flesch = 69 summary = cases of paralytic poliomyelitis still occur in Britain in unvaccinated children and adults with or without recent travel proves useful, since we can now say "But surely prostacyclin is The first is the ability of prostacyclin to minimise loss of platelets when blood is exposed to without the use of prostacyclin and that the platelet sparing use of prostacyclin in charcoal perfusion than in the other carried out without the use of prostacyclin." prostacyclin in conditions where no man made artificial surface prostacyclin in peripheral vascular diseases. for in our early studies6 of infusions of prostaglandin El change rather than of the prostacyclin itself which will determine the duration of the effect. Lewis and Dollery also review some studies of prostacyclin novel compound to generate a stable, orally active prostacyclin Effect of prostaglandin E1 on platelet behaviour in vitro and in vivo. Pharmacology of prostacyclin and thromboxanes. early sexual experience and of pregnancy; doctors working cache = ./cache/work_547m3n2njbgo3gnfffvjw5zvoe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_547m3n2njbgo3gnfffvjw5zvoe.txt === bib === id = work_hughqwttfbesbhsmumc7grgb2a author = Marc Amfreville title = Leonard Tennenhouse, The Importance of Feeling English. American Literature and the British Diaspora. 1750-1850 date = 2008 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1919 sentences = 257 flesch = 67 summary = Transatlantica – Revue d'études américaines est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence il s'agit pour lui de réfléchir aux liens entre identité anglaise et littérature américaine, donc stimulante, que la naissance de la littérature américaine, contrairement aux idées différences qu'il faut bien constater entre les deux littératures, Tennenhouse fait donc Il part de l'idée que les Américains, les différences que cet exil présente avec ceux des peuples juif, noir ou arménien — à la paradoxe central : le fait que les Américains (désignons ainsi successivement colons et C'est également dans le contexte de cette tradition richardsonienne que sont davantage de succès que dans son pays d'origine, au moins pour ce qui concerne les Tennenhouse souligne l'influence exercée sur lui par Charles Brockden Brown qui avait littéraires évoquées, dans laquelle l'auteur voit la confirmation de toutes les idées L'identité même de la littérature américaine ne serait-elle pas cache = ./cache/work_hughqwttfbesbhsmumc7grgb2a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hughqwttfbesbhsmumc7grgb2a.txt === bib === id = work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e author = Janice Hopkins Tanne title = Your money where your mouse is date = 2005 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220373798 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e.txt === bib === id = work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum author = Ana Claudia Pinheiro Dias Nogueira title = O erotismo e o desejo na obra Salomé, de Oscar Wilde date = 2016 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3964 sentences = 585 flesch = 82 summary = O erotismo e o desejo na obra Salomé, de Oscar Wilde Resumo: Oscar Wilde traz à tona uma nova mulher em sua versão de Salomé, peça teatral com foco central na personagem bíblica Salomé, que, aos olhos do autor, se isso, a jovem princesa faz a dança dos setes véus para o rei Herodes e comprova que pode ter tudo com sua beleza e sensualidade, mesmo que isso possa lhe valer Ilustração de Aubrey Beardsley para a obra Salomé de Oscar Wilde, em 1892.3 que, ao dançar para o rei Herodes, pede em troca a cabeça do profeta erótica feminina, que movida pelo desejo, usa sua dança considerada Para que isso fique esclarecido e justificado, em uma de suas ao desejo de Salomé por se considerar um homem que cumpre com O poder da dança traz a Salomé o controle que almeja para É uma figura feminina que se apresenta como ser com cache = ./cache/work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_bznl5baxhrauvcgx3hfazpthji author = Nicholas Dames title = Austen's Nostalgics date = 2001 pages = 27 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 15611 sentences = 858 flesch = 63 summary = It is possible to take Elizabeth's request, to think only of the past as its remembrance gives us pleasure, as the foundation of Austen's new nostalgia—and as the � le established in medical writing de� nes nostalgia as the mind's resistance to adaptation, its refusal to feel at home in a larger world; at the time of Austen's writing, The simple binary of eighteenth-century nostalgia, repatriation or death, is increasingly dispersed and opened up by Austen's novels through this newer nostalgic system, in which each of the � ve elements exists The work of Austen's plots is to convert a psychosocial resistance to mobility, as expressed in eighteenth-century nostalgia, to an embrace of it, by appropriating the language of ''settlement'' for personal memory. ''Dying of the Past: Medical Studies of Nostalgia in Nineteenth-Century France,'' History and Memory 3, no. cache = ./cache/work_bznl5baxhrauvcgx3hfazpthji.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bznl5baxhrauvcgx3hfazpthji.txt === bib === id = work_4ucu3fgdtrekzmw7ygobvkz7ju author = Taekeun Park title = A Character Identification Method using Postpositions for Animate Nouns in Korean Novels date = 2016 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4195 sentences = 1180 flesch = 102 summary = Keyword:Information Extraction, Korean Novels, Character Identification, Postpositions for 를 활용하여 한국어 소설로부터 인물명 등장인 설에서 유정조사를 활용한 인물명 등장인물 추 소설의 내러티 (Narrative) 부분에서 인물명( : 조사를 활용하여 인물명 등장인물을 추출하는 주어후보를 인물명 등장인물(Character Names 된 인물명 등장인물 목록과 수동 추출된 인물 상의 정보들을 활용하여, 한국어 소설에서 인물명 유정조사를 이용한 인물명 등장인물 추출 결 유정조사를 이용한 인물명 등장인물 추출 결 한, 유정조사를 이용하여 자동 추출된 인물명 반하여, 재 율은 수동으로 추출된 인물명(고유명 한국어 소설의 인물명 등장인물 추출에서 유 로 구분되며, 소설의 인물명(고유명사)과 등장인물 터 수동 추출된 총 1,433개의 인물명 에서 1,200 정조사를 활용하여 한국어 소설로부터 인물명 기 하여, 인물명 등장인물 추출에 한 유정 하지 못한 인물명 등장인물을 추가로 추출하는 A Character Identification Method using Postpositions for Animate Nouns in Korean Novels 125 A Character Identification Method using Postpositions for Animate Nouns in Korean Novels 125 A Character Identification Method using Postpositions for Animate Nouns in Korean Novels 125 cache = ./cache/work_4ucu3fgdtrekzmw7ygobvkz7ju.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4ucu3fgdtrekzmw7ygobvkz7ju.txt === bib === id = work_e65mofuhbrgrzct2rm6cgfe6ii author = Annalisa Piubello title = Cultura degli scrittori. Da Petrarca a Montale. Firenze, Società Editrice de Angelo Fabrizi date = 2011 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1709 sentences = 273 flesch = 73 summary = Come già Contini, anche Fabrizi attua «uno spostamento dell'asse della storia e critica Fabrizi trova traccia nell'Esquisse du jugement universel, anche se Alfieri non lo ricorda efficace che lo induce, secondo il critico, a cercare nella letteratura italiana dei modelli. Sì – riconosce Fabrizi – ma solo nell'uso del lessico e degli stilemi Nella ricostruzione del percorso culturale di Alfieri, Fabrizi rileva che gli autori latini Molti altri sono gli autori latini e greci rinvenuti da Fabrizi (e da tutta la critica da lui Trame romanzesche»), tre sono gli autori che Fabrizi individua come sottesi due autori, Austen e Tomasi, che Fabrizi interpreta il pensiero di entrambi come dello stesso termine nella sua prosa, che il critico vede accolta la lezione di controllo e come quella della scrittrice inglese, dai toni melodrammatici e retorici che Tomasi manifesta, da una parte, nella partecipazione dell'autore al dibattito critico e, dall'altra, cache = ./cache/work_e65mofuhbrgrzct2rm6cgfe6ii.pdf txt = ./txt/work_e65mofuhbrgrzct2rm6cgfe6ii.txt === bib === id = work_j2xr6yuo3vffbedptwzxoensv4 author = Claire Grogan title = Jane Austen's Vehicular Means of Motion, Exchange and Transmission date = 2004 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6312 sentences = 376 flesch = 69 summary = Jane Austen's Vehicular Means of Motion, Exchange and Transmission This paper arises from work for my second edition of Northanger Abbey for Broadview Press during which time I how carriages work as external indicators of wealth or social standing Facts allow for the interesting discovery that horse-drawn carriages are much more than a means Austen lived during the great age of coach travel — a period in which combined improvements in road building, carriage design and horse carriage travel of one kind or another) and her fiction (in which she concerns about chills caught from carriage travel since Austen describes Austen's brother Edward's purchase of horses is accorded due notice in her letter of June 1799: and traveling time in Northanger Abbey, the various day trips reveal carriages mirror Catherine's emotional state: 'An abbey before, a curricle Donkey Carriages' {Letters 146). cache = ./cache/work_j2xr6yuo3vffbedptwzxoensv4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_j2xr6yuo3vffbedptwzxoensv4.txt === bib === id = work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu author = S. QUARTERONI title = Designing an interactive open-domain question answering system date = 2008 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10267 sentences = 784 flesch = 61 summary = Interactive question answering (QA), where a dialogue interface enables follow-up and We describe the dialogue moves and management model making YourQA interactive, often issue queries not as standalone questions but in the context of a wider information need, for instance when researching a specific topic (e.g. questions and handle the user's requests for clarification: the 2006 Interactive QA In this paper, we report on the design, implementation and evaluation of the dialogue interface for our open-domain, personalized QA system, YourQA (Quarteroni In both cases, the bag-of-word similarity bw(q,a) is computed between the question q and a candidate answer a. 5 A Dialogue Model for Interactive Question Answering 7 Chatbot-based Interactive Question Answering The Wizard would ask if the user had any follow-up questions after each answer Some issues in dialogue-based question-answering. interactive question answering systems. User modelling for adaptive question answering User modelling for personalized question answering. cache = ./cache/work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu.txt === bib === id = work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu author = Martin L. Nass title = The Omnipotence of the Psychoanalyst date = 2015 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 652 sentences = 139 flesch = 57 summary = The Omnipotence of the Psychoanalyst | Semantic Scholar In fact, a recent paper by Norman Clemens (2011a) is titled "A Psychiatrist Retires: An Oxymoron?" On many occasions nonpsychoanalytic colleagues and friends have asked about my own plans for retirement, but I cannot think of one instance when a psychoanalytic colleague asked me when I was planning to retire. Sort by Most Influenced Papers View 2 excerpts, cites background Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License cache = ./cache/work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5bkgzxtupbaopix6c6wczcjiqu.txt === bib === id = work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe author = Yuqian Cai title = Kirsch, Adam (2016). The Global Novel: Writing the World in the 21st Century. New York: Columbia Global Reports, 105 pp date = 2018 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2236 sentences = 117 flesch = 54 summary = "I am working myself up to writing a kind of epic global novel. The legitimacy of the global novel has been contested across the Atlantic, and Kirsch writes "World Literature and Its Discontents" as the Dissenters criticise world literature on aesthetic and political fronts, disparaging the global novel as "diluted and the rise of the global novel practiced by Ishiguro and others, and feels nostalgic for writers like Jane Austen who exemplify "culture-specific clutter In theory, Kirsch is largely correct to affirm the possibility and desirability of the global novel. but writing the global novel, as Kirsch says, means "a basic affirmation of turns to empirical evidence provided by supposedly 'representative' novels from the "pantheon of world literature": Pamuk's (2002), Murakami's that "other studies of world literature" would be incomplete without considering all these writers, Kirsch seems to equate his 'pantheon' with the of the Global Novel" (2017), one may infer that while Murakami's writing cache = ./cache/work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe.txt === bib === id = work_342kyiplqnelrj3gzzoxnwzevu author = Jacinta Beehner title = Dorothy L. Cheney (1950–2018) date = 2019 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1280 sentences = 75 flesch = 52 summary = Primatologist who gave voice to animal communication and cognition. Dorothy Cheney, who died in November 2018, was best known for her long-term studies of vervet social knowledge in an ecologically valid chapters, Dorothy and Robert produced social cognition, How Monkeys See the about communication and social cognition study chacma baboons, altered her career and Robert moved to Rockefeller University and Robert began a study of vocal communication in vervet monkeys in Dorothy and Robert also provided the that when other females heard the calls, Robert and Dorothy were invited to take study of baboons in Moremi and began the rich complexity of the baboons' social They learned that baboon calls carry investigators working under Dorothy and worked with Dorothy became part of her Dorothy and Robert brought their between the baboons' social dilemmas and 4Department of Primate Cognition, University of on the Moremi baboon project with Dorothy and cache = ./cache/work_342kyiplqnelrj3gzzoxnwzevu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_342kyiplqnelrj3gzzoxnwzevu.txt === bib === id = work_rglgr4kxs5fupndgf63wvjnjjq author = D Davies title = Reading for Pleasure: Celtic and non-Celtic nostalgia date = 1979 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220373156 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_rglgr4kxs5fupndgf63wvjnjjq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rglgr4kxs5fupndgf63wvjnjjq.txt === bib === id = work_q5kqdjqjjbhwzealrb63flldby author = Jill Galvan title = Character date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1964 sentences = 177 flesch = 53 summary = it hardly seems possible not to read a character like Jane Eyre as riven Many, which reads fictional persons as jostling for space and for the reader's limited attention within a crowded "character-system."4 More Middlemarch's realism: George Eliot's peopled environment seems genuine because of readers' "liminally conscious perception that moment to As this work highlights, questions of social ethics, often associated with Victorian literature, do not mutually exclude attention to perceptual and sensual form, often associated with modernist literature. For on the contrary, the new physicalist view of character accentuates interiority (or depth) as itself a dimensional concept, and that we can read its interrelational position in multiple Pearl Brilmyer, "Plasticity, Form, and the Matter of Character in 7. Jonathan Farina, Everyday Words and the Character of Prose in NineteenthCentury Britain (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 20. 9. Rachel Ablow, Victorian Pain (Princeton: Princeton University Press, Rochelle Rives, Modernist Impersonalities: Affect, Authority, and the cache = ./cache/work_q5kqdjqjjbhwzealrb63flldby.pdf txt = ./txt/work_q5kqdjqjjbhwzealrb63flldby.txt === bib === id = work_bjjr2nltkrdxvcbfy7t3t6mka4 author = Tim Fulford title = Sighing for a Soldier: Jane Austen and Military Pride and Prejudice date = 2002 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10244 sentences = 579 flesch = 67 summary = upon their relationship to the social and political issues of a nation that, in the years during which Austen was writing, was almost continually at war with revolutionary France. military spectacles ever exhibited in this country."5 The spectators saw brightly dressed men, commanded by dukes, exercising (for some of the time), but they also saw the kind of aristocratic self-indulgence that was normally hidden behind the back and forth, losing soldiers without ever coming into a decisive battle: "0, the grand old Duke 0' York, / He had ten thousand men; / He marched them up the hill my boys, / Then and military immorality home to the shires in the form of soldiers who, after the vast expansion of army and militia, were Austen shows, in effect, that political and social circumstances maketh the man (and woman): Wickham is not just a cache = ./cache/work_bjjr2nltkrdxvcbfy7t3t6mka4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bjjr2nltkrdxvcbfy7t3t6mka4.txt === bib === id = work_aq7meiqkobeb7bjyjg2ddibd6e author = J. C. MCLENNAN title = Prof. J. C. Fields, F.R.S date = 1932 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1952 sentences = 111 flesch = 66 summary = John Charles Fields on August 9 the University of Toronto lost one Fields was called to the University of Toronto in the opening year of the present century. that students desiring to specialise in mathematics came to universities in America handicapped by defective mathematical training in the he considered the students of a generation ago Royal Canadian Institute of Toronto. scientific research as the ideal of the Institute and Mathematical Congress held in Toronto in 1924. What I consider to be Fields's greatest achievement in advancing the cause of research in the Province to the University of Toronto and achievements in mathematical research. Of late years Prof. Fields's life was more for women science students and, as Cambridge of the women science students, and herself taught. Her research work, however, was carried out in Miss Greenwood was in a small passage room, and I shared At that time women were rare in scientific cache = ./cache/work_aq7meiqkobeb7bjyjg2ddibd6e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_aq7meiqkobeb7bjyjg2ddibd6e.txt === bib === id = work_fdhrudsb7fhlhh4vg4qzjncyoy author = Rachel Carnell title = Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History date = 2013 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6778 sentences = 382 flesch = 64 summary = century through its epistolary structure, offers an echo of the competing Tory and Whig discourses of friendship and political loyalty first notes Jane Austen added to the family copy of Goldsmith's History. her sons-in-law, but like Austen's Lady Susan, the Duchess had put Lady Susan as a secret history in part because Austen's juvenilia often Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History 1 15 Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History 1 15 Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History 1 15 Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History 1 15 Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History 1 15 Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History 1 15 Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History 1 15 Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History 1 15 Reading Austen's Lady Susan as Tory Secret History 1 15 secret history in Lady Susan. cache = ./cache/work_fdhrudsb7fhlhh4vg4qzjncyoy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fdhrudsb7fhlhh4vg4qzjncyoy.txt === bib === id = work_ftjw4eypdbfb7e534xhf5y2nae author = Margaret Anne Parker title = The role of the comic heroine : a study of the relationship between subject matter and the comic form in the novels of Jane Austen date = 1967 pages = 148 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 63759 sentences = 10056 flesch = 95 summary = of women can be seen as the "absurd or i r r a t i o n a l law" which Frye contends the action of comedy moves toward breaking; i n Bergson's terms, the comic heroine to be found in Jane Austen's work. comic rhythm, Jane Austen does present a few parents whom she considers unobstructive. As indicated i n the previous chapter, i t i s d i f f i c u l t to separate moral from formal education; the same forces i n Jane Austen's s i b l e i n Jane Austen's society for a woman even p a r t i a l l y to evade men and women, Jane Austen makes her point that any discrimination i n Jane Austen's society, can be found only in the right kind of marriage, characters who control the old, r i g i d society, Jane Austen's comic cache = ./cache/work_ftjw4eypdbfb7e534xhf5y2nae.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ftjw4eypdbfb7e534xhf5y2nae.txt === bib === id = work_ojjvzh77rrdg3lukfuv4ypkzq4 author = Peter Tyrer title = Personality disorder date = 2001 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 32558 sentences = 29118 flesch = 120 summary = ����� ������ �� + � ,����� �� !���� �������� ������ �� + � ,����� �� !���� ��� ������ 1 � ����� ���� 2� �������� � ��� �� ��� � � ������� � �� �� ����� ��� ��������� � � ������� � �� �� ����� ��� ������ ��������� � ������� ���� �� ��� � ����� ����� ������ ��� � ������� �� �� ��������� ������ ��� � ������� �� �� ���� ������ ��� �� ���� ������� �� � ���������� ��� �� ���� ������� �� � ���� ������ ��� �� ���� ������� �� � ���������� ��� �� ���� ������� �� � ���� ���������� ����� �� ������� ��� � ���� ��� �� � ������� � � �� � �$$� !���� ��������� �� � ������� � � �� � �$$� !���� ������ ��� ���� �� ����� �� ������ � �;?)�=D ��� ����� �� ������� �� ��� ����������� �� ������� �� ��� ������$$ �7��7�$ ?:8�:2��$ ?:8�:2�� cache = ./cache/work_ojjvzh77rrdg3lukfuv4ypkzq4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ojjvzh77rrdg3lukfuv4ypkzq4.txt === bib === id = work_ut2d6oyfr5ar3orykmmq4qqvje author = Shaun Regan title = DANIEL COOK AND NICHOLAS SEAGER (eds). The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century Fiction date = 2016 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1495 sentences = 86 flesch = 49 summary = Review of The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century Fiction, ed. Review of The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century Fiction, ed. Queen's University Belfast Research Portal: Link to publication record in Queen's University Belfast Research Portal Copyright for the publications made accessible via the Queen's University Belfast Research Portal is retained by the author(s) and / or other The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century 'long' eighteenth century, not least in discussions of fiction. adaptation of works by Defoe, Swift, Sterne, Austen and Scott. own mini-industry of afterlife studies, which includes such titles as Uses of Austen: Jane's study, much-referenced in the book under review, is David Brewer's The Afterlife of The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century Fiction looks to draw together some of these The collection as a whole would have benefitted from the inclusion of an essay on eighteenth-century fiction and the novel today – on the model of Sarah Raff's discussion of cache = ./cache/work_ut2d6oyfr5ar3orykmmq4qqvje.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ut2d6oyfr5ar3orykmmq4qqvje.txt === bib === id = work_bgr4zsxetrdk7eaaaxbkyef2oy author = Jan Deckers title = Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law by E. Brake, 2012 Oxford, Oxford University Pressx + 256 pp., £64.00 (hb), £16.99 (pb) date = 2014 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1483 sentences = 81 flesch = 56 summary = Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law; by Elizabeth Brake. Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law; by Elizabeth Brake. Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law; by Elizabeth Brake. Brake argues that, in spite of the historical dominance of polygyny, many (Western) states legitimise and promote a different kind of relationship: marriage, conceived as an amorous, dyadic, light, Brake welcomes that some jurisdictions have opened up marriage to include same-sex I am at one with Brake in adopting the view that this discrimination is wrong, but at odds with her Brake comments that she is not arguing that one cannot love another Brake then argues that marriage should rather be seen as a commitment, 'the attempt to bind legitimise particular caring relationships, Brake adopts the view that the state ought to support all justice, minimal marriage might thus, for example, facilitate immigration, care-taking leave, and the cache = ./cache/work_bgr4zsxetrdk7eaaaxbkyef2oy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_bgr4zsxetrdk7eaaaxbkyef2oy.txt === bib === id = work_75mq5eosxrevnjtifeyaxg2vwy author = J. Black title = Points: NHS theek hai? date = 1985 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220372082 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_75mq5eosxrevnjtifeyaxg2vwy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_75mq5eosxrevnjtifeyaxg2vwy.txt === bib === id = work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy author = Ronald Tetreault title = Publishers, "Pirates," and the Formation of Regency Authorship date = 2012 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 454 sentences = 51 flesch = 50 summary = Publishing at the University of Alberta Library The University of Alberta Library is an important stakeholder for scholarly publishing in Canada. Currently, we partner with Canadian organizations and individuals to publish fully open access scholarly journals, and with University of Alberta community members to publish open course textbooks. The University of Alberta Library provides significant support to over 60 Canadian open access journals through our no-fee publishing program. All journals partnering with the Library in this program operate under a "Diamond Open Access" model and do not charge fees to authors. Open Textbook Publishing Open Education Alberta provides no-fee publishing services for open textbooks and other open educational resources. Contact to see if our service is the right match for your learning materials. Browse the list of Open Textbooks published by Open Education Alberta Head, Library Publishing and Digital Production Services cache = ./cache/work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy.txt === bib === id = work_g47c7pzuqnhr7ljf6kdzgzwqo4 author = Luis Martinez-Uribe title = Digital archives as Big data date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 663 sentences = 139 flesch = 60 summary = [PDF] Digital archives as Big data | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 3544327Digital archives as Big data title={Digital archives as Big data}, ABSTRACT Digital archives contribute to Big data. Combining social network analysis, coincidence analysis, data reduction, and visual analytics leads to better characterize topics over time, publishers' main themes and best authors of all times, according to the British newspaper The Guardian and from the 3 million records of the British National Bibliography. "Digital Archives as Big Data" New Journal Article: "Digital Archives as Big Data" Sort by Most Influenced Papers Critical Questions for Archives as (Big) Data Library Catalogue Records as a Research Resource: Introducing 'A Big Data History of Music' Data Visualization in Sociology. View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references methods View 1 excerpt, references methods cache = ./cache/work_g47c7pzuqnhr7ljf6kdzgzwqo4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_g47c7pzuqnhr7ljf6kdzgzwqo4.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_ogpidrhqgrbzhhgccfpsje4rji author = Yingying DENG title = Discipline, Resistance and Self-Improvement: Three Phases in the Growth of Fanny Price date = 2014 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6089 sentences = 337 flesch = 59 summary = Discipline, Resistance and Self-Improvement: Three Phases in the Growth of Fanny Price. Abstract: Fanny Price is a remarkable heroine of Mansfield Park written by Jane Austen. power theory and the related theories about subjectivity construction, this paper aims at analyzing how Fanny tries to adopt, Fanny successfully transforms herself from an inferior "outsider" into a noble and elegant lady welcomed by the middle class Keywords: Fanny Price, Mansfield Park, Michel Foucault, Disciplinary Power, Technologies of the Self Fanny's Resistance to Political-Economic Power instruments work in the Park: Fanny's behaviors and criticism that teaches Fanny the rules of survival in the Park, Surely, apart from Sir Thomas and Mrs. Norris, Fanny Fanny's Resistance to Ideological Power ideological disciplinary power on Fanny. Sir Thomas's another way to discipline Fanny is to warn her self-disciplinary power, which fully exhibits in Fanny's Fanny improve herself in the Park is her mentor Edmund, cache = ./cache/work_ogpidrhqgrbzhhgccfpsje4rji.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ogpidrhqgrbzhhgccfpsje4rji.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu author = Brian G Turner title = Structural biology of HIV 1 1Edited by P. E. Wright date = 1999 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2501 sentences = 275 flesch = 50 summary = Abstract: The increasing number of digitised publications published by national libraries and other heritage and benefits of the use of identification systems like DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ISBN (International Code), NBN (National Bibliography Number), SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier), URN (Uniform Keywords: digital heritage, digitised publications, identifiers, DOI, ISBN, ISSN, ISTC, NBN, SICI, URN. Identifier), ISBN (International Standard Book Number), ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), ISTC (International Standard Text Code), NBN (National Bibliography Number), SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier) and URN (Uniform Resource Number). presented in more detail: DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ISBN (International Standard Book NBN (National Bibliography Number), SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier), URN (Uniform DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is based on the international standard ISO 26324:2012 [3]. ISSN is a unique identifier for a specific serial or other continuing resource in a [9] Using The ISSN (International Serial Standard Number) as URN (Uniform Resource Names) within an cache = ./cache/work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu.txt === bib === id = work_t6sxfc6uzrbtlnokomrlyddb4e author = Grant Gillett title = Bioethics and Literature: An Exciting Overlap date = 2014 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1228 sentences = 91 flesch = 60 summary = Grant Gillett & Lynne Bowyer Journal of Bioethical Inquiry into what may well become one of its significant strands of scholarship. novel; from Jane Austen to William Styron, a major English science fiction of Kazuo Ishiguro, a Japanese and self-sacrifice; spirituality and mental disorder; death treatment of human phenomena comes into engagement and narrative views of human life and the complex range of expert technologized discourses, medical students can rapidly lose sight of the values and broadly is discussed by Robin Hankey and Grant Gillett (2014) Mal Parker from Brisbane (2014) gives Flora Huang and Grant Gillett (2014) engage with us with an understanding of the unique value and destiny of each human life as it is worked out in detail of human life and the importance of the engagement Larkin's use of illness to examine human identity and the value of human life. Larkin's medical world is of contemporary bioethics. cache = ./cache/work_t6sxfc6uzrbtlnokomrlyddb4e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_t6sxfc6uzrbtlnokomrlyddb4e.txt === bib === id = work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4 author = Aleksondra Hultquist title = Passionate Educations date = 2018 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9090 sentences = 720 flesch = 67 summary = Abstract This article connects John Locke's concept of uneasiness to Aphra Behn's poem "On In his recently published book Knowing Emotions, philosopher Rick Anthony Furtak states that "affective experience provides a distinct mode important to examine Locke, Behn, and Austen as they mark the beginning and end point of the change from passions to emotions. consider the ways in which Behn and Austen were representing the passions and their educational value, that experience gives rise to knowing. have not experienced desire are devoid of passionate knowing, in Behn's experience of a passion (here desire) is painful, as Locke would say. Read through Locke's and Behn's importance of experience and uneasiness, Maria's passionate education is more at fault than Locke argues that passionate uneasiness leads to action, and Behn and experience of desire provides an education about her passions; she knows cache = ./cache/work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4.txt === bib === id = work_avjrcowt45hotj5ayh44jaqfgm author = E. G. Muir title = THEATRE NURSING IN PICTURES date = 1962 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220375779 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_avjrcowt45hotj5ayh44jaqfgm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_avjrcowt45hotj5ayh44jaqfgm.txt === bib === id = work_hazh523tbfch5ktchr65kfwi5u author = Ian Duncan title = Realism / romance, Romantic / Victorian date = 2013 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1138 sentences = 84 flesch = 51 summary = Realism / romance, Romantic / Victorian Realism / romance, Romantic / Victorian: the dyads don't quite line up. difference between romance and realism as an opposition, sometimes dialectical, sometimes not; with that quintessentially Victorian technology, realism.1 Romanticism, rhetoricity, lyric, versus history, realism and (to use Clifford Siskin's term) "novelism": these oppositions return with an course the romance-realism opposition is incoherent too. literary absolute as a structural rather than an affective relation ("literature producing itself as it romance shows us how the literary absolute is produced as a relation between work and reader, Famously, Waverley reconceives romance for the nineteenth century by making it – set in a 2 See Jack Lynch's "Wedded to Books: Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists", and Ina Ferris' "Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book-Object". His books include Scott's Shadow: The Novel in Romantic Edinburgh (Princeton, "Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book-Object." in "Romantic cache = ./cache/work_hazh523tbfch5ktchr65kfwi5u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hazh523tbfch5ktchr65kfwi5u.txt === bib === id = work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq author = SIMON POOLEY title = Historians are from Venus, Ecologists are from Mars date = 2013 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2267 sentences = 179 flesch = 41 summary = the Integration of History and Ecology for Conservation," lack of ecological data is really an opportunity for ecologists to gain from history (Szabó & Hédl 2011, p. Szabó and Hédl suggest that ecologists are characterized by a focus on generality and historians by a focus heterogeneity of human histories (e.g., the very differently timed development of agriculture and industrialization in Europe vs. attempted by science-based and big-history historians the ecological study of nature, including humans, cultivated and domesticated species, and flows of materials; the socioeconomic dimensions and interactions then why has there been so little collaboration between conservation scientists and environmental historians? Also recall that conservation scientists and environmental historians courted Environmental history contributes the capacity to integrate ecological, socioeconomic, and cultural information into coherent narratives of change over time. Why history matters in ecology: an interdisciplinary Advancing the integration of history and ecology for conservation. Nature's economy: a history of ecological ideas. cache = ./cache/work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq.txt === bib === id = work_ecsk6n5fvrg7xaifypmhg5y45u author = A C Jobsis title = Recognising placental steroid sulphatase deficiency date = 1984 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 28 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220375947 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_ecsk6n5fvrg7xaifypmhg5y45u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ecsk6n5fvrg7xaifypmhg5y45u.txt === bib === id = work_5lyuna5qn5a5zirzknarvqykqu author = Neil D. Isaacs title = Middlemarch: Crescendo of Obligatory Drama date = 1963 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 537 sentences = 129 flesch = 61 summary = Middlemarch: Crescendo of Obligatory Drama | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Middlemarch: Crescendo of Obligatory Drama Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Isaacs; Middlemarch: Crescendo of Obligatory Drama. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1963; 18 (1): 21–34. toolbar search search input search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Middlemarch: Crescendo of Obligatory Drama' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Middlemarch: Crescendo of Obligatory Drama Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_5lyuna5qn5a5zirzknarvqykqu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5lyuna5qn5a5zirzknarvqykqu.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm author = W H Brock title = Janet Browne, Charles Darwin: voyaging, London, Jonathan Cape, 1995, pp. xv, 606, illus., £25.00 (0-224-0402-5) date = 1996 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1353 sentences = 81 flesch = 61 summary = Janet Browne, Charles Darwin: voyaging, Robert Darwin's case, it was from the Charles Darwin became aware that his father It was Robert Darwin who paid account of Darwin's life up to May 1856 when, yet another biography of Darwin can be understanding of Darwin in Browne's original sisters, Browne suggests that Darwin's adult Darwin's correspondence has given Browne a view Darwin's slow development of a theory of evolution as a product of Darwin and his vivid accounts of Darwin's experiences as a Darwin's six-years' work on barnacle beached Beagle, with Captain Darwin in the The sequel, covering Darwin's life of Robert Rhodes James, Henry Wellcome, Robert Rhodes James leaves few avenues available of Wellcome's life, beginning with Burroughs in London. other great acrimonious dispute in Wellcome's Wellcome's later life was taken up almost collecting, nor does Rhodes James, preferring available at available at cache = ./cache/work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm.txt === bib === id = work_xx4lbmv54rbo7evmtfensyqk7e author = K. Halsey title = The Blush of Modesty or the Blush of Shame? Reading Jane Austen's Blushes date = 2006 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7506 sentences = 503 flesch = 73 summary = Mary Wollstonecraft's Female Reader (1789) makes it clear that there is a relationship between blushes and ''mental charms'' when it assures young women that ladies learning Latin arises.21 Conventionally, modesty, innocence and intelligence can thus all be denoted by a blush, which the informed reader will This link between blushing and sexual knowledge, or, more accurately, knowingness, forms another kind of narrative bond between narrator and reader, the about Mr Frank Churchill'', Emma interprets Harriet's blushes as mortification from Mr Dixon), Emma interprets Miss Fairfax's ''blush of consciousness with come out, Mrs Weston, too, can understand Jane's blushes, telling Emma: blush conceals Harriet's liking for Mr Knightley as well as Emma's guilt at being interpretative games with the reader, Austen's use of blushes in Emma teaches us READING JANE AUSTEN'S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN'S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN'S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN'S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN'S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN'S BLUSHES 237 cache = ./cache/work_xx4lbmv54rbo7evmtfensyqk7e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xx4lbmv54rbo7evmtfensyqk7e.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m author = Alison Byerly title = Media date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1868 sentences = 163 flesch = 54 summary = the field of media studies properly begins with the nineteenth century. Theatrical Arts in Nineteenth-Century England, theater was profoundly influenced by visual art and vice versa. Theatrical renderings of famous paintings led to an in-home version of this form of mediation, tableaux vivants, The Victorians also invented entirely new forms of mass media, such Victorian fiction reflects the great interest in emerging technologies Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin popularized the term "remediation" to describe the tendency of new media to reconceptualize and We see this process at work in the Victorian period and beyond, in century obsession with re-presenting Victorian texts and themes in the BBC Sherlock, which takes media technology as a central theme and translates it from the nineteenth century to the present. Nineteenth-Century England (Princeton: Princeton University Press, Nineteenth Century (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001); emerged in the nineteenth century when medical practice became cache = ./cache/work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m.txt === bib === id = work_ikgdewjkvzeh5div47xu3jzlva author = Christiane Dosne Pasqualini title = La gran tradición: Houssay, Braun Menéndez, Leloir, De Robertis, Milstein date = 2011 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3049 sentences = 389 flesch = 71 summary = y Box, y muchas fotografías, que abarcan desde la Ciencia jesuita en el Río de La Plata hasta Los últimos treinta años: el giro hacia los desarrollos tecnológicos todo lo cual proporciona una lectura fácil alguna más estrecha que otra como en el caso de Houssay con quien trabajé un año. Mi primera impresión de Houssay como persona me la proporcionó una carta que me mandó Lewis Reconozco que, desde mi torre de marfil de investigadora, admiraba a Houssay por sus descubrimientos reconocidos en el Premio Nobel, pero al pasar de los años y al leer el libro de Harold Varmus5 (Premio Nobel 1969 y Director de NIH durante la década del 90) y el de Buch6 con enfoques tan diferentes al mío, me llevan a darle a Houssay (y a Varmus) tanta o más importancia por sus logros como cache = ./cache/work_ikgdewjkvzeh5div47xu3jzlva.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ikgdewjkvzeh5div47xu3jzlva.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_3r7s3ff26bb6hp3ymfahpjabyu author = Veerle Van Steenhuyse title = Jane Austen fan fiction and the situated fantext date = 2011 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10314 sentences = 789 flesch = 67 summary = Jane Austen Fan Fiction and the Situated Fantext The Example of Pamela Aidan's Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman Pamela Aidan's Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman is indirectly influenced by Aidan's fan fiction text stays close to the spirit of Austen's Pride interpretive conventions of the Republic of Pemberley, a fan community. Jane Austen has a fan base, and a creative one at that. This certainly holds true for Austen fan fiction. Unlike many canonical texts, moreover, Austen's work community believes those pillars to be, a fan writer's canon comprises stories must refer to a source text to qualify as fan fiction, but they must To satisfy her craving, Aidan started reading fan fiction, which she In essence, Aidan supports everything Austen mentions about Darcy. guidelines ensure that fans respect Jane Austen and her work, its boards Aidan's Darcy is also more Harlequinesque than Austen's, because Austen and Aidan give of Darcy and Elizabeth's meeting at Pemberley: cache = ./cache/work_3r7s3ff26bb6hp3ymfahpjabyu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3r7s3ff26bb6hp3ymfahpjabyu.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e author = Graham Room title = Review Article: Capital in the Twenty-First CenturyPikettyThomas, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge, MA, Belknap/Harvard University Press, 2014, 696 pp., ISBN 9780674430006 date = 2015 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4519 sentences = 260 flesch = 60 summary = Room, G 2015, 'Capital in the twenty-first century', Journal of European Social Policy, vol. CAPITAL, INEQUALITY AND PUBLIC POLICY Review Article: Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Belknap/Harvard Piketty's book warns us that capitalism has an in-built tendency to growing inequality. Nevertheless, Piketty is then at risk of viewing capital and inequality over the succeeding income, capitalism generates unsustainable inequalities that undermine the Century disrupted this stability; now however, with inequalities in capital ownership returning Piketty points to three major changes in our industrial societies, since the start of the 20th is then unsurprising that, as Piketty notes, the super-rich include several different social with inequality of income and of capital. Piketty ends by addressing the implications for public policy, both nationally and focus is on a global tax on capital: this he expects both to limit the growth of inequality and to cache = ./cache/work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq author = Olwen Hufton title = Reviews: Social History, Local History and Historiography, Receptions and Revisitings: Review Articles, 1978–2011, Slavery and the Culture of Taste, Transatlantic Literary Exchanges, 1790–1870: Gender, Race and Nation, the Vulgar Question of Money: Heiresses, Materialism and the Novel of Manners from Jane Austen to Henry James, the Mysteries of the Cities: Urban Crime Fiction in the Nineteenth Century, Translation, Authorship and the Victorian Professional Woman: Charlotte Bronte, Harriet Martineau and George Eliot, the Lost Ireland of Stephen Gwynn: Irish Constitutional Nationalism and Cultural Politics, 1864–1950, Purity and Contamination in Late Victorian Detective Fiction, the Spectre of Utopia: Utopian and Science Fictions at the Fin de Siècle, Middlebrow Literary Cultures, the Masculine Middlebrow, 1880–1950: What Mr Miniver Read, Accented America: The Cultural Politics of Multilingual Modernism, a Sense of Shock: The Impact of Impressionism on Modern British and Irish Writing, Marianne Moore and the Cultures of Modernity, British Social Realism in the Arts since 1940, American Postmodern Fiction and the Past, the Second World War in Contemporary British Fiction: Secret Histories, 9/11 and the Literature of TerrorRichardsonR. C., Social History, Local History and Historiography, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, pp. xi + 245, £34.99.RichardsonR. C., Receptions and Revisitings: Review Articles, 1978–2011, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2011, pp. ix + 155, £33.89.SimonGikandi, Slavery and the Culture of Taste, Princeton University Press, 2011, pp. xviii+366, £30.95.KevinHutchings and WrightJulia M. (eds), Transatlantic Literary Exchanges, 1790–1870: Gender, Race and Nation, Ashgate, 2011, pp. vii + 216, £55.ElsieB. Michie, The Vulgar Question of Money: Heiresses, Materialism and the Novel of Manners from Jane Austen to Henry James, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011, pp. xvi + 303, £36.50.StephenKnight, The Mysteries of the Cities: Urban Crime Fiction in the Nineteenth Century, McFarland, 2012, pp. vii + 227, £34.95.LesaScholl, Translation, Authorship and the Victorian Professional Woman: Charlotte Bronte, Harriet Martineau and George Eliot, Ashgate, 2011, pp. vii + 213, £55.ColinReid, The Lost Ireland of Stephen Gwynn: Irish Constitutional Nationalism and Cultural Politics, 1864–1950, Manchester University Press, 2012, pp. xii + 273, £65.ChristopherPittard, Purity and Contamination in Late Victorian Detective Fiction, Ashgate, 2011, pp. xi + 259, £60.Shpayer-MakovHaia, The Ascent of the Detective: Police Sleuths in Victorian and Edwardian England, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 429, £30.MatthewBeaumont, The Spectre of Utopia: Utopian and Science Fictions at the Fin de Siècle, Peter Lang, 2011, pp. xii + 307, £40.EricaBrown and GroverMary (eds) Middlebrow Literary Cultures, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. xii + 244, £50.KateMacDonald, (ed.) The Masculine Middlebrow, 1880–1950: What Mr Miniver Read, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. x + 228, £50.JoshuaL. Miller, Accented America: The Cultural Politics of Multilingual Modernism, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. xviii+ 414, $24.95.AdamParkes, A Sense of Shock: The Impact of Impressionism on Modern British and Irish Writing, Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. xviii+ 284, £40.VictoriaBazin, Marianne Moore and the Cultures of Modernity, Ashgate, 2010, pp. x +216, £55.00.DavidTucker (ed.), British Social Realism in the Arts since 1940, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. xii + 222, £50.TheophilusSavvas, American Postmodern Fiction and the Past, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, pp. ix+ 213, £50.VictoriaStewart, The Second World War in Contemporary British Fiction: Secret HistoriesEdinburgh University Press, 2011, pp. 184, £60.MartinRandall, 9/11 and the Literature of Terror, Edinburgh University Press, 2011, pp. 173, £65.00 date = 2012 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1171 sentences = 45 flesch = 47 summary = Theophilus Savvas, American Postmodern Fiction and the Past, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), pp. One of the hazards that any writer on the postmodernism of Coover, DeLillo, Pynchon, Vollman and Theophilus Savvas rises in American Postmodernist Fiction and The Past, a work that sets out to Savvas undertakes this feat through five serial close readings of these authors in an of the synchronic relation Savvas juxtaposes the alternating, diachronic, emplotted Nixon narrative. later-revived Pynchonian thematic work on subjunctivity, Savvas remarks on the ways in which "a Further critique could extend into Savvas' treatment of Pynchon's Mason & Dixon, where the The evaluation of Vollman here is not wholly positive as, in Savvas' In this cycle, Savvas begins by exploring the dilemma of the American Left in Reading American Postmodernist Fiction and the Past, one does not get the overwhelming sense of i Shawn Smith, Pynchon and History: Metahistorical Rhetoric and Postmodern Narrative Form in the Novels of cache = ./cache/work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_gtk2rkhdxzhxpgnvhj74stzwqq.txt === bib === id = work_kzluvn7yxneatow25almgmc4fa author = Equipo Editorial title = Información Bibliográfica date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3219 sentences = 721 flesch = 66 summary = de lo que sobre este tema han escrito los capital social, analizando los efectos de este que analizan el capital social en distintos y disminución del capital social puede ser refieren al desarrollo del capital social en Grew analiza los efectos sobre el capital ocupan de la evolución del capital social, de desarrollo del capital social en Asia Estado del bienestar en España y de la política a los fundamentos y a la concepción del fin de la política, pasando por una teoría del fuera de las redes de protección formal del Cecilia Castaño Collado, Juan José Castillo Alonso, María Cátedra Tomás, Rafael Díaz Salazar, incremento de ingresos del 0,17%, mientras que el acercamiento de las bases de cotización a los salarios reales supondría "social" y "estructural", lo que se refleja en la estabilidad de las corrientes migratorias y en su independencia de los cache = ./cache/work_kzluvn7yxneatow25almgmc4fa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kzluvn7yxneatow25almgmc4fa.txt === bib === id = work_2dmweeqtqvfophgsprsdof2qb4 author = Kathleen M. Broughton title = I'll Take My Science Spicy, Please date = 2017 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1360 sentences = 94 flesch = 48 summary = not have a particular research theme rather there are experiences, skills, and training beyond STEM (science, technology, The cultural diversity among scientists is one of the greatest luxuries this field has to offer, and I believe those who embrace and foster these international relationships have more important as personal relationships are to succeed in any career, diverse educational training and skills is another way to © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc. Circulation Research is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.117.310664 From the San Diego State University Heart Institute and the Integrated Regenerative Research Institute, CA. Broughton, PhD, JD, San Diego State University Heart Institute and the Integrated Regenerative Research Institute, 5500 The freedom and creativity offered by conducting scientific research suits my personality as I enjoy the variety of work skills applied as a researcher member's research and professional skills within the scientific community. burden to university researchers, whom utilize government cache = ./cache/work_2dmweeqtqvfophgsprsdof2qb4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2dmweeqtqvfophgsprsdof2qb4.txt === bib === id = work_zlhewp66o5cl3agpi36pspawre author = Allan R. Brick title = Lewes's Review of Wuthering Heights date = 1960 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 544 sentences = 126 flesch = 63 summary = Lewes's Review of Wuthering Heights | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Lewes's Review of Wuthering Heights Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Brick; Lewes's Review of Wuthering Heights. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 March 1960; 14 (4): 355–359. search input search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Lewes's Review of Wuthering Heights' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Lewes's Review of Wuthering Heights Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_zlhewp66o5cl3agpi36pspawre.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zlhewp66o5cl3agpi36pspawre.txt === bib === id = work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq author = William S. Ward title = Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen date = 1972 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 737 sentences = 152 flesch = 63 summary = Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Tools Icon Search Site Ward; Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen. C. Southam's Jane Austen: The Critical Heritage (London, 1968)Southam Jane Austen: The Critical Heritage Jane Austen: A Bibliography Chapman, Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography (Oxford, 1953)Chapman Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography Duffy, Jr., "Jane Austen and the Nineteenth-Century Critics of Fiction, 1812-1913," Diss. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen Citing articles via Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Journal Authors cache = ./cache/work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.txt === bib === id = work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4 author = J R Butler title = Home from home date = 1979 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 24 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. 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Harmer title = Staging of Breast Cancer date = 1964 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220375895 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_fwdtkmce3fh3xjnpw5u2fujhb4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fwdtkmce3fh3xjnpw5u2fujhb4.txt === bib === id = work_cszmxehhcvgitjzltbylyjgb7m author = Katherine M. Johnson title = Rethinking (re)doing: historical re-enactment and/as historiography date = 2015 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6795 sentences = 469 flesch = 56 summary = Despite academic protestations, re-enactment is a highly popular mode of public history, not Keywords: re-enactment, living history, historiography, affective history, embodied, the experiential nature of living history, a quality, they suggest, that archival study lacks. the actual performing of history in western culture, particularly within live performance bonnet) and I are talking about re-enactment as a way of learning about history. pushed us toward considering the significance of material culture to history; the way it notions to re-enactment, performing past cultures (by which I mean both the physical on this notion to suggest that historical research can reanimate past bodies whose traces class of) female bodies of the Regency past; of the way they were presented, how their post-phenomenological dance theory, embodied knowledge can generate cultural insight. practice of re-enactment and their profession in academic history. "History's Affective Turn: Historical Reenactment and its Work in Embodiment of Dance' in Cultural Bodies. cache = ./cache/work_cszmxehhcvgitjzltbylyjgb7m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cszmxehhcvgitjzltbylyjgb7m.txt === bib === id = work_pzfcyfywvveohca2aoddc623na author = J. T. M. Miller title = On the individuation of words date = 2019 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3948 sentences = 257 flesch = 70 summary = is, we need to provide criteria of identity for word-types which allow us to fails to account for our intuitions about word identity, or is too vague to be a plausible word-types to be eternal abstract entities (Katz 1981, Wetzel 2009); and views that take focus in this paper is on solutions to the problem of individuating word-types, and thus, unless specified, in the rest of this paper the term 'word' will refer to types, not instances. However, read this way, History* means that words are, in fact, almost never identical. history of the words that I am producing instances of right now is different from those to history, but is common to many of the proposals for word individuation. That is, if history already includes facts about all uses of a word in the used now are the same word as history includes relevant facts about future uses. cache = ./cache/work_pzfcyfywvveohca2aoddc623na.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pzfcyfywvveohca2aoddc623na.txt === bib === id = work_jlm7lv6pkjbuvb47uvcun7j7wm author = W Gooddy title = Brain failure in private and public life: a review date = 1994 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3769 sentences = 480 flesch = 78 summary = comatose (perhaps for ever, until our machinery for preserving the brain-stem is disconnected, or clinical starvation puts an end to on the subject of brain failure, the first being medical fates, brain failure. and although they may grow wiser with experience up to a great age, the time must inexorably come when powers of intellect, and brain failure is detected but is concealed equal age for retirement for men and women a Master in Lunacy with brain failure would On the matter of categories of brain failure, Again, there is no time for detailed discussion of diagnosis and management of brain Brain failure in private and public life: a review Brain failure in private and public life: a review brain failure in high places, in public rather as reasonable a general retiring age of 65, even also brain failure at 50? Fanny Burney on Samuel Johnson's tics and cache = ./cache/work_jlm7lv6pkjbuvb47uvcun7j7wm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jlm7lv6pkjbuvb47uvcun7j7wm.txt === bib === id = work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy author = Andrew Bush title = Thorax: the Cappuccino years date = 2012 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5128 sentences = 736 flesch = 70 summary = we debated the hot topic of whether continuous or intermittent inhaled corticosteroids were correct for children with which are becoming of increasing importance in adult practice; a randomised controlled trial of oral antibiotics in chronic preterm birth and intensive neonatal interventions have long term respiratory morbidity and premature airflow obstruction. lung cancer, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and obstructive lung disease. New and existing measures of obstructive lung disease have been discussed in a treatments for obstructive lung disease severe COPD lung attacks and mortality in digested by all clinicians and health economists interested in chronic lung disease. obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in young children with cystic fibrosis assessed lung cancer brings forward early disease. randomised Danish Lung Cancer Screening Trial: lung cancer symptoms and risk factors in the U.K.: results from the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease chronic obstructive lung disease with underlying cache = ./cache/work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy.txt === bib === id = work_cdgyfdagfrbirca4v777qwbixy author = Hélène Dachez title = Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L'Engagement dans les romans féminins de la Grande-Bretagne des xviiie et xixe siècles date = 2013 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2218 sentences = 321 flesch = 68 summary = dans les romans féminins de la Grande-Bretagne des Hélène Dachez, « Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L'Engagement dans les romans féminins de la L'Engagement dans les romans féminins Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L'Engagement dans les romans féminins de la GrandeBretagne des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles (Coll. patriarcal, bien que questionné, est finalement aussi présent dans les roman d'auteurs s'engager et de faire entendre sa voix de femme dans une société qui fait la part belle Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L'Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L'Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L'Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L'Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L'Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L'Engagement dans les romans féminins de la Grande-Bretagne des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles cache = ./cache/work_cdgyfdagfrbirca4v777qwbixy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cdgyfdagfrbirca4v777qwbixy.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_eivylmgy4nattj3heys43mbn3e author = R Higgs title = Do studies of the nature of cases mislead about the reality of cases? A response to Pattison et al date = 1999 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3914 sentences = 554 flesch = 83 summary = Discussion of cases is a key part of teaching and al believe they see in the format of ethics cases a Pattison's article suggests the background to such bias, and offers a way to approach textbooks of medical ethics quote cases to Journal of Medical Ethics has published cases as Case conferences and At the coalface: medical ethics in presented personally in case discussions by a participant asked to offer material for discussion, worry about medical ethics cases presented like allow cases to come to light and be discussed, we one writes up medical cases like that". not usually present cases because they want to moral at our peril, so in ethics discussion groups 50 Teaching medical ethics: Do studies of the nature of cases mislead about the reality of cases? 50 Teaching medical ethics: Do studies of the nature of cases mislead about the reality of cases? In that case: medical ethics in everyday cache = ./cache/work_eivylmgy4nattj3heys43mbn3e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_eivylmgy4nattj3heys43mbn3e.txt === bib === id = work_25ivph6guvdtxi4jly5qjxutdy author = Melissa Dearey title = 'Betty Friedan: A Tribute' date = 2006 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4152 sentences = 218 flesch = 51 summary = out, the significance of Friedan's work is born out by the fact that, on re-reading The Feminine Mystique, it the symbolic representations of women's life narratives in post-War American society. social scientific study based substantially on auto/biographical data, The Feminine Mystique has from the work of women's life writing, its residual meaning as a canonical feminist text is less easily dismissed. Like other auto/biographical texts of its type, The Feminine Mystique uses innovative practices of life suggest that The Feminine Mystique did change women's lives, and on a massive scale—this book sold Feminine Mystique as a radical work of feminist thought, while Friedan's biographer Judith Hennessee the contribution of Friedan's writings to the continuing work of feminist research. women writers like Betty Friedan in light of contemporary values. FRIEDAN, Betty [1963] (1992) The Feminine Mystique. FRIEDAN, Betty (2000) Life So Far. New York and London: Simon & Schuster cache = ./cache/work_25ivph6guvdtxi4jly5qjxutdy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_25ivph6guvdtxi4jly5qjxutdy.txt === bib === id = work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i author = Ann R. Dryland title = The cultural background of prospective teachers in further education date = 1963 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3012 sentences = 398 flesch = 84 summary = stage, Actors (and actresses) on the films, Chefs, Composers, Dress Designers, Painters, Philosophers, Playwrights, Poets, Scientists, Sculptors, Singers, Statesmen, Travellers. music in that each was now represented by three categories (novelists, playwrights, poets; composers, instrumentalists, singers, respectively). exception o f teachers o f building, all the major subject groups in further education were represented in the sample, in the following proportions: engineering As in Anstey, Dowse and Duguid's test, scoring was objective, but a discrimination factor over and above chance was present (e.g. David Ricardo, the Acton, the historian, figured in the second test, Lord Anson, the traveller, in the Loren, were correctly identified by 100 per cent of the sample. The names receiving the lowest correct scores are given in Table 2. 20 per cent, and, although the average for the category o f Philosophers was Although 63 per cent o f the sample put him in the intended category, cache = ./cache/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.txt === bib === id = work_s7rgc5itrjgwdola7skz5cxvwe author = M Campbell title = Hugh Barber date = 1970 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1082 sentences = 195 flesch = 87 summary = 92, had been a distinguished physician at Derby for sixty years. Guy's in the last years of the nineteenth century when Henry Howse, who had journeyed came of a Quaker family with long medical appointments was chosen as Medical Registrar for I903-06, days when there were only Barber played cricket and football for Guy's Two years after going to Derby, he became physician to the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary. College of Physicians in I926 and was made a He founded the East Midlands Society of Physicians in 1943, the first of Barber's most important work was as a physician because, in addition to his extensive meetings during the next fifteen years. gave me his 1959 book The Rewards of Medicine and Other Essays, many of which had appeared in the Guy's Hospital Gazette. Darwin, who had practised at Derby more a physician trained in observational medicine M.L. writes: 'Medical Derby was shaped cache = ./cache/work_s7rgc5itrjgwdola7skz5cxvwe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_s7rgc5itrjgwdola7skz5cxvwe.txt === bib === id = work_mrr7htttebbsjgxre544okindq author = Peter Tyrer title = From the Editor's desk date = 2007 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1968 sentences = 146 flesch = 68 summary = 49) this month, whichour supplement (no. the debate that is going on at present in thethe debate that is going on at present in the about the value of the post-traumatic stressabout the value of the post-traumatic stress depression if Raikkonendepression if Räikkönen et alet al's findings's findings Samuel Gaskell's legacy to the College withSamuel Gaskell's legacy to the College with Samuel Gaskell of Warrington,goodbye. Samuel Gaskell of Warrington, patients accompanying on the violin (Free-patients accompanying on the violin (Freeman & Tantam, 1991), is best known forman & Tantam, 1991), is best known for close and the new title RCPsych Publica-close and the new title RCPsych Publications has replaced it. (1991) Samuel Gaskell.Samuel Gaskell. treatment for combat-related post-traumatic stresstreatment for combat-related post-traumatic stress F. M., et alet al F. M., et alet al F. M., et alet al (2005)(2005) Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder afterSymptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder after cache = ./cache/work_mrr7htttebbsjgxre544okindq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mrr7htttebbsjgxre544okindq.txt === bib === id = work_rec24n4ilrbfvlp5iirozr6skq author = Eileen Pollard title = "Trust me, I'm telling you my life story": Queer Return in the memoirs of Jeanette Winterson and Jackie Kay date = 2012 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3986 sentences = 306 flesch = 66 summary = Title "Trust me, I'm telling you my life story": Queer Return in the memoirs of memoirs of Jeanette Winterson and Jackie Kay This essay will consider the notion of 'queer return' through examining the experience of adoption in Jeanette Winterson's Why be happy when you could be normal (2011) and Jackie Kay's Red Dust I refer, in particular, to the memoirs of Jackie Kay, Red Dust offer a decentred reading of the queer narratives of these memoirs (Derrida, "Ellipsis" 371-378). For example, Winterson's memoir states explicitly that 1985, the year Oranges came out, "wasn't the think that truth, origin and narrative in recent memoirs, especially those repeating earlier fictions, tone) of Kay's earlier work surface again in Red Dust Road. Road, concerning the past of Kay's adoptive parents, works to clarify this sensation of instability: account and chronology, Winterson's memoir is much more linear than Red Dust Road. cache = ./cache/work_rec24n4ilrbfvlp5iirozr6skq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rec24n4ilrbfvlp5iirozr6skq.txt === bib === id = work_swrphvdzobhttk7rxetc4p6ao4 author = Paul A Samuelson title = Credo of a Lucky Textbook Author date = 1997 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4092 sentences = 315 flesch = 69 summary = When I read Mark Skousen's account of how macroeconomics and public policy discussions evolved in the successive editions of Samuelson's Competent scholars in macroeconomics will understand the neoclassical deductive reasonings and the economic-historical facts that can bring back into relevance the paradox of thrift that my critic scorns. He began before World War II to write an elementary text; on returning from the war, he finished The Elements of Economics at Stanford, and I would have stuck to my mathematical-economics knitting if the Tarshis text had textbooks became available, the economics courses at most universities shot toward Somewhere along the line the no-longer-young Rose became possessed of economic truth and proclaimed that it was not to be found in the dangerous Tarshis Samuelson Paul A., Foundations of Economic Samuelson, Paul A., Economics. Tarshis, Lorie, The Elements of Economics. cache = ./cache/work_swrphvdzobhttk7rxetc4p6ao4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_swrphvdzobhttk7rxetc4p6ao4.txt === bib === id = work_ss73xqtd6nb4tou5nrp4oue5cy author = Natasha Duquette title = The "New-Formed Leaves" of Juvenilia Press date = 2011 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 454 sentences = 51 flesch = 50 summary = Publishing at the University of Alberta Library The University of Alberta Library is an important stakeholder for scholarly publishing in Canada. Currently, we partner with Canadian organizations and individuals to publish fully open access scholarly journals, and with University of Alberta community members to publish open course textbooks. The University of Alberta Library provides significant support to over 60 Canadian open access journals through our no-fee publishing program. All journals partnering with the Library in this program operate under a "Diamond Open Access" model and do not charge fees to authors. Open Textbook Publishing Open Education Alberta provides no-fee publishing services for open textbooks and other open educational resources. Contact to see if our service is the right match for your learning materials. Browse the list of Open Textbooks published by Open Education Alberta Head, Library Publishing and Digital Production Services cache = ./cache/work_ss73xqtd6nb4tou5nrp4oue5cy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ss73xqtd6nb4tou5nrp4oue5cy.txt === bib === id = work_hycxgktvrvenvcfgptzsudhvpa author = Jane Hurst title = Communicating through scents: an interview with Jane Hurst date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2247 sentences = 180 flesch = 58 summary = Communicating through scents: an interview with Jane Hurst similarity, or have animals evolved specific scent components that signal individual identity and kinship? major differences between males and females in scent Also, most studies have focused on the volatile components of scents, but we now understand that involatile few seconds of contact with a male's urine stimulated females to learn a strong attraction to airborne odour Our darcin studies have been particularly inspiring from learned behaviour and show how pheromones and signatures of identity in scents work in concert. why they were so anxious and, much to my surprise, I discovered that it is because of the standard way that laboratory mice are handled. that mice handled that way can be significantly more reliable in behavioural testing [8]. non-aversive handling methods for normal mouse husbandry and during experiments (see https://www.nc3rs.orbehavioural ecology of wild house mice for my PhD Darcin: a male pheromone that stimulates cache = ./cache/work_hycxgktvrvenvcfgptzsudhvpa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hycxgktvrvenvcfgptzsudhvpa.txt === bib === id = work_5spfukfqmjhipizmwz3ua3pk5e author = James Hirsh title = Attributing A Funeral Elegy date = 1997 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1706 sentences = 99 flesch = 71 summary = Shakespeare's Sonnets that differ from Foster's estimates neral Elegy belongs hereafter with Shakespeare's poems may have written the poem" (Elegy by W. evidence against its attribution to Shakespeare. believe that the author of A Funeral Elegy was Elizabeth Cary rather than Shakespeare. The subject of the Elegy, William Peter, was born in in 1608, the year before Peter left Oxfordshire and Cary After noting the grief felt by Peter's friends, the Elegy If Cary was the author of the Elegy, why did she not poem was written by Shakespeare. exhibited in the Elegy are similar to those evident in Ma­ the Elegy and Shakespeare's works. have read is Elizabeth Cary's Tragedy of Mariam. and Shakespeare's works may have arisen because Cary encountered Shakespeare's published works than that Shakespeare had access to Cary's as-yet-unpublished Why does Foster not present an argument that Cary Hirsh imagines Cary and William Peter becoming close cache = ./cache/work_5spfukfqmjhipizmwz3ua3pk5e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5spfukfqmjhipizmwz3ua3pk5e.txt === bib === id = work_pzk7agr5a5gdxdb6zsjxixciwe author = N. Campbell title = An Object of Interest: Observing Elizabeth in Andrew Davies' Pride and Prejudice date = 2009 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 11 sentences = 2 flesch = 32 summary = cache = ./cache/work_pzk7agr5a5gdxdb6zsjxixciwe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pzk7agr5a5gdxdb6zsjxixciwe.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq author = Jessica Olliver title = "And I will, henceforward, be a father to him": Fathers and Sons in Elizabeth Inchbald's A Simple Story date = 2008 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3754 sentences = 243 flesch = 63 summary = management."7 In the novel, the father-son relationship becomes synonymous with that of the mentor-protégé. shows readers how Dorriforth's relationship with Sandford emphasizes another version of the family within the novel. this passage, the narrator also informs us that Lord Elmwood's emotions towards Sandford are those of a son for a father. be a father to him." Lord Elmwood's relationship with Miss Milner In the second part of the novel, the Lord Elmwood-Rushbrook father-son plot, along with the parallel narrative of Lord Elmwood and of the father-son dynamic between Lord Elmwood and Mr. Rushbrook, Lord Elmwood and Rushbrook in the latter half of A Simple Story can be central to the father-son relationship, since Lord Elmwood views his The father-son or mentor-protégé relationship between Sandford and Lord Elmwood has been completely Ultimately, Sandford reestablishes himself as a father figure to Rushbrook, even though it is a submissive one to that with Lord Elmwood. cache = ./cache/work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq.txt === bib === id = work_xtgm4qelrvamrjyro6zokd4yvi author = Janice Schroeder title = Convict Voices: Women, Class, and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England by Anne Schwan date = 2016 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1398 sentences = 81 flesch = 57 summary = Convict Voices: Women, Class, and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England by Anne Schwan (review) Convict Voices: Women, Class, and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England by Anne Schwan (review) Convict Voices: Women, Class, and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England for the "complicated cultural work" (6) of the group of texts she investigates. chapbooks to two mid-Victorian novels featuring working-class criminalized of these novels, I appreciate Schwan's methodology of reading fictionalized strongest illustration of this is chapter 2, which investigates the prison narratives of popular novelist Frederick William Robinson, who published under the anonym "A Prison Matron." Schwan calls his group of 1860s texts on readings of Victorian penal culture—often grounded entirely in discussions Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel valuable contribution to Victorian medical humanities, Erika Wright's Reading approach through readings of early nineteenth-century medical texts that Reading for Health shows us these narrative patterns with a clarity that makes cache = ./cache/work_xtgm4qelrvamrjyro6zokd4yvi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xtgm4qelrvamrjyro6zokd4yvi.txt === bib === id = work_35hccofexfcuxdssza4gusq7bu author = Constance B. Hieatt title = Reinventing Retirement date = 2004 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 436 sentences = 25 flesch = 69 summary = PMLA invites members of the association to submit letters, printed and double-spaced, that comment on articles in contributions and offers the PMLA authors discussed in published letters an PMLA Forum, Modern Language Association, 26 Broadway, 3rd floor, New Pope, who was nearing ninety when those of us attending the Medieval Academy meeting agreed that his latest article on an Old English poem was the Dean, whose prizewinning masterwork, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, was published about three years before she died, at the age of one hundred. I cannot compare myself with such examples, but at least I have completed (and published) four books since my retirement, and I have finished on editing and working with medieval culinary records rather than literature Almost all my published articles in recent years have been on culinary matters, but I made a start on this twenty-five years ago, and cache = ./cache/work_35hccofexfcuxdssza4gusq7bu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_35hccofexfcuxdssza4gusq7bu.txt === bib === id = work_fpj6tlkmjrf5plxuatjjlb5umy author = Joel Faflak title = Introduction: Deviance and Defiance date = 2006 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3539 sentences = 370 flesch = 61 summary = was "Deviance and Defiance," to underscore the fact that in recent years the interrelation of Gothic and Romantic studies has emerged as a central topic of scholarly study. authors who articulate the epoch-making intersection of Gothic and Romantic literatures in the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. convergence of the Gothic and the Romantic produced historical forces whose cultural recently been contracted by Longman to prepare a critical edition of Matthew Lewis's Gothic novel, The Monk, to Romantic studies has enlarged its critical and disciplinary boundaries by re-internalizing the gothic as one of its most significant origins. comprised a semi-autonomous field for historical and cultural inquiry within Romantic Studies. By now, one could argue, study of the Gothic in the Romantic period is an Both essays also point to a concern with ethical practice in recent Romantic criticism still-profound critical and academic influence of Romantic and Gothic Studies in the cache = ./cache/work_fpj6tlkmjrf5plxuatjjlb5umy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_fpj6tlkmjrf5plxuatjjlb5umy.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_o3optqwjcndczogifcfltzvjz4 author = Iain Bamforth title = The Crossing Fee: Iain Bamforth date = 2013 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1671 sentences = 121 flesch = 74 summary = The Crossing Fee: Iain Bamforth with the World Health Organization, history of modern medicine, a book of has published five collections of poetry: A Place in the World (2005), and, most Wanam, Papua, April 2007. School of English, University of St Andrews, British Journal of General Practice, April 2013 207 British Journal of General Practice, April 2013 207 after publishing it, Hendrik Marsman commissioned by the Written World Project great art, and we recognise in the shared window is the room where Jane Austen family of our friends who had been involved Like many who went straight into medicine were supposed to read but never did. and that 'supposed' is not a good way to of a year of music with the Open University, Abbey, the first of Jane's completed books, Jane Austen's House Museum has College, and this Journal, have been big on Shared humanity: a Jane Austen bicentenary cache = ./cache/work_o3optqwjcndczogifcfltzvjz4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o3optqwjcndczogifcfltzvjz4.txt === bib === id = work_2liwaoubrrcojf46moy6wd247q author = Laurence Talairach-Vielmas title = Dale Townshend, Angela Wright (eds), Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic date = 2015 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1751 sentences = 88 flesch = 52 summary = Dale Townshend, Angela Wright (eds), Ann Radcliffe, Laurence Talairach-Vielmas, "Dale Townshend, Angela Wright (eds), Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic, edited by Dale Towshend and Angela Wright, freshly re-examines Radcliffe's Wright, looks at the critical reception of Radcliffe's fiction from her first novels to her Jacobs's chapter which nonetheless explains how the Romantic literary culture may way in which the Gothic conventions that arguably originated in Radcliffe's novel connections between the Gothic and Romanticism so as to show how Radcliffe's fiction Keywords: Ann Radcliffe, the Gothic, romanticism Dale Townshend, Angela Wright (eds), Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic Dale Townshend, Angela Wright (eds), Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic Dale Townshend, Angela Wright (eds), Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic Dale Townshend, Angela Wright (eds), Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic Dale Townshend, Angela Wright (eds), Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic Dale Townshend, Angela Wright (eds), Ann Radcliffe, Romanticism and the Gothic cache = ./cache/work_2liwaoubrrcojf46moy6wd247q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2liwaoubrrcojf46moy6wd247q.txt === bib === id = work_uz5h3djxcngvfppzhee4vnt2yq author = Robert Falk title = Recent Books: American Fiction date = 1973 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 540 sentences = 127 flesch = 61 summary = Recent Books: American Fiction | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Recent Books: American Fiction Search for other works by this author on: Nineteenth-Century Fiction (1973) 27 (4): 497–502. Nineteenth-Century Fiction (1973) 27 (4): 497–502. Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Robert Falk; Recent Books: American Fiction. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 March 1973; 27 (4): 497–502. This content is only available via PDF. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Recent Books: American Fiction' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Recent Books: American Fiction Citing articles via Recent Books Received Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Recent Content Recent Content Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_uz5h3djxcngvfppzhee4vnt2yq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uz5h3djxcngvfppzhee4vnt2yq.txt === bib === id = work_jbi72nvtxfhfzgftrzwg4emkpq author = Luigi Catalani title = Sapere digitale e pensiero critico. Intorno al convegno "Noetica versus Informatica: le nuove strutture della comunicazione scientifica" (Roma, 19-20 novembre 2013) date = 2015 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4248 sentences = 765 flesch = 63 summary = dell'informazione, data scientists e gestori della conoscenza dell'informazione, che la rivoluzione informatica (battezzata dal basata sulla centralità della mente, che in realtà oggi, come si è visto, Una critica agli sviluppi recenti della net society che nel contributo di deriva una concezione dell'informazione intesa come potenziale aperto alla conoscenza scientifica, ossia del la libera circolazione dei vero, come ha ricordato Alfredo Serrai, che la conoscenza è l'ideale della biblioteca come luogo di conservazi one del sapere l'adozione della tecnologia dei linked data, che consente anche ai delle nuove tecnologie non ha fatto altro che amplificare i nod i A chi, come David W einberger (2011), crede che la conoscenza non e alla disseminazione della conoscenza registrata, e che contempla stato attuale non può fare a meno del lavoro intellettuale dell'essere La conoscenza come proprietà della rete. Intorno al convegno "Noetica versus Informatica: le nuove strutture della comunicazione scientifica" (Roma, 19-20 novembre 2013) cache = ./cache/work_jbi72nvtxfhfzgftrzwg4emkpq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jbi72nvtxfhfzgftrzwg4emkpq.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y author = Judith Anderson title = The concept and presentation of love in Jane Austen date = 1970 pages = 91 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 34389 sentences = 6012 flesch = 95 summary = regards Marianne Dashwood as Jane Austen's only passionate heroine. Jane Austen saw love as a marriage and Marjory Bald, sees no passion at a l l i n Jane Austen's novels. f a i l u r e to understand, Jane Austen's concept and presentation of love. B. Stern, sees Marianne Dashwood as Jane Austen's In order to understand Jane Austen's concept of love, the reader Marianne i s the only heroine i n Jane Austen's novels who i s "convincingly emotional found anywhere i n Jane Austen's novels, but Marianne Robert L i d d e l l , The Novels of Jane Austen, London, Longmans, "testing" i s good, as i t conveys Jane Austen's conviction that love Jane Austen disapproved of Darcy for his very great "personal commitment" to Elizabeth, which led him to involve himself i n her family's Jane Austen's attitude toward the passion of love, most cache = ./cache/work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y.txt === bib === id = work_edufvcpngjcr5o7kdvcszxk2xe author = Beau Riffenburgh title = To the Arctic by canoe 1819–1821: the journal and paintings of Robert Hood, midshipman with Franklin. C. Stuart Houston (Editor). 1995. Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill–Queen's University Press, xxxvi + 217 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-7735-1222-5. $13.95.ARCTIC ORDEAL: THE JOURNAL OF JOHN RICHARDSON, SURGEON–NATURALIST WITH FRANKLIN, 1820–1822. C. Stuart Houston (Editor). 1995. Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill–Queen's University Press, xxxiv + 349 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-7735-1223-3. $13.95 date = 1997 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1953 sentences = 123 flesch = 62 summary = detailed study of North Atlantic exploration by the Norse, universally acknowledged that anyone writing a book consistent editing, a better book could have been produced, which might have served the needs both of specialists and of the more general reader. McGill-Queen's University Press, xxxvi + 217 p, illustrated, soft cover. ARCTIC ORDEAL: THE JOURNAL OF JOHN Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGillQueen's University Press, xxxiv + 349 p, illustrated, soft Expedition of 1819-1822, under the command of Lieutenant John Franklin. of the century: Franklin, John Richardson, and George was further increased in significance with the recent publication of Franklin's own official journals and correspondence (Davis 1995), an effort that expanded and almost in sync with Davis' Franklin opus, these two books To the Arctic by canoe records the journal entries of Arctic ordeal — presenting the journal of Richardson, Richardson's journals and his official report, Houston has Sir John Franklin's journals and cache = ./cache/work_edufvcpngjcr5o7kdvcszxk2xe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_edufvcpngjcr5o7kdvcszxk2xe.txt === bib === id = work_pdbxh47fubd4xny6e6fuuzzsru author = A. Steptoe title = John Moore: eighteenth century physician, bearleader and social observer date = 2005 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220378796 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_pdbxh47fubd4xny6e6fuuzzsru.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pdbxh47fubd4xny6e6fuuzzsru.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_7a5oglvb7zeuvo3ub2vdhx5t5i author = H. C. Bolton title = On the comparison of literary and scientific styles: the letters and articles of Max Born, F. R. S date = 1995 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 883 sentences = 171 flesch = 65 summary = R. S | Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username Royal Society Open Science Quick Search anywhereEnter words, phrases, DOI, keywords, authors, etc... Quick Search in JournalsEnter words, phrases, DOI, keywords, authors, etc... Published:01 July 1995 Please contact the Royal Society if you find an error you would like to see corrected. Sign in for Fellows of the Royal Society Please access the online journals via the Fellows' Room Username or email Add to cart Article Information DOI: Scanned images copyright © 2017, Royal Society ROYAL SOCIETY PUBLISHING ROYAL SOCIETY PUBLISHING THE ROYAL SOCIETY Copyright © 2021 The Royal Society cache = ./cache/work_7a5oglvb7zeuvo3ub2vdhx5t5i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7a5oglvb7zeuvo3ub2vdhx5t5i.txt === bib === id = work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je author = Richard C. Davis title = A death on the barrens. George James Grinnell. 1996. Toronto: Northern Books, vi + 333 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-96804040-3. $Can25.00 date = 1997 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2005 sentences = 121 flesch = 63 summary = Falk clearly knows this literature well and gives the impression of having read a good proportion of it. Falk's book is informed by its compiler's familiarity with both state and literature developed during many book thus is itself an instructive illustration of the continuing need for the bibliographer's art. George James Grinnell's book is surely one of the most establishes between author and reader, Grinnell's book experience of wilderness travel that I have ever read. book explores the politics of leadership, an issue made As I read A death on the barrens, I was excited by is an exploration of the human response to authority and Thus, I began reading/1 death on the barrens with great from starvation, as the earlier passages of the book foreshadow), and sadly, decades later, Grinnell lost his sons in The author has tackled difficult questions detailed study of North Atlantic exploration by the Norse, universally acknowledged that anyone writing a book cache = ./cache/work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je.pdf txt = ./txt/work_apxps5ngo5fv5bfub7336lb3je.txt === bib === id = work_shmgc735qnfw3haeapt7wbeore author = Virginie Pfeiffer title = Viviana Gaballo, English in Translation Studies: Methodological Perspectives date = 2018 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2966 sentences = 425 flesch = 64 summary = Virginie Pfeiffer, « Viviana GABALLO, English in Translation Studies: Methodological Perspectives », Lexis [En 5 Dans sa troisième partie, l'auteur étudie les programmes de formation des traducteurs traduction dans lesquels l'aspect linguistique est primordial tels que : analyse de texte, 6 L'auteur conclut son article en précisant que l'enseignement de l'anglais dans les l'enseignement de la traduction dans l'apprentissage des langues étrangères, faire Elle rappelle que traducteur n'est pas seulement quelqu'un qui maîtrise la langue cible 11 L'auteur conclut son article en rappelant l'importance d'intégrer la traduction dans manière d'inclure des cours de traduction dans leur programme d'enseignement de avec des étudiants qui parlent la/les même(s) langue(s), expliquer l'importance de la corrects dans la langue cible mais qu'une fois comparés aux textes sources, les de son article est de montrer que le traducteur littéraire doit être conscient des effets sur la place qu'occupe l'anglais dans les études de traduction. cache = ./cache/work_shmgc735qnfw3haeapt7wbeore.pdf txt = ./txt/work_shmgc735qnfw3haeapt7wbeore.txt === bib === id = work_6ue4mfryzrh4rmhxlz3b6aklku author = John Salinsky title = A patient's diary: episode 14 — Dr Teacher's dream date = 2008 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2112 sentences = 118 flesch = 69 summary = Sally Greengage, good-looking, clever middle years called Norman Gland. years he had fretted over the condition of his leeches had many times been applied in vain favourite apothecary, Mr Teacher, who So it was that Mr Teacher and Miss new carriage along the country lane which Teacher,' said Sally, 'do not you think that sheltered the home of Mr and Mrs Gland. talking too much, dear Miss Greengage?' to the effect that Mrs Gland's volubility was the dressing room, where Mr Gland lay 'It is good to see you, Teacher,' said the see Mrs Gland has thoughtfully placed on Jackson's excellent Allergy: the history of For the blimps, allergy meant simply hay Allergy: the history of a modern may recollect, Sally,' he said, turning to his did not.' 'I meant to read it' said Sally. Mr Gland and that a good result might be a word of thanks to Mrs Gland for the apple cache = ./cache/work_6ue4mfryzrh4rmhxlz3b6aklku.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6ue4mfryzrh4rmhxlz3b6aklku.txt === bib === id = work_2wybjbkfxbbazoyxp3jua32qcq author = Shashi Deshpande title = A writer′s look at literature, fiction and mental health date = 2012 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 28 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220380583 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:18 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_2wybjbkfxbbazoyxp3jua32qcq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2wybjbkfxbbazoyxp3jua32qcq.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_wu6ouh3xm5bjxpsnp6belvrdsi author = Kristine Larsen title = Hobbits, Hogwarts, and the Heavens: The use of fantasy literature and film in astronomy outreach and education date = 2009 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2679 sentences = 163 flesch = 58 summary = Due in part to recent (and ongoing) film adaptations, the fantasy series of C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia), J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), Philip Pullman (His Dark Materials), and J.R.R. Tolkien (The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings) are uses of these works in astronomy education and outreach. series –those of C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia), J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), astronomical references in Tolkien's works can be found in Quiñonez & Raggett (1990) No recent fantasy series has sold as many copies as those of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter universe (or 'Potterverse'). assignment can be found at 1.htm. While astronomy education certainly affords opportunities for the creative use of fantasy literature and film, outreach activities are more flexible in terms of time, content, on astronomical themes and characters in the series ( each of the relevant constellations and stars (e.g. cache = ./cache/work_wu6ouh3xm5bjxpsnp6belvrdsi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wu6ouh3xm5bjxpsnp6belvrdsi.txt === bib === id = work_tqralrsdgzcahlkz25xvsyxgly author = Kamilla Elliott title = The celebrity of anonymity and the anonymity of celebrity: picture identification and nineteenth-century British authorship date = 2016 pages = 31 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8700 sentences = 667 flesch = 62 summary = picture identification and nineteenth-century British authorship forms of picture identification (portraits, cartes de vistes, and early cinema) identity cards, and driving licenses, in the nineteenth century, named portraits were century, named pictures generated aesthetic, moral, and biographical discourses that anonymous actors portrayed dead celebrity authors in motion pictures. that nineteenth-century authors often published anonymously and that consumers noun 'author' was frequently identified by the proper names of book titles (for literary celebrity is his distinction between the author function from the biographical Scott's death further allowed him to be picture identified as the author of his This picture identification did more than reveal this author's proper name; it portraits of female authors did not always bear their proper names. The picture identification of living women authors within the pages of their end of the century, portraits of authors were common in works of fiction regardless of cache = ./cache/work_tqralrsdgzcahlkz25xvsyxgly.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tqralrsdgzcahlkz25xvsyxgly.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_5vaet6ig6bcgtlaxxcbf7crc6a author = Corinna Coors title = Image Rights: Exploitation and Legal Control in English and Hungarian Law date = 2016 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8319 sentences = 642 flesch = 66 summary = third party in the context of publicity or personality rights, English law provides no cause of action for the Image rights under Hungarian law form part of a much broader concept of personality affected person to authorise exposure of the image or recording to the public.47 Case law individual has a legal right to informational privacy – the protection of personal or private individual has a legal right to informational privacy – the protection of personal or private 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW cache = ./cache/work_5vaet6ig6bcgtlaxxcbf7crc6a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5vaet6ig6bcgtlaxxcbf7crc6a.txt === bib === id = work_dmrl45ttdfaxvm7izucfs7w36y author = Peter Sabor title = The Rediscovery of Frances Burney's Plays date = 1994 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5818 sentences = 368 flesch = 68 summary = comedy, but Burney still intended to see the play on stage. Burney against production of the play, thus acting as 'a judicious, critics with first-hand knowledge of a Burney play. manuscript, the first printing of at least part of any Burney play, and Burney's comedies, A Busy Day and The Woman-Hater, and three of her Three of the critical studies make strong claims for Burney's plays. dramatists.36 Another doctoral dissertation has furnished the first fulllength critical study of Burney's plays.37 And my own collected edition of the plays makes all of Burney's comedies and tragedies readily available for the first time.38 This edition will enable critics to give Burney's and only the second production of any Burney play. 1 The Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney (Madame d'Arblay), 1791-1840, ed. 13 August 1779; The Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, ed. 38 The Complete Plays of Frances Burney, ed. cache = ./cache/work_dmrl45ttdfaxvm7izucfs7w36y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dmrl45ttdfaxvm7izucfs7w36y.txt === bib === id = work_d4mbquhhxfaevcsfsvfcar6jlu author = S. Alexander title = Drug Rash after Triprolidine date = 1964 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220378591 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_d4mbquhhxfaevcsfsvfcar6jlu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_d4mbquhhxfaevcsfsvfcar6jlu.txt === bib === id = work_t7xicvoqfvdmtpw2txapxg3yiq author = Daniel A. Kaufman title = Knowledge, Wisdom, and the Philosopher date = 2006 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9927 sentences = 466 flesch = 56 summary = the dominant or 'mainline' tradition in philosophy, the primary preoccupation of philosophers has been with knowledge, and not only 7-9), although our respective conceptions of what wisdom consists of differ substantially and our inquiries into the subject stem from what are substantially different political orientations (though it appears to me that we philosophy, were busying themselves with its more specific application to social, political, and even ethical subjects, arguing that rather than looking to the opinions and practices of our predecessors for guidance in how we ought to live, we should instead determine our social, and political forms of life—even our morals—on branch of physics, the main concern of which is with the causal relations that govern human sentiments or, as Hobbes put it, 'consequences from the passions of men'.19 Despite criticisms from communitarians, Christian humanists, conservatives, and others, this by science to human life is a matter of moral, social, and political cache = ./cache/work_t7xicvoqfvdmtpw2txapxg3yiq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_t7xicvoqfvdmtpw2txapxg3yiq.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm author = Felix Nicolau title = Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge date = 2015 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3417 sentences = 266 flesch = 59 summary = stay tuned and to keep up with every new intellectual issue transforms universities into a fierce professional David Lodge humorously analyzes the effects of this excessive professionalization on the Lodge exploits the myth of King Arthur and his knights for instance, Morris Zapp on friendly terms in Small World, between the anti-theoretical British Swallow and the overtheoretical American Zapp, synthesizes the attitude of some academics. year 1969, we meet two academics, Philip Swallow and Morris Zapp. If Zapp is an academic who approaches the university as if The main difference between Philip Swallow and Morris Zapp is the approach to pleasure. Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". cache = ./cache/work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_sm5t366pajflnhuogvantobvvm author = Fernando Vidal Fernández title = Investigación: el pensamiento sociológico como praxis del trabajo social date = 2016 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7185 sentences = 959 flesch = 66 summary = Bruno Bauer, la principal influencia en el joven Marx de Berlín, dejó escrita una idea que interpreta el núcleo central de la historia moderna del pensamiento social: «la teoría es la práctica más sólida», que podría ser expresada de otras maneras como lo más práctico es una buena teoría o la teoría es En esa búsqueda del pensamiento necesario para la acción justa, no estamos solos sino que nos incorporamos a un compromiso histórico de numerosa gente empeñada en descubrir las verdades que hacen bien. nos encontramos con vidas en las que han estado íntimamente unidos pensamiento y acción no como dos actividades paralelas sino como dos herramientas de praxis histórica, aunque no siempre en una dirección emancipadora. Pero no sólo los grandes teóricos sino que quienes innovaron la sociología aplicada lo hicieron gracias a la inspiración en el pensamiento social radical: la estadística británica estaba cebada por el liberalismo cache = ./cache/work_sm5t366pajflnhuogvantobvvm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sm5t366pajflnhuogvantobvvm.txt === bib === id = work_27x3h6p3pvfjbbydjt2npnw5ka author = Eglantina Hysi title = Gender Differences in Language as Affected by Social Roles date = 2012 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4566 sentences = 562 flesch = 64 summary = division of society into men and women, both being different and complex, is reflected in various forms in language which is the reveal differences that are found in the language of women and men, and will link these differences with the social roles that are Keywords: women's language, social role, division of labour, euphemism, silence. women and men behave in gender-typed ways because the social roles that they perform are associated found in the speech of women and men in areas such as lexicon and will relate these differences to the social Relative status that is assigned to men and women in society has affected the strength expressed through found much more extensively among men than among women: this is at any rate true in the fact that women's language is more affiliative, men's more assertive. Studies on gender and language have shown differences in women's and men' that are brought about Women, men and language. cache = ./cache/work_27x3h6p3pvfjbbydjt2npnw5ka.pdf txt = ./txt/work_27x3h6p3pvfjbbydjt2npnw5ka.txt === bib === id = work_m4qqwahghja7fcwn4uudrnmdti author = William Galperin title = The Uses and Abuses of Austen's "Absolute Historical Pictures" date = 2003 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3777 sentences = 165 flesch = 55 summary = Standard Novels, the Literary Gazette recommended Austen's fictions to the "rising Reading Austen is not simply educative on this view; it is, in its new capacity as popular walks of life," Austen, as Scott saw her, was simply urging readers to read about themselves hypothetical reader of Austen necessarily needs to feel good about herself and her milieu. Whatley also differs from Scott in implying that Austen's readership was, as she construed Where Scott's Austen is largely on the reader's side, derived little from Austen's novels beyond a generalized contempt—and I would further seeing Mansfield Park as being typical of Austen's writing generally, is that the education that Austen transmits in Whatley's analysis, turns out to be no education at all. of Austen's fiction into actual experience is for Lewes, no less than for Kipling's veterans, conferred on the nineteenth-century, or again popular, reader of Austen a status that was cache = ./cache/work_m4qqwahghja7fcwn4uudrnmdti.pdf txt = ./txt/work_m4qqwahghja7fcwn4uudrnmdti.txt === bib === id = work_7fw4felmcnd2jj36vqvsrys5fi author = J. S. Lawry title = "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma date = 1969 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 552 sentences = 126 flesch = 63 summary = "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Lawry; "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1969; 24 (1): 1–15. search input search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to '"Decided and Open": Structure in Emma' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_7fw4felmcnd2jj36vqvsrys5fi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7fw4felmcnd2jj36vqvsrys5fi.txt === bib === id = work_4pch5xutjvch3pfeo72fd7cveq author = Mark McDayter title = A Survey of Recent Scholarship in English by CSECS Members date = 2006 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5306 sentences = 206 flesch = 49 summary = cannot pretend to comprehensiveness, but it does provide an illuminating glimpse of the range and accomplishment of our nation's contributions to eighteenth-century studies over the course of a single year. and fresh readings of primary texts, Hudson offers balanced and nuanced accounts of eighteenth-century party politics and Johnson's political writings (the 'modernity' of which Hudson claims, knowing his — specifically, the formation of a new subject category in late-eighteenth-century England — is Andrew O'Malley's The Making of the Modern Child: Children's Literature and Childhood in the Late Eighteenth Century new Broadview edition of The History of Ophelia (Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2004), Fielding's last novel, provides a new reason to reacquaint ourselves with this increasingly important novelist who, as Sabor thorough study of the 'culture of eighteenth-century male creativity' as through such fields of study as diverse as eighteenth-century medicine studies of eighteenth-century culture that engage gender and sexuality cache = ./cache/work_4pch5xutjvch3pfeo72fd7cveq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4pch5xutjvch3pfeo72fd7cveq.txt === bib === id = work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu author = MIKE SAVAGE title = Cosmopolitan nationalism and the cultural reach of the white British date = 2010 pages = 33 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8632 sentences = 668 flesch = 59 summary = Cosmopolitan nationalism and the cultural reach of the White British Cosmopolitan nationalism and the cultural reach of the White British analysing the geographical spread of the cultural referents of the tastes of the white Key Words: Cosmopolitanism, culture, national identity, taste. Introduction: Cultural contact, cosmopolitanism and the 'national' imagination. allows the reformation of white British identities in an environment which is both multicultural and shaped by global cultural flows. remaking Britain's national cultural referents. imagination of the white British population as it is revealed by their cultural tastes to American cultural forms to the white British and in particular the power of either white British population to distance themselves from cultural forms which might more regions: British, European, American, and 'Other World'. older group where British, American and European references compete, but where one population, that we can see a re-making of British national cultural preferences. cache = ./cache/work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_65fzfakr5bdbxg6g7pi5zpvnfu.txt === bib === id = work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e author = Sylvie Gautheron title = [recensione / review] Lynn Shepherd, "Tom-All-Alone's / The Solitary House", London, Corsair Books, 2012 date = 2014 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2089 sentences = 188 flesch = 70 summary = Lynn Shepherd, Tom-All-Alone's / The Solitary House, London, Tom-All-Alone's, the title of Lynn Shepherd's detective novel, was one of the titles that Charles Dickens considered giving to the novel that is Bleak House is used as the backdrop to Shepherd's work and Dickens's The novel opens with Charles investigating one of the cases share an interest in curios, and Tulkinghorn allows Charles to visit his The main plot of the novel is underway when Charles is Running parallel with the narrative of Charles's investigation is in Shepherd's novel, the guardian who takes Hester in as a boarder at the Solitary House, another title Dickens had considered for his novel. Shepherd, Tom-All-Alone's / The Solitary House, London, Corsair like Sir Julius, a discovery which reveals Hester's narrative. In her carefully plotted novel, the narrative voice adopts god's eye between Shepherd's novel and Dickens's in the scene where the crossing cache = ./cache/work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e.txt === bib === id = work_6alxxksqfjfvxm3pa6axawpvim author = G. Dunea title = Letter from Chicago: Reading aloud date = 1981 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371808 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_6alxxksqfjfvxm3pa6axawpvim.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6alxxksqfjfvxm3pa6axawpvim.txt === bib === id = work_5267fxef5bdcnhw3iol3rre7me author = Eduardo Barros Grela title = Producción de identidades en espacios otros: imaginarios del gitanismo en The Virgin and the Gipsy de D.H. Lawrence date = 2013 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4714 sentences = 543 flesch = 67 summary = La actancialidad de esta identidad se ha visto expandida –y, a la vez, restringida– por una actuación construida desde un imaginario extrínseco al gitanismo cultural (Charnon-Deutsch, 69), con un poder mediático de tal envergadura que ha producido una fagocitación centrípeta de la diversidad estética abiertamente relevante como para que la observación externa de las características propias del objeto representado ofrezca un abanico de diferentes aproximaciones críticas hacia la configuración sistemática de (d)escribir a estos personajes, así como la proyección cultural de sus comunidades. ojos de la protagonista, el texto ofrece al lector otra imagen suya, también subjetivizada, pero en esta ocasión por un ente que tiene mayor capacidad de controlar la percepción lectora de cara a la interpretación del texto: el mismo narrador la atención de una Yvette que se ve sorprendida por la transgresión de esos cánones del imaginario popular sobre el gitano a los que responde el hombre a quien cache = ./cache/work_5267fxef5bdcnhw3iol3rre7me.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5267fxef5bdcnhw3iol3rre7me.txt === bib === id = work_mdj3at6wbbdazmyfe6fzmhws6q author = Sandra Guardini T. Vasconcelos title = Literature and cinema: images of femininity in pride and prejudice Literature and cinema: images of femininity in pride and prejudice date = 2008 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7181 sentences = 384 flesch = 62 summary = By comparing the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen with an American Ao comparar o romance Pride and Prejudice de Jane Austen com uma versão believed that novel-reading could fill young women's heads with all Revolutions, wars, and domestic social and political unrest, Austen Austen presents in her work the same conflicting views on marriage point of view, it is the plight of single women the novel is interested in. Much as Jane Austen's work helps narrate the "social history of possibility of the right kind of marriage – one which will combine social in Jane Austen's novel, thus helping consolidate the dominant social the female characters in Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen creates a In this community of women, Elizabeth stands out as Jane Austen's property, the film suggests that it is Elizabeth's family's manners which A romance that ends in marriage, like many other films made in cache = ./cache/work_mdj3at6wbbdazmyfe6fzmhws6q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_mdj3at6wbbdazmyfe6fzmhws6q.txt === bib === id = work_ge2w2632m5ejhd25cpdwrwhufe author = Sebastian J. Crutch title = Taxonomic and Thematic Organisation of Proper Name Conceptual Knowledge date = 2011 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220379706 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:16 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_ge2w2632m5ejhd25cpdwrwhufe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ge2w2632m5ejhd25cpdwrwhufe.txt === bib === id = work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy author = Albrecht Classen title = The Amazon Rainforest of Pre-Modern Literature: Ethics, Values, and Ideals from the Past for Our Future. With a Focus on Aristotle and Heinrich Kaufringer date = 2019 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9305 sentences = 558 flesch = 57 summary = The Amazon Rainforest of Pre-Modern Literature: Ethics, Values, and Ideals from the Past for Our Future. Keywords: Amazon rainforest as laboratory; pre-modern literature; Aristotle; Heinrich Kaufringer; for the study of literature, the arts, philosophy, religion, and other fields in the Humanities and Social However, human life is deeply determined by its culture and memory, and we develop forward Humanities-based worldview, and the study of literature, past and present, offers the best opportunities examples, and concepts relating to fundamental human issues both in the past and in the present. However, this simply means that the Amazon rainforest of the various Humanities fields is Aristotle's Ethics have taught us, our entire life today is determined by the principles and insights would encounter highly meaningful efforts to come to terms with critical issues in human life which The Challenges of the Humanities, Past, Present, and Future: Why the Middle Ages cache = ./cache/work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy.txt === bib === id = work_z7jqwxhkrbbwzfyri7obui5ayu author = E. Gehlhaar title = Points: What students read for pleasure date = 1985 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220376291 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_z7jqwxhkrbbwzfyri7obui5ayu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z7jqwxhkrbbwzfyri7obui5ayu.txt === bib === id = work_jbj6lvvjcrbsfbkixdkr43kuca author = Ryan Stephenson title = Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation by Sheila Cordner date = 2017 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1618 sentences = 75 flesch = 48 summary = Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation by Sheila Cordner (review) Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation by Sheila Cordner (review) Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation Scholars who study the history of Victorian education often note the importance of three key years: 1833, when the British government began funding church schools that provided basic education to the working classes; Cordner's recent book, Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion book a welcome addition to the study of nineteenth-century education. survey of nineteenth-century "education machinery" (7). Cordner's chapter on Thomas Hardy examines attempts at education on Austen and Barrett Browning, Cordner shows here that the pedagogical In her remaining chapters, however, Cordner shows how these Cordner's examination of Gissing's ideas on education from the perspective of Thyrza (1887) is work and proposed innovations, nineteenth-century authors could do little valuable contribution to the study of nineteenth-century education, reform, cache = ./cache/work_jbj6lvvjcrbsfbkixdkr43kuca.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jbj6lvvjcrbsfbkixdkr43kuca.txt === bib === id = work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym author = C Fraher title = Reading for Pleasure: A sense of time and place date = 1980 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 27 flesch = 72 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220376103 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. 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Message ID: 220375390 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. 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Message ID: 220373930 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:10 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_nvscspk3srhxhl7y722b2wskl4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nvscspk3srhxhl7y722b2wskl4.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_myfomrpabnam7f4o57fxudm5bi author = David D. Waters title = The Rise and Fall of Tuberculosis and Atherosclerosis: First There Is a Mountain… date = 2017 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2451 sentences = 275 flesch = 50 summary = the decline in tuberculosis incidence and mortality. The incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) increased et al.5 describe the changes between 1994 and 2014 in hospitalization rates in Ontario for 6 major atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) conditions and trends in mortality rates for ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular contributions of different factors to the fall in CHD mortality. an increase in risk factors,13 specifically surging rates of obesity socially deprived, 10-year CHD mortality was 2.2%, 3.6%, Social deprivation may increase cardiovascular risk by morbidity and mortality in many studies, and the effect persists after adjustment for other risk factors.21 In patients with trends in the incidence of coronary heart disease in the United States. mortality from coronary heart disease, 1980-1990: the effect of secular tuberculosis: estimated incidence, prevalence, and mortality by country. Coronary heart disease mortality among young mortality declines in the United States from 1979 through 2011: cache = ./cache/work_myfomrpabnam7f4o57fxudm5bi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_myfomrpabnam7f4o57fxudm5bi.txt === bib === id = work_3spmbqewxrfajh2cl7znbw6lf4 author = Ebele Peace Okpala title = TRACING THE EVOLUTION OF THE IMAGE OF AFRICAN FEMALES THROUGH THE AGES: AN OVERVIEW OF SELECTED LITERARY WORKS date = 2020 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5176 sentences = 545 flesch = 62 summary = revealed that the image of pre-colonial and colonial African women as Keywords: African women, Patriarchy, Image, Experience, Feminism. men and women in political, social, and economic issues, has been critically extended into several wrote one of the first works of feminist philosophy, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, which called include; Liberal feminism; which seeks the individualistic equality of men and women through political This study will trace and analyze how the image of the woman in the works of African writers evolved look into the efforts made by feminist writers towards a re-definition of the image of the African woman. Elechi Amadi in his works portrays his men as a dignified group while his women are treated with African female writers like Flora Nwapa, Ifeoma Okoye, Buchi Emecheta, Nawal El Saadawi, Yvonne Despite criticisms, African female writers, continuously portray the pains and experiences of women of Studies of Women in African Literature. cache = ./cache/work_3spmbqewxrfajh2cl7znbw6lf4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3spmbqewxrfajh2cl7znbw6lf4.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_pd5tcecymndexavntufnigju3i author = Susan Stanford Friedman title = Reply date = 2012 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2044 sentences = 111 flesch = 53 summary = Koshy and Gajarawala, then, read the Partition in contrary ways and to contrary ends. vernacular, is to refuse—like the Dalit texts examined by Gajarawala—what may be called the Gajarawala's reading of Dalit texts. In any event, her particular reading should not be generalized into an argument out of South Asian diasporas assumes a historicity for which the Partition of India in 1947 Shankar maintains, exhibits a diferent historicity, for which Partition is peripheral. forms of knowledge" (in Dalit literature, based What new insights emerge from the juxtaposition of Koshy's and Gajarawala's arguments? term as a "form of knowledge." he vernacular of the term vernacular as Shankar uses it in his The particularities of Dalit history in Dalit narratives are affected by global historical forces (like Partition) "Some Time between Revisionist and Revolutionary: Unreading History in Dalit Literature." Shankar leshes out how attention to the argument about Dalit texts as such." Shankar cache = ./cache/work_pd5tcecymndexavntufnigju3i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pd5tcecymndexavntufnigju3i.txt === bib === id = work_xuvvnwfpvjbfbhk4eww4dv4ncy author = M. Pietrzak-Franger title = Fifth International Association of Adaptation Studies Conference, The Centre for British Studies, Berlin, 30 September to 1 October 2010 date = 2011 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 11 sentences = 2 flesch = 32 summary = cache = ./cache/work_xuvvnwfpvjbfbhk4eww4dv4ncy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xuvvnwfpvjbfbhk4eww4dv4ncy.txt === bib === id = work_3k7s65nzlzd3hb4ojctcuiyjhq author = Richard Hodgkins title = Glacial Geology: Ice Sheets and Landforms. Matthew R. Bennett and Neil F. Glasser. 1996. Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore: John Wiley. xi + 364 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-471-96345-3. £19.99 date = 1997 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1936 sentences = 95 flesch = 50 summary = GLACIAL GEOLOGY: ICE SHEETS AND LANDFORMS. Hambrey (1994), and, now, Glacial geology: ice sheets account of glacial geology at the undergraduate level. authors have indeed produced a text that both undergraduates and their teachers will find a useful learning and forms are described as smooth-walled, 'sculpted' depressions and channels cut into bedrock, indicative of warmbased ice, abundant meltwater, and low effective normal example from the chapter 'Glacial sedimentation on land' At 364 pages, Bennett and Glasser's text producing a concise, accessible text that conveys their own The English polar explorers of the first part of the present The cultural and ideological significance of polar exploration is the subject matter of Francis Spufford's I may The poles did undoubtedly fire the imaginations of English polar explorers and administrators. However, Spufford's account of polar exploration is the varied geographical imaginations of nineteenth-century polar writings. Scott's party, in a tent somewhere on the polar ice. cache = ./cache/work_3k7s65nzlzd3hb4ojctcuiyjhq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3k7s65nzlzd3hb4ojctcuiyjhq.txt === bib === id = work_n2tbv2dp4zes3krpijo2u6ho3q author = Jan Lowe title = No More Lonely Londoners date = 2001 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6919 sentences = 385 flesch = 67 summary = White Teeth opens doors to the rooms, cultural spaces, of north-west London in its friendships, marriages or raise a new generation of Londoners together. No wonder, then, that in this novel the young Irie Jones of English and Jamaican and insurmountable struggles of an older immigrant generation with Standard English; differences among the children of British immigrant groups, several generations on, it its Caribbean characters, the history of their settlement in London that the novel everyday life that all Londoners, black and white, rich and poor, walk the thin line this novel will be viewed like a Dickens novel, as a social and cultural map of a London twentieth-century multicultural youth culture in London, this novel will not obey about negotiating race, class and culture, new in their generation both in the novel and family in London in the Muslim faith lead commentators to compare Zadie Smith and cache = ./cache/work_n2tbv2dp4zes3krpijo2u6ho3q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_n2tbv2dp4zes3krpijo2u6ho3q.txt === bib === id = work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae author = Tânia Maria Oliveira Gomes title = A Cinderela austeniana: uma análise sobre a intertextualidade em Mansfield Park date = 2015 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6846 sentences = 819 flesch = 71 summary = Resumo: Com este trabalho, propõe-se um estudo que se situe na interface entre 3 Neste artigo, tomou-se como referência a obra Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen (2012), história de uma jovem donzela que, ajudada por sua fada madrinha, na obra Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen, que se pretende examinar os este, por sua vez, declara-se para Price, que o nega, insistentemente, uma possível ambiguização sobre o que se entende por "imaginário", intertextuais que, por sua vez, lançam mão dos imaginários na comuns com o texto de Austen, ideia que será corroborada na análise normalmente, um conto tem início com uma "atmosfera especial que constata-se que Fanny Price, heroína da obra de Jane Austen, apresenta Fanny?" Ao vê-la, "adiantou-se com uma amabilidade que a surpreendeu que estes não sejam verbalizados por esta, funcionando tal qual um por exemplo, nos contos de fadas, mas que são capazes, sobretudo, cache = ./cache/work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae.txt === bib === id = work_p5lj6jxybbh5rcnqm3v7xzxbfu author = Christopher D. Manning title = Computational Linguistics and Deep Learning date = 2015 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3465 sentences = 259 flesch = 63 summary = kind of like a rabbit in the headlights of the Deep Learning machine, waiting to be Yann LeCun said: "The next big step for Deep Learning is natural language understanding, which aims to give machines the power to understand not just individual also increasingly oriented his group's research toward language, including recent exciting new developments in neural machine translation systems. papers showing how systems can be improved by using distributed word representations from "deep learning" approaches, such as word2vec (Mikolov et al. (15) NLP is kind of like a rabbit in the headlights of the deep learning machine Just recently, there has started to be some new work harnessing the power of distributed representations for modeling and explaining linguistic variation and change. These more scientific uses of distributed representations and Deep Learning for Manning Computational Linguistics and Deep Learning Manning Computational Linguistics and Deep Learning Manning Computational Linguistics and Deep Learning cache = ./cache/work_p5lj6jxybbh5rcnqm3v7xzxbfu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_p5lj6jxybbh5rcnqm3v7xzxbfu.txt === bib === id = work_uzun33er6ng73kepfztelnv5gi author = Karen Lumsden title = Media framing of trolling and online abuse: silencing strategies, symbolic violence, and victim blaming date = 2017 pages = 29 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8641 sentences = 726 flesch = 65 summary = Media Framing of Trolling and Online Abuse: Silencing Strategies, Symbolic Violence forms of (online) abuse and behaviours related to trolling in media reports, including rape Framing, online abuse, rape, social media, trolling, victims To address our collective knowledge gap around media framing of trolling and online abuse, (online) abuse and behaviours related to trolling in media reports, including rape threats, However, the media framing of trolling and online abuse has been To analyse the media framing of trolling, we draw on this utilisation of "symbolic violence". the ways in which the"old media" frame online abuse and victim blame. media were utilising, framing and constructing trolling as a form of online abuse. findings on: the forms of (online) abuse and behaviours related to trolling in media reports. Media reports of trolling normalize "rape culture" in the online sphere. Media frames of trolling reinforce the normalization of online violence against women as an cache = ./cache/work_uzun33er6ng73kepfztelnv5gi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uzun33er6ng73kepfztelnv5gi.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya author = Jackie Reid-Walsh title = 'Do you understand muslins, Sir?': the Circulation of Ball Dresses in Evelina and Northanger Abbey date = 2000 pages = 10 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4069 sentences = 289 flesch = 68 summary = "'Do you understand muslins, Sir?': the Circulation of Ball Dresses in Evelina and Northanger Abbey" "'Do you understand muslins, Sir?': the Circulation of Ball Dresses in Evelina and Northanger I focus on the circulation of women's fashion with special reference to ball dresses of the 1770s and 1800s, employing the term 'circulation' in a double sense. ball dresses as 'circulating objects' and 'interpreted objects' (Corrigon 1500-1914 (1996), Jane Ashelford, a dress historian for the British National Trust, describes how, during the Eighteenth Century, shopping in the mid-Eighteenth Century required between 20 and 22 yards of material, making the price of a silk gown between £10 to £70. notes, regarding shopping for clothes, with a dress income of 20 pounds Evelina's period, women of higher and lower ranks are similarly criticized for dressing alike but the social order is disturbed in a different Since women of different ranks may wear silk dresses, high-heeled cache = ./cache/work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya.pdf txt = ./txt/work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya.txt === bib === id = work_s2gjmma4e5cwdeopnsgufex3zm author = Richard H. Grossman title = Anthony Trollope's Libraries date = 1976 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 561 sentences = 132 flesch = 62 summary = Anthony Trollope's Libraries | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Anthony Trollope's Libraries Search for other works by this author on: Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Grossman, Andrew Wright; Anthony Trollope's Libraries. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1976; 31 (1): 48–64. search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Anthony Trollope's Libraries' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Anthony Trollope's Libraries Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Visit the UC Press Blog Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_s2gjmma4e5cwdeopnsgufex3zm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_s2gjmma4e5cwdeopnsgufex3zm.txt === bib === id = work_sq4l64fk7nhcnlrhteodxp7zki author = D Court title = Sir James Spence date = 1975 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3813 sentences = 534 flesch = 77 summary = so profound an influence upon the development of paediatrics in this country. Dr. Donald Court followed Spence as Professor of Child Health in Newcastle in the British Paediatric Association can confer'. influence on the development of paediatrics. There were also people in Newcastle, particularly the Medical Officer of Health, part-time medical officer in a child welfare clinic, in Newcastle, and Spence was asked by the City family doctors, clinical teachers, medical officers of His contributions to paediatric education took Child Health in Newcastle. science and the need for specialization in paediatrics, his primary aim was a university, a medical school, and a department of child health related in should take place at a child health clinic, in an lecture to the Canadian Medical Association. The British Paediatric Association Spence was a professional with a life-long created the British Paediatric Association. James Spence was written of another man; I have cache = ./cache/work_sq4l64fk7nhcnlrhteodxp7zki.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sq4l64fk7nhcnlrhteodxp7zki.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_duhvzdnav5gedeez5zbrnfm7x4 author = Ian M. Anderson title = We all know what we mean by treatment-resistant depression – don't we? date = 2018 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 961 sentences = 190 flesch = 57 summary = [PDF] We all know what we mean by treatment-resistant depression – don't we? Corpus ID: 24140742We all know what we mean by treatment-resistant depression – don't we? title={We all know what we mean by treatment-resistant depression – don't we?}, Sort by Most Influenced Papers Challenges of Treatment-resistant Depression. Experimental Therapeutics in Treatment-Resistant Major Depressive Disorder View 2 excerpts, cites background Toward an Evidence-Based, Operational Definition of Treatment-Resistant Depression: When Enough Is Enough. Multiple-therapy-resistant major depressive disorder: a clinically important concept View 2 excerpts, references methods Staging methods for treatment resistant depression. View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background Comparative efficacy, acceptability, and tolerability of augmentation agents in treatment-resistant depression: systematic review and network meta-analysis. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. cache = ./cache/work_duhvzdnav5gedeez5zbrnfm7x4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_duhvzdnav5gedeez5zbrnfm7x4.txt === bib === id = work_yyf4ibq2snh7fmepxeibx5sdpe author = G D Perkin title = Headache date = 1995 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 913 sentences = 171 flesch = 83 summary = patients with motor neuron disease, if the disease process involves the frontal lobe. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Arch Neurol 1979;36:615-7. Apraxia of lid-opening. Apraxia of eyelid opening in progressive "Apraxia" of eyelid opening: an Apraxia of eyelid opening secondary to right hemisphere motor neuron disease by neurologists: a study in three Oxford University Press, 1993:141-63. with motor neuron disease. Frontal lobe atrophy in motor None of Jane Austen's Dickens, incidentally, hardly refers to any headache sufferers in his novels despite his experience of attacks Jane Austen, 1811, Sense and sensibility J7ane Austen, 1813, Pride and prejudice Jane Austen, 1814, Mansfield Park "I am sure you have the headache?" whether her headache might not be caught then, sister. Jane Austen, 1816, Emma headaches, and a nervous fever to a degree, which This done, and saying that she had a headache, Not that he was troubled by her headache, which Oxford: The Clarenden Press, 1969. cache = ./cache/work_yyf4ibq2snh7fmepxeibx5sdpe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_yyf4ibq2snh7fmepxeibx5sdpe.txt === bib === id = work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji author = Helen Berry title = POLITE CONSUMPTION: SHOPPlNG IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND date = 2002 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10310 sentences = 713 flesch = 65 summary = POLITE CONSUMPTION: SHOPPlNG IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND polite shopping rituals framed the social experience of consumption as What follows is an investigation into a different perspective on consumption: the process of developing a specifically polite 'shopping Mui, Shops and Shopkeeping in Eighteenth-Century England (Montreal and Early Eighteenth-Century England', in Consumption and the World of Goods, ed. Other gender-specific accounts are Elizabeth KowaleskiWallace, Consuming Subjects: Women, Shopping and Business in the Eighteenth Century (New York, P. Malcolm, Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century  Jon Stobart, 'Shopping Streets as Social Space: Leisure, Consumerism and Improvement in an Eighteenth-Century County Town', Urban History, ,  (), –. eighteenth century progressed, this changed, so that shop owners shop assistant time to evaluate the customer's status and credit through Towards the end of the eighteenth century, new forms of shopping of eighteenth-century forms of polite shopping survive today only in cache = ./cache/work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji.pdf txt = ./txt/work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji.txt === bib === id = work_62ntw2radvezpl7kbva7gwzroi author = Renu Goswami , Ritu Kumaran Renu Goswami , Ritu Kumaran title = Taking the High Road, A Study of Jane Austen\'s Identification and Classification of Characters Based on \'Class\' in Pride and Prejudice date = 2018 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2118 sentences = 135 flesch = 63 summary = This paper is an insight into Jane Austen's sharp observation and judgement of characters based on social behavior Besides the social turmoil, Jane Austen's focus in the novel is marriage and courtship. characters belong to the upper and middle class in the novel Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen critiques the social customs and norms of Regency England and is famous for her commentaries on the British landed gentry of Regency England which is evident in her novel 'Pride and Prejudice'. Jane Austen highlights the social turmoil and class conflict of regency England through her male and female Bennet and their 5 daughters Jane, Elizabeth, the female protagonist, Mary, Catherine ,and Lydia. Besides gentle birth and wealth, Austen judges the conduct and mannerisms of her male characters in social Austen is optimistic about the social class of the new Jane Austen's Ideal man in Pride and Prejudice. cache = ./cache/work_62ntw2radvezpl7kbva7gwzroi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_62ntw2radvezpl7kbva7gwzroi.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_tbaed66uuzhdhfphuimifxxyfe author = Samet ÇEVİK title = Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanıkın İzi date = 2017 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8807 sentences = 1155 flesch = 63 summary = Keywords: Cultural Heritage, Literary Tourism, Sait Faik çok ülkesinde edebiyat turizmi, kültürel miras turizminin önemli bir türü olarak ilgi görmekte ve aynı Çalışmada otoetnografik yaklaşım kullanılarak gerçek bir edebi mekan deneyimi üzerinden edebiyat Turizm endüstrisinin büyüyen ve önemli bir sektörü konumunda olan edebiyat turizmi, edebi kültür turizminin bir türü olduğunu savunan yazarlar, sanatsal kültür turizmi olarak edebiyat Sait Faik'i bu gerçek anlamda keşfedişim ile edebiyat turizmi alanında geniş çaplı bir Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık'ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık'ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık'ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık'ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık'ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık'ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık'ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık'ın… 167 cache = ./cache/work_tbaed66uuzhdhfphuimifxxyfe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_tbaed66uuzhdhfphuimifxxyfe.txt === bib === id = work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme author = G D Perkin title = Vasovagal attacks date = 1994 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1225 sentences = 175 flesch = 86 summary = HIV-1 infection and the AIDS dementia complex. Thomas Lewis published his observations upon fainting attacks in 1918,' suggesting that "accurate observations upon the cardiovascular system during the faints of which young men and women of nervous disposition are the subjects have not as yet been obtained, symptoms by Jane Austen, George Eliot, Wilkie Dickens believed faints to be virtually a Dickens assumed that faints were either a response to a Charles Dickens, 1837-9, Oliver Twist said to the already white-faced villager. don't feel anything at first: the syncope occurs afterwards, especially with strong chaps like this". "I thought as much", said Bovary, putting his fingers over the vein. Still he might only have fainted; it might She's fainting" said the landlady, hastening to support Hetty, who had lost her miserable consciousness and looked like a beautiful corpse. on the floor in a faint. Observations upon fainting attacks cache = ./cache/work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_ixelwyqqsfhdti3nhm62bbxtku author = Müzeyyen ALTUNBAY title = THE EFFECT OF WORLD LITERATURE ON THE ACQUISITION OF LITERARY ENJOYMENT BY PROSPECTIVE TURKISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS date = 2017 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 21 sentences = 4 flesch = 68 summary = İçerik Mobil Cihazınız İçin Uygun Değil Mobil cihazlarda, tarayıcı içinde dokümanınızı görütüleyemiyoruz. Bunun yerine dosyayı cihazınıza indirerek görüntülemeyi deneyebilirsiniz. İNDİR & GÖRÜNTÜLE cache = ./cache/work_ixelwyqqsfhdti3nhm62bbxtku.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ixelwyqqsfhdti3nhm62bbxtku.txt === bib === id = work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4 author = Lucia OPREANU title = Intertextual Ever Afters: Fictionalised Biography and Compensatory Adaptation in Shakespeare in Love and Becoming Jane date = 2019 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5571 sentences = 372 flesch = 60 summary = recreation in John Madden's 1998 Shakespeare in Love and Julian Jarrold's 2007 each film script and the literary work whose plot it mirrors (Romeo and Juliet and Pride lines or entire episodes from William Shakespeare's tragedy and Jane Austen's novel are constantly escalating interest in William Shakespeare and Jane Austen and the daunting John Madden's Shakespeare in Love opens, like almost every biopic (Custen bootleg literary episodes into a "pseudo-biography of Shakespeare's life" from other plays by Shakespeare, may not save Viola from a life of to Shakespeare in Love, Becoming Jane displays the same tendency to 93), Shakespeare in Love and Becoming Jane share an impressive number of when people compare Shakespeare and Jane Austen, they may mean that do not know Jane Austen and we do not know Shakespeare, and for that the fascination cinematic productions such as Shakespeare in Love and (2010) Screen Adaptations: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: A Close cache = ./cache/work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wpepzu2wzzgqhoh4mkv4tysla4.txt === bib === id = work_sl3b5skuxvfrziy6gu7nwdeer4 author = A Upfal title = Jane Austen's lifelong health problems and final illness: New evidence points to a fatal Hodgkin's disease and excludes the widely accepted Addison's date = 2005 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11517 sentences = 1488 flesch = 82 summary = there is a high possibility that Jane Austen's fatal illness often visited the Austen cottage at Chawton, also remembered Aunt Jane having problems with her eyes: 19 Letter, Jane to Cassandra Austen, 8–9 January 1799. In: Jane Austen's Letters: In: Jane Austen's Letters: Jane to Cassandra Austen, 17 May 1799. Jane Austen: Her Life and Letters, A Family Jane to Cassandra Austen, 7–8 January 1807. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 7–8 January 1807. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 7–8 January 1807. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 7–8 January 1807. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 9 March 1814. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 17–18 October 1815. Jane Austen's Last Illness. Jane Austen's lifelong health problems and final illness 11 Jane Austen's lifelong health problems and final illness 11 Jane Austen's lifelong health problems and final illness 11 Jane Austen's lifelong health problems and final illness 11 Jane Austen's lifelong health problems and final illness 11 cache = ./cache/work_sl3b5skuxvfrziy6gu7nwdeer4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sl3b5skuxvfrziy6gu7nwdeer4.txt === bib === id = work_jzn7kslrivfuromhidww3ouome author = G S Rousseau title = Sensibility reconsidered G J Barker-Benfield, The culture of sensibility: sex and society in eighteenth century Britain, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 1992, pp. xxxiv, 520, illus., $49.95 (0-226-03713-4) date = 1995 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1514 sentences = 82 flesch = 48 summary = G J Barker-Benfield, The culture of sensibility: sex and society in eighteenthcentury Britain, Chicago and London, historical contextual school, sensibility remains Scots, the theory of nervous sensibility was The culture of sensibility seems to sensibility and the nervous system, the sentiment and sensibility, and-in the In my reading of The culture of sensibility, medical theory and cultural history interact. For sensibility is one of those immensely book about the "culture of sensibility". writes a book about sensibility that is five and three times the size of Austen's Sense and sensibility Wollstonecraft should be the queen pin, as she is here: all female sensibility leads to her, medical theories as well as social cults. female plight or of the history of sensibility in The Gender of Sensibility dictates that sensibility must be genderized etc.), but also that all approaches to sensibility medical sensibility-is treated in a derivative not the book about sensibility, and no one cache = ./cache/work_jzn7kslrivfuromhidww3ouome.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jzn7kslrivfuromhidww3ouome.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_autyhznvj5b5hbajw62tqqgzqy author = Dianne Edwards title = Dianne Edwards date = 2017 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1905 sentences = 105 flesch = 61 summary = the nature table in my primary school in Manselton, Swansea with flowers. later at secondary school when I joined the Swansea Scientific Society on Saturday of botany at the University of Swansea for advice. for the Oxbridge exams – the first girl to do so in sciences from the school, my only Even before University, I had a romantic idea of a research career, and later in In my final year, I was influenced by two external speakers – a female Prof. was the beginning of a major research period on early land plants led by north Society, I began to look into the struggles of early female botanists in gaining in the Botany School, but she declined this as it was in the Botanic Gardens at the Advancement of Sciences annual meeting in Edinburgh in 1921, when a group of Finally big data analyses cache = ./cache/work_autyhznvj5b5hbajw62tqqgzqy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_autyhznvj5b5hbajw62tqqgzqy.txt === bib === id = work_e3wkdft4frhwlmxn4hkxbygk34 author = F. Deniz KORKMAZ title = SANAT SİYASET İLİŞKİSİ BAĞLAMINDA POLİTİK İMGE date = 2018 pages = 14 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4505 sentences = 727 flesch = 67 summary = Sanat Siyaset ĠliĢkisi ve Politik Ġmaj" adlı Sanatta Yeterlik tezinin bir kısmından üretilmiĢtir. Modernist süreçte sanat bir üst yapı kurumu olarak algılandığından onu yaĢamın Marksist anlayıĢ ise sanatın toplumsal bir unsur olarak görülmesi gerektiği üzerinde Cevizci‟ ye (2003: 197) göre ise ideoloji; Genel olarak, bir siyasi partinin inançlarını, bütünleĢtiren bir sanat felsefesi anlayıĢı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Marksizm‟e göre sanat, varlığı ile de devrimci bir yapıya sahiptir. hayat arasındaki iliĢkiden söz ederken sanatın politik bir iĢlevi olması gerektiğinin üzerinde neticesinde yirminci yüzyıl, sanatın siyaset olarak anlaĢıldığı yeni bir sürecin baĢlangıcı KüreselleĢen dünyada, sanatın siyaset ile olan tarihsel geliĢimine yeni bir bakıĢ getiren KREFT, L., 2008, Sanatın Siyaseti ve Siyasetin Sanatı, Sanat ve Siyaset: Kültür Çağında KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge cache = ./cache/work_e3wkdft4frhwlmxn4hkxbygk34.pdf txt = ./txt/work_e3wkdft4frhwlmxn4hkxbygk34.txt === bib === id = work_nmu2oz7cojc4jlztxc5gn44vbu author = David Wright title = Bring on the books for everybody: how literary culture became popular culture date = 2011 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1626 sentences = 77 flesch = 50 summary = Wright, David, 1972(2011) Review of Bring on the books for everybody : how literary Collins, Jim (2010) Bring on the books for everybody: How literary culture became popular book locates the changing interactions between old and new forms of cultural technology in the symbiotic contemporary relationship between film producers and literary publishers. and pure also allows the book to contribute to on-going debates about the place of the literary in In two closing chapters Collins presents an intriguing account of the contemporary 'postliterary' culture revealed through the analysis of highly visible writers and books the 'devoutly extension, drawing on Colin Campbell's (1987) work, of the often ignored historical interrelations between the historical development of literary reading as a past-time and the as the evidence of the success of literary culture in terms of book sales and media visibility – suggests that the literary is very firmly embedded in contemporary consumer culture. cache = ./cache/work_nmu2oz7cojc4jlztxc5gn44vbu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_nmu2oz7cojc4jlztxc5gn44vbu.txt === bib === id = work_ehu7ennxcvfuveoc5y37rkpkty author = J Malins title = Reading for Pleasure: The novels that I enjoy most date = 1985 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220380572 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:18 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_ehu7ennxcvfuveoc5y37rkpkty.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ehu7ennxcvfuveoc5y37rkpkty.txt === bib === id = work_wl3ewtoanrh4davoreq3ltlzli author = Ranka Jeknić title = Cultural Imperialism of the West in the Work of Edward W. Said date = 2006 pages = 20 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10689 sentences = 2106 flesch = 72 summary = Prva velika tema koju ćemo u radu analizirati, a kojoj je Said posvetio i knjigu pod naslovom Kultura i imperijalizam,4 jest odnos kulture i imperijalizma, odnosno povezanost zapadne kulture s oblikovanjem imperijalizma, pri čemu ćemo se posebno zadržati koja zapravo dokazuje kako su »kulturni imperijalizam«, »orijentalizam« i »krivotvorenje islama« i dalje aktualne teme, što ćemo ilustrirati primjerima iz Saidovih djela Orijentalizam te Krivotvorenje islama. primjećuje »jasnu kulturnu topografiju«, kao način na koji se »strukture mjesta i geografskih odnosa javljaju u kulturnim jezicima književnosti, historije ili etnografije, ponekad aluzivno, ponekad jasno izloženo« (Said, 2002: 117). Alžira, ali i činjenice da nakon toga navedeno djelo nije moguće tretirati kao »izraz univerzalnosti slobodne ljudske egzistencije«, već istodobno u Strancu treba vidjeti »agenta tlačiteljske kulture«, a u Camusu – ne predstavnika »europske svijesti« nego »zapadne dominacije nad neeuropskim svijetom« (Kalanj, 2001: 53; Said, 2002). cache = ./cache/work_wl3ewtoanrh4davoreq3ltlzli.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wl3ewtoanrh4davoreq3ltlzli.txt === bib === id = work_rt2shi7m3rhunigsc2xexdsgpm author = J. Sanders title = Andrew Higson, Film England: Culturally English Filmmaking since the 1990s date = 2011 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 11 sentences = 2 flesch = 32 summary = cache = ./cache/work_rt2shi7m3rhunigsc2xexdsgpm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rt2shi7m3rhunigsc2xexdsgpm.txt === bib === === bib === === bib === id = work_cpelpjzayrdpxoltxwvxi2etqq author = Aurelie Charles title = Jane Austen, Game Theorist date = 2014 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1135 sentences = 58 flesch = 50 summary = Charles, A 2014, 'Book Review of "Jane Austen: Game Theorist" by Michael Suk-Young Chwe', Eastern Book Review of "Jane Austen: Game Theorist" by Jane Austen, Game Theorist. Chwe argues that Austen was a pioneer in the understanding of strategic common link between Austen's romances, African-American folktales and US foreign policy? only explains the foundations of game theory and strategic thinking (Chapter Two), he also analyses These competing models describe the factors shaping the context in which strategic thinking takes which is argued to have no place in the author's interpretation of Austen's imagination, or the century US foreign policy, the author proves that the context of decision-making is, in effect, not essential in explaining the virtues of strategic thinking as a means for individual actions. acknowledged the strategic superiority of women over men, a contribution that enabled her to individual objectives in strategic thinking. cache = ./cache/work_cpelpjzayrdpxoltxwvxi2etqq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cpelpjzayrdpxoltxwvxi2etqq.txt === bib === id = work_wuo45whc3zetdjbpo4dmswd32e author = Marc Chénetier title = Tony Tanner. The American Mystery date = 2006 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1384 sentences = 182 flesch = 71 summary = Transatlantica – Revue d'études américaines est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence peine le croyait-on occupé à traquer les rémanences de la littérature américaine du dixneuvième siècle dans les œuvres des contemporains, qu'il se promenait du coté de Bath Words, qu'il nous donnait l'un des meilleurs livres jamais écrits sur Pynchon. dans ses derniers travaux sur Henry James, à l'œuvre duquel, au reste, The American littérature et une culture dont les contradictions lui inspiraient à la fois enthousiasme attention et son amour immodéré envers les marginaux d'une culture à qui ils ont ses trois essais sur Melville : White-Jacket, The Confidence Man et Moby-Dick, ou dans les pour comprendre que Tony Tanner n'était pas seulement un connaisseur avisé de la compris sa raison d'être et ses modes de déchirement, auprès des plus grandes voix de 6 Tony Tanner n'a jamais ménagé la culture américaine. cache = ./cache/work_wuo45whc3zetdjbpo4dmswd32e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wuo45whc3zetdjbpo4dmswd32e.txt === bib === id = work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm author = Olivier Thircuir title = Exposition Vanité, identité, sexualité, Grayson Perry date = 2019 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1257 sentences = 179 flesch = 68 summary = Olivier Thircuir, « Exposition Vanité, identité, sexualité, Grayson Perry », Miranda [En ligne], 18 | 2019, mis 6 L'exposition de Grayson Perry manifeste une réinvention de l'art décoratif pour servir masculine de l'artiste qui se travestit pour dévoiler les ressorts d'une société en crise : C'est donc à moto que Grayson Perry braque, depuis le 10 sur une émission de valeurs (masculinité, sexualité) : Grayson Perry y oppose une 8 Perry représente les paradoxes de la société britannique en utilisant des techniques 10 Sa tapisserie est une mappemonde de géographies autour desquelles pivotent les craftsman tisse pour les lecteurs de Barthes une mythologie britannique : ses héros laideur d'une classe arriviste, qui chasse à courre les places de l'aristocratie que l'on Exposition Vanité, identité, sexualité, Grayson Perry Exposition Vanité, identité, sexualité, Grayson Perry Exposition Vanité, identité, sexualité, Grayson Perry Exposition Vanité, identité, sexualité, Grayson Perry Exposition Vanité, identité, sexualité, Grayson Perry cache = ./cache/work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_soey7ecg4felnhp75etkzaefnm.txt === bib === id = work_zelg67vhhrhmvk34zuchzurepi author = Peter Sabor title = From Terror to the Terror: Changing Concepts of the Gothic in Eighteenth-Century England date = 1991 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6797 sentences = 450 flesch = 66 summary = From Terror to the Terror: Changing Concepts of the Gothic in Eighteenth-Century England occur as a critical term in his Dictionary, and in 1784 he spoke dismissively of the writings of Horace Walpole, founder of both the Gothic has sought to diminish his originality, insisting that Hurd is not 'attacking the critical principles or general theory of poetry which were accepted in his time.'16 Letters on Chivalry and Romance goes far beyond any an eighteenth-century Gothic novel, but by an anonymous author disguised as translator, commenting on a purportedly medieval Italian Reeve's preface to the second edition is of considerable interest, challenging Walpole's mode of Gothicism in Otranto. Gothic novel in Walpole's library remained The Old English Baron by his Richard Payne Knight's long didactic poem, The Landscape, was published a year after Reeve's novel at the height of the Terror, in 1794. cache = ./cache/work_zelg67vhhrhmvk34zuchzurepi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zelg67vhhrhmvk34zuchzurepi.txt === bib === id = work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i author = A. J. Larner title = Acupuncture use for the treatment of headache prior to neurological referral date = 2005 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1378 sentences = 131 flesch = 61 summary = acupuncture for the treatment of headache [1] and recently a randomised controlled trial found it both efficacious data showing how often acupuncture is used for the treatment of headache have not been identified. acupuncture had been used by patients with headache patients would be prepared to try acupuncture treatment, in whom the principal reason for referral or the principal complaint was headache were asked (if they had not already volunteered this information) whether they had ever had acupuncture The reported number of acupuncture treatment sessions for the headache patients ranged from 1 to 10 The frequency of headache in this general neurology outpatient clinic population (24%), patient age and gender, results in cohorts of headache patients from other general Hence, just over 10% of patients with headache attending general neurology outpatient clinics had already received acupuncture for their headache, and of the acupuncture for chronic headache in cache = ./cache/work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i.txt === bib === id = work_djbb42egtvallo7mb46etkqcpe author = Daniel Paul O'Donnell title = Small, thick, and slow: Thinking about data and research publication in the Humanities in the age of Open and FAIR date = 2019 pages = 74 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3913 sentences = 466 flesch = 61 summary = ○ Not all humanities data are small or "representational" in focus ● Means history of "big" and small data techniques ○ Now working on 5 object "edition" of the cross in pre-conquest England ○ Their goal is to publish contextualised small-data datasets to ○ Work within the traditional Humanities research workflow ○ Encourage traditional Humanities researchers to work within ours ● As long as FAIR data publication means, in essence, publishing small, textual research at the time and the needs of this big-data dictionary own big-data work analysis of individual data points or small datasets ■ Opens these small, thick, and slow datasets up to big data analysis ● Use Zenodo and GitHub to create an OPenn-like data repository, while 2. Presentation (versions) are also citable research objects (FAIR data AND ● While the ability to support Humanities data is there, the systems have not ● Supporting small, thick, and slow data is something that can be cache = ./cache/work_djbb42egtvallo7mb46etkqcpe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_djbb42egtvallo7mb46etkqcpe.txt === bib === id = work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu author = Ya-Ning Chen title = A Study on MARC21 Transformation and Application for Linked Data date = 2020 pages = 39 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8642 sentences = 2368 flesch = 60 summary = 所稱的「MARC與LD的複合式環境」(a hybrid MARC-linked data environment; Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority,結果請詳附錄一與附錄二。 $1 $1 $0 $0 Keywords: MARC, Linked data, BIBFRAME, RDA ontology, RDFization revisions of MARC for LD implemented applications, including subfields $0, two online documents (MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data (MFBD) and MARC is not only an international format for sharing bibliographic information, Library marc records into linked Library marc records into linked 71Chen & Wen: A Study on MARC21 Transformation and Application for Linked Data 71Chen & Wen: A Study on MARC21 Transformation and Application for Linked Data 71Chen & Wen: A Study on MARC21 Transformation and Application for Linked Data From MARC silos to linked data silos? cache = ./cache/work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu.txt === bib === id = work_kna3elxpprhdjfc527qitqs2ye author = D. Power title = Clap and the Pox in English Literature date = 1938 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4222 sentences = 725 flesch = 92 summary = CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH " Clap" and " the pox " are words of ancient lineage John Arderne, an English surgeon, writing about I376, devotes a chapter to the attacks of venereal disease, and that very likely he had new disease at the end of the sixteenth century, was CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH LITERATITRE of venereal disease, pointing to the physical rather than to the moral disabilities of the clap and pox, which by Newgate, was twelve years a whore, five times a wife, can be men of pleasure; every man may be a rake." This, I think, is the end of venereal disease in literaII2 CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Clap and pox had become vulgar words and were replaced " Clap and the Pox," so that the old words have come cache = ./cache/work_kna3elxpprhdjfc527qitqs2ye.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kna3elxpprhdjfc527qitqs2ye.txt === bib === id = work_q37swapwcrbh7dymkpxvciud5q author = MARY JEAN CORBETT title = Review of Lisbet Kickham,Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society date = 2005 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 566 sentences = 122 flesch = 57 summary = Review of Lisbet Kickham, Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Review Article| Review of Lisbet Kickham, Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site MARY JEAN CORBETT; Review of Lisbet Kickham, Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society. This content is only available via PDF. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Review of Lisbet Kickham, Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Review of Lisbet Kickham, Protestant Women Novelists and Irish Society Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_q37swapwcrbh7dymkpxvciud5q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_q37swapwcrbh7dymkpxvciud5q.txt === bib === id = work_ugxdf5my2vh7rab3hhkbapnjmu author = J. BRISTOW title = INDEXTOVOLUME58 date = 2004 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 558 sentences = 127 flesch = 63 summary = INDEX TO VOLUME 58 | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Volume 58, Issue 4 INDEX TO VOLUME 58 Search for other works by this author on: Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site WORTHAM; INDEX TO VOLUME 58. search input This content is only available via PDF. 2004 by The Regents of the University of California Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'INDEX TO VOLUME 58' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: INDEX TO VOLUME 58 Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions © Copyright 2021 by the Regents of the University of California. cache = ./cache/work_ugxdf5my2vh7rab3hhkbapnjmu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ugxdf5my2vh7rab3hhkbapnjmu.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_vziwl7fp6zhopiztm7m75nqsra author = Stanley van der Ziel title = John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism date = 2017 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10057 sentences = 572 flesch = 63 summary = McGahern's awareness of the traditional distinction between "individualistic" and "intransigent" Irish short-story writers, and the "civilized" novel writers John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism cache = ./cache/work_vziwl7fp6zhopiztm7m75nqsra.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vziwl7fp6zhopiztm7m75nqsra.txt === bib === id = work_w5cjk33k4jaktdmqtou6k76hxy author = G.C. Harcourt title = Review Article of 'Capital in the Twenty-First Century', Thomas Piketty date = 2015 pages = 12 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4343 sentences = 266 flesch = 63 summary = Review Article of Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty provides the clearest account and analysis of the issues and Piketty's theoretical approach of the Cambridge Journal of Economics, both for the empirical findings and the theoretical article, 'The production function and the theory of capital. measurement of capital by developing Irving Fisher's concept of the social rate of return on By using the marginal productivity theory of distribution in its aggregate form, Piketty has that the shift in economic, political and social power from capital to labour over the long Economic Journal of Sraffa's 1960 classic, 'What good is a quantity of capital … which, review essay of Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2014). Pasinetti LL (1970) Again on capital theory and Solow's 'rate of return'. Robinson J (1953–54) The production function and the theory of capital. Solow RM (1963) Capital Theory and the Rate of Return. cache = ./cache/work_w5cjk33k4jaktdmqtou6k76hxy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_w5cjk33k4jaktdmqtou6k76hxy.txt === bib === id = work_satbbhxhnjdvxhpxjf5zdbchia author = Gillian Dooley title = Naipaul's Women Revisited date = 2012 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7207 sentences = 564 flesch = 75 summary = toward women, following from the author's 2005 article "Naipaul's Women." Various recent statements Naipaul has made about female look at the criticisms that Naipaul has made of Diana Athill and Jane a given passage was written by a man or a woman (Naipaul Test). male writers' attitudes to Austen, and by extension the world of women Diana Athill was Naipaul's editor at the London publisher Andre Naipaul merited his own chapter in Athill's book about her career Naipaul's attitude toward women more generally is revealed in a of Naipaul's nonfiction books without ever knowing he had such a As I said in my 2005 article, "Women, in Naipaul's fiction . than their husbands, brothers, sons, and lovers" (Naipaul's Women Naipaul's women are often described in physical "Naipaul's Women." South Asian Review 26.1 (2005): 88-103. —. VS Naipaul, Man and Writer. Dooley, VS Naipaul, Man and Writer." "Naipaul Lets Rip at 'Banality' of Indian Women Writers." cache = ./cache/work_satbbhxhnjdvxhpxjf5zdbchia.pdf txt = ./txt/work_satbbhxhnjdvxhpxjf5zdbchia.txt === bib === id = work_r6agckyw2nddrfvrzkyzm3mteu author = V B Green-Armytage title = Ante-Natal Care: An Address on "The New Midwifery" at the All-India Baby Week Conference in Calcutta date = 1924 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220377352 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:14 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_r6agckyw2nddrfvrzkyzm3mteu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_r6agckyw2nddrfvrzkyzm3mteu.txt === bib === id = work_kt2gy3u6lrcd3ld5rttd4rffeu author = R. Holland title = A little of what you fancy date = 1979 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3420 sentences = 428 flesch = 87 summary = creating memorable people in a few words-characters like J A cock is a short spout or pipe serving as a channel for children's language derives from rhyming slang for cock, and is the meanings as in English: male bird, tap, fire-arm component, and Albrecht Durer's pictorial pun in the woodcut of 1498, Der Mannerbad (The Men's Bath), contrives to show three of these meanings in The spout of the stop-cock is so placed as to hide discreetly Much about cock-shut time, from troop to troop English say: Early to bed and up with the cock !"3 BERNARD FREEDMAN. Reading newspapers means you can't avoid politics, and one And before most other things I'd rather read Private Eye. There is obviously something special about a publication Finding favourite authors is like choosing friends-you can him, just read and rejoice, like me and the new Archbishop of other's hands with cries of delight, saying "Have you read the cache = ./cache/work_kt2gy3u6lrcd3ld5rttd4rffeu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kt2gy3u6lrcd3ld5rttd4rffeu.txt === bib === id = work_duerxh5tazfybd7zbznrvsk5ba author = Michael O'Dell title = Home health care: healing where the heart is date = 2012 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220372500 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:08 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_duerxh5tazfybd7zbznrvsk5ba.pdf txt = ./txt/work_duerxh5tazfybd7zbznrvsk5ba.txt === bib === id = work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q author = Edward Copeland title = The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons date = 2017 pages = 33 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9095 sentences = 611 flesch = 68 summary = sources.12 Such casual appropriations of Jane Austen's novels, the allusions Women's fiction in Jane Austen's day operated for the most part as a Mandal, Jane Austen and the Popular Novel: the 115, cited from Jane Austen, The Critical Heritage, cit., vol. Jane Austen and her readers, 1786-1945, London, Anthem Press, 2012, p. Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons cache = ./cache/work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q.pdf txt = ./txt/work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q.txt === bib === id = work_jhoga6h6zzgi3m26436di7davi author = Diego Saglia title = Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges date = 2017 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3340 sentences = 231 flesch = 58 summary = Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Remediating Jane Austen through the Gothic: "Pride and Prejudice Remake of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" intertextuality and rewriting – deeply rooted in Austen's fiction – also satisfying Austens 'in the second degree'.2 And, while this issue generally As to quotation, intertextuality and rewriting within Austen's work, and Prejudice Austen switches its position from Burney's finale to the Quotation, intertextuality and rewriting are another crucial facet of Austen Mandal, Jane Austen and the Popular Novel: The Determined Author, the current burgeoning of quotation, intertextuality and rewriting of Austen M. Brownstein, Why Jane Austen?, New York, Columbia University Press, Diego Saglia, Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Diego Saglia, Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Diego Saglia, Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Diego Saglia, Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Jane Austen, Edited by E. cache = ./cache/work_jhoga6h6zzgi3m26436di7davi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jhoga6h6zzgi3m26436di7davi.txt === bib === id = work_vjcxmis4brf5lgui3eazsexu74 author = Roberta Grandi title = "What was done there is not to be told!" Plans for improvement and designs for ruin in Austen's Sotherton Court date = 2012 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9138 sentences = 556 flesch = 72 summary = nonetheless, from the point of view of the critic, Mansfield Park offers matchless elements for study and analysis as, by overturning the usual characterization of the protagonists, the novel evidences more clearly the unchanged system of values of austen's narrative. treatment of landscape gardening and improvement work in Mansfield Park, focusing improvement planned or performed can be interpreted either as signs of moral improvement or of excess: "Throughout Jane austen's fiction, estates function not only as the settings of action but as indexes to the character and social responsibility of their owners"9. see also a.m. duckworth, Mansfield Park and Estate Improvements: Jane Austen's atmosphere of the chapel: maria bertram and henry crawford feel an evident disquietude at being in the place in which the former's marriage with rushworth will part them cache = ./cache/work_vjcxmis4brf5lgui3eazsexu74.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vjcxmis4brf5lgui3eazsexu74.txt === bib === id = work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm author = Kylee-Anne Hingston title = Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Erika Wright date = 2016 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 883 sentences = 69 flesch = 61 summary = Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Erika Wright (review) Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Erika Wright (review) Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel As early as 2005, Diane Price Herndl lamented the "disciplinary divide between the medical humanities and disability studies" that exists in valuable contribution to Victorian medical humanities, Erika Wright's Reading than disease or disability, unlike most corporeality-centred Victorian studies maintaining health and preventing disease rather than of curing and recovering from ill health—Wright traces narrative patterns of prevention that Reading for Health shows us these narrative patterns with a clarity that makes notice a want of dialogue with disability scholarship in Wright's book (apart Moreover, the field of disability studies addresses how a prevention model book on health, Wright risks contributing to the marginalization of disability this lack, Reading for Health makes an essential intervention in Victorian studies cache = ./cache/work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_rhih2svogfcg5idb4rnpxolx4e author = Marc Porée title = Pierre Morère, Sens et sensibilité : pensée et poésie dans la Grande-Bretagne des Lumières date = 2017 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2348 sentences = 333 flesch = 77 summary = URL : Marc Porée, « Pierre Morère, Sens et sensibilité : pensée et poésie dans la Grande-Bretagne des définitive, c'est par un chiasme parfait qu'il cadre son propos : la poésie des Lumières la poésie, ou à tout le moins du poétique, que Morère aborde sous ses angles dire inégal, des œuvres poétiques dont il n'aura retenu que les plus saillantes. Pierre Morère, Sens et sensibilité : pensée et poésie dans la Grande-Bretagne... Pierre Morère, Sens et sensibilité : pensée et poésie dans la Grande-Bretagne... Pierre Morère, Sens et sensibilité : pensée et poésie dans la Grande-Bretagne... Pierre Morère, Sens et sensibilité : pensée et poésie dans la Grande-Bretagne... Pierre Morère, Sens et sensibilité : pensée et poésie dans la Grande-Bretagne... Pierre Morère, Sens et sensibilité : pensée et poésie dans la Grande-Bretagne des Lumières Pierre Morère, Sens et sensibilité : pensée et poésie dans la Grande-Bretagne des Lumières cache = ./cache/work_rhih2svogfcg5idb4rnpxolx4e.pdf txt = ./txt/work_rhih2svogfcg5idb4rnpxolx4e.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_eyld4s4wlncknpzfy2xdwikie4 author = Mary O'Sullivan title = Thomas Piketty. Capital in the Twenty-First Century date = 2015 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2635 sentences = 118 flesch = 54 summary = that is of as much potential interest to historians as Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Piketty proposes by way of an answer—that rising inequality is inherent to the dynamics of capitalism—depends for its persuasiveness on the historical analysis he The book also deserves historians' attention for Piketty's admonishment of economists for "their absurd claim to greater scientific legitimacy, despite the fact that they know almost nothing Piketty argues that the "lessons of history" reveal capitalism's structural tendency to generate higher time the capital stock takes on "disproportionate importance" relative to economic output and returns to But Piketty provides little help in accounting for how shocks to capital feed into a decline soon realize that � � s/g is not a straightforward accounting identity since Piketty's capital-income ratio is is capital used for?" becomes central, since Piketty considers it crucial for determining the rate of return on cache = ./cache/work_eyld4s4wlncknpzfy2xdwikie4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_eyld4s4wlncknpzfy2xdwikie4.txt === bib === id = work_buvdmuhs7fa3bdvw7wusbk23m4 author = Emily Rohrbach title = Austen's Later Subjects date = 2004 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6835 sentences = 393 flesch = 62 summary = Of the three novels that Austen composed in the second decade of the nineteenth century, Mansfield Park and Persuasion rest upon a particular moment in Mansfield Park that oddly narrates the novel's own representational limits, specific to spatiality. and Empire" in Culture and Imperialism.6 Said finds Fanny's spatial movement between Portsmouth and Mansfield Park politically charged, for instance, in its correspondence with Sir suggest, in however limited a demonstration, how this psychoanalytic narrative can provide a way of thinking about these issues of representation in Austen and to offer the passage as the active temporal imagination, is Anne Elliot, heroine of Persuasion. Mansfield Park, are foregrounded in Persuasion, in the complexities of narrative temporality structuring the discourse of Anne's Imagining future memories often amounts, then, to a temporal strategy in Anne's intellectual effort to avoid self-delusion. novel, the present-perfect conception of self that structures Emma. persuasion of Anne, simply because Austen presents them in cache = ./cache/work_buvdmuhs7fa3bdvw7wusbk23m4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_buvdmuhs7fa3bdvw7wusbk23m4.txt === bib === id = work_ybnheftrq5eezgn7gypmx2q6lm author = Laura Bliss title = The crown prosecution guidelines and grossly offensive comments: an analysis date = 2017 pages = 23 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7340 sentences = 470 flesch = 57 summary = Bliss, L 2017, 'The crown prosecution guidelines and grossly offensive comment: an analysis', Journal of Media The Crown Prosecution Guidelines and Grossly Offensive Comments: An The Crown Prosecution Guidelines and Grossly Offensive Comments: An grossly offensive comments made via social media. examine the guidelines and grossly offensive comments made online and consider whether a Key Words: Social Media; Grossly Offensive Comments; CPS Guidelines; Malicious behaviour resulted in the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) introducing guidelines (the communication might be considered grossly offensive, but the high threshold for prosecution 'Seattle Reads'와 'One Book, One Chicago' 선정 책 <표 4> 'Seattle Reads'와 'One Book, One Chicago' 선정 책 <표 5> 'Seattle Reads'와 'One Book, One Chicago' 선정 책의 연도별 선정 Reads'와 'One Book, One Chicago'에서 선정 cache = ./cache/work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli.pdf txt = ./txt/work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli.txt === bib === id = work_xfxhrn3645hbvczk77whx3r3nm author = Maddalena Pennacchia title = Recreating Jane: "Austenland" and the Regency Theme Park date = 2017 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 4464 sentences = 316 flesch = 67 summary = Remediating Jane Austen through the Gothic: "Pride and Prejudice Remake of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" Recreating Jane: "Austenland" and the Regency Theme Park so much so that Jane Austen's six novels, together with her letters and follow in the steps of 'authentic' or 'adapted' Jane and thus enjoy a on Screen: the Experience of Jane Austen Fans, in "Almatourism. 6 Jane Austen Country. critics in their explorations of Jane Austen and her works" (B. since the screen adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, Austen's intelligent and Complete immersion in the Regency period is the only way to truly experience Austen's Maddalena Pennacchia, Recreating Jane: "Austenland" and the Regency Theme Park Maddalena Pennacchia, Recreating Jane: "Austenland" and the Regency Theme Park Maddalena Pennacchia, Recreating Jane: "Austenland" and the Regency Theme Park Maddalena Pennacchia, Recreating Jane: "Austenland" and the Regency Theme Park Maddalena Pennacchia, Recreating Jane: "Austenland" and the Regency Theme Park cache = ./cache/work_xfxhrn3645hbvczk77whx3r3nm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xfxhrn3645hbvczk77whx3r3nm.txt === bib === id = work_7cibxhx3vndnfdphgygeudkmbe author = Jennifer Gribble title = Jane Eyre's Imagination date = 1968 pages = 16 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6873 sentences = 404 flesch = 68 summary = subjective novelist" usually imply judgments like Kathleen Tillotson's, that Jane Eyre is "a novel of the inner life, not of man in central passage on Jane's imaginings gives evidence that Charlotte Far from envisaging the imagination as an escape from the realities of life, Charlotte Bronte must surely have agreed with G. Jane Eyre questions the kind of dichotomy between inner experience and outer world that she (and also G. Jane's imagination and Charlotte Bronte's, and the two are not Jane's experience, the interaction and fusion of internal and external, individual and society, thought and nature, she must represent Jane's imagination, playing on this sharply isolated image of herself, reveals to her the essential nature of her position at Gateshead Neither Jane's imaginative powers, nor Charlotte Bronte's analogies in nature, Jane's imagination reflecting that of her creator. power of Jane's imagination in transforming, or making its own, Jane's imagination and Charlotte Bronte's in this respect, there is cache = ./cache/work_7cibxhx3vndnfdphgygeudkmbe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7cibxhx3vndnfdphgygeudkmbe.txt === bib === id = work_u7t2a7mhkjacpdbkqteipunypu author = Gabriela-Iuliana COLIPCĂ-CIOBANU title = "The mere habit of learning to love is the thing": Janeitism and/in Karen Joy Fowler's The Jane Austen Book Club date = 2017 pages = 26 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10627 sentences = 707 flesch = 65 summary = Janeitism and/in Karen Joy Fowler's The Jane Austen Book Austen's ―everyday enthusiasts‖ (Wells 2011: 11) have joined reading groups/ book clubs book clubbing and the reflection on the symbolic values attached to Jane Austen as an icon Austen Book Club (2004), a postmodernist novel which focuses on several issues in Key words: Jane Austen, popular culture, postmodernism, intertextuality, reading American novelist Karen Joy Fowler, with her Jane Austen Book Club (2004), From the very title, Karen Joy Fowler's novel The Jane Austen Book her novel, namely that Jane Austen is above high art/ popular culture As for Prudie, the youngest member of the Jane Austen book club, Austen book club, Fowler seems to suggest, make a society out of personal Fowler's The Jane Austen Book Club is, above all, meant to investigate A less extensive analysis of Karen Joy Fowler's novel The Jane Austen Book cache = ./cache/work_u7t2a7mhkjacpdbkqteipunypu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_u7t2a7mhkjacpdbkqteipunypu.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_7na6max5ybhdva6or767ixsegi author = Barbara K. Seeber title = The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism in Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility date = 2004 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6297 sentences = 440 flesch = 71 summary = The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism in Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism in Northanger rights in the eighteenth century and its relationship to the representations of hunting in Jane Austen. William Cowper emphasize the sentience of animals and charge hunters their love of the sport and, by comparing their hunting of animals and their treatment of women, Austen inflects the anti-hunting argument Cowper's The Task (1785) similarly denounces hunting: animals 'suffer torture' (6.390) to 'make ... In Northanger Abbey, Austen clearly demystifies the hunting ideal. The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 cache = ./cache/work_7na6max5ybhdva6or767ixsegi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7na6max5ybhdva6or767ixsegi.txt === bib === id = work_pa3u7hfkinft5ng25pnjdit6k4 author = Sharon Marcus title = Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies date = 2006 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 5138 sentences = 407 flesch = 68 summary = The role of feminist criticism, its function in literary studies, To discuss feminist criticism's role is thus to ask, What does femi (2) Feminist criticism constructs definitions of gender that do department carries out the work of feminist as women's right to equal pay for equal work. comes to individual works by women writers, Scholarship: Feminist literary criticism Feminist work by women is often read, work by feminist literary critics?although, So much for the work feminist criticism roles of feminist criticism and that the mortal New Yorker in 2004, and books by women 3. As Rita Felski points out, "Feminist criticism is a 1728 Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies PMLA 1728 Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies PMLA 1728 Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies PMLA -. fane Austen: Women, Politics, and the Novel. Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies [pp. Notes on the Afterlife of Feminist Criticism [pp. cache = ./cache/work_pa3u7hfkinft5ng25pnjdit6k4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_pa3u7hfkinft5ng25pnjdit6k4.txt === bib === id = work_psuefqkk6nhoxd7r6xukpdigjm author = Thomas Colignatus title = Pronunciation Of The Integers With Full Use Of The Place Value System date = 2018 pages = 11 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3806 sentences = 447 flesch = 73 summary = This notebook and package provide an implementation for English, German, French, Dutch and Danish. mathematics education, place value system, pronunciation, Common Core, Mathematica, Wolfram The system proposed here is simple but still supports a full use of the place value system for education in elementary school. Implementation for English, German, French, Dutch and Danish. English and German while French, Dutch and Danish are in the Appendix. The following describes the notebook and package (and not the English language as it is). PronounceIntegers�77, Speak � False, Language � "German"� � Implemented are English, German, French, Dutch and Danish, assuming that $Language (the � For each language the user provides: (i) option True � words for the minus sign, digits 0 ... Implemented are English, German, French, Dutch and Danish �with The package contains the definitions for the full use of the place value system in a way that fits cache = ./cache/work_psuefqkk6nhoxd7r6xukpdigjm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_psuefqkk6nhoxd7r6xukpdigjm.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_sysuwrxvo5cxjhazbbf36riv4y author = Faye Hammill title = Cold Comfort Farm, D. H. Lawrence, and English Literary Culture Between the Wars date = 2001 pages = 21 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 9545 sentences = 575 flesch = 66 summary = Cold Comfort Farm, DH Lawrence & English Literary Culture Between the Wars Stella Gibbons's Cold Comfort Farm (1932) has been an incredibly popular novel. details in Cold Comfort Farm which point to Lawrence are the incestuous desire of Judith for her son 2 Oliver's biography sets out the connections between Gibbons's novel and the work of JC Powys, and he later commented: Comfort Farm, the foreword to Gibbons's novel parodies a pompous dedication with which Walpole Rose 39, 122), and WJ Keith applies this argument to Gibbons's novel: "Cold Comfort Farm was an Stella Gibbons's Cold Comfort Farm, for instance, is still Oxford and Cambridge Companions to English Literature, the entries for Kaye-Smith and Webb refer to Cold Comfort As KDM Snell points out in his book on the regional novel: "In Cold Comfort Farm the apparent Cold Comfort Farm may ridicule certain aspects of rural writing, but it cache = ./cache/work_sysuwrxvo5cxjhazbbf36riv4y.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sysuwrxvo5cxjhazbbf36riv4y.txt === bib === id = work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm author = S. McAusland title = Leg Ulcers date = 1961 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 24 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220375304 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm.txt === bib === id = work_kmubz3mkkfcefmrnyotsqs55sy author = Radha M.K. Nambiar title = Mainland China undergraduate learners' experiences in the Malaysian tertiary context date = 2011 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3256 sentences = 224 flesch = 63 summary = This paper explores how mainland China undergraduates navigate the academic literacy experiences they encounter in the lecturers can take to help the learners in their academic socialization practices. Asian learners who come from countries where English is a foreign language, reading in English is a formidable task learning of English is seen as important in China there are limited opportunities to practice the language. The literacy practices that were explored in this study were centered on two courses – Academic Reading and reading program at UKM to understand what difficulties they face in their new environments and what literacy Both learners indicated almost similar difficulties with the academic literacy practices they encountered. in China where they were guided by the teacher and in Malaysia where they were left to read and understand texts literacy experiences the study has revealed that knowing about the process of socialization helps us to understand cache = ./cache/work_kmubz3mkkfcefmrnyotsqs55sy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kmubz3mkkfcefmrnyotsqs55sy.txt === bib === id = work_4j2oyr7mwvaflf7eh2afqodmgm author = Klaus Dodds title = I May Be Some Time: Ice and the English Imagination. Francis Spufford. 1996. London: Faber & Faber. 372 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-571-14487-X. £15.99 date = 1997 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1919 sentences = 93 flesch = 45 summary = The English polar explorers of the first part of the present The cultural and ideological significance of polar exploration is the subject matter of Francis Spufford's I may The poles did undoubtedly fire the imaginations of English polar explorers and administrators. However, Spufford's account of polar exploration is the varied geographical imaginations of nineteenth-century polar writings. for example, on the culture of polar exploration in late does not help address the enduring legacy of polar exploration to the English imagination and, in that sense, it was European north is on cross-border interaction and cooperation between western and eastern Europe in the socalled 'northern periphery,' that is, between the northernmost parts of Finland, Norway, and Sweden and the is, governments of the four countries involved, eight subnational regions, and representatives of indigenous peoples), there is a common stake in the sustainable development of the European north. cache = ./cache/work_4j2oyr7mwvaflf7eh2afqodmgm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4j2oyr7mwvaflf7eh2afqodmgm.txt === bib === id = work_wdvgkekmajgmdkc2xanxxesfny author = Enrico Nicosia title = Editorial date = 2015 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 987 sentences = 61 flesch = 52 summary = Film-­‐induced tourism is the topic of the first edition for 2015 ( two that analyze this particular tourist experience, through hes work Film Induced tourism sector in those places in which were carried out the filming of movies or The Italian definition of film tourism differs somewhat from that of the Anglo-­‐ Saxon Movie or Film Induced Tourism, but, even if it is inspired to it, refers to The film-­‐induced tourism is defined by . what is it of interest is the tourist activity associated with the film place's storylines in film, video and television." Moreover Riley and Van Doren liken the film-­‐induced tourism to Hallmark events as defined by Ritchie: "Major or the film-­‐reinduced tourism by the numerous movies (1923-­‐2012) devoted approach using fan studies to inform tourism research, as in the case of to many movies and audiovisual works, the film-­‐induced tourism can be one of film-­‐induced tourism. In recent times, film tourism has cache = ./cache/work_wdvgkekmajgmdkc2xanxxesfny.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wdvgkekmajgmdkc2xanxxesfny.txt === bib === id = work_lfravptibngxjmcssmmasi7emy author = David Fergusson title = Beyond Theologies of Resentment: An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's Democracy and Tradition date = 2006 pages = 17 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 6860 sentences = 435 flesch = 54 summary = Fergusson, D 2006, 'Beyond Theologies of Resentment: An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's "Democracy and Beyond Theologies of Resentment: An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's "Democracy and In extolling democracy as a tradition, Stout argues against defining it in 1 Jeffrey Stout, Democracy and Tradition (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003), see, Stout has a different narrative to offer, that of ethical pragmatism. be neglected by those who mine Stout's work for his criticisms of Hauerwas moral realism, Stout is not seeking to exclude the possibility of a theological Stout's moral pragmatism seems to An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's 'Democracy and Tradition' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's 'Democracy and Tradition' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's 'Democracy and Tradition' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's 'Democracy and Tradition' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's 'Democracy and Tradition' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's 'Democracy and Tradition' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout's 'Democracy and Tradition' cache = ./cache/work_lfravptibngxjmcssmmasi7emy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_lfravptibngxjmcssmmasi7emy.txt === bib === id = work_7fcrwkxigfasfo3sas2z4v56fi author = T.J.M. Bench-Capon title = Modelling devices and modelling speakers date = 1989 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2663 sentences = 132 flesch = 57 summary = The roles played in an illocutionary act by models of the means of user must have models of the computer both as a communications device and a communications medium, and of the system author as Keywords: speech acts, illocutionary acts, user models, humancomputer interaction communication, and they must understand how to use the telephone effectively, and must interact with their devices, but the communicative Where the act of communication is mediated by a device, a model of the that we can use them without needing to develop a fresh device model for each Next, also from the device model, the user must be device model is sufficient to enable the user to reach this point, it will now be Users thus require models both of the computer, as a device and as a medium constructing device models so they can know how to use the medium to cache = ./cache/work_7fcrwkxigfasfo3sas2z4v56fi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7fcrwkxigfasfo3sas2z4v56fi.txt === bib === id = work_umxtyaf5sjcjzov4jzw27263de author = Nicholas Hart title = Highlights from this issue date = 2016 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1025 sentences = 146 flesch = 69 summary = Thorax publishes around 10 original This month in the journal, we celebrate journal over the years. page 203, Editors' choice). Having arterial blood sampling is one of On page 210 of the journal, Tricia trial of treatment directed by venous sampling is needed (see page 208). fibrosis patient in possession of a pulmonary exacerbation must be in want of a two week course of intravenous antibiotics." Symptomatic improvement was not associated with either increment in lung function or time to next IV On page 216 of this month's Thorax, can predict exacerbations in CF. sensitivity and 45% specificity for predicting exacerbations within 4 months. Colombia – on page 267 of the Journal, earlier treatment on lung cancer was a In this month's Thorax this However the resection rate in Teeside (whilst improving "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future" Stick out your tongue and say aaahhh… cache = ./cache/work_umxtyaf5sjcjzov4jzw27263de.pdf txt = ./txt/work_umxtyaf5sjcjzov4jzw27263de.txt === bib === id = work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq author = Z Cope title = Dr. Charles Thomas Haden (1786-1824), a friend of Jane Austen date = 1966 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371823 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq.txt === bib === id = work_a46tsbkdofc2rdvexsqlyse5hm author = Palma Bjarnason title = Dancing in the "eye of the world" : voyeurism, performance, and the public text in Jane Austen's scenes of dance date = 1999 pages = 98 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 27157 sentences = 1525 flesch = 63 summary = IN JANE AUSTEN'S SCENES OF DANCE performing, watching and interpreting social dance --an interplay Austen's heroines during social dances, one of the only societally Austen's heroines during social dances, one of the only societally performances; all social acts of observing dance(rs) constitute Taking a similar approach to Jane Austen's scenes of dance and while Austen makes clear that social occurrences involving dance watched dancing body thus allow Austen subtly to showcase more Anne Elliot is the Austen female most determined to avoid dancing Elizabeth to continue dancing), Austen uses Catherine's situation clearer is that Austen uses Emma's behaviour at dances to show a Elizabeth and Darcy as they are dancing, Austen introduces the In Jane Austen's novels, dance is a metaphor for marriage Austen's exploration of the female experience of dance. Characters who dance and are watched (Marianne Dashwood; Fanny "Dancing, Balls, and Assemblies." The Jane Austen cache = ./cache/work_a46tsbkdofc2rdvexsqlyse5hm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_a46tsbkdofc2rdvexsqlyse5hm.txt === bib === id = work_4qk4ugfzovcgdobv2jhbb5bzqa author = Sandra Regina Goulart Almeida title = Gender studies, feminist perspectives, and compemporary reading Gender studies, feminist perspectives, and compemporary reading date = 2008 pages = 9 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2803 sentences = 165 flesch = 50 summary = perspectives, which provide analyses of issues of Gender, Women's studies, and feminist criticism and give a specific focus on the literary issues of gender relations, representation of women, Women's studies, transdisciplinary studies in the field of literature, cultural politics, film Several critics have pointed out the relevance of gender studies criticism, such as postmodernism, post-colonialism and cultural studies The first section of this issue, entitled "Feminist Criticism and to theoretical analyses of feminist criticism, Women's Studies and entitled "Feminist Cultural Literacy: Translating Differences, Cannibal Another central issue in the theorization of Women's Studies By analyzing travel texts by women, Gazzola shows how they women writers that question issues of gender and representation. that address issues about gender relations and feminist perspectives. The articles here assembled discuss issues related to feminist Contemporary feminist criticism has as one of its aims the task of forcing "Cultural Studies and Its Theoretical Legacies." Critical Dialogues in cache = ./cache/work_4qk4ugfzovcgdobv2jhbb5bzqa.pdf txt = ./txt/work_4qk4ugfzovcgdobv2jhbb5bzqa.txt === bib === id = work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu author = John Caughie title = Small pleasures: adaptation and the past in British film and television Small pleasures: adaptation and the past in British film and television date = 2008 pages = 24 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7948 sentences = 380 flesch = 58 summary = the allure of the past for British film and television, and to suggest some British cinema, conditioned by a national history of imperialism to people in the British domestic market to support a film industry of the British cinema has to sell the images of Britain which Americans are British film is alive and well and living on television. film production has been central not only to the health of British cinema, television screening killed a film's chance of success in the cinema, or the quality tradition formed by films based on adaptations mainly by British quality cinema in a particular and peculiar relationship to the of the national past in both film and television at least the same attention approach representations of the past in both television and film. past in both cinema and television, from costume drama to classic pleasure of period film and the classic adaptation. cache = ./cache/work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu.txt === bib === id = work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki author = Tim Boon title = Technology: Baroque geekery date = 2012 pages = 2 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1839 sentences = 161 flesch = 70 summary = S. Bach and loves some recordings in par-ticular, such as Glenn Gould's 1955 Reinventing Bach Elie sets out to show how recording technologies of the past 100 years Each chapter takes a key recording, dwelling to different degrees on the technology two recordings of the Goldberg Variations with a long, low swallow the organ fills with recording music, Executed by local craftsmen (and sometimes Losh herself ) working mostly in Losh's carvings often feature a pinecone, an ancient symbol of regeneration and enlightenment. Canadian pianist Glenn Gould recorded Bach's Goldberg Variations twice, in 1955 and 1981. how Gould's recordings of the Goldberg Variations were polished as the pianist, holed up The hybrid instrument given to Schweitzer by the Paris Bach In the end, Reinventing Bach reads best author's love of Bach's recorded oeuvre. Harm de Blij OxfOrd University Press 320 pp. Starting with the nature of sound and cache = ./cache/work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki.pdf txt = ./txt/work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki.txt === bib === id = work_t4o434bos5hrxjo2ov333tyrbu author = Annarita Taronna title = Dialoghi traduttologici. Il testo letterario e la lingua inglese. Michela Marroni date = 2019 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1278 sentences = 190 flesch = 67 summary = critica che con questa sua ricerca si inserisce nel dibattito sulla traduzione e sugli studi letterari proponendo ogni traduttore ha un suo punto di vista, non solo sulle strategie da trattare ma anche sulla posizione da genere, traduzione e censura, sulle letterature di frontiera e sulla didattica dell'inglese come L2. nuove versioni come segno della permanente trasformazione nel tempo delle conoscenze, dei costumi e del diverse opere letterarie inglesi e rintraccia, con molta accuratezza, la storia delle loro traduzioni italiane e dei Park di Jane Austen di cui Marroni prende in considerazione non solo il piano dell'interpretazione del testo, Marroni, "a fare dell'inglese la lingua in grado di controllare le altre lingue esattamente come la borghesia saggio, Marroni enfatizza, come segue, la riflessione di Eliot sul ruolo del traduttore e delle responsabilità avere un rapporto di rispetto verso il testo originale; e un senso di responsabilità da parte del traduttore che cache = ./cache/work_t4o434bos5hrxjo2ov333tyrbu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_t4o434bos5hrxjo2ov333tyrbu.txt === bib === id = work_wdaphikarbg5fpbzbf6apqkvh4 author = Mauricio Rocha-e-Silva title = Writing good English: is scientific English a Latin language in disguise? date = 2018 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3367 sentences = 289 flesch = 59 summary = most hybridized language in history, with Latin and French contributing 60% of the entire English lexicon. object of this study is to determine whether the frequency of use of imported words is a function of literary genre. in the English texts as well as the occurrence of non-Latin or non-Neo-Latin words in the Portuguese texts; a oneway analysis of variance was used to determine whether significant differences occurred between genres in the RESULTS: The frequency of occurrence of Latin/French words in English text was significantly dependent on the literary genre, being maximal in medical scientific texts and minimal in colloquial English; in contrast, the frequency of occurrence of non-Latin words in Portuguese was constant throughout the same literary genres. CONCLUSION: The use of Latin/French words in English is directly proportional to the complexity of the literary MedicalExpress (Sao Paulo, online) 2018;5:mf18001Is scientific English a Latin language in disguise? cache = ./cache/work_wdaphikarbg5fpbzbf6apqkvh4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_wdaphikarbg5fpbzbf6apqkvh4.txt === bib === id = work_aledmzmw6vgs3kksgtdpwz4uq4 author = T. Leitch title = Strange Bedfellows: The Post-Literary Novel, the Devoutly Literary Novel, and the Media Revolution That Was Supposed to Kill Them but Gave Them Life Instead date = 2011 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 11 sentences = 2 flesch = 32 summary = cache = ./cache/work_aledmzmw6vgs3kksgtdpwz4uq4.pdf txt = ./txt/work_aledmzmw6vgs3kksgtdpwz4uq4.txt === bib === id = work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum author = Z. Cope title = ANTHOLOGY ABOUT DOCTORS date = 1962 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220372019 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.pdf txt = ./txt/work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.txt === bib === id = work_xcqjpxf2gbcsxepp7dnte7eohy author = R. Woodfield title = Stories of Art date = 2003 pages = 4 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2082 sentences = 235 flesch = 84 summary = greater inclusiveness but it was a huge w o r k and hardly a story of art. draw pictures or maps of their images of art history. Like many other writers, the author locates the emergence of art historical writing Vasari drew his models from Classical authors and every welleducated adult interested i n art knew their Cicero, Pliny, and Quintilian, let alone the great Educated people interested i n art did find space for If fine art were a category like 'chair' but other cultures did not have a category 'chair', using A s Elkins recognizes, the real problem behind a multicultural story of art is one H o w can one write a culturally fair account of the history of art? Wouldn't writing a story of art be to give u p writing textbook histories of art altogether? cache = ./cache/work_xcqjpxf2gbcsxepp7dnte7eohy.pdf txt = ./txt/work_xcqjpxf2gbcsxepp7dnte7eohy.txt === bib === id = work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim author = James Willis title = Shared humanity: a Jane Austen bicentenary date = 2013 pages = 1 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 953 sentences = 74 flesch = 78 summary = Shared humanity: a Jane Austen bicentenary British Journal of General Practice, April 2013 207 From the Dutch of Hendrik Marsman after publishing it, Hendrik Marsman The most important thing about 'Classics' is great art, and we recognise in the shared window is the room where Jane Austen family of our friends who had been involved Like many who went straight into medicine were supposed to read but never did. of which are written in her hand, (that was how you got your music in those days: you of a year of music with the Open University, of those precious, densely-written pages, Abbey, the first of Jane's completed books, Jane Austen's House Museum has That is the measure of the human bond that the sharing of great art can bring. experience is shared. College, and this Journal, have been big on centrality of the humanities, and the great Shared humanity: a Jane Austen bicentenary cache = ./cache/work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.pdf txt = ./txt/work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.txt === bib === === bib === id = work_hcp4ebkfpnanhn2cnzfdkm3tyi author = G. J. Stephens title = Searching for simplicity in the analysis of neurons and behavior date = 2011 pages = 7 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8139 sentences = 867 flesch = 67 summary = ∼1030: If our bodies moved aimlessly among these states, characterizing our motor behavior would be hopeless—no experiment could sample even a tiny fraction of all of the possible variation in smooth pursuit eye movement behavior reveals a simple structure whose form suggests a neural origin for the noise that system interprets the resulting image motion on the retina to estimate the target's trajectory and then to accelerate the eye to Low-dimensional dynamics of pursuit eye velocity trajectories (7). space to construct an explicit stochastic model of crawling behavior and then show how long-lived states and transitions between them emerge naturally from this model. take these "one letter" statistics into account, the maximum entropy distribution is the independent model, For networks of neurons and letters, the pairwise maximum entropy of the retina, a maximum entropy model was constructed to describe the states of spiking and silence in a population of n = 40 cache = ./cache/work_hcp4ebkfpnanhn2cnzfdkm3tyi.pdf txt = ./txt/work_hcp4ebkfpnanhn2cnzfdkm3tyi.txt === bib === id = work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm author = Thomas R. Edwards, title = The Difficult Beauty of Mansfield Park date = 1965 pages = 18 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 7635 sentences = 443 flesch = 74 summary = entire persuasiveness, as being more gravely flawed and less charming than he finds them, even at first reading; and in Mary, especially, Jane Austen diagnoses a moral disorder that, because less nor are Edmund, Mary, and Henry so distinctly given moral moral freedom; even Edmund attempts to urge Fanny into Such consciousness is usual in Mary's conversation: "Miss Crawford turned her eye on [Fanny], as if wanting to hear or see more, Henry watches Fanny, Edmund (unwittingly Mary recommends Henry to Fanny by For all her affectionate concern for Fanny, Jane Austen keeps After Edmund gives Mary up, Fanny tells him of her interest "my Fanny" to Jane Austen, but the tone of indulgent affection of interest or embarrassment about Mary and Henry, but an understanding that the union of Fanny and Edmund falls somewhat Like Fanny, he will never quite know what he missed, and we must what Jane Austen knows-or most of it-about life. cache = ./cache/work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm.pdf txt = ./txt/work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm.txt === bib === id = work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq author = B A Neville title = Reading for Pleasure: A touchstone for the 1980s? date = 1980 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 25 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371805 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq.txt === bib === id = work_efzexg6qxzdk3pqto7xibbq4ri author = Shannon Thomas Perich title = Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. Ward, Jr date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 641 sentences = 148 flesch = 63 summary = | Gastronomica | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. : University of Georgia Press Search for other works by this author on: Article contents Tools Icon Search Site This content is only available via PDF. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press's Reprints and Permissions web page, Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. Ward, Jr.' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. Citing articles via "Muita Galinha, Pouco Ovo": Food, COVID-19, and the Screen That Separates Us Article Activity Alert Info for Authors Print ISSN 1529-3262 Journal Authors © Copyright 2021 by the Regents of the University of California. cache = ./cache/work_efzexg6qxzdk3pqto7xibbq4ri.pdf txt = ./txt/work_efzexg6qxzdk3pqto7xibbq4ri.txt === bib === id = work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq author = A. Ridout title = Lost in Austen: Adaptation and the Feminist Politics of Nostalgia date = 2010 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 11 sentences = 2 flesch = 32 summary = cache = ./cache/work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq.pdf txt = ./txt/work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq.txt === bib === id = work_dwsyeehvw5d7vbjbwjajyqmjpe author = S. Kean title = Red in Tooth and Claw Among the Literati date = 2011 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2857 sentences = 330 flesch = 65 summary = literature based on evolution science. Most scientif ic lit scholars incorporate at least some evolution into their work understanding human behavior. which helps explain how universal human In contrast, applying evolutionary thought to the human mind himself released a new book in March, Reading Human Nature, which summarizes the Humanities scholars have criticized scientifi c And stories can indeed be adaptive in human culture of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, has argued instead that literature and work on evolutionary game theory and literature, in which rogues are generally punished. punishment," Flesch says; otherwise human But even if certain components of literature are adaptive, Flesch says, it doesn't nature, Carroll says. cognitive science than an evolutionary perspective, but she argues that literature can Flesch says studying literature might help explain evolutionary literary critics. Gottschall says the resistance to Darwinian lit crit among literary scholars reminds cache = ./cache/work_dwsyeehvw5d7vbjbwjajyqmjpe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_dwsyeehvw5d7vbjbwjajyqmjpe.txt === bib === id = work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme author = G. E Robinson title = Legislation and teenage sex date = 1984 pages = extension = .pdf mime = application/xml words = 144 sentences = 26 flesch = 71 summary = sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write('[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]'.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371884 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). cache = ./cache/work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme.pdf txt = ./txt/work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme.txt === bib === id = work_x2wtdlufu5bh5hdggq2pp5a3le author = M. Giffin title = JANE AUSTEN AND THE ECONOMY OF SALVATION: RENEWING THE DRIFTING CHURCH IN MANSFIELD PARK date = 2000 pages = 8 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 2756 sentences = 173 flesch = 71 summary = Mansfield Park is her most profound novel (indeed, heroines of the earlier novels, we can easily forget that Fanny is Mansfield Park was the author's description of Sir Thomas returns to Mansfield Park, Fanny notices that Sir Thomas's confrontation with Fanny in the attic of Mansfield Park, Sir Thomas knew she really loved Edmund and wanted her to marry heart of Sir Thomas's urgent scheme for spiritual renewal and Here Satan tempts the Church, in the presence of God, with The proposition that Sir Thomas knew about Crawford's Sir Thomas commits Fanny to Crawford, so it was God who such an orthodox scheme there is no reason why Sir Thomas would not commit Fanny to Crawford, that she might be forced to attic scene we can see Sir Thomas leading Fanny into her feeling, between classical and romantic, Sir Thomas is perfectly Austen, Mansfield Park cache = ./cache/work_x2wtdlufu5bh5hdggq2pp5a3le.pdf txt = ./txt/work_x2wtdlufu5bh5hdggq2pp5a3le.txt === bib === id = work_45qwzmhf2nbqzindfmshnqpzje author = Kirsi-Maria Hytönen title = Muutakin kuin äänen puutetta date = 2016 pages = 5 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1628 sentences = 273 flesch = 53 summary = meluisana, sai kirjan lukeminen minut havainnoimaan, miten hiljaisuus ja käyttötavat voivat olla: äänen voimakkuuden säätely melusta hiljaisuuteen voi liittyä Hiljaisuus ei ole pelkästään äänen puutetta, sillä kuten Kaartinen johdannossa toteaa, Ääni, äänettömyys tai hiljaisuus voivat Ääni voi olla kuisketta tai melua, ja hiljaisuus voi olla painostavaa tai rauhoittavaa – ja kummassakin voi tunnelma kuvaa sitä, miten keskeistä hiljaisuus on ollut keskiajan luostarielämässä, kirkoissa ja hiljaisuus tai sen puute liittyy nimenomaan erilaisiin tiloihin ja niihin nivoutuviin Kirjan toinen osio lähestyy hiljaisuutta vaikenemisen ja vaietuksi pakottamisen kautta. kuvaavat sitä, miten valtaa voidaan käyttää vaientamaan toinen ihminen tai Hiljaisuus ei kuitenkaan aina tarkoita alistumista, vaan myös Hän kuvaa sitä täydellistä äänettömyyttä ja tyhjyyttä, jopa olemattomuutta, joka Kuten Latva toteaa, 1800-luvun osoittaa, että hiljaisuus voi olla vallankäytön väline myös sosiaalisen hierarkian Kuten Tiihonen toteaa, hiljaisuus ei tule ensimmäisenä mieleen Ranskan kertoo kansan hiljaisuuden johtuneen siitä, että kuninkaan nähtiin olevan matkalla Tiihonen kuvaa sen Hiljaisuus ei siis välttämättä ole cache = ./cache/work_45qwzmhf2nbqzindfmshnqpzje.pdf txt = ./txt/work_45qwzmhf2nbqzindfmshnqpzje.txt === bib === id = work_7ndfvynparerddrc7wjji5fghe author = Nhlanhla Mpofu title = Exploring Beginner Teachers' Sources of Knowledge for Teaching Literature in ESL Classrooms date = 2018 pages = 15 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8726 sentences = 561 flesch = 53 summary = Keywords: beginner teachers; Literature in English; ESL teaching knowledge; ESL teacher identify beginner teachers' sources of knowledge for teaching Literature in English Second ESL teaching, which fail to include teacher knowledge for Literature in English as a standalone subject. beginner teachers' knowledge in the classroom as a way of understanding how their selfreflection influences their teaching practice this study focused on exploring beginner teachers' sources of teaching knowledge for four ESL Literature in English beginner teachers. experiential teacher knowledge researchers motivate for classroom practice, experiences and sources of Literature in English beginner teachers' knowledge from their interpretation of provided detailed experiences of the way beginner teachers' source knowledge for teaching for effective teaching to take place, Literature in English beginner teachers should know the beginner teachers construct their Literature in English teaching knowledge by integrating their knowledge as sources of their teaching practices, the beginner teachers in this study indicated cache = ./cache/work_7ndfvynparerddrc7wjji5fghe.pdf txt = ./txt/work_7ndfvynparerddrc7wjji5fghe.txt === bib === id = work_q5h5457wxnaptagx6fk25pyk6a author = Najlaa Hosny Ameen Mohammed title = Regulated Hatred in Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1816) by Jane Austen date = 2014 pages = 13 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 11632 sentences = 750 flesch = 62 summary = Regulated Hatred in Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1816) by Jane Austen. second section investigates the psychological theories of Austen's two novels Persuasion and Sense and Sensibility in aspect in Jane Austen's two novels Persuasion and Sense 121 Najlaa Hosny Ameen Mohammed: Regulated Hatred in Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1816) by Jane Austen 121 Najlaa Hosny Ameen Mohammed: Regulated Hatred in Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1816) by Jane Austen 121 Najlaa Hosny Ameen Mohammed: Regulated Hatred in Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1816) by Jane Austen 121 Najlaa Hosny Ameen Mohammed: Regulated Hatred in Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1816) by Jane Austen 121 Najlaa Hosny Ameen Mohammed: Regulated Hatred in Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1816) by Jane Austen 121 Najlaa Hosny Ameen Mohammed: Regulated Hatred in Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1816) by Jane Austen cache = ./cache/work_q5h5457wxnaptagx6fk25pyk6a.pdf txt = ./txt/work_q5h5457wxnaptagx6fk25pyk6a.txt === bib === id = work_cbv7z2o5enf5xazc4l5suau6ja author = K. E. Attar title = Why appoint professionals? date = 2006 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8999 sentences = 628 flesch = 58 summary = university students with minimum training to catalogue its undergraduate stock from discusses the faults made in MARC coding, descriptive cataloguing and subject Keywords: cataloguing; project work; student labour, retrospective conversion. students working from the book in hand to catalogue an undergraduate College Congress Subject Headings, with the intention of cataloguing books to a professional catalogued with the book in hand could upgrade the record; imposing subject Cambridge which employed students to catalogue an undergraduate library from the students worked on sections of the library aligned with their own subjects of study, to have full catalogue records, for example transcribing complete title and statement of project was unaware that the University Library's full catalogue records, available for work from students, including the imposition of Library of Congress Subject students used which barcodes renders catalogue records easy to trace, and examples One other library within the University used students to catalogue books in cache = ./cache/work_cbv7z2o5enf5xazc4l5suau6ja.pdf txt = ./txt/work_cbv7z2o5enf5xazc4l5suau6ja.txt === bib === id = work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba author = Ivdit Diasamidze title = Point of View in Narrative Discourse date = 2014 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3763 sentences = 239 flesch = 65 summary = work, telling the story from a limited omniscient or first-person point of view; or apparently no one (dramatic point narrator that is called point of view is present in all verbally told stories. Point of view is one of the basic elements of a story that determines the perspective from which a reader The great adventure of the omniscient point of view, then, is the flexibility it gives its "all-knowing" narrator, With a limited omniscient (also referred to as third-person or selective omniscient) point of view, the narrator is Joseph Conrad exploits omniscient third-person point of view in the story "The Lagoon" enabling the narrator Elizabeth, from the third person point of view and then shows us that the two characters are talking about Bingley The use of first-person point of view places still another restriction on the voice that tells the story. cache = ./cache/work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba.pdf txt = ./txt/work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba.txt === bib === id = work_zrgrgvdl2faxxmngdbl47bla2i author = Edd Winfield Parks title = Jane Austen's Lure of the Next Chapter date = 1952 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 554 sentences = 130 flesch = 65 summary = Jane Austen's Lure of the Next Chapter | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Jane Austen's Lure of the Next Chapter Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Edd Winfield Parks; Jane Austen's Lure of the Next Chapter. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1952; 7 (1): 56–60. This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Jane Austen's Lure of the Next Chapter' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Jane Austen's Lure of the Next Chapter Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_zrgrgvdl2faxxmngdbl47bla2i.pdf txt = ./txt/work_zrgrgvdl2faxxmngdbl47bla2i.txt === bib === id = work_aotovu23tnatfoa2jndtixjxcu author = Dana Bădulescu title = Reading Salman Rushdie's Memoir date = 2013 pages = 6 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 3738 sentences = 229 flesch = 64 summary = This paper looks into Salman Rushdie's latest book, his memoir titled Joseph Anton. in what sense Rushdie's memoir is fiction, and also what distinguishes it from a novel. associations and distinctions put the reading of Rushdie's latest book Joseph Anton, a memoir, into perspective. Nevertheless, Salman Rushdie's memoir Joseph Anton is titled after an invented name, and the author Arguing that both autobiography and memoir are forms of life narrative, Smith and Watson distinguish Looking at his first accomplished novel in retrospect when he writes his memoir, Rushdie accounts for its Whether he writes fiction or a memoir, Rushdie builds his books on Midnight's Children, Rushdie revisited his old memory paraphernalia in order to write his memoir. Joseph Anton is largely a book about Rushdie's unstoppable need to transform his experience through and The title Joseph Anton is a conflation of the first names of two writers, Rushdie's favourite authors: cache = ./cache/work_aotovu23tnatfoa2jndtixjxcu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_aotovu23tnatfoa2jndtixjxcu.txt === bib === id = work_z6kmt2gierd4jfy5erasrc2ugu author = Keith Oatley title = Writing as thinking date = 2008 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 14357 sentences = 1257 flesch = 71 summary = with them: laboratory comparisons of novices and experts, interviews with accomplished writers (mostly of prose fiction), biographical analysis of Jane Austen's enable readers of a story to construct mental models that they may enter empathetically. to thought, we concentrate mainly on distinguished writers of novels and short stories. world, a short story, novel, or poem, is addressed via language to our memory. alphabetic writing shows language to be composed of words, an idea that does not occur to Hayes and Flower (1986) developed a cognitive model of the writing process. the writer generates ideas and organizes them into a writing plan. shown how writers bring three levels of planning from long-term memory to the writing long-term working memory, a writer may perhaps be able to hold a whole piece in mind so writer who is reading a draft is trying to improve the cue structure so the story does come cache = ./cache/work_z6kmt2gierd4jfy5erasrc2ugu.pdf txt = ./txt/work_z6kmt2gierd4jfy5erasrc2ugu.txt === bib === id = work_sflyzzfy3nbtnlwi4moc6korom author = Andrew Wright title = Jane Austen Adapted date = 1975 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 536 sentences = 127 flesch = 60 summary = Jane Austen Adapted | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Previous Article Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Jane Austen Adapted Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Andrew Wright; Jane Austen Adapted. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 December 1975; 30 (3): 421–453. toolbar search search input search input Search input auto suggest This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Jane Austen Adapted' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Jane Austen Adapted Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Visit the UC Press Blog Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions cache = ./cache/work_sflyzzfy3nbtnlwi4moc6korom.pdf txt = ./txt/work_sflyzzfy3nbtnlwi4moc6korom.txt === bib === id = work_2pbsfw2fmjg4rfsrum2nfphn3u author = I. Chrissochoidis title = 'Though This Be Madness, Yet There is Method In't': A Counterfactual Analysis of Richard Wagner's 'Tannhauser' date = 2014 pages = 19 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 8267 sentences = 895 flesch = 74 summary = MUCH LIKE WAGNER HIMSELF, the eponymous hero of Tannha« user treads a path of stark Wagner, Dokumente und Texte zu Tannha« user und der Sa« ngerkrieg auf Wartburg, ed. 7 Reinhard Strohm, 'Dramatic Time and Operatic Form in Wagner's Tannha« user', Proceedings of the Royal Musical By applying game theory to Tannha« user's behaviour at the song contest we will be able to test the rationality of his actions and 17 'On the Performing of Tannha« user', in Richard Wagner's Prose Works, trans. Wagner decided to excise Tannha« user's Act I reference to her as 'Engel' in the opera's Tannha« user's redemption through Elisabeth.24 (The fact that his identity as an artist 2. (a) Elisabeth^Tannha« user duet (Act II, sc. Opera Tannha« user und der Sa« ngerkrieg auf Wartburg', Economics Letters,102 (2009), 33^5. 4. Tannha« user's four verses in praise of Venus: (a) Act I, sc. cache = ./cache/work_2pbsfw2fmjg4rfsrum2nfphn3u.pdf txt = ./txt/work_2pbsfw2fmjg4rfsrum2nfphn3u.txt === bib === id = work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym author = Irene Tucker title = Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Gilbert date = 2020 pages = extension = .pdf mime = text/html words = 668 sentences = 145 flesch = 61 summary = Gilbert | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Gilbert, Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History Irene Tucker is Professor of English at University of California, Irvine, and a member of the Advisory Board of Nineteenth-Century Literature. Search for other works by this author on: Article contents Tools Icon Search Site Irene Tucker; Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. This content is only available via PDF. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to 'Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Gilbert' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Citing articles via Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Journal Authors cache = ./cache/work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym.pdf txt = ./txt/work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym.txt === bib === id = work_exkwxragibeclmechsjofrvq6m author = Morgan Rooney title = Helen Thompson. Fictional Matter: Empiricism, Corpuscles, and the Novel. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. Pp. 359. $59.95 (cloth) date = 2018 pages = 3 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 1909 sentences = 92 flesch = 48 summary = Displaying an impressive command of early modern science in her engaging and highly interdisciplinary Fictional Matter: Empiricism, Corpuscles, and the Novel, Helen Thompson strives to (re)assert the central place of "Corpuscularian Philosophy" (1) in the history of seventeenthand eighteenth-century British culture. Modern accounts of seventeenthand eighteenth-century science and the novel, Thompson acknowledge seventeenthand eighteenth-century British culture's indebtedness to the corpuscle, such studies have obscured how empiricism accommodates knowledge acquired relationally. eighteenth-century science and the novel engage or activate, in a variety of ways. As Thompson stresses, Fictional Matter is not in any straightforward way a study of the eighteenth-century novel against the "factual backdrop" early modern science (3). she organizes the chapters according to topics that develop readings of the works of early scientists and empiricists such as Boyle, Locke, and Newton alongside those of the novelists it seventeenthand eighteenth-century understanding of empiricism and its role in early modern As Thea Tomaini makes clear in The Corpse as Text: Disinterment and Antiquarian Enquiry, cache = ./cache/work_exkwxragibeclmechsjofrvq6m.pdf txt = ./txt/work_exkwxragibeclmechsjofrvq6m.txt === bib === id = work_hgdm2y4q7vfedfdhw65nfatn4e author = Martin Paul Eve title = Equivocationary Horseshit: Post-Correlationist Aesthetics and Post-Critical Ethics in the Works of David Foster Wallace date = 2020 pages = 30 extension = .pdf mime = application/pdf words = 10560 sentences = 832 flesch = 56 summary = Equivocationary Horseshit: Post-Correlationist Aesthetics and Post-Critical Ethics in the Works of David Foster Wallace Aesthetics and Post-Critical Ethics in the Works of David entitled 'David Foster Wallace: Between Philosophy and Literature' at [accessed 10 March 2020]. 2 Jeffrey Severs, David Foster Wallace's Balancing Books: Fictions of Value (New York: Columbia University 3 Clare Hayes-Brady, The Unspeakable Failures of David Foster Wallace (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, particular literary-critical approach that formed over the course of Wallace's life and David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest', Orbit: A Journal of American Literature, 4.2 (2016) bibliographics = id2bibliographics( id, engine ) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 63, in id2bibliographics bibliographics.update( { "author" :[ 0, 'author' ] } ) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 2080, in __getitem__ return super().__getitem__(key) File 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TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 946, in __init__ self._make_engine(self.engine) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 1178, in _make_engine self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 2008, in __init__ self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds) File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 382, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__ File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 674, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._setup_parser_source FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './tsv/bigrams.tsv' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 33, in df = pd.read_csv( tsv, sep='\t' ) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 686, in read_csv return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 452, in _read parser = TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 946, in __init__ self._make_engine(self.engine) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 1178, in _make_engine self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 2008, in __init__ self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds) File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 382, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__ File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 674, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._setup_parser_source FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './tsv/trigrams.tsv' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/reader-compute/reader-classic/bin/", line 33, in df = pd.read_csv( tsv, sep='\t' ) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 686, in read_csv return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 452, in _read parser = TextFileReader(fp_or_buf, **kwds) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 946, in __init__ self._make_engine(self.engine) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 1178, in _make_engine self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options) File "/ocean/projects/cis210016p/shared/anaconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/", line 2008, in __init__ self._reader = parsers.TextReader(src, **kwds) File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 382, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.__cinit__ File "pandas/_libs/parsers.pyx", line 674, in pandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._setup_parser_source FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './tsv/quadgrams.tsv' id: work_ecsk6n5fvrg7xaifypmhg5y45u author: A C Jobsis title: Recognising placental steroid sulphatase deficiency date: 1984 words: 144.0 sentences: 28.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_ecsk6n5fvrg7xaifypmhg5y45u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ecsk6n5fvrg7xaifypmhg5y45u.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220375947 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_nvscspk3srhxhl7y722b2wskl4 author: A M Shadrake title: A Collection of Wedgwood Letters date: 1962 words: 144.0 sentences: 27.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_nvscspk3srhxhl7y722b2wskl4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nvscspk3srhxhl7y722b2wskl4.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220373930 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:10 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_sl3b5skuxvfrziy6gu7nwdeer4 author: A Upfal title: Jane Austen''s lifelong health problems and final illness: New evidence points to a fatal Hodgkin''s disease and excludes the widely accepted Addison''s date: 2005 words: 11517.0 sentences: 1488.0 pages: 9 flesch: 82.0 cache: ./cache/work_sl3b5skuxvfrziy6gu7nwdeer4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sl3b5skuxvfrziy6gu7nwdeer4.txt summary: there is a high possibility that Jane Austen''s fatal illness often visited the Austen cottage at Chawton, also remembered Aunt Jane having problems with her eyes: 19 Letter, Jane to Cassandra Austen, 8–9 January 1799. In: Jane Austen''s Letters: In: Jane Austen''s Letters: Jane to Cassandra Austen, 17 May 1799. Jane Austen: Her Life and Letters, A Family Jane to Cassandra Austen, 7–8 January 1807. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 7–8 January 1807. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 7–8 January 1807. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 7–8 January 1807. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 9 March 1814. Jane to Cassandra Austen, 17–18 October 1815. Jane Austen''s Last Illness. Jane Austen''s lifelong health problems and final illness 11 Jane Austen''s lifelong health problems and final illness 11 Jane Austen''s lifelong health problems and final illness 11 Jane Austen''s lifelong health problems and final illness 11 Jane Austen''s lifelong health problems and final illness 11 id: work_yxpdpqvfnnhalnoaiczmn76r34 author: A. Adeloye title: Insanity and tumours date: 1969 words: 3325.0 sentences: 376.0 pages: 2 flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_yxpdpqvfnnhalnoaiczmn76r34.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yxpdpqvfnnhalnoaiczmn76r34.txt summary: receiving 100 mega units of penicillin daily in use a continuous infusion with three halflitres of 0.18% saline, to which is added penicillin G in quantities of 30, 40, 30 mega units, proposed not to increase the number of consultants required each year to 140 but to cut are places for 6,000 postgraduates a year in India and Pakistan do not require the postgraduate facilities available in Britain, why doctor from India or Pakistan who achieves overseas doctors come to Britain to train for the age of 6 weeks, which responded to treatment with digoxin. 9) of three cases of frontal meningiomas presenting psychiatrically. A 44-year-old English woman was referred to patient during her pregnancy was probably Bilateral Parietal Thinning in Bronze Age SIR,-Bilateral parietal thinning or biparietal resorption was noted on a female typical case of thinning of the parietals, years), Epstein'' concluded that this change id: work_kerlmoweyndxvaiwwa5wc6aw7u author: A. Esterhammer title: MAUREEN N. MCLANE. Balladeering, Minstrelsy, and the Making of British Romantic Poetry date: 2009 words: 1940.0 sentences: 107.0 pages: 4 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_kerlmoweyndxvaiwwa5wc6aw7u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kerlmoweyndxvaiwwa5wc6aw7u.txt summary: Review of: Balladeering, minstrelsy, and the making of British romantic Review of: Balladeering, minstrelsy, and the making of British romantic The case studies range from canonical authors (Burns and Scott) to figures that are unfamiliar even to specialists in the field (the early nineteenth-century Shetland poet Margaret Balladeering, Minstrelsy, and the Making of British Romantic signals another of the book''s major concerns: the obsession with documentation and authorisation amongst those who work with ballads and minstrelsy. draws on literary history, ethnography and ethnomusicology, folklore, Romanticist scholarship, and cultural theory, but above all on various international inflections of media studies: 11, italics added): throughout the book, McLane works through balladry and minstrelsy in order to pursue conclusions about mediality. The book''s seven chapters constitute interwoven studies of transhistorical mediality, since the first half of the book, in its eagerness to expose Romantic balladeers as media Minstrelsy, and the Making of British Romantic Poetry offers pithy, witty, and productively id: work_cjgtsejac5e2dja4cyzyeos73m author: A. J. Akhtar title: Medical Immigration date: 1969 words: 144.0 sentences: 25.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_cjgtsejac5e2dja4cyzyeos73m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cjgtsejac5e2dja4cyzyeos73m.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371861 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i author: A. J. Larner title: Acupuncture use for the treatment of headache prior to neurological referral date: 2005 words: 1378.0 sentences: 131.0 pages: 3 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_w6krd77i3be2rdjgmqtbgnc34i.txt summary: acupuncture for the treatment of headache [1] and recently a randomised controlled trial found it both efficacious data showing how often acupuncture is used for the treatment of headache have not been identified. acupuncture had been used by patients with headache patients would be prepared to try acupuncture treatment, in whom the principal reason for referral or the principal complaint was headache were asked (if they had not already volunteered this information) whether they had ever had acupuncture The reported number of acupuncture treatment sessions for the headache patients ranged from 1 to 10 The frequency of headache in this general neurology outpatient clinic population (24%), patient age and gender, results in cohorts of headache patients from other general Hence, just over 10% of patients with headache attending general neurology outpatient clinics had already received acupuncture for their headache, and of the acupuncture for chronic headache in id: work_lfmig3bghrgltlfcprit5thaii author: A. Richardson title: Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion date: 2002 words: 6766.0 sentences: 699.0 pages: 20 flesch: 35.0 cache: ./cache/work_lfmig3bghrgltlfcprit5thaii.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lfmig3bghrgltlfcprit5thaii.txt summary: Austen''s was a period when a dominant constructionist psychology—associationism—vied with emergent brain-based, organicist, and nativist theories of mind. the brain science of the era.Moreover, Austen''s famously innovative style on Man, His Nature, Productions, and Discoveries,Godwin (!"&!:%#–&'') hasbecome convinced that ''''human creatures are born into theworldwith various dispositions'''' most likely rooted in the ''''subtle network of the brain.'''' painful experience, most notably hermother''s death (whenAnne is fourteen)andheryouthfulbreakwithFrederick (fiveyears later),Louisa''s character is ''''altered,'''' remarkablyandapparently for life,byasingle incident,a Here too one finds unexpected convergence between Austen''s experiments with representing character and subjective life in Persuasion and the Richardson • Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion 159 Richardson • Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion 159 Richardson • Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion 159 Richardson • Of Heartache and Head Injury: Reading Minds in Persuasion 159 !##% Jane Austen and the Body (Cambridge:CambridgeUniversity Press). id: work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq author: A. Ridout title: Lost in Austen: Adaptation and the Feminist Politics of Nostalgia date: 2010 words: 11.0 sentences: 2.0 pages: flesch: 32.0 cache: ./cache/work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5u2muh6glje4xbdfywh7hmlsnq.txt summary: id: work_pdbxh47fubd4xny6e6fuuzzsru author: A. Steptoe title: John Moore: eighteenth century physician, bearleader and social observer date: 2005 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_pdbxh47fubd4xny6e6fuuzzsru.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pdbxh47fubd4xny6e6fuuzzsru.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220378796 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_qgiq6spd4rcknekgvhztvfy7ku author: Abdulfattah Omar title: Feature Selection in Text Clustering Applications of Literary Texts: A Hybrid of Term Weighting Methods date: 2020 words: 6977.0 sentences: 763.0 pages: 9 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_qgiq6spd4rcknekgvhztvfy7ku.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qgiq6spd4rcknekgvhztvfy7ku.txt summary: Feature Selection in Text Clustering Applications of Literary Texts: A Hybrid of Term Weighting Methods Feature Selection in Text Clustering Applications of Vector Space Clustering (VSC) methods in the computational analysis of literary data including genre classification, theme document clustering applications of literary texts. including variance analysis, term frequency-inverse document in different computational applications of literary texts. text clustering; TF-IDF; variance; VSC increasing amount of humanities computing literature on text application of computational methods in literary studies over clustering methods are effective in identifying what a text is The literature also suggests that text clustering methods are the potentials of computational approaches and text clustering relation to the problem of feature selection in text clustering is a pre-processing step in text clustering applications where different term weighting methods including variance, TF-IDF, For text clustering purposes, a data matrix M was built. Using K-means clustering, the texts or data points of the id: work_crp5ybczczcetb7mo2igbq5n3u author: Alan Cowey title: Alan Cowey date: 2008 words: 3258.0 sentences: 199.0 pages: 3 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_crp5ybczczcetb7mo2igbq5n3u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_crp5ybczczcetb7mo2igbq5n3u.txt summary: One generic problem is that Lynch''s for example lack of regular sexual biologists know, it is very difficult to relation to the evidence that introns by evidence for high levels of DNA sequence diversity in some species of loss of different sequence components in different members of a set of of independent pairs of related species Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Oxford as the Henry Head Research liked the fact that biology was so respect to an area of research, I would As well, it is usually a good idea use of animals in research. few students now read original works. said ''for the first time'') a way of asking something like long-wavelength light is The researchers said it is the Some areas of research respect little has changed in a century. namely that many students now use detect it, students seem genuinely post-docs, including ideas for research. id: work_okly4pxzmfexteypz6i345qrte author: Alan Powers title: Critiques date: 1997 words: 865.0 sentences: 48.0 pages: 1 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_okly4pxzmfexteypz6i345qrte.pdf txt: ./txt/work_okly4pxzmfexteypz6i345qrte.txt summary: the works quoted in "cultural" journals line the literature lieve that cultural studies should be viewed as an area of literary studies should motivate interest in the factors in­ fluencing the constitution of texts, cultural studies should the aims of either cultural or literary studies. transcends culture: works have been read with delight in who enjoyed Shakespeare and Austen were ignorant of Literature that does not transcend culture may benefit greatly from cultural studies. might argue that cultural studies tends to turn all literature ing list, because in transcending culture the work forgoes Literature that transcends culture may be damaged or undermined by cultural studies. I have a career in English largely because 1 serendipitously mentioned my interest in British cultural studies cultural studies since I read a review of Dick Hebdige''s The effort to relate cultural studies and the literary, When confronting the literary, cultural studies id: work_fvbcuqfjq5ez5kl7uknxhm2esi author: Alberto Salarelli title: [recensione – review]''Open access'' e scienze umane. Note su diffusionee percezione delle riviste in area umanistica, a cura di Luca Scalco, Milano, Ledizioni, 2016 date: 2017 words: 1939.0 sentences: 332.0 pages: 11 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_fvbcuqfjq5ez5kl7uknxhm2esi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fvbcuqfjq5ez5kl7uknxhm2esi.txt summary: Remediating Jane Austen through the Gothic: "Pride and Prejudice Remake of Jane Austen''s "Pride and Prejudice" [recensione – review]''Open access'' e scienze umane. e percezione delle riviste in area umanistica, a cura di Luca Scalco, ampia diffusione dei risultati della ricerca nella convinzione che tale dire che non si può derubricare l''Open Access come una mera soluzione restrittivo nei confronti dei diritti esclusivi degli autori, che il movimento Open Access ha proposto quelle forme alternative di pubblicazione che ciò, come testimonianza del fatto che la discussione sull''Open Access è Milano, vengono toccati i punti più critici del rapporto tra Open Access e vantaggio citazionale tout court delle pubblicazioni Open Access",5 l''autore Systems) (una delle più diffuse a livello internazionale per la gestione dei periodici Open Access) e al suo impiego nell''Università di Torino, fino alla alle riviste Open Access: ancora una volta il problema dei costi e i id: work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy author: Albrecht Classen title: The Amazon Rainforest of Pre-Modern Literature: Ethics, Values, and Ideals from the Past for Our Future. With a Focus on Aristotle and Heinrich Kaufringer date: 2019 words: 9305.0 sentences: 558.0 pages: 13 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_blix7zk6hbavpppfzzfqotytzy.txt summary: The Amazon Rainforest of Pre-Modern Literature: Ethics, Values, and Ideals from the Past for Our Future. Keywords: Amazon rainforest as laboratory; pre-modern literature; Aristotle; Heinrich Kaufringer; for the study of literature, the arts, philosophy, religion, and other fields in the Humanities and Social However, human life is deeply determined by its culture and memory, and we develop forward Humanities-based worldview, and the study of literature, past and present, offers the best opportunities examples, and concepts relating to fundamental human issues both in the past and in the present. However, this simply means that the Amazon rainforest of the various Humanities fields is Aristotle''s Ethics have taught us, our entire life today is determined by the principles and insights would encounter highly meaningful efforts to come to terms with critical issues in human life which The Challenges of the Humanities, Past, Present, and Future: Why the Middle Ages id: work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4 author: Aleksondra Hultquist title: Passionate Educations date: 2018 words: 9090.0 sentences: 720.0 pages: 20 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ktgsn5n2bnhlvdccyzqppgi3k4.txt summary: Abstract This article connects John Locke''s concept of uneasiness to Aphra Behn''s poem "On In his recently published book Knowing Emotions, philosopher Rick Anthony Furtak states that "affective experience provides a distinct mode important to examine Locke, Behn, and Austen as they mark the beginning and end point of the change from passions to emotions. consider the ways in which Behn and Austen were representing the passions and their educational value, that experience gives rise to knowing. have not experienced desire are devoid of passionate knowing, in Behn''s experience of a passion (here desire) is painful, as Locke would say. Read through Locke''s and Behn''s importance of experience and uneasiness, Maria''s passionate education is more at fault than Locke argues that passionate uneasiness leads to action, and Behn and experience of desire provides an education about her passions; she knows id: work_umborvwodze4pgx5d43oac5vzy author: Alessandra Calvani title: Byron e il femminile: La verità in maschera date: 2006 words: 6451.0 sentences: 738.0 pages: 14 flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/work_umborvwodze4pgx5d43oac5vzy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_umborvwodze4pgx5d43oac5vzy.txt summary: che era stato loro assegnato, basti per tutte l''esempio di Marie Williams, poetessa di gran moda, distrutta da uno scandalo sentimentale che ha definitivamente sancito la non identità del personaggio idealizzato con quello reale e Byron di rinnegare la fonte della propria ispirazione, sacrificandola alle convenzioni dell''epoca proprio perché, come afferma lo studioso Mc Gann, In realtà, Mc Gann definisce l''attacco condotto da Byron nei confronti della poesia di Charlotte Dacre un atto di "bad poetic faith" (ibid.:57), e vedremo poi Ora se pensiamo al ruolo di fondamentale importanza che la Natura ha nella poesia dell''Ottocento non potremmo che attribuire alla cosa una conferma del valore positivo attribuito al fortuna di sicuro è donna, ma non p** come le altre (sempre salvando tua moglie e mia sorella da questa condanna generale)", (Byron 1985:29) o ancora in una lettera a Hoppner del id: work_7lgnmaqm4nafxnbodkgupzdzae author: Alessio Fornasin title: Marco Breschi, Lorenzo Del Panta (eds.), Carlo Corsini: saggi di vita. [Carlo Corsini:life essays], Forum:Udine, 2018, ISBN: 978-88-3283-109-2 date: 2019 words: 1307.0 sentences: 80.0 pages: 3 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_7lgnmaqm4nafxnbodkgupzdzae.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7lgnmaqm4nafxnbodkgupzdzae.txt summary: Marco Breschi, Lorenzo Del Panta (eds.), Carlo Corsini: saggi di vita. [Carlo Corsini:life essays], Forum:Udine, 2018, ISBN: 978-88-3283-109-2 The book collects ten papers and covers all his main areas of research. After the editors'' introduction, which traces Corsini''s scientific career and life history, the collection opens with an article on infant mortality, published in 1966 on this Another strand of Corsini''s studies represented in the book is the local communities'' demographic history. demography analysis, but where demographic aspects are merged into a unitary framework with the social characteristics of the community in its historical context. The book closes with an essay in which Carlo Corsini reflects on the role of the themes, in fact, are very topical and the collected papers still represent important The book is not only interesting for scholars of historical demography, but also, and above all, it is suitable for all demographers, especially the id: work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44 author: Alison Booth title: Feminism date: 2018 words: 2878.0 sentences: 231.0 pages: 7 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wcbz7vle3nedhe7oy5vduqub44.txt summary: What is the state of Victorian studies, and why does it need to appreciate a history of women who publish and lecture on social causes? Gallagher remembers, without nostalgia, when studies of nineteenth-century disciplines aimed at the present: feminist Victorian studies. she co-organized in 2017, The Woman Card).4 But, descendants of feminist Victorian studies do not show a great deal of filial spirit. academic careers, Victorian studies turned to intellectual, political, and At nearly a half century of feminist Victorian studies, perhaps we can write an intersectional history beyond institutional (job list) categories. 1. V21 Collective, V21: Victorian Studies for the Twenty-first Century, http:// Alison Booth, Collective Biographies of Women Database, http:// National Association of Coloured Women, 1933), "thought-complexes," each an "exceedingly unstable intellectual compound."1 Fin de siècle, I would argue, in Lovejoy''s spirit, designates no Consider the many different period definitions in fin-de-siècle studies. id: work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m author: Alison Byerly title: Media date: 2018 words: 1868.0 sentences: 163.0 pages: 5 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yjtkdil2pfg7hpy6i6shpc3r3m.txt summary: the field of media studies properly begins with the nineteenth century. Theatrical Arts in Nineteenth-Century England, theater was profoundly influenced by visual art and vice versa. Theatrical renderings of famous paintings led to an in-home version of this form of mediation, tableaux vivants, The Victorians also invented entirely new forms of mass media, such Victorian fiction reflects the great interest in emerging technologies Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin popularized the term "remediation" to describe the tendency of new media to reconceptualize and We see this process at work in the Victorian period and beyond, in century obsession with re-presenting Victorian texts and themes in the BBC Sherlock, which takes media technology as a central theme and translates it from the nineteenth century to the present. Nineteenth-Century England (Princeton: Princeton University Press, Nineteenth Century (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001); emerged in the nineteenth century when medical practice became id: work_zlhewp66o5cl3agpi36pspawre author: Allan R. Brick title: Lewes''s Review of Wuthering Heights date: 1960 words: 544.0 sentences: 126.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_zlhewp66o5cl3agpi36pspawre.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zlhewp66o5cl3agpi36pspawre.txt summary: Lewes''s Review of Wuthering Heights | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Lewes''s Review of Wuthering Heights Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Brick; Lewes''s Review of Wuthering Heights. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 March 1960; 14 (4): 355–359. search input search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Lewes''s Review of Wuthering Heights'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Lewes''s Review of Wuthering Heights Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions id: work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum author: Ana Claudia Pinheiro Dias Nogueira title: O erotismo e o desejo na obra Salomé, de Oscar Wilde date: 2016 words: 3964.0 sentences: 585.0 pages: 12 flesch: 82.0 cache: ./cache/work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lqbihtcu4favlbdwon7p5asqum.txt summary: O erotismo e o desejo na obra Salomé, de Oscar Wilde Resumo: Oscar Wilde traz à tona uma nova mulher em sua versão de Salomé, peça teatral com foco central na personagem bíblica Salomé, que, aos olhos do autor, se isso, a jovem princesa faz a dança dos setes véus para o rei Herodes e comprova que pode ter tudo com sua beleza e sensualidade, mesmo que isso possa lhe valer Ilustração de Aubrey Beardsley para a obra Salomé de Oscar Wilde, em 1892.3 que, ao dançar para o rei Herodes, pede em troca a cabeça do profeta erótica feminina, que movida pelo desejo, usa sua dança considerada Para que isso fique esclarecido e justificado, em uma de suas ao desejo de Salomé por se considerar um homem que cumpre com O poder da dança traz a Salomé o controle que almeja para É uma figura feminina que se apresenta como ser com id: work_x6zszfj7xffyrnp336tcbhagv4 author: Ana Daniela Coelho title: ''[H]andsome, clever, and rich'': Andrew Davies'' Emma (1996) date: 2019 words: 6904.0 sentences: 353.0 pages: 24 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_x6zszfj7xffyrnp336tcbhagv4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x6zszfj7xffyrnp336tcbhagv4.txt summary: EMMA is one of Jane Austen''s great novels. adapting Emma is revealing of Austen''s composite reconstruction. This article will therefore trace the backstory of adapting Emma onscreen by re-acknowledging the importance of this particular production, allowing for a interpreted Austen''s work would both update the novel and the heroine to a 90s'' audience an extraordinary character is that, unlike Elizabeth or other Austen heroines, Emma does (Re)Introducing Emma to a new audience: ITV''s 1996 adaptation Pride and Prejudice thus turned ITV''s project of adapting Emma into a challenge, as Unlike most of Austen''s other heroines, Emma doesn''t need to marry for financial Austen adaptations and the work of Davies. that the only hint of Emma''s pride in the first scene of Davies'' screenplay is cut, In the end, Andrew Davies'' screenplay is a balanced adaptation of Austen''s work, as (2015), ''Screening Austen: The case of Emma'', Adaptation, 8:2, pp. id: work_yzdzjsciujatdk3o4w7rxcsjo4 author: Andrei Viacheslavovich Zenkov title: A New Stylometry Method Basing on the Numerals Statistic date: 2017 words: 3183.0 sentences: 300.0 pages: 8 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_yzdzjsciujatdk3o4w7rxcsjo4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yzdzjsciujatdk3o4w7rxcsjo4.txt summary: Deviations from Benford''s law are statistically significant author The distribution of the first significant digits of numerals in English-language compound fiction texts; the results are compared with those expected 3. Distribution of First Significant Digits of Numerals in Coherent Texts As an example, we show here the distributions of the first significant digits of numerals in texts by W. The differences in the statistics of first significant digits of numerals in texts by different authors may be not striking, as in The distribution of the first significant digits of numerals in texts by R. The distribution of the first significant digits of numerals in texts by R. The distribution of the first significant digits of numerals in texts by R. The distribution of the first significant digits of numerals in texts by R. The distribution of the first significant digits of numerals in texts by R. id: work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy author: Andrew Bush title: Thorax: the Cappuccino years date: 2012 words: 5128.0 sentences: 736.0 pages: 4 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hgt4azpmw5dndhilm4zebv26wy.txt summary: we debated the hot topic of whether continuous or intermittent inhaled corticosteroids were correct for children with which are becoming of increasing importance in adult practice; a randomised controlled trial of oral antibiotics in chronic preterm birth and intensive neonatal interventions have long term respiratory morbidity and premature airflow obstruction. lung cancer, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and obstructive lung disease. New and existing measures of obstructive lung disease have been discussed in a treatments for obstructive lung disease severe COPD lung attacks and mortality in digested by all clinicians and health economists interested in chronic lung disease. obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in young children with cystic fibrosis assessed lung cancer brings forward early disease. randomised Danish Lung Cancer Screening Trial: lung cancer symptoms and risk factors in the U.K.: results from the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease chronic obstructive lung disease with underlying id: work_xn6sqfzhizfnfdhztilhbbpg3i author: Andrew Hodgkiss title: Lawrence C Kolb and Leon Roizin, The first psychiatric institute: how research and education changed practice, Washington, DC, and London, American Psychiatric Press, 1993, pp. xx, 258, illus., $39.00 (0-88048-544-2) date: 1995 words: 1035.0 sentences: 61.0 pages: 2 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_xn6sqfzhizfnfdhztilhbbpg3i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xn6sqfzhizfnfdhztilhbbpg3i.txt summary: Tansey (eds), Women physiologists: an to British physiology, London and Chapel Hill, historians of gender and of women''s place in women''s presence as undergraduate students Britain, the Physiological Society. women''s exposure to academic physiology from modest achievement of a small number of distinguished women physiologists. first section, E M Tansey provides a succinct overview of the history of women in the Physiological Society, noting that their Women''s presence at the Society''s dinners accepted into the Physiological Society long from published research for eight women women physiologists. few very distinguished women is not The book achieves its main aims the broader questions it poses more first psychiatric institute: how research and York State Psychiatric Institute from 1896 to No reference is made to any sources in the admission these researchers and educators numerous male doctors, all the reader is told available at available at id: work_sflyzzfy3nbtnlwi4moc6korom author: Andrew Wright title: Jane Austen Adapted date: 1975 words: 536.0 sentences: 127.0 pages: flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_sflyzzfy3nbtnlwi4moc6korom.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sflyzzfy3nbtnlwi4moc6korom.txt summary: Jane Austen Adapted | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Previous Article Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Jane Austen Adapted Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Andrew Wright; Jane Austen Adapted. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 December 1975; 30 (3): 421–453. toolbar search search input search input Search input auto suggest This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Jane Austen Adapted'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Jane Austen Adapted Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Visit the UC Press Blog Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions id: work_t7hbdygu3nbxvfrhphsa3r266u author: Andréia Guerini title: Entrevista com Ivo Barroso date: 2004 words: 2887.0 sentences: 474.0 pages: 15 flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/work_t7hbdygu3nbxvfrhphsa3r266u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_t7hbdygu3nbxvfrhphsa3r266u.txt summary: Ivo Barroso exerceu, com competência, uma modalidade de tradução relativamente rara no Brasil, a das obras completas, traduzindo a totalidade dos escritos de dois autores-chave da modernidade: Rimbaud para a formação das culturas, como provou eloqüentemente o exemplo dos tradutores românticos alemães. textos em prosa que, de forma diferente, apresentam também grandes obstáculos (Joyce, Perec e, em alguns casos, até mesmo Notava que alguns tradutores acertavam perfeitamente na transposição do texto corrido, mas não raro das qualidades inerentes ao bom tradutor, exige-se um conhecimento preciso do assunto, uma adequação vocabular, para que as Como não tenho grande intimidade com o idioma alemão, passei a lê-lo nas línguas que Ivo: Porque prefiro traduzir os livros que têm um significado especial para mim e nem sempre eles foram escritos numa mesma CT.: Você acha que a tradução pode ser considerada uma instância muito com a tradução, pois o tradutor é um leitor privilegiado, que id: work_r7pmphf6erhhtcfi4hfrg2l6zq author: Ann Banfield title: The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park date: 1971 words: 549.0 sentences: 125.0 pages: flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_r7pmphf6erhhtcfi4hfrg2l6zq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r7pmphf6erhhtcfi4hfrg2l6zq.txt summary: The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Ann Banfield; The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1971; 26 (1): 1–24. search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: The Moral Landscape of Mansfield Park Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions id: work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4 author: Ann Chapman title: Resource Discovery: Catalogs, Cataloging, and the User date: 2007 words: 6821.0 sentences: 391.0 pages: 15 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_g2zh4lvsjfeyzcy2ah2kegcnz4.txt summary: In 1999, when I first started working with visually impaired library users, I discovered some disturbing facts about the challenges this sector This meant that the catalog became increasingly inaccuLIBRARY TRENDS, Vol. 55, No. 4, Spring 2007 ("Library and Information Services for Visually Impaired People," edited by Helen Brazier and David Owen), pp. must contain appropriate information to support both filtered and unfiltered searching and record display at different levels. But visually impaired users crucially also need to know the format. known (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen) author/title searching with format information displayed in the results list is enough. Visually impaired users do not usually visit collections of accessible materials; searches and needs to be included in bibliographic records; catalog systems use the (Examples below refer to the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format; other formats may be equally hospitable to the information required.) In the case of library management systems and cataloging modules, more modification might be required. id: work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i author: Ann R. Dryland title: The cultural background of prospective teachers in further education date: 1963 words: 3012.0 sentences: 398.0 pages: 7 flesch: 84.0 cache: ./cache/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ko5esbfjj5aw3g25jhefy62c3i.txt summary: stage, Actors (and actresses) on the films, Chefs, Composers, Dress Designers, Painters, Philosophers, Playwrights, Poets, Scientists, Sculptors, Singers, Statesmen, Travellers. music in that each was now represented by three categories (novelists, playwrights, poets; composers, instrumentalists, singers, respectively). exception o f teachers o f building, all the major subject groups in further education were represented in the sample, in the following proportions: engineering As in Anstey, Dowse and Duguid''s test, scoring was objective, but a discrimination factor over and above chance was present (e.g. David Ricardo, the Acton, the historian, figured in the second test, Lord Anson, the traveller, in the Loren, were correctly identified by 100 per cent of the sample. The names receiving the lowest correct scores are given in Table 2. 20 per cent, and, although the average for the category o f Philosophers was Although 63 per cent o f the sample put him in the intended category, id: work_e65mofuhbrgrzct2rm6cgfe6ii author: Annalisa Piubello title: Cultura degli scrittori. Da Petrarca a Montale. Firenze, Società Editrice de Angelo Fabrizi date: 2011 words: 1709.0 sentences: 273.0 pages: 4 flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/work_e65mofuhbrgrzct2rm6cgfe6ii.pdf txt: ./txt/work_e65mofuhbrgrzct2rm6cgfe6ii.txt summary: Come già Contini, anche Fabrizi attua «uno spostamento dell''asse della storia e critica Fabrizi trova traccia nell''Esquisse du jugement universel, anche se Alfieri non lo ricorda efficace che lo induce, secondo il critico, a cercare nella letteratura italiana dei modelli. Sì – riconosce Fabrizi – ma solo nell''uso del lessico e degli stilemi Nella ricostruzione del percorso culturale di Alfieri, Fabrizi rileva che gli autori latini Molti altri sono gli autori latini e greci rinvenuti da Fabrizi (e da tutta la critica da lui Trame romanzesche»), tre sono gli autori che Fabrizi individua come sottesi due autori, Austen e Tomasi, che Fabrizi interpreta il pensiero di entrambi come dello stesso termine nella sua prosa, che il critico vede accolta la lezione di controllo e come quella della scrittrice inglese, dai toni melodrammatici e retorici che Tomasi manifesta, da una parte, nella partecipazione dell''autore al dibattito critico e, dall''altra, id: work_t4o434bos5hrxjo2ov333tyrbu author: Annarita Taronna title: Dialoghi traduttologici. Il testo letterario e la lingua inglese. Michela Marroni date: 2019 words: 1278.0 sentences: 190.0 pages: 3 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_t4o434bos5hrxjo2ov333tyrbu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_t4o434bos5hrxjo2ov333tyrbu.txt summary: critica che con questa sua ricerca si inserisce nel dibattito sulla traduzione e sugli studi letterari proponendo ogni traduttore ha un suo punto di vista, non solo sulle strategie da trattare ma anche sulla posizione da genere, traduzione e censura, sulle letterature di frontiera e sulla didattica dell''inglese come L2. nuove versioni come segno della permanente trasformazione nel tempo delle conoscenze, dei costumi e del diverse opere letterarie inglesi e rintraccia, con molta accuratezza, la storia delle loro traduzioni italiane e dei Park di Jane Austen di cui Marroni prende in considerazione non solo il piano dell''interpretazione del testo, Marroni, "a fare dell''inglese la lingua in grado di controllare le altre lingue esattamente come la borghesia saggio, Marroni enfatizza, come segue, la riflessione di Eliot sul ruolo del traduttore e delle responsabilità avere un rapporto di rispetto verso il testo originale; e un senso di responsabilità da parte del traduttore che id: work_xbvlxxr3uncvfhl5xnpvtget4a author: Anne M. Myers title: John Hinks and Catherine Armstrong, eds. The English Urban Renaissance Revisited. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. Pp. 239. $119.95 (cloth) date: 2018 words: 1341.0 sentences: 76.0 pages: 2 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_xbvlxxr3uncvfhl5xnpvtget4a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xbvlxxr3uncvfhl5xnpvtget4a.txt summary: Inspired by a reexamination of Peter Borsay''s The English Urban Renaissance: Culture and Society in the Provincial Town 1660–1770 (1989), The English Urban Renaissance Revisited is Essays purport to reassess Borsay''s thesis that an "urban renaissance" emerged in post-Restoration English provincial towns, as well as to test the temporal drawn from England, Scotland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Hungary, and colonial America, contributions to The English Urban Renaissance Revisited are informative, engaging, and densely The essays in The English Urban Renaissance Revisited will be especially enriching for those the geographic bounds of Borsay''s thesis by applying central concepts of the urban renaissance Each essay is methodologically consistent within itself, and many offer illuminating comparative work, as in Green''s "The Big House in the English Provincial Town," where the political Thus, if The English Urban Renaissance Revisited does not reassess the value of Borsay''s thesis Sheila Johnson Kindred''s Jane Austen''s Transatlantic Sister: The Life and Letters of Fanny Palmer id: work_vzcj4zf5xrayhaed5io53plyny author: Annika Bautz title: Austen''s Late-nineteenth-century Afterlives: 1890s Introductions to Her Novels date: 2018 words: 7393.0 sentences: 384.0 pages: 18 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_vzcj4zf5xrayhaed5io53plyny.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vzcj4zf5xrayhaed5io53plyny.txt summary: This essay focuses on introductions to editions of Austen''s texts published in the 1890s. This essay focuses on introductions to editions of Austen''s texts published in the 1890s. mention 1890s introduction writers, so that neither accounts of Austen criticism of the period, nineteenth century: Dobson''s and Brimley-Johnson''s introductions were still published in the Austin Dobson and Macmillan''s Austen editions Although no letters survive relating to the Macmillan Austen editions with Dobson''s While no letters survive between Dobson and Macmillan regarding the Austen editions, Most introduction writers at times struggle to reconcile the satire of her texts with Austen''s For 1890s introduction writers, humour is one of the defining elements of Austen''s texts. Austen''s gender informs male introduction writers'' Austen''s gender also colours introduction writers'' interpretations of her characters. Austin Dobson, who wrote introductions to all six Austen novels published by Macmillan, is not mentioned in id: work_buxjveg3j5aprbdoxabdc6pgri author: Antonija Primorac title: VICTORIAN LITERATURE AND FILM ADAPTATION date: 2017 words: 5036.0 sentences: 334.0 pages: 10 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_buxjveg3j5aprbdoxabdc6pgri.pdf txt: ./txt/work_buxjveg3j5aprbdoxabdc6pgri.txt summary: the hierarchical approach to adaptations traditionally employed by film studies and literature imposed by film adaptations on classic literature (especially Shakespeare and the novels of employed by Victorian theatre adaptations were used by British and American silent films in Brosh focuses on three high points in the production of British nineteenthcentury domestic novels on film: American adaptations of the 1930s and the 1940s and their continuous production of adaptations and appropriations of Victorian literature and culture The collection in which this essay features, Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation, same novel, see Shachar''s Cultural Afterlives and Screen Adaptations of Classic Literature: Wuthering focused on British TV adaptations alone, and the forthcoming study Neo-Victorianism on Screen by the Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 Victorian Literature and Film Adaptation 459 id: work_5rstwxssmnfhtlryewml6yr5bm author: Anush Kapadia title: Encyclopedia Plutonica date: 2015 words: 3863.0 sentences: 276.0 pages: flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_5rstwxssmnfhtlryewml6yr5bm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5rstwxssmnfhtlryewml6yr5bm.txt summary: The central thesis of this book is precisely that an apparently small gap between the return on capital and the rate of growth can in the long run have powerful and destabilizing effects on the structure and dynamics of social inequality. Piketty takes this Smithian view of capital as a past accumulation of assets, where an asset is basically an ownership right in law to the fruits of something that can be used either as a store of value or a factor of production. But further, we cannot really account for the blistering rise of inequality that Piketty has so strenuously documented if we don''t have an epistemology that brings the institutional structures of contemporary capitalism into view. Piketty glosses over the vital fact that direct household ownership of financial assets—the main assets in contemporary capitalism, we are assured—has, as of the 1980s, declined to a mere third in the United States and Canada, and even less in other advanced nations.2 id: work_cpelpjzayrdpxoltxwvxi2etqq author: Aurelie Charles title: Jane Austen, Game Theorist date: 2014 words: 1135.0 sentences: 58.0 pages: 3 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_cpelpjzayrdpxoltxwvxi2etqq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cpelpjzayrdpxoltxwvxi2etqq.txt summary: Charles, A 2014, ''Book Review of "Jane Austen: Game Theorist" by Michael Suk-Young Chwe'', Eastern Book Review of "Jane Austen: Game Theorist" by Jane Austen, Game Theorist. Chwe argues that Austen was a pioneer in the understanding of strategic common link between Austen''s romances, African-American folktales and US foreign policy? only explains the foundations of game theory and strategic thinking (Chapter Two), he also analyses These competing models describe the factors shaping the context in which strategic thinking takes which is argued to have no place in the author''s interpretation of Austen''s imagination, or the century US foreign policy, the author proves that the context of decision-making is, in effect, not essential in explaining the virtues of strategic thinking as a means for individual actions. acknowledged the strategic superiority of women over men, a contribution that enabled her to individual objectives in strategic thinking. id: work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq author: B A Neville title: Reading for Pleasure: A touchstone for the 1980s? date: 1980 words: 144.0 sentences: 25.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_33mqamarrve5pgrzvezcary5tq.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371805 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ygtdgn7pb5b5tpr4wid344lafm author: B M BENNETT title: MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY date: 1964 words: 144.0 sentences: 27.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_ygtdgn7pb5b5tpr4wid344lafm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ygtdgn7pb5b5tpr4wid344lafm.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220374657 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:10 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_d27bkpt3ujaybls3g77qi3a6wa author: B. Balakrishna title: Bladder distension causing oedema of legs date: 1969 words: 1577.0 sentences: 161.0 pages: 1 flesch: 76.0 cache: ./cache/work_d27bkpt3ujaybls3g77qi3a6wa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_d27bkpt3ujaybls3g77qi3a6wa.txt summary: SIR,-I read with interest the case reported Physical examination showed massive pitting oedema of both thought of as the cause of the oedema, even in Rectal examination showed a large prostate. can cause massive oedema of lower limbs by although in less severe cases the interval between Waxsol and syringing can be substantiafly reduced. surrounds the question of medical immigration, especially the immigration of doctors doctors who by virtue of many years of hard work make good in another country. particularly to the two countries that contribute the largest numbers of immigrant read by Asian doctors the world over. give every doctor a senior appointment, but and makes finding an appointment very difficult in one underdeveloped country. years, during which time the applicant may valuable and should be given every opportunity to serve that the country can afford, out that many Asian doctors have not only also man health services in many countries id: work_3y6vfufn4ne73hxg3tk27p6w2m author: B. D. Apthorp title: Hong Kong influenza date: 1969 words: 1279.0 sentences: 248.0 pages: 1 flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/work_3y6vfufn4ne73hxg3tk27p6w2m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3y6vfufn4ne73hxg3tk27p6w2m.txt summary: Medical Assistants Doctors and Patients SIR,-It occurs to me that some medical practitioners may be interested to hear of my elderly patients presented with a severe toxic The majority of patients developed a cough, patients that I saw developed frank bronchitis codein., many required antibiotics-tetracycline that in this epidemic the majority of cases Chest Physicians in N.H.S. hospitals and in general practice. in the specialty diseases of the chest are Medical Advisory Committee to report on hospital services. the incorporation of chest clinics in general medical staffing of the chest department . to the chest department '' " (para. It follows from these recommendations that a physician with special training in diseases of the chest will be required in every district general hospital. physicians in charge of chest departments Presumably physicians with special training in chest diseases will continue to be required also in physicians specializing in chest diseases may id: work_7wahytkbjrfnvcqrvnt7k46usq author: B. Mahendra title: Creativity and depression date: 1985 words: 762.0 sentences: 132.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_7wahytkbjrfnvcqrvnt7k46usq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7wahytkbjrfnvcqrvnt7k46usq.txt summary: BJPsych Bulletin | Cambridge Core Only search content I have access to You are leaving Cambridge Core and will be taken to this journal''s article submission site. Bulletin of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (1977 1988), BJPsych Bulletin prioritises research, opinion and informed reflection on the state of psychiatry, management of psychiatric services, and education and training in psychiatry. BJPsych Bulletin is an open access, peer-reviewed journal owned by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. The journal is published bimonthly by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the College. BJPsych Bulletin, Volume BJPsych Bulletin, Volume BJPsych Bulletin, Volume BJPsych Bulletin, Volume The RCPsych Article of the Month for February is ''Ethno-cultural disparities in mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study on the impact... BJPsych Bulletin, FirstView BJPsych Bulletin, FirstView BJPsych Bulletin, FirstView BJPsych Bulletin, FirstView BJPsych Bulletin, FirstView Cambridge Core legal notices © Cambridge University Press 2021 id: work_7na6max5ybhdva6or767ixsegi author: Barbara K. Seeber title: The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism in Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility date: 2004 words: 6297.0 sentences: 440.0 pages: 15 flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_7na6max5ybhdva6or767ixsegi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7na6max5ybhdva6or767ixsegi.txt summary: The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism in Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism in Northanger rights in the eighteenth century and its relationship to the representations of hunting in Jane Austen. William Cowper emphasize the sentience of animals and charge hunters their love of the sport and, by comparing their hunting of animals and their treatment of women, Austen inflects the anti-hunting argument Cowper''s The Task (1785) similarly denounces hunting: animals ''suffer torture'' (6.390) to ''make ... In Northanger Abbey, Austen clearly demystifies the hunting ideal. The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 The Hunting Ideal, Animal Rights, and Feminism 307 id: work_edufvcpngjcr5o7kdvcszxk2xe author: Beau Riffenburgh title: To the Arctic by canoe 1819–1821: the journal and paintings of Robert Hood, midshipman with Franklin. C. Stuart Houston (Editor). 1995. Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill–Queen''s University Press, xxxvi + 217 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-7735-1222-5. $13.95.ARCTIC ORDEAL: THE JOURNAL OF JOHN RICHARDSON, SURGEON–NATURALIST WITH FRANKLIN, 1820–1822. C. Stuart Houston (Editor). 1995. Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill–Queen''s University Press, xxxiv + 349 p, illustrated, soft cover. ISBN 0-7735-1223-3. $13.95 date: 1997 words: 1953.0 sentences: 123.0 pages: 2 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_edufvcpngjcr5o7kdvcszxk2xe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_edufvcpngjcr5o7kdvcszxk2xe.txt summary: detailed study of North Atlantic exploration by the Norse, universally acknowledged that anyone writing a book consistent editing, a better book could have been produced, which might have served the needs both of specialists and of the more general reader. McGill-Queen''s University Press, xxxvi + 217 p, illustrated, soft cover. ARCTIC ORDEAL: THE JOURNAL OF JOHN Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGillQueen''s University Press, xxxiv + 349 p, illustrated, soft Expedition of 1819-1822, under the command of Lieutenant John Franklin. of the century: Franklin, John Richardson, and George was further increased in significance with the recent publication of Franklin''s own official journals and correspondence (Davis 1995), an effort that expanded and almost in sync with Davis'' Franklin opus, these two books To the Arctic by canoe records the journal entries of Arctic ordeal — presenting the journal of Richardson, Richardson''s journals and his official report, Houston has Sir John Franklin''s journals and id: work_iubihzsdwvfvfiwnxacpwjfbke author: Beau Riffenburgh title: Travels into print. Exploration, writing, and publishing with John Murray, 1773–1859. Innes M. Keighren, Charles W.J. Withers and Bill Bell. 2015. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. xiii + 364 p, illustrated, hardcover. ISBN 978-0-226-42953-3. £31.50; US$45.00 date: 2015 words: 2076.0 sentences: 128.0 pages: 2 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_iubihzsdwvfvfiwnxacpwjfbke.pdf txt: ./txt/work_iubihzsdwvfvfiwnxacpwjfbke.txt summary: Exploration, writing, and publishing with John Murray, 1773–1859. Age'' of Antarctic exploration and the nineteenth-century Arctic No publishing house was more renowned and respected for its books about exploration than John Murray, founded in 1768 and guided for seven generations by successive John Murray did not just concentrate on exploration, as it was also the publisher for many three John Murrays – and the world of travel and exploration. the book illustrates how, over a period of decades, John Murray Travels into print examines the relationships between explorers, publishers, editors, and printers throughout this period. history of geographical exploration and of the book trade, but Rethinking Greenland and the Arctic in the era of climate change. (ACIA 2004), contributing to a discourse which victimises especially the Arctic''s indigenous peoples. Arctic''s indigenous peoples in light of climate change consider the disempowerment of indigenous peoples by including indigenous knowledge into the discourse on climate change id: work_346q4iox5felpknzvxznfb7oze author: Belinda Mitchell title: Matter of the Manor date: 2018 words: 2900.0 sentences: 169.0 pages: 13 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_346q4iox5felpknzvxznfb7oze.pdf txt: ./txt/work_346q4iox5felpknzvxznfb7oze.txt summary: where space, time, materials and people are intertwined in an unfolding process. design and conservation practice by focusing on ways of conceptualising historic Taking the form of collages, our design work uses an uninhabited 16thcentury timber-framed manor house as a case study. approaches to understanding historic buildings conceptualise them as documents For the designer, architectural processes and practices tend to focus on the form and function of a building and architecture as a solid object. We practice the unfolding of space and time Materialist thinking, both building and body are understood as living material, as Jane We build the affective qualities of our images and text over time, embedding our with the material matter of the Manor through its life history, its ongoing ecologies, its interdisciplinary environment; Interior Design, Historic Building Conservation and Architecture, where she leads the MSc in Historic Building Conservation. interests include past and present approaches to altering historic buildings, and the id: work_3wyll2pvrffffemcnqyypva3dm author: Bonnie Latimer title: Popular Fiction after Richardson date: 2017 words: 7420.0 sentences: 360.0 pages: 16 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_3wyll2pvrffffemcnqyypva3dm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3wyll2pvrffffemcnqyypva3dm.txt summary: The influence upon the later novel of The History of Sir Charles Grandison (1753-4) is not 4 The History of Sir Charles Grandison, Abridged from the Works of Samuel Richardson (London, [1769?]). Grandison''s importance both the exemplary character of Sir Charles and Harriet''s narrative 17 Richardson, The History of Sir Charles Grandison (1753-4), 7 vols, ed. 24 Grandison-hall, where Sir Charles presides, with the ''happiness of Mary Yates, ''The Christian rake in Sir Charles Grandison'', Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 24: 3 that on the wedding of Sir Charles Grandison''), with the new household at Harrington-Hall Like Grandison, The Marriage Act, and Millenium Hall, Mary Walker Hamilton''s Critical Remarks on Sir Charles Grandison Barr, ''Richardson''s Sir Charles Grandison and the symptoms of subjectivity'', The Eighteenth Century: Marriage is a central concern of Grandison: Sir Charles is ''for having every-body marry''.45 in society; Sir Charles''s nunnery allows these women a space outside of marriage in which id: work_yr5kjqrmljbfripkn72tnxjsre author: Brian Alderson title: Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children''s books date: 1994 words: 401.0 sentences: 65.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_yr5kjqrmljbfripkn72tnxjsre.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yr5kjqrmljbfripkn72tnxjsre.txt summary: Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children''s books | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 161513674Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children''s books title={Some notes on James Burns as a publisher of children''s books}, 1 The signs are surely clear that the presence of these words at the start of her seminal study, Novels of the eighteen-forties., was something of a clarion-call, and for the last forty years the academic cohorts have been sweeping into the territory whose fruitfulness was made so… Expand Citation Type Citation Type Cites Methods Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Sign Up Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_wy3zz7vc4vbstjo5iccsmidaya author: Brian Cummings title: Zombie Shakespeare date: 2016 words: 3990.0 sentences: 367.0 pages: 5 flesch: 77.0 cache: ./cache/work_wy3zz7vc4vbstjo5iccsmidaya.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wy3zz7vc4vbstjo5iccsmidaya.txt summary: information concerning the event: the cause, place and even date of Shakespeare''s demise This article surveys the anniversary celebrations in relation to the contrasting life records, arguing that the Anniversary has produced a "Zombie Shakespeare", a twenty-first century biographical fantasy indicative of commodification rather than literary or creative imagination. The life-records of Geoffrey Chaucer, edited by Crow and Shakespeare''s life. writer indeed much better than we know Shakespeare. about Shakespeare''s writing comes from the surviving editions of the Folio that gives the only account surviving of Shakespeare''s shows Shakespeare living in London shortly before his death. life of Shakespeare is based on two kinds of fallacy. about Shakespeare''s death should read Tadié on Proust''s asthma. Shakespeare''s Plays Published in 1778; 2 vols C. Rowe N (ed) (1709) The Works of Mr. William Shakespear. Schoenbaum S (1975) William Shakespeare: A Documentary Life. Schoenbaum S (1991) Shakespeare''s Lives, New Ed., Clarendon Press: Oxford. id: work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu author: Brian G Turner title: Structural biology of HIV 1 1Edited by P. E. Wright date: 1999 words: 2501.0 sentences: 275.0 pages: 7 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nfe556jokrgzfcb66tmv2dvwfu.txt summary: Abstract: The increasing number of digitised publications published by national libraries and other heritage and benefits of the use of identification systems like DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ISBN (International Code), NBN (National Bibliography Number), SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier), URN (Uniform Keywords: digital heritage, digitised publications, identifiers, DOI, ISBN, ISSN, ISTC, NBN, SICI, URN. Identifier), ISBN (International Standard Book Number), ISSN (International Standard Serial Number), ISTC (International Standard Text Code), NBN (National Bibliography Number), SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier) and URN (Uniform Resource Number). presented in more detail: DOI (Digital Object Identifier), ISBN (International Standard Book NBN (National Bibliography Number), SICI (Serial Item and Contribution Identifier), URN (Uniform DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is based on the international standard ISO 26324:2012 [3]. ISSN is a unique identifier for a specific serial or other continuing resource in a [9] Using The ISSN (International Serial Standard Number) as URN (Uniform Resource Names) within an id: work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim author: Brian Murdoch title: Defining and Defending the Middle Ages with C. S. Lewis date: 2020 words: 7811.0 sentences: 505.0 pages: 11 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2q3ts43puvfjdbghwx4buvwuim.txt summary: Middle Ages and confirmed the relevance to the humanities that medieval literary texts can have Lewis cautioned against pejorative terms like ''Dark Ages'', noted problems of S. Lewis; periodisation; the Middle Ages; medieval studies; qualitative judgement; contrast of them with "more normal periods of history." Lewis''s other examples note the assumption The Discarded Image, Lewis remained aware of the apparent apartness of much of medieval thought, He makes the point, too, that we need not treat a medieval literary work as we might a modern as his Medieval Model of the universe as continuing down to the end of the seventeenth century Lewis set the machine age as the great period divide, more important than any limits for the Middle Ages as a period of especial ignorance which has nothing to say to the present, is illogical at In German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages: 800–1170. id: work_37lsuazffndddcumizznj3bqza author: Bronwyn Lowe title: "Books That Civilize as Well as Satisfy": Surveying Children''s Reading Habits in 1940s and 1950s Australia and New Zealand date: 2017 words: 9184.0 sentences: 560.0 pages: 21 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_37lsuazffndddcumizznj3bqza.pdf txt: ./txt/work_37lsuazffndddcumizznj3bqza.txt summary: "Books That Civilize as Well as Satisfy": Surveying Children''s Reading Habits in 1940s and 1950s Australia and New Zealand In 1906, New Zealand journalist and strident imperialist Constance Barnicoat published the results of a survey of colonial girls'' reading habits from As reading surveys of Australian and New Zealand children continued W.J. Scott presented the results of a survey of New Zealand secondaryschool-aged boys'' and girls'' reading, film, and radio habits. Surveying Children''s Reading in Australia and New Zealand 393 Surveying Children''s Reading in Australia and New Zealand 393 Surveying Children''s Reading in Australia and New Zealand 393 Surveying Children''s Reading in Australia and New Zealand 393 Surveying Children''s Reading in Australia and New Zealand 393 Surveying Children''s Reading in Australia and New Zealand 393 Surveying Children''s Reading in Australia and New Zealand 393 Surveying Children''s Reading in Australia and New Zealand 393 Surveying Children''s Reading in Australia and New Zealand 393 id: work_er4ovarhubg53cs4qn2gbkx4eq author: Bülent SAYAK title: Palimpsest: Edebiyat, Eleştiri, Kuram, Sarah Dillon, Çeviren: Ferit Burak Aydar, date: 2018 words: 1409.0 sentences: 220.0 pages: 4 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_er4ovarhubg53cs4qn2gbkx4eq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_er4ovarhubg53cs4qn2gbkx4eq.txt summary: Palimpsest: Edebiyat, Eleştiri, Kuram, Sarah Dillon, Çeviren: Ferit Palimpsest, Dillon''un disiplinlerarası düşünme pratiğinin karşılığı olarak temellenen, yazarın doktora çalışmasından kitaplaştırılmış bir metin. Palimpsest; "Giriş: Palimpsest", "Palimpsestlerin Bir Tarihçesi", "Zihnin Palimpsesti", "Şiir (s.25) anlamına gelen palimpsest, Dillon''a ve birbirlerinden kopukluklarını ortaya koymak, ''asıl/öncül metni'' görünür kılmak çabalarını karşılayan palimpsest, yazarın yaklaşımıyla yerleşik bağlamından koparılır. yazar tarafından dikkat çekici bir örnek olarak "Palimpsestin "şimdi"si ancak "geçmiş"ten metinlerin "mevcudiyet"inde ve mevcudiyeti tarafından oluşturulur ve "gelecek"in "Alacakaranlığın Palimpsesti" şiiri merkezinde bir okuma yapılır. Palimpsest: Edebiyat, Eleştiri, Kuram, Sarah Dillon, Çeviren: Ferit Burak Aydar, İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi… 223 Lawrence''nin estetik düşüncesindeki bir kırılma olarak değerlendirir (s.86). Dillon, palimpsest editörlerinin metin edisyonlarındaki de abdüktif okuma yapan bir dedektif gibi Dillon, kavramın Gerard Genette''nin göre her metnin "kazınması ya da ışığa tutulmasıyla" altından/içinden başka bir metin Palimpsest: Edebiyat, Eleştiri, Kuram, Sarah Dillon, Çeviren: Ferit Burak Aydar, İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2017, 224 s., Jass Studies-The Journal of Academic id: work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia author: C A Pierach title: Points: Malaria, haematin, and coagulation date: 1985 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4yvojhsghzbe7jww27z5zltdia.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371901 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym author: C Fraher title: Reading for Pleasure: A sense of time and place date: 1980 words: 144.0 sentences: 27.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym.pdf txt: ./txt/work_feoywbmtd5c6xczpigjejy7zym.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220376103 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm author: C. Gray title: Eccentricity and conformity date: 1999 words: 2117.0 sentences: 315.0 pages: 2 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7n2tsbvfvrgdrab42tagd3cybm.txt summary: British Medical Journal Medical teachers are understandably concerned to equip their students with the necessary skills, Teachers at medical school said, ''Look smart, get eccentrics survive the new quality to mind the traditional medical valve of medical education, doctors will naturally diverge thereafter along their individual career Nowadays, doctors also are having to converge into conformity, eccentric thinks he''s normal; he is minor oddities, as long as everything else is conventional, is still minor oddities so long as everything else was reassuringly conventional. Eccentricity and conformity Eccentric conformist Carl Gray analyses diversity in medical style Table: Medical types in relation to new rules Different settings encourage conformity and diversity (see box), and in a working day doctors may Acting the doctor But medicine is changing, and diverse professional personalities are adapting in value their doctors. new rules, doctors will be legislators, enforcers, conformists, or doctors will set the rules. id: work_sq2lpvpzcjh25he6jqjkx4cwvi author: C. Wiley title: Music and Literature: Ethel Smyth, Virginia Woolf, and "The First Woman to Write an Opera" date: 2013 words: 16254.0 sentences: 913.0 pages: 55 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_sq2lpvpzcjh25he6jqjkx4cwvi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sq2lpvpzcjh25he6jqjkx4cwvi.txt summary: Music and Literature: Ethel Smyth, Virginia Woolf, and generously described Smyth as the first woman to compose an opera;27 elsewhere Woolf herself from other examples of "women who try to write music" (to borrow Woolf''s Smyth''s feminist writings can be regarded as musical counterparts to Woolf''s own, then the that music was Smyth''s field, and that the composer should be the one to write about it. Smyth''s short article "Composers and Critics,"95 Woolf had written, "What I should like would further reason why Woolf held that Smyth''s operas represented genuine "women''s work" in the Smyth, Virginia Woolf, and the Challenges of Lesbian Auto/biography," Music and Letters Clements, "Virginia Woolf, Ethel Smyth, and Music," 51. Music and Literature: Ethel Smyth, Virginia Woolf, and "The First Woman to Write an Opera" Music and Literature: Ethel Smyth, Virginia Woolf, and "The First Woman to Write an Opera" id: work_5hvjxj3eubc5ffqaegwu3umi2u author: Carmen Rosa Caldas title: Special Bibliographies Bibliografias especiais/ Special Bibliographies date: 2008 words: 2088.0 sentences: 514.0 pages: 8 flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_5hvjxj3eubc5ffqaegwu3umi2u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5hvjxj3eubc5ffqaegwu3umi2u.txt summary: , Mariange Hirsch, and Elizabeth Langland, eds. London: Women''s Press, "Practicing Feminist Literary Criticism." Women''s Strategies of Twentieth-Century Women Writers. First Feminists: British Women Writers from Feminist Literary Theory." Literature in North Queensland, Sexuality." New Literary History, 16 (1985):515-43. and Susan Gubar, eds. and Susan Gubar, eds. HIATT, Mary, The Way Women Write: Sex and Style in Contemporary New York: Plenum Press, 1978. . "Women''s Literature." Harvard Guide to Contemporary "The Critic as Feminist: Reflections on Women''s Poetry, Feminism, and the Art of Criticism." Women''s English and American Women Poets, New York; Paddington American Women Writers: New York: Columbia Univ. New York: Columbia Univ. Literary Women: The Great Writers, Garden City, Women in Literature: Criticism of the Women in Literature: Criticism of the "Women Who Are Writers in Our Century: One Out of The New Feminist Criticism: Essays on Women, Women''s Liberation and Literature. American Women Writers: An Annotated Classic American Women Writers. id: work_xfd34nthurhh3p2fmdcyo2whvm author: Catriona Miller title: Pride + Prejudice + Zombies date: 2016 words: 3454.0 sentences: 337.0 pages: 6 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_xfd34nthurhh3p2fmdcyo2whvm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xfd34nthurhh3p2fmdcyo2whvm.txt summary: Film Review: Pride+Prejudice+Zombies Miller, C 2016, ''Film Review: Pride+Prejudice+Zombies'', International Journal of Jungian Studies, vol. Spring 2016 saw the release of the film Pride + Prejudice + Zombies (2016, Burr Steers). entirely as the title suggests, a version of the Jane Austen novel with zombies. based on, plays with, intersects and extends the story world created by the Austen novels. Prior to Night of the Living Dead, the few zombies that had appeared in film – such as White of these films is not the zombie but its master – but, as Halliwell went on to note, ''George What makes Pride + Prejudice + Zombies particularly complex is that intertextuality in this the film follows in the practice of referring to other Pride and Prejudice adaptations (including a Screen adaptations: Jane Austen''s pride and prejudice: A close study of the relationship between id: work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli author: Cheong-Ok Yoon title: An Analytical Study on the Books Selected in ''One Book, One City'' Reading Campaigns in the U.S.A date: 2014 words: 9534.0 sentences: 2556.0 pages: 24 flesch: 104.0 cache: ./cache/work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uoo2r5vohndanfourfkgow7lli.txt summary: 이 연구의 목 은 미국의 ''한 책, 한 도시'' 독서운동에서 선정된 책들의 계량 특성에 나타난 성장과 변화의 도시'' 독서운동의 주별 작가별 리스트에 등록된 2,220개 로그램 선정 책 1,037종을 심으로 연도별 선정 선정 책들의 연도별 로그램 분포, 선호된 책의 연도별 추이, ''Seattle Reads''와 One Book, One Chicago 같은 선도 ''한 책'' 로젝트들이 책 선정에 미친 향 등을 살펴보았다. 책'' 로그램의 독자 책 선정은 증가하는 추세이다; 넷째, ''Seattle Reads''와 ''One Book, One Chicago'' 선정 most popular books were To Kill a Mockingbird (chosen in 84 programs), Fahrenheit 451 (in 53 개 이상의 ''한 책'' 로그램에서 선정된 책들의 에서 선정된 1,037종의 책들을 선정한 로그램 Read'' 참여 로그램에서 To Kill a Mockingbird Big Read''로 선정된 To Kill a Mockingbird와 <표 4> ''Seattle Reads''와 ''One Book, One Chicago'' 선정 책 <표 4> ''Seattle Reads''와 ''One Book, One Chicago'' 선정 책 <표 5> ''Seattle Reads''와 ''One Book, One Chicago'' 선정 책의 연도별 선정 Reads''와 ''One Book, One Chicago''에서 선정 id: work_ikgdewjkvzeh5div47xu3jzlva author: Christiane Dosne Pasqualini title: La gran tradición: Houssay, Braun Menéndez, Leloir, De Robertis, Milstein date: 2011 words: 3049.0 sentences: 389.0 pages: 5 flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_ikgdewjkvzeh5div47xu3jzlva.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ikgdewjkvzeh5div47xu3jzlva.txt summary: y Box, y muchas fotografías, que abarcan desde la Ciencia jesuita en el Río de La Plata hasta Los últimos treinta años: el giro hacia los desarrollos tecnológicos todo lo cual proporciona una lectura fácil alguna más estrecha que otra como en el caso de Houssay con quien trabajé un año. Mi primera impresión de Houssay como persona me la proporcionó una carta que me mandó Lewis Reconozco que, desde mi torre de marfil de investigadora, admiraba a Houssay por sus descubrimientos reconocidos en el Premio Nobel, pero al pasar de los años y al leer el libro de Harold Varmus5 (Premio Nobel 1969 y Director de NIH durante la década del 90) y el de Buch6 con enfoques tan diferentes al mío, me llevan a darle a Houssay (y a Varmus) tanta o más importancia por sus logros como id: work_sufvg3wxnrebdi2q5zwoau4zs4 author: Christina Dokou title: Sarah Churchwell and Thomas Ruys Smith, eds. Must Read: Rediscovering American Bestsellers—From Charlotte Temple to The Da Vinci Code date: 2013 words: 3734.0 sentences: 206.0 pages: 8 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_sufvg3wxnrebdi2q5zwoau4zs4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sufvg3wxnrebdi2q5zwoau4zs4.txt summary: … this inquiry is concerned with the connection between popular books read for pleasure by adult Americans and the times in which those books were read.…; but 1895-1975;5John Sutherland''s 1981 Bestsellers: Popular Fiction in the 1970s;6 and his later They thus synthesize a picture of American (bestseller) reading that functions well 4 Gideon Mailer''s "The history of Charlotte Temple as an American bestseller" follows scholarly readings of early serialized fiction in their single-volume form cannot do full 2. Sarah Churchwell and Thomas Ruys Smith, "Introduction," in Must Read: Rediscovering American Bestsellers (London and New York: Continuum, 2012), 4. 3. James Hall, Hit Lit: Cracking the Code of the Twentieth Century''s Biggest Bestsellers (New York: 6. John Sutherland, Bestsellers: Popular Fiction in the 1970s (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981). 9. Michael Korda, Making the List: A Cultural History of the American Bestseller, 1900-99 (New Must Read: Rediscovering American Bestsellers—From Charlotte Temple to The Da Vinci Code. id: work_qam6c65mqnbzllv3sepo6atape author: Christine Ferguson title: ''The More Subtle Inquisitor:'' Arthur Machen as Early Reviewer of Dubliners for Grant Richards date: 2016 words: 3821.0 sentences: 274.0 pages: 12 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_qam6c65mqnbzllv3sepo6atape.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qam6c65mqnbzllv3sepo6atape.txt summary: " ''The More Subtle Inquisitor:'' Arthur Machen as Early Reviewer of Dubliners new, more complex picture she paints of Dubliners'' early reception at Grant Richards Born in Caerleon in 1863, Machen migrated to London in the early eighteeneighties to launch his literary career. these books and stories," he writes in an early 1906 letter to Richards, "is to get a little Arthur Machen to Grant Richards, 17 January 1906, C0240, Letters to Grant Richards, 1905-23, Vodrey Collection of Arthur Machen Papers, Princeton Richards, 1905-23, Vodrey Collection of Arthur Machen Papers, Princeton viii Arthur Machen to Grant Richards, 26 January 1907, 2040, Letters to Grant Richards, 1905-23, Vodrey Collection of Arthur Machen Papers, Princeton University Richards, 1905-23, Vodrey Collection of Arthur Machen Papers, Princeton University ix Arthur Machen to Grant Richards, n.d. ix Arthur Machen to Grant Richards, n.d. Grant Richards, 1905-23, Vodrey Collection of Arthur Machen Papers, Princeton id: work_p5lj6jxybbh5rcnqm3v7xzxbfu author: Christopher D. Manning title: Computational Linguistics and Deep Learning date: 2015 words: 3465.0 sentences: 259.0 pages: 7 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_p5lj6jxybbh5rcnqm3v7xzxbfu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_p5lj6jxybbh5rcnqm3v7xzxbfu.txt summary: kind of like a rabbit in the headlights of the Deep Learning machine, waiting to be Yann LeCun said: "The next big step for Deep Learning is natural language understanding, which aims to give machines the power to understand not just individual also increasingly oriented his group''s research toward language, including recent exciting new developments in neural machine translation systems. papers showing how systems can be improved by using distributed word representations from "deep learning" approaches, such as word2vec (Mikolov et al. (15) NLP is kind of like a rabbit in the headlights of the deep learning machine Just recently, there has started to be some new work harnessing the power of distributed representations for modeling and explaining linguistic variation and change. These more scientific uses of distributed representations and Deep Learning for Manning Computational Linguistics and Deep Learning Manning Computational Linguistics and Deep Learning Manning Computational Linguistics and Deep Learning id: work_j2xr6yuo3vffbedptwzxoensv4 author: Claire Grogan title: Jane Austen''s Vehicular Means of Motion, Exchange and Transmission date: 2004 words: 6312.0 sentences: 376.0 pages: 16 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_j2xr6yuo3vffbedptwzxoensv4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_j2xr6yuo3vffbedptwzxoensv4.txt summary: Jane Austen''s Vehicular Means of Motion, Exchange and Transmission This paper arises from work for my second edition of Northanger Abbey for Broadview Press during which time I how carriages work as external indicators of wealth or social standing Facts allow for the interesting discovery that horse-drawn carriages are much more than a means Austen lived during the great age of coach travel — a period in which combined improvements in road building, carriage design and horse carriage travel of one kind or another) and her fiction (in which she concerns about chills caught from carriage travel since Austen describes Austen''s brother Edward''s purchase of horses is accorded due notice in her letter of June 1799: and traveling time in Northanger Abbey, the various day trips reveal carriages mirror Catherine''s emotional state: ''An abbey before, a curricle Donkey Carriages'' {Letters 146). id: work_35hccofexfcuxdssza4gusq7bu author: Constance B. Hieatt title: Reinventing Retirement date: 2004 words: 436.0 sentences: 25.0 pages: 1 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_35hccofexfcuxdssza4gusq7bu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_35hccofexfcuxdssza4gusq7bu.txt summary: PMLA invites members of the association to submit letters, printed and double-spaced, that comment on articles in contributions and offers the PMLA authors discussed in published letters an PMLA Forum, Modern Language Association, 26 Broadway, 3rd floor, New Pope, who was nearing ninety when those of us attending the Medieval Academy meeting agreed that his latest article on an Old English poem was the Dean, whose prizewinning masterwork, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, was published about three years before she died, at the age of one hundred. I cannot compare myself with such examples, but at least I have completed (and published) four books since my retirement, and I have finished on editing and working with medieval culinary records rather than literature Almost all my published articles in recent years have been on culinary matters, but I made a start on this twenty-five years ago, and id: work_5vaet6ig6bcgtlaxxcbf7crc6a author: Corinna Coors title: Image Rights: Exploitation and Legal Control in English and Hungarian Law date: 2016 words: 8319.0 sentences: 642.0 pages: 15 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_5vaet6ig6bcgtlaxxcbf7crc6a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5vaet6ig6bcgtlaxxcbf7crc6a.txt summary: third party in the context of publicity or personality rights, English law provides no cause of action for the Image rights under Hungarian law form part of a much broader concept of personality affected person to authorise exposure of the image or recording to the public.47 Case law individual has a legal right to informational privacy – the protection of personal or private individual has a legal right to informational privacy – the protection of personal or private 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW id: work_43p7u6t7z5ccdljglt26qmfqpm author: Corinna Coors title: Image rights: Exploitation and legal control in English and Hungarian law date: 2016 words: 8319.0 sentences: 642.0 pages: 15 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_43p7u6t7z5ccdljglt26qmfqpm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_43p7u6t7z5ccdljglt26qmfqpm.txt summary: third party in the context of publicity or personality rights, English law provides no cause of action for the Image rights under Hungarian law form part of a much broader concept of personality affected person to authorise exposure of the image or recording to the public.47 Case law individual has a legal right to informational privacy – the protection of personal or private individual has a legal right to informational privacy – the protection of personal or private 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW 23IMAGE RIGHTS: EXPLOITATION AND LEGAL CONTROL IN ENGLISH AND HUNGARIAN LAW id: work_gpcy5x7s6zfflkruth3vo6lyse author: Corinne Fowler title: Revisiting Mansfield Park: The Critical and Literary Legacies of Edward W. Said''s Essay "Jane Austen and Empire" in Culture and Imperialism (1993) date: 2017 words: 11528.0 sentences: 883.0 pages: 20 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_gpcy5x7s6zfflkruth3vo6lyse.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gpcy5x7s6zfflkruth3vo6lyse.txt summary: Said''s seminal essay "Jane Austen and Empire" exhorts critics to attend Said, Jane Austen, black British history, country houses, 1 Madge Dresser and Andrew Hann, Slavery and the British Country House (London: English Heritage, 3 Edward Said, "Jane Austen and Empire," Culture and Imperialism (London: Vintage, 1993), 107. Said''s seminal essay on Mansfield Park, "Jane Austen and Empire," first published in In "Jane Austen and Empire," Said argues that novels by Austen and her contemporaries are wilfully silent about colonial cruelty and indifferent to enslaved people''s critics challenge Said''s reading of Mansfield Park on the grounds that it underestimates the strength of Austen''s pro-abolitionist feeling.25 In The Postcolonial Jane As I have argued, Said does not read Mansfield Park in conjunction with Austen''s Johnson connects country house grandeur to sugar wealth, as Austen, Said, 135 Peter Fryer, Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain (London: Pluto, 1984); Barczewski, Country Houses and the British Empire, 1700–1930. id: work_sq4l64fk7nhcnlrhteodxp7zki author: D Court title: Sir James Spence date: 1975 words: 3813.0 sentences: 534.0 pages: 5 flesch: 77.0 cache: ./cache/work_sq4l64fk7nhcnlrhteodxp7zki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sq4l64fk7nhcnlrhteodxp7zki.txt summary: so profound an influence upon the development of paediatrics in this country. Dr. Donald Court followed Spence as Professor of Child Health in Newcastle in the British Paediatric Association can confer''. influence on the development of paediatrics. There were also people in Newcastle, particularly the Medical Officer of Health, part-time medical officer in a child welfare clinic, in Newcastle, and Spence was asked by the City family doctors, clinical teachers, medical officers of His contributions to paediatric education took Child Health in Newcastle. science and the need for specialization in paediatrics, his primary aim was a university, a medical school, and a department of child health related in should take place at a child health clinic, in an lecture to the Canadian Medical Association. The British Paediatric Association Spence was a professional with a life-long created the British Paediatric Association. James Spence was written of another man; I have id: work_rglgr4kxs5fupndgf63wvjnjjq author: D Davies title: Reading for Pleasure: Celtic and non-Celtic nostalgia date: 1979 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_rglgr4kxs5fupndgf63wvjnjjq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rglgr4kxs5fupndgf63wvjnjjq.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220373156 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_r2d4ogagcvakjenok3illjh7xq author: D G Wilson title: Reading for Pleasure: Shared pleasure date: 1982 words: 144.0 sentences: 25.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_r2d4ogagcvakjenok3illjh7xq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r2d4ogagcvakjenok3illjh7xq.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371843 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_x4avihngfjdtrpczmxlwn7ow5i author: D. Anderson title: Re-Reading The Silence of Bartleby date: 2008 words: 11.0 sentences: 2.0 pages: flesch: 32.0 cache: ./cache/work_x4avihngfjdtrpczmxlwn7ow5i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x4avihngfjdtrpczmxlwn7ow5i.txt summary: id: work_kna3elxpprhdjfc527qitqs2ye author: D. Power title: Clap and the Pox in English Literature date: 1938 words: 4222.0 sentences: 725.0 pages: 9 flesch: 92.0 cache: ./cache/work_kna3elxpprhdjfc527qitqs2ye.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kna3elxpprhdjfc527qitqs2ye.txt summary: CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH " Clap" and " the pox " are words of ancient lineage John Arderne, an English surgeon, writing about I376, devotes a chapter to the attacks of venereal disease, and that very likely he had new disease at the end of the sixteenth century, was CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH LITERATITRE of venereal disease, pointing to the physical rather than to the moral disabilities of the clap and pox, which by Newgate, was twelve years a whore, five times a wife, can be men of pleasure; every man may be a rake." This, I think, is the end of venereal disease in literaII2 CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH LITERATURE CLAP AND THE POX IN ENGLISH LITERATURE Clap and pox had become vulgar words and were replaced " Clap and the Pox," so that the old words have come id: work_aotovu23tnatfoa2jndtixjxcu author: Dana Bădulescu title: Reading Salman Rushdie''s Memoir date: 2013 words: 3738.0 sentences: 229.0 pages: 6 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_aotovu23tnatfoa2jndtixjxcu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_aotovu23tnatfoa2jndtixjxcu.txt summary: This paper looks into Salman Rushdie''s latest book, his memoir titled Joseph Anton. in what sense Rushdie''s memoir is fiction, and also what distinguishes it from a novel. associations and distinctions put the reading of Rushdie''s latest book Joseph Anton, a memoir, into perspective. Nevertheless, Salman Rushdie''s memoir Joseph Anton is titled after an invented name, and the author Arguing that both autobiography and memoir are forms of life narrative, Smith and Watson distinguish Looking at his first accomplished novel in retrospect when he writes his memoir, Rushdie accounts for its Whether he writes fiction or a memoir, Rushdie builds his books on Midnight''s Children, Rushdie revisited his old memory paraphernalia in order to write his memoir. Joseph Anton is largely a book about Rushdie''s unstoppable need to transform his experience through and The title Joseph Anton is a conflation of the first names of two writers, Rushdie''s favourite authors: id: work_t7xicvoqfvdmtpw2txapxg3yiq author: Daniel A. Kaufman title: Knowledge, Wisdom, and the Philosopher date: 2006 words: 9927.0 sentences: 466.0 pages: 23 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_t7xicvoqfvdmtpw2txapxg3yiq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_t7xicvoqfvdmtpw2txapxg3yiq.txt summary: the dominant or ''mainline'' tradition in philosophy, the primary preoccupation of philosophers has been with knowledge, and not only 7-9), although our respective conceptions of what wisdom consists of differ substantially and our inquiries into the subject stem from what are substantially different political orientations (though it appears to me that we philosophy, were busying themselves with its more specific application to social, political, and even ethical subjects, arguing that rather than looking to the opinions and practices of our predecessors for guidance in how we ought to live, we should instead determine our social, and political forms of life—even our morals—on branch of physics, the main concern of which is with the causal relations that govern human sentiments or, as Hobbes put it, ''consequences from the passions of men''.19 Despite criticisms from communitarians, Christian humanists, conservatives, and others, this by science to human life is a matter of moral, social, and political id: work_476zjpxdsfcehncxptunr4632a author: Daniel J. Kruger title: Variation in women''s mating strategies depicted in the works and words of Jane Austen date: 2013 words: 6694.0 sentences: 505.0 pages: 14 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_476zjpxdsfcehncxptunr4632a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_476zjpxdsfcehncxptunr4632a.txt summary: can accurately identify the mating strategies of characters and express relationship Keywords: Literary Darwinism, Jane Austen, mating strategy, sexual selection women preferred proper heroes for long-term relationships but increasingly favored the that men will prefer characters for long-term, committed relationships who successfully established long-term relationships in the novels, (i.e., Jane Bennett and Fanny Price, Men preferred the long-term strategist (Jane Bennett) to the flirty Lydia the sensitivity of study participants in comprehending the characters'' mating strategies which character within a pair they thought would be preferred by men for: a sexual affair, Participants rated characters with a long-term mating strategy more Characters with longterm mating strategies were preferred for long-term committed relationships, t(110) = Characters with short-term mating strategies were preferred for sexual affairs, t(110) = example, men''s preferences increased for the characters representing a long-term strategy men would prefer Jane and Fanny for long-term committed relationships, including id: work_sq4rsbzjxjdhjktgogo3mqrz5u author: Daniel O''Donnell title: "Good things come in small packets": How (inter)national Digital Research Infrastructure can support "Small Data" Humanities and Cultural Heritage research date: 2020 words: 3162.0 sentences: 306.0 pages: 5 flesch: 42.0 cache: ./cache/work_sq4rsbzjxjdhjktgogo3mqrz5u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sq4rsbzjxjdhjktgogo3mqrz5u.txt summary: data management (RDM) use-case: that of the traditional "Small Data" Humanities and Cultural Heritage (HCH) research project producing or working with "primary source" research data (e.g. digital facsimiles, recordings, and the case of research and data in the Digital Humanities more broadly, including in such small data contexts. The result is that large quantities of small-project HCH research data are poorly managed and maintained and that improved RDM practices for traditional "Small Data" HCH research. traditional "small-data" HCH research project as an RDM problem before briefly answering the CFP questions. Small, Thick, and Slow: Research data in the traditional humanities The first thing to realise is the degree to which traditional HCH research data and use-cases differ from those of ● What are the main DRI tools, services and/or resources you currently use in your research? understanding that a DRI should support the publication of HCH research data in context. id: work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu author: Daniel Paul O''Donnell title: Humanities Data and their Research Use date: 2018 words: 1946.0 sentences: 175.0 pages: 25 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zya4s6pigrbrdh5ha66unqp3hu.txt summary: Humanities Data and their Research Use Open Science Infrastructures for Big Cultural Data ● Going to be speaking of how data are used in the humanities ● And data as they are used by Humanists in the Humanities Humanities data is different from Humanities data is different from Humanities data is different from How does data work in other fields? How does data work in other fields? How does data work in other fields? How does data work in other fields? ● In traditional humanities, "data" can In Humanities, "Data" is arguably mostly "Finch" In Humanities, "Data" is arguably mostly "Finch" ● Makes method questions more important than when you worked inductively ○ Some fundamental differences between data as we understand them in ● Data-driven DH (big or small) is going to open new vistas for work in our these things once we have both "data" and "capta" id: work_tbhzy7ji4zhqhac6sz66cico2i author: Daniel Paul O''Donnell title: Small, Thick, and Slow: Towards an Open and FAIR data culture in the Humanities date: 2019 words: 3045.0 sentences: 289.0 pages: 40 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_tbhzy7ji4zhqhac6sz66cico2i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tbhzy7ji4zhqhac6sz66cico2i.txt summary: ○ Not all humanities data are small or "representational" in focus 1. Humanities "data," unlike science "capta," are almost always practically ○ Intensive curation and analysis of small data sets remains a major (meta)data use a formal, accessible, shared, and (meta)data use vocabularies that follow FAIR ○ Publication of Data as "First class research object" is inherent in several small data researchers — whether digital or traditional the production and consumption of Humanities research data ○ Work within the traditional Humanities research workflow ○ Encourage traditional Humanities researchers to work within ours ● As long as FAIR data publication means, in essence, publishing small, and publishers (i.e. small data datasets) ○ A workflow that encourages small-data researchers to prepare their analysis of individual data points or small datasets ■ Opens these small, thick, and slow datasets up to big data analysis approach to FAIR data publication in the Humanities id: work_djbb42egtvallo7mb46etkqcpe author: Daniel Paul O''Donnell title: Small, thick, and slow: Thinking about data and research publication in the Humanities in the age of Open and FAIR date: 2019 words: 3913.0 sentences: 466.0 pages: 74 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_djbb42egtvallo7mb46etkqcpe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_djbb42egtvallo7mb46etkqcpe.txt summary: ○ Not all humanities data are small or "representational" in focus ● Means history of "big" and small data techniques ○ Now working on 5 object "edition" of the cross in pre-conquest England ○ Their goal is to publish contextualised small-data datasets to ○ Work within the traditional Humanities research workflow ○ Encourage traditional Humanities researchers to work within ours ● As long as FAIR data publication means, in essence, publishing small, textual research at the time and the needs of this big-data dictionary own big-data work analysis of individual data points or small datasets ■ Opens these small, thick, and slow datasets up to big data analysis ● Use Zenodo and GitHub to create an OPenn-like data repository, while 2. Presentation (versions) are also citable research objects (FAIR data AND ● While the ability to support Humanities data is there, the systems have not ● Supporting small, thick, and slow data is something that can be id: work_cx6jq2aivbhjhlhlowlxkepyzu author: Daniel Paul O''Donnell title: What is data in the Humanities? date: 2018 words: 885.0 sentences: 91.0 pages: 15 flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_cx6jq2aivbhjhlhlowlxkepyzu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cx6jq2aivbhjhlhlowlxkepyzu.txt summary: ● "Primary sources" = Texts, artifacts, objects of study Borgman notes, "[a]lmost any document, physical artifact, or record or human Humanities data is different from Humanities data is different from Humanities data is different from How does data work in other fields? How does data work in other fields? How does data work in other fields? How does data work in other fields? ● In other humanities, "data" is both "data" and "capta" (given and In Humanities, "Data" is arguably mostly "Finch" In Humanities, "Data" is arguably mostly "Finch" ● Makes questions such as sample bias more important than when you worked ○ Requirement to share data protocols? ○ Requirement to share raw data? ● "Capta" and "Data" are different approaches that answer different questions ● But working with Capta will require us to be more careful about our Data ○ Watts''s title Rise of the Novel makes a historical claim his actual work id: work_myfomrpabnam7f4o57fxudm5bi author: David D. Waters title: The Rise and Fall of Tuberculosis and Atherosclerosis: First There Is a Mountain… date: 2017 words: 2451.0 sentences: 275.0 pages: 3 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_myfomrpabnam7f4o57fxudm5bi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_myfomrpabnam7f4o57fxudm5bi.txt summary: the decline in tuberculosis incidence and mortality. The incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) increased et al.5 describe the changes between 1994 and 2014 in hospitalization rates in Ontario for 6 major atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) conditions and trends in mortality rates for ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular contributions of different factors to the fall in CHD mortality. an increase in risk factors,13 specifically surging rates of obesity socially deprived, 10-year CHD mortality was 2.2%, 3.6%, Social deprivation may increase cardiovascular risk by morbidity and mortality in many studies, and the effect persists after adjustment for other risk factors.21 In patients with trends in the incidence of coronary heart disease in the United States. mortality from coronary heart disease, 1980-1990: the effect of secular tuberculosis: estimated incidence, prevalence, and mortality by country. Coronary heart disease mortality among young mortality declines in the United States from 1979 through 2011: id: work_lfravptibngxjmcssmmasi7emy author: David Fergusson title: Beyond Theologies of Resentment: An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s Democracy and Tradition date: 2006 words: 6860.0 sentences: 435.0 pages: 17 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_lfravptibngxjmcssmmasi7emy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lfravptibngxjmcssmmasi7emy.txt summary: Fergusson, D 2006, ''Beyond Theologies of Resentment: An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s "Democracy and Beyond Theologies of Resentment: An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s "Democracy and In extolling democracy as a tradition, Stout argues against defining it in 1 Jeffrey Stout, Democracy and Tradition (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003), see, Stout has a different narrative to offer, that of ethical pragmatism. be neglected by those who mine Stout''s work for his criticisms of Hauerwas moral realism, Stout is not seeking to exclude the possibility of a theological Stout''s moral pragmatism seems to An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s ''Democracy and Tradition'' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s ''Democracy and Tradition'' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s ''Democracy and Tradition'' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s ''Democracy and Tradition'' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s ''Democracy and Tradition'' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s ''Democracy and Tradition'' An Appreciation of Jeffrey Stout''s ''Democracy and Tradition'' id: work_bfgdfxe3rraulaiinbva54yxxe author: David Gee title: Guest Editorial: Legal Biography date: 2014 words: 1496.0 sentences: 93.0 pages: 2 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_bfgdfxe3rraulaiinbva54yxxe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bfgdfxe3rraulaiinbva54yxxe.txt summary: This interesting idea of a turning point in legal scholarship, the methodological considerations and problems involved in doing archival research for legal biographies and sources for legal biography research, were the three main and myself were keen to provide a national forum for interested academics to discuss the recent renaissance in legal biography research and for methodological issues to be collections for legal biography research. articles on the methodological considerations and problems of archival research for legal biographies. sources for legal biography at IALS Library, whilst Susannah and adviser to the LSE Legal Biography Project, discusses and problems of legal biography researchers, as well as legal biography research. legal biography research. legal biography research. legal biography research. Library, Socio-Legal Studies Association national training day LSE Legal Biography Project: Abstract: David Sugarman reflects briefly on developments regarding legal biography source material utilised, by legal biography tend to be id: work_nmu2oz7cojc4jlztxc5gn44vbu author: David Wright title: Bring on the books for everybody: how literary culture became popular culture date: 2011 words: 1626.0 sentences: 77.0 pages: 4 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_nmu2oz7cojc4jlztxc5gn44vbu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nmu2oz7cojc4jlztxc5gn44vbu.txt summary: Wright, David, 1972(2011) Review of Bring on the books for everybody : how literary Collins, Jim (2010) Bring on the books for everybody: How literary culture became popular book locates the changing interactions between old and new forms of cultural technology in the symbiotic contemporary relationship between film producers and literary publishers. and pure also allows the book to contribute to on-going debates about the place of the literary in In two closing chapters Collins presents an intriguing account of the contemporary ''postliterary'' culture revealed through the analysis of highly visible writers and books the ''devoutly extension, drawing on Colin Campbell''s (1987) work, of the often ignored historical interrelations between the historical development of literary reading as a past-time and the as the evidence of the success of literary culture in terms of book sales and media visibility – suggests that the literary is very firmly embedded in contemporary consumer culture. id: work_y2pjhnw3ordqnfocueooqtxlhi author: Dexter B. Gordon title: Humor in African American Discourse date: 1998 words: 5444.0 sentences: 364.0 pages: 6 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_y2pjhnw3ordqnfocueooqtxlhi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_y2pjhnw3ordqnfocueooqtxlhi.txt summary: Typical American by utilizing "golden humor"—a unique kind of humor Chinese-American writers used to illustrate Key words: "Golden humor"; Typical American; Chinese American literature; Gish Jen Typical American relates Ralph Chang''s progress another example of free direct speech from the novel: is a typical kind of free direct speech since it has omitted 3.1 Free Direct Discourse in Typical American speech and free direct thought, which we may find some direct speech, in which Helen''s dilemma and Ralph''s In the first two sentences in free direct thought, he thinks In Typical American, free indirect discourse is more In Typical American, free indirect discourse is more "Golden Humor" Embodied in the Discourse of Typical American "Golden Humor" Embodied in the Discourse of Typical American "Golden Humor" Embodied in the Discourse of Typical American The last two sentences in free indirect thought further thought is also used by Gish Jen in Typical American. id: work_autyhznvj5b5hbajw62tqqgzqy author: Dianne Edwards title: Dianne Edwards date: 2017 words: 1905.0 sentences: 105.0 pages: 9 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_autyhznvj5b5hbajw62tqqgzqy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_autyhznvj5b5hbajw62tqqgzqy.txt summary: the nature table in my primary school in Manselton, Swansea with flowers. later at secondary school when I joined the Swansea Scientific Society on Saturday of botany at the University of Swansea for advice. for the Oxbridge exams – the first girl to do so in sciences from the school, my only Even before University, I had a romantic idea of a research career, and later in In my final year, I was influenced by two external speakers – a female Prof. was the beginning of a major research period on early land plants led by north Society, I began to look into the struggles of early female botanists in gaining in the Botany School, but she declined this as it was in the Botanic Gardens at the Advancement of Sciences annual meeting in Edinburgh in 1921, when a group of Finally big data analyses id: work_s3ofvt733vdfllyn4ivmfg7sba author: Dianne F. Sadoff title: Recent Studies in the Nineteenth Century date: 2009 words: 21354.0 sentences: 727.0 pages: 51 flesch: 43.0 cache: ./cache/work_s3ofvt733vdfllyn4ivmfg7sba.pdf txt: ./txt/work_s3ofvt733vdfllyn4ivmfg7sba.txt summary: great open range."1 Encountering a year''s worth of books in nineteenth-century studies creates a similar sense of boundless, yet several works deal with similar topics, whether it be colonial relations or the politics of language or publishing history. Moving from the natural to the mechanical, one sees a significant increase of interest in the topics of technology, invention, and industry, and their relation to nineteenth-century literary While her literary focus is largely on fiction, Pettitt''s study importantly breaks down disciplinary barriers in showing us how debates about innovation and creativity book examines specific works of Victorian fiction as they engaged Spiritual History of Ice: Romanticism, Science, and the Imagination, which examines the fascination with this life-endowed, creaking, shifting, alluring form at the turn of the nineteenth century. An underlying theme in much writing this year on the Romantic period has been the connections that contemporary writers pursued between nationalism and literature. id: work_jhoga6h6zzgi3m26436di7davi author: Diego Saglia title: Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges date: 2017 words: 3340.0 sentences: 231.0 pages: 15 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_jhoga6h6zzgi3m26436di7davi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jhoga6h6zzgi3m26436di7davi.txt summary: Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Remediating Jane Austen through the Gothic: "Pride and Prejudice Remake of Jane Austen''s "Pride and Prejudice" intertextuality and rewriting – deeply rooted in Austen''s fiction – also satisfying Austens ''in the second degree''.2 And, while this issue generally As to quotation, intertextuality and rewriting within Austen''s work, and Prejudice Austen switches its position from Burney''s finale to the Quotation, intertextuality and rewriting are another crucial facet of Austen Mandal, Jane Austen and the Popular Novel: The Determined Author, the current burgeoning of quotation, intertextuality and rewriting of Austen M. Brownstein, Why Jane Austen?, New York, Columbia University Press, Diego Saglia, Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Diego Saglia, Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Diego Saglia, Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Diego Saglia, Austen in the Second Degree: Questions and Challenges Jane Austen, Edited by E. id: work_rxphzwcy7rbxtmcmsmhtjowsmy author: Donald McCloskey title: The Very Idea of Epistemology date: 1989 words: 2797.0 sentences: 225.0 pages: 6 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_rxphzwcy7rbxtmcmsmhtjowsmy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rxphzwcy7rbxtmcmsmhtjowsmy.txt summary: when the problem is a sampling problem) and glorious, humanity-making sprachethik (for instance: Do not sneer at arguments merely because leave the impression that you think Methodology in economics and its in economics and in philosophy maintain their solidarity and their definitions of barbarians by means of Methodological talk: for example, standards, worked out in good conversation within the field. standards from the outside with no respect for sprachethik within economics or philosophy. engineering and be allowed to sneer at everything else?" What the economists forget when they use such an argument is that specialization is The recent exceptions in philosophy I can think of are philosophers thinking in rhetorical It, too, contains arguments, which in some rhetorics may effectively persuade. to apply the rhetoric, it''s hard to see how the usual talk about Epistemology persuades. "Standards." Economics and Philosophy 4:1-7. The Rhetoric of Economics. id: work_6stte7wi75bqtnowcswirldy4a author: Donald Pizer title: Late Nineteenth-Century American Realism: An Essay in Definition date: 1961 words: 566.0 sentences: 131.0 pages: flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_6stte7wi75bqtnowcswirldy4a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6stte7wi75bqtnowcswirldy4a.txt summary: Late Nineteenth-Century American Realism: An Essay in Definition | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Late Nineteenth-Century American Realism: An Essay in Definition Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Donald Pizer; Late Nineteenth-Century American Realism: An Essay in Definition. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 December 1961; 16 (3): 263–269. This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Late Nineteenth-Century American Realism: An Essay in Definition'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Late Nineteenth-Century American Realism: An Essay in Definition Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions id: work_bi6wylp2czfrnnw67dwbxgmfsy author: Dr. Anupam R. Nagar title: The Thinking Woman A Theoretical Perspective of 19th Century Women Novelists and Their Impact date: 2020 words: 1509.0 sentences: 96.0 pages: 2 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_bi6wylp2czfrnnw67dwbxgmfsy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bi6wylp2czfrnnw67dwbxgmfsy.txt summary: Microsoft Word z45 The Thinking Woman A Theoretical perspective of 19th century women novelists and their impact International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Century Women Novelists and Their Impact of 19th Century Women Novelists and Their to a departure from the Natural state of man), American Transcendentalism (that true knowledge is about the self that characters seen in 19th century literature by women state of humanity that balances human natural creativity and Bronte''s depiction of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff''s uncontrolled passions, desires and natural Earnshaw and Heathcliff and Bronte depicts their passions both Catherine and Heathcliff. With Man (Heathcliff) at the centre, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470 Heathcliff his very life (Catherine). the 19th century women novelists on women writers has lasting impact on the Mind of the Women writer of the 19th id: work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime author: E WATSON-WILLIAMS title: English doctors from Smollet to Trollope date: 1946 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ljkmgbmbwfen3oqgjp3ccm7ime.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371814 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_avjrcowt45hotj5ayh44jaqfgm author: E. G. Muir title: THEATRE NURSING IN PICTURES date: 1962 words: 144.0 sentences: 27.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_avjrcowt45hotj5ayh44jaqfgm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_avjrcowt45hotj5ayh44jaqfgm.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220375779 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_z7jqwxhkrbbwzfyri7obui5ayu author: E. Gehlhaar title: Points: What students read for pleasure date: 1985 words: 144.0 sentences: 27.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_z7jqwxhkrbbwzfyri7obui5ayu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z7jqwxhkrbbwzfyri7obui5ayu.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220376291 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:12 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_d2qpusq62jhqloh53einxeqkbe author: ELI J. FINKEL title: In the Pursuit of Science date: 2010 words: 1876.0 sentences: 156.0 pages: 3 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_d2qpusq62jhqloh53einxeqkbe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_d2qpusq62jhqloh53einxeqkbe.txt summary: Caryl''s groundbreaking work on close introducing her investment model of commitment processes (e.g., Rusbult, 1980). typology of responses to relationship dissatisfaction (Rusbult, Zembrodt, & Gunn, 1982), demonstrating that highly committed individuals engage in motivated derogation of romantic alternatives (Johnson & Rusbult, 1989). In addition to this research on confl ict behavior, Caryl conducted related work their relationship (Agnew, Van Lange, Rusbult, "I''m beginning to think that maybe it''s not into human relationships (Drigotas, Rusbult, that close relationship partners can help individuals bridge that gap, promoting individuals'' growth over time toward their ideal self. Caryl built a career''s worth of beautiful scholarship around the idea that close relationships the importance of close relationships. Dealing with betrayal in close relationships: Does commitment promote forgiveness? of maintaining commitment in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 72, and trust in close relationships. id: work_paajdqtprvd6zawdqggsazvbu4 author: ERIK GRAY title: Indifference and Epistolarity inThe Eve of St. Agnes date: 1999 words: 9701.0 sentences: 496.0 pages: 32 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_paajdqtprvd6zawdqggsazvbu4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_paajdqtprvd6zawdqggsazvbu4.txt summary: imaginative spirit confronting life''s challenges – Keats''s letters show a capacity intimate forms of writing, and Keats''s letters in particular are appreciated for Keats''s letters and their willingness to submit to their own limitations as a form Keats''s use of the letter-writer''s prerogatives (changing the subject, But it is only by looking at the moments in his letters when Keats These moments when Keats uses letters to resign full agency indicate his in Keats''s versified letters and epistolary poems; but this should not surprise us. Keats''s earliest poems (such as ''To my Brother George'') are ''like letters'' in that Keats the letter-writer when she tells the narrator that he is no true poet. Madeline and with the letter to Woodhouse: Keats is not a poet but a letterwriter; when he can neither ''heal'' nor ''steel'', he chooses ''not to feel'', to submit to Wolfson, ''Keats the Letter-Writer: Epistolary Poetics'', Romanticism id: work_3spmbqewxrfajh2cl7znbw6lf4 author: Ebele Peace Okpala title: TRACING THE EVOLUTION OF THE IMAGE OF AFRICAN FEMALES THROUGH THE AGES: AN OVERVIEW OF SELECTED LITERARY WORKS date: 2020 words: 5176.0 sentences: 545.0 pages: 9 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_3spmbqewxrfajh2cl7znbw6lf4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3spmbqewxrfajh2cl7znbw6lf4.txt summary: revealed that the image of pre-colonial and colonial African women as Keywords: African women, Patriarchy, Image, Experience, Feminism. men and women in political, social, and economic issues, has been critically extended into several wrote one of the first works of feminist philosophy, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, which called include; Liberal feminism; which seeks the individualistic equality of men and women through political This study will trace and analyze how the image of the woman in the works of African writers evolved look into the efforts made by feminist writers towards a re-definition of the image of the African woman. Elechi Amadi in his works portrays his men as a dignified group while his women are treated with African female writers like Flora Nwapa, Ifeoma Okoye, Buchi Emecheta, Nawal El Saadawi, Yvonne Despite criticisms, African female writers, continuously portray the pains and experiences of women of Studies of Women in African Literature. id: work_zrgrgvdl2faxxmngdbl47bla2i author: Edd Winfield Parks title: Jane Austen''s Lure of the Next Chapter date: 1952 words: 554.0 sentences: 130.0 pages: flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_zrgrgvdl2faxxmngdbl47bla2i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zrgrgvdl2faxxmngdbl47bla2i.txt summary: Jane Austen''s Lure of the Next Chapter | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Jane Austen''s Lure of the Next Chapter Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Edd Winfield Parks; Jane Austen''s Lure of the Next Chapter. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1952; 7 (1): 56–60. This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Jane Austen''s Lure of the Next Chapter'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Jane Austen''s Lure of the Next Chapter Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions id: work_5267fxef5bdcnhw3iol3rre7me author: Eduardo Barros Grela title: Producción de identidades en espacios otros: imaginarios del gitanismo en The Virgin and the Gipsy de D.H. Lawrence date: 2013 words: 4714.0 sentences: 543.0 pages: 10 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_5267fxef5bdcnhw3iol3rre7me.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5267fxef5bdcnhw3iol3rre7me.txt summary: La actancialidad de esta identidad se ha visto expandida –y, a la vez, restringida– por una actuación construida desde un imaginario extrínseco al gitanismo cultural (Charnon-Deutsch, 69), con un poder mediático de tal envergadura que ha producido una fagocitación centrípeta de la diversidad estética abiertamente relevante como para que la observación externa de las características propias del objeto representado ofrezca un abanico de diferentes aproximaciones críticas hacia la configuración sistemática de (d)escribir a estos personajes, así como la proyección cultural de sus comunidades. ojos de la protagonista, el texto ofrece al lector otra imagen suya, también subjetivizada, pero en esta ocasión por un ente que tiene mayor capacidad de controlar la percepción lectora de cara a la interpretación del texto: el mismo narrador la atención de una Yvette que se ve sorprendida por la transgresión de esos cánones del imaginario popular sobre el gitano a los que responde el hombre a quien id: work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q author: Edward Copeland title: The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons date: 2017 words: 9095.0 sentences: 611.0 pages: 33 flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3bdmpyevqjg7hn3w6p3t6yvk3q.txt summary: sources.12 Such casual appropriations of Jane Austen''s novels, the allusions Women''s fiction in Jane Austen''s day operated for the most part as a Mandal, Jane Austen and the Popular Novel: the 115, cited from Jane Austen, The Critical Heritage, cit., vol. Jane Austen and her readers, 1786-1945, London, Anthem Press, 2012, p. Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons Edward Copeland, The Anonymous Jane Austen: Duelling Canons id: work_34biwebjy5d7xp25kq7jzkfpu4 author: Edward Seidensticker title: Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist date: 1982 words: 554.0 sentences: 122.0 pages: flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_34biwebjy5d7xp25kq7jzkfpu4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_34biwebjy5d7xp25kq7jzkfpu4.txt summary: Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Edward Seidensticker; Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 December 1982; 37 (3): 464–471. This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Trollope and Murasaki: Impressions of an Orientalist Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions id: work_27x3h6p3pvfjbbydjt2npnw5ka author: Eglantina Hysi title: Gender Differences in Language as Affected by Social Roles date: 2012 words: 4566.0 sentences: 562.0 pages: 6 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_27x3h6p3pvfjbbydjt2npnw5ka.pdf txt: ./txt/work_27x3h6p3pvfjbbydjt2npnw5ka.txt summary: division of society into men and women, both being different and complex, is reflected in various forms in language which is the reveal differences that are found in the language of women and men, and will link these differences with the social roles that are Keywords: women''s language, social role, division of labour, euphemism, silence. women and men behave in gender-typed ways because the social roles that they perform are associated found in the speech of women and men in areas such as lexicon and will relate these differences to the social Relative status that is assigned to men and women in society has affected the strength expressed through found much more extensively among men than among women: this is at any rate true in the fact that women''s language is more affiliative, men''s more assertive. Studies on gender and language have shown differences in women''s and men'' that are brought about Women, men and language. id: work_rec24n4ilrbfvlp5iirozr6skq author: Eileen Pollard title: "Trust me, I''m telling you my life story": Queer Return in the memoirs of Jeanette Winterson and Jackie Kay date: 2012 words: 3986.0 sentences: 306.0 pages: 10 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_rec24n4ilrbfvlp5iirozr6skq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rec24n4ilrbfvlp5iirozr6skq.txt summary: Title "Trust me, I''m telling you my life story": Queer Return in the memoirs of memoirs of Jeanette Winterson and Jackie Kay This essay will consider the notion of ''queer return'' through examining the experience of adoption in Jeanette Winterson''s Why be happy when you could be normal (2011) and Jackie Kay''s Red Dust I refer, in particular, to the memoirs of Jackie Kay, Red Dust offer a decentred reading of the queer narratives of these memoirs (Derrida, "Ellipsis" 371-378). For example, Winterson''s memoir states explicitly that 1985, the year Oranges came out, "wasn''t the think that truth, origin and narrative in recent memoirs, especially those repeating earlier fictions, tone) of Kay''s earlier work surface again in Red Dust Road. Road, concerning the past of Kay''s adoptive parents, works to clarify this sensation of instability: account and chronology, Winterson''s memoir is much more linear than Red Dust Road. id: work_mot2csdjevh6pfr2qiinzbk6bq author: Emilio Salinas title: Prior and prejudice date: 2011 words: 3252.0 sentences: 413.0 pages: 3 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_mot2csdjevh6pfr2qiinzbk6bq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mot2csdjevh6pfr2qiinzbk6bq.txt summary: indicate that the preferred orientations of neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) are not To best interpret new sensory information, populations of sensory neurons must represent the lessons of past Fischer and Peña2 accounted for these behavioral results with a Bayesian model with two responses of a population of orientationsensitive neurons with distributions of widths intermediate variable here because early auditory neurons are tuned for ITD and the horizontal angle of a sound is actually computed Next, Fischer and Peña2 developed a population model describing the encoding of horizontal sound direction in the optic tectum of The angle on the x axis represents either the horizontal direction of a sound or the orientation All populations consisted of 50 model neurons with Poisson responses and had the same mean tuning-curve width. In general, asymmetries in the distributions of preferences and widths in a population can be used to assign different weights id: work_buvdmuhs7fa3bdvw7wusbk23m4 author: Emily Rohrbach title: Austen''s Later Subjects date: 2004 words: 6835.0 sentences: 393.0 pages: 17 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_buvdmuhs7fa3bdvw7wusbk23m4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_buvdmuhs7fa3bdvw7wusbk23m4.txt summary: Of the three novels that Austen composed in the second decade of the nineteenth century, Mansfield Park and Persuasion rest upon a particular moment in Mansfield Park that oddly narrates the novel''s own representational limits, specific to spatiality. and Empire" in Culture and Imperialism.6 Said finds Fanny''s spatial movement between Portsmouth and Mansfield Park politically charged, for instance, in its correspondence with Sir suggest, in however limited a demonstration, how this psychoanalytic narrative can provide a way of thinking about these issues of representation in Austen and to offer the passage as the active temporal imagination, is Anne Elliot, heroine of Persuasion. Mansfield Park, are foregrounded in Persuasion, in the complexities of narrative temporality structuring the discourse of Anne''s Imagining future memories often amounts, then, to a temporal strategy in Anne''s intellectual effort to avoid self-delusion. novel, the present-perfect conception of self that structures Emma. persuasion of Anne, simply because Austen presents them in id: work_wdvgkekmajgmdkc2xanxxesfny author: Enrico Nicosia title: Editorial date: 2015 words: 987.0 sentences: 61.0 pages: 3 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_wdvgkekmajgmdkc2xanxxesfny.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wdvgkekmajgmdkc2xanxxesfny.txt summary: Film-­‐induced tourism is the topic of the first edition for 2015 ( two that analyze this particular tourist experience, through hes work Film Induced tourism sector in those places in which were carried out the filming of movies or The Italian definition of film tourism differs somewhat from that of the Anglo-­‐ Saxon Movie or Film Induced Tourism, but, even if it is inspired to it, refers to The film-­‐induced tourism is defined by . what is it of interest is the tourist activity associated with the film place''s storylines in film, video and television." Moreover Riley and Van Doren liken the film-­‐induced tourism to Hallmark events as defined by Ritchie: "Major or the film-­‐reinduced tourism by the numerous movies (1923-­‐2012) devoted approach using fan studies to inform tourism research, as in the case of to many movies and audiovisual works, the film-­‐induced tourism can be one of film-­‐induced tourism. In recent times, film tourism has id: work_kzluvn7yxneatow25almgmc4fa author: Equipo Editorial title: Información Bibliográfica date: 2018 words: 3219.0 sentences: 721.0 pages: 7 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_kzluvn7yxneatow25almgmc4fa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kzluvn7yxneatow25almgmc4fa.txt summary: de lo que sobre este tema han escrito los capital social, analizando los efectos de este que analizan el capital social en distintos y disminución del capital social puede ser refieren al desarrollo del capital social en Grew analiza los efectos sobre el capital ocupan de la evolución del capital social, de desarrollo del capital social en Asia Estado del bienestar en España y de la política a los fundamentos y a la concepción del fin de la política, pasando por una teoría del fuera de las redes de protección formal del Cecilia Castaño Collado, Juan José Castillo Alonso, María Cátedra Tomás, Rafael Díaz Salazar, incremento de ingresos del 0,17%, mientras que el acercamiento de las bases de cotización a los salarios reales supondría "social" y "estructural", lo que se refleja en la estabilidad de las corrientes migratorias y en su independencia de los id: work_3tdccwqagjdujbssiu5hqh7gue author: Esmaiel Kaboli Boroujeni title: Specifying Metadiscoursal Signals in the Novel Pride and Prejudice and its Two Persian Translations By Copple''s model (1980) date: 2012 words: 4800.0 sentences: 470.0 pages: 10 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_3tdccwqagjdujbssiu5hqh7gue.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3tdccwqagjdujbssiu5hqh7gue.txt summary: Abstract: Finding out the metadiscoursal signals in any language and analyzing their usage specially in meaning transfer metadiscoursal signals in all of the related parts in the original novel was compared with those of its two Persian renderings by However, considering both translations, they were poor in transferring the original metadiscoursal signals into the Persian Key words: Metadiscourse signals, Text connectives, Code glosses, Validity markers, Narrators, Illocution markers, Attitude model presented by Vande Copple (1985), which has broadly dealt with the metadiscoursal signals (MDSs). metadiscourse signals are transferred in both translations made by "Pooranfar" and "Ardakani". equivalents should be used in the translated text instead of the metadiscoursal elements within the original Text Connectives Code Glosses Validity Markers Narrators other side, the first translation has not transferred seven original narrators'' MDSs to the Persian language transferred attitude MDSs to the Persian language, the second translation again has done a better job and id: work_mp5yw5kbtjhandu2l7777p3gze author: Everett Zimmerman title: Pride and Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice date: 1968 words: 3535.0 sentences: 250.0 pages: 6 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_mp5yw5kbtjhandu2l7777p3gze.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mp5yw5kbtjhandu2l7777p3gze.txt summary: Microsoft Word 3.A Study of Hedges in Pride and Prejudice this classification, the paper analyzes some typical hedges and their functions used in the dialogues of the novel Keywords: fuzzy language, Pride and Prejudice, hedges the types and functions of hedges used in dialogues in the novel of Pride and Prejudice. dialogues in the novel of Pride and Prejudice based on his classification of hedges. Therefore, the analysis of functions of the hedges in Pride and Prejudice cannot only further explore the pragmatic functions of hedges in literary works, but also help readers understand the characters and society at will take rounders in Pride and Prejudice for examples to indicate the functions. Plausibility shields indicate the speaker directly expresses his own speculation instead of expounding truth. As soon as Elizabeth is out of the room and returns to look after Jane, Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst begin id: work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy author: F. B. Byrom title: E.E.G.s of Boxers date: 1961 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6hgerj57xnaf7omyk426ggoixy.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220376795 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:13 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_e3wkdft4frhwlmxn4hkxbygk34 author: F. Deniz KORKMAZ title: SANAT SİYASET İLİŞKİSİ BAĞLAMINDA POLİTİK İMGE date: 2018 words: 4505.0 sentences: 727.0 pages: 14 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_e3wkdft4frhwlmxn4hkxbygk34.pdf txt: ./txt/work_e3wkdft4frhwlmxn4hkxbygk34.txt summary: Sanat Siyaset ĠliĢkisi ve Politik Ġmaj" adlı Sanatta Yeterlik tezinin bir kısmından üretilmiĢtir. Modernist süreçte sanat bir üst yapı kurumu olarak algılandığından onu yaĢamın Marksist anlayıĢ ise sanatın toplumsal bir unsur olarak görülmesi gerektiği üzerinde Cevizci‟ ye (2003: 197) göre ise ideoloji; Genel olarak, bir siyasi partinin inançlarını, bütünleĢtiren bir sanat felsefesi anlayıĢı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Marksizm‟e göre sanat, varlığı ile de devrimci bir yapıya sahiptir. hayat arasındaki iliĢkiden söz ederken sanatın politik bir iĢlevi olması gerektiğinin üzerinde neticesinde yirminci yüzyıl, sanatın siyaset olarak anlaĢıldığı yeni bir sürecin baĢlangıcı KüreselleĢen dünyada, sanatın siyaset ile olan tarihsel geliĢimine yeni bir bakıĢ getiren KREFT, L., 2008, Sanatın Siyaseti ve Siyasetin Sanatı, Sanat ve Siyaset: Kültür Çağında KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge KORKMAZ, ARIKAN/ Sanat Siyaset İlişkisi Bağlamında Politik İmge id: work_sysuwrxvo5cxjhazbbf36riv4y author: Faye Hammill title: Cold Comfort Farm, D. H. Lawrence, and English Literary Culture Between the Wars date: 2001 words: 9545.0 sentences: 575.0 pages: 21 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_sysuwrxvo5cxjhazbbf36riv4y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sysuwrxvo5cxjhazbbf36riv4y.txt summary: Cold Comfort Farm, DH Lawrence & English Literary Culture Between the Wars Stella Gibbons''s Cold Comfort Farm (1932) has been an incredibly popular novel. details in Cold Comfort Farm which point to Lawrence are the incestuous desire of Judith for her son 2 Oliver''s biography sets out the connections between Gibbons''s novel and the work of JC Powys, and he later commented: Comfort Farm, the foreword to Gibbons''s novel parodies a pompous dedication with which Walpole Rose 39, 122), and WJ Keith applies this argument to Gibbons''s novel: "Cold Comfort Farm was an Stella Gibbons''s Cold Comfort Farm, for instance, is still Oxford and Cambridge Companions to English Literature, the entries for Kaye-Smith and Webb refer to Cold Comfort As KDM Snell points out in his book on the regional novel: "In Cold Comfort Farm the apparent Cold Comfort Farm may ridicule certain aspects of rural writing, but it id: work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e author: Felicity A. Huntingford title: A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist date: 2003 words: 885.0 sentences: 171.0 pages: flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_65qelmmuxfbrbpkf5tu47kbe3e.txt summary: A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 53158835A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist title={A history of Animal Behaviour by a partial, ignorant and prejudiced ethologist}, This essay looks back on the history of Animal Behaviour through a compilation of all the papers published in the journal, since it got its present name, that used sticklebacks, the white rat of ethology, as experimental subjects. This stickleback-eye view confirms the role that Animal Behaviour has played during its first 50 years in fostering and recording the important developments that have taken place in the discipline. Trends in animal behaviour research (1968–2002): ethoinformatics and the mining of library databases By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm author: Felix Nicolau title: Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge date: 2015 words: 3417.0 sentences: 266.0 pages: 7 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ocrseietknfkhl3xqi5m3km7jm.txt summary: stay tuned and to keep up with every new intellectual issue transforms universities into a fierce professional David Lodge humorously analyzes the effects of this excessive professionalization on the Lodge exploits the myth of King Arthur and his knights for instance, Morris Zapp on friendly terms in Small World, between the anti-theoretical British Swallow and the overtheoretical American Zapp, synthesizes the attitude of some academics. year 1969, we meet two academics, Philip Swallow and Morris Zapp. If Zapp is an academic who approaches the university as if The main difference between Philip Swallow and Morris Zapp is the approach to pleasure. Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". Felix Nicolau, "Culture as Profitable Memory at David Lodge". id: work_sm5t366pajflnhuogvantobvvm author: Fernando Vidal Fernández title: Investigación: el pensamiento sociológico como praxis del trabajo social date: 2016 words: 7185.0 sentences: 959.0 pages: 16 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_sm5t366pajflnhuogvantobvvm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_sm5t366pajflnhuogvantobvvm.txt summary: Bruno Bauer, la principal influencia en el joven Marx de Berlín, dejó escrita una idea que interpreta el núcleo central de la historia moderna del pensamiento social: «la teoría es la práctica más sólida», que podría ser expresada de otras maneras como lo más práctico es una buena teoría o la teoría es En esa búsqueda del pensamiento necesario para la acción justa, no estamos solos sino que nos incorporamos a un compromiso histórico de numerosa gente empeñada en descubrir las verdades que hacen bien. nos encontramos con vidas en las que han estado íntimamente unidos pensamiento y acción no como dos actividades paralelas sino como dos herramientas de praxis histórica, aunque no siempre en una dirección emancipadora. Pero no sólo los grandes teóricos sino que quienes innovaron la sociología aplicada lo hicieron gracias a la inspiración en el pensamiento social radical: la estadística británica estaba cebada por el liberalismo id: work_yyf4ibq2snh7fmepxeibx5sdpe author: G D Perkin title: Headache date: 1995 words: 913.0 sentences: 171.0 pages: 1 flesch: 83.0 cache: ./cache/work_yyf4ibq2snh7fmepxeibx5sdpe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yyf4ibq2snh7fmepxeibx5sdpe.txt summary: patients with motor neuron disease, if the disease process involves the frontal lobe. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Arch Neurol 1979;36:615-7. Apraxia of lid-opening. Apraxia of eyelid opening in progressive "Apraxia" of eyelid opening: an Apraxia of eyelid opening secondary to right hemisphere motor neuron disease by neurologists: a study in three Oxford University Press, 1993:141-63. with motor neuron disease. Frontal lobe atrophy in motor None of Jane Austen''s Dickens, incidentally, hardly refers to any headache sufferers in his novels despite his experience of attacks Jane Austen, 1811, Sense and sensibility J7ane Austen, 1813, Pride and prejudice Jane Austen, 1814, Mansfield Park "I am sure you have the headache?" whether her headache might not be caught then, sister. Jane Austen, 1816, Emma headaches, and a nervous fever to a degree, which This done, and saying that she had a headache, Not that he was troubled by her headache, which Oxford: The Clarenden Press, 1969. id: work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme author: G D Perkin title: Vasovagal attacks date: 1994 words: 1225.0 sentences: 175.0 pages: 1 flesch: 86.0 cache: ./cache/work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vkwxrdyz2vdp5lzynrngl4zfme.txt summary: HIV-1 infection and the AIDS dementia complex. Thomas Lewis published his observations upon fainting attacks in 1918,'' suggesting that "accurate observations upon the cardiovascular system during the faints of which young men and women of nervous disposition are the subjects have not as yet been obtained, symptoms by Jane Austen, George Eliot, Wilkie Dickens believed faints to be virtually a Dickens assumed that faints were either a response to a Charles Dickens, 1837-9, Oliver Twist said to the already white-faced villager. don''t feel anything at first: the syncope occurs afterwards, especially with strong chaps like this". "I thought as much", said Bovary, putting his fingers over the vein. Still he might only have fainted; it might She''s fainting" said the landlady, hastening to support Hetty, who had lost her miserable consciousness and looked like a beautiful corpse. on the floor in a faint. Observations upon fainting attacks id: work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa author: G S Rousseau title: John Wiltshire, Jane Austen and the body: ''the picture of health'', Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xiii, 251, £30.00 (0–521–41476–8) date: 1995 words: 1344.0 sentences: 74.0 pages: 2 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_si7hd7hhu5ccldoa3rdoo7clsa.txt summary: for the History of Medicine. medical ethics starting with the Greek tradition Percival''s Medical ethics of 1803 (although underly the declaration of medical ethical to meet a number of practical ethical writings on medical history, a number of medical ethics (such as Gabriele de Zerbi, a chapters which dealt with other crucial ethical chapters which examined specific ethical considered specific practitioners'' writings on medical ethics, the latter of which tended to be and historical perspectives. John Wiltshire, Jane Austen and the body: Medical historians consulting this book may wonder "why Jane Austen?" rather than Aphra It is not a question John Wiltshire wants to university, let alone was medically trained. aficionado of Austen''s fiction, this is the book critics, long before Wiltshire, have noted her specifically afflicts her, how the condition develops, and what Austen''s background about the choice of author (Jane Austen). history of the university, in which names such id: work_jzn7kslrivfuromhidww3ouome author: G S Rousseau title: Sensibility reconsidered G J Barker-Benfield, The culture of sensibility: sex and society in eighteenth century Britain, Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press, 1992, pp. xxxiv, 520, illus., $49.95 (0-226-03713-4) date: 1995 words: 1514.0 sentences: 82.0 pages: 3 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_jzn7kslrivfuromhidww3ouome.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jzn7kslrivfuromhidww3ouome.txt summary: G J Barker-Benfield, The culture of sensibility: sex and society in eighteenthcentury Britain, Chicago and London, historical contextual school, sensibility remains Scots, the theory of nervous sensibility was The culture of sensibility seems to sensibility and the nervous system, the sentiment and sensibility, and-in the In my reading of The culture of sensibility, medical theory and cultural history interact. For sensibility is one of those immensely book about the "culture of sensibility". writes a book about sensibility that is five and three times the size of Austen''s Sense and sensibility Wollstonecraft should be the queen pin, as she is here: all female sensibility leads to her, medical theories as well as social cults. female plight or of the history of sensibility in The Gender of Sensibility dictates that sensibility must be genderized etc.), but also that all approaches to sensibility medical sensibility-is treated in a derivative not the book about sensibility, and no one id: work_6alxxksqfjfvxm3pa6axawpvim author: G. Dunea title: Letter from Chicago: Reading aloud date: 1981 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_6alxxksqfjfvxm3pa6axawpvim.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6alxxksqfjfvxm3pa6axawpvim.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371808 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme author: G. E Robinson title: Legislation and teenage sex date: 1984 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vtuq5gpgw5dnfl2tueyezuewme.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220371884 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_hcp4ebkfpnanhn2cnzfdkm3tyi author: G. J. Stephens title: Searching for simplicity in the analysis of neurons and behavior date: 2011 words: 8139.0 sentences: 867.0 pages: 7 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_hcp4ebkfpnanhn2cnzfdkm3tyi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hcp4ebkfpnanhn2cnzfdkm3tyi.txt summary: ∼1030: If our bodies moved aimlessly among these states, characterizing our motor behavior would be hopeless—no experiment could sample even a tiny fraction of all of the possible variation in smooth pursuit eye movement behavior reveals a simple structure whose form suggests a neural origin for the noise that system interprets the resulting image motion on the retina to estimate the target''s trajectory and then to accelerate the eye to Low-dimensional dynamics of pursuit eye velocity trajectories (7). space to construct an explicit stochastic model of crawling behavior and then show how long-lived states and transitions between them emerge naturally from this model. take these "one letter" statistics into account, the maximum entropy distribution is the independent model, For networks of neurons and letters, the pairwise maximum entropy of the retina, a maximum entropy model was constructed to describe the states of spiking and silence in a population of n = 40 id: work_nbz4b2pcw5dhhfulukqivogxga author: G. R. McRobert title: The Disappearing Chamber-pot date: 1964 words: 144.0 sentences: 25.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_nbz4b2pcw5dhhfulukqivogxga.pdf txt: ./txt/work_nbz4b2pcw5dhhfulukqivogxga.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220378629 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory author: G. Tate title: Austens Literary Alembic: Sanditon, Medicine, and the Science of the Novel date: 2015 words: 9219.0 sentences: 402.0 pages: 27 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hytpkncyjfen3oi5ugma7b7ory.txt summary: Sanditon, Medicine, and the Science of the Novel As Charlotte Heywood, the heroine of Jane Austen''s unfinished novel Sanditon, object of ridicule in Sanditon: here, Austen''s satire is targeted not at his use of the alembic Sanditon presents medicine and the novel as professional forms of knowledge Following a conversation with the grasping Lady Denham, Parker''s coinvestor in Sanditon, Charlotte "allowed her thoughts to form themselves into such a thoughts of Parker or even Sir Edward as it is those of Charlotte, and other characters, at central to Austen''s early novel Northanger Abbey, is also a key concern in Sanditon. involving Sir Edward Denham), Parker''s quotation illuminates Sanditon''s concern with the of professionalism; although none of the characters in Sanditon are writers, just as no doctors Austen''s professionalized genre of the novel is, like medical practice, bound up with or science; the professionalization of writing in Sanditon incorporates the novel into id: work_w5cjk33k4jaktdmqtou6k76hxy author: G.C. Harcourt title: Review Article of ''Capital in the Twenty-First Century'', Thomas Piketty date: 2015 words: 4343.0 sentences: 266.0 pages: 12 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_w5cjk33k4jaktdmqtou6k76hxy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_w5cjk33k4jaktdmqtou6k76hxy.txt summary: Review Article of Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty provides the clearest account and analysis of the issues and Piketty''s theoretical approach of the Cambridge Journal of Economics, both for the empirical findings and the theoretical article, ''The production function and the theory of capital. measurement of capital by developing Irving Fisher''s concept of the social rate of return on By using the marginal productivity theory of distribution in its aggregate form, Piketty has that the shift in economic, political and social power from capital to labour over the long Economic Journal of Sraffa''s 1960 classic, ''What good is a quantity of capital … which, review essay of Thomas Piketty''s Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2014). Pasinetti LL (1970) Again on capital theory and Solow''s ''rate of return''. Robinson J (1953–54) The production function and the theory of capital. Solow RM (1963) Capital Theory and the Rate of Return. id: work_4rpvfgnvuzcq7edtc2f5cymkry author: GAYLE SHERWOOD MAGEE title: Song, Genre, and Transatlantic Dialogue in Gosford Park date: 2008 words: 290.0 sentences: 52.0 pages: flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_4rpvfgnvuzcq7edtc2f5cymkry.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4rpvfgnvuzcq7edtc2f5cymkry.txt summary: Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. 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Useful links Cambridge Core legal notices © Cambridge University Press 2021 © Cambridge University Press 2021 id: work_u7t2a7mhkjacpdbkqteipunypu author: Gabriela-Iuliana COLIPCĂ-CIOBANU title: "The mere habit of learning to love is the thing": Janeitism and/in Karen Joy Fowler''s The Jane Austen Book Club date: 2017 words: 10627.0 sentences: 707.0 pages: 26 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_u7t2a7mhkjacpdbkqteipunypu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_u7t2a7mhkjacpdbkqteipunypu.txt summary: Janeitism and/in Karen Joy Fowler''s The Jane Austen Book Austen''s ―everyday enthusiasts‖ (Wells 2011: 11) have joined reading groups/ book clubs book clubbing and the reflection on the symbolic values attached to Jane Austen as an icon Austen Book Club (2004), a postmodernist novel which focuses on several issues in Key words: Jane Austen, popular culture, postmodernism, intertextuality, reading American novelist Karen Joy Fowler, with her Jane Austen Book Club (2004), From the very title, Karen Joy Fowler''s novel The Jane Austen Book her novel, namely that Jane Austen is above high art/ popular culture As for Prudie, the youngest member of the Jane Austen book club, Austen book club, Fowler seems to suggest, make a society out of personal Fowler''s The Jane Austen Book Club is, above all, meant to investigate A less extensive analysis of Karen Joy Fowler''s novel The Jane Austen Book id: work_ba5asz5uynhhll4c55dwa5cire author: George Keller title: The New Demand for Heterogeneity in College Teaching date: 2006 words: 3133.0 sentences: 196.0 pages: 8 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_ba5asz5uynhhll4c55dwa5cire.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ba5asz5uynhhll4c55dwa5cire.txt summary: changes at every institution and is reshaping the U.s. higher education enterprise. overwhelming majority of the 15.3 million students are attending universities to prepare to become accountants, nurses, computer engineers, teachers, The first person to notice the radical implications of mass higher education was Berkeleysociologist Martin Trow.who. The vast and far more heterogeneous cohort of college and university students has forced dozens of changes and innovations and several major transformations. To accommodate the increased breadth of courses and variety of students, the structure of academic appointments is being radically altered. mass higher education has pressed into being a new, four-tier order. are now four basic kinds of colleges and universities, each with its own collection of students, faculty, curriculum, and function for society. exist, the market for U.S. college education is segmented, with students who variety of students attending colleges and universities is different from that of Reflections on the transition from mass to universal higher education. id: work_o2c4ytbcvngttntgha4bnrfmna author: Ghulam Murtaza title: Women, History And Faith: Suleri''s Critique Of Pakistan''s National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys date: 2020 words: 6288.0 sentences: 406.0 pages: 9 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_o2c4ytbcvngttntgha4bnrfmna.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o2c4ytbcvngttntgha4bnrfmna.txt summary: Women, History And Faith: Suleri''s Critique Of Pakistan''s National Culture In Sara is a professor of women''s literature at Yale University, and her view of Pakistani culture is One major focus of Sara''s work is woman''s position in Pakistan, the aspect that has got critical Sara''s Meatless Days are a very significant document on the representation of Pakistani culture. Suleri views the presence of her Welsh mother in Pakistan as a critical issue of Pakistani history Women, History And Faith: Suleri''s Critique Of Pakistan''s National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys Women, History And Faith: Suleri''s Critique Of Pakistan''s National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys Women, History And Faith: Suleri''s Critique Of Pakistan''s National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys Women, History And Faith: Suleri''s Critique Of Pakistan''s National Culture In Meatless Days And Boys Will Be Boys id: work_satbbhxhnjdvxhpxjf5zdbchia author: Gillian Dooley title: Naipaul''s Women Revisited date: 2012 words: 7207.0 sentences: 564.0 pages: 16 flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/work_satbbhxhnjdvxhpxjf5zdbchia.pdf txt: ./txt/work_satbbhxhnjdvxhpxjf5zdbchia.txt summary: toward women, following from the author''s 2005 article "Naipaul''s Women." Various recent statements Naipaul has made about female look at the criticisms that Naipaul has made of Diana Athill and Jane a given passage was written by a man or a woman (Naipaul Test). male writers'' attitudes to Austen, and by extension the world of women Diana Athill was Naipaul''s editor at the London publisher Andre Naipaul merited his own chapter in Athill''s book about her career Naipaul''s attitude toward women more generally is revealed in a of Naipaul''s nonfiction books without ever knowing he had such a As I said in my 2005 article, "Women, in Naipaul''s fiction . than their husbands, brothers, sons, and lovers" (Naipaul''s Women Naipaul''s women are often described in physical "Naipaul''s Women." South Asian Review 26.1 (2005): 88-103. —. VS Naipaul, Man and Writer. Dooley, VS Naipaul, Man and Writer." "Naipaul Lets Rip at ''Banality'' of Indian Women Writers." id: work_mxd43tbobnhhtbvfhhc6syty7e author: Gillian Dooley title: The Post-War Novel in Crisis: Three Perspectives date: 2005 words: 5895.0 sentences: 387.0 pages: 20 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_mxd43tbobnhhtbvfhhc6syty7e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mxd43tbobnhhtbvfhhc6syty7e.txt summary: The most obvious difference between nineteenth-century novels period following the second world war, Iris Murdoch, Doris Lessing and V.S. While what Murdoch missed in the modern novel was the individual character reason, to represent human life as well as the nineteenth century novel does. Victorian novel … is represented by the work of perhaps a dozen novelists, out nineteenth century, and did not prevent the ''traditional novel of character'' from standards of the novel as it was written in the nineteenth century – has, by with what he sees as the conventional novel form onto these writers. foolish, but simply to believe, like Murdoch, that nineteenth-century writers are 4 D.J. Taylor, After the War: The Novel and English Society since 1945 (London: Chatto & an Essay on New Fiction,'' [1973] The Novel Today, ed. was on the novels of Iris Murdoch, Doris Lessing and V.S. Naipaul. id: work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e author: Graham Room title: Review Article: Capital in the Twenty-First CenturyPikettyThomas, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge, MA, Belknap/Harvard University Press, 2014, 696 pp., ISBN 9780674430006 date: 2015 words: 4519.0 sentences: 260.0 pages: 8 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2r452ioztnevzeu2khguix5k6e.txt summary: Room, G 2015, ''Capital in the twenty-first century'', Journal of European Social Policy, vol. CAPITAL, INEQUALITY AND PUBLIC POLICY Review Article: Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Belknap/Harvard Piketty''s book warns us that capitalism has an in-built tendency to growing inequality. Nevertheless, Piketty is then at risk of viewing capital and inequality over the succeeding income, capitalism generates unsustainable inequalities that undermine the Century disrupted this stability; now however, with inequalities in capital ownership returning Piketty points to three major changes in our industrial societies, since the start of the 20th is then unsurprising that, as Piketty notes, the super-rich include several different social with inequality of income and of capital. Piketty ends by addressing the implications for public policy, both nationally and focus is on a global tax on capital: this he expects both to limit the growth of inequality and to id: work_t6sxfc6uzrbtlnokomrlyddb4e author: Grant Gillett title: Bioethics and Literature: An Exciting Overlap date: 2014 words: 1228.0 sentences: 91.0 pages: 2 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_t6sxfc6uzrbtlnokomrlyddb4e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_t6sxfc6uzrbtlnokomrlyddb4e.txt summary: Grant Gillett & Lynne Bowyer Journal of Bioethical Inquiry into what may well become one of its significant strands of scholarship. novel; from Jane Austen to William Styron, a major English science fiction of Kazuo Ishiguro, a Japanese and self-sacrifice; spirituality and mental disorder; death treatment of human phenomena comes into engagement and narrative views of human life and the complex range of expert technologized discourses, medical students can rapidly lose sight of the values and broadly is discussed by Robin Hankey and Grant Gillett (2014) Mal Parker from Brisbane (2014) gives Flora Huang and Grant Gillett (2014) engage with us with an understanding of the unique value and destiny of each human life as it is worked out in detail of human life and the importance of the engagement Larkin''s use of illness to examine human identity and the value of human life. Larkin''s medical world is of contemporary bioethics. id: work_mpgodfpoyba2nbpxnqp3ejgziq author: Greg J. Stephens title: Statistical mechanics of letters in words date: 2010 words: 837.0 sentences: 165.0 pages: flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_mpgodfpoyba2nbpxnqp3ejgziq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mpgodfpoyba2nbpxnqp3ejgziq.txt summary: [PDF] Toward a statistical mechanics of four letter words | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 13216093Toward a statistical mechanics of four letter words Despite the intuition that the rules of English spelling are highly combinatorial (and arbitrary), we find that maximum entropy models consistent with pairwise correlations among letters provide a surprisingly good approximation to the full statistics of four letter words, capturing ∼ 92% of the multi–information among letters and even ''discovering'' real words… Expand Figures, Tables, and Topics from this paper Sort by Most Influenced Papers Keyword Detection in Natural Language Based on Statistical Mechanics of Words in Written Texts View 1 excerpt, cites background View 1 excerpt, cites background View 2 excerpts, references methods and background View 2 excerpts, references methods and background By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License id: work_7a5oglvb7zeuvo3ub2vdhx5t5i author: H. C. Bolton title: On the comparison of literary and scientific styles: the letters and articles of Max Born, F. R. S date: 1995 words: 883.0 sentences: 171.0 pages: flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_7a5oglvb7zeuvo3ub2vdhx5t5i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7a5oglvb7zeuvo3ub2vdhx5t5i.txt summary: R. S | Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to reset your password. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username Royal Society Open Science Quick Search anywhereEnter words, phrases, DOI, keywords, authors, etc... Quick Search in JournalsEnter words, phrases, DOI, keywords, authors, etc... Published:01 July 1995 Please contact the Royal Society if you find an error you would like to see corrected. Sign in for Fellows of the Royal Society Please access the online journals via the Fellows'' Room Username or email Add to cart Article Information DOI: Scanned images copyright © 2017, Royal Society ROYAL SOCIETY PUBLISHING ROYAL SOCIETY PUBLISHING THE ROYAL SOCIETY Copyright © 2021 The Royal Society id: work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a author: H.-J. Voth title: Clark''s intellectual Sudoku date: 2008 words: 3072.0 sentences: 216.0 pages: 7 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5mtl7xhrobgkrorlcilobqnb2a.txt summary: For many years, Greg Clark was mainly known amongst economic historians Given these two proclivities, news that Greg Clark was writing a book Guns, Germs and Steel has a single book on economic history been discussed production across societies, differences that stem largely from the local social to the conceptual work of Galor and Moav, Clark mainly adds some This logic ignores the possibility that poor levels of nutrition could have Clark''s point springs from the economic logic larger populations, living standards cannot improve. compares the living standards of the English poor) would undoubtedly have per cent fared – but Clark''s argument about the importance of the rich European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. European Review of Economic History, 12, 155–165. technological transition produce secular stasis in living standards? id: work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji author: Helen Berry title: POLITE CONSUMPTION: SHOPPlNG IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND date: 2002 words: 10310.0 sentences: 713.0 pages: 20 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji.pdf txt: ./txt/work_v23hgngyz5eapbjlqvz543xkji.txt summary: POLITE CONSUMPTION: SHOPPlNG IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY ENGLAND polite shopping rituals framed the social experience of consumption as What follows is an investigation into a different perspective on consumption: the process of developing a specifically polite ''shopping Mui, Shops and Shopkeeping in Eighteenth-Century England (Montreal and Early Eighteenth-Century England'', in Consumption and the World of Goods, ed. Other gender-specific accounts are Elizabeth KowaleskiWallace, Consuming Subjects: Women, Shopping and Business in the Eighteenth Century (New York, P. Malcolm, Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century  Jon Stobart, ''Shopping Streets as Social Space: Leisure, Consumerism and Improvement in an Eighteenth-Century County Town'', Urban History, ,  (), –. eighteenth century progressed, this changed, so that shop owners shop assistant time to evaluate the customer''s status and credit through Towards the end of the eighteenth century, new forms of shopping of eighteenth-century forms of polite shopping survive today only in id: work_6v4cvg3pvrg6vcmtayk4u2mvwy author: Helen Small title: Impact: Critical Practice date: 2018 words: 1723.0 sentences: 86.0 pages: 15 flesch: 43.0 cache: ./cache/work_6v4cvg3pvrg6vcmtayk4u2mvwy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6v4cvg3pvrg6vcmtayk4u2mvwy.txt summary:  Changing public understanding of x cultural object or  Bringing x cultural object/practices to new audiences use of research publications, derived text books, new  Creating new forms of digital conservation and/or secondary school and university level, and assisted high  A significant aspect of Sutherland''s impact has been the contribution made level, serving as a model, for example, in recent publications including Juliet Wells writes: ''Kathryn Sutherland''s Jane Austen''s Textual Lives [...] has had a profound impact within Austen studies, including but not limited to  Jane Austen''s Fiction Manuscripts: A Digital Edition provoked huge online podcast lectures, ''Jane Austen''s Manuscripts Explored'', in chaired by Elena Pierazzo, Technical Researcher on the Austen Digital general public to engage with the latest digital research. featured in ''Oxford Impacts'', an Oxford University publicity drive, Open Educational Resources (OERs) in English: Enriching the School English Faculty''s open educational resources on the web. id: work_idbo4upnb5aafb2hmocc4nmk4i author: Hyo-Young Kim title: Book Genre Visualization based on Genre Identification Algorithm date: 2012 words: 4723.0 sentences: 1518.0 pages: 10 flesch: 102.0 cache: ./cache/work_idbo4upnb5aafb2hmocc4nmk4i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_idbo4upnb5aafb2hmocc4nmk4i.txt summary: 본 연구에서는 이러한 텍스트 시각화 연구의 일환으로, 서 이 갖는 장르 특성을 서 본문에 직 사용된 단어들을 바탕으로 악해낼 수 있는 방법에 해 고찰하고, 실험을 통한 검증을 바탕으로 며, 둘째, 시각화 결과 이미지를 통해 해당 서 이 어떤 장르와 가장 가까운지 한 에 악할 수 있을 뿐 밝기 등을 통해 표 장르로 악된 장르의 근 도(유사도)를 짐작할 수 있다는 에서 그 의의를 갖는다. elements of visualization of a book''s genre based on verification through an experiment were to visualization suggested by this study, first, actual genre of a book can be understood based 다. 이 게 제작된 ''장르독자성사 ''을 바탕으로 임의의 Ⅱ. 텍스트 시각화 사례 연구 가 성경의 텍스트를 데이터로 여러 가지 정보를 시각화 본 시각화 작품을 통해 비록 소설의 내용을 데 다. 임의의 입력 서 에 있는 단어가 각 장르독자성사 Stanislaw Lem의 ''Solaris(솔라리스)'', 그리고 타지 에 한 각 장르별 근 도를 요소로 하여 서 텍스트 둘째, 도출된 장르 근 도를 바탕으로 제안된 시각화 id: work_cdgyfdagfrbirca4v777qwbixy author: Hélène Dachez title: Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L''Engagement dans les romans féminins de la Grande-Bretagne des xviiie et xixe siècles date: 2013 words: 2218.0 sentences: 321.0 pages: 6 flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_cdgyfdagfrbirca4v777qwbixy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cdgyfdagfrbirca4v777qwbixy.txt summary: dans les romans féminins de la Grande-Bretagne des Hélène Dachez, « Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L''Engagement dans les romans féminins de la L''Engagement dans les romans féminins Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L''Engagement dans les romans féminins de la GrandeBretagne des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles (Coll. patriarcal, bien que questionné, est finalement aussi présent dans les roman d''auteurs s''engager et de faire entendre sa voix de femme dans une société qui fait la part belle Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L''Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L''Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L''Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L''Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L''Engagement dans les romans féminins ... Goater, Thierry, Elise Ouvrard (eds.), L''Engagement dans les romans féminins de la Grande-Bretagne des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles id: work_f7e63yfxabfyha4dwftvhprcqa author: I Cameron title: The top one hundred date: 1989 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_f7e63yfxabfyha4dwftvhprcqa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_f7e63yfxabfyha4dwftvhprcqa.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220373004 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:08 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_2pbsfw2fmjg4rfsrum2nfphn3u author: I. Chrissochoidis title: ''Though This Be Madness, Yet There is Method In''t'': A Counterfactual Analysis of Richard Wagner''s ''Tannhauser'' date: 2014 words: 8267.0 sentences: 895.0 pages: 19 flesch: 74.0 cache: ./cache/work_2pbsfw2fmjg4rfsrum2nfphn3u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2pbsfw2fmjg4rfsrum2nfphn3u.txt summary: MUCH LIKE WAGNER HIMSELF, the eponymous hero of Tannha« user treads a path of stark Wagner, Dokumente und Texte zu Tannha« user und der Sa« ngerkrieg auf Wartburg, ed. 7 Reinhard Strohm, ''Dramatic Time and Operatic Form in Wagner''s Tannha« user'', Proceedings of the Royal Musical By applying game theory to Tannha« user''s behaviour at the song contest we will be able to test the rationality of his actions and 17 ''On the Performing of Tannha« user'', in Richard Wagner''s Prose Works, trans. Wagner decided to excise Tannha« user''s Act I reference to her as ''Engel'' in the opera''s Tannha« user''s redemption through Elisabeth.24 (The fact that his identity as an artist 2. (a) Elisabeth^Tannha« user duet (Act II, sc. Opera Tannha« user und der Sa« ngerkrieg auf Wartburg'', Economics Letters,102 (2009), 33^5. 4. Tannha« user''s four verses in praise of Venus: (a) Act I, sc. id: work_o3optqwjcndczogifcfltzvjz4 author: Iain Bamforth title: The Crossing Fee: Iain Bamforth date: 2013 words: 1671.0 sentences: 121.0 pages: 2 flesch: 74.0 cache: ./cache/work_o3optqwjcndczogifcfltzvjz4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o3optqwjcndczogifcfltzvjz4.txt summary: The Crossing Fee: Iain Bamforth with the World Health Organization, history of modern medicine, a book of has published five collections of poetry: A Place in the World (2005), and, most Wanam, Papua, April 2007. School of English, University of St Andrews, British Journal of General Practice, April 2013 207 British Journal of General Practice, April 2013 207 after publishing it, Hendrik Marsman commissioned by the Written World Project great art, and we recognise in the shared window is the room where Jane Austen family of our friends who had been involved Like many who went straight into medicine were supposed to read but never did. and that ''supposed'' is not a good way to of a year of music with the Open University, Abbey, the first of Jane''s completed books, Jane Austen''s House Museum has College, and this Journal, have been big on Shared humanity: a Jane Austen bicentenary id: work_hazh523tbfch5ktchr65kfwi5u author: Ian Duncan title: Realism / romance, Romantic / Victorian date: 2013 words: 1138.0 sentences: 84.0 pages: 4 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_hazh523tbfch5ktchr65kfwi5u.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hazh523tbfch5ktchr65kfwi5u.txt summary: Realism / romance, Romantic / Victorian Realism / romance, Romantic / Victorian: the dyads don''t quite line up. difference between romance and realism as an opposition, sometimes dialectical, sometimes not; with that quintessentially Victorian technology, realism.1 Romanticism, rhetoricity, lyric, versus history, realism and (to use Clifford Siskin''s term) "novelism": these oppositions return with an course the romance-realism opposition is incoherent too. literary absolute as a structural rather than an affective relation ("literature producing itself as it romance shows us how the literary absolute is produced as a relation between work and reader, Famously, Waverley reconceives romance for the nineteenth century by making it – set in a 2 See Jack Lynch''s "Wedded to Books: Bibliomania and the Romantic Essayists", and Ina Ferris'' "Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book-Object". His books include Scott''s Shadow: The Novel in Romantic Edinburgh (Princeton, "Bibliographic Romance: Bibliophilia and the Book-Object." in "Romantic id: work_duhvzdnav5gedeez5zbrnfm7x4 author: Ian M. Anderson title: We all know what we mean by treatment-resistant depression – don''t we? date: 2018 words: 961.0 sentences: 190.0 pages: flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_duhvzdnav5gedeez5zbrnfm7x4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_duhvzdnav5gedeez5zbrnfm7x4.txt summary: [PDF] We all know what we mean by treatment-resistant depression – don''t we? Corpus ID: 24140742We all know what we mean by treatment-resistant depression – don''t we? title={We all know what we mean by treatment-resistant depression – don''t we?}, Sort by Most Influenced Papers Challenges of Treatment-resistant Depression. Experimental Therapeutics in Treatment-Resistant Major Depressive Disorder View 2 excerpts, cites background Toward an Evidence-Based, Operational Definition of Treatment-Resistant Depression: When Enough Is Enough. Multiple-therapy-resistant major depressive disorder: a clinically important concept View 2 excerpts, references methods Staging methods for treatment resistant depression. View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background View 1 excerpt, references background Comparative efficacy, acceptability, and tolerability of augmentation agents in treatment-resistant depression: systematic review and network meta-analysis. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. id: work_ch3trgilincx5eyv4h4r6lt2ca author: Ian R. Stone title: The Frozen echo: Greenland and the exploration of North America, ca AD 1000–1500. Kirsten A. Seaver. 1996. Stanford: Stanford University Press, xviii + 407 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-8047-2514-4. £40.00 date: 1997 words: 996.0 sentences: 67.0 pages: 1 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_ch3trgilincx5eyv4h4r6lt2ca.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ch3trgilincx5eyv4h4r6lt2ca.txt summary: growth — that forges the undeniable emotional link between author and reader. any reader must feel through Grinnell''s troubled effort to University Press, xviii + 407 p, illustrated, hard cover. The author has tackled difficult questions America and of the North Atlantic by other Europeans, The author uses a kaleidoscopic variety of sources, and detailed study of North Atlantic exploration by the Norse, maritime efforts in the North Atlantic by, for example, the The author, in her acknowledgements, comments on the input of her editor, and one feels that the work would have universally acknowledged that anyone writing a book The photographs of areas in the Greenland settlements, in particular those on pages 10 and 20, consistent editing, a better book could have been produced, which might have served the needs both of specialists and of the more general reader. Expedition of 1819-1822, under the command of Lieutenant John Franklin. id: work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym author: Irene Tucker title: Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Gilbert date: 2020 words: 668.0 sentences: 145.0 pages: flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ltaxg7rysbgh3ehy5yxj2v34ym.txt summary: Gilbert | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Gilbert, Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History Irene Tucker is Professor of English at University of California, Irvine, and a member of the Advisory Board of Nineteenth-Century Literature. Search for other works by this author on: Article contents Tools Icon Search Site Irene Tucker; Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. This content is only available via PDF. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Gilbert'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Review: Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History, by Pamela K. Citing articles via Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Journal Authors id: work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba author: Ivdit Diasamidze title: Point of View in Narrative Discourse date: 2014 words: 3763.0 sentences: 239.0 pages: 6 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba.pdf txt: ./txt/work_o7y6b2lluvaadbx5l3hvzfdgba.txt summary: work, telling the story from a limited omniscient or first-person point of view; or apparently no one (dramatic point narrator that is called point of view is present in all verbally told stories. Point of view is one of the basic elements of a story that determines the perspective from which a reader The great adventure of the omniscient point of view, then, is the flexibility it gives its "all-knowing" narrator, With a limited omniscient (also referred to as third-person or selective omniscient) point of view, the narrator is Joseph Conrad exploits omniscient third-person point of view in the story "The Lagoon" enabling the narrator Elizabeth, from the third person point of view and then shows us that the two characters are talking about Bingley The use of first-person point of view places still another restriction on the voice that tells the story. id: work_ehu7ennxcvfuveoc5y37rkpkty author: J Malins title: Reading for Pleasure: The novels that I enjoy most date: 1985 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_ehu7ennxcvfuveoc5y37rkpkty.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ehu7ennxcvfuveoc5y37rkpkty.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220380572 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:18 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_7t3oqmkpgrd3vcc4v2pidsnfdq author: J O Forfar title: James Spence medallist, 1986. Sir Peter Tizard date: 1986 words: 980.0 sentences: 221.0 pages: 2 flesch: 79.0 cache: ./cache/work_7t3oqmkpgrd3vcc4v2pidsnfdq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7t3oqmkpgrd3vcc4v2pidsnfdq.txt summary: The James Spence Medal was presented to Sir Peter Tizard on 16 April 1986 by Professor J 0 Forfar, President of the British Paediatric Association, who gave the following The James Spence Medal is awarded for outstanding contributions to the advancement or clarification British Paediatric Association (BPA) can confer. The recipient in 1986 is Sir Peter Tizard. the Institute of Child Health and Honorary Consultant Paediatrician to Hammersmith Hospital. Sir Peter is one of the outstanding paediatricians, academic neonatal unit that pioneered and established neonatl paediatrics in this country and In the wider field of child health Sir Peter has important part in establishing the British Paediatric the contribution to paediatrics that he recognised Sir Peter to be making gave his Spence Medal to Sir Sir Peter has suggested, and the Association has agreed, that that medal should have Sir Peter''s Association awards you the Spence Medal. id: work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4 author: J R Butler title: Home from home date: 1979 words: 144.0 sentences: 24.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ehrahrr2ffglnl4uroag7yhfp4.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220374995 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_547m3n2njbgo3gnfffvjw5zvoe author: J R Mitchell title: Prostacyclin--powerful, yes: but is it useful? date: 1983 words: 3695.0 sentences: 477.0 pages: 3 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_547m3n2njbgo3gnfffvjw5zvoe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_547m3n2njbgo3gnfffvjw5zvoe.txt summary: cases of paralytic poliomyelitis still occur in Britain in unvaccinated children and adults with or without recent travel proves useful, since we can now say "But surely prostacyclin is The first is the ability of prostacyclin to minimise loss of platelets when blood is exposed to without the use of prostacyclin and that the platelet sparing use of prostacyclin in charcoal perfusion than in the other carried out without the use of prostacyclin." prostacyclin in conditions where no man made artificial surface prostacyclin in peripheral vascular diseases. for in our early studies6 of infusions of prostaglandin El change rather than of the prostacyclin itself which will determine the duration of the effect. Lewis and Dollery also review some studies of prostacyclin novel compound to generate a stable, orally active prostacyclin Effect of prostaglandin E1 on platelet behaviour in vitro and in vivo. Pharmacology of prostacyclin and thromboxanes. early sexual experience and of pregnancy; doctors working id: work_qwg5js2ojfgrpc7zexsevqrlhu author: J Thrush title: Communicating with patients with speech problems date: 1981 words: 2060.0 sentences: 264.0 pages: 2 flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/work_qwg5js2ojfgrpc7zexsevqrlhu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qwg5js2ojfgrpc7zexsevqrlhu.txt summary: patients have no difficulty in understanding and, unless there is following suggestions will help the doctor to get the best possible communication with patients with a speech problem and in a communication with patients with a speech problem and in a (1) People with all types of speech problem speak better when time later when the patient has to talk. (3) People with defective speech are sometimes thought to be Talking is very tiring for speech-handicapped people even the doctor is aware that it occurs, the patient is less likely to when talking to foreigners, they do so with the speech-impaired.) (7) Ask the patient to write down salient points before a time of maximal danger having passed, the patient asked to see the "achiever facilitator," who helps and encourages his wife, especially as each new doctor generated an additional $300 000 one doctor for 200 people. id: work_ugxdf5my2vh7rab3hhkbapnjmu author: J. BRISTOW title: INDEXTOVOLUME58 date: 2004 words: 558.0 sentences: 127.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_ugxdf5my2vh7rab3hhkbapnjmu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ugxdf5my2vh7rab3hhkbapnjmu.txt summary: INDEX TO VOLUME 58 | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Volume 58, Issue 4 INDEX TO VOLUME 58 Search for other works by this author on: Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site WORTHAM; INDEX TO VOLUME 58. search input This content is only available via PDF. 2004 by The Regents of the University of California Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''INDEX TO VOLUME 58'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: INDEX TO VOLUME 58 Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions © Copyright 2021 by the Regents of the University of California. id: work_75mq5eosxrevnjtifeyaxg2vwy author: J. Black title: Points: NHS theek hai? date: 1985 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_75mq5eosxrevnjtifeyaxg2vwy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_75mq5eosxrevnjtifeyaxg2vwy.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220372082 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_aq7meiqkobeb7bjyjg2ddibd6e author: J. C. MCLENNAN title: Prof. J. C. Fields, F.R.S date: 1932 words: 1952.0 sentences: 111.0 pages: 2 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_aq7meiqkobeb7bjyjg2ddibd6e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_aq7meiqkobeb7bjyjg2ddibd6e.txt summary: John Charles Fields on August 9 the University of Toronto lost one Fields was called to the University of Toronto in the opening year of the present century. that students desiring to specialise in mathematics came to universities in America handicapped by defective mathematical training in the he considered the students of a generation ago Royal Canadian Institute of Toronto. scientific research as the ideal of the Institute and Mathematical Congress held in Toronto in 1924. What I consider to be Fields''s greatest achievement in advancing the cause of research in the Province to the University of Toronto and achievements in mathematical research. Of late years Prof. Fields''s life was more for women science students and, as Cambridge of the women science students, and herself taught. Her research work, however, was carried out in Miss Greenwood was in a small passage room, and I shared At that time women were rare in scientific id: work_gsjotpuvfja4jof3ud27p4eod4 author: J. Pearce title: Fanny Burney on Samuel Johnson''s tics and mannerisms date: 1994 words: 588.0 sentences: 125.0 pages: 1 flesch: 84.0 cache: ./cache/work_gsjotpuvfja4jof3ud27p4eod4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gsjotpuvfja4jof3ud27p4eod4.txt summary: We shall then preserve, for everyone, the highest qualities of social existence, at a time Francisco has described as "dying in life", the And what you call living is dying in life, Fanny Burney on Samuel Johnson''s tics and verbal repetitions displayed by Samuel Johnson which de la Tourette syndrome (see J Neurol Neurosurg Fanny (Frances) Burney (1752-1840) was daughter She was a favoured friend in Johnson''s household. He is, indeed, very ill-favoured! Yet he has naturally nature (frequent recitations of the Lord''s Prayer) but coprolalia and scatological comments are very probable, although doubtless the loyalties and social niceties Samuel Johnson''s tics and gesticulations. J7 Hist Med 1967;22: 152-68. Dr Samuel Johnson''s movement disorder. BMJ 1979;1:1610-4. Doctor Samuel Johnson: "the Great Convulsionary" a victim of Gilles de la Tourette''s J R Soc Med 1994 (in press). London: G Bell. Early diary of F Burney. London: Constable and Co. 1897, reprinted 1966: id: work_7fw4felmcnd2jj36vqvsrys5fi author: J. S. Lawry title: "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma date: 1969 words: 552.0 sentences: 126.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_7fw4felmcnd2jj36vqvsrys5fi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7fw4felmcnd2jj36vqvsrys5fi.txt summary: "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Lawry; "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1969; 24 (1): 1–15. search input search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''"Decided and Open": Structure in Emma'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: "Decided and Open": Structure in Emma Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions id: work_rt2shi7m3rhunigsc2xexdsgpm author: J. Sanders title: Andrew Higson, Film England: Culturally English Filmmaking since the 1990s date: 2011 words: 11.0 sentences: 2.0 pages: flesch: 32.0 cache: ./cache/work_rt2shi7m3rhunigsc2xexdsgpm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rt2shi7m3rhunigsc2xexdsgpm.txt summary: id: work_pzfcyfywvveohca2aoddc623na author: J. T. M. Miller title: On the individuation of words date: 2019 words: 3948.0 sentences: 257.0 pages: 12 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_pzfcyfywvveohca2aoddc623na.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pzfcyfywvveohca2aoddc623na.txt summary: is, we need to provide criteria of identity for word-types which allow us to fails to account for our intuitions about word identity, or is too vague to be a plausible word-types to be eternal abstract entities (Katz 1981, Wetzel 2009); and views that take focus in this paper is on solutions to the problem of individuating word-types, and thus, unless specified, in the rest of this paper the term ''word'' will refer to types, not instances. However, read this way, History* means that words are, in fact, almost never identical. history of the words that I am producing instances of right now is different from those to history, but is common to many of the proposals for word individuation. That is, if history already includes facts about all uses of a word in the used now are the same word as history includes relevant facts about future uses. id: work_342kyiplqnelrj3gzzoxnwzevu author: Jacinta Beehner title: Dorothy L. Cheney (1950–2018) date: 2019 words: 1280.0 sentences: 75.0 pages: 2 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_342kyiplqnelrj3gzzoxnwzevu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_342kyiplqnelrj3gzzoxnwzevu.txt summary: Primatologist who gave voice to animal communication and cognition. Dorothy Cheney, who died in November 2018, was best known for her long-term studies of vervet social knowledge in an ecologically valid chapters, Dorothy and Robert produced social cognition, How Monkeys See the about communication and social cognition study chacma baboons, altered her career and Robert moved to Rockefeller University and Robert began a study of vocal communication in vervet monkeys in Dorothy and Robert also provided the that when other females heard the calls, Robert and Dorothy were invited to take study of baboons in Moremi and began the rich complexity of the baboons'' social They learned that baboon calls carry investigators working under Dorothy and worked with Dorothy became part of her Dorothy and Robert brought their between the baboons'' social dilemmas and 4Department of Primate Cognition, University of on the Moremi baboon project with Dorothy and id: work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya author: Jackie Reid-Walsh title: ''Do you understand muslins, Sir?'': the Circulation of Ball Dresses in Evelina and Northanger Abbey date: 2000 words: 4069.0 sentences: 289.0 pages: 10 flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya.pdf txt: ./txt/work_f7xlfjykwbhffhkjjfa2a57hya.txt summary: "''Do you understand muslins, Sir?'': the Circulation of Ball Dresses in Evelina and Northanger Abbey" "''Do you understand muslins, Sir?'': the Circulation of Ball Dresses in Evelina and Northanger I focus on the circulation of women''s fashion with special reference to ball dresses of the 1770s and 1800s, employing the term ''circulation'' in a double sense. ball dresses as ''circulating objects'' and ''interpreted objects'' (Corrigon 1500-1914 (1996), Jane Ashelford, a dress historian for the British National Trust, describes how, during the Eighteenth Century, shopping in the mid-Eighteenth Century required between 20 and 22 yards of material, making the price of a silk gown between £10 to £70. notes, regarding shopping for clothes, with a dress income of 20 pounds Evelina''s period, women of higher and lower ranks are similarly criticized for dressing alike but the social order is disturbed in a different Since women of different ranks may wear silk dresses, high-heeled id: work_5spfukfqmjhipizmwz3ua3pk5e author: James Hirsh title: Attributing A Funeral Elegy date: 1997 words: 1706.0 sentences: 99.0 pages: 2 flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_5spfukfqmjhipizmwz3ua3pk5e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_5spfukfqmjhipizmwz3ua3pk5e.txt summary: Shakespeare''s Sonnets that differ from Foster''s estimates neral Elegy belongs hereafter with Shakespeare''s poems may have written the poem" (Elegy by W. evidence against its attribution to Shakespeare. believe that the author of A Funeral Elegy was Elizabeth Cary rather than Shakespeare. The subject of the Elegy, William Peter, was born in in 1608, the year before Peter left Oxfordshire and Cary After noting the grief felt by Peter''s friends, the Elegy If Cary was the author of the Elegy, why did she not poem was written by Shakespeare. exhibited in the Elegy are similar to those evident in Ma­ the Elegy and Shakespeare''s works. have read is Elizabeth Cary''s Tragedy of Mariam. and Shakespeare''s works may have arisen because Cary encountered Shakespeare''s published works than that Shakespeare had access to Cary''s as-yet-unpublished Why does Foster not present an argument that Cary Hirsh imagines Cary and William Peter becoming close id: work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim author: James Willis title: Shared humanity: a Jane Austen bicentenary date: 2013 words: 953.0 sentences: 74.0 pages: 1 flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kqovswh7obeoxci26ankh3kvim.txt summary: Shared humanity: a Jane Austen bicentenary British Journal of General Practice, April 2013 207 From the Dutch of Hendrik Marsman after publishing it, Hendrik Marsman The most important thing about ''Classics'' is great art, and we recognise in the shared window is the room where Jane Austen family of our friends who had been involved Like many who went straight into medicine were supposed to read but never did. of which are written in her hand, (that was how you got your music in those days: you of a year of music with the Open University, of those precious, densely-written pages, Abbey, the first of Jane''s completed books, Jane Austen''s House Museum has That is the measure of the human bond that the sharing of great art can bring. experience is shared. College, and this Journal, have been big on centrality of the humanities, and the great Shared humanity: a Jane Austen bicentenary id: work_bgr4zsxetrdk7eaaaxbkyef2oy author: Jan Deckers title: Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law by E. Brake, 2012 Oxford, Oxford University Pressx + 256 pp., £64.00 (hb), £16.99 (pb) date: 2014 words: 1483.0 sentences: 81.0 pages: 6 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_bgr4zsxetrdk7eaaaxbkyef2oy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bgr4zsxetrdk7eaaaxbkyef2oy.txt summary: Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law; by Elizabeth Brake. Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law; by Elizabeth Brake. Minimizing Marriage: Marriage, Morality, and the Law; by Elizabeth Brake. Brake argues that, in spite of the historical dominance of polygyny, many (Western) states legitimise and promote a different kind of relationship: marriage, conceived as an amorous, dyadic, light, Brake welcomes that some jurisdictions have opened up marriage to include same-sex I am at one with Brake in adopting the view that this discrimination is wrong, but at odds with her Brake comments that she is not arguing that one cannot love another Brake then argues that marriage should rather be seen as a commitment, ''the attempt to bind legitimise particular caring relationships, Brake adopts the view that the state ought to support all justice, minimal marriage might thus, for example, facilitate immigration, care-taking leave, and the id: work_n2tbv2dp4zes3krpijo2u6ho3q author: Jan Lowe title: No More Lonely Londoners date: 2001 words: 6919.0 sentences: 385.0 pages: 16 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_n2tbv2dp4zes3krpijo2u6ho3q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_n2tbv2dp4zes3krpijo2u6ho3q.txt summary: White Teeth opens doors to the rooms, cultural spaces, of north-west London in its friendships, marriages or raise a new generation of Londoners together. No wonder, then, that in this novel the young Irie Jones of English and Jamaican and insurmountable struggles of an older immigrant generation with Standard English; differences among the children of British immigrant groups, several generations on, it its Caribbean characters, the history of their settlement in London that the novel everyday life that all Londoners, black and white, rich and poor, walk the thin line this novel will be viewed like a Dickens novel, as a social and cultural map of a London twentieth-century multicultural youth culture in London, this novel will not obey about negotiating race, class and culture, new in their generation both in the novel and family in London in the Muslim faith lead commentators to compare Zadie Smith and id: work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm author: Jane Grogan title: Timely Voices: Romance Writing in English Literature. Goran Stanivukovic, ed. Montreal: McGill-Queen''s University Press, 2017. x + 362 pp. $110 date: 2019 words: 1502.0 sentences: 80.0 pages: 3 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_d3366biyuzdwzbxbkajhryexrm.txt summary: Timely Voices: Romance Writing in English Literature. the collection''s interest in romance as "strategy" and "resource," always ripe for reinvention. of romance and its possibilities across the centuries (but primarily early modern), while Beyond the introduction, we meet a mixture of innovative essays with richly rewarding forays into the less traveled byways of romance (incident, domestication, the everyday) with more traditional, narratological or taxonomic approaches whose innovation romance as "strategy" and "resource" in the introduction, there is nonetheless some divergence among authors in terms of how they discuss romance as a genre, mode, romance thinking into the nineteenth and twentieth century, in Marcus Waithe''s essay Lying in Early Modern English Culture: From the Oath of Supremacy to the Oath The historical frame for Andrew Hadfield''s new book on lying is 1535, the Oath of Early modern accounts of lying and truth can be located relative to two patristic theories. id: work_hycxgktvrvenvcfgptzsudhvpa author: Jane Hurst title: Communicating through scents: an interview with Jane Hurst date: 2018 words: 2247.0 sentences: 180.0 pages: 3 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_hycxgktvrvenvcfgptzsudhvpa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hycxgktvrvenvcfgptzsudhvpa.txt summary: Communicating through scents: an interview with Jane Hurst similarity, or have animals evolved specific scent components that signal individual identity and kinship? major differences between males and females in scent Also, most studies have focused on the volatile components of scents, but we now understand that involatile few seconds of contact with a male''s urine stimulated females to learn a strong attraction to airborne odour Our darcin studies have been particularly inspiring from learned behaviour and show how pheromones and signatures of identity in scents work in concert. why they were so anxious and, much to my surprise, I discovered that it is because of the standard way that laboratory mice are handled. that mice handled that way can be significantly more reliable in behavioural testing [8]. non-aversive handling methods for normal mouse husbandry and during experiments (see https://www.nc3rs.orbehavioural ecology of wild house mice for my PhD Darcin: a male pheromone that stimulates id: work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e author: Janice Hopkins Tanne title: Your money where your mouse is date: 2005 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bcnwudez4zcjpbn2jqfyvci53e.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220373798 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:09 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_xtgm4qelrvamrjyro6zokd4yvi author: Janice Schroeder title: Convict Voices: Women, Class, and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England by Anne Schwan date: 2016 words: 1398.0 sentences: 81.0 pages: 4 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_xtgm4qelrvamrjyro6zokd4yvi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xtgm4qelrvamrjyro6zokd4yvi.txt summary: Convict Voices: Women, Class, and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England by Anne Schwan (review) Convict Voices: Women, Class, and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England by Anne Schwan (review) Convict Voices: Women, Class, and Writing about Prison in Nineteenth-Century England for the "complicated cultural work" (6) of the group of texts she investigates. chapbooks to two mid-Victorian novels featuring working-class criminalized of these novels, I appreciate Schwan''s methodology of reading fictionalized strongest illustration of this is chapter 2, which investigates the prison narratives of popular novelist Frederick William Robinson, who published under the anonym "A Prison Matron." Schwan calls his group of 1860s texts on readings of Victorian penal culture—often grounded entirely in discussions Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel valuable contribution to Victorian medical humanities, Erika Wright''s Reading approach through readings of early nineteenth-century medical texts that Reading for Health shows us these narrative patterns with a clarity that makes id: work_wcwima3oq5gx5e66u7bozciqea author: Janine Barchas title: Sense, Sensibility, and Soap: An Unexpected Case Study in Digital Resources for Book History date: 2013 words: 7700.0 sentences: 545.0 pages: 31 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_wcwima3oq5gx5e66u7bozciqea.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wcwima3oq5gx5e66u7bozciqea.txt summary: little-known fact that soap manufacturer Lever Brothers published editions of a unique marketing campaign for Sunlight soap.1 The first English company to combine massive product giveaways with large-scale advertising, Lever Brothers offered a range of prizes in "Sunlight Soap Monthly Competitions" to "young folks" (contestants could not be older than seventeen) Lever''s "Sunlight Library" editions were published at a time when advertisements for soap, by corporate giants such as Lever Brothers and Pears Lever edition of Sense and Sensibility (Figure 1). Figure 1 Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility in red cloth (Port Sunlight: Lever The Lever Brothers edition of Sense and Sensibility bears no date. Figure 5 Jane Austen, Emma in "The Lily Series" in green cloth (London: Ward, the books'' title pages, with their Lever imprints, and the two distinct binding designs. Figure 19 Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility in "The Marguerite Series" in red id: work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte author: Jean Harris Hendriks title: Mental health, by Jane Austen date: 1995 words: 1307.0 sentences: 78.0 pages: 2 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vlf4a4cyh5hhjbzuuh5gqlrzte.txt summary: Mental health, by Jane Austen Effects on Psychiatric Patients of a Pleasant and Jane Austen knew the pleasant and congenial Jane Austen''s pleasant environment Woodhouse, father of Emma, hypochondriac, Jane Austen delineates the small world in Miss Jane Bates, an Impoverishedclergyman''s daughter, with pressure of talk the community, psychiatrists should indeed Jean Harris Hendriks, Consultant Psychiatrist, Jones the patient Another film about psychiatrists and Mr Jones has bipolar illness and the film Jones finds himself a patient in an American medical students that times are difficult, andresources scarce. psychiatrist responsible for his care. are mingling Mr Jones poses as a doctor and asks his visitor which one is the patient. than as a psychiatrist she visits his ex-wife. Roles between doctor and patient reverse when Mr Jones rescues his psychiatrist from a doctors in the hospital are busy and although patients to consider her own need for support id: work_7cibxhx3vndnfdphgygeudkmbe author: Jennifer Gribble title: Jane Eyre''s Imagination date: 1968 words: 6873.0 sentences: 404.0 pages: 16 flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_7cibxhx3vndnfdphgygeudkmbe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7cibxhx3vndnfdphgygeudkmbe.txt summary: subjective novelist" usually imply judgments like Kathleen Tillotson''s, that Jane Eyre is "a novel of the inner life, not of man in central passage on Jane''s imaginings gives evidence that Charlotte Far from envisaging the imagination as an escape from the realities of life, Charlotte Bronte must surely have agreed with G. Jane Eyre questions the kind of dichotomy between inner experience and outer world that she (and also G. Jane''s imagination and Charlotte Bronte''s, and the two are not Jane''s experience, the interaction and fusion of internal and external, individual and society, thought and nature, she must represent Jane''s imagination, playing on this sharply isolated image of herself, reveals to her the essential nature of her position at Gateshead Neither Jane''s imaginative powers, nor Charlotte Bronte''s analogies in nature, Jane''s imagination reflecting that of her creator. power of Jane''s imagination in transforming, or making its own, Jane''s imagination and Charlotte Bronte''s in this respect, there is id: work_4mtsq2jgtbacpioivh2fk74oh4 author: Jernej Habjan title: ANALIZA SVETOVNIH-SISTEMOV IN FORMALIZEM V LITERARNI ZGODOVINI date: 2011 words: 5877.0 sentences: 902.0 pages: 12 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_4mtsq2jgtbacpioivh2fk74oh4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4mtsq2jgtbacpioivh2fk74oh4.txt summary: A decade after Franco Moretti s̓ plea for the distant reading of world literature, its critiques are culminating in, say, Michael Holquist s̓ dismissal of distant reading on behalf of Ključne besede: oddaljeno branje, analiza svetovnih-sistemov, natančno branje, strukturalna poetika, Franco Moretti, Roman Jakobson Moretti je novi spoznavni predmet, svetovno literaturo kot zgodovinsko diferenciran sistem form, dejansko proizvedel z navdihovanjem pri analizi svetovnih-sistemov; in z navezavo na grafe kvantitativnega zgodovinopisja, geografske zemljevide pa obravnava kanon kot zgolj eno izmed potencialnih zgodovin literature, in sicer osvetlijo ne samo razmerja med elementi kanona, pač pa tudi periferne literarne forme, ki jih je marginaliziral kanon kot celota. večno materialno eksistenco,5 je teorija alternativa ideologiji prav v tem, da je pertinentna le lokalno, tako da jo lahko ovržejo zgolj primeri, ki jih je neka močnejša Nekako sredi tega desetletja (kritik) oddaljenega branja pa je Moretti (2011: 163–64, sistema, kakor jo razvijata Franco Moretti ali recimo Pascale Casanova, zgolj sooča id: work_yt2skof73fc7pmk4dl4ykdvdwi author: Jessica L Keal title: Tuberculosis: a forgotten plague? date: 2011 words: 144.0 sentences: 25.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_yt2skof73fc7pmk4dl4ykdvdwi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_yt2skof73fc7pmk4dl4ykdvdwi.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220376890 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:13 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq author: Jessica Olliver title: "And I will, henceforward, be a father to him": Fathers and Sons in Elizabeth Inchbald''s A Simple Story date: 2008 words: 3754.0 sentences: 243.0 pages: 11 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ck33d2wckfcjnjkumde5kdbdqq.txt summary: management."7 In the novel, the father-son relationship becomes synonymous with that of the mentor-protégé. shows readers how Dorriforth''s relationship with Sandford emphasizes another version of the family within the novel. this passage, the narrator also informs us that Lord Elmwood''s emotions towards Sandford are those of a son for a father. be a father to him." Lord Elmwood''s relationship with Miss Milner In the second part of the novel, the Lord Elmwood-Rushbrook father-son plot, along with the parallel narrative of Lord Elmwood and of the father-son dynamic between Lord Elmwood and Mr. Rushbrook, Lord Elmwood and Rushbrook in the latter half of A Simple Story can be central to the father-son relationship, since Lord Elmwood views his The father-son or mentor-protégé relationship between Sandford and Lord Elmwood has been completely Ultimately, Sandford reestablishes himself as a father figure to Rushbrook, even though it is a submissive one to that with Lord Elmwood. id: work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i author: Jesús Varela Zapata title: Elinor Shaffer and Catherine Brown, eds. The Reception of George Eliot in Europe. The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe, Series Editor: Elinor Shaffer. London: Bloomsbury, 2016. Pp. lvi, 453 date: 2017 words: 2446.0 sentences: 119.0 pages: 6 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3tnne632nbem7bairm2qikzw6i.txt summary: George Eliot, European Novelist (2011: 3), points out: The publication by Bloomsbury of The Reception of George Eliot in Jane Austen, George Eliot, Henry James and Joseph Conrad" (9). fact is that, on the issue of canonicity, contributors to The Reception of George Eliot in Europe have acted in a restrained way, so as to not turn the featured As it has been implicitly suggested above, The Reception of George Eliot chapter covers Eliot''s reception in that country during her lifetime. ("Timeline of the European Reception of George Eliot, 1819-2015") provides reception studies by relating George Eliot''s impact in Hungary to historical and paper at their disposal to publish Eliot''s work. The Reception of George Eliot in Europe 137 The Reception of George Eliot in Europe 137 account of the reception of Eliot''s work across Europe. A Reception History of George Eliot''s Fiction. George Eliot, European Novelist. id: work_q5kqdjqjjbhwzealrb63flldby author: Jill Galvan title: Character date: 2018 words: 1964.0 sentences: 177.0 pages: 5 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_q5kqdjqjjbhwzealrb63flldby.pdf txt: ./txt/work_q5kqdjqjjbhwzealrb63flldby.txt summary: it hardly seems possible not to read a character like Jane Eyre as riven Many, which reads fictional persons as jostling for space and for the reader''s limited attention within a crowded "character-system."4 More Middlemarch''s realism: George Eliot''s peopled environment seems genuine because of readers'' "liminally conscious perception that moment to As this work highlights, questions of social ethics, often associated with Victorian literature, do not mutually exclude attention to perceptual and sensual form, often associated with modernist literature. For on the contrary, the new physicalist view of character accentuates interiority (or depth) as itself a dimensional concept, and that we can read its interrelational position in multiple Pearl Brilmyer, "Plasticity, Form, and the Matter of Character in 7. Jonathan Farina, Everyday Words and the Character of Prose in NineteenthCentury Britain (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017), 20. 9. Rachel Ablow, Victorian Pain (Princeton: Princeton University Press, Rochelle Rives, Modernist Impersonalities: Affect, Authority, and the id: work_i7ueyjq25nelfi5cdfnaztn22q author: Joe Bray title: THE LANGUAGE OF PORTRAITURE IN THE EARLY NINETEENTH-CENTURY NOVEL: A STUDY IN OPIE AND AUSTEN date: 2016 words: 6630.0 sentences: 390.0 pages: 14 flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_i7ueyjq25nelfi5cdfnaztn22q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_i7ueyjq25nelfi5cdfnaztn22q.txt summary: The language of portraiture in the early nineteenth century novel: a study in Opie and Austen Keywords: the nineteenth-century novel, portraiture, likeness, Amelia Opie, Jane The writings of Reynolds and Opie thus suggest that although this was a "portraitpainting age," the association of the portrait with producing a "likeness" was "likeness" soon proves misleading, as the true nature of Berrendale''s character, and connected with portraiture, especially the term "likeness." When Agatha''s mother All three characters are strongly affected then by the "likeness" which Emma bears to Emma is thus only persuaded of the "likeness" of the portrait when she looks at the process, involving the portrait, the subject it is supposedly "like" and the viewer x Richard Brilliant, "Editor''s Statement: Portraits: The Limitations of Likeness." Art conception of likeness", Gage observes that "Portrait painting worked by an additive xv Shelley King "Portrait of a Marriage: John and Amelia Opie and the Sister Arts." id: work_fpj6tlkmjrf5plxuatjjlb5umy author: Joel Faflak title: Introduction: Deviance and Defiance date: 2006 words: 3539.0 sentences: 370.0 pages: 7 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_fpj6tlkmjrf5plxuatjjlb5umy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_fpj6tlkmjrf5plxuatjjlb5umy.txt summary: was "Deviance and Defiance," to underscore the fact that in recent years the interrelation of Gothic and Romantic studies has emerged as a central topic of scholarly study. authors who articulate the epoch-making intersection of Gothic and Romantic literatures in the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. convergence of the Gothic and the Romantic produced historical forces whose cultural recently been contracted by Longman to prepare a critical edition of Matthew Lewis''s Gothic novel, The Monk, to Romantic studies has enlarged its critical and disciplinary boundaries by re-internalizing the gothic as one of its most significant origins. comprised a semi-autonomous field for historical and cultural inquiry within Romantic Studies. By now, one could argue, study of the Gothic in the Romantic period is an Both essays also point to a concern with ethical practice in recent Romantic criticism still-profound critical and academic influence of Romantic and Gothic Studies in the id: work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu author: John Caughie title: Small pleasures: adaptation and the past in British film and television Small pleasures: adaptation and the past in British film and television date: 2008 words: 7948.0 sentences: 380.0 pages: 24 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ouw52e6pxjgvjotec2urbi6eeu.txt summary: the allure of the past for British film and television, and to suggest some British cinema, conditioned by a national history of imperialism to people in the British domestic market to support a film industry of the British cinema has to sell the images of Britain which Americans are British film is alive and well and living on television. film production has been central not only to the health of British cinema, television screening killed a film''s chance of success in the cinema, or the quality tradition formed by films based on adaptations mainly by British quality cinema in a particular and peculiar relationship to the of the national past in both film and television at least the same attention approach representations of the past in both television and film. past in both cinema and television, from costume drama to classic pleasure of period film and the classic adaptation. id: work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y author: John Fawsitt title: Reading in the Humanities in the Mobile Digital Age date: 2018 words: 3853.0 sentences: 282.0 pages: 5 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cckcc7ya6vg4hgd2g6fej3lr6y.txt summary: Voyant, Digital Humanities, General Chemistry, Scientific Papers, Undergraduate whether Voyant, a digital humanities text analysis tool, might help students become more proficient and independent read, analyzed, and summarized a scientific paper without the use of Voyant to establish a baseline measure of their skills. They then read, analyzed, and summarized a second scientific paper with the aid of Voyant, and a third one without Voyant In conclusion, Voyant was found to be a helpful temporary aid for reading scientific papers. Keywords Voyant, Digital Humanities, General Chemistry, Scientific Papers, Undergraduate levels of the articles that I asked my students to read for this Reading Scientific Articles in the Science Classroom papers offer help in reading and summarizing journal articles for students to refer to while reading the article. the classroom, students must read scientific papers as part of Next, the students read an article reading the second article, but a majority of students also id: work_6ue4mfryzrh4rmhxlz3b6aklku author: John Salinsky title: A patient''s diary: episode 14 — Dr Teacher''s dream date: 2008 words: 2112.0 sentences: 118.0 pages: 2 flesch: 69.0 cache: ./cache/work_6ue4mfryzrh4rmhxlz3b6aklku.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6ue4mfryzrh4rmhxlz3b6aklku.txt summary: Sally Greengage, good-looking, clever middle years called Norman Gland. years he had fretted over the condition of his leeches had many times been applied in vain favourite apothecary, Mr Teacher, who So it was that Mr Teacher and Miss new carriage along the country lane which Teacher,'' said Sally, ''do not you think that sheltered the home of Mr and Mrs Gland. talking too much, dear Miss Greengage?'' to the effect that Mrs Gland''s volubility was the dressing room, where Mr Gland lay ''It is good to see you, Teacher,'' said the see Mrs Gland has thoughtfully placed on Jackson''s excellent Allergy: the history of For the blimps, allergy meant simply hay Allergy: the history of a modern may recollect, Sally,'' he said, turning to his did not.'' ''I meant to read it'' said Sally. Mr Gland and that a good result might be a word of thanks to Mrs Gland for the apple id: work_3tddwa2nfjg45oxufet7gogkem author: Jonathan Finch title: Entangled Landscapes and the ''Dead Silence''? Humphry Repton, Jane Austen and the Upchers of Sheringham Park, Norfolk date: 2013 words: 8700.0 sentences: 402.0 pages: 30 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_3tddwa2nfjg45oxufet7gogkem.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3tddwa2nfjg45oxufet7gogkem.txt summary: Humphry Repton, Jane Austen and the Upchers of Sheringham Park, Norfolk. Humphry Repton, Jane Austen and the Upchers of Sheringham Park, Norfolk. landscape alongside a contemporary cultural work, Jane Austen''s Mansfield Park (1814), which deals century, and which uses Repton to communicate a particular set of sensibilities towards landscape. Repton''s bid was unsuccessful and William sold the land to Abbot Upcher and his wife Charlotte landed estate, and, critically, one that Austen was writing whilst Repton was working at Sheringham. Repton and Austen''s use of the estate as a fundamental instrument of political and social In Mansfield Park, Austen uses Repton''s fame as a landscape Sheringham where he continued to improve the estate and implemented Repton''s suggestions the landscape at Sheringham Park is recognised in its association with Repton and the (1982) Humphry Repton: Landscape Gardener 1752-1818 (2012) Humphry Repton at Sheringham Park. id: work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va author: Joseph Carroll title: Graphing Jane Austen: Agonistic structure in British novels of the nineteenth century date: 2012 words: 10026.0 sentences: 947.0 pages: 25 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va.pdf txt: ./txt/work_leuzziagefbnpnkrs6c4i2s6va.txt summary: we constructed a model of human nature and used it to illuminate the evolved psychology that shapes the organization of characters in nineteenth-century British The scores on motives, the criteria for selecting mates, and emotional responses produced data that we condensed into smaller sets of categories through factor Male and female protagonists both score higher than any other character set As predicted by evolutionary theory, female characters in general give a stronger preference to Extrinsic Attributes — wealth, power, and prestige — than male human experience, the depiction of characters in novels, and readers'' responses to Taking into account not just the representation of characters but the emotional responses of readers, we can identify agonistic structure in the novels as Motive factors in Austen''s antagonists, female protagonists, and male consorts Criteria for selecting marital partners in Austen''s antagonists, female protagonists, and male consorts Emotional responses to Austen''s antagonists, female protagonists, and male id: work_4btbjjcewzbnhe3zvqm2yhk2yq author: Joël Castonguay-Bélanger title: Preface date: 2017 words: 2681.0 sentences: 292.0 pages: 8 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_4btbjjcewzbnhe3zvqm2yhk2yq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4btbjjcewzbnhe3zvqm2yhk2yq.txt summary: Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies / Société canadienne d''étude de même que dans ses études plus récentes consacrées aux fluctuations les tenants d''une approche purement linguistique des textes, contribuer à renforcer plutôt qu''à effacer l''opposition classique (mais trompeuse) distinguant d''un côté l''œuvre et, de l''autre, le livre ou l''objet production du texte, et la manière dont la variété des formes matérielles du livre participe aux interprétations et aux réinterprétations conférence, mais celle-ci s''est tout de même conclue sous les applaudissements d''un public heureux de voir Barthas rendre justice à une à Chance David Pahl de se livrer à une analyse de la manière dont les Dans son étude sur la culture du livre dans la France Comme il est d''usage à la SCEDHS, les communications sur été présentée dans une séance sur les influences de l''Antiquité classique au dixhuitième siècle. id: work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y author: Judith Anderson title: The concept and presentation of love in Jane Austen date: 1970 words: 34389.0 sentences: 6012.0 pages: 91 flesch: 95.0 cache: ./cache/work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_b7uux4plcveufkridfyrfswp4y.txt summary: regards Marianne Dashwood as Jane Austen''s only passionate heroine. Jane Austen saw love as a marriage and Marjory Bald, sees no passion at a l l i n Jane Austen''s novels. f a i l u r e to understand, Jane Austen''s concept and presentation of love. B. Stern, sees Marianne Dashwood as Jane Austen''s In order to understand Jane Austen''s concept of love, the reader Marianne i s the only heroine i n Jane Austen''s novels who i s "convincingly emotional found anywhere i n Jane Austen''s novels, but Marianne Robert L i d d e l l , The Novels of Jane Austen, London, Longmans, "testing" i s good, as i t conveys Jane Austen''s conviction that love Jane Austen disapproved of Darcy for his very great "personal commitment" to Elizabeth, which led him to involve himself i n her family''s Jane Austen''s attitude toward the passion of love, most id: work_dxzz7jkpevhulatcva3viuk3l4 author: Julia McClure title: Religious Exemption and Global History before 1300 – Closing Comments date: 2017 words: 2786.0 sentences: 176.0 pages: 6 flesch: 52.0 cache: ./cache/work_dxzz7jkpevhulatcva3viuk3l4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dxzz7jkpevhulatcva3viuk3l4.txt summary: This collection of essays offers important insights directly relevant to this debate, highlighting the similarities of the histories of institutions across pre-modern Eurasia, questioning the cultural boundedness of the categories we use to understand the distribution of power styled as a response to the model of pre-modern Eurasian history proposed by Victor Lieberman, that of Strange Parallels.10 While Lieberman contended that the long-term developments across Eurasia were driven by state formation,11 the essays in this collection focus on Kanad Sinha''s contribution (Chapter 3) highlights not only the importance of integrating studies of South East Asia into Eurasian histories, but of challenging all binaries. Lieberman''s model of parallels stretching across Eurasia has of course been heavily contested, especially by early modern histories who advocate connectivity. (Chapter 9) provide some support for Lieberman''s materialistic thesis, the other contributors to this volume focus on the importance of religion and suggest a more complex relationship between the material and spiritual worlds. id: work_v6elnnvunnf3xkehmkdde7sory author: Julia Novak title: FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST date: 2017 words: 561.0 sentences: 126.0 pages: flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_v6elnnvunnf3xkehmkdde7sory.pdf txt: ./txt/work_v6elnnvunnf3xkehmkdde7sory.txt summary: FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST | Semantic Scholar Corpus ID: 8992758FEMINIST TO POSTFEMINIST Abstract Biographical novels about historical women artists have been experiencing a veritable boom in recent years. It has long been a key insight of historical fiction research that a historical novel reveals more about the time in which it was written than the time in which it is set. Citation Type Citation Type Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Sort by Recency View 1 excerpt, cites background Writing Artists'' Lives Across Nations and Cultures: Biography, Biofiction and Transnationality The American Biographical Novel. The American Biographical Novel. About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_ixyc2yc2orfntj4zyagrgmhidu author: K Abe title: Eyelid "apraxia" in patients with motor neuron disease date: 1995 words: 3344.0 sentences: 578.0 pages: 4 flesch: 75.0 cache: ./cache/work_ixyc2yc2orfntj4zyagrgmhidu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ixyc2yc2orfntj4zyagrgmhidu.txt summary: Eyelid "apraxia" in patients with motor neuron Kazuo Abe, Harutoshi Fujimura, Chikao Tatsumi, Keiko Toyooka, Shiro Yorifuji, Three patients with motor neuron disease had eyelid "apraxia" with impaired Keywords: motor neuron disease; eyelid apraxia; nuclei may cause abnormal eyelid movements.5-9 We report three patients with motor neuron disease who had difficulty in voluntary opening or closing of their eyelids and open her eyes widely, and her voluntary ocular movement and oculocephalic reflexes were Eyelid "apraxia" in patients with motor neuron disease Brain MRI disclosed mild cerebral atrophy in the frontal lobes and the anterior part "Apraxia" of eyelid opening or closing has orbicularis oculi muscles, preserved involuntary opening or closing of eyes, alertness, and facial movement including eyelid closing and patients with motor neuron disease may patients with motor neuron disease, if the disease process involves the frontal lobe. Frontal lobe atrophy in motor id: work_cbv7z2o5enf5xazc4l5suau6ja author: K. E. Attar title: Why appoint professionals? date: 2006 words: 8999.0 sentences: 628.0 pages: 19 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_cbv7z2o5enf5xazc4l5suau6ja.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cbv7z2o5enf5xazc4l5suau6ja.txt summary: university students with minimum training to catalogue its undergraduate stock from discusses the faults made in MARC coding, descriptive cataloguing and subject Keywords: cataloguing; project work; student labour, retrospective conversion. students working from the book in hand to catalogue an undergraduate College Congress Subject Headings, with the intention of cataloguing books to a professional catalogued with the book in hand could upgrade the record; imposing subject Cambridge which employed students to catalogue an undergraduate library from the students worked on sections of the library aligned with their own subjects of study, to have full catalogue records, for example transcribing complete title and statement of project was unaware that the University Library''s full catalogue records, available for work from students, including the imposition of Library of Congress Subject students used which barcodes renders catalogue records easy to trace, and examples One other library within the University used students to catalogue books in id: work_xx4lbmv54rbo7evmtfensyqk7e author: K. Halsey title: The Blush of Modesty or the Blush of Shame? Reading Jane Austen''s Blushes date: 2006 words: 7506.0 sentences: 503.0 pages: 13 flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/work_xx4lbmv54rbo7evmtfensyqk7e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xx4lbmv54rbo7evmtfensyqk7e.txt summary: Mary Wollstonecraft''s Female Reader (1789) makes it clear that there is a relationship between blushes and ''''mental charms'''' when it assures young women that ladies learning Latin arises.21 Conventionally, modesty, innocence and intelligence can thus all be denoted by a blush, which the informed reader will This link between blushing and sexual knowledge, or, more accurately, knowingness, forms another kind of narrative bond between narrator and reader, the about Mr Frank Churchill'''', Emma interprets Harriet''s blushes as mortification from Mr Dixon), Emma interprets Miss Fairfax''s ''''blush of consciousness with come out, Mrs Weston, too, can understand Jane''s blushes, telling Emma: blush conceals Harriet''s liking for Mr Knightley as well as Emma''s guilt at being interpretative games with the reader, Austen''s use of blushes in Emma teaches us READING JANE AUSTEN''S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN''S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN''S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN''S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN''S BLUSHES 237 READING JANE AUSTEN''S BLUSHES 237 id: work_tqralrsdgzcahlkz25xvsyxgly author: Kamilla Elliott title: The celebrity of anonymity and the anonymity of celebrity: picture identification and nineteenth-century British authorship date: 2016 words: 8700.0 sentences: 667.0 pages: 31 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_tqralrsdgzcahlkz25xvsyxgly.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tqralrsdgzcahlkz25xvsyxgly.txt summary: picture identification and nineteenth-century British authorship forms of picture identification (portraits, cartes de vistes, and early cinema) identity cards, and driving licenses, in the nineteenth century, named portraits were century, named pictures generated aesthetic, moral, and biographical discourses that anonymous actors portrayed dead celebrity authors in motion pictures. that nineteenth-century authors often published anonymously and that consumers noun ''author'' was frequently identified by the proper names of book titles (for literary celebrity is his distinction between the author function from the biographical Scott''s death further allowed him to be picture identified as the author of his This picture identification did more than reveal this author''s proper name; it portraits of female authors did not always bear their proper names. The picture identification of living women authors within the pages of their end of the century, portraits of authors were common in works of fiction regardless of id: work_76stoqpzfrco7e6o5xeuiuxl5q author: Karen Bourrier title: Data date: 2018 words: 2012.0 sentences: 187.0 pages: 5 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_76stoqpzfrco7e6o5xeuiuxl5q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_76stoqpzfrco7e6o5xeuiuxl5q.txt summary: Goodreads, a popular social cataloguing site where users review and recommend books to friends, can tell us about the way we read Victorian literature now. Yet, reviewers were actually about as likely to mention Trollope''s style (which they compared to Eighty-nine reviews mentioned Trollope''s skewering of the British class system, money, and marriage; many of these readers wondered whether Mary''s inheritance 4. Data on exactly how many Goodreads users read Doctor Thorne in 2016 6. "Doctor Thorne > Lists," Goodreads, November 27, 2017, https://www. 7. Cassandra, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, November 10, 2013; 8. Cynthia, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, February 25, 2008. Margaret, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, October 26, 2010. Christen, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, July 19, 2016. Spiros, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, July 5, 2009. Meg, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, February 7, 2017. Sharon, "Review of Doctor Thorne," Goodreads, July 2, 2015. id: work_hminmhyh6zd5xjyoabf7yelp74 author: Karen Bourrier title: The Social Lives of Books: Reading Victorian Literature on Goodreads date: 2020 words: 14601.0 sentences: 910.0 pages: 34 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_hminmhyh6zd5xjyoabf7yelp74.pdf txt: ./txt/work_hminmhyh6zd5xjyoabf7yelp74.txt summary: popular taste in Victorian literature among Goodreads users reflects more general reading taste in Victorian literature among Goodreads users reflects more general reading the books in our study of Victorian works of literature were written by a male author In absolute terms, the top ten most-read works by Victorian authors on Goodreads (Goodreads allows readers to catalogue books they would like to read with a "toread" tag). read by a general audience, taught in the college classroom, or written about in peerreviewed venues by academics, we would predict that the more often university Works of Victorian literature that are read by a general audience (y-axis) versus those that are taught (xthose works of literature that are outliers in terms of being written about in peerreviewed venues less than they are read by a general audience and those that are Books that are read by a general audience according to Goodreads (y-axis) versus those that are written id: work_uzun33er6ng73kepfztelnv5gi author: Karen Lumsden title: Media framing of trolling and online abuse: silencing strategies, symbolic violence, and victim blaming date: 2017 words: 8641.0 sentences: 726.0 pages: 29 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_uzun33er6ng73kepfztelnv5gi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uzun33er6ng73kepfztelnv5gi.txt summary: Media Framing of Trolling and Online Abuse: Silencing Strategies, Symbolic Violence forms of (online) abuse and behaviours related to trolling in media reports, including rape Framing, online abuse, rape, social media, trolling, victims To address our collective knowledge gap around media framing of trolling and online abuse, (online) abuse and behaviours related to trolling in media reports, including rape threats, However, the media framing of trolling and online abuse has been To analyse the media framing of trolling, we draw on this utilisation of "symbolic violence". the ways in which the"old media" frame online abuse and victim blame. media were utilising, framing and constructing trolling as a form of online abuse. findings on: the forms of (online) abuse and behaviours related to trolling in media reports. Media reports of trolling normalize "rape culture" in the online sphere. Media frames of trolling reinforce the normalization of online violence against women as an id: work_mxjwdqqvujhwpgszdt73zgepxm author: Katharina Rowold title: Teresa Santander, El Hospital del Estudio (asistencia y hospitalidad de la Universidad de Salamanca), 1413–1810, Salamanca, Centro de Estudios Salmantinos, 1993, pp. 280, illus., no price given (84–86820–16–2) date: 1995 words: 1340.0 sentences: 77.0 pages: 2 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_mxjwdqqvujhwpgszdt73zgepxm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mxjwdqqvujhwpgszdt73zgepxm.txt summary: all six major Austen novels concern university, let alone was medically trained. aficionado of Austen''s fiction, this is the book Medical historians who happen not to be develops, and what Austen''s background about the choice of author (Jane Austen). Teresa Santander, El Hospital del Estudio Salamanca and its university. archival material relating to the hospital. hospital presented by way of lists of data, generally devoid of historical analysis. and has stayed clear of historical interpretation hospital within the medical school and the beyond the walls of the hospital, the book will the general history of medicine in Spain. documents available in the Salamanca archives History of Medicine, Cambridge University available at available at Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:16, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:16, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, id: work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq author: Katherine Eva Barcsay title: Profit and production : Jane Austen''s Pride and Prejudice on film date: 2009 words: 44675.0 sentences: 2775.0 pages: 134 flesch: 66.0 cache: ./cache/work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3pqr6aaweraornkrcxqnd2bdwq.txt summary: The issue with novel to film adaptation is, just as Andrew says, to be both ways and, in turn, popular films are now often adapted into books, plays, and even toys number of short stories and plays, is the most adapted fiction author to date, but Jane Austen Austen''s novels have been adapted for film and television on at least thirty-three separate novel and film adaptations can share the "same story, the same ''raw materials,'' [they] are consistently perform well and taking a popular novel and adapting it into a film is usually a characters, helps to explain why Austen''s work has been adapted for film and television on film adaptation of Austen''s work went into production, MGM''s Pride and Prejudice. ''Austen-mania.'' The film was adapted from Helen Fielding''s novel of the same name, which Of all of Austen'' s novels, Pride and Prejudice has been the most often adapted, and it id: work_cszmxehhcvgitjzltbylyjgb7m author: Katherine M. Johnson title: Rethinking (re)doing: historical re-enactment and/as historiography date: 2015 words: 6795.0 sentences: 469.0 pages: 20 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_cszmxehhcvgitjzltbylyjgb7m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_cszmxehhcvgitjzltbylyjgb7m.txt summary: Despite academic protestations, re-enactment is a highly popular mode of public history, not Keywords: re-enactment, living history, historiography, affective history, embodied, the experiential nature of living history, a quality, they suggest, that archival study lacks. the actual performing of history in western culture, particularly within live performance bonnet) and I are talking about re-enactment as a way of learning about history. pushed us toward considering the significance of material culture to history; the way it notions to re-enactment, performing past cultures (by which I mean both the physical on this notion to suggest that historical research can reanimate past bodies whose traces class of) female bodies of the Regency past; of the way they were presented, how their post-phenomenological dance theory, embodied knowledge can generate cultural insight. practice of re-enactment and their profession in academic history. "History''s Affective Turn: Historical Reenactment and its Work in Embodiment of Dance'' in Cultural Bodies. id: work_2dmweeqtqvfophgsprsdof2qb4 author: Kathleen M. Broughton title: I''ll Take My Science Spicy, Please date: 2017 words: 1360.0 sentences: 94.0 pages: 2 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_2dmweeqtqvfophgsprsdof2qb4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2dmweeqtqvfophgsprsdof2qb4.txt summary: not have a particular research theme rather there are experiences, skills, and training beyond STEM (science, technology, The cultural diversity among scientists is one of the greatest luxuries this field has to offer, and I believe those who embrace and foster these international relationships have more important as personal relationships are to succeed in any career, diverse educational training and skills is another way to © 2017 American Heart Association, Inc. Circulation Research is available at DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.117.310664 From the San Diego State University Heart Institute and the Integrated Regenerative Research Institute, CA. Broughton, PhD, JD, San Diego State University Heart Institute and the Integrated Regenerative Research Institute, 5500 The freedom and creativity offered by conducting scientific research suits my personality as I enjoy the variety of work skills applied as a researcher member''s research and professional skills within the scientific community. burden to university researchers, whom utilize government id: work_lhzjqmenafhehmdtygjevdjkwi author: Kathryn Gleadle title: Silence, Dissent, and Affective Relations in the Juvenile Diaries of Eva Knatchbull-Hugessen (1861–1895) date: 2018 words: 578.0 sentences: 88.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_lhzjqmenafhehmdtygjevdjkwi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_lhzjqmenafhehmdtygjevdjkwi.txt summary: 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. 2021-01-05 Issue 31 • 2021 • Women Collectors: Taste, Legacy, and Cultural Philanthropy c. id: work_rwp6ja52r5falcyvxjrayatzzq author: Katie Halsey title: ''Folk stylistics'' and the history of reading: a discussion of method date: 2009 words: 7954.0 sentences: 525.0 pages: 18 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_rwp6ja52r5falcyvxjrayatzzq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rwp6ja52r5falcyvxjrayatzzq.txt summary: literary critics and common readers alike commenting on issues of "good" or "imitable" style; describing how easy the work is to read aloud, recording their impressions of the "morality" of the reader"‟ (Leech and Short, 1981: 262) – eventually a new sub-discipline, the history of reading, was availability of books and texts to readers and readerships (see, for example, St Clair, 2006, and works reading, and many readers do not respond to texts in the ways that one might expect. One form of expectation that readers can be assumed to have brought to their reading of literary (and Elizabethan reader saw and valued in the style of the texts he read. assumptions made by historical readers through a close study of their comments on literary works, and between moral principles and reading still influenced many readers in the nineteenth century. morality, which pervades many of the responses of nineteenth-century readers to the works they id: work_uvugdlgkvzg65nzwp2fpvt7doy author: Katja Mihurko Poniž title: Trivialno in/ali sentimentalno? Arabela Pavline Pajk, študija primera date: 2011 words: 9776.0 sentences: 1474.0 pages: 18 flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/work_uvugdlgkvzg65nzwp2fpvt7doy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uvugdlgkvzg65nzwp2fpvt7doy.txt summary: romanov in recepcije nemške pisateljice na Slovenskem razmerje med njo in Pavlino Pajk na Ključne besede: Pavlina Pajk, Arabela, sentimentalni roman, trivialna literatura, ženski Charlotte Brontë idr.), na katere je že opozorila Katarina Bogataj Gradišnik v razpravi Ženski roman v evropskem sentimentalizmu, vendar jih ni obravnavala v arabeli. Pavlina Pajk je roman arabela napisala že leta 1883 (prim. 7 Katarina Bogataj Gradišnik opozarja, da je takšno razmerje Pavlina Pajk upodobila tudi v noveli Blagodejna zvezdica, ki v številnih potezah spominja na roman Marquis de Villemer (1866) George Sand. temveč tudi Kersnik sam, saj jo omenja tako v recenziji romana slovenske pisateljice Z Marlitt so Pavlino Pajk primerjali tudi, ko sploh ni šlo za njeno literaturo, temveč O odnosu Pavline Pajk do romanov Eugenie Marlitt lahko danes le domnevamo.28 Pavlina Pajk je v slovenski meščanski ljubezenski roman vpeljala ženski lik kot blizu sentimentalni tradiciji, kakor jo je uresničila tudi Eugenie Marlitt, vendar je te id: work_z6kmt2gierd4jfy5erasrc2ugu author: Keith Oatley title: Writing as thinking date: 2008 words: 14357.0 sentences: 1257.0 pages: 19 flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_z6kmt2gierd4jfy5erasrc2ugu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z6kmt2gierd4jfy5erasrc2ugu.txt summary: with them: laboratory comparisons of novices and experts, interviews with accomplished writers (mostly of prose fiction), biographical analysis of Jane Austen''s enable readers of a story to construct mental models that they may enter empathetically. to thought, we concentrate mainly on distinguished writers of novels and short stories. world, a short story, novel, or poem, is addressed via language to our memory. alphabetic writing shows language to be composed of words, an idea that does not occur to Hayes and Flower (1986) developed a cognitive model of the writing process. the writer generates ideas and organizes them into a writing plan. shown how writers bring three levels of planning from long-term memory to the writing long-term working memory, a writer may perhaps be able to hold a whole piece in mind so writer who is reading a draft is trying to improve the cue structure so the story does come id: work_z47gsrvkq5bspconbj3c4tosxm author: Khalid Ali title: The Keys to the House (Le Chiavi di Casa) date: 2005 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_z47gsrvkq5bspconbj3c4tosxm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_z47gsrvkq5bspconbj3c4tosxm.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220381668 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:19 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_45qwzmhf2nbqzindfmshnqpzje author: Kirsi-Maria Hytönen title: Muutakin kuin äänen puutetta date: 2016 words: 1628.0 sentences: 273.0 pages: 5 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_45qwzmhf2nbqzindfmshnqpzje.pdf txt: ./txt/work_45qwzmhf2nbqzindfmshnqpzje.txt summary: meluisana, sai kirjan lukeminen minut havainnoimaan, miten hiljaisuus ja käyttötavat voivat olla: äänen voimakkuuden säätely melusta hiljaisuuteen voi liittyä Hiljaisuus ei ole pelkästään äänen puutetta, sillä kuten Kaartinen johdannossa toteaa, Ääni, äänettömyys tai hiljaisuus voivat Ääni voi olla kuisketta tai melua, ja hiljaisuus voi olla painostavaa tai rauhoittavaa – ja kummassakin voi tunnelma kuvaa sitä, miten keskeistä hiljaisuus on ollut keskiajan luostarielämässä, kirkoissa ja hiljaisuus tai sen puute liittyy nimenomaan erilaisiin tiloihin ja niihin nivoutuviin Kirjan toinen osio lähestyy hiljaisuutta vaikenemisen ja vaietuksi pakottamisen kautta. kuvaavat sitä, miten valtaa voidaan käyttää vaientamaan toinen ihminen tai Hiljaisuus ei kuitenkaan aina tarkoita alistumista, vaan myös Hän kuvaa sitä täydellistä äänettömyyttä ja tyhjyyttä, jopa olemattomuutta, joka Kuten Latva toteaa, 1800-luvun osoittaa, että hiljaisuus voi olla vallankäytön väline myös sosiaalisen hierarkian Kuten Tiihonen toteaa, hiljaisuus ei tule ensimmäisenä mieleen Ranskan kertoo kansan hiljaisuuden johtuneen siitä, että kuninkaan nähtiin olevan matkalla Tiihonen kuvaa sen Hiljaisuus ei siis välttämättä ole id: work_4j2oyr7mwvaflf7eh2afqodmgm author: Klaus Dodds title: I May Be Some Time: Ice and the English Imagination. Francis Spufford. 1996. London: Faber & Faber. 372 p, illustrated, hard cover. ISBN 0-571-14487-X. £15.99 date: 1997 words: 1919.0 sentences: 93.0 pages: 2 flesch: 45.0 cache: ./cache/work_4j2oyr7mwvaflf7eh2afqodmgm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4j2oyr7mwvaflf7eh2afqodmgm.txt summary: The English polar explorers of the first part of the present The cultural and ideological significance of polar exploration is the subject matter of Francis Spufford''s I may The poles did undoubtedly fire the imaginations of English polar explorers and administrators. However, Spufford''s account of polar exploration is the varied geographical imaginations of nineteenth-century polar writings. for example, on the culture of polar exploration in late does not help address the enduring legacy of polar exploration to the English imagination and, in that sense, it was European north is on cross-border interaction and cooperation between western and eastern Europe in the socalled ''northern periphery,'' that is, between the northernmost parts of Finland, Norway, and Sweden and the is, governments of the four countries involved, eight subnational regions, and representatives of indigenous peoples), there is a common stake in the sustainable development of the European north. id: work_wu6ouh3xm5bjxpsnp6belvrdsi author: Kristine Larsen title: Hobbits, Hogwarts, and the Heavens: The use of fantasy literature and film in astronomy outreach and education date: 2009 words: 2679.0 sentences: 163.0 pages: 5 flesch: 58.0 cache: ./cache/work_wu6ouh3xm5bjxpsnp6belvrdsi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wu6ouh3xm5bjxpsnp6belvrdsi.txt summary: Due in part to recent (and ongoing) film adaptations, the fantasy series of C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia), J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), Philip Pullman (His Dark Materials), and J.R.R. Tolkien (The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings) are uses of these works in astronomy education and outreach. series –those of C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia), J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), astronomical references in Tolkien''s works can be found in Quiñonez & Raggett (1990) No recent fantasy series has sold as many copies as those of J.K. Rowling''s Harry Potter universe (or ''Potterverse''). assignment can be found at 1.htm. While astronomy education certainly affords opportunities for the creative use of fantasy literature and film, outreach activities are more flexible in terms of time, content, on astronomical themes and characters in the series ( each of the relevant constellations and stars (e.g. id: work_bxxjca34n5bthdevhcpbiuo4m4 author: Kristofer Erickson title: Can Creative Firms Thrive Without Copyright? Value Generation And Capture From Private-Collective Innovation date: 2018 words: 7127.0 sentences: 499.0 pages: 25 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_bxxjca34n5bthdevhcpbiuo4m4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bxxjca34n5bthdevhcpbiuo4m4.txt summary: industry firms engaged in collective/open innovation activities. those for participants in private-collective innovation (PCI), originally observed in open source Keywords: private-collective innovation, copyright, creative industries, appropriability, business To understand the use of open IP by creative industry firms, this paper draws on existing creative industry firms that have successfully commercialized products residing in the ''public Creative industry firms are those which generate and capture value through activities of intellectual property in firms'' ability to generate and capture value from innovation (Dahlander open source software licenses may persist down into developed products and require ''shareback'' of proprietary improvements. consumers (such as open-source business software), firms must consider the cost savings to firms to be innovative in product development and to invest in market knowledge. Some firms engaged actively with upstream PCI communities to generate value. success led to his firm exploring its own products based on other upstream public domain inputs. Firm Public domain input Commercial product PCI activity id: work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm author: Kylee-Anne Hingston title: Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Erika Wright date: 2016 words: 883.0 sentences: 69.0 pages: 3 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6nsg6bdkmjhydfl352ui2e3rlm.txt summary: Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Erika Wright (review) Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Erika Wright (review) Reading for Health: Medical Narratives and the Nineteenth-Century Novel As early as 2005, Diane Price Herndl lamented the "disciplinary divide between the medical humanities and disability studies" that exists in valuable contribution to Victorian medical humanities, Erika Wright''s Reading than disease or disability, unlike most corporeality-centred Victorian studies maintaining health and preventing disease rather than of curing and recovering from ill health—Wright traces narrative patterns of prevention that Reading for Health shows us these narrative patterns with a clarity that makes notice a want of dialogue with disability scholarship in Wright''s book (apart Moreover, the field of disability studies addresses how a prevention model book on health, Wright risks contributing to the marginalization of disability this lack, Reading for Health makes an essential intervention in Victorian studies id: work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu author: L. P. Garrod title: ANTIBIOTICS IN THE U.S.S.R date: 1961 words: 144.0 sentences: 27.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xzx4ke7tf5gmzizd5v5dbizwcu.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220374775 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ybnheftrq5eezgn7gypmx2q6lm author: Laura Bliss title: The crown prosecution guidelines and grossly offensive comments: an analysis date: 2017 words: 7340.0 sentences: 470.0 pages: 23 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_ybnheftrq5eezgn7gypmx2q6lm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ybnheftrq5eezgn7gypmx2q6lm.txt summary: Bliss, L 2017, ''The crown prosecution guidelines and grossly offensive comment: an analysis'', Journal of Media The Crown Prosecution Guidelines and Grossly Offensive Comments: An The Crown Prosecution Guidelines and Grossly Offensive Comments: An grossly offensive comments made via social media. examine the guidelines and grossly offensive comments made online and consider whether a Key Words: Social Media; Grossly Offensive Comments; CPS Guidelines; Malicious behaviour resulted in the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) introducing guidelines (the communication might be considered grossly offensive, but the high threshold for prosecution [accessed 10 March 2020]. 2 Jeffrey Severs, David Foster Wallace''s Balancing Books: Fictions of Value (New York: Columbia University 3 Clare Hayes-Brady, The Unspeakable Failures of David Foster Wallace (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, particular literary-critical approach that formed over the course of Wallace''s life and David Foster Wallace''s Infinite Jest'', Orbit: A Journal of American Literature, 4.2 (2016) Semantic Scholar''s Logo Search Corpus ID: 29122198Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright title={Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright}, journal={American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®}, American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine® It will lead them to live and work much better. Any book will give certain knowledge to take all benefits. This is what this every little thing gonna be alright tells you. It will add more knowledge of you to life and work better. Topics from this paper About Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and Dataset License ACCEPT & CONTINUE id: work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy author: Ronald Tetreault title: Publishers, "Pirates," and the Formation of Regency Authorship date: 2012 words: 454.0 sentences: 51.0 pages: flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy.pdf txt: ./txt/work_utbkp62j65d5fixge7mil5q6hy.txt summary: Publishing at the University of Alberta Library The University of Alberta Library is an important stakeholder for scholarly publishing in Canada. Currently, we partner with Canadian organizations and individuals to publish fully open access scholarly journals, and with University of Alberta community members to publish open course textbooks. The University of Alberta Library provides significant support to over 60 Canadian open access journals through our no-fee publishing program. All journals partnering with the Library in this program operate under a "Diamond Open Access" model and do not charge fees to authors. Open Textbook Publishing Open Education Alberta provides no-fee publishing services for open textbooks and other open educational resources. Contact to see if our service is the right match for your learning materials. Browse the list of Open Textbooks published by Open Education Alberta Head, Library Publishing and Digital Production Services id: work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y author: Roy Porter title: Miriam Bailin, The sickroom in Victorian fiction: the art of being ill, Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. ix, 169, £30.00, $49.95 (0-521-44526-4) date: 1995 words: 1282.0 sentences: 78.0 pages: 2 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y.pdf txt: ./txt/work_celcpoy3zvbsxknpkbumeqok7y.txt summary: medical science to the bedside. She admits that "a medically qualified person attempting to ''diagnose"'' Langstaff''s patients Miriam Bailin, The sickroom in Victorian exclusively medical space was clearly The core of Dr Bailin''s slim book, given (Cambridge University Press, 1991), it Tansey (eds), Women physiologists: an historians of gender and of women''s place in in the field, as medical students and as subject women''s exposure to academic physiology of distinguished women physiologists. Physiological Society, noting that their Women''s presence at the Society''s dinners women physiologists. The book achieves its main aims This book describes the history of the New available at available at Downloaded from Downloaded from Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:08, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:08, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, id: work_3ykugiue5ba3dotwgaaouivdjq author: Russell G Smith title: Andrew Wear, Johanna Geyer-Kordesch, and Roger French (eds), Doctors and ethics: the earlier historical setting of professional ethics, Clio Medica 24/Wellcome Institute Series in the History of Medicine, Amsterdam and Atlanta, GA, Rodopi, 1993, pp. viii, 303, £17.00, Hfl. 45.00 (paperback 90–5183–553–1) date: 1995 words: 1319.0 sentences: 66.0 pages: 2 flesch: 51.0 cache: ./cache/work_3ykugiue5ba3dotwgaaouivdjq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3ykugiue5ba3dotwgaaouivdjq.txt summary: The Arabic adib, for example, and Roger French (eds), Doctors and ethics: ethics, Clio Medica 241Wellcome Institute of medical ethics also derived considerable relationship between medical ethics and ethical regulation of medicine across Europe medical ethics starting with the Greek tradition Percival''s Medical ethics of 1803 (although underly the declaration of medical ethical principles; the way in which ethical guidance ethical regulation in the profession. writings on medical history, a number of medical ethics (such as Gabriele de Zerbi, a chapters which dealt with other crucial ethical chapters which examined specific ethical medical ethics, the latter of which tended to be John Wiltshire, Jane Austen and the body: available at available at Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:17, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, Carnegie Mellon University, on 06 Apr 2021 at 01:53:17, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, id: work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka author: Ryan Patrick Hanley title: Capitalism''s Two Cultures date: 2012 words: 3165.0 sentences: 172.0 pages: 4 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2tvf5ryc25fxxc25iru5ake6ka.txt summary: For among the most striking and distressing elements of this debate has been the ''mutual incomprehensibility'' of the business and academic worlds.2 The general academic skepticism towards markets is less the result of the professiorate''s embrace of a business world defends the values of markets it often But however this may be, a degree of relative personal indifference to wealth seems to define academics rather academic world, what hope is there for persuading the academic world of the benefits of markets? contemporary academic value. thus one academic value to which defenders of that capitalism might wish to appeal. at length, the concern for social justice often leads to an concern for social or distributive justice need necessarily from values they themselves hold to the values that academics hold, diversity and social justice prominent among them. When academics speak critically of profit seeking, they activities of business require rethinking by academics. id: work_jbj6lvvjcrbsfbkixdkr43kuca author: Ryan Stephenson title: Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation by Sheila Cordner date: 2017 words: 1618.0 sentences: 75.0 pages: 5 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_jbj6lvvjcrbsfbkixdkr43kuca.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jbj6lvvjcrbsfbkixdkr43kuca.txt summary: Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation by Sheila Cordner (review) Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation by Sheila Cordner (review) Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion as Innovation Scholars who study the history of Victorian education often note the importance of three key years: 1833, when the British government began funding church schools that provided basic education to the working classes; Cordner''s recent book, Education in Nineteenth-Century British Literature: Exclusion book a welcome addition to the study of nineteenth-century education. survey of nineteenth-century "education machinery" (7). Cordner''s chapter on Thomas Hardy examines attempts at education on Austen and Barrett Browning, Cordner shows here that the pedagogical In her remaining chapters, however, Cordner shows how these Cordner''s examination of Gissing''s ideas on education from the perspective of Thyrza (1887) is work and proposed innovations, nineteenth-century authors could do little valuable contribution to the study of nineteenth-century education, reform, id: work_eh7yln5bpzcqlczqhtwvndb4ki author: S O. Daunt title: Points: Rehabilitation in rheumatic diseases date: 1985 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_eh7yln5bpzcqlczqhtwvndb4ki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_eh7yln5bpzcqlczqhtwvndb4ki.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220375035 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_d4mbquhhxfaevcsfsvfcar6jlu author: S. Alexander title: Drug Rash after Triprolidine date: 1964 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_d4mbquhhxfaevcsfsvfcar6jlu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_d4mbquhhxfaevcsfsvfcar6jlu.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220378591 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:15 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_dwsyeehvw5d7vbjbwjajyqmjpe author: S. Kean title: Red in Tooth and Claw Among the Literati date: 2011 words: 2857.0 sentences: 330.0 pages: 3 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_dwsyeehvw5d7vbjbwjajyqmjpe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dwsyeehvw5d7vbjbwjajyqmjpe.txt summary: literature based on evolution science. Most scientif ic lit scholars incorporate at least some evolution into their work understanding human behavior. which helps explain how universal human In contrast, applying evolutionary thought to the human mind himself released a new book in March, Reading Human Nature, which summarizes the Humanities scholars have criticized scientifi c And stories can indeed be adaptive in human culture of the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, has argued instead that literature and work on evolutionary game theory and literature, in which rogues are generally punished. punishment," Flesch says; otherwise human But even if certain components of literature are adaptive, Flesch says, it doesn''t nature, Carroll says. cognitive science than an evolutionary perspective, but she argues that literature can Flesch says studying literature might help explain evolutionary literary critics. Gottschall says the resistance to Darwinian lit crit among literary scholars reminds id: work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm author: S. McAusland title: Leg Ulcers date: 1961 words: 144.0 sentences: 24.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jjj33rvoffaitha3olflzz2wfm.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220375304 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:11 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu author: S. QUARTERONI title: Designing an interactive open-domain question answering system date: 2008 words: 10267.0 sentences: 784.0 pages: 23 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mdqot5kqfjcyhaukptecuhjksu.txt summary: Interactive question answering (QA), where a dialogue interface enables follow-up and We describe the dialogue moves and management model making YourQA interactive, often issue queries not as standalone questions but in the context of a wider information need, for instance when researching a specific topic (e.g. questions and handle the user''s requests for clarification: the 2006 Interactive QA In this paper, we report on the design, implementation and evaluation of the dialogue interface for our open-domain, personalized QA system, YourQA (Quarteroni In both cases, the bag-of-word similarity bw(q,a) is computed between the question q and a candidate answer a. 5 A Dialogue Model for Interactive Question Answering 7 Chatbot-based Interactive Question Answering The Wizard would ask if the user had any follow-up questions after each answer Some issues in dialogue-based question-answering. interactive question answering systems. User modelling for adaptive question answering User modelling for personalized question answering. id: work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq author: SIMON POOLEY title: Historians are from Venus, Ecologists are from Mars date: 2013 words: 2267.0 sentences: 179.0 pages: 3 flesch: 41.0 cache: ./cache/work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_rnfw57letnggrh2kfq475plinq.txt summary: the Integration of History and Ecology for Conservation," lack of ecological data is really an opportunity for ecologists to gain from history (Szabó & Hédl 2011, p. Szabó and Hédl suggest that ecologists are characterized by a focus on generality and historians by a focus heterogeneity of human histories (e.g., the very differently timed development of agriculture and industrialization in Europe vs. attempted by science-based and big-history historians the ecological study of nature, including humans, cultivated and domesticated species, and flows of materials; the socioeconomic dimensions and interactions then why has there been so little collaboration between conservation scientists and environmental historians? Also recall that conservation scientists and environmental historians courted Environmental history contributes the capacity to integrate ecological, socioeconomic, and cultural information into coherent narratives of change over time. Why history matters in ecology: an interdisciplinary Advancing the integration of history and ecology for conservation. Nature''s economy: a history of ecological ideas. id: work_tbaed66uuzhdhfphuimifxxyfe author: Samet ÇEVİK title: Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanıkın İzi date: 2017 words: 8807.0 sentences: 1155.0 pages: 18 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_tbaed66uuzhdhfphuimifxxyfe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tbaed66uuzhdhfphuimifxxyfe.txt summary: Keywords: Cultural Heritage, Literary Tourism, Sait Faik çok ülkesinde edebiyat turizmi, kültürel miras turizminin önemli bir türü olarak ilgi görmekte ve aynı Çalışmada otoetnografik yaklaşım kullanılarak gerçek bir edebi mekan deneyimi üzerinden edebiyat Turizm endüstrisinin büyüyen ve önemli bir sektörü konumunda olan edebiyat turizmi, edebi kültür turizminin bir türü olduğunu savunan yazarlar, sanatsal kültür turizmi olarak edebiyat Sait Faik''i bu gerçek anlamda keşfedişim ile edebiyat turizmi alanında geniş çaplı bir Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık''ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık''ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık''ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık''ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık''ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık''ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık''ın… 167 Kültürel Miras Kapsamında Edebiyat Turizmi Deneyimi: Sait Faik Abasıyanık''ın… 167 id: work_mdj3at6wbbdazmyfe6fzmhws6q author: Sandra Guardini T. Vasconcelos title: Literature and cinema: images of femininity in pride and prejudice Literature and cinema: images of femininity in pride and prejudice date: 2008 words: 7181.0 sentences: 384.0 pages: 20 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_mdj3at6wbbdazmyfe6fzmhws6q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_mdj3at6wbbdazmyfe6fzmhws6q.txt summary: By comparing the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen with an American Ao comparar o romance Pride and Prejudice de Jane Austen com uma versão believed that novel-reading could fill young women''s heads with all Revolutions, wars, and domestic social and political unrest, Austen Austen presents in her work the same conflicting views on marriage point of view, it is the plight of single women the novel is interested in. Much as Jane Austen''s work helps narrate the "social history of possibility of the right kind of marriage – one which will combine social in Jane Austen''s novel, thus helping consolidate the dominant social the female characters in Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen creates a In this community of women, Elizabeth stands out as Jane Austen''s property, the film suggests that it is Elizabeth''s family''s manners which A romance that ends in marriage, like many other films made in id: work_4qk4ugfzovcgdobv2jhbb5bzqa author: Sandra Regina Goulart Almeida title: Gender studies, feminist perspectives, and compemporary reading Gender studies, feminist perspectives, and compemporary reading date: 2008 words: 2803.0 sentences: 165.0 pages: 9 flesch: 50.0 cache: ./cache/work_4qk4ugfzovcgdobv2jhbb5bzqa.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4qk4ugfzovcgdobv2jhbb5bzqa.txt summary: perspectives, which provide analyses of issues of Gender, Women''s studies, and feminist criticism and give a specific focus on the literary issues of gender relations, representation of women, Women''s studies, transdisciplinary studies in the field of literature, cultural politics, film Several critics have pointed out the relevance of gender studies criticism, such as postmodernism, post-colonialism and cultural studies The first section of this issue, entitled "Feminist Criticism and to theoretical analyses of feminist criticism, Women''s Studies and entitled "Feminist Cultural Literacy: Translating Differences, Cannibal Another central issue in the theorization of Women''s Studies By analyzing travel texts by women, Gazzola shows how they women writers that question issues of gender and representation. that address issues about gender relations and feminist perspectives. The articles here assembled discuss issues related to feminist Contemporary feminist criticism has as one of its aims the task of forcing "Cultural Studies and Its Theoretical Legacies." Critical Dialogues in id: work_ieeubskgiza3jpqq23mginctbu author: Sarah L. Strout title: Pride and prejudice or children and cheating? Jane Austen''s representations of female mating strategies date: 2010 words: 6951.0 sentences: 573.0 pages: 15 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_ieeubskgiza3jpqq23mginctbu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ieeubskgiza3jpqq23mginctbu.txt summary: Women recognize that men would prefer the "lover" for sexual relations, and believe that Keywords: Darwinian literary studies, mating strategies, sex differences, sexual behavior respectively represent long-term and short-term male mating strategies (Kruger, Fisher & women''s mating strategies in works of fiction, and how readers identify and relate to The benefits of a short-term mating strategy for women include immediate The benefits of a long-term mating strategy for men include access to high study, we ask participants to predict behaviors implying mating strategy or sociosexuality correctly identify that "lover" characters are pursuing a short-term strategy, and "mother" the long-term "mother" mating strategy: Jane Bennett (Pride and Prejudice), Mary characters to represent the short-term "lover" mating strategy: Lydia Bennett (Pride and short-term relationship; men with high SM were more likely to choose the "lover" between short and long-term mating strategies depicted by characters within the fictional id: work_tmt6by3ydbfozpigda72gb24eu author: Schneider Ana-Karina title: Irvine Welsh in Sibiu date: 2017 words: 10.0 sentences: 1.0 pages: flesch: 86.0 cache: ./cache/work_tmt6by3ydbfozpigda72gb24eu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tmt6by3ydbfozpigda72gb24eu.txt summary: id: work_ge2w2632m5ejhd25cpdwrwhufe author: Sebastian J. Crutch title: Taxonomic and Thematic Organisation of Proper Name Conceptual Knowledge date: 2011 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_ge2w2632m5ejhd25cpdwrwhufe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ge2w2632m5ejhd25cpdwrwhufe.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220379706 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:16 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_m353lnhpdnbifnmgbwsdbygbhe author: Shahrukh K. Hashmi title: "Pride and Prejudice during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Misfortune of Inappropriate Clinical Trial Design" date: 2020 words: 3822.0 sentences: 354.0 pages: 5 flesch: 48.0 cache: ./cache/work_m353lnhpdnbifnmgbwsdbygbhe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m353lnhpdnbifnmgbwsdbygbhe.txt summary: of the clinical trials for COVID-19 are centered on those countries Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a rapidly evolving global pandemic for which more than a thousand clinical trials is a classic example of the global research protocol which can evaluate the preferred treatment to combat COVID-19 pandemic. with this, real-world data has shown that assimilating and executing clinical trials efficiently during an epidemic or pandemic is a A lesson from recent history concerning clinical trials is the use of ZMapp during the Ebola virus epidemic, in which political and media-related factors played a major drugs (currently in trials) for COVID-19 [8]. Some facts must be considered to decipher the applicability of clinical trials being conducted currently for COVID-19. Board on Global Health; Committee on Clinical Trials During versus arbidol for COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial. A realtime dashboard of clinical trials for COVID-19. randomized clinical trials during disease outbreaks. id: work_efzexg6qxzdk3pqto7xibbq4ri author: Shannon Thomas Perich title: Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. Ward, Jr date: 2020 words: 641.0 sentences: 148.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_efzexg6qxzdk3pqto7xibbq4ri.pdf txt: ./txt/work_efzexg6qxzdk3pqto7xibbq4ri.txt summary: | Gastronomica | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. : University of Georgia Press Search for other works by this author on: Article contents Tools Icon Search Site This content is only available via PDF. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press''s Reprints and Permissions web page, Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. Ward, Jr.'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Review: Still Hungry in America, by Thomas J. Citing articles via "Muita Galinha, Pouco Ovo": Food, COVID-19, and the Screen That Separates Us Article Activity Alert Info for Authors Print ISSN 1529-3262 Journal Authors © Copyright 2021 by the Regents of the University of California. id: work_pa3u7hfkinft5ng25pnjdit6k4 author: Sharon Marcus title: Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies date: 2006 words: 5138.0 sentences: 407.0 pages: 7 flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_pa3u7hfkinft5ng25pnjdit6k4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pa3u7hfkinft5ng25pnjdit6k4.txt summary: The role of feminist criticism, its function in literary studies, To discuss feminist criticism''s role is thus to ask, What does femi (2) Feminist criticism constructs definitions of gender that do department carries out the work of feminist as women''s right to equal pay for equal work. comes to individual works by women writers, Scholarship: Feminist literary criticism Feminist work by women is often read, work by feminist literary critics?although, So much for the work feminist criticism roles of feminist criticism and that the mortal New Yorker in 2004, and books by women 3. As Rita Felski points out, "Feminist criticism is a 1728 Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies PMLA 1728 Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies PMLA 1728 Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies PMLA -. fane Austen: Women, Politics, and the Novel. Feminist Criticism: A Tale of Two Bodies [pp. Notes on the Afterlife of Feminist Criticism [pp. id: work_2wybjbkfxbbazoyxp3jua32qcq author: Shashi Deshpande title: A writer′s look at literature, fiction and mental health date: 2012 words: 144.0 sentences: 28.0 pages: flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_2wybjbkfxbbazoyxp3jua32qcq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_2wybjbkfxbbazoyxp3jua32qcq.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220380583 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:18 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_ut2d6oyfr5ar3orykmmq4qqvje author: Shaun Regan title: DANIEL COOK AND NICHOLAS SEAGER (eds). The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century Fiction date: 2016 words: 1495.0 sentences: 86.0 pages: 5 flesch: 49.0 cache: ./cache/work_ut2d6oyfr5ar3orykmmq4qqvje.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ut2d6oyfr5ar3orykmmq4qqvje.txt summary: Review of The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century Fiction, ed. Review of The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century Fiction, ed. Queen''s University Belfast Research Portal: Link to publication record in Queen''s University Belfast Research Portal Copyright for the publications made accessible via the Queen''s University Belfast Research Portal is retained by the author(s) and / or other The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century ''long'' eighteenth century, not least in discussions of fiction. adaptation of works by Defoe, Swift, Sterne, Austen and Scott. own mini-industry of afterlife studies, which includes such titles as Uses of Austen: Jane''s study, much-referenced in the book under review, is David Brewer''s The Afterlife of The Afterlives of Eighteenth-Century Fiction looks to draw together some of these The collection as a whole would have benefitted from the inclusion of an essay on eighteenth-century fiction and the novel today – on the model of Sarah Raff''s discussion of id: work_a3s54zpzyjdprmyzj2uf5wpjuu author: Sofia Kaliarnta title: Using Aristotle''s theory of friendship to classify online friendships: a critical counterview date: 2016 words: 13238.0 sentences: 766.0 pages: 15 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_a3s54zpzyjdprmyzj2uf5wpjuu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_a3s54zpzyjdprmyzj2uf5wpjuu.txt summary: Social networking sites � Internet � Virtual friendship � special issue of the journal Ethics and Information Technology was devoted to online friendship. present the main points of the critics of online friendship. the previously presented arguments against online friendship; my point-by-point analysis concludes on ''''Questioning the application of the Aristotelian framework on online compare and contrast online friendships with real-life, skepticism regarding the way that the Internet and especially social networking sites tend to shape how we interact the Internet as a communication medium, friendships created and maintained online have their own special set of regarding online friendships is the possibility that persons shared life'' between online friends. in stance regarding using the Internet to maintain a (previously) offline friendship and a purely online one? constantly add new people on their online social network purely online friendships, where we had no direct connection to our friend''s offline life, are beginning to fade. id: work_vziwl7fp6zhopiztm7m75nqsra author: Stanley van der Ziel title: John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism date: 2017 words: 10057.0 sentences: 572.0 pages: 21 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_vziwl7fp6zhopiztm7m75nqsra.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vziwl7fp6zhopiztm7m75nqsra.txt summary: McGahern''s awareness of the traditional distinction between "individualistic" and "intransigent" Irish short-story writers, and the "civilized" novel writers John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism John McGahern, Post-Revival Literature, and Irish Cultural Criticism id: work_qugttcsyrrdo3jkpshshswlp64 author: Stephanie Davis‐Kahl title: The case for chick lit in academic libraries date: 2008 words: 3710.0 sentences: 241.0 pages: 13 flesch: 62.0 cache: ./cache/work_qugttcsyrrdo3jkpshshswlp64.pdf txt: ./txt/work_qugttcsyrrdo3jkpshshswlp64.txt summary: 1998 (in the United States), chick lit has been a rapidly growing popular cultural force, lit in a positive light as "a literary genre that features books written by women and New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd discussed chick lit in her column, declaring With all the controversy, chick lit is now a fixture on the popular culture and fiction Another development in chick lit that sets it apart from romance noted in The New York misleading marketing of chick lit and of writing by women. literature and women''s studies from considering chick lit a legitimate area of A collection of chick lit is especially key for those libraries that support popular culture The study of popular culture and chick lit is well-matched, as the former explores interested in chick lit, as the genre is one expression of how women see each other, collecting chick lit in general, highlighting which authors and titles are most represented. id: work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu author: Susan L. Humphreys title: Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful date: 1978 words: 911.0 sentences: 207.0 pages: flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_xq3djwlhgnbzjo6m42rzupknqu.txt summary: Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful Search for other works by this author on: Article contents Search Site Humphreys; Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful. 1 An Autobiography, The Oxford Trollope, (London: Oxford Univ. Thornton, Harrow School and Its Surroundings (London: Allen, 1885), pp. Freeman, "Anthony Trollope," Macmillan''s Magazine, Jan.1883, p. John Hall, "Trollope''s Commonplace Book, 183540," NCF, 31 (1976), 15-2510.2307/293330415 156, 166Trollope (London: Bentley, 1895), I, 180-83Trollope 12 Isabella Beeton''s The Book of Household Management (London: Beeton, 1861), p. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Trollope on the Sublime and Beautiful Citing articles via Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Print ISSN 0891-9356 Book Authors id: work_zq6vkthmgjbwjp6v27uagt4so4 author: Susan M. Greenstein title: The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch date: 1981 words: 562.0 sentences: 125.0 pages: flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_zq6vkthmgjbwjp6v27uagt4so4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zq6vkthmgjbwjp6v27uagt4so4.txt summary: The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site Greenstein; The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 March 1981; 35 (4): 487–505. This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: The Question of Vocation: From Romola to Middlemarch Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions id: work_pd5tcecymndexavntufnigju3i author: Susan Stanford Friedman title: Reply date: 2012 words: 2044.0 sentences: 111.0 pages: 3 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_pd5tcecymndexavntufnigju3i.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pd5tcecymndexavntufnigju3i.txt summary: Koshy and Gajarawala, then, read the Partition in contrary ways and to contrary ends. vernacular, is to refuse—like the Dalit texts examined by Gajarawala—what may be called the Gajarawala''s reading of Dalit texts. In any event, her particular reading should not be generalized into an argument out of South Asian diasporas assumes a historicity for which the Partition of India in 1947 Shankar maintains, exhibits a diferent historicity, for which Partition is peripheral. forms of knowledge" (in Dalit literature, based What new insights emerge from the juxtaposition of Koshy''s and Gajarawala''s arguments? term as a "form of knowledge." he vernacular of the term vernacular as Shankar uses it in his The particularities of Dalit history in Dalit narratives are affected by global historical forces (like Partition) "Some Time between Revisionist and Revolutionary: Unreading History in Dalit Literature." Shankar leshes out how attention to the argument about Dalit texts as such." Shankar id: work_n7mkbm26tzd5pbibkg546fp5yu author: Suzanne Trill title: Beyond Romance? Re-Reading the ''Lives'' of Anne, Lady Halkett (1621/2?-1699) date: 2009 words: 6884.0 sentences: 543.0 pages: 18 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_n7mkbm26tzd5pbibkg546fp5yu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_n7mkbm26tzd5pbibkg546fp5yu.txt summary: Re-Reading the ''Lives'' of Anne, Lady Halkett (1621/2?-1699)'', Literature Life included an abbreviated version of Halkett''s narrative and, at times, cites it verbatim, the may be to modern critics, his account of her life is closer to Halkett''s own self-conception 3. Re-reading the ''lives'' of Lady Anne Halkett: Beyond ''Romance''. 3. Re-reading the ''lives'' of Lady Anne Halkett: Beyond ''Romance''. 3. Re-reading the ''lives'' of Lady Anne Halkett: Beyond ''Romance''. 3. Re-reading the ''lives'' of Lady Anne Halkett: Beyond ''Romance''. suggests that, despite the modern critical desire to focus on her romantic intrigues, Halkett Memoirs of Anne, Lady Halkett. In Genre and Women''s Life Writing in Early Modern England, edited Autobiographies of Anne, Lady Halkett and Colonel Joseph Bampfield. Lady Anne Halkett: Selected Self-Writings. 19 See Moody ''A Hole'' who discusses Halkett''s narrative in the context of contemporary, published texts by However, Trill suggests that Wiseman is right to argue that ''Halkett is not writing id: work_gcvyo5jubngizpvlxg4f5q3lkm author: Svenn-Arve Myklebost title: The Imagination in Early Modern English Literature. Deanna Smid. Costerus New Series 221. Leiden: Brill | Rodopi, 2017. viii + 210 pp. $127 date: 2019 words: 1013.0 sentences: 60.0 pages: 2 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_gcvyo5jubngizpvlxg4f5q3lkm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_gcvyo5jubngizpvlxg4f5q3lkm.txt summary: The Imagination in Early Modern English Literature. By contrast, in The Imagination in Early Modern English Literature, Deanna Smid investigates how early modern thinkers actually defined the imagination and how ideas about held belief that it was physically present in the brain as a central cognitive function common to animals and humans. including imagining the outcome of an action, registering the appearance of an object, between the body and the brain; the role of imagination, pregnancy, gender, and creativity; the dangers of an imagination running free; and the relationship between novelty, recombination, and religious devotion. Thomas Nashe''s The Unfortunate Traveller (chapter 2), Smid sees "pestilence as a metaphor for his stylistic representations of the imagination and its contagious influence" impact of visual-verbal forms on the imagination, an issue too briefly outlined in chapter 5, on emblems. Timely Voices: Romance Writing in English Literature. A strong and at times provocative introduction from Goran Stanivukovic describes id: work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e author: Sylvie Gautheron title: [recensione / review] Lynn Shepherd, "Tom-All-Alone''s / The Solitary House", London, Corsair Books, 2012 date: 2014 words: 2089.0 sentences: 188.0 pages: 11 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_kpz2nl6fy5gapoqbyeoi5ota5e.txt summary: Lynn Shepherd, Tom-All-Alone''s / The Solitary House, London, Tom-All-Alone''s, the title of Lynn Shepherd''s detective novel, was one of the titles that Charles Dickens considered giving to the novel that is Bleak House is used as the backdrop to Shepherd''s work and Dickens''s The novel opens with Charles investigating one of the cases share an interest in curios, and Tulkinghorn allows Charles to visit his The main plot of the novel is underway when Charles is Running parallel with the narrative of Charles''s investigation is in Shepherd''s novel, the guardian who takes Hester in as a boarder at the Solitary House, another title Dickens had considered for his novel. Shepherd, Tom-All-Alone''s / The Solitary House, London, Corsair like Sir Julius, a discovery which reveals Hester''s narrative. In her carefully plotted novel, the narrative voice adopts god''s eye between Shepherd''s novel and Dickens''s in the scene where the crossing id: work_imkf6qqscvh2vjfkz5krvxubki author: T. Leitch title: Adaptation, the Genre date: 2008 words: 11.0 sentences: 2.0 pages: flesch: 32.0 cache: ./cache/work_imkf6qqscvh2vjfkz5krvxubki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_imkf6qqscvh2vjfkz5krvxubki.txt summary: id: work_aledmzmw6vgs3kksgtdpwz4uq4 author: T. Leitch title: Strange Bedfellows: The Post-Literary Novel, the Devoutly Literary Novel, and the Media Revolution That Was Supposed to Kill Them but Gave Them Life Instead date: 2011 words: 11.0 sentences: 2.0 pages: flesch: 32.0 cache: ./cache/work_aledmzmw6vgs3kksgtdpwz4uq4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_aledmzmw6vgs3kksgtdpwz4uq4.txt summary: id: work_7fcrwkxigfasfo3sas2z4v56fi author: T.J.M. Bench-Capon title: Modelling devices and modelling speakers date: 1989 words: 2663.0 sentences: 132.0 pages: 5 flesch: 57.0 cache: ./cache/work_7fcrwkxigfasfo3sas2z4v56fi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_7fcrwkxigfasfo3sas2z4v56fi.txt summary: The roles played in an illocutionary act by models of the means of user must have models of the computer both as a communications device and a communications medium, and of the system author as Keywords: speech acts, illocutionary acts, user models, humancomputer interaction communication, and they must understand how to use the telephone effectively, and must interact with their devices, but the communicative Where the act of communication is mediated by a device, a model of the that we can use them without needing to develop a fresh device model for each Next, also from the device model, the user must be device model is sufficient to enable the user to reach this point, it will now be Users thus require models both of the computer, as a device and as a medium constructing device models so they can know how to use the medium to id: work_le5xp333tjccxabbzgf7mwen7m author: TILOTTAMA RAJAN title: REVIEWOFPAULHAMILTON,METAROMANTICISM date: 2004 words: 540.0 sentences: 124.0 pages: flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_le5xp333tjccxabbzgf7mwen7m.pdf txt: ./txt/work_le5xp333tjccxabbzgf7mwen7m.txt summary: REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Review Article| REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site TILOTTAMA RAJAN; REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM. search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: REVIEW OF PAUL HAMILTON, METAROMANTICISM Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions © Copyright 2021 by the Regents of the University of California. id: work_4ucu3fgdtrekzmw7ygobvkz7ju author: Taekeun Park title: A Character Identification Method using Postpositions for Animate Nouns in Korean Novels date: 2016 words: 4195.0 sentences: 1180.0 pages: 11 flesch: 102.0 cache: ./cache/work_4ucu3fgdtrekzmw7ygobvkz7ju.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4ucu3fgdtrekzmw7ygobvkz7ju.txt summary: Keyword:Information Extraction, Korean Novels, Character Identification, Postpositions for 를 활용하여 한국어 소설로부터 인물명 등장인 설에서 유정조사를 활용한 인물명 등장인물 추 소설의 내러티 (Narrative) 부분에서 인물명( : 조사를 활용하여 인물명 등장인물을 추출하는 주어후보를 인물명 등장인물(Character Names 된 인물명 등장인물 목록과 수동 추출된 인물 상의 정보들을 활용하여, 한국어 소설에서 인물명 유정조사를 이용한 인물명 등장인물 추출 결 유정조사를 이용한 인물명 등장인물 추출 결 한, 유정조사를 이용하여 자동 추출된 인물명 반하여, 재 율은 수동으로 추출된 인물명(고유명 한국어 소설의 인물명 등장인물 추출에서 유 로 구분되며, 소설의 인물명(고유명사)과 등장인물 터 수동 추출된 총 1,433개의 인물명 에서 1,200 정조사를 활용하여 한국어 소설로부터 인물명 기 하여, 인물명 등장인물 추출에 한 유정 하지 못한 인물명 등장인물을 추가로 추출하는 A Character Identification Method using Postpositions for Animate Nouns in Korean Novels 125 A Character Identification Method using Postpositions for Animate Nouns in Korean Novels 125 A Character Identification Method using Postpositions for Animate Nouns in Korean Novels 125 id: work_psuefqkk6nhoxd7r6xukpdigjm author: Thomas Colignatus title: Pronunciation Of The Integers With Full Use Of The Place Value System date: 2018 words: 3806.0 sentences: 447.0 pages: 11 flesch: 73.0 cache: ./cache/work_psuefqkk6nhoxd7r6xukpdigjm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_psuefqkk6nhoxd7r6xukpdigjm.txt summary: This notebook and package provide an implementation for English, German, French, Dutch and Danish. mathematics education, place value system, pronunciation, Common Core, Mathematica, Wolfram The system proposed here is simple but still supports a full use of the place value system for education in elementary school. Implementation for English, German, French, Dutch and Danish. English and German while French, Dutch and Danish are in the Appendix. The following describes the notebook and package (and not the English language as it is). PronounceIntegers�77, Speak � False, Language � "German"� � Implemented are English, German, French, Dutch and Danish, assuming that $Language (the � For each language the user provides: (i) option True � words for the minus sign, digits 0 ... Implemented are English, German, French, Dutch and Danish �with The package contains the definitions for the full use of the place value system in a way that fits id: work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm author: Thomas R. Edwards, title: The Difficult Beauty of Mansfield Park date: 1965 words: 7635.0 sentences: 443.0 pages: 18 flesch: 74.0 cache: ./cache/work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_oc6752ffcbbuzcrojqq7pfgptm.txt summary: entire persuasiveness, as being more gravely flawed and less charming than he finds them, even at first reading; and in Mary, especially, Jane Austen diagnoses a moral disorder that, because less nor are Edmund, Mary, and Henry so distinctly given moral moral freedom; even Edmund attempts to urge Fanny into Such consciousness is usual in Mary''s conversation: "Miss Crawford turned her eye on [Fanny], as if wanting to hear or see more, Henry watches Fanny, Edmund (unwittingly Mary recommends Henry to Fanny by For all her affectionate concern for Fanny, Jane Austen keeps After Edmund gives Mary up, Fanny tells him of her interest "my Fanny" to Jane Austen, but the tone of indulgent affection of interest or embarrassment about Mary and Henry, but an understanding that the union of Fanny and Edmund falls somewhat Like Fanny, he will never quite know what he missed, and we must what Jane Austen knows-or most of it-about life. id: work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki author: Tim Boon title: Technology: Baroque geekery date: 2012 words: 1839.0 sentences: 161.0 pages: 2 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki.pdf txt: ./txt/work_j5suyirjgngtrezh3okf6i6nki.txt summary: S. Bach and loves some recordings in par-ticular, such as Glenn Gould''s 1955 Reinventing Bach Elie sets out to show how recording technologies of the past 100 years Each chapter takes a key recording, dwelling to different degrees on the technology two recordings of the Goldberg Variations with a long, low swallow the organ fills with recording music, Executed by local craftsmen (and sometimes Losh herself ) working mostly in Losh''s carvings often feature a pinecone, an ancient symbol of regeneration and enlightenment. Canadian pianist Glenn Gould recorded Bach''s Goldberg Variations twice, in 1955 and 1981. how Gould''s recordings of the Goldberg Variations were polished as the pianist, holed up The hybrid instrument given to Schweitzer by the Paris Bach In the end, Reinventing Bach reads best author''s love of Bach''s recorded oeuvre. Harm de Blij OxfOrd University Press 320 pp. Starting with the nature of sound and id: work_bjjr2nltkrdxvcbfy7t3t6mka4 author: Tim Fulford title: Sighing for a Soldier: Jane Austen and Military Pride and Prejudice date: 2002 words: 10244.0 sentences: 579.0 pages: 26 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_bjjr2nltkrdxvcbfy7t3t6mka4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bjjr2nltkrdxvcbfy7t3t6mka4.txt summary: upon their relationship to the social and political issues of a nation that, in the years during which Austen was writing, was almost continually at war with revolutionary France. military spectacles ever exhibited in this country."5 The spectators saw brightly dressed men, commanded by dukes, exercising (for some of the time), but they also saw the kind of aristocratic self-indulgence that was normally hidden behind the back and forth, losing soldiers without ever coming into a decisive battle: "0, the grand old Duke 0'' York, / He had ten thousand men; / He marched them up the hill my boys, / Then and military immorality home to the shires in the form of soldiers who, after the vast expansion of army and militia, were Austen shows, in effect, that political and social circumstances maketh the man (and woman): Wickham is not just a id: work_m56ln653wjeolhqmxhhat7vhd4 author: Tobi Kozakewich title: Editing Jane: Austen''s Juvenilia in the Classroom date: 2000 words: 5707.0 sentences: 394.0 pages: 16 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_m56ln653wjeolhqmxhhat7vhd4.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m56ln653wjeolhqmxhhat7vhd4.txt summary: every delegate received a copy of Jane Austen''s A Collection of Letters, in Figure 1 Cover of the Juvenilia Press edition of A Collection of Letters A Collection of Letters, the volume of Austen''s juvenilia that we chose to Figure 2 The first opening of the Juvenilia Press edition, showing the facsimile of Austen''s Figure 3 Page 222 of Austen''s manuscript of A Collection of Letters, showing deletions. Editing Jane: Austen''s Juvenilia in the Classroom 199 Editing Jane: Austen''s Juvenilia in the Classroom 199 Editing Jane: Austen''s Juvenilia in the Classroom 199 Editing Jane: Austen''s Juvenilia in the Classroom 199 Editing Jane: Austen''s Juvenilia in the Classroom 199 Editing Jane: Austen''s Juvenilia in the Classroom 199 Editing Jane: Austen''s Juvenilia in the Classroom 199 Editing Jane: Austen''s Juvenilia in the Classroom 199 at the very least, with our Juvenilia Press edition of Jane Austen''s A id: work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae author: Tânia Maria Oliveira Gomes title: A Cinderela austeniana: uma análise sobre a intertextualidade em Mansfield Park date: 2015 words: 6846.0 sentences: 819.0 pages: 16 flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae.pdf txt: ./txt/work_zxfk3ms3mrahdorrh4q5mtvfae.txt summary: Resumo: Com este trabalho, propõe-se um estudo que se situe na interface entre 3 Neste artigo, tomou-se como referência a obra Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen (2012), história de uma jovem donzela que, ajudada por sua fada madrinha, na obra Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen, que se pretende examinar os este, por sua vez, declara-se para Price, que o nega, insistentemente, uma possível ambiguização sobre o que se entende por "imaginário", intertextuais que, por sua vez, lançam mão dos imaginários na comuns com o texto de Austen, ideia que será corroborada na análise normalmente, um conto tem início com uma "atmosfera especial que constata-se que Fanny Price, heroína da obra de Jane Austen, apresenta Fanny?" Ao vê-la, "adiantou-se com uma amabilidade que a surpreendeu que estes não sejam verbalizados por esta, funcionando tal qual um por exemplo, nos contos de fadas, mas que são capazes, sobretudo, id: work_3howatzsdzg2jorvfzi32amzry author: U. C. Knoepflmacher title: A Victorianist Looks Back: Fluidity vs. Fragmentation date: 2018 words: 7376.0 sentences: 628.0 pages: 17 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_3howatzsdzg2jorvfzi32amzry.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3howatzsdzg2jorvfzi32amzry.txt summary: authored over a hundred scholarly articles, six books on Victorian topics, and edited or coedited That author was George Eliot, whose works Chew listed before subordinating her to the still "popular and enormously prolific" Margaret Humanism and the Victorian Novel: George Eliot, Walter Pater, and Samuel take the highroad" by turning herself in to the FBI after recalling a powerful passage in that work.13 Showalter uses Alpert''s "passionate identification" with George Eliot''s last novel to explain why Victorian studies Read today, the testimonies by Buckley, Ford, and Showalter helpfully highlight major shifts in Victorian studies. At a Philadelphia meeting in which I had talked about gender transpositions in juvenile texts by Victorian women writers, Elaine remarked women authors reclaimed the female fairy tales that male writers like Initially called The Great Excluded: Critical Essays on Children''s Literature, between George Eliot and young Thomas Hardy."33 Like the fictional id: work_vmf43eulbvgvnbakrxomr5r6ae author: Urška Perenič title: Barbara Piatti: Die Geographie der Literatur date: 2012 words: 3299.0 sentences: 476.0 pages: 6 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_vmf43eulbvgvnbakrxomr5r6ae.pdf txt: ./txt/work_vmf43eulbvgvnbakrxomr5r6ae.txt summary: literarne vede je v središču, vendar je omejena na literarna besedila in ne gre za literaturo kot sistem oz. Kako pomembno se zdi avtorici vprašanje razmerja med realnimi in imaginarnimi prostori, je po uvodu razvidno iz neposrednega nadaljevanja, kjer se vnovič, samo realnimi svetovi lahko povezani, vendar na teh podlagah med njimi nikakor ni mogoče prisilno vzpostaviti razmerij. Piattijeva jih komentira in pravi, da je z njimi mogoče ugotavljati, katera območja so bila v posameznih obdobjih nemške zgodovine literarno najbolj produktivna. V tretjem poglavju se najprej seznanimo z izvirno shemo organizacije dogajalnega prostora v literaturi (piatti 2009: 128–131). in geografskim prostorom in avtorica spomni, da so vrste in stopnje nanašanja literarnih na zunajliterarne prostore različne.3 Ko naprej pojasnjuje odnose med realnim prostora, ki ne utrjuje samo spoznanja o povezanosti geografskega in fiktivnega prostora, ampak dokazuje, da je tudi empirični prostor močno literarno opomenjen, kar id: work_r6agckyw2nddrfvrzkyzm3mteu author: V B Green-Armytage title: Ante-Natal Care: An Address on "The New Midwifery" at the All-India Baby Week Conference in Calcutta date: 1924 words: 144.0 sentences: 25.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_r6agckyw2nddrfvrzkyzm3mteu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_r6agckyw2nddrfvrzkyzm3mteu.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220377352 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:14 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_3r7s3ff26bb6hp3ymfahpjabyu author: Veerle Van Steenhuyse title: Jane Austen fan fiction and the situated fantext date: 2011 words: 10314.0 sentences: 789.0 pages: 21 flesch: 67.0 cache: ./cache/work_3r7s3ff26bb6hp3ymfahpjabyu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_3r7s3ff26bb6hp3ymfahpjabyu.txt summary: Jane Austen Fan Fiction and the Situated Fantext The Example of Pamela Aidan''s Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman Pamela Aidan''s Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman is indirectly influenced by Aidan''s fan fiction text stays close to the spirit of Austen''s Pride interpretive conventions of the Republic of Pemberley, a fan community. Jane Austen has a fan base, and a creative one at that. This certainly holds true for Austen fan fiction. Unlike many canonical texts, moreover, Austen''s work community believes those pillars to be, a fan writer''s canon comprises stories must refer to a source text to qualify as fan fiction, but they must To satisfy her craving, Aidan started reading fan fiction, which she In essence, Aidan supports everything Austen mentions about Darcy. guidelines ensure that fans respect Jane Austen and her work, its boards Aidan''s Darcy is also more Harlequinesque than Austen''s, because Austen and Aidan give of Darcy and Elizabeth''s meeting at Pemberley: id: work_x4hzvsv4ajew3eylpkyixxwsoq author: Virginia King title: Novel readings: The history of a writing community by a partial, prejudiced, & ignorant Historian date: 2013 words: 7166.0 sentences: 487.0 pages: 12 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_x4hzvsv4ajew3eylpkyixxwsoq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_x4hzvsv4ajew3eylpkyixxwsoq.txt summary: In this article, I explore the history of a higher education writing community from its existing three phase model of research group impact which comprised ''Awareness'', KEYWORDS: academic writing, autoethnography, change model, community of practice, Jane of group and community development, I have arrived at a new composite model which conceptualizes I use Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion, the only three Austen novels of the three Austen novels as metaphors for the phases of Meriton''s evolution struck me this way. Since the evolution of this academic writing community is also my own story, I have adopted an autoethnographic approach to explore the experience through my own contemporary writings and My analysis of the development of the Meriton community also draws on the Austen novels established as a research group, and like Meriton, they set out to have impact through collaborative id: work_shmgc735qnfw3haeapt7wbeore author: Virginie Pfeiffer title: Viviana Gaballo, English in Translation Studies: Methodological Perspectives date: 2018 words: 2966.0 sentences: 425.0 pages: 7 flesch: 64.0 cache: ./cache/work_shmgc735qnfw3haeapt7wbeore.pdf txt: ./txt/work_shmgc735qnfw3haeapt7wbeore.txt summary: Virginie Pfeiffer, « Viviana GABALLO, English in Translation Studies: Methodological Perspectives », Lexis [En 5 Dans sa troisième partie, l''auteur étudie les programmes de formation des traducteurs traduction dans lesquels l''aspect linguistique est primordial tels que : analyse de texte, 6 L''auteur conclut son article en précisant que l''enseignement de l''anglais dans les l''enseignement de la traduction dans l''apprentissage des langues étrangères, faire Elle rappelle que traducteur n''est pas seulement quelqu''un qui maîtrise la langue cible 11 L''auteur conclut son article en rappelant l''importance d''intégrer la traduction dans manière d''inclure des cours de traduction dans leur programme d''enseignement de avec des étudiants qui parlent la/les même(s) langue(s), expliquer l''importance de la corrects dans la langue cible mais qu''une fois comparés aux textes sources, les de son article est de montrer que le traducteur littéraire doit être conscient des effets sur la place qu''occupe l''anglais dans les études de traduction. id: work_jlm7lv6pkjbuvb47uvcun7j7wm author: W Gooddy title: Brain failure in private and public life: a review date: 1994 words: 3769.0 sentences: 480.0 pages: 4 flesch: 78.0 cache: ./cache/work_jlm7lv6pkjbuvb47uvcun7j7wm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_jlm7lv6pkjbuvb47uvcun7j7wm.txt summary: comatose (perhaps for ever, until our machinery for preserving the brain-stem is disconnected, or clinical starvation puts an end to on the subject of brain failure, the first being medical fates, brain failure. and although they may grow wiser with experience up to a great age, the time must inexorably come when powers of intellect, and brain failure is detected but is concealed equal age for retirement for men and women a Master in Lunacy with brain failure would On the matter of categories of brain failure, Again, there is no time for detailed discussion of diagnosis and management of brain Brain failure in private and public life: a review Brain failure in private and public life: a review brain failure in high places, in public rather as reasonable a general retiring age of 65, even also brain failure at 50? Fanny Burney on Samuel Johnson''s tics and id: work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm author: W H Brock title: Janet Browne, Charles Darwin: voyaging, London, Jonathan Cape, 1995, pp. xv, 606, illus., £25.00 (0-224-0402-5) date: 1996 words: 1353.0 sentences: 81.0 pages: 2 flesch: 61.0 cache: ./cache/work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_uyiq476qe5aghg2tlbbonvnotm.txt summary: Janet Browne, Charles Darwin: voyaging, Robert Darwin''s case, it was from the Charles Darwin became aware that his father It was Robert Darwin who paid account of Darwin''s life up to May 1856 when, yet another biography of Darwin can be understanding of Darwin in Browne''s original sisters, Browne suggests that Darwin''s adult Darwin''s correspondence has given Browne a view Darwin''s slow development of a theory of evolution as a product of Darwin and his vivid accounts of Darwin''s experiences as a Darwin''s six-years'' work on barnacle beached Beagle, with Captain Darwin in the The sequel, covering Darwin''s life of Robert Rhodes James, Henry Wellcome, Robert Rhodes James leaves few avenues available of Wellcome''s life, beginning with Burroughs in London. other great acrimonious dispute in Wellcome''s Wellcome''s later life was taken up almost collecting, nor does Rhodes James, preferring available at available at id: work_wvby232fvfdspmabsmwarxel7e author: W. David Shaw title: Moral Drama in Barchester Towers date: 1964 words: 549.0 sentences: 125.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_wvby232fvfdspmabsmwarxel7e.pdf txt: ./txt/work_wvby232fvfdspmabsmwarxel7e.txt summary: Moral Drama in Barchester Towers | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Skip to Main Content Close mobile search navigation Next Article Article Navigation Article Navigation Article Navigation Moral Drama in Barchester Towers Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Share Icon Tools Icon Cite Icon Search Site W. David Shaw; Moral Drama in Barchester Towers. Nineteenth-Century Fiction 1 June 1964; 19 (1): 45–54. search input search input This content is only available via PDF. Article PDF first page preview Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Moral Drama in Barchester Towers'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Moral Drama in Barchester Towers Citing articles via Email alerts Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Browse All Disciplines Browse All Courses Book Authors Journal Authors Rights & Permissions id: work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm author: Walter Gratzer title: Sir James in cyberspace date: 2000 words: 2353.0 sentences: 140.0 pages: 2 flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bnf5xiplfjd3vjpmtgr57apdjm.txt summary: Oxford English Dictionary Online of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), and The OED, let it be said, is an incomparable OED is sparing of etymologies, but vouchsafes that A. test I sought out the eccentric Dent Dictionary of Measurement and found first the unit unit for the measurement of herrings, and dissertation continues, "the cran was measured by heaping full a herring-barrel with the OED is a living organism, which not only The new online dictionary is still undergoing revision, a labour concede that the OED''s content of science of science, as reflected in "the want of any going back a little in time, Debye surfaces the OED for words of the type, ''sss'' at once edition of the OED in 1928 should be marked The Institute for Social Medicine had work", and in 1950 Stewart set about organizing a retrospective case control study to identify risk factors for childhood cancer on a id: work_e36otv7puncgvjcywa3elwumsm author: Walter Gratzer title: Strong medicine for weak stomachs date: 1993 words: 1356.0 sentences: 82.0 pages: 1 flesch: 72.0 cache: ./cache/work_e36otv7puncgvjcywa3elwumsm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_e36otv7puncgvjcywa3elwumsm.txt summary: we are all more selfless we shall go the way author arguing that we should all be religious ideals? H6pital Vaugirard) he looks on as death disease, only a foot or two away: a "natural" death, Orwell ruminates, such as you ''''''Natural'' death, appear, nor yet the reprobates who robbed the dead on the Napoleonic battlefields of their teeth to grace the dentures was her own recently departed William. the bodies of those who died in hospital aspects of life in the Paris of the poor tales of the medical life in their time. Gordon''s choice of verse includes broad and of Robert Bridges, the doctor poet Gordon does not mention Bridges'' account of life in the outpatient clinic at death''s door, and the casualty doctor 0.7 not find the hapless Hill in Gordon''s always death". Cell Motility Unit, King''s College London, Strong medicine for weak stomachs Strong medicine for weak stomachs id: work_pifuzo2cd5fvhjc3x5ypbqs7pu author: Whitney Cant title: "I am excessively diverted" : recent adaptations of Pride and Prejudice on television, film, and digital media date: 2014 words: 30397.0 sentences: 1625.0 pages: 99 flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_pifuzo2cd5fvhjc3x5ypbqs7pu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_pifuzo2cd5fvhjc3x5ypbqs7pu.txt summary: successful adaptations have emerged: the 1995 BBC miniseries Pride and Prejudice Adaptations of Jane Austen''s novels, especially Pride and Screen Adaptations: Pride and Prejudice: The Relationship Between Text and Film,1 as novels, Austen was more appropriately adapted to television more than feature films up Austen adaptations, including the other two Pride and Prejudice works addressed in this source texts in post-1995 adaptations, as Austen''s original characters and events remain film was the most talked-about Austen adaptation since the 1995 BBC miniseries. limits of how a story can be adapted (Pride and Prejudice into The Lizzie Bennet Diaries However popular film and television adaptations of Austen''s works are, there are become the best Pride and Prejudice adaptation: it has six hours to let Austen''s novel Pride and Prejudice novel, and in Chapter Three how Joe Wright''s 2005 film adapted the Screen Adaptations: Jane Austen''s Pride and Prejudice: The id: work_m4qqwahghja7fcwn4uudrnmdti author: William Galperin title: The Uses and Abuses of Austen''s "Absolute Historical Pictures" date: 2003 words: 3777.0 sentences: 165.0 pages: 8 flesch: 55.0 cache: ./cache/work_m4qqwahghja7fcwn4uudrnmdti.pdf txt: ./txt/work_m4qqwahghja7fcwn4uudrnmdti.txt summary: Standard Novels, the Literary Gazette recommended Austen''s fictions to the "rising Reading Austen is not simply educative on this view; it is, in its new capacity as popular walks of life," Austen, as Scott saw her, was simply urging readers to read about themselves hypothetical reader of Austen necessarily needs to feel good about herself and her milieu. Whatley also differs from Scott in implying that Austen''s readership was, as she construed Where Scott''s Austen is largely on the reader''s side, derived little from Austen''s novels beyond a generalized contempt—and I would further seeing Mansfield Park as being typical of Austen''s writing generally, is that the education that Austen transmits in Whatley''s analysis, turns out to be no education at all. of Austen''s fiction into actual experience is for Lewes, no less than for Kipling''s veterans, conferred on the nineteenth-century, or again popular, reader of Austen a status that was id: work_dy3ctedymncwtl3xvsz6zc6zfi author: William H. Galperin title: "Describing What Never Happened": Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities date: 2006 words: 12478.0 sentences: 532.0 pages: 28 flesch: 53.0 cache: ./cache/work_dy3ctedymncwtl3xvsz6zc6zfi.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dy3ctedymncwtl3xvsz6zc6zfi.txt summary: Jane austen''s fictions are seemingly rife with missed opportunities. regarding the history of missed opportunities in austen, whose narratives are variously committed to "describing what never happened," girl," eve Kosofsky sedgwick comments usefully on the "history of impoverished ''Jane austen'' readings," which she correctly assigns to a way certain aspects of Clarissa''s plot are jumbled in austen''s brief redaction, richardson''s novel is pretty clearly the intertext for the concluding phase of Mansfield Park, which is dominated by fanny''s exile to the novel she was working on at the time of her death, austen looks in austen''s novels of opportunities and possibilities either missed or 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities 382 Jane Austen and the History of Missed Opportunities id: work_bh2g6mpuhvfv7ak276qkaxrhky author: William L. Randall title: Editors'' Introduction date: 2011 words: 1355.0 sentences: 62.0 pages: 3 flesch: 46.0 cache: ./cache/work_bh2g6mpuhvfv7ak276qkaxrhky.pdf txt: ./txt/work_bh2g6mpuhvfv7ak276qkaxrhky.txt summary: NARRATIVE WORKS: ISSUES, INVESTIGATIONS, & INTERVENTIONS 1(1), 1-3 inaugural issue, it includes, first of all, the full texts of panel presentations on The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative (CIRN) is to play a Amia Lieblich, Josselson was editor of The Narrative Study of Lives, a wrestles with a recurring issue faced by many narrative researchers, namely Yallop explore, in presenting their own stories, their choice to undertake selfstudy narrative inquiry through graduate studies in Education, and "the impact UK, as the first-ever Canada Research Chair in Narrative Studies, a five-year Next fall, look in the second issue of Narrative Works (and on the CIRN conference, "Life and Narrative." If one theme runs through this issue of Narrative Works, not to mention the issues that will follow, it is that "life" and Randall, EdD, Director of CIRN and Co-editor of Narrative Works, is Elizabeth McKim; Oxford, 2008), and Storying Later Life: Issues, Investigations, and id: work_segzvcjpebehjdhiv6ikyhgqey author: William Nelles title: Omniscience for Atheists: Or, Jane Austen''s Infallible Narrator date: 2006 words: 8165.0 sentences: 496.0 pages: 14 flesch: 65.0 cache: ./cache/work_segzvcjpebehjdhiv6ikyhgqey.pdf txt: ./txt/work_segzvcjpebehjdhiv6ikyhgqey.txt summary: To get ahead of myself for a moment, I''ll argue that Austen''s narrators are more accurately described as "infallible" than "omniscient": at least on the basis of these The fourth attribute of omniscience, perhaps the one we think of first, is telepathy or mind reading, the ability to narrate characters'' thoughts and feelings. necessary, Austen takes pains to naturalize the narrator''s knowledge, as when the details of Sir Walter''s birth and family are given by means of his own reading of his Austen narrator can only read minds within a radius of three miles of her protagonist; privilege of omniscience that her narrators enjoy, then, is their ability to read characters'' minds. Austen''s narrator does have the ability to read Sir Thomas''s mind, but Mrs. Norris Jane Austen can tell us what Mrs. Weston is thinking, why not what Frank Churchill from Booth''s: the narrator''s ability to read Mrs. Weston''s mind, but not Frank id: work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq author: William S. Ward title: Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen date: 1972 words: 737.0 sentences: 152.0 pages: flesch: 63.0 cache: ./cache/work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4ieyxk7uqzdgveh5c2egvyirsq.txt summary: Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen | Nineteenth-Century Literature | University of California Press Close mobile search navigation Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen Search for other works by this author on: Views Icon Article contents Tools Icon Search Site Ward; Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen. C. Southam''s Jane Austen: The Critical Heritage (London, 1968)Southam Jane Austen: The Critical Heritage Jane Austen: A Bibliography Chapman, Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography (Oxford, 1953)Chapman Jane Austen: A Critical Bibliography Duffy, Jr., "Jane Austen and the Nineteenth-Century Critics of Fiction, 1812-1913," Diss. Recipient(s) will receive an email with a link to ''Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen'' and will not need an account to access the content. Subject: Three Hitherto Unnoted Contemporary Reviews of Jane Austen Citing articles via Article Activity Alert Latest Issue Alert Browse Issues Browse Issues Info for Authors Print ISSN 0891-9356 Journal Authors id: work_dichcv2pjvcwfh63i4q3ak5n7q author: William Schultz title: Alistair Heys, The Anatomy of Bloom: Harold Bloom and the Study of Influence and Anxiety date: 2015 words: 2153.0 sentences: 104.0 pages: 5 flesch: 56.0 cache: ./cache/work_dichcv2pjvcwfh63i4q3ak5n7q.pdf txt: ./txt/work_dichcv2pjvcwfh63i4q3ak5n7q.txt summary: William Schultz, « Alistair Heys, The Anatomy of Bloom: Harold Bloom and the Study of Influence and theory about literary influence; since Bloom did use the word ''anatomy'' in his title The 2 This study is valuable for students, both undergraduate and graduate, and nonspecialists on Bloom''s work or even in the field of literary theory and criticism; I do not 3 University students would find Heys''s Anatomy of Bloom valuable because of the Heys''s study may not be able to explain Bloom''s theory to works, since Heys gives a religious explanation for a literary theory. literary theory, Heys''s Anatomy of Bloom does not judge the theory by evaluating it in Alistair Heys, The Anatomy of Bloom: Harold Bloom and the Study of Influence ... Alistair Heys, The Anatomy of Bloom: Harold Bloom and the Study of Influence ... Alistair Heys, The Anatomy of Bloom: Harold Bloom and the Study of Influence ... id: work_ealfme5qavavbidhzxzw3qa5le author: Wilson ASTUDILLO ALARCÓN title: El cine como instrumento para una mejor comprensión humana date: 2017 words: 4210.0 sentences: 589.0 pages: 6 flesch: 70.0 cache: ./cache/work_ealfme5qavavbidhzxzw3qa5le.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ealfme5qavavbidhzxzw3qa5le.txt summary: El cine como instrumento para una mejor comprensión humana Nuestra sociedad se va formando e informando a través del cine y la televisión, películas de ficción, reportajes o documentales, que permiten otro del cine ha creado otro método para capturar la realidad que organiza y otorga significados a los objetos y El cine es una poderosa herramienta cultural que permite conocer algunos elementos de la condición humana a través de la imagen y del sonido enriquecido con todas las bellas artes para tratar de impactar al intelecto y a la emoción. de la empatía por los personajes y la proyección de las experiencias propias con lo que se ve en la pantalla. Se revisa en este artículo la importancia de las neuronas espejo y de la empatía para que los espectadores se sientan cercanos a la situación que se vive en el cine y la necesidad id: work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu author: Ya-Ning Chen title: A Study on MARC21 Transformation and Application for Linked Data date: 2020 words: 8642.0 sentences: 2368.0 pages: 39 flesch: 60.0 cache: ./cache/work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu.pdf txt: ./txt/work_e67zygzkazbapihtm5pf7riyqu.txt summary: 所稱的「MARC與LD的複合式環境」(a hybrid MARC-linked data environment; Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority,結果請詳附錄一與附錄二。 $1 $1 $0 $0 Keywords: MARC, Linked data, BIBFRAME, RDA ontology, RDFization revisions of MARC for LD implemented applications, including subfields $0, two online documents (MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data (MFBD) and MARC is not only an international format for sharing bibliographic information, Library marc records into linked Library marc records into linked 71Chen & Wen: A Study on MARC21 Transformation and Application for Linked Data 71Chen & Wen: A Study on MARC21 Transformation and Application for Linked Data 71Chen & Wen: A Study on MARC21 Transformation and Application for Linked Data From MARC silos to linked data silos? id: work_ogpidrhqgrbzhhgccfpsje4rji author: Yingying DENG title: Discipline, Resistance and Self-Improvement: Three Phases in the Growth of Fanny Price date: 2014 words: 6089.0 sentences: 337.0 pages: 7 flesch: 59.0 cache: ./cache/work_ogpidrhqgrbzhhgccfpsje4rji.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ogpidrhqgrbzhhgccfpsje4rji.txt summary: Discipline, Resistance and Self-Improvement: Three Phases in the Growth of Fanny Price. Abstract: Fanny Price is a remarkable heroine of Mansfield Park written by Jane Austen. power theory and the related theories about subjectivity construction, this paper aims at analyzing how Fanny tries to adopt, Fanny successfully transforms herself from an inferior "outsider" into a noble and elegant lady welcomed by the middle class Keywords: Fanny Price, Mansfield Park, Michel Foucault, Disciplinary Power, Technologies of the Self Fanny''s Resistance to Political-Economic Power instruments work in the Park: Fanny''s behaviors and criticism that teaches Fanny the rules of survival in the Park, Surely, apart from Sir Thomas and Mrs. Norris, Fanny Fanny''s Resistance to Ideological Power ideological disciplinary power on Fanny. Sir Thomas''s another way to discipline Fanny is to warn her self-disciplinary power, which fully exhibits in Fanny''s Fanny improve herself in the Park is her mentor Edmund, id: work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe author: Yuqian Cai title: Kirsch, Adam (2016). The Global Novel: Writing the World in the 21st Century. New York: Columbia Global Reports, 105 pp date: 2018 words: 2236.0 sentences: 117.0 pages: 6 flesch: 54.0 cache: ./cache/work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe.pdf txt: ./txt/work_ak5e7nnxvncgroevuhimqossoe.txt summary: "I am working myself up to writing a kind of epic global novel. The legitimacy of the global novel has been contested across the Atlantic, and Kirsch writes "World Literature and Its Discontents" as the Dissenters criticise world literature on aesthetic and political fronts, disparaging the global novel as "diluted and the rise of the global novel practiced by Ishiguro and others, and feels nostalgic for writers like Jane Austen who exemplify "culture-specific clutter In theory, Kirsch is largely correct to affirm the possibility and desirability of the global novel. but writing the global novel, as Kirsch says, means "a basic affirmation of turns to empirical evidence provided by supposedly ''representative'' novels from the "pantheon of world literature": Pamuk''s (2002), Murakami''s that "other studies of world literature" would be incomplete without considering all these writers, Kirsch seems to equate his ''pantheon'' with the of the Global Novel" (2017), one may infer that while Murakami''s writing id: work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq author: Z Cope title: Dr. Charles Thomas Haden (1786-1824), a friend of Jane Austen date: 1966 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq.pdf txt: ./txt/work_4je2eibzq5hgbkxagewsccp5pq.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. 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Cope title: ANTHOLOGY ABOUT DOCTORS date: 1962 words: 144.0 sentences: 25.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.pdf txt: ./txt/work_omvrobksivfndmmrymcg7yjpum.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220372019 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. 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Cope title: Dr. Charles Thomas Haden (1786-1824), a Friend of Jane Austen date: 1966 words: 144.0 sentences: 26.0 pages: flesch: 71.0 cache: ./cache/work_tvo6p4dp3nfzhcxxvomm2fvj3a.pdf txt: ./txt/work_tvo6p4dp3nfzhcxxvomm2fvj3a.txt summary: sys_1000 exception exception Params is empty Params is empty Params is empty if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") document.write(''[script type="text/javascript" src="/corehtml/pmc/jig/1.14.8/js/jig.min.js"][/script]''.replace(/\[/g,String.fromCharCode(60)).replace(/\]/g,String.fromCharCode(62))); // // //"mainwindow"; .pmc-wm {background:transparent repeat-y top left;background-image:url(/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-nobrand.png);background-size: auto, contain} .print-view{display:block} Page not available Reason: The web page address (URL) that you used may be incorrect. Message ID: 220372220 ( Time: 2021/04/06 02:53:07 If you need further help, please send an email to PMC. Include the information from the box above in your message. Otherwise, click on one of the following links to continue using PMC: Search the complete PMC archive. Browse the contents of a specific journal in PMC. Find a specific article by its citation (journal, date, volume, first page, author or article title). id: work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm author: İsmail Yaman title: USING NASREDDIN HODJA STORIES IN ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE (EFL) CLASSROOMS date: 2017 words: 21.0 sentences: 4.0 pages: flesch: 68.0 cache: ./cache/work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm.pdf txt: ./txt/work_6s7mmov7xvcljdqbb4goe5gckm.txt summary: İçerik Mobil Cihazınız İçin Uygun Değil Mobil cihazlarda, tarayıcı içinde dokümanınızı görütüleyemiyoruz. Bunun yerine dosyayı cihazınıza indirerek görüntülemeyi deneyebilirsiniz. İNDİR & GÖRÜNTÜLE ==== questions ==== search ==== topic modeling corpus Zipping study carrel