id author title date pages extension mime words sentences flesch summary cache txt 14-hansen-can Hansen Can a Hammer Categorize Highly Technical Articles? 2021 8 .pdf application/pdf 4339 394 63 I would use the Mathematical Subject Classification (MSC) values assigned to the publications in MathSciNet1 to create a temporal citation network which would allow me to visualize Machine-learning-based categorization needs data to classify, which in our case automated categorization of mathematics, we were dilettantes in the world of machine learning. what happens when smarter and more capable minds tackle the problem of classifying mathematics and other highly technical subjects using advanced machine learning techniques. 9Mathematical Subject Classification (MSC) values in MathSciNet and zbMath are a particularly interesting categorization set to work with as they are assigned and reviewed by a subject area expert editor and an active researcher in the 16See ?iiTb,ff�+�/2KB+XKB+'QbQ7iX+QKf. One really interesting part of the machine learning method used by Microsoft was that it did not rely only on information from the article being replace the work of humans categorizing mathematics articles indexed in a database, which for ./cache/14-hansen-can.pdf ./txt/14-hansen-can.txt